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Renewable Energy: J.N. Kamau, R. Kinyua, J.K. Gathua

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Renewable Energy 35 (2010) 1298–1302

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Renewable Energy
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Data Bank

6 years of wind data for Marsabit, Kenya average over 14 m/s

at 100 m hub height; An analysis of the wind energy potential
J.N. Kamau a, R. Kinyua a, *, J.K. Gathua b
Department of Physics, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Nairobi, Kenya
Department of Physics, Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The wind energy potential for generation of electricity and for domestic water pumping has been
Received 11 April 2009 investigated for Marsabit, Kenya. Marsabit (37 580 N, 2 190 E) lies in Eastern province approximately
Accepted 9 October 2009 560 km from Nairobi. Wind data from the Kenya Meteorological department for the period 2001–2006
Available online 13 November 2009
has been used to study the Diurnal, monthly and inter-annual variability using empirical methods
including the Power law and Weibull statistics. Average wind speeds greater than11 m/s at a height of
10 m are prevalent in this area. The available power density at a height of 100 m is between 1776 W/m2
Energy potential
and 2202 W/m2 which is in the wind class range of 7 and 8. The maximum extractable power density at
Weibull parameters
Wind speed 100 m varied between 1417 W/m2 and 1757 W/m2. Values of Weibull parameters k (dimensionless) and
Wind frequency c (m/s) ranged between 2.5–3.05 and 11.86–12.97 respectively. Wind Rose analysis revealed no marked
Wind class variation in wind direction and frequency throughout the year (mean direction between 150 and 160
Wind Rose degrees with highest standard deviation of 33.5 degrees). From the analysis, the site was found suitable
for grid connected power generation and also for other stand-alone generators that can be used for water
pumping and battery charging.
Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Wind energy is the world’s fastest growing energy source,

expanding at annual rates of between 25 and 35% [2]. Wind
Energy resource is one of the most important and continuous capacity world-wide increased by 26% in 2007 hitting the 100 GW
issues of our time. It determines the form and rate of economic mark by July 2008 [3]. Recent interests in wind energy technology
growth. The energy demand is increasing continuously with pop- have resulted in bigger turbines, larger rotor diameters and reduced
ulation and industrialization and one of the ways to fulfill this costs that are quite competitive with other sources. Currently,
demand is to use renewable energy sources, that is, technologies Kenya has only 5.1 MW of wind power connected to the grid.
that can be used in future without irreparably or irreversibly This paper examines the wind energy potential for Marsabit
damaging the ecosystem [1]. (37 580 N, 2 190 E), a rural town in the northern part of Kenya with
In Kenya, the cost of oil based imports has increased by over possibilities of feeding the power obtained into the national grid
1000% in the past three decades. The cost of electricity alone has and also for pumping water for domestic use, irrigation and for
more than doubled in the past year. However the generation of pasture in the surrounding areas. The specific objectives include:
electricity (hydro, thermal and geothermal) has been growing
slowly in Kenya and is currently at about 1200 MW. Furthermore, 1. Characterizing the various wind parameters viz., average speed
due to the high component of hydropower (about 700 MW), the (diurnal monthly and inter-annual variability), Weibull shape
country always faces chronic shortages of power during the dry parameter, k (dimensionless) and scale parameter, c (m/s).
season. Therefore there is need to develop alternative energy 2. Performing Wind Rose analysis and determining the available
sources such as solar and wind energy to satisfy the growing power density for the site.
demand without harming the environment.
The data used in this study consists of averaged time series wind
speeds for the period between 2001 and 2006. The wind speed data
was recorded at the standard Anemometer height of 10 m by the
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ254 722330488; fax: þ254 067 52164. Kenya Meteorological Department (KMD). Wind direction was also
E-mail address: kinyua@fsc.jkuat.ac.ke (R. Kinyua). recorded for the same period.

0960-1481/$ – see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J.N. Kamau et al. / Renewable Energy 35 (2010) 1298–1302 1299

Table 2
Monthly average values of Weibull shape parameter k (dimensionless) and scale
parameter c (m/s) for Marsabit, Kenya 2001–2006.

Month Parameters 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Jan k 2.077 3.155 2.896 2.112 2.190 2.783
c 9.590 10.180 9.240 10.610 11.380 12.180
Feb k 3.486 3.610 2.708 1.884 2.894 2.694
c 14.300 11.760 11.110 12.180 13.040 13.080
Mar k 2.739 2.315 3.390 2.453 3.107 3.364
c 14.180 9.720 11.970 12.220 12.750 12.080
Apr k 2.278 2.427 2.741 2.204 3.316 3.184
c 11.040 9.760 11.550 10.380 12.770 10.930
May k 2.909 2.063 2.428 2.175 2.520 3.800
c 12.590 10.940 13.790 11.390 11.180 12.270
Jun k 3.278 3.038 2.367 3.459 3.416 4.042
c 12.600 12.700 12.480 14.870 13.900 13.360
Jul k 3.769 3.610 3.278 3.717 3.572 6.113
c 13.370 14.470 12.810 13.950 14.420 13.030
Aug k 3.379 3.768 3.363 4.260 3.708 3.149
c 14.140 16.030 12.140 14.430 13.460 12.080
Sep k 3.176 3.392 3.605 3.365 2.909 4.180
c 13.830 15.520 14.600 14.420 13.250 13.510
Oct k 3.072 2.866 3.297 3.047 4.229 2.795
c 12.220 12.670 11.670 13.020 13.610 10.640
Nov k 3.310 2.902 4.446 2.182 2.805 3.056
Fig. 1. Inter-annual probability distribution function for Marsabit, Kenya 2001–2006. c 10.510 10.290 11.330 10.030 10.770 9.440
Dec k 3.310 2.114 3.348 2.391 3.098 2.274
c 11.310 8.400 10.620 9.840 11.540 9.140
All k 2.817 2.533 2.835 2.502 2.984 3.053
2. Methodology c 12.510 11.970 12.000 12.360 12.720 11.860

Wind energy resource is highly variable both in space and time;   k1   k 
therefore, to understand the characteristics of the resource various k v v
f ðvÞ ¼ exp  (1)
parameters were considered. c c c

2.1. Probability distribution function (PDF) where f (v) is the probability of observing wind speed v, c (m/s) is
the Weibull scale parameter and k is the dimensionless shape
Due to the variability of the wind speed it is found useful to plot factor.
the wind speed probability distribution function (the percentage of The cumulative probability function of the Weibull distribution
time that the wind spends at each speed) to understand the char- is given by
acter of the variation. One of the commonly used functions for this   k 
purpose is the Weibull distribution [4], [5] given by v
FðvÞ ¼ 1  exp  (2)

Table 1
To determine k and c requires a good fit of Equation (2) to the
Monthly average wind speeds v (m/s) and standard deviation s (m/s) for Marsabit, recorded discrete cumulative frequency function [5]. Taking the
Kenya 2001–2006. natural logarithm of both sides of Equation (2) twice gives
Month Parameters 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Jan v 8.530 9.140 8.240 9.420 10.130 10.850
s 4.253 3.071 3.094 4.662 4.773 4.261
Feb v 12.860 10.590 9.880 10.910 11.640 11.730
s 3.993 3.192 3.940 5.708 4.460 4.655
Mar v 12.630 8.600 10.760 10.870 11.400 10.890
s 4.959 3.973 3.542 4.744 4.150 3.665
Apr v 9.750 8.640 10.290 9.200 11.480 9.820
s 4.583 3.830 4.054 4.423 3.833 3.419
May v 11.220 9.730 12.250 10.100 9.980 11.100
s 4.226 4.856 5.335 4.896 4.180 3.197
Jun v 11.290 11.350 11.050 13.380 12.510 12.150
s 3.807 4.032 4.989 4.310 3.974 3.400
Jul v 12.080 13.060 11.480 12.590 13.040 12.110
s 3.622 3.855 3.775 3.856 4.033 2.260
Aug v 12.680 14.490 10.890 13.160 12.170 10.840
s 4.272 4.131 3.611 3.476 3.710 3.861
Sep v 12.370 13.930 13.160 12.960 11.790 12.270
s 4.313 4.470 4.003 4.223 4.507 3.485
Oct v 10.920 11.280 10.470 11.640 12.430 9.540
s 3.886 4.168 3.432 4.176 3.262 3.669
Nov v 9.430 9.170 10.340 8.890 9.640 8.460
s 3.131 3.425 2.556 4.284 3.682 3.101
Dec v 10.150 7.440 9.550 8.720 10.400 8.160
s 3.303 3.725 3.092 3.920 3.665 3.744
All v 11.150 10.620 10.700 10.990 11.380 10.650
Fig. 2. Inter-annual monthly variation of average wind speed for Marsabit, Kenya
s 4.286 4.487 4.038 4.718 4.171 3.837
1300 J.N. Kamau et al. / Renewable Energy 35 (2010) 1298–1302

2.4. Wind power density

The maximum power, P, available from the wind

P ¼ rAv3 (5)
where r is the density of air and A is the swept area of the rotor. The
actual amount would be less since all available energy is not
Monthly or annual wind power density per unit area, Pw of a site
based on Weibull probability density function can be expressed as
1 3 3
Pw ¼ rc 1 þ (6)
2 k
The two significant parameters k and c have been shown [11] to
be related to the mean value of the wind speed v as
v ¼ cG 1 þ (7)
Fig. 3. Inter-annual variability of the average wind speed by hour of day Marsabit,
Kenya 2001–2006.
The maximum extractable power PE (W/m2), by a system
working at its optimum efficiency, is limited by the power coeffi-
cient called the Betz limit whose value is 16/27 or 0.593 [12] and is
therefore given by
lnh  ln½1  FðvÞi ¼ k lnðvÞ  k ln c (3)
PE ¼ 0:593P (8)
Plotting lnC  ln½1  FðvÞD against ln (v) presents a straight line This power coefficient makes the maximum extractable power
whose gradient is k and the y-intercept is k ln c from which c can approximately 59.3% of the theoretical power density.
be calculated.

3. Results and discussion

2.2. Wind direction
In this study wind speed data for Marsabit for the six year period
A Wind Rose is a polar plot that represents the percentage of the from 2001 to 2006 was analyzed. Based on this data, wind speeds
time that the wind direction falls within the sector of the compass. were processed using WindographerÓ software program to obtain
This is important for determining the type of turbine to be used in distribution curves and Wind Rose plots. Calculations were then
a particular location and also its orientation to the wind stream. made to obtain Weibull parameters k and c, the mean wind speeds
Where the wind direction is shown over a period, the value and the mean power density.
represents the vector sum for the period. We show the direction for Fig. 1 shows the probability density function (PDF) for the years
standard anemometer height of 10 m. 2001–2006. All the plots show a similar profile of a near normal
distribution around the modal value of 11 m/s. The mean annual
2.3. Wind speed variation with height values of wind speeds range between 10.6 and 11.4 m/s whilst the
k values range between 2.50 and 3.10 showing very small spatial
As stated before, the standard anemometer height is 10 m. variation.
However, in order to harvest wind energy, wind speeds at heights Tables 1 and 2 show the monthly average wind speeds v m/s and
greater than 10 m are required. Therefore, equations that predict their corresponding standard deviations. The lowest monthly average
the wind speeds at one height in terms of the measured speed at wind speed of 7.440 m/s was registered in December 2002 whilst
another height are required. The power law model has received August 2002 recorded the highest average wind speed of 14.490 m/s.
extensive application in the field of wind energy basically to esti- The lowest standard deviation of 2.556 m/s was recorded in
mate the hub height wind speeds at various potential sites [6,7,8]. November 2003 whilst the highest standard deviation of 5.708 was
The formula takes the form recorded in February 2004. The inter-annual monthly variations are
illustrated by Fig. 2. It is clear from the plots that the months of June,
 a July, August and September registered the highest average wind
v2 z2 speed. This can be attributed to the north-easterly wind currents that
¼ (4)
v1 z1 arise due to the northern hemisphere summer (June–August). For
most years February and March registered high averages mainly due
where v2 is the extrapolated wind speed at height z2 and v1 is the to the south-easterlies resulting from the northern hemisphere
measured speed at z1. winter (December–February). The month to month variation
The exponent a depends on such factors as nature of terrain exhibited in Fig. 2 may be attributed to channeling effects of wind due
(surface roughness), wind speeds and temperature [9]. For the many hills around this area [13]. The inter-annual variability in the
neutral stability the exponent value of 1/7 has widely been wind speeds could be associated with the inter-annual variation in
chosen as a good representative of the prevailing conditions the monsoonal wind characteristics. Fig. 3 illustrates the inter-annual
[10]. We used the power law to predict the wind speeds at the variability of the average wind speed by hour of day. All the years
various heights. under consideration show a similar profile with the lowest average
J.N. Kamau et al. / Renewable Energy 35 (2010) 1298–1302 1301

Average of Wind Power Density Marsabit 2002

350° 10°
340° 20°

330° 30°

320° 40°

310° 50°

300° 60°

290° 70°

280° 80°

270° 90°

260° 100°

400 W/m²
250° 110°

240° 120°

800 W/m²
230° 130°

220° 140°

210° 150°
1,200 W/m²
200° 160°
190° 180° 170°

Average of Wind Power Density 2006

350° 10°
340° 20°

330° 30°

320° 40°

310° 50°

300° 60°

290° 70°

280° 80°

270° 90°

260° 100°

500 W/m²
250° 110°

240° 120°

1,000 W/m²
230° 130°

220° 140°

210° 150°
1,500 W/m²
200° 160°
190° 180° 170°

Fig. 4. a: Average power density by direction for Marsabit, Kenya 2002. b: Average power density by direction for Marsabit, Kenya 2006.
1302 J.N. Kamau et al. / Renewable Energy 35 (2010) 1298–1302

Table 3 4. Conclusions
Summary of annual average wind speeds, Weibull shape parameter k (dimension-
less), Weibull scale parameter c (m/s), available power density P10 at height 10 m
(W/m2), available power density P50 at height 50 m and P100 at height 100 m, wind
The following main conclusions can be drawn from this study:
class, maximum extractable power density PE (W/m2), mean direction of the wind
( ) and the standard deviation sd ( ) of the wind direction. 1. The average wind speed for the site studied was found to range
Parameter 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
from 10.62 to 11.38 m/s. These are high wind speeds throughout
the six years giving power densities of between 903 and
v(10) (m/s) 11.15 10.62 10.70 10.99 11.38 10.65
k 2.81 2.53 2.83 2.50 2.99 3.05 1119 W/m2 at 10 m. Power law calculation gave available power
c (m/s) 12.51 12.97 12.00 12.36 12.72 11.86 densities of between 1776 and 2202 W/m2 at a height of 50 m
v100 (m/s) 15.4 14.7 14.8 15.1 15.7 14.8 and between 1776 and 2202 W/m2 at 100 m height. The
P10 (W/m2) 1097 1021 967 1119 1121 903 maximum extractable power at a height of 100 m was found to
P50 (W/m2) 2157 2007 1901 2199 2202 1776
Wind class 8 8 7 8 8 7
be between 1417 and 1757 W/m2. Increasing the hub height will
P100 (W/m2) 2900 2710 2550 2959 2963 2390 have a corresponding increase in the extractable power even
PE (W/m2) 1719 1607 1512 1754 1757 1417 though it will also come with an increased sophistication and
Mean direction ( ) 155.1 156.0 158.9 158.6 155.7 153.5 cost in the construction of a support tower.
sd ( ) 25.3 26.9 24.9 29.4 28.5 33.5
2. The yearly Weibull parameters k (dimensionless) and c (m/s)
ranged from 2.05 to 3.05 and 11.86 to 12.96 m/s respectively.
3. Wind Rose analysis showed that the wind direction was fairly
consistent from between 150 and 160 which is generally from
Table 4 the South to South East for most of the years.
Wind class at a height of 50 m. 4. This site was found suitable for power generation both for grid
Wind speed (m/s) Wind power density (W/m2) Wind class
connection and also for stand-alone activities such as water
pumping and battery charging.
<5.6 <200 1
<6.4 <300 2
<7.0 <400 3 It is anticipated that the study can give useful insights to the
<7.5 <500 4 stake-holders in wind energy technology.
<8.0 <600 5
<8.8 <800 6
<11.9 <2000 7

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