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Subcarrier Grouping OFDM For Visible-Light Communication Systems

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Subcarrier Grouping OFDM for Visible-Light

Communication Systems
Volume 7, Number 5, October 2015

Bingyan Yu
Hongming Zhang
Ling Wei
Jian Song, Senior Member, IEEE

DOI: 10.1109/JPHOT.2015.2477900
1943-0655 2015 IEEE
IEEE Photonics Journal Subcarrier Grouping OFDM for VLC Systems

Subcarrier Grouping OFDM for

Visible-Light Communication Systems
Bingyan Yu, Hongming Zhang, Ling Wei, and
Jian Song, Senior Member, IEEE

Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua National Laboratory for Information Science and
Technology (TNList), Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China

DOI: 10.1109/JPHOT.2015.2477900
1943-0655 2015 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only.
Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

Manuscript received August 27, 2015; accepted September 8, 2015. Date of publication Septem-
ber 10, 2015; date of current version September 18, 2015. This work was supported in part by the Na-
tional Key Basic Research of China under Grant 2013CB329203, by the National High Technology
Research and Development Program of China under Grant 2013AA013601, and by the Science and
Technology Program of the State Grid Corporation of China under Grant SGHAZZ00FCJS1500238.
Corresponding author: B. Yu (e-mail: yu-by12@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn).

Abstract: Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) has been widely studied

and adopted in visible-light communication (VLC) systems because of its high spectral
efficiency and low-complexity implementation. However, OFDM-based VLC systems suf-
fer from a high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR), along with the nonlinear transfer
characteristics of light-emitting diodes (LEDs). In this paper, a subcarrier grouping
scheme for an OFDM-based VLC system is proposed. This scheme exploits the property
that one LED lamp usually contains multiple independent LED chips. In the proposed
scheme, all OFDM signal subcarriers are divided into groups, and each group is trans-
mitted by an individual LED chip while the same receiver structure is maintained. The
PAPR is reduced significantly because only some of the subcarriers are located on each
LED chip. Hence, the achievable input power can be increased, leading to a higher
signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and a lower bit error rate (BER). Simulated and experimental
results demonstrate that the BER performance can be improved by over two orders of
magnitude. Moreover, an adaptive switching mechanism is also proposed in this paper, in
which a subcarrier grouping scheme is employed adaptively when the required input
power is high. Simulation results validate that the proposed mechanism can enhance sys-
tem robustness significantly.

Index Terms: Visible light communication (VLC), orthogonal frequency-division multiplex-

ing (OFDM), multi-chip light-emitting diode (LED).

1. Introduction
Visible-light communication (VLC) is a wireless communication technique in which an illumi-
nated light-emitting diode (LED) is used as the transmitter. Recently, because of the rapid
growth of the LED lighting industry and the increasing demand for indoor wireless data transmis-
sion, VLC has attracted considerable interest and has been adopted in a number of applica-
tions, such as indoor positioning and navigation [1], data broadcasting [2], and home network
access [3]. Compared with traditional radio frequency (RF) wireless communication, VLC has
the following advantages: 1) ubiquitous LED infrastructures; 2) no spectrum regulation; 3) no
electromagnetic interference; and 4) no associated radiation or health concerns.

Vol. 7, No. 5, October 2015 7903812

IEEE Photonics Journal Subcarrier Grouping OFDM for VLC Systems

Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) is widely used in VLC systems to achieve

high-speed transmission, because of its high spectral efficiency and low-complexity implementa-
tion [4]. Gigabit transmissions using OFDM-based VLC have recently been achieved and re-
ported [5][7]. To apply OFDM in intensity modulation and direct detection (IM/DD) VLC
systems, Hermitian symmetry is imposed on the OFDM subcarriers and a DC bias is added to
the bipolar OFDM time-domain signal, rendering the signal real and non-negative. However, the
OFDM signal suffers from its inherently high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR), which is
caused by the combination of subcarriers with independent phases. In practical VLC systems,
the available linear range of the LED is restricted as a result of its nonlinear transfer characteris-
tics. To prevent the LED from being cut-off or saturated, the signal fed towards it should be nei-
ther too small nor too large, respectively. Therefore, the system performance is limited and the
average input power should be carefully considered as regards the PAPR problem and the lin-
ear range constraint [8].
Note that the LED transmitters used in VLC have a special property, in that the LED lamp
usually contains multiple LED chips and each chip can be independently modulated. Thus, the
LED lamp can be treated as a multi-antenna transmitter. The system can benefit from this setup
to achieve parallel transmission [9][11]. Based on this property, we propose an OFDM trans-
mission scheme named the subcarrier grouping (SCG) scheme, in order to address the high
PAPR and restricted linear range problems mentioned above. The basic concept of the pro-
posed scheme is that all the OFDM subcarriers can be divided into several groups, with each
group separately transmitted by an individual LED chip. For each LED chip, the PAPR is effec-
tively reduced, as the number of subcarriers on each LED chip is significantly decreased. There-
fore, within the limitation of the linear range, the input power can be increased as the PAPR is
reduced, resulting in an improved reachable data rate. Note that the PAPR reduction is based
on the changes of the system structure, thus the scheme is not conflict with other PAPR mitiga-
tion method at the same time, meaning traditional PAPR mitigation method, such as selected
mapping (SLM) or active constellation extension (ACE), are able to be applied to the subcarrier
groups to further reduce the PAPR. As for the receiver, as the optical signals from different LED
chips can mix together in space, no additional modifications at the receiver are required in the
intensity-modulation direct-detection (IM/DD) VLC system. Furthermore, an adaptive switching
mechanism synthesizing the advantages of both the SCG scheme and the conventional scheme
is suggested in this paper. In this mechanism, the system can automatically switch from the
conventional to the SG scheme when the required input power is high; this enhances system
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides a description of the
basic system model. The SCG scheme is proposed and described in Section 3. Section 4 com-
pares the performance of the proposed and conventional schemes through both simulations
and experiments. An adaptive switching mechanism is suggested and evaluated in Section 5.
Finally, Section 6 gives the concluding remarks.

2. System Model
In this section, we begin with the structure of the conventional OFDM-based VLC transmitter.
Then, the VLC channel model is studied in terms of the impulse response, time delay spread,
and nonlinearity. Subsequently, we analyze the choice of OFDM parameters and identify the dif-
ferences between the RF and VLC signal models. The noise model is discussed at the end of
this section.

2.1. Conventional OFDM-Based VLC Transmitter

A conventional VLC transmitter using DC-biased optical OFDM (DCO-OFDM) is depicted in
Fig. 1. The transmitted data stream is mapped into complex-valued symbols X k according to
the chosen modulation scheme [e.g., quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) or phase shift
keying (PSK)]. After assigning symbols to all of the subcarriers, inverse fast Fourier transform

Vol. 7, No. 5, October 2015 7903812

IEEE Photonics Journal Subcarrier Grouping OFDM for VLC Systems

Fig. 1. Conventional VLC transmitter using DCO-OFDM.

Fig. 2. LED lamp impulse response measurement. (a) Measurement setup. (b) Measured impulse

(IFFT) processing is typically applied to obtain the time-domain OFDM signal. To guarantee that
the time-domain signal is real-valued in the IM/DD system, Hermitian symmetry is imposed on
the OFDM subcarriers; this means that only half the non-DC subcarriers to which symbols are
assigned are effective. Subsequently, the time-domain discrete signal is scaled and passed
through a digital-analog (D/A) converter. Then, a DC bias is added to ensure the signal is non-
negative. Here, we have
1 X N
x n p X k exp (1)
2N k N 2N 2
xLED t p X k exp D (2)
2N k N Ts

where x n is the normalized discrete signal after the IFFT process, N is the number of effective
OFDM subcarriers, and 2N 2 is the IFFT size. X k is the normalized complex-valued symbol
of the k th subcarrier with mean zero and variance one; it is constrained by Hermitian symmetry
as X 0 0 and X k X k  . Finally, xLED t is the signal fed to the LED, A is the scaling
factor, Ts is the period of an OFDM symbol, 0rt rTs , and D denotes the DC bias.

2.2. Channel Model

In this paper, a generalized VLC channel consisting of an LED and an optical wireless chan-
nel is considered. The two major features of the channel are the time delay spread and nonline-
arity. First, we measure the impulse response of the LED lamp used in the subsequent
experiments. The measurement setup is shown in Fig. 2(a), and the result is shown in Fig. 2(b).
The measured result indicates that the delay spread of the LED is as high as approximately
200 ns. Note that we do not use a blue filter in this measurement. If the blue filter were employed,
the delay spread would be reduced, because the yellow phosphor component with slower re-
sponse would be almost filtered out. As for the optical wireless channel, it is shown in [12] that

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IEEE Photonics Journal Subcarrier Grouping OFDM for VLC Systems

Fig. 3. LED nonlinearity. (a) Voltage-illuminance curve. (b) Signal clipping method.

the root-mean-square (RMS) delay spread is as high as 35 ns in a dynamic indoor environment,

which is negligible relative to the LED lamp. Thus, the time delay spread due to the LED is the
major consideration in the OFDM parameter design.
On the other hand, the channel has significant nonlinear transfer characteristics, with the non-
linearity being primarily due to the LED. The input-voltage-to-illuminance characteristic of the
LED lamp is measured and depicted in Fig. 3(a); this indicates that the quasi-linear range of the
LED, denoted by zmin ; zmax , is limited. The time-domain signal fed to the LED should be con-
strained in this range. In this paper, we assume the DC-bias is always set to zmin zmax =2.
Signal clipping, as shown in Fig. 3(b), is used after the scaling process (see Fig. 1) to guarantee
the constraint. The clipping level is fixed to zmin (lower clipping level) and zmax (upper clipping
level). The clipping factor  is defined as
zmax zmin

E jAx nj2
where zmax  zmin =2 is the half quasi-linear range, and E jAx nj2 is the RMS of the scaled
signal. We wish to emphasize that, after the quasi-linear range of the LED lamp is determined,
 is related to A only.

2.3. Signal Model

In traditional RF wireless communication systems, the time-domain OFDM signal can be mod-
eled as a Gaussian random process according to the central limit theorem (CLT) for sufficiently
large IFFT sizes. A total subcarrier number as small as 64 is sufficient to ensure the Gaussianity
[13]. When the Gaussian signal is transmitted through a nonlinear channel, the nonlinear distor-
tion after the fast Fourier transform (FFT) process at the receiver can be modeled as an attenu-
ation of the signal plus a Gaussian noise by means of the Bussgang theorem [13]. The statistics
characteristic of the Gaussian signal is independent of the total number of subcarriers according
to the CLT; this means that the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and the system performance are in-
dependent of the subcarrier number.
However, the Gaussianity requirement may not be satisfied in VLC systems. The choice of
OFDM parameters is mainly determined by the channel delay spread and the system band-
width. The delay spread dictates the guard time between adjacent frames directly. In VLC sys-
tems without a blue filter, the guard time can be set to 200 ns according to the measured
channel response. A practical symbol-duration design choice is at least five times the guard
time, which implies a 1-dB SNR loss because of the guard time [14]. By choosing a symbol du-
ration that is, for instance, 10 times the guard time (2 s), the subcarrier spacing becomes ap-
proximately 500 kHz. The subcarrier number is then determined by the subcarrier spacing and

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IEEE Photonics Journal Subcarrier Grouping OFDM for VLC Systems

Fig. 4. CCDF of PAPR distribution.

the available bandwidth. For example, if a 15-MHz bandwidth is used for the transmission, the
effective subcarrier number can be set to approximately 30. Moreover, if a blue filter is em-
ployed, the time delay spread should be smaller; this leads to reduced guard time, shorter sym-
bol duration, and a lower essential subcarrier number. The rough calculation above reveals that
subcarrier number is probably insufficiently large to ensure Gaussianity, and therefore, the CLT
and the Bussgang theorem cannot be applied to analyze the system performance for an OFDM-
based VLC system. The non-Gaussianity of the OFDM signal in VLC is a noteworthy difference
from the RF case, it means that the clipping distortion is directly related to the subcarrier num-
ber. The proposed scheme and the analysis presented in this paper are all based on the as-
sumption of a non-Gaussian OFDM signal.

2.4. Noise Model

The dominant noise sources present in a OFDM-based VLC system are the digital-to-analog
(D/A) converter and transmitter driver-circuit noise, the nonlinear distortion caused by the signal
clipping, the noise in the optical wireless channel (e.g., ambient light interference) and the noise
arising from the photodetector at the receiver. All possible noise sources apart from the clipping
noise can be modeled as additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN). In this paper, nt t is used to
denote the noise introduced by the D/A converter and the circuit, namely, transmitter AWGN;
nc t is used to denote the clipping distortion caused by the signal clipping; while nr t denotes
the interference introduced after the signal is emitted from the LED lamp.

3. Subcarrier-Grouping OFDM Systems

As explained in the previous section, the OFDM signal in a VLC system cannot simply be
treated as a Gaussian process. In addition, the OFDM signal has a high PAPR. Fig. 4 shows
the complementary cumulative distribution of the PAPR of the OFDM signal for different N. It
can be seen that the PAPR is more likely to be high when N is larger, and vice versa. Based on
this fact, we propose the subcarrier grouping (SCG) scheme for an OFDM-based VLC system,
termed SCG-OFDM. This novel scheme modifies the structure of OFDM system with multi-chip
LED to mitigate the PAPR. Assume that an M-chip LED lamp consisting of M independent LED
chips is used as the transmitter, where each LED chip can be modulated separately. Meanwhile,
all the subcarriers of the OFDM signal are divided into M groups, where each group contains
Ng N=M effective subcarriers and is transmitted by one LED chip. By employing SCG-OFDM,
the subcarrier number of each LED chip Ng is 1=M of the conventional OFDM. Small Ng leads to
low PAPR. This reduction in PAPR allows for an increase in the mean input power, which trans-
lates to improved SNR and system performance. In this section, we describe the structure of the
SCG-OFDM-based VLC transmitter and compare the performance of the proposed and conven-
tional structures.

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IEEE Photonics Journal Subcarrier Grouping OFDM for VLC Systems

Fig. 5. SCG-OFDM-based VLC transmitter.

3.1. SCG-OFDM-Based VLC Transmitter

Based on the multi-chip LED lamp and the proposed SCG-OFDM scheme, a VLC transmitter
structure can be established, as shown in Fig. 5. The proposed transmitter utilizes the indepen-
dent LED chips of one lamp. After assigning complex-valued symbols to the subcarriers like the
conventional transmitter, all the OFDM subcarriers are divided into M groups. Each group con-
sisting of Ng effective subcarriers (as explained above) constitutes a branch. For each branch,
zero padding is employed to obtain N subcarriers with N  Ng zero subcarriers. The subsequent
process, involving Hermitian symmetry, IFFT, D/A, and the addition of DC bias, is identical to
that of the conventional system; thus, the conventional transmitter structure can be used here,
conveniently, with only a small change. Then, the parallel signal drives multiple chips one-to-
one. If xLED;m t denotes the signal fed to the mth LED chip, we have
xLED;m t p Gm k X k exp D (4)
2N k N Ts

where Gm k can be treated as a grouping filter and expressed as in (5), shown below, in which
M is the normalized factor. It should be noted that xLED;m t contains only 1=M subcarriers,
meaning that the PAPR of xLED;m t is lower than that of xLED t . Compare to conventional
OFDM system, SCG-OFDM based system requires more drivers to obtain lower PAPR and bet-
ter performance. However, the demands for bandwidth, gain and power output of one driver in
SCG-OFDM is much less than one in conventional system, which means the implementation
costs of SCG-OFDM system in practical may not increase obviously.
Gm k M ; m  1Ng 1rk rmNg (5)
0; otherwise:

For the line-of-sight (LOS) VLC link, the channel between the mth LED chip and the detector
can be denoted as hm t hc;m hLED t , where hLED t is the impulse response of the LED and
is identical for all the chips in one LED lamp, and hc;m is the DC gain of the optical channel cor-
responding to the mth LED chip [15]. According to the previous study [9], if the LED chips are
placed closely enough together and are set to emit light in the same direction, hc;m is almost
identical for all chips. Thus, for SCG-OFDM-based systems, the signal at the receiver can be
derived using (4) and (5), such that

r t h1 t  xLED;1 t h2 t  xLED;2 t    hM t  xLED;M t

" # " p   #
j2kt (6)
 ht  xLED;m t ht  p X k exp MD
m1 2N k N Ts

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IEEE Photonics Journal Subcarrier Grouping OFDM for VLC Systems

where * denotes the convolution operation, and ht  h1 t  h2 t      hM t is the general-

ized channel response. It can be found from (2) and (6) that, by summing the optical signal in
the free-space optical channel, the received signal is approximately identical to that of the con-
ventional OFDM system; this indicates that the receiver requires no change.

3.2. Performance Analysis

In this section, discussions on the system performance of the conventional and SCG-OFDM
systems were presented. For a conventional OFDM system using the multi-chip LED discussed
in the previous section, the signals fed to the M chips are identical. After the optical wireless
link, the signal at the receiver rconv t can be expressed as

rconv t ht  M xLED t nt ;conv t nc;conv t nr t (7)

where nt ;conv t and nc;conv t denote the transmitter AWGN and the clipping noise at the con-
ventional transmitter, respectively, and nr t is the AWGN introduced by the VLC link and the
detector. Similarly, as for an SCG-OFDM system, rsg t is used to denote the received signal
and can be derived by subtracting (6) from (2), yielding

rsg t ht  xLED;m t nt ;sg t nc;sg;m t nr t
m1 (8)
hp i
ht  M xLED t Mnt ;sg t nc;sg t nr t

where nt ;sg t and nc;sg t denote the transmitter AWGN and the clipping noise in the proposed
SCG-based transmitter, nc;sg;m t denotes the clipping noise in the mth branch of the proposed
transmitter, and nc;sg t M m1 nc;sg;m t. From (7) and (8), the SNR of the conventional and
proposed systems SNRconv and SNRsg can be derived as

A2 M 2
SNRconv (9)
M2t ;conv M2c;conv 2r =h02
A2 M
SNRsg (10)
M2t ;sg 2c;sg 2r =h02

respectively, where 2t ;conv , 2c;conv , 2t ;sg , 2c;sg , and 2r denote the variance of nt ;conv t , nc;conv t ,
R 1
nt ;sg t , nc;sg t , and nr t , respectively, and h0 1 jht j dt is the channel gain. Note that
2t ;sg could be as small as 1=M of 2t ;conv , because the signal bandwidth of each branch in the
proposed scheme is only 1=M of the original signal, and proper frequency selective amplifiers
could be used to narrow the noise bandwidth. In addition, the clipping noise power M2c;conv
must be higher than 2c;sg , because the signal PAPR in the conventional system is greater and
the system is, therefore, more significantly affected by signal clipping.
Equations (9) and (10) show that the received signal power in the conventional system is M
times higher than in the proposed system, which has not been taken into account by most of
the multi-chip LED based schemes already proposed. However, the noise power in conventional
system is also greater. When the input signal power is low relative to the fixed clipping level, 
is relatively high, the clipping noise in both systems is negligible, and the SNR and performance
of the conventional system should be better. However, if the input signal power is increased, 
becomes small. Then, the clipping noise in the conventional system becomes obvious and may
even constitute a major noise component, leading to a decline in the SNR. Meanwhile, the clip-
ping noise in the proposed scheme is still relatively low considering its low PAPR; thus, the
SNR can still be increased, and the SCG system can outperform the conventional system. In

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IEEE Photonics Journal Subcarrier Grouping OFDM for VLC Systems

Fig. 6. System performance comparison via simulation.

other words, the improvement of SNR and performance of SCG-OFDM scheme mainly come
from the mitigation of the nonlinear distortion when signal clipping is raised.

4. Simulations and Experiments

Simulations and experiments were conducted to validate this analysis. First, the bit-error rate
(BER) performance of the conventional and proposed systems were compared through simula-
tion; the results are depicted in Fig. 6. For both systems, the OFDM signals were divided into 12
effective subcarriers in the frequency domain, yielding 24 subcarriers after Hermitian symmetry.
Each subcarrier was modulated by 16-QAM symbols. In these analyses, M was set to four. In
the conventional system, the four chips were driven by the same signal, while for the SCG-
based system, four parallel signals drive the four chips one-to-one. Here, the linear range was
set to 0.6 V for both the conventional and SCG-based systems.
It can be seen that the conventional system outperforms the SCG-based system at low input
signal power (high ). This is because the nonlinear clipping noise is low under these condi-
tions, and the system achieves a high received signal power and SNR. As the input signal
power increases ( decreases), the nonlinear clipping noise in the conventional system gradu-
ally becomes distinct, and the SNR is degraded. However, at this time, the SCG-OFDM system
becomes excessive as the clipping noise is still low. As the input power increases further, the
clipping noise in both systems becomes obvious and the performance begins to decline in both
cases. The simulated results confirm that in VLC systems with linear-range constraints, SCG-
OFDM can exhibit superior performance under suitable conditions, mainly due to its lower
PAPR, and can yield a lower reachable BER or a higher reachable data rate.
These conclusions were also validated by experiment. The experimental setup is shown in
Fig. 7(b). Four independently driven phosphor-based LED chips (produced by Epistar) and a
self-made 4-parallel driver, as shown in Fig. 7(a), were used as the transmitter. An arbitrary
waveform generator (AWG, Rigol, DG5352) was used to generate the signals. The signal
bandwidth was 12.5 MHz and the signal format was identical to that used in the simulations,
meaning that a total data rate of 50 Mbps was achieved. After an approximately 120-cm opti-
cal wireless link, a photodiode (Thorlabs, PDA10A-EC) was used as the receiver, and a lens
and blue filter were set in front of the photodiode. A signal analyzer (Tektronix, DSA71254C)
was used to sample and store the received data for off-line signal processing. As four parallel
signals were required to be transmitted through four chips simultaneously in both systems and
only one AWG was available, we used an equivalent approach to facilitate the experiment.
Specifically, we generated four individual signals with the AWG and performed four separate
measurements; then, we recorded the four results and summed them to obtain the equivalent
complete result.

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IEEE Photonics Journal Subcarrier Grouping OFDM for VLC Systems

Fig. 7. (a) The 4-parallel driver and 4-chip LED array. (b) Experimental setup.

Fig. 8. System performance comparison via experiment.

Fig. 9. Constellation diagrams of selected experimental results. (a) DCO-OFDM with 7-dBm aver-
age signal power. (b) SCG-OFDM with 7-dBm average signal power. (c) DCO-OFDM with 13-dBm
average signal power. (d) SCG-OFDM with 13-dBm average signal power.

The measured BER results are shown in Fig. 8, while selected constellation diagrams are pre-
sented in Fig. 9. In the case of 7-dBm average signal power, the conventional system shows
better BER performance than SCG-OFDM, as the input power is relatively low and the clipping
noise in both systems are negligible. In the other case, the input power is increased to 13-dBm,
the clipping noise in conventional system becomes obvious while the clipping noise in the SCG-
OFDM system still remains low because of its lower PAPR. Therefore, the SCG-OFDM system
outperforms the conventional one and achieve a lower BER at a relatively high input power. The

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IEEE Photonics Journal Subcarrier Grouping OFDM for VLC Systems

results in Fig. 8 show that the obtained BER exhibits an improvement of over two orders of mag-
nitude at most compared with the conventional system. Meanwhile, the results closely match
the simulation data. Thus, the conclusions derived from the analysis and simulations are

5. Adaptive Switching Mechanism

From the analysis, simulations and experimental results, it can be found out that SCG-OFDM
sacrifice the received power for lower PAPR and less nonlinear distortion under the condition of
a relative high input power to achieve a better performance. Hence, SCG-OFDM can perform
better with high input power. In low input power circumstance, the performance of SCG-OFDM
scheme is lower than conventional scheme. To solve the problem in practical systems and com-
bine the advantages of both the SCG-OFDM system and the conventional OFDM system, an
adaptive switching mechanism is proposed in this section. The basic idea of the mechanism is
that the system should switch to SCG-OFDM scheme when the required input power is high
and switch to conventional scheme adaptively when the required power is low.
There are two states in the proposed switching mechanism, one state is the conventional
scheme which is named normal state, the other state employs SCG-OFDM scheme and is
called the SCG state. The system model employing this mechanism is the same with the SCG-
OFDM system model. When the system switches to SCG state, the M parallel signals
xLED;m t ; m 1; 2; . . . ; M are assigned to M different LED chips, when the system need to
switch to normal state, all of the M LED chips transmit the conventional signal xLED t .
For the adaptive switching mechanism, It is obvious that the perfect switching point of the in-
put power is the intersection of the two curves in Fig. 6, i.e., the input power corresponding to
BERconv BERsg . However, in practical systems, to obtain this perfect switching point, many
noise and channel parameters and much calculation are required, making the switching mecha-
nism highly complex. In this paper, we proposed a near-optimal and simple choice of the switch-
ing point of the input power. This proposed switching point Pin;0 is determined only by the linear
range and the subcarrier number and can be expressed as
z  zmin 2
Pin;0 dB 10log10 99 dB (11)
where Pin;0 is the switching point of input power, zmin ; zmax  is the linear range, and 99 is the
99% PAPR level satisfying Pr PAPR G 99 99%. Note that in (11), zmax  zmin =22 is peak
power constraint. When the average input power is no higher than Pin;0 , at most only 1% of the
OFDM frames may be clipped and only a few signals in one frame are impaired, thus the clip-
ping noise in both state is negligible and the normal state performs better according to the anal-
ysis in the previous section. In this case, the system should work in the normal state. When the
required input power is higher than Pin;0 , a higher percentage of the OFDM frames of the normal
state are clipped, and the SCG state shows its advantages and should be employed to enhance
the system performance. Hence, this choice of the switch point makes full use of the linear
range and also avoids severe clipping distortion, yielding a near-optimal choice. Practically, be-
cause 99 is only related to the subcarrier numbers, it can be stored in a look-up table in ad-
vance, making the calculation of Pin;0 very simple.
The performance of the proposed adaptive switching mechanism can be evaluated by simula-
tions. Fig. 10 shows the BER performance of both the normal state and the SCG state around
the intersection of the two curves. The linear range in the simulation is 0.6 V, the subcarrier num-
ber N is 12 and 99 is 11.7 dB. According to the analysis above and (11), the proposed switching
point is 7.84 dB. In Fig. 10, the red line is the performance of the system with adaptive switching
mechanism, the blue and black curve represents performance of the conventional system and
the SCG-OFDM system without adaptive switching mechanism. It can be found in the figure that
the adaptive switching mechanism combines the advantages of both the conventional and the

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IEEE Photonics Journal Subcarrier Grouping OFDM for VLC Systems

Fig. 10. System performance of the proposed switching point via simulation.

SCG-OFDM systems and that system robustness can be enhanced through this mechanism. In
addition, the proposed switching point is very near the perfect point, with a gap of about 0.2 dB.

6. Conclusion
In this paper, a subcarrier grouping scheme for the OFDM-based VLC system is proposed,
which makes full use of the multiple independent chips in one LED lamp and can successfully
improve the reachable system performance. In this scheme, all subcarriers of the OFDM signal
are divided into groups and each group is transmitted by an individual LED chip. The PAPR of
each LED chip is significantly reduced, because less subcarriers are transmitted by individual
chips; this leads to an increase in the achievable input power. Therefore, the received SNR and
the system performance can be improved in this SCG-based system. Both simulations and ex-
periments are performed to verify the advantages of the proposed scheme, and it is found that
the BER performance can be improved by over two orders of magnitude. Moreover, an adaptive
switching mechanism is also suggested in this paper, in which the subcarrier grouping scheme
is employed adaptively when the required input power is higher than the switching point. In sim-
ulation, this mechanism is shown to be capable of enhancing the system robustness

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