Subcarrier Grouping OFDM For Visible-Light Communication Systems
Subcarrier Grouping OFDM For Visible-Light Communication Systems
Subcarrier Grouping OFDM For Visible-Light Communication Systems
Communication Systems
Volume 7, Number 5, October 2015
Bingyan Yu
Hongming Zhang
Ling Wei
Jian Song, Senior Member, IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/JPHOT.2015.2477900
1943-0655 2015 IEEE
IEEE Photonics Journal Subcarrier Grouping OFDM for VLC Systems
Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua National Laboratory for Information Science and
Technology (TNList), Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
DOI: 10.1109/JPHOT.2015.2477900
1943-0655 2015 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only.
Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
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Manuscript received August 27, 2015; accepted September 8, 2015. Date of publication Septem-
ber 10, 2015; date of current version September 18, 2015. This work was supported in part by the Na-
tional Key Basic Research of China under Grant 2013CB329203, by the National High Technology
Research and Development Program of China under Grant 2013AA013601, and by the Science and
Technology Program of the State Grid Corporation of China under Grant SGHAZZ00FCJS1500238.
Corresponding author: B. Yu (e-mail:
1. Introduction
Visible-light communication (VLC) is a wireless communication technique in which an illumi-
nated light-emitting diode (LED) is used as the transmitter. Recently, because of the rapid
growth of the LED lighting industry and the increasing demand for indoor wireless data transmis-
sion, VLC has attracted considerable interest and has been adopted in a number of applica-
tions, such as indoor positioning and navigation [1], data broadcasting [2], and home network
access [3]. Compared with traditional radio frequency (RF) wireless communication, VLC has
the following advantages: 1) ubiquitous LED infrastructures; 2) no spectrum regulation; 3) no
electromagnetic interference; and 4) no associated radiation or health concerns.
2. System Model
In this section, we begin with the structure of the conventional OFDM-based VLC transmitter.
Then, the VLC channel model is studied in terms of the impulse response, time delay spread,
and nonlinearity. Subsequently, we analyze the choice of OFDM parameters and identify the dif-
ferences between the RF and VLC signal models. The noise model is discussed at the end of
this section.
Fig. 2. LED lamp impulse response measurement. (a) Measurement setup. (b) Measured impulse
(IFFT) processing is typically applied to obtain the time-domain OFDM signal. To guarantee that
the time-domain signal is real-valued in the IM/DD system, Hermitian symmetry is imposed on
the OFDM subcarriers; this means that only half the non-DC subcarriers to which symbols are
assigned are effective. Subsequently, the time-domain discrete signal is scaled and passed
through a digital-analog (D/A) converter. Then, a DC bias is added to ensure the signal is non-
negative. Here, we have
1 X N
x n p X k exp (1)
2N k N 2N 2
xLED t p X k exp D (2)
2N k N Ts
where x n is the normalized discrete signal after the IFFT process, N is the number of effective
OFDM subcarriers, and 2N 2 is the IFFT size. X k is the normalized complex-valued symbol
of the k th subcarrier with mean zero and variance one; it is constrained by Hermitian symmetry
as X 0 0 and X k X k . Finally, xLED t is the signal fed to the LED, A is the scaling
factor, Ts is the period of an OFDM symbol, 0rt rTs , and D denotes the DC bias.
Fig. 3. LED nonlinearity. (a) Voltage-illuminance curve. (b) Signal clipping method.
the available bandwidth. For example, if a 15-MHz bandwidth is used for the transmission, the
effective subcarrier number can be set to approximately 30. Moreover, if a blue filter is em-
ployed, the time delay spread should be smaller; this leads to reduced guard time, shorter sym-
bol duration, and a lower essential subcarrier number. The rough calculation above reveals that
subcarrier number is probably insufficiently large to ensure Gaussianity, and therefore, the CLT
and the Bussgang theorem cannot be applied to analyze the system performance for an OFDM-
based VLC system. The non-Gaussianity of the OFDM signal in VLC is a noteworthy difference
from the RF case, it means that the clipping distortion is directly related to the subcarrier num-
ber. The proposed scheme and the analysis presented in this paper are all based on the as-
sumption of a non-Gaussian OFDM signal.
where Gm k can be treated as a grouping filter and expressed as in (5), shown below, in which
M is the normalized factor. It should be noted that xLED;m t contains only 1=M subcarriers,
meaning that the PAPR of xLED;m t is lower than that of xLED t . Compare to conventional
OFDM system, SCG-OFDM based system requires more drivers to obtain lower PAPR and bet-
ter performance. However, the demands for bandwidth, gain and power output of one driver in
SCG-OFDM is much less than one in conventional system, which means the implementation
costs of SCG-OFDM system in practical may not increase obviously.
Gm k M ; m 1Ng 1rk rmNg (5)
0; otherwise:
For the line-of-sight (LOS) VLC link, the channel between the mth LED chip and the detector
can be denoted as hm t hc;m hLED t , where hLED t is the impulse response of the LED and
is identical for all the chips in one LED lamp, and hc;m is the DC gain of the optical channel cor-
responding to the mth LED chip [15]. According to the previous study [9], if the LED chips are
placed closely enough together and are set to emit light in the same direction, hc;m is almost
identical for all chips. Thus, for SCG-OFDM-based systems, the signal at the receiver can be
derived using (4) and (5), such that
where nt ;conv t and nc;conv t denote the transmitter AWGN and the clipping noise at the con-
ventional transmitter, respectively, and nr t is the AWGN introduced by the VLC link and the
detector. Similarly, as for an SCG-OFDM system, rsg t is used to denote the received signal
and can be derived by subtracting (6) from (2), yielding
rsg t ht xLED;m t nt ;sg t nc;sg;m t nr t
m1 (8)
hp i
ht M xLED t Mnt ;sg t nc;sg t nr t
where nt ;sg t and nc;sg t denote the transmitter AWGN and the clipping noise in the proposed
SCG-based transmitter, nc;sg;m t denotes the clipping noise in the mth branch of the proposed
transmitter, and nc;sg t M m1 nc;sg;m t. From (7) and (8), the SNR of the conventional and
proposed systems SNRconv and SNRsg can be derived as
A2 M 2
SNRconv (9)
M2t ;conv M2c;conv 2r =h02
A2 M
SNRsg (10)
M2t ;sg 2c;sg 2r =h02
respectively, where 2t ;conv , 2c;conv , 2t ;sg , 2c;sg , and 2r denote the variance of nt ;conv t , nc;conv t ,
R 1
nt ;sg t , nc;sg t , and nr t , respectively, and h0 1 jht j dt is the channel gain. Note that
2t ;sg could be as small as 1=M of 2t ;conv , because the signal bandwidth of each branch in the
proposed scheme is only 1=M of the original signal, and proper frequency selective amplifiers
could be used to narrow the noise bandwidth. In addition, the clipping noise power M2c;conv
must be higher than 2c;sg , because the signal PAPR in the conventional system is greater and
the system is, therefore, more significantly affected by signal clipping.
Equations (9) and (10) show that the received signal power in the conventional system is M
times higher than in the proposed system, which has not been taken into account by most of
the multi-chip LED based schemes already proposed. However, the noise power in conventional
system is also greater. When the input signal power is low relative to the fixed clipping level,
is relatively high, the clipping noise in both systems is negligible, and the SNR and performance
of the conventional system should be better. However, if the input signal power is increased,
becomes small. Then, the clipping noise in the conventional system becomes obvious and may
even constitute a major noise component, leading to a decline in the SNR. Meanwhile, the clip-
ping noise in the proposed scheme is still relatively low considering its low PAPR; thus, the
SNR can still be increased, and the SCG system can outperform the conventional system. In
other words, the improvement of SNR and performance of SCG-OFDM scheme mainly come
from the mitigation of the nonlinear distortion when signal clipping is raised.
Fig. 7. (a) The 4-parallel driver and 4-chip LED array. (b) Experimental setup.
Fig. 9. Constellation diagrams of selected experimental results. (a) DCO-OFDM with 7-dBm aver-
age signal power. (b) SCG-OFDM with 7-dBm average signal power. (c) DCO-OFDM with 13-dBm
average signal power. (d) SCG-OFDM with 13-dBm average signal power.
The measured BER results are shown in Fig. 8, while selected constellation diagrams are pre-
sented in Fig. 9. In the case of 7-dBm average signal power, the conventional system shows
better BER performance than SCG-OFDM, as the input power is relatively low and the clipping
noise in both systems are negligible. In the other case, the input power is increased to 13-dBm,
the clipping noise in conventional system becomes obvious while the clipping noise in the SCG-
OFDM system still remains low because of its lower PAPR. Therefore, the SCG-OFDM system
outperforms the conventional one and achieve a lower BER at a relatively high input power. The
results in Fig. 8 show that the obtained BER exhibits an improvement of over two orders of mag-
nitude at most compared with the conventional system. Meanwhile, the results closely match
the simulation data. Thus, the conclusions derived from the analysis and simulations are
Fig. 10. System performance of the proposed switching point via simulation.
SCG-OFDM systems and that system robustness can be enhanced through this mechanism. In
addition, the proposed switching point is very near the perfect point, with a gap of about 0.2 dB.
6. Conclusion
In this paper, a subcarrier grouping scheme for the OFDM-based VLC system is proposed,
which makes full use of the multiple independent chips in one LED lamp and can successfully
improve the reachable system performance. In this scheme, all subcarriers of the OFDM signal
are divided into groups and each group is transmitted by an individual LED chip. The PAPR of
each LED chip is significantly reduced, because less subcarriers are transmitted by individual
chips; this leads to an increase in the achievable input power. Therefore, the received SNR and
the system performance can be improved in this SCG-based system. Both simulations and ex-
periments are performed to verify the advantages of the proposed scheme, and it is found that
the BER performance can be improved by over two orders of magnitude. Moreover, an adaptive
switching mechanism is also suggested in this paper, in which the subcarrier grouping scheme
is employed adaptively when the required input power is higher than the switching point. In sim-
ulation, this mechanism is shown to be capable of enhancing the system robustness
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