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Carbon Sequestration

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Carbon Sequestration in

Agriculture and Forestry

http://www.epa.gov/sequestration/faq.html#1 [17.07.2011]
1. What is terrestrial carbon
Terrestrial carbon sequestration is the process through which
carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere is absorbed by trees,
plants and crops through photosynthesis, and stored as carbon
in biomass (tree trunks, branches, foliage and roots) and soils.
The term "sinks" is also used to refer to forests, croplands, and
grazing lands, and their ability to sequester carbon. Agriculture
and forestry activities can also release CO2 to the atmosphere.
Therefore, a carbon sink occurs when carbon sequestration is
greater than carbon releases over some time period.
2. Why are agricultural and forestry
sequestration activities important?
Forests and soils have a large influence on atmospheric levels of
carbon dioxide (CO2)the most important global warming gas
emitted by human activities. Tropical deforestation is responsible
for about 20% of the world's annual CO2 emissions (IPCC Special
Report on LULUCF (2000) ). On a global scale, however, these
emissions are more than offset by the uptake of atmospheric
CO2 by forests and agriculture.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Therefore, agricultural and forestry activities can both
contribute to the accumulation of greenhouse gases in our
atmosphere, as well as be used to help prevent climate
change, by avoiding further emissions and by sequestering
additional carbon. Sequestration activities can be carried out
immediately, appear to present relatively cost-effective
emission reduction opportunities, and may generate
environmental co-benefits. At the same time, it is important
to recognize that carbon sequestered in trees and soils can be
released back to the atmosphere, and that there is a finite
amount of carbon that can ultimately be sequestered.
Greenhouse Effect
Here are the main gases in the Earth's
atmosphere that cause the
greenhouse effect:
I. Water vapour
II. Carbon dioxide
III. Methane
IV. Nitrous oxide

The following human activities are

the biggest contributors to the
increase of greenhouse gases:
I. burning gasoline to drive cars
and trucks
II. burning oil, coal or wood to
produce electricity for heating,
cooling and other purposes
III. burning forests to clear land
3. How much carbon can agricultural and
forestry practices sequester?
Carbon sequestration rates vary by tree species, soil
type, regional climate, topography and management
practice. In the U.S., fairly well-established values for
carbon sequestration rates are available for most tree
species. Soil carbon sequestration rates vary by soil
type and cropping practice and are less well
documented but information and research in this
area is growing rapidly.
Table 1. Estimated Current GHG Emissions and Carbon Sequestration: U.S.
Agricultural and Forestry Activities, Average 2003-2007 (million metric tons
CO2 equivalent (MMTCO2-Eq.))

Source Emissionsa Sequestrationb Net

Agricultural and
530 (1,053) (523)
Forestry Activities
Agriculture 487 (45) 442
Land Use Change,
43 (1,008) (965)
U.S. Total, All
7,150 (1,063) 6,087
% U.S. Total,
Agriculture and 7% 4%
Forestry Share
% U.S. Total,
<0.5% 95%
Forestry Share
Agricultural and
530 (1,053) (523)
Forestry Activities
Pine plantations in the Southeast can accumulate almost 100
metric tons of carbon per acre after 90 years, or roughly one
metric ton of carbon per acre per year (Birdsey 1996).
Changes in forest management (e.g., lengthening the harvest-
regeneration cycle) generally result in less carbon
sequestration on a per acre basis. Changes in cropping
practices, such as from conventional to conservation tillage,
have been shown to sequester about 0.1 0.3 metric tons of
carbon per acre per year (Lal et al. 1999; West and Post 2002).
However, a more comprehensive picture of the climate effects
of these practices needs to also consider possible nitrous
oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) emissions. (See also FAQ #6)
Carbon accumulation in forests and soils eventually reaches a
saturation point, beyond which additional sequestration is no
longer possible. This happens, for example, when trees reach
maturity, or when the organic matter in soils builds back up to
original levels before losses occurred. Even after saturation, the
trees or agricultural practices would need to be sustained to
maintain the accumulated carbon and prevent subsequent losses
of carbon back to the atmosphere.
For more information on carbon sequestration and saturation
rates for individual practices, visit the Practices section of this
Web site. Full references cited in this answer are provided below.
4. How well can carbon sequestration be
Several methods can be used to measure the carbon andmore
importantly for the atmospherethe changes in carbon in
above-ground and below-ground biomass, soils, and wood
products. Statistical sampling, computer modeling and remote
sensing can be used to estimate carbon sequestration and
emission sources at the global, national and local scales. Current
forest carbon estimates are generally more accurate and easier
to generate than soil estimates.
Ex: Flowchart for monitoring changes in major carbon pools in forestry and
agroforestry projects.

Determine Herbs and small Number of live trees, Soil carbon Litter green
diameter stem by species or concentration weight
green weight, by plot species group, and dbh (0-30 cm)
Bulk density Moisture
Analyze Moisture content Green weight per tree, Literature
by diameter and species: search
total, bole, crown, roots
Soil carbon
Calculate Total weight of herbs, Total biomass of Litter dry
seedlings, saplings trees > 5cm dbh, weight
by species groups
Multiply by 0.5 or
detailed conversion
Total carbon
(t C)
Estimating changes in soil carbon over time is generally more
challenging due to the high degree of variability of soil organic
mattereven within small geographic scales like a corn
fieldand because changes in soil carbon may be small
compared to the total amount of soil carbon. More
information on these carbon accounting methodologies can
be found in the Land-Use Change and Forestry chapter of
the Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks,
and in the IPCC (2000) Special Report on Land Use, Land-Use
Change, and Forestry section on methods.
5. How much carbon sequestration
occurs in the U.S.?
The U.S. landscape acts as a net carbon sinkit
sequesters more carbon than it emits. Two types of
analyses confirm this: 1) atmospheric, or top-down,
methods that look at changes in CO2concentrations; and
2) land-based, or bottom-up, methods that incorporate
on-the-ground inventories or plot measurements.
For Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and
Sinks, please go to the current and archived inventory
pages. More information on U.S. carbon sequestration
estimates and historical trends can be found under
the National Analysis section of this Web site.
6. Do sequestration practices affect
greenhouse gases other than CO2?

Yes. Methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) are potent

greenhouse gases that are also important to consider for
forests, croplands and grazing lands. Practices that maintain
and sequester carbon can have both positive and negative
effects on CH4 and N2O emissions. The relationship among
practices that affect CO2, CH4, and N2O can be especially
complex in cropping and grazing systems. For example, if
nitrogen-based fertilizers are applied to crops to increase
yields, this would likely enhance soil carbon but the benefit
could be partially or completely offset by increased emissions
of N2O.
The practice of rotational grazing can be beneficial across all
three major gases: soil carbon can be maintained and
enhanced; livestock CH4 emissions should decline due to
improved forage quality; and N2O emissions can be avoided
by eliminating the need for fertilizer applications on the
pasture. These complex interactions among gases mean
that it is important to consider not only carbon but all the
greenhouse gas effects for certain sequestration practices.
For more information on levels of CH4 and N2O emissions
from U.S. agriculture, visit the National Analysis section of
this Web site.
7. What are the other environmental
effects of sequestration practices?
Practices that aim to reduce carbon losses and increase
sequestration generally enhance the quality of soil, water, air
and wildlife habitat. Tree planting that restores fuller forest cover
may not only sequester carbon but could improve habitat
suitability for wildlife. Preserving threatened tropical forests may
avoid losses in both carbon and biodiversity, absent any leakage
And reducing soil erosion through tree planting or soil
conservation measures can sequester carbon and improve
water quality by reducing nutrient runoff. In certain cases,
there may be tradeoffs between carbon objectives and
environmental quality. Replacing diverse ecosystems with
single-species timber plantations may generate greater
carbon accumulation, but could result in less biodiversity, at
least at the scale of the plantation.
8. How could carbon sequestration be
affected by climate change?
According to a National Academy of Sciences 2001 report,
"Greenhouse gases are accumulating in the Earth's atmosphere
as a result of human activities, causing surface air temperatures
and subsurface ocean temperatures to rise." In addition to
temperature, human-induced climate change may also affect
growing seasons, precipitation and the frequency and severity of
extreme weather events, such as fire. These changes can
influence forests, farming and the health of ecosystems, and
thus carbon sequestration.
Some argue that rising CO2 levels will enhance sequestration
above normal rates due to a fertilization effect. However, the
concurrent changes in temperature and precipitation, along
with local nutrient availability and harmful air pollutants,
complicate this view. Furthermore, recent studies of pine
forests fumigated with elevated CO2 levels have shown that
this fertilization effect may only be short-lived (Schlesinger
and Lichter 2001; Oren et al. 2001).
Current projections of business-as-usual U.S. sequestration
rates under various climate change scenarios show both
increases and decreases in carbon storage depending on
various assumptions. To date, few analyses of the potential for
additional sequestration over time have considered the future
effects of climate change.
9. How do sequestration activities compare
with greenhouse gas reductions in other
In terms of its global warming impact, one unit of CO2 released
from a car's tailpipe has the same effect as one unit of
CO2 released from a burning forest. Likewise, CO2 removed from
the atmosphere through tree planting can have the same benefit
as avoiding an equivalent amount of CO2 released from a power
However, the climate benefits of sequestration practices can
be partially or completely reversed because terrestrial carbon
can be released back to the atmosphere through decay or
disturbances. Trees that sequester carbon are subject to
natural disturbances and harvests, which could suddenly or
gradually release the carbon back to the atmosphere.
And if carbon sequestration practices in agriculture, such as
reduced tillage, are abandoned or interrupted, most or all of
the accumulated carbon can be quickly released. Some
sequestration practices, like tree planting and improved soil
management, also reach a point where additional carbon
accumulation is no longer possible.
For example, mature forests will not sequester additional
carbon after the trees have fully grown. At this point,
however, the mature trees or practices still need to be
sustained to maintain the level of accumulated carbon.
Addressing the issues of reversibility (or permanence) and
carbon saturation is important if sequestration benefits are to
be compared to other greenhouse gas reductions.
References in this FAQ section where links
are not available:
Birdsey, R.A. (1996) Regional Estimates of Timber Volume and Forest Carbon for Fully
Stocked Timberland, Average Management After Final Clearcut Harvest. In Forests
and Global Change: Volume 2, Forest Management Opportunities for Mitigating
Carbon Emissions, eds. R.N. Sampson and D. Hair, American Forests, Washington,
Lal, R. et al. (1999) The Potential of U.S. Cropland to Sequester Carbon and Mitigate
the Greenhouse Effect. Lewis Publishers.
McCarl, B. and U. Schneider (2001) Greenhouse Gas Mitigation in U.S. Agriculture and
Forestry. Science, 294:2481-2482.
Oren, R. et al. (2001) Soil fertility limits carbon sequestration by forest ecosystems in a
CO2-enriched atmosphere. Nature, 411:469-472.
Schlesinger, W. and J. Lichter (2001) Limited carbon storage in soil litter of
experimental forest plots under increased atmospheric CO2. Nature, 411:466-469.
West, T.O. and W.M. Post (2002) Soil Carbon Sequestration by Tillage and Crop
Rotation: A Global Data Analysis. Soil Science Society of America Journal. Available
at DOE CDIAC site.

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