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Non-Verbal Communication-An Essence of Interpersonal Relationship at Workplace 109



Ashish Kumar Tiwari *


No one in this world can survive in isolation. Communication is the only tool to bridge to gap between
individuals. When individuals speak, they normally do not confine themselves to the mere emission of
words. A great deal of meaning is conveyed by non-verbal means which always accompany oral disclosure-
intended or not. It can also be said that, a spoken message is always sent in two parallel levels, the first
one is verbal and second one is non-verbal.Facial expressions and body language are the most common
way of non-verbal communication. Nonverbal communication is the process of communication through
sending and receiving wordless (mostly visual) cues between people. Today when we interact with others
(interpersonal communication) we continuously give and receive wordless signals. In the present study
an attempt has been made to explore the significance role of non-verbal communication in maintaining
the longevity and effectiveness of interpersonal relationship. The present paper deals with what is non-
verbal communication, its various forms and types, how to interpret them, and also some tips of how to
enhance these non-verbal communication. An attempt has also been made in this paper on how to improve
the interpersonal relationship with the help of effective non-verbal communication.
Key Words : Non-verbal communication, Interpersonal relationship, Body language, Facial expression

INTRODUCTION most important part of communication to be

We use 'communication' usually to mean studied.
speaking or writing or sending a message to
another person. "Communication is transfer of Non-Verbal communication
information from one person to another, whether The motion picture The Artist received the
or not it elicits confidence. But the information Oscar for Best Picture in 2012. This mostly silent
transferred must be understandable to the black and-white movie won the hearts of audiences
receiver" (G.G. Brown). Communication is giving, and enthralled the critics, all with hardly any
receiving or exchanging ideas, information, signals dialogue. Most of the communication which
or messages through appropriate media, enabling occurred in the movie was nonverbal.The actors
individuals or groups to persuade, to seek moved, by paying attention to their facial
information, to give information or to express expressions, by looking at how they sat and
emotions. This broad definition includes body- adjusted their heads, we understood them-the
language, skills of speaking and writing. It outlines actors' messages came alive. Relying on such
the objectives of communication. Apart from the nonverbal cues, we connected with the characters
major classification pertaining to forms and emotionally. We normally do this in our daily lives
dimensions, non-verbal communication is the as well.

* Assistant Professor, School of Management Sciences, Varanasi (UP)

Vol. XI, No. 2; December 2015

Our actions are means of communication, use and interpret nonverbal behavior and
subject to interpretation by others. Even the contextual cues improves, so will our
failure to act is a way of communicating. Today, understanding of interpersonal relationships.
many researchers are concerned with the Some Essentials of non-verbal communication
information sent through communication that is are as below:-
independent of and different from verbal 1. Non-verbal communication is less structured
information; namely, the non-verbal than verbal communication
communication. While verbal communication is 2. Non-verbal communication is unplanned.
organized by language; non-verbal communication 3. Non-verbal communication is intent and
is not. In interpersonal communication (mostly in spontaneous.
business), understanding the message of team 4. Non-verbal communication blends with
members as well as those of any one else with speech.
whom you are communicating often involves UNDERSTANDING THE DIFFERENT TYPES
more than merely listening to the spoken words. OF NON-VERBAL MESSAGES
On-verbal cues, in fact speak louder than words. In interpersonal communication our
Your personal appearance, facial expression, body messages are sent on two levels simultaneously. If
language, posters, gestures, proximity-all of these the non-verbal cues and the spoken messages are
non-verbal signals influence the way your message incongruous, the flow and comprehension of
is interpreted or deciphered by your partners in a communication is hindered. Right or wrong, the
communication process. These silent messages receiver of the communication tends to base the
communicate your feelings during any form of intentions of the sender on the non-verbal cues
interpersonal communication that you have with he/she receives.
your seniors, subordinates or collegues.Non- Imagine a situation when you are comfortable
verbal communication includes all unwritten and seated in a movie hall and waiting for the movie to
unspoken messages, both intentional and begin. The hall is noisy with people talking to each
unintentional. Though they have a profound other, chatting over cellular phones, enjoying the
impact on our receivers, it is difficult to interpret music being played, etc. All of a sudden the hall
them accurately. Neverthless,they are not to be becomes dark and the music stops. Now you sense
ignored, but to be recognized and understood as a totally different mood in the auditorium. You
correctly as possible. After all, we can change the and the others become silent, as you know that the
meaning of our words with the wink of an eye, a movie is about to start in a few seconds. The
certain facial expression, voice tone, bodily darkness and the silence in the hall communicated
movement, use of space, or touch. As our ability to something to you. The following table depicts the
various types of non-verbal cues:-
Kinesics Facial expressions, gestures, and postures
Paralinguistics/Vocalics Variations in the voice, pitch, speed, volume and pause
that conveys meaning.
Proxemics The communication of space and distance
Haptics The communication of touch
Appearance The physical characterstics, style, appereance.
Chronemics The effect of time in communication
Oculesics Eye contact
Source: Raman and Singh, 2007

Vol. XI, No. 2; December 2015

Non-Verbal Communication-An Essence of Interpersonal Relationship at Workplace 111
Kinesics conversation are generally about private
Kinesics is articulation of the body, or affairs, and the speaker talks softly .Of
movement resulting from the muscular and course, if people are in outdoors, the volume
skeletal shift. This include all actions, physical or will behigher.
physiological, automatic reflexes, postures, facial 3. Social Distance. (4 feet to 12 feet)- This zone
expressions, gestures, and other body movements. exists from four to twelve feet.It seems to be
Body language, body idiom, gestures language, an appropriate distance for casual friends
organ language, and kinesic acts are just some and acquaintances to interact.
terms used to depict kinesics. 4. Public Zone. (over 12 feet)- Extending
Body posture:-The way that the body is held outward from twelve feet a speaker becomes
can communicate many different messages. An formal. In this zone, the speaker's volume is
open body that takes up a lot of space can indicate quite high, commonly it happens in the
comfort and domination, whilst a closed-in body situation of lecture or play act.
that makes itself small can signal inferiority.
Copying of the other person's body shows Haptics
agreement, trust and liking. Haptics or tactile communication or touch is
an important form of communication in
Paralinguistics/Vocalics maintaining the interpersonal relationship. Touch
The messages being conveyed with voice help groups forms bonds and stays peaceful.
are known as Paralinguistics.Relying on vocal Many factors such as intentions, feelings-both
cues helps in determining the real meaning of positive and negative can be conveyed with the
spoken words. The voice is an extraordinary help of Haptics. Touch can signify consolation,
human instrument. People from different walks congratulations, warmth and emotion in
of life recognize that the human voice interpersonal communication. The type of touch
communicate something beyond language. These you need, tolerate, receive and initiate depends
effects are referred to by many impressionistic up on the extent and the kind of touch on receives
descriptions such as tone of voice, voice quality, in his family.
manner of speaking etc. There are modifying
feature that can occur independently, such as Appearance
crying, laughing, groaning and whining. Until unless you don't speak your personality
speak. Personal appearance is a sort of
Proxemics communication which gives the first impression.
Major aspect of proxemics has to do with People can change their appearance by changing
how close we stand to others. The distance may their clothing, styles, hairstyles, and other
vary based on cultural norms and the type of accessories or artifacts.Appearance - artifacts can
relationship existing between the parties. It is the be one of the most powerful types of nonverbal
language of space and distance. The close one communication. It is important to wear clothing
stands, the greater the chances of strong bonding. appropriate to the occasion. Appearance also
Edward T Hall (1966) specified four distance includes- Body Cleanliness, Clean Nails, Shiny
zones:- Shoes, Being appropriately dressed.
1. Intimate Zone. (0 to 18 Feet)-This zone
extends from actual touching to eighteen Chronemics
inches. It is normally reserved for those with Chronemics is the study of how time is used
whom one is intimate. in communication. Time can be used as a
2. Personal Zone. (18 inches to 4 feet)-This communication tool in many ways, from
zone extends from 18 inches to 4 feet. This punctuality, to expectations around waiting and
is the zone for close friends, the contents of response time, to general principles around time

Vol. XI, No. 2; December 2015

management. Chronemics has become an area of communication) i.e.-Intimate Zone, Personal Zone,
study primarily for maintaining better Social Zone and Public Zone which plays a vital
interpersonal relationship, and the way cultures role in comprehending and maintaining the
can vary and converge around different norms. interpersonal relationship. According to Professor
More recently, chronemics appears to be Albert Mehrabian's communications model
branching out into other disciplines, such as the (1990):-
more business oriented study of interpersonal 7% of message pertaining to feelings and
relationship and organizational behavior. attitudes is in the words that are spoken.
38% of message pertaining to feelings and
Oculesics attitudes is paralinguistic (the way that the
Oculesics refers to the study of eye contact words are said).
and pupil dilation in terms of non-verbal 55% of message pertaining to feelings and
communication. It may include eye contact or attitudes is in facial expression.
avoidance of eye contact. Eye contact indicated Culture also plays an important role in
interest, openeness, through aggressive eye understanding of non-verbal communication
contact or staring can be interpreted as assign of specially Oculesics (eye contact) .For the necessity
hostility. In addition to this lack of eye contact of eye contact and the civility it provides in
also transmits a message, oftentimes that the American Culture differs greatly from an Asian
listener is bored and/or is not paying culture, for example where your eye contact is
attention.Oculesic movements are also frequently often considered rude (DeFleur, 2005)
associated with kinesics movement.
In his book, The Expression of the Emotions Success of interpersonal relationship totally
in Man and Animals, Charles Darwin (1872) depends on the communication, and non-verbal
looked at how our emotions express our feelings communication being the instinctive part play a
and thoughts. The brain, being stimulated by the vital role in maintaining the same. It is important
increased flow of blood, reacts on the mental to understand the several attributes of non-verbal
powers; lively ideas pass still more rapidly communication to expound how it affects and
through the mind, and the affections are warmed maintain the longevity of interpersonal
(Darwin, 1872, p. 696-697).Non-verbal relationship .In interpersonal communication
communication is very important in maintaining verbal exchange accounts for only a fraction of
the interpersonal relationship as the signals of the message people send and receive.Reseraches
warmth, emotions and feelings are mostly has shown that between 70 to 90% of the entire
conveyed through non -verbal communication spectrum is non verbal. In
communication.Our emotions, mind, and body interpersonal communication the words generally
work as one to send signals to other people. convey the objective information where as non-
Nonverbal communication relates to the verbal messages reveal our emotions and
unspoken word and a means to send messages attitudes which is the essence of the interpersonal
that are "not sanctioned for verbal delivery by relationship. When we do use words to talk about
our culture" (Wiemann, 1975).Andersen (2004) our emotions, we often talk about what we think
concluded people trust body language over the we ought to feel, not what we really feel.
spoken word. People trust body languages
because it is spontaneous, multi-channeled, and DISCUSSION
possesses redundant qualities that make it very One can play fast and get loose with the
hard to completely fake. Edward T Hall (1966) words, but it's much more difficult to loose with
has specified 4 zones of proxemics (non-verbal gestures. As discussed, non-verbal cues

Vol. XI, No. 2; December 2015

Non-Verbal Communication-An Essence of Interpersonal Relationship at Workplace 113
constitutes a major part of the whole nodding of the head.We are constantly
communication process, it become necessary to communicating without ever saying a word.
comprehend these cues minutely in order to Oftentimes, and what is most frightening, that in
have a better understanding of the message. Since many cases individuals are not aware of
these are subtle signals which can either it.Nonverbal communication comprises of your
contradict, reinforce or regulate the whole overall body language, including your appearance
message, hence must be observed closely to and posture as a form of communication with
understand the essence of the message. Good eye others. Rather than using words, people can
contact should be maintained in order to increase communicate using nonverbal gestures, facial
the overall effectiveness in interpersonal expressions and eye contact. Also, an individual's
communication. During the communication voice tone may communicate nonverbal messages
process, sender and the receiver both to others. In the workplace, people interact with
communicate simultaneously. While sender each other throughout the workday using verbal
communicates with words and non-verbal cues, and nonverbal communication. In essence, the
receiver emits non-verbal signals. These signals way individuals deliver nonverbal messages can
must be closely observed by the sender in order be just as important as verbal dialogue.
to enhance the effectiveness of the
communication, e.g. while nodding and smiling Enhancing Communication at workplace
reflects better understanding, frowning and Depending on occupation, individuals are
rubbing eyes may reflect disinterest and disbelief required to communicate messages to others on
respectively. a regular basis; certain occupations -- such as
Appropriate postures should be adopted as teachers, salespeople, journalists, doctors, lawyers
according to the situation, e.g. responsive posture and corporate executives -- spend a great deal of
must be adopted during interpersonal their workday communicating with others. Using
communication as it reflects interest in nonverbal cues can enhance how people receive
communication with open body, arms and hands. your communication. Nonverbal communication
Responsive and reflective postures come under indicates how a person is feeling in relation to
the open body language while combative and what they are saying, and it also reflects how
fugitive postures reflect closed body language. people react to the message. Communication of
During interpersonal and workplace an important message to colleagues with
communication responsive and reflective excitement and enthusiasm may have a greater
postures must be adopted to increase the impact on receiver in regards to the importance
efficiency and warmth. of the message versus delivering the message
with a monotonous tone and facial
Non-verbal communication at Workplace expression.When confronting someone who you
Non-verbal communication is one of the are in close relationship with, reach out to take
most important aspects of the workplace. Whether his/her hands in both of yours. These subtle non-
communicating internally or with a client, it's verbal signals have a great impact on the
vital to understand that there is more to workplace communication.Conscious awareness
communicating than what comes out of mouth. In of your nonverbal communication when you are
fact, the most powerful form of communication also communicating verbal messages allows
doesn't include words at all. others to receive the message the way you
Nonverbal communication includes all the intended to deliver your message. Positive
unspoken messages sent to people on a daily nonverbal communication helps colleagues in
basis, whether it's telling someone about yourself the workplace build positive business
by how you wear your hair or clothing or sharing relationships, whereas negative nonverbal
your feelings through the rolling of eyes or the communication can cause conflicts and other

Vol. XI, No. 2; December 2015

negative disturbances in the workplace. Many about ones understanding and attitude.
people build positive business relationships by Understanding the importance of nonverbal
consistently delivering positive nonverbal communication will make individuals more aware
communication to others. of what someone says -- without opening mouth.
Effective and better use of non-verbal
CONCLUSION communication can the increase and enhance the
Non-verbal communication is not a mystical interpersonal relation at the workplace. This
or magical thing. It is a natural even rational relationship development process often occurs
process by which people convey information by through subtle and unconscious cues and can
means other than words. While linguistic channels have profound consequences for the superior-
of communication can shut off by refusing to subordinate relationship and client outcomes.
speak or write, it is impossible to avoid behaving
non-verbally as our body keeps sending signals REFERENCES
consciously or subconsciously. The field of non- Raman and Singh (2007) Business
verbal communication has grown rapidly over Communication, Oxford University Press.
the last few decades and it has its application in Sengupta (2011) Business and Managerial
business, media, international relations, education communication, PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd
and indeed any field which significantly involves Sinha K.K (2012) Business Communication,
interpersonal relationship and group Taxman's.
dynamics.When communicating it is not only Hall, E. T. (1966). The Hidden Dimension. Anchor
important to pay close attention to whatsomebody Books.
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body "is saying". That means to pay attention to the effect on Interpersonal Communication'. Asian
the gestures and to the facial expression someone Social Science,Vol.5 No.11
is using. To be able to interpret non-verbal Latha.M. (2014).'First Impressions: A Study of
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Nonverbal communication is just as important, Language and Teaching,Vol.5
giving cues to supervisors, coworkers and clients

Vol. XI, No. 2; December 2015

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