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UFC 4-211-01

13 April 2017
Change 1, November 2017




UFC 4-211-01
13 April 2017
Change 1, November 2017



Any copyrighted material included in this UFC is identified at its point of use.
Use of the copyrighted material apart from this UFC requires the permission of the
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Record of Changes (changes are indicated by \1\ ... /1/)

Change No. Date Location

1 November 2017 Revised UFC Summary Sheet and paragraphs 3-4.2,
3-, 5-6.7.4, 7-4.1

This UFC supersedes UFC 4-211-01N dated 25 October 2004 with Change 3, dated
16 December 2009.
UFC 4-211-01
13 April 2017
Change 1, November 2017

The Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) system is prescribed by MIL-STD 3007 and provides
planning, design, construction, sustainment, restoration, and modernization criteria, and applies
to the Military Departments, the Defense Agencies, and the DoD Field Activities in accordance
with USD (AT&L) Memorandum dated 29 May 2002. UFC will be used for all DoD projects and
work for other customers where appropriate. All construction outside of the United States is
also governed by Status of Forces Agreements (SOFA), Host Nation Funded Construction
Agreements (HNFA), and in some instances, Bilateral Infrastructure Agreements (BIA.)
Therefore, the acquisition team must ensure compliance with the most stringent of the UFC, the
SOFA, the HNFA, and the BIA, as applicable.

UFC are living documents and will be periodically reviewed, updated, and made available to
users as part of the Services’ responsibility for providing technical criteria for military
construction. Headquarters, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (HQUSACE), Naval Facilities
Engineering Command (NAVFAC), and Air Force Civil Engineer Center (AFCEC) are
responsible for administration of the UFC system. Defense agencies should contact the
preparing service for document interpretation and improvements. Technical content of UFC is
the responsibility of the cognizant DoD working group. Recommended changes with supporting
rationale should be sent to the respective service proponent office by the following electronic
form: Criteria Change Request. The form is also accessible from the Internet sites listed below.

UFC are effective upon issuance and are distributed only in electronic media from the following
• Whole Building Design Guide web site http://dod.wbdg.org/.

Refer to UFC 1-200-01, DoD Building Code (General Building Requirements), for
implementation of new issuances on projects.



PMP, SES Chief Engineer
Acting Chief, Engineering and Naval Facilities Engineering Command
Construction Directorate of Civil Works
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers


Deputy Director of Civil Engineers Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense
DCS/Logistics, Engineering & (Facilities Investment and Management)
Force Protection Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense
(Energy, Installations, and Environment)
UFC 4-211-01
13 April 2017
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Document: UFC 4-211-01, Aircraft Maintenance Hangars

Superseding: UFC 4-211-01N, Aircraft Maintenance Hangars: Type I, Type II and

Type III dated 25 October 2004 with Change 3 dated 16 December 2009, NAVFAC
Interim Technical Guidance (ITG 2010-01) - Maintenance Hangar Design and Planning
Guidance for F35B or C, and Engineering Technical Letter (ETL) 02-15: Fire Protection
Engineering Criteria New Aircraft Facilities, 3 December 2002.

Description: This UFC provides criteria for planning and design of Aircraft
Maintenance Hangars for the aircraft of the combined DoD United States Armed

Reasons for Document: This is a new Joint Service document. This new document
represents another step in the Joint Services effort to bring uniformity to the planning,
design and construction of military facilities. The UFC was developed to provide design
requirements to accomplish the following:

• Assist planners in understanding the facility requirements to ensure

accurate space programs budgets.
• Provide architects, engineers, and construction surveillance personnel
with essential, minimum (min) requirements for the design and
construction of Aircraft Maintenance Hangars.
• Clarify the operational intent of the facility design.

Impact: The following will result from the publication of this UFC:

• This UFC creates a single source for common DoD Aircraft Maintenance
Hangar criteria and an accurate reference to individual Service-specific
• This UFC facilitates updates and revisions and promotes agreement and
uniformity of design and construction between the Services.

Unification Issues: Non-unified content is mainly a result of operational differences

among the Services and is addressed in the Service-specific chapters including:

• The Navy included Functional Data Sheets (FDS) in this UFC. The Army
keeps their Room Data Sheets with the Army Standard and the Air Force
keeps these specific requirements with their Dynamic Prototypes.
• The Army and Navy perform fuel cell operations in the Aircraft
Maintenance Bay per operational guidelines. The Air Force has specific
construction criteria for the design of fuel cell maintenance hangars.
UFC 4-211-01
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• Service differences in various subjects are noted in this UFC:
o Aircraft Clearance Tables
o Design of the Aircraft Maintenance Bay slab on ground
o Ordnance grounding
o Fire suppression and detection
o High intensity overhead radiant heaters in the Aircraft Maintenance
o Aircraft power distribution servicing aircraft
o Aircraft Maintenance Bay floor finish options

\1\ Reasons for Document Change 1:

Revised paragraphs 3-4.2 Ground Floors, 3- Maintenance Bay - Slab on

Ground Design, and 7-4.1Aircraft Maintenance Bay - Slab on Ground Loading.

Previously, the UFC did not allow for slab on ground variable thickness in the hangar
bay for areas not subject to aircraft loading. Generally, the reasoning was that the
hangar bay may experience different aircraft during its lifespan due to change in mission
or during special circumstances such as airshows or storms where aircraft may be
“dense packed” into every available slab space or just to maintain future flexibility of
use. However, it was recognized that this could result in substantial savings in a very
large hangar bay. The governing rationale to revise was to continue to prohibit variable
thickness in multiple aircraft hangar bays since these hangars generally house smaller
aircraft and are less likely to maintain dedicated aircraft parking locations in perpetuity,
but to allow slab thickness variation for single aircraft hangar bays where a very large
aircraft dedicated to one single parking spot was envisioned. In any case, the designer
should validate the requirements with the user. For standard hangars, such as Navy
Type I, II, III, and IV, this is prohibited since the intention for these is to maintain hangar
bay flexibility in accommodating multiple aircraft platforms or repurposing the hangar.

Revised paragraph 5-6.7.4 Existing Water Only Deluge Systems.

Paragraph revised due to error in intent.

Deleted old bullet under paragraph 3- Air Systems relating to

portable units being used for backup since later paragraph describes two units tied
together with manifold for redundancy. /1/
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Figure 2-1: Minimum Aircraft Maintenance Bay Clearances ...................................... 13

Figure 2-2: Alternate Corner Configuration ................................................................ 14
Figure 2-3: Vertical Hangar Clearances ..................................................................... 15
Figure 2-4: Vertical Hangar Clearances with Sloped Roofs ....................................... 15
Figure 2-5: Space Requirements for Vertical Lift Fabric Doors .................................. 16
Figure 2-6: Space Requirements for Sliding Steel Hangar Doors .............................. 17
Figure 3-1: Internal Fire Rated Separations ............................................................... 22
Figure 3-1-1: Internal Fire Rated Separations ............................................................... 23
Figure 3-1-2: Internal Fire Rated Separations ............................................................... 23
Figure 3-1-3: Internal Fire Rated Separations ............................................................... 24
Figure 3-2: Air Force and Navy Hangar Bay Egress .................................................. 26
Figure 3-3: Army Hangar Bay Egress ........................................................................ 27
Figure 3-4: Typical Aircraft Maintenance Bay Slab on Ground Cross-Section ........... 41
Figure 3-5: Concrete Slab on Ground Construction Joint........................................... 43
Figure 3-6: Concrete Slab on Ground Contraction Joint ............................................ 44
Figure 3-7: Concrete Slab on Ground Expansion Joint .............................................. 45
Figure 3-8: Joint Sealant Details for Concrete Slabs on Ground ................................ 46
Figure 3-9: Inductor and Concentrate Tank Installation ............................................. 68
Figure 3-10: Start Foam System Signage .................................................................... 82
Figure 3-11: Stop Foam System Signage .................................................................... 83
Figure 3-12: Adjacent Space Electrical Hazardous Classifications .............................. 91
Figure 5-1: Aircraft Maintenance Bay Striping Requirements .................................. 115
Figure 6-1: Typical Maintenance Bay Configuration................................................. 137
Figure 6-2: Maintenance Bay Pavement Markings................................................... 138
Figure 6-3: Army Foam Pump Detail ........................................................................ 142
Figure 7-1: Aircraft Maintenance Bay Striping Requirements .................................. 156
Figure 7-2: Drive-Through Hangar ........................................................................... 165
Figure 7-3: Pull-In Hangar ........................................................................................ 166
Figure 7-4: OH/O1 Level Adjacency Diagram .......................................................... 193
Figure 7-5: O2 Level Adjacency Diagram ................................................................ 194
Figure 7-6: Type I & II OH/O1 Level Hangar Adjacency Diagram ............................ 195
Figure 7-7: Type I (F-35) O2 Level Adjacency Diagram ........................................... 196
Figure 7-8: Type III OH/O1 Hangar Adjacency Diagram .......................................... 197
Figure 7-9: Section Showing Header Truss ............................................................. 198
Figure 7-10: Section Showing Cantilever Truss ......................................................... 198
Figure 7-11: Section through Type II Hangar Crane Configuration and Vertical
Clearances............................................................................................. 199
Figure C-1: Considerations for Aircraft Maintenance Bays for Large Aircraft ........... 230
Figure C-2: Considerations for Aircraft Maintenance Bays for Large Aircraft ........... 231
Figure E-1: Maintenance Hangar Including Two Hangar Bays and Associated Shops
............................................................................................................... 259
Figure E-2: Maintenance Hangar Including Attached Command Mission................. 259
Figure E-3: Maintenance Hangar with Associated Shops and Office on Both Sides of
the Hangar ............................................................................................. 260
Figure E-4: Integrated UAS/RPA Hangar with Maintenance and Mission Spaces ... 260

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Figure E-5: Large Body Aircraft Hangar with Attached Shops and Office Space and
Sliding Doors ......................................................................................... 261
Figure E-6: Helicopter Hangar Bay with Sliding Doors, Sliding Door Tracks and
Overhead Cranes .................................................................................. 261
Figure E-7: Helicopter Hangar Bay with Converters, Pedestals and Safety Lane .... 262
Figure E-8: UAS/RPA Casket in Hangar Bay Ready for Assembly .......................... 262
Figure E-9: Overhead Bridge Crane with Cabled Controls within Hangar Bay ......... 263
Figure E-10: Hangar Bay with Bridge Cranes and Fall Arrest .................................... 263
Figure E-11: Overhead Bridge Crane within a Shop .................................................. 264
Figure E-12: Sliding Hangar Door Tracks ................................................................... 265
Figure E-13: Vertical Lift Fabric Door with Mullions and Multiple Sections and Fall
Arrest System ........................................................................................ 266
Figure E-14: Vertical Lift Fabric Door Mullion and Mullion Pit..................................... 266
Figure E-15: Floor Mounted 400 Hz Converter with Permanently Attached Cables ... 267
Figure E-16: Permanent Pedestals with 400 Hz, 120V, Communications and
Compressed Air ..................................................................................... 267
Figure E-17: Example of Fire Pan, for Acceptance Test of Optical ............................ 268


Table 2-1: Minimum Aircraft Maintenance Bay Clearances ...................................... 11

Table 3-1: Aircraft Maintenance Bay Slab on Ground Joint Spacing ........................ 42
Table 3-2: Concrete Slab on Ground Dowel Size and Spacing ................................ 47
Table 3-3: FACU Functional Matrix ........................................................................... 78
Table 3-4: Sliding Hangar Door Pockets ................................................................. 105
Table 5-1: Air Force RSFACU Functional Matrix .................................................... 118
Table 6-1: Army RSFACU Functional Matrix .......................................................... 145
Table 6-2: Aviation Platform Ground Service Baseline Requirements .................... 146
Table 7-1: Standard Hangar Bay Module Dimensions and Crane Capacities* ....... 154
Table 7-2: Navy RSFACU Functional Matrix........................................................... 160
Table 7-3: Hangar Space Table .............................................................................. 168
Table 7-4: Hangar Bay (OH) ................................................................................... 174
Table 7-5: Air Frames (Shop) ................................................................................. 175
Table 7-6: Aviation Ordnance (Shop)...................................................................... 176
Table 7-7: Avionics Space (Shop)........................................................................... 177
Table 7-8: Corrosion Control/Coating Shop ............................................................ 178
Table 7-9: Detachment (Shop) ................................................................................ 179
Table 7-10: Flight Gear/Paraloft (Shop) .................................................................... 180
Table 7-11: Flight Line (Shop) .................................................................................. 181
Table 7-12: Night Vision Goggles (NVG) Storage (Shop) ......................................... 182
Table 7-13: Phase Crew (Shop) ............................................................................... 183
Table 7-14: Power Plant (Shop) ................................................................................ 184
Table 7-15: Seat Shop (Shop) .................................................................................. 185
Table 7-16: Tool Room (Shop) ................................................................................. 186
Table 7-17: Division Office ........................................................................................ 187
Table 7-18: Maintenance Control .............................................................................. 188
Table 7-19: Hangar Bay (OH) (F-35 Only) ................................................................ 189

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Table 7-20: Seat and Canopy Maintenance/AME Maintenance (Shop) (F-35 Only) . 190
Table 7-21: Airframe Hydraulic Clean Room (Shop) (MV-22 Only)........................... 191

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This UFC provides requirements for Aircraft Maintenance Hangars. This UFC is not
intended as a substitution for thorough review during design by individual Program
Managers and Operations Staff in the appropriate Service.

This UFC is organized with general requirements and Service-specific requirements.

Apply Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 and Appendices to all Services. Additionally, apply Chapters
5, 6, and 7 to Air Force, Army, and Navy respectively for Service-specific requirements.


The information in this UFC applies to the design of all new construction projects, to
include additions, alterations, and renovation projects within the United States and its
territories and possessions and outside of the United States and its territories and


APPENDIX A: REFERENCES contains a list of references used in this UFC.


This UFC is intended as a source of basic architectural and engineering information for
all individuals involved in the planning, design and construction of Aircraft Maintenance

Specific users of the UFC include the following:

Architects and Engineers

Architects and Engineers (A/E) who will provide design services under the direction of
the individual Service design agencies.

Planning Personnel

Planning personnel will use this UFC for programming new or replacement facilities,
pre-design planning, or assessing the extent of improvements required in an existing
Aircraft Maintenance Hangar in order to achieve the standard established herein.

Additional Users

Additional users may include entities for operational or other purposes. The respective
users should refer to this UFC from their own policy documents as appropriate and may

• Headquarters Staff and Field Operating Agencies,

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• Major Command (MAJCOM) Staff/Regions,
• Base, Installation and Garrison Commanders,
• Installation Facilities Management,
• Installation Technical Proponents.


Comply with UFC 1-200-01. UFC 1-200-01 provides applicability of model building
codes and government unique criteria for typical design disciplines and building
systems, as well as for accessibility, antiterrorism, security, high performance and
sustainability requirements, and safety. Use this UFC in addition to UFC 1-200-01 and
government criteria referenced therein.

Facility Requirements Document (FRD)

The airframe manufacturer's FRD or equivalent document is an integral requirement of

hangar design that contains additional airframe specific facilities requirements that must
be considered and satisfied in addition to this UFC.

FRDs are typically authored by the airframe manufacturer and contain many specific
details, are often quite voluminous and difficult to obtain. The FRD may have additional
technical facility requirements, special spaces, special clearances, special maintenance
procedures, systems, data or other items that may impact the hangar design. This UFC
is not a substitute for the FRD of the design airframe(s) being hangared.


This UFC specifies requirements for aircraft hangars that support all types of fixed wing,
rotary wing, and hybrid aircraft of the Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, and
Reserves. The UFC additionally applies to hangars for select Unmanned Aircraft
Systems (UAS)/Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA).

This UFC focuses primarily on Aircraft Maintenance Hangars. However, it applies to all
hangars including other, specialized, hangar types. Additional study is required to
identify unique requirements, functional areas or systems based on mission or aircraft.
Some specialized hangars include but are not limited to depot, transient, special
operations, research, fuel-cell maintenance, and prototype hangars. For aircraft
corrosion control and paint facility hangar design requirements, refer to UFC 4-211-02
and this UFC where incorporated by specific reference. Maintenance hangars support
ongoing day to day functions of the aviation squadron, wing or brigade and facilitate
routine, preventative, basic aircraft upkeep to sustain aircraft operations. Maintenance
activities are generally short-term and minor in nature compared to those that might be
performed in more intensive intermediate maintenance level or depot-level hangars that
facilitate extensive breakdown and rebuilding of components. Maintenance hangars are
typically characterized by large obstruction-free hangar bays surrounded by various
configurations of supporting trade shop and administrative spaces. Extra value has
been placed on facility safety, continuity of mission operations, flexibility, maximizing
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hangar bay utilization, and minimizing life-cycle costs of materials and systems. For
these reasons, the UFC limits options on certain requirements, ranging from structural
systems and hangar doors, to proven systems for the expected large-scale aircraft and
operations common in military maintenance hangars. Exemptions to certain
requirements can be submitted for consideration where supported and warranted by the
mission requirements.

Service Specific Information

Refer to Chapters 5, 6, and 7 for Air Force, Army, and Navy, respectively, for Service-
specific information.

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Coordinate the design and construction of Aircraft Maintenance Hangars adjacent to an

airfield with airfield operations, civil engineering master planning, existing Air Traffic
control Tower site lines, and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) (when
applicable) to confirm the new facility will not conflict with airspace, ground operations or
required unobstructed clearances. Review safety and security prior to commencement
of design or construction. Refer to UFC 3-260-01 for further requirements.

Airport Operations Area (AOA) Safety

The planning and design of an Aircraft Maintenance Hangar will emphasize AOA safety.
AOA safety includes unobstructed airspace and safe and efficient ground movements
per UFC 3-260-01.

The Airport Operations Area is any area of an airport, installation, or station used or
intended to be used for the landing, takeoff or surface maneuvering of aircraft. The AOA
includes such paved areas or unpaved areas that are used or intended to be used for
the unobstructed movement of aircraft in addition to its associated runway, taxiway or

Construction Phasing Plan

Prior to Construction, provide notification of construction by issuing notices as required

by Federal Aviation Administration Advisory Circular (FAAAC) 150/5200-28, latest
edition. Include a construction phasing plan in the contract documents. The purpose of
a phasing plan is to establish guidelines and constraints for the contractor to follow
during construction. Submit the construction phasing plan for coordination and review at
the concept stage and all design stages. Coordinate the plan with airfield management,
airfield operations, communications, ground and flight safety, environmental, emergency
services, security forces, and logistics. Include the extent of fencing required to keep
personnel out of the construction area and to keep Foreign Object Damage (FOD) off
the airfield. Include crane restrictions, required FAA permits, flight line access
requirements for personnel and equipment, hours of operations within the AOA, haul
routes for materials (especially concrete trucks), stockpile locations, details for closing
portions of the airfield, and airfield barricades. Refer to UFC 3-260-01
ABBREVIATIONS Section 14 for further guidance on phasing and operational safety

Safety Clearances

Apply all horizontal and vertical operational safety clearances to Aircraft Maintenance
Hangars that dictate the general arrangement and sizing of hangars and their
relationship to airfield and airside facilities. There are, however, general considerations
that apply in most cases, such as:

• Adherence to required unobstructed clear zones

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• Adherence to standards in support of safety in aircraft operations
• Non-interference with line of sight or other operational restrictions
• Use of existing facilities
• Flexibility in being able to accommodate changes in aircraft types or
• Efficiency in ground access
• Priority accorded aeronautical activities where available land is limited
• Security
• DoD and Military Service-level explosive safety quantity distances when

Airport Operations Area Security

Regulatory requirements for security of assets can have a significant impact on the
planning and layout associated with aircraft, as well as the aircraft themselves, requiring
varying types and levels of protection. Operational security of the airfield is also a
consideration. Collocate maintenance buildings to inhibit or prevent unauthorized
access and enhance facility and airfield security.

Integration of Security Measures

Integrate protective features such as barriers, fences, lighting, access control, intrusion
detection, and assessment into the site and facility planning and design process to
minimize problems with aircraft operations and safety requirements. Include the
protective measures in the design, based on risk and threat analyses, with an
appropriate level of protection, and comply with security-related requirements.

Solar Glare Hazard Analysis

If any new photovoltaic and glass-enclosed solar-hot water systems are proposed,
provide solar glare hazard analysis as required by FAA policy. Refer to Interim Policy,
FAA Review of Solar Energy System Projects on Federally Obligated Airports. FAA
policy on Glint/Glare Impacts on DoD Aviation Operations requires Glint/Glare analysis
of photovoltaic and glass-enclosed solar-hot water systems that are on military airfields
and within 2 miles of military airfield control towers, active runways thresholds, and
helicopter landing zones. FAA policy requires the use of FAA's Solar Glare Hazard
Analysis Tool (SGHAT) for Glint/Glare analysis found on website:
https://share.sandia.gov/phlux. This analysis is required for eliminating the potential for
ocular impact to pilots and/or air traffic control facilities due to glare from solar
photovoltaic (PV) and solar hot water (SHW) systems on airports.

To prevent mirror-like reflections from building surfaces to aircraft in flight, provide roofs
and other external surfaces with a specular reflectance compatible with the location of
the building on the airfield. If the building is located so that glare is an operational
hazard, provide surfaces of the building with a light reflectance of not more than 10,
UFC 4-211-01
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measured at an angle of 85 degrees in accordance with American Society of Testing
and Materials (ASTM) D523, Specular Gloss at critical surfaces of the building.

2-1.6.1 Airfield Manager Approval for Solar Energy System Projects

Provide the results of the SGHAT to the Airfield Manager for evaluation of any possible
adverse effects to the airfield daily operations prior to approving new photovoltaic and
glass-enclosed solar-hot water systems on the military airport.


Maintenance hangars are required to provide weather-protected shelter for the servicing
and repair of aircraft at the organizational level.

Ground Level

The following spaces are typically provided on the ground level of a two story hangar.
Locate these rooms with consideration of the access requirements described in each
Paragraph, regardless of the number of levels in the hangar.

2-2.1.1 Aircraft Maintenance Bay

Aircraft Maintenance Bays are sized to accommodate aircraft as well as the
maintenance activities around the aircraft. The Aircraft Maintenance Bays require direct
access to a component of the flight line, preferably a peripheral taxi or tow-way.

2-2.1.2 Maintenance Administration

Maintenance administration spaces include maintenance control, quality control, rooms
to access maintenance records and manuals on computers, as well as office space for
manufacturers' representative personnel. Most of these spaces need direct or nearly
direct access to the Aircraft Maintenance Bay.

2-2.1.3 Heavy Maintenance Shops

These industrial spaces house shops for maintaining large heavy parts and equipment
such as engines, sheet metal and composites. All of these spaces require direct or
nearly direct access to the Aircraft Maintenance Bay. Provide an overhead door or a
pair of personnel doors to the Aircraft Maintenance Bay for movement of large

2-2.1.4 Light Maintenance Shops

These spaces house shops for maintaining parts from the aircraft such as electronics,
avionics, or weapons systems. Direct access to the Aircraft Maintenance Bay is
preferred but not required because these parts are more portable than those in the
heavy maintenance shops.

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2-2.1.5 Storage
Ground level storage includes spaces for storing and issuing parts and tools for the
maintenance of the aircraft. Direct access to both the Aircraft Maintenance Bay and to
the exterior are preferred, but direct access to the exterior is more important to allow for

2-2.1.6 Personnel Support

Break rooms, restrooms, showers and locker rooms should be located to support
ground level personnel.

2-2.1.7 Building Support

Building support spaces includes areas used for maintaining the building and areas that
house building utilities. Facility maintenance rooms have a low priority for adjacency,
but they are typically located near the utility rooms. Utility spaces include mechanical
rooms, compressor rooms, electrical rooms, communication rooms, fire protection
rooms, and janitor closets. Provide major utility rooms with direct exterior access and
locate them close to exterior equipment related to the space. Communication rooms
typically require interior access. Provide separate general, secure and unit-managed
communications rooms. Confirm access with the installation. Account for equipment and
access space for maintaining equipment in Utility space sizing. Consider user access
for user-owned and operated equipment such as a compressor that may be in a shared
utility room. Mechanical rooms in hangars are typically larger than in other types of
buildings because they often contain equipment supporting maintenance operations,
such as air compressors. Fire Protection Rooms in hangars are typically larger than in
other types of buildings due to foam systems required to protect Aircraft Maintenance
Bays. Provide a janitor closet near the restrooms.

Upper Level

The following spaces are typically provided on the upper level of a two story hangar.
Locate these rooms with consideration of the access requirements described in each
Paragraph, regardless of the number of levels in the hangar.

2-2.2.1 Operational Administration

Unit administration offices, conference rooms and training rooms may be remote from
the Aircraft Maintenance Bay and are typically located on the upper level. Spaces in this
category are often grouped based on the level of security required for the use.

2-2.2.2 Personnel Support

Break rooms, restrooms, locker rooms should be located to support upper level

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2-2.2.3 Building Support
These spaces are often satellite rooms associated with ground level mechanical,
electrical and communication rooms. Provide a janitor closet near the restrooms.

Secure Spaces

Many hangars require some level of physical security for the protection of assets such
as classified materials, Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) or Special Access
Program (SAP) information. The requirements for the protection of assets is defined in
DoD and Service regulatory guidance or policy. The security requirements must be
coordinated with the supported command and their security representatives to ensure
the configuration will meet their operational (compartmented) and the regulatory and
policy based security requirements. When a hangar has more than one secure space,
serious consideration should be given to consolidate multiple secure spaces. Any
consolidation will reduce the initial and sustainment cost for infrastructure, electronic
security systems and the associated accrediting requirements. When required, integrate
the physical security protective measures into the site, building, room(s), or area(s) as


Provide the minimum required clearances between the aircraft and adjacent horizontal
obstructions, vertical obstructions, and other aircraft in designing the Aircraft
Maintenance Bay as indicated in Table 2-1: Minimum Aircraft Maintenance Bay
Clearances and Figure 2-1: Minimum Aircraft Maintenance Bay Clearances, Figure 2-2:
Alternate Corner Configuration, Figure 2-3: Vertical Hangar Clearances, Figure 2-4:
Vertical Hangar Clearances with Sloped Roofs. These clearances are essential to
ensure aircraft are protected from structural damage as they are moving in and out of
the hangar and to allow personnel and equipment to safely and efficiently maneuver
around the aircraft during aircraft maintenance activities.

Horizontal Obstructions

The nearest horizontal fixed obstructions include but are not limited to the inside face of
the wall, faces and jambs of hangar doors, structural columns or bracing, bollards, liner
panels, mechanical equipment or ductwork, plumbing equipment, valves and pipes,
electrical equipment such as power transformers or other permanent physical items.
Fixed obstructions do not include furniture, tables, desks, benches, cabinets, tools,
parts, carts or other movable objects. Clearances from rotary blade aircraft are from
rotor blade arcs, except where specifically noted otherwise in Table 2-1: Minimum
Aircraft Maintenance Bay Clearances.

Vertical Obstructions

The nearest fixed or mobile overhead obstructions include but are not limited to
structure, draft curtains, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing equipment such as
lighting, fans, heaters, ductwork, and fire protection systems, crane rails and crane

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bridges. Crane hoists and hooks are excluded if they can be maneuvered around tall
parts of the aircraft and can be stored out of the way during aircraft movement.

Additional Clearances

Specific airframe or Service requirements may increase the minimum clearances

required by Table 2-1: Minimum Aircraft Maintenance Bay Clearances to allow
performance of certain maintenance operations. Coordinate with the maintenance unit
staff to determine if additional space is required to maintain the aircraft. Provide
additional clearances where required by an approved document such as the design
aircraft's Facility Requirements Document (FRD) or a Service-specific standard design,
defined Service hangar type, or other approved criteria. For example, the FRD may
require additional space aft of the aircraft to remove the engine, or additional space
above an aircraft to provide the crane hook height to perform maintenance operations
such as pulling the rotor shaft out of a helicopter or maintaining the radar dome on an
Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) aircraft. Jacking the design aircraft will
reduce the overhead clearance below requirements in this UFC. Confirm jacking the
design aircraft in the parking position does not require additional height to avoid conflict
with an overhead obstruction. Minimum hook height is to the saddle of the hook.

Maximize the unobstructed space in Aircraft Maintenance Bays where designs allow for
exceeding the minimum clearances determined from this section. Exceeding minimum
requirements for bay widths and depths, door heights, clear heights or crane hook
heights may provide the flexibility to accommodate a future aircraft type or a revised
aircraft parking layout without violating required clearances. For example, if for some
good reason the structure of an Aircraft Maintenance Bay roof is higher than necessary
to meet the minimum vertical clearance requirements, locate MEP systems and cranes
as high as possible rather than dropping them to the minimum clear height allowed.

Alternate Corner Configuration

The concept indicated in Figure 2-2: Alternate Corner Configuration is acceptable for
Aircraft Maintenance Hangars of any size where it may be desirable to re-distribute
large corner areas. The clearances indicated by Table 2-1: Minimum Aircraft
Maintenance Bay Clearances apply to all hangars, even if using the alternate corner
configuration. Where used in hangars with multiple aircraft parking positions the
alternate corner configuration is only acceptable at the end bays. Do not reduce the
square footage of the Aircraft Maintenance Bay. Distribute the area gained by the
corner configuration within the Aircraft Maintenance Bay.

This UFC allows encroaching on the space in front of the wings of aircraft with walls and
other fixed obstructions. However, it is the designer's responsibility to confirm
operational clearance requirements around the aircraft if introducing obstructions in
front of the wings of aircraft. Consult the users for any specific airframe or Service
requirements that limit the location of an alternative sidewall configuration. Provide
additional clearances where required by an approved document such as the design
aircraft's Facility Requirements Document (FRD) or a Service-specific standard design,
defined Service hangar type, or other approved criteria. For example, the FRD may

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require additional space in front of the wing of the aircraft to remove a wing-mounted
engine. Allow for alternate aircraft layouts that could be used in the future such as tail-in
parking. If future flexibility is a guiding concern, do not locate core spaces such as
elevators, utility rooms, restrooms or showers in the high bay space. Refer to Appendix
C-3.2: Considerations for Large Aircraft Maintenance Bays.

Table 2-1: Minimum Aircraft Maintenance Bay Clearances


1. Refer to 2-3: Minimum Aircraft Maintenance Bay Clearances.

2. Refer to Figure 2-1: Minimum Aircraft Maintenance Bay Clearances.

3. Minimum clearances A and C are to a vertical plane at the face of the fixed
obstruction that extends furthest toward the aircraft.

4. The minimum clearance from the aircraft to the hangar door is to a vertical plane at
the interior face of the innermost panel of a sliding door, or to the interior face of a
vertical lift door panel or mullion. Fixed columns along the hangar door separating
bays are considered hangar door jambs for the purpose of determining clearances.

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5. Minimum clearance between aircraft is from any part of the aircraft. Depending on
the hangar configuration, the minimum clearance between aircraft is wingtip to
wingtip, nose to nose, tail to tail, nose to tail, or rotor blade arc to rotor blade arc. Do
not assume wingtips or rotor blades are folded. Do not determine minimum
clearances between aircraft based on specific stationary rotor blade positions.

6. Minimum horizontal clearances at hangar door jambs are from wingtip or rotor blade
to the edge of the clear width of the hangar door opening as the aircraft passes
through the door opening. Rotor blades are assumed to be fixed in the narrowest
configuration possible when entering and leaving the hangar. Do not assume
wingtips or rotor blades are folded. Fixed columns along the hangar door separating
bays are considered hangar door jambs for the purpose of determining clearances.

7. Refer to Figure 2-3: Vertical Hangar Clearances and Figure 2-4: Vertical Hangar
Clearances with Sloped Roofs.

8. Minimum vertical clearances are from the top of the aircraft to the bottom of the
nearest fixed or mobile overhead obstruction.

9. Minimum Hook height is to the saddle of the hook.

10. Refer to 7-3.1: Types of Hangars.

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Figure 2-1: Minimum Aircraft Maintenance Bay Clearances

Note: Refer to Table 2-1: Minimum Aircraft Maintenance Bay Clearances for
dimensions A, B, C, D and E.

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Figure 2-2: Alternate Corner Configuration

Note: Refer to 2-3.4: Alternate Corner Configuration and Table 2-1: Minimum Aircraft
Maintenance Bay Clearances for dimension A.

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Figure 2-3: Vertical Hangar Clearances

Note: Refer to Table 2-1: Minimum Aircraft Maintenance Bay Clearances for
dimensions F, G, and H.

Figure 2-4: Vertical Hangar Clearances with Sloped Roofs

Note: Refer to Table 2-1: Minimum Aircraft Maintenance Bay Clearances for
dimensions F and G.

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Planning personnel are encouraged to allow sufficient net-to-gross area for specific
spaces in Aircraft Maintenance Hangars. Aircraft Maintenance Bays require additional
square footage outside of the safety lane where structure and other utilities create
obstructions which cannot be specifically accounted for in paragraph 2-3: Minimum
Aircraft Maintenance Bay Clearances. Hangars require large mechanical rooms to
accommodate equipment such as air compressors. Hangar fire protection rooms are
larger than in typical buildings due to the foam suppression system required for the
Aircraft Maintenance Bay. Select Hangar doors based on the pros and cons of the
different types of doors and by the users/installation preferences.

The area required for different types of hangar doors varies, but is not intended to
govern the decision of the type of hangar door to use. Calculate the area inside the
exterior face of hangar doors in the closed position at 100% square footage. Calculate
the area inside the exterior face of door pockets at 100% square footage. Enclose all
door pockets. Do not include the area under the roof, outside of the hangar doors. Refer
to Figure 2-5: Space Requirements for Vertical Lift Fabric Doors and Figure 2-6: Space
Requirements for Sliding Steel Hangar Doors for clarification on calculating gross
square footage of different hangar doors.

Figure 2-5: Space Requirements for Vertical Lift Fabric Doors

Count the area inside the exterior face of the door as

100% square feet
Do not count the area under roof and outside the
exterior face of the door

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Figure 2-6: Space Requirements for Sliding Steel Hangar Doors

Count the area inside the exterior face of the door as 100%
Square Footage (SF)
Do not count the area under roof and outside the exterior face
of the door
Count the area inside the exterior face of a door pocket as
100% SF


It is the goal of the DoD to make its facilities accessible to persons with disabilities. In
accordance with UFC 1-200-01, follow the Architectural Barriers Act (ABA) Accessibility
Standard for Department of Defense Facilities.


Design Aircraft Maintenance Hangars per the requirements of UFC 1-200-02. Refer to
Appendix C - Best Practices for discussion on sustainability strategies applicable to
Aircraft Maintenance Hangars.


Background Information

The DoD, including the Department of the Navy, operates facilities which routinely
utilize, or have utilized in the past, hazardous materials and chemicals that contain lead,
cadmium and chromium, and other heavy metals. Operations and activities which can
create an unsafe condition with regards to worker protection, include (but are not limited
to): manual demolition, scraping, grinding, heat-gun applications, power tooling with
dust collection, application of corrosion control materials, spray paint with
lead/chromium (VI)/Cadmium-based paints, burning, power tooling without dust

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collection, rivet busting, cleanup activities with dry abrasives, movement/removal of
enclosures, abrasive blasting, welding, cutting and burning on steel structures. When
these operations occur, there are hazards associated with the generation of dust, debris
and fumes. The hazards and the controls required are dependent on the materials used.
Additionally, these operations, and utilization of these hazardous materials and
chemicals, are found in aviation facilities.

Facility Design Requirements

Comply with the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), American Conference of
Governmental Industrial Hygienist (ACGIH), and DoD regulations and guidelines for
facilities that will operate, or will continue to operate, utilizing hazardous materials
and/or chemicals. The requirements found in the OSHA regulations and the DoD
Instructions and Directives may affect facility design requirements, which may include
(but are not limited to): separate toilets and washing/bathing areas for workers who are
exposed to the hazard, change rooms, decontamination areas, break rooms, clothes
washing facilities, areas for controlled disposal of contaminated waste and work clothes,
both local and general high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) ventilation systems and
filters, eyewash stations and deluge showers. Areas of facilities utilizing these
hazardous materials and/or chemicals must be designated as regulated areas
whenever exposure can be expected to be in excess of the permissible exposure
limit(s), and must be demarcated from the rest of the workplace in a manner that
adequately establishes and alerts building occupants of the boundaries of the regulated
area. Design facilities in a manner to allow the OSHA required air sampling and
monitoring that are required for the specific hazardous material in use. Design facilities
to control these hazards below the standards set in the stated regulations. Refer to
Appendix D, Questionnaire, for a list of questions the planner and designer should ask
the operators regarding their aircraft maintenance operations and activities.

Additionally, the DoD Instruction 6055.01, Appendix 4 lists additional requirements for
facilities which involve operations generating airborne dust, mist, debris, or aerosols
containing lead, chromium (VI), or cadmium. These requirements include (but are not
limited to): containment processes and methods to monitor effectiveness of
housekeeping procedures, decontamination procedures, and engineering controls
tailored to each facility.

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Typical systems utilized in Aircraft Maintenance Hangars are described below. Refer to
Chapters 5, 6, and 7 for Air Force, Army, and Navy specific applicability and exceptions
to Chapter 3. Specific rooms where these systems are used are indicated later in this



3-2.1.1 General
When siting the hangar, place emphasis on operation, function, energy efficiency,
safety, and Fire Department and Emergency vehicle access. Provide efficient access to
the flight line. Other factors to consider include topography, vegetative cover, existing
construction, weather elements, wind direction, soil conditions, flood hazards, natural
and man-made obstructions, adjacent land use, availability of usable airspace,
accessibility of utilities, taxiway and runway clearances, existing Control Tower sight
lines, and future expansion capability. When siting the Hangar, give careful
consideration to vehicular parking, pedestrian access, and traffic flow. Follow
UFC 3-260-01 and UFC 1-200-01.

3-2.1.2 Airfield Clearance Criteria

Site hangars in accordance with the airfield clearance requirements in UFC 3-260-01.

3- Restrictions
Land use restrictions dealing with runway clearances, helipad planning, aircraft noise,
and use of airspace are to be applied to the site location with UFC 3-260-01 and
UFC 2-100-01.

3- Construction in Floodplains or on Wetlands

Avoid siting and construction of facilities in wetlands and floodplains. If this cannot be
avoided, design and site the facility in accordance with UFC 1-200-01 and
UFC 3-201-01.

3- Soil and Groundwater Conditions

Complete the geotechnical design in accordance with UFC 3-220-01.

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Vehicular and Pedestrian Circulation

3-2.2.1 Street System

Coordinate design of the parking lot and street system with the overall traffic circulation
plans for the installation as well as the adjacent road system. Provide convenient and
safe vehicular access and circulation for essential services, such as deliveries, trash
and garbage collection, fire protection, and maintenance and repair. Minimize through
traffic routes adjacent or near the Hangar and Pedestrian routes. Design items such as
site access and drives, tactical vehicle access, parking lots, fire truck access, and
accessible parking in accordance with applicable criteria set forth in the Unified
Facilities Criteria (UFC). Design pavement in accordance with UFC 3-250-01FA.

3-2.2.2 Pedestrian Sidewalks/Circulation

Design sidewalks to provide convenient and safe pedestrian access and necessary
circulation. Provide an accessible route in accordance with the ABA Accessibility
Standards. Coordinate pedestrian access routes into vehicular traffic to minimize
crossing to provide safe ingress/egress for personnel. Design pavement in accordance
with UFC 3-250-01FA.

Airfield Pavements

3-2.3.1 Airfield Pavements Design

Design geometry of airfield pavements, including hangar access aprons, in accordance
with UFC 3-260-01 and UFC 3-260-02. Refer to 3-11.2: Existing Apron Slope for
additional requirements. All exterior pavements required to support aircraft loadings are
to be considered airfield pavements. Design all interior hangar slabs that support aircraft
loadings per Structural Section - Aircraft Maintenance Bay Slab on Ground in this UFC.

Consider flexibility of the pavement sections to accommodate a wide variety of aircrafts,

if possible, to accommodate potential aircraft and mission changes.

3-2.3.2 Airfield Pavement Markings

Refer to Chapters 5, 6, and 7 for Service-specific airfield pavement marking
requirements. DoD tenant organizations use Service-specific criteria on the military
portions of the airfield to the maximum extent practicable, including UFC 3-260-01 and
UFC 3-535-01.

Exterior Utility Services

Design utilities in accordance with the appropriate UFC. Avoid installing utilities under
airfield pavements to the maximum extent possible. Obtain written approval for the need
of any utilities under the airfield pavement other than those directly supporting the apron
or parked aircraft, from NAVFAC Headquarters (HQ) Chief Engineer for Navy projects,
United States Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) Transportation Systems Center (TSC)
for Army projects, and AFCEC pavements engineer for Air Force projects.

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3-2.4.1 Storm Drainage
Design storm drainage around hangars and aircraft movement areas in accordance with
UFC 1-200-01, and FAA AC 150/5320-5D. Design the storm drainage system, including
gutters, drains, inlets and culverts, to carry the anticipated runoff for the appropriate
level design storm event, including runoff from melting snow. Design of aboveground
storage of runoff tends to attract birds that are not recommended in the AOA.

3-2.4.2 Sanitary Sewer

Capture oily wastewater contaminants from the hangar bay trench system and hangar
sinks and drains, if provided, with oil/water separators, or as directed by the department
overseeing environmental policy for the installation.

3-2.4.3 Containment of Fire Suppression Effluent

Consider all local environmental regulations to determine the control, treatment and/or
remediation measures for the discharge of fire suppression effluent. Refer to Chapters
5, 6, and 7 for Service-specific containment requirements.


Construction, Life Safety, and Fire Fighter Access

Provide hangar construction, life safety, and fire department access in accordance with
UFC 3-600-01 except where additional requirements are added by this UFC. Use
National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) 409 only where explicitly noted. If there is a
conflict, this UFC supersedes UFC 3-600-01 and NFPA standards.

3-3.1.1 Construction Type

Where Group I, II, and III hangars as defined by National Fire Protection Agency
(NFPA) 409 are provided, they are limited to non-combustible Type I or Type II
construction as defined by the International Building Code (IBC). Construct Group IV
hangars in accordance with the membrane construction requirements in NFPA 409.

3-3.1.2 Protection of Structural Members

Protection of structural members (columns, beams, trusses, joists) above that
established in the type of construction is not required in the hangar bay when protected
by an approved fire suppression system in compliance with this UFC.

3-3.1.3 Internal Fire Rated Separations

Provide fire rated separations that are Underwriters Laboratory (UL) listed, Factory
Mutual (FM) approved, a calculated assembly by a Nationally Recognized Testing
Laboratory (NRTL), or an assembly calculated in accordance with IBC. At a minimum,
provide the fire rated separations listed below and shown in Figure 3-1: Internal Fire
Rated Separations.

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• Provide a 1-hour fire barrier between hangar bay and support areas such
as offices, maintenance shops, and storage areas including tools, parts,
and tires.
• Provide a 2-hour fire barrier between separate fire areas within the hangar
• Internal fire barriers are not required between adjacent aircraft servicing
areas unless required elsewhere in this UFC.
• Protect openings in fire barriers in accordance with NFPA 101, such as
doors and windows.
• Protect duct penetrations through fire barriers in accordance with UFC 3-

Figure 3-1: Internal Fire Rated Separations

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Figure 3-1-1: Internal Fire Rated Separations

Figure 3-1-2: Internal Fire Rated Separations

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Figure 3-1-3: Internal Fire Rated Separations

3-3.1.4 Internal Fire Wall Separations

Where operational aircraft assets are isolated from non-DoD areas, provide 4-hour
rated fire walls where these assets are co-located in a building with non-DoD operations
that are beyond the control of the DoD users. Minimize penetrations through such
firewalls. Protect any necessary door, window, and other penetration in accordance with
Factory Mutual Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets 1-22, Criteria for
Maximum Foreseeable Loss Fire Walls and Space Separation and 1-23, Protection of

3-3.1.5 Allowable Fire Area

The allowable fire area in the hangar bay is unlimited where a building is constructed in
accordance with this UFC. In some instances, more than one fire area may be provided
to limit the size of the foam/water system discharge area.

3-3.1.6 Allowable Building Area

The allowable building area is limited to the restrictions of the IBC. Where a building is
constructed in accordance with this UFC, modify the restrictions of unlimited area
buildings to allow for three stories and Group A-3 occupancies.

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3-3.1.7 Allowable Building Height and Stories
Where the building is constructed in accordance with this UFC, the allowable building
height is unlimited. The allowable number of stories is limited to the restrictions of the
IBC based on the construction type.

3-3.1.8 Building Clear Space and Fire Separation Distance

Provide clear space around the facility in accordance with NFPA 409. The clear space
is permitted to be around a group of buildings, where those buildings are considered a
portion of one building on the same lot as defined by IBC.

Provide fire separation distance in accordance with IBC.

3-3.1.9 Hangar Bay Egress

The requirements of NFPA 101 apply to hangar bay egress, except as modified.

• For Air Force and Navy: Provide exits or exit access doors around the
entire perimeter of the hangar bay at a maximum spacing of 150 feet (ft.)
(45.7 meters (m.)). Unless otherwise noted in this UFC, travel distance
limitations do not apply in the hangar bay. Provide each exit access door
from the hangar bay, which passes through adjacent building areas, with a
continuous unobstructed path to an exit. Travel distance begins at the
hangar bay exit access, and is measured along the path of egress travel
to the exit. Refer to Figure 3-2: Air Force and Navy Hangar Bay Egress
for additional information.
• For Army: Provide exits on the exterior walls around the hangar bay
egressing directly to the exterior at a maximum spacing of 150 ft. (45.7 m).
Locate the first exit on the exterior wall no further than 75 ft. (22.9 m) from
the start of the hangar bay exterior wall. Apply the maximum travel
distance for General Industrial occupancy as defined by NFPA 101. Refer
to Figure 3-3: Army Hangar Bay Egress for additional information.

• Where hangar bay doors exceed 110 ft. (33.5 m), do not provide exits in
the hangar bay door to meet the maximum distance limitation between
exits. Provide exits within 20 ft. (6.1 m) of each end of the hangar bay door
• Personnel access doors may be provided through the hangar bay door;
however these doors are not considered exits for egress.
• Install an egress door in the structure between hangar bay doors, when
the structure is greater than 7 ft. (2.1 m) in width. Provide this door
regardless of whether the 110 ft. (33.5 m) limitation is exceeded.
• Provide each required exit or exit access door from the hangar bay with
panic hardware, and swing the door in the direction of egress travel.

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• Support areas are not permitted to have their required egress through the
hangar bay with the exception of normally unoccupied rooms less than
100 sq. ft. (9.3 sq. m). This limitation is not inclusive of equipment
platforms as defined by IBC.
• Do not exceed a travel distance of 75 ft. (22.9 m) from the most remote
location on the mezzanine to an exit or exit access. Equipment platforms
as defined per IBC are not considered mezzanines.
Figure 3-2: Air Force and Navy Hangar Bay Egress

Air Force and Navy Egress Notes:

1. Normally unoccupied rooms less than 100 sq. ft. (9.3 sq. m) may have their sole
means of egress through the hangar bay.

2. Travel distance limitations begin at the door from the hangar bay.

3. Except where noted, do not exceed 150 ft. (45.7 m) between exits and exit access
doors along the hangar bay perimeter.

4. Do not exceed a cumulative total of 150 ft. (45.7 m) for the distance of A + B.

5. Except where noted, travel distance limitations do not apply within the hangar bay.

6. Do not exceed a travel distance of 75 ft. (22.9 m) from the most remote location on
the mezzanine to an exit or exit access.

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7. Where the hangar bay door opening exceeds 110 ft. (33.5 m), provide the first exit or
exit access within 20 ft. (6.1 m) of the hangar bay door opening.

8. Personnel doors are permitted in the hangar bay door, however they are not
considered exits for egress.

Figure 3-3: Army Hangar Bay Egress

Army Egress Notes:

1. Normally unoccupied rooms less than 100 sq. ft. (9.3 sq. m) may have their sole
means of egress through the hangar bay.

2. Unless the wall separating the hangar bay from the support area is a horizontal exit
as defined by NFPA 101, the distance between exit access doors along this wall is
only limited by the travel distance.

3. Except where noted, do not exceed 150 ft. (45.7 m) between exits in the hangar bay
exterior wall.

4. Do not exceed 75 ft. (22.9 m) between the start of the hangar bay exterior wall and
the first exterior exit along the wall.

5. Travel distance limitations from the hangar bay are applicable until an exit is

6. Do not exceed a travel distance of 75 ft. (22.9 m) from the most remote location on
the mezzanine to an exit or exit access.
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7. Where hangar bay door exceeds 110 ft. (33.5 m), provide the first exit or exit access
within 20 ft. (6.1 m.) of the hangar bay door opening.

8. Personnel doors are permitted in the Aircraft Maintenance Bay door, however they
are not considered exits for egress.

3-3.1.10 Draft Curtains

Provide draft curtains in accordance with NFPA 409 and the following requirements.
Steel sheeting thinner than 26 gauge (0.455 mm), aluminum, fiberglass reinforced
plastic or other plastic materials are not permitted. Fit the curtain tightly against the
underside of the roof. Use mineral wool, ceramic fiber or another approved fire stop
material to fill steel deck flutes or other gaps through the curtain. Install draft curtains to
form rectangular roof pockets. Where structural roof supports extend below the roof or
ceiling, install draft curtains on structural roof supports to the extent practical. Construct
the bottom edge of the draft curtain at a constant height above and parallel with the
finished floor. Draft curtains are not required to extend below the tail height of the
aircraft plus the clearance dimension in Table 2-1: Minimum Aircraft Maintenance Bay

Provide draft curtains such that dmin is the greater of:

• dmin = Hmax/8, or
• dmin = 4 ft. (1220 mm), and the draft curtain extends at least 1 ft. (305 mm)
below Hmin.

• dmin = Minimum depth of the draft curtain measured down from Hmax (ft.,
• Hmax = Maximum roof height AFF where the draft curtain is installed (ft.,
• Hmin = Minimum roof height AFF where the draft curtain is installed (ft., m).

3-3.1.11 Exterior Firefighting Accessibility

Provide suitable exterior fire apparatus access on at least two complete sides of the
building. Fire apparatus access is permitted to be around a group of buildings, where
those buildings are considered a portion of one building on the same lot as defined by

Suitable access surfaces include ramps, aircraft parking aprons, automotive parking
areas, fire apparatus access roads, and stabilized landscaped areas. Where automotive
parking areas are used for fire department access, provide at least one aisle 20 ft. (6.1
m) wide with an adequate turning radius for fire department apparatus.

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3-3.1.12 Interior Firefighting Accessibility
Exit and exit access doors from the hangar bay provide building access into the hangar
bay for normal structural firefighting operations.

Provide the ability to operate the hangar bay door under emergency conditions. Refer to
3-7.2: Hangar Bay Door Power for requirements.

Exterior Systems

3-3.2.1 Exterior Materials

UFC 3-101-01 recommends that facilities be designed in harmony with the surrounding
architecture, judiciously employing the style and character of architecturally significant
facilities in the area. Utilize exterior materials and develop a character befitting the size
and nature of Aircraft Maintenance Hangars and their location within a typically
industrial area near an airfield. Select a color pallet to harmonize with the surrounding
architecture. Consider adjacent historical precedent but not to the extent of unwarranted
additional cost to the Government.

Provide exterior materials appropriate for the environment at the project location.

3-3.2.2 Exterior Envelope

Provide an exterior envelope per UFC 3-101-01 Chapter 3 Building Envelope
Requirements. Construct walls between semi-heated Aircraft Maintenance Bays and
adjacent conditioned spaces per requirements for semi-heated spaces in American
Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) 90.1
Building Envelope Requirements Tables. Consult UFC 3-101-01 to confirm envelope air
barrier testing requirements for Aircraft Maintenance Bays.

3-3.2.3 Exterior Walls

Provide a masonry or concrete finish up to a minimum 10 ft. (3.0 m) minimum above the
finished floor for the interior and exterior face of the entire perimeter of the Aircraft
Maintenance Bay, except at hangar doors. This includes the side/end walls, as well as
the back wall which typically separates the Aircraft Maintenance Bay from shops and
parts repair rooms. Refer also to 3-3.1: Construction, Life Safety, and Fire Fighter
Access for fire rating requirements for walls between the Aircraft Maintenance Bays and
other spaces.

3-3.2.4 Roof
Provide a roof system in accordance with UFC 3-110-03, except as modified in this
paragraph. Aggregate surfaces and vegetative roofs are not acceptable due to FOD
prevention concerns at airfields. Do not slope roof toward airfield unless rainwater will
be collected at the roof eave and taken below grade to stormwater drain system. Do not
direct rainwater above grade to the flight line side of the hangar. Slope roof away from
hangar doors and aircraft movement areas. Provide fall prevention and/or fall protection
in accordance with UFC 3-110-03. Most hangars do not have mechanical equipment on
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the Aircraft Maintenance Bay roofs but there may be other equipment such as antenna
platforms. Provide path and fall protection for access to all roof mounted lighting and
antenna platforms from interior roof access point. Refer to 2-1.6 Solar Glare Hazard

3-3.2.5 Windows
Provide exterior windows, skylights, and doors on inhabited portions of the building per
UFC 4-010-01. In addition, provide all interior windows and glazed doors exposed to the
Aircraft Maintenance Bay with laminated glass designed in accordance with UFC 4-010-
01 for the same blast effects as the most severely loaded exterior glazing system.
Provide materials appropriate for the environment at project location and warrant
material for expected lifespan of the building without any requirements for special
maintenance. Provide insect screens with any operable windows.

3-3.2.6 Exterior Doors and Hardware

Security issues may govern over these minimum requirements.

3- Exterior Hangar Doors

Refer to 3-10: Hangar Doors for hangar door requirements. Refer to C-10: HANGAR
DOOR for guidance on best practices for hangar door selection and design.

3- Exterior Personnel Door and Frames

Exterior aluminum doors are to be widestile type with minimum 5 inches (127
millimeters (mm)) stiles, top rails, and mid rails, minimum 10 inches (254 mm) bottom
rails, 3/16 inch (5 mm) wall thickness, welded corner construction.

Exterior hollow metal doors to be galvanized or galvannealed steel, Level 4 and

Physical Performance Level A. Exterior hollow metal frames to be galvanized or
galvannealed steel, welded, Level 4. Refer to American National Standards
Institute/Steel Door Institute (ANSI/SDI) A250.8.

3- Exterior Door Hardware

Provide hardware meeting ANSI/BHMA Grade 1 listed in the certified products directory.
Coordinate hardware scheduling requirements with Base Staff. The hardware
requirements include:

• Hinges - ANSI/BHMA A156.26.

• Locksets - ANSI/BHMA A156.13 Operational and security Grade 1 Series
1000 mortise locks tested to exceed at least 3 times the number of cycles
required for Grade 1.
• Exit Devices - ANSI/BHMA A156.3 tested to exceed at least 3 times the
number of cycles required for Grade 1.

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• Closers - ANSI/BHMA A156.4 tested to exceed at least 3 times the
number of cycles required for Grade 1.
• Overhead Stops - ANSI/BHMA A156.8.
• Protection Plates - ANSI/BHMA A156.6 - Kick Plates J102, Armor Plates
• Thresholds - ANSI/BHMA A156.21.
• Weatherstrip, Sweeps, Drip Caps - ANSI/BHMA A156.22.
Provide closers with heavy-duty arms at all exterior doors. Provide closers with integral
spring stop arms or provide separate heavy-duty overhead stops. Provide thresholds,
head and jamb weatherstrip (with astragals at pairs of doors without mullions), sweeps
with integral rain drips, and overhead rain drips at exterior doors. Provide kickplates at
hollow metal doors with closers, and at storage room doors with or without closers.
Armor plates are required at doors anticipated to encounter cart traffic.

Interior Systems

Durability is extremely important when specifying materials for interior construction and
finishes. Aircraft Maintenance Hangars are often occupied 24 hours per day, seven
days a week and heavy equipment is regularly handled throughout the facility. Provide
durable low maintenance finishes in a limited palette with good appearance retention.
Incorporate colors, patterns, and textures which successfully mask minor abrasions and
day-to-day soiling between cleaning. Provide finishes that are easily repairable if and
when necessary. Provide corner guards if using gypsum board in corridors and other
high traffic areas. Provide finishes to incorporate LEED criteria, with low and no VOC
adhesive and paint finishes, walk off mats for increased indoor air quality, with highest
recycled content as is feasible for the project, and other environmentally sensitive
features and benefits.

3-3.3.1 Resilient Flooring

At a minimum, provide durable Class I monolithic vinyl tile resilient flooring resistant to
stains and scuffing, able to stand up to high foot traffic and requiring minimum

3-3.3.2 Interior Partitions

Extend partitions up to the bottom of the floor/roof construction above for the following

• Commanding Officers Office

• Executive Officers Office
• Conference or Briefing Rooms
• Classrooms or Training Rooms
• Rooms or offices with secure communication systems

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• Corridors
• Perimeter of toilet and locker room areas
• Offices and operational spaces where privacy issues are of significant
• Flight planning
• Maintenance Shops
Refer to 3-3.3.3: Acoustics for additional requirements. Provide a wall base on all walls
in spaces with an applied floor finish.

3-3.3.3 Acoustics
Provide acoustics per UFC 3-101-01 unless superseded by other criteria or the STC
ratings listed in individual Functional Room Data Sheets as the basis for the sound
attenuation design of the partition, door and window assemblies for the facility.

Hangar maintenance bays and maintenance shops can be high noise areas. Prevent
sound from the exterior and sound from these and other noisy spaces such as corridors,
toilets, elevator, machine rooms, and mechanical rooms from having negative impact on
the adjacent spaces.

3-3.3.4 Floors
Provide floors per 3-4.2: Ground Floors.

3-3.3.5 Ceilings
The following spaces may have exposed ceiling structure:

• Hangar Bay
• Maintenance Shops
• Corridors (Ground Level) and Stairs
• Building Support Spaces
Provide finished ceilings in all other spaces. Refer to Finishes. Typical minimum finished
ceiling height to be 9 ft. (2.74 m) unless otherwise indicated. Coordinate minimum hook
heights for overhead cranes and hoists with MEP and Structural building systems when
setting floor to floor and floor to roof heights to ensure a safe working environment for
occupants in those spaces.

3-3.3.6 Interior Doors and Hardware

Security issues may govern over these minimum requirements.

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3- Interior Hollow Metal Doors and Frames
Interior hollow metal doors are to be Level 3 and Physical Performance Level A. Interior
hollow metal frames are to be welded Level 3. Interior hollow metal doors between
Aircraft Maintenance Bays and shop spaces and other areas subject to high abuse are
to be Level 4 and Physical Performance Level A, with Level 4 welded frames. Interior
hollow metal doors at administrative areas may be Level 2 and Physical Performance
Level B, with Level 3 frames. Refer to ANSI/SDI A250.8. Provide fire resistant
assemblies where required to meet fire ratings. Provide fire-rated glazing door vision
panels where required in this UFC. Meet ASTM E90 where acoustical door assemblies
are specified.

3- Interior Wood Doors

Provide Heavy Duty, Type II, Particle Core, PC-5 or PC-7 interior wood doors. Provide
fire resistant composite cores where required to meet fire ratings. Provide wood
blocking as required to eliminate the use of through bolts for hardware mounting at fire-
resistant composite core doors. Provide Premium "A" Grade veneers using Plain Sliced
Red Oak as a minimum standard at wood doors. Provide edge veneers to match face
veneers. Provide wood doors prefit, beveled, and factory machined for mortise
hardware including pilot holes for hinges screws. Refer to WDMA I.S.1-A and AWS
Section 9. Provide factory finished wood doors utilizing WDMA finish system TR-6 as a
minimum standard. Meet ASTM E90 where acoustical door assemblies are specified.

3- Interior Door Hardware

Provide hardware meeting ANSI/BHMA Grade 1 listed in the certified products directory.
Coordinate hardware scheduling requirements with Base Staff.

The hardware requirements include:

• Hinges - ANSI/BHMA A156.26 Full mortise continuous aluminum at Level

4 doors.
• Hinges - ANSI/BHMA A156.1 Heavy weight ball bearing type at Level 2
and 3 metal doors and wood doors with closers, overhead stops, or sized
larger than 3'0" x 7'0".
• Hinges - ANSI/BHMA A156.1 standard weight ball bearing type at wood
doors without closers or overhead stops, sized 3'0" x 7'0" or smaller.
• Locksets - ANSI/BHMA A156.13 operational and security Grade 1 Series
1000 mortise locks tested to exceed at least 3 times the number of cycles
required for Grade 1.
• Locksets - ANSI/BHMA A156.2 Grade 1 series 4000 per are allowable at
administrative spaces. Locks tested to exceed at least 3 times the number
of cycles required for Grade 1.
• Exit Devices - ANSI/BHMA A156.3 tested to exceed at least 3 times the
number of cycles required for Grade 1.

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• Closers - ANSI/BHMA A156.4 tested to exceed at least 3 times the
number of cycles required for Grade 1.
• Protection Plates - ANSI/BHMA A156.6 Kick Plates J102, Armor Plates
Provide exit devices on door at rooms containing explosives (Paraloft, Flight Gear, and
Ordnance). Provide kickplates at all doors with closers and at all storage rooms with or
without closers. Armor plates are required at doors that are anticipated to encounter cart

3-3.3.7 Casework
Specify Architectural Woodwork Institute (AWI) Premium or Custom for construction and
finishes per AWI Quality Standards Illustrated, Current Edition. Provide veneer panel
core casework, cabinet doors and drawer faces. Provide plastic laminate or better finish
on all exposed surfaces of the casework must. Provide solid composite plastics
countertops, unless otherwise indicated or requested.

3-3.3.8 Signage
Provide signage per UFC 3-120-01, in Aircraft Maintenance Bay to explain operation of
significant building features and limiting factors for hangar door operation. For example,
locate a sign near the controls of hangar doors explaining proper operation. Similarly,
provide signage near the maintenance control office to explain items such as maximum
slab loads, jacking loads, use of ventilation system, operation of the fire protection
system, and lighting controls. Develop a comprehensive signage package (both interior
and exterior) that addresses way-finding and definition of all spaces within the facility.
Provide signage to reflect and complement the environment through colors, images and
materials used.


3-3.4.1 Ground Level

3- Aircraft Maintenance Bay
Slope Aircraft Maintenance Bay floors to prevent liquid spills from flowing into adjacent
areas in compliance with NFPA, IBC, and ABA. Provide light gray 5-coat fuel resistive
resinous flooring with striping of safety lanes, lead-in lines, nose gear stop lines,
grounding points, and other safety markings. Coordinate colors, striping and grit level
with the users. Provide a grit level meeting OSHA slip resistance requirements.

Provide painted masonry, or concrete construction to a minimum of 10 ft. (3.0 m) Above

Finished Floor (AFF) around perimeter of Aircraft Maintenance Bays except at hangar
door. Refer to 3-3.1: Construction, Life Safety, and Fire Fighter Access for fire rated
separations between the Aircraft Maintenance Bay and other spaces. A wall base is not
required in the hangar bay.

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3- Maintenance Administration
Provide resilient flooring, painted walls, resilient base, and suspended acoustical ceiling
systems. Partitions separating administrative spaces may be gypsum board on metal
stud construction. Partitions may extend to above the ceiling for similar office types and
spaces where noise between offices is not an acoustical issue.

3- Heavy Maintenance Shops

Provide light gray, 5-coat fuel resistive resinous flooring system with striping for safety
markings. Coordinate colors, striping and grit level with the users. Provide painted
concrete or masonry walls up to 10 ft. (3.0 m) minimum around perimeter of each shop.
Provide painted exposed ceilings.

3- Light Maintenance Shops

Provide resilient flooring or 3-coat fuel resistant resinous flooring. Provide painted
gypsum board on metal stud walls and suspended acoustical ceiling systems. Provide
static dissipative flooring in electronics, avionics, paraloft, flight gear, ordnance shops
and other spaces as required by the user.

3- Storage
Provide sealed concrete floors, painted masonry or concrete walls, painted exposed

3- Personnel Support

Provide porcelain tile floors in shower, toilet and locker rooms. Provide painted concrete
or masonry partitions around shower, toilet, and locker rooms. Provide full-height or
wainscot-height ceramic or porcelain tile at "wet" walls, at a minimum. Provide moisture-
resistant gypsum board or moisture-resistant suspended acoustical ceiling system.

In support spaces such as break rooms provide resilient flooring or seamless resinous
flooring, painted gypsum board walls and suspended acoustical ceiling system.

3- Building Support

Provide sealed concrete floors and painted masonry or concrete walls and unpainted
exposed bottom of floor/roof construction above.

3- Corridors
Provide flooring equal to the most durable finish provided in the spaces served by the
corridor. Provide 5-coat fuel resistive resinous flooring in corridors providing indirect
access to heavy maintenance shops. Provide resilient flooring or 3-Coat fuel resistive
resinous flooring in corridors serving light maintenance shops. Provide sealed concrete
or resilient flooring in corridors serving only personnel and building support spaces.
Provide painted concrete, masonry or impact resistant gypsum board walls, resilient

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base, and suspended acoustical ceiling systems. Provide full-height corner guards at all
exterior corners, including columns.

3- Stairs
In stairs, provide resilient flooring and stair accessories, painted concrete, masonry or
impact resistant gypsum wall board up to a minimum of 8 ft. (2.44 m) above stair level.

3-3.4.2 Upper Level

Finish upper level spaces similar to commercial office spaces.

3- Operational Administration

Provide carpet tile, resilient base, painted gypsum board walls and suspended
acoustical ceiling systems.

3- Personnel Support

Provide porcelain tile floors and painted gypsum board walls. Provide ceramic tile
wainscots at toilet, shower, and locker rooms. Provide full-height ceramic tile wall
finishes on all walls in showers or similar 'wet' spaces. Provide moisture-resistant
gypsum board or moisture-resistant suspended acoustical ceiling system in toilet,
shower and locker rooms.

In support spaces such as break rooms provide resilient flooring or seamless resinous
flooring, resilient base, painted gypsum board walls and suspended acoustical ceiling

3- Building Support

Provide sealed concrete floors and painted gypsum board walls and unpainted exposed
bottom of floor/roof construction above.

3- Corridors
Provide resilient flooring or carpet tile, painted impact resistant gypsum board walls,
resilient base and suspended acoustical ceiling systems.

3-3.4.3 Protective Coatings

Paint all non-prefinished items per requirements below.

• Shop coat exposed exterior ferrous metal primary and secondary steel
framing per UFGS 09 97 13.27. Coat all other exposed exterior ferrous
metal per 09 90 00, Division 5: Exterior Metal, Ferrous and Non-Ferrous
Paint Table.
• Shop coat all exposed and non-exposed ferrous metal of hangar doors per
UFGS 09 97 13.27.

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• Shop coat exposed interior ferrous metal primary and secondary steel
framing inside Aircraft Maintenance Bays per UFGS 09 97 13.27. Coat all
other exposed interior ferrous metal inside Aircraft Maintenance Bays per
UFGS 09 90 00, Division 5: Interior Metal, Ferrous and Non-ferrous Paint
• Coat exposed interior ferrous metal in spaces other than Aircraft
Maintenance Bays and Building Support spaces as defined in 3-3.4:
Finishes per UFGS 09 90 00, Division 5: Interior Metal, Ferrous and Non-
ferrous Paint Table.
• Coat exposed interior ferrous metal in Building Support spaces as defined
in 3-3.4: Finishes at a minimum with primer coat only per UFGS 09 90 00,
Division 5: Interior Metal, Ferrous and Non-ferrous Paint Table.
• Coat non-exposed interior ferrous metal at a minimum with a primer coat
only per UFGS 09 90 00, Division 5: Interior Metal, Ferrous and Non-
ferrous Paint Table.
• Coat other interior substrates such as gypsum board, concrete, masonry
and wood per UFGS 09 90 00.
• Provide 5-coat fuel resistive resinous flooring at the Aircraft Maintenance
Bay and heavy maintenance shops and associated corridors per UFGS 09
67 23.16. Provide striping of safety lanes, lead-in lines, nose gear stop
lines, grounding points, emergency eye wash fixtures, fire extinguishers
and other safety markings. Coordinate colors, striping and grit level with
the users. Provide grit to meet OSHA Requirements for wet floors. Refer
to Chapters 5, 6, and 7 for figures showing Service-specific striping
requirements. Follow recommendations in UFGS 09 67 23.16 to
coordinate with the structural engineer doing the slab design to provide a
below slab vapor barrier, and to design the slab to be as low vapor
emitting as possible. Do not use spray-on curing compounds. Specify the
manufacturer's Moisture Vapor Reducer coating and just don't use it if the
concrete test come in at acceptable vapor emissivity rates.
• Provide 3-coat fuel resistive resinous flooring at light maintenance shops
and associated corridors per UFGS 09 67 23.15. Provide striping safety
markings. Coordinate colors, striping and grit level with the users. Follow
recommendations in UFGS 09 67 23.15 to coordinate with the structural
engineer doing the slab design to provide a below slab vapor barrier, and
to design the slab to be as low vapor emitting as possible. Do not use
spray-on curing compounds. Specify the manufacturer's Moisture Vapor
Reducer coating and just don't use it if the concrete test come in at
acceptable vapor emissivity rates.

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Provide an elevator car of size and arrangement to meet ABA Accessibility

requirements and to accommodate an ambulance stretcher. Provide elevators in
accordance with NAVFAC ITG 2013-01 Elevator Design Guide or superseding Elevator
UFC when published.

Bird Intrusion Prevention

Coordinate accepted intrusion prevention measures with environmental office for host
facility. Design intrusion prevention systems to not restrict access to building systems.
Design all access required as removable panels that can be removed and replaced with
the normal means of access and tools used by maintenance personnel.


Typical structural systems utilized in Aircraft Maintenance Hangars are described below.
Refer to Chapters 5, 6, and 7 for Air Force, Army, and Navy specific applicability and
exceptions to this section.

Aircraft Hangars are to be assigned Risk Category III unless the Authority Having
Jurisdiction approves a different Risk Category based on the following conditions:

• Aircraft Hangars housing aircraft which are not "high value equipment"
may be assigned to Risk Category II.
• Aircraft Hangars that house aircraft with a "mission critical" function, which
are required to remain operational, may be assigned to Risk Category IV.


Foundations are not to utilize the slab on ground to resist lateral forces. Foundations are
to be separated from the slab on ground by an isolation joint. Hairpins or tie beams
within the slab on ground are not allowed. Tie beams are allowed if they are completely
independent of the slab on ground such as when the tie beams are located below the
slab on ground.

Ground Floors

Design ground floors for all loadings anticipated to be supported by the floor system.
These loads may include aircraft wheel loads, aircraft tug wheel loads, fire truck wheel
loads, fork truck wheel loads, jacking loads, wall loads, and point loads. \1\ Confirm with
using activity full range of intended aircraft to be housed within the hangar including
whether it is to be used for "dense packing" of multiple aircraft in non-standard use
during storms or other events. /1/

Design ground floors to be either deep foundation supported reinforced concrete

structural slab (slab supported by deep foundations) or concrete slab on ground (slab
supported by the subgrade). Design deep foundation supported reinforced concrete

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structural slabs in accordance with the structural requirements and criteria of
UFC 3-301-01. In the Aircraft Maintenance Bay these structural slabs are also to be
designed for the aircraft loads stated in this UFC. Design the slab on ground in the three
different areas of the Aircraft Maintenance Hangar as follows:

3-4.2.1 Office/Administration Slabs on Ground

Design slab-on-ground systems for the offices and administration spaces of the hangar
facility in accordance with the American Concrete Institute ACI 360R. The minimum
thickness of the slab-on-ground is to be 5 inches (127 mm).

3-4.2.2 Shops Slabs on Ground

Design slab on ground systems for the shop spaces of the hangar facility in accordance
with the American Concrete Institute ACI 360R. Design the slab for all shop equipment
loads, fork truck wheel loads and other applicable wheel loads. The finished floor
elevation of the shop spaces to be at or above the highest floor elevation of the Aircraft
Maintenance Bay. The minimum thickness of the slab on ground is to be 6 inches (152

3-4.2.3 Aircraft Maintenance Bay Slab on Ground

Design the Aircraft Maintenance Bay slabs on ground for the minimum wheel loads
shown in the Service-specific chapters of this UFC. Design in accordance with the
procedure described below.

The Aircraft Maintenance Bay floor will be above the exterior grade and the floor slope
will project beyond the face of the building to meet the exterior apron grade. Slope the
Aircraft Maintenance Bay floor a minimum of 0.5% (1/16" per foot) towards the flight line
door or trench drains (when provided). Additional cross-slopes may be necessary to
meet other drainage requirements. Do not slope floors more than 1.5% (3/16 inch per

3- Aircraft Maintenance Bay - Slab on Ground Design

Determine the concrete slab on ground thickness for the Aircraft Maintenance Bay in
accordance with UFC 3-260-02, utilizing a non-reinforced concrete section with the
Service-specific minimum loads shown in this UFC. It is acceptable to design and install
reinforcing for temperature and/or crack control but the reinforcing cannot be used to
decrease the slab on ground thickness from the calculated non-reinforced slab
thickness. If point loads other than wheel loads require a thicker slab section, then
reinforcing can be utilized in the area of the point load to keep from increasing the slab
thickness for the point load. A typical cross-section is shown in Figure 3-4: Typical
Aircraft Maintenance Bay Slab on Ground Cross-Section. Other criteria is as follows.

• Minimum concrete slab on ground thickness will be 8 inches. Increase

slab thickness in 1/2" increments.
• Minimum concrete flexural strength will be 550 pounds per square inch
(psi) at 90 days.
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• Maximum concrete flexural strength will be 650 psi at 90 days.
• In hangar bays that allow for multiple aircraft parking positions, provide a
uniform slab on ground design throughout the hangar bay. Do not reduce
the slab on ground thickness in areas not subject to the design aircraft
wheel loads.
• In single aircraft hangar bays that only allow for parking of one aircraft in
one position, slab on ground thickness in areas that are not subject to the
design aircraft loads may be optimized or reduced in thickness. Before
optimizing the slab, using activity should confirm any additional loads
including whether hangar is intended to be used for "dense packing" of
multiple aircraft in non-standard use during storms or other events. For
Navy Standard Hangar Types, variable slab thickness is not permitted per
section 7-4.1Aircraft Maintenance Bay - Slab on Ground Loading.
• Where slab is not a uniform design, provide clear markings for special slab
areas designated for wheel load paths, jacking, etc.
• If welded wire fabric is utilized, it must be provided in flat sheets with a
minimum wire size of W4.0.
• Do not use fiber reinforced concrete systems inside the hangar facility
without prior approval.
For Navy: Utilize a minimum of 0.05% reinforcing steel in both directions in the aircraft
maintenance bay slab on ground.

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Figure 3-4: Typical Aircraft Maintenance Bay Slab on Ground Cross-Section

3- Aircraft Maintenance Bay - Concrete Slab on Ground Joint Spacing

Space the Aircraft Maintenance Bay slab on ground joints in accordance with Table 3-1:
Aircraft Maintenance Bay Slab on Ground Joint Spacing. Locate the joints considering
the column line spacing while not exceeding the maximums listed in Table 3-1: Aircraft
Maintenance Bay Slab on Ground Joint Spacing.

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Table 3-1: Aircraft Maintenance Bay Slab on Ground Joint Spacing



205 (8) < T < 230 (9) 3.8 TO 4.6 (12.5 TO 15)
NONREINFORCED SLAB 230 (9) < T < 305 (12) 4.6 TO 6.1 (15 TO 20)
T > 305 (12) 6.1 (20) MAX

*Minimum thickness allowed is 205 mm (8 inches).

3- Aircraft Maintenance Bay - Concrete Slab on Ground Joint Details.

In the Aircraft Maintenance Bay use the following types of joints, joint sealant details
and dowels.

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Figure 3-5: Concrete Slab on Ground Construction Joint

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Figure 3-6: Concrete Slab on Ground Contraction Joint

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Figure 3-7: Concrete Slab on Ground Expansion Joint

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Figure 3-8: Joint Sealant Details for Concrete Slabs on Ground

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Table 3-2: Concrete Slab on Ground Dowel Size and Spacing




12 TO AND INCLUDING 15.5 20 15 1 TO 1-1/4 INCH BAR

1-1/4 TO 1-1/2 INCH

16 TO AND INCLUDING 20.5 20 18


OVER 26 30 18 3 INCH BAR

3- Aircraft Maintenance Bay - Slab on Ground Floor Heating

For slabs on ground with in floor heating, provide the following:

• A minimum 0.06% distributed reinforcement in each direction.

• Slab on ground thickness to be at least the depth of slab calculated by
procedure described in this UFC, plus the additional depth of the radiant
• Under slab insulation as required by mechanical calculations for R value
with sufficient strength to support the design loads without permanent
deformation. Insulation to be placed under slab wherever there is radiant

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floor tubing. Refer to ACI 360R-10, Chapter 13 for additional guidance on
under slab insulation.
• Coordinate closely with the in-floor radiant heat systems supplier on the
design of the hangar floor slab, location of insulation, location of radiant
tubing and radiant tubing manifolds within the slab on ground.


3-4.3.1 Aircraft Maintenance Bay

Traditionally, the superstructure of the Aircraft Maintenance Bay is steel framed,
however, alternate framing systems can be considered with approval. Design Pre-
Engineered Metal Building systems to the standards applicable to traditional steel
framing, including adherence to all requirements of the American Institute of Steel
Construction and this UFC.

Design the aircraft maintenance hangar in accordance with UFC 4-010-01. Aircraft
Maintenance Hangars are generally considered "inhabited" buildings due to the
occupancy and population density within the administration and office areas. However,
the Aircraft Maintenance Bay may be considered "low occupancy" buildings if it meets
all the requirements of UFC 4-010-01.

3-4.3.2 Aircraft Maintenance Bay Superstructure and Hangar Doors

Design the sliding hangar door guide systems to allow total roof live load deflection.
Coordinate the total anticipated roof deflection with the door guide manufacturer to
ensure that the design stroke of the hangar door guides is not exceeded. Show on the
construction documents the expected maximum deflection, both upward and downward,
as well as the allowable deflection of the hangar door guide system. For cantilever roof
systems, design the hangar door guide system to have adjustment capability to allow for
final leveling after all loads are in place.

Design the Aircraft Maintenance Bay superstructure to be compatible with the

requirements of the vertical-lift fabric door manufacturer. Show on the construction
documents the expected maximum deflection, both upward and downward of the
superstructure, as well as the allowable deflection of the Vertical Life Fabric Door
(VLFD) framing. Design the VLFD door jamb members to be secondary members,
independent of the main structural system, to allow for field adjustment during erection
of the building.

3-4.3.3 Administration and Shops Superstructure

If the administration and shops area is constructed as an isolated structure from the
Aircraft Maintenance Bay, it may be a bearing wall or frame system of concrete, steel,
or reinforced masonry. If the administration and shops area is constructed as an integral
part of a steel-framed Aircraft Maintenance Bay structure, the administration and shops
structure must be steel-framed.

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The framing system selected for the Administration and Shops area will provide areas
free from isolated columns. Structural bracing will be located so as not to impair
functionality of Administration and Shops areas. Exposed structural bracing will not be
permitted in office areas without prior approval.

Main Structural Framing Materials

Select exposed steel shapes to minimize their surface area. Design all exposed steel
connections to shed water. Design and detail exposed steel to permit the complete
inspection of all fasteners and welds. Seal Hollow Structural Sections (HSS) to keep
water from entering the section and animals from nesting inside.

Do not use weathering steel for framing material.

Secondary Structural Systems

Design the walls and partitions of the Aircraft Maintenance Bay to be non-load bearing
and not be considered as elements of the lateral load resisting system. The walls of the
office/shop portion of the facility may be designed as load-bearing if structurally isolated
from the Aircraft Maintenance Bay structure. Limit the use of interior load bearing walls
to allow for future reconfiguration of the spaces. Consider the relative stiffness of all wall
and partition systems and the main framing and provide for structural isolation as

Roof framing system will be a galvanized structural steel roof deck on structural steel
members, open-web steel joists or light-gage "Z" purlins. The steel deck cannot be used
as a diaphragm for the principal building lateral force resisting system. Utilize horizontal
truss or other system for the principal building lateral force resisting system. The steel
deck can be utilized to brace secondary members, if the designer can show that there is
deflection compatibility between the deck serving as a brace, and the main lateral force
resisting system. Provide a positive load path from the steel deck to the structural
system, which does not rely on the joist seats or purlins to transfer lateral loads.
Properly brace roof framing members for stability during construction and for final

Strength Requirements

Design for all the loads described in or incorporated by reference to UFC 3-301-01, and
for all loads imposed by bridge cranes, suspended work docs, personal fall arrest
systems, hangar doors or other specialty equipment supported by the structure. Show
all relevant design loading and stability assumptions on the construction drawings. Note
elements that function as stability bracing and the members that are laterally unstable
until the stability bracing is installed. All instances where the installation of multiple
secondary elements is required for the proper stability of a primary element or when a
bracing element in turn requires stability bracing.

Design to consider the effect of pattern loads resulting from multiple loaded crane hooks
and work docks. All crane hardware and lifted loads will be treated as live loads in the
load combinations defined in Chapter 16 of the IBC, except for patented tracks, tracks,
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supports, sway braces and similar elements which are immobile and may be defined as
dead loads.

Serviceability Requirements

Control deflections of structural elements to within the limits imposed by UFC 3-301-01
unless stricter control is necessary to support equipment, fascia or other
appurtenances. Design the Aircraft Maintenance Bay roof and wall structural elements
to meet a minimum deflection criteria of l/240. Design the office/shops area structural
elements to meet the deflection requirements appropriate to finish type.

Control lateral drift (side sway) of the structure to within the limits imposed by
UFC 3-301-01 unless stricter control is necessary for the serviceability of the structure
and all its components, including, but not limited to, exterior walls and cladding, partition
walls, hangar doors, bridge cranes, utilities and other appurtenances. If the Aircraft
Maintenance Bay and the office/shops area framing is constructed as a single frame,
design the structure to meet the most stringent requirements described above.

Thermal Requirements

In addition to the thermal loads of UFC 3-301-01, design to account for anticipated
differential thermal effects from solar heating (e.g., on long sun-exposed exterior steel
compared to shaded steel such as roof trusses, joists, or decking) or inside/outside
differences (particularly an "attic" effect in the hangar bay). Consider the local climate
conditions when selecting the final differential temperature range. Investigate the
deflections caused by differential thermal effects using unfactored loads. Some
architectural fascia elements and weather seals around hangar doors are particularly
vulnerable to detrimental deflections.


Comply with the requirements of UFC-3-410-01, UFC 3-410-02, UFC 3-410-04N and
other applicable UFCs. Additional criteria specific to aircraft hangar mechanical systems
is included herein.

Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC)

Heating and cooling system design loads for the purpose of sizing systems, appliances
and equipment are determined in accordance with UFC 3-410-01. Include analysis of
UFC 1-200-02, ASHRAE 189.1, and ASHRAE 55 for thermal environmental conditions
for human occupancy in the HVAC design.

Size equipment and all system components to maintain the following indoor design
conditions. Provide design conditions, including temperature, humidity, filtration,
ventilation, and air changes required.

• Administrative/ Office/Shop cooling: 78ºF (26ºC) dry bulb (db) and a

maximum of 55ºF (12.8ºC) dew point. Take into account the moisture gain

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in the space. During unoccupied hours, set temperatures no lower than
85ºF (29.4ºC).
• Administrative/ Office/Shop heating: 68ºF (20ºC) db. During unoccupied
hours, set temperatures no higher than 55ºF (12.8ºC).
• Aircraft Maintenance Bay heating: 55ºF (12.8ºC) db at 99% db outdoor
design temperature. During unoccupied hours, set temperature no higher
than 50ºF (10ºC) at 99% db outdoor design temperature. The appropriate
unoccupied setpoint temperature depends on the system selected and the
designer will take this into consideration when selecting the heating
system for the facility. Humidification is not authorized. Take into account
infiltration in the hangar bay heating loads.
• Locate HVAC air handling equipment serving administration and shop
spaces in dedicated mechanical rooms or on the roof. Locate air handling
systems(s) floor-mounted in the mechanical rooms and not within the
actual spaces served. Make mechanical room large enough to allow a
minimum of 2 ft. (610 mm) between the air-handling unit and the wall,
adequate coil pull space, and unobstructed access to replace air filters.
Provide additional access/maintenance space in accordance with
equipment manufacturer’s recommendations.


The type of heating system depends on the outdoor design temperatures. The options
are overhead radiant heat, in-floor radiant heat, or forced-air heat. Conduct a 40-year
life-cycle cost analysis to support selection from the heating system choices. Include an
analysis of the anticipated user occupancy schedule. Include these results in the design
analysis. If floor-type or forced-air heaters are installed, direct the discharged air to
cover the entire floor area to help reduce accumulation of combustible and flammable
vapors and arranged to draw warm air from the top of the hangar for distribution at
occupied level. Provide floor-type heater fans with not less than six air changes per hour
based on an artificial ceiling height of 15 ft. (4.6 m). Refer to 3-5.3: Ventilation for
ventilation requirements.

In climates where freezing temperatures occur, protect hangar door tracks or the bottom
edges of hangar doors with electric or hot water-glycol snow-melting coils in accordance
with NFPA 409. Ensure that non-toxic antifreeze is used, such as propylene glycol, to
avoid freezing and environmental spill concerns. Use a sump pump to inject the
antifreeze into the system. Provide ratio of antifreeze to water between 30 and 50%,
depending on the design temperature, to avoid freezing.

3-5.2.1 Overhead Radiant Heating

Install gas infrared heaters at the height specified in NFPA 409. Install suspended or
elevated heaters not less than 5 ft. (1,524 mm) above the hangar door or lower chord of
the roof truss. Use low-intensity tube-type gas infrared radiant heaters. If the outside air
temperature is above 40ºF (4.4ºC) and the hangar door is open, automatically shut off

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the overhead gas-fired, radiant heating system. If the outside air temperature is below
40ºF (4.4ºC) operate the radiant heating system regardless of hangar door position.

For Air Force and Navy: High-intensity type radiant heaters with open flame or
glowing elements are not to be installed.

For Army: Refer to Chapter 6 - Army Specific Criteria for use of high-intensity type
radiant heaters in Army Aircraft Maintenance Bays.

3-5.2.2 In-Floor Radiant Heating

In-floor, radiant heating systems can be considered in colder climates. They can provide
savings on energy and operational costs when compared to conventional heating
systems. Refer to 3- Aircraft Maintenance Bay - Slab on Ground Floor Heating.
Include the efficiency of in-floor, radiant tube systems in the cost analysis of heating

3-5.2.3 Humidification
For administration and shop spaces, where the indoor relative humidity for comfort
heating is expected to fall below 20%, add humidification to increase the indoor relative
humidity to 30%. Coordinate with the architect to design the building envelope to
prevent condensation in the wall/roof systems during the time humidification is in
operation. Include in the design analysis a dew point analysis profile (ASHRAE
Fundamentals Chapter 23) for winter design conditions, showing condensation
boundaries. The dew point analysis will consider the effect of air movement into the
walls for buildings under positive pressurization relative to the outdoors.


Provide ventilation in shop administration spaces in accordance with the latest versions
of ASHRAE 62 and UFC 3-410-01. This is typically provided by a dedicated outdoor air
system (DOAS), which is separated from the space-cooling function. Include infiltration
into ventilation system design.

The use of high-volume, low-speed (HVLS) fans or high velocity focused destratification
fans can be considered for installation in hangar bays to provide air mixing and create
air movement for comfort at the floor level. These are not a replacement for the exhaust
system described below. These fans can redirect heat back down to the occupied level,
can improve comfort and efficiency, and provide a homogeneous volume of air to
reduce concentration of local vapors. Coordinate the installation of fans with overhead
radiant heaters, fall protection, high-expansion foam generators, lights, bird netting,
bridge cranes and sprinklers. Coordinate with sprinklers in accordance with the
requirements of NFPA 13.

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3-5.3.1 Exhaust
Provide exhaust systems at the heat or contamination sources. Exhaust systems will
operate continuously while the building is occupied. Exhaust fans in spaces that are
infrequently occupied such as conference rooms and break rooms, can be provided with
occupancy sensors or manual switches for operation. Provide energy recovery from
exhaust systems in accordance with ASHRAE 189.1. Provide exhaust systems in
accordance with ASHRAE and NFPA 90A.

3- Rest Room Exhaust

Provide each rest room with an exhaust rate in accordance with the latest version of
ASHRAE 62. Restroom exhaust can be combined with janitor's closet exhaust.

3- Printer/Copier Rooms Exhaust

Provide printer/copier rooms/areas and break rooms with a dedicated exhaust system.
Interlock exhaust systems for printer/copier rooms with the HVAC system serving the
area of the building in which the air is being exhausted. Provide minimum exhaust rate
in accordance with ASHRAE 62.1.

3- Avionics/Electrical Repair Exhaust

Provide a permanently wall mounted local snorkel type exhaust system with articulating
arm fume extractor for soldering work stations (if provided). Provide each unit with a
stainless steel cabinet, a self-supportive, anti-static flex hose, an energy-efficient fan,
and rated for solder use.

3- Parts Washers Exhaust

Recommend locating parts washers in separate rooms and not in hangar bays. Provide
local exhaust hood above all parts washers. Provide hood size and exhaust rate per the
ACGIH Industrial Ventilation Guide. Provide exhaust hood at least 6 inches (152 mm)
larger in all horizontal dimensions than the parts washer surface. Size exhaust airflow to
provide a capture velocity of between 75 and 100 feet per minute (0.38 and 0.50 meters
per second). Locate the exhaust hood at least 36 inches (900 mm) above the parts

3- Hangars Exhaust

Ventilate the hangar bay at a general rate of 0.5 cubic feet per minute (cfm)/square feet
(2.54 liters/sec/m2) when aircraft maintenance activities are being conducted for the
purposes of odor and fume mitigation. Include ventilation exhaust fans with the exhaust
ductwork extended down to a height of 8 ft. (2.5 m) above the hangar floor or lower
along the back wall opposite the hangar doors. Install intake louvers with motorized
dampers above the hangar doors or in adjacent walls to interlock with the exhaust fans.
Refer to the Army Chapter for additional ventilation and exhaust criteria for Army

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3- Repair and Maintenance Areas Exhaust
Provide general exhaust in weapons vault and non air-conditioned repair and
maintenance areas at a minimum rate of 0.5 cfm/square foot (2.54 liters/sec/ m2) for
purposes of odor and fume mitigation. Provide weapons vault with non-sparking
exhaust fans, and all exhaust ducted to the exterior of the building. Operate exhaust
systems continuously while the building is occupied. Direct exhaust outside through the
roof to eliminate possibility of creating nuisances/hazardous situations to personnel at
ground level. If Life Cycle Cost effective, include air quality monitoring to reduce the
ventilation when it is not otherwise required.

3- Specialized or Localized Exhaust

Provide specialized or localized exhaust in shop spaces where indicated or required.

For Navy: 7-14.5: Functional Data Sheets for Navy Functional Data Sheets.

Comply with applicable OSHA standards and end user requirements where
maintenance operations include working with heavy metals, grinding, sanding, and
working with chemicals.

Air Conditioning

The following criteria applies to air conditioning of rooms within the maintenance hangar

• Do not air condition hangar bays unless required for certain aircraft and
their maintenance procedures. Verify and coordinate with end user and
Facilities Requirements Document (FRD).
• Certain UAS/RPA aircraft have internal avionics systems that are sensitive
to high temperatures and can alarm when the inside temperature gets up
to 110ºF (43.3ºC) while the aircraft is inside the hangar during
maintenance operations. These aircraft may also have fuel systems that
need to be maintained below a certain temperature. A conditioned hangar
bay can be provided for these aircraft in accordance with the requirements
of the aircraft. In dry, arid climates, evaporative cooling systems can meet
this requirement and should be evaluated in lieu of air conditioning.
• Provide air conditioning for all maintenance shops and for those functional
areas where it is required for quality control of equipment, material, and
• Serve shop spaces with a separate air handling/air conditioning system
from the administration type spaces.
• Administrative and shop areas will have positive pressurization with
respect to the hangar bay area. Administrative areas will have positive
pressurization with respect to shop areas.

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Where the fire alarm equipment cannot be located in a normally occupied conditioned
space as required by UFC 3-600-01 and 3- Location of Releasing System
Components because this space does not exist (E.g. an Alert Shelter with minimal
support space), condition the room housing the fire alarm equipment to meet the
conditions defined in 3- Location of Releasing System Components.

The following air conditioning system design considerations apply to critical, high-
density heat load spaces, such as server rooms and computer rooms, which contain
critical equipment that is sensitive to high temperatures:

• Provide redundant cooling units. Ensure that if one cooling unit goes
down, the remaining unit(s) can provide cooling for at least 75% of the
• Provide a high space temperature alarm that will notify the Energy
Management Control System (EMCS).
• Provide condensate pumps in the cooling units if the condensate from the
cooling units cannot gravity drain to a nearby drain.
• Depending on the outdoor design conditions, provide a humidifier in each
cooling unit for winter humidification of the space.


Provide plumbing in accordance with UFC 3-420-01.

Provide a drainage system for hangar door mullion pits and sliding hangar door tracks.

For Air Force: Connect drainage system to sanitary or storm sewer based on
requirements for other building drainage system and as required by Base Environmental

For Army and Navy: Connect drainage system to industrial waste or storm or sanitary
sewer based on requirements for other building drainage systems as required by Base
Environmental Office.

3-5.5.1 Emergency Showers and Eye Wash Stations

Provide emergency shower/eye wash stations in hangar bay, pneudraulics repair, and
shop areas where chemicals, oils, solvents or debris can be sprayed or blown into eyes,
or spilled on clothing. Supply tepid water to emergency showers and eyewashes.
Provide emergency showers and eyewashes in accordance with ANSI Z358.1 and
OSHA standard 1910.151(c) and UFC 3-420-01. Floor drains at emergency shower eye
wash stations can be provided if desired by the users, however they are not required.
Do not install floor drains adjacent to emergency shower eye wash stations for Air Force

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3-5.5.2 Wall Hydrants and Hose Bibbs
Provide exterior wall hydrants on perimeter walls of building with a maximum spacing of
100 ft. (30.5 m). Provide freeze-proof exterior yard hydrant in mechanical yards
containing chillers, condensers, condensing unit, and cooling towers. Provide all
hydrants with a vacuum breaker to prevent back flow.

Provide a hose bibb in all mechanical rooms. Provide hose bibbs with a vacuum breaker
to prevent back flow.

Water and Sewer

Size domestic water piping per ASHRAE and international plumbing code. Size the
domestic water heating system with storage and recovery for delivery of hot water to
every fixture per ASHRAE and international plumbing code. Provide usage diversity
factor of one for the showers. Size water heater(s) based upon anticipated usage or this
diversity factor. Instantaneous water heaters are permissible for remote fixtures. Install
floor drains and cleanouts in accordance with the latest version of International
Plumbing Code and UFC 3-420-01. Provide floor drains near ice machines, in rooms
requiring HVAC condensate removal, restrooms, showers, and mechanical rooms.

Per Energy Independence Security Act (EISA) Section 523 and UFC 1-200-02, evaluate
the cost effectiveness of solar domestic hot water.

Industrial Oil/Water Waste

Since hazardous materials are used in the aircraft maintenance process, provide floor
drains in the hangar bay spaces or shops/storage rooms that are tied to the station
industrial sewer with outlet to an oil/water separator tied to a collection system that will
capture and hold these materials for proper disposal. Drainage from interior hangar door
trench drains may be included in this system. Design in accordance with all applicable
environmental codes. Coordination of the collection system is required with the Base or
Station to determine the size of the collection system based on the frequency of
evacuating it (such as weekly, bi-monthly, monthly), volume of potential liquid spill, and
the size of the site where it is to be located.

Design trench drain system for easy cleanout of oil or other residue. Convey waste to
an oil/water separator prior to discharge to the sanitary sewer system. Refer to 3-11.3:
Trench Drains.

For Air Force: Do not install floor drains or trench drains in the hangar bay except
where explicitly indicated in Chapter 5: Air Force Specific Criteria.

Process Systems

3-5.8.1 Compressed Air

Provide compressed air for all hangar bays and shop spaces. Include a refrigerated air
dryer in the compressed air systems. In shops, provide wall-mounted compressed air

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drops, with lubricator on every wall at spacing of every 25 ft. (7.6 m). In hangar bays,
provide compressed air drops, with lubricator, along back wall and side walls at spacing
of every 50 ft. (15.2 m). Coordinate with users any requirements for compressed air
hose reels in shops and hangar bays.

For Navy: Refer to Chapter 7: Navy Specific Criteria, 7-14.5: Functional Data Sheets
for Functional Data Sheets for specific requirements. Size air compressor system to
accommodate all tool loads including fuel cell evacuation equipment.

For Army: In hangars, mount compressed air connections on utility pedestals located
inside the perimeter access aisle.

3-5.8.2 Preconditioned Air

Provide preconditioned air (PCA) system in accordance with the requirements of the
aircraft. Insulate preconditioned air ductwork installed above ground or underground.
Provide each aircraft parking location with a PCA hose connection. Use insulated
flexible hose to connect from the PCA pit to the aircraft PCA connection. Install below
ground PCA ductwork water tight to prevent water from hangar floor wash down and
foam system activations, and fuel spills from damaging the insulation or getting into the
duct system. Meter PCA units electrically separately from the rest of the building to not
count against facility energy usage goals. Buried duct material is required to be
stainless steel. Route buried duct to minimize length from PCA unit to aircraft

3- Preconditioned Air Systems

Install PCA Systems in accordance with UFC 4-121-10N. Include heat gain within
aircraft cooling air piping, fittings, and flexible duct in preconditioned air calculations.
Use applicable design outdoor air or Aircraft Maintenance Bay cooling temperatures
and take into account ground temperature in buried duct applications. Perform a
separate calculation determining the length of time it will take designed system to
achieve aircraft cooling air input specifications from a steady state "off" condition. The
steady state "off" condition is set with all piping, fittings, and flexible duct at outdoor air
or Aircraft Maintenance Bay cooling temperatures. The use of outdoor air or Aircraft
Maintenance Bay design cooling temperatures is based on component location. The
time to deliver aircraft cooling air to the aircraft is dictated by the user early in the design
process. A short time requirement will increase the installation cost of the system. Thirty
minutes is the maximum time duration to deliver required PCA temperature, pressure
and airflow at the aircraft connection from steady state off condition. A pre-cool mode
which will pre-cool the PCA ductwork and purge moisture might be required to meet this

• Provide each aircraft parking location with a PCA connection. Provide a

means to prevent cooling air from backing up into PCA units which are not
operating. Install provisions to measure PCA temperature in the discharge
header. Provide a central control panel inside the hangar bay for control of
the units.

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• A long hangar with multiple aircraft bays can be installed with PCA
equipment on each end of the building to minimize PCA duct length and
minimize the time required to get the system to required temperature.
• Provide utility pits (PCA only) with an automatic or manual drain in the pit
to handle any condensate that might drain from the PCA system.
• Provide utility pits with a cover rated for aircraft loading. Provide a locking
device so the cover is locked in open position for safety reasons.
• Provide PCA connections in utility pits with explosion proof electric
actuators with push button controls and open/close indication at the pit.
Integrate the valve control with the PCA unit control panel such that valves
and PCA operations are coordinated, controlled and monitored by one
• Provide a detachable connection at the underside of the utility pit lid which
allows the hose to be connected to the lid when not in use.
3- Preconditioned Air Unit Quantity
Design and provide system for total quantity of PCA units installed equal to number of
aircraft bays. Combine the discharge of at least every two PCA units in a manifold
arrangement. The Owner has the final authority on configuration of PCA units to be
installed. Control each PCA unit from the utility pit or PCA hose connection.

3- PCA Units Installation

PCA units are installed outdoors in accordance with the requirements of the PCA
manufacturer for clearances and should have noise levels below those recommended
by ASHRAE Handbook and SMACNA guidelines. Install screens around the PCA
equipment as required by the user and Antiterrorism/Force protection (AT/FP)

3- Sizing Condensers and Condensing Units

For sizing condensers and condensing units of PCA units, add 5ºF (3ºC) to the outdoor
dry bulb temperature of UFC 3-400-02 outdoor design conditions.

Energy Management System

3-5.9.1 HVAC Control

Follow the mandatory requirements of the section titled "Controls" of ASHRAE 90.1 as
modified below. Provide all air distribution systems capable of shutdown to meet the
requirements of Standard 18 of UFC 4-010-01.

3-5.9.2 Control Protocol

For Air Force, Navy and Marine Corp: ASHRAE's BACnet® protocol is the preferred
control system architecture facilities. Design and construct Facility HVAC control

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systems based on the BACnet® protocol in accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard
135 and UFGS 23 09 23.13 20.

For Army: LonWorks® protocol is the preferred control system architecture for
facilities. Design and construct facility HVAC control systems based on the LonWorks®
(American National Standards Institute/Consumer Electronics Association (ANSI/CEA)-
709.1 and related technologies) in accordance with UFC 3-410-02 and UFGS 23 09

3-5.9.3 Networked Controls

Prior to designing the DDC system, confirm whether an existing energy management
network is available for interface on the Base. Provide DDC equipment that is
compatible with existing systems to the maximum extent practicable. Where use of a
specific DDC system is mandatory, the Government will provide a Justification and
Authorization (J&A) for the utilization of proprietary DDC equipment.

3-5.9.4 Minimum Control Points

Provide the ASHRAE's BACnet® protocol with a control system with at least the
minimum points as indicated in UFC 3-410-01 Appendix D. Minimum control points for
Lonworks® protocol systems are provided in UFC 3-410-02.

3-5.9.5 DDC Accreditation

Provide hardware equipment utilizing the latest technology which will accomplish the
desired control and will meet the Risk Management Framework (RMF) for DoD
Information Technology (IT) Process.

3-5.9.6 DDC Training

Require the DDC installer to provide training for government facility personnel on all
new DDC equipment.



Provide a building and systems in accordance with UFC 3-600-01 except where
additional requirements are added by this UFC. Use NFPA 409 only where explicitly
noted. If there is a conflict, this UFC supersedes UFC 3-600-01 and NFPA standards.

Where required, provide specifically listed or approved components and assemblies

used in this fire protection system and subsystems by a NRTL.

3-6.1.1 Fueled and Unfueled Aircraft

To allow for the greatest mission flexibility, protect hangars housing fueled and unfueled
aircraft the same in accordance with this UFC.

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3-6.1.2 UAV or RPA Aircraft
Where required by UFC 3-600-01, protect hangars housing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
(UAV) or Remotely Pilot Aircraft (RPA) in accordance with this UFC.

Construction, Life Safety, and Fire Fighter Access

Refer to 3-3.1: Construction, Life Safety, and Fire Fighter Access of this UFC for
additional construction, life safety, and fire fighter access requirements.

Fire Hydrants

3-6.3.1 Fire Hydrant Supply

Supply fire hydrants from the domestic water service, where it can be supported.

3-6.3.2 Fire Hydrant Location

Install hydrants in accordance with UFC 3-600-01, except at modified below:

• Locate hydrants protecting the building at a maximum interval of 300 ft

(91 m), unless noted otherwise.
• Hydrants are not permitted in front of the hangar bay door opening. Where
the hangar bay door opening exceeds 300 ft. (91.4 m), place a hydrant at
each end of the opening.
• Locate at least one hydrant within 100 ft. (30.5 m) of each corner of the
• Where the aircraft parking apron pavement abuts the building, locate
required hydrants protecting the building in these areas within 10 ft. (3.0
m) of the building.
• Install low profile, conventional hydrants, no higher than 2.5 ft. (700 mm)
where within 25 ft. (7.6 m) of airfield pavement.
• Flush-mounted hydrants in the pavement are not permitted.

Fire Water Supply

Design the fire water supply to meet the following fire flow demands for the required
duration. When the existing fire water supply cannot meet the flow or duration
requirements, modify the system or provide an independent fire water supply to meet
the requirements.

• Evaluate fire water supply for suppression systems located in support

areas outside the hangar bay in accordance with UFC 3-600-01.
• For High-Expansion (Hi-Ex) foam and Aqueous Film-Forming Foam
(AFFF) Trench Nozzle systems within the hangar bay, provide a fire water
supply to support the combined demand of the hangar bay ceiling

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sprinkler system and foam/water fire suppression system for 45 minutes
• For other suppression system(s) within the hangar bay, provide additional
water supply in accordance with NFPA 409.
• Include the demand of the outside hose stream allowance where supplied
from the same fire water supply.
• Include domestic and industrial demands where required by
UFC 3-600-01.

3-6.4.1 Fire and Pressure Maintenance Pumps

Provide electric or diesel fire pumps as required by UFC 3-600-01.

3- Fire Pump Quantity

Where supplying a single hangar, provide a pump or pumps meeting the total fire water
demand. A redundant pump is not required.

Where a fire pump house, station, or pump room supplies more than one hangar,
provide pumps of equal capacity meeting the total fire water demand of the most
demanding hangar, and a redundant pump meeting the size of the largest pump.

3- Fire Pump Capacity

Do not exceed a nominal fire pump rating of 2,500 gallons per minute (gpm) (9,464
liters per minute (lpm)).

3- Fire Pump Control

Start the fire pump automatically upon a drop in system pressure in accordance with
NFPA 20. Where the drop in system pressure is not significant enough to automatically
start the fire pump such as a fire pump installed in parallel with a large domestic water
booster pump, provide the fire pump with a remote start signal from the Fire Alarm
Control Unit (FACU).

When starting the fire pump, do not exceed ten seconds before the pump is operating at
the design pressure.

3- Pressure Maintenance Pump

Provide a pressure maintenance (jockey) pump to maintain normal operating pressure
on the system. Size and automatically operate the pump in accordance with NFPA 20.
Provide pump controller with an adjustable timer to prevent short cycling. Operate pump
for the minimum run time recommended by the manufacturer.

3-6.4.2 Fire Water Service Main

Provide ductile iron or non-metallic piping for fire water service mains.

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3- Piping Materials
Black steel piping is not permitted for installation below grade.

When non-metallic piping is used, use pipe specifically listed for "Fire Service"
applications by a NRTL. Non-metallic piping used for fire water distribution such as High
Density Polyethylene (HDPE), Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), and filament-wound fiberglass,
is not permitted to be routed above grade or exposed within the building.

3- Corrosion Protection

Cover bolts, nuts, rodding, and couplings located below grade with a bituminous coating
and wrapped in a minimum 6 mil polyethylene plastic.

3- Piping Entrance into a Building Supplying the Foam/Water System

Enter the building in accordance with one of the following entrances. When a remote fire
pump house/station is provided, which supplies the foam/water system, comply with one
of the following entrances for the fire water piping entering and leaving the fire pump

• In geographic locations having a 99.6% dry bulb temperature greater than

40ºF (4.4ºC) per UFC 3-400-02 Engineering Weather Data, water service
piping is permitted to rise above grade outside the building and enter the
building through the exterior wall.
• Enter the building below grade with a continuous section of welded
stainless steel fire water service piping from a point outside the building
perimeter to a flanged fitting located at least 1 ft. (305 mm) above finished
floor within the building. Non-welded fittings are not permitted within this
section of piping such as flanges, mechanical couplings, and push-on
fittings. Weld and hydrostatically test the stainless steel pipe at the
fabrication shop or manufacturer. Welding in the field is not permitted.
Perform the hydrostatic pressure test in accordance with NFPA 24. The
fire water service piping is permitted below the building slab for this
method of installation.
• Enter the building below grade and directly into a concrete pit with open
steel grating. For this method of installation, do not install fire water
service piping below the building slab. Only welded or flanged fittings are
permitted to transition piping from horizontal to vertical within the pit.
Where flanged fitting are used within the pit, only flanges that are threaded
or welded to the piping are permitted. Provide thrust restraint bracing
where the piping transitions from horizontal to vertical. A minimum 2 ft.
(610 mm) clearance is required around the piping within the pit. Provide
an access ladder and drainage from the pit.

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Surge Arrestors

Provide listed or approved surge arrestors for fire protection systems with a minimum
rated working pressure of 275 psi (1,895 kiloPascals (kPa)).

3-6.5.1 Surge Analysis

Manufacturer's calculations are required for determining the minimum surge arrestor
capacities where the following distances are exceeded from the fire pump discharge to
the most remote dry pipe, preaction, or foam/water riser. Include the surge arrestor
calculations performed by the manufacturer in the design calculations.

• 1,500 ft. for a system not exceeding a working pressure of 175 psi.
• 1,000 ft. for a system not exceeding a working pressure of 250 psi.
• 500 ft. for a system not exceeding a working pressure of 175 psi, and
plastic piping is used such as PVC or HDPE.
• 300. ft. for a system not exceeding a working pressure of 250 psi, and
plastic piping is used such as PVC or HDPE.

3-6.5.2 Size and Location

At a minimum, provide the following surge arrestors. Increase the minimum capacities
listed below, when manufacturer's calculations are required and demonstrate a large

• Provide 10 gallons (gal) (38 liters (L)) of capacity for each dry pipe or
preaction riser located on the riser manifold supplying a hangar bay.
• Provide 25 gal (95 L) of capacity for each foam/water riser located on the
riser manifold supplying a hangar bay.
• For each riser room, combine the surge capacity of the risers in the room
into a single common surge arrestor. Where risers feed different fire
areas, only use the greatest combined surge capacity from one fire area.
Connect this common surge arrestor to the riser manifold immediately
upstream of the protected risers.
• Where the fire pump is not located in the same room as the risers it
serves, provide 100 gal (380 L) capacity surge arrestors for each fire
pump. Locate this surge arrestor immediately downstream of the isolation
valve on the discharge side of the fire pump.
• The cumulative minimum capacity of each required fire pump surge
arrestor may be combined into a single common surge arrestor. Connect
this common surge arrestor to the fire pump header immediately
downstream of the isolation valve on the discharge side of the most
remote fire pump.
• Where surge arrestors are 100 gal (380 L) or larger in capacity, provide
floor stands.
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3-6.5.3 Surge Arrestor Installation
Provide each arrestor with an indicating isolation valve to separate it from the system.
Electrically supervise this valve in the normally open position. Provide a drain after the
isolation valve to relieve pressure from the surge arrestor during testing and
maintenance. When connecting the surge arrestor to the riser, the use of piping, fittings,
and valving smaller than the connecting orifice on the surge arrestor is not permitted.

After the surge arrestor is installed and pressurized in the field with nitrogen per the
manufacturer’s written directions, provide a permanent label indicating the set pressure
of the arrestor. Do not pressurize the surge arrestor during hydrostatic testing of the

Backflow Prevention

Where backflow prevention is provided for cross connection control, provide piping and
fitting materials upstream of the backflow preventer listed for use with potable water
systems such as ductile iron, stainless steel, and galvanized steel. Where fire pumps
are supplied directly from the domestic water system, install backflow prevention on the
discharge side of the pump.

Exception: Backflow prevention may be installed on the inlet side of the fire pump when
the following conditions are met with fire pump(s) operating at 150% capacity. The
quantity of pumps used in this calculation is the number expected in normal operation to
meet the system demand.

• Not less than 20 psi residual pressure at the backflow preventer inlet.
• Not less than 5 psi residual pressure at the fire pump inlet.
• Use outside stem & yoke (OS&Y) valving in the backflow preventer
assembly and locate the assembly a minimum of 10 pipe diameters
upstream of the pump suction flange.

Fire Protection Equipment Rooms

Locate foam concentrate tanks, pumping equipment, and riser control valves associated
with the protection of the hangar bay in a dedicated fire protection equipment room with
a minimum 1-hour fire barrier. Although not required, other fire suppression equipment
is permitted within this room such as the wet pipe system for the support area. Locate
fire protection equipment rooms housing fire pumps and/or the incoming fire water
service at grade with doors providing direct access to the exterior. Where secondary
foam proportioning rooms are provided to facilitate the hydraulic design, provide this
equipment in dedicated fire protection equipment rooms with minimum 1-hour fire

3-6.7.1 Equipment Access

Size equipment rooms to provide access for inspection, maintenance, and repair of all
equipment. Configure equipment to permit removal of tanks, valves, pumps, and motors
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without the removal of other components. Provide double doors with adequate
clearance for the removal of the largest piece of equipment. Provide metal roll-up doors
when double doors are too small to accommodate the removal of equipment. Where
equipment is located more than 8 ft. (2.4 m) above the floor and requires access at
frequencies 2 years or less for testing and maintenance per UFC 3-601-02, provide an
open steel grate mezzanine and permanent ladder meeting OSHA requirements to
access this equipment. Chain operators are permitted for opening and closing valves
more than 8 ft. (2.4 m) above the floor where not readily accessible from a mezzanine.

3-6.7.2 Temperature Monitoring

In geographic locations having a 99.6% dry bulb temperature less than 40ºF (4.4ºC) per
UFC 3-400-02 Engineering Weather Data, provide temperature sensors in fire
protection rooms and secondary foam proportioning rooms that have direct access to
the exterior. Provide listed/approved fixed temperature sensors set at 32ºF (0ºC). Alarm
low temperature conditions at the FACU as a supervisory condition and the Energy
Management Control System.

Fire Suppression Pipe

Do not install piping below a concrete slab within the hangar building. Use concrete
trenching with steel grating for all piping located below the floor line.

3-6.8.1 Fire Suppression Pipe Labeling

Mark all exposed interior piping with plastic wrap around-type pipe labels conforming to
American Society of Mechanical Engineers/American National Standards Institute
(ASME/ANSI) A13.1, Scheme for the Identification of Piping Systems. Indicate the type
of fluid carried and direction of flow. Labels that stick-on (adhesive backed) or are held
on with straps/adhesive tape are not permitted. Labels are not required on any fire
suppression system branchlines regardless of size, or mains and cross-mains less than
a nominal 2-1/2 in (64 mm). Labels are not required on piping routed below the floor line
in trenches or pits. At a minimum, the following labels are required.

• FIRE PROTECTION WATER - Used on dedicated potable and non-

potable fire protection water supply piping.
• FOAM CONCENTRATE - Used on foam concentrate piping.
• FIRE SPRINKLER - Used on water-only sprinkler piping.
• AFFF - Used on AFFF foam/water piping.
• HIGH-EXPANSION FOAM - Used on Hi-Ex foam/water piping.

3-6.8.2 Fire Suppression Drainage

Route clear water drains to the building exterior and discharge no greater than 2 ft. (0.6
m) above grade. Provide independent atmospheric and pressurized drainage systems,
or provide a means of hydraulic isolation between the systems such as a check valve

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between the cup drain and the main drain. Drains from the AFFF or Hi-Ex Foam risers
will have the ability to be contained and collected.

Provide a splash block below drain discharge, unless discharging to a paved or

concrete surface. Do not locate drainage discharge adjacent to an exit door, nor permit
drainage discharge to cross the path of egress from the building. Locate drainage
discharge to not cause soil erosion when main drain or inspector’s test connections are
operated during testing.

3-6.8.3 Riser Manifold

Provide separate risers for systems supporting areas outside the hangar bay.

Provide a wye or basket strainer and an isolation valve for maintenance in the piping
ahead of foam system risers. Provide strainer baskets with stainless steel mesh sized
no greater than 1/4 in (6.4 mm).

For Navy: Do not exceed a mesh size of 1/16 in (1.8 mm).

3-6.8.4 Fire Department Connection

Do not provide fire department connections supplying foam/water systems.

Foam/Water Flow Control Valves

Provide a flow control valve with remote resetting capability for each foam/water
system. Provide flow control valve with automatic re-closing feature and adjustable
speed control. Where an inductor is used for foam/water proportioning, provided field
adjustable pressure reducing trim. Install the manual release for the flow control valve
no higher than 5 ft. (1524 mm) above finished floor. For hydraulic calculations, include
the manufacturer’s minimum pressure drop across flow control valve for the features

Where AFFF concentrate is used, pipe the main drain from the flow control valve into
the retention trench.

Foam/Water Proportioning System

For Army: Refer to Chapter 6: Army Specific Criteria for foam/water proportioning

Provide a single foam inductor per foam/water riser meeting the requirements outlined
below. Where more than one foam inductor is used, they may take suction from a
common concentrate tank. Do not supply more than one fire area from a single inductor.

• Use a venturi to induct concentrate and proportion such concentrate into

the flow stream reliably at the design system flow rate.
• Tune the inductor specifically for the system required flow rate, inlet
pressure, back pressure, concentrate type, proportioning ratio, and lift

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height of a near empty concentrate tank. Off the shelf pre-tuned generic
model inductors are not permitted.
• Design the inductor to 115% of the nominal injection rate such as the
inductor for 3% AFFF would be designed for a 3.45% injection rate.
• Size inductor for the exact orifice of foam/water pipe.
• Fit concentrate suction line of the inductor with a low loss brass, bronze,
or stainless check valve assembly by the manufacturer that is included in
the device's hydraulic design.
• Provide a design that indicates the inductor's flow rate, inlet pressure,
back pressure, and concentrate lift height for a near empty concentrate
tank. Hydraulically calculate the back pressure for the inductor using the
Hazen-Williams equation with a C-factor of a 100 for all piping
downstream of the inductor.
• Potential manufacturers at the time of this publication include Fomtec,
Skum, Matre Maskin, Wilson Foam, Ansul, Chemguard, and Delta Fire.
• Inductors meeting the performance criteria within this UFC are approved.

3-6.10.1 Inductor Installation

Install inductor in the horizontal piping over the top of the concentrate tank. Provide the
minimum straight pipe on both sides of the inductor in accordance with the
manufacturer. Install these sections of piping free of elbows, tees, and reducers.
Provide liquid filled gauges, located no closer than 2 ft. (610 mm) before and after the

3-6.10.2 Concentrate Piping and Valving Installation

Provide a brass, bronze, or stainless steel full bore quarter turn ball valve with an
electrically supervised tamper switch in the concentrate line. The use of automatically
controlled valves in the concentrate line is prohibited. For testing purposes, equip the
concentrate line with fittings and valving to accommodate the connection to an auxiliary
tank of alternate test foam concentrate. Cap auxiliary tank connection at all times,
except when testing.

Provide a 3/4 inch (19 mm) copper line with ball valve from the fire water supply, that is
used for flushing the concentrate line after use. Provide sign with the following
instructions, "Flush concentrate line after discharge or testing. Close concentrate tank
shutoff valve prior to opening this valve. After flushing, drain concentrate line through
test connection prior to re-opening concentrate tank shutoff valve." Refer to Figure 3-9:
Inductor and Concentrate Tank Installation.

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Figure 3-9: Inductor and Concentrate Tank Installation

Concentrate Storage Tank

Provide a closed cell double wall polyethylene concentrate storage tank compatible with
the required concentrate. Provide a reverse float level gauge with minimum 50 gallon
increments permanently marked on the tank or gauge. Indicate on the tank or gauge the
empty, full, and minimum level required to operate the system. Do not include the
inaccessible portion of concentrate at the bottom of the tank that cannot be accessed by
the suction line, in the tank's capacity markings. Provide a closeable fill opening and
pressure/vacuum vent assembly. When an inductor is used, enter the tank only through
the top with no taps on the bottom or sides of the tank.

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For Army: Exception, provide a single wall closed cell polyethylene concentrate
storage tank.

A reserve supply of concentrate is not required where concentrate can be replenished

within 24 hours. Where a reserve supply is required, it is permitted to be a secondary
concentrate storage tank, or totes/drums of concentrate stored in the fire protection
equipment or secondary foam proportioning rooms.

3-6.11.1 Concentrate Storage Tank Installation

Mount concentrate storage tank on a level surface. Spill or secondary containment
outside the storage tank is not required.

For Army: Exception, provide secondary containment for the storage tank and
associated foam concentrate pump pad capable of capturing the entire volume from the
largest concentrate storage tank.

3-6.11.2 AFFF Concentrate

Provide 3% AFFF concentrate meeting Military Specification MIL-F-24385F, Fire
Extinguishing Agent, and AFFF Liquid Concentrate for Fresh and Seawater that is
currently on the Qualified Products List (QPL). Provide a concentrate storage tank with
a supply of concentrate to support a 10 minute discharge at the hydraulically calculated
waterflow rate and 130% of the nominal concentrate injection rate.

3-6.11.3 Hi-Ex Foam Concentrate

Provide Hi-Ex foam concentrate listed/approved for use with the foam generation
system. Provide a concentrate storage tank with a supply of concentrate to support a 15
minute discharge at the hydraulically calculated waterflow rate and 130% of the nominal
concentrate injection rate.

3-6.11.4 Protection of Concentrate

Provide 1/4 inch (6 mm) layer of mineral oil on top of concentrate, after storage tank has
been filled.

Foam/Water Solution Piping

Provide listed/approved gaskets for dry pipe service on all foam/water solution piping.

Seismically brace foam/water solution piping regardless of geographic location. Base

bracing calculations on the Ss indicated in the seismic analysis.

3-6.12.1 AFFF Foam/Water Solution Piping

Provide hot dipped galvanized piping downstream of the flow control valve on AFFF
trench nozzle distribution systems. Galvanized components include all pipe, fittings,
fasteners, hangars, and stands. Do not roll groove galvanized pipe. Clean cutting oils
and debris from any cut grooves, threaded ends, and areas where the zinc coating has

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been damaged. Dry and paint damaged areas with two full coats of a cold galvanizing
primer containing a minimum of 95% zinc.

Route foam/water solution piping in trenches to trench nozzles. Routing piping across
the hangar floor is not permitted. Provide end caps tapped with a valve at the end each
of branchline in the trench nozzle system. Use these taps for the attachment of pressure
gages during testing, and drainage of the piping system after activation.

3-6.12.2 Hi-Ex Foam/Water Solution Piping

Provide black steel foam/water solution piping downstream of the flow control valve on
the Hi-Ex distribution system. Galvanized foam/water solution piping is not permitted.

Test Header for Hi-Ex Foam Systems

Provide a linear test header to meet the fire water demand of the foam/water system.

For Air Force: The foam/water test system header and fire pump test header (when
provided) may be combined. When a common test header is used, provide valving to
permit independent testing of each foam/water riser and each fire pump.

3-6.13.1 Test Header Size

Provide one 2-1/2 inch (64 mm) hose valve connection for each 375 gpm (1420 Lpm) of
flow, rounding up. Provide a control valve to isolate the test header from the remainder
of the system.

3-6.13.2 Test Header Location

Locate test header inside the aircraft servicing area within 20 ft. (6.1 m) of an exterior
door or directly outside the fire protection equipment room on an exterior wall. Locate
test header to discharge effluent to a hard surface within 100 ft. (30.5 m) hose lay.

In geographic locations having a 99.6% dry bulb temperature less than 32ºF (0ºC) per
UFC 3-400-02 Engineering Weather Data, provide test header with automatic ball drip
routed to the exterior.

Hose Demand

3-6.14.1 Interior Hose Demand

Do not provide interior hose stations or fire hose connections in the hangar bay.

3-6.14.2 Exterior Hose Demand

Provide an exterior hose demand of 500 gpm.

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Overhead Sprinkler System for the Hangar Bay

Protect the hangar bay with water only closed head wet pipe, dry pipe, or preaction
sprinkler systems. Wet pipe automatic sprinkler systems are only permitted in the
hangar bay when the following conditions are met:

• Where the geographical location of a hangar bay without doors has a

99.6% dry bulb temperature greater than 40ºF (4.4ºC) per UFC 3-400-02.
• Where the geographical location of a hangar bay with doors has a 99.6%
dry bulb temperature greater than 0ºF (-17.8ºC) per UFC 3-400-02 and the
hangar bay is provided with a heating system per this UFC.

3-6.15.1 Hydraulic Design

Hydraulically design the sprinkler system to provide 0.2 gpm/sq. ft. (8.0 Liters per
minute per square meter (L/min/sq. m)) over the hydraulically most demanding 5,000
sq. ft. (464.5 sq. m) in the hangar bay.

Do not increase design area for sloped ceilings.

3-6.15.2 Sprinkler Systems

Provide upright quick-response sprinklers at the roof or ceiling level with a temperature
rating of 175ºF (79.4ºC). Where the geographical location of the building has a 0.4% dry
bulb temperature greater than 100ºF (37.8ºC) per UFC 3-400-02, provide sprinklers with
an intermediate temperature rating of 200ºF (93.3ºC).

Design the sprinkler piping such that the majority or all of the system drains back to the
riser. Minimize or eliminate the requirement for remote drainage connections in the
hangar bay.

3-6.15.3 Wet Pipe Sprinkler Systems

Provide automatic air vents at high points in the system to vent at least 95% of the
volumetric capacity of the system. Design the sprinkler system to reduce the quantity of
automatic air vents such as connecting branchlines or providing a cross-main at the

Where wet pipe systems are installed in areas with a 99.6% dry bulb temperature of
40ºF (4.4ºC) of less per UFC 3-400-02 Engineering Weather Data, adhere to the
following piping installation requirements:

• Locate the inspector’s test connections at the riser. Test stations are not
permitted in the hangar bay.
• Where drainage piping is required in the hangar bay, do not route the
portion of the drainage piping normally containing water and associated
drainage valve more than 5 ft. (1524 mm) below the level of the lowest

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sprinkler head in the hangar bay. Route the remaining normally empty
drainage piping to the building exterior.
3- Wet Pipe Sprinkler System Temperature Monitoring
In geographic locations having a 99.6% dry bulb temperature less than 40ºF (4.4ºC) per
UFC 3-400-02 Engineering Weather Data, provide temperature sensors in the hangar
bay. Provide listed/approved fixed temperature sensors set at 32ºF (0.0ºC). Locate
temperature sensors at the same level as the adjacent sprinkler head branchline.
Provide center to center spacing not exceeding 200 ft. (61.0 m), or spacing from the
wall not exceeding 100 ft. (30.5 m). Alarm low temperature conditions at the FACU as a
supervisory condition and the Energy Management Control System.

3-6.15.4 Dry Pipe Sprinkler Systems

Provide an externally resettable dry pipe automatic water control valve. Provide valve
with resettable capability that does not require opening the valve or use of special tools.
Increase the design area by 30 percent for dry pipe systems.

3-6.15.5 Preaction Sprinkler Systems

Provide a single interlock, externally resettable preaction automatic water control valve.
Provide valve with resettable capability that does not require opening the valve or use of
special tools.

AFFF Trench Nozzle System

For Navy: Provide a hydraulically designed low level AFFF trench nozzle system for
hangar bays. Refer to Chapter 7: Navy Specific Criteria for additional requirements
regarding the trench nozzle system design.

3-6.16.1 AFFF System Performance

For the AFFF trench nozzle system, provide AFFF foam/water solution at the most
remote nozzle within 30 seconds upon foam/water system activation such as from the
manual foam releasing station. Maintain the discharge pressure for all nozzles between
40 psig (275 kPa) and 45 psig (310 kPa).

Where more than one AFFF trench nozzle system is present within a fire area, design
the releasing system to only release the AFFF trench nozzle system associated with the
fire event. Such as where a hangar is subdivided by a non-rated wall into two bays with
independent AFFF trench nozzle systems or where a large hangar bay is provided with
multiple AFFF trench nozzle systems, zone the initiation devices to only release the
AFFF trench nozzle system associated with the fire event. Design the fire flow and
concentrate supply to allow for sufficient simultaneous operation of all AFFF trench
nozzle systems within the fire area that are wholly or partially within a 100 ft. (30.5 m)
horizontal radius of any point on the hangar bay floor.

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Hi-Ex Foam System

For Air Force and Army: Provide a hydraulically designed low level Hi-Ex foam
system for hangar bays. Refer to Chapters 5 and 6 for additional requirements
regarding the Hi-Ex system design.

3-6.17.1 Hi-Ex Foam System Performance

Cover 90 percent of the aircraft’s projected silhouette on the floor with Hi-Ex foam within
one minute upon system actuation such as from a manual foam releasing station. For
fixed winged aircraft, the areas under engines extending beyond the wing edge and
under the tail plane are not considered part of the silhouette for this compliance
criterion. For rotary winged aircraft, the rotor sweep is considered part of the silhouette
for this compliance criterion. Additionally, cover the aircraft servicing area and adjacent
floor areas not cut-off from the hangar bay with self-closing or automatically closing
doors/shutters, with Hi-Ex foam to a depth of 3.2 ft. (1000 mm) within four minutes.
Where more than one Hi-Ex foam system is located in a fire area, this performance
criteria only applies to the aircraft and servicing areas protected by its associated Hi-Ex
foam system.

Where more than one Hi-Ex foam system is present within a fire area, design the
releasing system to only release the Hi-Ex foam system associated with the fire event.
Such as where a hangar bay is subdivided by a non-rated wall into two bays with
independent Hi-Ex foam systems or where a large hangar bay is provided with multiple
Hi-Ex foam systems, zone the initiation devices to only release the Hi-Ex foam system
associated with the fire event. However, design the fire flow and concentrate supply to
allow for sufficient simultaneous operation of all Hi-Ex foam systems within the fire area.

3-6.17.2 Hi-Ex Foam Generators

Provide hydraulically (water) powered or electrically powered foam generators.
Electrically powered foam generators are permitted only when the following is provided:

• Electric power to the generators is supplied ahead of the main building

• Reliable power is provided in accordance with the definition in
UFC 3-600-1 or an on-site standby generator is provided meeting the
requirements defined in NFPA 20.

3-6.17.3 Hi-Ex Foam Generator Installation

Install Hi-Ex generators to provide a minimum 20 inches (510 mm) clearance in front of
the generator inlet. Seismically brace generators regardless of geographic location.
Base bracing calculations on an Ss of 0.95 or as indicated in the seismic analysis,
whichever is greater. The use of all-thread rod or cabling for supporting or seismically
bracing generators is not permitted.

Tap the generator foam/water supply piping with a valve to allow for the attachment of a
pressure gauge or sampling hose during testing.
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3-6.17.4 Hi-Ex Foam Generator Location
Locate Hi-Ex generators to discharge within close proximity, but not directly upon the
aircraft or surrounding maintenance platforms. When mounting generators in the
horizontal position, take into account the throw pattern of the Hi-Ex foam discharge. Do
not locate the generator where the Hi-Ex foam discharge is obstructed by items such as
structural members, lighting fixtures, or bird screen or in areas that obstruct the use of
service equipment such as the crane travel path. Use the initial discharge from the foam
generators to protect under the aircraft fuselage and underwing area, prior to spreading
to the remaining hangar bay floor area.

Do not provide generators in locations where the developing foam blanket will block
exits from the hangar bay within the first minute of discharge. Blocked exits are defined
as an exit that is obstructed by a foam blanket exceeding 5 ft. (1.5 m) in depth. In small
hangar bays where the entire floor may be covered with foam within the first minute,
provide generator locations so exits are one of the last areas blocked.

Hydraulic Calculations

Provide the following calculations.

• Provide a combined hydraulic demand calculation of the foam/water

system and the most hydraulically demanding area of the sprinkler system
in the hangar bay. Provide exterior hose demand where required.
Demonstrate the combined fire water demand calculation does not exceed
the available fire water supply. Use the resulting foam/water demand from
this calculation to determine the minimum quantity of foam concentrate.
• For Hi-Ex foam systems, provide a combined hydraulic supply calculation
of the high-expansion foam system and the most hydraulically demanding
area of the sprinkler system in the hangar bay. Provide exterior hose
demand where required. Use the fire water supply calculation for the
sprinkler to determine the rate of foam breakdown.
• At a minimum, provide a hydraulic demand calculation of the most
hydraulically demanding area for each additional suppression system in
the support areas.
• For Hi-Ex foam systems, provide a foam spread calculation/diagram
demonstrating the performance requirements to cover the aircraft
silhouette are met within one minute. This calculation method is a
reasonable approach to demonstrate the design meets the performance
requirements, but does not take all aspects into consideration. This
calculation method does not remove the obligation to demonstrate system
compliance during testing. Include the following parameters in determining
the maximum foam spread after one minute:
o Time for the Releasing Service Fire Alarm Control Unit (RSFACU)
to open the flow control valve after initiation of the manual foam
releasing station.

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o Time for the foam/water reach the each generator based on the
piping velocities in the hydraulic supply calculation.
o Time for the foam to reach the floor of the hangar bay after
discharging from the generator based on the height and orientation
of each generator.
o Time for the foam to spread across the floor based on the
manufacturer's foam spread diagrams, or at a rate not to exceed 1
ft. /sec.
• For AFFF trench nozzle systems, provide a calculation demonstrating the
most remote trench nozzle achieves the minimum discharge pressure
within 30 seconds. This calculation method is a reasonable approach to
demonstrate the design meets the performance requirements, but does
not take all aspects into consideration. This calculation method does not
remove the obligation to demonstrate system compliance during testing.
Include the following parameters in determining the 30 second limitation is
o Time for the RSFACU to open the flow control valve after initiation
of the manual foam releasing station.
o Time for the foam/water reach the most remote trench nozzle
based on the piping velocities in the hydraulic supply calculation.

3-6.18.1 High-Expansion Foam Calculations

Where Hi-Ex foam is used, calculate the discharge rate as follows. However in no case
is the discharge rate permitted to be less than 2.6 ft.3/min/ft2 (0.8 m3/min/m2). Hi-Ex
foam generators may use either outside or inside air. Using air from inside the hazard
requires no additional increase in foam discharge rates.

R = ([V/T] + RS) x CN x CL


• R = Rate of foam discharge in ft.3/min (m3/min)

• V = Submergence volume in ft.3 (m3). Determine the submergence volume
by multiplying the area of the hangar bay and adjacent floor areas not cut-
off from the hangar bay in ft.2 (m2) by a depth of 3.2 ft. (1000 mm)
• T = Submergence time of 4 minutes
• RS = Rate of foam breakdown in ft3/min (m3/min). Determine the rate of
foam breakdown by multiplying 10 ft3/min*gpm (0.0748 m3/min*L/min) by
the fire water supply calculation of the sprinkler discharge rate in the
hangar bay.
• CN = Provide a 1.15 compensation value for normal foam shrinkage.

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• CL = Provide a compensation for loss value of not less than 2.0 for hangar
bays less than 15,000 ft2 (1,394 m2), 2.5 for hangar bays between 15,000
and 30,000 ft2 (1,394 - 2,787 m2), and 3.0 for all other hangar bays.

Fire Alarm and Releasing System

Provide a separate FACU and RSFACU for each building. Where multiple releasing
systems are provided within a single building, they may be combined into a single

Install the FACU and RSFACU in a location readily accessible to the emergency
responders and maintenance personnel.

3-6.19.1 Fire Alarm Control Unit/Autonomous Control Unit (FACU/ACU)

Provide a FACU for devices and appliances installed throughout the building that are
not part of the foam/water releasing system or other releasing systems such as a
preaction system. Provide a mass notification system throughout the support areas and
hangar bay in accordance with UFC 4-021-01 and this UFC. In addition to other building
alarm, trouble, and supervisory signals required by other codes and standards, provide
the following functional requirements in accordance with Table 3-3: FACU Functional

3-6.19.2 Releasing Service Fire Alarm Control Unit (RSFACU)

Provide a RSFACU for the control and release of the foam/water system. Design the
system so the loss of a FACU or another RSFACU in the fire alarm system does not
prohibit the RSFACU from functioning as intended. Do not connect the RSFACU to
other control unit through the use of a network cable. Communicate functionality
between panels through addressable modules only. A common RSFACU may control
multiple releasing systems or agents.

3- RSFACU Connected Devices

Connect and supervise only initiating and notification devices used by the foam/water
system as outlined in the RSFACU functional matrix in the Service-specific Chapters 5,
6, and 7. Release the foam/water system only by the initiating devices indicated in these
RSFACU functional matrices. Additional devices beyond those indicated in the
RSFACU functional matrix are not permitted to release the foam/water system, such as
do not release the foam/water system from the pressure switch on the foam/water riser.

3- Location of Releasing System Components

Locate the RSFACU, releasing modules, and monitor modules integral to the releasing
and stopping of the foam/water system in a normally occupied conditioned space with
the following parameters: temperature between 60-80ºF (15.6-26.7ºC) and a relative
humidity of 85% at 86ºF (29.5ºC). Do not install these components in the hangar bay.

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3- Foam/Water and Preaction Supervised Solenoid Disconnect
Provide a key operated supervised disconnect switch to physically disable the solenoid
for each foam/water and preaction riser (if provided). Provide switch that disables the
releasing functions without the use of programming, while leaving all other functions of
the panel operational. Do not provide a trouble signal upon operation of the disconnect.
Monitor the disconnect switch at the RSFACU. Provide a supervisory signal to the
receiving station upon operation of the disconnect.

Locate the disconnect switch in the riser room, in a readily accessible location near the
solenoid. Provide a sign near the disconnect switch with a white background and a
minimum 1/2 inch wide blue border, with "DISABLE FOAM SYSTEM" or "DISABLE
PREACTION SYSTEM" in red lettering not less than 1 inch (25.4 mm) high. Provide
engraved labels on the disconnect switch indicating when the system is "ENABLED" or
"DISABLED". Do not install backboxes or route conduit in front of sign in a manner that
obstructs any lettering.

3- Optical Flame Detection Inhibit Switch

Provide a 2-position non-key operated switch located within the RSFACU enclosure,
that when activated disables the releasing function of all optical flame detectors in the
hangar bay through programming at the RSFACU. When the switch is placed in inhibit
mode, only the releasing functions of the optical flame detectors are disabled while
leaving all other functions of the RSFACU operational. Monitor the inhibit switch at the
RSFACU. Provide a supervisory signal to the receiving station indicating the optical
flame detectors are inhibited, a trouble signal is not permitted. Label the switch "INHIBIT
OPTICAL FLAME DETECTION." Provide engraved labels on the inhibit switch
indicating when the optical flame detectors are in "NORMAL" or "INHIBIT" mode.

3-6.19.3 Fire Alarm Reporting System

Provide a fire alarm reporting system that is fully compatible with the existing fire alarm
receiving station without field modifications to system hardware. Independently circuit
the FACU and RSFACU to a common fire alarm reporting system. Design the system
so failure of the FACU does not prohibit the RSFACU from providing separate and
distinctive release signals to the receiving station.

Provide notification from the fire alarm reporting system to the receiving station in
accordance with the FACU and RSFACU matrixes.

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Table 3-3: FACU Functional Matrix

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3-6.19.4 FACU, RSFACU, Auxiliary Panels and Component Installation
Where panels are located in normally occupied areas, provide recessed panels and
combine miscellaneous components in common recessed enclosures to provide a clean
installation. Where an auxiliary battery supply is required and cannot be recessed within
the wall, locate it remotely in a normally unoccupied area.

Where panels, devices, and appliances are subjected to water spray/runoff under
normal operating conditions, provide National Electrical Manufacturers Association
(NEMA) 250 Type 4 enclosures and water tight conduit. Regardless of environmental
conditions, do not provide openings or conduit entry into the top of the RSFACU.

3-6.19.5 Conduit Installation

Flexible conduit is only permitted when connecting to the following devices and
appliances. Devices located on fire suppression equipment such as flow/pressure
switches, solenoids, and tamper switches. Devices and appliances located in removable
ceiling tiles, and where flexible conduit is specifically noted in this UFC such as for
optical flame detectors. Where flexible conduit is permitted, it is limited to 6 ft. (1.8 m).

3- Conduit and Enclosure Installation within the Hangar Bay

Provide NEMA 250 Type 4 wall mounted devices and appliances within the hangar bay
(including backboxes). Provide watertight conduit and junction boxes throughout the
hangar bay.

Route conduit into the bottom of the backbox for manual foam releasing stations, stop
stations, and flame detectors. Provide the low point of this conduit with a drain. Where
the conduit is in a hazardously classified area, provide breathers in isolated portions of
the conduit such as where sealed offs are provided. Rate drains and breathers for the
electrical hazard classification in which they are installed, but not be less than NEMA
250 Type 4.

3-6.19.6 Surge Protective Devices (SPD)

Provide SPDs to protect all power supply circuits to the FACU and RSFACU, including
any subpanels such as autonomous control units, amplifier panels, and Notification
Appliance Circuit (NAC) booster panels. Provide SPDs to protect all fire alarm circuits
leaving or entering the building. Devices mounted on an exterior wall such as wall
mounted exterior speakers do not require an SPDs when Lightning protection is
provided on the building. Provide SPDs in accordance with UFC 3-520-01. Mount SPDs
in a separate enclosure, unless the SPD is listed and installed in the control panel by
the factory. Installing SPDs not listed with the panel is prohibited.

3-6.19.7 Manual Fire Alarm Pull Stations

Where required by the UFC 3-600-01, provide general fire alarm manual pull stations
that are red in color and labeled "FIRE".

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3-6.19.8 Manual Foam Releasing Stations
Provide distinctively different NEMA 250 Type 4 manual foam releasing stations and
signage from the manual fire alarm pull stations. Provide station and tamper cover with
colored portions in yellow and lettering reading "FOAM"; the words "FIRE", "ALARM", or
"AGENT" are prohibited to appear on the cover or station. Provide locking type manual
foam releasing stations that when activated require a key to be reset. Provide
conventional manual foam releasing stations. Do not locate addressable monitor
modules for the manual foam releasing stations in the hangar bay.

3- Manual Foam Releasing Station location

Install manual foam releasing stations within the hangar bay so they are unobstructed,
readily accessible, and located within 10 ft. (3.0 m) of each required exit or exit access
from the hangar bay. Manual foam releasing stations are not required outside the
hangar bay, unless required elsewhere in this UFC. Maintain a minimum separation
distance of 5 ft. (1.5 m) between general fire alarm pull stations (if provided) and the
manual foam releasing stations. Where possible, install the manual foam releasing
stations on the opposite side of the door from the general fire alarm pull stations.

Where foam/water systems are zoned per 3-6.16.1: AFFF System Performance or 3-
6.17: Hi-Ex Foam System Performance, provide manual foam releasing stations within
each zone for the release of that zone. Provide additional 1 inch (25 mm) high black
block lettering on the sign indicating which zone is served by the manual foam releasing

For Army: Zoned manual foam release stations are not permitted. Program the foam
release stations to simultaneously release the foam/water discharge from all zones
viewable from the foam release station.

3- Manual Foam Releasing Station Protection

Protect foam releasing stations located in the hangar bay from mechanical damage.
Provide a clear plastic tamper cover over the manual foam releasing station that when
lifted emits an audible alarm. Exception: Audible alarm is not required where a manual
foam releasing station is installed in a hazardous (classified) location.

3-6.19.9 Manual Foam Stop Stations

Provide NEMA 250 Type 4 manual foam stop stations of the "dead-man" type at each
manual foam releasing station. Use stop stations in conjunction with valves and
equipment to stop the discharge of foam/water from the suppression system. Provide
manual foam stop stations with distinctive signage at each device. Provide a red
mushroom type push button and include the word "PUSH". Provide the colored portions
of the station and tamper cover in blue and lettering reading "STOP"; the words "FIRE",
"ALARM", or "AGENT" are prohibited to appear on the cover or station. Do not locate
addressable monitor modules for the manual foam stop stations in the hangar bay.

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3- Manual Foam Stop Station Operation
Once depressed, and so long as the button is held down, design the system so the stop
station prevents/stops discharge of the foam/water system regardless of whether or not
the foam/water system was activated automatically or manually, and whether or not the
activation occurs prior to or after the stop station is pressed and held. Program the stop
stations to simultaneously stop the foam/water discharge from all zones viewable from
the depressed stop station. Unless the RSFACU has been reset and all activation
alarms (manual and automatic) have been cleared; restore the foam/water system
operation when the foam stop station button is released. Do not exceed 15 seconds to
fully close the flow control valve when the foam stop station button is depressed under
full flow. Where the foam/water system is still in alarm, do not exceed 5 seconds to fully
open the flow control valve upon release of the foam stop station button.

3- Manual Foam Stop Station Protection

Protect manual foam stop stations located in the aircraft servicing area from mechanical
damage. Provide a clear plastic tamper cover (without audible alarm) over the manual
foam stop station.

3-6.19.10 Manual Foam Releasing and Stop Station Signage

Provide two separate but adjacent metal signs a minimum of 24 inches (610 mm) high
by 20 inches (508 mm) wide. Provide no more than 12 inches of separation between the
two signs. Do not use the words "FIRE", "ALARM", or "AGENT" on these signs. Do not
install backboxes or route conduit in front of sign in a manner that obstructs any
lettering. Refer to Figure 3-10: Start Foam System Signage and Figure 3-11: Stop
Foam System Signage.

3- Manual Foam Releasing Sign

Provide the sign for the manual foam releasing station with a yellow or lime-yellow
background with "START FOAM SYSTEM" in red lettering not less than 3 inches (76
millimeters) high. Locate the manual foam releasing station with tamper cover on the
lower portion of the sign. Provide the word "START" in minimum 1 inch (25.4 mm) high
green lettering placed directly above the manual foam releasing station.

3- Manual Foam Stop Sign

Provide the sign for the manual foam stop station with a white background and a
minimum 1/2 inch wide blue border with "STOP FOAM SYSTEM" in blue lettering not
less than 3 inches (76 millimeters) high. Locate the manual foam stop station with
tamper cover on the lower left portion of the sign. Provide the word "STOP" in minimum
1 inch (25.4 mm) high red lettering placed directly above the manual foam stop station.

To the right of the stop button provide the following in minimum 1/2 inch (12 mm) high
black lettering "To stop foam system, press and continuously hold STOP button until
relieved by emergency responders. There may be up to a 30 second delay after
pressing the STOP button before the foam stops."

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Figure 3-10: Start Foam System Signage

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Figure 3-11: Stop Foam System Signage

3-6.19.11 Optical Flame Detection

Provide optical flame detection in accordance with this section.

3- Optical Flame Detectors (OFD)

Provide triple infrared (IR) optical flame detectors that are listed/approved for the
expected fuel hazards in the hangar bay. Provide detectors that are immune to radar
and radio frequency emissions from hand held equipment or equipment on-board the
aircraft. Provide shielded circuiting for both the SLC and power from the optical
detectors to the RSFACU and ground shielding in accordance with the optical flame
detector manufacturer.

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3- Optical Flame Detector Location
Provide a sufficient number of optical flame detectors around the perimeter of the
hangar bay, such that all portions of the hangar bay are within the range and cone-of-
vision of at least three detectors. Exception: The area of the hangar bay within 5 ft. (1.5
m) of the perimeter wall is not required to be within the cone-of-vision of an optical flame
detector. No aircraft silhouette will be solely visible from optical flame detectors located
on one side of the fuselage. A minimum of two optical flame detectors covering the
aircraft silhouette are required on each side of the fuselage.

Angle detectors and provide blinds (field of view inhibitors) so the cone-of-vision is
contained within its designated suppression zone and does not extend more than 5 ft.
(1.5 m) outside the hangar bay, into another fire area such as through a normally open
roll-up fire door, or is within the view of hot sources such as radiant heaters. Locate
optical flame detectors at a sufficient distance per the manufacturer's recommendations
from sources that may cause false alarms such as welding, solar glare, radiant heaters,
aircraft engine exhaust, strobes, hot surfaces and other relevant sources.

3- Optical Flame Detector Installation

Mount detectors in accordance with their listing at approximately 8 ft. (2.4 m) above the
finished floor of the hangar bay. Do not mount optical detectors in inaccessible
locations. Provide optical flame detectors with 5 ft. (1.5 m) of flexible conduit to allow for
minor adjustments during testing or changes in the mission of the hangar bay.

3- Optical Flame Detector Performance.

Provide detector coverage to meet the performance criteria outlined in Service-specific
Chapters 5, 6, and 7. Calibrate optical flame detectors to operate upon viewing the
flame signature of the expected fuel(s) to be in the hangar bay. Use a 2 ft. x 2 ft. (610
mm x 610 mm) pool fire as the bases to set the sensitivity of the optical flame detectors.
Upon the 2 ft. x 2 ft. (610 mm x 610 mm) pool fire reaching full development, all
detectors within the cone-of-vision are required to activate within 30 seconds.

3-6.19.12 Thermal Fire Detectors for Preaction Sprinkler System

Provide an automatic thermal fire detection system to activate any preaction sprinkler
systems in the hangar bay.

3- Thermal Fire Detector System

Provide one of the following heat detection systems located at the underside of the roof
or suspended ceiling (if provided) in the hangar bay.

• Non-addressable rate-compensated heat detectors having a temperature

rating between 160ºF (71ºC) and 170ºF (76ºC). Install heat detectors in
accordance with NFPA 72. Except, space heat detectors in accordance
with their listed spacing without reduction in spacing due to ceiling height.
The maximum spacing between heat detectors is limited to 40 ft. (12.1 m).

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• Linear thermistor (line-type electrical conductivity) fire detector having a
temperature setting of 170ºF (76ºC). Space detection lines with a
maximum spacing of 30 ft. (9.1 m). Use the manufacturer's approved
testing method to verify the detector's response setting after installation.
On curved roofs or roof exceeding a 2 in 12 pitch, install thermistor
detectors perpendicular to the slope or arc (along the axis of the curve).
3- Thermal Fire Detector Installation
Provide a fire detection zone for each corresponding preaction sprinkler system.
Activate the associated preaction valve for the floor area covered by the zone.

3-6.19.13 Waterflow Detection Devices

Provide waterflow detection devices on sprinkler systems. Waterflow detection devices
for wet pipe sprinkler systems may either be a paddle type with built-in adjustable retard
set to approximately 60 seconds or pressure type with retard chamber equivalent to
approximately 60 seconds. Provide waterflow detection with no retard on preaction and
dry pipe sprinkler systems.

3-6.19.14 Notification Appliances

3- Audible Notification
Provide voice evacuation / mass notification in support areas of the building and
throughout the hangar bay. Broadcast prerecorded and live message content such that
it is adequately understandable to occupants within the hangar bay. Within the hangar
bay, meet or exceed the intelligibility criteria for cavernous-type open areas in
accordance with UFC 4-021-01. Upon the activation of an initiating device within the
hangar bay, provide the following conceptual message throughout the building.
Adjusted the message for installation specific requirements.

Three Pulse Temporal Pattern <Three Rounds>

"May I have your attention. There is a fire emergency in the hangar bay. Please
leave the building by the nearest exit. Do not exit through the hangar bay."

<Pause 2 seconds>


3- Visual Notification

In addition to the visual notification required in support areas per UFC 3-600-01, provide
visual notification for general fire alarm throughout the hangar bay. Where full coverage
of the hangar bay cannot be accomplished using wall mounted strobes without
exceeding 110 candela (cd), the following spacing criteria applies.

• Visual notification coverage is not required in the center of the hangar bay.

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• Provide strobes not exceeding 110 cd around the perimeter of the hangar
bay, not including the hangar bay door opening, in accordance with the
room spacing requirements for wall-mounted visible appliances in
NFPA 72.
For Air Force and Army: Strobes not exceeding 177 cd are permitted.

3-6.19.15 Supervision and Signage

Report supervisory alarms as independent addresses to the FACU, RSFACU, or
Energy Management Control System as indicated on the functional matrixes. Grouped
switches on common addresses are not permitted. Provide non-latching electronically
supervisory devices.

3- Control Valves

Electrically supervise normally open control valves.

Electrical or mechanical supervision is not required for normally closed control valves,
unless opening the valve is detrimental to the system operation. When supervision is
required on normally closed valves, provide electrical supervision such as cable type

3- Trim Valves

Mechanically lock or provide tamper seals such as zip-ties on trim valves, that when
opened or closed are detrimental to the operation of the foam/water system such as the
shutoff for the foam system pressure switch. Provide signage indicating the valve’s
normal operating position.

3- Drain Valves

Mechanically lock or provide tamper seals such as zip-ties on drain or trim valving in the
closed position, that when opened will cause the discharge of the foam/water system
such as the manual release valve on the foam/water system riser. Provide this valve
with the following signage, "OPENING THIS VALVE WILL RELEASE THE FOAM

3- Emergency Foam/Water System Shutdown

Provide sequential signage on the control valves for the emergency shutdown of the
foam/water system. Locate these signs so they are readily visible near each valve used
in the shutdown sequence.

Provide signs with white background and a minimum 1/2 inch wide blue border with red
lettering not less than 1 inch (25.4 mm) high. At a minimum, provide each sign with the
language "EMERGENCY FOAM SHUTDOWN PROCEDURE" and the order and action
to be performed such as "1 - CLOSE FOAM CONCENTRATE VALVE", "2 - CLOSE
FOAM/WATER RISER CONTROL VALVE". Continue the sequence as required for

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At a minimum, provide the testing and reports outlined in this section. Coordinate testing
personnel as required to demonstrate the coordination and communication of the fire
protection systems through full functional testing. Independent testing of each individual
fire protection system is not a substitute to the functional testing requirements. Such as
depressing the stop button and witnessing the de-energizing of the solenoid, does not
adequately demonstrate the flow control valve will stop the foam/water under full flow.

3-6.20.1 Testing Personnel

Provide a Qualified Fire Protection Engineer (QFPE) meeting the requirements of
UFC 3-600-01 for the witnessing and/or review of testing/reports as outlined in this

At a minimum, provide a factory authorized representative for the startup and/or testing
of the following systems as outlined below:

• Fire Suppression System (Preliminary and Final Testing)

• Foam Proportioning System (Preliminary and Final Testing)
• Fire Pump System, When Provided (Start Up)
• Fire Alarm and Mass Notification System (FACU/ACU) (Preliminary and
Final Testing)
• Foam/Water Releasing System (RSFACU) (Preliminary and Final Testing)

3-6.20.2 Foam/Water Discharge Testing Plan

Provide a testing plan certified by the QFPE that includes the following:

• Who will perform the testing and who will be the onsite factory authorized
• What are the safety precautions taken during testing.
• How will the foam/water system be tested to demonstrate the performance
criteria has been met.
• How will the event be recorded for future review.
• What are the testing procedures to demonstrate the coordination and
communication of the fire protection systems associated with the
foam/water discharge.
• How will the hangar bay be protected during the discharge of foam.
• How will the foam be captured during the discharge and disposed.

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3-6.20.3 Preliminary Testing
Provide acceptance testing for the fire suppression and fire alarm systems complying
with NFPA 11, 13, 20, 24, and 72 as applicable. At a minimum, provide the following
preliminary testing reports.

• Contractor’s Material and Testing Certificate for Underground Piping per

NFPA 13 and 24. Provide photos of installation prior to burial. (Reviewed
by the QFPE)
• Contractor’s Material and Test Certificate for Aboveground Piping per
NFPA 13 for each riser, manifold, and fire department connection.
(Reviewed by the QFPE)
• Fire pump test report demonstrating compliance with NFPA 20
acceptance testing criteria. Where a concentrate pumping system is also
provided, demonstrate compliance with NFPA 11 and 20 acceptance
testing criteria. (Reviewed by QFPE)
• With the use of a time stamped video, demonstrate the performance
criteria for foam coverage is within the limitations upon the actuation of a
manual foam releasing station. The use of foam concentrate for this test is
required to demonstrate preliminary compliance. (Witnessed by the
• Demonstrate the performance criteria for opening and closing the flow
control valve is met upon actuation of the manual foam stop stations. A
water only test is acceptable. (Witnessed by the QFPE)
• For Air Force and Navy: Provide the residual pressure at the most
remote nozzle or generator with only the foam/water system operating.
Provide the inlet and outlet pressures of the flow control valve and
inductor. A water only test is acceptable. Use this information to verify the
hydraulic performance of the system. (Reviewed by the QFPE)
• For Army: Provide the residual pressure at the most remote generator
with the simultaneous operation of the foam/water system, overhead
hangar bay sprinkler system simulation, and exterior hose demand (when
applicable). Simulate the overhead sprinkler system and hose demand
through the test header. Provide pitot measurements and type of
equipment used for this simulation. Provide the inlet and outlet pressures
of the flow control valve. A water only test is acceptable. Use this
information to verify the hydraulic performance of the system. (Reviewed
by the QFPE)
• Provide a proportioning system test report demonstrating compliance in
accordance with NFPA 11. (Reviewed by the QFPE)
• System record of Inspection and Testing, Notification appliance
supplementary Record of Inspection and Testing, Initiating Device
Supplementary Record of Inspection and Testing, Interface Component
Supplementary Record of Inspection and Testing, and Mass Notification
UFC 4-211-01
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System Supplementary Record of Inspection and Testing per NFPA 72 for
the FACU and RSFACU. (Reviewed by the QFPE)
• Test the mass notification system in accordance with the requirements of
UFC 4-021-01. At a minimum provide sound power levels (Decibel A
Weighted Scale (dbA)) and intelligibility scores (CIS) throughout the
facility. (Reviewed by the QFPE)
• Demonstrate the functionality of the fire alarm system is in compliance
with the FACU and RFSACU functional matrixes. (Witnessed by the
• Demonstrate the performance requirements of the optical flame detector
coverage has been met through pan fire acceptance testing. Use the
expected fuel in a 2 ft. x 2 ft. (610 mm x 610 mm) test pan, with closable
lid. The use of a cleaner burning fuel may be used where acceptable to
the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). Refer to Figure E-17: Example of
Fire Pan, for Acceptance Test of Optical Detectors. At a minimum, place
the test fire in each designated aircraft parking position. To pass, all
detectors within the cone-of-vision of this test fire must activate within 30
seconds of full fire development (minimum of three). Centered the test fire
10 ft. (3.0 m) outside the hangar bay opening. To pass, no detectors
should active after 30 seconds of full fire development. (witnessed by the

3-6.20.4 Request for Final Testing

Provide a break-in period of at least 14 consecutive days after the FACU and RSFACU
have been enabled, prior to any final testing. Provide a written request for a final test
from the QFPE, after preliminary testing is complete, adjustments have been made to
the system, and the system is ready for service.

3-6.20.5 Final Testing

Final testing to be witnessed by the AHJ, as defined by UFC 1-200-01. Such as for an
Air Force project the AHJ is the Air Force Civil Engineer Center, Operations Director
(AFCEC/CO), even if the project is constructed by NAVFAC or the Army Corps of
Engineers. AFCEC/CO would witness final testing in this example. The final testing may
be witnessed by a delegated representative at the discretion of the AHJ. With the
exception of system flushing and hydrostatic testing, repeat preliminary tests during the
final testing at the discretion of the AHJ. Correct system failures or other deficiencies
identified during the final testing and retest in the presence of the AHJ, at their


Provide a 3-phase wye-connected, underground secondary service rated at 480 Volts

Alternating Current (VAC). For projects outside of the United States and its territories
and possessions, provide electric power in accordance with UFC 3-510-01.

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Hazardous (Classified) Locations

Design hazardous (classified) locations including the hangar bay and adjacent spaces
in accordance with NFPA 70 requirements for hazardous locations. At a minimum,
classify adjacent spaces that are not suitably cutoff as Class I Division 2 up to 18 inches
(460 mm) above the floor of the hangar bay adjacent to the space.

If a space is adjacent and communicates with a hazardous location, the term "suitably
cutoff" in NFPA 70 is defined as either of the following conditions as shown in Figure
3-12: Adjacent Space Electrical Hazardous Classifications:

• Two normally closed (self-closing) doors in series with a minimum

separation of 5 ft. (1.5 m). Classify the space between these doors as
Class I Division 2 up to 18 inches (460 mm) above the floor of the hangar
bay adjacent to the space.
• A wall that has sealed openings up to a minimum of 18 inches (460 mm)
above the floor of the hangar bay adjacent to the space. This condition is
not permitted where the hazardous classification of hangar bay adjacent to
the space is greater than 18 inches (460 mm).

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Figure 3-12: Adjacent Space Electrical Hazardous Classifications

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Hangar Bay Door Power

Provide a separate and dedicated power supply from the facility transformer or ahead of
the main service disconnecting means. Provide power to the hangar bay door such that
the door remains energized when the main disconnect switches for general hangar
power are shut off.

Provide a key-operated or other access-controlled switch on the exterior of the facility to

open the hangar bay door in the event of an emergency.

3-7.2.1 Hangar Bay Door Portable Generator Connection

As a minimum, provide a portable generator connection on the exterior of the building
with a manual transfer switch for hangar bay doors.

3-7.2.2 Vertical Lift Fabric Doors

Design the power source for vertical lift fabric doors to have the capability of being
operated by an emergency generator or an Aerospace Ground Equipment (AGE) power
cart during power outages. At a minimum, size the service to allow operation of one
door panel at a time.

Electric Door Track Heating

Provide an electric door track heating system in accordance with heating requirements
listed in 3-5.2: Heating. A heated antifreeze system may be used in lieu of an electric
door track heating system. Coordinate which system is to be used with the mechanical

Renewable Energy Sources

Photovoltaic (PV) systems on flight line facilities are currently prohibited. If a glare
analysis has been previously approved for other facilities on the installation PV systems
on the flight line facilities may be considered when determined to be life cycle cost
effective and project funds are available.

Note: Renewable energy requirements for facilities are currently under development in
UFC 3-440-01.

Backup Power

3-7.5.1 Portable Generator Connection

Provide a portable connection size and type based on the following criteria.

• Activities and missions, approved in accordance with UFC 3-540-01, to be

supported by the generator connection.
• Type of portable generators and connections available at the installation.

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3-7.5.2 Backup Generator
Backup generators and Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) backup power systems are
not generally required for this facility type.

Backup generators may be considered for situations in which backup power is required
for the hangar door installation or for missions attached to the hangar. When authorized,
provide backup generator power in accordance with UFC 3-540-01. Refer to C-10.2 for
discussion on Vertical Lift Fabric Door operations.

Aircraft Power Distribution

Aircraft have specific power requirements, including unique voltages, frequencies, and
capacities. Review the aircraft requirements of the aircraft being maintained in the
hangar bay to determine the appropriate services. Provide appropriate services in
voltage, frequency, and capacity to service the aircraft.

Provide permanently-mounted equipment located within the hangar bay or an adjacent

space as follows.

• Permanently-mounted equipment may be installed within the hangar bay

or within an adjacent space to the hangar bay. If equipment is installed in
the hangar bay it may be either floor-mounted or mounted on the wall at a
higher elevation. If the equipment is mounted at a higher elevation,
coordinate the support of the equipment with the structural engineer. If the
equipment is mounted on the floor, provide a stand for the equipment to
elevate the equipment a minimum of 18 inches (0.46 m) AFF to avoid
having the equipment in the Class I Division 2 hazardous space.
Coordinate location of equipment to maintain the clear zone. Refer to 2-3:
Minimum Aircraft Maintenance Bay Clearances for clear zone
• Provide solid-state equipment for special power units.
• Permanently-mounted equipment typically has controls mounted on the
face of the equipment. If the equipment is mounted at a higher elevation,
or an adjacent space provide remote control and displays at an elevation
with the hangar bay that is accessible by the user.

3-7.6.1 Power Distribution Service Points

Distributed aircraft power from permanently-mounted equipment located on the wall.

3- Wall-mounted connection points

Different aircraft have different power requirements and connections. Match receptacle
and cable type to aircraft being maintained. Provide wall-mounted connection points
close to the distribution equipment. Coordinate the location of the connection points with
the location of the aircraft connection point to minimize the length of the cable from the
wall to the aircraft. Provide one of the following connections:

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• Provide wall-mounted cable storage racks for storage of the cable when
receptacles are installed. Mount receptacles above electrical hazardous
location. Provide floor-mounted cable protectors from the wall across the
service lane to the aircraft side of the service lane. Lay cables in the cable
protector to protect cable from cross traffic while the cables are extended
and in use.
• When approved, electrically or air driven reels may be provided. Install
electric motors above the electrical hazardous location. Provide reel
controls as part of the cable assembly. Coordinate motor size and type
with length and weight of cable provided.
• For Army and Navy: Cables connecting to the service point may or may
not be provided as part of the service.
• For Air Force: Refer to Chapter 5: Air Force Specific Criteria for
additional requirements.
3- Permanently-Mounted Pedestal
For Air Force and Navy: Permanently-mounted pedestals are not permitted.

For Army: Refer to Chapter 6: Army Specific Criteria for additional requirements.

3- Retractable (Pop-up) Pedestal

Retractable (Pop-up) pedestals are not permitted.

3- Aircraft Power Distribution Point Utility Coordination

Other services including compressed gasses, water, and preconditioned air are required
to maintain aircraft. Coordinate the location of electrical services with all other utilities.

Aircraft Power Systems

Aircraft have specific power requirements, including unique voltages, frequencies, and
capacities. Review the requirements of the aircraft being maintained in the hangar bay
to determine the appropriate special power systems required. Provide the appropriate
aircraft power systems in voltage, frequency, and capacity to service the aircraft being

3-7.7.1 Aircraft 400 Hertz (Hz) Service

Design a complete, functioning 200Y/115VAC, 400 Hz power system, including
converter, cables and connectors, to support the aircraft maintenance activities. Provide
400 Hz service in the hangar bay and in shops where 400 Hz is required by the users.
Coordinate the exact number and sizes of converters with the users supported. Design
the system to provide power to each aircraft parking spot. Design system to
compensate for voltage drop and sufficient voltage at the point of service. Provide
voltage drop calculations, in accordance with the equation below, to meet the voltage

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requirement at the aircraft point-of-service and to meet the requirements of the aircraft
power monitor.

For Army and Navy: The use of centralized systems servicing more than two aircraft
are prohibited.

400 Hz Equation

2L x I x Xr1 / 10,000 = VD single-phase line to neutral of three-phase

SQRT(3)L x I x Xr1 / 10,000 = VD three-phase line to line

L = circuit length in feet.

I = current in Amps.

Xr1 = Impedance of a particular size wire, = SQRT(R2 + X12)

R = AC resistance of the wire.

VD = voltage drop in Volts.

X1 = Reactance

For Army and Navy: 400 Hz converters, cables, and connector are Real Property
Installed Equipment (RPIE) equipment. The use of centralized systems servicing more
than two aircraft are prohibited.

For Air Force: Refer to Chapter 5: Air Force Specific Criteria for additional

3- Aircraft 400 Hertz (Hz) Special Power Distribution Cables

Provide 30-100 ft. (9.1 - 30.5 m) 400 Hz cable consisting of six power conductors, two
per phase, helically laid around one central neutral conductor and six control
conductors, minimum of #18 American Wire Gage (AWG), specifically designed for 400
Hz applications. Base the size of the power conductors on the kilovolt-amperes (kVA)
rating of the aircraft. Base the length of the cable on the distance from the distribution
equipment to the aircraft location.

Coordinate how the cables are being provided for the project with the users. The cables
may be part of the Military Construction (MILCON) or the cables may be equipment
provided by the user. If the cables are permanently affixed to the facility distribution
system, the cable is considered to be part of the MILCON. If the cables can be
disconnected from the facility distribution system, the cable is provided by the user.

3-7.7.2 Aircraft 28 Volts Direct Current (VDC) Service

Design a complete and functioning 28VDC ground power unit. Provide 28VDC service
in the hangar bay and in shops where 28VDC is required by the users. Coordinate the
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exact number and sizes of ground power units with the users supported. Design the
system to provide power to each aircraft parking spot.

For Army and Navy: 28VDC ground power units, cables and connector are RPIE
equipment. The use of centralized systems servicing more than two aircraft are

For Air Force: Refer to Chapter 5 - Air Force Specific Criteria for additional

3- Aircraft 28VDC Distribution Cable

Provide 30-100 ft. (9.1 - 30.5 m) 28VDC cable consisting of two individual power
conductors banded together with non-metallic bands, strain relief, and appropriate
connector. Base the size of the conductor on the kVA rating of the aircraft. Base the
length of the cable on the distance from the distribution equipment to the aircraft

Coordinate how the cables are being provided for the project with the users. The cables
may be part of the Military Construction (MILCON) or the cables may be equipment
provided by the user. If the cables are permanently affixed to the equipment, the cable
is considered to be part of the MILCON. If the cables can be disconnected from the
facility distribution system, the cable is provided by the user.

3-7.7.3 Aircraft 270VDC Service

For Air Force and Navy: Design a complete and functioning 270VDC ground power
unit. Provide 270VDC service in the hangar bay and in shops where 270VDC is
required by the users. Coordinate the exact number and sizes of ground power units
with the users supported. Design the system to provide power to each aircraft parking

For Air Force: Refer to Chapter 5: Air Force Specific Criteria for additional

For Navy: Refer to Chapter 7: Navy Specific Criteria for additional requirements.

3- Aircraft 270VDC Distribution Cable

Provide 30-100 ft. (9.1 - 30.5 m) 270VDC cable consisting of a single jacketed multi-
conductor cable with power and controls incorporated into the cable with the appropriate
connector. Base the size of the conductor on the kVA rating of the aircraft. Base the
length of the cable on the distance from the distribution equipment to the aircraft

Coordinate how the cables are being provided for the project with the users. The cables
may be part of the Military Construction (MILCON) or the cables may be equipment
provided by the user. If the cables are permanently affixed to the equipment, the cable

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is considered to be part of the MILCON. If the cables can be disconnected from the
facility distribution system, the cable is provided by the user.

Grounding and Bonding

Provide grounding and bonding in accordance with UFC 3-575-01.

Coordinate the requirement for ordnance grounding with the users supported. Areas of
consideration may include, but is not limited to, the following:

• Seat maintenance for seats with explosives

• Canopy maintenance for canopies with explosives
• Seat storage for seats with explosives
• Canopy storage for canopies with explosives
• Canopy shop and storage areas
• Armament Room
For Air Force: Refer to Chapter 5: Air Force Specific Criteria for additional ordnance
grounding requirements.

For Army: Refer to Chapter 6: Army Specific Criteria for additional ordnance
grounding requirements.

For Navy: Refer to Chapter 7: Navy Specific Criteria for additional ordnance grounding

Lightning Protection

Provide lightning protection in accordance with UFC 3-575-01.

Lighting and Lighting Controls

Design lighting and lighting controls in accordance with UFC 3-530-01.

3-7.10.1 Apron Lighting

Lighting may be provided on the exterior of the facility for apron lighting. Coordinate
lighting with activities on the apron. Design apron lighting in accordance with
UFC 3-530-01.

3-7.10.2 Aviation Obstruction

Provide aviation obstruction lighting in accordance with UFC 3-535-01.

For Navy: Refer to Chapter 7: Navy Specific Criteria for additional requirements.

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Industrial Controls

Coordinate industrial controls systems including, but not limited to, energy management
systems, building management systems, HVAC controls, mechanical controls systems,
crane controls systems, diverter valves, and plumbing control systems, with project
location existing systems. Provide the ability to connect industrial controls systems with
local site control systems as required, to report to installation-wide systems. Design
industrial control system in accordance with NFPA 70 and manufacturer's requirements
for each system.

Plan, design, acquire, execute and maintain all control systems (including systems
separate from an energy management control system) in accordance with DoD
Instruction 8500.01 and DoD Instruction 8510.01, and as required by individual Service

Associated Mission Requirements

Mission(s) associated with the aircraft may be incorporated into the maintenance
hangar. These missions may include but are not limited to the following:

• UAS/RPA operations
• Command Operations
• Medical Evacuation Operations
• Flight Operations
• North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Operations
• Training Operations
These mission(s) may have significant impact on the electrical system including:

• The requirement for emergency generators

• Increase sized of electrical utility service to the building
• Special grounding requirements
• Power filtering requirements
• Radio Frequency (RF) shielding requirements
If mission-associated activities and spaces are attached to the maintenance hangar,
coordinate and incorporate all specific requirements for the mission.

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Communication Systems Infrastructure

Provide communication infrastructure in accordance with UFC 3-580-01.

Coordinate with the users and provide additional communications infrastructure, as

required by the mission. Segregate and construct the infrastructure systems, as
required by the specific system requirements. Additional required communications
systems may include:

• Global Positioning System (GPS) systems in the hangar bay

• Secret Internet Protocol Network (SIPRNet)
• Combined Enterprise Intelligence Exchange System (CENTRIXS)
• Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System (JWICS)
• Logistics Maintenance System (LMS) Triton
• Notebook/Laptop networked storage cabinets
• Integrated Maintenance Information System (IMIS)
• Unit Level Logistics System - Aviation (ULLS-A)

3-8.1.1 Classified Communication Systems Infrastructure

Coordinate the requirements for classified communication with user activities. Provide
classified communication infrastructure and Protected Distribution System (PDS), in
accordance with UFC 3-580-01.

3-8.1.2 Wireless Communications

Provide Wireless Access Points (WAP) in the hangar bay, as required for maintenance
activities, and use of notebook/laptops. Wireless networks may require encryption for
some aircraft. Coordinate the use of wireless and encryption with the maintenance user
group and local telecommunications manager. If wireless is provided, coordinate the
wireless frequency with the local frequency manager.

Consider potential obstructions that may cause interference, including aircraft and
maintenance stands, when designing the wireless system.

Public Address

Provide a Public Address (PA) system with coverage to all areas of the facility. Provide
a complete and functioning integrated public address system. Coordinate the PA
system with the activities. Integrate the PA system with the MNS per UFC 4-021-01.
Interface the PA system with the telephone system such that the telephone system
provides access to the PA system.

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Cable Television (CATV) Systems

Where required, provide CATV system in accordance with UFC 3-580-01.

Audio/Visual System

Provide the infrastructure to support all Government Furnished Government Installed

(GFGI) and Government Furnished Contractor Installed (GFCI) Audio/Video (A/V)
systems including but not limited to, projectors, sound systems, video teleconferencing,
combined audio/visual systems, smartboards, screens, monitors, microphones, and
specialized communication systems. Coordinate location and connection of all devices
with the architectural and interior design.

A/V System infrastructure includes raceway systems and cabling only. Coordinate
cabling types and raceway size with the GFGI and GFCI equipment provided. Provide
power for A/V equipment per the A/V requirements.

Closed Circuit Television (Non-Security) System

Closed Circuit Television Systems (CCTV) may be required to monitor maintenance

operations within the hangar bay and on the apron adjacent to the hangar. Provide a
CCTV infrastructure system including raceways, and cables where required and
authorized, as follows.

• Coordinate the infrastructure size and location with the design of the
CCTV system.
• Provide power for CCTV equipment per the CCTV requirements.
Where specifically authorized to also provide CCTV equipment as follows.

• Provide cameras within the hangar bay and on the exterior of the building
to monitor the apron.
• Provide monitoring equipment in user identified locations.
Refer to 3-8.7: Electronic Security Systems for CCTV for security systems is covered
under Electronic Security Systems.

Radio and Satellite Systems

When required by the users and authorized, provide radio system antenna, cable and
raceways to support GFGI radio systems. Provide radio system drops in locations
identified by the users.

When required by the users and authorized, provide satellite system cable and
raceways to support GFGI satellite systems. Provide satellite system drops in locations
identified by the users.

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Electronic Security Systems

When required by the users and authorized, provide Electronic Security Systems (ESS)
in accordance with UFC 4-021-02.

Associated Mission Requirements

3-8.8.1 Mission Types

Missions associated with the aircraft may be incorporated into the maintenance hangar.
These missions may include, but are not limited to, the following:

• UAS/RPA operations
• Command Operations
• Medical Evacuation Operations
• Flight Operations
• NATO Operations

3-8.8.2 Mission Impacts

These missions may have significant impact on the communication system including:

• The requirement for a data center

• Specialized radio, satellite, and communication systems
• Communication separation requirements.
If mission-associated activities and spaces are attached to the maintenance hangar
coordinate and incorporate all specific requirements of the mission authorized.


Provide all cranes in accordance with the relevant portions of the following standards:

• Crane Manufacturing Association of America (CMAA) 70, Specification for

Top Running Bridge and Gantry Type Multiple Girder Electric Overhead
Traveling Cranes
• Crane Manufacturing Association of America CMAA 74, Specification for
Top Running and Under Running Single Girder Electric Overhead Cranes
Utilizing Under Running Trolley Hoist.
• American National Standards Institute ANSI MH27.1, Specifications for
Patented Track Underhung Cranes and Monorail Systems.
• ASME HST-1, Performance Standard for Electric Chain Hoists.
• ASME HST-4, Performance Standard for Electric Wire Rope Hoists.
• All cranes to be a minimum Duty Service Class C.

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Crane Operating Envelope

The crane operating envelope, including clearances, will not have interferences with the
electrical, HVAC, or similar equipment, as specified by OSHA 29 Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR) 1910.179. Clearly identify the crane operating envelope on the floor
plans and building section drawings.

3-9.1.1 Hook Height

The minimum hook clearance height requirements, (measured from the finished floor
elevation to the saddle of the hook at full elevation) are referenced in each specific
Service’s Chapter.

3-9.1.2 Hook Coverage

Provide loaded hook coverage to the maximum extent possible in the Aircraft
Maintenance Bay. Design the crane equipment, hooks and wire ropes to clear the
catwalk of 3-10.1.3 - Catwalk, in all operating configurations. Service-specific
requirements are listed in appropriate Chapters of this UFC.

Motors and Controls

Provide overhead bridge crane with infinitely variable-speed electric motors and controls
for the bridge, trolley and hoist. Crane is to be operable from the floor. Provide a crane
disconnecting means for maintenance in a location that is accessible without the use of
lifts or ladders.

3-9.2.1 Controls
Provide crane control interfaces, which are accessible at floor level. Provide controls for
accessibility of the entire coverage area, horizontally and vertically.

Cranes may have wire connected controls or wireless controls. Coordinate the selection
of wire connected controls and wireless controls with the users. When wireless controls
are provided, coordinate the frequency of wireless controls with local frequency


Provide either a vertical lift fabric door system or horizontal sliding hangar doors.
Coordinate with the user to provide type of hangar door and controls required for
maintenance operations. Refer to C-10: HANGAR DOOR for guidance on best
practices for hangar door selection and design. Refer to 2-4: Net to Gross Area in
Aircraft Maintenance Hangars for requirements on calculating building gross square
footage at different types of hangar doors. Hangar doors are to be fully operational
when subjected to wind pressures up to a minimum of 15 psf. Include signage noting
operational wind speed at which doors should be closed and secured with wind lock

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Design hangar doors to resist the component and cladding wind pressures determined
in accordance with UFC 1-200-01. Consider the full deflection range and wind uplift to
design the interface between the superstructure and the door systems. Design hangar
doors in accordance with all provisions of UFC 4-010-01 where applicable.

Vertical Lift Fabric Doors (VLFD)

3-10.1.1 Doors
Provide the vertical lift fabric doors, as a complete system from a single source
manufacturer for the purpose of closing a hangar maintenance bay space. Design the
Aircraft Maintenance Bay superstructure to support the doors vertically and laterally.
Design for the different load combinations imposed by open and closed door panels
resulting in eccentric wind loads or mechanical loads from the door and mullion hoisting
equipment. The mullions of the door system connect to pits at grade which serve to
restrain the mullions from motion perpendicular to the face of the doors. Design the pits
to resist the concentrated mullion loads and provide a means of draining water from the

Design VLFD hangar doors to be individually operated with an upward acting lightweight
framing system with polyvinyl fabric facing. Design doors in sections with lifting mullions
between door sections. Design features include electric operation, personnel exit doors,
and translucent fabric.

3-10.1.2 Safety
Provide an intrinsically safe electric safety edge on the bottom of the edge of each door,
continuous over the full length of the door.

Provide fabric doors with a wind lock to secure the door prior to extreme wind conditions
and to prevent door uplift. Provide the wind lock with a proximity switch to show proper
engagement of the wind lock for the operator's benefit. Design VLFDs in accordance
with UFGS

3-10.1.3 Catwalk
Provide a catwalk for accessing the motors and other serviceable items of the fabric
door. Provide access to maintain vertical lift fabric door equipment, motors, limit
switches, and other serviceable door parts. Provide access to the catwalk from inside
the hangar.

Horizontal Sliding Steel Hangar Doors

Hangar doors are to be a series of insulated, horizontal sliding leaves with protected,
preformed metal or sheet-steel siding. Support each sliding door on hardened steel
wheels rolling on continuously supported recessed rails with guide rails at the top of the
doors. Hangar doors are to be of hot-rolled steel construction and designed and built to
the same standards as the main Aircraft Maintenance Bay superstructure. Provide hot-
rolled steel tension and compression bracing members. Hangar door frames will not

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depend on the metal or steel siding to provide diaphragm actions. Provide insulation
values equal to the minimum values required for the exterior walls of the Aircraft
Maintenance Bay. Provide waterproof weather stripping at all door system joints.

Support the hangar doors at grade with a concrete hangar door rail foundation. Design
the foundation to be compatible with the building foundation and consider the potential
for differential settlement. In the hangar door rail support foundation, provide for surface
drainage with intermediate drainage, at a maximum spacing of 10 ft. (3.0 m). In cold
climates provide a door track heating system. Design the hangar door rail foundation to
have contraction joints constructed in the top slab placement to prevent random
cracking of the surface of the hangar door rail foundation. Integrate the contraction
joints with the door rail drainage structures.

3-10.2.1 Ingress/Egress Operations

Sliding door leaves need to be moved out of the way for aircraft to ingress or egress. In
hangars with a small number of aircraft parking positions a door pocket is required of
sufficient depth to stack the leaves out of the way to allow a 100% clear opening.
Enclose all door pockets. As the number of parking positions rises, door pockets are still
preferred, but are not required because the door leaves can be temporarily stacked on
multiple tracks within the door opening and only a small percentage of the aircraft
parking positions are blocked. Refer to Table 3-4: Sliding Hangar Door Pockets to
determine if the hangar requires a door pocket or if door pockets are allowed to be
excluded. Coordinate with user to allow for efficient aircraft ingress/egress operations
and conformance with required safety clearances. The requirements of Table 3-4:
Sliding Hangar Door Pockets does not apply to hangars with an interior taxi lane leading
to multiple aircraft parking positions.

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Table 3-4: Sliding Hangar Door Pockets

Hangar door panels may be individually electric motor operated and controlled or may
be operated in groups. Coordinate with the user to provide hangar door controls as
required for maintenance operations. Individually operated panels are preferred
because they are the most flexible system. They allow any panel to be moved anywhere
in the door opening without moving any other panels. The least flexible operation is
anchored groups. The lead panel of an anchored group is motorized and all other
panels in the group are interconnected by a cable system anchored to the building,
typically in a door pocket. All panels in each anchored group start to move at the same
time and arrive at their fully-open or fully-closed positions simultaneously. Floating
groups are more flexible than anchored groups, but not as flexible as individually
operated panels. The panels on each end of a floating group are motorized and each
can collect the other doors of the group as they move in either direction. Floating groups
can be collected and stored anywhere on in the opening, or in a pocket, but operate as
a group. Design each drive unit with a release mechanism and provide a means of
movement in the event of power failure. The normal mode of operation will be an
electric drive and the minimum speed of door travel will be 60 feet per minute. Control
the doors with momentary contact-type push buttons located near the leading edge of
the door and limit switches on each door leaf. Install safety devices to prevent injury to
personnel and damage to equipment during movement of the door sections. Design
steel sliding hangar doors in accordance with UFGS 08 34 16.10.

For Navy: Refer to Chapter 7: Navy Specific Criteria for criteria for hangar door types,
operation and control.

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Hangar Door Power

Refer to 3-7.2: Hangar Bay Door Power for hangar door electrical requirements.


Floor Slope

Arrange floor elevations within the hangar bay to prevent fuel/liquid spills within the
hangar bay from flowing into adjacent shop/storage areas or from one aircraft to an
adjacent aircraft. The finished floor elevation of the remainder of the facility is required
to be above the highest floor elevation of the hangar bay. Coordinate hangar floor
elevations with the existing sanitary sewer elevation to avoid the need for ejection
pumps where feasible. Provide hangar floor sloping at a minimum 0.5% towards the
flight line door. Provide additional cross-slopes to keep liquid spills from flowing into
adjacent bays, or to direct flows towards trench drains, when provided.

Existing Apron Slope

At existing facilities, if the required grade cannot be achieved, provide an appropriately

sized trench drain across the entire apron side of the hangar with a discharge to a
remote safe location in accordance with environmental requirements for stormwater and
spill containment.

Trench Drains

Provide trench drains where required by Service-specific Chapters 5, 6, and 7.

3-11.3.1 Trench Design

Slope drainage trench inverts at a minimum 0.5% towards and empty into the hangar
bay door trench. Provide drainage from the door trench. Capture oily wastewater
contaminants from the hangar bay trench system, as directed by the department
overseeing environmental policy for the installation; this may include an oil/water
separator. Trench covers will be ductile iron or galvanized steel, manufactured to
withstand a minimum proof-load from all vehicle wheel loads anticipated to be
supported by the slab and wheel loads listed in the Service-specific chapters.

3-11.3.2 Location and spacing

Locate trench drains within the hangar bay to restrict the spread of fuel in order to
reduce the fire and explosion hazards from fuel spillage. A trench drain is often provided
just inside and parallel to the hangar bay doors to intercept wind-driven rain that may
enter through the hangar doors.

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For Navy: Refer to Chapter 7: Navy Specific Criteria for criteria for fuel cell
maintenance bays

For Air Force: Refer to Chapter 5: Air Force Specific Criteria for additional criteria for
fuel cell maintenance bays.



If limited aircraft wash function is expected to be performed within a hangar bay provide
the features as described below. This function within the hangar bay is not intended to
replace the function of an outdoor wash rack or wash apron, nor is it intended for full
aircraft cleaning, dry media stripping or Painting/Chemical De-Paint operations. High
pressure washing is not allowed and not intended to be covered by these requirements.
Refer to UFC 4-211-02 for Aircraft Corrosion Control and Paint Facilities including wash
racks in hangar bays.


Provide moisture resistant interior face of walls such as painted Concrete Masonry Unit
(CMU) up to 10 ft. (3.0 m) above finished floor elevation. Provide a moisture-resistant
interior face on the hangar door such as enameled metal panels up to 10 ft. (3.0 m)
above finished floor elevation.


Provide the following for any aircraft bay in the hangar used for limited aircraft wash:

• Cold water hose bibb located on the wall or utility pedestal.

• Optional hot water hose bibb located on the wall or utility pedestal.
• Floor drain or trench drain connected to industrial waste system or storm
or sanitary sewer based on requirements for other building drainage
system as required by Base Environmental Office.
• Hose reels for storage of hoses.


Provide the following for any aircraft bay in the hangar used for limited aircraft wash:

• NEMA 250 Type 3R rated electrical enclosures.

• Weatherproof while in use covers for convenience receptacles.
• Weatherproof receptacle and receptacle covers for electrical connections.
• Galvanized rigid steel conduit.

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• Wet location light fixtures within 10 ft. (3.0 m) of the aircraft envelope.


Installation of communication outlets is prohibited in any aircraft bay if the hangar is

used for limited aircraft wash.


Design the aircraft maintenance facility to eliminate fall hazards. If fall hazards cannot
be eliminated, ensure that a viable fall prevention and protection system is identified by
the user and provide where applicable. Provide path and fall protection system for all
roof-mounted lighting, equipment and platforms from the interior roof access platform.

These systems can be facility based systems such as horizontal life lines and
retractable life lines and non-facility based systems such as aircraft stands/platforms,
aircraft safety line attachments, or mobile cranes. Refer to APPENDIX C: BEST
PRACTICES, for further discussion.

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Chapter 4 provides aircraft specific requirements that are in addition to other

requirements of this UFC. These requirements apply only to Aircraft Maintenance
Hangars designed for the specific aircraft below.

The airframe manufacturer's Facility Requirements Document (FRD) or equivalent

document is an integral requirement of hangar design that contains additional airframe
specific facilities requirements that must be considered and satisfied in addition to this
UFC. The FRD is particularly useful for new or emerging aircraft requirements that have
not yet become an established feature of this UFC or standard hangar designs of the
DoD. FRD's are typically authored by the airframe manufacturer and can contain many
specific details, be quite voluminous and difficult to obtain. The FRD may have
additional technical facility requirements, special spaces, special clearances, special
maintenance procedures, systems, data or other items that may impact the hangar
design. This UFC is not a substitute for the FRD of the design airframe(s) being


The F-35 Lightning II (F-35) is a 5th Generation fighter, combining advanced stealth
with fighter speed and agility, fully fused sensor information, network-enabled
operations and advanced sustainment. There are three variants to the F-35 that will
replace fighter aircraft of the US armed forces as well as at least 10 other countries. The
F-35A fixed-wing variant will replace the A-10 and F-16 for the US Air Force. The F-35B
VTOL variant will replace the AV-8B Harrier for the U.S. Marine Corps. The carrier
variant F-35C will replace the F/A-18 for the US Navy and the U.S. Marine Corps.


For Navy: F-35 hangars may require a Special Access Program Facility (SAPF) space.
Refer to 2-2.3 - Secure Spaces for standards that apply to the construction of secure
spaces. Refer to Chapter 7: Navy Specific Criteria for additional Navy SAPF

4-2.1.1 Minimum Aircraft Maintenance Bay Clearances

Coordinate with the maintenance unit staff to determine if additional space is required to
maintain the aircraft beyond the clearances indicated in Table 2-1: Minimum Aircraft
Maintenance Bay Clearances. Specific airframe or Service requirements may increase
these minimum clearances. Provide additional clearances where required by an
approved document such as the design aircraft's Facility Requirements Document
(FRD) or a Service-specific standard design, defined Service hangar type, or other
approved criteria. For example, the FRD may require additional clearance aft of the
aircraft to remove the engine.

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Mechanical Systems

PCA requirements of the F-35 are as follows:

• Provide cooling air for the aircraft in the F-35 aircraft hangar bay.
Coordinate the service point locations with users. Coordinate the aircraft
PCA hose connection requirements with the 2015 FRD. Size the cooling
air system to support the aircraft. Provide one PCA unit per aircraft
parking position with a minimum of every two PCA units connected with a
common discharge manifold. The Owner has the final authority on
configuration of PCA units to be installed. One aircraft requires air to be
supplied at 46.6 pounds per minute at 35 to 55 degrees Fahrenheit at a
minimum pressure of 5.25 psig (-0.25/+0.50 psig) with maximum moisture
content of 0 to 55 grains per pound of dry air and particulates per pound of
air at 0.02 grams with maximum particle size of 50 microns. Thirty minutes
is the maximum time duration to deliver the required PCA temperature,
pressure and airflow at the aircraft connection from a steady state off
• PCA air quality specifications are based on the 2015 FRD and are
considered minimum requirements. Validate against the latest F-35 FRD
and use the most restrictive requirements. Maximum time duration noted
in this UFC to deliver the required PCA must not be increased regardless
of any circumstances.

Electrical Systems

4-2.3.1 Hangar Bay Requirements

Refer to 3-7: Electrical for aircraft service requirements.

Communication Systems

The F-35 system requires the Autonomic Logistics Information Systems (ALIS)
communication systems. Segregate the ALIS System from all other communication
systems within the maintenance hangar building.

Coordinate locations of ALIS and network connections with the user. The Navy requires
SAPF for all ALIS spaces. Air Force and Army may require a SAPF. Coordinate the
requirement for secured spaces with the project’s site security officer. Refer to 2-2.3:
Secure Spaces for additional information on secured spaces.

For Navy: Refer to Chapter 7: Navy Specific Criteria for additional requirements.

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New Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) and Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) are being
introduced at a relatively fast rate and may be considered emerging aircraft. Specific
requirements and direction are provided in previous Chapters.

For Air Force: Refer to Chapter 5: Air Force Specific Criteria for additional RPA
specific requirements.

For Army: Refer to Chapter 6: Army Specific Criteria for additional UAS specific

For Navy: Refer to Chapter 7: Navy Specific Criteria for additional UAS specific

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This UFC is organized with general requirements and Service-specific requirements.

Apply Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 and Appendices to all Services. Additionally apply Chapters 5,
6 and 7 to Air Force, Army and Navy respectively for Service-specific requirements.
This UFC additionally applies to all Air Force RPA hangars. Refer to the Air Force RPA
General Maintenance Hangar Facility Design Guide located on the Whole Building
Design Guide for additional RPA hangar requirements.

US Air Force Aircraft Maintenance Strategy

Current US Air Force aircraft maintenance strategy indicates centralized services are
provided at an installation level for most maintenance functions performed on the
aircraft. Typical unit maintenance operations include removing and replacing
components within the hangar and transporting components to the centralized service
location for repair.

The US Air Force has the largest variety of aircraft of the three branches of the US
armed Services. Due to the variability of both type and size of the aircraft within the Air
Force, aircraft maintenance facilities are built specifically for each aircraft or similar type
of aircraft.

US Air Force Dynamic Prototypes for Aircraft Maintenance Hangars

Refer to the US Air Force Dynamic Prototypes for Aircraft Maintenance Hangars for
functional program areas requirements and descriptions.


Airfield Pavement Markings

Design and layout all Airfield pavement markings for Air Force in accordance with ETL
04-2, AF1 32-1042 and UFC 3-260-04 (Draft) Standard Airfield Pavement Marking

Containment of Fuel Spill in Hangar Bay

Where a fuel spill capture trench drain is provided in the hangar bay, route the captured
fuel to an underground containment tank unless required otherwise by local
environmental regulations.

5-2.2.1 Environmental Regulations

Remove and dispose of a captured fuel spill as directed by the department overseeing
environmental policy for the installation.

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5-2.2.2 Capacity
Provide capacity to contain the maximum fuel spilled from the failure of a single fuel
tank/bladder on the anticipated aircraft(s) in the hangar bay. Do not provide less than
5,000 gallons of containment. Do not include any anticipated fire suppression discharge
in this containment volume. Design the containment system to accommodate the
anticipated fuel spill. Do not use the trenches or piping of the containment system to
contain any of the required volume.

5-2.2.3 Containment System Monitoring

Provide the containment system with a remote capacity monitoring panel. Provide
monitoring panel with audible and visual (yellow strobe or beacon) alarms.
Automatically activate audible and visual alarms when the capacity level exceeds 5%.
Provide a silence switch for the audible alarm. Constantly illuminate visual alarms at the
panel until the level condition is returned to normal. Locate containment system
monitoring panel in the hangar bay. Provide an alarm to the FACU and Energy
Management Control System when the capacity level exceeds 5%.

5-2.2.4 Monitoring System Construction

Provide a containment system monitoring panel with a minimum NEMA 250 Type 4

Rate any devices, conduits, or electrical enclosures installed below grade for prolonged
submersion, minimum NEMA 250 Type 6P. Provide any devices, conduits, or electrical
enclosures within the tank for an electrical (hazard) classification of Class I Division 1.


Internal Fire-Rated Separations

At a minimum, provide a 2-hour fire barrier between dissimilar hangar bay operations

• Fuel Cell Maintenance

• Integrated Combat Turn
• Indoor Defueling and Refueling Operations
• General Maintenance Areas
• Corrosion Control
Where a 2-hour fire barrier is required for internal fire-rated separation between fire
areas or different operations, a 1-hour fire barrier may be substituted where constructed
of concrete construction such as masonry, cast-in-place, pre-cast, tilt-up, block, or

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Aircraft Maintenance Bay Striping Requirements

Provide striping in the aircraft maintenance bay per paragraph 3-3.4.3: Protective
Coatings and Figure 5-1: Aircraft Maintenance Bay Striping Requirements.

Figure 5-1: Aircraft Maintenance Bay Striping Requirements

Striping Notes:

1. Grounding receptacle; paint per UFC 3-575-01, figure 2-3.

2. Aircraft position centerline & nose gear stop; 6 in (152 mm) wide stripe; color -

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3. Aircraft clearance boundary line; 6 in (152 mm) wide stripe; color - yellow.

4. Safety eyewash/shower; color - green; provide 2 ft. (610 mm) clearance from safety

5. Fire Extinguishers; color - red. Provide 2 ft. (610 mm) clearance from extinguishers.


Aircraft Maintenance Bay - Slab on Ground Loading

Air Force traffic loadings are designated in Table 3-1 of UFC 3-260-02 Pavement
Design for Airfields. Air Force hangar pavement thickness will be designed in
accordance with UFC 3-260-02, Chapter 3, paragraph 2c, titled Type C Traffic Areas.
Obtain approval for deviations of aircraft traffic mixes or deviation of airfield design type
(heavy, modified-heavy, medium, light) from the AFCEC pavements engineer.



Refer to 5-11: Floors and Trench Drains for trench drain criteria.



Classify all hangars as Group I in accordance with NFPA 409, unless specifically
permitted otherwise.

5-6.1.1 Group III Hangars

Buildings used exclusively for small aircraft such as T-3, T-41, TG-3, TG-4, TG-7, TG-9,
and S-10, aero club aircraft, and similar aircraft that meet the space requirements of
NFPA 409 for Group III structures are permitted to be classified as Group III hangars.
Comply with criteria in NFPA 409 for Group III hangars and the requirements in this
UFC specific to Group III hangars for these facilities.

Where Group III hangars are provided, hydraulically design an overhead fire
suppression system to provide 0.3 gpm/sq. ft. (12.0 L/min/sq. m) over the hydraulically
most demanding 3,000 sq. ft. (278.7 sq. m). A Hi-Ex foam system is not required in the
hangar bay.

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5-6.1.2 Group IV Hangars
Group IV hangars as defined by NFPA 409 (tension fabric structures on metal structural
frames) are permitted when sited and constructed in accordance with this UFC specific
to Group IV hangars.

Where Group IV hangars are provided, protect them in accordance with the
requirements of this UFC, including overhead sprinkler protection, Hi-Ex foam, fire
alarm and mass notification, and hangar bay egress.

Air Force Hangars Housing Navy/Marine Assets.

Where Air Force Hangars are housing Navy/Marine Assets, provide fire suppression
and fire alarms in accordance with the Navy design standards in this UFC.

Releasing Service Fire Alarm Control Unit (RSFACU)

Provide X3301 Multispectrum IR Flame Detectors manufactured by Det-Tronics.

Provide Detectors with Hangar Mode as the factory default. Control and monitor optical
flame detectors from a factory assembled Eagle Quantum Premier fire
detection/releasing control unit manufactured by Det-Tronics.

Only release the Hi-Ex foam system from a manual foam releasing station, or two
simultaneous votes from non-latching optical flame detectors in the releasing zone.
Refer to Table 5-1: Air Force RSFACU Functional Matrix for additional functional

Optical Flame Detection

Where aircraft may taxi in and out of a hangar bay under their own power, such as an
alert shelter or drive through hangar, the Det-Tronics X3301 Multispectrum IR Flame
Detector is only permitted to use a low or medium setting.

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Table 5-1: Air Force RSFACU Functional Matrix

Notification Devices

Provide blue rotating beacons not less than 400 cd (208/120VAC) powered from a
dedicated emergency panel provided in accordance with UFC 3-520-01. Control the
beacon initiation through the RSFACU. A backup power supply or supervision of the
power supply supplying the beacons is not required when supplied from the dedicated
emergency panel. Mount beacons 20 - 30 ft. (6.1 - 9.1 m) above the floor of the hangar
bay. Provide a sign next to each blue beacon with a yellow or lime-yellow background
matching the manual foam releasing station signage, with "FOAM RELEASE WHEN
ILLUMINATED" in red lettering not less than 3 inches (76 millimeters) high. Blue
beacons are in addition to any general fire alarm notification such as the general fire
alarm strobes.

• For single door hangars, provide one beacon approximately centered on

each of the three walls.
• For drive through hangars, provide one beacon 10-25 ft. (3.0-7.6 m) from
each corner of the hangar bay.
• Provide additional beacons where at least one beacon is not viewable
from normally occupied areas of the hangar bay. Locate beacons to take
into account building construction, aircraft configuration and positioning in
the hangar bay.

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Protective and Hardened/Semi-Hardened Aircraft Shelters (PAS and

Provide protective and hardened/semi-hardened aircraft shelters complying with this

UFC except as modified by this section.

5-6.6.1 Construction Type

Modify structural requirements for the location of operations and the degree of
protection required to support the mission. In most cases, provide construction similar to
or exceeding Type I construction as defined by the IBC.

5-6.6.2 Draft Curtains

Draft curtains are not required where fire suppression is provided in accordance with
this section.

5-6.6.3 Siting/Separation
For PAS and HAS, increase the distance from other structures as required to comply
with the citing and separation requirements for munitions safety quantity/distance
criteria in the Air Force Manual (AFM) 91-201, Explosive Safety Standards. No
minimum fire separation distance is required between any combination of PAS/HAS
buildings where constructed in accordance with this UFC.

5-6.6.4 Hazardous (Classified) Locations

At a minimum, classify the entire hangar bay and personnel shelters, offices, or other
structures located within the hangar bay as Class I, Division 2. Where approved in
overseas areas, electrical equipment may be installed in accordance with local codes
with equivalent electrical hazardous location requirements.

5-6.6.5 Containment of Fire Suppression Effluent

Do not provide a containment system for the collection of fire suppression effluent,
unless required by local environmental regulations.

5-6.6.6 Fire Suppression System

For the hangar bay, provide a manually activated low-level AFFF foam/water nozzle
system in accordance with this section.

Do not provide a hangar bay overhead sprinkler system, Hi-Ex foam generators, interior
or exterior hose stations, or a fire department connection as required by this UFC.
Where personnel shelters, offices, or other similar structures are located within the
hangar bay they shall be protected in accordance with this UFC and UFC 3-600-01
including sprinklers and fire alarm systems.

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5- Foam/Water Supply Systems
Provide either a pre-mixed or post-mixed system per this section. For a pre-mixed
system, provide a pressure tank filled with pre-mixed 3% AFFF foam/water solution
sufficient to maintain the application rate for at least 4 minutes. 4 minute duration is
based on actual system flow. Use nitrogen (or other stored gas) capable of discharging
the entire AFFF/water solution in the pressure tank. Provide secondary containment for
the foam/water storage tanks capable of capturing the entire volume from the largest
foam/water storage tank.

For a post-mixed system, provide a pressure tank filled with enough water to maintain
the application rate for at least 4 minutes. 4 minute duration is based on actual system
flow. Use nitrogen (or other stored gas) capable of discharging the entire water supply
in the pressure tank. Store 3% AFFF concentrate in an atmospheric tank, and use a
self-inducting inline proportioner to induct the concentrate into the water stream
discharged from the pressure tank. Provide a quantity of concentrate to support the
complete discharge of water from the pressure tank.

5- Foam/Water Flow Control Valve

Foam/Water flow control valves with automatic reclosing features are not required
where the foam/water system is provided in accordance with this section.

5- Surge Arrestors

Surge arrestors are not required where the foam/water system is provided in
accordance with this section.

5- Foam/Water Application Rate

Provide an application rate not less than 0.10 gpm/sf (4.0 Lpm per sq m) throughout
aircraft service area. For the purpose of this section, aircraft service area is defined by
Table 2-1: Minimum Aircraft Maintenance Bay Clearances. For example, the aircraft
service area starts at 10 ft (3.1 m) from the inside face of the hangar bay door in an Air
Force hangar with an aircraft with a wingspan less than 100 ft (31 M).

5- Foam/Water Nozzles

Use fixed non-aspirating nozzles, which do not exceed an individual foam/water nozzle
discharge rate of 500 gpm (1900 Lpm). Locate nozzles along the wall between 6.5 ft
and 10 ft (2.0 m and 3.1 m) above the hangar bay floor to permit the storage of
Aerospace Ground Equipment (AGE), tools, and aircraft components.

It is not necessary for the foam/water nozzle discharge pattern (throw) to cover the
entire aircraft servicing area, however it is required to cover the area under the aircraft
silhouette within one minute and the entire aircraft servicing area within 4 minutes.
Locate the foam/water nozzles to push the foam across the floor with minimal agitation.
Do not align nozzles to discharge foam/water solution either directly or indirectly onto
aircraft surfaces. Provide nozzles in locations to avoid anticipated obstructions to the
discharge pattern.
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5- Foam System Location
Locate the foam system outside and adjacent to the building. Mount the supply on a
concrete surface and provide small arms ballistic and splinter protection. For third
generation and similarly sized PAS and HAS, it is permitted to locate the foam system
inside the building. Locate inside systems to minimize the impact to operational space.
Mount inside systems on the floor, mounting to the roof or wall is not permitted.

Foam systems are permitted to be located in a fire protection equipment room in

accordance with this UFC.

5- Water and Foam/Water Freeze Protection

In geographic locations having a 99.6% dry bulb temperature less than 40ºF (4.4ºC) per
UFC 3-400-02 Engineering Weather Data, provide a heated enclosure to protect the
foam/water system from freezing conditions. The use of heat tape is not permitted.
Alarm low temperature conditions at the RSFACU as a supervisory condition and the
Energy Management Control System (when provided).

5-6.6.7 Releasing System

Provide a RSFACU for the manual release of the foam/water system. Automatic release
of the foam/water system is not permitted. At a minimum, provide the RSFACU and
devices associated with releasing in a NEMA 250 Type 4 enclosure. The RSFACU and
associated devices are not required to be installed within an area meeting the
environmental conditions of this UFC, however provide an RSFACU and associated
devices that are UL listed or FM approved for the temperature and humidity ranges of
the environment in which they are installed. Do not locate the RSFACU in an electrically
classified hazardous area.

5- Manual Foam Releasing Stations

Locate manual foam releasing stations at all required exits, but not less than the main
exit, the wall opposite the main exit, and the rear wall of the hangar bay.

5- Manual Foam Stop Stations

Manual foam stop stations are not required.

5- Optical Flame Detection

Optical flame detection is not required where fire suppression is provided in accordance
with this section.

5- Notification Appliances

A high-low notification tone (or similar distinctive tone) may be used upon the release of
the foam system in lieu voice evacuation per this UFC.

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Assessment of Existing Fire Protection Systems

This section provides criteria for assessing the improvement requirements of existing
fire protection systems in accordance with Section 1-2.2 Planning Personnel. Apply this
section to existing hangar bay fire protection systems that are wholly or partially
designed to criteria other than contained in this UFC.

5-6.7.1 Internal Fire Rated Separations

Comply with the internal fire rated separation requirements in this UFC.

5-6.7.2 Hangar Bay and Building Egress

In addition to the egress requirements for existing facilities in UFC 3-600-1, comply with
the hangar bay egress requirements in this UFC.

5-6.7.3 Draft Curtains

Provide draft curtains complying with this UFC where an overhead wet pipe, dry pipe or
preaction sprinkler system is provided as part of this section.

5-6.7.4 Existing Water Only Deluge Systems

\1\ For a hangar bay protected with an existing overhead water only deluge system, at
the end of its life cycle or during a major hangar renovation project, replace the fire
suppression and releasing system with a new foam fire suppression and releasing
system per Chapter 3. /1/ Provide an overhead hangar bay sprinkler system and
supplemental Hi-Ex foam system in accordance with this UFC. This includes but is not
limited to the fire water and foam/water distribution, foam proportioning, and fire water
supply system. Provide a releasing system in accordance with this UFC including but
not limited to manual foam releasing stations, manual foam stop stations, and optical
flame detection. Horns with a high low tone may be used where voice evacuation
capability does not currently exist in the building.

5-6.7.5 Existing AFFF or Hi-Ex Foam/Water Systems

Evaluate the feasibility to provide a foam/water proportioning system in compliance with
Chapter 3 of this UFC. Where this change cannot be made without extensive
modifications to the fire water supply that is outside the original scope of the project,
such as upgrades to the fire water infrastructure distribution, addition of a fire water
storage tank, or addition of a fire pump house, repairs will be made to restore the
existing system without altering its original design. The addition of an inline fire water
booster pump on the foam/water riser only is often considered a feasible solution.

5-6.7.6 Existing AFFF Foam Concentrate

Where existing AFFF foam/water systems are reused in accordance with this section,
replace the existing AFFF concentrate with approved C6 formulation Military
Specification MIL-F-24385F, Fire Extinguishing Agent, and AFFF Liquid Concentrate for
Fresh and Seawater that is currently on the Qualified Products List (QPL). Where a

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bladder system is used, replace the bladder in the existing storage tank. Where an
atmospheric storage tank is used, replace the storage tank with an atmospheric storage
tank in accordance with this UFC.

With water only, flush and drain the concentrate line from the storage tank to the
proportioner a minimum of three times. Collect and dispose of AFFF concentrate and
effluent using a high temperature incinerator. After refilling the concentrate storage tank
with C6 AFFF, permanently label and date the storage tank.

5-6.7.7 Existing Low Level AFFF and Hi-Ex Foam Systems

Modify the existing low level AFFF or Hi-Ex foam suppression system to release the
foam/water system from a manual foam releasing station or two simultaneously enabled
optical flame detectors. Provide manual foam releasing stations and optical flame
detection in accordance with this UFC. In no case is it permitted to release the
foam/water system from a single automatic detection device such as a heat detector,
flow switch, or optical flame detector.

Where upgrades are made to the fire water supply per this section such as adding a fire
water booster pump, provide a foam/water flow control valve and manual foam stop
stations in accordance with this UFC. Where manual foam water stop stations are
provided, surge arrestors are required accordance with this UFC. Reconfigure the
bladder pressurization piping so the bladder is not under constant pressure, which may
include relocating the pressurization piping downstream of the deluge or flow control

5-6.7.8 Hazardous (Classified) Locations

Comply with the electrical hazard classification requirements in accordance with this


Aircraft Power Distribution

Aircraft power distribution equipment is government furnished. Power distribution

equipment may be provided as Service Equipment (SE) carts or permanently mounted

Government-furnished SE carts may be diesel powered or electrical powered. If an SE

cart is diesel powered, park the SE equipment outside of the hangar bay and extend
cables to the aircraft from the SE equipment. If an SE cart is electrical powered, provide
a 480V, 3-phase plug on the wall or pedestal and extend the power from the connection
to the equipment. SE carts are government furnished equipment. Coordinate the sizes
and type of connection with the users and equipment available at the installation.

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5-7.1.1 Aircraft Power Distribution Service Points
Distribute aircraft power from government furnished SE carts. Government-furnished SE
equipment is mobile and provides a flexible solution. The aircraft cables are typically
connected to the SE cart. The equipment is owned and maintained by the maintenance
mission and typically the equipment will be shared for hangar and on-ramp
maintenance. A storage area may also be required for the equipment.

The cables connecting to the aircraft power distribution service point may or may not be
provided as part of the service. Coordinate the provision of the cables with the mission

Aircraft 400 Hz Service Distribution

Aircraft 400 Hz systems are provided using government-furnished SE or government-

furnished fixed equipment. A fixed 400 Hz system may be provided for a building, if
approved by Civil Engineering (CE).

Aircraft 28VDC Service Distribution

Aircraft 28VDC systems are provided using government-furnished SE cart or

government furnished fixed equipment. A fixed 28VDC system may be provided for a
building, if approved by CE.

Aircraft 270VDC Service Distribution

Aircraft 270VDC systems are provided using government-furnished SE carts or

government-furnished fixed equipment. A fixed 270VDC system may be provided for
building if approved by CE.

Grounding and Bonding

Provide ordnance grounding in accordance with Air Force Manual (AFMAN) 91-201.
Provide the design in accordance with specific details from NAVSEA OP-5.

Aviation Obstruction Lighting

The Air Force prohibits the use of Light Emitting Diode (LED) Obstruction Lighting.


CATV Systems

Refer to the Air Force dynamic prototypes for required CATV locations.

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Audible Warning System

Where required and authorized, provide an audible warning horn and warning lights for
aircraft maintenance safety. Provide an audible warning system capable of being heard
or seen at any location in the hangar bay. Provide unique color warning lights and horn
tones to differentiate the system from other warning systems in the hangar bay.

Activate the audible warning system to alert maintenance personnel of maintenance

activities including pressurizing the aircraft hydraulics.


Refer to Air Force dynamic prototypes for required overhead bridge cranes.


Provide hangar doors in accordance with 3-10: Hangar Doors.


Trench Drains

Provide a fuel spill capture trench drain in the hangar bay to remove an inadvertent fuel
spill from a ruptured aircraft fuel tank/bladder. Exception: A fuel spill capture trench
drain is not required in a wash bay provided in accordance with this UFC.

5-11.1.1 Trench Design.

Size the trench drain to account for the anticipated flow from a ruptured aircraft fuel tank
or bladder.

5-11.1.2 Trench Location and Floor Slope

Locate the trench drain inside the hangar bay, within 5 ft. (1.5 m) of the hangar bay door
opening. Do not locate the trench drain near or under the aircraft. Use hangar bay floor
sloping to direct the discharge from a rupture aircraft fuel tank/bladder away from the
aircraft and towards the hangar bay door opening.

5-11.1.3 Trench Cover

Provide ductile iron or galvanized steel trench covers, manufactured to withstand a
minimum proof-load of 50,000 pounds from a tire with a 250 psi pressure or the most
critical of the aircraft wheel loads listed in this UFC, whichever is greater.

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The use of segregated repair facilities/areas for fuel systems repair is essential for safe
and efficient operations and is primarily an Air Force Hangar operation. The repair
facilities/areas described in this paragraph provide necessary protection for both the
aircraft and personnel from a variety of hazards. This paragraph is based on Chapter 3
of Technical Manual TO 1-1-3 Inspection and Repair of Aircraft Integral Tanks and Fuel

Facilities meeting the previous fire and safety requirements for fuel systems repair
facilities in accordance with Air Force guidelines are compliant if they meet the
requirements of ETL 98-8, Existing Aircraft Hangars.

Permitted Operations

Fuel systems repair facilities are intended to support the complete range of operations
normally restricted from being conducted inside other hangars and structures. Normally
restricted operations permitted in fuel systems repair facilities include, but are not
limited to: fuel cell repair, partial/complete defuel/refuel, fuel transfer, de-
puddling/purging of fuel tanks/cells and fuel systems components and fuel tank/cell
pressurization testing.


Conduct open fuel tank/cell repair only in predesignated repair facilities/areas approved
by the appropriate using organization. The facilities and areas are defined as follows:

5-12.3.1 Primary Repair Facility

A primary repair facility is one that was specifically built, or modified, for use as an
aircraft fuel systems repair hangar. Open fuel tank/cell repair operations are required to
be performed in a safe condition and in a safe space not occupied by aircraft
maintenance actions and in a facility meeting the requirements of this UFC.

5-12.3.2 Alternate Repair Facility

An alternate repair facility is one that was specifically built, or modified, for use as an
aircraft fuel systems repair hangar, and serves as a "back-up" or "overflow" repair
facility. If the unit has a designated alternate repair facility, it is the next recommended
or preferred location at which to perform open fuel tank/cell repair; it should be used
when the primary repair facility is unavailable. An alternate repair facility is required to
meet the same requirements as a primary repair facility.

5-12.3.3 Fuel Cell Hangar

A hangar facility primarily utilized for fuel cell maintenance and repair. The space may
also be used for general maintenance, but not at the same time.

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5-12.3.4 Fuel Foam/Cell Repair Room
A room separate from on-airframe maintenance activity areas (e.g., shelter, hangar),
when a fuel bladder/foam is removed from the aircraft, and where repair, maintenance,
and testing is expected to be performed on the removed item. When an alternate tank
repair "area" is required, provide the space with the same requirements as the primary
repair area.

5-12.3.5 Positive / Negative Pressure

Positive pressure is pressure greater than the surrounding environment. Consequently,
any leak will egress into the surrounding environment. The opposite is true for negative

5-12.3.6 General Ventilation

Exchanges of inside and outside air to prevent the buildup of vapors and gases that
may be flammable or explosive or harmful to occupants.

5-12.3.7 Trench Drain Ventilation

Ventilation is not specifically required for the trench; however the system should provide
a passive means to prevent the accumulation of vapors, by utilizing monitoring
equipment and general or emergency ventilation to maintain proper conditions.

5-12.3.8 Purge Ventilation

Ventilation used to purge fuel cells while maintenance is performed. Although the
preferred method is the use of supply and exhaust fans, the use of exhaust- or supply-
only is also an acceptable method of purging the fuel cell.

5-12.3.9 Emergency Ventilation

Exhaust system used to quickly pull air directly out of the space and away from the
hangar. This system is designed to remove vapors and prevent the buildup of
contaminants above the lower flammable/explosive limit established by this UFC.

Fire Protection, Life Safety, and Other Design Criteria

Provide a well-coordinated multi-disciplined approach (e.g., fire protection, electrical,

mechanical, architectural, civil.) and application of applicable design criteria to the
design of fuel system repair facilities.

5-12.4.1 Fire Protection

Provide fire protection systems in accordance with this UFC.

5-12.4.2 Life Safety

Provide life safety systems in accordance with this UFC

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5-12.4.3 Facility Design and Construction Standards
Fuel systems repair facilities are to be designed and constructed in accordance with this
UFC. Address facility design and construction standards or other technical support
questions to the AFCEC Reach Back Center at AFCEC.RBC@us.af.mil

NOTE: Due to changes in fuel cell maintenance hangar requirements, some related
references may be inaccurate/inadequate in mandating additional fume and sensing
alarms, and wash down drainage trenches. Fume Sensing and Alarm systems are not
installed as part of the facility project but are to be provided as equipment. Wash-down
drainage trenches are not to be provided in United States Air Force (USAF) fuel system
repair facilities.


5-12.5.1 Internal Fire-Rated Separation

Provide internal fire-rated separation in accordance with this UFC. An internal fire
barrier is not required between adjacent fuel system aircraft servicing areas, unless they
are designed as separate fire areas. Where these are separate fire areas, provide
internal fire barriers in accordance with this UFC.

5-12.5.2 Emergency Eyewash/Shower

Provide operational emergency eyewash/shower with privacy enclosures to permit
complete disrobing in the aircraft servicing area. Install units in locations to meet the
requirements of AFI 91-203, OSHA, ANSI Z358.1 and the manufacturer of the unit.
Refer to paragraph 3-4.5: Secondary Structural Systems of this UFC.

5-12.5.3 Washing Facilities

Provide changing areas, locker space, scrub sinks and personnel showers for both male
and female personnel. To prevent fuel contamination, design these areas for
accessibility to aircraft servicing areas without passing through break rooms or offices.
Where two or more fuel systems repair facilities are located adjacent to one another,
changing areas, locker space and personnel showers for the total personnel assigned to
all facilities may be combined and located in one facility.

5-12.5.4 Scrub Sinks

Provide scrub sinks in facility and locate them adjacent to fuel system maintenance
operations. In facilities without changing areas, locker space and showers, scrub sinks
may be located in the aircraft servicing area.

5-12.5.5 Shop Spaces

Provide shop space to include fuel foam/cell repair rooms to service/repair fuel systems
components as required.

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5-12.5.6 Support Spaces
Provide office space, break room, support equipment/tool room, restrooms, and locker
rooms as required.

5-12.5.7 Utility Spaces

Provide rooms for telecommunications, utility/mechanical and fire protection systems as


Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Systems. Draw return air from the
aircraft servicing area above 10 ft. (3.0 m). Refer to UFC 3-410-01 for direction
regarding heating/cooling the hangar. In general, heating is required, and cooling is not
allowed unless required for the task.

Climate Control Units (CCU). Provide CCUs to provide environmentally-stable

conditions for air purging, sealant cure and general repair. The air intake for CCUs
should be located in areas free from contamination.

5-12.6.1 Ventilation
Provide ventilation in accordance with this UFC, UFC 3-410-01, and UFC 3-410-04N.
The ability to vary the amount of outside air needs to be in the design. Locate outside
air intakes in areas free from contamination.

• Toxic Fumes and/or Combustible Vapors. Exhaust toxic fumes and

combustible vapors that are produced in work areas directly to the outside.
Provide fuel-systems repair facilities, including the Fuel Foam/Cell Repair
Room, which are likely producers of toxic vapors and gases, with exhaust
• Maintenance Hangar Bay. Provide fuel cell vapor exhaust system capable
of ventilating the bay up to 1.7 cfm/ft2 during periods of normal
maintenance. Ventilate the hangar bay space at all other times at a
minimum ventilation rate of 0.05 cfm/ft2. Provide a system capable of
ventilating the bay up to 1.7 cfm/ft2 during periods of normal maintenance.
Control the ventilation system by monitoring the concentration of vapors in
the space. The use of photoionization detectors (PID) is the preferred
method. The level should be maintained below 100 milligram per meter
cubed milligram per meter cubed (mg/m3) (14.4 parts per million (ppm)) for
JP-8 per the National Institute of Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH)
recommended exposure limit. During maintenance periods, operate the
system to maintain fuel vapor concentrations below 14.4 ppm. A minimum
of three monitoring points should be used, unless the size of the hangar is
such that the use of two sensors will adequately protect the space.
• Fuel Foam/Cell Repair Room. Provide a fuel foam/cell repair room vapor
exhaust system. As a minimum, provide ventilation in accordance with

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Maintenance Hangar Bay Vapor exhaust requirements as outlined in
previous paragraph.
• Positive Pressure Ventilation. Provide office space, break room, and
support equipment/tool room with positive pressure ventilation to prevent
vapors and gases from migrating from the aircraft repair area.
• Negative/Neutral Pressure Ventilation. When appropriate, provide
negative pressure ventilation in restrooms and locker rooms. When these
spaces are located next to, and thus will pull air from, areas with fuel/toxic
vapors, provide sufficient supply air to allow this space to be at a neutral
pressure (to prevent fuel/toxic vapor infiltration.)
• Purge Ventilation System. Provide a system for purging the fuel line and
the tanks to fuel systems maintenance/repair facilities. Provide a system
to ventilate the aircraft fuel tank using filtered outside air. Exhaust air from
the fuel tank directly to the outdoors. Monitor the inside of the tanks being
worked on and maintain purge system exhaust below 600 ppm or 10% of
the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) for JP-8 to ensure the space is
adequately ventilated prior to and during maintenance. The use of a
supply and exhaust fan is the preferred method, followed by exhaust only,
supply only and finally no ventilation if the vapors in the tank are shown to
remain within the limits above. Locate outside-air intakes at locations free
from contamination by the exhaust of other ventilation systems.
• Emergency Ventilation System. A separate emergency ventilation system
will be used to ventilate the hangar bay in the event of high fuel vapor
concentrations in the hangar. The emergency ventilation system will
energize to maintain the space at or below 14.4 ppm. The ventilation rate
should be based on providing a minimum of 20 air changes per hour
(ACH) at up to 2 ft. (610 mm) above the finished floor. In hangar bays with
lifts, landing gear pits and recessed inspection areas, locate an additional
detector in each below-floor area, and increase the emergency ventilation
rate to 30 ACH to ensure proper ventilation and removal of the vapors.
5- Exhaust Systems
Exhaust systems discharging to the exterior of the facility may draw air at any level
above the floor, but exhaust location should be selected to best remove fuel/toxic

5- Trench Drain Ventilation

Repair of trench drain ventilation is not specifically required as long as the general
and/or the emergency ventilation can maintain the ventilation concentrations within the
trench below 14.4 ppm. Provide a separate detector in each trench drain.

5- Air Purifying System

Provide a permanently-installed air purifying system suitable for respirator use, with
connections (in groups of 3) throughout the fuel cell hangar. If a permanently-installed

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air purifying system is not available, make provisions for fresh air inlet hoses to be
routed outside of the facility.

5- Heating Systems

Heating devices with a flame or glowing element open to the atmosphere are not
permitted in the aircraft servicing area or fuel cell rooms. Provide steam or hot-water
forced air heating throughout the facility. Radiant tube heating systems may be used in
the aircraft repair area if the flame is contained in a sealed chamber with combustion air
taken from outside the repair area, and the combustion products are exhausted outside
the repair area. Where radiant heating is used, install only overhead radiant tube
systems. Refer to UFC 3-410-01 for additional direction regarding heating, and the
types of heating systems allowed.

5-12.6.2 Plumbing
Emergency Eyewash/Shower. Provide privacy enclosures at emergency
eyewash/shower combinations to permit complete disrobing in the aircraft servicing
area. Provide water to emergency eyewash/showers through a thermostatic mixing

Scrub Sink and Showers. Provide hands-free type scrub sinks to permit the washing of
hands and arms to the shoulder. Provide water to scrub sinks and showers through a
thermostatic mixing valve.

5- Drainage
Wash-down drains and drainage trenches are not required in new USAF fuel system
repair facilities except where specifically noted in Chapter 5: Air Force Specific Criteria.
If existing drainage is provided, drainage trench ventilation is not required.


Grounding. Provide sufficient grounding points throughout the facility to include

grounding bars in the hangar bay along the walls with a maximum space of 50 linear
feet (15.24 m) and along the walls near tank storage and repair workbenches in the
Fuel Foam/Cell Repair Room.

5-12.7.1 Hazardous (Classified) Locations

Design hazardous (classified) locations including the fuel cell hangar bay, fuel
bladder/cell repair room, and adjacent spaces in accordance with 3-7.1: Hazardous
(Classified) Locations.

Design the fuel bladder/cell repair room as a Class I Division 2 hazardous (classified)
location to the ceiling/deck in accordance with NFPA 70. At a minimum, classify
adjacent spaces that are not suitability cutoff as defined in 3-7.1: Hazardous
(Classified) Locations as Class I Division 2 up to 18 inches (460 mm) above the floor of
the fuel bladder/cell repair room. In the hangar bay, provide wall mounted outlets
designed for Class I Division 1 or 2 hazardous (classified) locations even though they
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may be outside the classified area. This is an aircraft maintenance (user) safety
requirement, and is intended to prohibit the use of unclassified tools or equipment in the
classified area around the aircraft.


Provide in accordance with 3-13: Wash Bay.

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This UFC is organized with general requirements and Service-specific requirements.

Apply Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 and Appendices to all Services. Additionally apply Chapters 5,
6 and 7 to Air Force, Army, and Navy, respectively, for Service-specific requirements.
This UFC does not apply to Army UAS that do not require a runway for launch and

US Army Aircraft Maintenance Strategy

Current US Army aircraft maintenance strategy is designed to Service-specific needs of

the aviation mission and specific aircraft type (Rotary Wing (RW), Fixed Wing (FW) or
Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS); refer to the Army Standard for Aircraft Maintenance
Hangar (HGR) Complex for additional details. The Army performs the majority of all
repair maintenance in the shops or on the hangar floor. The Army also co-locates unit
operations for aviation missions/operations within the hangar facility to coordinate
aviation mission requirements/operations and aircraft maintenance requirements. The
Army has developed a high level of aircraft maintenance facilities standardization
including common spaces, functions, typical floor plans and room data sheets for a
variety of hangar types. The US Army Corps of Engineers, Aviation - Center of
Standardization (AVN-COS), Mobile District has developed and maintains standard
plans and criteria for RW and UAS hangar facilities. The AVN-COS hangar standard
design documents and points of contact are maintained on the USACE Center of
Standardization website (https://mrsi.erdc.dren.mil/cos/). The Army Standard for FW
aircraft is not developed. Planners and designers will use this document for the planning
and design of FW hangars.

Army Standard for Aircraft Maintenance Hangar (HGR) Complex

The Army Standard for the Aircraft Maintenance Hangar (HGR) Complex applies to the
planning, design, and construction of all active Army Tables of Organization and
Equipment (TOE) aircraft maintenance and repair requirements worldwide. The Army
Standard applies equally to Tables of Distribution and Allowance (TDA) hangars. While
the Army Standard is based on the Combat Aviation Brigade (CAB), the criteria are
applicable to all aircraft maintenance and repair facilities. The current version of the
Army Standard is maintained on the MILCON Requirements and Standardization
Integration (MRSI) website https://mrsi.erdc.dren.mil.


Airfield Pavement Markings

Design and layout Airfield Pavement Markings for Army Hangars in accordance with
ETL 1110-3-512.

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Containment of Fire Suppression Effluent

Route the wet pipe, dry pipe, preaction or foam/water system runoff from the hangar
bay to automatically discharge to an underground containment tank, unless required
otherwise by the local environmental regulations.

6-2.2.1 Environmental Regulations

Consider the local environmental regulations to determine the control, treatment and/or
remediation measures for the discharge of fire suppression effluent from the hangar
bay. Discharge effluent from the containment system as directed by the department
overseeing environmental policy for the installation. Base the conditions for disposal
upon the capability and location of the facility that would treat the effluent from the
containment system. Verify fire suppression effluent containment discharge
requirements with the appropriate installation environmental engineer, including local
and state environmental requirements.

6-2.2.2 Capacity
Provide capacity to contain 15 minutes of the hydraulically calculated demand from the
overhead sprinkler system in the hangar bay, plus the hose stream demand. Do not
include the Hi-Ex foam system fire flow in the containment capacity. Design the
containment system to accommodate the entire calculated fire suppression effluent
discharge volume for the duration noted. Do not use the trenches or piping of the
containment system to contain any of the required volume.

6-2.2.3 Containment System Monitoring

Provide the containment system with a remote capacity monitoring panel. Provide
monitoring panel with audible and visual (yellow strobe or beacon) alarms.
Automatically activate audible and visual alarms when the capacity level exceeds 5%.
Provide a silence switch for the audible alarm. Constantly illuminate visual alarms at the
panel until the level condition is returned to normal. Locate containment system
monitoring panel in the hangar bay. Provide an alarm to the FACU and Energy
Management Control System when the capacity level exceeds 5%.

6-2.2.4 Sump Pump

Empty tank in accordance with environmental regulations. Install the sump pump inside
the tank and operate the pump manually. Discharge the fire suppression effluent from
the sump pump in accordance with environmental regulations. Locate controls for the
sump pump near the inspection port to the containment tank.

6-2.2.5 Diverter Valve/System

Provide a system that automatically diverts the floor trench drainage flow to a
foam/water containment system upon system activation. Where a containment system
uses a diverter valve, provide actuation and monitoring of the valve as indicated in this
paragraph. Automatically actuate the valve upon release of the fire suppression system
in the hangar bay. Provide indication of the diverter valve position at the monitoring
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panel through the use of limit switches. Provide indication of when the valve is fully
open or closed. Provide the valve with remote manual reset capability through a "Valve
Position Restore" button. Provide the panel with a visual alarm (yellow strobe or
beacon) that automatically illuminates when the valve position is "off normal" or
"closed", and remains illuminated until valve is restored to the full normal "open"
position. Locate diverter valve panel in the hangar bay adjacent to the containment
system monitoring panel. Provide an alarm to the FACU and Energy Management
Control System when the diverter valve is in the off normal position. Install the diverter
valve motorized operator above grade or list it for a submersible environment.

6-2.2.6 Monitoring System Construction

The containment system monitoring panel and diverter valve panel (when provided)
may be combined. At a minimum, provide NEMA 250 Type 4 panel(s).

Rate any devices, conduits, or electrical enclosures installed below grade or within the
containment tank for prolonged submersion, minimum NEMA 250 Type 6P.


Aircraft Maintenance Module Size

The Army Standard has established standard aircraft maintenance module sizes for
rotary wing aircraft and UAS aircraft. Refer to the USACE Centers of Standardization
website (https://mrsi.erdc.dren.mil/cos/ ) or via links on the National Institute of Building
Sciences (NIBS) Whole Building Design Guide (WBDG) site

6-3.1.1 Rotary Wing Aircraft

The Army Standard established two maintenance module sizes for rotary wing (RW)
aircraft. The module sizes are as follows:

• 84 Feet Long by 64 Feet Wide (25.6 m Long by 19.5 m Wide) - Utility,

Attack, and Reconnaissance (UAR) Aircraft Maintenance Module. Typical
RW aircraft serviced include the UH-60, AH-64, and OH-58.
• 110 Feet Long by 70 Feet Wide (33.5 m Long by 21.3 m Wide) - Cargo
Aircraft Maintenance Module. Typical RW aircraft serviced include the CH-

6-3.1.2 UAS Aircraft

The Army Standard established a maintenance module size for large UAS aircraft as
• 40 Feet Long by 67 Feet Wide (12.2 m Long by 20.4 m Wide) - UAS
Aircraft Maintenance Module. Typical UAS aircraft serviced is the MQ-1C
Gray Eagle.

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Coordinate Interior Systems

Coordinate Interior Systems with the APPROVED Army Standard Design for Aircraft
Maintenance Hangar Complexes.

Aircraft Maintenance Bay and Heavy Maintenance Shop Floor


Provide one of the following floor finishes for the Aircraft Maintenance Bay and Heavy
Maintenance Shops consistent with the user requirements, facility purpose, and the
intended design life cycle of the facility:

• Smooth Trowelled Finish with a Sealer

• Fuel Resistive Resinous Floor Coating system, commonly referred to as a
3 Coat System in UFGS Section 09 67 23.15
• Fuel Resistive Resinous Floor Coating system, commonly referred to as a
5 Coat System in UFGS Section 09 67 23.16
If the Project Delivery Team (PDT) selects the 5 Coat System, provide a life cycle cost
analysis in the Design Analysis confirming the life cycle cost effectiveness of this floor
coating selection for the project.

Aircraft Maintenance Bay Pavement Marking

Design and layout all Aircraft Maintenance Bay pavement markings in accordance with
ETL 1110-3-512 and Figure 6-2: Maintenance Bay Pavement Markings. All paint for
pavement markings to be in compliance with FS TT-P-1952, Paint, Traffic and Airfield
Marking, Waterborne.

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Figure 6-1: Typical Maintenance Bay Configuration

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Figure 6-2: Maintenance Bay Pavement Markings

Floor Marking Notes:

1. Maintenance module boundary; 6 in. (152 mm) wide stripe; color - dark grey.
2. Maintenance module centerline & nose gear stop; 6 in. (152 mm) wide stripe;
color - dark grey.
3. Safety corridor; 5 ft. (1.5 m) wide; color - yellow.
4. Grounding receptacle; paint per UFC 3-575-01, figure 2-3.
5. Utility stand; 6 in. (152 mm) wide stripe; color - orange. Provide 2'-0" clearance
from utility stand equipment.
6. Safety eyewash/shower; color - green; provide 2 ft. (610 mm) clearance from
safety equipment.
7. Provide markings for required clear area on floor around electrical and life safety

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Aircraft Maintenance Bay - Slab on Ground Loading

Design Army Aircraft Maintenance Bay slabs on ground in accordance with the
minimum following traffic requirements. Add project specific additional vehicles to the
mix as required. Make no reductions to these traffic mixes without the approval of the
USACE Transportation Systems Center (TSC).

6-4.1.1 UAS Hangars

Use Type B traffic area with the following minimum traffic mix:

• UH-60 Aircraft (16,300 pounds (lbs.)) - 20,000 passes

• ATLAS forklift (6,000 lbs. - loaded carriage)- 25,000 passes
• P-15 Crash/Fire Truck (130,860 lbs.) - 1,200 passes
• Transport Truck M1088 and M871A3 Trailer (80,000 lbs. - 1,000 passes

6-4.1.2 Rotary Wing Hangars

Use Type B traffic area with the following minimum traffic mix:

• CH-47 Aircraft (37,500 lbs.) - 40,000 passes

• ATLAS forklift (10,000 lbs. - loaded carriage)- 10,000 passes
• P-15 Crash/Fire Truck (130,860 lbs.) - 1,200 passes
• Transport Truck M1088 and M871A3 Trailer (80,000 lbs.) - 1,000 passes

6-4.1.3 Fixed Wing Hangars

Use Type C traffic area with the following minimum traffic mix:

• Design Aircraft - Most critical aircraft expected to use the maintenance

hangar bay - 40,000 passes
• P-15 Crash/Fire Truck (130,860 lbs.) - 1,200 passes
• Transport Truck M1088 and M871A3 Trailer (80,000 lbs.) - 1,000 passes
• 10K forklift - 10,000 passes



Low or high-intensity infrared heaters may be installed as suspended or elevated

heaters in hangar bays in accordance with NFPA 409 in hangar bays. Evaluate
overhead radiant heat systems as one of the alternatives when determining the most
life-cycle cost effective way of heating the hangar bay(s). Where it is determined that

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infrared radiant heat is not effective due to the mounting height required or where the
path of the radiation is obstructed, evaluate radiant floor heat in the life-cycle cost

Ventilation and Exhaust

Provide general hangar exhaust in accordance with Chapter 3. In addition, consider

local ventilation where contaminants are generated. Provide calculations that identify
and quantify the contaminant of concern in accordance with OSHA standards. Ventilate
under floor pits, duct, and tunnels per NFPA 409 even if the JP-8 (kerosene based fuel)
is below its flash point temperature.

Ventilation may be used in economizer cycles for increased thermal comfort where
climatic conditions are appropriate. One example would be where diurnal temperature
variation allows night time cooling. Natural air movement through locating louvers and
dampers near the ceiling and floor should be evaluated for life cycle cost effectiveness
versus a fan powered economizer cycle. Evaporative cooling is not allowed in Army
hangar maintenance bays.


Mount hose bibbs and compressed air connections on at least one utility pedestal
located inside the perimeter access aisle.



Classify hangars as Group I, II, III, or IV in accordance with NFPA 409.

Fire Pumps

Where fire pumps supply a single hangar, a redundant pump meeting the size of the
largest pump is required. Size all fire pumps with the same nominal pressure and flow.

In addition to pressure drop, start fire pumps automatically upon receiving a fire pump
start signal from the FACU.

Foam/Water Concentrate Proportioning Systems

Proportioning foam concentrate through the use of a ratio flow controller and bladder
tank, or a foam inductor is not permitted. Provide a foam concentrate pumping system,
with an atmospheric foam concentrate storage tank. Provide a foam concentrate
pumping system in compliance with NFPA 11, NFPA 20, and NFPA 409, except as
modified by UFC 3-600-01 and this UFC. Refer to Figure 6-3: Army Foam Pump Detail.

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6-6.3.1 Foam Concentrate Pumps
Provide positive displacement concentrate pumps with electric motor drivers, supplied
by a reliable power source. Use UFC 3-600-01 for reliable power requirements. Where
reliable power is not available, provide diesel driven concentrate pumps.

Provide a reserve foam concentrate pump of equal capacity. Automatically operate the
reserve pump upon failure of the primary pump. Arrange concentrate supply piping to
meet the foam concentrate demand from either the primary or reserve foam pump.

6-6.3.2 Foam Concentrate Jockey Pump

When the foam concentrate line to the proportioner exceeds a linear distance of 50 ft.
(15.2 m), provide a positive displacement foam concentrate jockey pump to maintain
pressure in the foam concentrate piping.

6-6.3.3 Foam Concentrate Pump and Jockey Pump Control

Upon activation of the foam/water system, remote start the foam concentrate pump from
the RSFACU. Do not start the foam concentrate pump upon a drop in pressure. Upon
depressing the manual foam stop station, stop the foam concentrate pump and the
foam concentrate jockey pump (where provided) to prevent excessive concentrate from
being pumped into the foam solution piping. Remote stopping of these pumps from the
RSFACU is approved. Releasing the manual foam stop station will restart the foam
concentrate jockey pump (where provided). As long as the foam/water system is in
alarm, releasing the manual foam stop station will restart the foam concentrate pump.

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Figure 6-3: Army Foam Pump Detail

6-6.3.4 In-line Balanced Pressure Proportioners (ILBP)

Provide ILBP proportioners that are listed or approved by a NRTL and are factory
assembled and tested by the manufacturer. Disassembly, reassembly, or modification
of the ILBP by the installing contractor is prohibited. Install ILBP proportioners
downstream of the flow control valve.

6-6.3.5 Concentrate Storage Tank

The concentrate storage tank is permitted to have a tap on the side of the tank for the
foam concentrate suction line. Additional taps into the side of the tank are not permitted.

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6-6.3.6 Foam/Water Concentrate Proportioning Performance
Increase the capacity of the foam concentrate tanks and pumps, to compensate for
proportioner tolerance and the maximum anticipated fire water pressure. Calculate this
increase to enable the foam concentrate system to deliver foam for the required
discharge duration.

Releasing Service Fire Alarm Control Unit (RSFACU)

Provide waterflow detection devices to monitor the overhead wet pipe, dry pipe, or
preaction sprinkler systems in the hangar bay.

Only release the Hi-Ex foam system from a manual foam releasing station, or two
simultaneous votes from non-latching initiating devices in the releasing zone. These
initiating devices are required to be an optical flame detector in simultaneous operation
with either another optical flame detector or waterflow detection device within the same
releasing zone. Refer to Table 6-1: Army RSFACU Functional Matrix for additional
functional requirements.

Manual Foam Stop Stations

In addition to stations required by 3-6.19.9: Manual Foam Stop Stations, provide a

manual foam stop station in the corridor of each required exit from the hangar bay
through the support space. Locate the station on the support side of the door, such that
it is within 5 ft. (1.5 m) of the door and not obstructed when the door is fully open.
Provide a 100 sq. in. (0.065 sq. m) fire rated door vision panel in these doors, such that
an occupant can view into the hangar bay while operating the manual foam stop station.

Optical Flame Detection Supervised Disconnect

Provide a key operated supervised disconnect switch to disable all optical flame
detectors in the hangar bay through programming at the RSFACU. Provide a switch that
disables the releasing and notification functions of the optical flame detectors, while
leaving all other functions of the RSFACU operational. Operation of the switch will not
create a trouble signal. Monitor the disconnect at the RSFACU. Provide a supervisory
signal to the receiving station upon operation of the disconnect. While the switch is in
the disable mode, the optical flame detectors will not retain any history of alarm
conditions such that when the switch is placed in the enable mode the RSFACU will not
immediately go into alarm.

Locate the disconnect switch in the hangar bay, in a readily accessible location near a
manual foam stop station. Provide a NEMA 250 Type 4 switch and backbox or house
the components in a NEMA 250 Type 4 enclosure. Provide a non-flashing or rotating
red indicating light not less than 400 cd (208/120VAC) powered from a dedicated
emergency panel provided in accordance with UFC 3-520-01. Control light initiation
through the RSFACU. A backup power supply or supervision of the power supply to the
light is not required when supplied from the dedicated emergency panel. Mount the light
above the disconnect switch. Provide a sign with a white background and a minimum
1/2 inch wide blue border, with "OPTICAL FLAME DETECTION DISABLED WHEN
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ILLUMINATED" in red lettering not less than 1 inch (25.4 mm) high. Provide engraved
labels on the disconnect switch indicating when the optical flame detectors are
"ENABLED" or "DISABLED". Do not install backboxes or route conduit in front of sign in
a manner that obstructs any lettering.

Notification Devices

Provide blue rotating beacons not less than 400 cd (208/120VAC) powered from a
dedicated emergency panel provided in accordance with UFC 3-520-01. Control beacon
initiation through the RSFACU. A backup power supply or supervision of the power
supply supplying the beacons is not required when supplied from the dedicated
emergency panel. Mount beacons 20 - 30 ft. (6.1 - 9.1 m) above the floor of the hangar
bay. Provide a sign next to each blue beacon with a yellow or lime-yellow background
matching the manual foam releasing station signage, with "FOAM RELEASE WHEN
ILLUMINATED" in red lettering not less than 3 inches (76 millimeters) high. Blue
beacons are in addition to any general fire alarm notification such as the fire alarm

• For single door hangars, provide one beacon approximately centered on

each of the three walls.
• For drive through hangars, provide one beacon 10-25 ft. (3.0 -7.6 m) from
each corner of the hangar bay.
• Provide additional beacons where at least one beacon is not viewable
from normally occupied areas of the hangar bay. Locate beacons to take
into account building construction, aircraft configuration and positioning in
the hangar bay.

Supervision Devices

Provide a supervisory level alarm monitoring for foam concentrate. Indicate when the
foam concentrate in the storage tank is below the amount required to meet the
performance criteria.

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Table 6-1: Army RSFACU Functional Matrix

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Special Power

Use Table 6-2: Aviation Platform Ground Service Baseline Requirements for Service
Baseline Requirements.

Table 6-2: Aviation Platform Ground Service Baseline Requirements



AH-64D CH-47D DH/MH-47E, F, G OH-58D ARH
64A 60A/L -60M, X

400 Hz 93kVA 45KV
(35kV 45kVA 20kVA 40kVA 10kVA ?
200/115V (270A) A


28VDC 300A 300A 200A 200A


Integrate the system with the building power system and complete with all cables and
connectors required to interface with the aircraft. No ground power units (carts) are
allowed. Design system to provide access to each aircraft parking space without any
cables or equipment passing thru the five foot clear zone around the hangar bay floor.

6-7.1.1 Permanently-Mounted Pedestal

Provide permanently-mounted pedestals. Coordinate the connection point in the hangar
floor space with the location of the aircraft. Permanently mount the pedestal to the
hangar floor. Locate pedestals to avoid aircraft movements. Coordinate the location of
pedestals with the clearance requirements listed in 2-3: Minimum Aircraft Maintenance
Bay Clearances. Pedestal may have multiple mechanical, electrical, and communication
services including power, compressed air, network connections, and water. Coordinate
types of all service utilities to be provided on pedestal with activity. Route utility
connections under the hangar floor from the wall to the pedestal. Mount all electrical
utilities a minimum of 18 inches (0.46 m) AFF. Seal all electrical penetrations from the
floor, per NFPA 70.

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Grounding and Bonding

Provide ordnance grounding in accordance with Department of the Army Pamphlet (DA
PAM) 385-64.

Electrical Equipment

All electrical equipment in the hangar bay is required to be in a NEMA 250 Type 3R or
weather proof enclosure.


CATV Systems

Refer to the Army Hangar Center of Standardization for required CATV locations.


Provide in accordance with 3-9: Overhead Bridge Cranes and the Army Standard for
Aircraft Maintenance Hangar Complex.


Provide in accordance with 3-10: Hangar Doors.


Trench Drains

Provide trench drains in the hangar bay to comply with NFPA 409 Floor Drainage
Requirements for the removal of hazardous fuels and fire suppression system

6-11.1.1 Trench Design

Size trench drains to account for the simultaneous flow of the hydraulically calculated
demand of the overhead sprinkler system in the hangar bay and the exterior hose
stream demand.

6-11.1.2 Location and Spacing

Where multiple bays are provided in a hangar, at a minimum, provide a trench drain just
inside and parallel to the hangar door. Slope the floor from the back wall to the trench

Trench Covers

Provide ductile iron or galvanized steel trench covers, manufactured to withstand a

minimum proof-load of 50,000 pounds from a tire with a 250 psi pressure or the most
critical of the aircraft wheel loads listed in this UFC, whichever is greater.

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Fuel cell maintenance is performed in Army helicopter maintenance hangars in

accordance with approved maintenance procedures. Mobile helicopter fuel tank
ventilating equipment is used to remove local fuel vapors.


Provide in accordance with 3-13: Wash Bay.

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This UFC is organized with general requirements and Service-specific requirements.

Apply Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 and Appendices to all Services. Additionally apply Chapters 5,
6 and 7 to Air Force, Army, and Navy respectively for Service-specific requirements.
This UFC and Chapter 7 also applies to United States Marine Corps (USMC).

US Navy Aircraft Hangar Overview

7-1.1.1 Applicability
Refer to 1-4: Scope of Facility. Additionally, this UFC applies to all new Navy or USMC
hangars including the defined Navy standard hangar Types I, II, III, and IV, variations of
the hangar Types, as well as any non-standard hangars. All new Navy and USMC
standard hangars must meet all hangar Type I-IV requirements for the respective
standard. In any case, design all hangars to accommodate the minimum safety
clearances shown in Table 2-1: Minimum Aircraft Maintenance Bay Clearances for the
design airframe(s). Clearances for non-standard hangars should be conservatively
selected by comparing the design airframe size to those found in the various standard
hangar Types.

Selective portions of this UFC apply only when renovating or re-purposing an existing
hangar. As a minimum, renovation projects must comply with all safety and life-safety
related criteria. This includes, but is not limited to, fire protection, egress, and aircraft
minimum clearances. Follow all other criteria of this UFC, including all standard hangar
Type requirements (Table 7-1: Standard Hangar Bay Module Dimensions and Crane
Capacities*), to the maximum extent practical for the renovation. The intent of meeting
all criteria in this UFC is to provide for future hangar flexibility to maintain alternate
aviation platforms. If meeting those additional standard hangar Type requirements is not
feasible or possible for a renovation project addressing a specific aircraft platform, then
it is only necessary to meet the mission requirements for that specific platform and all
safety and life-safety criteria as stated above. This is not an option for new hangars
which must meet this entire UFC including Table 7-1. It is important for the planner to
clarify the intent of the renovation scope on the 1391 planning document.

7-1.1.2 Hangar Design Philosophy

Since the 1990s, the Navy has chosen to maintain several standard hangar types
primarily with regard to hangar bay size. The fundamental planning concept is to group
similar Navy aircraft by size and function and to establish a common hangar bay
envelope size (length, width, height), that efficiently suits that aircraft grouping with
established aircraft quantity and layout of each airframe. This approach allows for some
flexibility should there be a change in mission, aircraft layout, or introduction of new
airframes during the lifespan of the hangar. The expectation is that if the hangar bay
has been designed with adequate flexibility in size, then other renovations to the hangar
can be reasonably accommodated for the change in mission. It is understood that there
will always be substantial renovation costs to accommodate a new airframe. Hangars
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also often provide shelter for many different transient aircraft or short duration missions
and deployments.

With these concepts in mind, flexibility of the hangar bay is critical and has been
incorporated into these criteria where reasonable. Specific areas of consideration
include hangar bay sizes, minimum slab design loading, maximization of door sizes,
bridge crane capacities, and elimination of fixed obstructions or other features on the
hangar bay floor that would impact revised aircraft layouts. The theory is that although
hangars are being designed and optimized for an initial airframe and layout, the Navy
and USMC are building multi-purpose hangars with reasonable flexibility that can be
utilized through their lifespan. Custom, non-standard, single purpose hangars should be
avoided when possible and special caution should be given where frequent airframe
changes are expected.

7-1.1.3 US Navy Aircraft Maintenance Strategy

US Navy operational guidelines allow aircraft maintenance to be performed ashore
similarly to how it is performed shipboard. The strategy includes reducing the total
movement of the aircraft once it has entered the maintenance cycle by performing most
levels of maintenance on the aircraft in the same hangar assigned to the aircraft
custodian. The majority of the shops within the maintenance hangar facility are used as
maintenance work shops, maintenance management offices, and tool and equipment
storage. Repairs on parts removed from aircraft and extensive depot-level maintenance
are typically performed in centralized shops remote from the hangar.

This UFC is geared towards accommodating Organizational “O” level aircraft

maintenance, although some limited Intermediate “I” level and more limited Depot “D”
level maintenance can be performed if approved and compatible with the facility design.
"O" level maintenance is the day-to-day work that a unit performs in support of its own
operations to maintain its aircraft and equipment in a full mission capable status. "O"-
level maintenance includes aircraft inspections, servicing, handling, removal and
replacement of defective parts and components and limited aircraft service changes and
modifications. Extensive D-Level inspection, service changes and modifications are
performed in separate facilities located on or off site of the aircraft custodian’s assigned
base. Refer to "COMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2B CH-1 15 Jun 2013, Chapter 3" for
more discussion on aircraft maintenance levels.


Hangar Safety Clearance

Orient hangar such that it is in compliance with all runway safety zones and imaginary
surface criteria of UFC 2-000-05N, UFC 3-260-01, and 3-2.1.2: Airfield Clearance

Airfield Pavements

Design and Layout all airfield pavements, including hangar access aprons, in
accordance UFC 2-000-05N, UFC 3-260-01, and 3-2.3: Airfield Pavements.
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Airfield Pavement Markings

Design airfield pavement markings for Navy and Marine Corps facilities in accordance
with Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) 51-50AAA-2.

AFFF Containment

Route the AFFF system runoff from the hangar bay to automatically discharge to an
underground containment system, unless required otherwise by local environmental

7-2.4.1 Environmental Regulations

Follow all the local environmental regulations to determine the control, treatment and/or
remediation measures for the discharge of AFFF. Discharge effluent from the
containment system as directed by the department overseeing environmental policy for
the installation. Conditions for disposal will depend upon the capability and location of
the facility that would treat the effluent from the containment system. Verify AFFF
containment discharge requirements with the appropriate installation environmental
engineer, including local and state environmental requirements.

7-2.4.2 Capacity
Provide capacity to contain 15 minutes of the hydraulically calculated demand from the
AFFF system. Design the containment system to accommodate the entire calculated
AFFF system effluent discharge volume for the duration noted. Do not use the trenches
or piping of the containment system to contain any of the required volume. No
allowance is required for the water only sprinkler systems or hose streams.

7-2.4.3 Containment System Monitoring

Provide the containment system with a remote capacity monitoring panel. Provide
monitoring panel with audible and visual (yellow strobe or beacon) alarms.
Automatically activate audible and visual alarms when the capacity level exceeds 5%.
Provide a silence switch for the audible alarm. Constantly illuminate visual alarms at the
panel until the level condition is returned to normal. Locate containment system
monitoring panel in the hangar bay. Provide an alarm to the FACU and Energy
Management Control System when the capacity level exceeds 5%.

7-2.4.4 Diverter Valve/System

Provide a system that automatically diverts the floor trench drainage flow to a
foam/water containment system upon system activation. Where a containment system
uses a diverter valve, provide actuation and monitoring of the valve as indicated in this
paragraph. Automatically actuate the valve upon release of the fire suppression system
in the hangar bay. Provide indication of the diverter valve position at the monitoring
panel through the use of limit switches. Provide indication of when the valve is fully
open or closed. Provide the valve with remote manual reset capability through a "Valve
Position Restore" button. Provide the panel with a visual alarm (yellow strobe or

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beacon) that automatically illuminates when the valve position is "off normal" or
"closed", and remains illuminated until valve is restored to full the normal "open"
position. Locate diverter valve panel in the hangar bay adjacent to the containment
system monitoring panel. Provide an alarm to the FACU and Energy Management
Control System when the diverter valve is in the off normal position. Install the diverter
valve motorized operator above grade or list it for a submersible environment.

7-2.4.5 Monitoring System Construction

The containment system monitoring panel and diverter valve panel (when provided)
may be combined. At a minimum NEMA 250 Type 4 panel(s).

Rate any devices, conduits, or electrical enclosures installed below grade or within the
containment tank for prolonged submersion, minimum NEMA 250 Type 6P.


Types of Hangars

7-3.1.1 General
Refer to 7-1.1.2: Hangar Design Philosophy for additional discussion on the Navy
Hangar Type concept. The Navy has established four (4) standard maintenance hangar
bays including Type I, Type II, Type III and Type IV to efficiently meet the needs of its
current aircraft inventory. Each Type is designed to accommodate commonly grouped
aircraft which are categorized by size and function and are further defined in paragraphs
below and in Table 7-1: Standard Hangar Bay Module Dimensions and Crane
Capacities*. These hangar Types are based on the controlling aircraft size, controlling
aircraft layout, additional maintenance clearance required (if any), and minimum
required aircraft clearances shown in Table 2-1: Minimum Aircraft Maintenance Bay
Clearances. Do not reduce the minimum clearances for standard hangar Types below
the thresholds indicated. If necessary, increase the selected standard Hangar Type
dimensions to accommodate the specific design airframe(s) layout with adequate
clearances (Table 2-1: Minimum Aircraft Maintenance Bay Clearances) and any
additional maintenance clearance per the manufacturer's Facilities Requirements
Document (FRD). The intent is to prevent a situation where a new airframe or larger
variant is introduced prior to an update of Hangar Type standard definitions. Refer to
UFC 2-000-05N for hangar planning requirements, modular sizing, and square footage

7- Organization
Navy aircraft hangars are comprised of three distinct areas; the hangar bay
Organizational Hangar (OH) space, the Shop and Maintenance Administration (O1
level); and the Operations, Training and Administration (O2 level). The levels are
designations from shipboard levels and are not specific to the hangar design. The
hangar bay provides sheltered space to primarily perform Organizational "O" level
maintenance to aircraft and limited additional levels as previously discussed in

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7-1.1.3: US Navy Aircraft Maintenance Strategy. Layout of this space is determined by
the planning documents for the module configuration identified. The net area of the
hangar bay is defined in the module layout and is considered a fixed area.

7- Standard Configurations

Hangar configurations, including heights, are provided to allow for maximum flexibility in
accommodating all of the existing and proposed aircraft in the Naval Aviation Fleet. Do
not modify the size of any hangar bay module without approval from Naval Facilities
Engineering Command Atlantic, Capital Improvements Criteria and Programs Office
(CIENG), Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) and Commander, Navy Installations
Command (CNIC). Additionally, Marine Corps hangar bay configurations may be
modified by Headquarters, Logistics Facilities (USMC) (LF).

7-3.1.2 Type I Hangar

The Type I maintenance hangar is primarily designed for carrier aircraft, but is
adaptable to meet requirements for rotary wing and various types of smaller aircraft,
including Navy and Marine Corps variants of the F-35. The O1 and O2 level spaces in
this type of hangar are configured for a typical strike fighter squadron, two carrier
airborne early warning squadrons, or one H-60 helicopter squadron.

Provide one bridge crane per modules for all Type I hangars. When a single large
hangar includes more than one module, additional cranes are required.

7-3.1.3 Type II Hangar

The Type II hangar is primarily provided for US Marine Corps Aviation. The hangar is
designed to accommodate CH-53 Helicopters, MV-22 Tilt-Rotor and C-130
Refueler/Transport Aircraft. This type of hangar may also accommodate Navy versions
of the C-130, MV-22 and CH-53 aircraft. Provide one bridge crane per modules for all
Type I hangars. When a single large hangar includes more than one module, additional
cranes are required.

7-3.1.4 Type III Hangar

The Type III maintenance hangar is principally designed for land based patrol aircraft
such as the P-8A Poseidon and large transport aircraft. Type III hangars are not
authorized to have a bridge crane.

7-3.1.5 Type IV Hangar

The Type IV Navy Hangar is intended for the largest UAS. At this time, only the MQ-4C
Triton is targeted for the Type IV hangar. The MQ-4C Triton is an Unmanned Aircraft
System (UAS) and will be a forward deployed, land-based, autonomously operated
system that provides a persistent maritime intelligence, surveillance and
reconnaissance capability using a multi-sensor mission payload. The MQ-4C Triton air
vehicle is a Navy variant based upon the USAF RQ-4B Global Hawk. The Type IV
hangar will be periodically updated to accommodate other similarly sized aircraft should

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they be acquired by the Navy. For UAS other than Triton, planners may consider non-
standard hangars or other facility types as appropriate to meet the mission.

7-3.1.6 Hangar Bay Column-Free Layout and Module Concept

Table 7-1: Standard Hangar Bay Module Dimensions and Crane Capacities* contains
dimensions for a single hangar module as defined by UFC 2-000-05N. A single module
is intended to be the minimum size hangar for the intended aircraft and can be
combined with additional fractional or whole modules per UFC 2-000-05N to produce a
larger hangar bay. Provide a framing system with a completely column-free hangar bay
and flight line regardless of the number of hangar modules. This allows for maximum
bay utilization and aircraft layout flexibility. If future hangars are planned adjacent to a
new hangar, the framing system should be adaptable so as to allow for future expansion
and combined column-free hangar bay. Refer to Appendix C-4: STRUCTURAL for
more discussion on cantilever hangar bay framing systems.

Table 7-1: Standard Hangar Bay Module Dimensions and Crane Capacities*

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1. The Width and Depth of the hangar are defined as the respective net clear horizontal
dimension between the nearest fixed obstructions. Horizontal fixed obstructions
along back walls and side walls include, but are not limited to the inside face of the
wall, a structural column or bracing, bollard, liner panel, an open door extending into
the Aircraft Maintenance Bay, mechanical equipment or ductwork, plumbing
equipment, valves and pipes, electrical equipment (such as power transformers), or
other fixed items. Fixed obstructions do not include furniture, tables, desks, benches,
cabinets, tools, parts, carts or other movable objects. The depth at the hangar door
is to the interior face of the innermost panel of a rolling steel door, or to the interior
face of a vertical lift fabric door.

2. Dimensions for width, depth, and height are considered to be "standard." Variations
in hangar bay sizes are not permitted without authorization of the NAVFAC HQ Chief
Engineer. Additionally, Marine Corps hangar bay configurations may be modified by
Headquarters, USMC (LF).

3. Table includes required NET clear hangar dimensions that are also to be used for
square foot planning calculations. See UFC 2-000-05N for guidance and
requirements on Net to Gross planning calculations. See also paragraph 2-4: Net to
Gross Area in Aircraft Maintenance Hangars.

4. The clear height is the lowest obstruction including but not limited to, an overhead
structure, and MEP equipment such as lighting, fans, heaters, ductwork, and

5. Hook height is to the saddle of the hook. Hook heights are minimum requirements.
Increase height where possible to maximize for available structure height. Refer to
crane requirements in Chapter 3: General Hangar Requirements and 7-9:
Overhead Bridge Cranes.

6. Refer to Figure 7-11: Section through Type II Hangar Crane Configuration and
Vertical Clearances to clarify minimum hangar crane coverage area for Type II
hangars. The bridge crane coverage must be designed to account for the possibility
of servicing a C-130 aircraft. Coordinate crane coverage with the user.

7. The elements at the edge of the hangar door opening determine the width of the
opening. Provide an opening not less than 3 ft. (1 m) less than the width of the
aircraft maintenance bay.

Aircraft Maintenance Bay Striping Requirements

Provide striping in the aircraft maintenance bay per paragraph 3-3.4.3: Protective
Coatings and Figure 7-1: Aircraft Maintenance Bay Striping Requirements.

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Figure 7-1: Aircraft Maintenance Bay Striping Requirements

Striping Notes:

1. Safety Lane; 5 ft. (1.5 m) wide stripe; color - yellow.

2. Safety Lane; 5 ft. (1.5 m) with 6 in. (152 mm) boundaries and 6 in. (152 mm)
diagonal stripes at locations where there is risk of being hit by vehicles; hangar
door and rolling service doors, e.g.; color - yellow.
3. Six inches wide solid white aircraft safety perimeter line following clearances per
Table 2-1: Minimum Aircraft Maintenance Bay Clearances.
4. Aircraft position centerline & nose gear stop; 6" wide stripe; color - yellow. May
not be required at multi-aircraft position hangars. Coordinate with users.
5. Grounding receptacle; paint per UFC 3-575-01, Figure 2-3.
6. Safety eyewash/shower; color - green; provide 2 ft. (610 mm) clearance from
safety equipment. Slope to drain, if provided.
7. Fire Extinguishers (if provided); color - red. Provide 2 ft. (610 mm) clearance from
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Aircraft Maintenance Bay - Slab on Ground Loading

Design Navy/USMC Aircraft Maintenance Bay slabs on ground in accordance with the
minimum following traffic requirements. Add project specific additional vehicles to the
mix as required. The mixes represent a 50-year traffic loading. These slab loadings
have been developed to maximize Aircraft Maintenance Bay use and flexibility. Make no
reductions to these traffic mixes or loadings without the approval of NAVFAC HQ Chief

\1\ For Navy and USMC standard hangar Types I, II, III, and IV or similar variations,
provide a slab on ground of uniform design and thickness throughout the hangar bay.
Do not reduce the slab thickness in areas not subject to the design aircraft loads. For
single aircraft non-standard hangar types, slab optimization is permitted by section 3- Aircraft Maintenance Bay - Slab on Ground Design where applicable. /1/

7-4.1.1 Type I Hangar

Use Type B traffic area with the following minimum traffic mix:

• F-35C Aircraft (70,400 lbs.) - 40,000 passes

• ATLAS forklift (10,000 lbs. - loaded carriage)- 10,000 passes
• P-15 Crash/Fire Truck (130,860 lbs.) - 1,200 passes
• Transport Truck M1088 and M871A3 Trailer (80,000 lbs.) - 1,000 passes

7-4.1.2 Type II Hangar- Type B traffic area with the following minimum
traffic mix:
Use Type B traffic area with the following minimum traffic mix:

• C-130J (155,000 lbs.) - 40,000 passes

• P-15 Crash/Fire Truck (130,860 lbs.) - 1,200 passes
• Transport Truck M1088 and M871A3 Trailer (80,000 lbs.) - 1,000 passes
• 10K forklift - 10,000 passes

7-4.1.3 Type III Hangar

Use Type B traffic area with the following minimum traffic mix:

• P-8A (155,000 lbs.) - 40,000 passes

• P-15 Crash/Fire Truck (130,860 lbs.) - 1,200 passes
• Transport Truck M1088 and M871A3 Trailer (80,000 lbs.) - 1,000 passes
• 10K forklift - 10,000 passes

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7-4.1.4 Type IV Hangar
Use Type B traffic area with the following minimum traffic mix:

• F-35C Aircraft (70,400 lbs.) - 40,000 passes

• ATLAS forklift (6,000 lbs. - loaded carriage)- 25,000 passes
• P-15 Crash/Fire Truck (130,860 lbs.) - 1,200 passes
• Transport Truck M1088 and M871A3 Trailer (80,000 lbs.) - 1,000 passes


Provide in accordance with 3-5: Mechanical.


Install hose bibbs on all interior walls of the hangar bays.


Provide dedicated units for the Communications Room and Secure Office. Provide
heating only with a unit heater for the stairs when the climate makes it necessary.



Classify all hangars as Group I in accordance with NFPA 409.

Tension Fabric Hangars

7-6.2.1 Protection of OH Space

Protect the OH space in accordance with this UFC, except the overhead sprinkler
system is not required.

7-6.2.2 Protection of O1/O2 Levels

Unless otherwise noted, protect the O1/O2 Levels in accordance with this UFC and
UFC 3-600-01 including sprinkler and fire alarm systems. Provide passive protection of
the O1/O2 levels based on their location outside or within the tension fabric structural

7- O1/O2 Levels outside the Tension Fabric Structural Frame

Provide a minimum 1-hour fire barrier between the O1/O2 levels and the OH space, or
provide fire separation between the tension fabric structure and other structures in
accordance with UFC 3-600-01 for tensioned-membrane hangars.

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7- O1/O2 Levels within the Tension Fabric Structural Frame
Provide a minimum 1-hour fire barrier between the O1/O2 levels and the OH space,
inclusive of all sides exposed to the OH space such as side, top, and bottom.

7-6.2.3 Egress from O1/O2 Levels

Do not discharge required exits or exit access from the O1/O2 levels into or through the
OH space. When a 1-hour fire barrier is provided between the O1/O2 levels and OH
space, convenience openings are permitted where minimum 3/4-hour rated opening
protection is provided.

Concentrate Piping

The use of brass piping with brazed or flanged joints is permitted. Provide flanges in the
brass piping for equipment and valve removal. The use of threaded connections is not
permitted, except at the connection to the inductor or concentrate storage tank.

Releasing Service Fire Alarm Control Unit (RSFACU)

Provide X3301 Multispectrum IR Flame Detectors manufactured by DetTronics. Provide

Detectors with Hangar Mode as the factory default. Control and monitor optical flame
detectors from a factory assembled Eagle Quantum Premier fire detection/releasing
control unit manufactured by Det-Tronics.

Only release the AFFF trench nozzle system from a manual foam releasing station, or
two simultaneous votes from non-latching optical flame detectors in the releasing zone.
Refer to Table 7-2: Navy RSFACU Functional Matrix for additional functional

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Table 7-2: Navy RSFACU Functional Matrix


Special Power Systems

7-7.1.1 Aircraft 270VDC Service

Aircraft 270VDC ground power units, cables and connector are RPIE equipment.

Power Service Points

Coordinate all requirements with users and aircraft manufacturer and dedicate adequate
wall space for all equipment. The power service points may include:

• Coordinate required outlet amperage and type requirements with the

users. Three-phase, 480V, 4-wire, 60 Hz, receptacles for government
furnished support equipment (SE.). These receptacles are built by very
few manufacturers and are identified by part number.
• Single-phase, 120V, 60 Hz, ground fault interrupt duplex utility outlets.

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O1/O2 Level Spaces

Serve shop spaces by distinct panels dedicated to shop and equipment loads only. Do
not supply office spaces from shop circuits or panels. Supply loads located in the O1
space from panel boards located in the O1 space; supply loads located in the O2 space
from panel boards located in the O2 space.

Grounding and Bonding

Provide ordnance grounding in accordance with NAVSEA OP-5.

Obstruction Lighting

Provide obstruction lighting in accordance with 3-7.10.2: Aviation Obstruction and

NAVAIR 51-50AAA-2. Provide LED obstruction lights where the users and airfield
manager can verify that night vision goggles (NVG) or vision enhancement systems are
not used.


Communication Systems Infrastructure

Provide additional communications outlets as required by mission. Additional required

communications systems may include:

• Naval Aviation Logistics Command Management Information System

• Triton Communication Systems

CATV Systems

Refer to the Navy functional data sheets for locations where CATV is required.

3M Communications (Maintenance and Material Management)

Coordinate with users and determine if 3M system is required. If required, provide an

inter-communications system, integral to the telephone system, to allow two-way
communications between different spaces. Provide an independent, stand-alone, Type
1, Direct Connected Keyed, intercommunications system, for use by aircraft
maintenance and material operations only. Provide a two-way communication from Line
Shacks to, and between, all rooms in the O1 level space except passages, locker and
toilet rooms, and mechanical equipment rooms.

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Intercommunication System

Coordinate with users and determine if an intercom system is required. If required,

provide the necessary infrastructure with provisions for interconnection with other
buildings including the following.

• Rooms in the O1 and O2 level space, except corridors, locker and toilet
rooms, and storage rooms.
• Department heads and the Commanding Officer and Executive Officers of
the squadron.
• Officers' ready room and maintenance control.
• Administration office and maintenance administration.

ALIS Communication System

The ALIS is required for all F-35 hangars. A SAPF area is required for the ALIS. Refer
to 2-2.3 - Secure Spaces for standards that apply to the construction of secure spaces.


Provide all cranes in accordance with Navy Crane Instruction 11450.2 Design of Navy
Shore Weight Handling Equipment. For bridge crane capacities and additional crane
requirements refer to Table 7-1: Standard Hangar Bay Module Dimensions and Crane

All overhead bridge cranes to be under running girder electric cranes with under running
trolley hoist. Provide either single or double girder type, whichever minimizes the lowest
overall crane depth for the configuration. Support all bridge cranes from patented track
systems designed by the crane manufacturer.

Hook Height

The minimum hook clearance height, (measured from the finished floor elevation to the
saddle of the hook at full elevation) is as tabulated in Table 7-1: Standard Hangar Bay
Module Dimensions and Crane Capacities*. Increase crane hook height where possible
to take advantage of the available structure height.

Hook Coverage

Design bridge crane layout to provide loaded hook coverage to within 12 ft. (3.7 m) of
the inside face of all walls and to within 15 ft. (4.6 m) of the inside face of the hangar
doors, except for Type II hangars. Refer to Figure 7-11: Section through Type II Hangar
Crane Configuration and Vertical Clearances for Type II crane requirements. Where
multiple cranes are provided, fully loaded hooks must be capable of being located within
15 ft. (4.6 m) of each other.

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Hangar door widths to be determined by the elements at the edge of the door opening.
Design the width of the opening to be not be less than 3ft. less than the width of the
aircraft maintenance bay. Provide individually operated panels if the project includes
sliding steel hangar doors.


At a minimum, provide trenches and nozzles around the perimeter of the hangar bay to
enclose the aircraft silhouette and service area. For the purpose of the trench and
nozzle locations, the aircraft service area is defined by Table 2-1: Minimum Aircraft
Maintenance Bay Clearances. For example, in a Navy Type I Hangar, the aircraft
service area starts at 7'-6" from the inside face of the hangar bay door.

Trench Drains

Provide trench drains in the hangar bay to remove hazardous fuels, fire suppression
system discharge, and convey fire suppression system piping to the AFFF system
discharge devices. Trench drains may also be used to convey compressed air and
water service lines to support other operational functions of the maintenance hangar.

7-11.1.1 Trench Sizing

Size trench drains to account for the flow of the sprinkler system, AFFF system
discharge, and hose stream allowance. To allow for sufficient space for maintenance in
the trench, consider the volume of piping within the trenches and turning radius of the
fittings in the design.

7-11.1.2 Trench Covers

At a minimum, provide ductile iron or steel trench covers manufactured to withstand a
minimum proof-load of 100,000 lbs. (45,359 kg) from a tire with a 250 psi (1.72
Megapascal (MPa)) pressure. Use nozzles and assembles that are not subjected to
damage resulting from forces and torque imposed by a tow cart. Install nozzles, integral
trench grate assembly, and supporting framework in accordance with manufacturer's
recommendations. Design the top of the nozzle and grate assembly to be flush or level
with floor it is protecting.

7-11.1.3 Trench Location

Provide trench drains in a grid pattern, as shown in Figure 7-2: Drive-Through Hangar
and Figure 7-3: Pull-In Hangar.

7-11.1.4 Trench Nozzles

Use nozzles that develop a spray pattern from its installation position, with no moving
parts. Do not exceed a nozzle spray pattern height of 12 in. (305 mm) above the hangar
bay floor. Do not provide nozzles with characteristics that result in foam/water solution
being discharged on an aircraft fuselage or wing components through direct
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impingement or misting. Do not provide nozzles that require high pressure fittings and
system components. Provide nozzles compatible with the inductor proportioning system
in this UFC.

Provide nozzles that have been tested for obstruction to discharge such as aircraft tires,
55 gal. (208 L) barrels, 3/4 in. (19 mm) rubber hoses, construction materials, with little
effect on time of floor coverage. Design the system so the total nozzle obstructions do
not negatively impact the hydraulics of the distribution system or the foam induction

7-11.1.5 Nozzle Location

Use nozzles that discharge foam/water solution in a 360-degree, 180-degree, and 90-
degree patterns. Use only 90-degree or 180-degree pattern nozzles around the
perimeter such that foam/water solution is directed onto the aircraft servicing area.
Provide uniform discharge of foam/water solution over the aircraft servicing area with a
maximum spacing between trenches of 50 ft. (15.2 m) and a minimum and maximum
spacing of nozzles within trenches of 22.5 ft. (6.86 m) and 27.5 ft. (8.38 m.),
respectively. Do not discharge foam/water solution beyond the perimeter trenching of
the hangar bay.

7-11.1.6 Low Level AFFF Discharge Devices

Use Viking Grate Nozzle™, Models GN 200/360, 200/180, or 200/090 or equal for the
low level AFFF system. Use nozzles that are UL listed (GFUT) or FM approved. In order
to use a nozzle other than specifically listed; provide performance capabilities of the
alternative nozzle to the Navy for approval.

Install the low level AFFF trench nozzle system in a similar arrangement and with the
limitations indicated in Figure 7-2: Drive-Through Hangar and Figure 7-3: Pull-In

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Figure 7-2: Drive-Through Hangar

Nozzle Placement Notes:

1. Center to center nozzle spacing is approved for no less than 22.5 ft. (6.8 m.) and no
greater than 27.5 ft. (8.4 m.)

2. The maximum distance between the centerline of distribution trenches is 50 ft. (15.2

3. Provide 180 degree nozzles around the perimeter of the aircraft servicing area.

4. Provide 90 degree nozzles in the corners of the aircraft servicing area.

5. Do not exceed a distance of 3 ft. (1 m) into the hangar bay from the face of the
hangar bay door jamb to the nearest parallel edge of the trench.

6. Do not exceed the tabular value in Table 2-1: Minimum Aircraft Maintenance Bay
Clearances for the perpendicular distance from the centerline of the nozzles to the
inside face of the nearest hangar bay door.

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7. Do not exceed the tabular value in Table 2-1: Minimum Aircraft Maintenance Bay
Clearances for the perpendicular distance from the centerline of the nozzles to the
nearest fixed obstruction along the side wall.

Figure 7-3: Pull-In Hangar

Nozzle Placement Notes:

1. Center to center nozzle spacing is approved for no less than 22.5 ft. (6.8 m.) and no
greater than 27.5 ft. (8.4 m.)

2. The maximum distance between the centerline of distribution trenches is 50 ft. (15.2

3. Provide 180 degree nozzles around the perimeter of the aircraft servicing area.

4. Provide 90 degree nozzles in the corners of the aircraft servicing area.

5. Do not exceed the tabular value in Table 2-1: Minimum Aircraft Maintenance Bay
Clearances for the perpendicular distance from the centerline of the nozzles to the
nearest fixed obstruction along the back wall.

6. Do not exceed the tabular value in in Table 2-1: Minimum Aircraft Maintenance Bay
Clearances for the perpendicular distance from the centerline of the nozzles to the
inside face of the nearest hangar bay door.

7. Do not exceed the tabular value in in Table 2-1: Minimum Aircraft Maintenance Bay
Clearances for the perpendicular distance from the centerline of the nozzles to the
nearest fixed obstruction along the side wall.

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For Navy, fuel cell maintenance is performed in aircraft maintenance hangars in

accordance with NAVAIR 01-1A-35 vs. in dedicated fuel cell maintenance hangars.
Refer to NAVAIR 01-1A-35 dated 1 July 2009, Aircraft Fuel Cells and Tanks for policy,
requirements and procedures. Refer to paragraph 3-5.8.1: Compressed Air for
compressed air requirements.


Provide in accordance with 3-13: Wash Bay.


The Functional Data Sheets (FDS) and Space Types identify the functional spaces and
specific design needs for individual spaces within hangars. They are presented as a
guide for the designer, planner, or Request for Proposal (RFP) preparer. It is intended
that the information in the FDS are the minimum requirements for the respective rooms
and spaces. These minimum requirements apply in addition to all other requirements of
this UFC and other referenced documents. In the event of a mutually exclusive conflict
or where both requirements cannot be satisfied, the FDS take precedence. However, if
in the best judgment of the designer, a more restrictive requirement is appropriate, the
more restrictive requirement may be applied after consulting with the user. It should not
be assumed that these data sheets or space types reflect full requirements of the user
or the full requirements of any specific aircraft type. Refer to 7-14.1: FDS Format for
blank space references and additional minimum requirements.

FDS Format

Building design criteria are provided in a standard FDS table format that generally
follows the Uniformat II/Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). Note that blank spaces
found in the FDS indicate building components or systems should follow standard
guidance per UFC 1-200-01, as a minimum. The Built-In Equipment/Casework category
includes anything physically attached or plumbed to the building such as counters,
cabinets, casework, toilet accessories, window shades or blinds, heavy-duty pallet
racks, and recessed projection screens. The Furnishings, Fixtures &Equipment (FF&E)
category includes loose or moveable items such as desks, chairs, and shelving. Items
such as computers, printers, copiers, and flat screen monitors are "user-provided"
equipment and are not considered FF&E. Coordinate FF&E and user-provided
equipment with the building systems.


All of the spaces listed in the following tables may not be applicable to all hangar types.
For example, Aviation Ordnance will not generally be provided in a hangar where the
aircraft do not have weapons or ejection seats. However, consider future flexibility and
future hangar use in the design of functional spaces. Additionally, not all required
spaces are listed in these tables, as there are too many variations and unique
requirements when considering the range of aircraft inventory. Many aircraft FRD may
UFC 4-211-01
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further define more specific requirements for these functional areas as well as define
other required hangar spaces. Building support spaces such as mechanical, pump
rooms, and electrical rooms must be provided as required and all spaces may not be
listed. Some data sheets and space types apply only to specific airframes as noted.

Coordination with User and Airframe

Each squadron occupying a hangar has different requirements based on the size of the
squadron, the type of aircraft, the type of hangar (see below), the type of squadron
(e.g., training, reserve) and various other factors. The functional areas required are
dependent on operational requirements and the functions required are determined by
the user during the planning/DD 1391 development phase. Designer or RFP preparer
must develop and coordinate project specific requirements with the user squadron,
based on this UFC, the specific design aircraft(s), respective FRD or equivalent
documents, and existing maintenance capabilities at each base.

Hangar Levels and Space Types

7-14.4.1 Hangar Levels

As discussed earlier in this chapter, Aircraft hangars are comprised of 3 distinct areas;
the hangar bay (OH space), the Shop and Maintenance Administration area (O1 level);
and the Operations, Training and Administration area (O2 level). Hangar spaces are
grouped as O1 and O2 for planning purposes, and may be located on 1st or 2nd floors
as required for appropriate adjacencies (refer to 7-15: NAVY ADJACENCY
DRAWINGS). Additionally, spaces are categorized as to their general function such as
the Hangar Bay, a Shop, Admin, Ops or Support (building). These space groupings and
categories are reflected in 7-14.4.2: Hangar Space Types.

7-14.4.2 Hangar Space Types

Table 7-3: Hangar Space Table includes a list of spaces and functions that are
commonly found in Navy hangars. General (Airframe) spaces indicate those found in
every hangar. Airframe specific (i.e. F-35) spaces indicate special spaces for the
respective aircraft. Additional FDS are presented for some spaces. Actual user,
airframe, or FRD terms may vary from those used in Table 7-3: Hangar Space Table.
The US Marine Corps has different designations for similar activities.

Table 7-3: Hangar Space Table

Airframe Space Space Space Name Space Description Refer to Functional Data Sheet
Category Grouping (Reference Table Number)
General OH OH Hangar Bay (OH) Maintenance Hangar area Refer to Table 7-4: Hangar Bay
General Shop O1 Air Frames (Shop) Maintains Air Frames. Refer to Table 7-5: Air Frames
General Shop O1 Aviation Ordnance Maintains aircraft weapons Refer to Table 7-6: Aviation
(Shop) systems including weapons Ordnance
cleaning and storage.

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Airframe Space Space Space Name Space Description Refer to Functional Data Sheet
Category Grouping (Reference Table Number)
General Shop O1 Avionics Space Maintains Aircraft electrical Refer to Table 7-7: Avionics
(Shop) systems. This shop also
provides storage for
specialized communication
equipment and may require
special secure storage
areas. Consider providing a
vault within the shop as
opposed to making the
entire shop a secure space.
A separate Avionics shop
may be required due to
different ratings of work or
required security level.

General Shop O1 Corrosion Provides maintenance shop Refer to Table 7-8: Corrosion
Control/Coating for corrosion control. Control/Coating Shop
(Shop) Includes Low Observability
(LO) Maintenance for F-35.

General Shop O1 Detachment (Shop) Standard shop for Refer to Table 7-9: Detachment
Squadrons employing
deployed aircraft. This is
generally a workspace
without any specific
requirements. Coordinate
requirements with a
squadron configured for
detachment components.
General Shop O1 Flight Gear/Paraloft This space is used to repair Refer to Table 7-10: Flight
(Shop) flight gear. It also provides Gear/Paraloft
the storage area for flight
gear. Also may be part of
AME shop or Flight
General Shop O1 Flight Line Office Office for flight line shop None
General Shop O1 Hangar Storage Storage area adjacent to None
(Shop) hangar bay.
General Shop O1 Line Shack (Shop) Flightline personnel waiting None
area and storage area

General Shop O1 Night Vision This space provides for Refer to Table 7-12: Night Vision
Goggles (NVG) storage of night vision gear. Goggles (NVG) Storage
Storage (Shop)
General Shop O1 Phase Crew (Shop) Provides planned Refer to Table 7-13: Phase Crew
maintenance on aircraft
General Shop O1 Power Plant (Shop) Maintains Aircraft Engines. Refer to Table 7-14: Power Plant
General Shop O1 Seat Shop (Shop) Shop and storage area for Refer to Table 7-15: Seat Shop
seats and other
components that are part of
reconfigurable aircraft.

General Shop O1 Secured Classified Secure storage of aircraft None

Storage (Shop) weapon system
components with roll up
door to hangar bay access

General Shop O1 Tool Room (Shop) Tool Storage and Issue Refer to Table 7-16: Tool Room
General Admin O1 1st Lieutenant This space provides for the None
storage of building
maintenance supplies and
office space for the 1st
General Admin O1 Bunk Room Sleeping Quarters for Duty None

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Airframe Space Space Space Name Space Description Refer to Functional Data Sheet
Category Grouping (Reference Table Number)
General Admin O1 Chief's Mess Provides meeting space for None
Chief Petty Officers (CPO).
Coordinate requirement
with squadron.
General Admin O1 Division Office This space provides office Refer to Table 7-17: Division Office
space for the squadron
division officers.
General Admin O1 Lobby This space is located at the None
main personnel entrance to
the hangar. The space may
include the quarterdeck.
Verify requirement for
quarterdeck as not all
squadrons have personnel
available for manning.
General Admin O1 Maintenance This space provides for None
Administration administration of
maintenance activities. This
space is a general office
General Admin O1 Maintenance Provides for separate or None
Administration - combined office for the
Private Offices Maintenance Officer (MO)
and the Assistant
Maintenance Officer
General Admin O1 Maintenance This space provides for Refer to Table 7-18: Maintenance
Control administration of squadron Control
maintenance. The space
also provides flight crews to
access the maintenance
records and flight data. This
space may also be used for
briefing of maintenance
personnel prior to beginning
of work day. Includes
consolidated printer
location and admin supply
General Admin O1 Maintenance Provides private office for None
Control Private the Maintenance Control
Office Officer in Charge (OIC).
General Admin O1 Material Control This space provides for None
maintenance record
storage. This area also
provides for receipt and
documentation of
General Admin O1 Quality Assurance This space provides office None
space and study space for
quality assurance activities.
This space also provides
for storage of aircraft
manuals. Manuals may be
provided on Compact Disk
General Admin O1 Quarterdeck/Duty/S This space is located at the None
ecurity Office main personnel entrance to
the hangar. The space may
be separate from the lobby
or open to the lobby as
determined. Generally, this
space is occupied by one
person. Provides a
controlled entry to the
General Admin O2 CO/XO Toilet Private Toilet for CO/XO None

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Airframe Space Space Space Name Space Description Refer to Functional Data Sheet
Category Grouping (Reference Table Number)
General Admin O2 Exam Room Provides exam space for None
medical officer
General Admin O2 General Office General open office space None
(open) used for squadron
General Admin O2 Personnel Office General open office space None
used for squadron
General Admin O2 Private Office - Executive level private None
Commanding offices are generally
Officer, Executive adjacent to each other and
Officer are often interconnected
either by direct access or
by a vestibule. They may
share a toilet with shower if
requested. Generally, the
spaces are associated with
a waiting area and/or
clerk’s office. They may be
a part of a "command suite"
that includes the Command
Master Chief. Command
Suites may have secure
General Admin O2 Private Office - This type of office is None
General provided for various
administrative functions on
the O2 level. Offices may
include: Drug and Alcohol
Program Advisor (DAPA),
Command Master Chief,
Admin Officer, CPO, OIC,
CCD, Combat Control
Officer (CCO), SAFTO,
NATO, Legal, and
General Ops O2 Briefing Room This space provides for None
operational briefings
associated with flight
General Ops O2 Chart Room Provides space for flight None
planning operations and
storage of charts.
General Ops O2 Conference Room Provides space for None
meetings and conferences.
May be a secure space and
may include Video
Teleconference Capabilities
General Ops O2 Operations Offices Office serves as the None
operations center for all
squadron flight operations.
This may include other
offices such as Intel or
General Ops O2 Secure Provides head-in space for None
Communications SIPRNet
General Ops O2 Training This space provides for None
Room/Classroom training of personnel. May
require training storage
space for table/chairs. May
include operable partitions
to create separate spaces.
General Ops O2 Ward Room (Ready Ready room for pilots and None
Room) flight crew.

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Airframe Space Space Space Name Space Description Refer to Functional Data Sheet
Category Grouping (Reference Table Number)
General Support O1/O2 Men's Toilet Toilet facilities, locker and None
shower rooms.
General Support O1/O2 Break Provides space for vending None
Room/Vending machines and snack bar
operations. Coordinate
specific requirements with
the squadron. Multiple
break rooms may be
General Support O1/O2 Building Systems Provides space for building None
Spaces systems including, but not
limited to: Mechanical, Fire
Protection, Fire Pump,
Electrical, and Elevator
General Support O1/O2 Communications Provides space for None
Room telecommunications and
Navy Marine Corp Intranet
(NMCI) head-in equipment
General Support O1/O2 Corridors Provides for horizontal None
General Support O1/O2 Elevator Elevator cab and shaft None
General Support O1/O2 Janitor Closet Provides for cleaning None
supply storage.
General Support O1/O2 Stairs Provides for vertical None
General Support O1/O2 Women's Toilet Toilet facilities, locker and None
shower rooms.

F-35 OH OH Hangar Bay (OH) Maintenance Hangar area Refer to Table 7-19: Hangar Bay
(F-35 Only) (OH) (F-35 Only)

F-35 Shop O1 Seat and Canopy Maintains ejection seats Refer to Table 7-20: Seat and
Maintenance/AME and canopies. Includes Canopy Maintenance/AME
(Shop) (F-35 Only) arming and de-arming with Maintenance (Shop) (F-35 Only)
storage of explosives.
Includes storage and
maintenance of other
Alternate Mission
Equipment (AME).
F-35 Ops O1/O2 SAPF ALIS Office None
Administration (F-35
F-35 Ops O1/O2 SAPF ALIS Office None
Maintenance (F-35
F-35 Ops O1/O2 SAPF ALIS OMS Office None
Operations (F-35
F-35 Ops O1/O2 SAPF Assistant Office None
Intel (F-35 Only)

F-35 Ops O1/O2 SAPF Assistant Office None

Security Office (F-
35 Only)
F-35 Ops O1/O2 SAPF Avionics Office None
Shop Subset (F-35
F-35 Ops O1/O2 SAPF Intel (F-35 Office None
F-35 Ops O1/O2 SAPF Large Pilot Briefing - Separate by None
Briefing (2) (F-35 operable partition

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Airframe Space Space Space Name Space Description Refer to Functional Data Sheet
Category Grouping (Reference Table Number)
F-35 Ops O1/O2 SAPF Mission Office None
Planning (F-35
F-35 Ops O1/O2 SAPF Pilot Briefing Briefing None
(6) (F-35 Only)

F-35 Ops O1/O2 SAPF Security Office None

Office (F-35 Only)

F-35 Ops O1/O2 SAPF Security Office None

Work Space (F-35
F-35 Ops O1/O2 SAPF SOU Office None
Communications (F-
35 Only)
F-35 Ops O1/O2 Collateral/SAR Multiple options are None
Storage available to meet storage
requirements based on type
and condition of

F-35 Support O1/O2 SAPF Toilets (F-35 Toilet None

F-35 Support O1/O2 SAPF Break Room Support None
(F-35 Only)

F-35 Support O1/O2 SAPF SIPRNet Support None

Communications (F-
35 Only)

F-35 Support O1/O2 SAPF Storage (F- Storage None

35 Only)
MV-22 Shop O1 Airframe Hydraulic This work center performs Refer to MV-22 Functional Data
Clean Room (Shop) inspections and proper Sheets
(MV-22 Only) procedures on flight control Table 7-21: Airframe Hydraulic Clean
systems, hydraulic power Room (Shop) (MV-22 Only)
systems and associated
subsystems, and Blade
Fold Wing Stow (BFWS)

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Functional Data Sheets

Table 7-4: Hangar Bay (OH)

Description / Usage Maintenance area for airframes

Minimum Ceiling Height Refer to mandatory height requirements based on hangar type.

Finishes Walls Painted walls between O1/O2 and hangar bay.

Floors Fuel Resistive Resinous Flooring, 5-Coat System. Incorporate floor markings if
Ceiling Exposed construction.

Interior Construction / Incorporate an approved Avian Intrusion Prevention System in the hangar bay.
Built-in Equipment
Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment Storage cabinets
Plumbing Emergency Shower and Eyewash stations per Chapter 3. Compressed air drops on
walls - Compressed air source of 125 psi with a constant flow rate of 20 cfm. Each
service point with the following: One (1) 38 mm (1/2 in.) needle valve shutoff, One
(1) pneumatic tool filter, One (1) 861.8 kPa (125.0 psi) pressure regulator, One (1)
pneumatic tool lubricator, Two (2) pneumatic tool quick-connectors, One (1) wall-
mounted hose rack. Coordinate with users on number of compressed air drops
required and requirements for hose reels for water or air.
HVAC Provide per Chapter 3.
Specialized exhaust system(s) required. Exhaust directly outdoors
through roof. Thermostatic control switch activated by hangar door
to shutoff heating if OA temp is above 40ºF.
May require air conditioned hangar bay for certain aircraft in warmer climates.
May require overhead radiant heating.
May require hangar door track heating system in colder climates.
Fire Protection Provide per Chapter 3 and Chapter 7.

Power Provide per Chapter 3 and Chapter 7.


Communication Provide per Chapter 3 and Chapter 7.

Intercommunications Systems Provide per Chapter 3. Microphone and Auxiliary Jacks, Paging Speaker
System (Neoplanar Emitters), GPS Repeater Systems
Electrical Special Systems Provide per Chapter 3 and Chapter 7. 400 Hz Frequency Converters, Ground
and Devices Power Equipment Connections.
Security - CCTV Cameras, Access Control (if required by Government)
Special Requirements Provide Hangar Doors per Chapter 3 and Chapter 7.
Provide catwalks and ladders to provide service for Vertical Lift Fabric Doors.
Provide bridge crane(s) when required.
Acoustics Provide acoustical seals including automatic door bottoms and perimeter seals on
any doors provided between the O2 level and the hangar bay.

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Table 7-5: Air Frames (Shop)
Description / Usage Maintains air frames.

Minimum Ceiling Height

Finishes Walls Painted with resilient base.

Floors Fuel Resistive Resinous Flooring, 5-Coat System. Incorporate floor markings
if required.
Ceiling Exposed construction.

Interior Construction / Marker Boards.

Built-in Equipment
Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment Desks and chairs, bookcases, file cabinets, workbench with stools, aircraft parts
(FF&E) shelf, vice, storage cabinets.
Plumbing Service Sink.
Compressed air drop at workbench. Compressed air source of 125 psi with a
constant flow rate of 40 cfm. Each service point with the following: One (1) 38 mm
(1/2 in.) needle valve shutoff, One (1) pneumatic tool filter, One (1) 861.8 kPa (125.0
psi) pressure regulator, One (1) pneumatic tool lubricator, Two (2) pneumatic tool
quick-connectors, One (1) wall-mounted hose rack. Coordinate with users on
number of compressed air drops and requirements for hose reels.
HVAC Requires special industrial exhaust system that goes directly to the outside
through roof.
Fire Protection Provide per Chapter 3 and Chapter 7

Power Dedicated Equipment Connections.


Communication CATV Outlet

Intercommunications Systems Call-In and Volume Control Station.

Special Requirements Due to the potentially large pieces of equipment brought into this shop, provide
a minimum of a pair of 3'0" x 7'-0" personnel doors opening onto the hangar
If a 4 ft. (1220 mm) wide opening is adequate, provide a single 4 ft. (1220 mm)
wide personnel door in lieu of double doors.

UFC 4-211-01
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Table 7-6: Aviation Ordnance (Shop)
Description / Usage Maintains aircraft weapons systems including weapons cleaning and storage.

Minimum Ceiling Height

Finishes Walls Paint with resilient base.

Floors Fuel Resistive Resinous Flooring, 3-Coat System. Incorporate floor markings
if required.
Ceiling Exposed construction.

Interior Construction / Marker Boards.

Built-in Equipment
Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment Desks and Chairs, bookcases, file cabinets, workbench with stools, aircraft parts
(FF&E) shelf, vice, storage cabinets.
Plumbing Service Sink.
Compressed air drop at workbench. Compressed air source of 125 psi with a
constant flow rate of 20 cfm. Each service point with the following: One (1) 38 mm
(1/2 in.) needle valve shutoff, One (1) pneumatic tool filter, One (1) 861.8 kPa (125.0
psi) pressure regulator, One (1) pneumatic tool lubricator, Two (2) pneumatic tool
quick-connectors, One (1) wall-mounted hose rack. Coordinate with users on
number of compressed air drops and requirements for hose reels.
HVAC Specialized exhaust system(s) required. Exhaust directly outdoors through roof.
Thermostat/humidistat. Separately controlled zones. Humidifier/Dehumidifier may
be required due to the presence of ordnance. Explosion-proof fan motors may be
Fire Protection Provide per Chapter 3 and Chapter 7


Grounding Systems Provide Ground Bus Bar per UFC 3-575-01

Electrical Special Systems and 400 Hz Panelboard, 400 Hz Bench Connection, Test Bench Connections

Communication CATV Outlet.

Intercommunications Systems Call-In and Volume Control Station.

Special Requirements Provide direct access to the exterior for the Aviation Ordnance Shop. Provide
panic devices on all doors from the shop. May require a vault. Coordinate
with the squadron.
Special solvents may be used for cleaning - provide special exhaust if
Coordinate explosive classification requirements with the users.

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Table 7-7: Avionics Space (Shop)
Description / Usage Maintains aircraft electrical systems. This shop also provides storage for
specialized communication equipment and may require special secure
storage areas. Consider providing a vault within the shop as opposed to
making the entire shop a secure space.
Minimum Ceiling Height
Finishes Walls Paint resilient base.

Floors Static Dissipative resilient flooring.

Ceiling Exposed construction.

Interior Construction / Marker Boards.

Built-in Equipment

Furnishings Desks and chairs, bookcases, file cabinets, workbench with stools, aircraft parts
shelf, vice, storage cabinets, secure file cabinet if required.

Plumbing Service Sink.

Compressed air drop at workbench. Compressed air source of 125 psi with a
constant flow rate of 20 cfm. Each service point with the following: One (1) 38 mm
(1/2 in.) needle valve shutoff, One (1) pneumatic tool filter, One (1) 861.8 kPa (125.0
psi) pressure regulator, One (1) pneumatic tool lubricator, Two (2) pneumatic tool
quick-connectors, One (1) wall-mounted hose rack. Coordinate with users on
number of compressed air drops and requirements for hose reels.
Emergency Eyewash per Chapter 3.
HVAC Specialized exhaust system(s) required per Chapter 3. Exhaust directly outdoors
through roof.

Fire Protection Provide per Chapter 3 and Chapter 7


Grounding Systems Provide Ground Bus Bar per UFC 3-575-01

Electrical Special Systems 400 Hz Frequency Converter, 400 Hz Panelboard, Convenience Outlets, Dedicated
and Devices Equipment Connections, 400 Hz Bench Connections, Test Bench Connections.

Communication CATV Outlet

Intercommunications Systems Call-In and Volume Control Stations.

Special Requirements Sometimes this space may require a vault or secure file cabinets. Coordinate
requirement with squadron.


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Table 7-8: Corrosion Control/Coating Shop
Description / Usage Maintenance shop for corrosion control. Includes Low Observability (LO)
Maintenance for F-35.

Minimum Ceiling Height

Finishes Walls Paint with resilient base.

Floors Sealed concrete.

Ceiling Exposed construction.

Interior Construction / Marker Boards.

Built-in Equipment

Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment Desks and chairs, bookcases, file cabinets, workbench with stools, aircraft parts
(FF&E) shelf, vice, storage cabinets, hazmat lockers, and corrosive battery lockers.

Plumbing Service Sink.

Compressed air drop at workbench. Compressed air source of 125 psi with a
constant flow rate of 20 cfm. Each service point with the following: One (1) 38 mm
(1/2 in.) needle valve shutoff, One (1) pneumatic tool filter, One (1) 861.8 kPa (125.0
psi) pressure regulator, One (1) pneumatic tool lubricator, Two (2) pneumatic tool
quick-connectors, One (1) wall-mounted hose rack. Coordinate with users on
number of compressed air drops and requirements for hose reels.
HVAC Specialized exhaust system(s) required. Exhaust directly outdoors through roof.

Fire Protection Provide per Chapter 3 and Chapter 7



Communication CATV Outlet.

Intercommunications Systems Call-In and Volume Control Station.

Special Requirements Due to the potentially large pieces of equipment brought into this shop, provide a
minimum of a pair of 3'-0" x 7'-0" personnel doors opening onto the hangar bay.
If a 4 ft. (1220 mm) wide opening is adequate, provide a single 4 ft. (1220 mm)
wide personnel door in lieu of double doors.

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Table 7-9: Detachment (Shop)
Description / Usage Standard shop for Squadrons using deployed aircraft. Coordinate
requirements with a squadron configured for detachment components.
Minimum Ceiling Height

Finishes Walls Paint with resilient base.

Floors Fuel Resistive Resinous Flooring, 3-Coat System. Incorporate floor markings if
Ceiling Exposed construction.

Interior Construction / Marker Boards

Built-in Equipment
Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment Desks and chairs, bookcases, file cabinets, work benches.

HVAC Specialized exhaust system(s) may be required. Exhaust directly outdoors

through roof.
Fire Protection Provide per Chapter 3 and Chapter 7



Communication CATV Outlet.

Intercommunications Systems Call-In and Volume Control Stations.

Special Requirements


UFC 4-211-01
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Table 7-10: Flight Gear/Paraloft (Shop)
Description / Usage This space is used to repair and store flight gear.

Minimum Ceiling Height

Finishes Walls Paint with resilient base.

Floors Resilient flooring or Fuel Resistive Resinous Flooring, 3-Coat System. May
require static dissipative flooring.
Ceiling Exposed construction.

Interior Construction / Marker Boards.

Built-in Equipment Flight Gear Lockers - coordinate requirements with squadron. Generally, lockers
are open style with mesh sides. Due to the storage of combustible materials
(flares), doors are not desirable on the locker fronts. Size lockers to
accommodate helmets and the particular gear associated with the aircraft type.
Work table - provide large worktable to provide workspace for working on flight
Consider Rolling Storage units in lieu of fixed lockers to save space. Coordinate
with structural slab for possible rail installation.
Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment Desks and chairs, bookcases, file cabinets, workbench with stools, aircraft parts
(FF&E) shelf, vice, storage cabinets, commercial washer and dryer, sewing machine.
Plumbing Washer hook up.

HVAC Dryer vent required. Specialized exhaust system(s) required. Exhaust directly
outdoors through roof. Explosion-proof fan motors may be required.
Fire Protection Provide per Chapter 3 and Chapter 7

Power Dryer hookup.


Communication CATV Outlet.

Intercommunications Systems Call-In and Volume Control Stations.

Special Requirements Two (2) exits are required from this space. Swing door outward and provide panic
Verify quantity of Class C/D1.4G explosive material within the space. Provide
protective construction if the allowable quantities of explosive material are
Space may need to be classified as a "Hazardous Occupancy" based on types
and quantity of pyrotechnical devices stored in the space. Verify quantity
(pounds) of material prior to establishing a special occupancy separation.

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Table 7-11: Flight Line (Shop)
Description / Usage Flight line personnel shop

Minimum Ceiling Height

Finishes Walls Paint with resilient base.

Floors Sealed concrete is the minimum. Resilient flooring or Fuel Resistive Resinous
Flooring, 3-Coat System if requested by the squadron.
Ceiling Exposed construction. Paint exposed items such as structure, ductwork, conduit,
piping, devices.
Interior Construction /
Built-in Equipment
Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment Desks, desk chairs, tool storage cabinets, workbenches, stools, file cabinets, as
(FF&E) required.
Plumbing Service sink
Emergency eyewash per Chapter 3

Fire Protection Provide per Chapter 3 and Chapter 7



Communication CATV Outlet

Intercommunications Systems Call-In and Volume Control Stations

Special Requirements Due to the potentially large pieces of equipment brought into this space,
provide a minimum of a pair of 3'-0" x 7'-0" personnel doors opening onto the
hangar bay.
Provide a minimum 8 ft. (2.4 m) high motorized rolling service door to the
Acoustics No special requirements

UFC 4-211-01
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Table 7-12: Night Vision Goggles (NVG) Storage (Shop)
Description / Usage This space serves as storage room of night vision gear.

Minimum Ceiling Height

Finishes Walls Painted CMU with resilient base.

Floors Resilient flooring.

Ceiling Suspended Acoustical Ceiling.

Interior Construction / Shelving.

Built-in Equipment
Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment
Plumbing Not required.


Fire Protection Provide per Chapter 3 and Chapter 7




Special Requirements Provide metal door with a combination lock and deadbolt.


UFC 4-211-01
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Table 7-13: Phase Crew (Shop)
Description / Usage Shop for planned maintenance on aircraft parts.

Minimum Ceiling Height

Finishes Walls Paint with resilient base.

Floors Fuel Resistive Resinous Flooring, 5-Coat System. Incorporate floor markings if
Ceiling Exposed construction.

Interior Construction / Marker Boards.

Built-in Equipment
Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment Desks and chairs, bookcases, file cabinets, workbench with stools, aircraft parts
(FF&E) shelf, vice, storage cabinets.
Plumbing Service Sink.
Compressed air drop at workbench. Compressed air source of 125 psi with a
constant flow rate of 20 cfm. Each service point with the following: One (1) 38 mm
(1/2 in.) needle valve shutoff, One (1) pneumatic tool filter, One (1) 861.8 kPa (125.0
psi) pressure regulator, One (1) pneumatic tool lubricator, Two (2) pneumatic tool
quick-connectors, One (1) wall-mounted hose rack. Coordinate with users on number
of compressed air drops and requirements for hose reels.
HVAC Specialized exhaust system(s) may be required. Exhaust directly outdoors through
Fire Protection Provide per Chapter 3 and Chapter 7



Communication CATV Outlet.

Intercommunications Systems Call-In and Volume Control Station.

Special Requirements Due to the potentially large pieces of equipment brought into this shop, provide a
minimum of a pair of 3'-0" x 7'-0" personnel doors opening onto the hangar bay.
If a 4 ft. (1220 m) wide opening is adequate, provide a single 4 ft. (1220 mm) wide
personnel door in lieu of double doors.

UFC 4-211-01
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Change 1, November 2017
Table 7-14: Power Plant (Shop)
Description / Usage Maintains aircraft engines.

Minimum Ceiling Height

Finishes Walls Paint with resilient base.

Floors Fuel Resistive Resinous Flooring, 5-Coat System. Incorporate required floor

Ceiling Exposed construction.

Interior Construction / Marker Boards.

Built-in Equipment

Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment Desks and chairs, bookcases, file cabinets, workbench with stools, aircraft parts
(FF&E) shelf, vice, storage cabinets.

Plumbing Service Sink.

Compressed air drop at workbench. Compressed air source of 125 psi with a
constant flow rate of 20 cfm. Each service point with the following: One (1) 38 mm
(1/2 in.) needle valve shutoff, One (1) pneumatic tool filter, One (1) 861.8 kPa (125.0
psi) pressure regulator, One (1) pneumatic tool lubricator, Two (2) pneumatic tool
quick-connectors, One (1) wall-mounted hose rack.
Coordinate with users on number of compressed air drops and requirements for
hose reels.
HVAC Specialized exhaust system(s) required. Exhaust directly outdoors through roof.

Fire Protection Provide per Chapter 3 and Chapter 7

Power Dedicated Equipment Connections.


Communication CATV Outlet.

Intercommunications Systems Call-In and Volume Control Station. Connect all shops, maintenance control, tool
room and material control via intercommunication system.

Special Requirements Due to the potentially large pieces of equipment brought into this shop, provide a
minimum of a pair of 3'-0" x 7'-0" personnel doors opening onto the hangar bay.
If a 4 ft. (1220 mm) wide opening is adequate, provide a single 4 ft. (1220 mm) wide
personnel door in lieu of double doors.


UFC 4-211-01
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Table 7-15: Seat Shop (Shop)
Description / Usage Shop and storage area for seats and other components that are part
of reconfigurable aircraft.
Minimum Ceiling Height

Finishes Walls Paint with resilient base.

Floors Resilient flooring or Fuel Resistive Resinous Flooring, 3-Coat System.

Ceiling Exposed construction.

Interior Construction / Marker Boards. May require heavy industrial shelving for seat storage.
Built-in Equipment
Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment Desks and chairs, bookcases, file cabinets.

HVAC Specialized exhaust system(s) may be required. Exhaust directly outdoors

through roof. May require explosion-proof fans and motors for MK16E ejection
Fire Protection Provide per Chapter 3 and Chapter 7


Grounding Systems Provide Ground Bus Bar per UFC 3-575-01


Communication CATV Outlet.

Intercommunications Systems Call-In and Volume Control Stations.

Special Requirements Due to the potentially large pieces of equipment brought into this shop, provide a
minimum of a pair of 3'-0" x 7'-0" personnel doors opening onto the hangar bay.
If direct access to the hangar bay is not provided, provide an exterior double

UFC 4-211-01
13 April 2017
Change 1, November 2017
Table 7-16: Tool Room (Shop)
Description / Usage Tool storage and issue

Minimum Ceiling Height

Finishes Walls Paint with resilient base.

Floors Sealed concrete resilient flooring or Fuel Resistive Resinous Flooring, 3-Coat

Ceiling Exposed construction.

Interior Construction / Stainless steel tool issue counter located within the tool room. Provide a stainless
Built-in Equipment steel service counter with overhead rolling service counter door if requested by the
users. Marker Boards and Peg Board
Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment Desks and chairs, bookcases file cabinets, workbench with stools, aircraft parts
(FF&E) shelf, vice, storage cabinets, parts storage bins.

Plumbing Service Sink

Compressed air drop at workbench. Compressed air source of 125 psi with a
constant flow rate of 20 cfm. Each service point with the following: One (1) 38 mm
(1/2 in.) needle valve shutoff, One (1) pneumatic tool filter, One (1) 861.8 kPa (125.0
psi) pressure regulator, One (1) pneumatic tool lubricator, Two (2) pneumatic tool
quick-connectors, One (1) wall-mounted hose rack. Coordinate with users on
number of compressed air drops and requirements for hose reels.
Emergency eye and face wash per Chapter 3.

Fire Protection Provide per Chapter 3 and Chapter 7

Power Dedicated Equipment Connections



Intercommunications Systems Call-In and Volume Control Stations. Connect all shops, maintenance control, tool
room and material control via intercommunication system.

Special Requirements Due to the potentially large pieces of equipment brought into this shop, provide
a minimum of a pair of 3'-0" x 7'-0" personnel doors opening onto the hangar
If a 4 ft. (1220 mm) wide opening is adequate, provide a single 4 ft. (1220 mm)
wide personnel door in lieu of double doors.
Consider using modular rolling storage shelving units for large tool rooms.
Coordinate with structural slab for possible rail installation.

UFC 4-211-01
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Table 7-17: Division Office
Description / Usage This space provides office space for the squadron division office.

Minimum Ceiling Height

Finishes Walls Paint resilient base. Internal separation partitions may be gypsum board on
metal studs.
Floors Resilient flooring, minimum. Do not provide carpet.

Ceiling Suspended Acoustical Ceiling.

Interior Construction / Marker Board.

Built-in Equipment
Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment Desks and chairs, side chairs, bookcases, file cabinets.


Fire Protection Provide per Chapter 3 and Chapter 7



Communication CATV Outlet, Secure (SIPRNet) Outlets.

Intercommunications Systems Call-In and Volume Control Stations.

Special Requirements

Acoustics Provide a minimum STC rating of 39, for partition and door construction.

UFC 4-211-01
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Table 7-18: Maintenance Control

Description / Usage Squadron Maintenance Administration: The space also allows flight crews to
access the maintenance records and flight data. This space may also be used
for briefing of maintenance personnel prior to beginning of work day.
Minimum Ceiling Height

Finishes Walls Paint with resilient base.

Floors Resilient flooring, minimum on office side; sealed concrete, epoxy coating
on the customer side. Do not provide carpet.

Ceiling Suspended Acoustical Ceiling.

Interior Construction / Service Counter to provide for maintenance personnel to receive daily
Built-in Equipment assignments and provide a work space for review of records.
Counter for flight crew to enter flight records. Marker Board, TV Bracket.

Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment Desks and chairs, bookcases, lateral files, time zone clock. Flight planning boards,
(FF&E) if required.



Fire Protection Provide per Chapter 3 and Chapter 7



Communication Provide network and telephone per UFC 3-580-01, CATV Outlet, Conduits to Roof
Mounted Antenna Farm Platform, Base Radio Outlet

Intercommunications Systems Master Control Station. Connect all shops, maintenance control, tool room and
material control via intercommunication system.

Special Requirements User may request that this space be combined with Material Control.
Sometimes access to the exterior is provided if it is part of Material
control. CCTV monitoring and Pan, Tilt Zoom (PTZ) control of hangar
and apron cameras.
When this space has direct visual access to the hangar bay, provide fixed with fire
rated glass.


UFC 4-211-01
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7-14.5.1 F-35 Functional Data Sheets
Table 7-19: Hangar Bay (OH) (F-35 Only)
Description / Usage Maintenance Hangar area
Minimum Ceiling Height Refer to mandatory height requirements based on hangar type.
Finishes Walls Paint walls between O1/O2 and hangar bay
Floors Fuel Resistive Resinous Flooring, 5-Coat System. Incorporate floor
markings if required
Ceiling Exposed construction.
Interior Construction / Built-in Equipment Incorporate Avian Intrusion Prevention System in the hangar bay.
Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment (FF&E)
Plumbing Emergency Shower and Eyewash stations per Chapter 3. Compressed
air drops on walls - Compressed air source of 125 psi with a constant
flow rate of 20 cfm. Each service point with the following: One (1) 38 mm
(1/2 in.) needle valve shutoff, One (1) pneumatic tool filter, One (1) 861.8
kPa (125.0 psi) pressure regulator, One (1) pneumatic tool lubricator,
Two (2) pneumatic tool quick-connectors, One (1) wall-mounted hose
rack. Coordinate with users on number of compressed air drops required
and requirements for hose reels for water or air.

HVAC Provide per Chapter 3. Exhaust directly outdoors through roof.

Thermostatic control switch required. Activate switch by hangar door to
shut off heating per Chapter 3. May require overhead radiant heating.

Provide Pre-Conditioned Air System per Chapter 3 and Chapter 4.

May require hangar door track heating system in colder climates.

Fire Protection Provide per Chapter 3 and Chapter 7
Power Ground Power Equipment Connection
Dedicated Equipment Connections
Two 480VAC, 3-phase, 60Hz power connection, at each aircraft parking
Electrical Hazardous classified area per Chapter 3.
Grounding Systems Grounding per UFC 3-575-01.
Electrical Special Systems and Devices 270VDC 72kW power connection.
100-amp minimum ground power connections.
400 Hz Frequency Converters, if required by Legacy aircraft,
270VDC converters.
Communication SCI Communications Outlets
Local Area Network (LAN) connection at each aircraft parking location,
and any F-35 wheel and tire maintenance area, GPS Repeater Systems.
Intercommunications Systems Microphone and Auxiliary Jacks
Paging Speaker System (Neoplanar Emitters)
Special Requirements Security - CCTV Cameras, Access Control (if required by Government)
Provide Hangar Doors per Chapter 3 and Chapter 7.

Provide catwalks and ladders to provide service for Vertical Lift Fabric
Provide Overhead Bridge Crane
Acoustics Provide doors between the O2 level and the hangar bay with acoustical
seals including automatic door bottoms and perimeter seals

UFC 4-211-01
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Table 7-20: Seat and Canopy Maintenance/AME Maintenance (Shop) (F-35 Only)

Description / Usage Maintains ejection seats and canopies. Includes arming and de-arming with storage
of explosives. Includes storage and maintenance of other Alternate Mission
Equipment (AME).
Minimum Ceiling Height
Finishes Walls Paint with resilient base.
Floors Sealed concrete is the minimum. Resilient flooring or Fuel Resistive Resinous
Flooring, 3-Coat System if requested by the squadron.
Ceiling Exposed construction.
Interior Construction / Built-in Marker Boards
Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment Desks and chairs, bookcases, file cabinets, workbench with stools, aircraft parts
(FF&E) shelf, vice, storage cabinets.

Plumbing Compressed air drop: Compressed air source of 125 psi with a constant flow rate
of 20 cfm. Each service point with the following: One (1) 38 mm (1/2 in.) needle
valve shutoff, One (1) pneumatic tool filter, One (1) 861.8 kPa (125.0 psi) pressure
regulator, One (1) pneumatic tool lubricator, Two (2) pneumatic tool quick-
connectors, One (1) wall-mounted hose rack. Coordinate with user on quantity and
location and requirements for hose reels.
HVAC Specialized exhaust system(s) required. Exhaust directly outdoors through roof.
Thermostat/humidistat. Separately controlled zone
Humidifier/Dehumidifier may be required due to the presence of ordnance.
Explosion-proof fans and motors may be required for MK16E aircraft ejection seats.

Fire Protection Provide per Chapter 3 and Chapter 7. Deflagration venting may be required
depending upon the type and quantity of explosive stored.

Grounding Systems Provide Ground Bus Bar per UFC 3-575-01 and Ordnance Grounding per NAVSEA
Electrical Special Systems and
Lighting Explosive proof
Communication CATV Outlet

Intercommunications Systems Call-In and Volume Control Station

Special Requirements Due to the potentially large pieces of equipment brought into this shop, provide a
minimum of a pair of 3'-0" x 7'-0" personnel doors opening onto the hangar bay.
Seat Maintenance Shop should have direct access to the exterior.
Provide panic devices on all doors from the shop.
Accommodate classifications of 1.3c and 1.4c with a Net Explosive Weight (NEW)
of 6.31 pounds of explosives (used in each ejection seat within the seat shop).
Coordinate requirements for allowable quantities without creating separate
occupancy type, if possible.
Accommodate classifications of 1.4b and 1.4d with a NEW of 0.54 pounds of
explosives used in the Canopy Transparency Removal System (TRS) (Canopy
NEW = .06 lbs./canopy)

Criteria for explosive classifications are based on Joint Technical Bulletin 700-2
Department of Defense Ammunition and Explosives Hazard Classification
Provide doors wide enough to accommodate the seat dolly. Validate door size
adequate to accommodate Rotating Canopy Stand.

UFC 4-211-01
13 April 2017
Change 1, November 2017
7-14.5.2 MV-22 Functional Data Sheets
Table 7-21: Airframe Hydraulic Clean Room (Shop) (MV-22 Only)
Description / Usage This work center performs inspections and proper procedures on flight
control systems, hydraulic power systems and associated subsystems,
and Blade Fold Wing Stow (BFWS) systems

Minimum Ceiling Height 10 ft. (3.0 m)

Finishes Walls Paint with resilient base.
Floors Fuel Resistive Resinous Flooring, 5-Coat System if requested by the
Ceiling Exposed construction.

Interior Construction / Built-in Equipment

Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment (FF&E)
Plumbing Compressed Air Drops. Compressed air source of 125 psi with a
constant flow rate of 20 cfm. Each service point with the following: One
(1) 38 mm (1/2 in.) needle valve shutoff, One (1) pneumatic tool filter,
One (1) 861.8 kPa (125.0 psi) pressure regulator, One (1) pneumatic tool
lubricator, Two (2) pneumatic tool quick-connectors, One (1) wall-
mounted hose rack.
HVAC Provide per Chapter 3
Air Conditioning, 70°F (21°C) with 35%-50% humidity
Ventilation 10.0 cfm/person
Thermostatic control switch required.
Fire Protection Provide per Chapter 3 and Chapter 7


Grounding Systems
Electrical Special Systems and Devices


Communication Category (CAT) 5e Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) cable for all
connections involving the Portable Electronic Maintenance Aid (PEMA)
Intercommunications Systems

Special Requirements The Hydraulic Particle Analyzer uses a Class 1 Laser, has a
rechargeable Nickel-Metal Hydride battery, an Alternating Current (A/C)
power cord, a sonic bath with A/C plug, and a compressed air connection
(60.0 to 110.0 psi, clean and dry). This unit is portable using Carbon
Dioxide (CO2) bottles for compressed air and rechargeable battery for
Provide handling and storage (IAW) local codes and requirements due to

UFC 4-211-01
13 April 2017
Change 1, November 2017


The conceptual adjacency diagrams below illustrate functional relationships and are not
intended for use as standard designs.

• Figure 7-4: OH/O1 Level Adjacency Diagram

• Figure 7-5: O2 Level Adjacency Diagram
• Figure 7-6: Type I & II OH/O1 Level Hangar Adjacency Diagram
• Figure 7-7: Type I (F-35) O2 Level Adjacency Diagram
• Figure 7-8: Type III OH/O1 Hangar Adjacency Diagram
• Figure 7-9: Section Showing Header Truss
• Figure 7-10: Section Showing Cantilever Truss
• Figure 7-11: Section through Type II Hangar Crane Configuration and
Vertical Clearances

UFC 4-211-01
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Figure 7-4: OH/O1 Level Adjacency Diagram

UFC 4-211-01
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Figure 7-5: O2 Level Adjacency Diagram

UFC 4-211-01
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Figure 7-6: Type I & II OH/O1 Level Hangar Adjacency Diagram

UFC 4-211-01
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Figure 7-7: Type I (F-35) O2 Level Adjacency Diagram

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Figure 7-8: Type III OH/O1 Hangar Adjacency Diagram

UFC 4-211-01
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Figure 7-9: Section Showing Header Truss

Figure 7-10: Section Showing Cantilever Truss

UFC 4-211-01
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Figure 7-11: Section through Type II Hangar Crane Configuration and Vertical

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This Page Intentionally Left Blank

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1. Department of Defense (DoD)
Washington Headquarters Service DoD Instruction 6055.01, DoD Safety and
Communications and Directives Directorate Occupation Health (SOH) Program, 14 October
http://www.whs.mil/ 2015

Military Specifications MIL-F-24385F, Fire Extinguishing Agent,

http://quicksearch.dla.mil/qsText.aspx Aqueous Film-Forming Foam (AFFF) Liquid
Concentrate, for Fresh and Seawater

Unified Facilities Criteria UFC 1-200-01, DoD Building Code (General

http://www.wbdg.org Building Requirements)

UFC 1-200-02, High Performance and

Sustainable Building Requirements

UFC 2-000-05N, (P-80) Facility Planning

Criteria for Navy/Marine Corps Shore

UFC 2-100-01, Installation Master Planning

UFC 3-101-01, Architecture

UFC 3-110-03, Roofing

UFC 3-120-01, Design: Sign Standard

UFC 3-201-01, Civil Engineering

UFC 3-220-01, Geotechnical Engineering

UFC 3-250-01 FA, Pavement Design for Roads,

Streets, Walks, and Open Storage Areas

UFC 4-211-01
13 April 2017
Change 1, November 2017
UFC 3-260-01, Airfield and Heliport Planning
and Design

UFC 3-260-02, Pavement Design for Airfields

UFC 3-260-04, (Draft) Standard Airfield

Pavement Marking Schemes

UFC 3-301-01 Structural Engineering

UFC 3-310-04, Seismic Design for Buildings

UFC 3-400-02, Design: Engineering Weather


UFC 3-401-01, Mechanical Engineering

UFC 3-410-01, Heating, Ventilating, and Air

Conditioning Systems

UFC 3-410-02, Lonworks (R) Direct Digital

Control for HVAC and Other Local Building
Systems, with Change 1

UFC 3-410-04N, Industrial Ventilation

UFC 3-420-01, Plumbing Systems

UFC 3-440-01, Facility-Scale Renewable

Energy Systems

UFC 3-510-01, Foreign Voltages and

Frequencies Guide, with Change 2

UFC 3-520-01, Interior Electrical Systems

UFC 3-530-01, Design: Interior and Exterior

Lighting and Controls

UFC 4-211-01
13 April 2017
Change 1, November 2017
UFC 3-535-01, Visual Air Navigation Facilities

UFC 3-540-01, Engine-Driven Generator

Systems for Backup Power Applications

UFC 3-575-01, Lightning and Static Electricity

Protection Systems

UFC 3-580-01, Telecommunications Building

Cabling Systems Planning and Design

UFC 3-600-01, Fire Protection Engineering for


UFC 3-601-02, Operation and Maintenance of

Fire Protection Systems

UFC 4-010-01, DoD Minimum Antiterrorism

Standard for Buildings

UFC 4-021-01, Design and O&M: Mass

Notification Systems, with Change 1

UFC 4-021-02, Electronic Security Systems

UFC 4-121-10N, Design: Aircraft Fixed Point

Utility Systems

UFC 4-211-02, Aircraft Corrosion Control and

Paint Facilities

Unified Facilities Guide Specifications UFGS 05 30 00, Steel Decks

UFGS 08 34 16.10, Steel Sliding Hangar Doors

UFGS 08 34 16.20, Vertical Life Fabric Doors

UFGS 09 67 23.15, Fuel Resistive Resinous

Flooring, 3-Coat System

UFC 4-211-01
13 April 2017
Change 1, November 2017
UFGS 09 67 23.16, Fuel Resistive Resinous
Flooring, 5-Coat System

UFGS 09 90 00, Paints and Coatings

UFGS 09 97 13.27, Exterior Coating of Steel


UFGS 23 09 23.01, Lonworks Direct Digital

Control for HVAC and Other Building Control

UFGS 23 09 23.13 20, BACnet Direct Digital

Control Systems for HVAC

4. Naval Facilities Engineering Navy Crane Center Instruction 11450.2, Design

Command of Navy Shore Weight Handling Equipment
NAVFAC ITG 2013-01, NAVFAC Elevator
Design Guide http://www.wbdg.org

5. Naval Air Systems Command NAVAIR 01-1A-22, General Composite Repair

http://www.navair.navy.mil/ NAVAIR 01-1A-35, Aircraft Fuel Cells and

NAVAIR 51-50AAA-2, General Requirements

for Shore Based Airfield Marking and Lighting



6. Naval Sea Systems Command NAVSEA OP-5, Ammunition and Explosives

http://www.navsea.navy.mil/ Ashore Safety Regulations for Handling,
Storing, Production, Renovation and Shipping

7. Federal Emergency Management Buildings and Other Structures, Part 1 -

Agency Provisions, 2000 Edition

UFC 4-211-01
13 April 2017
Change 1, November 2017
8. Occupational Safety & Health Standard 1910, Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA) Standards
OSHA 29 CFR 1910.179, Overhead and Gantry
Cranes Standard

9. Department of the Army Army Pamphlet 385-64, Ammunition and

Army Publishing Directorate Explosives Safety Standard
Army Standard for the Aircraft Maintenance
Hangar (HGR) Complex

ETL 1110-3-512, Army Airfield and Heliport


10. Air Force Civil Engineer Center ETL 02-15, Fire Protection Engineering Criteria
http://www.afcec.af.mil/ for Aircraft Maintenance, Servicing and Storage

ETL 04-02, Standard Airfield Pavement Marking


ETL 98-8, Fire Protection Engineering Criteria -

Existing Aircraft Facilities

AFMAN 91-201, Explosive Safety Standards.

Technical Manual TO 1-1-3, Inspection and

Repair of Aircraft Integral Tanks and Fuel Cells

AFI 32-1042, Standards for Airport Markings

AFI 91-203, Air Force Consolidated

Occupational Safety Instruction

FED-STD-595B, Colors

UFC 4-211-01
13 April 2017
Change 1, November 2017
FS TT-P-1952 Paint, Traffic and Airfield
Marking, Waterborne.


1. National Fire Protection Association NFPA 11, Standard for Low, Medium and
(NFPA) High-Expansion Foam
NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of
Sprinkler Systems

NFPA 20, Standard for the Installation of

Stationary Fire Pumps for Fire Protection

NFPA 24, Standard for the Installation of

Private Fire Service Mains and Their

NFPA 70, National Electrical Code

NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm and Signaling


NFPA 90A, Standard for the Installation of Air-

Conditioning and Ventilation Systems

NFPA 101, Life Safety Code

NFPA 409, Standard on Aircraft Hangars

2. ASTM International ASTM C423-09a, Standard Test Method for

www.astm.org Sound Absorption and Sound Absorption
Coefficients by the Reverberation Room

ASTM D523, Standard Test Method for

Specular Gloss

3. International Code Council International Building Code

www.iccsafe.org International Mechanical Code

UFC 4-211-01
13 April 2017
Change 1, November 2017

4. American Institute of Steel AISC 325, Steel Construction Manual

www.aisc.org ANSI/AISC 341, Seismic Provisions for
Structural Steel Buildings

5. American Society of Civil Engineers ASCE 7, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings
www.asce.org and Other Structures

6. American Concrete Institute (ACI) ACI 302.2R-06, Guide for Concrete Slabs that
https://www.concrete.org/ Receive Moisture-Sensitive Flooring Materials

ACI 360R, Design of Slabs on Ground

7. American National Standards Institute ANSI A156.1, Hinges

https://www.ansi.org/ ANSI A156.2, Locksets

ANSI A156.3, Exit Devices

ANSI A156.4, Closers

ANSI A156.6, Architectural Door Trim

ANSI A156.8, Overhead Stops

ANSI A156.13, Locksets

ANSI A156.21, Thresholds

ANSI A156.22, Weatherstrip, Sweeps, Drip


ANSI A156.26, Full mortise continuous steel


ANSI MH27.1, Specifications for Patented

Track Underhung Cranes and Monorail

ANSI Z358.1, Standard for Emergency

UFC 4-211-01
13 April 2017
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Eyewash and Shower Equipment, 2009

ANSI/CEA-709.1, Control Network Protocol


ANSI/SDI A250.8, Specifications for Standard

Steel Doors and Frames

ASME/ANSI A13.1-1996, Scheme for the

Identification of Piping Systems

8. American Society of Mechanical ASME HST-1, Performance for Electric Chain

Engineers (ASME) Hoists
ASME HST-4, Performance Standard for
Electric Wire Rope Hoists

9. American Society for Testing and ASTM 523, Standard Test Methods for
Materials Specular Gloss
100 Barr Harbor Drive
PO Box C700 ASTM 1886, Standard Test Method for
West Conshohocken, PA Performance of Exterior Windows, Curtain
http://www.astm.org Walls, Doors, and Impact Protective Systems
Impacted by Missile(s) and Exposed to Cyclic
Pressure Differentials

ASTM C423-09a, Standard Test Method for

Sound Absorption and Sound Absorption
Coefficients by the Reverberation Room

ASTM D523, Standard Test Method for

Specular Gloss

ASTM E90, Standard Test Method for

Laboratory Measurement of Airborne Sound
Transmission Loss of Building Partitions and

ASTM E1996, Standard Specification for

Performance of Exterior Windows, Curtain

UFC 4-211-01
13 April 2017
Change 1, November 2017

Walls, Doors, and Impact Protective Systems

Impacted by Windborne Debris in Hurricanes

10. Crane Manufacturing Association of CMAA 70, Specification for Top Running Bridge
America and Gantry Type Multiple Girder Electric
http://www.mhi.org/cmaa Overhead Traveling Cranes

CMAA 74, Specification for Top Running and

Under Running Single Girder Electric Overhead
Cranes Utilizing Under Running Trolley Hoist.

11. Federal Aviation Administration FAA AC 150/5200-28, Notices to Airmen

Airport Engineer Division (AAS-100) (NOTAMS) for Airport operations
FAA AC 150/5210-5, Painting, Marking, and
Lighting of 4 Vehicles Used on an Airport

12. American Society of Heating, ASHRAE 55, Thermal Environmental

Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Conditions for Human Occupancy
https://www.ashrae.org/ ASHRAE 62, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor
Air Quality

ASHRAE 90.1, Energy Standards for Buildings

except Low-Rise Residential

ANSI/ASHRAE 135, BACnet-A Data

Communication Protocol for Building
Automation and Control Networks NEMA

ASHRAE 189.1, Standard for the design of

High-Performance Green Buildings Except
Low-Rise Residential buildings

13. National Electrical Manufacturers NEMA 250-2014, Enclosures for Electrical

Association Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum)

UFC 4-211-01
13 April 2017
Change 1, November 2017

14. Factory Mutual Global FM Global, Property Loss Prevention Data

https://www.fmglobal.com Sheet 1-22, Maximum Foreseeable Loss

FM Global, Property Loss Prevention Data

Sheet 1-23, Protection of Openings in Fire

UFC 4-211-01
13 April 2017
Change 1, November 2017


3M Maintenance and Material Management

A Amps

A/C Alternating Current

A/E Architects and Engineers

A/V Audio Visual

ABA Architectural Barriers Act

ACGIH American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists

ACH Air Changes per Hour

ACI American Concrete Institute

ACU Autonomous Control Unit

AFCEC Air Force Civil Engineer Center

AFCEC/CO Air Force Civil Engineer Center, Operations Director

AFF Above Finished Floor

AFFF Aqueous film-forming foam

AFI Air Force Instruction

AFMAN Air Force Manual

AGE Aerospace Ground Equipment

AHJ Authority Having Jurisdiction

AISC American Institute of Steel Construction

ALIS Autonomic Logistics Information Systems

ALTHA Armed Forces Health Longitudinal Technology Application

AMO Assistant Maintenance Officer

ANSI American National Standards Institute

UFC 4-211-01
13 April 2017
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AOA Airport Operations Area

AR Army Regulation

ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers

ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers

ASTM American Society of Testing and Materials

AT/FP Antiterrorism/ Force Protection

AVN-COS Aviation - Center of Standardization

AWACS Airborne Warning and Control System

AWG American Wire Gage

AWI Architectural Woodwork Institute

BFWS Blade Fold Wing Stow

BHMA Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association

BIA Bilateral Infrastructure Agreements

C Celsius

CAB Combat Aviation Brigade

CAD Cartridge Actuating Devices

CAT Category

CATV Cable Television

CENTRIX Combined Enterprise Intelligence Exchange System

CCO Combat Control Officer

CCU Climate Control Unit

CCTV Closed-Circuit Television

CD Compact Disc

cd Candela

CE Civil Engineering

CEA Consumer Electronics Association

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cfm Cubic Feet per minute

CFR Code of Federal Regulations

CIENG Capital Improvements Criteria and Programs Office

CMAA Crane Manufacturers Association of America

CMU Concrete Masonry Unit

cm centimeter(s)

CNIC Commander, Navy Installations Command

CO2 Carbon Dioxide

CPO Chief Petty Officers

DA Department of the Army

DAPA Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor

DAPAM Department of Army Pamphlet

db Dry Bulb

dBA decibels A weighted Scale

DDC Direct Digital Control

DOAS Dedicated Outdoor Air System

DoD Department of Defense

EISA Energy Independence Security Act

EMCS Energy Management Control System

ESS Electronic Security System

ETL Engineering Technical Letter

F Fahrenheit

F-35 Joint Strike Fighter

FAA Federal Aviation Administration

FAA AC Federal Aviation Administration Advisory Circular

FACU Fire Alarm Control Unit

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fc Foot Candle

FDS Functional Data Sheets

FF&E Furnishing, Fixtures, and Equipment

FM Factory Mutual

FOD Foreign Object Damage

FRD Facilities Requirements Document

ft. Feet

FW Fixed Wing

gal Gallon

GFCI Government Furnished Contractor Installed

GFGI Government Furnished Government Installed

gpm Gallons per minute

GPS Global Positioning System

HAZMAT Hazardous Material

HDPE High Density Polyethylene

HEEDS Helicopter Emergency Egress Device

HEPA High-Efficiency Particulate Air

HGR Hangar

Hi-Ex High-Expansion

HLL Horizontal Life line

HNFA Host Nation Funded Construction

HQ Headquarters

HQUSACE Headquarters, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

HSS Hollow Structural Sections

HVAC Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning

HVLS High Volume, Low Speed

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Hz Hertz

IAW In Accordance With

IBC International Building Code

ICS Intelligence Community Standard

IDS Intrusion Detection System

IDWS Interim Defensive Weapon System

ILBP In-Line Balanced Pressure

IMIS Integrated Maintenance Information System

IMRL Individual Material Readiness List

in inches

IR Infrared

IT Information Technology

J&A Justification and Authorization

JWICS Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System

kPA kiloPascals

kVA kilovolt-amperes

L Liters

LAN Local Area Network

lbs. Pounds

LED Light Emitting Diode

LEL Lower Explosive Limit

LF Logistics Facilities

LMS Logistics Maintenance System

L/min Liters Per minute

MAJCOM Major Command

MATS Military Air Transport Service

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m meter(s)

max maximum

MCS Mission Control System

MEDEVAC Medical Evacuation

MEP Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing

mg milligram

MILCON Military Construction

min minimum or minute

mm millimeter(s)

MO Maintenance Officer

MPa Megapascal

MRSI MILCON Requirements and Standardization Integration

NAC Notification Appliance Circuit

NALCOMIS Naval Aviation Logistics Command Management Information System

NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NAVAIR Naval Air Systems Command

NAVFAC Naval Facilities Engineering Command

NDI Non-destructive Inspection

NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association

NEW Net Explosive Weight

NFPA National Fire Protection Agency

NIBS National Institute of Building Sciences

NIOSH National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health

NMCI Navy Marine Corp Intranet

NRC Noise Reduction Coefficient

NRTL Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory

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NVG Night Vision Goggles

O&M Operations and Maintenance

OFD Optical Flame Detectors

OH Organizational Hangar

OIC Officer in Charge

OPSNAVINST Office of the Chief of Naval Operations Instructions and Notices

OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration

OS&Y Outside stem & yoke (a type of plumbing gate valve)

PA Public Address

PCA Preconditioned Air

PDS Protective Distribution System

PEMA Portable Electronic Maintenance Aid

PFAS Personal Fall Arrest System

PID Photoionization Detector

ppm Parts per million

psi/psig pounds per square inch

PTZ Pan, Tilt, Zoom

PV Photovoltaic

PVC Polyvinyl Chloride

QFPE Qualified Fire Protection Engineer

QPL Qualified Products List

RF Radio Frequency

RFP Request for Proposal

RGR Rapid Ground Refueling

RHR Rigid Horizontal Rail

RMF Risk Management Framework

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RMWS Ramp Mounted Weapon System

RPA Remote Piloted Aircraft

RPIE Real Property Installed Equipment

RSFACU Releasing Service Fire Alarm Control Unit

RSL Ready Service Locker

RW Rotary Wing

SAA Sound Absorption Average

SAP Special Access Program

SAPF Special Access Program Facility

SCI Sensitive Compartmented Information

SCIF Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility

SDI Steel Door Institute

SE Service Equipment

sec Second

SF Square Footage

SGHAT Solar Glare Hazard Analysis Tool

SHW Solar Hot Water

SIPRNet Secret Internet Protocol Network

SOFA Status of Forces Agreements

SOH Safety and Occupation Health

SPD Surge Protection Device

sq. Square

SRL Self-Retracting Lanyards

STC Sound Transmission Coefficient

TBD To Be Determined

TDA Table of Distribution and Allowance

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TM Technical Manual

TOE Table of Organization and Equipment

TRS Transparency Removal System

TSC Transportation Systems Center

UAR Utility, Attack and Reconnaissance

UAS Unmanned Aircraft Systems

UFC Unified Facilities Criteria

UFGS Unified Facilities Guide Specifications

UL Underwriters Laboratory

ULLS-A Unit Level Logistics System - Aviation

UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply

US United States

USA United States of America

USACE United States Army Corp of Engineers

USAF United States Air Force

USMC United States Marine Corp

UTP Unshielded Twisted Pair

UV Ultra-Violet

V Volt

VAC Volt Alternating Current

VDC Volts Direct Current

VLFD Vertical Lift Fabric Door

VTC Video Teleconference

WAP Wireless Access Point

WBS Work Breakdown Structure

WBDG Whole Building Design Guide (www.wbdg.org)

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XO Executive Officer

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Best practices in Aircraft Maintenance Hangar design are contained in this appendix.
Design all Aircraft Maintenance Hangars to meet all applicable requirements found in
the following:

• UFC 1-200-01, DoD Building Code (General Building Requirements);

• UFC 4-010-01, DoD Minimum Antiterrorism Standard for Buildings;
• UFC 3-600-01, Fire Protection Engineering for Facilities, supplemented by
Chapter 3 of this UFC. NFPA 101; and NFPA 409.
C-1.1 Antiterrorism/Force Protection (AT/FP)

Incorporate AT/FP issues at the initial phase of the design. Formulate the basis for
design on UFC 4-010-01. Coordinate all protection features with the current standards
and any additional requirements in place at the time of the design. Ascertain the exact
requirements for protection based on a site-specific survey, or lacking one, provide the
minimum protection standards outlined in the standards. Coordinate all AT/FP issues
with the base that may be a part of another project or impact adjacent facilities such as
security fencing, parking.

C-1.2 Sustainable Design

In accordance with UFC 1-200-02, High Performance and Sustainable Building

Requirements, implement an integrated design process at the initial phase of design to
reduce environmental impacts, lower energy and operating costs, optimize performance
and conserve water, while increasing occupant satisfaction and productivity through
improved health and well-being. While certain design strategies are specifically based
on varying climatic, site, mission, program and budget requirements, employ an overall
approach with focus on sustainable site development, water savings, energy efficiency,
resource selection and indoor environmental quality. The best practices below provide a
general example of potential strategies, but are not intended to represent a
comprehensive list of sustainable design opportunities.

• Incorporate passive energy conservation measures by evaluating optimal

site orientation.
• Shape and size the building footprint within close tolerances of the aircraft;
finely tuned to the operation taking place. Smaller buildings and support
systems translate to direct first cost savings and reduced operating costs
of mechanical, electrical and fire protection systems.
• Hangar roofs generally provide large expanses that can be designed and
oriented to maximize the efficiency of renewable energy systems, such as
solar collection.

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• Highly reflective roof surfaces can reduce the heat island effect and
decrease solar heat gain to the building interior.
• Use whole building energy simulation and life cycle cost analysis to
evaluate high performance building envelope, mechanical and electrical
• Integrate automated controls with high-bay lighting, such as zoned
photometric sensors.
• Reflective (white or light colored) interior finishes help reduce the amount
of required lighting while ensuring direction to the work zone, instead of
absorption by walls and ceilings.
• Air compressor designs to include water cooled equipment strategically
located to provide the rejected heat for space heating, domestic hot water
pre-heating and tie into building heating systems.
• Solar air preheat for hangar bay area and combination preheating
domestic hot water.

C-2.1 Appearance

Locate HVAC equipment, meters, poles, transformers, vaults, pressure reducing station
piping and valving, and other utility items so that they do not detract from the building's
appearance. Design should also reduce the negative visual impact of utility items and
communication lines.

C-2.2 Energy Concerns

Consider the effect of local sun angles and wind conditions on the hangar.

C-2.3 Winds

In harsh climates, seacoasts and areas of consistently high or changing winds, design
hangar entry points (hangar bay, personnel entrance and windows, intake and exhaust
vents) to compensate for these adverse conditions, including snow. Consider prevailing
and seasonal wind conditions as well.

C-2.4 Security Fencing

Limit the use of fencing to enclose and separate areas within the vicinity of the hangar
to those conditions requiring security or the protection of life, separation of a
construction site from operational facilities, isolation of a hazardous area, or as
stipulated by the Base Security Department.

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C-2.5 Landscape Planting

Make use of low maintenance landscape plants that are indigenous to the area. Existing
mature trees and vegetation should be retained whenever practical. Landscape design
should avoid planting next to the hangar that would permit concealment in accordance
with criteria set forth in the Unified Facilities criteria for AT/FP. As hangars are generally
in industrial areas, limit landscaping to entrances and other public areas.

C-2.6 Utilities

Consider utilities that are essential to efficient operation and design of adequate size to
serve future requirements in the early planning stages. Specifically address the
adequacy of existing utilities support and include any additional needs. Plan utility lines
to minimize utility easements, capital investments, and maintenance and repair costs.

C-2.7 Underground Lines

Locate underground utilities to minimize the cost and effort of performing maintenance.
Do not locate utility lines of any type under hangars except for those portions serving
the hangar. Minimize utility lines running under parking lots, sidewalks, and other paved
surfaces to minimize cost for maintenance of the systems. Locate all underground utility
lines, mains, and conduits at the minimum depth required in accordance with local code,
frost line and water table requirements, and, when possible, in common corridors to
allow for ready access and maintenance. Locate utilities to allow for future expansion of
the flightline.

C-2.8 Storm Drainage

The building up of undeveloped areas may have a noticeable effect on installation

drainage facilities; design alterations or extensions to storm sewers and drainage
channels as required because of the location and design of new facilities.


C-3.1 Aircraft Maintenance Bay and Maintenance Shop Floor Finishes

C-3.1.1 Performance Requirements

Military maintenance hangars are active workspaces and can be especially abusive
environments. An aircraft maintenance bay floor finish must be evaluated on a number
of performance characteristics.

• Proper Installation
• Chemical Resistance
• Impact Resistance
• Abrasion Resistance
• Reflectivity
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• Slip Resistance
• Ease of Maintenance
• Replacement Timeline
• Life Cycle Cost

C- Proper Installation

Coordinate floor finishes with the concrete design. For example UFGS Section 09 67
23.15 and UFGS Section 09 67 23.16 suggest a number of items for the concrete
designer to consider, such as types of admixtures, curing strategies, and below slab
vapor barriers to keep an epoxy finish from delaminating due to moisture emissivity
levels in the concrete. Refer to Figure 3-4: Typical Aircraft Maintenance Bay Slab on
Ground Cross-Section for guidance on location of the vapor barrier in the Aircraft
Maintenance Bay. Refer also to C-4.2.1: Floor Coatings and Vapor Retarder/Barrier.

C- Chemical Resistance

Protect the floor from deterioration from harsh chemicals and solvents commonly used
in aircraft maintenance including jet fuel and Skydrol® fire resistant hydraulic fluids.
Concrete is porous and can easily be contaminated by spills. Dry shake floor hardeners
and polished floors increase resistance to absorption of chemicals, but true protection
requires a barrier. Consider Ultra-Violet (UV) resistance in hot climates that have high
levels of UV radiation.

C- Impact Resistance

Protect concrete from damage from dropped tools and parts. The urethane topcoats of
an epoxy system are less brittle and are more resistant to impact and abrasion wear
than hardeners or polishing. 5-coat epoxy is more resistant to chipping.

C- Abrasion Resistance

An abrasion resistant floor finish will protect concrete from damage incurred by carts,
stands and heavy wheels of aircraft and tugs. Sand and dirt left on the floor can become
an abrasive and dull the shine of many finishes.

C- Reflectivity

Reflectivity improves lighting conditions for maintenance operations under the fuselage
or wings and reduces the amount of lighting fixtures required. Provide translucent
windows to diffuse the natural light coming into a space with a reflective floor.

C- Slip Resistance

Provide a floor finish with an acceptable coefficient of friction to protect maintenance

staff from slip and fall conditions.

C- Ease of Maintenance

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Provide an easily cleaned floor finish to allow small parts and FOD to be easily
discovered. Provide a floor finish requiring low maintenance cost and low maintenance
effort for users.

C- Replacement Timeline

Provide a floor finish requiring fewer replacements over the life of the building.

C- Life Cycle Cost

Provide the finish most appropriate for the users’ requirements at the lowest life cycle

C-3.1.2 Floor Finish Options

There are a number of floor finishes commonly used in aircraft maintenance bays. The
3-coat system is most common, but has an ongoing problem with low tolerance to
moisture emissivity in the slab. There are two floor finish options if the 3-coat system is
considered unacceptable and unreliable. You can use a non-coating system which may
cost less but provide significantly less protection than a coating system. The other
option is to provide the 5-coat system which has high performance ratings, but high
initial costs. However, the 5-coat system outperforms the 3-coat system in life cycle cost
analyses due to requiring fewer replacements over the life of the building.

• Sealed concrete
• Polished concrete
• Dry shake-on hardener
• 3-coat epoxy systems
• 5-coat epoxy systems

C- Sealed Concrete

Concrete sealers are applied to concrete to protect it from surface damage, corrosion,
and staining. They either block the pores in the concrete to reduce absorption of water
and salts or form an impermeable layer which prevents such materials from passing.
This is basically the lowest initial cost solution but it provides almost no protection for
the concrete with regard to chemical and impact resistance. Performance:

• No issues in bonding to concrete as are associated with coatings

• No chemical resistance
• Low impact resistance
• Abrasion resistance of the concrete finish is not changed
• Reflectivity of the concrete finish is not changed
• Slip resistance of concrete finish is not changed

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• Cleanability depends on the texture of the concrete
• Low maintenance
• Needs to be resealed every couple of years
• Least expensive initial cost and least expensive life cycle cost

C- Polished Concrete

Polished concrete is a high-gloss finish attained by using special floor polishers fitted
with diamond-impregnated abrasive disks (similar to sandpaper) to grind down surfaces
to the desired degree of shine and smoothness. The resulting surface is relatively low
cost and low-maintenance but only provides slightly better performance than the sealed
concrete. Performance:

• No issues in bonding to concrete as are associated with coatings

• Relatively low chemical resistance. Any non-neutral PH chemical that is
highly acidic or alkaline will deteriorate the finish and concrete.
• Relatively low impact resistance
• Relatively low abrasion resistance
• Shiny, but is typically a mottled dark color
• Available in smooth and slip resistant finishes
• Easily cleaned - sweep regularly and scrub weekly. However, spills will
absorb into the concrete and stain the floor.
• Only needs to be refinished once every five to ten years
• Relatively inexpensive initial cost and life cycle cost

C- Dry Shake-on Hardener

Mineral and metallic dry shake hardeners are hand spread and power-trowelled into the
wet concrete to provide additional abrasion resistance for high wear industrial concrete
floors. Performance:

• No issues in bonding to concrete as are associated with coatings.

Inconsistent color is typical due to uneven spreading and uneven
• Low chemical resistance
• Relatively high impact resistance
• Relatively high abrasion resistance
• Relatively high reflectivity, depending on color of dry shake
• Slip resistance of concrete finish is not changed
• Low maintenance - sweep regularly and scrub weekly
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• Relatively inexpensive initial cost and life cycle cost

C- Fuel-Resistant Resinous Flooring, 3-coat Systems

Commonly known as a thin-film flooring system, this coating system has had
delamination problems in the past due to its intolerance to moisture emissivity in
concrete slabs. Current moisture vapor emissivity test requirements by the
manufacturers as well as the UFGS spec have minimized the installation of this system
on slabs where moisture rates are likely to cause delamination. Most manufacturers can
provide a moisture vapor barrier coating to reduce the emissivity to acceptable levels. A
3-coat system typically consists of 2 layers of epoxy with a urethane topcoat.

• It is difficult to attain a concrete moisture vapor emissivity rate below the

maximum 3lbs./1000SF/24-hours required by the UFGS spec, and the
manufacturer. Include the manufacturer's moisture vapor barrier coating
with a requirement to deduct the associated cost if the concrete moisture
tests determine this coating is not necessary.
• High chemical resistance
• Relatively high impact resistance. Finishes may chip and peel and are a
costly continuous maintenance concern. Exposed concrete where epoxy
coatings have chipped/flaked away absorb fluids deteriorating the
concrete and complicating future re-coating
• Abrasion resistance based on level of grit applied
• High reflectivity
• Slip resistance based on level of grit applied. There is a fine line between
slippery and hard to clean.
• Low maintenance - sweep regularly and scrub weekly. Higher grit levels
make cleaning more difficult.
• Needs to be re-coated every 3-5 years
• Relatively expensive initial cost, especially if moisture vapor barrier is
required. Highest life cycle cost due to the requirement to recoat more
frequently than the 5-coat system over the life of the building.

C- Fuel-Resistant Resinous Flooring, 5-coat Systems

This has an epoxy primer, a 1/4" to 3/8" trowelled on epoxy grout coat followed by 2
layers of epoxy and urethane top coat. Basically, the top 3 coats are the 3-coat system
bonded to a thick grout layer. Performance:

• Fewer issues in bonding to concrete than 3-coat system due to epoxy

grout layer Specs require a maximum 4.5lbs./1000SF/24-hours moisture
vapor emissivity rate which is relatively easier to attain than the 3lb rate of
the 3-coat system. However, it is still a good idea to include the

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manufacturer's moisture vapor barrier coating with a requirement to
deduct the associated cost if the concrete moisture tests determine this
coating is not necessary.
• High chemical resistance
• High impact resistance due to epoxy grout layer
• Abrasion resistance based on level of grit applied
• High reflectivity
• Slip resistance based on level of grit applied. There is a fine line between
slippery and hard to clean.
• Low maintenance - sweep regularly and scrub weekly. Higher grit levels
make cleaning more difficult.
• Needs to be patched and a new top coat applied every 8-10 years
• Most expensive initial cost, but lower life cycle cost than a 3-coat system
due to a less frequent re-coating schedule than the 3-coat system over the
life of the building.

C-3.1.3 Life Cycle Cost Analysis

Sealed concrete, polished concrete and dry shake-on hardeners are lower in cost than
the coating systems, but have significant reduced capabilities to protect the concrete
from the harsh environment of a military aircraft maintenance hangar. Life Cycle Cost
Analysis (LCCA) of the coating systems show the 3-coat system is less expensive
initially, but requires recoating more often than the 5-coat system, and therefore, has a
higher life cycle cost. The 5-coat system is tolerant of higher moisture vapor emissivity
rates and is less likely to require a moisture vapor barrier coating.

C-3.2 Considerations for Large Aircraft Maintenance Bays

Consider the following issues when designing an Aircraft Maintenance Hangar for large

• Hangars designed for smaller aircraft, or hangars requiring large areas of

crane coverage have a relatively consistent clear height requirement
throughout the Aircraft Maintenance Bay and will usually have very low
sloped roofs. Large aircraft with tall tails and limited if any crane coverage
area may require significantly less clear vertical height at the nose than at
the tail. The roofs often slope down from the tail to the nose reducing
exterior envelope surface area and material quantities and structural steel
quantities. This also reduces the volume inside the bay, an advantage in
areas where the bays are conditioned. This is depicted in Figure 2-4:
Vertical Hangar Clearances with Sloped Roofs.
• Large Aircraft Maintenance Bays may have significant space between the
wings and the backwall or between the nose of the aircraft and the
sidewall. Designers have successfully solved reducing the excess space
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in a number of ways. One solution is to shape the building closer to the
shape of the clear area requirements of the design aircraft by cutting the
outside corners of the Aircraft Maintenance Bay as is allowed by
paragraph 2-3: Minimum Aircraft Maintenance Bay Clearances and as
depicted by Figure 2-2: Alternate Corner Configuration. This concept is
not intended to reduce hangar bay square footage. Total square footage
of hangar bay should remain as programmed and redistributed to length or
width of bay. This concept is only allowed on end bay of multi-bay hangar.
This concept limits hangar expansion options on endwall. This concept
may limit "dense packing" options of hangar for additional aircraft if need
• Another common solution involves building the Aircraft Maintenance Bays
rectangular but making some other use of the excess area in front of the
wings of large aircraft as depicted in Figure C7-1: Considerations for
Aircraft Maintenance Bays for Large Aircraft. Obstructions are allowed in
front of the wings by Figure 2-2: Alternate Corner Configuration. Confirm
all operational clearances in the area before introducing obstructions.
Clearance may be required in front of the engine to maneuver a portable
crane to remove engines. Allow for alternate aircraft layouts that could be
used in the future such as tail-in parking. If future flexibility is a guiding
concern, consider less permanent construction in this area. Avoid locating
elevators, utility rooms, restrooms or showers in the high bay area.
Storage and offices may be more appropriate.
• Figure C-2: Considerations for Aircraft Maintenance Bays for Large
Aircraft presents a solution to reduce the depth of the expensive high bay
portion of the Aircraft Maintenance Bay and let the nose of the fuselage
extend into lower cost conventionally framed nose docks. Again, as with
any solution that introduces obstructions in the area in front of the wings,
operational clearance requirements are likely to govern over the
clearances required in this UFC.
• Allow a path for the tug to get back to the air-side of the hangar. Large
hangars often require a rolling service door for the tug to exit the hangar
as it pulls an aircraft into a nose-in configuration. In this case do not block
the area in front of the aircraft with the lean-to.
• Consider minimizing the Aircraft Maintenance Bay height by providing a
taller hangar door in the center of the building to allow the tail in and out of
the bay but lower doors over the wings.
• Consider adding rolling service doors on the sidewalls to allow deliveries
in front of the aircraft wings and behind the aircraft wings without opening
the hangar door.

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Figure C-1: Considerations for Aircraft Maintenance Bays for Large Aircraft

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Figure C-2: Considerations for Aircraft Maintenance Bays for Large Aircraft

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C-3.3 Interior Design - Furniture and Equipment

Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment (FF&E) should be "heavy duty" for shop spaces.
Verify FF&E to be furnished by user (not MILCON funded)." In addition, shops must be
easily reconfigurable by the users, so avoid the use of systems/panel furniture. Utilize a
freestanding desking systems for ease of configuration.

Office equipment such as printers, copiers, and fax machines are typically user-
provided equipment. However, these items should be located on furnishings plans and
coordination of supporting building systems such as power, data, and comm should be
included. Provide flush recessed floor power/data outlets as required by furnishings
layouts. Avoid or limit the use of power poles.

C-3.4 Acoustics

C-3.4.1 Exterior Envelope

Acoustics around operational airfields pose significant questions about what to provide
in the way of acoustical enhancements on a hangar. The type of aircraft and the
projects proximity to the runways play a significant role in what might be expected on
the envelope of the project. At jet bases or other locations employing aircraft with
extremely high noise levels, it is important to consult with an acoustical consultant to
determine proper noise reduction requirements within various areas of the hangar. The
designer should carefully investigate the implications of providing specific acoustical
requirements for the envelope of the facility. In Design Build projects it is the
responsibility of the RFP preparer to determine the requirements and provide adequate
data to allow the Design-Build Contractor to adequately determine the cost for any
acoustical requirements.

C-3.4.2 Interior

Interior acoustical requirements should be limited to what is specifically needed by the

functional requirements. Do not specify special acoustical requirements if there is not an
operational or functional reason to do so. Most shop spaces do not have high noise
level equipment so it is not necessary to provide ratings in excess of what will be
provided by the standard partition recommended in the UFC. Office and other similar
type of administrative spaces should comply with commercial standards for similar type
of spaces.

Some military projects specify Noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC) to provide

requirements for sound absorption/reflectance in rooms such as tele video conference
rooms. NRC is being replaced by the Sound Absorption Average (SAA), which is
described in the current ASTM C423-09a.

C-3.5 Bird Intrusion Prevention

Birds entering various openings within aircraft maintenance bay, roost in the available
flat areas of the superstructure. Accumulation of droppings, feathers, and other matter
pose a big problem. Bird droppings, accumulating on the aluminum skin of airplanes,
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can corrode the metal and eventually weaken the structure itself. Another concern is
that if droppings, feathers, and other matter get into the engines, clean critically
important parts as they could stall an engine during flight. Another concern is the
constant maintenance of the hangar floor and other surfaces due to bird inhabitants.

Bird-proofing methods vary from scaring devices, repellents such as screening mists
and sonic systems and full netting systems.

C-3.5.1 Scaring Devices

An inexpensive way to try and bird proof facilities is through the use of visual deterrents.
Iridescent reflective foil or flash tape can be easily strung around the superstructure and
turned into pennants. Inflatable balloons and stuffed bird predators are another
economical visual scare device. Their lifelike reflective predator eyes and markings drive
birds away by creating an "Optical Distraction Zone." Although inexpensive these devices
are usually a short term solution to the issue. The birds get use the scaring devices and
eventually ignore them.

A more proactive approach to scaring birds is to employ a falconer to the facility

periodically to drive the birds away. This could be fairly expensive and is a recurring
cost for the facility.

C-3.5.2 Repellent Devices

C- Misting Systems

Bird-misting systems are ideal for both humane and effective bird control. These bird
proofing systems work by releasing an ultra-fine mist that pest birds can't see and prefer
not to be around. The mist typically employs a chemical called methyl anthranilate, a
grape extract that naturally occurs in concord grapes. The extract has been widely used
for decades to deter a wide variety of pest birds including, sparrows, pigeons, starlings,
crows, blackbirds and geese. Yet it's safe for people, pets, plants and birds. The system
requires refilling and maintenance and too much misting can lead to residue on the
facility. Too little misting and you are not controlling the issue.

C- Electric Track

Another useful bird proofing repellent method is the electric-track bird repeller. Ideal for
ledges, rooftops, and flat or curved surfaces, these low-profile electrified tracks deliver a
non-lethal electric shock that discourages birds from landing or feeding. Some
manufacturers offer a flow-through design to keep water from damming up on rooftops
and other surfaces. These systems require maintenance and a constant electric source.
It is difficult to install this system on all surfaces of the superstructure birds would use
for nesting.

C- Bird Slope

A bird slope is a simple solution ideal for many government buildings. Suitable for
eaves, ledges, beams and other 90-degree areas where pest birds tend to nest and
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roost, the angled, slippery PVC panels cause pest birds to simply slide off when they try
to land. For an even easier-to-install solution, there's bird gel. Birds hate this stuff
because it creates a sticky surface that birds find very annoying to land in. It's safe for
birds (except swallows) and a great way to keep birds from landing on ledges, I-beams,
parapet walls, conduit, pipes, and most flat or curved surfaces. It is difficult to install this
system on all surfaces of the superstructure birds would use for nesting.

C- Bird Spikes

A repellent method of bird spikes can be found on many military facilities. Bird spikes
are ideal for pigeons and other large birds. Some bird spikes are made of strong, rigid
unbreakable polycarbonate, others have stainless steel spikes. A cousin to the bird
spike is the bird spider. The spider arms wave with the breeze, keeping wild birds from
landing. Most come in a variety of diameters and install easily. And although they
appear menacing, spikes and spiders won't harm birds. Once installed these systems
require little maintenance besides fixing areas birds have found to next. It is difficult to
install this system on all surfaces of the superstructure birds would use for nesting.

C-3.5.3 Net Systems

To bird proof large areas such as the aircraft maintenance bay, bird netting creates an
impenetrable barrier for most birds. Some heavy-duty bird netting is made of
polyethylene fabric and is UV stabilized, flame resistant and rot and waterproof. Netting
comes in various mesh sizes to deter a wide range of birds. To seal out small openings,
there's copper mesh cloth. Available in rolls, it's easily stuffed into cracks or holes to let
air circulate but keep birds out. The system is quite noticeable in the aircraft
maintenance bay even if it is painted to match the superstructure. The net needs to be
located to not interfere with utilities such as fire protection, lighting and crane travel.

The net systems work well once they are installed and all the bird openings are
secured. These systems require monitoring to see if and where birds are getting
through the netting and getting them out. The netting may become an issue with
maintaining equipment located above the netting. Place the outlet of the high-expansion
foam fire protection system below the netting because the netting tends to disrupt the
foam flow.


C-4.1 Foundations

C-4.1.1 Geotechnical Investigations

It is recommended that a thorough geotechnical investigation be performed for aircraft

maintenance hangars. The large column free hangar space results in highly
concentrated foundation loads in remote portions of the building footprint. Areas of
particular concern include towers or columns supporting long span trusses, cross-
braced bays along the perimeter of the building, towers supporting cantilevered roof
trusses and the tension anchorages for such trusses. The geotechnical investigation
should pay particular care to these points of load concentration.
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C-4.2 Floors

Ground floors are typically slabs on ground. In some circumstances with particularly
poor geotechnical properties and schedules which do not allow for remediation, pile
supported slabs may be desirable. It is typical for the main structural frame to be built on
deep foundations while the ground floor slabs are soil supported. In this circumstance,
differential settlement is a potential risk to the serviceability of the facility. The designer
may consider careful detailing between the floor slabs and the surrounding structure or,
in the most severe circumstances, pile supporting the floor slab.

C-4.2.1 Floor Coatings and Vapor Retarder/Barrier

Floor coatings are moisture sensitive materials and care must be taken in construction
of the concrete slab. In the Aircraft Maintenance Bay, install the vapor retarder/barrier
as shown in Figure 3-4: Typical Aircraft Maintenance Bay Slab on Ground Cross-

For all other slabs on ground use ACI 302.2R-06 Guide for Concrete Slabs that Receive
Moisture-Sensitive Flooring Materials. In general, the flow chart in Figure 7-1: Aircraft
Maintenance Bay Striping Requirements of ACI 302.2R will be followed to ascertain the
location of the vapor Barrier/Retarder relative to the concrete slab and subgrade
materials. If the questions asked in the flow chart can’t be answered at the time of
design, then it is suggested that Figure 3-4: Typical Aircraft Maintenance Bay Slab on
Ground Cross-Section be used for locating the vapor retarder/barrier under the slab.

C-4.3 Superstructure

Single points of failure are undesirable in any facility but are historically common in long
span-steel structures. A single connection or member failure can result in catastrophic
collapse or failure of a large portion of the facility. Investigate secondary or back up load
paths for single points of failure and provide them where practical. If secondary or back
up load paths can’t practically be provided, then thoroughly design and review these
single points of failure.

C-4.3.1 Static Determinacy

While the structural engineer is typically advised to avoid interfering with the means and
methods of the construction professionals, he should have an understanding of the
consequences that accompany any chosen erection method. The design documents
should indicate if and when the structure is statically indeterminate. The designer of
record should consider the effect which various erection approaches may have on the
loads in an indeterminate structure and the documents must clearly indicate any
restrictions required on the erection to ensure a safe, serviceable building.

C-4.3.2 Construction and Erection

Hangar construction involves the creation of a long-span, column-free space. These

requirements complicate the erection of the building and make the steel erection
contractor a much more important partner in the process than is typical of most
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government construction. Two general approaches are applicable to the erection of
large hangar bays, ground assembly with heavy lift and aerial assembly with shoring

C- Ground Assembly with Heavy Lift

While not unique to hangars, lifts of pre-positioned, pre-assembled hardware weighing

30 to 50 tons (27,000 to 45,000 kg) are uncommon in most construction but typical of
hangar construction. Ground construction is typically the most common means selected
by contractors. Large cribbing is set immediately adjacent to the lift location and leveled.
Shims are set to adjust for elevation differences and to establish the proper camber.
The structural element is then constructed on top of the cribbing. Once completed, the
entire element is lifted into place and the final support connections made. Fabricating on
the ground allows for enhanced safety for the bulk of the work as well as greater control
of quality and ease of access for inspectors. The drawbacks of the approach include the
cost associated with mobilizing a crane or cranes that can lift the assembly. Tight quality
control is essential to ensure that the final fit is made.

Some issues for the designer to be aware of include: The rigging and lift may impose
loads on a structural assembly that were not anticipated by the designer. Even if the
assembly is not damaged by the lift, it may undergo unexpected deformations that may
then be locked into the final structure once the last connections are made. The heavy lift
may place the large, overhead elements into place prior to the remainder of the facility's
framing being completed. This is often a physical requirement given the necessity of
getting equipment adjacent to the lift operations. The designer should give some
consideration early in the design as to the lateral stability of the building components
that support the major roof elements.

C- Aerial Assembly with Shoring Towers

This approach is becoming increasingly uncommon with the general availability of large
cranes and the increased emphasis on avoiding fall injuries on the work site. The
approach involves the fabrication of temporary towers to support the piece-by-piece
fabrication of the major components in their final place. The temporary shoring tower’s
location will determine the actual deflected shape of the structure resulting from the
dead load of the structural steel only.

The advantage of aerial assembly is that it avoids the necessity of having a large
capacity crane and fabrication errors may be discovered and corrected without
postponing a single milestone-lifting event. The disadvantage of the aerial assembly is
the loss of productivity and potential for accidents related to high work. This approach
also introduces the risk that unexpected loads may be introduced in the structural
framing system by poorly designed shoring towers or long term settlement of the
shoring towers. Additionally, the manner in which the temporary towers are removed
may also introduce unexpected, albeit temporary, loads in the main structure.

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C-4.3.3 Cantilevered Aircraft Maintenance Bay Framing System

A cantilevered system supports all of the gravity loads from the rear wall of the aircraft
maintenance bay. Lateral loads are resisted by the structural framing around the
perimeter of the structure. The roof framing system should be designed with a means to
correct out of tolerance construction without resorting to field modifications of any
member. Cantilevered roof systems are generally statically determinate in all phases of

C- Advantages

The system is advantageous in that it provides a column-free building face towards the
aircraft flightline. This maximizes the usable flightline frontage while decreasing the
number of obstructions to aircraft movements and provides for the maximum flexibility to
service future aircraft which may enter the inventory long after the hangar was
designed. The system provides the maximum flexibility for structural expansion to either
side of the hangar. However, if future expansion is anticipated, other disciplines must
consider such expansion in their design development. Additionally, the highest point of
the structure is generally towards the rear wall of the hangar, which may be
advantageous when the hangar is located near a runway and must remain below a glide
or transition slope.

C- Disadvantages

A cantilevered system is an inefficient method for supporting loads; is prone to larger

deflections than other systems; and is more difficult to erect. Thermal cycles are also
more likely to result in larger deflections affecting door operation, but will not result in
thermal stresses unless the system is restrained in some unconventional manner.
Additionally, the landward side of the facility must have some provision for tension
anchorage of the rear of each cantilever. This anchorage may be in the form of massive
dead-load or tension earth anchorages (typically tension piles). A cantilevered system
also requires a more elaborate foundation. The tension anchorages, for both the above
and below grade structures, require more elaborate coordination with the shops and
office structure. The tension anchorages are also typically located outside of the
building footprint and require greater coordinate with the civil site design.

C- Considerations

Design documents for a cantilever system need to carefully consider the effect of
erection sequencing, actual versus predicted dead load deflection and environmental
conditions during the fabrication and erection. Additionally, the possibility of load
reversal on the main supporting elements as a result of high uplift forces must be

C-4.3.4 Header Truss Aircraft Maintenance Bay Framing System

A header truss system spans the entire flightline face of the building and either rests
upon columns or towers at each flightline corner of the building or is continuous to the
foundation. The remaining walls of the hangar are conventionally framed. Lateral
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support is provided through the framing in the perimeter walls. The truss is typically
supported against lateral loads through dedicated horizontal truss system. The truss
should be designed to maintain a slight upward camber after all dead loads have been
placed. The truss may be fabricated on shoring towers in the air or on the ground and
lifted as a single unit. The truss may be designed as statically determinate,
indeterminate or initially determinate but becoming indeterminate at some point during
the erection sequence. The design should consider the effect of erection methodology
and sequence, in conjunction with determinacy of the system. Additionally, thermal
effects on statically determinate header trusses are particularly significant and the
designer of record should carefully evaluate these effects.

C- Advantages

The header truss is an efficient system to span intermediate lengths and provides a
relatively simple erection system, provided that the issues of static indeterminacy are
dealt with.

C- Disadvantages

The structural efficiency and stiffness decrease exponentially as the span of the truss
increases. This may be offset by increasing the depth of the truss. However, the
practical limits of transporting the fabricated hardware, erecting the assembled truss
and lateral bracing of the system and its individual components limit the truss depth to
something on the order of 25 foot (7.5 m). A header truss virtually precludes the use of
expansion joints; therefore, the hangar door span may be limited by the thermal
response of non-structural components. However, a three-hinged arch system allows an
expansion joint along the centerline of the hangar bay and extends the practical thermal
expansion limit. The header truss system also requires that flightline frontage be
dedicated to structural supports. Finally, the potential expansion of the hangar is
constrained by the presence of towers and lateral load resisting systems.

C- Considerations

Construction documents for a header truss system must clearly indicate the camber
requirements as well as supply the necessary information for the fabricator and erector
to predict the truss’s response at various states of construction, handling and loading.

The header truss may be designed as fixed, pinned or partially restrained at its supports
in order to balance the strength and deflection characteristics of the header truss with
the complexity of detailing and erection. The designer of a statically indeterminate truss
must carefully consider the influence that temperature, erection sequence and erection
rigging will have on the difficulty of completing connections as well as final camber and
this complexity must be communicated on the design documents.

C-4.4 Strength and Serviceability Requirements

The necessity of a large open, column free space will result in the lateral load resisting
system being located along the perimeter of the building. Widely separated lateral load
resisting elements may lead to high thermal stresses being developed. The designer is
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cautioned to balance the needs of other disciplines as to the location of cross-bracing
and the desire to produce a more torsionally resistant design against the potential for
developing high thermal stresses.

C-4.4.1 Wind Loads

Hangars are prone to large eccentricities between centers of wind pressure and centers
of rigidity (especially cantilevered hangars). Even unfactored loads resulting from this
eccentricity may be significant. The designer should consider this eccentricity while
laying out the lateral load resisting system to locate the center of rigidity as near to the
center of applied force as practical.

C-4.4.2 Seismic Loads

Seismic design criteria may impose significant constraints upon the structural frame, not
only in the loads applied but also in the fundamental choice of framing system. The
allowable seismic force resisting systems and their limitations are identified in ASCE 7-
10, Table 12.2.1. A combination of site condition, design approach and structural layout
will determine the AISC criteria. A poor selection of framing, arrangement of bracing or
large asymmetries may result in expensive connection fabrication and testing
requirements or outright prohibition of the fundamental design. The facility designer’s
should investigate the seismic issues early in the design phase and plan the building’s
geometry and structure accordingly.

Hangars are prone to large eccentricities between centers of mass and centers of
rigidity. This is especially true for hangars with cantilevered roof framing systems.
Regardless of the structural system, the unfactored loads from this eccentricity may be
significant. For general information about structural loads, refer to UFC 3-301-01. For
detailed information, refer to UFC 3-310-04 and ANSI/AISC 341.

C-4.5 Main Structural Framing Materials

C-4.5.1 Hollow Steel Sections

There may be additional benefits derived from efficiency in steel use and minimization
of exposed steel surfaces. The bi-axial strength characteristics provide for enhanced
electability and greater resistance to progressive collapse resulting from localized
damage. However, HSS connections are more challenging to design and often more
difficult to fabricate. The engineer of record should consider and clearly represent in the
contract drawings the difficulty of the HSS connections. Additionally, a greater reliance
on shop connections is the norm in HSS practice. The designer is encouraged to
consider the complications of transporting large, built-up elements to the site. HSS
connections may involve the use of welds that are not pre-approved and/or more
extensive weld testing than normally found on hot rolled steel construction.

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C-4.6 Secondary Structural Systems

C-4.6.1 Roof Systems.

Historically, it has been difficult to maintain the necessary level of quality control
required to weld decks at side laps and at supports. Mechanical fasteners are the
desired option. Additionally, there may be significant economy in erection by allowing
pneumatic and powder actuated fastening systems. Most pneumatic and powder
actuated systems are proprietary in nature and not covered by the Uniform Guide
Specifications UFGS 05 30 00.

C-4.6.2 Coordinating the Structure with the Hangar Doors

Hangar door guide systems are normally sized to allow total roof truss live load
deflection not to exceed 200 mm (8 inches). The designer of record is responsible for
coordinating the total anticipated roof deflection with the door guide manufacturer to
ensure that the design stroke of the hangar door guides is not exceeded. For cantilever
roof systems, the hangar door guide system should have adjustment capability to allow
for final leveling after all loads are in place. The construction documents must indicate
the expected maximum deflection, both upward and downward, as well as the allowable
deflection of the hangar door guide system.

C-4.6.3 Diaphragms

Given the difficulty in providing lateral load resistance for the large open spans
associated with hangar bay structures, it often appears desirable to incorporate the roof
deck into the lateral load system as a flexible diaphragm. However, these same large
spans involved in hangar structures often require large deflections in the frame before
the deck produces the desired resisting forces. Designers are therefore prevented from
relying on a steel deck as a diaphragm in the hangar bay and required to provide a
dedicated secondary horizontal lateral load. The deck may, however, be assumed to
provide local support to elements, such as top chord/flange support to joists/beams.

C-4.6.4 Wall Systems

Generally bearing or shear wall systems of masonry or concrete are much stiffer that
the steel frame used in the hangar bay. Designers are cautioned to carefully consider
the differential movement likely to occur between the maintenance bay and the
shops/admin space when designing the interface.


C-5.1 Plumbing

C-5.1.1 Water Supply to Emergency Shower/Eyewash Stations

The domestic heating water system will need to be sized to deliver the required hot
waterflow and temperature to meet the tepid water requirements for the operation of
one shower or eyewash station for 15 minutes.

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C-5.2 HVAC

C-5.2.1 Overhead Radiant Heat Systems

Overhead high intensity heaters for hangar bays are not allowed in Air Force and Navy
hangar bays for two reasons: clearances to aircraft and bridge crane equipment are
greater, presence of fueled, armed aircraft (Air Force). Low-intensity, gas-fired tube type
radiant heaters are preferred for overhead heating systems in Air Force and Navy
hangar bays.

C-5.2.2 In-floor Radiant Heat Systems

In-floor radiant heat systems must be carefully considered for heating in hangar bays in
northern climates. This system is appealing because it does an effective job of heating
the floor, but the installation costs and impact on the floor slab design are significant.
Consider the amount of maintenance activities performed from the floor. Coordinate
closely with the system supplier on the design of the hangar floor slab, location of
insulation, and location of radiant tubing within the slab.

C-5.2.3 RPA Hangars

There are RPA aircraft that have internal avionics systems that are sensitive to high
temperatures and will alarm when the inside temperature gets up to 100ºF to 120ºF.
These aircraft might also have fuel systems that need to be kept below a certain
temperature. A conditioned hangar bay might be required which is inconsistent with
typical hangar design. Depending on the climate, evaporative cooling might be
considered. Portable preconditioned air carts can be considered in lieu of conditioning
the hangar bay.

C-5.2.4 Avionics/Electrical Repair

Localized exhaust is typically done using a wall-mounted fume extractor built specifically
for small or limited workspace environments where air purification is desired. Includes a
free-hanging, self-supportive flex arm that can be easily maneuvered by the operator to
the desired location. Several filter combinations can be used depending on the

C-5.2.5 Army Hangar Heating Systems

Overhead low or high intensity radiant heaters are often the most life-cycle cost
effective method of heating Army hangars and most other high bay facilities. Some
quality high intensity radiant heaters have radiant efficiencies as high as 81%,
meanwhile low intensity tube heaters typically range from 35% to 60%. It must be noted
that radiant efficiency is not the same as thermal efficiency. Where work or maintenance
activities may be limited at times to specific areas in a hangar bay (such as where
maintenance is being conducted on one helicopter while other spaces have no activity),
high intensity radiant heaters applied in a spot or area heating method may be the most
life-cycle cost effective method of providing thermal comfort. The spot or area heating

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method allows for maximum radiant asymmetry where the ambient temperature may be
kept low.

In floor type radiant heating systems are more efficient than warm air systems as well;
however, the in-floor systems have long response times which do not allow for effective
unoccupied period temperature setbacks. Warm air systems should only be considered
in mild climates where there is minimal need to heat, and where air delivery
temperatures may be kept within 20 degrees of ambient room temperature. Delivery
temperatures which are greater than 20 degrees above the ambient temperature can
lead to excessive stratification in high bay facilities such as hangars.


C-6.1 Below Grade Water Supply Piping

Avoid locating piping under paved operational surfaces (taxiways and aircraft parking).

C-6.2 Welded Fire Suppression and Concentrate Piping

If using welded joints and fittings, give consideration to the maintenance of the system
and the provision of flanged joints at certain locations to allow for maintenance.

C-6.3 Diverter Valve Location

When installing a diverter valve as part of a fire suppression containment system,

consider placing the valve and valve pit within the hangar bay as a means reduce the
rain water infiltration into the pit. When this is provided, locate the pit outside
aircraft/vehicle traffic locations and rate the components in the valve pit for a Class I
Division 1 hazardous classified location.

C-6.4 Fan Shutdown in the Hangar Bay

The hangar bay doors are often open for extended periods of time. Therefore, exposing
the hangar bay to high humidity, below freezing, and high temperature conditions.
Because of this, the hangar bay is considered an outdoor environment. Most
addressable output modules (control modules) are not UL listed to operate in these
conditions, and installing these devices in the hangar bay would be against the listing.

Therefore, it is recommended modules for controlling fans be located in a controlled

environment. One option would be to locate the module next to the shunt trip breaker
which removes power from the fan(s) in the hangar bay upon release of the foam
system. Another option would be to extend the enable input circuit off the VFD/starter
from the hangar bay to a module that is located in a controlled environment. In no case
should the fans be shutdown through EMCS unless the EMCS is a UL 864 listed
system, as this is not permitted by NFPA 72.

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C-6.5 AFFF Trench Drain Location

For Navy: When approved by the NAVFAC FPE, under certain circumstances the
dedicated nose-dock area may be excluded from the AFFF trench drain boundary.

C-6.6 Alternate Foam/Water Discharge Notification

For Navy: When approved by the NAVFAC FPE, a blue beacon notification system
may be provided to indicate an AFFF trench nozzle discharge where a fire alarm voice
evacuation system is not provided.

C-6.7 Voice Notification in the Hangar Bay

In most hangar bays, directional loudspeakers should be used. It has been found that
providing directional speakers and aiming the speakers in the same general direction
increases message clarity and improves CIS scores. An example of this type of
installation includes providing ceiling only mounted speakers directed towards the floor
or providing speakers mounted only on the back wall directed towards the hangar bay
door opening. When opposing speakers are provided, such as speakers mounted on
opposing walls, the sound from one speaker will reach the occupant before the sound
from the other speaker. This results in an echo effect, which reduces message clarity.
Hangar bays often seem quiet during commissioning. However, during normal operation
and with the ventilation systems operating, hangar bays can have an average ambient
sound level approaching 75-80 dBA. The speaker system should be designed to deliver
a minimum sound power of 90 dBA throughout the hangar bay to account for the variety
of operating procedures.


C-7.1 Electric Door Track Heating System

In locations where snow and freezing temperatures occur and a rolling door is provided
for the hangar bay consider a heating system for the tracks. If a heating system is not
provided the tracks may accumulate ice and/or snow and then ceases to function
properly. A hot water heating system may be used in lieu of an electric door track
heating system.

C-7.2 Service Point Connection Pedestals

Pedestal mounted connections are placed within the hangar space. The pedestals are
permanently mounted within the space and create a fixed obstruction. The pedestals
bring the services closer to the aircraft and reduce the cable lengths. The cables may
be reeled up at the pedestal location or stored separately. The pedestals create an
obstruction free zone between the pedestal and the wall. Pedestals require little

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C-7.3 Aircraft Grounding Points

Different grounding points may be used for different types of aircraft based on the size
of the aircraft. Consider the use of caps on the grounding point in the hangar bay. The
caps on the grounding points are difficult to maintain.


Communications may include many different types of systems including but not limited
to unclassified data, classified data, telephone, public address, radios, satellites, and
intercom system. Each system has a special set of requirements. Identify the types of
systems required in the building early in the project and provision for the systems


C-9.1 Overhead Bridge Cranes

Overhead cranes are often located close to overhead radiant heat systems. Coordinate
the two systems to avoid heat damage to the crane equipment. Common approaches
include automatic switching which deactivates the heaters located near the crane or,
locating shields or deflectors to protect the vulnerable elements of the crane.


Coordinate with the user to provide type of hangar door and controls required for
maintenance operations.

C-10.1 Horizontal Rolling Hangar Doors

Rolling steel doors require significant depth for multiple tracks. Door pockets are always
preferred since they allow all door panels to be moved completely out of the door
opening. A door pocket is required unless the hangar door is wide enough that it is
acceptable to stack the doors along the tracks. Tracks extending the full length of the
door provide more flexibility on where the doors can be stacked. Confirm if the climate
requires the tracks to be heated. Specify rolling steel doors to allow them to be moved
with an aircraft tug in case of power failure. Tracks usually will be drained. Sand can
build up in the track in arid climates, requiring personnel sweep the tracks on a regular
basis. Best practices suggest the project Planner consult the installation and users to
choose a type of hangar door, and the operation requirements of the door.

Horizontal rolling hangar doors typically support their own gravity load and only impart
lateral (wind, seismic) loads to the main structural system through a track system at the
door head. The door head track is generally the responsibility of the hangar door
manufacturer. The designer of the hangar generally provides the support for the door
head track. The designer is cautioned to carefully consider the following:

• The manner in which the door head track is supported by the

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• The vertical movement of the superstructure and the capacity of the door
to accommodate the movement.
C-10.1.1 Horizontal Rolling Hangar Door Foundation

The door track foundation will be considered a building foundation since it supports
building components. The door track foundation will bear below the building frost line at
or near the depth of the Aircraft Maintenance Bay foundations. The designer is
reminded that the door track foundation will be subject to aircraft wheel loads which may
control the design of the foundation.

C-10.2 Vertical Lift Fabric Doors (VLFD)

Vertical Lift Fabric Doors require less depth and do not require pockets to provide
access to the full width of the opening. Larger openings require multiple panels with
fold-up mullions. Personnel doors in the hangar door may require the bottom 7 ft. (2.1
m) of the door to be rigid, causing unique header truss design to allow the door to
extend up beside the truss. Currently, VLFD backup manual operation requires hand
cranking from an elevated walkway at the VLFD hoist motor location and is extremely
laborious, difficult and time consuming. For these reasons, the UFC requires backup
systems to power the door. In case of a major failure such as a motor failure, the door
may be practically unusable for an extended period of time.

C-10.2.1 VLFD Structural Considerations

Vertical lift fabric doors are lighter than rolling doors, but the entire weight is carried by
the superstructure. Additionally, beyond a practical limit of about 60 ft. (18.3 m) multiple
door leaves are required. A complicated swinging mullion with additional overhead
equipment is required for every vertical lift fabric door beyond the first. However, vertical
lifting fabric doors do not require door pockets to entirely clear the hangar opening nor
do they require extensive support at grade.

The main load collecting members for a vertical lift fabric door panel generally span
horizontally, from mullion to mullion. As such, the mullions serve as load collectors for a
very large tributary area which is then delivered to the main framing system as a
concentrated force. At a basic, conceptual level, the structural engineer is cautioned to
consider how these forces will be collected and distributed back to earth. To the
maximum extent practical, the principle framing of the hangar structure should align with
the mullion locations.

C-10.2.2 VLFD Fabric

At present the fabric utilized on the VLFDs does not meet the minimum blast resistance
requirements of UFC 4-010-01. Therefore, to utilize a VLFD in the Aircraft Maintenance
Bay, the Aircraft Maintenance Bay needs to be classified as Low Occupancy as defined
by UFC 4-010-01. If the Aircraft Maintenance Bay meets this requirement, then it must
also be structurally isolated from any shops/office spaces that cannot be classified as
Low Occupancy. Otherwise, it must be verified through analysis that the adjacent

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inhabited office/shops spaces would not collapse if the Aircraft Maintenance Bay
collapses in accordance with UFC 4-010-01.

At present the fabric utilized on the VLFDs does not comply with impact-resistance
requirements on facilitates located in "Wind-Borne Debris Regions". The fabric does not
meet the testing criteria of ASTM E1996 Standard specification for Performance of
Exterior windows, Glazed curtain Walls, Doors, and Storm Shutters Impacted by Wind
Borne Debris in Hurricanes and ASTM E1886 Standard Test Method for Performance of
Exterior windows, curtain walls, doors and Storm Shutters Impacted by Missile(s) and
Exposed to Cyclic Pressure Differentials. The designer is cautioned when using VLFDs
in "Wind-Born Debris Regions".

C-10.3 Vertical Lift Canopy Doors

Large maintenance hangars usually opt for either rolling steel doors or vertical lift fabric
doors. Vertical lift bi-fold/canopy doors are common on small hangars for private
aircraft, but are much less common in military hangars. They have many of the
advantages of VLFDs; no pocket required, very little depth. They are significantly limited
in size.

Vertical lift canopy doors are typically constructed of steel framing (hot rolled and/or cold
formed) and clad with metal panel siding. The entire weight of the door and associated
counterweights is carried by the superstructure. Generally, the door width is limited to
roughly 100 ft. (30.5 m) but longer spans have successfully been installed. Additionally,
the height of the door is limited to roughly 25 ft. (7.6 m) because of the large cantilever
that develops on the door jambs as the door opens. At a basic, conceptual level, the
structural engineer is cautioned to consider how the weight of the door and
counterweights and door opening forces and how they will be resisted by the
superstructure and distributed back to earth. There has not been success installing
these doors in a multiple leaf configuration with a swinging mullion similar to the Vertical
Lift Fabric door.

C-10.4 Other Hangar Door Options

Aircraft Maintenance Hangars require a vertical lift fabric door system or horizontal
sliding doors for the purpose of closing the aircraft maintenance bay. Best practices
include the project Planner consulting the installation and users to choose a type of
hangar door, and the operation requirements of the door before issuing the 1391.

However, less common hangar door options are available in the market place. These
optional door types need project specific approval from the appropriate Service design
criteria manager or waiver authority for this UFC. The design team is cautioned to
consider all facets of these doors effects on the building design when considering these
doors. The design team also needs to consider the ease of use, long term maintenance
and emergency opening capabilities when considering hangar door types.

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C-11.1 Personal Fall Arrest Systems (PFAS)

Provide fall prevention and/or fall protection in accordance with UFC 3-110-03. Most
hangars do not have mechanical equipment on the Aircraft Maintenance Bay roofs but
there may be other equipment such as antenna platforms requiring interior access and
fall protection. Aircraft maintenance workers are often required to work on top of aircraft,
well above the floor surface. It is common practice and is a requirement in similar
circumstances, for workers to be protected against falls from aircraft surfaces through
the provision of a Personal Fall Arrest System (including flexible horizontal life line and
rigid horizontal rail systems). However, hangars with bridge cranes represent a special
challenge in that the cranes and personal fall protection system compete for access to
same work space, workers protected from falls by the use of a personal fall arrest
system are now at risk of having their self-retracting lanyards (SRL) struck by a moving
crane. It is important for the designers of aircraft hangars to understand the conflicts
between the two systems and the means by which they can coexist. Additionally,
personal fall protection system may experience the same coordination issues with
overhead radiant heat systems as do overhead cranes. The designer should consult the
discussion on cranes which appear later in this section.

C-11.2 Description of Horizontal Lifeline (HLL) System

The HLL system consists of a flexible, wire rope or synthetic cable (usually a stainless
steel cable) that is installed in a horizontal or nearly horizontal plane between two or
more anchorages and to which a self- retracting lanyard (SRL) is attached. The SRL
has an integral locking snap hook at the end that attaches to the dorsal D ring of the
person's full body harness. Both the crane and HLL are usually installed at higher
elevations. In order to perform work more efficiently on an aircraft, a network of HLL
systems is generally required. The HLLs should be laid out in a system which accounts
for the location of the aircraft and maximizes the freedom of movement of the users.
Additionally, mobile attachment devices (trans-fasteners) used to have an added
mobility to move between intermediate anchorages with 100% tie-off. The HLL may
include energy absorber and lifeline tensioner. The self-retracting lanyard attached to
the HLL is a deceleration device made of synthetic rope, webbing or wire rope that
automatically locks at the onset of a fall. It pays out and automatically retracts onto the
drum during normal movement.

C-11.3 Description of Rigid Horizontal Rail (RHR) Systems

RHR system is a pre-engineered anchorage subsystem that uses one or more trolleys
on a horizontal track (often and I-beam or slotted tube) designed for the attachment of
components of a personal fall protection system. Horizontal Track system is a form of
RHR system that typically encloses a trolley inside a formed channel or track. A self-
retracting lanyard (SRL) is also attached to the RHR system for tying off to the dorsal D
ring of the full body harness.

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C-11.4 Quality Control

Flexible HLL systems and Rigid Horizontal Rail systems are typically proprietary in
nature. The manufacturer should provide calculation and drawings showing that the
system was tested and certified under the supervision of a qualified person and is
appropriate for the application. There two types of HLL and RHR systems. Type 1 are
designed, tested and certified by the manufacturer of the system and installed and used
by the purchaser (or purchaser's representatives) in accordance with the manufacturer's
requirements, Type 2 systems are designed, tested, certified and installed by the
manufacturer and used by the purchaser of the system (or their representatives) in
accordance with the manufacture's requirements.

C-11.5 Issues and Conflicts between Crane Operation and PFAS

The following are few of the conflicts that will occur between the HLL system(s) and the

C-11.5.1 If the HLL is installed above the Crane

During the movement and operation of the crane a conflict will exist when personnel are
tied to the HLL systems because the SRLs when extended will be in the path of the
crane. A Lockout/Tag out program should be in place which precludes the cranes and
PFAS from being used simultaneously in a given area. If the crane is activated,
personnel should detach themselves from the HLL systems and the lanyards of the
SRLs should be retracted inside the elevation of the crane.

There is some difficulty in developing a system which raises and lowers the snap hooks.
There are two methods to lower the snap hooks to personnel's level. The first one is
using a power tagline system, which is a motorized winch that raises and lowers the
lanyards to the users' level, activated by a control panel. The second method is using a
manual tagline system to lower the snap-hook manually by a person on the ground
level. In practice, the power tagline system is preferable in that it can be interlocked with
the crane controls; however, the automatic system involves greater cost and complexity.
The manual system is generally simpler but requires greater diligence in use. In any
case, a tagline system will be required to ensure that both systems can be safely
operated. When the lanyard of the self-retracting device is retracted out of the crane's
path, there should be a minimum clearance around the crane envelope of 3 inches
(75 mm) from the top and 2 inches (50 mm) on either side.

C-11.5.2 If the HLL is installed below the Crane

If the HLL is installed below the crane rail, there may be interference with the crane
operation unless a system to retract the HLL to the sidewalls is provided. Such systems
generally come in one of two forms: (1) The HLL is suspended from a bridge beam
which is lower than the bridge crane and supported from tracks located outboard of the
bridge crane tracks. (2) The HLL is suspended from beams cantilevered off of the side
walls, much like a jib crane, which can rotate flush to the side walls. The large open,
column-free areas of hangar bays generally make these systems impractical in hangar

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usage. If the HLL requirements can be narrowed to a smaller portion of the total hangar
floor area, these systems may become acceptable. The above conflicts with the crane
may also apply to the RHR systems.

C-11.6 Alternate Methods and Systems

There are other personal fall arrest systems that can be specified, but these are
typically portable systems which can be more appropriately classified as equipment
then building systems:

C-11.6.1 Work Stands

These are costly but safer than the use of PFAS. The work stands should be equipped
with guardrails on three sides and a swing gate at the stairs or ladder side. Often, work
stands must be customized to fit a small range of aircraft types. This then necessitates
providing new work stands should the aircraft being serviced in the hangar change.

C-11.6.2 Portable Fall Arrest Systems

These are typically a single drop eyelet for a D-ring, supported from a jib arm on a
portable derrick. The derricks are generally cumbersome, requiring additional
equipment to relocate them, and offer only a limited range of movement to the user.
These types of systems are generally not appropriate for a maintenance hangar unless
the aircraft are expected to be static for long periods of time.


C-12.1 General

The aviation industry is constantly developing new aircraft. Emerging aircraft and
variants of existing aircraft are entering the military arsenal more often than this UFC
can be updated. When designing a hangar for an emerging aircraft there are a number
of issues to confirm.

• Review the Facilities Requirements Document (FRD) for the aircraft for
any specific requirements that could affect the hangar design.
• Communicate with the users to find out what is different or unusual about
the new aircraft from a maintenance point of view that may require
unusual systems or spaces.
o For example, The F-16 engine is dropped out of the aircraft for
maintenance. However, the F-35 engine is pulled out of the aircraft,
requiring significantly more space aft of the aircraft than the
standard clearances in this UFC would provide.
• Emerging aircraft are more likely to have secret components that may
require special storage rooms or other security measures.

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C-12.2 Unmanned Aircraft Systems

C-12.2.1 General

Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) are composed of the aircraft as well as personnel
and equipment to launch, control, recover and maintain the aircraft. The aircraft itself is
typically called an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). The term Remotely Piloted Aircraft
(RPA) is preferred by the Air Force. UAS are currently one of the fastest group of
emerging aircraft with a number of different systems in use by each Service and new
variants being introduced at an increasing rate. Review the Service-specific chapters for
guidance on which UAS this UFC applies to.

C-12.2.2 Similarities and Differences

UAV/RPAs vary in size, range, capabilities, and many other characteristics. Aircraft
Maintenance Hangars housing UAS have spaces similar to other military aircraft. The
aircraft maintenance bays, maintenance shops, administration and support spaces are
not appreciably different from those found in other hangars. As discussed in the C-12.1:
General it is important to find out what may be unusual about the design aircraft that
could affect the hangar.

C-12.2.3 Communications

Communication systems are more important to UAS than other aircraft and often
require line of sight from the aircraft to antennae used to control the aircraft. As a result,
the hangar may have an array of antennae on top of the building. Consider location as
well as safe access to these antennae for maintenance.

C-12.2.4 Associated Facilities

Aircraft Maintenance Hangars may be stand-alone facilities, or may be connected to a

number of difference associated facilities. Often hangars are attached to the
administration unit maintaining or piloting the aircraft maintained in the hangar.

The Mission Control Systems (MCS) where the UAV/RPAs are controlled may be either
separate or may be attached to the maintenance hangar. MCS spaces may have
specific requirements such as higher security and back-up systems for power and
communication. The MCS control rooms and electronic rooms may need to be shielded
from electromagnetic interference. Designers need to seek requirements for associated
facilities elsewhere, as they are not included in this UFC.

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D-1.1 Civil

• Will a security fence be required around the hangar?

• What type of lighting will be required in the employee parking lot?
• Will a guard booth be required at roadway entrance to hangar area?
• What type of lighting will be required on the parking apron?
• Will there be a need for exterior space to store deployment
• Is there a need for a dumpster or waste recycling?
• Is there a need for a pedestrian turnstile gate with a swipe card access
system, in the flightline security fence?
D-1.2 Architectural

• Identify the type of aircraft and the aircraft mix that will populate the
• Will aircraft be brought into the hangar with fuel in them? (Identifies the
type of fire suppression system you need.)
• Consider towing vehicles turning clearances, access and egress from
hangar bay when sizing hangar bays.
• Will spot repair of corrosion control, grinding, bird interaction repair,
sanding, or painting on the aircraft frame or any parts be required inside
the hangar? If so, provide Material Safety Data Sheets for all materials
solid or liquid being used on the aircraft frame or inside the hangar to
determine if engineering control is required to mitigate hazard. (This may
impact spaces by requiring larger exhaust systems, specialized filters and
other items when exposure to heavy metals is likely)
• Identify any area and/or need to weld, paint, grind, sand, or apply paint or
corrosion control materials on the aircraft frame or other aircraft parts. Has
a preliminary hazard list been completed and a risk assessment code
been determined for the facility which identifies if controls are required?
Based on the risk assessment code, is a preliminary hazard analysis
required? (Engineering controls may be required) Provide this document
to the designers for inclusion in the hangar design.
• Based on the operations and the exhaust from the building, will an air
permit be required or will it need to be added as an air emissions source

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to the permit for the installation? (Additional filtration may be required by
the state for the exhaust. This increases the size of the fans and pollution
control costs.)
• What is the total occupant load? How does administration occupancy
compare to Aircraft Repair occupancy? (This identifies the size and
number of changing rooms and lockers for each group) In addition, are
work clothes or disposable suits (i.e. Tyvek suits) provided for those
people working in the shops/ hangar bays who may be exposed to
hazardous materials and chemical? Identify where laundry facilities or
disposal facilities for Tyvek suits are located.
• Identify how the spread of hazardous materials, dust and/or chemicals are
controlled, contained, and disposed. Segregation of regulated areas and
methods of demarcation may be required (such as full height partitions
and ventilation systems). (Note: Areas of facilities utilizing these
hazardous materials and/or chemicals must be designated as regulated
areas whenever exposure can be expected to be in excess of the
permissible exposure limit(s), and must be demarcated from the
surrounding workspace in a manner that establishes and alerts building
occupants of those boundaries of the regulated area.) Identify containment
processes and methods to monitor effectiveness of housekeeping
procedures, decontamination procedures, and engineering controls
tailored to each facility 8. Is Chromium VI or other toxins being utilized in
the hangar bay or workshops? If so, then proper decontamination
procedures and separate showers must be in place to protect the
personnel and surrounding work areas.
• Will waste oil drains be required? If so, give locations in hangar for
receptacles funnels.
• Will there be a drum room? If so, how many drums should it hold? What
types of chemicals will be stored?
• Where are hazardous waste containers to be located?
• Will mission functions be incorporated into the hangar building?
• How many employees, both direct and indirect, are expected to occupy
the hangar per shift?
• Will tail docks, wing docks, fuselage docks or nose docks be required? If
so, what utilities will be hooked up to them?
• What type of power tooling will be mounted in hangar? Examples include
drill presses, grinders, shear, and brakes. In what location will this
machinery be mounted? What type of utilities will be required for
• Will there be rolling service doors? If so, give location and size. (Will any
locations require power for motor operators?)
• Verify shop requirements.

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o Type of shops?
o Square footage needed for each shop?
o The location in the building?
o Machinery location?
o Floor coatings required?
o Number and size of roll-up doors to outside of hangar.
o Will the shops require any other services such as shipping and
receiving docks? Waste disposal/recycling?
• Will there be an inspection area? If so, give square footage, location and
utilities required.
• Will a parts cleaning shop be required? If so, give square footage,
location, utilities required. Also, please note any special or heavy drain
items such as salt bath ovens or large ovens. Provide material safety data
sheets for all cleaning products including application rates, methods,
durations and frequencies.
• Will there be a lunch/break room? If so, please indicate square footage,
location of building, number of employees per shift, if vending machines
will be used, what type of floor, and if suspended acoustical ceilings will be
• Will there be a secured area? Verify the requirements.
• What aircraft should the hangar be able to house/maintain?
• Will there be a wash bay in the hangar?
D-1.3 Structural

• Will maintenance platforms or scaffolds be required?

• Will stabilizer platforms or other overhead suspended scaffolding systems
be required?
• Will overhead cranes be required?
• Will personal fall arrest systems be required above aircraft? If so, what
• Verify shop requirements.
o Crane coverage and hook heights?
o Special foundations for equipment?
• Will the hangar be designated an earthquake, hurricane or other
emergency shelter?
D-1.4 Mechanical

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• Will overhead or in-ground mechanical utilities be required? If so, what
• Will breathing compressed air be required?
• What will be the heaviest cfm drawn from hoses? (Quantity of outlets?)
• Will door track heating be required?
• Will door track drainage be required?
• What type of utilities will be required around the inside perimeter of the
hangar? Utilities may include compressed air, water, pre-conditioned air.
Provide location and capacity required.
• If there is equipment mounted in the hangar bay what utilities will be
required for the equipment?
• Verify shop requirements.
o What mechanical utilities are required in each shop?
o Are floor drains needed?
o Overhead air reels?
o Machinery utility requirements?
• Any fluid discharges that may harm metal piping that would require an
acid waste system? (X-ray room)
• Will there be any operational requirements for emergency eye
wash/shower units? (Locations?)
• What locations are required for hose reels for water or air? (Overhead,
column mounted or shop areas?)
• What is the expected hangar bay maintenance occupancy?
• Does the maintenance schedule vary with seasons?
• How does the maintenance schedule vary dependent upon peacetime or
military conflict status?
• What maintenance activities will be performed, and for what percentage of
D-1.5 Fire Protection

• What is the history of the site's domestic/fire water supply? Does the water
supply pressure fluctuate throughout the year?
• Is the fire water supply at the site known to have MIC or galvanic
• Will there be rack storage in the facility? If so, what is the product stored?
How high will it be stored, and how will it be stored? Will open rack
shelving be used? Will the product be stored on wood or plastic pallets?

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• Will the facility have shelved storage exceeding 8 ft. (2.4 m)? If so,
describe the shelving arrangement and products stored.
• Will there be flammable, combustible, or corrosive liquids in the building
which will not be located in a flammable storage cabinet? If so, what is the
liquid, how is it stored, and how much is stored?
• Will tires be stored in the building? If so, how will they be stored?
• What is the typical parking arrangement of the aircraft in the hangar bay,
and what fuels will be used by these aircraft?
• Will ejection seat maintenance be done in the building? What is the largest
quantity of ordinance accumulated in the seat maintenance room any one
• Are flares stored in the building? If so, what is the quantity of flares stored,
how will they be stored, and where will they be stored?
• Is the site considered to have reliable power as defined by the
UFC 3-600-01?
• What system is used by the fire alarm receiving station?
• Are there site specific mass notification messages required?
• Will live voice messaging be required in the building from the receiving
• Will the activation of pre-recorded mass notification messages by the
receiving station be required in the building?
• Will a supervised Knox box be required on the building? If so, how many?
D-1.6 Electrical

• Will overhead or in-ground electrical utilities be required? If so, what

• Will 400 Hz be required? If so, what space will utilize the 400 Hz?
• Will 270 VDC be required? If so, what space will utilize the 270 VDC?
• Will 28 VDC be required? If so, what spaces will utilize the 28 VDC?
• Will standard power be required overhead?
• What type and source of lighting will be preferred in the hangar? (Metal
Halide, LED or T8/T5 linear fluorescent?) What lux (foot-candle) levels are
required? (Per current UFC handbook.)
• What type of utilities will be required around the inside perimeter of the
hangar? Utilities may include 480 volt, 120 volt, 208 volt, 400-Hz, 28VDC,
270 VDC, Provide location and capacity required.
• If there are rolling service doors, will the doors be powered?

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• If there is equipment mounted in the hangar bay what power will be
required for the equipment?
• What loads should be served with emergency power?
• Will emergency power be provided via a permanent generator or a
portable generator?
• Will additional mission functions be incorporated into the hangar that
requires a generator connection?
• Verify shop requirements.
o What electrical utilities are required in each shop?
o Overhead electric reels?
o Machinery electrical utility requirements?
o Will grounding be required in any shops?
o Will static dissipative floors be required in any shops?
• Will the project site require a high level of corrosion protection? Is the site
on the coast where it is susceptible to salt water corrosion?
• Will there be pedestals in the hangar bay?
• Define the limits of the electrical hazardous (classified) locations including
the hangar bay, adjacent spaces and shops with hazardous locations.
D-1.7 Communications

• Will outside public address system be required?

• Will a PA system be required? If so, give location and number of
• Will there be a requirement for special devices to be mounted to hangar
roof, such as an antenna, or microwave dishes?
• Will a close circuit television system (CCTV) be provided for operations?
• Will there be dedicated networks? Will the networks require separate
communication rooms?
• Will additional mission functions be incorporated into the hangar that
requires dedicated communication networks or a data center?
• Verify shop requirements.
o Provide location and number of telephones.
o Provide location and number of telecommunication outlets.
o Will satellites be connected to the shop?
o Will radios be connected to the shop?
o Will dedicated networks be connected to the shop?

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D-1.8 Security

• Will security systems be required? If so, what types will be required

(Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS), CCTV, or access control)?
• What type of door security devices will be used? How many and what

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Figure E-1: Maintenance Hangar Including Two Hangar Bays and Associated

Figure E-2: Maintenance Hangar Including Attached Command Mission

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Figure E-3: Maintenance Hangar with Associated Shops and Office on Both
Sides of the Hangar

Figure E-4: Integrated UAS/RPA Hangar with Maintenance and Mission Spaces

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Figure E-5: Large Body Aircraft Hangar with Attached Shops and Office Space
and Sliding Doors

Figure E-6: Helicopter Hangar Bay with Sliding Doors, Sliding Door Tracks and
Overhead Cranes

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Figure E-7: Helicopter Hangar Bay with Converters, Pedestals and Safety Lane

Figure E-8: UAS/RPA Casket in Hangar Bay Ready for Assembly

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Figure E-9: Overhead Bridge Crane with Cabled Controls within Hangar Bay

Figure E-10: Hangar Bay with Bridge Cranes and Fall Arrest

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Figure E-11: Overhead Bridge Crane within a Shop

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Figure E-12: Sliding Hangar Door Tracks

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Figure E-13: Vertical Lift Fabric Door with Mullions and Multiple Sections and Fall
Arrest System

Figure E-14: Vertical Lift Fabric Door Mullion and Mullion Pit

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Figure E-15: Floor Mounted 400 Hz Converter with Permanently Attached Cables

Figure E-16: Permanent Pedestals with 400 Hz, 120V, Communications and
Compressed Air

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Figure E-17: Example of Fire Pan, for Acceptance Test of Optical


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