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DI Lesson Plan Template: (Facts, Vocab, Lists) (Skills)

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DI Lesson Plan Template

Lesson Topic: Loyalty, Rivalry and Identity

Grade level: 10

Lesson Objectives
Knows (facts, vocab, lists) Dos (skills)

Knows the definitions of identity, loyalty and Is able to participate in class discussion
rivalry Is able to visually express their ideas about loyalty
-knows what contributes to ones identity (family, and rivalry in relation the character chosen on a
gender, socioeconomic status, etc) poster paper
Is able to reflect on what they have learned
Is able to

Understands (big ideas)

Understands how different factors affect ones identity

Understands how one is motivated by loyalty and rivalry
Understands how the different characters in the book were motivated by loyalty and rivalry

I will differentiate this lesson by: Readiness Interests Learning Preferences

I will be differentiating the: Content Process Product

Lesson Plan
(Include any assessments used, and all DI strategies)

In order to start this lesson off and create a positive atmosphere, I will tell a story about my weekend and
what I did. This will make students more comfortable to be in the classroom because they will know a little
bit about my personal life and help create a positive teacher-class bond.


In order to introduce the lesson, I will ask them to take out their journal entries which were assigned to them
as homework the class before. These journal entries were written on the topic What is your identity? And
what contributes or makes up your identity?
I will give 2 mins to the students to discuss with each other what they wrote about.
After bringing them back together as a class, we will go over the main points that students found and write
them on the SMART board. We can go into a casual class discussion over what identity is, what contributes
to your identity, etc. Some of the topics that might come up are family, values, gender, race, hobbies, likes
and dislikes, appearance, etc.

It is important for students in Grade 10 to explore the idea of identity and what contributes to ones identity
because this is a period of time when they are discovering who they are, who they want to be and getting a
sense of what their identity is. Therefore it is helpful for them to be able to self-reflect on their identity.


After discussing identity, we will move onto to talking about loyalty and rivalry- two important themes that
are in the book The Outsiders. As a class we will list some of the loyalties that are present in their lives
and some of the rivalries they have in their life. We will create a class comprehensive list on the board that
students can refer to. After creating two lists with the loyalties and rivalries that are relevant to the students
lives, I will pose the question, How can these loyalties or rivalries affect your identity?
Students here will get a chance to think, pair, share. They will be given a moment to think about it on their
own, then talk to their neighbours and finally they can share their ideas to the class.
Once we have seen the impact of rivalry and loyalty on identity, I will relate it back to the book and pull out
4 of the main characters whose sense of loyalty/rivalry affected their identity. These characters are Dallas,
Johnny, Darrell and Cherry. From this point, the process will be differentiated by interest as the students
can decide who they want to focus on. Once the students have gotten into groups based on which character
they want to analyse (two groups per character), they will be given two large sheets of taped together poster
paper. In the middle of the paper will be the name of the character and from here the group can discuss how
the character was affected by loyalty/rivalry, what the characters relationship with loyalty/rivalry was, how
their identity was affected and anything else of pertinence. The students will be given the chance to display
their ideas on the paper in any form they would like- drawings, quotes, bulletpoints, etc. This kind of
activity is called a graffiti where there are no boundaries as to how they would like to represent their
thinking on the poster board.
Fifteen minutes into the activity, the class will be differentiated by process and readiness as I will tell them
if they feel ready they can move onto the next activity. Some students may choose to continue working on
the grafiti while others can continue on.
The next activity involves being in groups of 2. The students will be required to role-play with one person
being the police interviewer and the other being a character. I will give some guiding questions that the
interviewer can ask on the board that give them an idea of what to talk about. These are
- what are the characters motivations
- where are the characters loyalties
- where does their rivalry stem from
- how have their actions been affected by their rivalries and loyalties
- what do they want?
The other person will then play the character and explain why they did certain things in the book. After
some time the two people can switch roles.
During this time, I will be walking around observing the conversations to ensure they are on task and to
check for students understanding.


Since this lesson plan long it might spread over 2 classes. In order to check for understanding, after
finishing these two activities I will bring the class back together. Each group will then present their graffiti
to the class and explain their ideas about the character. Students will be given the chance to ask questions
and comment on similar understandings they also had. This is the chance to check the students
understanding and for the students to share their analysis and ideas with each other. It is also a good chance
for them to correct each other on any misconceptions they might have.
If there is time some students can do improvisation interviews in front of the class if they want to.

Memory Strengthening

For memory strengthening, I will have the students write a short half page reflection, it can be written in
point form or sentences, saying what they learned in the class about loyalty/rivalry and identity. This is good
for going back to later on and can be used as a resource when writing their final essay. They will also be
given a chance to take pictures of each others graffiti.

Materials and UDL Strategies

-postersheet paper
-SMART board

One of the UDL Strategies which will be incorporated into this lesson is providing options for perception.
The teacher will offer ways of customizing the display of information and offer alternatives to visual
information during the group work. Students will be able to display their information about the characters in
any way they would like on the poster. They can draw, write quotes, single words, bulletpoints, draw mind
maps, etc. This strategy will allow the students freedom of choice and make it more fun and accessible to all

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