Import An SDNF Model - Tekla User Assistance
Import An SDNF Model - Tekla User Assistance
Import An SDNF Model - Tekla User Assistance
Set Apply cuts and fittings to Yes (default) to apply cuts and SteelFab/SCIA
fittings in the import. These will only be included if contained model
within the SDNF file. CAD
Set Consider offsets to Yes to create offsets. In most cases
you should select Yes. No (default) positions part creation
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to find out why. Check the log file even if the import seems to Export
have succeeded. In the Create log file, you can select Create to
to write a new log file, and delete the previous log file, each time
you import the model. If you select Append (default), the log file
information is added at the end of the existing log file.
You can also select how the log file is displayed, the options model
identifier to become the parts position number. Do not use the Create
Part Pos_No fields with this option. Select Universal ID if you import
want the identifier to become a user-defined attribute for the reports
part. In most cases, you would select Universal ID. To make
user-defined attributes visible, you need to add them to the
objects.inp file. For file imports from PDS or PDMS then the
Universal ID option is the normal case
If you wish to create a report of the import, enter the required
information on the Report tab.
On the Advanced tab, you can set some advanced options.
Usually there is no need to change the defaults.
7. Click OK to go to the Import Model dialog box.
8. Select the import model name from the list and click Import.
You can also click the New or Properties buttons if you require to
make some changes.
Tekla Structures displays the Import model info dialog box.
9. Select which version of parts to import.
10. Click Accept all.
The Accept all option is generally used if importing a new model over
an existing one. If you have changed the model and want to re-import
it, you can also reject all changes by clicking Reject all , or accept or
reject individual changes by clicking Select individual....
11. Tekla Structures displays the message Do you want to save the
import model for subsequent imports? Click Yes.
Tekla Structures displays the import model in a model view.
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12. Right-click the model view and select Fit work area to entire
model to ensure that the imported model is completely visible.
13. If parts are missing, check the View depth Up and Down values
in the View Properties dialog box and change them if necessary.
If you want to import information, which Tekla Structures parts do
not have, you can use the SDNF extension line in the SDNF file to
be imported, and the REVISION_NUMBER user-defined attribute in
Tekla Structures.
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