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Outcomes From Alberta Program of Studies

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Moving Along New Pieces and Rhythmic

Accuracy Date Tuesday, April 4

Subject/Grade Time
Grade 7 Band 2:33 - 3:20
Level Duration

Unit Refreshers Teacher Miss Standish


General PLAYING:
Learning To discover, develop and evaluate their talents and abilities relative to playing a musical
instrument, and to establish and reinforce correct techniques and skills.


To interpret rhythm, melody, harmony, form and expression as they appear in musical
notation through both cognitive and psychomotor responses.

Learning Explore Alternative Topics Sight Reading

Enhance Self- Confidence Small Ensemble

Students will:
1. Analyze (B) the rhythms presented to them on the ReadRhythm app and perform to their best ability (P)
during their rotation (M)
2. Assess (B) their personal playing habits and readjust accordingly to perform (P) during the class period
as an ensemble (M)
Key Questions Are students able to make their way through a piece they have never seen before?
& Are we analyzing our music beforehand, does this help with the sight-reading
Observations: process?
Are we counting in our heads?
If we clap/count our rhythm(s) first, does it solidify in our heads our music?
Are we remembering back to grade 6 and the musical terms learnt?
Do we remember our fingerings?
Are students able to perform accurate rhythms?
Junior High Program of Study Magma Score
Baton (if needed)
Chairs and stands (set up previously)
Whiteboard & markers
Prior to lesson Students have been making their way through Accent on Achievement in
Students have NOT received any form of piece other than A on A (this
Most students have used ReadRhythm app (in previous trimesters)
Introduction Time
Assessment of Prior Students ability to sight-read
Knowledge o Taking in to consideration: articulations, dynamics,
accidentals, repeats, codas, etc.
Students ability to keep pulse and able to perform varied
Expectations for Students will:
Learning and Participate actively in the ensemble: playing and discussions
Behaviour Perform/play at their best ability
Listen when teacher is talking, know to NOT play instruments
when not being asked
Use iPads appropriately
Try their best at ReadRhythm
Advance Score(s) is on conductors stand
Organizer/Agenda Baton is accessible if needed
iPads are out
Rotation schedule is written on board
Transition to Body SAY: Hello grade 7s! Todays agenda is we are going to be doing the
rhythm app rotation that some of us have done previously!

- Explain how to use rhythm app (instructions, level, etc.)

SAY: Okay, lets start out first rotation of people and lets start with our
Bb scale! The blue paper.

Body Time
Learning Activity #1 WARM-UP Scale (Bb 5 note)
Some students will be SAY: Okay, before we start playing! Lets use our counting method
doing app throughout and count out our scale.
- Count scale, ensuring students are using proper counting
- Cut in and out of counting to listen/observe that students are
counting correctly

Once counted perfectly, continue with playing scale

Re-do if anything weird, derails or is unusual.
Learning Activity #2 SIGHT READING SESSION #2 Magma
SAY: Okay, lets take out magma! We will be working with this today!

Questions to address (once again):

o What is our key siggy?
o Do we have any accidentals?
o Do we have any notes we are unsure of? If yes, lets look them
o Do we see anything in the music that we dont know what it
is? (musical terms, articulations, etc.)
o Do we have any weird rhythms we need to clap/sing?

Run through piece adjust/restart if problems occur. Such as: 2:50-3:15

- Rhythmic/counting mistakes
- Note mistakes
- Lost students

While running:
o Yell out measure/rehearsal numbers
o Sing parts if students are unsure of rhythm while they are

Focus on areas that was not focused on last class different

sections, aiding with notes, getting the sound/style of the piece in
the students ear to be more familiar.
Closure Time
SAY: Alrighty gang, super proud of you guys today! This was only our
second sight-reading session of Magma and it went really well! Pat on 3:15
the back for you guys. Pack up and get ready for the end of the day!
Consolidation of Students performed to their best ability while sight-reading
Learning: including articulations, dynamics, accents, etc.
Students were able to internalize the pulse and help them
count and play their rhythms correctly
Students were attentive and engaged in the lesson although
sight-reading can be difficult and discouraging!

Sponge Rehearse piece longer picking apart parts/sections and refining

Activity/Activities - Tricky rhythms, tricky notes, articulation spots, dynamic spots, etc.
Reflections from the

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