Using Machine Learning To Predict Wind Turbine Power Output: You May Also Like
Using Machine Learning To Predict Wind Turbine Power Output: You May Also Like
Using Machine Learning To Predict Wind Turbine Power Output: You May Also Like
Keywords: machine learning, classification and regression trees, wind energy, wind turbine
Environ. Res. Lett. 8 (2013) 024009 A Clifton et al
Environ. Res. Lett. 8 (2013) 024009 A Clifton et al
Environ. Res. Lett. 8 (2013) 024009 A Clifton et al
is calculated using each tree, forced with the same input. The
outputs from the 100 different trees are combined to give the
mean and variance of the power estimate. An ensemble of
trees reduces variance and is less affected by ‘noisy’ training
data, than a single tree.
Hub height wind speed U, hub height turbulence intensity
Ti, wind shear exponent α, and operating region are chosen
as the predictive variables, while the 10 min mean power is
the predicted value. All of these variables can be sampled
during turbine testing. Importantly, the predictive variables
(U, Ti, α) may be available for a new site if high-frequency
hub height wind data are collected at the new location. The
turbine operating region can be estimated as a function of
mean wind speed and turbine rated speed. Other variables may
be important for turbine performance but are not considered in
this first exploration of the regression tree method.
Environ. Res. Lett. 8 (2013) 024009 A Clifton et al
Environ. Res. Lett. 8 (2013) 024009 A Clifton et al
Rose and Apt 2012). Finally, the regression model is forced Acknowledgments
with the inflow conditions at a new site to estimate the power
production over the 25 year period. This work was supported by the US Department of Energy
As well as predicting the response of a single wind under Contract No. DE-AC36-08GO28308 with the National
turbine, regression trees could be used to predict energy Renewable Energy Laboratory. Marshall Buhl provided
produced by multiple turbines at a wind plant. The regression valuable support with the initial preparation of FAST
tree could be trained using observations of inflow conditions, simulations and interpretation of FAST data.
turbine availability, and power produced by individual
turbines. The trained model could then be used to predict References
power output either for the individual turbines, or for the
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5. Conclusions Clifton A, Schreck S, Scott G, Kelley N D and Lundquist J 2012
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