Project Report
Project Report
Project Report
Name of the Project: Detailed Information about Wireless Wide Area Network (WAN)
This is to certify that this Project Report entitled “Detailed Information about Wireless
Wide Area Network (WAN) Architecture” submitted to Third Eye Infosys Pvt. Ltd, in
partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the ESDP certificate on
Computer Hardware & Networking is our genuine work and has not been submitted to
this Institution or to any other Institution for the fulfillment of any course of study.
Date: 03-07-2010
Annexure - I
This is to certify that this Project Report entitled “Detailed Information about Wireless
Wide Area Network (WAN) Architecture” submitted to Third Eye Infosys Pvt. Ltd, in
partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the ESDP certificate on
Computer Hardware & Networking is an original work carried out by
The matter embodied in this project is a genuine work done by the student and has
not been submitted whether to this Institute or to any other Institute for the
fulfillment of the requirement of any course of study.
Project Guide
Biswajit Changmai,
Faculty, Deptt. Of IT,
Third Eye College of Technology & Management
Panbazar, Guwahati -01
Annexure - II
At the very outset, we would like to convey our deep gratitude to Sir Biswajit
Changmai, Faculty, Department of IT, Third Eye College of Technology and
Management, Guwahati, for being our constant guide and allowing us to choose this
project and for supporting us towards our approach to the task. I am also very
thankful to Sir Naba Kumar Sharma and all the other faculty members of Third Eye
College, who have valued my work and provided me timely help whenever
approached for.
Annexure - III
Introduction to WIDE AREA NETWORK (WAN) Architecture
A wide area network (WAN) is a computer network that covers a broad area i.e., any
network whose communications links cross metropolitan, regional, or national
boundaries. This is in contrast with personal area networks (PAN), local area
networks (LAN), campus area networks (CAN), or metropolitan area networks (MAN)
which are usually limited to a room, building, campus or specific metropolitan area
(e.g., a city) respectively. WANs are used to connect LANs and other types of
networks together, so that users and computers in one location can communicate
with users and computers in other locations. Many WANs are built for one particular
organization and are private. Others, built by Internet service providers, provide
connections from an organization's LAN to the Internet. WANs are often built using
leased lines. At each end of the leased line, a router connects to the LAN on one side
and a hub within the WAN on the other. Leased lines can be very expensive. Instead
of using leased lines, WANs can also be built using less costly circuit switching or
packet switching methods.
Wide Area Network are used when the LAN that must be connected are separated by
a large distance. WAN does not only mean that it connects large geographic area it
can also mean to connect two neighbouring cities. Here comes the difference between
Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) and Wide Area Network (WAN).
“WANs use Long Distance Carriers whereas MANs rely on short distances otherwise
the same protocol and equipment is used in MAN.”
Transmission rates usually range from 1200 bps to 24 Mbps, although some
connections such as ATM and Leased lines can reach speeds greater than 156 Mbps.
Typical communication links used in WANs are telephone lines, microwave links &
satellite channels. Recently with the proliferation of low cost of Internet connectivity
many companies and organizations have turned to VPN to interconnect their
networks, creating a WAN in that way. Companies such as Cisco, New Edge Networks
and Check Point offer solutions to create VPN networks.
Connections Used in WAN
There are four basic types of connections or circuits which are basically used in WAN
Circuit Switched for ex: Analog Dialup & Integrated Service Digital Network (ISDN).
Circuit Switched services provide a temporary connection across a phone circuit. In
networking these are typically used for backup of primary circuits and for temporary
boosts of bandwidth.
Cell Switched for ex: Asynchronous Transfer Mode & Switched Multi – megabit Data
Services (SMDS). They provide the same features as dedicated circuits but the main
advantage is that a single device can connect to multiple devices on the same
interface. The main downside is that they are difficult to setup & troubleshoot.
Packet Switched for ex: Frame Relay & X.25. They are similar to cell switched
services where they basically switch variable length packets. This feature makes
them better suited for data services, but they can nonetheless provide some of the
QoS features.
Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) & Cable: DSL provides speeds up to a few megabits
per second (Mbps) and costs much less than a typical WAN circuit from carrier. It
supports both voice & video and does not require a dialup connection whereas cables
use coaxial copper and fiber connections. It supports higher data rates than DSL but
provides a full time connection.