12 Green Open Spaces in Shopping Malls
12 Green Open Spaces in Shopping Malls
12 Green Open Spaces in Shopping Malls
III. Hypothesis
In evaluating the sustainability of these green open spaces
in mall developments, the basic assumption is that the
park acts as a magnet to generate volume of foot traffic
which spills over to the shops and restaurants located
nearest to it, especially those found at the ground floor,
immediately contiguous to the open area. It is
hypothesized that the shops and restaurants nearest the
park are charged a premium rental fee per month.
Nevertheless, despite the higher fees, they are able to
recover their expenditures in a few weeks due to their
strategic location and the volume of foot traffic generated
by these nodes or magnets. Figure 3. Diagram showing Flow of Data Gathering and
Analysis for Phase 1.
MUHON: A Journal of Architecture, Landscape Architecture and the Designed Environment
University of the Philippines College of Architecture Issue No. 4
Case Study of Ayala Greenbelt Park
Marie Stephanie N. Gilles
Figure 4. Diagram showing Flow of Data Gathering and Analysis for Phase 2.
After getting primary data both from interviews and
Phase 2: Questionnaire Surveys / Interviews statistical description from the survey questionnaires, the
Data gathering in Phase 2 consisted in questionnaire values were applied to the Hedonic Price Modeling for
surveys from restaurant customers and interviews from regression. In this case, the hedonic application was used
mall managers/ owners of restaurants located near the for determining or at least approximating the economic
Greenbelt park. These constitute the qualitative research value of Greenbelt park.
based on descriptive statistics, while the data analysis was A hedonic model of park-in-mall values was expressed in
mostly quantitative in approach, as measurements of 2 categories, where one is for the tenant and the other is
distance to park and their effects on ROI required statistics for the mall owner, as follows:
regression analysis to quantify the strength of correlation
Park Values for the Tenants
among variables.
PVTenant = f (Dist, RF, VP, FQ, RA, PA); where
Phase 3: Factor Analysis and Regression PV is the amenity value of the park measured in terms of
ROI (Return-on-Investment), which is the variable
A shortlist of restaurants and their rental fees was dependent on the following:
generated, with the volume of customers counted in Dist distance from the center of the park and forms part
relation to their proximity to the park. A computation of of the location-specific characteristics; distance to the
the footprint area of these open spaces in relation to the park as a significant predictor, inversely
total lot and the total commercial development was proportional to the ROI, meaning, the closer the
derived from mapping inventory, the use of CAD and GIS tenant is to the park, the higher the rate of ROI;
software. Based on review of literature, interviews and
actual observation, the variables which have a strong VP Volume of Persons or foot traffic generated by the
bearing (strong predictors) on the amenity value of landscape amenity;
Greenbelt park were determined, after which a correlation FQ Food Quality;
among these variables was established. For the RF Rental Fees per month;
correlational strategy, using the Contingent Property
RA Restaurant Amenities (e.g. wifi, ambience of the
Valuation Method, a formula equation combining the
place, food service); and
variables and their relation to the amenity value was
derived. PA Park Amenities (e.g. size, location, landscaping
features, covered areas, lounging space, lighting,
water features).
M UHON: A J our nal of Arc hitec ture, La ndsca pe Archi tec ture a nd the Designed E nvironme nt
U n i ve r s i t y o f t h e P h i l i p p i n e s C o l l e g e o f A r c h i t e c t u r e I ssue no. 4
Case Study of Ayala Greenbelt Park
Marie Stephanie N. Gilles
Figure 5. Diagram showing Factor Analysis of Variables and Regression Process for Phase 3.
MUHON: A Journal of Architecture, Landscape Architecture and the Designed Environment
University of the Philippines College of Architecture Issue No. 4
Case Study of Ayala Greenbelt Park
Marie Stephanie N. Gilles
For the financial viability variables, the following location of restaurant (or the park) from where the survey
equations are drawn: was conducted.
Net Income (NI) = Gross Sales (GS) less expenditure
(Exp) V. Summary of Findings / Results
NI = GS Exp
Expenditure (Exp) = Fixed Cost (FC) + Variable Cost A. Phase 1: Geographical and Social
(VC) Considerations
Fixed Cost (FC) = Operations Costs (OC) + The quantitative comparative analysis is based on
Maintenance Costs (MC) footprint area taken from satellite maps. A computation of
Fixed Exp = OC + MC the area utilization is itemized according to the following:
Operations Cost = salaries, utilities (electricity, (1) building footprint area and (2) total open spaces within
telephone, water), rental fees, transportation/ lot (TOSL), which is further broken down into unpaved
delivery costs surface areas (USA) and impervious surface areas (ISA).
Maintenance Cost = repairs and maintenance of Since the impervious surface areas refer to the parking
equipment/ vehicles and building interiors lots, access roads, driveways and circulation areas,
pedestrian walkways, cemented grounds, etc., the
Variable Cost (VC) = Cost of Goods Sold (CGS) + 5% computation of the park or green open spaces was limited
of Gross Sales (GS) to the unpaved surface areas with actual trees and plants
CGS = 35% of gross sales contained in its environs.
Park Values for the Mall Owners
PVMall = ROIMall = (a) > [ (b) + (c)]
Revenues (Rev) of the Mall = [percentage of gross
income of tenants (5% GI) + monthly rental fees
(MRF) + Other Income (OI)]
Revmall = 5% GI + MRF + OI (a)
Capital Outlay (CO) = [cost of land investment (LIn) +
land improvements, i.e., trees, soil, utilities, etc. of the
park (LImp)]/ Time (T)
CO = [LIn + LImp] (b)
Expenditure (Exp) = operations (OC) + maintenance
costs (MC)
Exp = OC + MC (c)
The primary data gathered from survey questionnaire
Figure 8. Comparative Chart showing the Allocation of Building
responses and interviews were analyzed using Statistical
Footprint vs. Total Open Space of the 4 Malls.
Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and other software used
in statistics such as SAS and STATA to get the appropriate
tests and results based on the data set and objectives. A comparison of the case studies regarding space
allocation of the 4 Malls (Greenbelt Makati, Glorietta, SM
North and TriNoma) shows the biggest ratio of park areas
to total lot area in Greenbelt Makati, at 33-35%. The 3 other
malls allotted a range of 5-7% of green open space in
relation to total lot area. Building footprint ratio to open
space is largest in Glorietta at 83%, hence, the decision to
focus on Greenbelt Park.
The Greenbelt Park has a total of 3.3 hectares, a substantial
area coverage given the total lot area of Ayala Malls at 11
hectares. This allocation of space approximates 30% of the
total lot area of Ayala Greenbelt Development. Compared
Figure 7. Process in Collecting and Analyzing Primary Data. to the building footprint area, the Unpaved Surface Areas
(USA) that constitutes the park is equivalent to 35%, while
Respondents consisted of actual on-site customers of the Impervious Surface Areas (ISA) amounts to about 16%.
Greenbelt 3 restaurants. Through convenient sampling, the As advertised in the malls brochure (courtesy of the
researchers approached the potential respondents already management), the Ayala Greenbelt Malls have average
seated in their respective restaurants of choice. Preference daily shopper traffic of 120,000 persons, a total gross
was for restaurants with more than 60% occupancy. After leasable area of 800,000 sq. ft. and over 600 retail, food and
filling up the forms, the researchers would indicate the entertainment outlets.
M UHON: A J our nal of Arc hitec ture, La ndsca pe Archi tec ture a nd the Designed E nvironme nt
U n i ve r s i t y o f t h e P h i l i p p i n e s C o l l e g e o f A r c h i t e c t u r e I ssue no. 4
Case Study of Ayala Greenbelt Park
Marie Stephanie N. Gilles
Figure 9. Map showing location of Greenbelt Park in relation to the Ayala Greenbelt and Glorietta Malls Development. Source:
Figures 10 and 11. These two aerial photos were taken during
the period from 1960 to 1970. The main thoroughfares shown
in these photos are: Ayala Avenue, EDSA, Makati Avenue and
Figures 13 to 16. Greenbelt 3 Restaurants: Caf Havana (G/F
Esperanza Street. All of them show the presence of the
Zone 1), Banana Leaf (2/F Zone 2), Seafood Island (3/F
undeveloped Greenbelt Park, a thick patch of trees and
Zone 3) and Red Mango (3/F, Zone 3). Sources (from
vegetation (a) at bottom right, and (b) at bottom left.
internet): www.tripadvisor.com.sg,
Source: Ayala Center Estate Association
abetterchancefoundation.org.ph, and
MUHON: A Journal of Architecture, Landscape Architecture and the Designed Environment
University of the Philippines College of Architecture Issue No. 4
Case Study of Ayala Greenbelt Park
Marie Stephanie N. Gilles
Table 1. Summary of Restaurants with Respondents showing Capacity and Floor Area.
B. Phase 2: Data from Questionnaire / Each respondent was asked to indicate their restaurant of
Interviews choice for the various time slots (9-12 AM, 12-2 PM, 3-5
PM, 6-8 PM, and 9 PM onwards).
Above is a tabulated summary of the restaurants where
There is a strong preference for dining outdoors for
most respondents were obtained from.
breakfast/brunch (122 respondents) and afternoon from
There were 2 types of surveys conducted depending on 3:00 to 5:00 PM (146 respondents, this is with particular
mode of data extraction: (a) on site within Greenbelt reference to cafes fronting the park, where they can also
Complex premises, using the printed questionnaire survey enjoy light snacks and coffee or tea). For dinner and after
form, and the other set, (b) off-site/online where the dinner, the majority expressed preference for either dining
respondents were asked to fill up an electronic survey indoors with a view to the park, or outdoors.
form. From the months of October up to December 2012, a
A total of 4 interviews from the top level executives of
total of 346 responses were gathered from on-site data
Ayala Land and Greenbelt Mall management were
collection. However, after filtering the survey forms
conducted. Interviews were conducted with the VPs,
(removing those that had several blanks or unanswered
managers and the chief architect, which provided insight
items), about 327 were considered valid responses. In
on the history and paradigm shift to alfresco (outdoor)
January 2013, an online survey was conducted, and a total
dining in Makati despite the tropical climate. Among the
of 154 responses were gathered. Eliminating those who left
restaurant managers/supervisors, however, the author
blank more than 3 questions, the valid responses were
managed to interview 11, with 6 that were recorded
narrowed down to 146. All in all, total number of
providing more substantial information. The purpose of
respondents was 492, but 473 valid responses were
the interviews was to obtain data on the economic aspects
of the restaurants which will be used in the quantitative
analysis relating to ROI, rental rates, peak hours and
percentage occupancy. These will complement the data
obtained from the surveys rating the park amenities and
restaurant features. Some managers were generous
enough to disclose the breakdown of expenditures, i.e.
salaries, operations/maintenance expenses, costs of goods
(food & beverage), common area dues (security, janitorial
services, waste disposal, building costs) as well as the
revenues (gross sales, net income, ROI), which were a
great help for this section of the quantitative analysis.
Based on a series of interviews and actual observations, 4
zoning categories were drawn up. These zones coincide
with what Ayala Management calls prime and super-
prime areas. In principle, according to Greenbelt Mall
manager, all the shops in Greenbelt 3 are prime. These
enjoy the amenity value of the park and they benefit from
the view to the landscaped areas. Those that are at the
ground floor, however, are considered super-prime,
Figure 17. Bar Chart Showing Dining Preferences on Different
Timeslots (On-site Survey). owing to the volume of foot traffic generated with all the
M UHON: A J our nal of Arc hitec ture, La ndsca pe Archi tec ture a nd the Designed E nvironme nt
U n i ve r s i t y o f t h e P h i l i p p i n e s C o l l e g e o f A r c h i t e c t u r e I ssue no. 4
Case Study of Ayala Greenbelt Park
Marie Stephanie N. Gilles
ingress/egress points plus the proximity and direct access
to the park. Those located at the second floor may still be
considered part of the super-prime areas since these
benefits from the flow of customers coming from the
elevated walkway connecting Greenbelt to the rest of the
Ayala offices and Landmark/Glorietta Malls all the way to
EDSA MRT. The shops at the 3rd and 4th levels can be
considered prime as these catch the spillover of persons
coming from the cinemas at the 4th level.
For purposes of comparative analysis, we have assigned
the following zoning categories:
M UHON: A J our nal of Arc hitec ture, La ndsca pe Archi tec ture a nd the Designed E nvironme nt
U n i ve r s i t y o f t h e P h i l i p p i n e s C o l l e g e o f A r c h i t e c t u r e I ssue no. 4
Case Study of Ayala Greenbelt Park
Marie Stephanie N. Gilles
After having performed the stepwise procedure, the : When a customer has a high preference
number of variables was reduced to the 8 significant ones, of the view to Greenbelt Park, the distance of the
the codes of which are in the following table: restaurant decreases by 41.2144m relative to Greenbelt
Park, holding all other variables constant.
MUHON: A Journal of Architecture, Landscape Architecture and the Designed Environment
University of the Philippines College of Architecture Issue No. 4
Case Study of Ayala Greenbelt Park
Marie Stephanie N. Gilles
M UHON: A J our nal of Arc hitec ture, La ndsca pe Archi tec ture a nd the Designed E nvironme nt
U n i ve r s i t y o f t h e P h i l i p p i n e s C o l l e g e o f A r c h i t e c t u r e I ssue no. 4
Case Study of Ayala Greenbelt Park
Marie Stephanie N. Gilles
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