Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Nursing Care Management 106 (Oncology Nursing) 1st Semester (2017—2018)
Diagnostic Procedures
Serum glucose, Serum electrolytes (with calculation of the anion gap), BUN, and
serum creatinine, Complete blood count with differential, Urinalysis, and urine
ketones by dipstick, Plasma osmolality, Serum ketones (if urine ketones are pre-
sent), Arterial blood gas (if urine ketones or anion gap are present), Electrocardio-
-like odour (“nail polish remover”), because the acetone ketones are
exhaled. Nick Jonas went public with his type
The kidneys excrete ketone bodies (ketonuria), and large 1 diabetes (2007).
amounts of glucose spill over into the urine leading to osmotic diu-
resis, dehydration and haemoconcentration. This in turn causes tis-
sue ischaemia and increased lactic acid production that worsens the
acidosis1. Increased acidosis causes enzymes to become ineffective
and metabolism decelerates. Even fewer ketone bodies are metabo-
lised and acidosis worsens. Acidosis can cause hypotension due to
its vasodilating effect and negative effect on heart contractility.
3. Dehydration
Hyperglycaemia raises ex-
tracellular fluid osmolality.
Water is drawn from the cell
into the extracellular com-
partment and intracellular
dehydration follows. Hyper-
osmolality is the main con-
tributor to altered mental
status, which can lead to
coma. Cellular dehydration
and acid overload can also
affect mental status. The
development of total body
dehydration and sodium
depletion is the result of
increased urinary output
and electrolyte losses. With
marked hyperglycaemia the
serum glucose threshold for
glucose reabsorption in the
kidneys of 10mmol/L is ex-
ceeded, and glucose is ex- Diabetes Specialist Nurse
creted in urine (glucosuria).
Glucosuria causes obligato-
ry losses of water and elec-
trolytes such as sodium,
potassium, magnesium,
calcium and phosphate 4. Electrolyte Imbalance
(osmotic diuresis). Excre-
Potassium is the electrolyte that is most affected in
tion of ketone anions also
contributes to osmotic diu- DKA. Acidosis causes hydrogen ions to move from the extra-
resis6, and causes addition- cellular fluid into the intracellular space. Hydrogen movement
al obligatory losses of uri- into the cell promotes movement of potassium out of the cell
nary cations (sodium, po- into the extracellular compartment (including the intravascular
tassium and ammonium
space). Severe intracellular potassium depletion follows. As
the liver is stimulated by the counterregulatory hormones to
Acidosis can cause nausea break down protein, nitrogen accumulates, causing a rise in
and vomiting and this leads
blood urea nitrogen. Proteolysis leads to further loss of intra-
to further fluid loss. There is
increased insensible fluid
cellular potassium and increases intravascular potassium.
loss through Kussmaul res- The body excretes this mobilized potassium in urine by
piration. Severe dehydra- osmotic diuresis, and loses additional potassium through vom-
tion reduces renal blood iting. Serum potassium readings can be normal or high, but
flow and decreases glomer- this is misleading, because there is an intracellular and total
ular filtration, and may pro- body potassium deficit. Sodium, phosphate, chloride and bicar-
gress to hypovolaemic bonate are also lost in urine and vomitus.
Nursing Management
Vital signs: blood pressure, pulse, respirations, pulse oximetry, level Medical
of consciousness, temperature. Management
Hourly BSL until ketones have disappeared, then 2 hourly. If BSL
falls rapidly, 1/2 hourly checks may be necessary.
Hourly ABG to monitor pH, bicarbonate and potassium until pH is
above 7.10 then 2 hourly until pH is above 7.30 or bicarbonate above. Fluid Replacement
Insertion of an arterial line advised due to frequent blood sampling. Electrolyte Replace-
ment (Potassium,
Insertion of a PICC line is useful for the number of infusions Sodium, Phosphate)
Patient nil by mouth until acidosis is reversed. Acidosis can cause Insulin Therapy
nausea and vomiting. Food intake could aggravate nausea and vomit-
ing, increase BSL and make it difficult to titrate dextrose infusion to Use of Bicarbonate
Provide oral hydration with ice chips and frequent oral hygiene.