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Set No.

Code No: R32035 R10
III B.Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, May/June - 2015
(Mechanical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75
Answer any FIVE Questions. All Questions carry equal marks
(Data books may be allowed)
1 a) Explain about classification of bearings. 5
b) A rolling contact bearing is subjected to the following work cycle: (a) Radial load of 10
6000 N at 150 r.p.m. for 25% of the time; (b) Radial load of 7500 N at 600 r.p.m. for
20% of the time; and (c) Radial load of 2000 N at 300 r.p.m. for 55% of the time. The
inner ring rotates and loads are steady. Select a bearing for an expected average life of
2500 hours.

2 a) Explain the various stresses induced in the connecting rod. 5

b) Design a plain carbon steel centre crankshaft for a single acting four stroke single 10
cylinder engine for the following data: Bore = 400 mm ; Stroke = 600 mm ; Engine
speed = 200 r.p.m.; Mean effective pressure = 0.5 N/mm2; Maximum combustion
pressure = 2.5 N/mm2; Weight of flywheel used as a pulley = 50 kN; Total belt pull =
6.5 kN. When the crank has turned through 35° from the top dead centre, the pressure
on the piston is 1N/mm2 and the torque on the crank is maximum. The ratio of the
connecting rod length to the crank radius is 5. Assume any other data required for the

3 a) State the function of the following for an internal combustion engine piston: 4
(a) Ribs ; (b) Piston rings ; (c) Piston skirt ; and (d) Piston pin
b) A four stroke internal combustion engine has the following specifications: Brake power 11
= 7.5 kW; Speed = 1000 r.p.m.; Indicated mean effective pressure = 0.35 N/mm2;
Maximum gas pressure = 3.5 N/mm2; Mechanical efficiency = 80 %. Determine: 1) The
dimensions of the cylinder, if the length of stroke is 1.4 times the bore of the cylinder;
2) Wall thickness of the cylinder, if the hoop stress is 35 MPa; 3) Thickness of the
cylinder head and the size of studs when the permissible stresses for the cylinder head
and stud materials are 45 MPa and 65 MPa respectively.

4 a) Derive the expression for h2 for rectangular section. 6

b) A central horizontal section of a hook is symmetrical trapezium 90mm deep. The inner 9
width being 90mm and outer being 45mm. The hook carries a load of 67.5KN the load
line passes at a distance of 40mm from the inside edge of the section. The centre of
curvature is in the load line. Calculate the extreme intensities of stress. Also plot the
stress distribution across the section.

5 a) Why belts are provided with initial tension? Why slip is necessary is less in V-belt 5
compared with flat belt?
b) Design a wire rope for a lift which is to be used for maximum 100 KN for a building 10
with a height of 400 m. The lift will attain a speed of 100 m/min in 6 sec. Assume load
factor of 2.
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Set No. 1
Code No: R32035 R10
6 Pair of helical gear with 17 teeth and 51 teeth of pinion and gear respectively transmits 15
2.5 KW power at 1750 rpm of the pinion. The normal pressure angle and helix angle are
200 and 230 respectively. The normal module and normal face width are 2 mm and 25
mm respectively. The gear and pinion are made from hardened steel. The surface and
core hardness of pinion is 240 BHN and of gear 200 BHN. If expected pinion life is
more than 108 cycles at 99% reliability find (a) the factor of safety in bending and (b)
the factor of safety in wear.
7 a) How does the helix angle influence on the efficiency of square threaded screw? What do 5
you understand by overhauling of screw?
b) A vertical square threads screw of a 70 mm mean diameter and 10 mm pitch supports a 10
vertical load of 50 kN. It passes through the boss of a spur gear wheel of 70 teeth which
acts as a nut. In order to raise the load, the spur gear wheel is turned by means of a
pinion having 20 teeth. The mechanical efficiency of pinion and gear wheel drive is
90%. The axial thrust on the screw is taken up by a collar bearing having a mean radius
of 100 mm. The coefficient of friction for the screw and nut is 0.15 and that for collar
bearing is 0.12. Find (a) Torque to be applied to the pinion shaft, (b) Maximum
principal and shear stresses in the screw and (c) Height of nut, if the bearing pressure is
limited to 12 N/mm2.

8 a) What do you understand by leverage? Why levers are usually tapered? 5

b) Design a cranked lever to be operated by two persons. The maximum lever arm length 10
is 500 mm. The lever arm is made of 40C8 steel with ultimate stress of 580 MPa, yield
stress of 380 MPa. Take a factor of safety of 5 for ultimate strength and 2.5 for yield

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Code No: R32035 R10 Set No. 2

III B.Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, May/June - 2015

(Mechanical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75
Answer any FIVE Questions. All Questions carry equal marks
(Data books may be allowed)
1 a) Define the following terms as applied to rolling contact bearings:(a) Basic static load 5
rating (b) Static equivalent load (c) Basic dynamic load rating
b) A full journal bearing of 50 mm diameter and 100 mm long has a bearing pressure of 1.4 10
N/mm2. The speed of the journal is 900 r.p.m. and the ratio of journal diameter to the
diametral clearance is 1000. The bearing is lubricated with oil whose absolute viscosity at
the operating temperature of 75°C may be taken as 0.011 kg/m-s. The room temperature is
35°C. Find : 1. The amount of artificial cooling required, and 2. The mass of the
lubricating oil required, if the difference between the outlet and inlet temperature of the
oil is 10°C. Take specific heat of the oil as 1850 J / kg / °C.

2 Determine the dimensions of an I-section connecting rod for a petrol engine from the 15
following data: Diameter of the piston = 110 mm; Mass of the reciprocating parts = 2 kg;
Length of the connecting rod from centre to centre = 325 mm; Stroke length = 150 mm;
R.P.M. = 1500 with possible overspeed of 2500; Compression ratio = 4 : 1; Maximum
explosion pressure = 2.5 N/mm2.

3 a) Explain the various types of cylinder liners. 5

b) A four stroke diesel engine has the following specifications: Brake power = 5 kW; Speed
= 1200 r.p.m. ; Indicated mean effective pressure = 0.35 N / mm2 ; Mechanical efficiency
= 80 %. Determine: 1) bore and length of the cylinder; 2) thickness of the cylinder head
and 3) size of studs for the cylinder head.

4 Determine (i) location of neutral axis, (ii) maximum and minimum stresses when a curved 15
beam of trapezoidal section of bottom width 30 mm, top width 20 mm and height 40 mm
is subjected to pure bending moment of + 600 Nm. The bottom width is towards the
centre of curvature. The radius of curvature is 50 mm and beam is curved in a plane
parallel to depth. Also plot the variation of stresses across the section.

5 a) State the advantages and disadvantages of the chain drive over belt and rope drive. 5
b) Determine the percentage increase in power capacity made possible in changing over 10
from a flat belt drive to a V-belt drive. The diameter of the flat pulley is same as the pitch
diameter of the grooved pulley. The pulley rotates at the same speed as the grooved
pulley. The coefficient of friction for the grooved and flat belt is same and is 0.3. The V-
belt pulley groove angle is 60°. The belts are of the same material and have same cross-
sectional area. In each case, the angle of wrap is 150°.

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Code No: R32035 R10 Set No. 2

6 A pair of 20° full-depth involute tooth spur gears is to transmit 30 kW at a speed of 250 15
r.p.m. of the pinion. The velocity ratio is 1 : 4. The pinion is made of cast steel having an
allowable static stress, 100 MPa, while the gear is made of cast iron having allowable
static stress, 55 MPa. The pinion has 20 teeth and its face width is 12.5 times the module.
Determine the module, face width and pitch diameters of both the pinion and gear from
the standpoint of strength only taking velocity factor into consideration. Assume suitable
values of velocity factor and Lewis factor.

7 a) What is self locking property of threads and where it is necessary? 5

b) Design a screw jack for lifting a load of 50 kN through a height of 0.4 m. The screw is 10
made of steel and nut of bronze. The following allowable stresses may be assumed.
For steel : Compressive stress = 80 MPa ; Shear stress = 45 MPa
For bronze: Tensile stress = 40 MPa ; Bearing stress = 15 MPa, Shear stress = 25 MPa.
The coefficient of friction between the steel and bronze pair is 0.12. The dimensions of
the swivel base may be assumed proportionately. The screw should have square threads.
Design the screw, nut.

8 Design a lever for a safety valve. The lever loaded safety valve exerted a force of 3 KN on 15
the lever. The distance between the fulcrum and dead weight is 1000 mm. The distance
between fulcrum and the pin connecting the valve spindle to the lever is 200 mm.
Assuming the lever material as steel having ultimate strength of 380 MPa, determine the
dimensions. Take factor of safety as 4. The bearing pressure is 20 MPa.

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Code No: R32035 R10 Set No. 3
III B.Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, May/June - 2015
(Mechanical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75
Answer any FIVE Questions. All Questions carry equal marks
(Data books may be allowed)
1 a) State any four objectives of lubrication. Give the factors that form and maintain thick 6
oil film in hydrodynamic journal bearings.
b) Following data refer to a 3600 hydrodynamic journal bearing Load = 3.2 kN, speed = 9
1490 rpm, diameter = 50 mm, length = 50 mm, radial clearance = 0.05 mm, Viscosity
= 25 cP. Assume heat generated is carried away by oil flow. Calculate coefficient of
friction, power lost in friction, minimum oil film thickness, flow and temperature rise.

2 Design a plain carbon steel centre crank shaft for single acting four stroke single 15
cylinder engine for the following specifications. Bore = 140 mm, stroke = 200 mm,
mean effective pressure = 1.02 MPa, maximum combustion pressure = 3.5 MPa,
weight of the flywheel = 2800 N, total belt pull = 4 KN, engine speed = 300 rpm when
the crank has turned 300 from the top dead centre the pressure on the piston is 1.25
MPa and the torque is maximum. Assume any other data and design the crankshaft.

3 Design a cast iron piston for a four stroke single cylinder semi diesel engine running at 15
700 rpm. The maximum explosion pressure on the cylinder head is about 4 MPa. The
mean effective pressure is about 0.75 MPa. The diameter and the stroke of the piston
are 250 mm and 375 mm respectively. The connecting rod length is 700 mm. The
piston is to have at least 3 sealing rings and two oil rings. Heat conducted through the
piston crown is approximately 4.5 to 5% of the tol heat produced. The temperature at
the centre and edges may be assumed as 320 0C and 1500C respectively.

4 a) What are the assumptions made in derivation of stresses in a curved bar which is 5
subjected to bending moments.
b) Derive the expression for Winkler-Bach formula. 10

5 a) State the advantages and disadvantages of the chain drive over belt and rope drive. 4
b) An exhaust fan fitted with 900 mm diameter pulley is driven by a flat belt from a 30 11
kW, 950 r.p.m. squirrel cage motor. The pulley on the motor shaft is 250 mm in
diameter and the centre distance between the fan and motor is 2.25 m. The belt is 100
mm wide with a coefficient of friction of 0.25. If the allowable stress in the belt
material is not to exceed 2 MPa, determine the necessary thickness of the belt and its
total length. Take centrifugal force effect into consideration for density of belt being
950 kg/m3.

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Code No: R32035 R10 Set No. 3

6 a) What is a herringbone gear? List the assumptions made in Lewis equation. 5

b) The following data is given for a spur gear. Number of teeth on pinion = 30, number of 10
teeth on gear = 60, speed of pinion = 1440 rpm, pressure angle = 200 involute type,
module = 3 mm, face width = 32 mm, both gears are made of steel with ultimate
strength 560 MPa. Determine (a) the rated power on the basis of bending failure if the
factor of safety is 1.5, (b) the factor of safety on the basis of dynamic failure.

7 a) In what way the power screws differ from threaded fasteners? Which thread forms are 4
used for power screw? Why?
b) Design a screw jack to lift a maximum load of 50 KN through a height of 200 mm with 11
ground clearance of 300 mm. The allowable bearing pressure between nut and screw is
16 N/mm2. The coefficient of friction of threads and collars may be taken as 0.14.
Select the suitable material and stresses. Assume the data wherever necessary.

8 Design a cranked lever to be operated by two persons. The maximum lever arm length 15
is 500 mm. The lever arm is made of 40C8 steel with ultimate stress of 580 MPa, yield
stress of 380 MPa. Take a factor of safety of 5 for ultimate strength and 2.5 for yield

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Code No: R32035 R10 Set No. 4

III B.Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, May/June - 2015

(Mechanical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75
Answer any FIVE Questions. All Questions carry equal marks
(Data books may be allowed)
1 a) State the types of journal bearing failure 4
b) Following data refer to a 3600 hydrodynamic journal bearing radial load = 10 kN, 11
journal speed = 1440 rpm, unit bearing pressure = 900 kPa, clearance ratio = 800,
lubricant viscosity = 30 Ns/m2. Assuming that total heat generated in the bearing is
carried by the total oil flow in the bearing, determine (i) dimensions of bearing (ii)
coefficient of friction (iii) power lost in friction (iv) total oil flow (v) side leakage (vi)

2 Design a connecting rod for four stroke petrol engine with the following data Piston 15
diameter = 0.10 m, stroke = 0.14 m, length of the connecting rod from centre to centre
= 0.315 m weight of reciprocating parts = 18.2 N speed = 1500 rpm with possible over
speed of 2500 compression ratio = 4:1 probable maximum explosion pressure = 2. 45

3 Design an aluminum alloy trunk type piston for a single acting two stroke engine for 15
the following specifications. Cylinder bore = 75 mm, stroke = 100mm, maximum gas
pressure = 4 MPa, break mean effective pressure = 0.9 MPa, fuel consumption = 0.2
kg/KW/h, speed = 900 rpm. Assume any other data if required.
4 a) Derive the expression for h2 for trapezoidal section. 6
b) Determine the location of neutral axis, minimum and maximum stresses, ratio of 9
minimum and maximum stress when a curved beam of rectangular section of width
10mm and depth 20mm is subjected to pure bending moment +50Nm. The beam is
curved in a plane parallel to the depth. The mean radius of curvature is 25mm. Also
plot the variation of stresses across the section.

5 a) How do you classify wire rope? List the advantages of rope drive over belt drive 4
b) A V-belt is to transmit 14.7 KW to a compressor. The motor speed is 1150 rpm and the 11
compressor pulley runs at 400 rpm. Determine the size and number of belts required.

6 a) Explain the different causes of gear tooth failures and suggest possible remedies to 15
avoid such failures.
b) A spur gear made of bronze drives a mid steel pinion with angular velocity ratio of 3.5.
The pressure angle is 14.5° . It transmits 5 kW at 1800 r.p.m. of pinion. Considering
only strength, design the smallest diameter gears and find also necessary face width.
The number of teeth should not be less than 15 teeth on either gear. The elastic strength
of bronze may be taken as 84 MPa and of steel as 105MPa. Lewis factor for 14.5°
pressure angle may be taken as y =0.124 – (0.684/No. of teeth)
Code No: R32035 R10 Set No. 4

7 a) What are differential and compound screws? Explain with sketches. What advantages 5
are offered by them?
b) The lead screw of a lathe has ACME threads of 50 mm outside diameter and 8 mm 10
pitch. The screw must exert an axial pressure of 2500 N in order to drive the tool
carriage. The thrust is carried on a collar 110 mm outside diameter and 55 mm inside
diameter and the lead screw rotates at 30 rpm. Determine the power required to drive
the screw. Assume the coefficient of friction of 0.15 for screw and 0.12 for the collar.

8 Design a lever for a safety valve. The lever loaded safety valve exerted a force of 3 KN 15
on the lever. The distance between the fulcrum and dead weight is 1000 mm. The
distance between fulcrum and the pin connecting the valve spindle to the lever is 200
mm. Assuming the lever material as steel having ultimate strength of 380 MPa,
determine the dimensions. Take factor of safety as 4. The bearing pressure is 20 MPa.

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