MLC 40
MLC 40
MLC 40
2. Composition/information on ingredients
Highly refined mineral oil (IP 346 DMSO extract < 3%). Proprietary performance additives.
This product does not contain any hazardous ingredients at or above regulated thresholds.
3. Hazards identification
This preparation is not classified as dangerous according to Directive 1999/45/EC as amended and adapted.
Physical/chemical Hazards Not classified as dangerous.
Human health hazards Not classified as dangerous.
Environmental hazards Unlikely to be harmful to aquatic organisms.
Effects and symptoms
Eyes No significant health hazards identified.
Skin No significant health hazards identified.
4. First-aid measures
Eye Contact In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with a copious amount of water for at least 15 minutes. Get
medical attention if irritation occurs.
Skin contact In case of contact, immediately flush skin with plenty of water. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes.
Wash clothing before reuse. Clean shoes thoroughly before reuse. Get medical attention if irritation
Inhalation If inhaled, remove to fresh air. Get medical attention if symptoms appear.
Ingestion Do NOT induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an
unconscious person. If large quantities of this material are swallowed, call a physician immediately.
Notes to physician Treatment should in general be symptomatic and directed to relieving any effects.
5. Fire-fighting measures
Extinguishing Media
Suitable In case of fire, use water fog, foam, dry chemical or CO2 extinguisher or spray.
Not Suitable Do not use water jet.
Unusual fire/explosion Hazards None identified.
Special fire-fighting procedures None identified.
Protection of fire-fighters Fire fighters should wear self-contained positive pressure breathing apparatus (SCBA) and full turnout gear.
Version 1 Date of issue 19 September 2002 Format United Kingdom (UK) Language
Control Measures Provide exhaust ventilation or other engineering controls to keep the airborne concentrations of vapours
below their respective occupational exposure limits. Ensure that eyewash stations and safety showers are
close to the workstation location.
Hygiene measures Wash hands after handling compounds and before eating, smoking, using lavatory, and at the end of day.
Personal protective equipment
Respiratory system None required; however, use of adequate ventilation is good industrial practice.
Skin and body None required; however, use of protective clothing is good industrial practice.
Hands None required; however, use of gloves is good industrial practice.
Eyes Safety glasses with side shields.
Unlikely to cause harm to the skin on brief or occasional contact but prolonged or repeated exposure may
lead to dermatitis.
Version 1 Date of issue 19 September 2002 Format United Kingdom (UK) Language
Unlikely to cause harm if accidentally swallowed in small doses, though larger quantities may cause nausea
and diarrhoea.
At normal ambient temperatures this product will be unlikely to present an inhalation hazard because of its
low volatility. May be harmful by inhalation if exposure to vapour, mists or fumes resulting from thermal
decomposition products occurs.
Chronic toxicity
Carcinogenic effects No component of this product at levels greater than 0.1% is identified as a carcinogen by ACGIH, the
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) or the European Commission (EC).
Version 1 Date of issue 19 September 2002 Format United Kingdom (UK) Language
If you have purchased the product for supply to a third party for use at work, it is your duty to take all necessary steps to secure that any person
handling or using the product is provided with the information in this sheet.
If you are an employer, it is your duty to tell your employees and others who may be affected of any hazards described in this sheet and of any
precautions which should be taken
Further copies of this Safety Data Sheet may be obtained from Castrol International.
Version 1 Date of issue 19 September 2002 Format United Kingdom (UK) Language