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Excel Productivity Guide

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Useful Tips | Keyboard Shortcuts | VBA Codes

My name is Puneet . Im a 26 years old guy from India.
Im on a mission.
And, my mission is to help people & learn
Microsoft Excel.
So, thats why I am helping people who want to learn
Microsoft Excel.
I have founded ExcelChamps to reach more & more

I have created this E-Book with love, for people who

want to drive their skills to next level.

Read My Story


Puneet Gogia
Super Useful
Excel Shortcuts
80 Daily Use Excel Keyboard Shortcuts
Key Description
Ctrl + Up Arrow Move to the top end.
Ctrl + Down Arrow Move to the down end.
Ctrl + Right Arrow Move to the Right end.
Ctrl + Left Arrow Move to the Left end.
Ctrl + C Copy
Ctrl + V Paste
Ctrl + X Cut
Ctrl + S Save
Ctrl + P Print
Ctrl + F4 Save As
Ctrl + Z Undo last action
Ctrl + Y Redo last action
Ctrl + A Select All
Ctrl + Spacebar Select Entire Column
Shift + Spacebar Select Entire Row
Delete Delete
F2 Edit Cell
Esc Close Edit Mode
F1 Help
Menu Option Right Click Menu

Quick Tip: Try to use as more as shortcut keys you can.

Key Description
Ctrl + B Bold
Ctrl + I Italic
Ctrl + U Underline
Ctrl + ! Open Format Menu
Ctrl + Shift + @ Format As Time Value
Ctrl + Shift + # Format As Date Value
Ctrl + Shift + $ Format As Time Value
Ctrl + Shift + % Format As Percentage Value
Alt H O I / A Adjust Cell Width to content
Alt H B A Apply Border
Alt H F C Change Font Color
Alt H H Change Cell Color
Alt H A C Align text To Center
Alt H M C Merge Cell
Alt H W Wrap Text
Alt H F F Change Font Style
Alt H F S Change Font Size
Alt H L N Add Conditional Formatting
Alt H T Format as Table
Alt H J Style Cell

Quick Tip: Replace your 10 most used options with shortcuts.

Insert & Layout
Key Description
Alt NV Insert Pivot Table
Alt NT Insert Table
Alt NP Insert Picture
Alt NSH Insert Shape
Alt NSC Insert Charts
Alt NI Insert Hyperlink
Alt NX Insert Text Box
Alt NJ Insert Object
Alt NU Insert Symbol
Alt NH Insert Header & Footer
Alt NV Insert Pivot Table
Alt WVF Hide/Unhide Formula Bar
Alt WVH Hide/Unhide Heading
Alt WVG Hide/Unhide Gridlines
Alt WQC Change Zoom
Alt WFF Freeze Panel
Alt WFI Page Break View
Alt WFC Custom View
Alt WFP Page Layout View
Alt WA Arrange Windows

Quick Tip: Make your fingers learn shortcut keys.

Data & Formulas
Key Description
Shift + F3 Insert Function
Alt M R Recently Used Functions
Alt M I Financial Functions
Alt M L Logical Functions
Alt M T Text Functions
Alt M E Date & Time Functions
Alt M O Lookup Functions
Alt M G Math & Trig Functions
Alt M Q More Functions
Alt + = Auto Sum
Alt M N Name Manager
Alt D F F Add Filters
Alt A V V Insert Data Validation
Alt A M Remove Duplicates
Alt A R A Refresh All
Alt A E Text to Column
Alt A G Group Rows & Columns
Alt A U Ungroup Rows & Columns
Alt A B Add Sub Total
Alt A S S Sort

Quick Tip: Try to locate shortcut keys by pressing alt key..

Excel Tips
30 useful tips for productivity
Watch Window
Use watch window to track important
cells in your workbook.

You can add all those important cells in watch

window to track them on real time.

How to

1. Go to Formula Tab -> Watch Window -> Add


2. Select the cell you want to add to watch window.

Once you add a cell into watch window it will

show you following details.
1. Workbook name.
2. Worksheet name.
3. Cell name (If given).
4. Cell address.
5. Cell value.
6. Cell formula.
Related Tip: How To Use Watch Window
Format Painter
Use format painter to copy formatting
from one section of your worksheet to
When you click on format painter
button it will simply copy a cell & when
to select another cell it will apply
formatting on it.

How to

1. Select the cell or a range from where you want

to copy format.

2. Go to Home -> Clipboard -> Format Painter.

3. Once you click on the format painter, your

mouse pointer will change icon.

4. Now, you can select the cell or range on which

you want to paste that format.

Related Tip: How To Use Format Painter

Fill Justify
The single core motive to use fill justify
in excel is to merge the data from
multiple cells into a single cell.

If you have any other idea to merge text

into one cell, leave it.

Using fill justify is a better option.

How to

1. First of all, make sure that the column in which

your text is captured is wide enough to store the
entire text into a single cell.

2. Now, select all the cell in which text is stored.

3. Go to Home Tab -> Editing Group -> Fill ->


4. Now, your pre-selected data of multiple cells is

converted into a single cell.

Related Tip: How To Use Fill Justify

Sort Columns
Sorting columns in excel mean sorting
data from left to right [horizontal

This is useful when you have to streamline

your data columns or you want to arrange
them in alphabetic order.

How to

1. Select the data you want to sort.

2. Go to Data Tab Sort & Filter Click on Sort

Button. Now, you will get a pop-up window.

3. Click on options button Select sort left to right

& click Ok.

4. Now select the row on the basis of which you

want to sort your data & click OK.

Related Tip: How To Sort Columns in Excel

Undo Redo Buttons
You can use undo and redo buttons
from quick access toolbar which has a
list of activities you have done.

And, you can undo or redo to a

particular activity by using
these buttons.

How to

1. Go to File Tab Options Quick Access Toolbar

Select UNDO & REDO command from Choose
commands from.

2. Add both the commands to your quick access


3. Click Ok.

Related Tip: How To Undo & Redo Buttons

Flash Fill
It is like a copy cat, which can do the
things in the same pattern in which you
are doing.

You just have to do that

operation once & Flash Fill do it
for the rest.

How to

1. Go to Home Tab -> Editing -> Fill -> Flash Fill.

2. You can also add flash fill option to the quick

access toolbar for your convenience.

3. To activate automatic flash fill option. Go to File -

> Options -> Advance -> Editing Options -> Tick
Mark automatically flash fills.

Related Tip: How To Use Flash Fill

Image In Cell Comment
This is a very useful feature of the cell
comment. You can add images to
describe the content of the cell.

How to

1. Open format comment option, go to color & lines


2. Click on the color drop down menu & then click

on fill effects.

3. Select picture tab and click on select picture to

add the picture.

Related Tip: 4 Quick Tips To Customize a Cell Comment

Add Secondary Axis
You can add a secondary axis to your
chart to show more than one data

How to

1. Select the data series for which you want to add

a secondary axis.

2. Right Click on it & Go to Format Data Series

Series Option Activate Secondary Axis.

3. Now, you have a two scales in your chart.

Related Tip: How To Add Secondary Axis

Excel Camera Tool
Like a normal camera, this camera

captures the picture of cell range.

Excel Camera Tool help you to copy

a range & create a Live Picture of that
range. You can paste that range anywhere
in your worksheet.
How to

1. From your quick access toolbar, click on the

down arrow.

2. Youll get a drop-down menu. Click on more


3. Now, In excel options select all commands from

Choose Commands From.

4. Select Camera from the list & add it to the quick

access toolbar. Click OK.

Related Tip: How To Use Excel Camera Tool

In-Built Data Entry Form
Microsoft Excel is loaded with a built-in

data entry form.

You can use this form to

enter your data into worksheet very easily.
Before you use this entry form, the first
thing you have to do is to activate this form

How to

1. Select Your Data & Press Alt + D + O

Related Tip: How To Use Default Data Entry Form

Print Titles
You can use Print Title option to

print some specific data at the top

of each page you print.

You can select a range of cells for
this to print.

How to

1. Go to -> Page Layout -> Sheet ->

2. Add Print Area in print area input box which you

want print.

3. In Rows To Repeat At Top add the row area

which you want to print at top of every page.

4. In Columns To Repeat At Left add the column

area which you want to print at left of every

5. Click Ok.

Create a Cell Message
You can create a cell message for some
specific cells.

Whenever user select those cell, it will pop-up

a message which you have specified.

How to

1. Go to Data tab -> Data Tools.

2. In Data Validation

3. Click input message

4. Enter Title & Message

5. Click OK

Multiply With Paste Special
For example, You have a data table with call
tariff rates from India to other countries.
Due to some hike in costing you have to
increase your tariff rates by 20%. You can
use here paste special operations to
How to
You can use
1. Select paste
the cell special
in which operators
you have your %ageto
of increment(I
perform have used 1.2
some one-time for increasing
the tariff by 20%) & copy it.
[Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide]
2. Now, select the entire range on which you
want to apply the calculation.

3. Use shortcut key [Alt + E + S] to get the

paste special dialog box.

4. Go to Operation, select the multiply

option, click okay.

Related Tip: Multiply With Paste Special

Change Display Units
If you are dealing with the large
number in your excel chart, you
can change the units for your
axis values.

How to

1. Select chart axis your chart & open format

Format Axis options.

2. In axis options, go to Display Units where

you can select unit for your axis values.

Hide Empty Gap in Chart
Lets say if you have a chart with
monthly sales in which Jun has
no amount & cell is empty.

You can use following options for that empty

1. Show gap for the empty cell.
2. Use zero.
3. Connect data points with the line.

How to

1. Right, click on your chart & select Select


2. In select data window, click on Hidden and

Empty Cell.

3. Select your desired option from Show

Empty Cell as.

Insert Picture in Chart
It has a limited use but its pretty
cool to use an image in your

How to

1. Select data bar in your chart.

2. Go to Fill & Line. In Fill option, select picture

& texture fill.

3. In Insert Picture From click on file to select

an image.

4. Select Stack after that.

Copy Chart Formatting
Lets say, with your extreme efforts, you have
formatted a chart. And, you realize that you
have more charts to format.
Its a pain. But, I have a super quick solution.

How to

1. Right-click on the chart from which you want

to copy the chart formatting.

2. Click on the copy.

3. Right-click on the other chart on which you

want to apply/paste the formatting.

4. Go to Home tab -> Clipboard -> Paste ->

Paste Special.

5. Now, you have a pop-up window. Select


6. Click OK

Related Tip: How To Copy Chart Formatting

Auto Format Option
AutoFormat is a very handy & powerful
tool to apply some quick formats to
your data.

You just have to select a format to apply &

Excel will apply a pre-designed format to your
How to

1. Go to File Options Quick Access Toolbar

Select AutoFormat from the list.

2. Add to the Quick access toolbar.

3. Select your data.

4. Click on the auto format button in quick access


5. Select the format you want.

6. Click OK.

Related Tip: How To Use Auto Format

Smooth Lines In Line Chart
If you love to use line chart then you are
awesome but it would be more awesome if you
use a smooth line in the chart.

This will give a smart look to your chart.

How to

1. Select data line in your chart & right click on it.

2. Select Format Data Series.

3. Go To Fill & Line -> Line -> Tick Smoothed


Show Data for Hidden Cells
When you hide a cell from the data
range of your chart, it will also hide
from the chart as well.
And, if you want not to hide data values from
your chart even a cell is hidden, just follow
these steps.

How to

1. Select your chart & right click on it.

2. Go to -> Select Data -> Hidden and empty


3. From the pop-up window, tick mark Show

data in hidden rows & columns.

Highlight Duplicates
Easiest way to highlight duplicate values is by
using Conditional Formatting.

How to

1. Select the data -> Go to Home Tab.

2. In Styles -> Click Conditional Formatting.

3. In Highlight Cell Rules -> Select Highlight

Duplicate Values.

Change Local File Location
Want to open same location every time
when you save your file?

How to

1. Go to File -> Options-> Save -> Default Local

File Location.

2. Enter new path you want to set as default.

3. Click OK.

Highlight Top / Bottom 10
You can use conditional formatting to
highlight top 10 or bottom 10 values.

How to

1. Select your data.

2. Go to Home -> Style -> Conditional Formatting

-> Top/Bottom Rules.

3. Select the option you want to apply.

Freeze Panel 23
Working with large data sets?
Then its must to freeze headings.

How to

1. Go to View Tab -> Windows -> Freeze Panel.

2. You have three option to freeze.

1. One is to free first column of the


2. Second is to freeze first row.

3. Third is to freeze rows & columns bases on

the current selection.

Add a Hyperlink
Using a hyperlink you can link a cell with a
specific webpage, file or a place in your

How to

1. Select the cell on which you want to add the


2. Right click & select Add Hyperlink. Now, you

get a pop-up window.

3. Add the address of the location into address

bar & you can also add ScreenTip to show a
message on mouse hover.

4. Click OK.

Group Dates In Pivot Table
Grouping dates in pivot table will allow you to
combine dates in the form of months,
quarters, years.
And, the best part of this option is you
dont have to put those extra columns in
your source data.

How to

1. Select any of the cells which has a date in it.

2. Right click on it & select group.

3. You will get a pop-up window to group dates.

4. Select Month in the group by option.

5. Click OK.

Related Tip: How To Group Dates In Pivot Table

Goal Seek
By using goal seek you can find a
possible input or value to get the
desired result.
In simple words, If you know what actual
result value you want, you can use goal seek to
find the best input value for getting it.

How to

1. Go to Data Tab What If Analysis Goal


2. Use shortcuts key Alt + T + G.

3. Set Cell Cell in which you want the desired


4. To Value Value you want as a result.

5. By Changing Cell Cell in which you want

alteration to come up with the result equals to
the To Value.

Related Tip: How To Use Goal Seek

Delete Blank Cells
If you have blank cells in your data &
you want to delete them you can
It by using go to special option.

How to

1. Press CTRL+G to open the Go To Dialog Box

2. Go to > Special > Blanks.

3. Select cells, rows or columns.

4. Click OK.

Text To Speech
Text-To-Speech In Excel is an
option allows you to make
excel speak what you have
typed in your spreadsheet.

How to

1. Click on File -> Options -> Customize Ribbon.

2. Select "Main Tab" from the drop-down option.

3. Now, Select the home tab, add a new group.

4. Rename the new group with "Speech". And,

Choose 'Commands Not In Ribbon" from
"Chose Commands From" option.

5. Now, Select all 5 commands starting with

"Speak" & add them to the new group. Click

6. Now, You have a new group with 5 options in

your home tab.
Related Tip: How To Use Text To Speech
Microsoft has introduced a nice app feature
in excel 2013. You can download lots of useful
charts from the app store.
Fortunately, we also have
a Speed-O-Meter on app
store & its free. So, before
using it, you have to
download it in your excel

How to

1. Go to Insert -> Store -> Search for Gauge

Chart & Install it.

2. It will give you a cool gauge chart which looks

like a speed-o-meter.

Related Tip: How To Create Gauge Chart

Other Bonus Stuff
Free Templates
Excel Expense Tracking Template
Daily Sales Report Template
Excel Gantt Chart Template
Excel Inventory Management Template

101 Excel Functions With Examples &

Downloadable Samples Files

20 Ready
To Use
VBA Codes
1. Create a Backup of a Current Workbook
Sub FileBackUp()
ThisWorkbook.SaveCopyAs Filename:=ThisWorkbook.Path & _
"\" & Format(Date, "mm-dd-yy") & " " & _
End Sub

2. Close All Workbooks at Once

Sub CloseAllWorkbooks()
Dim wbs As Workbook
For Each wbs In Workbooks
wbs.Close SaveChanges:=True
Next wb
End Sub
3. Hide All but the Active Worksheet
Sub HideWorksheet()
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
If ws.Name <> ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Name Then
ws.Visible = xlSheetHidden
End If
Next ws
End Sub
4. Unhide All Hidden Worksheets
Sub UnhideAllWorksheet()
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
ws.Visible = xlSheetVisible
Next ws
End Sub
5. Delete All but the Active Worksheet
Sub DeleteWorksheets()
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
If ws.name <> ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.name Then
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End If
Next ws
End Sub
6. Copy Active Worksheet Into a New Workbook
Sub CopyWorksheetToNewWorkbook()
ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Copy _
End Sub

7. Protect All Worksheet Instantly

Sub ProtecAllWorskeets()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim ps As String
ps = InputBox("Enter a Password.", vbOKCancel)
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
ws.Protect Password:=ps
Next ws
End Sub

8. Convert All Formulas Into Values

Sub ConvertToValues()
Dim MyRange As Range
Dim MyCell As Range
Select Case MsgBox("You Can't Undo This Action. " & "Save
Workbook First?", vbYesNoCancel, "Alert")
Case Is = vbYes
Case Is = vbCancel
Exit Sub
End Select
Set MyRange = Selection
For Each MyCell In MyRange
If MyCell.HasFormula Then
MyCell.Formula = MyCell.Value
End If
Next MyCell
End Sub
9. Remove Spaces from Selected Cells
Sub RemoveSpaces()
Dim myRange As Range
Dim myCell As Range
Select Case MsgBox("You Can't Undo This Action. " & "Save
Workbook First?", _
vbYesNoCancel, "Alert")
Case Is = vbYes
Case Is = vbCancel
Exit Sub
End Select
Set myRange = Selection
For Each myCell In myRange
If Not IsEmpty(myCell) Then
myCell = Trim(myCell)
End If
Next myCell
End Sub

10. Highlight Duplicates from Selection Spaces

from Selected Cells
Sub HighlightDuplicateValues()
Dim myRange As Range
Dim myCell As Range
Set myRange = Selection
For Each myCell In myRange
If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(myRange, myCell.Value) > 1
myCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 36
End If
Next myCell
End Sub
11. Hide All Pivot Table Subtotals
Sub HideSubtotals()
Dim pt As PivotTable
Dim pf As PivotField
On Error Resume Next
Set pt =
If pt Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "You must place your cursor inside of a PivotTable."
Exit Sub
End If
For Each pf In pt.PivotFields
pf.Subtotals(1) = True
pf.Subtotals(1) = False
Next pf
End Sub

12. Refresh All Pivot Tables

Sub RefreshAllPivotTables()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim pt As PivotTable
For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
For Each pt In ws.PivotTables
Next pt
Next ws
End Sub
13. Resize All Charts in a Worksheet
Sub Resize_Charts()
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Count
With ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(i)
.Width = 300
.Height = 200
End With
Next i
End Sub
14. Highlight the Active Row and Column
Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As
Range, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim strRange As String
strRange = Target.Cells.Address & "," & _
Target.Cells.EntireColumn.Address & "," & _
End Sub

15. Save selected range as a PDF

Sub SaveAsPDF()
Selection.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF,
End Sub

16. Create a Table of Content

Sub TableofContent()
Dim i As Long
On Error Resume Next
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Worksheets("Table of Content").Delete
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
On Error GoTo 0
ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add Before:=ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
ActiveSheet.Name = "Table of Content"
For i = 1 To Sheets.Count
With ActiveSheet
.Hyperlinks.Add _
Anchor:=ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 1), _
Address:="", _
SubAddress:="'" & Sheets(i).Name & "'!A1", _
ScreenTip:=Sheets(i).Name, _
End With
Next i
End Sub
18. Active Workbook in an Email
Sub Send_Mail()
Dim OutApp As Object
Dim OutMail As Object
Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)
With OutMail
.to = "Sales@FrontLinePaper.com"
.Subject = "Growth Report"
.Body = "Hello Team, Please find attached Growth Report."
.Attachments.Add ActiveWorkbook.FullName
End With
Set OutMail = Nothing
Set OutApp = Nothing
End Sub
19. Insert a Linked Picture
Sub LinkedPicture()
End Sub

20. Highlight Top 10 Values

Sub TopTen()
With SelectionWithFormatConditions(1)
.TopBottom = xlTop10Top
.Rank = 10
.Percent = False
End With
With Selection.FormatConditions(1).Font
.Color = -16752384
.TintAndShade = 0
End With
With Selection.FormatConditions(1).Interior
.PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
.Color = 13561798
.TintAndShade = 0
End With
Selection.FormatConditions(1).StopIfTrue = False
End Sub
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