Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita of The Upper Limb: Linical Rticle
Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita of The Upper Limb: Linical Rticle
Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita of The Upper Limb: Linical Rticle
C L I n I C A L A rT I C L e
Arthrogryposis multiplex
congenita of the upper limb
Dr DPVermaak MBChB(Pret), MSc Sports Medicine(Pret), MMed Orth(UFS)
Department of Orthopaedics, University of the Free State, National Hospital, Bloemfontein
Currently working at the Royal Gwent Hospital, Newport, Wales as an Arthroplasty Fellow, Department of Orthopaedics
Reprint requests:
Dr DP Vermaak
Tel: +27 76 819 7799 (South Africa), +44 750 182 3130 (UK)
The name arthrogryposis is derived from the Greek and means stiff joints (arthron = joint and grypos = stiff).
Arthrogryposis represents a large group of disorders that present with joint contractures at birth. These congen-
ital contracture syndromes total over 65 conditions with different clinical courses and pathological processes.
Contracture syndrome groups can be divided into the following:
Group involving all four extremities includes arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (AMC) and Larsen syn-
drome, usually with total body involvement.
Distal arthrogryposis group predominantly or exclusively involving the hands and feet. Freeman-Sheldon
whistling face is an example in this group.
Pterygia syndromes identifiable skin webs cross the flexion aspects of knees, elbows and other joints.
Multiple pterygias and popliteal pterygia belong to this group.
Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita Muscle mass is reduced, with infiltration of fibrous and
fibrofatty tissue between muscle fibres.2 Periarticular
(AMC) fibrosis causes a fibrous ankylosis of joints.
AMC was initially described by Otto in 1841, who Sensation is normal.
declared that his patient was a human wonder with There is no progression of the condition after birth but
curved limbs. There is no race or gender predilection. The secondary changes occur with growth.
incidence is 1 in 5 to10000 live births and the disease does Joint deformities are due to secondary changes from a
not directly affect the life expectancy of the patient. AMC lack of joint movement.
has the following characteristics: The patient learns adaptive movements to compensate
The full clinical expression is present at birth (con- for loss of normal function.
There is usually symmetrical involvement of multiple
joints and muscles. Aetiology
There is usually no involvement of other systems, e.g. The exact aetiology of the disease is uncertain. The most
heart, brain, skeleton, GI tract or urogenital tract. likely cause is damage to the anterior horn cells of the spinal
The intellect is normal. cord in the developing foetus (Swaiman and Wright, 1994).3
It is not inherited; Mennen and Williams (1996) pre- The suggested cause(s) may include direct damage by a viral
sented a case report of AMC in a monozygotic twin.1 infection, e.g. herpes simplex, or indirectly by an increase in
It is not due to an embryologic malformation (not temperature due to the infection, placental insufficiency or
abnormal induction). a stress reaction in a foetus carrying malignant hyperther-
Anterior horn cell numbers are decreased in the spinal mia-associated myopathy. Cross-circulation with disturbed
cord without an increase in microglial cells. foetal thermodynamics may also be implicated.
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Up to one-third of patients will develop scoliosis. The Chair and tables these will often need adjustment for
joints appear normal on X-ray, and the changes are adaptive feeding and playing.
and acquired over a period of time due to the joints fixed Eating and drinking it may be necessary to fix the
position. plate to the table and adjust the handles of eating uten-
The diagnosis of AMC is clinical, but it may be suspected sils.
if the prenatal ultrasound demonstrates a decrease in foetal Dressing Velcro can replace buttons, and zips can be
movements, especially in combination with polyhydram- fitted with large ring handles. Dressing may further be
nios. Some contractures seem to become stiffer over time assisted by using shoes without laces and sticks to
but no new joints become involved. assist with the activity of getting dressed.
AMC patients may develop compensatory movements to Toilet needs self-cleaning toilets are available, but are
assist activities of daily living such as pushing the forearm expensive and will only be available in the home envi-
against a table to bring the hand close to the mouth to eat, or ronment. The height of toilet seats may also need to be
if the patients are standing they may reach their face by adjusted at home to accommodate the patient.
swinging their arms and using lumbar spine lordosis and Showers may need to be fitted with seats and liquid
gravity to assist the movement. These patients may also soap dispensers.
assist themselves using a cross-arm technique.
Surgical management
Management Surgery is offered after 6 months if there is a failure to
When considering management of the upper limb the progress with conservative measures. Some of the princi-
whole arm must be taken into consideration and individ- ples of surgery (Mennen) are the following:
ual joints must not be isolated. The ultimate goal of sur- Early surgery. The ideal time for surgery is between
gery to the upper limb is to improve the patients self-care 36 months of age.5 Early surgery is easier, e.g. carpal
ability, especially eating and hygiene (writing is a bonus). bones can be removed with a scalpel. A younger child
recovers faster, with less scarring and has the ability to
Conservative management remodel joint surfaces. They are also more adaptable,
All upper limb deformities must be gently manipulated reducing the need for intensive physiotherapy after the
(muscle and joint stretching) from birth by a qualified procedure. In very young children the remnants of the
hand therapist with the best results achieved if started carpal bones left behind develop ossification centres,
before 6 months of age.3 Physiotherapy includes passive which will result in functional carpal bones.5 The sur-
manipulation several times a day followed by night-time gery becomes more difficult later, i.e. after 1 year, as
splinting of the position gained. The therapist may further contractures become more fixed and joint congruity
assist these children by teaching them trick movements to changes, limiting joint movement. Joint adhesions
achieve better function. Splinting a patient in a certain increase and the skin becomes less pliable adding to
position may allow the patient to decide if the new posi- the abnormal joint movement.
tion will be desirable or not before surgery is done. One-stage procedures. One-stage procedures give bet-
Deformity correction may be attempted by the following ter results than staged procedures5 and may include
measures: surgery to bones, joints and soft tissue rebalancing.
Intensive exercise programme usually only results in However, as the child grows, smaller procedures may
a slight improvement in ROM with the chances of suc- be needed to maintain optimum function.
cess declining with age, and little gain expected after 3 Osteotomies. Correction of deformity by osteotomy is
years of age.9 of limited value in young children as remodelling will
Serial casting this is time-consuming with a high cause recurrence of the deformity within 12 yrs.
rate of recurrence. If done too aggressively it may
cause cartilage necrosis and further stiffness. Smith Management of the hand and
and Drennan recommended the use of serial casting
for wrist flexion deformities,10 but did show that the
wrist in AMC
The wrist is almost always affected with a flexion defor-
classical form of arthrogryposis with rigid wrist defor-
mity of up to 90 and ulnar deviation. It is widely agreed
mities was resistant to serial casting. Some feel that
that correction of the hand and wrist deformity will
serial casting may lessen the extent of surgery, even
improve the overall function of the upper limb.
though the deformity is not completely corrected.6
Repeat casting is unlikely to be successful if recur-
rence of the deformity occurs.
If no further correction can be achieved by conservative The ultimate goal of surgery to the upper limb
or surgical means then the patient will benefit from mod- is to improve the patients self-care ability, especially eating
ification of mechanical aids. The following are some and hygiene (writing is a bonus)
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Steindler flexor origin transfer The flexor origin is In the older patient an elbow arthrodesis (Kelikian) or an
released from the medial epicondyle and transposed anterior closing wedge osteotomy of the distal humerus
proximally and anteriorly on the humerus. It is seldom may be used to place the patients limited arc of motion in
recommended in AMC as the flexor muscles are short- a more functional position.
ened, fibrotic and have poor excursion and may further If the radial head is dislocated it should not be excised
tighten wrist and finger flexors in a patient with existing until growth is completed to prevent a progressive cubitus
wrist and finger flexor contractures. The flexor group of valgus or tardy ulnar nerve palsy developing.
muscles is also too weak to achieve active elbow flexion.
Clark pectoralis major muscle transfer: Here 2 inches Management of the shoulder in AMC
of the sternal head of pectoralis major is detached, tubed Management of the shoulder is seldom needed in AMC as
and attached to the biceps tendon at the elbow. it usually functions satisfactorily without treatment.
Schottstaedt, Larsen and Bost modified the technique by Flexion and abduction (active and passive) are usually suf-
detaching the entire sternal head of pectoralis major. ficient to allow the patient to reach the mouth or per-
The muscle is completely mobilised on its neurovascular ineum. If the shoulders are in severe internal rotation the
pedicle, the muscle insertion reattached to the acromion hand function may be limited and forced to function in a
process and the sternal origin to the biceps tendon or the back-to-back fashion or crossover style to hold objects.
radius with rectus fascia. The muscle is seldom func- Toilet usage may be a problem as the dorsum of the hand
tional but occasionally it may be powerful enough for presents to the perineum, and walking may be restricted
elbow flexion.3 by inability to grasp crutches or a walking frame.
Latissimus dorsi muscle transfer (Hovnanian): The ori- If the hands can be made functional enough an external
gin of latissimus dorsi is detached and the muscle belly rotation osteotomy of either the proximal or distal
mobilised on the long thoracodorsal nerve, passing it humerus can be performed.
subcutaneously down the anterior aspect of the arm and
suturing it to the biceps tendon. Like pectoralis major
this muscle is often non-functional in AMC but if it is Prognosis
available it is the best option for elbow flexion.3 The skin folds develop over joints as soon as movement
Triceps tendon transfer: This is a viable option for ten- around that joint starts. Mennen5 reported the expected
don transfer to achieve elbow flexion if the triceps functional improvement around joints, after early one-
muscle strength is at least a grade 4/5. The technique stage corrective surgery (before 1 year) in 47 limbs oper-
of Carroll and Hill involves detaching the triceps ated:
aponeurosis and periosteum from the olecranon and
proximal ulna, which is passed subcutaneously Elbow: 30100 flexion (average of 49 degrees)
around the lateral aspect of the elbow and attached to Wrist: 10 flexion 30 extension (average 27
the proximal radius or biceps tendon. The disadvan- degrees active motion)
tage of the procedure is that if an undesirable flexion Fingers: MCPJ: 20-85 flexion (average 65
contracture of the elbow is created, it will be nearly degrees active flexion)
impossible to correct. If a flexed elbow of more than PIPJ: 20-80 flexion (average 45 active flexion)
90 occurs in one arm and the other arm is in exten- DIPJ: 15-35 flexion (average 20 active flexion)
sion, the patient loses the ability to transfer objects
from one hand to the other, losing the bimanual func- Conclusion
tion. A flexed elbow has the functional advantage of To achieve the best results for this complex condition of
being able to reach the mouth and the perineum and the upper limb, manipulation of deformities is recom-
performing most other activities of daily living. A gut- mended as soon as possible after birth. If surgery is
ter crutch may also be used if the patient has difficul- required to gain function then it should be done as an
ty with walking and stability. early one-stage procedure between the ages of 3 months to
Van Heest et al. demonstrated that elbow capsulotomy 1 year.
and triceps lengthening alone without tendon transfer
improved passive elbow flexion and the arc of elbow
motion to enable hand-to-mouth activities.7 Twenty-
nine elbows were operated in 23 children and an average
of 33 of passive motion was achieved, changing the arc
of motion to a more flexed position. The authors felt that
the risk of tendon transfer after capsulotomy may out-
weigh the benefits if the patient could achieve function- No benefits in any form have been received or will be
al independence by other means such as compensatory received from a commercial party related directly or indi-
movements. rectly to the subject of this article.
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