Microprocessors 8086 (Notes)
Microprocessors 8086 (Notes)
Microprocessors 8086 (Notes)
8086 Microprocessor
The 8086 microprocessor was developed by Intel in 1978. It was the first 16-bit microprocessor. The
word length of the 8086 microprocessor is 16 bits. The memory address ( width of Address Bus) of 8086 is 20
bits and hence can access a memory space of 1 MB.
Architecture of 8086
Architecture of 8086 is divided into two main blocks namely BIU and EU.
Execution Unit (EU): It executes all the logical and arithmetic instructions. It comprises of general purpose
registers like:
1) AX - It is called as the Accumulator and is 16-bit in length. It can also be accessed as two half registers
as AH and AL respectively.
2) BX - It is called as the Base Register. It is also of 16 bits and can be split as BH and BL into two 8 bit
registers. It is used to store base address for arrays.
3) CX - It is a 16 bit register and is known as the Counter Register. It can also be split into CH and CL,
two 8-bit registers.
4) DX - It is used for MUL and DIV instructions. It is also used for reading and writing into I/O ports. It
is also 16 bits in length and can be split as DH and DL.
5) SI - This is the Source Index register and is 16 bits in length. It points to source string.
6) DI - This is the Destination Index register and is also 16 bits wide. This pointer points to destination
7) SP This is the Stack Pointer and points to the top of the stack. It is 16 bits in length.
8) BP This is known as the Base Pointer. This also points to the top of the stack and is 16 bits long.
Execution Unit has a 16 bit ALU to perform 8 or 16 bit arithmetic and logical operations. The
result is recorded in an internal register before it is written to another register or any other memory
location. This also affects flags.
1) OF (Overflow Flag):
Used for signed arithmetic
It is 1 when arithmetic operation has resulted in an overflow condition
It is 0 when no overflow has not been produced.
For 8 bit arithmetic it is given by OF = (C6 XOR C7) and for 16 bit arithmetic it will be given
by OF = (C14 XOR C15).
For subtraction operation of 8 bit arithmetic it is given by OF = (B6 XOR B7) and for 16 bit
arithmetic it will be given by OF = (B14 XOR B15) where B is borrow flag.
2) DF (Directional Flag):
This is a programmable flag and is used in string operations.
When the string is to be scanned from first character to the last (STD), it is set to 1.
When the string is to be scanned form the end of the string (CLD), it is set to 0.
3) IF (Interrupt flag):
It is a programmable flag. It is used to control the maskable interrupts in 8086.
If the interrupts on INTR is desired, then it must be set to 1.
If the interrupts on INTR is not desired it must be set to 0.
4) TF (Trap Flag):
It is another programmable flag.
It must be programmed to 1 if single step execution is needed. Else, it must be programmed to
0 to disable single step execution.
5) SF (Sign Flag):
This is a status flag in 8086.
It is set to 1 if previous arithmetic operation has produced a negative result i.e. MSB = 1.
If the result is positive or the MSB = 0, this flag is set to 0.
6) ZF (Zero Flag):
This is also a status flag.
It is set to 1 if the previous arithmetic operation has produced zero result.
It is set to 0 if the previous arithmetic result has produced a non-zero result.
7) AF (Auxiliary Flag):
It is the auxiliary carry flag and is a status flag.
It is set to 1 if there is a carry or borrow from B 3 to B4.
It is set to 0 if there is no carry or borrow from B 3 to B4.
8) PF (Parity Flag):
This is also a status flag and is an even parity flag.
It becomes 1 if there is an even number of 1s in the lower byte of the result after an arithmetic
It becomes 0 if there is an odd number of 1s in the lower byte of the result after an arithmetic
NOTE: For both 16 - bit and 8 - bit operation, parity is applicable to only the lower 8 bits of the
9) CF (Carry Flag):
This is a status flag. It also acts as the borrow flag during subtraction operations.
It is set to 1 if a carry/borrow is generated during an arithmetic operation. It is the B7 for 8 bit
operation and B15 for 16 bit operation.
Bus Interface Unit (BIU):
This connects the execution unit of 8086 to the rest of the world. It majorly has segment registers, instruction
queue and control unit.
Segment and Segment registers:
Memory of 8086 is divided into segments. We can have 4 segments namely:
1) Code segment: It is used to store the program or code or instruction.
2) Data segment: It is used to store the data related to the segments.
3) Stack segment: It is used to store the stack.
4) Extra segment: It is used to store data. It is mainly used for strings.
The starting address of each of the registers is in a register called segment register as,
Segment Reg. name Length of Reg Size of segment
On the 8086 chip there is a 6 byte instruction queue to prefetch the instruction from memory. This improves the
processing speed. Depending on the length of the instruction, we can prefetch 1 to 6 instructions in the queue
and the queue follows FIFO (First In First Out) so that the order of the execution does not change.
Control Unit:
This generates all the control signals required for the program execution. E.g. RD, WR etc.
Instruction pointer:
This is a 16 bit register. It points to the next instruction to be executed.
For 8086 to the Pentium 4, this model holds good. E indicates extended registers. In 8086, 8088 and 80286, 16
bit registers are present and 8 bit registers like AH, AL etc. are present. CS, DS, ES and SS is also present.
From 80386 onwards, 32-bit registers like EAX, EBX etc are there. And for 64bit processors the
register will be RAX, RBX etc. 80386 onwards also have FS and GS registers which define two more segments
which are used to store the data. The size of segments is always 64KB.
There are two modes of operation namely Real mode and Protected mode.
1) REAL MODE: In this, processor can address only upto 1 MB (first Mega Byte) is called as Real
memory or conventional memory or DOS memory system. All registers are 16-bit. DOS OS needs real
memory only.
2) PROTECTED MODE: In this memory is more than 1 MB and can go upto 4GB. Windows OS will be
used. All registers will be 32-bit.
In 8086, all registers, pointers, segment registers are all 16 bit wide whereas the PA (Physical Address bus
width) is 20 - bit and can hence address 1 MB memory.
This 1 MB of memory in 8086 in divided into segments of size 64 KB (2 16 bytes). Basically there are 4
segments in 8086. Their names and uses are given below:
Each of these segments starting address (MS 4 hex digits) is stored in CS, DS, SS and ES segment registers
respectively. For one program, a user may require 1 CS, 1 DS, 1 SS and 1 ES or just a single CS.
Segmentation allows multiple users to share the same memory. 1 CS, 1DS, 1 ES and 1 SS takes 256KB of
memory. Hence, 4 users can share the same memory.
Segments can be overlapped if they do not need complete 64KB. By overlapping them, we can have more
segments in the same 1MB memory and more users can work on the same memory.
Another advantage of segmentation is the relocation of code. If the code segment is starting at 1000h first
time and the second time, it is moved to 2000h then the code need not change because EA is still the same
and only the PA changes.
NOTE: Segments in the real and protected i.e. 8086 to Pentium pro are 64KB in size. In protected, we have
2 more segments FS and GS to store the data.
BP by default points to Stack Segment but if we want BP to point to and access data from Data
segment then we need to override the segment. Segment override prefix is used to change the segment register
from default to a new segment to calculate PA. Hence, the instruction translates as,
00 ES 24h
01 CS 2Ch
10 SS 34h
11 DS 3Eh
E.g.: MOV CX,23h[DI] copies a 16-bit data from word location given by (23h+DI) to CX. Assuming
DI=212h, EA=212h+23h=245h, DS=1000h we get PA=10245h.
E.g.: MOV 1000h[BP],SI moves a 16-bit data present in SI to the EA derived by (1000h+BP). PA is
calculated by using SS as segment register.
E.g.: MOV DS:[BP]23h,SI here PA is calculated from DS.
The instruction format of 8086 has one or more number of fields associated with it.
The first filled is called operation code field or opcode field, which indicates the type of operation. The
instruction format also contains other fields known as operand fields.There are six general formats of
instructions in 8086 instruction set. The length of an instruction may vary from one byte to six bytes.
a) One byte Instruction : This format is only one byte long and may have the implied data or register operands.
The least significant 3 bits of the opcode are used for specifying the register operand, if any. Otherwise, all the
eight bits form an opcode and the operands are implied.
For example:
This is an operation without any operand, which clear the carry flag bit.
10010 reg
Exchange register with accumulator
Depending on the register (reg = RRR), the contents of the specified register will be exchanged with the
accumulator. This operation is having one operand which is specified in a register.
Here the operand to this instruction is implicit and it take the contents of register AL.
b) Register to Register : This format is 2 bytes long. The first byte of the code specifies the operation code and
the width of the operand specifies by w bit. The second byte of the opcode shows the register operands and RIM
D7 D1 D0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
The register represented by the REG field is one of the operands. The RIM field specifies another register or
memory location, ie., the other operand. The register specified by REG is a source operand if D 0 , else it is a
destination operand.
For example:
Op-code is
100010dw 1 1 R E G R/M
10001000 11 000 001 88H C1H
C) Register to/from memory with no displacement : This format is also 2 bytes long and similar to the register to
register format except for the MOD field.
D7 D1 D0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
For example :
This format is similar to register to register transfer. The difference is in mood field.
When mod = 0 0, the r/m fields indicates the address to memory location.
The instruction
Here the data is present in a memory location in DS whose offset address is in BX. The effective address of the
data is given as 10H DS BX
There d 1 indicates AX is a destination register so it moves the data from memory to register.
d) Register to/from Memory with Displacement :
This type of instruction format contains one or two additional bytes for displacement along with 2-byte the
format of the register to/from memory without displacement.
D7 D0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 D7 D0
D7 D0
High byte of
MOD = 0 1 indicates displacement of 8 bytes (instruction is of size 3 bytes)
In this format, the first byte as well as the 3 bites from the second byte which are used for REG field in case of
register to register format are used for opcode. It also contains one or two bytes of immediate data.
D7 D0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
D7 D0 D7 D0
Lower byte Higher byte DATA
When w 0 , the size of immediate data is 8 bits and the size of instruction is 3 bytes.
When w 1 , the size of immediate data is 16 bits and the size of instruction is 4 bytes.
f) Immediate operand to memory with 16-bit displacement : This type of instruction format requires 5 to 6 bytes
for coding. The first two bytes contain the information regarding OPCODE, MOD and R/M fields. The
remaining 4 bytes contain 2 bytes of displacement and 2 bytes of data.
D7 D0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
D7 D0 D7 D0 D7 D0
Lower byte of Higher byte of Lower byte of Higher byte of
displacement displacement Immediate data Immediate data
The REG code of the different registers (either a source or destination operands) in the opcode byte are assigned
with binary code.
No Displacement Displacement
8 bits 16 bits
MOD 00 01 10 11
RIM w0 w 1
100 SI SI D8 SI D16 AH SP
101 DI DI D8 DI D16 CH BP
111 BX BX D8 BX D16 BH DI
Memory Write:
Memory Read:
Transfers data from the physical memory address calculated using ds and [SI] to register
Transfers data from the physical memory address calculated using ds and [SI] to register
AL ( Lower byte of AX Register) and the next byte from the next memory location
MOV AX , 1234H
DS: 0000H
SI: 0500H
34 00500H
12 00501H
DS: 0000H
SI: 0500H
AL (00500)
AH (00501)
Port addresses in 8086 are assigned either 8bit port address or 16 bit address
IN Instruction - This IN instruction will copy data from a port to the AL or AX register.
For the Fixed port IN instruction type the 8 bit port address of a port is specified directly in the instruction.
IN AX, 34H ;Input a word from port 34H AND 35H to AL and AH resp.
For a variable port IN instruction, the port address is loaded in DX register before IN instruction. DX is 16 bit.
Write Operation:
OUT Instruction - The OUT instruction copies a byte from AL or a word from AX or a double from the
accumulator to I/O port specified by op. Two forms of OUT instruction are available : (1) Port number is
specified by an immediate byte constant, ( 0 - 255 ).It is also called as fixed port form. (2) Port number is
provided in the DX register ( 0 65535 )
LAHF instruction copies the value of SF, ZF, AF, PF, CF, into bits of 7, 6, 4, 2, 0 respectively of AH register.
This instruction loads a far pointer from the memory address specified by op2 into the DS segment register and
the op1 to the register.
LDS BX, [4326] ; copy the contents of the memory at displacement 4326H in DS to BL, contents of
LES Instruction - Load register and ES with words from memory LES register, memory address of
first word.
LDS Instruction - This instruction loads a far pointer from the memory address specified by op2 into the DS
segment register and the op1 to the register. LDS op1, op2
LDS BX, [4326] ; copy the contents of the memory at displacement 4326H in DS to BL, contents of
LEA Instruction - This instruction indicates the offset of the variable or memory location named as the source
and put this offset in the indicated 16 bit register.
SAHF copies the value of bits 7, 6, 4, 2, 0 of the AH register into the SF, ZF, AF, PF, and CF respectively.
XCHG Instruction - The Exchange instruction exchanges the contents of the register with the contents of
another register (or) the contents of the register with the contents of the memory location. Direct memory to
memory exchange are not supported. It can exchange two bytes or two words.
The both operands must be the same size and one of the operand must always be a register .
POP Instruction - POP instruction copies the word at the current top of the stack to the operand specified by op
then increments the stack pointer to point to the next stack element.
POP TABLE [BX] ;Copy a word from top of stack to memory in DS with EA = TABLE + [BX].
This instruction copies a word from the two memory location at the top of the stack to flag register
Before execution
ab SP =
cd 200h
ab SP =
cd 202h
PUSH Instruction - PUSH instruction decrements the stack pointer by 2 and copies a word from a specified
source to the location in the stack segment where the stack pointer pointes.
PUSH TABLE[BX] ;Decrement SP by 2 and copy word ;from memory in DS at EA = TABLE + [BX] to
;stack .
PUSHF Instruction - This instruction decrements the SP by 2 and copies the word in flag register to the memory
Before execution AX= 1234h is placed on stack (little Endian) and SP decremented twice. SP= 0feh
After execution
34 SP =
12 0feh
1) ADD
1. Add the contents of two registers or register and memory location or immediate data to reg/memloc
W 1 Word operation
0 Byte operation
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1
Hence the code word for the above case becomes 03C3h. This can also be written considering the source in
REG field ,
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0
AX=2ABCh and BX=1FFFh. Upon addition we get 4ABBh as the result.
Before execution After execution
The various flag status are Z=0, S=0, C=0, AC=1, P=1 and OV=0.
This adds an 8 bit number in BL with memory location pointed by SI. The result is stored back in
0 0 0
Here, the S bit is present. This is known as the sign extension bit. It is 0 for byte operation. When this is 1
and the W bit is also 1, if immediate data is <= 7Fh, assembler generates only one byte for immediate, but
during execution it is converted into word by sign extension.
If S=0 and W=1 then, if immediate data > 7Fh, the assembler generates 2 byte code for the immediate data.
E.g.: ADD DX , 92h ; This adds 92h to the contents of DX register
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
This code will be followed by the actual immediate data that is being used and hence the total code will be
E.g.: ADD DX,67h
1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
Hence, the total code will be 10000011 11000010 with the number to be added i.e. 67h.
Hence, code = 80C023h.
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 W
2) ADC
This stands for add with carry. This is used for multi byte or multi word addition.
E.g.: ADC 23h[DI],DX
This adds the contents of [23h+DI] along with the carry to DX. The result is stored back in the memory
location. All flags are affected.
Considering that [DI+23h] has the data 5000h and DX has 6000h,
Before execution After execution
DX 6000h 6000h
DS:23h[DI] 5000h B000h
NOTE: Both ADD and ADC consider only carry for unsigned operation and both sign and overflow flags
for unsigned addition.]
OV=1 can occur when we add 2 numbers of same sign
For 8 bit addition, OV = C6 XOR C7.
For 16 bit addition, OV = C14 XOR C15.
E.g.: ADC CL, DL ; This adds DL content to CL content with carry.
ADC AX, 67h
3) INC
4) DAA
MOV AL, 67h
MOV BL, 78h
ADD AL,BL ; 67h + 68h = DFh
DAA ; add 66h to AL
After this, we get the value as 1 45. In this, 1 will be stored as Carry and 45 will be stored in AL.
5) AAA
1) SUB
Subtracts the contents of source from the destination.
It can operate on 8 bit and 16 bit data.
Operands can be both CPU registers, CPU register and memory location or register or memory location
with immediate data.
Flags affected are Z, P, C,S, AC, for unsigned arithmetic. For signed arithmetic, OV and S are to be
OV=1 can occur when two numbers of opposite sign are subtracted.
For 8 bit subtraction, OV = B6 XOR B7.
For 16 bit subtraction, OV = B14 XOR B15.
E.g.: SUB AX, 67h (unsigned)
AX=ABh and 67h is subtracted from this.
Before execution After execution
AX ABh 44h
The various flag status are C=0, A=0, P=1 and Z=0.
E.g.: SUB AX, 67h (signed)
AX=ABh and 67h is subtracted from this.
Before execution After execution
AX ABh = (-55h) 44h
The various flag status are C=0, A=0, P=0, Z=0, OV=0.
E.g.: SUB word ptr [DI], 1234h
Before execution After execution
[DI] 6789hh 5555h
The various flag status are C=0, A=0, P=1, Z=0, OV=0.
2) SBB
This stands for Subtract with Borrow.
Considering that CX has 1234h and DX has 5678h,
Before execution After execution
CX 1234h BBBCh
DX 5678h 5678h
Flag affected are S=1, OV=0, P=0, C=1, A=1, Z=0.
Considering that CX has 5678h and DX has 1234h,
Before execution After execution
CX 5678h 4443h
DX 1234h 1234h
3) DAS
This stands for Decimal Adjust after Subtraction.
It is used for BCD subtraction.
Works on AL and 8 bit data.
After subtraction if lower nibble of AL is invalid BCD or if AC=1, then it subtracts 6 to lower nibble.
After subtraction if upper nibble of AL is invalid BCD or if C=1, then it subtracts 6 to upper nibble.
If both the above conditions are true, then it subtracts 66h else there will be no change.
It sets carry flag and the result is in 10s complement form.
E.g. code 1:
SUB AL, BL; AL = 76H 48H = 2EH
DAS; 2E 06H = 28H in AL
E.g. code 2:
SUB AL, BL; AL = 48h-76h = D2h
DAS; AL = D2h 60h= 72h which is 10s complement of 28h
4) AAS
When 2 ASCII numbers are to be subtracted and the result should be in ASCII format AAS is used.
It is used after subtraction and works only on 8 bit data.
It does following steps:
a) If lower nibble of AL is invalid BCD or AC=1, subtracts 06 to AL.
b) Upper nibble of AL is cleared.
c) AH is decremented by 1 if carry is produced.
d) Result is in 10s complement form.
E.g.: Al=34h, BL = 37h
SUB AL, BL; AL= 64h 37h = FDh
AAS; AL=0Dh 06h = 07h
; AH=FFh in 10s complement form AL = -3h.
E.g.: Al=39h, BL = 33h
SUB AL, BL; AL= 39h 33h = 06h
AAS; AL=06h as all are valid
5) DEC
E.g.: DEC DX
Before execution After execution
6) CMP (compare)
Compare two 8-bit/16-bit number. It can compare data between two regs, reg and mem location or immediate
data with mem location content. I works like SUB instruction all flags are affected but the result is not recorded.
The various flag status are C=0, A=0, P=1 and Z=0.
E.g.: SUB AX, 67h (signed)
AX=ABh and 67h is subtracted from this.
Before execution After execution
AX ABh = (-55h) ABh = (-55h)
The various flag status are C=0, A=0, P=0, Z=0, OV=0.
E.g.: SUB word ptr [DI], 1234h
Before execution After execution
[DI] 6789hh 6789h
The various flag status are C=0, A=0, P=1, Z=0, OV=0.
This is of two types, signed and unsigned. Signed multiplication is done using IMUL instruction and
unsigned is done using MUL.
This can multiply 2 bytes or 2 words.
For byte operation one operand must be AL and the second can be in any byte memory location or byte
register. The 16 bit product will be in AX.
For word operation, one operand must be in AX register. The other can be in any word register or word
addressable memory location. The result will be in DX AX pair with higher word in DX and lower in AX.
For unsigned multiplication, C=OV=1 if AH <> 00h for byte operation and DX <> 0000h for word
E.g.: MUL CX
Before execution After execution
AX 1234h 5328h
CX 0672h 0672h
DX FFFFh 0075h
Multiplies AX data with CX data and result is 32 bit.
This is done as (AX * CX) and the result is stored in (DX AX).
E.g.: MUL byte ptr [SI]
Before execution After execution
[SI] 72h 72h
AL ABh 26h
AH 00h 4Ch
This is done as (AL * [SI]) and result is stored in AX.
For signed multiplication, C=OV=1 if AH <> 00h or FFh for byte operation and DX <> 0000h or FFFFH
for word operation.
E.g.: DIV CL
Before execution After execution
AX 8000h AH = 84h
CL A4h AL = C7h
16 bit remainder in DX register. OV=1 if quotient is positive than 7FFFh or more negative
than 8000h (overflow error).
Before execution After execution
AX 0FE0h 0300h
It obtains 2s complement of a given number.
It can work on 8 bit or 16 bit data in register or memory location.
E.g.: NEG DX
Before execution After execution
DX 5050h AFB0h
Historical Background
In 500BC Babylonians invented ABACUS- first mechanical calculator. 1642- Mathematician Blaise Pascal
invented a calculator constructed of gears and wheels. Then it was program calculator in 1937. Analytric engine
is a mechanical computer that stored 1000, 20 digit decimal numbers.
Languages to control computers- the first machine language, which was constructed of ones and zeros. In
1950s Assembly language was used. Then its FORTRAN (Formula Transistor), which allowed formulas to
solve mathematically. The additional languages are BASIC, C/C++, PASCAL, ADA.
Intel 4004 was the first 4-bit microprocessor. It had 4096, 4-bit wide memory instructions. In 1971 Intel
introduced 8008 extended 8 bit version of 4004. In 1977, Intel introduced 8085, an 8-bit microprocessor. In
1978, Intel released a 16-bit microprocessor, which executed instructions as little as 400ms and 1MB memory.
The block diagram is composed of three blocks that are interconnected by buses. The memory structures of all
Intel 80x86 Pentium 4 personal computer systems are similar. The memory system is divided into 3 main
parte: TPA (transient program area), System area and XMS (extended memory) .
TPA 640Kbytes
System area- 384Kbytes
XMS- 15Mbytes
Branch Instructions
The execution of the instruction always results in branching. It can be within the same segment then
it is called NEAR jump or an INTRASEGMENT jump. There are three types of near jumps
It is 2 Byte instruction , first byte is opcode and second provides the displacement (+/-
jmp Back
Jmp next
For a forward branch the exact displacement will not be known during the first pass of the
assembler. Assembler codes it as EBh and reserves two bytes (worst case displacement of 2
bytes). Later (during second pass) when the actual displacement is calculated if the
displacement is <127 then the displacement is stored in one byte and the other byte filled
with NOP. But if the actual displacement is >127 bytes then the assembly code is E9h
followed by 2 byte displacement.
Conditional branch instructions in 8086 are based on single flag , two or three flags. The table
summarises all conditional bramch instructions.
Nxt: INC CL ; z =1
1. Z-flag =1 -127 B to
Jump on Zero/ Jump if equal
JE nxt ; AX!=BX
Nxt: ;AX==BX
endl: ;ax<bx
JNC - Jump if no carry -127 B to SUB AX,BX
8. C=0
JAE/JNB - Jump if no above or -128B JNC last
ECE Dept. RNSIT 2017 27
Microprocessor CBCS IV sem
JAE endl
Conditional LOOPS: The LOOP instruction also has conditional LOOPE and LOOPNE. The
LOOPE (loop while equal) instruction jumps if CX is not equal to zero, while an equal
condition exists. It will exit the loop if the condition is not equal or if the CX register
decrements to 0. The LOOPNE (loop while not equal) instruction jumps if CX is not equal to
zero, while a not equal condition exists. It will exit the loop if the condition is equal or if the
CX register decrements to 0. As with the conditional repeat instructions, alternates exist for