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Tearing Down The Box: Tired of Hearing Aid Advertising?

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The Repository | CantonRep.

com | Sunday, June 26, 2016K5

Hall of Fame Village: Tom Benson Hall of Fame Stadium

Tearing down the box

Why is a 7-year-old,
$3.2 million press box
scheduled for the
wrecking ball?
By Steve Doerschuk
Repository sports writer

Six years ago, Hall of Famer Dan Dierdorf

was back home to celebrate the new jewel
atop the south hill at what was then Fawcett
A lot of stadiums in the NFL dont have
press boxes this good, said the former
Monday Night Football announcer, who
had been in every one.
That was August 2009. In August 2016,
crews will begin to tear it down. Why so
soon? Couldnt it have been saved and incor-
porated into the new stadium?
This was one of the trickier questions per-
taining to the rise of Hall of Fame Village.
Nobody knew in 2009 that New Orleans
Saints owner Tom Benson was going to
donate $10 million toward demolishing the
old stadium and building a new one on top of
it. Benson contributed an additional $1 mil-
lion for the building of Legends Landing, an
assisted and independent living facility.
n An artists rendering of the new Tom Benson Hall of Fame Stadium once renovations are complete in 2017.
Yet, the $3.2 million press box wasnt an
independent structure that could be saved.
Patrick Oaks is project executive for Welty the Packers and Colts collide That three-floor structure was beyond huge is being integrated. Its a much larger press
Building Co., which is thegeneral contrac- Aug. 7 in the Hall of Fame Game. by high school standards, but it was a tight fit box from a working perspective.
tor for the stadium project. He explained The press box looks too good for a wreck- during the Hall of Fame Game, when Howard Steve Strawbridge, a senior vice president
why eliminating an essentially new press box ing ball. Oaks, who was educated in the same Cosell, Frank Gifford and their ABC crew at the Hall of Fame, said the stadium will be
makes a lot of sense. school district as Dierdorf (Plain Local), elab- horned into an upstairs booth. cleaned up for Enshrinement Week and will turn
From a construction perspective, Oaks orated on why it is coming down: It was demolished and replaced by the $3.2 back into a construction zone by mid-August.
said, we looked very hard at how to salvage the Excavation has to take place for the million press box now scheduled for elimina- The 7-year-old press box will come down
press box and integrate it into the new stadium. infrastructure for the south stands. The tion. That box opened in August 2009, in time then.
One of the biggest challenges we faced foundations for the existing press box would for an international football tournament in It would be more expensive to keep the
related to lowering the field 15 feet and slid- be left hanging in the air. which Chuck Kyle of Cleveland St. Ignatius press box than to replace it, believe it or not,
ing it 50 feet (to make it look and feel closer To try to support that and work around it coached Team USA. Strawbridge said.
to the Hall of Fame). and re-integrate it into the new construction, Theres not a better facility in the state The new press box will conform better to
Travelers on Interstate 77 have had a rolling costs were prohibitive. of Ohio theres no way, Kyle said while the new-look stadium and catch up with
view as the old stadiums north grandstand, Fawcett Stadium, whose name was touring the press box. ever-changing technology.
built in 1938, was torn down and replaced by changed after Benson got involved, was It was three times the size of the previous It is what we need for everybody, Straw-
a complete new grandstand that is almost recognized as the No. 1 high school stadium press box, which pleased the NFL. Hall of bridge said.
ready to open. The largest segment of the old in America by ESPNRISE.com in 2008, even Fame Village was not on the radar then.
stadium, the south grandstand and press box, before the old press box was replaced. The old The press box is wonderful, Oaks said, Reach Steve at 330-580-8347
will stay put until after Enshrinement Week. box was renovated in 1997 as part of overall but the new one will have more amenities or steve.doerschuk@cantonrep.com
Both will be torn out soon after stadium improvements costing $4.3 million. and more space for press. A VIP component On Twitter: @sdoerschukREP

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