Research Proposal
Research Proposal
Research Proposal
I. Introductory
A. Background
In this era of modernization, many staple of food prices rose drastically to
make consumers think twice about buying a new one. Often consumers are using
this materials repeatedly. Maybe, it purpose to save the cost or they dont have
money to buy a new one. For example: cooking oil, cooking oil is often a key
ingredient for cooking that have characteristc to dissipate heat, giving a sense of
tasteful, provide nutrition and calories in food. However, cooking oil is not only
used daily. But now, cooking oil has been widely used for frying foods ingredients
traded commercial that we often encounter in the sidewalk. The high price of
cooking oil to make the producers often use the cooking oil repeatedly. In
medically and clinically, it can harm our health, it usually we called cooking oil.
Because to warm the cooking oil were repeated in higher temperatures more
quickly process the change of the cooking oil.
The change that happen like a chemical change of the appearance of peroxide,
which can cause damage to the nutritional. Oil damage can not be prevented, but
can be slowed by adding antioxidants to the cooking oil, where the more
antioxidants are added to the oil will be more resistant to oxidation. Rice are one
source of antioxidants that can neutalize free radical compound contained in
cooking oil. So, it can slow down the damage to the cooking oil. Rice is usually
used as a staple food that contains lots of protein and other nutrients. Some
important substances in rice and can netralize the cooking oil. So, the writter want
to do research on the utilization of rice to purify cooking oil.
B. Problem Formulation
The problem in this research as follow.
1. How to purify cooking oil with rice?
2. What are the advantages of purify cooking oil with rice?
3. What are the differences of purify cookng oil with rice and noni?
C. Objectives of Study
The purpose in this research as follow.
1. To know how to purify cooking oil with rice.
2. To know what are the advantages of purify cooking oil with rice.
3. To know what are the differences of purify cooking oil with rice and non.
D. Significance of Study
In order to people can save their money to buy a new cooking oil. So, people
can prioritize other staple food for consumption. And people can sell a good food
for health consumers. And the consumers protected from various diseases and
they dont afraid anymore to buy foods using cooking oil.
III. Methodology
A. Method of Research
On this research, writer compare the quality of cooking oil which purify
with rice and noni. So, method that use in this research is qualitative.
B. Definition Operational
1) Place of Study
On this research, writer use his home as the place for the research.
2) Time of Study
This research begin since October 2013 until April 2014.
C. Object of Study
1) Material and tool
1. Pans
2. Stove
3. Cup
1. Rice
2. Cooking oil
2) Procedure
Procedure of this writing are as follows.
1. Grab a handful of rice and press until hard
2. Heat the rice and then insert the rice
3. Press the rice in the cooking oil
4. And then, youll see the sediment of flour panir
5. Throw away the rice and take the cooking oil
6. Pour the cooking oil into the bottle
F. Tentative Schedule
No Date Activity Comment
1. 22 October 2013 Title
2. 29 November 2013 Proposal
3. 21-22 December 2013 Proposal
4. 25 January 2014 Research
5. 14 April 2014 Evaluation