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Reliability and Feasibility of Offshore Wind Energy Farming off the coast of

Cape Cod and the effects on the coastal people.

Giovanni Papio (papio.4@osu.edu)
The Ohio State University, Food, Agricultural, and Biological Engineering, Columbus Ohio 43210

Determining Efficiency International Successes of Wind Support of Cape Wind Turbines Other American Projects
Wind turbines, which produce electricity by Energy Long Island has begun implementing plans
Produces new, reliable sources of clean
taking kinetic energy out of the atmosphere, for a 15 turbine plan that could power all
With over 66 wind farms and developing since energy (Coleman)
were tested using three models to determine electricity for East Hampton. The plan will
1991, Europe is performing extremely well So widely available (Jacobson)
the most efficient method of energy be in a 256 square mile area with room for
regarding offshore wind turbines. Already, Will create high paying jobs
production. It was determined that the GC up to 200 turbines. This project will be the
offshore wind farms exist in Belgium, (Coleman,Firestone)
Model was very comparable to the mVKE largest American commitment to wind
Denmark, Findland, Germany, Ireland, the Will preserve the environment
model. These methods are incredibly similar, energy (Cardwell, Firestone)
Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and the UK. Will combat climate change
but mVKE can actually produce more energy Energy prices will be reduced significantly,
on average. Overall, it was found that on (Drash). These farms together currently
employ 58,000 Europeans. Currently, in the particularly in a market where rates began Providence, Rhode Island created 5
ocean, mVKE produces about 0.64 skyrocketing in 2014 (Metzger) turbines near Block Island, which together
Watts/square meter of energy, while GCM UK each wind turbine can generate 6.5 million
kWh of electricity per year, enough to supply Will clean the air in Cape Cod, which has the produce 30 MW of energy. This is the most
produces 0.59 Watts/square meter. However, worst air quality and highest asthma rates in successful wind project (Cardwell,
in the Cape Cod region, GCM may be the power to 1,400 homes (Pasqualetti).
Massachusetts (Emmanuel) Deepwater Wind)
better choice (Miller, Kleidon) 10 years of work has been put into this project
Can barely been seen or heard from such a far
distance away (Drash)

Figure 6: The five wind

Opposition to Cape Wind turbines are positioned
Turbines behind block island,
making it very hard to
see from the coast of
Rhode Island. Image
They hurt the visual aesthetic of the area Courtesy of
(Coleman) Deepwater Wind
Figure 3: Off The coast of Copenhagen, this wind farm is Brings down local tourism and property values
just one example of successful international renewable (Pasqualetti)
energy. Image courtesy of Sutterstock/Tony Moran May harm local wildlife, like birds and
Hopes of Cape Wind May disrupt radar operations (Pasqualetti) References
Could hurt fishing commerce (Pasqualetti) Miller, L. & Kleidon, A. (2016). Wind speed reductions by large-scale wind
Many have incredibly high hopes for the Cape Wind Two companies, NSTAR and National Grid, turbine deployments lower turbine efficiencies and set low generation limits,
Figure 1 (above) Project. This project could provide up to 75% of power Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
Image courtesy of NASA
shows the efficiency
backed out of Cape Wind project (Siegel) America 113 (48):13570-13575.
needed by Cape Cod and surrounding islands (Drash).
Office of Satellite and
Product Operations
of each area for both With up to 130 of these 440 feet tall turbines, this project Project has cost $70 million and is still not Firestone, J., et al. (2015) Opinion: The time has come for offshore wind
power in the United States. Proceedings of the National Academy of
GCM and mVKE. In could produce up to 3.6 MW of energy, with a capacity resolved (Emmanuel) Sciences of the United States of America, 112 (39):11985-11988
the Cape Cod region, for 468 MW, all while creating 600-1000 American Jobs Wind energy varies too much for todays power Pasqualettie, M.J. (2011). Opposing Wind Energy Landscapes: A Search for
Common Cause. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 101
GCM has a higher (Cardwell, Siegel, Drash, Emmanuel,Pasqualetti, Cape systems (Jacobson) (4): 907-917.
Jacobson, M.Z., et al. (2015) Low-cost solution to the grid reliability problem
generation rate. Wind) This wind farm will be 15 miles off the coast of May be noisy (Coleman) with 100% penetration of intermittent wind, water, and solar for all
Image courtesy of Lee Marthas Vineyard, barely visible to the residents there. Could affect plane and boat navigation purposes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United
M. Miller and Axel This project also hopes to save money for the people of States of America, 112 (49) 15060-15065.
(Coleman) Dvorak, M.J. et al. (2012). US East Coast offshore wind energy resources
the Cape Cod area, where energy prices are hefty due and their relationship to peak-time electricity demand. Wind Energy, 16 (7):
to how far it is from natural gas sources (Metzger). Many 977-997
hope that this project will be one of the first steps to Coleman, J. (2008). Coliding fronts: Making sense of the wind power
debate. IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society, 49-57.
move the United States in a positive direction for Emmanuel, A. (2012 June 25). A Tragicomic Take on Cape Wind. The New
renewable energy. York Times, Web.
Figure 2 (left) displays Cardwell, D. (2017 Jan 26). Nation's Largest Offshore Wind Farm Will be
Build Off Long Island. The New York Times, pp B3
the general similarities Metzger, A. (2014 Sep 27). Cape Cod to see much higher electric rates. Cape
between GCM and Cod Today, Web.
Corcoran, S (2015 Jan 7). Cape Cod's Offshore Wind Project In Jeopardy. All
mVKE regarding their Things Considered, National Public Radio. Radio.
efficiencies per Drash, Wayne, and David Banks. "Nine-year Wind Farm Fight Splits Cape
percent of area Figure 5: Banner objecting the building of Cape Wind Cod." CNN. Cable News Network, 20 Apr. 2010. Web. 03 Mar. 2017.
"Clean Energy Is Just over the Horizon." Deepwater Wind. N.p., n.d. Web. 03
Image courtesy of Lee Figure 4: This logo represents the Cape Wind turbines in the Nantucket Sound. Image courtesy of Mar. 2017.
M. Miller and Axel Project, with their slogan for marketing support. Martin J. Pasqualetti, Arizona State University "Cape Wind | America's First Offshore Wind Farm." Cape Wind | America's
First Offshore Wind Farm. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Mar. 2017.
Kleidon Photo Courtesy of Cape Wind

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