Enemy of Truth
Enemy of Truth
Enemy of Truth
Thousands of young men are willing to die for the truth. But few
are willing to study for five years [to learn] what the truth is.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky1
One thing that happens to theories that hang around past their
time is that theyre nibbled to death by routine findings.
--Jerry Fodor and Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini2
Abstract: This is a valiant book that sometimes stumbles and falls short of its
proclaimed goal, especially as expressed in the first quotation above. On the other hand,
the author does a skillful job on several core topics: the incompetence of the Dallas
police, the unreliability of ear witnesses, the unreliability of skull beveling, the futility of
neutron activation analysis (for the JFK case), and the single bullet theory.
I especially applaud the author for the renewed focus on the south side of the
triple overpass (opposite the Grassy Knoll) for a possible headshotthe same site often
nominated for the throat shot. She may even be right about seeing back spatter in Z-313.
Since we are largely in agreement on these issues, I say little about them in this review.
However, I disagree strongly on some other fundamental matters, as detailed
below. For impatient readers, I list these disagreements more concisely in the
Conclusions. In the following discussion I use subtitles as they appear in the book
(underlined here). Statements from the book are in italics and enclosed by quotation
marks. I also use italics for my own emphases.
Enemy of the Truth (EoT) defines myth (p. xv) as lacking historical or
scientific sustenance. A rather different definition is traditionally used in folklore:
Although I have been unable to locate the original source, Doug Fabian attributes this to Dostoyevsky. If
Fyodor did not say this, then he should have: http://www.humanevents.com/2013/07/03/the-liquidation-
Jerry Fodor and Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini, What Darwin Got Wrong (2010), p. 55. I was thinking here
not just about the lone gunman theory, but also about Zapruder film authenticity.
a traditional [usually pre-scientific and pre-literate] story of ostensibly historical
events that illustrates the world view of a people or explains a practice, belief, or
natural phenomenon.3
EoT clearly avoids this folkloric definition: instead the author uses myth as a
pejorativemeaning a misconception, false belief, or mistake. To avoid this semantic
bog she might instead have used one of these latter words.
EoT claims that "myths and facts are irreconcilable (p. xvi), i.e., in the
authors (black and white) view myths are false and facts are true. While the author does
not distinguish between facts and theories, that distinction is also nonetheless critical to
this discussion: facts can be defined as claims that are both true and verifiable (this
restricts them to finite portions of space-time). On the other hand, scientific theories
(which are not restricted to local portions of space-time) can in principle be false (e.g.,
the geocentric model).
Furthermore, theories can be supersededwithout necessarily re-labeling them as
myths. For example, even though Newtonian physics is now a special case of
Einsteins theory of relativity, no historian or scientist would therefore describe Newtons
Laws as myths. It is curious though, that in making her case, the author actually
assumes the unqualified applicability of Newtons laws, even though these laws (since
they have been replaced by relativity) might well meet her definition of a myth.4
Even more troubling though is this: myths can be inspired by facts. As examples,
Troy (Heinrich Schliemann), Ur (Sir Leonard Wooley), and Minos (Sir Arthur Evans)
were once regarded as myths, but today these sites are widely accepted as archaeological
reality (although the stories are another matter). Therefore, if facts can become myths and
myths can be recognized as fact-based, perhaps EoT should not so quickly conclude that
myth cannot become truth.
This semantic confusion burrows even deeper, however. One of EoTs alleged
myths is that the Zapruder film does not represent reality.5 At the very least, EoT
should regard this as an hypothesis rather than as a myth; in particular, it is an hypothesis
that can be subjected to experimentand therefore to possible disproof. For example,
just recently I viewed yet more objective evidence that strongly suggests alteration in
several frames. (This quantitative data will likely be reported later this year.) Many
readers, like me, will therefore be disconcerted by EoTs unwarranted and unnecessary
verdict on the extant Z-film. On the contrary, will we again see myth turn into reality?
Another EoT claim tends to trivialize the difference between truth and reality
the author implies that assertions or characterizations about reality may not actually
correspond to the way things are: Consequently, truth is often a matter of perspective
not irrefutable fact (p. xv). If the author truly believes this (as the subsequent discussion
seems to imply), then she has joined the post-modernists, who doubt the existence of
objective physical reality.6
Adapted from Wikipedia.
When scientific methods prove a theory true, it becomes a fact. When scientific methods prove a theory
false, it becomes a myth (Fiester, p. 331).
Paradoxically, Jim Marrs (Foreword) states: There are even legitimate arguments that the famous film of
Abraham Zapruder has been altered from the original. EoT definitely does not say that.
See the breathtaking hoax by physicist Alan Sokal, cited in my review of Vincent Bugliosis Reclaiming
History (2007) (http://www.assassinationscience.com/v5n1mantik.pdf). Sokal has stated: And I'm a
This is a serious issue, for if truth need not reflect reality, then the entire basis for
EoT begins to evaporate. And such discussion about truth and realityin opposition
to myths and misconceptionsthen assumes a different level of meaning, i.e., it seems
that one myth is simply replaced by another (in such a post-modernist scheme).
The Dallas Police Department in the 1960s was comprised of men who were
doing the best job they possibly could (p. 4). Almost the same statement appears
again (p. 50).
In view of the severe criticism of the DPD throughout this chapter, what can EoT
possibly mean by the high praise in the first quotation here, especially since it is repeated
near the end of the chapter? And if the author truly believes that the DPD was a first-rate
organization in the 1960s, what evidence is cited? The answer isnone at all.
EoT claims that fingerprints are unique to each individual (p. 33). Even if that is
theoretically true, however, a critical revolution in matching prints has occurred over the
past decade. These new findings view fingerprints in a totally new light. See my book
review of John McAdams.7
The author states that latent fingerprints can be developed with silver nitrate (p.
35) via a reaction with silver chloride deposited by the body in any print. (If that were
true, instead of killing Aztecs in his search for silver, Hernn Corts could instead
merely have fingerprinted them!) Of course, silver chloride should read sodium
This chapter cites the acoustic experiments of the House Select Committee on
Assassinations (HSCA) and concludes that subsequent studies have been conflicting. On
the contrary, if the reductio ad absurdum argument produced by Linsker and Garwin8 is
accepted (which seems inescapable), then this issue has been settledthe acoustics data
are irrelevant. (It is only a matter of understanding the argument, which does require a
little effort.) Believers in the acoustic data cite the 5% (i.e., low) probability that (in
stodgy old scientist who believes, naively, that there exists an external world, that there exist objective
truths about that world. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Sokal). Post-modernists take exception to
this, in surprising agreement with EoT.
How to Think Like John McAdams (http://www.ctka.net/reviews/McAdams_Mantik.html).
See my review of Don Thomass book: http://www.ctka.net/reviews/mantik_thomas_review_pt1.html.
Enrico Fermi once called Richard Garwin the only true genius he had ever met (William J. Broad,
Physicist and Rebel is Bruised, Not Beaten, New York Times, November 16, 1999
bruised-not-beaten.html?pagewanted=all&src=pm). In 1952, Garwin designed the plan for the first
hydrogen bomb.
effect) a lone gunman did it. As a comparison, however, for the opening coin flip in five
consecutive Super Bowls (2009-2013), heads came up each time.9 The chances of this are
1 in 32 (3%), which is even less than the 5% chance cited for a lone gunmanyet these
coin tosses supposedly happened by pure chance and for no other reason.
Furthermore, in nine consecutive Super Bowls (1998 - 2006), tails came up eight
times; the probability of getting eight tails in nine tries (in any order) is less than 2%.10
Moreover, as John Ioannidis explains, via a convincing mathematical argument, many
scientific (especially medical) claims are false.11 I strongly suspect that the acoustic data
fall into this category, i.e., 5% claims most certainly can be wrong (by chance alone).
That is why physicists demand much higher levels of certaintywitness the
announcement of the Higgs boson on July 4, 2012.12 I can only fantasize that medicine
will also some day require higher levels of certainty. Many patients have already paid a
price for not requiring it. These wrong medical results have typically come from
randomized, controlled clinical trialsoften claimed to be the best that medicine can
In this same chapter on ear witnesses we read:
This means that witnesses in Dealey Plaza close to the path of the bullet
were very likely incorrect in their judgment on the source of the sound
and the placement of the shooter (p. 82).
What is striking (and paradoxical) here is that EoT later cites (pp. 219-221) ear witnesses
who support the authors proposal of a gunman on the south side of the triple overpass
(opposite the Grassy Knoll).13 But if ear witnesses are so unreliable (as seems likely) how
then can the author justify using them to support her case?
the assertion that the blood in the Zapruder film is faked is absolutely
identified as a myth (p. 120).
EoT concludes that the bloody mist in Z-313 is back spatter (which may be true),
while leaving unexamined the curious bright reflection (e.g., in Z-335 and Z-337) on
Why Most Published Research Findings are False, PLoS Med 2, No. 8 (2005): e124. Also see The
Half-Life of Facts (2008), Samuel Arbesman, chapter 8 and Sifting the evidencewhats wrong with
significance tests? by Jonathon A. C. Sterne, British Medical Journal 2001; 322 (7280): 226-231.
Each experiment quotes a likelihood of very close to 5 sigma, meaning the likelihood that the events
were produced by chance is less than one in 3.5 million. Yet in spite of this, the only claim that has been
made so far is that the new particle is real and Higgs-like. The existing data set is still too small to
statistically determine with precise accuracy that the data is consistent with the standard model
If their recollections were actually useful, most of these witnesses could also be cited to suggest a shot
from the north side of the overpassi.e., their statements are usually not specific for the south side. (In this
review, this south side is sometimes called the South Knoll.)
JFKs pre-auricular/temple area.14 At chapters end, the reader is left uncertain about the
authors opinion of this bright spot. Is it also blood? Was this faked? If it is real, why is
its movement in the film so erratic? And why did no one see anything unusual in this area
at Parkland?15
EoT seems uninterested in this puzzling issue; despite this, however, the author
proclaims that faked blood (presumably including this bright site) in the Z-film is a
mythwith absolute certainty. (This degree of certainty goes well beyond even the
enthusiasm of most physicists for their favorite physical theories.16) One observer who
clearly disagreed with EoT (regarding this area), is Dr. Roderick T. Ryan, an Eastman
Kodak Gold Medal Award Winner, who told Noel Twyman that this object looked as
though it had been painted in.17
Insofar as the mist in front of JFK, EoT cites Bill Newman, who described this as
about two feet in diameter (p. 340). Oddly enough, in his video interview with Douglas
Horne (July 9, 2011), Dino Brugioni viewed the mist in the extant film and recalled (with
great certainty) that the mist was larger in the (original) film that he had seen during the
weekend of the assassination (November 23-24, 1963).
In this video, I watched him outline on a projected image of Z-313 how much
larger this mist had been in 1963.18 Unfortunately, EoT was too incurious to ask Newman
if the size of the mist in the extant film agreed with his own recollections.19 Furthermore,
Brugioni recalled that the mist he had seen in the (original) Z-film in 1963 had been
white, not red. If Brugioni's recollection is correct, then the red mist in Z-313
is artworknot authentic back spatterthat was painted on an animation cell during the
film's alteration (possibly using an optical printer modified to perform aerial imaging
visual effects). This image might even have been copied from a later portion of the Z-
film. In that case, this image would bypass EoTs argument that no one knew how to
create backspatter in 1963. (However, even if Z-313 supposedly depicts the sole
headshot, a profound paradox emerges when the particle trail on the lateral X-ray film is
scrutinized; this is discussed below.)
Remarkable evidence, including (altered) surveyors data sheets,20 exists for a
headshot distinctly farther down Elm Street, i.e., closer to the stairs that ascend the
In High Treason II (1992), p. 363, Harry Livingstone describes a blob, which is half a foot wide. The
object in question here though is the very bright area just anterior to the ear, only several inches across.
In June 1970, Lifton viewed the frames after Z-334 (the last one published by the Warren Commission)
and discovered that the supposed right facial wound of JFK (not seen by anyone at Parkland) was
enormousand that it appeared merely to be artwork. Provoked by this, Lifton then studied Insert Matte
Photography and suggested that the blacking out effect [e.g., in Z-317] might also be artwork (Pig on a
Leash, David S. Lifton, The Great Zapruder Film Hoax (2003), edited by James Fetzer).
We now understand that all physical theories are merely effective theories that describe nature on a
certain range of scales. There is no such thing as absolute scientific truth. (Quantum Man: Richard
Feynmans Life in Science (2011), Lawrence Krauss, chapter 17).
Noel Twyman, Bloody Treason (1997), p. 160.
Also see Brugionis comments in Marys Mosaic (2012) by Peter Janney, pp. 287-293, 477.
Readers can, however, do their own investigations: just draw a two foot circle on an enlarged (or
projected) image of Z-313 and then determine whether that matches the size of the visible mist.
The JFK Assassination Re-enactment by Chuck Marler, in Assassination Science (1998), edited by
James Fetzer, pp. 249-261. This astounding summary is essential reading.
Grassy Knoll. As another example, Newsweek displayed a map (from the Warren
Commission (WC)) showing just such a shot (Figures 1A and 1B).21
Clint Hill also recalls seeing the results of a head shot a discernible time interval after Z-313:
Figures 1A and 1B. Newsweek (November 22, 1993), p. 74. The final head shot
is shown at 30-40 feet beyond Z-313, based on early reenactments, data tables
and documents; all were ignored by the Warren Commission.
Figures 2A and 2B. This Secret Service photograph was taken
shortly after the assassination. Traffic cones mark the supposed
three shots on Elm Street. But the final cone (red arrow) is well
beyond Z-313, as can be seen by the large floral memorial that
aligns with the blue arrow closer to Z-313 (Harold Weisberg,
Whitewash II (1966), p. 248).22
So the question naturally arises: Were two headshots conflated? We shall return to this
question. But an even more profound question is this: What really happened at Z-31323?
But here is my chief criticism of this chapter: If back spatter is so obvious in the
film (as may be true), why then is forward spatter so hard to see? According to Figure 5
Also see Weisberg 1966, p. 243 for the official surveyors map.
The December 6, 1963 survey (CE-585) places three X marks on Elm Street (to represent three shots)
at Z-208, Z-276, and Z-358. Note that Z-313 is missing! (Fetzer 1998, p. 252this is from Marlers paper,
cited in footnote 20.) Now look again at the Newsweek image: Z-313 is also missing there.
in EoT (the MFRC video), forward and back spatter are visible in the same frame.24 So
where is the forward spatter in the Z-film? To further highlight this paradox, note that
EoT quotes Hargis as easily seeing (during the actual event) such forward spatter (p.
He described to me how the blood left the back of the Presidents head in
copious amounts. He stated that as the expelled blood hung in the air, he drove
into it, thereby getting blood and bits of bone and brain on his motorcycle,
clothing, and person. he said, It was as if a bucket of blood was thrown from
the back of his head; it spread out and hung in the air for a minute.
EoT even reports that Hargiss wife, too, noticed solid matter on Hargis when he returned
home (p. 341). But about the absence of such forward spatter in the Z-film, EoT remains
oddly silent.25
Costellas analysis of the streaking fragments (in successive frames) suggests that
the bullet impact likely occurred just after the end of the exposure of Frame 312,
which is about half a frame before the start of the exposure of Frame 313.26 If so, then it
is even more likely (since both spatter events occur promptly with the bullet strike,
according to EoT) that both events should be visible in Z-313. In fact, EoT states that
back spatter dissipates faster than forward spatter (p. 102, item 5). If so, then where is the
forward spatter in Z-313? After all, it should appear at about the same time as back
spatter and it should last longer.
Another issue that entirely escapes the authors attention is the distance that the
back spatter supposedly traveled: according to Frazier (pp. 114, 342-344), both sides of
the windshield, the entire exterior, and the hood ornament (at the front of the limousine)
were all coated with tissue debris. On the other hand, according to EoT, back spatter only
travels four feet (p. 101) or perhaps just three feet (p. 118).27 But the distance from JFK
This appears to be the video cited by EoT:
3M=7Ab1 .44 cal bullet impacting bloodied sponge from 182 cm.avi. Note (a) the near simultaneous
appearance of back spatter and forward spatter, (b) the persistence of the mist (in both directions) until the
video stops at 0.023 seconds (one Z-film exposure is 0.025 seconds), and (c) the very similar size of the
mist in both directions. Then ask yourself this question: Why is forward spatter not seen in the Z-film?
Viewing this MFRC video, especially with these questions in mind, is strongly encouraged.
There may be one enigmatic exception (p. 102): Blood spatter analysts observed forward and back
spatter in the Zapruder film. Forward spatter had a greater velocity than back spatter and moved away
from the immediate area of the President much faster than back spatter. One easily identified portion of the
forward spatter in the Zapruder film is the whitish object projected from the head, forward [sic] of the
I find this most perplexing because EoT has previously defined forward spatter as traveling in the
direction of the exiting bullet (i.e., away from the back of JFKs head)not forward of JFK, as is stated
here. For my part, I do not see obvious forward spatter in the Z-film, i.e., any mist traveling toward the rear
of the limousine (from the back of JFKs head), even though that should be visible based on (a) the MFRC
video, (b) Hargiss statement, (c) surveyors of Dealey Plaza, shortly after the assassination, who saw such
debris in multiple frames, (d) witnesses who saw (a great deal of) debris on the limousine trunk, and (e)
those who saw debris fly to the left rear (both in Dealey Plaza and on Zapruder-like films).
A Scientists Verdict: the Film is a Fabrication, by John P. Costella, in The Great Zapruder Film Hoax
(2003), edited by James Fetzer, p. 186.
In this same paragraph, the author strangely confuses momentum with distance.
to the hood ornament is way over four feetand the wind was blowing (strongly) toward
the rear of the limousine (see the coats of Moorman and Jean Hill in the Muchmore
So the problem is obvious: How did back spatter reach the hood ornament?29
(Recall that EoT insists on only one headshot.) But perhaps we should change focus here:
Do exploding bullets behave differently from the (apparently) metal-tipped bullet shown
in EoTs figures? In particular, do such exploding bullets fail to produce forward and
back spatter? Could they produce enough debris to cover the limousine and its
occupants? Regrettably, this question is not addressed anywhere in EoT.
The cited witnesses (Frazier at pp. 110, 114,30 342-344 and Clint Hill at pp. 109,
114) also recall that the trunk was well covered with tissue debris (and perhaps blood),
none of which is seen in the Z-film. Hill, in particular, describes it as all over the rear
portion of the car. So where did it go? Was it selectively erased during (illicit) film
editing, so as not to suggest a shot from the front? EoT does not address this issue,
although the author does admit that no extant photographs show blood on the exterior of
the vehicleeven though blood on the interior was obvious in photographs (p. 343).
EoT argues (p. 114) that tissue debris is not seen on the limousine trunk because
dried blood is difficult to spot on a dark surface (although JFKs blood would still have
been fresh). But Thompson displays a photograph of obvious debris on the trunk, as seen
in the Nix film.31 So the question is obvious: Why dont we see this debris in the Z-film?
A different question might also be asked: If forgers were at work, why did they
not also erase the incriminating mist in Z-313? The answer may well lie in the state of
knowledge in 1963 (as EoT notespp. 235 and 243): in their innocence, the forgers may
have interpreted the mist in Z-313 as forward spatter and therefore as evidence of a shot
from the rear. Such a shot, of course, was acceptable to them because Oswald was behind
the limousine. It would be interesting today to ask them how they interpreted the mist.
Josiah Thompson, Six Seconds in Dallas (1967), p. 187.
Kellerman (in the right front seat of the limousine) also recalled that he had stuff all over his coat (p.
113). He sat well over 3-4 feet from JFK. Nellie Connally also saw debris falling on herself and all over the
limousine (p. 109).
Strangely, the end of Fraziers quotation (p. 114) cites Finck, not Frazier!
Thompson 1967, p. 99.
Somewhat paradoxically, on this same page, we find this statement: A belief is trustworthy information
we evaluate as accurate because it originates in a reliable cognitive process: primarily that process is
vision. If the author truly believes that vision is so reliable, then why does she not want to believe the
limousine stop witnesses?
the motorcade stopped. Does EoT also wish to imply that this stop was an illusion? After
all, this event closely parallels the Dealey Plaza event.33 If so, what else in history might
be false, merely based on the notion of subjective time deceleration? Such a revision of
history might go on endlessly. To my knowledge (after reviewing many books on
historiography) no historian has ever made such a suggestion.
All four of the closest motorcyclists recalled the limousine stop. An actual stop
would surely have caused some instability in their bikesmost likely they had to work to
keep their bikes balanced while the limousine paused. Does EoT truly suppose that these
men were mistaken in recalling how they managed their bikes during such a stop? Why
would the psychological slowing of time have contemporaneously produced inaccurate
memories in these menabout stabilizing their own bikes?
Here is another question not asked (or answered) by EoT: Why do first-time
viewers of the Z-film fail to comment on the limousine stop (or at least report a dramatic
slowing)? Why are they not likewise affected by the psychological slowing of time? Is
seeing such an event on film different from a live event?34 EoT offers no comments on
these perplexing issues.
The author does admit (p. 132) that most Dealey Plaza observers agreed that the
limousine slowed, but is this what first-time viewers of the extant Z-film report? (After
showing the Z-film many times to students, that has not been my impression.) Readers
might also ask this: Were they themselves personally impressed by a remarkable slowing
of the limousine the first time they saw the Z-film? Or better yet: Did they recall an
actual stop after first viewing the extant Z-film? After all, that is what so many Plaza
witnesses did recall.
Although EoT claims that few witnesses recall a limousine stop, this is clearly
misleading. I have previously listed the ten closest witnesses35 to the limousine (including
motorcyclist Hargis). They all recalled a stop (their most common response) or they said
that it hesitated. The reader is strongly encouraged to review their direct words, as
EoTs conclusion surely does not agree with these witnesses. Furthermore, Vince
Palamara has compiled over 50 witnesses who also reported an event different from the
extant Z-film.36 Many Dealey Plaza witnesses also recall the abrupt acceleration after the
stop. That, also, is not typically reported by viewers of the extant film.
To her credit the author does agree that the Muchmore film shows the brake lights
on for about nine frames.37, 38 But then EoT cites the Nix and Muchmore films as
evidence against a limousine stop. Unfortunately, that evidence is heavily tainted, as I
Paradoxes of the JFK Assassination: The Zapruder Film Controversy by David W. Mantik, in Murder
in Dealey Plaza (2000), edited by James Fetzer, p. 326.
EoT cites a reference (top of page 360) to Emotion and time perception: effects of film-induced mood.
If merely watching a film can indeed induce a sense of time deceleration (as this paper concludes), then
first-time observers of the extant Z-film should be just as likely to report a limousine stop as did the Dealey
Plaza witnesses. On the contrary, it is my strong impression that first-time viewers do not report a stop (or
even a dramatic slowing)nor do they report the dramatic acceleration after the stop (that the Dealey Plaza
witnesses recall). I have read this paper closely and it does indeed conclude that time slows (modestly)
when subjects are first primed by viewing a film designed to induce a fearful mood.
Fetzer 2000, pp. 341-342.
59 Witnesses: Delay on Elm Street, by Vincent Palamara, ibid., p. 119.
I first described this in Fetzer 1998, p. 301.
have previously noted.39 Gayle Nix told Inside Edition that her grandfather believed that
the government had altered his film, though she did not know the truth.40
In a conversation (May 1993) with Millicent Cranor, Gayle stated that her
grandfather believed that frames had been removed.41 Insofar as the Muchmore film is
concerned, Robert Groden notes that, while UPI had the original, it was cut or mutilated
at the frame that showed the moment of the headshot.42 The original cannot be located.
In a technical report (21 December 1995) Charles Mayn states that the copy in the
Archives is not the camera original.
Z-film alteration is not merely suggested by eyewitnesses43 but, on the contrary, is
based on a great deal of objective data. I cite only one example here, as described by John
Costella. He cites Z-232 and shows that the image is physically impossible: either the
entire limousine or the entire background should be blurred by an obvious amount (which
he displays in his Figure 20).44 On the contrary, such blurring is not seen. Thus, this
frame represents an actual image from the original Z-film only if the limousine had come
to a stop. Believers in Z-film authenticity have been reluctant to address this paradox.
Multiple witnesses have seen a Zapruder-like film that is different from the extant
Z-film. Brugioni is a recent addition to this list.45 Just two others are Rich Della Rosa46
and Scott Myers. There are more.47 Does EoT truly believe that each one of these
individuals is lyingor unbelievably mistaken (often in the same way)?
In order for EoTs explanation of the limousine stop to work, virtually all of these
(limousine stop) witnesses must have experienced the same psychological sense of time
deceleration, but this cannot be trueafter all, many did not even know it was an
assassination. For example, some thought that firecrackers were going off, while others
Fetzer 1998, pp. 302-304. Although EoT places great confidence in the accuracy of films (p. 132), the
author seems unaware of the widespread use of film alteration for propaganda purposesever since 1894!
See my discussion (with references) of this unholy marriage of film and half-truths in Fetzer 2003, pp. 291-
Richard B. Trask, Pictures of the Pain (1994), p. 197. His source is Inside Edition [Television Program]
Cranor told me this in a personal conversation.
Robert Groden, The Killing of a President (1993), p. 37.
Even Zapruder is one of these witnesses. He reported filming the limousine as it turned from Houston
onto Elm Street (Fiester, pp. 86-87), a turn that is absent from the extant film. (Some viewers of a
Zapruder-like film have seen this turn.) Furthermore, when testifying before the WC, Zapruder seemed
confused about the images he was shownfrom his own filmwhich he recalled watching so often that
weekend that he had nightmares about it. He even described several events not seen in the extant film
(http://www.jfk-info.com/wc-zapr.htm), e.g., Thats correct. I started shootingwhen the motorcade
started coming in, I believe I started and wanted to get it coming in from Houston Street.
Fetzer 2003, pp. 180-181.
In the same video cited above, Brugioni is certain that the mist was visible for longer (in the original
film) than in the extant film, both of which he examined frame by frame. About the extant film (while
watching it as a movie) he says, That just doesnt look right and It doesnt shock me like it did when I
first saw it; I just gaspedso did everyone else and Something has been cut out of this and I saw more
matter in the air than that and I thought there were missing frames and (regarding the black patch over
JFKs head in Z-317) Thats an anomaly. He also stated (regarding the mist), It was white, not red, a
color difference that EoT does not discuss (although the author may not have been aware of it).
Fetzer 2003, pp. 463-465. Milicent Cranor has described her 1992 experience (Fetzer 1998, p. 299); just
this week I have spoken to two others. My impression is that these viewers do not contradict one another.
described the backfire of a motorcycle.48 And then we have the remarkable recollection
of Abraham Zapruder himself:49
and I was walking back toward my office and screamingand the people that I
met on the way didnt even know what happened and they kept yelling, What
happened, what happened, what happened? It seemed that they had heard a shot
but they didnt know exactly what had happened as the car sped away, and, I kept
on just yelling.
We can only wonder: Did these witnesseswho did not know that an assassination had
occurredalso experience a dramatic subjective slowing of time? If so, why?
EoT also cites Alvarez as not supporting a limousine stopmerely because he
calculated that the limousine slowed from 12 to 8 mph in the extant film. But that quite
misses the pointwhat the Dealey Plaza witnesses reported was a stop (or a near stop),
not a decrease by 1/3 in speed. To assess for an authentic stop, Alvarezs calculations
(and the physicists who agreed with him) are quite irrelevant. After all, Alvarez never
addressed (and probably never even imagined addressing) the question we face today:
Was the Z-film altered?
Of course, despite the chapter title here, EoT does not support the lone gunman
scenario. On the contrary, the author focuses here primarily on the neutron activation
analysis data, which no longer support the lone gunman scenario, even though Robert
Blakey once described it as the linch-pin of the case. I agree with the authors
EoT notes that traces of copper were found on JFKs shirt (p. 148). Although the
author later (p. 282) reminds us that minute traces of copper were found on JFKs jacket,
she omits (in this later discussion) to remind us that it had also been found on the shirt.
On the contrary, the trail of metallic debris across the top of JFKs skull (on the
X-rays) strongly suggests a bullet trajectory. (To add grist to the mill, EoT always
assumes a single straight line trajectory.50) For the general case, EoT states (p. 206):
Fifty (50) witnesses described firecrackers, while nineteen (19) described backfire in Murder from Within
(1974) by Newcomb and Adams, p. 86.
This assumption may not be universally true, however. DiMaio states: Thus [for headshots], internal
ricochet is fairly common, occurring in anywhere from 10 to 25% of the cases, depending on the caliber of
the weapons and the diligency [sic] with which the evidence of internal ricochet is sought. As a general
rule, internal ricochet is more commonly associated with lead bullets and bullets of small caliber (Vincent
J. M. DiMaio, Gunshot Wounds (1985), p. 219).
The fragment distribution pattern identifies the projectiles direction
of travel. The fragment pattern begins near the point of entry.
If this is true in general, why is JFKs trail not a candidate for just such a trajectory?51
Furthermore, many eyewitnesses recall a frontal entry wound (near the hairline above the
right eye) that matches the X-ray trail astonishingly well: Malcolm Kilduff, Charles
Crenshaw, Ronald Jones, David Stewart, Robert McClelland, Tom Robinson, Dennis
David, Joe ODonnell (a friend of Robert Knudsen), and others.52
Of course, the autopsy photographs show an incision (not an entry wound) at
exactly this site. This is most peculiar because the Parkland witnesses saw no such
incision. In other words, precisely where we would expect to see an entry wound, the
autopsy photographs now show an incision (likely produced by the pathologists). Is this
mere chance, or was it deliberate?53
We now come to a moment of truth: Is this trail of metallic debris on the X-rays
consistent with a frontal shot at Z-313? Note that agreement between these two items is
the fundamentaland never-questioned assumption throughout EoT. But the answer is
truly disturbing: No, this X-ray trail cannot derive from a frontal shot (from the overpass)
at Z-313!54 Here is why. First note JFKs head orientation in Z-312 (p. 178 in Fiester
but also displayed here in Figure 3); then compare this image to the trail of metallic
debris on the X-rays (Figures 4 and 6).55
EoT notes that most of these particles lie in the anterior half of the skull (p. 212)which implies that
they arose from a frontal shot. I agree. I would also note that two of the largest particles lie in the posterior
half of the skull. Since heavier particles travel farther, this is yet one more argument that the trail represents
a frontal shot. That these particles most likely represent a bullet trail was also supported by Dr. John J.
Fitzpatrick, the forensic radiologist for the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB):
Fetzer 2000, pp. 249-252.
Douglas Horne, Inside the ARRB, Volume III, pp. 732-733, 764-765.
Since JFKs head is tilted so far forward in Z-312, this statement covers both ends of the overpass.
Z-312 here is a surrogate for Z-313. An image of Z-313 appears on page 228 (Fiester).
Figure 4. JFK lateral skull X-ray.
The trail of debris here is far above the
entry site in CE-388, which suggests
a second headshot, most likely frontal.
An immediate paradox arises: for a shot from the triple overpass (specifically for
EoT, the South Knoll) after Z-312, the orientation of the expected trail of debris is
radically different from what the X-rays show. To be more precise, since EoT claims (p.
218) that the top of the limousine and the top of the overpass (the handrail) are at nearly
the same elevation, then the trajectory for this proposed frontal shot should appear on Z-
312 as a nearly horizontal line. In Z-312 such a trajectory would pass through JFKs
upper orbit and also through his ear canal (Figure 5).
Placing that horizontal trajectory on CE-388 (Figure 5) shows that this trajectory
is almost parallel to the WCs trajectory, but inferior to it. (The directions are opposite, of
course.56) But here is the point: the authors expected trajectory is a gross mismatch to the
metallic trail on the lateral X-rays.57 So the unavoidable conclusion faces us: Although Z-
313 may show a headshot, the particle trail on the X-rays definitely cannot result from
this headshot!
If the author cannot resolve this paradox, then at least two headshots (total) are
required. Just one headshot is quite inadequate to the task. This conclusion delivers a
severe blow to EoT, which concludes that just one headshot explains everything. That
simply cannot be true.
The WCs trajectory is also outrageously misaligned with the metallic trail, but no one noticed that
because the X-rays were not available.
I first publicly presented this observation a long while ago (probably decades ago), but its profound
significance is still often overlooked today, as here in EoT. One source is How the Film of the Century
was Edited, Fetzer 1998, p. 286.
Figure 5. The solid red arrow (in both images here) shows
the approximate path of a bullet in Z-312 (a nearly horizontal
trajectory) for a shot from the South Knoll, as proposed by the
author. The yellow arrow represents the trail of metallic debris on
the JFK lateral X-rays. This is a gross paradox. The solid red
arrow must be wrong. But the yellow trajectory (which is real)
could not have resulted from a shot at Z-312; instead it must
have occurred when JFK was more nearly erect, well after Z-312.
hole would likely not be visible on a lateral skull film.58
But we are still not done with this issue. Let us agree that this trail of debris
(Figure 6) does represent a bullet trajectory. (No one has seriously challenged the
authenticity of these metallic particlesnor can I.) This trail is inconsistent with several
other fundamental pieces of data in this JFK case, as follows:59
1. It is inconsistent with the orange-sized hole in JFKs right rear skull (Figure 6)
that was so widely reported, both at Parkland and at Bethesda. The debris trail
is far too superior.
2. It is truly inconsistent with the location of the 7x2 mm fragment above JFKs
right eye (the same fragment that Humes likely removed). This 7x2 mm
fragment lies well off the debris trail (Figure 6).
3. It disagrees utterly with the beveled skull site near the EOP (Figures 5 and 6)
that the pathologists took for the entry of a posterior bullet. The debris trail is
simply far too superior.60
1. (Yellow in Figure 7). That someone shot from the rear is nearly universally
acceptedafter all, James Tague was struck by something. A shot from the rear
(e.g., from a lower story of the Dal-Tex building) may have entered at the
pathologists beveled site just right of the external occipital protuberance (EOP).
My reconstruction of the Harper fragment, with the lead deposit precisely at the
pathologists site, may be considered objective proof of their honesty and
accuracy on this issue.61 If additional metal fragments were deposited with this
shot, they were removed before the official autopsy began.62
The autopsy report describes a fragment trail from the EOP to the right
parietal bone. This trail is not present in the extant X-rays, but perhaps such a trail
did exist before these fragments were removed, i.e., perhaps Humes told the truth
in his autopsy report! It is even possible, if not likely, that the 7x2 mm metal
fragment above the right orbit was part of that trail.63 There is also eye witness
evidence for a successful posterior headshot: early viewers of the film described a
brief and abrupt leftward jerk of JFKs head (no longer seen in the film). Such a
http://www.ctka.net/reviews/mantik_speer.html. In particular, the defect left by the Harper fragment
would not be expected to be visible on this lateral X-ray.
None of these paradoxes is confronted in EoT.
Someone could conceivably argue that the pathologists beveled site represents the exit of the (single)
head shot espoused by EoT, rather than the entrance site proposed by Humes. However, such an exit site
(along with a forehead entry) would still require a trajectory that was radically inconsistent with the trail of
metallic particlesso the paradox would persist. There is no escape by that scenario.
Fetzer 2000, p. 227. My updated essay on the Harper fragment is pending.
Horne, Volume IV, pp. 1000-1013.
On the overhead view of the skull (7HSCA230), note that this 7x2 mm metal fragment must lie very
close to (if not actually on) the (extrapolated) trail from the EOP to Angels exit site (adjacent to the
coronal suture). Angels images are also here: http://www.history-
rotation could have been induced by a shot striking the right rear of the skull (the
torque would have been appropriately counterclockwise).64
It is even possible, if not likely, that early viewers of the film took this
jerking motion as evidence for a successful shot.65 On the other hand, a frontal
shot from the South Knoll, i.e., the south end of the triple overpass, could not
have caused such a rotation unless it struck the left skull, e.g., behind the left ear,
but no evidence suggests such a shot.
Another posterior shot (different from the one that hit near the EOP), one
that first struck the street, is also strongly impliedby four clues: (a) a metallic
fragment in the left scalp (visible on most public images of the skull X-rays), (b)
the metallic fragment in the posterior scalp (Figure 6dark blue arrow) that
appears as a phantom image inside the 6.5 mm object on the AP X-ray,66 (c) an
unknown projectile that caused the superficial back wound, and (d) five witnesses
(including three cited in the WC) who recalled a shot that struck the street (an
event that may have produced these ricochet fragments that hit JFK).67 The final
argument for a successful posterior shot is the presence of debris on the inside of
the windshield and on the hood ornament. Forward spatter from a posterior shot
might explain this debris, but a frontal shot almost certainly cannot.68
2. (Red in Figure 7). A frontal shot most likely produced the particle trail on the
X-rays. This entered high on the right forehead, near the hairline (where the
incision is seen in the autopsy photographs). For a shot from (anywhere on) the
overpass, the observed particle trail is really only possible when JFKs head is
nearly erect, i.e., it cannot occur with the forward head orientation in Z-312 (or in
Z-313).69 If JFKs head had been rotated to the left (as in EoTs scenario), then
this particle trail might derive from a South Knoll shot, although not immediately
after Z-312. On the other hand, since the moment of this shot is not precisely
known, so is JFKs head orientation also unknown at this moment. That leaves
open the possibility that the shot might have come from elsewhere, e.g., the north
side of the overpass. Howeverand this is criticalthis shot cannot explain the
orange-sized hole at JFKs right rear (the one that so many witnesses recalled)
after all, the particle trail is much too superior.
3. (Green in Figure 7). Another frontal bullet may have struck tangentially70 (e.g.,
from the north end of the triple overpass, perhaps from the storm drain),71 entered
Fetzer 1998, pp. 298-299.
See Interviews with Former NPIC Employees: the Zapruder Film in 1963, by Douglas P. Horne, Fetzer
2000, pp. 311- 324.
http://www.ctka.net/reviews/mantik_speer.html, Figure 3.
Bonar Menninger, Mortal Error (1992), pp. 67-78.
Dr. Robert Grossman executed a wound diagram for the ARRB in 1997 (Horne, Volume I, Figure 23)
that depicted a trap door (that could open and close) due to a right parietal bone flap. Although no one at
Parkland except Grossman recalled this, it would explain the (1) vertical head explosion described by
Brugioni and (2) the debris on both sides of the windshield and all over the occupants of the limousine.
Such an explosion through the top of the skull might well be expected due to cavitation from any headshot.
Fetzer 1998, p. 286.
Even EoT seems to consider a tangential strike (p. 198).
anterior to the right ear, and then exited to yield the orange-sized hole at the right
rear. It is quite unlikely that such a tangential headshot could have deposited the
7x2 mm fragment, however. Such a tangential shot would have entered too far
posterior (as well as too far inferior) to leave that fragment behind. This shot (#3)
could well have produced the forward spatter that Hargis encountered. On the
other hand, shot #2 is an unlikely candidate for that spatter. If shot #2 (from the
South Knoll) had produced forward spatter, that spatter should have gone to the
right rear, which does not match the witness reports. Clint Hills recollection72
implies that this shot (#3) was the last shot. Finally, most witnesses quite
specifically recall that JFKs final movement was to slump forward.73
Recall that ear witnesses to an overpass shot did not discriminate well between the north and south ends
(if they are to be believed at all).
Clint Hill: As I approached the vehicle there was a third shot. It hit the President in the head, upper right
rear of the right ear, caused a gaping hole in his head.
Fetzer 1998, pp. 285-295.
A curious, but now increasingly credible story from Clarence Israel was related by Janie Taylor, a
biologist at NIH, across the street from the Bethesda Hospital. Israels brother (now deceased), one of two
orderlies in the morgue that night, reported that one doctor was waiting in the autopsy room for some time
before the body (or any other physicians) arrived. When the body arrived, many people were forced out of
the room and the doctor performed some type of mutilation of three bullet punctures to the head area. The
doctor was working at a very hurried pace and was done within a few minutes, at which point he left the
autopsy room. (Horne, Volume IV, pp. 1063-64).
It is far beyond the scope of a book review to address these complex matters in
much more detail.75 Yet I would make several observations: Tom Robinson watched as
the pathologists removed about ten small metal fragments from the brain (these are not in
the official record)76 and put them into a test tube or vial; the largest was about of an
inch.77 And Dennis David typed a memo that described enough bullet fragments to
constitute more than one bullet78 (perhaps the 7x2 mm fragment was accidentally
overlooked by these nefarious collectors).
Consistent with shot #3 above, Dr. Kemp Clark (neurosurgeon) described a
tangential strike, and several close witnesses (e.g., Bill and Gayle Newman, and also
Abraham Zapruder) saw trauma in front of JFKs right ear, perhaps caused by this
bullets entry. Gayle Newman also recalled that JFK grabbed his right ear (p. 339).79 Also
note Clint Hills comment about the upper right rear of the right ear (footnote 72).
Then there is the memo of A. H. Belmont (at FBI headquarters), dated November
22, 1963, with a handwritten annotation of the time as 9:18 PM:
I told SAC Shanklin that Secret Service had one of the bullets that struck
President Kennedy and that the other is lodged behind the Presidents ear
[emphasis added] and we are arranging to get both of these.80
In retrospect, a Belmont bullet (behind the ear) may have caused the tangential strike
(shot #3 above); if so, then that bullet81 was removed (or its fragments were removed) by
Gary Aguilar, MD, has recently advised me, based on Josiah Thompsons position graphs of JFKs head
(Thompson (1997), p. 91or see Harrison Livingstone, Killing Kennedy and the Hoax of the Century
(1995), p. 139), that the head moved most rapidly near Z-328. (Livingston had made this observation long
ago; see his p. 138). At these frames, JFK is nearly vertical (i.e., not tilted forward or backward, although
he is tilted toward Jackie).
In this review, I have (again) stated that the particle trail in the X-rays could only occur for a
frontal shot while JFK was nearly erect (meaning not tilted forward, in particular). And here is another
coincidence (or maybe not): Clint Hill reached the limousine at about this same moment (Z-328)and only
then did he hear his third (and final) shotlong after Z-313. So we can now ask: Is this when the final
shot (#3 above) struck? I discussed this possibility 15 years ago in Fetzer 1998, pp. 285-295.
Law, pp. 12-13. Curiously, Harrison Livingstone, High Treason (1998), pp. 562-563, even displays a
photograph of a bullet fragment said to have been removed from JFK.
Note that this movement by JFKs hand is not seen in the extant Z-film, but Gayle was not alone: based
on 75 viewings of the Z-film, William Manchester reported that JFK lifted his hand to his head in The
Death of a President (1967), p. 158. Even Jackie said, And then he sort of did this [indicating], put his
hand to his forehead and fell in my lap (5H180).
http://www.jfklancer.com/hunt/mystery.html, Figure 6.
Douglas Horne adds this comment (e-mail of August 22, 2013): On Nov 29th Hoover and LBJ had a
long phone call, which (the part I refer to) is reproduced verbatim on page 54 of Michael Beschloss's book
Taking Charge. In that conversation Hoover tells LBJ that A complete bullet rolled out of the
President's head. That has bothered me for many years, since no one else ever said that, to my
knowledge, and here was the nation's top law enforcement officer saying it. For years I have thought that
this was proof of his complete senility and incompetence. In this conversation with LBJ, Hoover says that
the complete bullet fell out of JFK's head during cardiac massage at the hospital, and was found on his
stretcher. So what we know from this conversation is that, IN HOOVERS MIND, this was the source of
the stretcher bullet, even though it is NOT the explanation offered up by his own agents Sibert and
the pathologists. In fact, the disappearance of 2-3 skull X-rays (p. 330) may well be
further evidence for this conclusioni.e., these missing X-rays (taken shortly after the
body arrived) showed the pathologists precisely what fragments needed to be collected
before the official autopsy began; if so, it was then critical (for a successful cover-up) for
these early X-rays to disappear.82 Although others may wish to pursue this issue, it is well
beyond my purposes here to propose specific sequences for multiple headshots.83
Oddly, EoT does not actually pinpoint the site of origin (on JFKs skull) for either
forward spatter from JFK (which is cited on page 102) or for back spatter.84 The autopsy
O'Neill, who quoted Humes's speculation (in their FD-302) that it fell out of JFK's BACK during cardiac
massage. For years I thought Hoover was a senile idiot who didn't even know the basic facts in this case.
and for that reason (forgetting that it was not in the official record), got it confused with the stretcher
bullet that Humes announced (to S & O) had obviously fallen out of JFK's back? This must be the case,
because I am not aware of anyone the day of the assassination speculating that the stretcher bullet came
from JFK's head. In other words, Hoover is still an idiot, but the nature of his slip here when speaking to
LBJ may very well indicate that he was privy to evidence removed during clandestine surgery at
Bethesda, and got confused (because he was getting senile) and simply said the wrong thing about the
stretcher bullet when speaking to LBJ...indicating only to us, years later, that he must have been thinking of
the bullet Belmont wrote about.
Note that, although Belmont is FBI, his source is not the two FBI agents (Sibert and ONeill), who were
assigned to the morgue that night. Most likely the FBI was not permitted in the morgue when the
pathologists collected these initial fragmentsand illegally failed to report them. (Also see Dr. Humess
comments, about the absence of the FBI in the morgue, in the CBS memo of January 10, 1967
(http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=145280&relPageId=184). If
Sibert and ONeill had actually been there, it would mean that they also illegally failed to report these
In an e-mail of August 24, 2013 from Douglas Horne, he states his sense of the characters of S &
O: Based on observing them during several hours of questioning during their ARRB depositions they were
innocentshonest men sent to the autopsy simply to obtain bullet fragmentsand they were not
concealing any autopsy evidence collected after 8 PM, when they were belatedly admitted to the morgue.
In particular, Horne believes that they told the truthunder oaththat they saw only two minuscule metal
fragments removed from JFKs cranium.
In support of this scenario, the FBI report makes no mention of these many earlier fragments (i.e.,
those of Robinson, David and Belmont). Douglas Horne has discussed this scenario (the Belmont memo
and the exclusion of S & O) in great detail (Horne, Volume III, pp. 705-708, 713-726). Another possible
origin for the bullet behind the ear is the EOP shot (#1 above). Of course, Dennis Davids report (of
fragments constituting more than one bullet) suggests that Humes collected fragments from both the EOP
shot (#1) and the tangential shot (#3), which may be true.
Inquisitive souls might begin with Clint Hills report of the third shot as he reached the limousine
while also noting that he reached the limousine well after Z-313. See the Clint Hill footnote above (#72).
Tim Nicholson has performed a detailed analysis of the physics of the Z-313 streaks, although the
following comments are my own. Extrapolating the two largest streaks backward on Z-313 strongly
suggests that they convergeat the same pointon JFKs forehead (Commission Exhibit 390, WC
Volume XVI, p. 986). Oddly, however, the forehead was actually intact (according to both the witnesses
and the autopsy photographs) and the forehead therefore is not a likely source for these bone fragments (to
say nothing of two fragments from the same pointat the same moment).
To further perplex us, the physical anthropologist (Angel) for the HSCA (likely correctly)
identified the largest, late arriving bone fragment (found in the limousine, according to Humes and
Kellermanbut see Horne, Volume III, pp. 710-711) as frontal bone, where these two streaking fragments
also supposedly originated! So the question becomes: How could all three of these bone fragments
originate from the same site in the skull? But there is yet one more puzzle: Why would one of these bone
fragments merely fall into the limousine while the other two zoomed off at high speeds (p. 257)? Possible
photographs in particular show no obvious site of origin for either back spatter or for
forward spatter, but EoT skips over both of these issues. We might ask the film forgers a
similar question: If they believed, as seems likely, that the mist (in Z-313) represented
forward spatter, then exactly where on JFKs head did that spatter exit, based on the
autopsy photographs?
EoT then goes on to recall that, for the HSCA, Humes raised his posterior skull
entry site by 10 centimeters; the author implies that this was his final verdict (p. 175).
That of course is false, because Humes later shamelessly reverted to his original site, near
the EOP.85
EoT also states that the HSCA concluded that no evidence suggested a second
shooter (p. 187). On the contrary, the main HSCA conclusion was just the oppositethe
acoustic evidence strongly implied (to them) a second (but inaccurate) shooter behind the
fence on the Grassy Knoll.
On another issue, EoT brings us current on skull beveling: once considered the
gold standard, it is now considered less reliable (pp. 198, 211-212, and 248-249).86 For
example, a [bone] fragment can break off and leave behind (at that site) apparent
beveling, quite unrelated to entry or exit. In further support of this, I have previously
cited the experiments conducted for Roger McCarthy, in which he noticed random
beveling that was unrelated to entry or exit.87 The beveled skull site identified as an exit
by the HSCA was likely an example of such irrelevance. After all, in their autopsy report,
none of the pathologists had identified it as an exit.88 To further confound us, the HSCA
answers include (1) two different headshots were at play, or (2) the streaks are not authentic, or (3) as
Horne suggests, perhaps the large bone fragment was removed by Humes during his illicit surgery.
Witnesses in Dealey Plaza and early viewers of the Z-film offered a different scenario, e.g.,
and one fragment, larger than the rest, rises over Kennedys falling shoulders and seems to hang there
and then drift toward the rear (William Manchester, The Death of a President (1967), p. 160.) This
fragment may actually be visible in Mary Moormans famous photograph, on top of JFKs right shoulder.
Jackie also saw a piece of the skull (5H180)an unlikely event if it traveled at the high speeds of the
streaks in Z-313. Charles Brehm is another who saw a skull fragment flying to the left rear (Thompson
1967, p. 99.) There are more such witnesses.
Breo DL. JAMA, 267:2794. Reproduced in ARRB Medical Document #22, see p. 2794.
Ibid. Humes pompously proclaimed that his beveling rule was valid forever: It happens 100 times out of
100, and I will defend it until I die. This is the essence of our autopsy, and it is supreme ignorance to argue
any other scenario. This is a law of physics and it is foolproofabsolutely, unequivocally, and without
question. Humes is now dead, and so is his so-called law. For more on the utility (or futility) of beveling,
see footnote 352 in How Five Investigations into JFKs Medical Autopsy Evidence Got It Wrong by
Gary L. Aguilar, MD, and Kathy Cunningham (May 2003): http://history-
Livingstone (1995), p. 313.
In the Military Review of January 1967 they were, however, persuaded to change their minds; they
signed the document that had been prepared for them by the Justice Department. In this document a
beveled exit wound was reported at the junction of the frontal and parietal bone, at the periphery of the
large skull defect. Before the ARRB, when pressed by Jeremy Gunn (at Hornes suggestion) about this
change, Humes put his head in his hands, stared down at the document, and said, I dont know who wrote
this (Horne e-mail of July 9, 2013).
has identified this beveled site as lying within frontal bone89 (pp. 184-185; 1HSCA253),
which is actually absent (on the skull X-rays)!90
In support of the South Knoll headshot, EoT then focuses on JFKs head
orientation at Z-312 (pp. 213-218). For this, the author adopts the work of Dale Myers:
JFK was rotated away from Zapruder at 25.7o past profile (left), tilted left 18.1o, and
nodding forward (pitch) 27.1o. EoT states the margin of error as 2o, but notes (p. 213) that
the HSCA disagreed with Myers regarding the pitch. In particular, Myerss angle is 16o
steeper than Cannings (for the HSCA)!91 That is not a small amount.
EoT claims that the presence of back spatter in Z-313 proves that this frame (at
least) is authentic. However, this assertion overlooks the possibility that the mist was
merely borrowed from a later frame and superimposed onto an original image. (The mist
might also merely have been copied, e.g., by hand, based on a later image.)
The author concludes this chapter with a presumptuous claim (p. 265):
I agree that a successful Grassy Knoll shot is not supported by the medical evidence.
However, so long as EoT is unwilling to discount the acoustics data (which implied a
gunman on the Knoll), how then can the author conclude that no shooter (even one who
missed) stood on the Grassy Knoll? For that matter, any gunman who missed (from
whatever site) cannot easily be excluded, no matter how often the author uses the word
myth. (I am not close-minded about an inaccurate shooter on the Knoll, even though
the acoustics data cannot be used as evidence for one. As usual, we must turn to the
witnesses for such evidence.)
EoT claims (p. 225) that some projectiles can remain within the target. Does this
describe the particle trail in the X-rays? Is forward spatter absent because nothing exited
See Figure H-4 by John Hunt, which is a copy of HSCA Exhibit F-66. This figure shows the frontal bone
intact all the way back to the coronal suture (http://www.history-
I have often discussed this misinterpretation by the HSCA. John Hunt has listed those who report absent
frontal bone: Boswell, Finck, Canning, and McDonnel (ibid.). See my sketch here: Fetzer 2000, p. 251. Dr.
John J. Fitzpatrick, the forensic radiologist for the ARRB, also agreed with me that the frontal bone was
present only up to the hairline. Although Angel would have agreed with him, the HSCA would not have
welcomed Fitzpatricks conclusion
Tim Nicholson notes (e-mails of August 12 and 22, 2013) that he has JFKs head orientation as 27-33o
nodded forward [pitch], turned left 10o, tilted left 15-30o (see Moorman photo). Sherry [Fiester] says the
head is turned 25o to the left. She apparently does not specify the other angles. In the attached images [of Z
-312] the forward tilt of the skull is 27o and 33o. Nicholsons major disagreement with Fiester appears to
be JFKs leftward rotation: 10o (Nicholson) vs. 25o (Fiester). That is significant, particularly as this angle
determines whether the particle trail could have originated from the South Knoll. On reviewing Nicholsons
images I was struck by how subjective these conclusions areand how imprecise these angles must be (for
any observer).
from the back of JFKs head with this particular shot? (Maybe so.) Based on the fuzzy
borders of these particles (I have observed these many times at the National Archives,
with quite myopic eyes), I have asked if they derived from an exploding mercury bullet. I
also wonder: Would exit debris usually be absent with a mercury bullet? (I dont know.)
If two frontal headshots occurred, then perhaps the tangential one did cause forward
spatter (as encountered by Hargis)but then this spatter was subsequently excised from
the film by felons who (illegally) altered it; after all, their goal was to erase any evidence
of a frontal shot.
EoT places great emphasis on the retrograde (toward the shooter) movement of
ballistic gelatin (pp. 250-253), and offers this as an explanation for the initial forward
movement of JFKs head in the Z-film. The chief problem with this, of course, is that
JFKs head was not gelatinafter all, the brain was surrounded by a bony skeleton,
which is quite another matter.92 To be fair, though, EoT does cite (p. 203) Robin
Coupland, who apparently used model skulls filled with gelatin. A bulge was
observed in the skull where the bullet entered. In my opinion, however, this is quite
different from the entire skull moving toward the bullet.
EoT claims (p. 294) that vertebral body T1 was fractured. But that was not the
conclusion of the Clark Panel radiologist. (I agree with him.) The Panel concluded that
only artifacts were seen at that site.93
EoT carefully presents (p. 294) the trajectory through JFK. For additional
(corroborating) anatomic information, see my essay on this subject.94
I have already cited several of the witnesses from this chapter. I would in
addition, however, refer the reader to the many witness statements that suggest two (or
more) headshots.95
1. Despite the frequent references to back spatter in the Z-film, only two tiny figures
(pp. 178 and 228) show any Z-framesand these are in black and white, with low
2. EoT contains no index. This was a major handicap during my review.
3. When scientific methods prove a theory true, it becomes a fact. When scientific
methods prove a theory false, it becomes a myth (p. 331). Here again we see the
Tim Nicholson has offered this assessment (e-mail of August 11, 2013): The gelatin does deform when
the bullet hits it, showing this retrograde effect. This happens because of internal pressure and because
there is nothing constraining the gelatin from such deformation. If it were inside a closed inflexible
container you would not see this effect.
Aguilar and Cunningham (May 2003); see Section III (The Clark Panel), paragraph 1: Metal Fragments
Present in JFKs Neck X-rays.
Fetzer 2000, pp. 252-260.
Fetzer 1998, pp. 285-295.
conflation of truth with fact. This is careless use of language. More puzzling
though is this: the current attitude in science is quite different from EoTs. Most
scientists would agree that even widely accepted theories (e.g., Maxwells
classical electrodynamics of the 1800s) were not considered immutable, but were
rather always open to falsificationand never finally proved. Furthermore, older
theories are not always considered myths. For example, although Newtons Laws
have been superseded by Einsteins relativity, these Laws are still useful for
launching satellites into the solar systemand Maxwells Equations still find
wide application today. Surely these accomplishments of Newton and Maxwell
should not be called myths.
4. Physics is a complicated subject (p. 259). On the contrary, physicists would
say that sociology, economics, and psychology are complicated subjects. Models
in physics can be reduced to bare essentials, thereby simplifying the problems and
allowing testable predictions. Such an approach rarely works in these other
disciplines, just because of their inherent complexity.
5. Newtons Second Law of Motion96states that when a force acts on an object, it
causes the object to move (p. 205). Of course, move should read accelerate
[force = mass x acceleration]. Move is better reserved for velocity. The
statement itself reflects the (incorrect) thinking of Aristotle, i.e., in his opinion
even a constant velocity was impossible without a continuous force.
6. EoT persistently cites Oliver (p. 180) as a participant in shooting experiments at
the Edgewood Army Arsenal. In fact, Oliver was a professor of classical
philology at the University of Illinois, who had written an article about Oswald,
titled "Marxmanship in Dallas."97 The man who participated in the shooting
experiments was Alfred Olivier.98, 99
1. These pages have misspellings: pp. 98, 116, 132, 153, 154, 184, 251, 264, 265,
271, 281, 310, 314, 330, and 335.
2. These pages contain mangled syntax (or missing words, or incorrect words, or
repeated words): pp. 35, 89, 91, 99, 102, 118, 119, 146, 177, 198, 199, 214, 253,
273, 291, 301, 303, 315, and 331.
3. Nearly the same MFRC image is shown on too many pages: 100, 103, 117, 231,
253, and 291.
EoT cites this Law as if it were currently used in physics. That assumption, however, contains an
unintentional irony, i.e., according to EoT, because this Law has been replaced by relativity, it should be
considered a myth.
http://www.jfk-info.com/fragment.htm. Bizarrely enough, however, this website states: Dr. Oliver [sic]
shot the wrists of cadavers for the Commission. Olivier [sic] was a supervisory research veterinarian.
One can only wonder who was shooting whom for the WC. With typos flying almost as thick as bullets,
perhaps we should ask whether veterinarian was supposed to be vegetarian.
Aguilar and Cunningham (May 2003). This is a wonderful review of the governments relentless
incompetence at investigating JFKs murder. Olivier (but not Oliver) is cited here. (To add further
unneeded confusion, Cunningham has married Evans, and now uses that name, even when searching for
silver ingots.)
4. Radiating fracture lines are repeatedly discussed, in almost identical phrases: pp.
97-99, 199, and 226-227.
5. An almost identical discussion of cavity formation occurs on pp. 98, 227, and
6. Radiating fracture lines in the skull are repeatedly shown (with nearly the same
image): pp. 99, 200, 250, and 255.100
7. Differences and similarities between back spatter and forward spatter are
discussed over and over, in virtually the same language (which gives the reader a
curious case of dj vu): pp. 101, 209-210, and 232-233.
8. Thicknesses of skull bones are (unnecessarily) cited twice: pp. 197 and 249.
9. In the Bibliography, beginning with the second appearance of AFTE (p. 362),
eighteen references are repeated (i.e., it is their second coming).
10. Figure 31 is discussed (p. 291), but the displayed image is clearly the wrong one.
The correct one does not appear anywhere.
11. Z-312 supposedly shows spatter (p. 91), but then, paradoxically, Z-312 is said (p.
186) to have been exposed before the headshot! This twisted my mind for a
whileafter all, how could spatter appear before the headshot?but I suspect
that the first appearance here of Z-312 is a typo and that it should read Z-313. If
not, some serious conceptual challenges await us.101
Although EoT renounces any specific entry site for its sole frontal head shot (p.169), each one of these
images places an entry exactly where the metallic trail of debris on the X-rays fits best. This is also the
same site where the forehead incision is seen in the autopsy photographs.
Is the author subconsciously aware that this is indeed a very specific (and likely correct) entry
siteand may even fit with a shot from her favored site, i.e., the South Knoll? If so, she does not tell us.
(Of course, this trail could not have resulted from a shot at Z-312or at Z-313but might have occurred
later, when JFKs head was nearly erect.)
I eventually discovered one final comment on this matter (p. 206): Frame 312 [sic] also reveals blood
spatter leaving the head because of a gunshot wound to the head [sic]. I am now hopelessly confused.
May I even ask: Just which head shot caused spatter in Z-312?
6. A shot from (anywhere on) the overpass immediately after Z-312 is grossly
inconsistent with the trail of metallic particles on the X-rays. If Z-313 displays a
headshot, then that shot cannot cause the particle trail in the X-rays. That trail
must have arisen from a different headshot, more likely later when JFKs head
was more erect.
7. Multiple headshots occurred (Figure 7)in radical disagreement with EoT.
However, at least two of these shots were likely separated by well over one or two
Z-frames; unfortunately, EoT only considers a very short time interval. Multiple
headshots are also strongly suggested by many witnesseslikewise separated by
well over one or two Z-frames.
8. The skull X-rays (not considered by EoT), when correlated with all of the
evidence, provide very powerful, perhaps even irrefutable, evidence of multiple
headshots. The set of three headshots (Figure 7) is the only one to date that
correlates all of the X-ray evidence with the Z-film and the eyewitnesses.
9. The absence of forward spatter (from a frontal shot) in the Z-film is an enigma
curiously nowhere even discussed by EoT. If the bullet that produced the particle
trail on the X-rays did not exit (which may be true) then that could explain the
absence of forward spatter (for that shot). Or if government-employed felons
deliberately erased evidence of forward spatter (i.e., from shot #3 abovethe
tangential shot) then that forgery could account for its absence (from that shot).
EoT does not discuss any of these issues.
10. Most likely the limousine actually did stop, although only briefly. Subjective time
deceleration cannot explain away all of these witnesses. (There is also
photographic evidencenot discussed in this review102of at least a dramatic
slowing of the limousine.)
11. Only artifacts are seen near the T1 vertebra on the neck X-rays. They contribute
nothing to this case.
12. If another printing of this book is planned, then a copy editor with a critical eye
should be hired. Finally, an index would be priceless.
Because this essay metamorphosed well beyond a standard book review, I must
thank the following individuals. Jim DiEugenio initially persuaded me to read (and to
review) the book. Greg Burnham offered his historical knowledge of the Zapruder film,
was a careful listener to my theses, and made specific suggestions for increased clarity.
Tim Nicholson provided precise quantitative analyses that provoked further thoughts; he
also commented on the retrograde movement of gelatin targets. Jim Fetzers editorial
skills led to a more readable format; Jim also proposed some of the illustrations. Gary
Aguilar inspired some new ideas about the movement of JFKs head at a critical moment
(based on Thompsons graph). Douglas Horne once again displayed his profound
knowledge of this case via frequent invaluable and critical insights. As a result, this
review is more lucid, more nuanced, and richer in detail than it would otherwise have
been. Unfortunately, all of the left over mistakes are mine. I only wish I knew where they
Fetzer 1998, pp. 301-302.
25 August 2013
Coronado, California