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Diabetic Ketoacidosis

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220 V Vol. 23, No.

3 March 2001

CE Article #1 (1.5 contact hours)

Refereed Peer Review

Diabetic Ketoacidosis:
FOCAL POINT Pathophysiology and
Understanding the interplay
of hormonal abnormalities is
Clinical and
essential to the successful
recognition of metabolic
disorders associated with
diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA).
Laboratory Presentation
University of Missouri
KEY FACTS Marie E. Kerl, DVM

An increased glucagon:insulin
ratio is the key hormonal ABSTRACT: Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a complex disease process with multiple hormonal
abnormality precipitating DKA, abnormalities that cause various deleterious fluid and electrolyte changes in both animals and
humans. Pathogenesis of DKA involves a relative excess ratio of glucagon to insulin. Other
p. 221.
hormones influencing DKA include cortisol, epinephrine, and growth hormone. Abnormal
physical examination and clinicopathologic findings result from these hormonal changes.
Stressful events such as infection
or metabolic disease may cause a
shift from diabetes mellitus to

iabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), a complex disease process that occurs in hu-
DKA, p. 221.
mans and animals with diabetes mellitus (DM), may cause severe illness
on clinical presentation.1,2 Successful diagnosis and rapid, appropriate
Glucagon promotes
therapy can be accomplished by understanding the pathogenesis as well as the
hyperglycemia via glycogenolysis
fluid, electrolyte, and acidbase abnormalities that are an inherent part of this
and gluconeogenesis and
disease process.2 Trained clinicians who provide rapid emergency therapy aimed
increases hepatic ketone
at reversing the deleterious changes caused by underlying hormonal abnormali-
production, p. 222.
ties can improve the outcome in these patients.2 This article discusses the hor-
monal abnormalities leading to DKA, the systemic effects of these abnormalities,
Cortisol, epinephrine, and growth
and the clinical manifestations of this disease. A companion article will discuss
hormone cause fat and muscle
treatment recommendations for dogs and cats with DKA.
breakdown to increase substrate
for glucose and ketone
production, p. 223.
The initiating event of DM, and subsequently DKA, is loss of insulin activity
The presence of hyperglycemia,
that causes intracellular glucose transfer to fail, leading to cellular starvation.3 This
glucosuria, ketonuria, and
can occur with absolute or relative lack of insulin production by pancreatic beta
metabolic acidosis is helpful in
cells, loss or inactivity of insulin receptors at the cellular level, or through a combi-
establishing a diagnosis of DKA,
nation of both events.4 Insulin, which is produced by the pancreatic beta cells, pro-
p. 224.
motes cellular uptake of glucose for energy by most cells in the body, especially
muscle, adipose tissue, and liver.4 In the absence of insulin, cells are not able to
take up and use glucose for energy; therefore, hyperglycemia ensues.5 Brain cells
are unique in that they are permeable to glucose and can use it without the inter-
Compendium March 2001 Small Animal/Exotics 221

Free fatty acids

Free fatty
Ketoacids acids


+ Glycogen


coenzyme A

Acetoacetic acid

-Hydroxybutyric acid


() = inhibits (+) = favors

Figure 1The effects of insulin and glucagon on adipocytes and hepatocytes cause lipolysis, ketoacid formation, glycogenolysis,
and gluconeogenesis. Insulin inhibits lipolysis; therefore, without insulin, free fatty acids from the breakdown of triglycerides
are released into circulation. Glucagon facilitates glycogenolysis and the formation of ketoacids (acetoacetate and -hydroxybu-

mediation of insulin.4 Most cells in the body can use free will not cause hyperketonemia.6
fatty acids (FFAs) as an energy source in the absence of Abnormalities caused by lack of insulin activity ex-
glucose. Cells that have an absolute requirement for glu- plain the changes (e.g., hyperglycemia, tissue wasting)
cose include the brain, retina, and germinal epithelium that occur with uncomplicated DM but do not fully
of the gonads.4 explain the pathogenesis of DKA. A series of hormonal
Insulin also retards lipolysis. Without insulin, events take place in DM patients that make the transi-
adipocytes undergo lipolysis to release FFAs into circu- tion to DKA, resulting in the deleterious fluid and elec-
lation. Circulating FFAs are taken up by the liver for trolyte shifting and acidemia that occur with ketoacido-
triglyceride (TG) production as well as for the manu- sis.7 Relative increase of glucagon, epinephrine, cortisol,
facture of ketone bodies, which can become an addi- and growth hormone occur compared with the decrease
tional energy source for most cells in the body (Figure of appropriate insulin activity. An elevated glucagon:in-
1). In uncomplicated DM, TG production predomi- sulin ratio is characteristic of DKA.1,2 This change is
nates, and ketone production occurs slowly enough usually caused by a stressful event; however, the inciting
that the ketones can be used by tissues for energy and event may not be identifiable in every patient.


222 Small Animal/Exotics Compendium March 2001

Pancreatic alpha cells produce glucagon.4 The pur- Insulin deficiency and
pose of glucagon is to promote ketogenesis and increase glucagon excess
available cellular energy by increasing glucose produc-
tion. Glucagon acts to raise blood glucose levels by pro-
moting hepatic gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis. In Increased Decreased Increased Increased
the absence of insulin, cellular demand for glucose hepatic peripheral lipolysis hepatic
stimulates the release of glucagon from the pancreas.4 glycogenolysis glucose ketogenesis
Glucagon can raise blood glucose within minutes of and/or use
release by stimulating hepatic glycogenolysis. 4 gluconeogenesis
Glucagon activates adenylate cyclase in the hepatic cell
membrane to initiate glycogenolysis. Adenylate cyclase
activation causes the formation of cyclic adenosine Hyperglycemia Hyperketonemia
monophosphate, which acts via a second messenger sys-
tem to precipitate a complex cascade of reactions lead-
ing to glycogenolysis.4 Each succeeding product in the OSMOTIC METABOLIC
reaction is made in greater quantity than is the preced- DIURESIS ACIDOSIS
ing product. Therefore, a small quantity of glucagon
can produce large quantities of glucose.4 Dehydration
Glucagon also increases the rate of hepatic gluconeo- Hypovolemia
genesis to maintain blood glucose even when hepatic Hypotension
glycogen stores are depleted. Glucagon activates re-
quired enzyme systems that normally serve as rate-lim-
iting steps for gluconeogenesis. In addition, glucagon Figure 2Schematic representation of the effects of a lack of
increases the extraction rate of amino acids from the insulin with concurrent hyperglucagonemia.
bloodstream into hepatocytes, increasing available sub-
strate for gluconeogenesis.6
Hepatic glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis both re- tochondria.1 Mitochondrial FFAs can enter the citric
sult in the manufacture of glucose (Figures 1 and 2). acid cycle for energy production or can be made into
Glucose is released into circulation from the liver and ketone bodies (i.e., acetoacetic and -hydroxybutyric
remains in circulation because a lack of insulin activity acid).6 Because of the loss of insulins inhibition of lipol-
prevents cellular glucose uptake. Cellular glucose de- ysis at the hepatocyte, more FFAs are available for ke-
mand in the absence of insulin stimulates continued re- tone formation. Lack of sufficient substrate for the citric
lease of glucagon from pancreatic alpha cells, escalating acid cycle causes the mitochondria to become over-
hyperglycemia.4 Hyperglycemia has a number of delete- whelmed in their ability to convert FFAs to energy
rious effects, including hyperosmolality and osmotic di- through the citric acid cycle.6 As a result, ketoacid pro-
uresis.4,8,9 Hyperosmolality leads to dilutional hypona- duction soon exceeds the systemic ability to metabolize
tremia from free water shifting from the interstitial ketoacids, thus hyperketonemia occurs.5 Ketoacids are
space to the intravascular space. Osmotic diuresis exac- released into the systemic circulation. Some acetoacetic
erbates fluid loss and electrolyte wasting.4 acid will be converted to acetone, a volatile acid that is
To promote ketogenesis, glucagon acts on the hepato- eliminated through the lungs. This acid causes ketone
cyte (to cause a shift away from TG production in the breath, which can be detected in some animals with
hepatocellular cytoplasm) and to favor FFA formation DKA.5,10 Because ketoacids are strong acids, once buffer-
and uptake by hepatic mitochondria in which ketogene- ing systems become overwhelmed systemic acidemia re-
sis occurs. Glucagon increases mitochondrial uptake of sults. When ketoacids are renally excreted with cations,
FFAs by decreasing hepatic malonyl coenzyme A con- they promote electrolyte wasting into the urine, exacer-
centration and increasing hepatic levels of carnitine.1 bating the osmotic diuresis caused by hyperglycemia
Malonyl coenzyme A normally inhibits fatty acid oxida- (Figure 2).11
tion to FFAs in the hepatic cytoplasm. With decreased
levels of malonyl coenzyme A, FFA oxidation occurs to Stress Hormones
produce more substrate for ketogenesis. Esterification of Other hormones that play a role in the pathogenesis
FFAs with carnitine under the influence of the enzyme of DKA include cortisol, epinephrine, and growth hor-
carnitine palmitoyltransferase I promotes entry into mi- mone. These hormones, collectively called stress hor-


Compendium March 2001 Small Animal/Exotics 223

Amino Acids
Free fatty acids
Amino Acids Cortisol

Ketoacids Free fatty acids


coenzyme A

LIVER Acetoacetic acid

-Hydroxybutyric acid


(+) = favors

Figure 3The stress hormones (i.e., cortisol, growth hormone, epinephrine) help facilitate available substrate via lipolysis of triglyc-
erides to free fatty acids and muscle breakdown, causing the release of amino acids for hepatic gluconeogenesis by glucagon.

mones, perform a variety of activities that contribute to may have been previously diagnosed with DM or the
different aspects of DKA.3,5 These chemical substances client may have observed clinical signs of DM (e.g.,
are lipolytic and elevate circulating FFA concentration polyuria; polydipsia; polyphagia; weight loss; dull, un-
in the absence of insulin.7 These hormones promote in- kempt haircoat). 15 Uncommonly, dogs may present
sulin resistance through blockage of various cellular in- with rapid-onset blindness from diabetic cataracts, and
sulin receptors, thereby exacerbating hyperglycemia.5 cats may present with a plantigrade stance from periph-
Cortisol and epinephrine act on the myocyte to pro- eral neuropathy.15 Despite the fact that insulin deficien-
mote muscle glycogenolysis and protein breakdown to cy must precede DKA development, clients may not
release amino acids. Circulating amino acids provide recognize signs of DM. Possible explanations include a
substrate for hepatic gluconeogenesis to elevate blood short duration of lack of insulin activity; a recent,
glucose (Figure 3).5,7 stressful event leading to decompensation; or difficul-
ties observing an individual animal in a multiple-pet
Diabetic ketoacidosis causes critical illness resulting The historical presentation of DKA in dogs and cats
from dehydration, hyperosmolarity, electrolyte abnor- usually includes polyuria, polydipsia, weight loss, di-
malities, and acidemia.10,1214 Historically, the patient minished activity, partial or complete anorexia, or vom-


224 Small Animal/Exotics Compendium March 2001

Clinical Signs, Physical Examination Findings, nary blood testing.18 The limitations of these
methods include lack of specific correlation
and Serum Biochemical Changes Commonly with serum biochemical analysis evaluation of
Observed in Diabetic Ketoacidosis glucose, whereas the advantages include rapid
Clinical and Historical Signs Clinical Pathology Findings access to blood glucose determination and
ease of use.18,19 Variations in accuracy exist be-
Anorexia Azotemia
tween brands of handheld monitors when
Dehydration Elevated hepatic used for veterinary applications; however,
Lethargy transaminases these devices can provide a blood glucose esti-
Previous polyuria or Glucosuria mate during an emergency.18 The results of vi-
polydipsia Hypercholesterolemia sual glucose color test strips may be difficult
Vomiting or nausea Hyperglycemia to interpret depending on the testers visual
and color acuity.18
Rapid-onset blindness Hypertriglyceridemia
Glucosuria and ketonuria can be identified
(dogs) Hypochloremia using a urine reagent strip that measures glu-
Plantigrade stance (cats) Hypokalemia cose and ketones. Glucosuria occurs when the
Hypomagnesemia blood glucose concentration is high enough
Physical Examination Findings Hyponatremia that proximal renal tubular transport mecha-
Dehydration Hypophosphatemia nisms, which remove glucose from the ultrafil-
trate, become overwhelmed.4 Diagnostic dif-
Ketone breath Ketonuria
ferentials for glucosuria include DM, stress
Mental dullness Metabolic acidosis hyperglycemia, intravenous dextrose infusion,
Thin body condition and renal proximal tubular defect or damage.20
Unkempt haircoat The ketone reagent on commercially avail-
Weakness able urine test strips uses a nitroprusside re-
Cataracts (dogs) action that is activated by acetoacetic acid
and acetone, not -hydroxybutyric acid.21,22
-Hydroxybutyric acid production predomi-
iting.10,12,13 Less frequently observed signs in cats in- nates in DKA patients; however, it would be extremely
clude weakness, diarrhea, or gait change.12,13 rare for patients to develop DKA with only an excess of
Physical examination findings frequently include thin -hydroxybutyric acid.5 In humans, when urine is un-
body condition, muscle wasting, lethargy, unkempt coat, available, plasma ketones may be tested using a serum
dehydration, and hypothermia.10,12,13 Hepatomegaly and ketone test kit or by applying plasma to the reagent
icterus may be identified in some cats and dogs with found in the urine test kit.22 Correlation between urine
DKA, but these findings seem to be less common in re- and plasma ketone values using urine reagent strips is
cent studies.10,12,13,16,17 Other clinical signs in dogs include currently unknown for veterinary patients.
obesity, cataracts, and ketone breath.10 Mild renomegaly Metabolic acidosis is identified on the basis of low bi-
or a plantigrade stance may be identified on physical ex- carbonate ion (HCO3) and low pH on venous or arteri-
amination of cats (see Clinical Signs, Physical Examina- al blood gas evaluation. When blood gas determination
tion Findings, and Serum Biochemical Changes Com- is not immediately available, treatment for DKA may be
monly Observed in Diabetic Ketoacidosis).12,15 initiated based on hyperglycemia, glucosuria, ketonuria,
and appropriate clinical signs.5 Serum total carbon diox-
DIAGNOSTIC EVALUATION ide (TCO2 ) should be below normal on the pretreatment
In-Hospital Testing serum sample when metabolic acidosis is present.12,13 To
Rapid confirmation of a diagnosis of DKA can often further characterize metabolic acidosis caused by DKA,
be accomplished in most veterinary hospitals. The four the calculated anion gap should be elevated. The anion
hallmarks of diagnosis are hyperglycemia, glucosuria, gap represents the anions in circulation that are not
ketonuria, and metabolic acidosis, with appropriate measured routinely on serum biochemical analysis. Nor-
clinical signs.5 mal anion gap ranges from 12 to 20.23 The anion gap is
Hyperglycemia can be rapidly identified using a calculated by the following formula23:
portable blood glucose meter designed for capillary
blood sampling for human diabetics, visual glucose col- Anion gap = [Sodium (mEq/L) + Potassium (mEq/L)]
or test strips, or point-of-care blood analyzer for veteri- [Chloride (mEq/L) + HCO3 (mEq/L)]


Compendium March 2001 Small Animal/Exotics 225

An elevated anion gap indicates that unmeasured an- Calculated osmolality = 2[Sodium (mEq/L) +
ions are present in the circulation after dissociation of Potassium (mEq/L)] + BUN (mg/dl)/2.8 +
an anion from an acid in circulation. In DKA, ketones Glucose (mg/dl)/18
become circulating unmeasured anions after dissociat-
ing from ketoacids. When significant dehydration is Sodium and potassium are doubled to account for their
present, lactic acidosis from tissue hypoxia may con- corresponding anions. Glucose and BUN are divided by
tribute more unmeasured anions to further increase an- a factor because their large particle size reduces the par-
ion gap.23 ticle number in each unit of measure. BUN does con-
tribute to osmolality; however, it does not significantly
Complete Medical Database contribute to fluid shifting because it will equilibrate
The medical database should include complete across semipermeable membranes easily. 23 Significant
blood cell count, serum biochemical profile, urinalysis, hyperglycemia must be present to affect osmolality.
and urine culture. Stress from a concurrent illness may Generation of hyperosmolarity from hyperglycemia is
precipitate an episode of DKA; therefore, additional instrumental in causing hyponatremia and hypo-
testing should include radiography of the thorax and chloremia associated with DKA. As osmolality increas-
abdomen and ultrasonography of the abdomen. In es, free water shifts from the interstitial to the intravas-
cats, thyroxine level may be considered on an individu- cular space, and intravascular sodium and chloride
al basis.5 Dogs may have hyperadrenocorticism (HAC) concentrations decrease by dilution. This dilution
concurrent with DKA; however, tests for HAC can should occur in a predictable manner based on blood
show cortisol elevation when an animal is undergoing glucose elevation; therefore, the following formula
a stressful event.24,25 Therefore, when HAC is suspect- could be used to correct sodium3:
ed, clinicians should consider waiting until the DKA
crisis has passed before conducting definitive HAC Corrected sodium = Sodium +
testing. {1.6 x [Glucose (mg/dl) 100]/100}
Complete blood cell count may show hemoconcen-
tration when dehydration or, less commonly, anemia is For example, if the patients glucose level is 700 mg/dl
present.10,12,13 Neutrophilic leukocytosis is a common and measured sodium is 131 mEq/L, corrected sodium
finding in cats.12,13 would be 140.6 mEq/L. If the corrected sodium is in
Serum biochemical analysis frequently shows elevated the normal range, hyponatremia is caused by free water
alanine aminotransferase, elevated aspartate aminotrans- shifting from the interstitial to the intravascular space
ferase, hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, high because of hyperglycemia, and measured sodium
blood urea nitrogen (BUN), and high creatinine.10,12,13,26 should correct with reduction of blood glucose. If the
Hyperosmolarity is commonly identified as a result of corrected sodium is still below normal, sodium wasting
hyperglycemia.14 Electrolyte changes may include hy- has also occurred from chronic osmotic diuresis.
ponatremia, hypochloremia, hypokalemia, hyperphos- With DKA, measured sodium is often in the normal
phatemia or hypophosphatemia, hypomagnesemia, and range even with significant hyperglycemia.10,12 Normal
low total calcium.10,12,13,26 Ionized calcium may be nor- serum sodium levels in these patients are inappropriate
mal or low with low total calcium.13 TCO2 is frequently and represent excess free water loss, most likely sec-
low because metabolic acidosis is a feature of DKA.12,13 ondary to failure to replace ongoing urinary fluid losses
Elevations of hepatic transaminases most likely occur by drinking. Significant hyperosmolarity exists in these
secondary to dehydration, causing hypovolemia, poor patients, both from hypernatremia as well as from hy-
hepatic oxygenation, and secondary hepatocellular perglycemia.
damage. 27 Hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyc- With excessively rapid correction of hyperosmolarity
eridemia are caused by alterations in lipid metabolism from rapid glucose reduction or excessive free water ad-
in the absence of insulin.28 High BUN and creatinine ministration, cerebral edema and neurologic dysfunc-
may represent prerenal azotemia or renal azotemia from tion may result. Various proposed mechanisms may
preexisting renal disease.5 cause cerebral edema formation: (1) when DKA is un-
Hyperosmolality is usually present in DKA.12,13 Os- treated, osmotically active particles may form within
motic force is determined by the number of particles in the brain parenchyma and cause fluid to shift into the
solution. Fluid will move across a semipermeable mem- brain, and (2) when blood glucose falls rapidly follow-
brane from an area of lesser particle concentration to an ing insulin therapy, alterations of the bloodbrain bar-
area of greater concentration. Serum osmolality may be rier may occur.5
approximated by the following formula23: Hypokalemia is the most common electrolyte abnor-


226 Small Animal/Exotics Compendium March 2001

mality detected in patients with DKA.10,12,2830 Potassi- and the onset of symptoms may be dictated more by
um is the major intracellular cation, and serum potassi- the rate of decline than by the absolute number.37 Tra-
um does not adequately reflect total body potassium ditionally, serum total magnesium levels have been used
content. 23 DKA predisposes patients to total body to diagnose magnesium deficiency. However, serum to-
potassium depletion by various mechanisms. First, tal magnesium can be within normal limits when total
chronic metabolic acidosis from ketoacidosis causes body hypomagnesemia exists because serum contains
potassium to shift to the extracellular space. Second, os- less than 1% of total body magnesium.38 Alternatively,
motic diuresis from hyperglycemia and glucosuria pro- ionized magnesium concentrations may provide a more
motes increased renal loss of potassium. Finally, with accurate assessment of total body magnesium stores be-
vomiting and anorexia, potassium is lost through the cause serum ionized magnesium should more closely
gastrointestinal tract and not replaced.30 Hypokalemia equilibrate with extracellular ionized magnesium.39 In
may be mild or may not be evident on initial testing. normal cats fed a magnesium-deficient diet, serum total
Potassium levels may drop precipitously with institu- and ionized magnesium concentrations were closely
tion of therapy that includes potassium-poor fluids, res- correlated.40 In a recent study of magnesium concentra-
olution of metabolic acidosis, and insulin therapy, caus- tions in cats with DM and DKA, ionized magnesium
ing intracellular shifting of potassium.23,30 levels were more commonly below normal limits when
Hyperphosphatemia may be present with dehydra- compared with serum total magnesium levels at the
tion or preexisting renal disease from reduced glomeru- time of admission, whereas serum total magnesium lev-
lar filtration. Hyperphosphatemia usually causes low els that were normal at admission significantly de-
total calcium, thus enabling the calcium phosphate sol- creased when cats received intravenous fluid treatment
ubility product to remain constant.31 over a 48-hour period.36 Serum total magnesium assess-
Hypophosphatemia may be seen initially or with ment is more commonly available than is ionized mag-
treatment of DKA. Phosphorus is the major intracellu- nesium through most commercial laboratories. In situa-
lar anion.31 It is important for energy production (in tions in which only serum total magnesium is available,
ATP formation and as a cofactor for glycolysis) and for serial magnesium measurements, or measurement 1 to
cell membrane maintenance (needed to form 2,3- 2 days after initiation of therapy, may assist in diagnosis
diphosphoglycerate and used as a component of phos- of hypomagnesemia in DKA patients.36
pholipid membrane).32 Phosphorus is regulated by di- Low serum TCO2 or plasma HCO3 frequently occurs
etary intake, renal excretion, factors that promote ion with DKA and is indicative of metabolic acidosis
movement into and out of cells (e.g., insulin, glucose, caused by ketoacid production and lactic acid produc-
blood pH), and vitamin D and parathyroid hormone tion with cellular dehydration.10,12,13,41 Ketonemia re-
interactions.31,32 sults in metabolic acidosis with an increased anion gap
Although hypophosphatemia is an uncommon find- and ketonuria.41
ing on initial serum biochemical profile of patients with Concurrent illnesses that have been identified in dogs
DKA, it may be anticipated following intravenous fluid with DM or DKA include urinary tract infection, pan-
and insulin therapy.12,13 Following insulin administra- creatitis, HAC, or renal impairment.10,29 Concurrent ill-
tion in patients with chronic phosphorus wasting, glu- nesses that have been identified with DM or DKA in
cose and phosphorus will shift suddenly intracellularly, cats include hyperthyroidism, inflammatory bowel dis-
causing or exacerbating hypophosphatemia. When ease, eosinophilic granuloma complex, hepatic lipido-
phosphorus levels decrease below 1 mg/dl, clinical signs sis, cholangiohepatitis, chronic renal disease, or pancre-
of hypophosphatemia may occur. Acute hemolytic ane- atitis.12,13 Previous administration of corticosteroids or
mia may occur from lack of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate megesterol acetate may be identified in some pa-
production, causing erythrocyte energy loss and mem- tients.10,12,13 Concurrent illnesses or corticosteroid thera-
brane rupture.3235 Other signs of hypophosphatemia in- py may increase the complexity of diagnostic testing
clude lethargy, depression, and diarrhea.34 and treatment of DKA.28
Magnesium deficiency and hypomagnesemia may oc-
cur with poor oral intake, increased renal loss, or REFERENCES
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Compendium March 2001 Small Animal/Exotics 229

5. Which of the following historical presentations occurs

About the Author frequently with DKA but not DM?
Dr. Kerl is affiliated with the Department of Veterinary a. polydipsia
Medicine and Surgery, University of Missouri, Columbia. b. weight loss
She is a Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary
c. polyuria
d. polyphagia
Internal Medicine.
e. vomiting

6. Hallmarks of diagnosing DKA include all of the fol-

lowing except
ARTICLE #1 CE TEST a. decreased anion gap.

The article you have read qualifies for 1.5 con- b. hyperglycemia.
c. ketonuria.
tact hours of Continuing Education Credit from
d. glucosuria.
the Auburn University College of Veterinary e. appropriate clinical signs.
Medicine. Choose the one best answer to each of the
following questions; then mark your answers on 7. Anion gap
the test form inserted in Compendium. a. is created by excess blood glucose.
b. implies an excess of circulating anions to cations.
c. is usually decreased in DKA.
1. The initiating event for DM, and subsequently DKA, is d. is increased by circulating ketone bodies.
a. an increased level of circulating stress hormones. e. will increase with appropriate therapy.
b. loss of pancreatic alpha cell function to produce in-
sulin. 8. A complete medical database for DKA should include
c. lack of insulin activity from poor production or re- all of the following except
ceptor failure. a. complete blood cell count.
d. loss of pancreatic beta cell function to produce b. urinalysis.
glucagon. c. corticotropin hormone stimulation test.
e. glucosuria, causing osmotic diuresis and loss of in- d. urine culture and sensitivity.
sulin. e. serum biochemical profile.

2. Activities of glucagon include 9. Osmotic force

a. maintenance of blood glucose by suppression of a. is determined by the unmeasured anions in circulation.
hepatic glycogenolysis. b. dictates fluid movement from an area of greater to
b. maintenance of blood glucose by suppression of pe- lesser concentration of particles.
ripheral ketone use. c. is most strongly influenced by BUN concentration.
c. maintenance of blood glucose by promoting gluco- d. is increased with significant hyperglycemia.
neogenesis. e. dictates fluid movement across an impermeable
d. promoting ketogenesis by increasing malonyl coen- membrane.
zyme A.
e. promoting ketogenesis by suppressing hepatic car- 10. Dogs and cats with DKA
nitine levels. a. may have other illnesses that complicate therapy.
b. rarely present with polyuria and polydipsia.
c. are commonly observed to be polyphagic.
3. Stress hormones d. are commonly found to be hypertensive.
a. include cortisol, growth hormones, and insulin. e. have no differences in clinical presentation.
b. increase insulin resistance in peripheral tissues.
c. inhibit amino acid release from myocytes.
d. increase ketone production by increasing malonyl
coenzyme A.
e. decrease FFA release from adipocytes.

4. Insulin activities include promotion of

a. lipolysis.
b. cellular glucose uptake.
c. ketogenesis.
d. hyperglycemia.
e. amino acid breakdown.

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