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Laincer 2016

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Food Research International xxx (2016) xxxxxx

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Food Research International

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Characterization of monovarietal extra virgin olive oils from the province

of Bjaa (Algeria)
Firdousse Laincer a, Nunzia Iaccarino b, Jussara Amato b, Bruno Pagano b, Alessia Pagano b, Giancarlo Tenore b,
Abderezak Tamendjari a, Pierangela Rovellini c, Stefania Venturini c, Giorgio Bellan c, Alberto Ritieni b,
Luisa Mannina d,e, Ettore Novellino b, Antonio Randazzo b,
Laboratoire de Biochimie Applique, Facult des Sciences de la Nature et de la Vie, Universit de Bjaa, 06000, Algrie
Department of Pharmacy, University of Naples Federico II, via D. Montesano 49, 80131 Naples, Italy
INNOVHUB-SSI, Via Giuseppe Colombo 79, 20133 Milano, Italy
Dipartimento di Chimica e Tecnologie del Farmaco, Sapienza Universit di Roma, Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, I-00185 Rome, Italy
Istituto di Metodologie Chimiche, Laboratorio di Risonanza Magnetica Annalaura Segre, CNR, I-00015 Monterotondo, Rome, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Olive fruits from 19 varieties and different areas of Bjaa province (Algeria) were used to produce monovarietal
Received 31 January 2016 olive oils in laboratory. The olive oils were analyzed using both traditional chemical analyses and nuclear magnet-
Received in revised form 14 April 2016 ic resonance (NMR) methodology. The investigation involved pigment content determination, tocopherol
Accepted 21 April 2016
analysis, fatty acid composition, and chromatographic determination of phenolic compounds. Chlorophyll, carot-
Available online xxxx
enoids, tocopherols and the content of oleic acid turned out to be variety dependent. The extra-virgin olive oils
(EVOOs) were analyzed as a whole and as phenolic extract by NMR. The study gave general indication on olive
Olive oils oil quality and information about geographical origin of the samples. Overall, the results obtained in the present
NMR work reveal that Algerian monovarietal olive oils produced in Bjaa province have the potential to produce
Algeria blends that may compete with other Mediterranean products.
Bjaa 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Statistical analysis

1. Introduction production, is inuenced by several other factors like climate, soil condi-
tions and agricultural practices. More than 75% of the world olive oil
Each olive oil has a peculiar fatty acid composition and also contains production is concentrated in the Mediterranean area (Kavallari, Maas,
several micronutrients (Escrich, Moral, Grau, Costa, & Solanas, 2007) & Schmitz, 2011) and it is constantly increasing. An in-depth chemical
and a variety of minor components responsible for its particular sensory characterization of all Mediterranean olive oils is a key factor to increase
and nutritional characteristics (Boskou, 2006). Fatty acids (counting for the value for this specic production in order to preserve the unique
about 98% of an olive oil weight) are mainly incorporated in triglycer- landscape offered by the olive groves of the Mediterranean regions.
ides and diglycerides. Instead, minor components principally include Algeria is one of the countries where the olive oil production is par-
pigments, tocopherols and phenolic compounds (Arslan & Schreiner, ticularly increased in the last ten years, thanks to two agricultural
2012; Manai-Djebali et al., 2012; Rigane, Boukhris, Bouaaziz, Sayadi, & renewal programs, over the 20062008 and 20092014 periods,
Ben Salem, 2013; Vichi, Lazzez, Grati-Kamoun, & Caixach, 2012). allowing producers to update their production tools. In these years, cul-
Among all these compounds, monounsaturated fatty acids, pigments tivation zones passed from 165,000 to 500,000 ha, and Algeria is nowa-
and antioxidants play an important role in extra-virgin olive oils days considered as a new olive oil exporter. Despite the increased
(EVOOs) stability, as well as in the prevention of some diseases production, olive oils from this area are poorly studied compromising
(Rotondi et al., 2004; Servili et al., 2009). their exportation especially in the countries that are major producers
The absolute concentrations and relative proportions of olive oil's of olive oils.
minor components are characteristic of each batch of olive oil, allowing Therefore, the aim of this work is to chemically characterize
for identication of the production area and possible adulterations monovarietal Algerian EVOOs from different areas of the Bjaa prov-
(Angerosa, Campestre, & Giansante, 2006). The ne composition of an ince, that is the area where the olive oil production is mostly increased,
olive oil, besides being strongly dependent on the cultivar used for its and, eventually, to suggest possible blends. The investigation was per-
formed using traditional chemical analyses aimed to determine the con-
Corresponding author. tent of fatty acids, pigments, tocopherols and phenolic compounds.
E-mail address: antonio.randazzo@unina.it (A. Randazzo). These analyses were further supported by the use of NMR spectroscopy.

0963-9969/ 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Laincer, F., et al., Characterization of monovarietal extra virgin olive oils from the province of Bjaa (Algeria), Food Re-
search International (2016), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2016.04.024
2 F. Laincer et al. / Food Research International xxx (2016) xxxxxx

Noteworthy, although NMR is nowadays recognized as an important Minguez-Mosquera, Rejano, Gandul, Sanchez, and Garrido (1991). The
tool for food characterization (Mannina, Sobolev, & Viel, 2012), this is values of the specic extinction coefcients used were 0 = 613 for
the rst NMR investigation of Algerian olive oils. In particular, NMR pheophytin, as a major component in the chlorophyll fraction, and
was used to characterize olive oils in terms of geographical origin, culti- 0 = 2000 for lutein as a major component in the carotenoid fraction.
var, and genuineness (Mannina et al., 2009; D'Imperio et al., 2007; Thus, pigment content was calculated as follows:
Mannina, Marini, Gobbino, Sobolev, & Capitani, 2010; Mannina &    
Sobolev, 2011). Chlorophyll mg kg A670  106 =613  100  d

2. Materials and methods    

Carotenoid mg kg A470  106 =2000  100  d
2.1. Extra virgin olive oil sampling
where A is the absorbance and d is the spectrophotometer cell thickness
Twenty-six monovarietal extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) samples from (1 cm).
different areas of the province of Bjaa (Algeria) (Fig. 1) were analyzed. Chlorophyll and carotenoid contents were expressed as mg of
The olive fruits coming from 19 different cultivars (Table S1) were pheophytin a and lutein per kg of oil, respectively.
randomly and manually picked from all parts of the selected fully-
grown olive trees. In order to eliminate the inuence of the maturation 2.3. Tocopherol analysis
state on olive oil quality, the ripening degree was the same for all stud-
ied olive samples. After the harvest, olive fruits were immediately Tocopherols were evaluated following the method developed by
transported to the laboratory. The olives were washed and deleafed, Rovellini, Azzolini, and Cortesi (1997). A solution of olive oil in acetone
and only healthy fruits, without any kind of infection or physical dam- was analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) on a
age, were selected. Olive oil samples were obtained using a laboratory reversed phase silica column (Allsphere ODS2 Alltech 5 m,
oil mill (Levi-Deleo-Lerogsame), consisting of three basic elements: a 250 mm 4.6 mm) and was eluted with acetonitrile/methanol (1:1)
hammer crusher, a thermo-beater (mixer) and a pulp centrifuge. The at a ow rate of 1.3 mL/min. An UV detector was used at 292 nm.
olive fruits were milled in the hammer crusher, and then the olive
paste was kneaded for 30 min with the addition of warm water 2.4. Fatty acid composition analysis
(50 mL of water was added to 920 g of paste). After the vertical centri-
fugation, the olive oil was collected and left to stand. The olive oil sam- The fatty acid composition was determined as methyl ester deriva-
ples were stored in amber-glass bottles, labeled with the laboratory tives by gas chromatography (GC) according to methods described in
code, without headspace and kept at 4 C in the dark until analysis. EC Regulation 796/, 2002. Fatty acid methyl esters were prepared by
vigorous shaking of a solution of each olive oil sample in n-hexane
2.2. Pigment content determination (0.5 g in 5 mL) with 0.5 mL of 2 N methanolic potassium hydroxide so-
lution. Chromatographic analysis was performed on a CHROMPACK C
Chlorophyll and carotenoid pigments were determined by UV spec- 9002 gas chromatograph equipped with a FID detector, using a capillary
troscopy at 670 and 470 nm, respectively, in cyclohexane, using the column DB 23 (30 m 0.32 mm i.d. 0.25 m lm thicknesses). The in-
specic extinction coefcients, according to the method proposed by jector and detector temperatures were maintained at 250 C; the oven

Fig. 1. Areas of the province of Bjaa (Algeria) where the olives fruits were harvested. The province of Bjaa is bordered by black bold line. Regions 1 and 2 are bordered by green and blue
lines, respectively. Sample code, cultivar and area of origin of the samples are also reported. (For interpretation of the references to color in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the
web version of this article.)

Please cite this article as: Laincer, F., et al., Characterization of monovarietal extra virgin olive oils from the province of Bjaa (Algeria), Food Re-
search International (2016), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2016.04.024
F. Laincer et al. / Food Research International xxx (2016) xxxxxx 3

temperature was set at 200 C. Nitrogen was employed as a carrier gas 2.8.1. NMR data reduction and preprocessing
with a ow rate of 1 mL/min. Olive oil. The spectra were processed using iNMR software
2.5. Chromatographic determination of phenolic compounds (www.inmr.net). 1H NMR spectra were obtained by the Fourier Trans-
formation (FT) of the free induction decay (FID), applying an exponen-
A solution of internal standard (1 mL of 0.015 mg mL1 of syringic tial multiplication with a line-broadening factor of 0.5 Hz. The NMR
acid in water/MeOH 20:80 v/v) was added to a sample of virgin olive regions above 11.7 ppm and below 0 ppm were removed because
oil (2 g). The mixture was shaken (30 s) and 5 mL of the extraction so- they contain only noise. Furthermore, regions between 7.1 and
lution containing water and MeOH (20:80 v/v) was added. The obtained 7.5 ppm and between 2.49 and 2.58 ppm were discarded because of
mixture was shaken for 1 min, extracted for 15 min in an ultrasonic bath the residual signals of chloroform and DMSO respectively. Data reduc-
and then centrifuged at 5000 rpm (2500 g) for 25 min at T = 20 C tion was obtained by dividing the spectra in evenly spaced windows
(Norme Grassi e Derivati, NGD, 2010; IOC, 2010). The upper phase of 0.002 ppm width. Then the normalization step was needed as in
was ltered using a 0.45 m PVDF syringe lter, and then 20 L of the l- the case of extracts. Therefore each spectrum of the NMR data matrix
tered solution was analyzed by HPLC with a UV detector at 280 nm was normalized referring to the area under the signal of the methyl pro-
(Fig. S1). The HPLC system consisted of a C18 Spherisorb ODS-2 reverse tons at 0.821 ppm. After this preprocessing step of the spectra, a matrix
column (5 m, 250 mm 4.6 mm). Elution was performed at a ow rate of 26 rows (samples) and 5865 columns (ppm) was obtained and di-
of 1 mL min1 following a gradient composed of a mixture of water and rectly submitted to the multivariate statistic analysis.
orthophosphoric acid (99.8:0.2 v/v) (solvent A), MeOH (solvent B) and
acetonitrile (solvent C): from 96% (A)2% (B)2% (C) to 0% (A)50% Phenolic extracts. 1H NMR spectra were segmented in buckets
(B)50% (C) in 60 min. The last gradient was kept for 10 min. The suc- of xed 0.002 ppm width and integrated. The NMR regions above
cessive gradient was: from 0% (A)50% (B)50% (C) to 96% (A)2% 10.25 ppm and below 0 ppm were removed because of the absence of
(B)2% (C) in 2 min and then kept for 10 min. The identication of signals. The regions between 2.50 and 2.57 ppm and between 3.30
phenolic compounds was performed by HPLCMS. The main phenolic and 3.62 ppm were discarded because of the residual signals of DMSO
compounds were identied by comparison with relative retention and water, respectively. Furthermore, the regions of residual signals be-
times and UV spectra of pure standards. longing to triglyceride esters still present in the extracted samples were
also removed. Since NMR spectra showed slight misalignments in
chemical shift due to pH-sensitive peaks, the spectra were aligned
2.6. Statistics
using the interval correlation optimized shifting algorithm (icoshift)
(Savorani, Tomasi, & Engelsen, 2010). A normalization preprocessing
The chemical analysis data reported in the tables were subjected to
step was carried out to correct variations of the overall concentrations
analysis of variance using the Statistica 5.5 package (StatSoft 97
of the samples. Since no quantitative internal standard was used, each
edition). Where statistical differences were noted, differences among
spectrum of the aligned NMR data matrix was normalized to unit area,
packages were determined using the ANOVA/MANOVA following the
obtained by dividing every variable of each spectrum by the sum of
NewmanKeuls test. Signicance was dened at p b 0.05.
the absolute value of all its variables. In the end, a total of 5115 variables
were analyzed for each spectrum.
2.7. Phenolic compounds extraction for NMR experiments All preprocessing steps were performed using Matlab (The
Mathworks Inc., Natick, MA).
Phenolic compounds were extracted from EVOOs according to
Montedoro, Servilli, Baldioli, and Miniati (1992) and Christophoridou 2.8.2. Statistical analysis
and Dais (2009) method with minor modications: 8 mL of MeOH/ NMR data matrixes were imported into Simca-P 13.0 (Umetrics,
water (80:20, v/v) solution was added to 8 g of EVOO; the mixture Ume, Sweden) and pareto-scaled (Eriksson, Johansson, Kettaneh-
was vortexed for 30 s and the two phases were separated by centrifuga- Wold, & Wold, 1999). A principal component analysis (PCA) was per-
tion at 1400 g for 10 min. The extraction was repeated twice. Alcoholic formed on the datasets. PCA is an unsupervised statistical approach
extracts were then combined and concentrated under vacuum at that allows to identify patterns in a dataset highlighting hidden similar-
T b 35 C until a syrupy consistency was reached. Then 8 mL of acetoni- ities and/or differences.
trile was added to the extract, and it was partitioned with 8 mL of n- The goodness of the model is given by the degree of t and by the
hexane. The two phases were then separated by centrifugation at predictive ability. The degree of t tells how much of the variance
1400 g for 10 min and the acetonitrile phases were dried under a stream from the dataset can be explained by the model; a quantitative mea-
of nitrogen. surement of the t is given by the parameter R2. The predictive power
of the model is tested through the cross-validation (CV) procedure.
2.8. NMR experiments The idea is to develop different models, keeping out, each time, some
samples from the dataset. The model on the reduced dataset is then
The experiments were performed both on the EVOOs and the rela- used to predict the omitted samples. Q2 is the parameter that indicates
tive phenolic extracts. NMR samples were prepared by mixing 20 L of the goodness of prediction of the model (Eriksson et al., 1999). In this
the EVOO sample with 560 L of deuterated chloroform and 20 L of case leave-one-out CV was employed given the limited number of sam-
deuterated DMSO (DMSO-d6). The addition of DMSO-d6 has been ples, thus only one sample was removed each time in the CV process.
proved to be useful for the dissolution of oil and fat minor components Both R2 and Q2 can vary from 0 to 1, where 0 means no tting and no
(Sacchi et al., 1996). The phenolic fractions were dissolved in DMSO-d6 prediction model. The PCA models performed in this study showed a
in order to get a nal concentration of 10 mg mL1, nally 600 L of this R2 0.7 and a Q2 0.5, which indicate goodness both of t and predic-
clear solution was transferred into the NMR tube. NMR experiments tion. The optimal number of component was established looking at
were conducted in 5 mm NMR tubes at 25 C with a 700 MHz Varian both R2 and Q2.
Unity Inova spectrometer equipped with a 5 mm 1H{13C/15N} triple Statistical Total Correlation Spectroscopy (STOCSY) analysis was
resonance probe. 1H NMR spectra of EVOOs and phenolic extracts performed on the binned NMR data matrix of the phenolic extracts in
were acquired using the same parameters: spectral width 11,193.507, order to obtain the correlations among the signals belonging to the
acquisition time 2.92 s and relaxation delay 3 s. 90 pulses were used same compounds. The results were plotted using a threshold value of
in both cases. R 0.9 (Fig. S2).

Please cite this article as: Laincer, F., et al., Characterization of monovarietal extra virgin olive oils from the province of Bjaa (Algeria), Food Re-
search International (2016), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2016.04.024
4 F. Laincer et al. / Food Research International xxx (2016) xxxxxx

2.8.3. Metabolites identication of chlorophylls and carotenoid pigments (3.1 and 1.6 mg kg1,
respectively). Olive oil. The assignment of the major and minor components of
olive oil was carried out according to the references Sacchi et al. (1996); 3.2. Tocopherol composition
Sacchi, Addeo, and Paolillo (1997); Segre and Mannina (1997) and
Mannina, Patumi, Fiordiponti, Emanuele, and Segre (1999). The identi- Four tocopherol isomers were detected and quantied in the ana-
ed signals are shown in Fig. 2 and reported in Table S2. lyzed samples: -tocopherol (the most abundant), -tocopherol, -
tocopherol and -tocopherol (Fig. S3). As shown in Table 3, the amount
of -tocopherol showed signicant differences between cultivars Phenolic extract. Identication of phenolic compounds was
(p b 0.05), varying from 204.8 to 573.0 mg kg1. On the other hand,
obtained following the references in the literature (Christophoridou,
-tocopherol and -tocopherol ranged from 1.3 to 9.2 mg kg 1 and
Dais, Tseng, & Spraul, 2005; Christophoridou & Dais, 2009) and the anal-
from 0.6 to 59.1 mg kg1, respectively. Concerning -tocopherol, the
ysis of the Statistical Total Correlation Spectroscopy (STOCSY) (Fig. S2).
highest value was determined in the Rougette de Mitidja oil (sample
The complete assignment is reported in Table 1 and Fig. 3.
25) (1.6 mg kg1). Total tocopherols' content showed the same trend
of -tocopherol, since it was the most representative isomer in the to-
3. Results and discussion copherol composition. The minimum and maximum contents (209.6
and 581.8 mg kg1) were observed in Bouichret (sample 1) and Souidi
3.1. Chlorophyll and carotenoids (sample 24) varieties, respectively. These results are in agreement
with the literature, and indicated that tocopherol content is highly vari-
Chlorophylls and carotenoids are the main pigments in vegetable ety dependent (Deiana et al., 2002; Manai-Djebali et al., 2012; Dadelen,
oils. Their total content in olive oils is an important quality parameter, Tmen, Ozcan, & Dndar, 2012). Interestingly, -tocopherol, the active
since it correlates with color, which is one of the rst characteristics form of vitamin E, exerts, along with the polyphenols, an important an-
evaluated by consumers. These pigments act as pro-oxidants in the tioxidant action that prevents the oxidation of low density lipoproteins
presence of light and as antioxidants in the darkness (Psomiadou & (LDLs). All the analyzed samples were found to contain more than
Tsimidou, 2002). Furthermore, they have biological and health proper- 200 mg kg1 of -tocopherol, with an average content of total tocoph-
ties (Ranalli & Modesti, 1999). erol of 300 mg kg1, with the exception of Souidi variety (sample 24),
In the investigated EVOOs, chlorophyllic and carotenoid pigments which is characterized by a 2-fold higher concentration. Thus, assuming
were found to be at concentrations between 0.1 and 3.1 mg kg1 and a daily intake of only 10 g of olive oil from Souidi variety, it is possible to
between 0.1 and 1.6 mg kg1, respectively (Table 2). The data indicated supply about 50% of daily vitamin E requirements.
a signicant inuence of the variety on the amount of chlorophylls and
carotenoids (p b 0.05). For example, Azeradj (sample 26) and Bouchret 3.3. Fatty acid composition
(sample 1) olive oils contained the lowest level of chlorophyll
(0.1 mg kg1) and carotenoids (0.1 mg kg1), respectively, whereas Differences among the cultivars were remarkable considering the
olive oil extracted from Takesrit (sample 7) contained the highest level relative concentration of saturated (SFA), monounsaturated (MUFA)

Fig. 2. 1H NMR spectrum of a representative EVOO sample. Some expanded regions containing minor components of EVOO are reported in the squared expansions. The magnication value
is indicated on the top left of each square. Letters on the NMR signals in the left top frame correspond to the compounds reported in Table 1.

Please cite this article as: Laincer, F., et al., Characterization of monovarietal extra virgin olive oils from the province of Bjaa (Algeria), Food Re-
search International (2016), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2016.04.024
F. Laincer et al. / Food Research International xxx (2016) xxxxxx 5

Table 1 Table 2
Chemical shifts, multiplicity of phenolic compounds identied in EVOO extracts by high- Chlorophyll and carotenoids content (mg kg1) of Algerian extra-virgin olive oils.
resolution 1H NMR spectroscopy (700 MHz, DMSO-d6).
Sample Cultivar (cv.) Chlorophyll Carotenoids
Compound Chemical shift (ppm) (multiplicity, J in Hz,
1 Bouichret 0.2a,b 0.1 0.1a 0.0
2 Agrarez 0.5f 0.0 0.5g,h,i 0.0
a Aldehydic form of ligstroside 1.34 (d, 6.6, H10), 2.81 (t, 6.8, H2), 3.65 (s, 3 Limli 0.3b,c,d 0.1 0.2a,b,c 0.0
(5S, 8R, 9S) OCH3), 4.154.25 (H1a, H1b), 6.72 (d, 8.4, 4 Blanquette de Guelma 0.8g 0.2 0.4f 0.1
H5, H7), 7.06 (d, 8.4, H4, H8), 7.55 (s, H3), 5 Limli 0.4b,c,d,e 0.1 0.2c,d 0.0
9.52 (d, 1.5, H1) 6 Tabelout 0.2a,b 0.0 0.1a,b 0.0
b Aldehydic form of ligstroside 1.55 (d, 6.6, H10), 2.81 (t, 6.8, H2), 3.23 (dd, 7 Takesrit 3.1k 0.1 1.6l 0.0
(5S, 8S, 9S) 2.9, 11.0, H5), 3.66 (s, OCH3), 4.154.25 8 Bouchouk Guergour 1.1i 0.1 0.6i 0.2
(H1a, H1b, H8), 6.72 (d, 8.4, H5, H7), 7.06 9 Bouchouk 0.6e,f 0.0 0.3e 0.0
(d, 8.4, H4, H8), 7.59 (s, H3), 9.67 (H1) 10 Chemlal 0.8g,h 0.0 0.5g,h 0.0
c Aldehydic form of oleuropein 1.34 (d, 6.6, H10), 3.65 (s, OCH3), 4.154.25 11 Chemlal 0.4c,d,e,f 0.1 0.2c,d 0.0
(5S, 8R, 9S) (H1a, H1b, H8), 6.48 (dd, 1.8, 8.1, H8), 6.69 12 Zeletni 0.8g,h 0.0 0.5g,h,i 0.0
(d, 1.8, H4), 6.72 (d, 8.1, H7), 9.50 (H1, d, 1.5) 13 Almzeir 0.5f 0.0 0.3d,e 0.0
d Aldehydic form of oleuropein 1.55 (d, 6.6, H10), 2.60 (H4b, H6a), 3.23 (dd, 14 Azeradj 1.0h 0.0 0.6h,i 0.0
(5S, 8S, 9S) 2.9, 11.0, H5), 3.66 (s, OCH3), 4.154.25 15 Takesrit 0.9g,h 0.0 0.5f,g 0.0
(H1a, H1b, H8), 6.70 (d, 1.8, H4), 6.48 (dd, 16 Bouchouk Sidi Aich 0.5e,f 0.1 0.7j 0.1
1.8, 8.1, H8), 6.72 (d, 8.4, H7), 7.59 (s, H3), 17 Azeradj 0.3a,b,c 0.0 0.1a,b,c 0.0
9.67 (H1) 18 Tabelout 0.5d,e,f 0.0 0.2b,c,d 0.0
e Dialdehydic form of ligstroside 1.97 (d, 7.0, H10), 2.60 (H4b, H6a), 2.74 19 Sigoise 0.3b,c 0.0 0.2c,d 0.0
lacking a carboxymethyl group (ddd, 1.7, 8.5, 17.8, H4a), 4.004.20 (H1a, 20 Chemlal 0.5e,f 0.0 0.3e 0.0
H1b), 6.77 (d, 8.4, H5, H7), 7.03 (H4, 21 Aberkane 0.3b,c 0.1 0.1a 0.0
H8), 9.24 (d, 1.8, H1), 9.54 (s, br, H3) 22 Variety X 0.7g 0.0 0.5g,h,i 0.0
f Dialdehydic form of oleuropein 1.97 (d, 7.0, H10), 2.74 (ddd, 1.3, 8.2, 17.8, 23 Aimel 0.3b,c,d 0.0 0.2d,e 0.0
lacking a carboxymethyl group H4a), 4.004.20 (H1a, H1b), 6.77 (d, 8.1, 24 Souidi 0.9g,h 0.0 0.7j 0.0
H7), 9.24 (d, 1.8, H1), 9.54 (s, br, H3) 25 Rougette de Mitidja 1.6j 0.1 0.9k 0.0
g (+) 1-Acetoxypinoresinol 1.69 (s, COOCH3), 3.77 (s, 3-OCH3), 3.79 (s, 26 Azeradj 0.1a 0.0 0.2a,b,c 0.0
3-OCH3), 4.73 (d, 4.8, H6), 4.29 (d, 10.6,
Means standard deviation (n = 3).
H8a), 4.92 (s, br, H2), 6.72 (d, 8.1, H5), 6.81 ak
Means the column followed by different letters are signicantly different (p N 0.05).
(d, 8.1, H5), 6.84 (dd, 1.8, 8.1 H6), 6.89 (d,
1.8, H2), 6.98 (d, 1.8, H2)
h (+) Pinoresinol 3.78 (s, OCH3), 4.61 (d, 4.0, H2, H6), 6.91 (d,
1.8, H2, H2) fatty acids (SFA) (21.8%), essentially due to its high content in palmitic
i Vanillin 9.80 (s, H7)
l Luteolin 6.19 (d, 1.8, H6), 6.92 (d, 8.8, H5), 7.40 (d,
H2), 7.42 (dd, 2.2, 8.8, H6) More in detail, oleic acid (C18:1), the most abundant monounsatu-
m Apigenin 6.22 (d, 1.8, H6), 7.94 (d, 8.8, H2, H6) rated fatty acid, was dependent by the varieties (see Table 4). It reached
n Free hydroxytyrosol 6.46 (dd, 1.8, 8.1, H8), 6.59 (d, H4) a high percentage in Limli (sample 5) olive oil (78.2%), while it had
lower levels in Bouchouk (sample 9) and Souidi (sample 24) oils
(58.6% and 59.2% respectively). The remaining olive oil samples showed
intermediate levels of oleic acid content.
and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). Concerning the MUFA, Rougette As for linoleic acid (C18:2), sample 9 (Bouchouk) showed the highest
de Mitidja olive oil (sample 25) was characterized by the highest per- mean value (18.0%), whereas the lowest one was found in Rougette de
centage (79.2%), due to its high content in oleic acid. Bouchouk (sample Mitidja (sample 25) (3.5%). The concentrations of palmitoleic (C16:1),
9) olive oil was rich in PUFA (18.8%), mainly due to the content in stearic (C18:0) and linolenic (C18:3) acids were very low in all analyzed
linoleic acid. Taksreit (sample 7) olive oil was rich in total saturated samples and changed from one olive oil to another. In any case, the

Fig. 3. 1H NMR spectrum of a representative phenolic extract of an EVOO sample. Letters on the NMR signals correspond to the compounds reported in Table 1.

Please cite this article as: Laincer, F., et al., Characterization of monovarietal extra virgin olive oils from the province of Bjaa (Algeria), Food Re-
search International (2016), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2016.04.024
6 F. Laincer et al. / Food Research International xxx (2016) xxxxxx

Table 3
Tocopherol contents (mg kg1) of Algerian extra-virgin olive oils.

Sample Cultivar (cv.) Tocopherol- Tocopherol- Tocopherol- Tocopherol- Tocopherol total

1 Bouichret 0.2a,b 0.0 0.7a 0.2 1.3a 0.1 207.5a 5.9 209.6a 5.7
2 Agrarez 0.1a,b 0.1 2.2a,b 0.0 1.8b,c 0.0 220.4a,b 2.2 224.5a,b 2.2
3 Limli 1.1g 0.1 47.3k 0.1 2.3d,e,f 0.2 300.0g 0.8 350.8f,g 0.8
4 Blanquette de Guelma 0.3a,b,c 0.0 9.7g 0.0 3.9k 0.1 486.9j 7.5 500.7j 7.6
5 Limli 0.1a 0.0 1.6a,b 0.1 1.6b 0.1 279.1c,d,e 4.7 282.4d,e,f 4.7
6 Tabelout 0.1a 0.0 0.9a 0.0 2.1d,e 0.0 300.9d,e,f 4.1 304.1f,g 4.1
7 Takesrit 1.3h 0.2 59.1l 0.1 3.4j 0.4 501.1k 3.3 564.9j 3.6
8 Bouchouk Guergour 0.4b,c,d 0.0 13.3h 0.2 2.5f,g 0.1 233.9b,c 4.9 249.9a,b,c 5.2
9 Bouchouk 0.2a,b,c 0.1 4.2c,d 0.1 2.9h 0.0 263.4c,d 4.4 270.6c,d,e,f 4.5
10 Chemlal 0.2 a,b,c 0.0 6.7e,f,g 0.3 3.3i,j 0.1 263.9d,e,f 4.8 274.1e,f,g 5.0
11 Chemlal 0.2a,b,c 0.1 4.9d 0.0 2.4e,f,g 0.0 204.8a 0.2 212.4a 0.1
12 Zeletni 0.1a 0.0 2.5a,b,c 0.1 1.6b 0.0 278.9c,d,e 4.1 283.7d,e,f 4.1
13 Almzeir 1.1g 0.0 46.9k 0.1 1.6b 0.2 250.2d,e,f 2.6 299.8b,c,d 2.9
14 Azeradj 0.2a,b 0.0 1.2 ab 0.0 1.9c,d 0.0 322.8fg 6.7 326.7g 6.7
15 Takesrit 0.7f 0.1 42.2j 1.6 2.1d 0.2 271.9e,f,g 8.4 316.8c,d,e,f 10.4
16 Bouchouk Sidi Aich 0.1a,b 0.0 1.8a,b 0.2 3.4j 0.2 377.9h 3.6 383.2h 3.2
17 Azeradj 0.4c,d 0.1 7.3e,f 0.0 3.4j 0.0 257.7c,d 0.2 268.7b,c,d,e 0.2
18 Tabelout 0.4c,d 0.0 7.9e,f,g 0.3 4.1k 0.1 262.3c,d,e 3.3 274.7c,d,e,f 3.6
19 Sigoise 0.5e 0.0 13.8h 0.1 3.0h,i 0.0 384.9h 3.7 402.2h 3.9
20 Chemlal 0.2a,b,c 0.0 8.9f,g 0.4 3.5j 0.1 317.4f,g 6.2 330.1g 6.7
21 Aberkane 0.5d,e 0.0 7.2e,f 0.2 2.3d,e,f 0.1 220.2a,b 4.2 230.2a,b 4.5
22 Variety X 0.3a,b,c 0.1 9.6g 0.2 3.3j 0.1 416.8i 0.1 430.1i 0.4
23 Aimel 1.0g 0.1 46.9k 0.1 2.1d,e 0.2 252.2d,e,f 3.2 302.3b,c,d 3.5
24 Souidi 0.1a 0.0 3.2b,c,d 0.1 5.5l 0.1 573.1k 16.8 581.8l 17.0
25 Rougette de Mitidja 1.6i 0.0 18.5i 0.3 9.2m 0.1 540.6k 4.0 569.8k 4.4
26 Azeradj 0.2a,b 0.1 6.7e 0.0 2.6g 0.1 259.6c,d 3.6 269.0c,d,e 3.7

Means standard deviation (n = 3).

Means the column followed by different letters are signicantly different (p b 0.05).

compositions of the fatty acid were in the expected range of EVOOs in Azeradj (sample 26) and Limli (sample 5) olive oils (10.6 and 10.8%,
(Manai-Djebali et al., 2012; Ramos-Escudero, Teresa Morales, & Asuero, respectively).
Palmitic acid (C16:0) was the most abundant saturated fatty acid in 3.4. Phenolic composition
the investigated olive oils. Its content ranged between 10.6% and 18.5%,
according to cultivars. The highest percentage was observed in Chemlal Quantitative data for the phenolic content of the twenty-six samples
olive oil (sample 20) (18.5%), whereas the lowest levels were observed are reported in Tables 5 and 6. Five main phenolic groups were

Table 4
Fatty acid compositions (%) of Algerian extra-virgin olive oils.

Sample Cultivar (cv.) C16:0 C16:1 C18:0 C18:1 C18:2 C18:3 SFA PUFA MUFA C18:1/C18:2

1 Bouichret 13.6g 0.1 0.9e 0.0 3.1n 0.0 68.7l 0.1 12.9o 0.0 0.8l 0.0 16.7f 0.1 13.7o 0.0 69.7m 0.1 5,3h 0,0
2 Agrarez 12.7d 0.0 1.2h 0.0 3.1n 0.0 73.4o 0.1 8.9f 0.1 0.7e 0.0 15.8d 0.0 9.6e 0.1 74.7s 0.2 8,2o 0,1
3 Limli 17.5l 0.1 2.0o 0.0 2.9i 0.0 65.4f 0.1 11.4k 0.0 0.7h 0.0 20.4l 0.1 12.1j 0.4 67.5h 0.1 5,8j 0,0
4 Blanquette de Guelma 12.7d 0.1 0.5a 0.0 3.0j,k 0.0 66.4g 0.1 16.7u 0.0 0.8i 0.0 15.6d 0.1 17.5u 0.0 66.9g 0.1 4,0 d 0,0
5 Limli 10.8b 0.1 0.7b 0.0 3.3p 0.0 78.2s 0.1 6.4b 0.0 0.6d 0.0 14.1b 0.1 7.1b 0.0 78.9v 0.1 12,2q 0,1
6 Tabelout 11.3c 0.1 0.8c 0.0 3.2o 0.0 71.1m 0.0 12.8n 0.0 0.8j 0.0 14.5c 0.1 13.6n 0.0 71.9q 0.1 5,6i 0,0
7 Takesrit 18.3n 0.0 1.8l 0.0 3.5r 0.0 63.5d 0.0 12.0l 0.0 0.9o 0.0 21.8o 0.0 12.9l 0.0 65.3d 0.0 5,3h 0,0
8 Bouchouk Guergour 14.4h 0.1 0.9d 0.0 2.6g 0.0 66.9h 0.2 14.3s 0.0 0.9l 0.0 17.0g 0.1 15.2s 0.0 67.8i 0.2 4,7f 0,0
9 Bouchouk 17.9m 0.1 2.5r 0.0 2.2e 0.0 58.6a 0.1 18.0x 0.0 0.7g 0.0 20.1k 0.1 18.8x 0.0 61.1a 0.1 3,3a 0,0
10 Chemlal 17.0k 0.1 2.5r 0.0 2.0d 0.0 64.1e 0.1 13.8r 0.0 0.6a 0.0 19.0i 0.2 14.4r 0.1 66.6f 0.1 4,7f 0,0
11 Chemlal 15.3j 0.1 1.7k 0.0 1.8a 0.0 66.9h 0.0 13.7q 0.1 0.6a 0.0 17.2g 0.1 14.3q 0.1 68.6l 0.0 4,9g 0,0
12 Zeletni 17.1k 0.1 1.6j 0.0 2.9i 0.0 69.3j 0.1 8.4e 0.0 0.7g 0.0 20.0j 0.1 9.1e 0.0 71.0o 0.1 8,3o 0,0
13 Almzeir 17.5l 0.0 1.9n 0.0 3.0l,m 0.0 63.6d 0.0 13.3p 0.0 0.7f,g 0.0 20.5l 0.1 14.0p 0.0 65.5e 0.0 4,8g 0,1
14 Azeradj 13.3f 0.1 0.8c 0.0 3.7s 0.0 71.7n 0.1 9.8h 0.0 0.8h 0.0 17.0g 0.1 10.5g 0.0 72.5r 0.1 7,4m 0,0
15 Takesrit 17.9m 0.1 1.9m 0.0 3.0k,l 0.0 66.4g 0.1 10.3i 0.0 0.6b 0.0 20.8m,n 0.1 10.9h 0.0 68.2k 0.2 6,4k 0,0
16 Bouchouk Sidi Aich 15.0i 0.1 1.3i 0.0 3.0j 0.0 70.6l 0.2 9.1g 0.0 1.1p 0.0 17.9h 0.2 10.2f 0.0 71.9q 0.2 7,8n 0,0
17 Azeradj 13.0e 0.1 1.1g 0.0 2.7h 0.0 70.1k 0.1 12.2m 0.0 0.9n 0.0 15.7d 0.1 13.1m 0.0 71.2p 0.1 5,8j 0,0
18 Tabelout 17.8m 0.1 2.1p 0.0 2.5f 0.0 68.6i 0.1 8.3d 0.0 0.7g 0.0 20.3k,l 0.1 9.0d 0.0 70.8n 0.1 8,3o 0,0
19 Sigoise 15.2j 0.1 2.7s 0.0 1.9b 0.0 62.0c 0.1 17.3w 0.0 0.9m 0.0 17.1g 0.1 18.2w 0.0 64.7c 0.1 3,6c 0,0
20 Chemlal 18.5o 0.1 2.2q 0.0 1.9c 0.0 61.8c 0.1 14.7t 0.0 0.9l 0.0 20.4l 0.12 15.6t 0.1 64.0b 0.1 4,2e 0,0
21 Aberkane 11.2c 0.0 0.8d 0.0 2.9i 0.0 77.3q 0.0 7.1c 0.0 0.7f 0.0 14.1b 0.0 7.7c 0.1 78.2u 0.0 11,0p 0,1
22 Variety X 17.4l 0.1 2.0n 0.0 3.0m 0.0 63.7d 0.1 13.3p 0.0 0.7g 0.0 20.5l 0.1 14.0o 0.0 65.6e 0.1 4,9g 0,0
23 Aimel 17.5l 0.1 1.7k 0.0 3.5q 0.0 66.3g 0.0 10.4i 0.08 0.6c 0.0 21.0n 0.1 11.0i 0.1 68.0j 0.1 6,4k 0,1
24 Souidi 17.8m 0.1 2.0n 0.1 2.9i 0.0 59.2b 0.2 17.2v 0.03 0.9o 0.0 20.7m 0.2 18.2v 0.0 61.1a 0.3 3,4b 0,0
25 Rougette de Mitidja 13.5f,g 0.0 1.6j 0.0 3.0k 0.0 77.6r 0.0 3.5a 0.04 0.9k 0.0 16.4e 0.04 4.4a 0.0 79.2w 0.0 22,2r 0,2
26 Azeradj 10.6a 0.1 1.0f 0.0 2.2e 0.0 74.0p 0.2 11.0j 0.01 1.2q 0.0 12.8a 0.2 12.2k 0.0 75.0t 0.2 6,7l 0,0
EVOO(EEC.2003) 7.520.0 0.33.5 0.55.0 55.083.0 3.521.0 1.0

Means standard deviation (n = 3).

Fatty acid nomenclature: 16:0 (palmitic acid); 16:1 (palmitoleic acid); 18:0 (stearic acid); 18:1 (oleic acid); 18:2 (linoleic acid); 18:3 (linolenic acid).
SFA: saturated fatty acids; MUFA: monounsaturated fatty acids; PUFA: polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Means the column followed by different letters are signicantly different (p b 0.05).

Please cite this article as: Laincer, F., et al., Characterization of monovarietal extra virgin olive oils from the province of Bjaa (Algeria), Food Re-
search International (2016), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2016.04.024
F. Laincer et al. / Food Research International xxx (2016) xxxxxx 7

Table 5
Phenolic compound composition (mg kg1) of Algerian extra-virgin olive oils.

Sample Cultivar Total phenolic Oleuropein Oleuropein Ligstroside Secoiridoid Decarboxymethylelenolic Elenolic acid Oleocanthal Lignans
(cv.) compounds derivatives derivatives acids acid

1 Bouichret 236.9g 1.5 0.0a 0.0 76.7h 0.4 55.9e 1.8 80.6i 2.5 9.7h 0.1 71.0j 2.6 22.6g 0.8 56.4o 0.2
2 Agrarez 169.9d 1.2 0.0a 0.0 41.9d 0.3 83.9i 0.4 131.8n 1.4 29.0n 0.2 102.9o 1.2 45.6n 0.2 28.8g 0.4
3 Limli 273.0l 0.2 0.0a 0.0 117.7m 0.4 72.7g 0.1 90.4k 0.5 7.0e,f 0.0 83.3m 0.6 22.1g 0.0 36.8i 0.1
4 Blanquette de 1006.7t 3.0 0.0a 0.0 732.4v 1.3 195.2o 1.2 344.6t 0.5 92.0p 0.0 252.6u 0.66 40.3l 0.3 26.2f 0.2
5 Limli 264.3k 1.5 0.0a 0.0 104.0k 0.8 83.0i 0.9 146.6p 0.7 39.5o 0.5 107.1p 1.2 46.9o 0.6 40.7k 0.3
6 Tabelout 181.0e 0.6 0.0a 0.0 75.9h 04 66.8f 0.0 23.8a 0.1 0.7a 0.0 23.1b 0.1 16.3e 0.0 26.9f 0.1
7 Takesrit 259.8j 0.2 0.0a 0.0 83.8i 0.3 115.4j 0.1 172.4r 0.7 7.5f,g 0.1 164.9s 0.8 44.5m 0.1 32.7h 0.1
8 Bouchouk 338.2m 1.8 0.3b 0.0 78.0h 0.7 158.5m 0.9 71.6g 0.5 17.9l 0.2 53.7e 0.4 135.6u 0.7 38.9j 0.1
9 Bouchouk 491.1o 1.3 0.0a 0.0 253.4q 0.9 131.5k 0.2 72.9g 0.4 0.9a,b 0.0 72.0j 0.4 48.5p 0.4 56.2o 0.1
10 Chemlal 537.2p 2.6 0.0a 0.0 211.2p 0.6 204.8p 0.4 178.2s 1.5 12.0j 0.1 166.2t 1.4 71.3q 0.4 70.7p 0.5
11 Chemlal 223.3f 2.2 0.2b 0.0 73.2g 0.3 65.5f 3.3 61.4e 0.4 4.0c 0.0 57.4f 0.3 22.1g 0.0 36.4i 0.3
12 Zeletni 224.1f 0.1 0.0a 0.0 110.4l 0.2 61.8f 0.3 137.4o 0.2 5.2d 0.0 132.2q 0.2 33.4j 0.1 20.2e 0.0
13 Almzeir 251.1i 0.9 0.0a 0.0 100.5j 0.2 77.7g,h 0.5 66.3f 0.4 3.8c 0.0 62.4h 0.4 32.1i 0.3 32.2h 0.0
14 Azeradj 337.6m 0.1 0.0a 0.0 142.7n 0.3 113.5j 0.1 100.7m 0.3 12.5j 0.0 88.3n 0.3 71.0q 0.0 43.5l 0.3
15 Takesrit 598.0q 2.6 0.0a 0.0 343.3s 1.7 150.6l 1.0 154.3q 0.4 1.1a,b 0.0 153.2r 0.4 39.3k 0.2 52.3n 0.3
16 Bouchouk Sidi Aich 169.0d 2.3 1.2e 0.1 65.1f 0.6 44.5d 0.7 33.4b 0.2 3.4c 0.0 30.0c 0.2 26.6h 0.2 16.6d 0.2
17 Azeradj 172.0d 1.1 0.0a 0.0 83.9i 0.2 34.9c 0.6 38.5c 0.2 16.1k 0.1 22.4b 0.1 19.5f 0.1 15.6c 0.1
18 Tabelout 782.3r 5.5 0.6c 0.3 458.9t 3.5 239.8q 15.3 80.5i 0.9 1.8b 0.0 78.7l 0.9 144.3v 0.8 46.6m 1.2
19 Sigoise 55.0a 0.1 0.0a 0.0 12.3a 0.1 16.7a 0.1 59.1d 0.3 7.6f,g 0.0 51.5d 0.2 2.8a 0.0 9.6a 0.0
20 Chemlal 172.1d 0.4 0.3b 0.1 39.6c 0.7 37.4c 0.4 76.1h 0.1 10.5j 0.1 65.6i 0.1 14.1d 0.4 36.4i 0.0
21 Aberkane 337.9m 3.4 0.0a 0.0 198.4o 2.1 41.0c,d 0.2 85.7j 0.5 8.3g 0.0 77.5k,l 0.5 16.9e 0.8 21.0e 0.7
22 Variety X 803.4s 1.5 0.0a 0.0 583.4u 1.4 185.4n 0.7 94.9l 0.4 18.6m 0.0 76.3k 0.3 117.9t 0.3 20.6e 0.4
23 Aimel 141.9c 0.5 1.0d 0.2 60.9e 0.3 50.7e 2.9 79.9i 0.2 9.1h 0.0 70.8j 0.2 10.4c 0.1 10.7b 2.5
24 Souidi 468.9n 1.6 0.0a 0.0 265.6r 1.3 134.0k 0.0 65.0f 0.6 1.4a,b 0.0 63.6h 0.6 91.4r 0.2 43.2l 0.2
25 Rougette de Mitidja 244.7h 0.3 0.0a 0.0 12.8a 0.8 136.8k 0.3 177.3s 3.0 116.8q 2.2 60.5g 0.8 99.0s 0.5 51.3n 0.0
26 Azeradj 76.9b 0.4 0.0a 0.0 18.0b 0.4 23.7b 0.3 23.9a 0.1 6.6e 0.1 17.3a 0.0 4.1b 0.1 8.8a 0.1

Means standard deviation (n = 3).

Means the column followed by different letters are signicantly different (p b 0.05).

detected: phenolic alcohols (hydroxytyrosol and tyrosol), secoiridoids differences (p b 0.05) among the different varieties were observed.
(mainly derivatives of oleuropein and ligstroside and elenolic acid), Our data are in agreement with the values reported in the literature,
lignans, avonoids (luteolin and apigenin), and phenolic acids. The where the total phenolic content of olive oils varies from 50 to
total phenolic content (oleuropein derivatives, ligstroside derivatives, 1000 mg kg1 (Montedoro et al., 1992).
avonoids, phenolic acids and biophenols oxidized) showed large Phenolic alcohols amount varied between 1.7 mg kg 1 (Sigoise)
variation, ranging from 55.0 mg kg 1 for Sigoise variety (sample 19) and 300.6 mg kg1 (Blanquette de Guelma). In this class, hydroxytyrosol
to 1006.7 mg kg 1 for Blanquette de Guelma (sample 4). Signicant and tyrosol were among the most representative compounds, and, in

Table 6
Phenolic compound composition (mg kg1) of Algerian extra-virgin olive oils.

Sample Cultivar (cv.) Phenolic alcohols Hydroxytyrosol Tyrosol Flavonoids Luteolin Apigenin Phenolic acids Biophenols oxidized

1 Bouichret 4.9c,d 0.2 1.7c 0.1 3.2c 0.1 21.8k 1.2 16.6n 0.5 5.2j 0.7 14.7p 0.2 11.4e 0.4
2 Agrarez 5.2d 0.0 0.7a,b 0.0 4.4f 0.0 6.4e 0.2 4.6d 0.1 1.8d 0.1 3.5f 0.0 5.5a 0.0
3 Limli 20.8m 0.6 4.0ef 0.6 16.9p 0.0 22.9l 0.1 17.1n 0.1 5.8k 0.0 5.5i 0.0 17.5i 0.1
4 Blanquette de Guelma 300.6q 1.5 252.4n 1.7 48.3r 0.2 22.6l 0.5 15.5m 0.4 7.1m 0.1 15.3q 0.0 15.0g 0.2
5 Limli 6.6f 0.2 3.5e 0.2 3.1c 0.0 14.8i 0.2 10.2i 0.1 4.6i 0.1 12.5n 0.0 9.3c 0.1
6 Tabelout 8.3g 0.2 3.9e,f 0.2 4.4f 0.0 0.5a 0.0 0.4a 0.0 0.1a 0.0 1.5a 0.0 9.3c 0.1
7 Takesrit 11.4i 0.0 1.0a,b,c 0.0 10.4n 0.0 5.4d 0.0 4.2d 0.1 1.2c 0.0 4.4g 0.1 18.0j 0.2
8 Bouchouk Guergour 6.0e 0.1 1.5b,c 0.1 4.5f,g 0.0 15.4i 0.1 12.7j 0.1 2.8e 0.0 32.5s 0.2 14.9g 0.2
9 Bouchouk 13.4k 0.1 8.8j 0.1 4.6f,g 0.0 13.5h 0.1 8.0f 0.0 5.5j,k 0.0 2.0b,c 0.1 34.6o 0.2
10 Chemlal 13.0j,k 0.0 5.1g,h 0.0 7.9j 0.0 19.1j 0.8 12.5j 0.4 6.6l 0.4 2.5e 0.2 29.0m 0.0
11 Chemlal 7.1f 0.1 2.9d 0.0 4.2e 0.0 14.7i 0.1 9.9h,I 0.1 4.7i 0.1 3.4f 0.0 30.2n 0.4
12 Zeletni 9.6h 0.2 4.9g,h 0.2 4.6f,g 0.0 12.2g 0.1 8.7g 0.1 3.5f 0.0 4.9h 0.1 14.5g 0.1
13 Almzeir 12.9j,k 0.0 4.4f,g 0.0 8.5l 0.0 18.5j 0.1 14.4l 0.0 4.2h 0.1 2.6e 0.0 19.6k 0.1
14 Azeradj 8.9g 0.0 5.3h 0.0 3.6d 0.0 13.0h 0.0 10.2i 0.0 2.8e 0.0 14.5o 0.0 10.4d 0.0
15 Takesrit 29.5p 0.4 13.8l 0.2 15.8o 0.1 26.4o 0.3 16.9n 0.3 9.5n 0.0 3.5f 0.1 21.6l 0.4
16 Bouchouk Sidi Aich 4.4c 0.1 0.8a,b 0.0 3.6d 0.0 13.5h 0.3 9.6h 0.3 4.0g,h 0.1 17.4r 0.1 11.9e 0.5
17 Azeradj 14.2l 0.0 10.1k 0.1 4.1e 0.0 23.8m 0.0 18.4o 0.3 5.4j,k 0.3 7.2k 0.0 6.7b 0.1
18 Tabelout 23.2n 0.1 13.6l 0.1 9.6m 0.0 25.1n 0.0 13.5k 0.1 11.6p 0.1 8.7m 0.0 18.3j 0.6
19 Sigoise 1.7 a 0.0 0.5a 0.0 1.2a 0.0 7.6f 0.1 5.6e 0.1 2.0d 0.0 2.3d 0.1 6.6b 0.0
20 Chemlal 7.1f 0.1 2.3d 0.1 4.8h 0.1 18.4j 0.0 12.8j 0.1 5.6k 0.1 2.1c,d 0.0 37.8p 0.2
21 Aberkane 12.8j,k 0.3 9.7k 0.2 3.2c 0.0 51.5p 1.1 41.4p 1.0 10.1o 0.1 7.8l 0.1 18.1j 0.4
22 Variety X 22.8n 0.0 17.5m 0.0 5.3i 0.0 2.0b 0.0 1.8b 0.1 0.2a 0.0 1.9b 0.1 10.0d 0.2
23 Aimel 12.5j 0.2 4.4f,g 0.2 8.1k 0.1 4.2c 0.1 3.0c 0.1 1.2b,c 0.0 2.6e 0.1 12.8f 0.2
24 Souidi 10.8i 0.1 6.2i 0.1 4.7g 0.0 11.7g 0.5 8.0f 0.5 3.7f,g 0.0 4.3g 0.0 10.1d 0.1
25 Rougette de Mitidja 26.6o 0.3 1.4b,c 0.1 25.2q 0.2 7.8f 0.2 4.4d 0.3 3.5f 0.2 17.5r 0.2 18.5j 0.7
26 Azeradj 3.3b 0.2 0.4a 0.1 2.9b 0.1 5.1d 0.3 4.2d 0.2 0.9b 0.1 5.8j 0.2 15.6h 0.8

Means standard deviation (n = 3).

Means the column followed by different letters are signicantly different (p b 0.05).

Please cite this article as: Laincer, F., et al., Characterization of monovarietal extra virgin olive oils from the province of Bjaa (Algeria), Food Re-
search International (2016), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2016.04.024
8 F. Laincer et al. / Food Research International xxx (2016) xxxxxx

agreement with the literature (Cerretani et al., 2006; Romero, Saavedra, compounds within this group. Luteolin, the most abundant avonoid
Tapia, Seplveda, & Aparicio, 2015), they were found at levels below occurring in the analyzed samples, ranged from 0.4 mg kg1 in Tabelout
17.5 and 25.2 mg kg1, respectively. However, only the variety Blan- (sample 6) to 41.4 mg kg1 in Aberkane (sample 21), while apigenin
quette de Guelma provided higher levels of these phenols (252.4 and concentration ranged between 0.1 and 11.6 mg kg1 in two different
48.3 mg kg1 for hydroxytyrosol and tyrosol, respectively). Such high samples of Tabelout (samples 6 and 18, cultivated in Amizour and
values are not unique for olive oils, in fact Gilbert-Lpez et al. (2014) Boukhlifa, respectively). These data suggest the importance of environ-
found values of hydroxytyrosol concentration above 50 mg kg1 in 78 mental factors on the content of these compounds. Interestingly, the
samples of extra virgin olive oil collected from ten different countries, levels of luteolin were higher than in all the others Mediterranean
and detected higher levels of both phenols in Arauco VOO. Interestingly, cultivars analyzed so far (Pinelli et al., 2003; Abaza et al., 2005;
it should be noted that no Algerian olive oils have showed such high Garca-Villalba et al., 2010), therefore this could be potentially consid-
values before. ered as a discriminative characteristic of Algerian EVOOs produced in
Secoiridoid derivatives, mainly represented by oleuropein and the Bjaa province.
ligstroside derivatives, were by far the most abundant group of phenolic Phenolic acids. Phenolic acids have already been associated with
compounds in all the analyzed samples regardless of geographic origin color and sensory qualities, as well as with the health-related antioxi-
and variety. As reported by different authors, these compounds are dant properties of foods (Cartoni, Coccioli, Jasionowska, & Ramires,
widely associated with the sensory properties of EVOO as they are the 2000). All the twenty-six Algerian EVOOs showed low concentration
main contributors to its bitterness and pungency (Bendini et al., 2007; of this class of compounds, as the content ranged from 1.5 to
Lauri et al., 2013). In our case, the highest concentrations of oleuropein 17.5 mg kg 1, with the only exception of the sample 8 (Bouchouk
derivatives were observed in the olive oil from Blanquette de Guelma Guergour), that had almost 2-fold levels of phenolic acids
(sample 4) (732.4 mg kg1), whereas the lowest concentrations were (32.5 mg kg 1). Interestingly, as for the oxidized biophenols, they
detected in Sigoise (sample 19) and Rougette de Mitidja (sample 25) were detected in all the twenty-six samples. Recently, the interest in ox-
olive oils (12.3 and 12.8 mg kg1 respectively). As for the ligstroside idized form of olive oil phenols has signicantly increased, especially in
derivatives, extra-virgin olive oil from Sigoise (sample 19) showed the relation to determination of freshness/aging status (Rovellini et al.,
lowest value (16.7 mg kg1), while the highest value was observed in 1997; Tovar, Motilva, & Paz Romero, 2001; Owen et al., 2000). In this
Tabelout (sample 18) (239.8 mg kg1). As far as the oleuropein is con- context, it is interesting to note that the highest amount of oxidized
cerned, it was detected only in olive oil from Takesrit (sample 7), biophenols was found in Chemlal variety (sample 20) (37.8 mg kg1).
Bouchouk Guergour (sample 8), Chemlal (sample 11), Bouchouk Sidi
Aich (sample 16), Tabelout (sample 18), Chemlal (sample 20) and 3.5. NMR spectroscopy
Aimel (sample 23). In any case, oleuropein's content, as expected, did
not exceed 1.2 mg kg1 (Krichene et al., 2009; Ballus et al., 2014). The twenty-six EVOO samples were also investigated by 1H NMR. In
Similarly, the content of elenolic acid (a secoiridoid acid) ranged particular, the experiments were performed both on the intact EVOOs
from 17.3 (Azeradj sample 26) to 252.6 mg kg 1 (Blanquette de (Fig. 2) and the phenolic extracts (Fig. 3).
Guelma sample 4). Moreover, another secoiridoid acid, namely The assignment of the major and minor components of the whole
decarboxymethylelenolic acid, ranged from 0.8 (Tabelout sample olive oil was carried out according to the literature (Sacchi et al., 1996,
6) to 116.8 mg kg1 (Rougette de Mitidja sample 25). These data are 1997; Segre & Mannina, 1997 and Mannina et al., 1999). The identied
in agreement with those reported in literature (Pinelli, Galardi, signals are shown in Fig. 2 and reported in Table S2. The spectra of
Mulinacci, & Romani, 2003). whole olive oil showed the typical pattern of signals of the triglycerides.
Newly pressed EVOOs contain also ()-decarboxymethyl Nevertheless, a number of other signals belonging to minor components
ligstroside aglycone, also known as oleocanthal. Oleocanthal has been of the EVOO were also detectable. In particular, -sitosterol (0.62 ppm),
shown to mimic the pharmacology of ibuprofen (Cicerale, Lucas, & squalene (1.62 ppm), terpens (4.53, 4.60, 4.66 ppm), diacylglycerols
Keast, 2012). Oleocanthal concentration in EVOO is highly variable, (3.66, 3.99 ppm) and aldehydes were unambiguously identied (see
ranging from 0.2 mg kg1 to 498 mg kg1 (Gmez-Rico, Salvador, La below).
Greca, & Fregapane, 2006). Beauchamp et al. (2005) demonstrated In order to determine if the observable signals were able to give in-
that EVOOs produced in different countries had variable oleocanthal formation on the analyzed olive oils, a principal component analysis
concentrations. For instance, EVOO produced in the U.S.A. contained a (PCA) was performed. Particularly, the PCA (Fig. S4) performed on the
low concentration of oleocanthal (22.6 0.6 mg kg1), while EVOOs data of the spectra of whole olive oils showed that the samples are dis-
produced in Italy contained very high quantities of this compound (up tributed according to their fatty acid compositions. Olive oils with high
to 191.8 2.7 mg kg1). All the twenty-six studied EVOOs contained content of oleic acid and low content of linoleic acid and saturated
oleocanthal, which was found in considerable amount in Tabelout (sam- fatty acids are in the left part of PCA plot. Among these samples, Limli,
ple 18), Bouchouk Guergour (sample 8) and Variety X (sample 22) oils Aberkane, and Rougette de Mitidja, (samples 25, 21, and 5) turned out
(144.3, 135.6 and 117.9 mg kg 1, respectively). Sigoise (sample 19) to be particularly interesting for their composition (Table 4), that is sim-
variety was characterized by the lowest value (2.8 mg kg1). ilar to the fatty acid composition of some prestigious varieties grown in
Lignans represent an important group of phenolic compounds that other Mediterranean areas.
characterize EVOOs. In our case, they varied between 70.7 mg kg1 in On the other hand, the spectra of the phenolic extracts turned out to
Chemlal (sample 10) and 8.8 mg kg1 in Azeradj (sample 26) variety. be particularly informative. Fig. 3 shows the 1H NMR spectrum
However, these compounds are not indicative of the variety of the (700 MHz) of a representative phenolic extract; three main regions
cultivar, but rather of the process used to obtain the olive oil. In fact, could be easily distinguished: aldehydic (9.09.8), aromatic (8.06.2)
as observed by Owen et al. (2000), these compounds are the main com- and aliphatic (5.01.0) regions. Identication of phenolic compounds
ponents of the phenolic fraction of the olive seed and are practically ab- was made following the references in the literature (Christophoridou
sent from the pulp, leaves, and limbs, and therefore their presence in the et al., 2005; Christophoridou & Dais, 2009) and the analysis of the Statis-
oil must be due to the breaking of the pits when the olives are crushed. tical Total Correlation Spectroscopy (STOCSY) (Fig. S2). The assignment
These could be used as an index of the crushing conditions and of the is reported in Table 1 and Fig. 3. In particular, the more intense aldehy-
fruit pulp/seed ratio during olive production. dic signals between 9.20 and 9.75 ppm (Fig. 3) were assigned to the pro-
Regarding the avonoids, they were found within the range of 0.5 tons of the hydrolysis products (af, Table 1) of the monoaldehydic and
51.5 mg kg1 detected in Tabelout (sample 6) and Aberkane (sample 21) dialdehydic forms of ligstroside and oleuropein. Furthermore, the signal
samples, respectively. Luteolin and apigenin were the most relevant at 9.80 ppm was assigned to vanillin (i). The aromatic region, instead,

Please cite this article as: Laincer, F., et al., Characterization of monovarietal extra virgin olive oils from the province of Bjaa (Algeria), Food Re-
search International (2016), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2016.04.024
F. Laincer et al. / Food Research International xxx (2016) xxxxxx 9

was characterized by the presence of the signals of the free As far as the loading plot of PC2 is concerned (Fig. 4D), it is interesting
hydroxytyrosol (n) (6.46.6 ppm). The presence of (+)-1- to note that the variables with the higher loading values (higher dis-
acetoxypinoresinol (g) and (+)-pinoresinol (h) was detected by the criminating power) belong to the dialdehydic and monoaldehydic
assignment of the signals at 6.91 and 6.89 ppm, respectively, while forms of ligstroside and oleuropein, indicating that the samples that
the signal at 7.94 and the set of signals at around 7.42 could be attribut- lie in the bottom of the plot are richer in monoaldehydes, while the
ed to apigenin (m) and luteolin (l), respectively. ones on the top have an higher content of dialdehydes. Unfortunately,
PCA was also performed on the dataset obtained by the NMR spectra the limited number of samples and the lack of replicates prevented us
of the phenolic extract. Three principal components (PCs) accounting to ascribe with certainty this peculiar separation to a dened cause.
for 61.5% (PC1 33.8%, PC2 17.8%, PC3 9.9%) of the variation were identi- For the time being, it can be highlighted that the varieties Rougette de
ed. The plots of PC1 and PC2 scores (Fig. 4A and B) showed the posi- Mitidja (sample 26) and Bouchouk Guergour (sample 8), cultivated in
tioning of the samples according to their chemical characteristics and the Sidi Aich region, offer a very high content of oleocanthal, known
allowed the identication of the most important NMR signals for sample for its ibuprofen-like cyclooxygenase inhibiting activity (Beauchamp
differentiation (loading plot in Fig. 4C and D). The PCA shows that the et al., 2005), suggesting that these olive oils can be considered promis-
samples 19, 23 and 26 (that are those containing the lowest amount ing nutraceutical foods to be used for the treatment of inammatory
of polyphenols) are placed in the very left side of the score plot, opposite diseases (Iacono et al., 2010).
to the samples 4, 9, 10, 15, 18 and 22 (having the highest values of poly- This NMR study gave us also the opportunity to conrm the assign-
phenols) that lie on the very right side of the plot. The loading plot of ment of the signal of some minor compounds in the NMR spectra of
PC1 (Fig. 4C) closely resembles the NMR spectra of the polyphenolic ex- whole oils. Particularly, the signals at 9.70 and 9.45 ppm were con-
tract, thus indicating that this distribution is due to the overall content rmed to belong to hexanal and (E)-2-hexenal, respectively. As far as
of polyphenols. In order to determine if this distribution is, in some the peaks at 9.62 and 9.57 ppm are concerned, they are generally
ways, also correlated to the geographical origin of the samples, they assigned, respectively, to generic branched alkanal and alkenal
were labeled according to two geographical areas of Bjaa province (Mannina et al., 1999). Recently, thanks to the use of separation tech-
(Fig. 1): region 1, closer to the Mediterranean Sea, and region 2, much niques, these peaks were tentatively assigned to monoaldehydes and
more in-land. Surprisingly, in spite of the two geographical areas that dialdehydes forms of ligstroside and oleuropein (Mannina et al.,
are not so different between each other, they turned out to be well sep- 1999). Moreover, in another investigation, the signal at 9.18 ppm was
arated in the score plot. Only four samples, namely 9, 10, 17 and 22, tentatively attributed to dialdehydic derivatives of ligstroside and
were not properly grouped, suggesting that other factors certainly oleuropein (Dugo et al., 2015). In order to conrm those assignments,
inuence this separation. Therefore, overall these data suggest that the a comparison between the NMR spectra of the phenolic extracts
content in polyphenols is inuenced also by the origin of the samples. (where the signals were unambiguously assigned) and of the whole

Fig. 4. (A) PCA score plot colored according to the content of polyphenols (yellow 50160 mg kg1, orange 161470 mg kg1 and red 4711000 mg kg1). (B) PCA score plot colored
according to the region of origin: region 1 (green); region 2 (blue). PC1 and PC2 loading plots are reported in panels C and D, respectively. Letters on the loading plots refer to the
NMR assignment reported in Table 1. (For interpretation of the references to color in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Please cite this article as: Laincer, F., et al., Characterization of monovarietal extra virgin olive oils from the province of Bjaa (Algeria), Food Re-
search International (2016), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2016.04.024
10 F. Laincer et al. / Food Research International xxx (2016) xxxxxx

oils was performed. The basic idea is that if the molecules generating Appendix A. Supplementary data
those signals in the spectra of whole oils are also present in the NMR
spectra of the phenolic extracts, the intensities of their signals should Supplementary data to this article can be found online at http://dx.
be correlated. Thus we computed a matrix of correlation coefcients cal- doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2016.04.024.
culated between the intensities of the signals in the aldehydic region of
the spectra of whole olive oils and the signals present in the same region
of the spectra of the phenolic extracts. Very interestingly, a correlation
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can be unambiguously assigned to the dialdehydic forms of ligstroside A quantitative study on the phenolic compound, tocopherol and fatty acid contents of
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4. Conclusions Bendini, A., Cerretani, L., Carrasco-Pancorbo, A., Gomez-Caravaco, A. M., Segura-Cerretano,
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tance. For this reason, here we reported an in-depth characterization of benzoic and cinnamic acids in edible vegetable oils. Italian Journal of Food Science,
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traditional chemical analysis. Each olive oil turned out to have strength Christophoridou, S., & Dais, P. (2009). Detection and quantication of phenolic com-
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and weakness points. For instance, Souidi and Sigoise varieties had high
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low amount of oleic acid and high amount of palmitic acid. Blanquette de of phenolic compounds in olive oil by coupling high-performance liquid chromatog-
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troscopy (LC-SPE-NMR). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 53(12),
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Conict of interest Gmez-Rico, A., Salvador, M. D., La Greca, M., & Fregapane, G. (2006). Phenolic and vola-
tile compounds of extra virgin olive oil (Olea europaea L. Cv. Cornicabra) with regard
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The authors declare no competing nancial interest.
Chemistry, 54(19), 71307136.
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ride in a murine chondrocyte cell line. Arthritis Rheumatism, 62(6), 16751682.
IOC (2010). International Olive Council. Determination of the content of waxes, fatty acid
The authors are grateful to the staff of ITAFV (Institut d'Arboriculture methyl esters and fatty acid ethyl esters by capillary gas chromatography. COI/T. 20/
Fruitire et de la Vigne) Takeriets (Bjaa Algeria). NC No 28/Rev. 1 (pp. 117).

Please cite this article as: Laincer, F., et al., Characterization of monovarietal extra virgin olive oils from the province of Bjaa (Algeria), Food Re-
search International (2016), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2016.04.024
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Please cite this article as: Laincer, F., et al., Characterization of monovarietal extra virgin olive oils from the province of Bjaa (Algeria), Food Re-
search International (2016), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2016.04.024

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