From Pledge To Commitment: How Should Donors Engage To Reconstruct Central African Republic During The Brussels Conference?
From Pledge To Commitment: How Should Donors Engage To Reconstruct Central African Republic During The Brussels Conference?
From Pledge To Commitment: How Should Donors Engage To Reconstruct Central African Republic During The Brussels Conference?
On 17 November 2016, donors will meet in Brussels to discuss reconstruction in Central African
Republic (CAR). During this meeting, CAR authorities hope that international donors and
partners will draw up commitments to help restore peace and security, renew the social contract
and revive the economy. This policy note highlights the necessity of a long-term commitment to
CAR as well as flexible funding. With the humanitarian crisis still ongoing, at the same time as
early recovery, peace building and development needs are relevant in CAR; the international
community must commit to funding in parallel short-, medium- and long-term interventions in a
flexible and sustainable approach for the reconstruction of the country. A commitment to
durable solutions for CAR must shape all efforts for the coming years.
CAR is facing a complex and volatile crisis. For the last three years, the number of people
requiring protection and humanitarian assistance has been almost 50 percent of the population.
As of the end of September 2016, 20 percent of the population of CAR remains displaced. This
includes 384,884 internally displaced people, and nearly 467,960 refugees in neighbouring
countries (UNHCR Regional Response Crisis, 30 September 2016). An estimated two million
people are facing food insecurity and almost 65 percent of the population lack access to safe
drinking water. Long-term exposure of communities to armed groups has exposed 60,000
women to sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) in 2015, that is almost 200 women
survivors of SGBV per day, or 1 woman every 15 minutes. Because of the lack of funding in
2016, the collection and compilation of SGBV data has been done in only half of the country
and has revealed that in six months, 5627 cases of gender-based violence has occurred 86
percent of cases being against women.
After peaceful presidential and legislative elections earlier this year, the country has started to
regain stability in regions where peacekeepers and humanitarian assistance have supported the
process. However, a large part of the territory remains under the control of armed groups, who
are still perpetrating violence against civilians. Recently a new wave of violence in the capital
and the north has rapidly aggravated the security situation, highlighting the need to urgently
implement crucial peace building programmes in CAR.
CAR cannot face yet another year in which the humanitarian appeal is underfunded, with only
31 percent of funds acquired three months before the end of the year. The people of Central
African Republic have urgent needs for assistance which are not being met, even though a
current cholera outbreak has affected almost 300 people and killed 28 of them.
The absence of humanitarian and development donors in the country, able to monitor the
situation, results in underfunding of the assistance and inconsistency between emergency and
long-term support. Because funding is provided only during upsurges of violence, it is difficult to
give the continuous support needed to stabilize the country and impact peoples lives.
1. Donors must commit to a new engagement with CAR where previous commitments
and funding have lacked sustainability and consistency. In the last five years, four donor
meetings have been held in Brussels to support CAR humanitarian and development plans.2
Unfortunately, the pledges have rarely been met and the country continues to relapse into new
crises.3 Few donors4 are present in CAR and most of them maintain very distant and limited
support for the country. At the same time as this inconsistent approach to funding, the country
has suffered the worst crisis in its history. The time has come for donors to commit to CAR in
the long term, as well as opening long-term offices in the country to establish lasting
2. Given the complexity of the CAR crisis, funding for the response must be flexible and
diversified, aligning the multi-year and flexible Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) with
early recovery and long-term development plans. This gives donors the opportunity to
provide funding for both humanitarian activities and development needs, depending on the
reality on the ground and on the diverse situations of the different regions in the country. The
international community must also ensure that ongoing humanitarian action promotes social
cohesion and actively works to address underlying drivers of conflict which triggered initial
displacement. To achieve that, donors should focus on increasing financial and political support
for restoration of state authority, good governance, peace, justice and reconciliation and
humanitarian assistance to continue responding to new waves of displacement, address
protracted needs, ensure voluntary and principled return, and allow for reconstruction and
3. Support for the CAR response must be allocated on the basis of needs and efforts
must continue to expand humanitarian access to harder-to-reach areas. Populations
across CAR are affected by the current crisis at varying levels and some feel that they have
been abandoned by the international community during the last decades. Given the sensitive
political context and the need to support social cohesion and reconciliation, and address
underlying causes of the conflict, the most vulnerable populations, mainly victims of SGBV,
children, internal displaced persons and refugees, must be prioritized in the areas where we can
reach them. Continued efforts must be made to expand into areas which are harder to reach out
of Bangui; given that in CAR chronic long-term crises exacerbate peoples vulnerability to
humanitarian crisis.
5. The Government of CAR has a duty to protect people within its borders from conflict and
violence. Despite its good intentions, the current government has neither been able to redeploy
its administration and security forces across the territory nor implement disarmament, justice,
and national reconciliation strategies. These important programmes have been pending since
2013 and have all been delayed due to lack of funds. Significant improvements in protection
cannot be achieved if the perpetrators of insecurity are not disarmed, justice implemented and
communities reconciled. Donors are recommended to fully and sustainably fund the
Disarmament, Demobilization, Reintegration and Repatriation (DDRR) programmes,
justice and security sector reform, as well as reconciliation programmes and
programmes to fight impunity. The current fragility of the state makes the integration of
traditional and local initiatives essential to all of these processes.
6. Women and girls in CAR face increased risk of SGBV perpetrated by various actors.
Testimonies of SGBV survivors have shown a high level of exposure to HIV/AIDS during
violence and a lack of access to healthcare, psychosocial and socioeconomic support.
Prioritization of interventions that protect womens rights, promote their leadership in the midst
of crises and provide support which meets the unique needs of women and girls is urgently
needed. Responsibilities regarding food security, economic recovery, access to water,
household duties as well as protection fall heavily on women in CAR society, and yet they are
still the most vulnerable. Increased support for women and girls programming is required
to bolster local leadership in the humanitarian and peace building response to implement
Women Peace and Security in CAR according to Security Council resolution 1325.
7. CAR has a long history of displacement, and given current tensions, the risk of displacement
remains high. Efforts must be taken to ensure a principled response to returns within a national
legal and operational framework for durable solutions. The Government of CAR should first
adopt a law domesticating the Kampala Convention for the Protection of IDPs in its legal
system. Secondly, in partnership with humanitarian and development actors and civil society,
the government should explore durable solutions for people who may choose to relocate or
resettle, identify feasible options and inform displaced people about them. To achieve this,
donors must provide funds to rebuild destroyed houses and livelihoods, to restore identity
documents, basic services, the return of civil administration and adequate guarantees of safety
and security.
The November conference is a unique opportunity to foster long-lasting recovery in CAR. The
engagement of donors beyond traditional unmet pledges will reduce the likelihood of the country
relapsing into new crises. The country, which is placed 187 out of 188 countries on the Human
Development Index, will be able to start a new chapter in its history if donors commit to fund the
HRP and the RCPC in the long term, open long-term offices in the country, and provide flexible
1 CAR Gender Based Violence Sub-Cluster, Rsultats de collecte de donnes dans le cadre du systme de
gestion de linformation sur les VBG (GBVIMS), Priode de collecte de donnes :Janvier Juin 2016
2 Between 2011 and 2016, four donor conferences were organized in support of CAR and none of them
have mobilized enough background to meet the needs identified by humanitarian and development
actors. Long before, in 2007, the announcements made by development partners at the round table
held in Brussels resulted in lower commitments to expectations, since only 26% of commitments were
3 Donors have pledged a total of US$400m in 2011 to fund the second plan for the reduction of poverty
from 2011 to 2015 but because of the conflict in 2012 the fund has not been disbursed
humiliation-en-promesse-de-400-milliards-de-f-cf-77136132.html). A seizure of power by the Seleka in
2012. This plan was replaced by the National Program for Sustainable Recovery 20132015, which
was not funded (cf.
r%C3%89sultat). In 2015 only 53% of the $613m required for humanitarian response plan were funded
(, and in 2014
to $548m necessary 58% were covered.
4 European Union, United Nations, USAID and French Development Agency are the only development
donors present in the country. While only ECHO and the UN Emergency Funds instruments (CHF,
CERF) are permanent donors in CAR. Other humanitarian donors like Germany, UK, Ireland, Canada,
Italy, Belgium or Switzerland support the country from abroad.
5 The Grand Bargain is a recognition that humanitarian solutions can start and end with local
communities supported by local organizations.
For further information on the issues raised in this paper please email
Published by Oxfam GB for Oxfam International under ISBN 978-0-85598-833-3 in November 2016.
Oxfam GB, Oxfam House, John Smith Drive, Cowley, Oxford, OX4 2JY, UK.
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