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ZAO CourseCatalogue 2013

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A U G U S T 2 6 T H D E C E M B E R

2 3 R D

Zaynab Academy


Table of Contents


The Quran Program


English Classical Islamic Learning


The Qur'an Program-I
Essentials of Spiritual Development
Essential Ahadith through Zaad-ut-Talibeen-I
Fiqh of Ibadah-I
Seerah of the Beloved Messenger s.a.w-I


This year Zaynab Academy introduces a new course called The Quran Program. This course will
cover the entire Quran in 2 years focusing on the 4 Ts: Translation, Tafsir, Tajwid, and Tazkiyah.
The focus of this course are 4 Ts: Translation, Tafsir, Tarbiyah, and Tazkiyah. The class seeks to academically understand the translation and commentary of the Quran as well to experience lifechanging lessons on how to achieve inner development and spiritual purification.
Program Duration
Weekly Time Commitment
Certification Requirements

2 years
6 hours/week
Zaynab Academy Core Modules

QUR 101: Understanding Qur'an & Tafsir

HAD 101: Understanding Hadith & Sunnah

IST 101: Islamic Scholarly Tradition

Iman 101: Iman, Islam & Ihsan

Tajwid- Rules of Recitation*

QUR 102: Qur'an Program- I

QUR 103: Qur'an Program- II

QUR 200: Qur'an Program- III

QUR 201: Qur'an Program- IV

QUR 300: Qur'an Program- V

QUR 301: Qur'an Program- VI

Course Pre-requisites


Requirements for
Registration Starts

A good internet connection and a pair of headphones.

Registration Ends

September 7, 2013

August 15, 2013

*Students must certify that they have received instruction in Tajwid from a local teacher OR must
enroll in a summer intensive with ZAO.

Foundations is a self-paced certificate course which includes the Zaynab Academy Core Modules,
and a certain number of units/classes in Qur'an, Hadith, basic Fiqh, History, Contemporary issues,
and Spiritual Development.
Program Duration
Weekly Time

Minimum: 2 years*
Anywhere from 3-7 hours/week*




Any 2 of the following courses:

QUR 220: Tafsir of Selected Surahs-I

QUR 221: Tafsir of Selected Surahs-II

Any 2 of the following courses:
HAD 102: Essential Ahadith through Zaad ut Talibeen- I
HAD 103: Essential Ahadith through Zaad ut Talibeen- II
HAD 104: Essential Ahadith through Zaad ut Talibeen- III
HAD 120: Arba'een of Imam Nawawi
HAD 121: Selections from Shamail of Imam Tirmidhi

All of the following courses:

ISL 102: Fiqh of Ibadah-I

ISL 103: Fiqh of Ibadah-II

ISL 104: Fiqh of Ibadah-III

ISL 120: Fiqh of Marriage


Any 2 of the following courses:

HIST 101: Seerah of the Beloved Messenger s.a.w I

HIST 102: Seerah of the Beloved Messenger s.a.w II

HIST 103: Seerah of the Beloved Messenger s.a.w III

HIST 200: History of the Khulefa Rashideen

HIST 210: Biography Series

Any 2 of the following courses:

CLS 200: Women & Gender

CLS 210: Marriage in Islam

CLS 220: Positive Parenting in Islam


Any 2 of the following courses:

SPD 102: Essentials of Spiritual Development

SPD 103: Introduction to Islamic Spirituality

SPD 120: Purification of the Heart

Course Pre-requisites


Requirements for

A good internet connection and a pair of headphones.

Registration Starts

August 15, 2013

Registration Ends

September 7, 2013

*Please note that the time commitment required every term varies with the amount of courses taken
and hence the number of years taken to complete the requirements also varies as it depends on the
Each Course meets for 75-90 minutes/week.
** Each term, there might be new courses offered in the subject areas of Qur'an, Hadith, Islamic History, Spiritual Purification & Development and Contemporary Issues which are not listed here. These will also count towards the certificate's distribution requirements.
Moreover, occasionally there will be workshops/seminars conducted for Islamic History, Spiritual
Purification & Development and Contemporary Issues. These will also contribute to completing the
distribution requirements. A workshop is equivalent to 1/4 th of a course.

English Classical Islamic Learning
English Classical Islamic Learning is a degree program especially designed for women who wish to
study the classical methodology of Islamic knowledge and scholarship through a modern educational approach. The philosophy of the course is distinct in its embrace of the entire academic tradition of the Ahl-al Sunnah wal-Jamaah with respect for all scholars of Tafsir, Hadith, Fiqh, and Usul
al-fiqh. Moreover, it highlights the importance of spiritual purification (tazkiya) and inner reform
After completing this program, students will have been introduced to and exposed to some of the
principal texts in the rich Islamic tradition of Hadith studies, Islamic law, Islamic Jurisprudence and
Classical Arabic, which have been traditionally taught in the 'Alimah' course. They will also have
completed the The Qur'an Program. However, to properly qualify as an Alimah requires a deep level of taqwa and tazkiyah which has to be obtained through live interaction and company of the senior scholars and shuyukh of our Ummah. As the course progresses, we will continually encourage
students to develop their spirituality while identifying opportunities for them to do so.

Program Duration
Weekly Time

3 years. Graduates of the course will qualify to take an advanced course in

Hadith to be offered in the future.
Year 1: 10-12 hours/week in class

Year 2: 15-18 hours/week in class

Year 3: 18-20 hours/week in class

Other than investing time in-class, students are also required to spend up
to 2-5 hours/week in self-study.

Degree Requirements Students must successfully complete the following courses which they
will be force-enrolled in over subsequent terms:

Zaynab Academy Core Modules

Tajwid- Rules of Recitation*

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

QUR 102: Qur'an Program-I & QUR 103:

Quran Program-II &
QUR 200: Qur'an Program-III

QUR 220: Advanced

Tafsir Studies- I

QUR 300: Advanced

Tafsir Studies- II

HAD 102: Essential

Ahadith through
HAD 103: Essential
Ahadith through
Zaad-ut-Talibeen-II &
HAD 104: Essential
Ahadith through

HAD 200: Selections

from Riyadh-usSaliheen

HAD 300: Selections

from Mishkat-ulMasabih


ISL 102: Fiqh of Ibadah-I, ISL 103: Fiqh

of Ibadah-II & ISL
104: Fiqh of IbadahIII

ISL200: Muslim Commercial & Personal

Law through

ISL 300: Inheritance

Laws through al-Siraji

ISJ 101: Introduction to ISJ 200: Comparative

Islamic Jurisprudence Fiqh through althrough Usul-ulHidaya

ARB 102: Introduction to Morphology

& Syntax

SPD 102: Essentials

of Spiritual Development & SPD 103: Introduction to Islamic

ARB 200: Advanced

Syntax through Hidayah-tun-Nahw

ARB 300: Arabic

Rhetoric through Durus-ul-Balagha

ARL 101: Qasas-unNabiyeen-I

ARL 200: Qasas-unNabiyeen-II

SPD 200: Spiritual Development-I

SPD 300: Spiritual Development-II


Requirements for
Instruments for

Registration Starts
Registration Ends

Basic knowledge of the Arabic alphabet and the ability to read it.
A good internet connection and a pair of headphones.
Students will be assessed through quizzes, assignments and an end of
term exam for each course they are force-enrolled in.
Students are required to maintain an attendance of at least 90% in each
course they are taking in a term. To be marked present, A student must:
a) Attend class live OR
b) Listen to the recording of the class within 2 weeks of class
August 15, 2013
August 29, 2013

*Students must certify that they have received instruction in Tajwed from a local teacher OR must
enroll in a summer intensive with ZAO.
NOTE: Students who register themselves for this program starting in Fall 2013 and were not enrolled in Spring 2013, must
1. Listen to some recordings and attend a 2-day workshop. It is mandatory to certify that they have
completed this requirement before they can attend the Fall term classes:

Basics of Arabic Morphology (Approximately 20 hours)

History of Islamic Scholarly Tradition (2-day Workshop)

They will receive instructions for how to listen to these recordings/attend the workshop after registration closes and must certify before the classes start.
2. Enroll themselves in a one hour class over the course of three terms to complete their Zaynab
Academy Core Modules within the first year. Details will be e-mailed when enrollment starts.


Tentative Schedule for Fall Term:

*All timings are given in Pakistan time+

9:00-9:45 PM: ARB 102
10:00PM-12:15 AM (the next day): QUR 102
Tuesdays :
09:00-09:45 PM: ARB 102
10:00 PM 11:15 PM: SPD 102
08:00-09:30PM: ISL 102
10:00PM-12:15AM (the next day): QUR 102
9:00-9:45 PM: ARB 102
9:00-09:45: ARB 102
10:00-11:30 PM: HAD 102


Fall Term Courses

QUR 102: Qur'an Program-I
This is the first in a two part series of courses covering the translation and commentary of the first
ten juz of the Qur'an, using classical sources. It will explore in detail the teachings and meanings of
the Qur'an, in order to provide spiritual insights and practical advice.
Instructor: Alimah Sobia Ahmed
Class Duration: 2 classes/ week of 135 minutes each
Days & Timings: Every Monday and Wednesday, 10:00-12:15 AM (the next day) Pakistan time

SPD 102: Essentials of Spiritual Development

This course will provide an introduction to the essentials for our spiritual purification and development and will be based on teachings from Qur'an, Hadith and the works of this Ummah's pious
Instructor: Alimah Sobia Ahmed
Class Duration: 1 class/ week of 75 minutes
Days & Timings: Every Tuesday, 10:00-11:15 PM Pakistan time

HAD 102: Essential Ahadith through Zaad-ut-Talibeen-I

This is the first in a two part series of courses covering the ahadith in the compilation of Mufti
Aashiq Ellahi (r.a.). Zaad-ut-Talibeen is a collection of short ahadith which convey multitudes of
meanings and teachings in a few words. This course will introduce students to hadith literature and
highlight the many lessons to be learnt from these Prophetic teachings.


Instructor: Ustadha Zahra Rashid

Class Duration: 1 class/week of 90 minutes
Days & Timings: Every Friday, 10:00-11:30 PM Pakistan time

ISL 102: Fiqh of Ibadah-I

This course aims to introduce students to Islamic law regarding purification (taharah) as derived
from the Qur'an, Sunnah and Hanafi legal methodology. It will teach in detail all of the fundamental
rulings regarding its basic components and what constitutes its invalidation. By the end of the term
inshaAllah, women aspiring to perform taharah properly will know the basic requirements to do
Instructor: Ustadha Faiza Khan
Class Duration: 1 class/week of 90 minutes
Days & Timings: Every Wednesday, 8:00-9:30 PM Pakistan time

HIST 101: Seerah of the Beloved Messenger s.a.w-I

This course will explore in detail the Makkan life of the Prophet s.a.w. through classical and contemporary sources. It aims to explore the spiritual and historical teachings of the Makkan period, enabling students to develop a deeper understanding of the beginnings of the Deen, and of the blessed
character of the Prophet s.a.w.
Instructor: Ustadha Mahnoor Farooqi
Class Duration: 1 class/week of 75 minutes
Days & Timings: Every Sunday, 5:00-6:15 PM Pakistan time


*These timings are subject to change, if there is a change it will be announced by end of August insha Allah.
NOTE: The standard time zone for this term is Pakistan time, insha Allah when clocks are reset in
fall for daylight savings in UK, Europe and US, the students will continue to convert to their own
time zone the timings mentioned above.



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