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Java Oops Concepts: Oops (Object Oriented Programming System)

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java OOPs Concepts

1. Object Oriented Programming

2. Advantage of OOPs over Procedure-oriented programming language

3. Difference between Objcet-oriented and Objcet-based programming language.

In this page, we will learn about basics of OOPs. Object Oriented Programming is a paradigm that provides
many concepts such asinheritance, data binding, polymorphism etc.

Simula is considered as the first object-oriented programming language. The programming paradigm where
everything is represented as an object, is known as truly object-oriented programming language.

Smalltalk is considered as the first truly object-oriented programming language.

OOPs (Object Oriented Programming System)

Object means a real word entity such as pen,

chair, table etc.Object-Oriented Programming is a methodology or paradigm to design a program using
classes and objects. It simplifies the software development and maintenance by providing some concepts:







Any entity that has state and behavior is known as an object. For example: chair, pen, table, keyboard, bike
etc. It can be physical and logical.


Collection of objects is called class. It is a logical entity.


When one object acquires all the properties and behaviours of parent object i.e. known as
inheritance. It provides code reusability. It is used to achieve runtime polymorphism.


When one task is performed by different ways i.e. known as polymorphism. For example: to convense
the customer differently, to draw something e.g. shape or rectangle etc.

In java, we use method overloading and method overriding to achieve polymorphism.

Another example can be to speak something e.g. cat speaks meaw, dog barks woof etc.

Hiding internal details and showing functionality is known as abstraction. For example: phone call, we
don't know the internal processing.

In java, we use abstract class and interface to achieve abstraction.


Binding (or wrapping) code and data together into a single unit is known as encapsulation. For
example: capsule, it is wrapped with different medicines.

A java class is the example of encapsulation. Java bean is the fully encapsulated class because all the data
members are private here.

Advantage of OOPs over Procedure-oriented programming language

1)OOPs makes development and maintenance easier where as in Procedure-oriented programming

language it is not easy to manage if code grows as project size grows.
2)OOPs provides data hiding whereas in Procedure-oriented prgramming language a global data can be
accessed from anywhere.
3)OOPs provides ability to simulate real-world event much more effectively. We can provide the solution
of real word problem if we are using the Object-Oriented Programming language.
What is difference between object-oriented programming language and object-based
programming language?

Object based programming language follows all the features of OOPs except Inheritance. JavaScript and
VBScript are examples of object based programming languages.

Do You Know ?
Can we overload main method ?

Constructor returns a value but, what ?

Can we create a program without main method ?

What are the 6 ways to use this keyword ?

Why multiple inheritance is not supported in java ?

Why use aggregation ?

Can we override the static method ?

What is covariant return type ?

What are the three usage of super keyword?

Why use instance initializer block?

What is the usage of blank final variable ?

What is marker or tagged interface ?

What is runtime polymorphism or dynamic method dispatch ?

What is the difference between static and dynamic binding ?

How downcasting is possible in java ?

What is the purpose of private constructor?

What is object cloning ?

What we will learn in OOPs Concepts ?

Advantage of OOPs

Naming Convention

Object and class

Method overloading


static keyword

this keyword with 6 usage



Method Overriding

Covariant Return Type

super keyword

Instance Initializer block

final keyword

Abstract class


Runtime Polymorphism

Static and Dynamic Binding

Downcasting with instanceof operator


Access Modifiers


Object Cloning

Java Naming conventions

Java naming convention is a rule to follow as you decide what to name your identifiers such as class,
package, variable, constant, method etc.

But, it is not forced to follow. So, it is known as convention not rule.

All the classes, interfaces, packages, methods and fields of java programming language are given according
to java naming convention.

Advantage of naming conventions in java

By using standard Java naming conventions, you make your code easier to read for yourself and for other
programmers. Readability of Java program is very important. It indicates that less time is spent to figure
out what the code does.

Name Convention

class name should start with uppercase letter and be a noun e.g. String, Color, Button, System, Thread etc.

interface name should start with uppercase letter and be an adjective e.g. Runnable, Remote, ActionListener

method name should start with lowercase letter and be a verb e.g. actionPerformed(), main(), print(),
println() etc.

variable name should start with lowercase letter e.g. firstName, orderNumber etc.

package name should be in lowercase letter e.g. java, lang, sql, util etc.

constants should be in uppercase letter. e.g. RED, YELLOW, MAX_PRIORITY etc.


CamelCase in java naming conventions

Java follows camelcase syntax for naming the class, interface, method and variable.

If name is combined with two words, second word will start with uppercase letter always e.g.
actionPerformed(), firstName, ActionEvent, ActionListener etc.

Object and Class in Java

1. Object in Java

2. Class in Java

3. Instace Variable in Java

4. Method in Java

5. Example of Object and class that maintains the records of student

6. Annonymous Object

In this page, we will learn about java objects and classes. In object-oriented programming technique, we
design a program using objects and classes.

Object is the physical as well as logical entity whereas class is the logical entity only.

Object in Java

An entity that has state and behavior is known as an object e.g. chair, bike, marker, pen, table, car etc. It
can be physical or logical (tengible and intengible). The example of integible object is banking system.

An object has three characteristics:

state: represents data (value) of an object.

behavior: represents the behavior (functionality) of an object such as deposit, withdraw etc.

identity: Object identity is typically implemented via a unique ID. The value of the ID is not visible
to the external user. But,it is used internally by the JVM to identify each object uniquely.

For Example: Pen is an object. Its name is Reynolds, color is white etc. known as its state. It is used to
write, so writing is its behavior.
Object is an instance of a class. Class is a template or blueprint from which objects are created. So
object is the instance(result) of a class.

Class in Java

A class is a group of objects that has common properties. It is a template or blueprint from which objects
are created.

A class in java can contain:

data member




class and interface

Syntax to declare a class:

1. class <class_name>{
2. data member;
3. method;
4. }

Simple Example of Object and Class

In this example, we have created a Student class that have two data members id and name. We are
creating the object of the Student class by new keyword and printing the objects value.

1. class Student1{
2. int id;//data member (also instance variable)
3. String name;//data member(also instance variable)
5. public static void main(String args[]){
6. Student1 s1=new Student1();//creating an object of Student
7. System.out.println(s1.id);
8. System.out.println(s1.name);
9. }
10. }
Test it Now
Output:0 null
Instance variable in Java

A variable that is created inside the class but outside the method, is known as instance variable.Instance
variable doesn't get memory at compile time.It gets memory at runtime when object(instance) is
created.That is why, it is known as instance variable.

Method in Java

In java, a method is like function i.e. used to expose behaviour of an object.

Advantage of Method

Code Reusability

Code Optimization

new keyword

The new keyword is used to allocate memory at runtime.

Example of Object and class that maintains the records of


In this example, we are creating the two objects of Student class and initializing the value to these
objects by invoking the insertRecord method on it. Here, we are displaying the state (data) of the objects
by invoking the displayInformation method.
1. class Student2{
2. int rollno;
3. String name;
5. void insertRecord(int r, String n){ //method
6. rollno=r;
7. name=n;
8. }
10. void displayInformation(){System.out.println(rollno+" "+name);}//method
12. public static void main(String args[]){
13. Student2 s1=new Student2();
14. Student2 s2=new Student2();
16. s1.insertRecord(111,"Karan");
17. s2.insertRecord(222,"Aryan");
19. s1.displayInformation();
20. s2.displayInformation();
22. }
23. }
Test it Now
111 Karan
222 Aryan

As you see in the above figure, object gets the memory in Heap area and reference variable refers to the
object allocated in the Heap memory area. Here, s1 and s2 both are reference variables that refer to the
objects allocated in memory.

Another Example of Object and Class

There is given another example that maintains the records of Rectangle class. Its exaplanation is same
as in the above Student class example.
1. class Rectangle{
2. int length;
3. int width;
5. void insert(int l,int w){
6. length=l;
7. width=w;
8. }
10. void calculateArea(){System.out.println(length*width);}
12. public static void main(String args[]){
13. Rectangle r1=new Rectangle();
14. Rectangle r2=new Rectangle();
16. r1.insert(11,5);
17. r2.insert(3,15);
19. r1.calculateArea();
20. r2.calculateArea();
21. }
22. }


What are the different ways to create an object in Java?

There are many ways to create an object in java. They are:

By new keyword

By newInstance() method

By clone() method

By factory method etc.

We will learn, these ways to create the object later.

Annonymous object

Annonymous simply means nameless.An object that have no reference is known as annonymous object.
If you have to use an object only once, annonymous object is a good approach.
1. class Calculation{
3. void fact(int n){
4. int fact=1;
5. for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){
6. fact=fact*i;
7. }
8. System.out.println("factorial is "+fact);
9. }
11. public static void main(String args[]){
12. new Calculation().fact(5);//calling method with annonymous object
13. }
14. }

Output:Factorial is 120

Creating multiple objects by one type only

We can create multiple objects by one type only as we do in case of primitives.
1. Rectangle r1=new Rectangle(),r2=new Rectangle();//creating two objects

Let's see the example:

1. class Rectangle{
2. int length;
3. int width;
5. void insert(int l,int w){
6. length=l;
7. width=w;
8. }
10. void calculateArea(){System.out.println(length*width);}
12. public static void main(String args[]){
13. Rectangle r1=new Rectangle(),r2=new Rectangle();//creating two objects
15. r1.insert(11,5);
16. r2.insert(3,15);
18. r1.calculateArea();
19. r2.calculateArea();
20. }
21. }


Method Overloading in Java

1. Different ways to overload the method

2. By changing the no. of arguments

3. By changing the datatype

4. Why method overloading is not possible by changing the return type

5. Can we overload the main method

6. method overloading with Type Promotion

If a class have multiple methods by same name but different parameters, it is known as Method

If we have to perform only one operation, having same name of the methods increases the readability of the

Suppose you have to perform addition of the given numbers but there can be any number of arguments, if
you write the method such as a(int,int) for two parameters, and b(int,int,int) for three parameters then it
may be difficult for you as well as other programmers to understand the behaviour of the method because
its name differs. So, we perform method overloading to figure out the program quickly.

Advantage of method overloading?

Method overloading increases the readability of the program.

Different ways to overload the method

There are two ways to overload the method in java

1. By changing number of arguments

2. By changing the data type

In java, Methood Overloading is not possible by changing the return type of the method.

1)Example of Method Overloading by changing the no. of


In this example, we have created two overloaded methods, first sum method performs addition of two
numbers and second sum method performs addition of three numbers.

1. class Calculation{
2. void sum(int a,int b){System.out.println(a+b);}
3. void sum(int a,int b,int c){System.out.println(a+b+c);}
5. public static void main(String args[]){
6. Calculation obj=new Calculation();
7. obj.sum(10,10,10);
8. obj.sum(20,20);
10. }
11. }
Test it Now

2)Example of Method Overloading by changing data type of


In this example, we have created two overloaded methods that differs in data type. The first sum method
receives two integer arguments and second sum method receives two double arguments.

1. class Calculation2{
2. void sum(int a,int b){System.out.println(a+b);}
3. void sum(double a,double b){System.out.println(a+b);}
5. public static void main(String args[]){
6. Calculation2 obj=new Calculation2();
7. obj.sum(10.5,10.5);
8. obj.sum(20,20);
10. }
11. }
Test it Now

Que) Why Method Overloaing is not possible by changing the return type of method?

In java, method overloading is not possible by changing the return type of the method because there may
occur ambiguity. Let's see how ambiguity may occur:

because there was problem:

1. class Calculation3{
2. int sum(int a,int b){System.out.println(a+b);}
3. double sum(int a,int b){System.out.println(a+b);}
5. public static void main(String args[]){
6. Calculation3 obj=new Calculation3();
7. int result=obj.sum(20,20); //Compile Time Error
9. }
10. }
Test it Now

int result=obj.sum(20,20); //Here how can java determine which sum() method should be called
Can we overload main() method?

Yes, by method overloading. You can have any number of main methods in a class by method overloading.
Let's see the simple example:

1. class Overloading1{
2. public static void main(int a){
3. System.out.println(a);
4. }
6. public static void main(String args[]){
7. System.out.println("main() method invoked");
8. main(10);
9. }
10. }
Test it Now
Output:main() method invoked

Method Overloading and TypePromotion

One type is promoted to another implicitly if no matching datatype is found. Let's understand the concept by
the figure given below:
As displayed in the above diagram, byte can be promoted to short, int, long, float or double. The short
datatype can be promoted to int,long,float or double. The char datatype can be promoted to int,long,float or
double and so on.

Example of Method Overloading with TypePromotion

1. class OverloadingCalculation1{
2. void sum(int a,long b){System.out.println(a+b);}
3. void sum(int a,int b,int c){System.out.println(a+b+c);}
5. public static void main(String args[]){
6. OverloadingCalculation1 obj=new OverloadingCalculation1();
7. obj.sum(20,20);//now second int literal will be promoted to long
8. obj.sum(20,20,20);
10. }
11. }
Test it Now
Example of Method Overloading with TypePromotion if matching

If there are matching type arguments in the method, type promotion is not performed.

1. class OverloadingCalculation2{
2. void sum(int a,int b){System.out.println("int arg method invoked");}
3. void sum(long a,long b){System.out.println("long arg method invoked");}
5. public static void main(String args[]){
6. OverloadingCalculation2 obj=new OverloadingCalculation2();
7. obj.sum(20,20);//now int arg sum() method gets invoked
8. }
9. }
Test it Now
Output:int arg method invoked

Example of Method Overloading with TypePromotion in case


If there are no matching type arguments in the method, and each method promotes similar number of
arguments, there will be ambiguity.

1. class OverloadingCalculation3{
2. void sum(int a,long b){System.out.println("a method invoked");}
3. void sum(long a,int b){System.out.println("b method invoked");}
5. public static void main(String args[]){
6. OverloadingCalculation3 obj=new OverloadingCalculation3();
7. obj.sum(20,20);//now ambiguity
8. }
9. }
Test it Now
Output:Compile Time Error
Constructor in Java
1. Types of constructors

1. Default Constructor

2. Parameterized Constructor

2. Constructor Overloading

3. Does constructor return any value

4. Copying the values of one object into another

5. Does constructor perform other task instead initialization

Constructor in java is a special type of method that is used to initialize the object.

Java constructor is invoked at the time of object creation. It constructs the values i.e. provides data for
the object that is why it is known as constructor.

Rules for creating java constructor

There are basically two rules defined for the constructor.

1. Constructor name must be same as its class name

2. Constructor must have no explicit return type

Types of java constructors

There are two types of constructors:

1. Default constructor (no-arg constructor)

2. Parameterized constructor
Java Default Constructor

A constructor that have no parameter is known as default constructor.

Syntax of default constructor:

1. <class_name>(){}

Example of default constructor

In this example, we are creating the no-arg constructor in the Bike class. It will be invoked at the time of
object creation.
1. class Bike1{
2. Bike1(){System.out.println("Bike is created");}
3. public static void main(String args[]){
4. Bike1 b=new Bike1();
5. }
6. }

Test it Now


Bike is created

Rule: If there is no constructor in a class, compiler automatically creates a default constructor.

Q) What is the purpose of default constructor?

Default constructor provides the default values to the object like 0, null etc. depending on the type.

Example of default constructor that displays the default

1. class Student3{
2. int id;
3. String name;
5. void display(){System.out.println(id+" "+name);}
7. public static void main(String args[]){
8. Student3 s1=new Student3();
9. Student3 s2=new Student3();
10. s1.display();
11. s2.display();
12. }
13. }

Test it Now


0 null
0 null

Explanation:In the above class,you are not creating any constructor so compiler provides you a default
constructor.Here 0 and null values are provided by default constructor.

Java parameterized constructor

A constructor that have parameters is known as parameterized constructor.

Why use parameterized constructor?

Parameterized constructor is used to provide different values to the distinct objects.

Example of parameterized constructor

In this example, we have created the constructor of Student class that have two parameters. We can
have any number of parameters in the constructor.
1. class Student4{
2. int id;
3. String name;
5. Student4(int i,String n){
6. id = i;
7. name = n;
8. }
9. void display(){System.out.println(id+" "+name);}
11. public static void main(String args[]){
12. Student4 s1 = new Student4(111,"Karan");
13. Student4 s2 = new Student4(222,"Aryan");
14. s1.display();
15. s2.display();
16. }
17. }

Test it Now


111 Karan
222 Aryan

Constructor Overloading in Java

Constructor overloading is a technique in Java in which a class can have any number of constructors that
differ in parameter lists.The compiler differentiates these constructors by taking into account the number
of parameters in the list and their type.

Example of Constructor Overloading

1. class Student5{
2. int id;
3. String name;
4. int age;
5. Student5(int i,String n){
6. id = i;
7. name = n;
8. }
9. Student5(int i,String n,int a){
10. id = i;
11. name = n;
12. age=a;
13. }
14. void display(){System.out.println(id+" "+name+" "+age);}
16. public static void main(String args[]){
17. Student5 s1 = new Student5(111,"Karan");
18. Student5 s2 = new Student5(222,"Aryan",25);
19. s1.display();
20. s2.display();
21. }
22. }

Test it Now


111 Karan 0
222 Aryan 25

Difference between constructor and method in java

There are many differences between constructors and methods. They are given below.

Java Constructor Java Method

Constructor is used to initialize the state of an object. Method is used to expose behaviour of an

Constructor must not have return type. Method must have return type.

Constructor is invoked implicitly. Method is invoked explicitly.

The java compiler provides a default constructor if you don't have Method is not provided by compiler in any
any constructor. case.

Constructor name must be same as the class name. Method name may or may not be same as
class name.

Java Copy Constructor

There is no copy constructor in java. But, we can copy the values of one object to another like copy
constructor in C++.
There are many ways to copy the values of one object into another in java. They are:

By constructor

By assigning the values of one object into another

By clone() method of Object class

In this example, we are going to copy the values of one object into another using java constructor.

1. class Student6{
2. int id;
3. String name;
4. Student6(int i,String n){
5. id = i;
6. name = n;
7. }
9. Student6(Student6 s){
10. id = s.id;
11. name =s.name;
12. }
13. void display(){System.out.println(id+" "+name);}
15. public static void main(String args[]){
16. Student6 s1 = new Student6(111,"Karan");
17. Student6 s2 = new Student6(s1);
18. s1.display();
19. s2.display();
20. }
21. }
Test it Now


111 Karan
111 Karan

Copying values without constructor

We can copy the values of one object into another by assigning the objects values to another object. In this
case, there is no need to create the constructor.

1. class Student7{
2. int id;
3. String name;
4. Student7(int i,String n){
5. id = i;
6. name = n;
7. }
8. Student7(){}
9. void display(){System.out.println(id+" "+name);}
11. public static void main(String args[]){
12. Student7 s1 = new Student7(111,"Karan");
13. Student7 s2 = new Student7();
14. s2.id=s1.id;
15. s2.name=s1.name;
16. s1.display();
17. s2.display();
18. }
19. }
Test it Now


111 Karan
111 Karan

Q) Does constructor return any value?

Ans:yes, that is current class instance (You cannot use return type yet it returns a value).

Can constructor perform other tasks instead of initialization?

Yes, like object creation, starting a thread, calling method etc. You can perform any operation in the
constructor as you perform in the method.

Inheritance in Java
1. Inheritance

2. Types of Inheritance

3. Why multiple inheritance is not possible in java in case of class?

Inheritance in java is a mechanism in which one object acquires all the properties and behaviors of parent

The idea behind inheritance in java is that you can create new classes that are built upon existing classes.
When you inherit from an existing class, you can reuse methods and fields of parent class, and you can add
new methods and fields also.
Inheritance represents the IS-A relationship, also known as parent-child relationship.

Why use inheritance in java

For Method Overriding (so runtime polymorphism can be achieved).

For Code Reusability.

Syntax of Java Inheritance

1. class Subclass-name extends Superclass-name
2. {
3. //methods and fields
4. }

The extends keyword indicates that you are making a new class that derives from an existing class.

In the terminology of Java, a class that is inherited is called a super class. The new class is called a subclass.

Understanding the simple example of inheritance

As displayed in the above figure, Programmer is the subclass and Employee is the superclass. Relationship
between two classes is Programmer IS-A Employee.It means that Programmer is a type of Employee.
1. class Employee{
2. float salary=40000;
3. }
4. class Programmer extends Employee{
5. int bonus=10000;
6. public static void main(String args[]){
7. Programmer p=new Programmer();
8. System.out.println("Programmer salary is:"+p.salary);
9. System.out.println("Bonus of Programmer is:"+p.bonus);
10. }
11. }
Test it Now
Programmer salary is:40000.0
Bonus of programmer is:10000

In the above example, Programmer object can access the field of own class as well as of Employee class i.e.
code reusability.

Types of inheritance in java

On the basis of class, there can be three types of inheritance in java: single, multilevel and hierarchical.

In java programming, multiple and hybrid inheritance is supported through interface only. We will learn
about interfaces later.
Note: Multiple inheritance is not supported in java through class.

When a class extends multiple classes i.e. known as multiple inheritance. For Example:
Q) Why multiple inheritance is not supported in java?
To reduce the complexity and simplify the language, multiple inheritance is not supported in java.

Consider a scenario where A, B and C are three classes. The C class inherits A and B classes. If A and B
classes have same method and you call it from child class object, there will be ambiguity to call method of A
or B class.

Since compile time errors are better than runtime errors, java renders compile time error if you inherit 2
classes. So whether you have same method or different, there will be compile time error now.

1. class A{
2. void msg(){System.out.println("Hello");}
3. }
4. class B{
5. void msg(){System.out.println("Welcome");}
6. }
7. class C extends A,B{//suppose if it were
9. Public Static void main(String args[]){
10. C obj=new C();
11. obj.msg();//Now which msg() method would be invoked?
12. }
13. }
Test it Now
Compile Time Error
Aggregation in Java
If a class have an entity reference, it is known as Aggregation. Aggregation represents HAS-A relationship.

Consider a situation, Employee object contains many informations such as id, name, emailId etc. It contains
one more object named address, which contains its own informations such as city, state, country, zipcode
etc. as given below.

1. class Employee{
2. int id;
3. String name;
4. Address address;//Address is a class
5. ...
6. }

In such case, Employee has an entity reference address, so relationship is Employee HAS-A address.

Why use Aggregation?

For Code Reusability.

Simple Example of Aggregation

In this example, we have created the reference of Operation class in the Circle class.

1. class Operation{
2. int square(int n){
3. return n*n;
4. }
5. }
7. class Circle{
8. Operation op;//aggregation
9. double pi=3.14;
11. double area(int radius){
12. op=new Operation();
13. int rsquare=op.square(radius);//code reusability (i.e. delegates the method call).
14. return pi*rsquare;
15. }
19. public static void main(String args[]){
20. Circle c=new Circle();
21. double result=c.area(5);
22. System.out.println(result);
23. }
24. }
Test it Now

When use Aggregation?

Code reuse is also best achieved by aggregation when there is no is-a relationship.

Inheritance should be used only if the relationship is-a is maintained throughout the lifetime of the
objects involved; otherwise, aggregation is the best choice.

Understanding meaningful example of Aggregation

In this example, Employee has an object of Address, address object contains its own informations such as
city, state, country etc. In such case relationship is Employee HAS-A address.


1. public class Address {

2. String city,state,country;
4. public Address(String city, String state, String country) {
5. this.city = city;
6. this.state = state;
7. this.country = country;
8. }
10. }


1. public class Emp {

2. int id;
3. String name;
4. Address address;
6. public Emp(int id, String name,Address address) {
7. this.id = id;
8. this.name = name;
9. this.address=address;
10. }
12. void display(){
13. System.out.println(id+" "+name);
14. System.out.println(address.city+" "+address.state+" "+address.country);
15. }
17. public static void main(String[] args) {
18. Address address1=new Address("gzb","UP","india");
19. Address address2=new Address("gno","UP","india");
21. Emp e=new Emp(111,"varun",address1);
22. Emp e2=new Emp(112,"arun",address2);
24. e.display();
25. e2.display();
27. }
28. }
Test it Now
Output:111 varun
gzb UP india
112 arun
gno UP india
Method Overriding in Java
1. Understanding problem without method overriding

2. Can we override the static method

3. method overloading vs method overriding

If subclass (child class) has the same method as declared in the parent class, it is known as method
overriding in java.

In other words, If subclass provides the specific implementation of the method that has been provided by
one of its parent class, it is known as method overriding.

Usage of Java Method Overriding

o Method overriding is used to provide specific implementation of a method that is already provided
by its super class.

o Method overriding is used for runtime polymorphism

Rules for Java Method Overriding

1. method must have same name as in the parent class

2. method must have same parameter as in the parent class.

3. must be IS-A relationship (inheritance).

Understanding the problem without method overriding

Let's understand the problem that we may face in the program if we don't use method overriding.

1. class Vehicle{
2. void run(){System.out.println("Vehicle is running");}
3. }
4. class Bike extends Vehicle{
6. public static void main(String args[]){
7. Bike obj = new Bike();
8. obj.run();
9. }
10. }
Test it Now
Output:Vehicle is running

Problem is that I have to provide a specific implementation of run() method in subclass that is why we use
method overriding.

Example of method overriding

In this example, we have defined the run method in the subclass as defined in the parent class but it has
some specific implementation. The name and parameter of the method is same and there is IS-A
relationship between the classes, so there is method overriding.

1. class Vehicle{
2. void run(){System.out.println("Vehicle is running");}
3. }
4. class Bike2 extends Vehicle{
5. void run(){System.out.println("Bike is running safely");}
7. public static void main(String args[]){
8. Bike2 obj = new Bike2();
9. obj.run();
10. }
Test it Now
Output:Bike is running safely

Real example of Java Method Overriding

Consider a scenario, Bank is a class that provides functionality to get rate of interest. But, rate of interest
varies according to banks. For example, SBI, ICICI and AXIS banks could provide 8%, 7% and 9% rate of
1. class Bank{
2. int getRateOfInterest(){return 0;}
3. }
5. class SBI extends Bank{
6. int getRateOfInterest(){return 8;}
7. }
9. class ICICI extends Bank{
10. int getRateOfInterest(){return 7;}
11. }
12. class AXIS extends Bank{
13. int getRateOfInterest(){return 9;}
14. }
16. class Test2{
17. public static void main(String args[]){
18. SBI s=new SBI();
19. ICICI i=new ICICI();
20. AXIS a=new AXIS();
21. System.out.println("SBI Rate of Interest: "+s.getRateOfInterest());
22. System.out.println("ICICI Rate of Interest: "+i.getRateOfInterest());
23. System.out.println("AXIS Rate of Interest: "+a.getRateOfInterest());
24. }
25. }
Test it Now
SBI Rate of Interest: 8
ICICI Rate of Interest: 7
AXIS Rate of Interest: 9

Can we override static method?

No, static method cannot be overridden. It can be proved by runtime polymorphism, so we will learn it later.
Why we cannot override static method?

because static method is bound with class whereas instance method is bound with object. Static belongs to
class area and instance belongs to heap area.

Can we override java main method?

No, because main is a static method.

Difference between method Overloading and Method Overriding

in java
Click me for difference between method overloading and overriding

More topics on Method Overriding (Not For Beginners)

Method Overriding with Access Modifier

Let's see the concept of method overriding with access modifier.

Exception Handling with Method Overriding

Let's see the concept of method overriding with exception handling.

Covariant Return Type
The covariant return type specifies that the return type may vary in the same direction as the subclass.

Before Java5, it was not possible to override any method by changing the return type. But now, since Java5,
it is possible to override method by changing the return type if subclass overrides any method whose return
type is Non-Primitive but it changes its return type to subclass type. Let's take a simple example:

Note: If you are beginner to java, skip this topic and return to it after OOPs concepts.

Simple example of Covariant Return Type

1. class A{
2. A get(){return this;}
3. }
5. class B1 extends A{
6. B1 get(){return this;}
7. void message(){System.out.println("welcome to covariant return type");}
9. public static void main(String args[]){
10. new B1().get().message();
11. }
12. }
Test it Now
Output:welcome to covariant return type

As you can see in the above example, the return type of the get() method of A class is A but the return type
of the get() method of B class is B. Both methods have different return type but it is method overriding. This
is known as covariant return type.

super keyword in java

The super keyword in java is a reference variable that is used to refer immediate parent class object.

Whenever you create the instance of subclass, an instance of parent class is created implicitly i.e. referred
by super reference variable.

Usage of java super Keyword

1. super is used to refer immediate parent class instance variable.

2. super() is used to invoke immediate parent class constructor.

3. super is used to invoke immediate parent class method.

1) super is used to refer immediate parent class instance variable.

Problem without super keyword
1. class Vehicle{
2. int speed=50;
3. }
4. class Bike3 extends Vehicle{
5. int speed=100;
6. void display(){
7. System.out.println(speed);//will print speed of Bike
8. }
9. public static void main(String args[]){
10. Bike3 b=new Bike3();
11. b.display();
12. }
13. }
Test it Now

In the above example Vehicle and Bike both class have a common property speed. Instance variable of
current class is refered by instance bydefault, but I have to refer parent class instance variable that is
why we use super keyword to distinguish between parent class instance variable and current class
instance variable.

Solution by super keyword

1. //example of super keyword
3. class Vehicle{
4. int speed=50;
5. }
7. class Bike4 extends Vehicle{
8. int speed=100;
10. void display(){
11. System.out.println(super.speed);//will print speed of Vehicle now
12. }
13. public static void main(String args[]){
14. Bike4 b=new Bike4();
15. b.display();
17. }
18. }
Test it Now

2) super is used to invoke parent class constructor.

The super keyword can also be used to invoke the parent class constructor as given below:
1. class Vehicle{
2. Vehicle(){System.out.println("Vehicle is created");}
3. }
5. class Bike5 extends Vehicle{
6. Bike5(){
7. super();//will invoke parent class constructor
8. System.out.println("Bike is created");
9. }
10. public static void main(String args[]){
11. Bike5 b=new Bike5();
13. }
14. }
Test it Now
Output:Vehicle is created
Bike is created

Note: super() is added in each class constructor automatically by compiler.

As we know well that default constructor is provided by compiler automatically but it also adds super() for
the first statement.If you are creating your own constructor and you don't have either this() or super() as
the first statement, compiler will provide super() as the first statement of the constructor.

Another example of super keyword where super() is provided by the compiler


1. class Vehicle{
2. Vehicle(){System.out.println("Vehicle is created");}
3. }
5. class Bike6 extends Vehicle{
6. int speed;
7. Bike6(int speed){
8. this.speed=speed;
9. System.out.println(speed);
10. }
11. public static void main(String args[]){
12. Bike6 b=new Bike6(10);
13. }
14. }
Test it Now
Output:Vehicle is created

3) super can be used to invoke parent class method

The super keyword can also be used to invoke parent class method. It should be used in case subclass
contains the same method as parent class as in the example given below:
1. class Person{
2. void message(){System.out.println("welcome");}
3. }
5. class Student16 extends Person{
6. void message(){System.out.println("welcome to java");}
8. void display(){
9. message();//will invoke current class message() method
10. super.message();//will invoke parent class message() method
11. }
13. public static void main(String args[]){
14. Student16 s=new Student16();
15. s.display();
16. }
17. }
Test it Now
Output:welcome to java

In the above example Student and Person both classes have message() method if we call message()
method from Student class, it will call the message() method of Student class not of Person class
because priority is given to local.

In case there is no method in subclass as parent, there is no need to use super. In the example given
below message() method is invoked from Student class but Student class does not have message()
method, so you can directly call message() method.

Program in case super is not required

1. class Person{
2. void message(){System.out.println("welcome");}
3. }
5. class Student17 extends Person{
7. void display(){
8. message();//will invoke parent class message() method
9. }
11. public static void main(String args[]){
12. Student17 s=new Student17();
13. s.display();
14. }
15. }
Test it Now
Instance initializer block:
1. Instance initializer block

2. Example of Instance initializer block

3. What is invoked firstly instance initializer block or constructor?

4. Rules for instance initializer block

5. Program of instance initializer block that is invoked after super()

Instance Initializer block is used to initialize the instance data member. It run each time when object
of the class is created.
The initialization of the instance variable can be directly but there can be performed extra operations
while initializing the instance variable in the instance initializer block.

Que) What is the use of instance initializer block while we can directly assign a value
in instance data member? For example:
1. class Bike{
2. int speed=100;
3. }

Why use instance initializer block?

Suppose I have to perform some operations while assigning value to instance data member e.g. a for
loop to fill a complex array or error handling etc.

Example of instance initializer block

Let's see the simple example of instance initializer block the performs initialization.
1. class Bike7{
2. int speed;
4. Bike7(){System.out.println("speed is "+speed);}
6. {speed=100;}
8. public static void main(String args[]){
9. Bike7 b1=new Bike7();
10. Bike7 b2=new Bike7();
11. }
12. }
Test it Now
Output:speed is 100
speed is 100

There are three places in java where you can perform operations:
1. method

2. constructor

3. block

What is invoked firstly instance initializer block or constructor?

1. class Bike8{
2. int speed;
4. Bike8(){System.out.println("constructor is invoked");}
6. {System.out.println("instance initializer block invoked");}
8. public static void main(String args[]){
9. Bike8 b1=new Bike8();
10. Bike8 b2=new Bike8();
11. }
12. }
Test it Now
Output:instance initializer block invoked
constructor is invoked
instance initializer block invoked
constructor is invoked

In the above example, it seems that instance initializer block is firstly invoked but NO. Instance intializer
block is invoked at the time of object creation. The java compiler copies the instance initializer block in
the constructor after the first statement super(). So firstly, constructor is invoked. Let's understand it by
the figure given below:

Note: The java compiler copies the code of instance initializer block in every
Rules for instance initializer block :

There are mainly three rules for the instance initializer block. They are as follows:
1. The instance initializer block is created when instance of the class is created.

2. The instance initializer block is invoked after the parent class constructor is invoked (i.e. after
super() constructor call).

3. The instance initializer block comes in the order in which they appear.

Program of instance initializer block that is invoked after super()

1. class A{
2. A(){
3. System.out.println("parent class constructor invoked");
4. }
5. }
6. class B2 extends A{
7. B2(){
8. super();
9. System.out.println("child class constructor invoked");
10. }
12. {System.out.println("instance initializer block is invoked");}
14. public static void main(String args[]){
15. B2 b=new B2();
16. }
17. }
Test it Now
Output:parent class constructor invoked
instance initializer block is invoked
child class constructor invoked

Another example of instance block

1. class A{
2. A(){
3. System.out.println("parent class constructor invoked");
4. }
5. }
7. class B3 extends A{
8. B3(){
9. super();
10. System.out.println("child class constructor invoked");
11. }
13. B3(int a){
14. super();
15. System.out.println("child class constructor invoked "+a);
16. }
18. {System.out.println("instance initializer block is invoked");}
20. public static void main(String args[]){
21. B3 b1=new B3();
22. B3 b2=new B3(10);
23. }
24. }
Test it Now
Output:parent class constructor invoked
instance initializer block is invoked
child class constructor invoked
parent class constructor invoked
instance initializer block is invoked
child class constructor invoked 10

Final Keyword In Java

1. Final variable

2. Final method

3. Final class

4. Is final method inherited ?

5. Blank final variable

6. Static blank final variable

7. Final parameter

8. Can you declare a final constructor

The final keyword in java is used to restrict the user. The java final keyword can be used in many context.
Final can be:
1. variable

2. method

3. class

The final keyword can be applied with the variables, a final variable that have no value it is called blank final
variable or uninitialized final variable. It can be initialized in the constructor only. The blank final variable can
be static also which will be initialized in the static block only. We will have detailed learning of these. Let's
first learn the basics of final keyword.

1) Java final variable

If you make any variable as final, you cannot change the value of final variable(It will be constant).

Example of final variable

There is a final variable speedlimit, we are going to change the value of this variable, but It can't be changed
because final variable once assigned a value can never be changed.

1. class Bike9{
2. final int speedlimit=90;//final variable
3. void run(){
4. speedlimit=400;
5. }
6. public static void main(String args[]){
7. Bike9 obj=new Bike9();
8. obj.run();
9. }
10. }//end of class
Test it Now
Output:Compile Time Error
2) Java final method
If you make any method as final, you cannot override it.

Example of final method

1. class Bike{
2. final void run(){System.out.println("running");}
3. }
5. class Honda extends Bike{
6. void run(){System.out.println("running safely with 100kmph");}
8. public static void main(String args[]){
9. Honda honda= new Honda();
10. honda.run();
11. }
12. }
Test it Now
Output:Compile Time Error

3) Java final class

If you make any class as final, you cannot extend it.

Example of final class

1. final class Bike{}
3. class Honda1 extends Bike{
4. void run(){System.out.println("running safely with 100kmph");}
6. public static void main(String args[]){
7. Honda1 honda= new Honda();
8. honda.run();
9. }
10. }
Test it Now
Output:Compile Time Error

Q) Is final method inherited?

Ans) Yes, final method is inherited but you cannot override it. For Example:
1. class Bike{
2. final void run(){System.out.println("running...");}
3. }
4. class Honda2 extends Bike{
5. public static void main(String args[]){
6. new Honda2().run();
7. }
8. }
Test it Now

Q) What is blank or uninitialized final variable?

A final variable that is not initialized at the time of declaration is known as blank final variable.

If you want to create a variable that is initialized at the time of creating object and once initialized may not
be changed, it is useful. For example PAN CARD number of an employee.

It can be initialized only in constructor.

Example of blank final variable

1. class Student{
2. int id;
3. String name;
4. final String PAN_CARD_NUMBER;
5. ...
6. }

Que) Can we initialize blank final variable?

Yes, but only in constructor. For example:

1. class Bike10{
2. final int speedlimit;//blank final variable
4. Bike10(){
5. speedlimit=70;
6. System.out.println(speedlimit);
7. }
9. public static void main(String args[]){
10. new Bike10();
11. }
12. }
Test it Now
static blank final variable

A static final variable that is not initialized at the time of declaration is known as static blank final variable. It
can be initialized only in static block.

Example of static blank final variable

1. class A{
2. static final int data;//static blank final variable
3. static{ data=50;}
4. public static void main(String args[]){
5. System.out.println(A.data);
6. }
7. }

Q) What is final parameter?

If you declare any parameter as final, you cannot change the value of it.

1. class Bike11{
2. int cube(final int n){
3. n=n+2;//can't be changed as n is final
4. n*n*n;
5. }
6. public static void main(String args[]){
7. Bike11 b=new Bike11();
8. b.cube(5);
9. }
10. }

Output:Compile Time Error

Polymorphism in Java
Polymorphism in java is a concept by which we can perform a single action by different ways.
Polymorphism is derived from 2 greek words: poly and morphs. The word "poly" means many and "morphs"
means forms. So polymorphism means many forms.

There are two types of polymorphism in java: compile time polymorphism and runtime polymorphism. We
can perform polymorphism in java by method overloading and method overriding.

If you overload static method in java, it is the example of compile time polymorphism. Here, we will focus on
runtime polymorphism in java.
Runtime Polymorphism in Java
Runtime polymorphism or Dynamic Method Dispatch is a process in which a call to an overridden
method is resolved at runtime rather than compile-time.

In this process, an overridden method is called through the reference variable of a superclass. The
determination of the method to be called is based on the object being referred to by the reference variable.

Let's first understand the upcasting before Runtime Polymorphism.


When reference variable of Parent class refers to the object of Child class, it is known as upcasting. For

1. class A{}
2. class B extends A{}
1. A a=new B();//upcasting

Example of Java Runtime Polymorphism

In this example, we are creating two classes Bike and Splendar. Splendar class extends Bike class and
overrides its run() method. We are calling the run method by the reference variable of Parent class. Since it
refers to the subclass object and subclass method overrides the Parent class method, subclass method is
invoked at runtime.

Since method invocation is determined by the JVM not compiler, it is known as runtime polymorphism.

1. class Bike{
2. void run(){System.out.println("running");}
3. }
4. class Splender extends Bike{
5. void run(){System.out.println("running safely with 60km");}
7. public static void main(String args[]){
8. Bike b = new Splender();//upcasting
9. b.run();
10. }
11. }
Test it Now
Output:running safely with 60km.

Real example of Java Runtime Polymorphism

Consider a scenario, Bank is a class that provides method to get the rate of interest. But, rate of interest
may differ according to banks. For example, SBI, ICICI and AXIS banks could provide 8%, 7% and 9% rate
of interest.

Note: It is also given in method overriding but there was no upcasting.

1. class Bank{
2. int getRateOfInterest(){return 0;}
3. }
5. class SBI extends Bank{
6. int getRateOfInterest(){return 8;}
7. }
9. class ICICI extends Bank{
10. int getRateOfInterest(){return 7;}
11. }
12. class AXIS extends Bank{
13. int getRateOfInterest(){return 9;}
14. }
16. class Test3{
17. public static void main(String args[]){
18. Bank b1=new SBI();
19. Bank b2=new ICICI();
20. Bank b3=new AXIS();
21. System.out.println("SBI Rate of Interest: "+b1.getRateOfInterest());
22. System.out.println("ICICI Rate of Interest: "+b2.getRateOfInterest());
23. System.out.println("AXIS Rate of Interest: "+b3.getRateOfInterest());
24. }
25. }
Test it Now
SBI Rate of Interest: 8
ICICI Rate of Interest: 7
AXIS Rate of Interest: 9

Java Runtime Polymorphism with data member

Method is overridden not the datamembers, so runtime polymorphism can't be achieved by data
In the example given below, both the classes have a datamember speedlimit, we are accessing the
datamember by the reference variable of Parent class which refers to the subclass object. Since we are
accessing the datamember which is not overridden, hence it will access the datamember of Parent class

Rule: Runtime polymorphism can't be achieved by data members.

1. class Bike{
2. int speedlimit=90;
3. }
4. class Honda3 extends Bike{
5. int speedlimit=150;
7. public static void main(String args[]){
8. Bike obj=new Honda3();
9. System.out.println(obj.speedlimit);//90
10. }
Test it Now

Java Runtime Polymorphism with Multilevel Inheritance

Let's see the simple example of Runtime Polymorphism with multilevel inheritance.

1. class Animal{
2. void eat(){System.out.println("eating");}
3. }
5. class Dog extends Animal{
6. void eat(){System.out.println("eating fruits");}
7. }
9. class BabyDog extends Dog{
10. void eat(){System.out.println("drinking milk");}
12. public static void main(String args[]){
13. Animal a1,a2,a3;
14. a1=new Animal();
15. a2=new Dog();
16. a3=new BabyDog();
18. a1.eat();
19. a2.eat();
20. a3.eat();
21. }
22. }
Test it Now
Output: eating
eating fruits
drinking Milk

Try for Output

1. class Animal{
2. void eat(){System.out.println("animal is eating...");}
3. }
5. class Dog extends Animal{
6. void eat(){System.out.println("dog is eating...");}
7. }
9. class BabyDog1 extends Dog{
10. public static void main(String args[]){
11. Animal a=new BabyDog1();
12. a.eat();
13. }}
Test it Now
Output: Dog is eating

Static Binding and Dynamic Binding

Connecting a method call to the method body is known as binding.

There are two types of binding

1. static binding (also known as early binding).

2. dynamic binding (also known as late binding).

Understanding Type
Let's understand the type of instance.

1) variables have a type

Each variable has a type, it may be primitive and non-primitive.

1. int data=30;

Here data variable is a type of int.

2) References have a type

1. class Dog{
2. public static void main(String args[]){
3. Dog d1;//Here d1 is a type of Dog
4. }
5. }

3) Objects have a type

An object is an instance of particular java class,but it is also an instance of its superclass.

1. class Animal{}
3. class Dog extends Animal{
4. public static void main(String args[]){
5. Dog d1=new Dog();
6. }
7. }

Here d1 is an instance of Dog class, but it is also an instance of Animal.

static binding

When type of the object is determined at compiled time(by the compiler), it is known as static binding.

If there is any private, final or static method in a class, there is static binding.

Example of static binding

1. class Dog{
2. private void eat(){System.out.println("dog is eating...");}
4. public static void main(String args[]){
5. Dog d1=new Dog();
6. d1.eat();
7. }
8. }

Dynamic binding
When type of the object is determined at run-time, it is known as dynamic binding.

Example of dynamic binding

1. class Animal{
2. void eat(){System.out.println("animal is eating...");}
3. }
5. class Dog extends Animal{
6. void eat(){System.out.println("dog is eating...");}
8. public static void main(String args[]){
9. Animal a=new Dog();
10. a.eat();
11. }
12. }
Test it Now
Output:dog is eating...

In the above example object type cannot be determined by the compiler, because the instance of Dog is
also an instance of Animal.So compiler doesn't know its type, only its base type.

Java instanceof
1. java instanceof

2. Example of instanceof operator

3. Applying the instanceof operator with a variable the have null value

4. Downcasting with instanceof operator

5. Downcasting without instanceof operator

The java instanceof operator is used to test whether the object is an instance of the specified type (class
or subclass or interface).

The instanceof in java is also known as type comparison operatorbecause it compares the instance with
type. It returns either true or false. If we apply the instanceof operator with any variable that has null value,
it returns false.

Simple example of java instanceof

Let's see the simple example of instance operator where it tests the current class.

1. class Simple1{
2. public static void main(String args[]){
3. Simple1 s=new Simple1();
4. System.out.println(s instanceof Simple);//true
5. }
6. }
Test it Now

An object of subclass type is also a type of parent class. For example, if Dog extends Animal then object of
Dog can be referred by either Dog or Animal class.

Another example of java instanceof operator

1. class Animal{}
2. class Dog1 extends Animal{//Dog inherits Animal
4. public static void main(String args[]){
5. Dog1 d=new Dog1();
6. System.out.println(d instanceof Animal);//true
7. }
8. }
Test it Now

instanceof in java with a variable that have null value

If we apply instanceof operator with a variable that have null value, it returns false. Let's see the example
given below where we apply instanceof operator with the variable that have null value.

1. class Dog2{
2. public static void main(String args[]){
3. Dog2 d=null;
4. System.out.println(d instanceof Dog2);//false
5. }
6. }
Test it Now

Downcasting with java instanceof operator

When Subclass type refers to the object of Parent class, it is known as downcasting. If we perform it directly,
compiler gives Compilation error. If you perform it by typecasting, ClassCastException is thrown at runtime.
But if we use instanceof operator, downcasting is possible.

1. Dog d=new Animal();//Compilation error

If we perform downcasting by typecasting, ClassCastException is thrown at runtime.

1. Dog d=(Dog)new Animal();

2. //Compiles successfully but ClassCastException is thrown at runtime

Possibility of downcasting with instanceof

Let's see the example, where downcasting is possible by instanceof operator.

1. class Animal { }
3. class Dog3 extends Animal {
4. static void method(Animal a) {
5. if(a instanceof Dog3){
6. Dog3 d=(Dog3)a;//downcasting
7. System.out.println("ok downcasting performed");
8. }
9. }
11. public static void main (String [] args) {
12. Animal a=new Dog3();
13. Dog3.method(a);
14. }
16. }
Test it Now
Output:ok downcasting performed

Downcasting without the use of java instanceof

Downcasting can also be performed without the use of instanceof operator as displayed in the following

1. class Animal { }
2. class Dog4 extends Animal {
3. static void method(Animal a) {
4. Dog4 d=(Dog4)a;//downcasting
5. System.out.println("ok downcasting performed");
6. }
7. public static void main (String [] args) {
8. Animal a=new Dog4();
9. Dog4.method(a);
10. }
11. }
Test it Now
Output:ok downcasting performed

Let's take closer look at this, actual object that is referred by a, is an object of Dog class. So if we downcast
it, it is fine. But what will happen if we write:

1. Animal a=new Animal();

2. Dog.method(a);
3. //Now ClassCastException but not in case of instanceof operator

Understanding Real use of instanceof in java

Let's see the real use of instanceof keyword by the example given below.

1. interface Printable{}
2. class A implements Printable{
3. public void a(){System.out.println("a method");}
4. }
5. class B implements Printable{
6. public void b(){System.out.println("b method");}
7. }
9. class Call{
10. void invoke(Printable p){//upcasting
11. if(p instanceof A){
12. A a=(A)p;//Downcasting
13. a.a();
14. }
15. if(p instanceof B){
16. B b=(B)p;//Downcasting
17. b.b();
18. }
20. }
21. }//end of Call class
23. class Test4{
24. public static void main(String args[]){
25. Printable p=new B();
26. Call c=new Call();
27. c.invoke(p);
28. }
29. }
Test it Now
Output: b method
Abstract class in Java
A class that is declared with abstract keyword, is known as abstract class in java. It can have abstract and
non-abstract methods (method with body).

Before learning java abstract class, let's understand the abstraction in java first.
Abstraction in Java
Abstraction is a process of hiding the implementation details and showing only functionality to the user.

Another way, it shows only important things to the user and hides the internal details for example sending
sms, you just type the text and send the message. You don't know the internal processing about the
message delivery.

Abstraction lets you focus on what the object does instead of how it does it.

Ways to achieve Abstaction

There are two ways to achieve abstraction in java

1. Abstract class (0 to 100%)

2. Interface (100%)

Abstract class in Java

A class that is declared as abstract is known as abstract class. It needs to be extended and its method
implemented. It cannot be instantiated.

Example abstract class

1. abstract class A{}

abstract method

A method that is declared as abstract and does not have implementation is known as abstract method.

Example abstract method

1. abstract void printStatus();//no body and abstract

Example of abstract class that has abstract method

In this example, Bike the abstract class that contains only one abstract method run. It implementation is
provided by the Honda class.

1. abstract class Bike{

2. abstract void run();
3. }
5. class Honda4 extends Bike{
6. void run(){System.out.println("running safely..");}
8. public static void main(String args[]){
9. Bike obj = new Honda4();
10. obj.run();
11. }
12. }
Test it Now
running safely..

Understanding the real scenario of abstract class

In this example, Shape is the abstract class, its implementation is provided by the Rectangle and Circle
classes. Mostly, we don't know about the implementation class (i.e. hidden to the end user) and object of
the implementation class is provided by the factory method.

A factory method is the method that returns the instance of the class. We will learn about the factory
method later.

In this example, if you create the instance of Rectangle class, draw() method of Rectangle class will be

File: TestAbstraction1.java

1. abstract class Shape{

2. abstract void draw();
3. }
4. //In real scenario, implementation is provided by others i.e. unknown by end user
5. class Rectangle extends Shape{
6. void draw(){System.out.println("drawing rectangle");}
7. }
9. class Circle1 extends Shape{
10. void draw(){System.out.println("drawing circle");}
11. }
13. //In real scenario, method is called by programmer or user
14. class TestAbstraction1{
15. public static void main(String args[]){
16. Shape s=new Circle1();//In real scenario, object is provided through method e.g. getShape() meth
17. s.draw();
18. }
19. }
Test it Now
drawing circle

Another example of abstract class in java

File: TestBank.java

1. abstract class Bank{

2. abstract int getRateOfInterest();
3. }
5. class SBI extends Bank{
6. int getRateOfInterest(){return 7;}
7. }
8. class PNB extends Bank{
9. int getRateOfInterest(){return 7;}
10. }
12. class TestBank{
13. public static void main(String args[]){
14. Bank b=new SBI();//if object is PNB, method of PNB will be invoked
15. int interest=b.getRateOfInterest();
16. System.out.println("Rate of Interest is: "+interest+" %");
17. }}
Test it Now
Rate of Interest is: 7 %

Abstract class having constructor, data member, methods etc.

An abstract class can have data member, abstract method, method body, constructor and even main()

File: TestAbstraction2.java

1. //example of abstract class that have method body

2. abstract class Bike{
3. Bike(){System.out.println("bike is created");}
4. abstract void run();
5. void changeGear(){System.out.println("gear changed");}
6. }
8. class Honda extends Bike{
9. void run(){System.out.println("running safely..");}
10. }
11. class TestAbstraction2{
12. public static void main(String args[]){
13. Bike obj = new Honda();
14. obj.run();
15. obj.changeGear();
16. }
17. }
Test it Now
bike is created
running safely..
gear changed

Rule: If there is any abstract method in a class, that class must be abstract.

1. class Bike12{
2. abstract void run();
3. }
Test it Now
compile time error

Rule: If you are extending any abstract class that have abstract method, you must either provide the
implementation of the method or make this class abstract.

Another real scenario of abstract class

The abstract class can also be used to provide some implementation of the interface. In such case, the end
user may not be forced to override all the methods of the interface.

Note: If you are beginner to java, learn interface first and skip this example.

1. interface A{
2. void a();
3. void b();
4. void c();
5. void d();
6. }
8. abstract class B implements A{
9. public void c(){System.out.println("I am C");}
10. }
12. class M extends B{
13. public void a(){System.out.println("I am a");}
14. public void b(){System.out.println("I am b");}
15. public void d(){System.out.println("I am d");}
16. }
18. class Test5{
19. public static void main(String args[]){
20. A a=new M();
21. a.a();
22. a.b();
23. a.c();
24. a.d();
25. }}
Test it Now
Output:I am a
I am b
I am c
I am d

Interface in Java
1. Interface

2. Example of Interface
3. Multiple inheritance by Interface

4. Why multiple inheritance is supported in Interface while it is not supported in case of class.

5. Marker Interface

6. Nested Interface

An interface in java is a blueprint of a class. It has static constants and abstract methods only.

The interface in java is a mechanism to achieve fully abstraction. There can be only abstract methods in
the java interface not method body. It is used to achieve fully abstraction and multiple inheritance in Java.

Java Interface also represents IS-A relationship.

It cannot be instantiated just like abstract class.

Why use Java interface?

There are mainly three reasons to use interface. They are given below.

It is used to achieve fully abstraction.

By interface, we can support the functionality of multiple inheritance.

It can be used to achieve loose coupling.

The java compiler adds public and abstract keywords before the interface method and public, static and final
keywords before data members.

In other words, Interface fields are public, static and final bydefault, and methods are public and abstract.
Understanding relationship between classes and interfaces
As shown in the figure given below, a class extends another class, an interface extends another interface but
a class implements an interface.
Simple example of Java interface

In this example, Printable interface have only one method, its implementation is provided in the A class.
1. interface printable{
2. void print();
3. }
5. class A6 implements printable{
6. public void print(){System.out.println("Hello");}
8. public static void main(String args[]){
9. A6 obj = new A6();
10. obj.print();
11. }
12. }
Test it Now

Multiple inheritance in Java by interface

If a class implements multiple interfaces, or an interface extends multiple interfaces i.e. known as multiple
1. interface Printable{
2. void print();
3. }
5. interface Showable{
6. void show();
7. }
9. class A7 implements Printable,Showable{
11. public void print(){System.out.println("Hello");}
12. public void show(){System.out.println("Welcome");}
14. public static void main(String args[]){
15. A7 obj = new A7();
16. obj.print();
17. obj.show();
18. }
19. }
Test it Now

Q) Multiple inheritance is not supported through class in java but it is possible

by interface, why?

As we have explained in the inheritance chapter, multiple inheritance is not supported in case of class.
But it is supported in case of interface because there is no ambiguity as implementation is provided by
the implementation class. For example:
1. interface Printable{
2. void print();
3. }
4. interface Showable{
5. void print();
6. }
8. class TestTnterface1 implements Printable,Showable{
9. public void print(){System.out.println("Hello");}
10. public static void main(String args[]){
11. TestTnterface1 obj = new TestTnterface1();
12. obj.print();
13. }
14. }
Test it Now

As you can see in the above example, Printable and Showable interface have same methods but its
implementation is provided by class TestTnterface1, so there is no ambiguity.

Interface inheritance
A class implements interface but one interface extends another interface .

1. interface Printable{
2. void print();
3. }
4. interface Showable extends Printable{
5. void show();
6. }
7. class Testinterface2 implements Showable{
9. public void print(){System.out.println("Hello");}
10. public void show(){System.out.println("Welcome");}
12. public static void main(String args[]){
13. Testinterface2 obj = new Testinterface2();
14. obj.print();
15. obj.show();
16. }
17. }
Test it Now

Q) What is marker or tagged interface?

An interface that have no member is known as marker or tagged interface. For example: Serializable,
Cloneable, Remote etc. They are used to provide some essential information to the JVM so that JVM may
perform some useful operation.

1. //How Serializable interface is written?

2. public interface Serializable{
3. }

Nested Interface in Java

Note: An interface can have another interface i.e. known as nested interface. We will learn it in detail in the
nested classes chapter. For example:

1. interface printable{
2. void print();
3. interface MessagePrintable{
4. void msg();
5. }
6. }
Difference between abstract class and interface
Abstract class and interface both are used to achieve abstraction where we can declare the abstract
methods. Abstract class and interface both can't be instantiated.

But there are many differences between abstract class and interface that are given below.

Abstract class Interface

1) Abstract class can have abstract and non- Interface can have only abstract methods.

2) Abstract class doesn't support multiple Interface supports multiple inheritance.


3) Abstract class can have final, non-final, static and Interface has only static and final variables.
non-static variables.

4) Abstract class can have static methods, main Interface can't have static methods, main
method and constructor. method or constructor.

5) Abstract class can provide the implementation of Interface can't provide the implementation of
interface. abstract class.

6) The abstract keyword is used to declare abstract The interface keyword is used to declare interface.

7) Example: Example:
public abstract class Shape{ public interface Drawable{
public abstract void draw(); void draw();
} }

Simply, abstract class achieves partial abstraction (0 to 100%) whereas interface achieves fully abstraction

Example of abstract class and interface in Java

Let's see a simple example where we are using interface and abstract class both.

1. //Creating interface that has 4 methods

2. interface A{
3. void a();//bydefault, public and abstract
4. void b();
5. void c();
6. void d();
7. }
9. //Creating abstract class that provides the implementation of one method of A interface
10. abstract class B implements A{
11. public void c(){System.out.println("I am C");}
12. }
14. //Creating subclass of abstract class, now we need to provide the implementation of rest of the met
15. class M extends B{
16. public void a(){System.out.println("I am a");}
17. public void b(){System.out.println("I am b");}
18. public void d(){System.out.println("I am d");}
19. }
21. //Creating a test class that calls the methods of A interface
22. class Test5{
23. public static void main(String args[]){
24. A a=new M();
25. a.a();
26. a.b();
27. a.c();
28. a.d();
29. }}
Test it Now


I am a
I am b
I am c
I am d
Q1 whats the difference between a class variable and an instance variable?

Ans. class variables are also known as static member

variables. Instead, every object shares the one and only
copy of that class variable.

Instance variable Every object has its own copy of the

instance variables

Q2 what is pack ageing in java and write an example.

//save A.java

package p1;

public class A{

public void m_1(){System.out.println("IET");}


Javac d . A.java

//save B.java

package p2;

public class B{

public void m_2(){System.out.println("DAVV");}



Javac d . B.java

//save C.java

package p3;

public class C{

public void m_3(){System.out.println("INDORE");}


Javac d . C.java

// save D.java

package p4;

import p1.*;

import p2.*;

import p3.*;

class D

public static void main(String args[])

A ob = new A();


B obj = new B();


C o = new C();



Javac d . D.java
Java p4.C

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