ch-1 Petruzella PDF
ch-1 Petruzella PDF
ch-1 Petruzella PDF
Programmable Logic
Controllers (PLCs)
An Overview
Chapter Objectives
After completing this chapter, you will be able to: This chapter gives a brief history of the evolution
1.1 Define what a programmable logic controller (PLC) is of the programmable logic controller, or PLC.
and list its advantages over relay systems The reasons for changing from relay control sys-
1.2 Identify the main parts of a PLC and describe their tems to PLCs are discussed. You will learn the
functions basic parts of a PLC, how a PLC is used to con-
1.3 Outline the basic sequence of operation for a PLC trol a process, and the different kinds of PLCs
1.4 Identify the general classifications of PLCs and their applications. The ladder logic language,
which was developed to simplify the task of pro-
gramming PLCs, is introduced.
(a) (b)
User program
Processor Module
Input Central
sensing Processing M Output
devices Unit (CPU) load
Program Data
Optical Optical
isolation isolation
Programming device
(a) Modular type
Power supply
Input Output
section section
uts Ex
inp ec
ad u
ca s &
slides into tp
gno ni
the rack Dia mu
IN 1 OUT 0
IN 2 M OUT 1
IN 3 OUT 2
IN 4 OUT 3
IN 5 OUT 4
IN 6 OUT 5
IN 7 OUT 6
IN 8 OUT 7
IN 9 OUT 8
IN 10 R OUT 9
IN 11 OUT 10
IN 12 OUT 11
IN 13 OUT 12
IN 14 Y OUT 13
IN 15 OUT 14
OUT 15
Field device
power supply
Figure 1-20 Typical wiring connections for a 120 VAC
modular congured output module.
Source: Photo courtesy Automation Direct,
For the program to operate, the controller is placed
2 in the RUN mode, or operating cycle. During each op-
erating cycle, the controller examines the status of input
3 devices, executes the user program, and changes outputs
accordingly. Each symbol can be thought of as a set of
normally open contacts. The symbol is considered to
pushbutton represent a coil that, when energized, will close a set of
contacts. In the ladder logic program of Figure 1-21, the
coil O/1 is energized when contacts I/1 and I/2 are closed
L1 N
120 VAC Common
or when contact I/3 is closed. Either of these conditions
provides a continuous logic path from left to right across
Figure 1-19 Typical wiring connections for a 120 VAC the rung that includes the coil.
modular congured input module. A programmable logic controller operates in real time
Source: Photo courtesy Automation Direct, in that an event taking place in the field will result in an
operation or output taking place. The RUN operation for
the process control scheme can be described by the fol-
Next, the PLC ladder logic program would be con- lowing sequence of events:
structed and entered into the memory of the CPU. A First, the pressure switch, temperature switch, and
typical ladder logic program for this process is shown in pushbutton inputs are examined and their status is
Figure 1-21. The format used is similar to the layout of recorded in the controllers memory.
the hardwired relay ladder circuit. The individual symbols
A closed contact is recorded in memory as logic 1
represent instructions, whereas the numbers represent the
and an open contact as logic 0.
instruction location addresses. To program the controller,
you enter these instructions one by one into the proces- Next the ladder diagram is evaluated, with each
sor memory from the programming device. Each input internal contact given an OPEN or CLOSED status
and output device is given an address, which lets the PLC according to its recorded 1 or 0 state.
know where it is physically connected. Note that the I/O When the states of the input contacts provide logic
address format will differ, depending on the PLC model continuity from left to right across the rung, the
and manufacturer. Instructions are stored in the user pro- output coil memory location is given a logic 1 value
gram portion of the processor memory. During the pro- and the output module interface contacts will close.
gram scan the controller monitors the inputs, executes the When there is no logic continuity of the program
control program, and changes the output accordingly. rung, the output coil memory location is set to logic0
I/2 Manual
Figure 1-21 Process control PLC ladder logic program with typical addressing scheme.
L1 L2 I1 I2 I3
I1 I2 Q1
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
M Starter
Figure 1-22 Typical wiring required to implement the process control scheme
using a xed PLC controller.
Source: Image Used with Permission of Rockwell Automation, Inc.
and the output module interface contacts will be Generally, the output memory location is updated
open. during the scan but the actual output is not
The completion of one cycle of this sequence by the updateduntil the end of the program scan during
controller is called a scan. The scan time, the time theI/O scan.
required for one full cycle, provides a measure of Figure 1-22 shows the typical wiring required to im-
the speed of response of the PLC. plement the process control scheme using a fixed PLC
Figure 1-25 PLC installed in an industrial environment. Figure 1-27 Programmable automation controller (PAC).
Source: (ab) Courtesy Automation IG. Source: Photo courtesy Omron Industrial Automation,
Software associated with a PLC but written and run on by blending the advantages of PLC-style control with
a personal computer falls into the following two broad that of PC-based systems. Such a device has been termed
categories: a programmable automation controller, or PAC (Fig-
PLC software that allows the user to program and ure1-27). Programmable automation controllers combine
document gives the user the tools to write a PLC PLC ruggedness with PC functionality. Using PACs, you
programusing ladder logic or another program- can build advanced systems incorporating software capa-
ming languageand document or explain the bilities such as advanced control, communication, data
program in as much detail as is necessary. logging, and signal processing with rugged hardware per-
forming logic, motion, process control, and vision.
PLC software that allows the user to monitor
and control the process is also called a human
machine interface (HMI). It enables the user to 1.6 PLC Size and Application
view a processor a graphical representation of a
The criteria used in categorizing PLCs include functional-
processon a monitor, determine how the system
ity, number of inputs and outputs, cost, and physical size
is running, trend values, and receive alarm condi-
(Figure 1-28). Of these, the I/O count is the most impor-
tions (Figure1-26). Many operator interfaces do
tant factor. In general, the nano is the smallest size with
not use PLC software. PLCs can be integrated with
less than 15 I/O points. This is followed by micro types
HMIs but the same software does not program both
(15 to 128 I/O points), medium types (128 to 512 I/O
points), and large types (over 512 I/O points).
Most recently automation manufacturers have responded Matching the PLC with the application is a key factor
to the increased requirements of industrial control systems in the selection process. In general it is not advisable to
1. What is a programmable logic controller (PLC)? 12. The programmable controller operates in real time.
2. Identify four tasks in addition to relay switching What does this mean?
operations that PLCs are capable of performing. 13. Answer the following with reference to the process
3. List six distinct advantages that PLCs offer over control PLC ladder logic diagram of Figure 1-21 of
conventional relay-based control systems. this chapter:
a. What do the individual symbols represent?
4. Explain the differences between open and propri-
b. What do the numbers represent?
etary PLC architecture.
c. What field device is the number I/2 identified
5. State two ways in which I/O is incorporated into with?
the PLC. d. What field device is the number O/1 identified
6. Describe how the I/O modules connect to the pro- with?
cessor in a modular-type PLC configuration. e. What two conditions will provide a continuous
7. Explain the main function of each of the following path from left to right across the rung?
major components of a PLC: f. Describe the sequence of operation of the
a. Processor module (CPU) controller for one scan of the program.
b. I/O modules 14. Compare the method by which the process control
c. Programming device operation is changed in a relay-based system to the
d. Power supply module method used for a PLC-based system.
8. What are the two most common types of PLC pro- 15. Compare the PLC and PC with regard to:
gramming devices? a. Physical hardware differences
9. Explain the terms program and programming lan- b. Operating environment
guage as they apply to a PLC. c. Method of programming
d. Execution of program
10. What is the standard programming language used
with PLCs? 16. What two categories of software written and run on
PCs are used in conjunction with PLCs?
11. Answer the following with reference to the process
control relay ladder diagram of Figure 1-18 of this 17. What is a programmable automation controller
chapter: (PAC)?
a. When do the pressure switch contacts close? 18. List four criteria by which PLCs are categorized.
b. When do the temperature switch contacts close? 19. Compare the single-ended, multitask, and control
c. How are the pressure and temperature switches management types of PLC applications.
connected with respect to each other?
20. What is the memory capacity, expressed in bits, for
d. Describe the two conditions under which the
a PLC that uses 16-bit words and has an 8 K word
motor starter coil will become energized.
e. What is the approximate value of the voltage
drop across each of the following when their 21. List five factors affecting the memory size needed
contacts are open? for a particular PLC installation.
(1) Pressure switch 22. What does the instruction set for a particular PLC
(2) Temperature switch refer to?
(3) Manual pushbutton
1. Given two single-pole switches, write a program 2. Given two single-pole switches, write a program that
that will turn on an output when both switch A and will turn on an output when either switch A or switch
switch B are closed. B is closed.
S1 S3