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Introduction......................................................................................... 4
Starting a business............................................................................. 17
Dealing with construction permits....................................................... 32
Getting electricity............................................................................... 49
Registering property........................................................................... 63
Getting credit..................................................................................... 80
Protecting minority investors.............................................................. 87
Paying taxes....................................................................................... 95
Trading across borders...................................................................... 104
Enforcing contracts........................................................................... 111
Resolving insolvency......................................................................... 120
Labor market regulation.................................................................... 127
Distance to frontier and ease of doing business ranking......................133
Resources on the Doing Business website........................................... 136
in Sub- Saharan Africa, 32 in Latin America and
the Caribbean, 25 in East Asia and the Pacific,
25 in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, 20 in the
Middle East and North Africa and
8 in South Asia, as well as 32 OECD high-income
INTRODUCTION economies. The indicators are used to analyze
Doing Business sheds light on how easy or economic outcomes and identify what reforms
difficult it is for a local entrepreneur to open have worked, where and why.
and run a small to medium-size business
when complying with relevant regulations. It This economy profile presents the Doing
measures and tracks changes in regulations Business
affecting 11 areas in the life cycle of a indicators for Nigeria. To allow useful
business: starting a business, dealing with comparison, it also
construction permits, getting electricity,
registering property, getting credit, protecting
minority investors, paying taxes, trading
across borders, enforcing contracts, resolving
insolvency and labor market regulation. Doing
Business 2017 presents the data for the labor
market regulation indicators in an annex. The
report does not present rankings of economies
on labor market regulation indicators or include
the topic in the aggregate distance to frontier
score or ranking on the ease of doing business.
In a series of annual reports Doing Business
presents quantitative indicators on business
regulations and the protection of property
rights that can be compared across 190
economies, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe,
over time. The data set covers 48 economies
conditions or the underlying strength of
institutionsare not directly studied by Doing
Business. The indicators refer to a specific type
of business, generally a local limited liability
company operating in the largest business city.
provides data for other selected economies Because standard assumptions are used in the
(comparator economies) for each indicator. data collection, comparisons and benchmarks
The data in this report are current as of June are valid across economies. The data not only
1, 2016 (except for the paying taxes highlight the extent of obstacles to doing
indicators, which cover the period January business; they also help identify the source of
December 2015). those obstacles, supporting policy makers in
The Doing Business methodology has designing regulatory reform.
limitations. Other areas important to More information is available in the full report.
businesssuch as an economys proximity Doing Business 2017 presents the indicators,
to large markets, the quality of its analyzes their relationship with economic
infrastructure services (other than those outcomes and presents business regulatory
related to trading across borders and getting reforms. The data, along with information on
electricity), the security of property from ordering Doing Business 2017, are available
theft and looting, the transparency of on the Doing Business website at
government procurement, macroeconomic
Figure 1.2 How Nigeria and comparator economies rank on the ease of doing business
Note: The rankings are benchmarked to June 2016 and based on the average of each economys distance to
frontier (DTF) scores for the 10 topics included in this years aggregate ranking. The distance to frontier score
benchmarks economies with respect to regulatory practice, showing the absolute distance to the best
performance in each Doing Business indicator. An economys distance to frontier score is indicated on a scale
from 0 to 100, where 0 represents the worst performance and 100 the frontier. For the economies for which the
data cover 2 cities, scores are a population-weighted average for the 2 cities.
Source: Doing Business database.
Doing Business Nigeri 9
2017 a
Figure 1.5 How far has Nigeria come in the areas measured by Doing Business?
Note: The distance to frontier score shows how far on average an economy is from the best performance achieved
by any economy on each Doing Business indicator. Getting credit, protecting minority investors and resolving
insolvency had methodology changes in 2014 and thus are only comparable to 2013. Dealing with construction
permits, getting electricity and trading across borders had methodology changes in 2015 and thus are only
comparable to 2014. Starting a business, registering property, paying taxes and enforcing contracts had
methodology changes in 2016 and thus are only comparable to 2015. The measure is normalized to range
between 0 and 100, with 100 representing the best performance (the frontier). See the data notes starting on page
114 of the Doing Business 2017 report for more details on the distance to frontier score. Source: Doing Business
THE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT regulationsuch as a regulatory process that
The absolute values of the indicators tell can be completed with a small number of
another part of the story (table 1.1). The procedures in a few days and at a low cost.
indicators, on their own or in comparison with Comparison of the economys indicators today
the indicators of a good practice economy or with those in the previous year may show
those of comparator economies in the region, where substantial bottlenecks persistand
may reveal bottlenecks reflected in large where they are diminishing.
numbers of procedures, long delays or high
costs. Or they may reveal unexpected
strengths in an area of business
Lagos DB2017
Kano DB2017
Kenya DB2017
India DB2017
Starting a
138 137 -- -- 155 116 131 16 1 (New Zealand)
Starting a Business
78.62 77.19 79.98 74.08 74.31 83.13 80.47 94.58 99.96 (New
(DTF Score)
8.7 8.7 8.0 11.0 12.9 7.0 7.0 4.0 1.0 (New Zealand)
Time Men (days) 25.2 30.5 24.0 29.0 26.0 22.0 43.0 4.5 0.5 (New Zealand)
Cost Men (%
31.0 31.7 30.6 32.4 13.8 21.1 0.2 0.1 0.0 (Slovenia)
of income per
8.7 8.7 8.0 11.0 12.9 7.0 7.0 4.0 1.0 (New Zealand)
Time Women 25.2 30.5 24.0 29.0 26.0 22.0 43.0 4.5 0.5 (New Zealand)
Cost Women (%
31.0 31.7 30.6 32.4 13.8 21.1 0.2 0.1 0.0 (Slovenia)
of income per
Paid-in min.
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (127
capital (% of
income per capita)
Nigeria DB2017
Nigeria DB2016
Lagos DB2017
Kano DB2017
Kenya DB2017
Dealing with
Construction 49.63 49.61 42.35 73.98 32.83 57.18 68.21 80.34 87.40 (New
Permits (DTF Zealand)
Procedures 16.1 16.1 17.0 13.0 35.1 17.0 19.0 9.0 7.0 (4
(number) Economies*)
Time (days) 106.3 106.3 116.0 74.0 190.0 160.0 141.0 86.0 28.0 (Korea, Rep.)
Procedures 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 5.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 (15
(number) Economies*)
Time (days) 195.2 195.2 198.0 186.0 45.9 97.0 84.0 79.0 18.0 (Korea,
Cost (% of income
422.8 437.7 422.8 422.8 133.2 642.0 156.1 25.8 0.0 (Japan)
per capita)
Reliability of supply
and transparency 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.0 0.0 0.0 8.0 8.0 (26
of tarif index (0-8) Economies*)
182 182 -- -- 138 121 105 47 1 (New Zealand)
Property (Rank)
31.44 31.43 29.86 36.71 50.00 54.40 59.03 74.11 94.46 (New
Property (DTF
Procedures 12.1 12.1 13.0 9.0 7.0 9.0 7.0 6.0 1.0 (4
(number) Economies*)
Doing Business 2017 Nigeria
Nigeria DB2017
Nigeria DB2016
Lagos DB2017
Kano DB2017
Kenya DB2017
Time (days) 69.6 69.6 77.0 45.0 46.8 61.0 23.0 21.5 1.0 (3
Cost (% of
10.5 10.5 10.1 11.8 7.7 6.1 7.3 4.8 0.0 (Saudi Arabia)
property value)
Strength of legal
7.0 6.0 7.0 7.0 6.0 7.0 5.0 7.0 12.0 (3
rights index (0-12) Economies*)
Depth of credit
6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 8.0 8.0 (30
information index Economies*)
Credit registry
coverage (% of 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 (3
Credit bureau
7.7 6.7 7.7 7.7 21.4 25.8 63.7 100.0 100.0 (23
coverage (% of Economies*)
32 30 -- -- 13 87 22 6 1 (New Zealand*)
Investors (Rank)
65.00 65.00 65.00 65.00 73.33 53.33 70.00 78.33 83.33 (New
Investors (DTF
Strength of
minority 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 7.3 5.3 7.0 7.8 8.3 (New
investor Zealand*)
protection index
Extent of
conflict of 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 6.7 6.7 8.0 8.3 9.3 (New
interest Zealand*)
regulation index
Extent of 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 8.0 4.0 6.0 7.3 8.3 (Norway)
governance index
Doing Business 2017 Nigeria
Nigeria DB2017
Nigeria DB2016
Lagos DB2017
Kano DB2017
Kenya DB2017
1 (United
Paying Taxes (Rank) 182 182 -- -- 172 125 51 10
Paying Taxes 99.44 (United
28.09 28.43 28.08 28.09 46.58 61.72 81.09 90.74
(DTF Score) Arab
Postfiling index (0- 17.2 17.2 17.2 17.2 4.3 32.1 58.6 87.4 98.5 (Estonia)
Trading across
181 181 -- -- 143 105 139 28 1 (10 Economies*)
Borders (Rank)
Time to export:
135 135 135 135 106 21 100 24 0 (18 Economies*)
Border compliance
Cost to export:
786 786 786 786 413 143 428 280 0 (18 Economies*)
compliance (USD)
Time to export:
Documentary 131 131 131 131 38 19 68 4 1 (25 Economies*)
Cost to export:
Documentary 250 250 250 250 92 191 170 25 0 (19 Economies*)
Time to import:
284 284 284 284 283 180 144 3 0 (25 Economies*)
Border compliance
Doing Business Nigeri 15
2017 a
Nigeria DB2017
Nigeria DB2016
Lagos DB2017
Kano DB2017
Kenya DB2017
Cost to import:
1077 1077 1077 1077 574 833 657 0 0 (28 Economies*)
Border compliance
Time to import:
Documentary 173 173 173 173 61 84 36 2 1 (29 Economies*)
Cost to import:
Documentary 564 564 564 564 135 115 213 0 0 (30 Economies*)
139 139 -- -- 172 87 113 31 1 (Korea, Rep.)
48.59 48.59 49.34 46.07 35.19 58.27 54.10 69.36 84.15 (Korea,
Contracts (DTF
Time (days) 509.8 509.8 447.0 720.0 1420.0 465.0 600.0 437.0 164.0 (Singapore)
Cost (% of claim) 57.7 57.7 62.0 43.4 39.6 41.8 33.2 43.9 9.0 (Iceland)
Quality of judicial
7.7 7.7 8.0 6.5 9.0 9.0 7.0 15.0 15.5 (Australia)
processes index
140 139 -- -- 136 92 50 13 1 (Finland)
30.60 30.68 30.60 30.60 32.75 43.39 57.94 82.04 93.89 (Finland)
Insolvency (DTF
Recovery rate
27.8 28.0 27.8 27.8 26.0 28.4 35.1 88.6 92.9 (Norway)
(cents on the
Time (years) 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 4.3 4.5 2.0 1.0 0.4 (22
Cost (% of estate) 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 9.0 22.0 18.0 6.0 1.0 (22
Strength of
5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 6.0 9.0 12.5 11.0 15.0 (6
framework index
(0-16) Doing Business database.
Note: DB2016 rankings shown are not last years published rankings but comparable rankings for DB2016 that
capture the effects of such factors as data revisions and changes to the methodology. The global best performer on
time for paying taxes is defined as the lowest
time recorded among all economies in the DB2016 sample that levy the 3 major taxes: profit tax, labor taxes
and mandatory contributions, and VAT or sales tax. If an economy has no laws or regulations covering a specific
areafor example, insolvencyit receives a no practice mark. Similarly, an economy receives a no practice
mark if regulation exists but is never used in practice or if a competing regulation prohibits such practice. Either
way, a no practice mark puts the economy at the bottom of the ranking on the relevant indicator. * Two or more
economies share the top ranking on this indicator. A number shown in place of an economys name indicates the
number of economies that share the top ranking on the indicator. For a list of these economies, see the Doing
Business website (
data are also collected for the second largest
STARTING A BUSINESS business city.
Formal registration of companies has many
immediate benefits for the companies and Is 100% domestically owned and has five
for business owners and employees. Legal
entities can outlive their founders.
Resources are pooled as several
shareholders join forces to start a company.
Formally registered companies have access
to services and institutions from courts to
banks as well as to new markets. And their
employees can benefit from protections
provided by the law. An additional benefit
comes with limited liability companies. These
limit the financial liability of company owners
to their investments, so personal assets of
the owners are not put at risk. Where
governments make registration easy, more
entrepreneurs start businesses in the
formal sector, creating more good jobs and
generating more revenue for the
What do the indicators cover?
Doing Business records all procedures
officially required, or commonly done in
practice, for an entrepreneur to start up
and formally operate an industrial or
commercial business, as well as the time
and cost to complete these procedures and
the paid- in minimum capital requirement.
These procedures include obtaining all
necessary licenses and permits and
completing any required notifications,
verifications or inscriptions for the
company and employees with relevant
authorities. The ranking of economies on
the ease of starting a business is
determined by sorting their distance to
frontier scores for starting a business. These
scores are the simple average of the
distance to frontier scores for each of the
component indicators.
To make the data comparable across
economies, several assumptions about the
business and the procedures are used. It is
assumed that any required information is
readily available and that the entrepreneur
will pay no bribes. Assumptions about the
Is a limited liability company (or its
legal equivalent). If there is more than
one type of limited liability company in
the economy, the limited liability form
most common among domestic firms is
chosen. Information on the most
common form is obtained from
incorporation lawyers or the statistical
Operates in the economys largest
business city. For 11 economies the
The size THE
office space is
approximately 929 square meters (10,000
square feet).
owners, none of whom is a legal entity products or services. The business does not
perform foreign trade activities and does not
Has start-up capital of 10 times handle products subject to a special tax regime,
income per capita for example, liquor or tobacco. It is not using
heavily polluting production processes.
Performs general commercial or
industrial activities, such as the Leases the commercial plant or offices and is not
production or sale to the public of a proprietor of real estate.
The amount of the annual lease for the
Does not qualify for investment incentives
office space is equivalent to 1 times
or any special benefits.
income per capita
Has at least 10 and up to 50 employees
one month after the commencement of
operations, all of them domestic nationals.
Has a turnover of at least 100 times
income per capita.
Has a company deed 10 pages long.
The owners:
Have reached the legal age of majority
and are capable of making decisions as
an adult. If there is no legal age of
majority, they are assumed to be 30
years old.
Are sane, competent, in good health and
have no criminal record.
Are married, the marriage is
monogamous and registered with the
Where the answer differs according to the
legal system applicable to the woman or
man in question (as may be the case in
economies where there is legal plurality),
the answer used will be the one that
applies to the majority of the population.
Where does the economy stand today?
What does it take to start a business in indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the
Nigeria? According to data collected by Doing largest business city of an economy, except for
Business, starting a business there requires 8.7 11 economies for which the data are a
procedures , takes 25.2 days, costs 31.0% of population-weighted average of the 2 largest
income per capita for men, and requires business cities. See the chapter on distance to
8.7 procedures , takes 25.2 days, costs 31.0% of frontier and ease of doing business ranking at
income per capita for women. A requirement the end of this profile for more details.
of paid-in minimum capital of 0.0% of income
per capita (figure 2.1) is legally mandatory for .
both men and women. Most
Figure 2.2 How Nigeria and comparator economies rank on the ease of starting a business
DB year Reform
Applicants can to go to the CAC branch office in Lagos (either NGN 500
1 2 days
in Yaba or Alausa) to complete this procedure with the CAC application form
accredited professionals, where the business founders
submit Form CAC 1: Availability Check and Reservation of
Name. Alternatively, they can complete the process online
No. Procedure Cost to
The declaration by the barrister or solicitor engaged in the NGN 500 at the
formation of the company may be sworn to before a Notary
3 Public for a fee of NGN 4,000 - NGN 5,000 or at any of the 1 day court or NGN
recognized courts in the country (Magistrate Court, the State 4,000
High Court, or the Federal High Court) before a Commissioner - NGN 5,000
for Oaths for a small fee of NGN 500 usually chargeable by the with a Notary
respective courts.
Agency: Notary Public
No. Procedure Cost to
Register for personal income tax PAYE at the State Tax 2 days
Office (simultaneous
*7 no charge
with previous
All employers shall register with the relevant state tax
authority for income tax withholding.
Doing Business 2017 Nigeria
No. Procedure Cost to
The PAYE Regulations of 2003 made pursuant to the Personal
Income Tax Act provides that all employers are to register with
the Lagos State Board of Internal Revenue Tax Office nearest
to the registered company address for the purpose of
remitting income tax deducted from their employees. The
employer must within 6 months of commencing a business
deduct tax from emoluments of employees and remit the
amount deducted to any of the designated collecting banks.
Agency: Bank
Summary of time, cost and procedures for starting a business in Nigeria - Kano
Doing Business 2017 Nigeria
No. Procedure Cost to
Reserve a unique company name
No. Procedure Cost to
NGN 500 incorporation forms.
NGN 3,000 for certified true copy of memorandum and
articles of association.
NGN 2,000 for certified true copy of particulars of directors.
NGN 2,000 for certified true copy of particulars of
NGN 2,000 for certified true copy of particulars of the
company secretary.
The fee schedule for registration is the following: 10 days NGN 60,000 for
5 - for the first NGN 1,000,000 of nominal capital: NGN 10,000;
legal fees
- for every NGN 1,000,000 or less thereof of nominal capital
after the first NGN 1,000,000: NGN 5,000;
Fees for certified true copies of some forms are paid as follows:
- - NGN 3,000 for C.T.C of Memorandum and Articles of
- NGN 2,000 for C.T.C of Particulars of Directors (CAC 7);
- NGN 2,000 for C.T.C of Allotment of Share Capital (CAC 2);
- NGN 2,000 for C.T.C of particulars of the company secretary.
No. Procedure Cost to
Make a company seal
The fees for the tax clearance issuance are as follows: (i) for
newly registered companies within 6 months of
incorporation: no fee; (ii) for companies that are yet to
commence business and show up for registration after 6
months of incorporation, if they request for tax clearance
certificate a pre-operation levy of NGN 25,000 is payable for
the first time and NGN 20,000 is payable for subsequent
years until it files a notice of commencement of business.
No. Procedure Cost to
identification number (TIN). Companies required to register for
VAT must do so within 6 months from the date of company
Since the registration for corporate income tax and VAT are
done in the same place, one Tax Identification Number (TIN) is
issued to companies for all federal taxes.
No. Procedure Cost to
comple complete
Obtain a business premises permit
Figure 3.1 What it takes to comply with formalities to build a warehouse in Nigeria - Lagos
What it takes to comply with formalities to build a warehouse in Nigeria - Kano
Figure 3.2 How Nigeria and comparator economies rank on the ease of dealing with construction
No. Procedure Cost to
comple complete
But if the land has not been surveyed, then a private 3 days NGN 7,500
surveyor would have to conduct the survey of the plot
of land and this survey would have to be registered with
the Surveyors General Office. In that case, the survey
would be verified against the master plan of Lagos. The
black copy will be for BuildCo, the red copy will be
registered with the Land Registry and a third copy will
be kept at the Surveyor General Office. The cost of
survey by a private surveyor can range from NGN
50,000 to NGN 100,000.
No. Procedure Cost to
comple complete
The following documents must be presented:
Proof of ownership
Survey Plan on Sun Print paper
5 sets of architectural drawings
5 sets of structural drawings (calculation sheets and
supervision letter from a registered engineer)
5 sets of mechanical and electrical drawings
5 sets of sanitary and plumbing drawings
Current Income tax Clearance Certificate (CIT)
Photocopy of payment of assessment fee
Certificate of incorporation of the company
Environmental Technical Analysis Report
No. Procedure Cost to
comple complete
8 7 days no charge
Agency: Lagos State Material Testing Laboratory
9 7 days no charge
Agency: Lagos State Material Testing Laboratory
10 7 days no charge
No. Procedure Cost to
comple complete
about 45 minutes, is rarely performed.
No. Procedure Cost to
complet complete
Apply for a building plan approval at the Kano Urban
Planning and Development Authority
No. Procedure Cost to
complet complete
7 The engineer will file a report notifying the Kano Urban 1 day no charge
Planning and Development Authority (KNUPD) of the
completion of workand certifying that the warehouse was
built according to the approved plans. The inspectors will
then proceed with a final inspection to verify that the work
has been completed according to the approved building
Doing Business 2017 Nigeria
No. Procedure Cost to
complet complete
8 1 day no charge
Agency: Kano Urban Planning and Development Authority
Table 3.3 Summary of time quality control and safety mechanisms in Nigeria
Answ Scor
Answer Score
er e
(Kano) (Kano)
(Lago (Lago
Building quality control index (0-15) 6.5 8.0
Free of 0.5
How accessible are building laws and regulations charge; Not
Not easily 0.0
in your economy? (0-1) easily
List of 0.0
required List of
Which requirements for obtaining a building document required
permit are clearly specified in the building s; documents; 0.0
regulations or on any accessible website, Required Available
brochure or pamphlet? (0-1) preapprov only on
al s. request.
License 1.0
Which third-party entities are required by law d License
to verify that the building plans are in architec 1.0
compliance with existing building regulations? t;
(0-1) License
d t.
Quality control during construction index (0-3) 2.0 2.0
Answ Scor
Answer Score
er e
(Kano) (Kano)
(Lago (Lago
Quality control after construction index (0-3) 3.0 2.0
Yes, 2.0
external Yes, final
Is there a final inspection required by law to engineer inspection
verify that the building was built in accordance submits is done by 2.0
with the approved plans and regulations? (0-2) report for governmen
final t agency.
No party 0.0
Which parties (if any) are held liable by law for is held No party is
structural flaws or problems in the building once liable held liable 0.0
it is in use (Latent Defect Liability or Decennial under the under the
Liability)? (0-1) law. law.
No party 0.0
Which parties (if any) are required by law to is No party is
obtain an insurance policy to cover possible required required by 0.0
structural flaws or problems in the building once by law to law to
it is in use (Latent Defect Liability Insurance or obtain obtain
Decennial Insurance)? (0-1) insurance insurance .
Professional certifications index (0-4) 0.0 3.0
Figure 4.2 How Nigeria and comparator economies rank on the ease of getting electricity
Table 4.2 Summary of time, cost and procedures for getting electricity in Nigeria
No. Procedure Cost to
Submit application to Eko Electricity Distribution
Company and await clearance letter
No. Procedure Cost to
complet complete
During the application process, a licensed electrical contractor
acts on the customers behalf. Contractors have to be
licensed so that they can be responsible for the
correspondence with the utility.
No. Procedure Cost to
complet complete
Once the inspection has been carried out, the client must
submit a payment to the Ministry of Power and collect the 1 calendar NGN 2,000
Certificate of compliance.
Agency: Ministry of Power, Works and Housing
Once the internal wiring inspection is complete, the utilitys 30 calendar NGN 0
9 connection team carries out the meter installation and turns
on electricity flow.
No. Procedure Cost to
complet complete
Submit application to Kano Electricity Distribution
Company and await clearance letter
No. Procedure Cost to
complet complete
Request and receive inspection by inspecting engineer
Once the inspection has been carried out, the client must
submit a payment to the Ministry of Power and collect the 1 calendar NGN 2,000
6 Certificate of compliance.
Agency: Ministry of Power, Works and Housing
Once the internal wiring inspection is complete, the utilitys 33 calendar NGN 0
9 connection team carries out the meter installation and turns
on electricity flow.
No. Procedure Cost to
http://www. rs=referert
n able=&se rv
d er1=1&ta
ex.php/medi r
Link to the website, if available online a get=&tok
-and- e
publicity/pu n=6783w
b lic- 5
notices/326 6C21212
- notice-of- 35
commence 16675572
m ent-of- 3
myto- 2015
Answ Answ
er er
(Lago (Kano
Price of electricity (US cents per kWh) 20.1 20.2
The property (fully owned by the seller): Consists of 557.4 square meters (6,000
square feet) of land and a 10-year-old, 2-
Has a value of 50 times income per story warehouse of 929 square meters
capita. The sale price equals the value (10,000 square feet). The warehouse is in
and entire property will be transferred. good condition and complies with all safety
standards, building codes and legal
Is registered in the land registry or
requirements. There is no heating system.
cadastre, or both, and is free of title
Is located in a periurban commercial
zone, and no rezoning is required.
Where does the economy stand today?
What does it take to complete a property Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in
transfer in Nigeria? According to data collected the largest business city of an economy, except
by Doing Business, registering property there for 11 economies for which the data are a
requires 12.1 procedures, takes 69.6 days and population-weighted average of the 2 largest
costs 10.5% of the property value (figure 5.1).
business cities. See the chapter on distance to
The score on the quality of land administration
index is 6.3 frontier and ease of doing business ranking at
the end of this profile for more
Figure 5.2 How Nigeria and comparator economies rank on the ease of registering property
DB year Reform
No. Procedure Cost to
complet complete
No. Procedure Cost to
complet complete
by a bank draft, cheque or cash. The Bank then issues a Form 1C
Government Revenue receipt. The receipts is what is
submitted together with the application for Governor's
No. Procedure Cost to
complet complete
Charting of survey plans attached to the Deeds
No. Procedure Cost to
complet complete
receipts to the Land Registry for verification. calculation).
No. Procedure Cost to
complet complete
Summary of time, cost and procedures for registering property in Nigeria Kano
No. Procedure Cost to
Conduct search of property title and obtain consent
application form at Lands Registry
Seller and buyer sign four (4) copies of the deed of assignment
and the application for consent form. Legal fees are charged
based on the Scale of Fees for Conveyancing Matters [Legal
Practitioners (Remuneration for Legal Documentation and
Other Land Matters) Order 1991]. This is a sliding scale based 3.75% of
2 1 day
on slices of the consideration involved, and averages out at property
about 7.5% of the consideration. In practice, due to
value legal
competition amongst lawyers, the fees charged for property
assignment in Kano are lower than those prescribed and fee
amount to approximately 3.75% of property value. The fees
will include all the steps required until the new title is
registered under the buyer's name
Doing Business 2017 Nigeria
No. Procedure Cost to
complet complete
Submit application for Governor's consent to the
assignment at the Ministry of Lands and Physical
No. Procedure Cost to
complet complete
Pay prescribed fees and stamp duty at the designated
5% of property
The buyer or his/her agent pays the prescribed fees and stamp value
7 duty at the designated bank. Payment of stamp duty is by 1 day registration
bank draft payable to any of the designated receiving banks. fee + 3% of
Stamp duty for property assignment between companies is property value
assessed at 3% of the property value. stamp duty fee
Agency: Commercial bank
What is the institution in charge of Lagos of Lands
immovable property registration? State Land and
In what format are the majority of title or deed
Computer/ 1.0 Paper 0.0
records kept in the largest business cityin a
paper format or in a computerized format
(scanned or fully digital)?
Is there an electronic database for checking
for encumbrances (liens, mortgages, Yes 1.0 No 0.0
restrictions and the like)?
Only Only
intermediari intermedia
Who is able to consult maps of land plots in the e s and 0.0 r ies and 0.0
largest business city? interested interested
parties parties
Figure 6.1 How Nigeria and comparator economies rank on the ease of getting credit
Figure 6.2 How strong are legal rights for Figure 6.3 How much credit information is
borrowers and lenders? shared and how widely?
Economy scores on strength of legal rights index Economy scores on depth of credit information index
DB year Reform
Lagos Kano
Strength of legal rights index (012)
Index score: Index score:
7.0 7.0
Does an integrated or unified legal framework for secured
transactions that extends to the creation, publicity and 0 0
enforcement of functional equivalents to security interests in
movable assets exist in the economy?
Does the law allow businesses to grant a non possessory security
right in a single category of movable assets, without requiring a 1 1
specific description of collateral?
Does the law allow businesses to grant a non possessory
security right in substantially all of its assets, without requiring 1 1
a specific description of collateral?
Are secured creditors paid first (i.e. before tax claims and 1 1
employee claims) when a debtor defaults outside an
insolvency procedure?
Lagos Kano
Strength of legal rights index (012)
Index score: Index score:
7.0 7.0
Are secured creditors paid first (i.e. before tax claims and 0 0
employee claims) when a business is liquidated?
Are secured creditors subject to an automatic stay on
enforcement when a debtor enters a court-supervised
reorganization procedure? Does the law protect secured 0 0
creditors rights by providing clear grounds for relief from the
stay and/or sets a time limit for it?
Does the law allow parties to agree on out of court enforcement
at the time a security interest is created? Does the law allow the
secured creditor to sell the collateral through public auction and 1 1
private tender, as well as, for the secured creditor to keep the
asset in satisfaction of the debt?
Doing Business measures the protection of Extent of director liability index (010)
minority investors from conflicts of interest Ability of minority shareholders to sue and
through one set of indicators and hold interested directors liable for prejudicial
shareholders rights in corporate governance related- party transactions; Available legal
through another. The ranking of economies on remedies (damages, disgorgement of
the strength of minority investor protections profits, fines, imprisonment, rescission of the
is determined by sorting their distance to transaction)
frontier scores for protecting minority
investors. These scores are the simple average Ease of shareholder suits index (010)
of the distance to frontier scores for the extent Access to internal corporate documents;
of conflict of interest regulation index and the Evidence obtainable during trial and
extent of shareholder governance index. To allocation of legal expenses
make the data comparable across economies,
a case study uses several assumptions about Extent of conflict of interest
the business and the transaction. regulation index (010)
The business (Buyer): Simple average of the extent of disclosure,
extent of director liability and ease of
Is a publicly traded corporation listed on shareholder indices
the economys most important stock
exchange If the number of publicly traded Extent of shareholder rights index (0-10)
companies listed on that exchange is less Shareholders rights and role in major
than 10, or if there is no stock exchange corporate decisions
in the economy, it is assumed that Buyer is
a large private company with multiple Extent of ownership and control index (0-10)
shareholders. Governance safeguards protecting
Has a board of directors and a chief shareholders from undue board control and
executive officer (CEO) who may legally act entrenchment
on behalf of Buyer where permitted, even
if this is not specifically required by law. Extent of corporate transparency index (0-
Has a supervisory board (applicable to 10)
economies with a two-tier board system) Corporate transparency on ownership
on which 60% of the shareholder-elected stakes, compensation, audits and
members have been appointed by Mr. financial prospects
James, who is Buyers controlling
Extent of shareholder governance
shareholder and a member of Buyers
board of directors. index (010)
Simple average of the extent of shareholders
Has not adopted any bylaws or articles rights, extent of ownership and control and
of association that differ from default extent of corporate transparency indices
minimum standards and does not follow
any nonmandatory codes, principles, Strength of minority investor
recommendations or guidelines relating to protection index (010)
corporate governance. Simple average of the extent of conflict of
interest regulation and extent of
shareholder governance indices
Is a manufacturing company with its own
distribution network.
The transaction involves the following details:
Mr. James owns 60% of Buyer and
elected two directors to Buyers five-
member board.
Mr. James also owns 90% of Seller, a
company that operates a chain of retail
hardware stores. Seller recently closed a
large number of its stores Mr. James
proposes that Buyer purchase Sellers
unused fleet of trucks to expand Buyers
distribution of its food products, a proposal
to which Buyer agrees. The price is equal
to 10% of Buyers assets and is higher
than the market value.
The proposed transaction is part of the
companys ordinary course of business and
is not outside the authority of the company.
Buyer enters into the transaction. All
required approvals are obtained, and all
required disclosures made (that is, the
transaction is not fraudulent).
The transaction causes damages to Buyer.
Shareholders sue Mr. James and the other
parties that approved the transaction.
Where does the economy stand today?
How strong are minority investor protections protection index (figure 7.1). While the
against self-dealing in Nigeria? The economy indicator does not measure all aspects related
has a score of 6.5 on the strength of minority to the protection of minority investors, a
investor protection index, with a higher score higher ranking does indicate that an economys
indicating stronger protections. regulations offer stronger minority investor
protections against self-dealing in the areas
Globally, Nigeria stands at 32 in the ranking
of 190 economies on the strength of
minority investor
Figure 7.1 How Nigeria and comparator economies perform on the strength of minority investor
protection index
Figure 7.2 Summary of the various minority investor protection indices for Nigeria and comparator
DB year Reform
Table 7.2 Summary of scoring for the protecting minority investors indicators in Nigeria
concluded concluded
Ease of shareholder suits index (0-10) 7.0 7.0
Before suing can shareholders representing 10% of
Yes 1.0 Yes 1.0
Buyer's share capital inspect the transaction
documents? (0-1) Document
Documents s that the
Can the plaintiff obtain any documents from the
that the 1.0 1.0
defendant and witnesses at trial? (0-3) defendant
defendant relied on
relied on
Can the plaintiff request categories of documents
No 0.0 No 0.0
from the defendant without identifying specific
ones? (0-1)
Can the plaintiff directly question the
Yes 2.0 Yes 2.0
defendant and witnesses at trial? (0-2)
Is the level of proof required for civil suits lower than
Yes 1.0 Yes 1.0
that of criminal cases? (0-1)
Can shareholder plaintiffs recover their legal Yes regardless Yes
2.0 2.0
expenses from the company? (0-2) of outcome regardless
of outcome
Extent of shareholder governance index (0-10) 6.0 6.0
Extent of shareholder rights index (0-10) 6.0 6.0
Does the sale of 51% of Buyer's assets require
No 0.0 No 0.0
shareholder approval?
Can shareholders representing 10% of Buyer's
Yes 1.0 Yes 1.0
share capital call for an extraordinary meeting of
Must Buyer obtain its shareholders approval every
Yes 1.0 Yes 1.0
time it issues new shares?
Do shareholders automatically receive
No 0.0 No 0.0
preemption rights every time Buyer issues new
Must shareholders approve the election and
Yes 1.0 Yes 1.0
dismissal of the external auditor?
Are changes to the rights of a class of shares only
Yes 1.0 Yes 1.0
possible if the holders of the affected shares
Assuming that Buyer is a limited company, does the
No 0.0 No 0.0
sale of 51% of its assets require member approval?
Assuming that Buyer is a limited company, can
members representing 10% call for an Yes 1.0 Yes 1.0
extraordinary meeting of members?
Assuming that Buyer is a limited company, must all
No 0.0 No 0.0
members consent to add a new member?
Assuming that Buyer is a limited company, must a
member first offer to sell his interest to the existing Yes 1.0 Yes 1.0
members before selling to a non-member?
Extent of ownership and control index (0-10) 5.0 5.0
Is it forbidden to appoint the same individual as
No 0.0 No 0.0
CEO and chair of the board of directors?
Must the board of directors include
No 0.0 No 0.0
independent and nonexecutive board
Can shareholders remove members of the board of
Yes 1.0 Yes 1.0
directors without cause before the end of their term?
Must the board of directors include a separate
Yes 1.0 Yes 1.0
audit committee exclusively comprising
Must amembers?
potential acquirer make a tender
Yes 1.0 Yes 1.0
offer to all shareholders upon acquiring 50%
of Buyer?
Must Buyer pay dividends within a maximum period Yes 1.0 Yes 1.0
set by
Doing Business Nigeri 94
2017 a
The nonlinear distance to frontier for the total tax rate is equal to the distance to frontier for the total tax rate
to the power of 0.8. The threshold is defined as the total tax rate at the 15th percentile of the overall
distribution for all years included in the analysis up to and including Doing Business 2015, which is 26.1%. All
economies with a total tax rate below this threshold receive the same score as the economy at the threshold.
applies, the postfiling index is not included Assumptions about the corporate
in the ranking of the ease of paying taxes. income tax audit process:
Taxes and mandatory contributions include An error in the calculation of the
corporate income tax, turnover tax and all income tax liability (for example, use of
labor taxes and contributions paid by the incorrect tax depreciation rates, or
company. A range of standard deductions incorrectly treating an expense as tax
and exemptions are also recorded. deductible) leads to an incorrect
All financial statement variables are income tax return and consequently an
proportional to 2012 income per capita. To underpayment of corporate income
make the data comparable across tax.
economies, several assumptions are used.
TaxpayerCo. discovered the error
TaxpayerCo is a medium-size business that and voluntarily notified the tax
started operations on January 1, 2014. authority of the error in the
corporate income tax return.
The business starts from the same financial
position in each economy. All the taxes and
mandatory contributions paid during the
second year of operation are recorded.
Taxes and mandatory contributions are
measured at all levels of government.
Assumptions about the VAT refund process:
In June 2015, TaxpayerCo. makes a
large capital purchase: one
additional machine for manufacturing
The value of the machine is 65 times
income per capita of the economy.
Sales are equally spread per month
(that is, 1,050 times income per
capita divided by 12).
Cost of goods sold are equally
expensed per month (that is, 875
times income per capita divided by
The seller of the machinery is
registered for VAT or general sales
tax (GST).
Excess input VAT incurred in June
will be fully recovered after four
consecutive months if the VAT or
GST rate is the same for inputs,
sales and the machine and the tax
reporting period is every month.
Where does the economy stand today?
What is the administrative burden of complying the end of this chapter for details). Most
with tax obligations and postfiling processes in indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the
Nigeriaand how much do firms pay in taxes? largest business city of an economy, except for
Globally, Nigeria stands at 182 in the ranking 11 economies for which the data are a
of 190 economies on the ease of paying taxes population-weighted average of the 2 largest
(figure 8.1). The rankings for comparator business cities. See the chapter on distance to
economies and the regional average ranking frontier and ease of doing business ranking at
provide other useful information for assessing the end of this profile for more details.
the tax compliance burden for businesses in
(see table 8.2 and table 8.3 at .
Figure 8.1 How Nigeria and comparator economies rank on the ease of paying taxes
DB year Reform
Total Notes
Lagos: Tax or Paymen Notes Time Statuto Tax tax rate on
mandatory ts on (hours ry tax base (% of total
contribution (numbe paymen ) rate profit) tax
Tertiary education trust taxabl
0 jointly 2% 2.41
fund contribution e
Corporate income tax 1 398 30% 17.46
Social Security 12 396 10% 11.28
Contributions salarie
Compensation 12 1% gross 1.13
Contribution paid by salarie
the employer s
Training Tax 1 1% 1.13
Doing Business 2017 Nigeria
Total Notes
Lagos: Tax or Paymen Notes Time Statuto Tax tax rate on
mandatory ts on (hours ry tax base (% of total
contribution (numbe paymen ) rate
profit) tax
Capital gains tax 1 10% 0.47
Tax on money market 0 withheld 10% intere 0.26 not
interest st include
incom d
Land Use Charge 1 0.132% propert 0.20
Stamp duty on checks 1 5% of value 0.18
of check
fixed fee
NGN dependin
Road license 1 g on type 0.04
State business levy 1 NGN fixed fee 0.02
valu not
Value added tax (VAT) 12 162 5% 0.00
e include
adde d
NGN 100
Infrastructure 1 fixed fee 0.00 withheld
Development Tax
Fuel tax 1 0.00
in fuel
Employee labor tax 0 jointly 8% 0.00 withheld
Total Notes
Kano: Tax or Paymen Notes Time Statuto Tax tax rate on
mandatory ts on (hours ry tax base (% of total
contribution (numbe paymen ) rate profit) tax
Tertiary education trust taxabl
0 jointly 2% 2.41
fund contribution e
Corporate income tax 1 310 30% 17.46
Doing Business 2017 Nigeria
Total Notes
Kano: Tax or Paymen Notes Time Statuto Tax tax rate on
mandatory ts on (hours ry tax base (% of total
contribution (numbe paymen ) rate
profit) tax
Social Security 12 320 10% 11.28
Contributions salarie
Compensation 12 1% gross 1.13
Contribution paid by salarie
the employer s
Training Tax 1 1% 1.13
Capital gains tax 1 10% capita 0.47
intere not
Tax on money market 0 withheld 10% 0.26
interest st include
incom d
Land Use Charge 1 0.125% propert 0.19
Stamp duty on checks 1 5% of value 0.18
of check
fixed fee
NGN dependin
Road license 1 g on type 0.04
State business levy 1 NGN fixed fee 0.02
valu not
Value added tax (VAT) 12 117 5% 0.00
e include
adde d
NGN 100
Infrastructure 1 fixed fee 0.00 withheld
Development Tax
Fuel tax 1 0.00
in fuel
Employee labor tax 0 jointly 8% 0.00 withheld
National Housing Fund 12 2.5% 0.00 withheld
Advertising tax 1 variou 0.00 small
s amoun
rates t
Stamp duty on contracts 1 0.00
Totals 59.0 747.0 34.3
Source: Doing Business database.
VAT refunds
Input tax
Input tax on capital
Restrictions on VAT refund process on capital purchase
purchase is is
irrecoverabl irrecovera
e b le
Likelihood of VAT audit N/A N/A
Time to comply with VAT refund (hours) N/A 0.0 N/A 0.0
online/in online/in
printed printed
Source of appeal guidelines publication/
i n person
at tax n
office /in person
at tax
Is there a legal time limit for the appeal
No No
authority to issue a decision on the tax
Doing Business Nigeri 103
2017 a
Figure 9.1 How Nigeria and comparator economies rank on the ease of trading across borders
Table 9.2 Summary of export and import time and cost for trading across borders in Nigeria
Lagos Kano Sub-Saharan
Time to export: Border 135 135 101
compliance (hours)
Cost to export: Border 786 786 571
compliance (USD)
Time to export: 131 131 91
Documentary compliance
Cost to export: 250 250 225
Documentary compliance
Time to import: Border
284 284 141
compliance (hours)
Cost to import: Border 1077 1077 662
compliance (USD)
Time to import:
173 173 105
Documentary compliance
Cost to import:
564 564 313
Documentary compliance
Source: Doing Business database.
Table 9.3 Summary of trading details, transport time and documents for trading across borders in
Lagos Kano
HS 40: Rubber
HS 8708:
and articles
Parts and
HS 40:ofRubber
HS 8708:
Parts and
accessories of motor
Lagos Kano
Bill of lading
Commercial invoice
Packing list
Bill of lading
Exit Gate
Letter of Credit
Manufacturer's certificate of
production or SONCAP
Packing list
Figure 10.1 How Nigeria and comparator economies rank on the ease of enforcing contracts
Indicator Lagos Kano
Time (days) 447.0 720.0 655
Figure 10.3 Quality of judicial processes index in Nigeria and comparator economies
Figure 11.1 How Nigeria and comparator economies rank on the ease of resolving insolvency
Figure 11.2 Efficiency of proceedings - time, cost and recovery rate in Nigeria and comparator economies.
Figure 11.3 Strength of insolvency framework index (0-16) in Nigeria and comparator economies
(b) (b)
What procedures are available to a Debtor Debtor
may file 0.5 may file 0.5
DEBTOR when commencing insolvency
for for
liquidatio liquidatio
n n
(b) Yes,
(b) Yes, but
a creditor but a
Does the insolvency framework allow a 0.5 creditor 0.5
CREDITOR to file for insolvency of the debtor? may
may file
file for for
liquidatio liquidatio
n only n
(a) Debtor Debtor is
What basis for commencement of the is generally
insolvency proceedings is allowed under 1.0 unable to 1.0
the insolvency framework? pay its
unable to debts
pay its as
debts as they
they mature mature
Management of debtor's assets index (0-6) 2.0 2.0
The worker:
Is a cashier in a supermarket or grocery
store, age 19, with one year of work
Is a full-time employee.
Is not a member of the labor union,
unless membership is mandatory.
The business:
Is a limited liability company (or the
equivalent in the economy).
What are the details?
The data reported here for Nigeria are based Employment laws and regulations as well as
on a detailed survey of labor market
secondary sources are reviewed to ensure
regulation that is completed by local
lawyers and public officials. accuracy.
Lago Kan
s o
Data Dat
Fixed-term contracts prohibited for permanent tasks? No No
Maximum length of a single fixed-term contract (months) No limit No limit
Maximum length of fixed-term contracts, including renewals No limit No limit
Minimum wage applicable to the worker assumed in the 100.5 100.5
case study (US$/month)
Ratio of minimum wage to value added per worker 0.2 0.2
Lago Kan
Working Hours
s o
Data Dat
Maximum number of working days per week 6.0 6.0
Premium for night work (% of hourly pay) 0.0 0.0
Premium for work on weekly rest day (% of hourly pay) 0.0 0.0
Premium for overtime work (% of hourly pay) 0.0 0.0
Restrictions on night work? No No
Lago Kan
Difficulty of redundancy index
s o
Data Dat
Maximum length of probationary period (months) 3.0 3.0
Dismissal due to redundancy allowed by law? Yes Yes
Third-party notification if one worker is dismissed? No No
Third-party approval if one worker is dismissed? No No
Third-party notification if nine workers are dismissed? Yes Yes
Third-party approval if nine workers are dismissed? No No
Retraining or reassignment obligation before redundancy? No No
Priority rules for redundancies? Yes Yes
Priority rules for reemployment? No No
Lago Kan
Redundancy cost indicator (in salary weeks)
s o
Data Dat
Notice period for redundancy dismissal for a worker with 1.0 1.0
1 year of tenure
Notice period for redundancy dismissal for a worker with 5 4.3 4.3
years of tenure
Notice period for redundancy dismissal for a worker with 10 4.3 4.3
years of tenure
Notice period for redundancy dismissal (average for workers 3.2 3.2
with 1, 5 and 10 years of tenure)
Severance pay for redundancy dismissal for a worker with 0.0 0.0
1 year of tenure
Severance pay for redundancy dismissal for a worker with 0.0 0.0
5 years of tenure
Severance pay for redundancy dismissal for a worker with 0.0 0.0
10 years of tenure
Severance pay for redundancy dismissal (average for 0.0 0.0
workers with 1, 5 and 10 years of tenure)
Lago Kan
Job Quality
s o
Data Dat
Equal remuneration for work of equal value? No No
Gender nondiscrimination in hiring? No No
Paid or unpaid maternity leave mandated by law? Yes Yes
Minimum length of maternity leave (calendar days)? 84.0 84.0
Receive 100% of wages on maternity leave? No No
Five fully paid days of sick leave a year? Yes Yes
Unemployment protection after one year of employment? No No
Minimum contribution period for unemployment protection n.a. n.a.
See Djankov, Manraj and others (2005). Principal
components and unobserved components methods yield a
ranking nearly identical to that from the simple average
method because both these methods assign roughly equal
weights to the topics, since the pairwise correlations
among indicators do not differ much. An alternative to the
simple average method is to give different weights to the
topics, depending on which are considered of more or less
importance in the context of a specific economy.
For getting credit, indicators are weighted proportionally,
according to their contribution to the total score, with a
weight of 60% assigned to the strength of legal rights index
and 40% to the depth of credit information index.
Indicators for all other topics are assigned equal weights
Table 13.1 Weights used in calculating the distance to implemented regulatory reforms making it
frontier scores for economies with 2 cities covered easier to do business in 3 or more of the 10
topics included in this years aggregate
Economy City Weight distance to frontier score. Changes making it
78 more difficult to do business are subtracted
Bangladesh from the total number of those making it easier
Chittagong 22
to do business. Twenty-four economies meet
So Paulo 61
Brazil this criterion: Armenia; Azerbaijan; Benin;
Rio de Janeiro 39
Costa Rica; Cte dIvoire; Cyprus; Hong Kong
Shanghai 55 SAR, China; Indonesia; Jamaica; Kazakhstan;
Beijing 45 Kenya; Lithuania; Madagascar; Mauritania;
Mumbai 47 Morocco; Romania; the Russian Federation;
Delhi 53 Rwanda; Senegal; Togo; Uganda; the United
Jakarta 78 Arab Emirates; Uzbekistan; and Vietnam.
Surabaya 22 Second, Doing Business sorts these economies
Tokyo 65 on the increase in their distance to frontier
Osaka 35 score from the previous year using comparable
Mexico City 83 data.
Monterrey 17 Selecting the economies that implemented
Lagos 77 regulatory reforms in at least three topics
Kano 23 and had the biggest improvements in their
Karachi 65 distance to frontier scores is intended to
Lahore 35 highlight economies with ongoing, broad- based
Moscow 70 reform programs. The improvement in the
Russian Federation distance to frontier score is used to identify
Source: United Nations, St.
Department of Economic
Petersburg 30and
Social Affairs, Population Division, the top improvers because this allows a focus
New York World Urbanization
United States
Prospects, 2014 Revision. on the absolute improvementin contrast with
Los Angeles 40 ROM/Default.aspx. the relative improvement shown by a change in
rankingsthat economies have made in their
Economies that improved the most regulatory environment for business.
across 3 or more Doing Business topics in
Ease of Doing Business ranking
Doing Business 2016 uses a simple method to
calculate which economies improved the ease The ease of doing business ranking ranges from
of doing business the most. First, it selects the 1 to 190. The ranking of economies is
economies that in 2014/15 determined by sorting the aggregate distance
to frontier scores, rounded to 2 decimals.
Current features Law library
News on the Doing Business project Online collection of business laws and regulations relating to business
How economies rankfrom 1 to 190 Contributors More than 11,400 specialists in 190
economies who participate in Doing
Data Business
All the data for 190 economiestopic
rankings, indicator values, lists of oing- business
regulatory procedures and details
underlying indicators Entrepreneurship data Data on business density (number of
newly registered companies per 1,000
Reports working-age people) for 136 economies
Access to Doing Business reports as
well as subnational and regional reports, s/ent repreneurship
case studies and customized economy and
regional profiles Distance to frontier Data benchmarking 190 economies to the
frontier in regulatory practice and a
Methodology distance to frontier calculator
The methodologies and research papers
underlying Doing Business -to- frontier
Information on good practices
Research Showing where the many good practices
Abstracts of papers on Doing Business identified by Doing Business have been
topics and related policy issues adopted
Doing Business reforms
Short summaries of DB2017 business
regulation reforms and lists of reforms since
Historical data
Customized data sets since DB2004
Doing Business Nigeri 137
2017 a