Physical Description: Pg. 20 isnt Actions: Pg. 127 Gabriel was growing
he cute? Look how tiny he is! And he has rapidly, now crawling and giggling across
funny eyes like your, Jonas! (Jonass dad the room and pulling himself up to stand.
was finally able to bring Gabe home and Lily (He finally gained the strength to move
was very interested with his eyes.) and stand.)
Pg. 168 He knew that they could not see Pg. 136 He had begun to walk just the
color, and that their flesh, as well as Gabri- week before. (Gabe learned very quickly.)
els light golden curls. (He had blonde curls
Pg. 137 Gabriel giggled and waved bye-
and Jonas knew no one would ever see
bye back. (He is learning what things
mean and using them.)
Reactions of Others: Pg. 40 They brought Gabe home and Lily was very impatient to see him. (Lily couldnt
wait to see who would be staying with them for a little while.)
Pg. 115- Why dont we put Gabriels crib in my room tonight? I know how to feed and comfort him, and it would
let you and Father get some sleep. (Jonas thought it was a good idea to have Gabe sleep with him because his
parents havent had sleep in a long time.)