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Dragon Magazine #298

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The document discusses roleplaying games and magazines, with a focus on Dungeons & Dragons.

Locations mentioned include Neverwinter, faraway dells, fog-enshrouded forests, dungeons, and caverns.

Products advertised include rulebooks, miniatures, dice, novels, and campaign settings.




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MODERN: GEN con, RPCA are Irarjemaiks u[ Wizards of
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SUBSCRIPTIONS: Contacl Publishers Creative
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Marc Sasso proves thai D&rD is all
about leather-clad drow jumping off of
an exploding bridge. The full-page
Printer! in the U;
reproduction of the cover is on page 2

6 llllsltM Ji
DRAGON CONTENTSIssue 298 August 2002 Vol. XXVI! Number 3


10 Scalemail 24 Flesh for Lolth

Draw become demon elves The secret life of /he dark elves:
and our readers duke it out. Torture, evil, and culling the weak
shape the lives of the drow. m&
16 At The Table
The secrets of the spider- 34 Bestiary: Punishments of Lolth
themed Cave, of Pain. In the bowels of the Underdark,
there is one certainty: Lolth
20 Paizo, Paizo, Paizo punishes.
DRAGON'S new publisher shows
how things haven't changed. 44 Sinister Tools
Wicked weapons, deadly poisons, WIZARDS' WORKSHOP
and other gruesome devices from
the cities of the Underdark. 88 Chainmail
The Kilsek drow invade DQtD.
52 The Ashen Compact
An alliance of evil turns good 94 DM's Toolbox
adventurers into living weapons Prepare to improvise.
trained to destroy the drow.
98 The Play's the Thing
62 Shades of Death Spot D&tD's common problems.
Necromancers of any alignment
plus two new necromancer class 100 Nodwick
combos: the pale commander and
ihc savage shaman. 102 Silicon Sorcery
BaTflerealms prestige classes.

106 Dork Tower

108 Sage Advice

Master more rules of the wild.

113 Advertiser Index

114 What's New

70 The Vault of the Drow
Descend into the depths of
depravity in Ihe dark
tff metropolis.
M pi.

L .;- L'


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Demon Elves?
"What do you mean, 'demon etf?' aren't READERS
we fighting drow?" So fhc session began.
Our group, exploring the fringes of the TALK BACK
ancient city Chael-Reksh;i;ir after the suc-
cessful retrieval of one of the ancient turi-
bles of Te-Altus, had finally managed to
track the spider creatures we knew to be
in the area. Standing Alone? barian or ranger whose family was slain
Once in the small cavern complex, we Simply put, Issue #296 kicked arse! by a dragon. In this case, the mechanics
met the first of a series of ambushes, and Starting with The wonderful cover art of of the class run counter to the roleplay-
each time we were attacked, it became Sam Wood's dragon slayer, I knew I was ing elements inherent in the class.
more and more apparent thai the crea- in for a treat. The four prestige classes To qualify to become a vengeance
tures we were ere some horrible presented in "Dragon Hunters" were sworn, a character must have lost a
blend of elf, demon, and spider. very cool and can easily be adapted to loved one to a dragon or been killed by
We were in the Underdark, mind you, fit into any game. "Worshipers of the a dragon. That's great! Such a require-
so I had expected drow. The standard, ECL Forbidden" was very interesting and ment makes sense. However, the other
+2, cust-rfay%/if-before-you-start-beating- creepy. The picture of the screaming requirements are onerous and illogical.
on-them drow. What (he other players and face at the top of the article really set True, if one plans to be a vengeance
I found was a lot more complex than that the tone for it. Such a dark image of sworn, the path is simple: Assign a 13 to
and a more integral part of the campaign. insanity and danger ., , Intelligence, take one barbarian level, six
It might no: seem like much of a varia- The real reason I'm writing, however, ranger levels, buy the appropriate skills,
tion to go from dark-skinned drow to pale- is Thomas Marian's story, "The Tomb." I take the appropriate feats, and make
skinned, spider-eyed demon elves, but our enjoyed the story of Harold Godwinson sure to get killed by a dragon (or make
DM, game designer Andy Collins, wanted and his journey in the Holy Land during sure that Uncle Ben is killed by a
the race of Underdark-Hwelling elves in his the Crusades. I think it's a wonderful dragon). How many people, however,
campaign to stand apart from drow yet idea and presented very well. I like the plan to be vengeance sworn? Why must
blended seemlessly with the history of the conflict of religion and nationalism pre- vengeance sworn have Expertise, the
campaign world. As we played ihrough the sented in his stories. Is "The Tomb" part only fighting feat not usable in a rage?
adventure, seeing more and more mon- of a book series? If so, I'd be very inter- The Expertise requirement also forces
strous spiders, choldrlths, fiendish spiders, ested in getting the books. the vengeance sworn to be smart
elves with grafted spider legs, elves wirh Ben Dowell (Int 13). Since when do revenge and a
spider eyes, shape-shifling elves quick to Mattoon, IL pact with a deity require brains? The
turn into spiders, and others, it never felt Ambidexterity and Two-Weapon Fighting
like we were fighting drew. These waves Thomas Marian's historical fantasy sto- requirements force a vengeance sworn
of attackers were, in game terms, identical ries from issue #2g6 and #284 share without a ranger level to have a
lo drow, wirh templates applied when the same world as his novel series, but Dexterity of 15. Why are Dexterity and
appropriate. Fiendish elves, were-spiders, not the same characters. If you like the Two-Weapon Fighting so important? If a
and fiendish were-spiders who worship an short stories, you're sure to enjoy the ranger ability had to be chosen, why not
ancient demoness named Lolfh sound a lo! novels as well. favored enemy: dragons? That require-
like drow, bul by presenting them in a dif- ment makes roleplaying sense, at least.
ferent way, Jhey found a place in the game Short Sighted Even the base attack bonus requirement
world that drow never could. When I read the initial flavor text for the of +6 is a bit high. It makes sense if the
Drow aren't the only element of D&tD vengeance sworn prestige class (in vengeance sworn are pure warriors, but
lhat begs for creative uses in different DRAGON #296), the dragon hunters who many who would swear vengeance
campaigns. Our For Your Campaign and had lost a loved one or even their own against dragons have other strengths.
For Your Character sidebars in recent lives to dragons, I was impressed: "Born What is most galling about the design
issues show how some ideas can be from the aftermath of dragon-wrought of the vengeance sworn is that nothing
adapted, but they're at best the tip of the tragedy, death, and destruction, the about the concept calls out strictly to
iceberg. Join in the discussion of how the vengeance sworn focus their hatred of barbarian/ranger/druids more than
ideas from DRAGON and DUNGLON can fit dragons and their desire for revenge fighters, wizards, rogues, or any other
your game on the message boards at into a divinely sealed oath that drives class. Compared to another memorable
www.wizards.com. them beyond the limits of mortal vengeance-based prestige class, such as
endurance." However, the flavor text the fiend slayer from DRAGOH #287, the
also notes that rogues, monks, wizards, vengeance sworn comes up short.
sorcerers, and other arcane spellcasters Phili Calle
rarely become vengeance sworn, and Tamarac, FL
the requirements all but assure that they
don't. I don't understand why a wizard The vengeance sworn prestige class isn 't
whose family was slain by a dragon positing that only particular classes can
would be any less vengeful than a bar- feel vengeful toward dragons, as your
To inquire about subscriptions, email <SragotiHipcspubfink.com or call i (800) 355-7760, In Europe, email stibscripfions^msofres.com To contact DRAGON about editorial concerns, email
scalemailsiwiiards.com. Letters reproduced in the magazine may be edited for clarity and length. Ail letters must include your full name and home city. Due to time constraints and the
volume of letters received, indtviduai responses are not always possible.

lo august 2oo2
.**:1 ,^-'\

icr:t L/ie

Form a band of adventurers using the 3rd Edition Fierce new monsters, powerful spells, magic
Dungeons & Dragons* rules, feals and skills. items and quests await you on your journey.

Mill! language
BiOWARE Use ol Alcohol
nutrasin. mGomN REALMS lop, DID. me DUNGEONS i

letter implies. However, like most pres- that I had to respond. The extreme
I DISABLED tige classes, this one was designed with a immaturity evident in some of the letters
FlREBAU. particular character type in mind. In this was very disturbing to me, especially
CHEST. X'K HOT OF BLAST case, the prestige class is intended for because they relate to a game that I
POSITIVE., RANGE -TtN melee-minded characters who also have always thought appealed to a better
fbu oPEnJ the ability to cast divine spells. The class of person than that.
description of the vengeance sworn One particular letter relates an over-
makes it clear that these characters are heard conversation wherein a male
relentless, driven, bank-hardened, and gamer couldn't buy the April issue
comfortable in harsh environments. "The because it has a bare-chested man on
barbarian, ranger, fighter, and druid the cover. I actually had to go back and
classes fit these aspects to some point, dig out my copy of that issue to take a
and certainly even more so when com- second look at this supposedly awful dis-
bined into a multiclass character. play, because I couldn't remember notic-
Remember that your DM has the final ing a problem with it. When I looked
say on any game aspect. If you'd like to again I saw why I couldn't remember
MHO DIP HOT W ft $006- change the focus of the vengeance anything. There was no problem. I
EWOUW JOft OtJ TrtE TtyvP- sworn or some of the requirements, ask thought it was a fine piece of artwork.
l^g.7|i o^tKWSE fou WOULD Bt
your DM. Better than some covers, not as good as
a few others I've seen. I can't under-
The Legacy Lives On stand why anyone would have a problem
I'm writing in response to the deluge of with this cover. I find it sad that some
art-related complaints you seem to people could be so insecure that they
receive each month, particularly in would not buy a magazine over such an
regards to the cover art from the April inoffensive piece of art. I hope no one
issue (#294), I can't understand how any ever makes them read a Conan the
male who is secure in his masculinity Barbarian comic-they might be trauma-
could be put off by the artwork on the tized for life.
April cover. Sure, it depicts a scantily I also found the tone of that letter dis-
clad male with incredibly buff features, turbing. The idea that this cover was
but hasn't anyone out there ever somehow retribution on male gamers for
watched movies like Conan the the scantily clad women portrayed in the
Barbarian? Barely clothed, hulking males industry over the years was petty. So
are as much a part of the genre's legacy we get to see what it feels like for the
as gorgeous women in skimpy chainmail females? I'm a male gamer, and I wasn't
bikinis. Besides, it's just cover art; buying bothered in the least by that cover, so
the issue in no way suggests anything why are they bothered by others?
about your masculinity. Another letter in "Scale Mail" asks
Personally, I have loved the cover art that only female flesh be shown on the
(and interior art} of each issue of covers out of respect for the tender
DRAGON, which I have purchased since sensibilities of the male majority. I'm not
the new edition came out. It is vibrant, even sure how to address this one. The
alive, and a welcome change from the only response 1 can think of is: Grow up!
old, "medieval" style, which, though What it all comes down to, or should
time-honored and proven, can get a little come down to, is that art is art. If it's
stale after twenty-odd years. Keep up done well, looks good, and isn't porno-
the fantastic work, folks! graphic, then it shouldn't be a problem,
Tristan Kasper Calvin Camp
Rochester, NY New Berlin, NY

Take a Growth Pill We could go on and on with gobs of let-

I've been a reader of DRAGON Magazine ters we received in support of the cov-
for almost twenty years, and until now, ers from issues #293 and fisgB, but we
I've never written in to express my think you get the idea.
opinion. This time I had to. I just picked
up the June issue of DRAGON (#296) and Seeking Fiction?
started skimming through it. I only made I have a question regarding the fiction
it to page twelve before I was so you include in your magazine. Is it possi-
appalled by the content of "Scale Mail" ble to send you some of my stories?
To inquire about subscriptions, email dragonaipcspublmli.com or call i (800) 395-7760. In Europe, email subscripiionaaimsofrM.com To contact DRAGON about editorial concerns, email
3calemailwizards.com. Letters reproduced in the magazine may be edited for clarity and length. All letters must include your full name and home city. Due to time constraints and the
volume of letters received, individual responses are not always possible.

12 august 2oo2
THE FE O rr* *t* I i

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[-888-aW-TRC)LL ia Canada for
information::abou|.6ames Worksitop's
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Re-enact battles from the film with Games Workshop's tabietop strategy
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; kjfd of fhe R NEW LINE O I N r - M \

HeiTor Lisbba Altemani medieval structures that are roughly the

Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil right scale for the D&tD miniatures. The
"Role Models" column could also explore
While we used to accept fiction submis- scratchbuilding, like the superb articles in
sions from our readers and other unso- Star Wars Gamer. [Ed: scratchbuilding
licited writers, we have recently is the building of terrain models using
changed our policy. Due to time con- scrap and common household items.]
KNIGHTS AND PALADINS! straints, the enormous volume of stories Brian Willard
Campaign Components: Knights received, and our small staff, we are Redding, CA
by John Tresca now only accepting fiction submissions
This issue of DRAGON presents the first of a from solicted authors. We know that this "Role Models" was a great column, but
new concept for articles about DBtD. New
is bound to disappoint the small portion ultimately the Web seemed a better place
campaign settings arc great, but often it's
of our readership who saw the magazine For Mike May's great instruction
hard to adapt that materia! for a game already
as their gateway to publishing fiction, but because new readers could then find
in progress. "Campaign Components" articles
take the best parts of a campaign idea and we 're a gateway into the gaming indus- step-by-step instructions in one easily
give you the tools you need to add a specific try, and we want fans to focus solely on cataloged place. You can find Mike's
theme to your home campaign or use them to contributing game-related articles now. instructions in his "Paint Like a Pro"
build 3 new world. We are making the finishing touches series on www.wizards.com/dnd.
The first installment Knights! to the new submission guidelines. You'll
Jousting lournamenls, knighfly orders, find the guidelines on the new website Mistaken Identity
honor, chivalry, quests, crusades, and courriy www.paUopublishing.com very soon. The letter entitled, "No Mindreading" in
inlrigue: ll's all explained and presented so
issue #296 was incorrectly credited to
you can lifl il or leave it. Play a gnome
A New Model? James Gadbois of Portland, Maine. The
peasanl, a dwarven squire, a halfling knight,
I am writing To ask That you bring back correct author is Campbell Rhodes, of
or a half-ore king. Inside, you'll also find new
uses for skills, dzo jousting and lournamenl
the "Role Models" column. I greatly Richardson, Canberra, Australia.
rules, magic hems, and adventure seeds so enjoy this column, and I believe that its Apparently, we should have titled the
you can add knights to any game. job is not yet finished. One direction to lener, "We Are Mindless," for the obvi-
Think it's not D&tD without mind flayers consider is scenery, structures, and ous brain fart. Our apologies to the
and mages? Don't worry: Wffll show you how other terrain. Zvezda of Russia and "Rev" Gadbois and Mr. Rhodes. "
to bring chivalry to the dungeons and dragons Domus of Spain both make kits for
to the tilting grounds.

ARCANE LORE: Sacred Spells

by Amber E. Scott
Pump up your paladins with new spells of
truly righteous might.

Oath and Order
by Bruce R. Corded
Two deadly monk prestige classes show the
power of pn ordered mind.


The Wizard's Toy Box
by Christopher Coyle
See what terror and Joy the toys of wizards
can bring.


Feats of Personality
by Eric Cagle
Does (laving the Run feat make you a
coward? See how your feats can affect
your personality.

Inside you'd also find new fiction. "DM's

Toolbox," "Silicon Sorcery: Warcniit III,"
"Guild Secrets," "LIVING GutYHAwK," and
more advice, tools, and taciics TO improve
your game!

To inquire about subscriptions, email dragon&pcspubtmk.com or call i (800} 395-7760. In Europe, email subscrtptians@msofres.com To contact DRAGON about editorial concerns, email
scalemailaiwii3rds.com. Letters reproduced in the magazine may be edited for clarity and length. AH letters must include your full name and home city. Due to time constraints and the
volume of letters received, individual responses are not always possible.

14 august 2oo2
r. jm-'iBH*^'y-'*"tl*m"''B'li'''" "' '^^<---^'^^^~^~^r--jj-


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This month's free poster has two very fiendish spiders, or perhaps they hide
A D&D novel by different applications, side one is obvi- wires that set off traps (Search DC 25).
T. H. Lain ously a collector's checklist for the
$S.99/$7.9g CAN CHAINMAIL miniatures, and the other side Chainmail Gameplay Notes
ISBN: 0-7869-2848-4 is a battlemat suitable for either D&tD The Cave of Pain is a scenario in the
or CHAINMAIL battles. The dots on the set 4 guidebook, Shadow of the Drow.
map deliniate the i" squares necessary Every time a model suffers damage in
MONSTER to play D&tD, but they are not as the cave, it takes an additional point of
obtrusive as a standard grid, allowing automatic damage. You can use this
CHAINMAIL players a great battlefield. cavern as the Cave of Pain or use it
accessory by Jeff
Grubb, Rich Redman, for other underground scenarios. The
Steve Winter, and Ed D&tD Gameplay Notes locations for Blood Harvest's divine
Bonny The following notes help you run D&tD sparks are marked on the cavern floor.
$?9.g5/$4i.95 CAN combats in the Cave of Pain. In all A: Ordinarily, the spider glyph at the
ISBN: 0-7869-2873-5 cases feel free to use or ignore what- center of the cavern has no effect on
ever you'd like. The cavern and its spi- play, and terrain can even be placed on
SPIDER QUEEN der theme are ripe for adventure and it if you are putting more terrain into
A FORGOTTEN REALMJ encounter ideas, so give your imagina- the cave. But if you wish, you could let
super adventure by tion free reign. Here are a few ideas: the spider glyph function like some spe-
James Wyatt A: The spider on the floor emits a cial terrain piece, having the same
$29.95/$4i.95 CAN faint but potent magical aura that effect as a sacred circle or murder tile,
ISBN: 0-7869-2873-5 makes wounds more dangerous than for example.
CITY OF THE normal. Any wound dealt by a slashing B: Before each battle, decide whether
SPIDER QUEEN weapon continues to deal one point of you want to ignore the web strands in
MINIATURES BOX damage per round, as if dealt by a the cavern or treat them like small
A DUNGEONS & DRAGONS weapon with the wounding property. pieces of Web terrain as described in
accessory B: The webs between the pillars can Shadow of the Drow.
$ig.95/$z7.95 CAN simply represent cobwebs, or they Note that there are spaces that mod-
ISBN: 0-7430-0511-2
could be more significant obstacles, els with 4omm bases will only be able
CHAINMAIL CORE perhaps they are fireproof, spun by to pass through by squeezing. 9
Rulebook by Bruce
Cordell, Rob Heinsoo,
Chris Pramas, Jonathan
Tweet, and Skip
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novel by Ed Greenwood
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ISBN: 0-7869-2760-7

$24.95/334.95 CAN
ISBN: o 7869 2798-4

To inquire about subscriptions, email dragonpcspublink.com or caJI i (800) 305-^760- If Europe, email subscripn'onsSifnsofres.coni To contact DRAGON about editorial concerns, email
scalemaii^jwizards-com. Letters reproduced in the magazine may be edited for clarity and length. All letters must include your full name and home city. Due to lime constraints and the
volume of letters received, individual responses are not aiways possible.

16 august 2uo2
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JLeave your dicebag behind. For this trek into the exciting world of
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All trademarks, including character names and thfir Jssrmctivc Iskf nesses, are property of Wizards of ;Jie Coast, Inc. fr'iooi Wizards.

. . . : , .
by David
A prison riot WHEN PAIZO SAYS,
never bodes well
tor visitors. When
that prison 15 in
rhe Under-dark and
run by mind
flayers, you know
ihe brains are about to hit ihe tan. A D&tD
adventure for l PCs but scalable
DRAGON #298 is The first issue
BLOODLINES released under the rubric of Paizo
by Luke Johnson Publishing, LLC. The company's name working closely with the talented design-
An ambitious couni looks lo establish a link means, "I play!" in Greek. We hope it will ers and writers who create the games
between his family and the ruling house. But always suggest that you win. The new and game supplements at Wizards of the
a! what cost to himself or the realm? A company's focus will be on entertain- Coast, and we'll still strive to provide the
D&tD adventure tor /th-level characters but ment that engages the mind and pulls most consistent information available on
scalable for levels 4-10.
you into fascinating and rich universes, your favorite games.
So, you're likely to see a wide variety of So, what's the point of changing com-
by James Wilber magazines come out of our company panies? Frankly, neither Hasbro nor
An aging nobleman is determined to o on over the coming years. Before you Wizards of the Coast wants to be a
one last adventure. Will his final hunting trip panic about inevitable changes, however, magazine publisher. Both companies
be his final hunting trip? A D&tD adveniure let me reassure you: You'll still see the were built on publishing quality games
tor 4th-level characters but scalable for familiar (and in my case "old") faces in and toys. That doesn't mean the compa-
these pages because we brought the nies don't see the value of the maga-
entire periodicals department of Wizards zines. Both Hasbro in recent years and
WORMS IN THE EXCHEQUER* of the Coast into our new publishing Wizards of the Coast in prior years
by frank Brunner
venture. We're very excited about this invested considerable amounts in build-
When a bant heist doesn't pan out as
because it means that those of us who ing up the magazines to their current
expected, a group of dangerous criminals
produce the magazines now control our positions of strength, but the magazines
takes everyone inside hostage. Can the PCs
negoliale wilh the villains, or wiH more own destiny. Hasbro and Wizards of the primarily existed to support Hasbro and
physical measures need to be pursued? A Coast are very excited about this ven- Wizards of the Coast product lines. As
DStD adventure for ijth-leve) characters, ture, as well. They love the way DRAGON creative staff, we are gamers interested
but scalable for levels 11-19. and DUNGEON magazines have matured, in a wide variety of games: card games,
and they wanted to reward us for our miniatures, roleplaying games, board
good work by letting us own our own games, electronic games, and online
OMEGA i business. They know we'll do an even games. We want to produce magazine
better job on the magazines as we grow titles that reflect all kinds of gaming, and
It's been several
the business and cover other types of we couldn't ask Hasbro to invest in
years since the
Bomb. Living among a tribe of games and entertainment that are not those new titles. We can, however,
mutants and sentient animals is fun, and alt, part of the Hasbro/Wizards of the Coast invest in our own business as the future
but it's time to move out and explore those empire. We are proud of the fact that unfolds. In short, you have a creative
radioactive ruins over yonder. So grab Lucasfilm, Ltd. has also placed its impri- staff with more freedom than ever
matur upon our new company, and we'll before. We've always loved covering our
time to unlotk ihe secreis of the Ancients. be producing Star Wars Insider, as own products, and we'll continue to do
If you manage to survive bailies against well. For most of you, the name and so with our current magazine titles, but
androids and two-headed psychic badgers, ownership change won't mean anything. we look forward to covering the whole
YOU might just win fabulous treasure. Or
DRAGON w\\\ continue to be "All DUNGEONS gamut of gaming with new magazines in
you might find a loaster. In an irradiated
&t DRAGONS all the time," the same staff the future. In other words, with DRAGON
dark future, toasters and treasure might
very well turn out to be one in the same.
will be working on the magazines, the under the auspices of Paizo Publishing,
OMEGA WORLD is the d^(> version of same printer will be printing them, sub- LLC, we all play and we all win! "
TSR's classic. GAMMA WORLD game. Designed scriptions will be sent to the same Post
by Player's Handbook impresario Jonathan Office box, and the same great writers
Tweet, the game includes scores of and artists will still grace the pages. You
mutations and defects, a new free-form should continue to find the publications
experience system suitable for D&lD, at the same stores (maybe even more!)
weapons, technology, and loads of where you bought them before, and you nnny L, Wilson, President
dangerous intelligent animals.
should continue to get your subscrip- Paizo Publishing, LLC
tions on the same schedule. We'll still be
To inquire about subscriptions, email dragenijBpcspubJink.com or call i (800) 395-7760. In Europe, email subscrrpiions^tnsofrea.tDrn To contact DRAGON about editorial concerns* email
scalemail@wiiards.com. Letters reproduced in the magazine may be edited for clarity and length. ASI letters must include your full name and home city. Due to time constraints and the
volume of fetters received, individual responses are not always possible.

2o august 2oo2

Li/e as a Darfj
Jdst Got Daijaerolis

B.fl. SalOatore's
U) A R o f , i,. S P I D E R Q U E E N H O O K


j n the lightless rcLilm of the cirow, What could possibly upset a society
betrayal has al\\rays been as natural wrought of pure evil and utter
as breathing, and the only certainty chaos? The ebon-skinned servants
is death. of Lolth are about to find out.

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All I'ivi"; .',' I".'!!. illF-rc is
ra?ly one subrace of I'lvra i Those
iji SI rihed in Ihi'i ,ll1iiii>', jrni
they dwfl! on (he surf.n.e instead

THE SECRET LIFE OF of underground.

Evt'ry ieu ;l*Mwrjtions or

by Robin D. Laws illustrated by Marc Sasso

0 Flesh Carver, who wove the world: up through his shoulder blades. He seeks a
Who made us from the darkest day. new victim, someone to run his chains of
Spinning in if 3 red web of vein and artery, precious metal fhrough. The priestess
We feel Thy hunger. reaches out to rake the clown with razor- shunnt'd in I hair childhood b',
0 Lolth. humbly today we feed Thee. honed nails, casually opening troughs of nttifi- voumtsfers and forced 10
We feed you this flesh, this quivering meat. crimson in the flesh of his back. The jester
With a blade like your jaws, shimmies and wriggles his tongue out along
We divide muscle from bone. his rouge-caked lips. fi B ..... \p\iv.r iT'alm. Having
Eat of this, the meal we consecrate to thee. A hiss of anticipation arises in the crowd.
And do not this day devour us. Tonight the blood will flow like wine, and if liunwnoin's to enslave a
Adjuration from the Crimson they are lucky, the spider goddess herself will fid1 lo iholr himi-rv J,'od.
Lffurgy of Lolth appear and tear off someone's head.

hrough ancient stone corridors, wet and Evil Beneath Your Feet

T slick with moss, ihe drow gentry pro-

ceed. Screams and whimpers emanate
from the amphitheater ahead. The cries
Many good people of the surface world fear
the drow, even though few have ever beheld
one. They've heard legends of the night-
prompt throaty laughter from a lithe, pitch- skinned elves and of their cruel and hungry
skinned priestess, her glistening body cov- goddess, Lolth the Spider Queen. Some say
ered with dozens of gray-furred spiders that that these tales, which attribute every imagi-
crawl across it, each the size of a baby's fist. nable depravify to the dark elves, cannot
The priestess's hair, white as an ice field, lays possibly be true. Although there is evil in the
close !o her narrow, oblong skull. Studs of world, the idealists say, the accounts of li.i-, no conn-pi o! go :
. .
polished silver protrude from her brow, adventurers who come back from the
cheekbone, and jawline. Underdark must be exaggeraied. No society,
Her gnome servant teeters from side to not even a completely evil one, could
side, bent from the weight of the gilded chest possibly continue if its people were as per-
she bears, laden with greenwine and sweet- verse and unpredictably brutal as their ene-
meats. The servant's hands have been mies claim.
removed at the wrist; her eye sockets are So much for the prattling of sages! Go to
scorched and empty. She cannot stop herself any tavern frequented by explorers and h!;i'V!l!<s;l|\. ! ,!!!! W l l

from shuddering. treasure seekers, and they will educate you: bd'ss Ihi: dyin;; I'ivi'n r. o. .il'il
Abruptly, a red-lipped jester capers up If anything, the stories fail to capture the
from behind, displaying steel hooks that jut true horror of she dark elven world.
FORYOUR Cm "We Are All Lolth's Meat" Renowned artists, skilled torturers, knowledge-
Drow society survives as it does because a able sages, and accomplished craftsmen can
powerful and capricious goddess wills it so. ensure their survival by serving both the
Lolth-known as the Mother of Mandibles, the priestesses and the community at large, Among
Flesh Carver, and the Weaver of Webs-rules all their favorites, the priestesses covet
drow existence. Through her terrible earthly hunters the most. These hunters are drow
agents, I he priestesses, she takes an interest in adventurers who rove the passageways of the
ground and plot hoqk for your each individual, from painful birth to wretched Underdark in search of intelligent captives to
death. From early childhood, all drow know enslave or sacrifice.
that they exist only to provide their goddess Lolth's priestesses know what she best likes
with food and pleasure. Those who survive to to eat: Drow are better to sacrifice than
adullhood learn not to fear this eternal truth, other races, adults are better than children.
but to embrace it. They face any hazard with She prefers heaithy individuals to the sick or
your character. sleely resolve, knowing that no danger can be feeble, and the more powerful and skilled a
You kiiifid my father; pre- remotely as terrifying as the face of Lolth. To character, the better. Among non-drow, the
pare fo die. The drow nnur- worship her is to blot out doubt and hesitation. Spider Queen vastly favors humanoids over
dered your entire Family, Her dark and beady eyes conlain the only all other creature types and would rather
leaving you orphaned as a truth: Life is but a fleeting dance belween devour the good and lawful than the evil or
child. Maybe you wore cap predator and prey. Eventually, everyone is chaotic. Unintelligent beings (with an
tured and tortured by drow, torn apart and digested. Therefore, the only Intelligence less than 3) are beneath her
but you managed to escape way to grant meaning fo existence is to interest, for they cannot understand their
fhcir dutches. You've $tudicd ensure that you make many kills before you suffering. To place a mere animal on her
their ways and learned ihsir die and that you show your tasle and style by altar is to risk being eaten yourself.
weaknesses, and now you are making your prey suffer exquisitely as they The priestesses determine if their sacrifices
expire. A drow who cannot find delighf in lack sufficient quantity and quality to please
agony and destruction is no drow af all, fit their goddess. When they must know for cer-
only for ritual slaughter. When courage tain, a commune spell provides the Great
wavers, the true drow need only chant to her- Spider's direct answer. Usually, though, expe-
Luke, I am your father, self the central credo of her faith: "We are all rienced priestesses can, by reading omens, tell
You've always, looked a iitile Lolth's meat." if Lolth is content with their gifts. One telltale
different from the other elves Although all draw embrace death, each sign of the goddess's displeasure is the suc-
Your skin is s bit darker than individual naturally prefers to embrace the cess of one's enemies. If, for example, a party
normal, your hair a little more death of others over her own. The desire to of adventurers penetrates the drow commu-
blonde, and your eyesight is a avoid becoming Lolth's next meal drives all nity's defenses, it is clear that the Spider
liffle sharper in the darkness interactions in a dark elven community. Even Queen has withdrawn her favor. To win it
Your molher, who raised you the mightiest priestesses must watch their back, the priestesses must increase their regi-
alone, is soon To leave fhe backs to ensure that ambitious young men of sacrificesstarting with the invaders.
world of the living, and she is acolytes don't schedule them for the Flesh
ready To tell you her terrible Carver's feeding chamber. For every hun- Bloodied From the Birth-Sac
^.tjrr^t: Your father rs a drow! dred adults in a drow community, its priest- A notable difference between drow and their
esses must make one sacrifice per week. The topside cousins lies in their fertility rate. Most
priestesses satisfy the grinding demand for elves have very low fertility rates, in keeping
learn this new aspect of your new sacrifices in various ways. Vigorously with their long lifespans. Drow mothers, in
heritage or keep your mother'1; they seek blasphemers and lawbreakers to contrast, give birth as often as the more fer-
secret exauly that a secret, consign to their blood altar, They solicit tile races, such as humans and ores. Their
* Oh brother, wherefore art informants, who report the infractions of greater fertility reflects the crushing mortality
others to avoid becoming victims themselves. rate among drow infants and youngsters.
Only on rare and glorious occasions can a Drow females might give birth to ten times the
drow community justify the sacrifice of one of number of babies than the females from other
its own adults. Its victims are most often slaves elven subraces do, but this does not mean that
food for rhrii hungry or captives. Still, shortages of captives can they end up with more adult children.
occur at any moment, and smart drow always It is common for pregnant drow to carry
make sure they have at least one patroness twins or even triplets. Even in these cases,
infiltrate drow territory -a among the local priesthood. Each priestess sur- multiple births are rare, as I he strongest of
merchant and then ^!ean rounds herself with a network of toadies who the fetuses feeds on its siblings in the womb.
much information on the do her bidding. Normally, no priestess dares Pregnant drow can sometimes feel these mor-
sacrifice the favorites of a higher-ranking col- tal combats take place in their bellies. Such
league. Although a wheedling and servile man- prenatal battles produce in their mothers a
ner never harms one's chances of success euphoric sensation, referred to in the
i.hoif:e--you are your sib with a priestess, a proud and dignified drow Undercommon tongue as chad-zak. The feel-
can prove herself indispensable in other ways. ing is infinitely stronger than that produced in
- I I

the bedchamber or by any intoxicant.

Without it, it is doubtful that drow
women, selfish to the core, would
ever deign to suffer the inconven-
iences of reproduction.
Chad-zak occurs up to four times
per multiple pregnancy. It usually hap-
pens early in the third trimester.
Molhers who experience repeated
chad-zaks usually feel them in quick
succession, once every one or two
days. The final chad-zak indicates
one fetus's successful slaying of its
rivals. This process does not result in

A terrible logic arises from Loith's
tasre in sacrifices. If she prefers
drow over non-drow, and high-level
characters over lowly ones, it stands
to reason that her favorite victims
are her own top priestesses. Thus,
the priestesses have devised a way fo
avoid winding up on their own altars:
They band together. Most of the time,
a community's priestesses maintain an
attitude of respectful, but mistrustful,
distance from one another. If one
priestess moves against another, the
rest tend to side against ihe aggres-
sor. The annals of draw history
recount several Famous incidents in
which rebellious priestesses lined up
allies against a High Priestess only in
be betrayed by their supposed allies.
A priestess must be extremely
unpopular before her fellows will
stand idly by for her sacrifice.
Open conflicl within a priesthood is
not unknown, however. In almost all
such cases, a schism erupts between
iwo sides that are evenly matched
with one another. These fights are
prone to expand into outright civil
wars that engulf entire communities.
Each faction of priestesses uses its
favored lackeys, soldiers, and hunters
to war against the other. Dark elven
historians have even documented
cases in which warring priestesses
recruited outside adventurers from
the surface 10 bolster their forces,
Lolth never intervenes in such
struggles, even when it means the
demise of enlire communities. The
success of the predator should never
be restrained by sympathy for the
stillbirths; the siain are ahsorbed back
into the mother's body.

Playing For Keeps

The Fact that a newborn drow has sur-
vived in the womb and made it through
birth does not guarantee its further
survival. All drow children, even those
not yet able to walk, feel an instinctive
homicidal impulse toward their siblings.
In fact, when opportunity rears its
head, most drow youngsters happily kill
any playmates. Despite this factor,
rather, because of itchildren are not
kept apart in drow nurseries. Their
mothers want the strong children to
sharpen their predatory inclinations,
polishing off their weaker offspring in
the process. No drow wants a weak or
incompetent child to reach adulthood,
where she might bring shame to the
family. Noie that strength need not be
physical; it is better ro have a spindly
child whose cleverness allows her to
engineer the deaths of others than a
well-muscled brute who is easily fooled.
It goes without saying that any drow
bent toward mercy or virtue stands out
as glaringly weak. In the unlikely event
that his siblings don't gang up on him
and crush his windpipe, the mother will
surely send such a shameful freak of
nature to ihe priestesses, as fodder for
their ceremonial daggers. It is for this
reason that good drow are exceedingly
rare. To survive without enthusiastically
embracing evil is next to impossible.

dren. Some weak-minded males might

enjoy playing with their spawn, but
nurses and other servants keep a
watchful eye on them.
No doubt because if is such a dan-
gerous time for them, drow children
grow up much faster than the children
of other elves. By the age of eight,
drow children can walk, talk, and speak.
They are then carted off to receive
schooling. Junior priestesses tutor the
young, savagely punishing them for
misbehavior. Students might be caged,
doused with scalding or freezing waler,
poked with sharpened sticks, poisoned,
burned, or simply pulverized with fists
and clubs. Such ill treatments scarcely
seem to slow down these untamable
children, who have already proven
themselves bullies and survivors at
home. Priestesses never fatally harm
their charges; if they want them dead,
it's wasteful not to sacrifice them.
Religious doctrine is the main object Tests of Treachery and the creative manner in which her
of study. Youngsters are also drilled in During the years that bridge childhood prey were made to suffer as they
combat maneuvers, literacy, mathemat- and adulthood, young drow are slowly perished. Just as a slow, tor-
ics, alchemy, natural history, and various expected fo choose a role for them- ture-filled slaying wins more admira-
artisan skills. Students who demonstrate selves in society and to set themselves tion than a mercifully quick sneak
an affinity for magic are often taken out on a path toward achieving it, They altack, different victims accrue vary-
of classes and apprenticed to wizards typically latch on to mentors, learning ing amounts of prestige. Killing a vie
and sorcerers. their skills and acquainting themselves tim well known to the communify
School continues until the age of with their contacts. Once a young adult confers more glory than a mere out-
twenty, when adolescence officially drow gains enough experience, she sider. Credit for sacrificial victims
begins. By this time, one out of every waits for something terrible to befall goes to those who capture them. Thus,
three students will have been murdered her mentor (or she might engineer it the hunter class is among the most
by classmates. Another one in ten will herself if required by one of Lolth's admired in drow society, second only
have been sent to the temple as food tests) and attempts fo step into her to the priestesses.
for Lolth. mentor's place. Typically this attempt An ingenious evisceration means
requires conflict with rival apprentices nothing if others do not know of it.
or others with a claim on the menfor's Hence, bards have a crucial role among
THE ETHICS clients, position, and property. It is con- the drow, Social climbers hire bards to
OF DROW KILLING sidered a high crime for drow to men- commemorate their slayings in song. If
Adventurers who want to maintain tor their own children, although possible, they even invire the balladeers
their good alignments must always dispensation from high priestesses can to attend the killings, to more vividly
think before they smire. Jyst because sometimes be had, for a price. portray the slaughter. A skilled bard
the vast majority of ores or bug- Masters are given the rights of life with a popular following can greatly
bears, for example, lend to be evil, or death over their proteges, but then, enhance a drow's preslige, transform-
does not guarantee that any particu- so is everyone else. Adolescents may ing a run-of-the-mill execution into a
[ar ore or bugbear deserves ro be not ingratiate themselves with priest- celebrated slaughter. Bards patrol the
mercilessly cui down in the name of esses, and are therefore without pro- winding passageways of an under-
truth and virtue. tection in drow society. They must keep ground community, yipping out their
With drow, such qualms do nol their heads down, while at the same gore-spaffered ballads in the screechy,
appiy. Virtually any individual in a time proving themselves useful to their affected tone expected of a drow
drow community has already proven patrons. To tip the balance either way singer. The hiring of a famed bard can
him- or herself a murderereven 1
is risky. A too-humble apprentice is cost fens of thousands of gold pieces,
small children. perceived as easy to bully, while overly and the more an individual drow pays,
Be warned, though: By Ihe same ambitious ones alarm their masters, the greater her chances of social eleva-
token, almost all drow, including very who begin fo fear assassination. tion. The subject of the song might, for
young ones, are experienced kiilers At the approximate age of eighty, example, attract a more powerful
and might boast shockingly high lev- adolescents are expected to complete priestess as a patron or gain new, well-
els as warriors, rogues, or sorcerers. a task indicating their mastery of their heeled customers for her business.
More than one adventurer has died chosen role. A hunter must capture a Especially popular murder songs out-
an ignominious death after relaxing valuable sacrifice, while a musician last not only the fame of their victims,
his guard wifh a drow chiki must perform a particularly difficult but of the killers. Along with newly
Drow wanderers might, in exceed- ballad. Not only must the drow per- commissioned songs, bards perform
ingly rare circumstances, claim the form her task well, she must not show timeless classics such as "The Burning
mantle of goodness. Some individuals any self-doubt or fear. Doing so of Farza-Lach," "Tornon's Guts," and
exile themselves from their murder- means failure in the eyes of Lolth, and "Seven Drips from the Gore Cord."
ous communities in search of a it results in horrible punishments. Accompanying a drow bard's keening
peaceful life ouf of Lolrh's reach. In Success indicates that the drow is voice is a complex, lute-like instrument
most cases, they'll be consumed with ready to be recognized as an adult. known as vazhan-do. Their tight strings
shame and self-ioailiing, unable to can be plucked furiously, unleashing a
fully shake the savagery of their dispatching their mentors must set up violent torrent of notes, or slowly bent,
formative years. A supposedly good shop for themselves, going into busi- producing slow and disturbing sounds.
drow might noi gut you in the night ness independently. Any of the sixty-four strings of the
as you sleep, but he'lf still constantly standard vazhan-do can be quickly
wrestle with powerful impulses Murder Ballads unstrung from the instrument, doubling
toward dishonesty, selfishness, and As adults, drow look for proteges to as a garrote. It is not surprising that
treachery. The fact that surlar.e- exploit, rivals to destroy, and opportu- bards often double as assassins, as
dweilers shun them ai all costs makes nities for pleasure. Wealth and luxury
lite even more difficult for the mtini are seen as outward signals of success, travel throughout the community with-
tesimally tiny fraction of drow who but the true measure of an adult's sta- out question. Although their status as
sincerely seek redemption. tus lies in the number of people she's hired killers is well-known, it would be
murdered (or caused to be murdered), unthinkable to restrict their movement',.
To refuse lo give a bard hospiialiiy is dally with iheir followers, with travelers their creation secret. Most decent indi-
to seem both cowardly and unsporting. from other communities, or even with viduals abhor all signs of drow crafts-
However, it is one ihing to invile a servants and slaves. Husbands are manship and look askance at those who
bard into one's home and quite expected to remain faithful to their make open use of drow magic items.
another lo let him oul of one's sight wives and are usually sacrificed if Although many sellers of magical curios
lor even a moment. caught cheating. On the olhcr hand, if a refuse to handle ihese items, they fetch
powerful priestess takes a liking to high prices in lands that have a ten-
The Tests another woman's husband, she can dency for evil.
Lolth does not make it easy for- her min- have him consigned to Ihc sacrificial There are easier ways of making a
ions to please her. All drow feel a sense altar for having the temerity lo refuse living than running trade caravans into
of creeping unease as Ihey progress in her his favors. Charming, well-rnuseled the Underdark, but a few intrepid indi-
their careers. Ibis is true no mailer males oflen face such no-win situa- viduals have earned fortunes this way.
what roles they've selected in life. All tions. For this reason, handsome men Drow do not easily trust oulsiders,
fear the day when they reach a level of even when vouched for by traders they
achievement that calches the cruel long periods away from the community already know. Only after many suc-
attention of iheir grim goddess, fven in all male hunter bands. cessful and mutually profitable trade
the all-powerful priestesses are nol Drow custom allows its females to missions are non-drow given free
immune to the dreaded folthtanchwh engage in cross species coupling; if a access lo a dark elven selllcment. Even
the "Punishments of Lollh." Lolth puts male engages in such a dalliance, it is an ally of long standing can always be
her worshipers through a number of considered a capital offense. Any sex- hauled off for ritual murder when he
lerrifying tests throughout their lives, ual contact between a drow and a commits a major gaffe, or if the drow
the firsl of which occurs in late adoles- dridcr means inslanl death, no mailer are desperate enough for sacrifices.
cence (ist level in game terms). The what ihe status of the drow. Congress Drow are most likely to admit adven-
lesls continue as the drow progresses with driders remains the mightiest turing parlies past their gales as the
in strength and skill, each one more taboo in drow culture. bound, gagged, and unconscious cap
demanding and with more terrifying tives of hunting parties. Most captives
consequences than the las! (for more on In the Drip, are maimed and put to work as slaves,
Ihe lesls and punishments of Lollh, see Drip, Dripping Dark bul adventurers are usually treated
"Punishments of Loth" in this issue). As fearsome as they are, the drow are with extreme care until an auspicious
Drow perceive when each test is beset by many powerful enemies. They time tor sacrifice arrives. Still, it is not
about lo descend on them. Iheir unknown for adventurers to escape
Senses become painfully acute, and ihc munities against mind flayers, dwarven from captivity and fight iheir way out
world seems both more crisply real warriors, and other humanoid adven- of a drow enclave.
and more menacing. In some cases, turing parties. Drow settlements cannot
horrifying visions preclude the slarl be cleared out by merely charging from Spiders, Spiders, Everywhere
of a lesl, while in others, a sign, such room to room and killing the inhabitant The chambers of any drow settlement
as the sighting of a particular spider, of each chamber. Dark elves react crawl with spiders, from mites the size
indicates a new test. Different tasks quickly to intrusion. They install sophis of pinpricks lo guardian taraniulas
aie required of the drow for- each ticaled magical alarms and mount sys- ihe si/e of houses, there is no area
lesl, and they invariably require the tematic pairols throughout a wide of a dark clven community devoid
drow lo risk bolh her life and all she perimeter so that the entire community of spiders. They skitter in swarms
has achieved in life to dale. is mobilized for battle by the lime ene- across walls and along floors. They
mies can reach its gates. The drow drop from ceilings. Webs, some
Love Wounds wear down opponents with waves of stronger than rope, hang from every
As is true lor many species of spiders, conscripted soldiers and common sol- imaginable surface.
di'ow mating rituals are unpredictable diers before sending out high level Although guests might be unnerved
and fraught with peril for the male. hunters and mighty priestesses. by the spiders' inescapable presence,
Women enjoy an unquestioned the locals pay them no heed. Cobwebs
upper hand in drow society. Ihe peaceful admittance to a drow enclave. are waved or burnt away without com-
prieslesses run all political a) I ails, and As lovers of luxury, dark elves hunger ment. The squishing and crunching
grim laced matriarchs control families for unusual foods, strange intoxicants, sound of steppfid-on spiders is a con-
and Ihe.ii business proceedings. fine fabrics, beautiful jewels, and Other stant refrain. Drow do nol bother to
According lo drow stereotypes, exolic items they cannot produce them check for spiders before sitting. A
females are smart, cool headed, and selves. Ihey're also always in the mar- matriarch might idly seize a fist-sized
cruel, while males are foolish, impul ket for slaves; specimens loo damaged spider while negotiating a irade
sive, anil emotionally weak. Males kill lo work can nl least be torture victims. arrnngemeni and proceed lo casually
and maim to del end themselves and lo Drow p.'iy for these ilems with cap rip its legs off, one by one. Drow
prove ihey are nol cowards. I emales. broads and puddings are speckled with
magic items produced by iheir lalcnted stray legs, mandibles, and eggs. I be
ales in.iuy lor political reasons wi/ards. Ihey ensure premium value for overwhelming presence of so many Spi
inonO".!riio these items by keeping the techniques ol ders is oflen disconcerting lo nun drow


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visitors, but drow themselves hardly sculpfures are carved from blocks Death and Burial
take note of the creatures. of drider silk, elaborately hand-painted In the bloodthirsty culture of the drow,
and made io move through complex the words "burial" and "old age" do
Theater of Atrocity not exist. It is rare for a drow to sur-
There are no more fervent followers lite-sized depictions of torture or may- vive past 400 years, and sooner or
of the arts than dark elves-provided hem. Common motifs include a human later, a drow powerful enough to have
that the works in question revel in paladin impaled on a pike, a spider eat- gained so many years will certainly
demented evil. ing the brains of a haltling, or the good attract the attention of Lolth and end
Lolth's ritual slayings can be seen as elven god, Corellon Larethian, carved up on the sacrificiai altar. Drow who
a gruesome form of performance art. up on the torture table. die of natural causes are considered
Although everyday sacrifices are con- In some drow communities, more to have shamed Lolth. Their bodies are
abstract pieces are popular, such as a simply left to rot, their carcasses
events featuring notable victims are tapestry of liquid flesh in which hun- feeding the insects and vermin. In
often held in large amphitheaters in dreds of oozing eyes continually drift some cases however, such as when a
which the entire community can upward and downward in a regular more prominent drow dies of natural
gather. These events provoke a carni- wave pattern. causes, the priestesses might choose
val atmosphere, with raucous laughter to use the death as an example to
filling she hal! as jesters leap through Predation, other drow, imparting on them the
I he stalls. Bards stroll the aisles, Travel, and Warfare shame that comes with never having
sinking of murder, and celebrants haul For many male drow, finding peace caught the eye of Lolth and been
in food and wine to consume through- and autonomy is possible only on called to sacrifice. The corpse of such
out the event. Intoxicating vapors waft the trail, away from their wives, moth-
from censers, making hearts beat ers, and sisters. (Although nothing her family home, suspended by deli-
faster and hands tremble with bSood stops female drow from becoming cate spider silk, and left until only
lust. Priestesses and other members of hunters, women tend lo stay at home, bones remain. This serves as a symbol
the gentry watch from private boxes closer to the levers of power.) of the family's shame, and a reminder
fixed with blinds that can be drawn for Hunters win status for themselves to other drow of the benefits of mur-
privacy. Everything from conspiracies and wealth for their families by cap- dering particularly long-lived family
to trysts might be negotiated in the turing slaves and sacrificial victims. members. Drow who fall in battle or
confines of these boxes. They especially seek out adventurers who have been killed by another drow
Most drow bloodsports are horribly to attack, because such powerful receive a "blessing" from Lolth. Rather
brutal and gory. In one popular cnter- individuals are highly prized sacrificial than being thrown on the garbage
lamrnent, a bound captive is held commodities. heap or left to rot over the doorway
beneath an apparatus that slowly drips It is a short step for some discon- of one's ancestral home, the flesh on
3 magical acid onto his forehead, one tented dark elves to keep wandering their bodies is ceremoniously stripped
drop at a time. The solvent opens up a and never return home. So-called from the bones by a priesiess, dried,
hole in the victim's skull and then "good" drow are typically former and used for clorhing enhancements or
melts the brain. During this time, orbs hunters who have decided to find to make czak'ls, special bowis used to
of telepathic power communicate the places for themselves in other soci- collect blood drained from sacrificed
dying victim's memories to the salivat- eties. Even when fighting for appar- victims. Their remaining body parts
ing crowd. Attendees vicariously savor ently good causes, they find their and bones are soaked in a strong acid,
the captive's most traumatic ingrained predatory habits hard and after a few days, nothing remains.
and painful experiences as he to shake. The drow have no concept of
slowly succumbs. Prosperous drow communities might ancestor worship, and they do not
Not all bloodletting in the amphithe- decide to give Lolth her favorite gifl grieve for fallen family members.
ater is iat.il. Torturers often display of all and launch warfare against a Instead, they are too busy scheming
their supreme skill with their (Hit-ling nearby town, village, or underground how to use the death to their advan-
blades by leaving victims just on the settlement, fhe object of such con- tage. This might mean gaining new
brink ol de.slh. Ih<; most artful tortur- quests is always I he same: mass mur- power and prestige within the family,
ers become as himous as bards. Even der. Viclorious drow slaughter entire new business contacts, or new inher-
torture victims. It;!'I alive to rrw-'ieallv populations in I he name of Lolth. On ited wealth. On the extremely rare
rare occasions, ambitious prieslesses occasion that a drow feds loss over
become drow celebrities if they seek alliances wiih other drow the death of a mate or family member,
can communicate iheir suffering arl- enclaves, hoping lo build armies big it is advantageous to hide such feel
lully enough. enough to overrun and slaughler ings. A dark elf stupid enough to
Drow task: in the decorative arts entire nations. Such dforts might be demonstrate an emotion as useless as
successful in ihe interim but are gen- grief is considered an abomination,
One particularly skilled class of drow erally short-lived, as it does not take and quickly and painfully sacrificed
artisans specialises in incredibly life- much provocation for jealous priest- lo Lollh. <P
like sculpture thai looks as if il's cre- esses from different communities t o
ated Irorn living flesh. In truth, the I urn on one another.



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The Bestiary:

eep beneath the surface world

lies a realm of darkness, danger,
' and betrayal. Although many
races claim if as their home, the sinister
ninony waters drow claim to be its rulers. With arro-
gance that few can manage, the drow
lord over their slaves, scheming and
plotling behind the backs of their kin.
Despite their sense of superiority, the
drow fear one thing: their dark goddess
Lolth, Queen of Spiders.
Lolth is a .nightmare that few can
comprehend. Although she grants the
drow incredible power, wealth, and
influence, she is also utterly corrupting.
Anyone who worships Lolth walks on a
knife's edge over madness, evil, and
death. Described here are the various
stages of this life path, called
Lolthtanchwi, The Punishments of Lolth.

UrztehiiThe Unchosen
Like any other race, the vast majority
of drow are isi level by default. In
some ways, they are the luckiest,
because they do nor have ro endure ARACHOLOTH
the torment and agony of having Lolth's 3d8i-6 (hp 19)
many eyes Turn their way. To the +z(Dex)
haughty upper classes this is just as
well, for they consider drow of such
Arachotoths look like ,1 half-mix of drow
puny power and low status to be cattle and drider. They appear humanoid, with
and slaves for the elite. four spider-like legs and a shiny blauk
If a drow does not have the ambition Bite id6+i and poison; or carapace, Thir faces are particularly
to advance in society, then this is short bow id6 horrifying, with eight spider-eyes and \\
5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. poisonous fangs,
where they remain, foiling away as sol-
uajfe + poison, speM-iiKe
diers, servants, and playthings for the abilities Combat
rest. They will die, and Lolth will con- SR 14 Arachotoths are dangerous and terrifying
sume their souls in the afterlife. Most Fort tj, Ref tj, Will +4 creatures that try to horrify then
are resigned to their fate, and they try Str 12, Dex 14, Con 14, opponents before descending upon them in
Int n, Wis iC. Cha 10 melee. They typically pell opponents with
to cram as much hedonism into their
Climb +10, Concentration ty, arrows from the darkness, then charge in
miserable lives as they can manage. Hide +8, Listen +7, Move whh i heir gaze attack. They pursue any
This usually involves tormenting as Silently +8, Spor 17 creature that flees.
many non-drow as possible. Gaze (Su): Cause fear as if cast by a
3rd-!evel sorcerer, 30 feet, Will negates
When drow, through accident or
Any underground (DC ),
determination, show a high degree of Solitary, pair, troupe '2-7 Poison (Ex): Bite, Fornrude save (DC 13);
ambition, they play a dangerous game. plus 7-12 Small monstrous initial and secondary damage ;d4
Not only must they prove themselves spiders), or company (1-2 temporary Strength.
to their kin, but they must also show driders, 7-12 aratbotoths, Spell-Like Abilities: !/day-dancing ligf.
pfits i!-o Small monstrous darkness, faerie fire, suggestion, and web.
Lolth that they are worthy in her eyes. These abilities are as the spells cast by a
This is known as the Test of Darkness. 3 3rd-level sorcerer (save DC n + spell
The Zwy'il Always chaotic evil
The drow word zwy'il (pronounced By character class
zwy-ILL) means "candidate" and is used
to represent drow who are being tested
by Lolth. In a way, all drow who wor- Chwineka: The Test of Darkness poisonous fangs emerge from the
ship Lolth are considered zwy'il, for the When a drow has shown ambition, drive, zwy'il's mouth. Lastly, an extra pair of
Queen of Spiders is constantly review- and a willingness to put herself before spider-like legs grows from her torso.
ing and putting her children through others, she has taken her first step onto The drow has been transformed into an
series after series of tests of worthi- Lollhtanchwi. She is now considered a aracholoth another monstrous creation
ness. However, most drow, especially zwy'il and is subject to the whims of her of' Lolrh that is feared and perseculed by
clerics, reserve the term for specific dark goddess. To the drow, this transi- other drow (see the Aracholoth sidebar).
drow who show the obvious signs of tion is known as Chwineka (chwee- Lolth hates all such transformed drow
the tests. NEHK-ah), or the Test of Darkness. and takes pleasure in making them mere
In some ways, this is the most terrify- mockeries of spiders and drow, rather
The Paths of Lolthtanchwi ing of tests, because il comes seemingly than true members of either species.
The Punishments of Lolth are a series at random and without warning. The The Chwineka occurs when a drow
of tests that a drow must go through as zwy'il is inspected by Lolth to see if she has gained enough experience to
she increases in power. The Queen of is dark enough of heart to truly be a advance to 2nd level.
Spiders is a fickle, cruel, and exacting drow. To the drow, being dark of heart
mistress who delights in seeing drow means being without mercy, filled with
break down into chaos and insanity as selfishness, and possessing a remarkable Surviving the Chwineka, the zwy'sl has
often as she enjoys seeing them expand sense of superiority. shown the sense of superiority neces-
and dominate. This chwi comes suddenly and always sary to advance in drow society. Lesser
Each of these tests takes place as the at a time in which the drow is perform- drow immediately give her deference in
drow advances in level. She is com- ing some deed within view of other dark most social circumstances, afthough she
pelled to pass it, or ruin is certain. The elves. The drow feels her heart swell must still be mindful of her place in the
drow call these tests "punishments" with pride, power, and drive, tinged with hierarchy. The zwy'il must now brace for
(r.hwi, in Drow) because there is no a sensation of being watched from afar. the Chwikezzar (chwee-keh-ZAR), or
benefit to passing, other than being able If she gives any indication of self-doubt Test of Ambition.
to live. Drow who have managed to or unworthiness, a terrible pain clutches To those who study the insane logic of
evade the terrifying web of Loith's her heart. Without any warning, the Lolth, Chwikezzar is seen as the simplest
power by gaining the favor of another zwy'il's body begins to convulse and of the tests, because the natural drive,
deity are not affected by these tests, transform. Her eyes blacken and grow to zeal, and urge to succeed that all drow
but they also become the target of enormous proportions, while six smaller possess is weighed by the Queen of
every Lolth-worshtping drow. eyes emerge around her face. Two huge Spiders. However, no one is ever sure
what amount is necessary to placate her mous source, spelling out an extremely to failurebusiness opportunities dry
desire. Zwy'il at this point commit horrid profitable venture, but at great risk-rhe up, spells fail with alarming regularily,
acts of murder, Fraud, deception, and exact endeavor depends on the "busi- and she is inexplicably shunned by
coercion to advance their place in soci- ness" that the drow is involved in. For other drow. Eventually, the drow
ety. This is tempered by the fact that all example, a drow merchant might find a either goes into exile, goes mad, or is
draw must continually be mindful of way to completely eliminate a competitor killed. When the drow fails the
their place in that society. A drow can and raise the price of her goods but at Chwikezzar, a tiny green spider is
show tremendous energy in doing what the risk of angering a high-powered seen exiting the body,
it takes to succeed, but il only takes one priestess. The information is correct, but In game terms, a drow that has
wrong move to receive a poisoned dag- it cannot be verified. If the zwy'il acts on failed the Chwikezzar suffers from a
ger in the back-complements of a supe- this information and takes the risk, then -6 effective decrease in Charisma
rior's assassin. The drow must place she passes the test. (minimum 1} and a -4 enhancement
herself above others during this stage, If the zwy'il hesitates or does not penalty fo attack rolls, saving throws,
wheeling and dealing, jostling for position ability checks, and skill checks. These
at the expense of others. then Lolth considers her unworthy of penalties can be removed by any non-
The actual test is subtle. The zwy'il ambition. From that point on, almost Lolth-worshiping spellcaster casting
receives information from an anony- everything the drow does is doomed bestow curse, break enchantment, lim-
ited wish, miracle, remove curse, or
SPIDERLEG HORROR wish so long as the drow suffering the
rge Aberration effecfs forswears Lolth. This test
(114 hp) beneath the cjrttia nearly mindless beast
occurs at some point when the drow
Dex. +4 Improved thai searches out prey Ic strangle and
devour. Spiderleg horrors look like a writhing has gained enough experience to
30 ft.. 30 ft. burrow. 30 ft. mass ot flexible, hairy spider k:;;s. Lach loe, advance to yd, 4th, or 5th level.
climb emis in a sli.H p lip, and one side is covered
a (*3 Dex. -: size, +9 in ihorn-like h.nr that can rip Ihrough flesh ChwidHdera: The Test of the Drider
and bone wilh ease, ils central body is tniried
The Chwidridera (chwee-dri-DERA), or
deep under its [io/ens of limbs and is usually
seen only atler the creature hjs been killed the Test of !he Dridcr. is the most infa-
Damage; Leg id(U6 mous of the Punishments of Lolth. it is
FacerReaek 5 ft. hy 10 ft. "in ft. known outside of drow society, mainly
Spscia! Attacks; Constrict, improved grab because those who fail the lesi are
Special Qualities Leg i egttneration.
transformed into the foul creatures
known as driders. At this point, the drow
has shown a high amount of aspiration,
backstabbin^, and conniving as she
hits an opponent that is at least i>nr s:,--
advances up the social ladder, but she
cjtei'orv snullcr than iiself with at least two walks a fine line between the "healthy"
leg attacks, il detite normal damage .>nd arrogance of a normal tirow and mega-
attempts to start a grapple as .1 l'if aciiun lomania, ihinking that she is immune to
without provokinj; an attack of opportunity
her dark goddess's wrath.
'^'.lapplr lii'mns ri.|! It it t?is L) liolij, H Lilsi>
constricts on the same round. Altemativdv.
When this aspect of the Lolthtanchwi
ihe spiderl^j hunoT' has the option lo use begins, the drow has disturbing visions
Challenge Rating: i) one le^ to ^j'.ipple the opponent (-,';n penaltv of her body being consumed from the
Treasure; Starator OTI grappta cheek, bill I ht1 spiderle;^ horror is inside by a mass of spiders. !n a manner
Alignment: Aiv..iys npi io.isid..'1-ed grappJcd). trs either ease, e.ie.h
uncharacteristic for a drow, the zwy'il
Advancement; io-i^H suL-ccssl'ul grapple chock il makes duni\-;
successive rounds aiilomiiiienllv tieais le^; begins to avoid and fear spiders.
damage plus conslricl diirria^e- Considering the amount of spiders and
Constrict (Ex): With a successful ^i apple spider imagery that abounds in the cities
check. 3 spiderle;; horroi' can crush a
of the drow, the zwy'il must confront
Crabbed oppoiiuiii, dealing an extra jdO
points of damage. I his damage is considered
this fear almost every waking second.
bludgeoning piercing, and slashinii Jgnia.''^. Her paranoia increases, and she
Lag Regeneration (Lx)'. Foes c:an aiiaek a becomes convinced that every spider is
spiderleg horror's tentacles, taut only when waiting to sink its venomous fangs into
those appendages are actuatiy raiding an
her flesh. If the zwy'it can manage to
opponent. A let; has an AC of 23 (touch u|l
and can wifhsiand ^u points of doina^f;. The overcome this irrational behavior, the
loss of a leg does not harm the creature (thai fear abates, arid her usual respect and
is, the damage does nor apply against its Silt admiration for spiders returns.
point total), and it rcgrows the limb withm ,1
Those who fail this test do so by
Tremorsense (Ex): A spiderleg horror can
Ffeeing their community. Once this has
iiufojnaiically sense the location ot anythfflg happened, the /wy'il knows her fate is
within 60 feet that is in contact with the sealed. She is filled with an overwhelm-
ing sense of dread and foreboding, as
the visions of the spiders eating her
alive fill her mind in their horrible
Nothing happens until the next time
she rests. The visions return with a
terrible intensity, and a single minis-
cule red spider appears and crawls
into the zwy'il's mouth. Once the spi-
der is inside, the drow goes through a
grotesque and traumatic transforma-
tion during which she turns into a
drider (see the Monster Manual).
if horrified onlookers do not kill the
drider, it flees into the Underdark, know-
ing that it can never return. Drow
despise driders, recognizing that they
are failures in the eyes of Lolth, and will
do anything to see them destroyed. The
drider's mind is twisted by the transfor-
mation, filled with an incredible hatred
for the race to which it once belonged,
Drow clerics tell that Loith revels in this
animosity and the chaos that is sown
from the creation of one of these aber-
rations. The Chwidridera occurs when a
drow has gained enough experience to
advance to 6th level.

Chwiakreii-The Test of Lies

If the zwy'ii manages to survive the
dreaded Test of the Drider, she still
has many challenges to face. The next
test focuses on the zwy'il's status
within drow society. Even the most
secluded drow must have some inter-
action with her kin; even if just to
threaten them into leaving her alone.
For a drow who is more entrenched in
the workings of her people, the web of
intrigue and doublecrossing begins lo
tighten around her as she enters into
the Chwiakrell (pronounced chwee-uh-
KRELL), or Test of Lies,
The zwy'ii must plant seeds of lies and
deception, with the dual purposes of
bringing down an enemy and propelling
herself higher up the ladder of status.
The lie can be small and subtle, so long
as it ripples and grows to monstrous
proportions. The lie must also be com-
pletely untrue, although the zwy'ii can
heip the lie along by planting evidence
and arranging compromising situations
for the victim to be caught in.
The zwy'ii knows the test has begun
when she catches wind of a rumor
about her rhat is completely untrue (pos-
sibly the result of another drow's
Chwiakrell). A cocky zwy'iS can fail her
lest immediately if she does nothing, but
most go through tremendous effort to
quash The rumor (and the perpetrator) zwy'il's hand. Whatever it is, the zwy'il
as quickly as possible. Clerics of Lolfh Having learned that the only person she immediately knows what the spider is
believe that the Queen of Spiders whis- can trust is herself, the zwy'il must now indicating. Lolfh never chooses some-
pers these lies into the ear oF another understand the meaning of sacrifice. The fhing trivialonly something that has a
drow to begin the test. drow word for sacrifice (dencha) does close and powerful connection to the
The zwy'il passes the test if her not have quite the same meaning when it zwy'il suffices. In addition, the sacrifice
chosen victim is utterly humiliated and is translated in the Common tongue. For is something that seriously hurts or
removed from her position of power, the drow, sacrifice equals loss without reduces the drow in some way, whether
or (preferably) killed as a result of the gaining anything in return. The concept through the loss of magical might, social
lie. As mentioned above, the zwy'i! of freely giving something to another status, mental facility, or a physical trait.
fails the Chwiakrell if she does not without gaining any benefit in the The zwy'il must decide if she willingly
respond to the iies about her. She also process is completely alien lo the drow makes the sacrifice, and she must make
fails if her plan to bring down the vic- mindset. During the Chwidencha, the the sacrifice within one week of the
tim does not have the desired effect. zwy'il learns what this sacrifice truly appearance of Lolth's messenger. In the
If irrefutable proof of innocence is means. Lolth is a greedy goddess and case of an object, she must present it to
presented !o other drow, the zwy'il seeks to possess and consume anything another drow of equal or higher status,
immediately fails the test. that others have. By surviving this test, preferably a priestess of Lolrh. If it is a
Drow who fail this test become inca- the zwy'il learns to prize her possessions skill, feat, or ability, the zwy'il experi-
pable of lying as though under the and hoard anything of significance. ences a wrenching vision that feels as
effects of a zone of truth spell. This This test begins after the drow has though her soul is being torn apart, and
effect can be removed by any non- gained something of importance. It is not she is drained of id4 x 200 XP. Some
Lolth-worshiping spellcaster casting necessarily a material iteman increase zwy'il are even commanded to sacrifice
bestow curse, break enchantment, lim- in status, a new skill or spell, or some a part of their own bodies, such as an
ited wish, miracle, remove curse, or wish advance in personal ability is likely, too. eye, foot, or ear.
so long as the drow suffering the effects Shortly after the boon, the zwy'il If the zwy'il willingly goes through
forswears Lolth. The Chwiakrell occurs catches sight of the spider messenger of with Ihe sacrifice, she passes the test. If
when the drow has gained enough expe- Lolth, which appears on the object or she refuses to part with the chosen sac-
rience to advance to 7th or 8th level. representation of the trait that Lolth rifice, she fails, with terrible conse-
wants for herself. It might be a powerful quences. The next lime the drow
magic item, a fabulous jewel, or even the touches the treasured object or uses the

Large Aberration A brood mother IOOKS like un enormous Thus, an ogre killed by a brood mother s
i8dS+yu (171 hp) black wjdow spider with a tormented drow poison would give birth to a Medium-si^e
+7 (+3 Dex, +4 Improved head. It docs not have any hands, but it does monstrous spider. When a creature
Initiative) have two deceptively strong, feathery succeeds at the second saving throw against
40 fi., 30 ft. climb antennae close to its face that can grasp and the brood mother's poison. Us body has
21 (+3 Dex, -i size, +12 use objects, nullified the growth liquid and killed the egg.
natural), touch y, Like driders, brood mothers are outcasts Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day- dancing lights,
flat-footed ifi from drow society and are ruthlessly hunted darkness, deeper darkness, detect chaos,
Bite +14 melee down when found. Brood mothers prefer to detect e.vil, detect good, detect law. detect
Bile ^dfj 11^ and poison be left alone, content to spawn huge mztgic, and faerie fire- Caster level i^lh; save
20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. numbers of monstrous spiders from the DC 13 t spell level.
Poison, spell-like abilities, victims caught in her webs. Web (Ex); Brood mothers spin webs as
monstrous spiders. They may cast a web
Combat eight times per day. This is similar lo an
Fort +11, Rcf +9, Will +14 Brood mothers prefer ro fi^hl from behind A altack with a net, but it has a maximum
Sir iy, Dex if, Con so, shield of their monstrous spider kin. range of 50 feet with a ran^e incrernenl of
Int 6, Wis 16, Cha 16 Immunities (Ex); Brood molhers are 10 feet and is effective against targets of
Climb -H7, Concenlralion immune to webs (they cannot be caught in a Huge or smaller size (see Chapter 7 of the
-no, Listen -HO, Spot -HO spider's web or a web spell), poisons, and Player's Handbook for del ails on net attacks).
Alertness, Combat Casting, mind-af feel ing effects. The web anchors the target in place, allowing
Improved Initiative Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude save (DC 24); no movement.
initial damage ydG Constitution, secondary An entangled creature can escape with a
Underground damage death. successful Escape Artist check (DC 30) or
Solitary or brood (i brood The poison injected by a brood mother rs bursi il with a Strength check (DC 36). Both
mother. 10-20 Small actually a tiny egg m .5 fluid that causes are standard actions. The web has iB hit
monstrous spiders, i-in rapid growth of the egg under the right points. See ihe monstrous spidet entry in
Large monstrous spiders, i- condiliuns. The bodies of creatures killed by Appendix 2 ot the Monster Manual for more
fi Huge monstrous spiders) a brood mother's poison burst apart as a
14 monstrous spider, already grown to
Standard maturity, is born to the world. The birthed
Always chaotic evil spider's si/e is dependent on the size or Ihe
19-36 HD (Gargantuan); 37- creature il was born from, the monstrous
54 HD (Colossal) spider born is always one fine, category
smaller than the creature thai gave it birth.
ability Lolrh desired, she Transforms into a spi- spider is someTimes seen exiting The mouth For Your Character
derleg horror (see the Spiderleg Horror side- \\ you like what you see in this article,
of the corpse of The failed zwy'il.
show it to your DM and ask her if you
bar). The Chwidencha occurs when rhe drow When a drow fails this Test, the target gains can play a drow. If your DM is inter-
has gained enough experience to advance to the ability To find the zwy'il aT will using dis- ested in running a whole campaign set
gfh, loth, or nrh level. cern location (as Though cast by a sorcerer of in the Underdark. she also mishi allow
The zwy'il's level). The Target retains this abil-
presented in this article.
Chwidevbrii-The Test of BetrayaS ity until The zwy'il is dead or until LolTh deems
One of rhe r-easons you might be
Chwicfevbrii, or the Test of Betrayal, is a pun- a different drow musT Take up The quesT. allowed To play a drow is if your DM
ishment that strikes deep. As the zwy'il has The Chwidevbrii occurs at some point afTer allows you lo play evil characters. Only
progressed through the various trials and a drow has gained i2th level and before The neutral or evil characters dedicated to
tribulations of Lolth, she has gained powerful Lolth should have to endure She
drow has gained i5Th level,
Lolrhtanchwi, IF your DM doesn't
allies as well as powerful enemies. Although already allow evil PCs, ask her to took
trust is a distasteful concept to most drow, ChwihendreK-The Test of Domination ai the Book of Vile Darkness, releasing
they understand that sometimes if does hap- Having dispaTched a drow ally in the last test, in October, and DRAGON 3*300 for
pen and is even necessary. The Test of the zwy'il must now prove ThaT she is capable advice on how to run games with evil
PCs and For- advice for you on how to
Betrayal Teaches the zwy'il that she can only of ruling lesser beings by leading her people
trust one person-herself. to dominate non-drow. This is known as
To succeed at this test, The zwy'il musT Chwihendrell (pronounced chwee-hen-DRELL), For Your Campaign
beTray someone who has garnered her Trust or the Test of Domination. If you have no drow PCs. who would
go rhrough these tests, you can still
or in whom she has placed her Trust. Chwihendrell begins when a spider mes-
get a lot of use from this article:
Mentors, teachers, leaders, friends, and family senger draws the zwy'il's attention toward a The monsters provided here make
members are all fair game, as long as there non-drow being. This could be as direct as great additions lo any campaign,
has been a solid connection of dependence seeing the spider crawling along the Tunic of a whether or not it involves drow and
made in The pasi. The relationship between the Underdark.
duergar slave in the sTreeTs, or as abstract as
> Perhaps a drow going rhrough
master and slave or servant does not count; watching it crawl across a map, where it set- ihese tests focuses on the PCs for the
Lolrh knows that betrayal is inherent in such a Ties on a territory known for its infestation of Chwisasshra or Chwidevbrii. If the
relationship. The victim must also be on illithids. To The zwy'il, the meaning is clear: drow fails, Lolth grants Ihe PCs the
roughly the same (or higher) social step as The chosen race must be destroyed. abilily lo hunt down their foe.
Perhaps rhe PCs are in a city
the zwy'il-murdering a Trusted stable hand To pass the test, the zwy'il must raise an
ariacked by a drow going through the
means nothing to the Queen of Spiders. army (or elite team) and mount an assault on Chwihenriref. If ihey fend off fhe
The zwy'il must utterly destroy the other a significant population of the chosen race. anack, they must deal with the brood
drow in a way that allows her to advance in The goal is elimination and/or enslavement, mother the drow lurns into,
some manner. The method is not important: down to every man, woman, and child. The
$n campaigns in which some or all
Blackmail, slander, and theft are commonly population must be the equivalent to a small of the PCs are playing rlro'
used. In the end, the victim musT die. Usually, Town (see Chapier 4: AdvenTures in the Lolthtanchwi presents interesting chal-
the victim is murdered by the zwy'il herself, DUNGEON MASTER'S Guide), alThough this lenges and opportunities for those
commits suicide, or is killed by a third party amount can be spread out over numerous involved.
It your players ptaying drow PCs
as a result of the zwy'il's sfander campaign. individuals, thorps, hamlets, and villages.
would rather not incur the extra ri;'
The Chwidevbrii begins when the draw's Unlike the other TesTs, (he Chwihendrell rhese lests can occur bet1-""" ~J"
attention is drawn to a peculiar black spider does not have a set time limit. The test can tures as background rnyter iai- rou can
wiTh a dagger-like marking on its back. This take years to complete if the enemy proves describe in exacting, horrifying defail
occurs in the presence of the victim, who is what terrible events ihe drow endures
particularly Tenacious or has a large popula-
to pass onro fhe next level. This should
oblivious to its presence. Once the victim has Tion. Certain hard-to-find races, like the kuo~ be done privately, su thai none of the
been chosen, nothing can change it, and the toa, can be maddeningly difficult to eradicate, other players arc aware of what
resulT is eiTher a ruinous end for The victim or which suits The twisted humor of Lolth. changes in his personality has
for the zwy'ilThe zwy'il succeeds when the Failure is also arbitrary. If Lolrh believes The occurred.
As an alternate method, you
vicTim is dead. If it Takes an unusually long zwy'il has Taken Too long To meeT her goal or
might have the player make a saving
time For The plan to manifesT or if the zwy'il the enemy manages to regroup and mount a throw to see if her character survives
afTacks the victim but does not kill her, she significant counterattack, the zwy'il fails !he a chwt. Have the player make a single
fails The Test test. This awareness comes suddenly, along Will, Fortitude, or Refiex save (her
Punishment for failure resulTs in having choice), with Ihe DC equal ro to + the
with a sensation of abandonment and despair.
level that the character is trying to
the target retaliate against the zwy'il. If the Over the course of a few minutes, her body attain. Success indicates the zwy'il
target does not immediately succeed, she undergoes a transformation similar to that lives, and failure means rhar she suf-
gains a supernatural ability to hunT down experienced during the Test of the Drider. fers rhe fate described for that level.
The zwy'il, and iT is just a maTTer of time Instead of becoming a drider, however, the tt you run a more draw oriented
campaign, try actually running the
before The failed drow is lying dead at her failed drow is transformed into a brood
tests as part of adventures. Some
feet. If the zwy'il manages to eliminate the mother (see the Brood Mother sidebar). players will object ro such an arbirrary
target after this point, the Test is still con- The brood mother is a source of many of way of having their characier killed or
sidered a failure, and a family member, the different species of monstrous spiders transformed, so the DM should ma
servanT, or oTher ally takes up the pursuit known well ahead of lime whal rules
I hat roam the darkness of the subterranean
for drew PCs arc in effect.
of the failure. As in the other tests, a liny world. It is "born" pregnant and spawns many
spiders during its lifetime. The brood Considering the treacherous life that Once the target has been revealed,
mother injects other creatures with its most drow live, the zwy'il probably the zwy'il must eventually attack her and
offspring, killing the injected victim has a large supply of enemies. her household. This is usually done with
and giving birth to its children. These Unlike the other tests, subtlety is not the help of the zwy'il's minions and
spiders are likely ro kill the drow's allowed. The zwy'il must bring every troops. The zwy'il is forbidden to use a
enemies at some point, and in Lolth's resource at her disposal to the task of third party to assassinate the target, and
twisted logic, she accomplishes her wiping out her chosen enemy. The she immediately fails if she does so
extermination goals by creating more destruction must be absolute, including Lolth demands that the zwy'il spill the
brood mothers. the elimination of the enemy's immediate blood of her enemy directly. If the target
The Chwihendrell occurs after the family, household staff, and residence. is killed, the zwy'il must continue the
drow has gained enough experience to This test is extremely dangerous, not rampage, looting, desecrating, and
advance to i^th level. only for the violence that is required, destroying her foe's home as well.
"' but also for the wrath of the target's \f the zwy'il launches an assault and
wisasshra-The Test El
41 allies. The test begins when the zwy'il does not succeed in eliminating the tar-
Vengeance sees the tiny spider that has appeared so get, the test is considered a failure. If the
The zwy'ii is now ready to face the many times before. It shows itself at a zwy'il is not killed during the attack, she
Chwisasshra, or Test of Vengeance. time when the zwy'il visibly sees the tar- must contend with a rightfully angry
Just as in the Test of Betrayal, when get or in some other abstract way (for enemy. As in rhe Test of Betrayal, the
the drow brought down a trusted example, spinning a web on the enemy's hunter becomes the hunted, but in addi-
friend, the Chwisasshra demands that house banner). From that point on, the tion fo gaining the ability to find the
she utterly destroy a sworn enemy. target can never change. zwy'il at will using discern beat/on, the

Proxy of Lolth Immunities: Immune fo polymorphing, like the cleric to spontaneously cast
Female choldnlh' demigod (divine rank t) petrificstion, energy drain, ability drain, abiliiy
Cln6; CR 25; Large aberration; HD sod8+6o; damage, mind-affecting effects, disease, Communication: A proxy of Lolth can speak
tip 220; Inir +8; Spd 120 ft., climb 120 ft.; AC poison, stunning, paralysis, disinl eg ration, death and understand any language, and she can
37 (touch 18, Hat-footed 34): Atk +21 melee effects, electricity, and cold. speak to any being within i mile. She can also
(ad<|v and poison, bite); or +24/-t-!0,/ti<|Ag Control Creatures (Drow); A proxy of Lolth speak at any location within i mile of any
(id4+g/ig-2o, 14 ghost touch chaotic may attempt to dominate a drow once per day worshiper of Lolth,
shocking burst dagger}; Face/Reach 5 ft. by (Wit! save, DC 16). Domain Powers: Cast chaos spells at +t
10 ft./io fi.: SA Poison, cleric spells, spell- Immortal; A proxy of Lolth does not age, caster level; cast evil spells al ti caster level;
like abilities, web; SQ Damage reduction nor does she need lo eat, sleep, or breathe. smile s/day.
36/1-/), spetl resistance 33, fire resistanr.fi 21, Divine Senses: A proxy of Lolth's senses Spells Prepared (6/S/r>/7/7/5/5/5/5:
divine checks, immunities, control creaiures extend to i mile. As a standard action, she can base DC - 15 + spell level): o-inflict minor
(drow), immortal, divine senses, portfolio sense anything up to i mite from ihe location wounds (%), resistance (?). viriue; istcause
sense, automatic actions, create magic items, of a worshiper, shrine, or artifact dedicated to rear, command (2), doom, endure fiif.mf.nK,
divine aura, spontaneous casting, Lolth. She can extend her senses lo tip to two enrropic shield, protection from taw". random
communication, domain powers; AL C; SV iocations in ihis manner, and as a standard
Fort ti8. Rcf +16, Will 1-25; Str to, Dex it), action, a proxy of Lolth can block (he senses person (?), inflict moderate- wounds (2), silence;
Con 7. Ini 15, Wis 21, Cha 18. of deities of divine rank i or tower in a one yd-bestow curse (p), blindness/deafness (2),
Skills and Feats: Balance ng. Climb 1-23, mile radius ai up to two locations. deeper darkness (2), magic circle against law*;
Concentration 418, Hide 4-20, Jump +20, Portfolio Sense: A proxy ol Lolth 4th chaos hammer*, dimensional &jchor,
Knowledge (religion) 117. Spellcraft +17; automatically knows of any event that involves inflict critical wounds (3), poison (?); 5thdispel
Combat Casting, Improved Initial ive, Iron Will, one thousand or more drow. law", ethereal jaunt, flame strike, insect plague,
Lighlning Reflexes, Quicken Spelt, Spell Automatic Actions: A proxy ol' lollh can stay //wry'(3), true seeing: 6ih-M/e barrier
Penetration, Weapon Focus (bile). use the Knowledge (arcana) or Hide skill as a (2), create iindead". greater dispelling (2); 7tii-
Poison (Ex); Bile, Fortitude save (DC 23); free action, and she can perform ?_ such free dcstruclion (3), greater restoration, word of
initial and secondary damage ^dO temporary actions per round. chaos'; 8\h-antwmifjic field, cloak of chaos',
Constituiion. Create Magic Hems; A proxy of Lullh can discern location, earthquake (2); glhgntc,
Spell-like Abilities: At will-any Chaos, Evil, create any light or medium armor, simple or energy Jrain (3), summon monster IX*.
or Desiruciion domain speil (as if by an irth- martial weapons, items that create darkness, 'Domain spell. Deify: Lollh, Domains: Chaos
level sorcerer); At will- igkport \viihout error divination items, and items that disguise the (casl evil spells at +1 caster level), Evil (casi
(as if by a ioth-level sorcerer: additional user as long as the item's price does not evil speits at +1 caster level).
weight limited to 100 pounds): 2/day--darkness, exceed 4,500 gp. Possessions: +4 ghost touch chaotic shocking
bless (as if by a soth-level sorcerer). Divine Aura: Each round, as a free action, a burst (tagger, 14 shadow heavy fortification full
Web (Ex): Choldriths spin webs as proxy of lolth can choose fo cause nearby piste, ring of protection +$, cloak of resistance

monstrous spiders. They can cast a web eight creatures to be dazed or shaken, or she can 14, ring o/'evj.wbn, cube ot force.
limes a day. This is similar to an attack with a grant allies a +4 morale bonus to altack rolls, tfhe choldrifh is described in the Monster
net but has a maximum range of 50 feet, with saves, and checks and grant roes a *4 morale Compendium: Monsters of Faerun. You do noi
a ran^e increment of 10 feet, and is effective penalty to attack rolls, saves, and checks. This need that hook to run tfie proxy of Lolth as its
against largeis of Medium'Size or smaller. The supernatural effect is. a to-root-radius powers and abilities are fully described here.
web anchors targets in place. emanation. A Will save (DC id negates. ' 'The abililies of demigods and pro-'^' "
Divine Checks: A proxy of Loith does not Grant Spells: Although empowered fo more fuliy described in Df.ities and De .
aulomatically rail attack rolls and saving grant spells to those who pray lo them, but you should be able to use the proxy
throws on a roll ol i. The proxy of Lolth gains proxies usually direct those prayers to the Lolth with all the information presented here.
its divine rank as a bonus lo all skill checks, deity they serve. Note that s!l Ihe proxy's abilities but
ability checks, caster level checks, and Spontaneous Casting: A proxy of Lollh can spellcasting cannot be dispelled or suppressed,
turning checks. spontaneously casl any cleric spell. This works and they do noi go away in an antimagic field.

' M '

I -' ! i i ' : :
. ^^^H
zwy'il's enemy gains the abilily fo and belittles the zwy'il in as many ways mand againsf the proxy, often sacrific-
planeshifl or teleport without error (as as possible, degrading her victories and ing much of their power to bring down
though cost by a sorcerer of the revealing her weaknesses. The visions the deadly divine being.
zwy'il's level) 10 the localion of the continue over the course of several If the zwy'il defeats ihe proxy of
zwy'il tit will. Lolth revokes This ability weeks. Deprived of sleep (or, more Lolth, she passes the test. The reward
if the zwy'il's enemy uses it for a pur- accurately, the rcsiful meditation that for passing is greater than mere sur-
pose other than revenge, and should all elves require), the zwy'il starts sec vival. Zwy'il who pass the test are
the zwy'il succeed in defeating that ing hallucinations. Visions of the Spider allowed to advance beyond aoth level,
enemy, Lolth grants the abilities la a Goddess fill every moment of her life. never to be tested by Lolth again. Drow
different enemy of the zwy'il. The visions abruptly stop one day, who reach 3Oth level are sometimes
The Chwisasshra occurs after rhe and the zwy'if now knows that she must called to become proxies of Lolth them-
draw has gained enough experience To face Lolth. The next time that she is selves. They then have the opportunity
advance to 171 h level. alone, she he.irs the sound of skittering to defend their positions by eliminating
daws behind her. When she turns, she ambitious drow during future Chwiloths.
Chws!olth-The Test of Loith sees a monstrosity lurking before her For information on advancing beyond
The zwy'il is now reaching the pinnacle a proxy of Lolth, complete with the ?oth level, see the Epic. Level Handbook.
of her existence. She lias overcome head of a beautiful drow maiden jutting for information on creating proxies, see
incredible odds and proven tha! she out from a repulsive spider body. She Deuif.s cmd Demigods.
possesses the "best" trails that drow states, "It is time," before leaping in to Otherwise, the proxy kills !he /wy'il.
mlrnire: uncompromising will, unbeliev- feast on ihe zwy'il's L>ody. See the Zwy'il killed by the proxy cannot be
able cruelty, and on ulfer sense of Proxy of Lohh sidebar for the proxy's raised, reincarnated, or resurrected by
superiority. One more test remains, any means, The denes of Lolth say that
howeverChwilolth, or the Test of The zwy'il must fighl for her life. She the souls of zwy'il who tail the test are
Lolth. Having bested her enemies, the con use any and all means available to taken back to Lolth and slowly con-
zwy'il must face down a representative him, including weapons, magic items, sumed. Ihe Chwilolth occurs when the
of the Spider Goddess herself. spells, and traps. Although drow are drow has gained enough experience to
taught lhat they must fight this battle advance to igfh or ^oth level. f
alone, only a fool would Ho so. Most
drow brim; all the forces at their com-

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Monster Tokens
New monsters keep encounters interest-
ing and keep the piayers guessing, but
it's hard to find miniatures or even mon-
ster tokens for brand new monsters. We
couldn't deside whether to provide mon-
ster tokens or the great Cave of Pain
battlemat that came with this issue, so
you get both. Just head to the nearest

ers with these threats from the

Underdark. Ihese do-it -yourself tokens N
include monsters from three of this
month's articles, "The Punishments of
Lolth," the LIVING GREYHAWK Journal, and
"The Ashen Compact."
The DHACJON staff is always looking
tor ways to build a more useful rnaga
zine, if you have comments on this, or
any of ihe other ideas in this issue,
chime in on the DRAGON message boards
at www.wi2ards.com.
Permission granted to reproduce this
page for personal use only.
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he drow have a well-deserved rep- harvest and render the fungus down to never glimpsed fhe harsh light of the
utation as cold-blooded murderers, a base substance capable of reproducing sun. Kuo-toas, rogue bands of sahuagin,
torturers, and sadists. They delight the shrieker's howl. lost tribes of sea elves, and other
in seeing others in pain, including those Shriek paste is an oily, smelly sub- strange and exotic races swim the black-
of their own race. Because of this fasci- stance with a slightly purplish color. ened wafers. The drow despise any chal-
--*:->n with torment, the drow have When smeared on a surface, it retains lenge to their rule below the earth and
ome experts in creating items, poi- its same consistency almost indefinitely. view these aquatic races as adversaries
;ons, drugs, and weapons that inflict When the paste is exposed to a light to be decimated.
excruciating pain, mind-blasting insanity, source equivalent to torchlight or Long ago, a small city of drow began
or both. greater, it rapidly crystallizes. During to prosper along fhe banks of an
Like any other race, the drow take this process, the paste makes a high- immense underground lake. However,
advantage of the resources available in pitched screeching noise, making it a fhe lake also hosted a substantial kuo-
their surroundings. Mushrooms, moss, useful signaling device. The shriek is toan settlement. Clashes between the
algae, fungi, and the bizarre animal loud and easy to hear {Listen DC -10, drow and kuo-toas were common, with
species found in the Underdark serve a$K modified as usual for distance, solid the kuo-toas raiding the fragile ships
fhe baseline for countless Thousands of barriers, and other environmental fac- that fhe drow were using to cross the
odd and dangerous items and poisons. tors.) This sound lasts for 1 round lake. The attacks became more bold
Because of their close association with before the paste dries up entirely and when the kuo-toas realized that without
their sinister goddess, Lolth, drow also is rendered inert. crossing the lake, the drow were
make extensive use of spiders and have Flashstone: Some houses of drow trapped-tfiere were no other tunnels
catalogued a dizzying array of ways to have not laid eyes on a surface dweller leading out of the city.
take advantage of them. in many generations, so they have for- Salvation for the drow came in the
Here are some specialized items (hat gotten that not everyone can see per- form of a young alchemist who created
might be found in the hands of the fectly well in the gloom of fhe a vile concoction, which he dubbed
drow. Players should remember that the Underdark. Other clans have had to deal blackwater. When dumped into water,
concepts of mercy, fairness, and honor with repeated incursions from above blackwafer immediately eliminates the
are as alien to the drow as the surface and have come up with several ways to oxygen, suffocating most aquatic beings
dwellers that invade their Underdark deal with them. that are caught in its area. The drow
fortresses. The flashstone is a hard, shiny pellet "navy" commissioned the alchemist to
that glistens in light and glows slightly create as much of the substance as pos-
Alchemical Items under both normal vision and darkvi- sible. Barrel after barrel of blackwater
Although not normally known for their sion. It is the same size and shape as a was dumped into the lake, which had the
alchemical skills, some drow have cre- sling bullet, and it is used in a sling as desired effect of eliminating any kuo-
ated items of note. In almost all cases, often as it is thrown. When a flashsfone toas that dared to venfure close to th~
these items make use of various ingre- strikes a hard surface, it vaporizes surface. Unfortunately, fhe poison also
dients found only in the blackness of instantly, releasing a blast of light (15- eliminated most of the fish, crustaceans,
the Underdark. foot-diameter circle). Creatures caught and other wildlife that the city was
Shriek Paste: The shrieker, a common in the blast must make Fortitude saves dependent on for food. For a few des-
fungus found in the bowels of the (DC 16) or be blinded for i round. Once perate months, the drow clung to sur-
Underdark, is sometimes cultivated by the i-round blindness has passed, the vival while ships went to other cities and
drow societies, creating a first line of creature suffers a -2 penalty to Spot bartered for food.
defense against intrusion around their and Search checks for one hour while For his efforts, the alchemist was
cities. In addition, drow alchemists its eyes recover. murdered in his sleep to ensure that the
Some drow torturers enjoy using knowledge of blackwater would not
flashstones in conjunction with conven- spread beyond the city. However, this
Alchemy Items tional techniques, conditioning the victim plan failed, and soon other drow became
Item Creation DC to equate bright light with pain. aware of the potent concoction.
Shriek Paste 20 Blackwater: The Underdark is filled A single vial of blackwater rapidly
Flsshstone 20 with dozens of lakes, rivers, and even affects a 10 foot by 10 foot cube of
Blackwater 2s entire seas, which in turn are filled with water. Any aquatic creature that
numerous aquatic species that have breathes blackwater must make a

Initial Secondary Craft (Poison
Poison Type Damage Damage making) DC Cost
Chakar Root Ingested DC 16 Paralysis* zd6 Dex '7 750 SP
Ebon Fungus Inhaled DC 15 i Cha 2d6 Cha '5 500 gp
Dessicator Poison Contact DC 19 3d6 Con/ 3d6 Con/ 25 2.75 gP
(ida Con*) H
See poison description.
Constitution check (DC 10) each round Ebon fungus attacks in two different Fezrah ("Spiderblind")
or begin to drown (see Chapter 3: ways. First, creatures that -inhale the Description: This pitch-black fungus has
Running the Game, the Drowning Rule, spores feel a loss of self-confidence and numerous fuzzy white spots and pro-
in the DUNGEON MASTER'S Guide). The DC worth, eventually causing a spiraling duces an odor that is repulsive to any
for this check increases by i on each depression. Second, the fungus spreads sort of vermin, particularly spiders.
subsequent round. The creature can also throughout the victim's body, covering When these spore-filled spots are har-
try to "hold its breath" (as a creature his skin with a fuzzy black substance. vested and ingested, the user produces
going underwater would normally d Slaves usually collect this substance, a scent that vermin cannot stand.
using the rules from the DUNGEON as few drow willingly expose themselves
MASTER'S Guide. Blackwaler affects to the dangers of this fungus. It is then Initial Effect: None.
creatures that can breathe underwater ground into a fine black powder. Secondary Effect: The user exudes a
due to a spell or effect, such as water Desiccator Poison: The result of a scent that is repulsive to vermin of any
breathing, but has no effect on crea- successful use of the dessicaror-a type (including monstrous). Vermin must
tures that can only breathe air. gruesome torture device devised by make a Fortitude save (DC 11) to move
the drow (see below) - is a viscous within 5 feet of the user. If the user
Poison substance that contains the vital moves within 5 feet of vermin, those
The Underdark is host to numerous essence of a sentient being. By combin- vermin must make a Fortitude save (DC
species of plants, fungi, molds, and other ing this essence with a mixture of mon- n) or back away at least 5 feet on their
sources of terrible poisons. The drow strous spider loxin, drow alchemists next action. This effect lasts for i hour.
have identified several unique toxins that have learned how to make extremely Price: 50 gp
are derived from these spores, mush- deadly poisons that target specific Side Effects: The user becomes
rooms, and animals. races. It requires an Aichemy check mildly paranoid, and his attitude
The creation of poisons is an art (DC 20) instead of the normal Craft toward other creatures can never
taughi to almost every drow. Being (poisonmaking) skill check to create a improve past indifferent (see NPC
able, to identify and use poisons is cru- single vial of desiccator poison. Failure Attitudes, Chapter 5: Campaigns in the
cial in the murderous world of the indicates that the ingredients have b6 DUNGEON MASTER'S Guide).
drow, and one who does not learn poi- wasted, necessitating another use of Overdose: If more than a single dq^e
son's secrets is doomed to become a the dessicator. is taken in a 24-hour period, fezrah acts,
victim to them. Dessicator poison is tailored for a as a poison-DC n, initial and
Chakar Root: Chakar is a strange and specific race, it is a contact poison (DC damage K!P Strength.
beautiful plant thai produces fragrant 19) that causes 3d6 initial Constitution Addiction: Low.
blooms and emits a glow visible only to damage and ^d6 secondary * ,
those using darkvision. While the plant is Constitution damage if used against a Chiff
admired for its unsettling beauty, the member of the same race that was used Description: This mineral is found in
roots of the plant have proven the most to make the desiccator poison (see the tiny deposits deep in the Underdark,
prized part by drow assassins. Chakar dessic.ator description below). If the commonly near iron and silver. It is a
root has a light, pleasant taste, and it is poison comes into contact with a dif- chalky white substance with a dis-
commonly mixed into the victim's food. ferent race, it is not nearly as effective tinctly metallic tang when smelled.
When ingested, chakar causes a warm dd2 initial Constitution damage, no sec- Chiff grants the user a sense of supe-
and pleasant sensation ihat runs ondary damage). riority and a desire to see blood
throughout fhe entire body. However, if Drow assassins enjoy using this poison spilled. The gladiator-slaves of the
the victim fails her Fortitude save (DC when stalking specific prey. Although drow commonly use it as well as
16), she becomes paralyzed. This paraly- expensive, drow delight in knowing that drow who know they will be going
sis lasts for id3 hours. The root contin- the pain and torment of one victim was
ues to attack the body, and a minute used to cause the death of another. Type: inhaled DC 17.
after its initial ingestion, the victim must Initial Effect: Chiff fills the user with
make a second save or suffer sd6 points Drugs a sense of invulnerability, confidence,
of Dexterity damage. The drow have no compunctions about and bloodlust. The user gains the abil-
Ebon Fungus: Feared even by the the use, transport, or sale of drugs. ity to Rage (as the barbarian class
drow, ebon fungus is commonly found Some drow have even created financial ability) once during the duration of the
near pools of water that are completely empires based on the sale of rare, diffi- drug (or 10 rage one additional time if
devoid of life. Animals that stumble into cult to find drugs, catering to both sur- the user already has the rage ability).
a patch of ebon fungus begin to face dwellers and other drow. Drow The effects last for id3 hours.
become withdrawn, lethargic, and disin- commonly feed drugs to their slaves, Secondary Effect: Chiff is 3 potent
terested in the world around them. If lowering their willpower, improving their stimulant, and the user gains a tempo-
left unattended, the animal soon dies capacity for work, or turning them into rary +2 alchemical bonus to her
from ennui, refusing to even seek food drooling puppets that the drow can use
or water. Drow collect this substance for some twisted pleasure. Price: 300 gp
and use it against enemies that they For more information on drugs, see Side Effects: When the second;
want to see humiliated and withered Lords of Darkness or the upcoming effect ends, fhe user is extremely
before being destroyed. Book of Vile Darkness. lethargic and uncaring. The user



suffers a -6 penalfy to Dexterity and deals id6 damage and injects a terrible (black widow); Market Price: 37,840 gp
becomes fatigued. poison that begins to rot the wearer's (brown recluse), 115,440 gp (phase spi-
Overdose: If more than one dose of flesh. Fortitude save (DC 18); ad6 initial der), 56,150 gp (black widow); Cost to
chifT is taken in a 24-hour period, and secondary Constitution damage. Create: (8,920 gp + 1,513 XP (brown
user suffers id^ points of Wisdom darn- Phase Spider: This mask resembles recluse), 57,720 gp + 6,217 XP (phase
age and acts as if under the effecl of a that of a phase spider: white and blue, spider), 28,075 P + ^246 XP (black
confusion spell for zdq minutes. Using it with eight silvery white eyes. The widow); Weight:.
three or more times within a 24 hour wearer gains the following abilities:
period causes 264 points of Wisdom +2 profane bonus to Spot, Search, Desiccator
damage and the user is confusr j " and Listen checks. First created by the drow of House
spell confusion for 2d4 hours. The wearer gains (he ability lo make Relyerrin, the desiccator has since
Addiction: High. a single bite attack each round. This bite been duplicated by other drow necro-
deals id6 damage and poison. Fortitude mancers. It is an item that mixes tor-
Magic Items save (DC 13); idfi initial and secondary ture, necromancy, and alchemy into
Drow make extensive use of magic items Constitution damage. one terrible whole.
of all kinds, and only the lowliest se As a move-equivalent actio The desiccator is a targe iron table,
vants or warriors do not own at least wearer can shift from the Ethei. . and it quite obviously looks like a torture
one magic item. Listed here are some of to the Material Plane. Shifting back to device. There are four solid iron bands
the bizarre and dangerous magic items the Ethereal Plane also takes a move- where the victim's arms and legs can be
that the draw have created for their equivalent action. The ability is otherwise restrained (break DC 30, Escape Artist
perverted goals. identical to the ethereal jsunt spell as DC 35). The bands are flexible, and the
cast by a gth-level cleric. The wearer table can hold any creature of size Tiny
Spider Masks can shift between the planes any number to size Large. After a creature has been
found only in the possession of high- of times per day. restrained for a full round, the desicca-
ranking clerics of Lolth, these terrible Black Widow: This mask is midnight- /cr begins emitting hypnotic waves to
masks grant great power, but they biack, with the distinctive red hourglass pacify the victim. Victims must make a
extract a terrible price upon the wearer. shape of the black widow spider located Will save (DC 23) each round or be
Once donned, the mask fuses itself to on the forehead. Unlike the other masks affected by a dominate monster effect.
the wearer's face and cannot be listed here, the wearer's mouth is visible, Once affected by the dominate monster
removed short of use of a limited wish, although it looks like he possesses huge, ability, the victim ceases to struggle.
wish, or miracle. Even if the mask is suc- spider-like fangs. Eighi small spider eyes Starting on the second round, the
cessfully removed in this manner, the are scattered evenly on the mask's sur- desiccator begins to suck out the life
person must make a Fortitude save (DC face. The wearer gains the following force and vital fluids of the victim.
25} or be instantly killed by the fury of abilities: Every 10 minutes, the victim musi make
Lolth. Seeing such a mask, most drow +4 profane bonus to Listen, Move a Will save (DC 15) or suffer i point
immediately treat the wearer with a Silently, Search, and Spot checks. each of Constitution and Charisma drain.
great deal of respect. There are three Cause fear at will as if cast by a The victim begins to shrivel and dry out
known types of masks: i5th-level sorcerer. during the process, and the bands auto-
Brown Recluse: This dull brown mask The wearer gains the ability to make matically tighten to prevent him from
a single bite altack each round. This bite sliding free from the restraints.
with only eight black eyes and two huge deais id8 damage and poison. Fortitude The victim's essence is collected
hairy fangs breaking the surface. The save (DC 18); 3d6 initial and secondary through a series of tubes and vials,
wearer gains the following abilities: Constitution damage. which is then used to create a noxious
+4 profane bonus to Spot and Caster Level: 15th; Prerequisites: toxin called desiccator poison. This poi-
Listen checks. Craft Wondrous Item, jump, poison son is dangerous to most creatures, but
Jump and spider climb at will. (brown recluse); Craft Wondrous Item, it is especially effective against the same
The wearer gains the ability to make ethereal jaunl. poison (phase spider); race that the essence was derived from.
a single bite attack each round. This fc ! Wondrous Item, cause fear, poison The victim must be drained to death to

Z'henra's Tools


produce enough useful subject proved too difficult to break weigh 3 pounds. They are identical to
essence. See desiccator through conventional methods, and whips in all other respects.) It is usually
poison above. they remain convinced that the ability found in the possession of drow slavers
Creatures that are immune To poison was rarely used. or torturers. In the hands of a non-
are immune to dessicator poison, but Caster Level: i2th; Prerequisites: Craft drow, the lash of torment acts merely
they can still be affected by the dessica- Wondrous Item, zone of truth; Market as a +t whip dagger. In addition, every
tor's draining effects unless they are Price: 8,640 gp; Cost to Create: 4,320 time that the non-drow wielder misses,
somehow immune to Charisma and gp + 346 XP; Market Price: 8,640 gp. The lash of torment curls back and
Constitution damage. strikes the wielder. This curse has been
Caster Level: i/th; Prerequisites: Craft MAGIC WEAPONS AND ARMOR placed on the weapon to prevent slave
Wondrous Item, dominate monster, hor- The drow are well known for their use from taking it up against their master
rid wilting; Market Price: 314,000 gp; of crossbows (especially hand cross- Some drow slavers leave the lash of
Cost to Create: 153,000 gp + 12,240 XP; bows) as well as light and fast weapons.
Weight: 200 Ibs. They also enjoy causing pain, and some find it, watching with delight as tf
drow forgo weapons that kill immediately slave suffers the consequences of a
Z'henra's Tools for ones that draw out the agony of missed strike.
Z'henra was a drow torturer whose skill their opponents. In the hands of a drow, the lash of
reached legendary proportions. She torment functions as a *j wounding
specialized in the extraction of informa- Bolt of Discord whip dagger. On a critical hit, the k
tion from mind flayers, considering Delighting in sowing chaos among their torment also causes tremendous pain.
them the most challenging of races to enemies, the drow have created The victim suffers wracking pains,
break. Over time, she created a series weapons that disrupt and confuse, resulting in a -2 penalty to Dexterity and
of magical implements of torture to thereby prolonging the conflict. A bolt of a -4 penalty to all attack rolls, skill
help her crack through the most diffi- discords a +1 crossbow bolt covered in checks, and ability checks. A Fortitude
cult wills. bizarre sigils that seem to move on their save (DC 18) negates this effect. Both
The kit contains hooks, scalpels, own accord. Upon impact, the bolt effects last idio minutes, and any addi-
barbs, razor-sharp tongs, and other releases a confusion spell with a 15-Foot tional hits from a lash of torment during
sinister looking items, all of which are radius, as if cast by a i3th-level wizard this time have no further effect on the
made of polished silver. The tools have (Will save DC 16 to resist). In addition, if victim beyond the normal damage
an unusual activation: They must be a creature is directly struck by the bolt inflicted.
placed one by one in front of the vic- of discord, it is affected by an insanity Caster Level: i5th; Prerequisites:
tim who has to be able to see them. spell as if cast by a i3th-level wizard Craft Magic Arms and Armor, mor-
After all of the tools have been placed, (Will save DC 20 to resist), denkainen's sword, symbol; Market
the torturer is then free to pick them Caster Level: i3th; Prerequisites: Craft Price: 98,325; Cost to Create: 49,162 +
up and use them on the victim. Magic Arms and Armor, confusion, 3.933 XP-
Z'henra's fools grant a +10 profane insanity; Market Price: 3250 gp; Cost to
bonus to Intimidate checks during the Create: 1625 gp + 130 XP; Weight: -. Rod of Tentacles
course of the torture session. Once This disturbing looking rod looks as
per day, the tools can generate a zone Lash of Torment though it is made out of a coiled mass of
of truth as if cast by a t2th-level This whip is embedded with cruel spikes tentacles. It is warm and rubbery to the
cleric. Curiously, this ability can only of iron and glass, effectively making it a touch and wiggles slightly when held. If
be activated after one full hour of tor- whip-dagger. (Whip daggers are exotic used in melee combat, the rod of tenta-
ture with the tools has been per- weapons from Sword and Fist. They cost cles acts as a +i heavy mace.
formed. Sages speculate that Z'henra 25 &P' deal id6 points of slashing dam- The rod of tentacles allows the wielder
built in this safeguard in case the age, score a critical on a 19-20. and > cast evard's black tentacles up to

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Lash of
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If the tentacle beast is killed, it imme- that all the shatter bolts will break and
level wizard. Once per day, the rod diately reverts back into the rod form be destroyed. A shatter spell automati-
can be turned into a bizarre creature and cannot be used for a full 24 hours. cally destroys any shatter bolts that are
that Follows the commands of the If the tentacte beast is destroyed through caught in its area of effect. Unlike nor-
wielder. When hurled to the ground use of a disintegrate, limited wish, mira- mal bolts, shatter bolts are always
and a command word is spoken, the cle, or wish spell, the rod is completely destroyed if they miss their target.
rod turns into a mass of writhing, destroyed. Because of this, most wietders of shatter
slimy tentacles. It remains in this form Caster Level: i5th; Prerequisites: bolts try to stay out of melee.
for a number of rounds equal to the Craft Rod, animate object, evard's black Because of their extremely fragile
wielder's total class level. It has the tentacles; Market Price: 86,000 gp; Cost structure, shatter bolts cannot be the
following statistics and abilities: to Create: 43,000 gp + 3440 XP; target of the following spells: magic
Weight: 12 IDS. weapon, keen edge, and greater magic
Tentacle Beast: CR -; Large con- weapon.
struct; HD 8dto; hp 44; Init +2; Spd 20 NON-MAGIC WEAPONS Market Price: 75 gp each; Weight: i
ft., climb 20 ft.; AC 18 (touch n, flat- AND ARMOR Ib. do bolls).
footed 16); Atk +10 melee dd6+5, 8 ten- Drow rely on slaves to produce most of
tacle rakes); Face/reach 10 ft. by 10 their weapons and armor, but a few Silk Armor
ft./io ft.; SA Constrict; improved grab; inventive drow perfect weapons too Crafted by highly trained artisans who
SQ Construct traits, damage reduction valuable to leave in the hands of slaves weave this armor from the silk of mon-
IO/-M; AL N; SV Fort +2, Ref +4, Will or simple laborers. These weapons and strous spiders, silk armor is a highly
+3; Str 20, Dex 15, Con-, Int-, Wis 12, armor, like all secrets of the drow, rarely prized form of protection favored by
Cha 3. make their way into the hands of other drow who want to look good without
Constrict (Ex): A tentacle beast deals races, but some have seen enough regu- weighing themselves down. Silk armor
ad8+5 points of damage with a suc- lar use to be recognizable by most expe- looks more like a medium-weight jerkin
cessful grapple check against Medium- rienced adventurers. than regular armor, but is incredibly
size or smaller creatures. tough and resilient.
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this abil- Shatter Bolt Silk armor is light armor. This armor
ity, the tentacle beast must hit a This beautiful crossbow bolt is crafted provides a +3 armor bonus and has a
Medium-size or smaller opponent with entirely from a specialized form of glass. +8 maximum Dexterity bonus. The
a tentacle rake attack. If it gets a hold, It has a long tip that is more slender armor has an arcane spell failure chance
it can constrict. than the rest of the shaft. Upon striking of 5% and a -i armor check penalty.
Construct Traits: Immune to rnind- a target, it shatters into razor sharp sliv- Silk armor is naturally accepting of
influencing effects (charms, compulsions, ers that cause tremendous amounts of enhancements. Although the enhance-
phantasms, patterns, and morale effects), pain, increasing the critical increment to ment's cost is unaffected, the time it
and to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, i8-2O/X3. Shatter bolts are available for takes to add the enhancement to the
disease, death effects, necromantic both normal sized (light and heavy) armor is reduced by half. In addition,
effects, and any effect that require- - crossbows and hand crossbows. non-masterwork silk armor can be
Fortitude save unless il also works un Shatter bolts are extremely delicate, enhanced with magic.
objects; cannot heal damage; not subject however, and they are easily destroyed Market Price: 5,000 gp;
to critical hits, subdual damage, ability by intense jostling, such as what occurs Weight: is Ibs. O
damage, ability drain, or energy drain; in tnelee combat. Any time that a person
not at risk of death from massive dam- holding shatter bolts (held, in a crossbow
age, but destroyed when reduced to o or in a quiver) is grappled, tripped, or
hit points or less; cannot be raised or *akes 10 or more points of damage from
resurrected; darkvision 60 ft. ' tgle strike, there is a 50% chance
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by Jim Bishop illustrated by J o n a t h a n Wayshak

he Ashen Compact is a secret that would mean leaving themselves spreading word that they required
cabal of subterranean races that undefended and open to aftacks from heroes for a crusade against the hated
recruit and train surface adventur- the others. They could not agree on how dark elves.
ers to make war against the drow. They to divide forces, and so could not agree
call their Training grounds "academies," to a four-way alliance. The beaten races THE FIRST STUDENTS
and they advertise themselves in the realized ThaT They needed To go ouTside The news spread quickly, and before
surface world as agents of a great cru- their borders for heip-fo The great long the usual crowd of malcontents,
sade against evil, but their motives are heroes of the surface world. As they riffraff, and adventurers gathered in
far from pure. finalized their plans, they made an oath the moss-covered churchyard to take
The Compact was formed years ago, of loyalty To each other. Thus the Ashen the first solemn oath against their new
when the drow noble house of Sldorno Compact was born. foe. Many races answered The call,
WiThin days. The first agenTs of The including a large number of elves, all
campaign of systematic conquesl of the Ashen CompacT sTole To The surface. A of Them raised on tales of dark elf
surrounding races. Creatures who had dozen mind flayers, derro, and duergar treachery and villainy.
been at each other's throats for eons warriors Traveled aT nighT under magical The group was split into three differ-
suddenly found Themselves shoulder to protections and began their reconnais- ent divisions according to the students"
shoulder as they fled to safety. As the sance of locai settlements. With the skills, and training began in earnest.
survivors of the mind flayer, duergar, duergar and derro supplying muscle, Those skilled in The art of fighting began
derro, and aboleth nations came and ihe mind flayers able to creaTe loyal their schooling with ancient treatises on
together in the ash and ruins of their subjecTs, They quickly formed a base of drow tactics, anatomy, and psychology.
former cities, they met for the first time power in the catacombs under an aban- Once these subjects were mastered,
in peaceful negotiations. doned temple, while establishing a front their duergar instructors-disguised as
No single nation was strong enough to of brainwashed followers in the ruins deep dwarvesput them through months
face the drow alone. Any two nations above. The Team's puppeTs insinuaTed of grueling drills in the total darkness of
could join forces to crush the drow, but Themselves into the local community. the catacombs.
Members with a more larcenous bent were Most often, Compact operations are set up in
Even if draw don't eiist in taken to the ruined bell tower, where the maze the ruins of temples and monasteries. These
your i .impaign, you i.an still of shattered beams and masonry accustomed buildings are usually designed to accommodate
use many elements of this them lo the conditions of deep caverns. These large groups, and they have the additional
ariide. Here aif sfjw sug- students studied under a trio of derro, whose advantage of having been built to foster privacy
V .''nns lo pel you started. rasping voices rurne from behind a screen, for those within their walls. Best of all, these
You ciin use the bark teaching how to listen to the earth and strike buildings carry the seal of faith and help to sell
.qmurvl stui-v a I !fv Ashen trom ambush. the surrounding communities on the academy's
Compact's creation as ,m Meanwhile, a solitary aboleth had been fer values and sincerity.
ipinie'-ting plo! hook. In thi^ ried up through (he dark Tunnels and secreted Fortresses are abandoned far less frequently
case, the agents might be in the old temple's cistern, Here the spellcasters than religious buildings, but their strong con-
fighting another evil'race that of the group were secretly subjected To hyp- struction and strategic placement make them
is pievalenr in your campaign, noTic suggesTion, sensory deprivation, and psy almost as desirable. In the absence of a fortified
or perhaps their tni^idi > c.hic surgery to strengthen their minds. structure, Compact agents work with whatever
against a tribe of good Eventually, the more exceptional spellcasters is at hand and are not above setting up their
dwarves. Your PCs mighi 'i> were fused with the ancient creature's alien academies in a farmhouse, winery, river barge,
rccruit'id into a Compart consciousness, gaining supernatural perception and even-if the reports are true-in the walls of
academy, or some i onrerncr! dt the expense of their normal eyesight. a ruined dam.
p;>n:nt<. might ask Ihf PCs iw Academies are founded with no warning,
hefp in learning whji hap- The First Crusade springing up in a few days before local authori-
pened to thfiir i hiSdren after Within a year, the ragged volunteers were ties can ask too many questions. Major repairs
rf'f\ joined thf lot -il academy forged into an expert fighting force, their old and new construction wait for the first crop of
The NPC agent- pn' skills <md ways ol life were forgotten, replaced students, and these sites often change dramati-
scnifid in this .inn Ic don't with a deadly torus on fighting dark elves in cally over the course of a few years.
have to be connected in any their pitch-black homes. When a suitable site is located, slaves and
,y You can simply use the. The Ashen Compact agents equipped their duergar work to clean it out, while mind flayer
monsters as interesting NFC=. Forces, took them deep into the earth, and set "missionaries" move ihrough the landscape
01 nemifs ilv.i' rhp player ihem loose on the guard towers and keeps of spreading word among the locals. Mind flayers
characters r,n< ounter the house lldorno drow. Within hours the drow are nothing if not cunning, and they use their
Use ihr pr^iige classes defenses were shattered, and they retreated lo guile lo every advantage as They seed the locals
presented in this article lo deeper tunnels. Over the following weeks, the with rumors, omens, and portentous "dreams"
make other inlete-tinp, NK dark elves sent waves of elite troops at the to support their crusade.
li dtuw dor't play a signifi- invaders, but to no avail. Before a month Once the space is ready, the local authorities
cant role in your r,ampai.f\ passed, house lldorno was nolhing but a mem are summoned To the academy for its opening.
;imply t*f;;ik the dass^ i<> ory, and with it went all hopes of drow con- Here the Compact agents exert all their influ-
belter tit you"" world I > quest in I he region. ence, including psionic and magic domination, to
exampk1. you can swfaji tK - The creators ol the Ashen Compact met just get community leaders on their side. If they are
drow <5if>;n l;mguaj; ability ot once more, in the weeks following this decisive even moderately successful, word spreads
>bf deep .ivsnger and victory. Ihr representatives met in comforl this quickly, and soon the academy is deluged with
gfoombladc prestige i I is-.< .i time, hut the mood was no lighter. Each envoy applicants. All are accepted, but only a select
wiih some ffthf.r lanaj.i".?, committed his nation's people and resources to few are trained for combat. Most serve The cru-
more academies and fixed their targets for the sade as menial laborers and craftsmen, or as
next assaults, finally, they agreed that the food for the ravenous "instructors."
Compact would never meet again; the risk of
discovery by drow forces was too great. Every Training
academy would operate as an independent cell InsTruction has changed little since the days of
on the surface world and seek the destruction the first academy. Duergar still instruct The war-
of the dark elf nation riors in blind fighting and the ways of dark
elves; derro savants pass on secrets of ambush
THE ASHEN COMPACT to iheir Thralls and teach them how to read the
IN A D&D GAME stone and walk among spiders with no danger;
and the aboleth and mind flayers perform their
The Academies: Founding and Operations blasphemous surgery on spellcaster applicants,
Academies are completely independent from Several advancements in spell research and
:iny (nnttal body, thus the DM may place an alchemy have been made since the first cru
academy almost anywhere in his campaign sade, and these new alchemical items, spells, and
world. A typical academy is located no more magic weapons are now a part of the curricu-
lhan 30 miles from the nearest major cave lum in every academy.
entrance. The agents' pattern is to occupy an
existing structure, usually an abandoned one The Crusade
ihiit has been ravaged by time. The credo and purpose of these academies is
"holy war." Toward this end, each academy has derro savant attempts to skulk around the
a drow city or outpost as its target and a quota rear, casting spells and making sneak attacks There are many elements of
of soldiers to fill if they hope to succeed in their when possible. this article that can be useful
goal. The entire process, from founding an to player characters.
academy to embarking on a crusade, takes at Ashen Compact NPCs Consider using this arti-
least one year, sometimes two. Listed below are the complete statistics for a cle to provide a background
When the time is right, the crusaders are typical group of Compact agents sent out to for your character. Perhaps
gathered and armed with magic and alchemical found a new academy. Each group usually she was recruited into a
items. They are treated to a stirring send-off includes two duergar toughs, two derro Compact academy and
and led into the nearest dark cavern toward savants, one mind flayer, and one aboieth, escaped within an inch of
their enemy. Only a few Compact agents although additional agents might be added to her iife when she realized
accompany these forces; usually a few duer- the group if the area of a new potential acad- she was a pawn for other
gar scouts and an invisible mind flayer lead emy is densely populated. evil creatures. Maybe a
the crusaders to ensure they remain true fo Duergar Tough, Male Duergar ftrj: CR 3; family member, such as a
Their cause. Medium-size humanoid; HD 3d>o+6; hp 21; Init brother, was recruited into
When the crusaders reach their target, the +2; Spd 20 ft.; AC 18 (touch 14, flat-footed 16); the academy and never
Compact agents hang back and observe the Ark +7 mefee dd8/id6, masterwork dwarven heard from again. Mow she's
battle, eventually falling back to report to the urgrosh); SA Speil-fike abilities; SQ Duergar determined ro learn what
academy. If the academy students are victori- traits; AL LE; SV Tort +5, Ref +3, Will +3; Str 16, happened to her sibling.
ous, they return as heroes and begin training Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 4. Ask your DM if you can
for their next mission. If they break and flee, Ski/Is: Climb +9, Jump +g. Listen +5, Move use one ot The prestige
they are taken captive at the surface and Silently +6, Spot +5; Feats: Alertness, Blind- classes presented in this arti-
eaten during the long months while new stu- Fight, Exotic Weapon Proficiency {dwarven cle. If drow aren't prevalent
dents are recruited. urgrosh), Power Attack. in her campaign, she might
Possessions: Masterwork dwarven urgrosh, +1 consider changing the drow-
Caravans masterwork breastplate, 2 potions of alter self. specific abilities to something
Ashen Compact agents travel across country Derro Savant. Rog2/Sor5: CR 7; Medium- more useful, for instance,
for only two reasons: They have been sent size humanoid; HD 2d6+5d4; hp 22: Init +1; Spd your dwarf PC might be a
out to found a new academy or they have 20 ft.; AC n; Ark +2 melee dd6-i, short sword), gloomblade- a soldier trained
been uncovered by local authorities and are +6 ranged dd8-n, -H repeating crossbow}; SQ to fight his clans hated
fleeing to a new safe haven. In either case, Derro traits; AL CE; SV Fori -H, Ref +5. Will +3; enemy, the duergar.
their disguise is paramount. Str 8, Dex 12, Con n, Ini 16, Wis 8, Cha 14. This article presents a
On casual inspection, a Compact caravan Skills: Appraise +8. Balance +6, Bluff +7, number of new game ele-
appears to be a traveling crew of deep dwarf Climb +4, Concentration +8, Diplomacy +7, ments. If you are interested in
smiths. The duergar fighters who drive the Disable Device +8, Escape Artist +6, Hide +6, the magical or alchemical
teams are magically disguised and often carry Intuit Direction +4, Knowledge (arcana) +ti, items presented here, ask
dwarf-crafted items as cover. Lurking inside Listen +4, Spelicraft -HI, Use Rope +6; Feats: your DM if she'll allow them
the canvas-shielded wagons is a single derro Blind-Fighr. Exotic Weapon Proficiency (repeat- in her campaign. Perhaps you
savant with crossbow at the ready, a pair of ing crossbow). Point Blank Shot. Silent Spell. and your fellow adventurers
mind flayer missionaries who telepathically Spells Known (Sor 6/7/5; base DC - 12 + will stumble across some of
scan all visitors as a matter of course, and spell level): o-dancing lights, detect magic, these treasures alter explor-
a single aboleth hierophant floating in its detect poison, flare, prestidigitation, read magic; ing the ruins of what seems
hidden tank, generating illusions as the situa- vtfmage armor, magic missile, spider climb, to have been an old academy
tion demands. ventriloquism: 2nd-cat's grace, whispering wind. ot some sort . .
Caravan Encounters: If encountered on the Possessions: +i repeating crossbow, short
road, the duergar do their best to come sword, 2 flasks each of acid and alchemist's fire,
across as gruff and ordinary deep dwarves 2 potions of cure serious wounds, z potions of
traveling from their home to sell wares. They misdirection. 2 potions of detect thoughts, wand
have dwarven goods to sell, but these are of charm person (35 charges).
just spoils of ancient war, and they can be Mind Flayer Missionary. Cln: CR 9; Medium-
identified as such by bardic lore and the leg- size aberration; HD SdS^S: id8+i; hp 48; init +6;
end lore spell. Even if provoked, the caravan Spd 30 ft.; AC 19 (touch 14. flat-footed 17); Atk
rakes pains to avoid revealing its true nature. +8 melee iid4+t, 4 tentacles); SA Mind blast,
Only when attacked does the full capacity of improved grab, extract, psionics; SQ SR 25.
a Compact caravan become known. Typically, telepathy; AL LE; SV Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +11;
the aboleth hierophant creates scores of illu- Str 12, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 19. Wis 17. Cha 17.
sionary attackers, while the mind flayers Skills: Bluff +8, Concentration +12, Hide *8,
emerge from hiding and mind blast their Intimidate -no. Knowledge (arcana) +9,
attackers. Any who are stunned by the mind Knowledge (religion) 1-9, Listen +8, Move
flayers' opening attack are then subjected to Silently +7, Spelicraft t-8. Spot +10; Feats:
their horrific extract ability. The caravan's Alertness, Combat Casting, Dodge. Expertise,
Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse Clerics and druids add a potent mix of ias a spell-like ability, chosen at the time
(tentacle). divine magic to the class, and they cof casting. These abilities are as the
Spells Prepared(3/3, base DC = 13 + often fight in rhe crusades as battlefield sspells casi by a loth-level sorcerer
spell level) o-detect magic, purify food healers and diviners. Wizards and sor- ((save DC 10 + Charisma modifier +
and water, read magic; ist-cjuse fear*, cerers do not usually have the martial sspell level). At 6th and gth level, the
deathwatch, doom. training to meet the class requirements, cdeep avenger gains one additional use
*Domain Spell. Domains: Death (death but multiclass fighters/wizards are far cof this ability per day.
touch i/day), Destruction (smite i/day). from rare and often serve as officers Rage (Ex): At 5th level, a deep
Possessions: Ring of protection +2, in the crusades, iavenger can Fly into a rage, gaining phe-
bracers of armor +2. rnomenal strength and durability but
Aboleth Hierophant, Illz: CR 10; Huge Class Features t
becoming reckless and less able to
aberration (aquatic); HD 8d8+4o; All of the following are class features of cdefend himself. He temporarily gains a
ad4+io; hp gr, Init +1; Spd 10 Ft., swim 60 the deep avenger prestige class. H+4 bonus to Strength and Constitution,
ft.; AC 16 (touch g, Flat-footed 15); Atk Weapon and Armor Proficiency: i
and a +2 morale bonus on Will saves,
+13 melee dd6+g and transformation, 4 Deep avengers are proficient with all t suffers a -2 penalty to AC. The rage
tentacles); SA Transformation, psionics, simple and martial weapons, all armor, I,lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3
enslave; SQ Mucus cloud; AL LE; SV and shields. H+ the character's (newly improved)
Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +14; Sir 26, Dex 12, Brutal Strike (Ex): Deep avengers (Constitution modifier.
Con 20, Im 15, Wis 17, Cha 17. receive instruction on drow physiology, The deep avenger can enter a rage
Skills: Alchemy +6, Concentration +19,'' learning the race's vital points, major conce per day at 5th level and twice per
Knowledge (arcana) +9, Listen +12, arteries, and pain centers, thus allowing
Spellcraft +8, Spot +12; Feats: Alertness, them to fight the drow with ruthless effi-
Combat Casting, Iron Will, Scribe Scroll. ciency. On his turn, a deep avenger may DEEP AVENGER Requirements
Spells Prepared (4/3; base DC = 12 + add +i to either one attack roll or one To qualify to become a deep avenger,
spell level): o-detect magic (xz), pres- damage roll, but not both. He must a character must fulfils aii of the fol-
tidigitation (xa); tstmage armor, declare where the bonus applies at the lowing criteria.
obscuring mist, Nystul's undstectable start of his action. For every three lev- Base Attack Bonus: 1-7,
aura. els gained, this bonus increases by +1. Feats: Blind-fight, Power Attack.
Speltbook: oall; K\-change self, Drow Sign Language (Ex): Before they Special: Must speak
mage armor, magic, missile, Nystul's go on crusade, deep avengers learn the Undercornmon.
undetectable aura", obscuring mist, silent language of their prey. Using these Special: A deep avenger must have
true strike, hand signals, a team of Compact cru- lost a lo*/ed one lo drow in ths last s
*Specialization spell. School: Illusion. saders can communicate silenily at dis-
Possessions: Crystal ball. tances of up to 120 feet as long as they
can see each other. Note that a deep DEEP AVENGER Class Skills
NEW PRESTIGE CLASSES avenger learns this language without The deep avenger's class skills (and
The deep avenger, gloomblade, and gray spending skill points. the key ability ibr each skill! are:
sage are new prestige classes available Darkvision (Ex): After long months of Str: Climb, Jump, Swim.
to characters who train in an Ashen training in total darkness, the eyes of Dex: -
Compact academy. deep avengers are subjected to arcane Con: -
alchemical treatments that grant them Int: Craft (any).
DEEP AVENGER darkvision to a range of 60 feet. At 7th Wis: Intuit Direction.
The deep avenger is a ruthless hunter level, a deep avenger's darkvision Cha: Handle Animal, Ride.
in the subterranean world, an agent of improves to 120 feet.
vengeance from the dawn of elven See the Light (Sp): At 3rd level, the Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Inr
history. Deep avengers form the body deep avenger gains the ability to cast modifier
of a Compact crusade and are versa- either daylight or sunbeam once per day
tile enough to occupy almost any bat-
The Compact usually reserves this Class Base Fort, Ref. Will
martial training for elves, harnessing the Level Attack Bonus Save Save Save Special
ancient hatred they hold for their dark Bruial strike -H, drow sign tang
kin, however, members of other races Uarkvixion 60 Ft.
may be allowed to train as martial sol- See the light i/day
diers if they've recently lost a loved one Brulnl strike +a
to the drow. A deep avenger is a terrible Rage i/day
opponent, able to find and destroy his See '.' .
chosen enemy with fierce precision. Rruia! SJ! Darkvision 120
Barbarians, fighters, paladins, and
rangers make strong deep avengers who See the light .
are easier to Fight on the front lines. +7 Rage 2/day. brutal strife 14
GLOOMBLADE Requirements . Class Base Tort. Ref. Will
To qualify to become a gloomblade, a Level Attack Save Save Save Special ~
character must fulfil! all of the follow - ist +o +o +<; to Sneak atidtk nd6, drow sign
2nd +1 +o +3 <o Tremorsense jo jfef f
Move Silently: 10 ranks. jrd +2 +1 +3 +j Stonescreen a/day
Hide: to ranks. 4th +3 +1 +4 +r ik attack +zd6
Feats: Alertness. BlindTighi. 5th +3 +1 +4 +1 Immunities
Special: Mu^i speak 6th +4 1 2 + 5 +z Sftjnescrew 3/ctey
/th +5 f.> ^5 +2 Sneak attack -16
8th +6 +6 +2 Tremorsense CH tij,t
GLOOMBLADE Class Skills Qth .6 +j +6 +3 Ranged disarm, dicacxcreen 4
loth +7 i- 3 +7 +-3 Sneak attack +4flf?
key ability for each skill) .ir-c:
Str: Climb, Jump. Swim.
DRX: Balance. Lscape Artist, Hide, drow on their own lerms. senses the location of any creature
Move Silently. Op<;n Lock, Pick Rogues make the best gloomhlades, within 30 feet that is in contact with the
Pocket. Tumhie, Use Ropp1- but rangers, monks, and bards can cer- ground. This distance increases to 60
Con; - tainly become successful gloomblades as feet at 8th level.
Int: Appraise, Craft (any), Dis;ib!e Stonescreen iSp): Ai _;rd level, the
Device, Forgery, Se.iirrh. more from the deep avenger prestige gloomblade gains the ability to take the
Wis: Innuendo, (niuit Direction, class and rarely possess the skills or form of a large rock formation, such as
Listen, Sense Moiive. Spot. a boulder or a stalagmite, as per the
Cha: Bluff, Diplomacy, Dis^uist\ gloombiades. Spelicas stonesciven spell (see the Stonescreen
Gafher Information, Intimuli!; gain from this class. Spell Description sidebar in this article),
Magic Device, except that the duration is one hour per
Class Features gloomblade level. The gloomblade may
Skill Points ar Each Level: N . Ini All of (he lollowing are class features of use. this ability twice per day at 3rd level
modifier. the gloomblade prestige cl;iss. and gains one additional use of this abil-
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: ity per day at 6th and 91!) level.
Gloomblades are proficient with all Immunities (Ex): Uloomblades
day at mth level. If he already has the simple and martial weapons, and undergo even more rigorous and
rage ability from another class, the light armor. p;tintul exposure to poisons than deep
bonuses do not stack, but ho gains Sneak Attack: A isl-levd gloomblade avengers. As a result, gloomblades
additional uses of this ability ar 5th gains Ihe sneak attack ability (see the gain immunity to all poisons.
and loth level. Rogue section in Chapter 3 of the Ranged Disarm: Gloomblades are
Resist Poison (Ex): Deep avengers are Player'x Handbook} if she does not trained to disarm their opponents js
exposed to poisons in controlled doses, already have it. She gains 4 tdfi damage quickly as possible. At cjih level, a
thereby building up a stronger resist- at ist level, and an additional fd6 every gloomblade can use ranged attacks to
ance to them. At 8th level, a deep three levels thereafter. If she already disarm opponents within 30 feet. Doing
avenger gain a +4 bonus on Fortitude has the sneak attack ability from a pre- so doesn't provoke an attack of opportu-
saving throws against poison. vious class, the damage bonuses stack. nity from the defender unless a norm.jl
Drow Sign Language (Ex): Before ranged attack would (if the gloomblnde
GLOOMBLADE they go on crusade, gloomblades learn and ihe target are adjacent, for
Gloomblades serve in the Compact cru- the silent language of their prey. Using instance). Regardless of !he ranged
sades as scouts and infiltrators. Elite these hand signals, a team of Compact weapon the gloomblade is using, it
gloomblades range far ahead of the main crusaders can communicate silently at counts as a one-handed, Medium-size
force, eliminating drow guard posts, distances of up to 120 feet as long as
trapping the dark elves' tunnels and cav- they can see each other. Note that a
erns, and creating as much confusion as gloomblade learns this language without IMPROVED COUNTERSPELL
possible. Junior members form the spending skill points. [General]
ranged combat contingent of the main Tremorsense (Ex): During I heir train-
crusading force. ing, gloomblades learn lo pay attention
Gloomblades come from every race to subtle vibrations and changes in air >ur' opponents
and background, but most are elves, temperature. As a result, they are as
dwarves, and halflings, and all have aware of their immediate environment as Benefit: When counh-i -.
received some sort of training in recon- a spider in its web. Three times per day,
naissance. They share an overriding the gloomblade may take a full round
passion for the destruction of dark action to detect these tiny clues, gaining
elves, and in the Ashen Compact's acad- the benefits of the tremorsen.se special
emies, they are trained lo defeat the quality for t round. She automatically
Class Base Fort. Ref. Will To qualify to become a gray sa#:,
Level Attack Save Save Save Special Spells/Day character must fulfill ail of the folk
jst +o -i-n +o +i Improved CewinterspeH, ing criteria.
handreadin" +1 level of existin Feats: Blind-Fight, Silfiil Spell, J
Blindsi,--,: .; +i level of existing class pfinefation.
Improved silant speil a/day +i level of existing class Speiis: Ablp. lo r.asl any dih-lev/i
lni[jr(-jvi-d spell penetration +4 +! level of existing class
Greater Counterspell +1 level of existing class Special: Musi speak Undercotrmx
Improved silent spell 4/day +1 level of existing da^s
Blindstghl 60 feet +1 level of exist" GRAY SAGE Class Skills
Increased spell penetration-+6+1 iev^l of existing . : The gray sage's class skills :'.:ind ih^
Improved silent spel! 6/day -n level of existing class ' :-.' .-ciillty lot each skil!) are:
nkainen'sdisjunction +i level of existing class Str: -

Con: ConcentratK*.
v/eapon for the opposed disarm check. class. He does not, however, gain any int: Alchemy, Craft (any),
TTiR gloomblade cannot lose her own other benefit a character of that class Knowledge 'all skiSIs, taknn individual!
weapon during such an attempt. would have gained (improved chance of Scry ''exclusive skill), SpcSlcraft.
controlling or rebuking undead, mefam- Wis: fntuii Dirw.nori, Profession.
GRAY SAGE agic or item creation feats, and so onj,
A gray sage is a silent, watchful figure except for an increased effective level
of terrible devotion. These spelicasters of spellcasfing. If a character had more ikill Points at E.3ch Level:
give up their lives in the sunlit world than one spellcasting class before
and eventually sacrifice their sight becoming a gray sage., he must decide to
to the cause of war against the which class he adds the new level for
dark elves. purposes of determining spells per day. excise and cauterize portions of his
Gray sages are trained in total dark- Improved Counterspell: Gray sages brain. This horrific procedure leaves the
ness and drilled night and day in the spend much of their first year training character completely blind, but with a
tactics and methods of fheir enemy. lo counter spftlls commonly cast hy new ability to sense the world through
On a crusade, every gray sage is the dark elves. They gain the Improved magic vibrations. He suffers the effects
assigned to a squad of troopers as Counterspell feat (FORGOTTEN of blindness, but gains blindsight with a
magical support. Their role is to pro- Campaign Setting) as a bonus feat. In range of 30 feet. This increases to 60
tect iheir squad against summoned addition, if the target spell is dancing feet at ^th level. The surgery has no
demons and vermin, keep them free of lights, darkness, or faerie fire, the other effects, and the character's memo-
the normal spells cast by the drow, gray sage gains a +2 bonus to his ries of the event are mercifully wiped
and to maintain a cloak of illusion or Spellcraft check. clean before he wakes.
invisibility around them. !n more dire Handreading (Ex): As part of their The gray sage can be cured of his
situations, gray sages unleash powerful immersion training, gray sages spend blindness with cure blindness, heal, or
offensive magic on the front lines. months in total darkness while they horn; other powerful curative magic.
Gray sages are usually humans or their craft. One side effecl of this is the However, such healing causes the gray
elves, and the majority begin their preternatural ability to read script with sage to lose any blindsight granted by
careers as wi/ards and sorcerers. the tips of fheir fingers. This allows wiz- this class and prevents further advance-
Clerics and druids also make good ards to study their spellbooks without a ment as a gray sage.
gray sages, A small number of bards light source, and allows all casters to use Greater Counterspell (Ex): At 5th
are allowed to train as gray sages, but scrolls in the darkness of the drow king- level, a gray sage's counferspell ability
these jacks-of-all-trades typically fare doms. This doe.s not imparl any ability To improves so that when counter-
better as gloomblades. read additional languages or to decipher spelling, he may use any spell of the
previously unreadable script. Glyphs of same school thai is of equal level to
Class Features warding and other similar spells activate the target spell. In addition, if the tar-
All of the following are class features of normally when read "by hand." get spell is dancing lights, darkness, or
the gray sage prestige class. Blindsight (Ex): When a gray sage is faerie fire, the gray sage gains an
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Gray judged worthy, he is brought before the additional +/i bonus to his Spellcraft
sages gain no new proficiency in any high council of aboleths and mind flayers check. If the target spell is a
weapon or armor. who dwell in the depths of the academy. Conjuration (Summoning) spell, the
Spells Per Day: When a new gray These creatures are well disguised as gray sage gains a +z bonus to his
sagf-: level is gained, the character gains humanoid magicians, arid thus, the gray Spellcraft check.
new spells per day as if he had also sage has no reason to suspect that any Improved Spell Penetration (Ex): Gray
gained a level in a spellcasting class he thing is amiss. The gray sage is placed sages receive intense training on how to
belonged lo before adding the preslige into a trance, and then the mind Mayers overcome the dark elves' potent spell
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resistance. As a result, they gain .1 14 who suffer penalties in bright light suf-
bonus on caster level checks dd^o + fer them for i round after being STONESCREEN
caster level) to beat a creature's spell exposed to the bursi of light. In an area Trjnsmutation
resistance. This bonus does not stack affected by the darkness spell, a flashball Level: Drd 2, Rgr 3
with the bonus from the Spell Penetration does not work, Components: V, S, [
or Greater Spell Penetration (FORGOTTEN Casting Time: i jictii.
RIXIMS Campaign Setting) feats. At 8th Alchemical Item Cost Craft DC Range: Personal
level, this bonus increases to +6. Deepsmoke Stick 40 gp 20 Target: You
Improved Silent Spell (Su): Beginning Flashball 40 gp 25 Duration: i hour lev
at 3rd level, ihe gray sage can cast a Rockburn Oil 50 gp 30
spell silently with no verbal components. By HUMUS ol this spell, vou flre ",
This ability is similar to the Silent Spell Rockburn Oil: This viscid green oil is to assume the form ot ;\ lall stalavtit^.
feat, except that it does not use a spell derived from the corrosive slime stony era;;, or i.in.je houldnr. Tin-
slo! one level higher than the spell's secreted by delvers. Rockburn oil can be closes! inspection cannni reveal thai
actual level. For example, the gray saje used as a p/enadelike weapon (see page (he slontf formation in qucsiion !.
could cast a silent fireball as a 3rd-level 138 in the niyer's Handbook), dealing actually a magii'.il!y concealed i n'.i
spell instead of j ^th-level spell. He can id4 points of d;nn;u;e to organic crea- lure In all normal lesls VOLI ,ir(\ in
use this ability twice per day at 3rd tures or objects. Against metallic crca KK f, .1 Monn formation, ,ilihiiu;:)i o
level, 4 times pt:r iliy at 6th level, and 6 tures or objects, rockburn oil deals ^4 i l f t t ' i ' t magic spelt vevtMls .1 taint
times per drv at gth level. points of damage, and against stony 'iMiistnulation on ihe stono. While in
Mordenk.iinen's D/s/nncrion (Sp): creatures Uncludin^; earth eiementjlsl or stone form, vou \.--.v\ ol^orve ail that
Highly skilled and successful gray sages objects it deals 4^4 poinis of dairu\*',e. tr.msptres .iroumi \-ou jus? as if you
catch the attention of their aboleth and were in your normal form, a
mind fbvc-r instructors. These few stu- Magic Weapon Special Abilities lin poii'is. s.ives, and class abilities
dents are taken aside for special training, Subterranean: Subterranean weapons remain liis.ilfecfed. You gain a +10
where thev learn to harness the powe? v'lve their bearers an edge in under mihiCiil ni'inor bonus to AC but have
of their nunds to disjoin magical effects Around combat. grantinf> them a / an elTivrive Dexterity score of 1. You
and ma;.;ic items. Once per day, a lutlv enhancement bonus to attack and dam art- immune to critical hits while
level gray sage can cast mordenLiincn'* .IPC rolls when at least jo feet below the inside the stonescreen. All clothing
disjuni lion as, j ?oth-level wizard. surface. In addition, the wielder trains anil i\i\\f carried or worn changes
das'kvision with j lan^.e of (io tret as with you.
Equipping the Troops lonj; as the weapon is in hand. When You can dismiss stonescreen as a
Those dedicated to the Compact cru- held, the wielder of a subterranean iViv .i< lion unsread of as a standard
sades fuve developed a number of use- weapon suffers from liohl blindness
ful spells and alchemical and ma^ic items (blinded lor i round by bright light, -1 to
to assist ihem in their quest to rid the attacks, saves, and checks when in direct
world of drow. Most are given to the sunlight or the radius of a iLiy!it;tt! spell)
troops as standard equipment, but ihey for i round. When a subterranean FEATS FOR DROW FIGHTERS
are closely guarded, and it is rare for weapon is used aboveground or up to ji) Drow Slayer1 [General]
the items to In- seen on the open nuiket. feet below the surface, it acts as a nor Your enmity for flic drow has ied you
mal weapon, anil its magical properties lo iiMvn Their tactics and fighting
Alchemical Items have no affix!. Subterranean weapons styles, giving you an advantage when
Deepsmoke Stick: I his alehemicalty never shed light; casting a tfflt spell on a fighting them.
treated wooden stick is similar to j subterranean weapon has no effect. Prerequisites: Damage bonus
smokestick. except ih.it it lua also Caster Level: ^th; Prerequisites: Craft .tgainsl drow.
been soaked in a foul smelling resin Ma^ic Arms and Armor, d.irkvtiion: Beiii-ti!: Votl .-'.am a *,' insi-;til
that produces an oily smoke in a 10- Market Price: i j bonus. bonus on a!! savt:;, jfjdiiist spells and
foot cube when ignited. Ihe smoke is Sunlight: Sunlight weapons are forced spell-iike abilities cast bv drow.
made up of tarry flecks and reflective to combat creatures of the deep dark.
crystals, and the resulting mi-.isma is Upon command, these weapons shed Spt'iunker [Ge.ncrjl]
so thick that it blocks scent and even light as a Jjvlt^ht spell within a 60 foot You spend iorw ;imoun!s ot time
blmdsight. The cloud has no clfcct on radius for up to one hour per day. exploriiv' and studying caves.
creatures with tremorsense. The slick Creatures who suffer penalties in bright Prerequisitas: Alertness, Wis i ^ t .
is consumed alter i round, and the light suffer them while exposed to the Benefit; You gain a <.:. doiius on all
smoke dissipates naturally. liolii shad by j sunlight weapon, in addi- Search, Spot, and Ciimi1 cluu-ks niado
Flashball: You cjn throw this fist-sized tion, these creatures suffer an additional in [ijtural cavorna and tunnd>. Note
sphere os a renadftike weapon {see id6 points of damage when struck by an rhat these boinisrs do net apply m
pjye. 138 in The f'byer'.-i Handbook}. activated sunlight weapon. worked stone or masonry Mrui turt-s.
When a tbshball strikes a hard surface, Caster Level: gth; Prerequisites: Craft The bonuses l'i urn this feat stack with
it explodes in a flash of brilliant white Magic Amis and Armor, daylight, sun- those iVom the AlwfiH.
burst; Market Price: +1 bonus, "
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by Wade Nudson illustrated by Peter Bergting

o many, the word necromancy to conquer and pillage, for reanimating skeletons to invade. Rather, they enter

T evokes images of shrouded dread

and undead terrors. These
assumptions help to propagate the
and twisting the heroes sent to bring
them down, and for infesting the mazes
below their fortresses with flesh-hungry
themselves, covered by pitch-black
cloaks, moving swiftly and silently
through the populace. A single undead,
common perception of necromancers horrors. They generally care nothing for hidden in a closet, can be used like a
as evil beings who animate soulless the undead servants they create, know- precision instrument, striking at
creatures, robbing them of an afterlife ing that creating another such servant is exactly the right moment and then
for purely selfish reasons. Some say but a corpse away. crumbling to dust. This is the mark of
Necromancy is the vilest of the black Lawful Evil: No doubt the most dan- a master artisan.
arts, the darkest of all the magical gerous and sinister of all necro- Chaotic Evil: Chaotic evil necro-
schools, and that to even think about it mancers, these villains have a plan. mancers use the aura of fear surround-
is to be tempted to wickedness. In truth, Their control over the undead is a tool ing their art to intimidate and bully their
Necromancy is no more dangerous that they use to terrorize the societies way to the fop of the food chain.
than any other school of magic. It unlucky enough to be near them. They Typically lazy, these necromancers have
focuses on the study of death and the can wait patiently for decades, watching found that power corrupts, and absolute
forces that can hold a soul in immortal their foes perish only to raise them up power attracts the corruptible. Why
balance, caught in perpetual undeath. again and send them against their own bother negotiating with intruders when
Necromancers are adept at manipulat- children. They create undead from you can send an undead horde against
ing these forces and relationships, and defeated enemies, sending these min- them? Why wait until your next experi-
many learn to create or control undead ions to attack the source of such ment is dead before you begin? "Almost
creatures. Each necromancer must resistance as examples of the strength dead" is good enough. The henchmen of
decide how he wants to use his powers. and power of Necromancy. Lawful evil the chaotic evil necromancer frequently
Does he raise undead armies to guard necromancers use their undead as tools find themselves filling the ranks of the
his tower, to set upon his enemies, and to accomplish their goals. Of the evil adjutant skeletons and zombies lurching
to hunt wayward travelers? Or does he necromancers, these foul creatures are about the halls. It does not bode well to
respect the wishes of the dead, allowing most likely to work together, as long as make a mistake when serving such a
them to complete unfinished tasks in the pecking order is clearly established. master. Chaotic evil necromancers also
return for protection and aid? Does he Apprentices would do well to train use their undead as tools, but "the right
use his powers to further his own under such a master. tool for the job" makes no sense to them.
twisted ambitions, or does he use them Neutral Evil: Where lawful evil necro- They'd use a sledgehammer to fix a
fo help those on both sides of the cur- mancers use methodical plans and cun- crack in a crystal ball. Bigger and more
tain of life who are in need? ning, neutral evil necromancers use their powerful undead are always better.
powers to fulfill selfish goals, taking a
The Black Path far less pragmatic or long-term view. Of The Gray Path
In the eyes of most, Necromancy is evil, course, selfish isn't sloppy, and neutral Neutral necromancers have stranger
and many who call themselves necro- evil necromancers are careful and pre- views than evil ones, but they at least
mancers are indeed selfish and corrupt. cise in the practice of their art. Their have goals that most civilized folk can
These necromancers have no compunc- goals are primarily their own, not that of appreciate. Neutral necromancers gen-
tion about the wills or wishes of some society or group, and only rarely erally see themselves as pragmatists.
departed souls and would gladly bind a might such a necromancer work with They are capable of acts that seem
family member's spirit to a spittoon if it others of his kind. Neutral evil necro- unspeakably evil, but once you exam-
suited their needs. Evil necromancers mancers do not announce themselves to ine the causes, you see that such acts
are renowned for sending forth undead neighboring villages by sending ranks of are just and equitable, if perhaps a bit
cold-hearted. Neutral necromancers necromancers see their power as a path mundane tasks, such as chopping wood
understand that death and decay are as to liberation; easy labor you don't have or hauling goods. Neutral good necro-
much parts of life as birth and growth. to pay or feed. They create undead on a mancers realize that many of the physi-
They understand that for life to flour- whim, and once the immediate goal has cal hardships that the living must suffer
ish, limbs must be cut, herds must be been achieved, they either destroy, through can be done easily with undead
thinned, and corpses must rw to pro- entomb, or free their minions as they workers, and they often forget or ignore
vide nourishment for the fungus under- see fit. They have no attachment to soci- the many unpleasant attributes of
neath. The undead have a no more eties or organizations, and they rarely undead. Digging latrines, dredging
strange or different existence than the link themselves to a single tower or lab- swamps, hauling massive stone blocks
living or dead. Each has a purpose to oratory. The nomads of the art, these for the temple, all are jobs that can be
serve, and the neutral necromancer spellcasters are the ones most often done swiftly and easily with the proper
only seeks to facilitate the relationships responsible for the single errant skele- work force. Neutral good necromancers
between life and death. tons wandering through deserted fields aren't afraid to send their minions into
Lawful Neutral: Lawful neutral necro- or forests; a necromancer needed a hole battle, as long as it is in order to help
mancers adhere to strict rules about dug, and then set the skeleton loose out someone in need. They don't go
raising undead creatures. Sometimes this once the work was done. looking for trouble, but they don't mind
code is imprinted upon them by their settling it. They view undead as tools
cultural norms, but lawful neutral necro- Hie White Path and resources.
mancers must sometimes choose not to Without a doubt the most unusual spell- Chaotic Good: Chaotic good necro-
cling to societal norms as a whole, casters, good necromancers are very mancers are the ones most likely to
knowing what they do is necessary, but few and far between. They live apart treat their undead as boon companions.
understanding their art is not widely from more mundane societies, knowing Treating their creations with fairness
accepted. Within their science, they have that only a few people can grasp the and equality, they form a band of well-
their own ethical code that supports complexities of the necromantic arts trained, well-behaved undead adventur-
them and gives them direction. Some enough to see beyond their capability ers. Only a few bands such as this have
only deal in the corpses of criminals, for evil. Good necromancers prepare ever existed, but the benefits of
others only in the bodies of fallen foes. spells to heal their undead allies, and undeath cannot be overestimated when
Whatever the code, the undead created they often spend enough time with intel- you are hunting down vampires,
or controlled serve the lawful neutral ligent individual undead creatures to get medusae, or other powerful monsters.
necromancer unfailingly, or they are to know them. They never use undead Undead following the tutelage of chaotic
instantly destroyed. The lawful neutral simply as expendable shock troops or good necromancers have, from time to
necromancer abhors seeing unfettered walking trap detectors. As rare as good time, branched out to fight evil on their
undead, knowing well the damage they necromancers are, rarer still are the own, merging with evil hordes and
are capable of. If he cannot bring them ones who don't wince a bit when one of destroying them from the inside. These
under his control, he will do what he can their creations falls. close-knit groups of intelligent undead
to destroy them. Other good necromancers study the surrounding chaotic good necromancers
True Neutral: True neutral necro- art as a part of the "know thy enemy" are truly a force to be reckoned with,
mancers fully commit themselves to philosophy. These are the ones who are
neutrality. They have no other choice. near fanatical in their need to seek out NEW FEATS
The temptations of the strength and and destroy the evil necromancers who Necromancers focus their time and
power their abilities could bring them abuse their powers. They fight fire with energy on the study of their magic. As
are balanced against the desire to stand fire to bring evil to its knees. such, they uncover uncommon abilities
true against extremism and prejudices of Lawful Good: Lawful good necro- that set them apart from other spell
folk ignorant of their careful path. mancers are usually militant, dedicated casters. These spells and feats grant
Choosing to study the necromantic arts, to stamping out those who use them unparalleled power in their cho-
the neutral necromancer willingly places Necromancy for evil deeds. Rather than sen school, though often at the cost of
himself on a narrow line between evil count on a vast horde of lowly skeletons, lessened power in other magic
manipulation of negative energies and they create a few undead troops, schools. Some are reviled as evil
the church-funded fanatics who seek out empowered by as many spells and incarnate for what they can do; others
and slay anything with even a hint of enhancements as they are capable of are praised as saviors. Still others
evil taint attached to it. It is perhaps the casting. These spellcasters move with walk among us, plot among us, and
true neutral necromancers who best their undead allies, bolstering and sup- even choose from among us who to
understand that knowledge is a tool, porting the creatures with spells and gift or burden with undeath.
nothing more and nothing less. items. The undead of a lawful good
Chaotic Neutral: Some study the necromancer are often organized in mili- Animation Mastery IGeneral]
necromantic arts as a means to power, tary-like groups, with commanders Your animations are exceptionally
some study the arts to better battle evil reporting to the necromancer and relay- powerful.
undead, working to destroy or control ing orders to the lower level adjutants. Prerequisites: Improved Animation,
unfettered walking corpses, and some Neutral Good: Neutral good necro- Desecrated Animation, Spell Focus
study the necromantic arts because they mancers range from comical to insane. (Necromancy), 12+ ranks in Knowledge
think it might be fun. Chaotic neutral They often employ undead servants for (religion).

64 august 2oo2
Benefits: Undead you create using Prerequisites: Cha 13+, 5+ ranks in creatures when casting the spell ani-
animate dead or the create undead spells Knowledge (religion) mate dead. If you are a cleric attempt-
gain maximum hit points and an addi- Benefit: You can create and control ing to command undead by virtue of a
tional +2 turn resistance. an additional 4 Hit Dice of undead crea- turning check, you can control an
tures when casting the spell animate additional 4 Hit Dice worth of undead
Desecrated Animation [General] dead. If you are a cleric attempting to creatures. Also, as a cleric who is
Your animations are especially resistant command undead by virtue of a turning attempting to command a single
to turning attempts. check, you can control an additional 2 undead creature with more Hit Dice
Prerequisites: Ability to cast desecrate, Hit Dice worth of undead creatures. than you have levels, you may control
5+ ranks in Knowledge (religion) Also, as a cleric who is attempting to a creature with 4 more Hit Dice than
Benefits: Undead creatures you cre- control a single undead creature with your cleric level without concentrating
ate using animate dead or the create more Hit Dice than you have levels, you continuously.
undead spells gain +2 turn resistance. may control a creature with 2 Hit Dice Special: The effects of this feat
more than your cleric level without con- replace (and do not stack with) those
Improved Animation [General] centrating continuously. of Undead Legion.
Your undead animations are unusually Normal: Using animate dead, you can
powerful. control only a Hit Dice worth of crea- CLASS COMBOS
Prerequisites: Spellcaster level 6th+, tures per caster level. As a cleric using The following class concepts show how
5+ ranks in Knowledge (religion) your control undead ability, you can the necromancer (specialist wizard)
Benefits: Undead you create using only control any number of undead class can be combined with other
animate dead or the create undead spells whose total Hit Dice do not exceed your classes to portray diverse characters.
gain an additional Hit Die and a +1 com- level, Just from the brief discussion of
petence bonus to attack and damage alignments early in the article, you can
rolls. Greater Undead Legion tell that there are a tremendous num-
Note: Undead do not gain an increase [General] ber of other possibilities. If you create
in size due to the increased Hit Dice You can control even greater numbers a great new necromancer character
from this feat. of undead, concept (whether it's a new class
Prerequisites: Cha 15+, 10+ ranks in combo or not), be sure to share your
Undead Legion [General! Knowledge (religion), Undead Legion ideas on the DRAGON message boards
You can control more undead than Benefit: You can create and control at www.wizards.com.
normal. an additional 8 Hit Dice of undead


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The pale commander mixes martial
prowess wirh arcane Necromancy, pro- PALE COMMANDER STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES
ducing a fighter who is more than willing (Compared to the single-classed wizard)
to lead her team of undead minions into
battle. The pale commander's greatest Advantages Disadvantages
strength is her ability to raise new More hit points Slower spell progression
troops after any battle. This continuous Armor and weapon proficiencies Can't cast highest-level spells
supply of troops makes the pale com- Two bonus fighter feats Fewer wizard bonus feats
mander a tenacious opponent. Better base attack Weaker familiar
Better Fortitude saves Less able to penetrate spell resistance
Character Choices No spell failure (spellsword} Less damaging offensive spells
Pale commanders combine the fighter Prestige class abilities Shorter spell durations on most spells
and wizard classes with the spellsword
and pale master prestige classes (both
from Tome and Bloodl, and their level
progression typically follows one path
at a time. Most of their training is
devoted to their studies as a wizard CharacterClass Base Abilities
and pale master. Level Level Attack Fort/Ref/Will Gained
Since they never gain more than two 1 Ftri +1 +2/+0/+O Martial weapons proficiency,
skill points per level during any of Their bonus fighter feat
training, and because their skills don't 2 FtT2 +2 +3/+o/+o Bonus fighter feat
overlap until they begin taking levels of 3 Ftr a/Wiz i +2 +3/+0/+2 Feat, Scribe Scrolls feat, o-
spellsword and pale master, only pale and ist-level spells, familiar
commanders with the intelligence to 4 Fir 2/Wiz a +3 3/+/+3 Ability bonus
concentrate simultaneously on several 5 Ftr 2/Wiz 3 +3 +4/-H/+3 and-level spells
Fields of study have the aptitude to 6 Ftr 2/Wiz 4 M +4/+1/+4 Feat
become pale commanders. Once they 7 Ftr 2/Wiz 5 +4 +4/+1/+4 Bonus wizard feat, 3rd-level
begin their training as spellcasters, pale spells
commanders begin taking ranks in 8 Ftr a/Wiz s/ +4 +6/+1/+6 Ability bonus, channel spell I
Concentration, Knowledge (arcana), SplSwd i
Knowledge (religion) and Spellcraft. This 9 Ftr 2/Wiz 5/ +
5 +7/+1/+7 Feat, ignore spell failure 10%
allows them to fulfill the requirements of SplSwd 2
their prestige classes as early as possi- 10 Ftr 2/ Wiz s/ +6/-H +7/+2/+7 Ignore spell failure 15%
ble, while also giving them access to the SplSwd 3
more advanced necromantic feats. 11 Ftr 2/ Wiz5/ +6/+1 +9/+2/+Q Bonemail +2, 4th-level spells
Pale commanders need to take the SplSwd 3/PM i
Skill Focus (Knowledge [religion]) feat 12 Ftr a/Wiz 5/ +7/+2 +10/+2/+10 Feat, ability bonus, animate dead
before loth level in order to qualify for SplSwd 3/PM 2
the pale master prestige class. Other '3 Ftr a/Wiz 5/ +7/+2 +1O/+3/-HO Darkvision
feats often taken by pale commanders SplSwd 3/PM 3
include Combat Casting and Spell Focus M Ftr z/Wiz s/ + 8/ +3 +H/+3/+H Summon undead, bonemail +4
(Necromancy). Pale commanders tend to SplSwd 3/PM 4
focus on Necromancy, and most become '5 Ftr 2/Wiz 5/ +S/+3 +H/+3/+" Feat, deathless vigor,
specialist necromancers. SplSwd 3/PM 5 5th-level spells
At lower levels, pale commanders 16 Ftr 2/Wiz 5/ +
9/+4 +1Z/+4/+12 Ability bonus, undead graft
often use enchanted mithral shirts or SplSwd 3/PM 6
elven chain, foregoing their bonemail ? Ftr 2/Wiz 5/ +9/+4 +12/+4/+12 Tough as bone
and relying on their ability to ignore SplSwd s/PM 7
arcane spell failures. They use their spell 18 Ftr 2/Wiz s/ +io/+5 +i3/+4/+'3 Feat, graft upgrade, bonemail +6
channel I ability to lash out with chill SplSwd 3/PM 8
touch, damaging their enemies and heal- *a Ftr 2/Wiz 5/ HQ/+5 +i3/+5/+'3 Summon greater undead,
ing their undead minions. Pale command- SplSwd s/PM g 6th-level spells
ers often choose the weakening and 20 Ftr 2/Wiz 5/ +H/+6/+1 H4/+5/+14 Ability bonus, deathless mastery
destructive touch attacks for the graft SplSwd 3/PM 10
ability they gain as pale masters, finding
that these two touch attacks make them
even more formidable in melee combat.

66 august 2oo2

All rbe
secRers op
izards study their academic magks in Geomancy gives magic-users access to the
great halls of learning; sorcerers dis- power of ley Hues, dowsing, and the innate
cover their spells through innate tal- magic of locations to enhance their mystic abil-
ent; clerics call upon the gods for a share of ities sometimes beyond their own con mil
divine favor. But what of those magic-users who or even to create fearsome zones of antimagic. |
delve inU> the less well-charted realms nf thr mys-
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essences of the plant or mineral kingdoms to dis- field become healing poultices and ]>owdcrs,
till potcru magiral concoctions? Those whose gift magical concoctions that can extend or short-
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their own deepest desires, and secret knowl-
Alchemy allows the AKCANF. HFAT.FR to edge or transient magic items are the treasures
tend to his patients in the absence of a cler- of a sleeping mind,
ic, and the GRAND Ar.flHF,MTST to pursue, the
immortality granted by just a drop of pure Rational Magic lets science and logic dis-
philosopher's gold. place the power of magic. RATIOMAJ.TSTS strip
targets of their spells and special abilities with
Astrology places the \visdorn of the stars into well-reasoned argument, and even cancel the
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The savage shaman rises from the
ranks of barbarian tribes and SAVAGE SHAMAN STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES
humanoid hordes as one who is
attuned to the movements and wills of (Compared to the single-classed cleric)
his ancestors. He is trained as a
shaman, mixing mystical learning with Advantages Disadvantages
the physical skills and prowess of his More hit points (on average) Slower spell progression
people. Once he has a full command of Better base attack bonus Does not gain most powerful spells
the spells and skills necessary, he is Better Fortitude saves Less effective turn (or rebuke) undead ability
introduced to his ancestral spirits. He Martial weapon proficiency Heavy armor negates barbarian speed
learns to call upon them as he leads Rage and uncanny dodge Less able to penetrate spell resistance
his people into battle. His physical Master of shrouds class abilities Less damaging offensive spells
skills, divine spells, and the support of Warpriest class abilities Shorter spell durations
his angry forefathers make him a fear-
some opponent.
Savage shamans quickly rise to
positions of leadership within their
clans. Their strength and power leaves
little room for dissension. SAVAGE SHAMAN ADVANCEMENT

Character Choices Character Class Base Abilities

The savage shaman usually chooses Level Level Attack Fort/Ref/Will Gained
the Death and Destruction domains i Brbi +1 +2/+0/+0 Weapon and armor prof.,
and opts to channel negative energy, rage i/day, fast movement
thus, most are evit or at least neutral. 2 Brb i/ Clr i +1 +4/+Q/+2 ist-level spells, turning
They often pick combat spells, knowing 3 Brb i/ Clr 2 +2 +5/+0/+3 Feat
they can use their spontaneous casting 4 Brb i/ Clr 3 +3 +
5/+1/+3 Ability increase,
ability to cast inflict wounds spells to 2nd-level spells
aid their undead companions in battle. 5 Brb 2/ Clr 3 +4 +6/+1/+3 Uncanny dodge
They generally keep their ranks in 6 Brb 2/ Clr 4 +5 +7/W+4 Feat
Concentration and Spellcraft high, 7 Brb z/ Clr 5 +5 +7/+1/+4 3rd-level spells
while spending enough skill points on 8 Brb 3/ Clr 5 +6/+1 +7/+2/+S Ability increase
Knowledge (religion) to keep their 9 Brb s/ Clr5/ +7/+2 +7/+2/+7 Feat, Extra Turning
ancestors compliant. When they join MShrd i
the warpriest prestige class, they opt 10 Brb 3/ Clr5/ +8/+3 +7/+2/+S 4th-level spells
for the domination domain. MShrd 2
Savage shamans often take advan- 11 Brb 3/ Clr5/ +g/+4 t8/+3/+S summon undead 1
tage of necromantic feats (see the new MShrd 3
feats described earlier in this article) 12 Brb s/Clr 5/ +io/+5 +8/+3/+Q Feat, ability increase,
to help bolster and support the spirits MShrd 4 5th-level spells
they summon and undead they create. Brb 3/0 5/ + H/+6/ + 1 +W+3/+9 Prestige domain, rally
Common feats for the savage shaman MShrd 4/ WP t
include Improved Undead Command, M Brb s/Clr 5/ +12/+7/ + 2 +io/+3/+9 summon undead It
Greater Undead Command, or MShrd s/ WP i
Improved Animation. '5 Brb 3/ Clr5/ +13/+8/+3 -H1/+4/+IO Feat, 6th-level spells
In order to gain access to the war- MShrd 6/ WP i
priest prestige class, savage shamans 16 Brb 3/ Clr5/ +M/+9/+4 +H/+4/ + 1O Ability increase,
need to take the Leadership feat and MShrd 7/ WP i summon undead III
Combat Casting feat before gaining '7 Brb 3/ Clr5/ +i5/+io/+5 +H/+4/+U 7th-level spells
15th level. MShrd 8/ WP i
The savage shaman career path 18 Brb 3/ CLr 5/ H6/+U/+6/+1 +12/+4/+11 Feat, inflame
combines the barbarian/cleric combi- MShrd 8/ WP a
nation with the master of shrouds and iQ Brb 3/ Clr 5/ +17/+12/+7/+2 +>3/+5/+" 8th-level spells
warpriest prestige classes (both from MShrd g/ WP 2
Defenders of the Faith). ^ 20 Brb 3/ Clr5/ +i8/+i3/+8/+3 +13/+5/+12 Ability increase.
MShrd W WP 2 summon undead IV

68 august 2tx>2
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The editor is Dale Donovan, former editor of Dragon.
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Issue Number Fourteen Reaping, 592 CY

A Publication of the RPGA Network
Editor: Erik Mona Campaign Director: Stephen Radney-MacFarland
Enlightenment can penetrate even the helm of ironCuthbertine proverb

News from the Top at both the US and UK GEN CONS. the ability to order scenarios). Once
Our bi-monthly round-up of RPGA Thereafter, we will mail all remaining we've rolled out the complete program,
Network news and information usually qualifying members their Battlemats at higher level judges might have to sus-
appears in Polyhedron, our sister publi- absolutely no charge. tain their current ranking through par-
cation. This month, however, we've got Is that the only good news? ticipation and/or additional tests, but
very important news that simply can't Not hardly. that's a ways off.
wait for the next Polyhedron. I apologize I promised in Polyhedron # 151 that I Members who joined prior to July
for interrupting your regularly sched- would release additional information ist, 2002 but who do not have an exist-
uled LIVING GREYHAWK Campaign News, regarding our brand-new DM Training ing judge rating may continue to order
but I trust you'll agree that the following program as that program was devel- scenarios as normal. Once the full pro-
information is worth it. oped. I'm pleased to inform you that gram is in swing, however, such mem-
So what could be so important? stage one of that program will be live bers will be required to maintain a DM
In our bid to continue to offer better by the Time you read this. I'd like to rank at the minimum level to retain
games for more members, the RPGA has offer a huge thanks to all those who that ability.
dropped ALL membership fees as of the have contributed to setting up this We're initiating this new program
time you read this. For those of you important initiative in such a short because we feel it will improve the play
now leaping around looking for the tele- period of time. experience of all RPGA members by
phone number of HQ as you just paid The entry level in the new DM pro- giving Network DMs a common set of
us renewal money, I ask you to first gram is known as Herald level. To qual- "best practices." In doing so, we hope to
please read on, as I suspect you'll like ify as a Herald-level DM, new members create a corps of superb DUNGEON
what I have to say. must pass a simple test of basic table MASTERS. Give it a little time, and we're
To address and thank those members managment skills administered via the certain you'll agree.
who have joined, renewed, or have rpga.com website. For now, may the goddess Tymora
multi-year memberships, we are work- This and future tests for higher judge [or in this case, Rudd-ed.] shine upon
ing with Chessex, a leading manufac- levels have been designed to help DMs daos everywhere.
turer of gaming aids and accessories, to deal with situations that occasionally
develop an RPGA Network member- arise during Network-sanctioned games Ian Richards
exclusive vinyl Battlemat that will be (what to do when a player cheats, when Worldwide RPGA Director
sent free of charge to all RPGA a die rolls off the table, or even when a ianr@wizards.com
Network members who joined prior to player falls asleep!). The entry-level
July i, 2002. Herald test is available now. New mem- GEN CON UK to Host
Measuring 23 1/2 in. by 26 in., the bers must take the test to qualify to Special Events
new RPGA Battlemats feature a one- order RPGA scenarios, including LIVING The RPGA Network is happy to
inch square grid suitable for DUNGEONS GREYHAWK adventures. announce that this year's GEN CON UK,
OT DRAGONS miniature play. The Current members in good standing taking place August 29 to September i
Battlemats will be available for collection retain their existing judge ranking (and at the Olympia 2 in London, will feature
both a LIVING GREYHAWK Open Regional will give RPGA Network DUNGEON the people of that recaptured and
Slot, and the special Isle of Woe event MASTERS the ability to order hard copies recovering city on edge. With reports
set to debut at this year's Origins Game of the adventurewhich made its exclu- that adventurers have discovered a
Expo about the time you read this. sive premiere more than two years small drow enclave under the city, that
The LIVING GREYHAWK Open Regional ago-for $9.95 U.S. (while supplies last). paranoia has turned to murderous
slot premiered at WINTER FANTASY 2002, If you missed out on the Fright at insanity. No fewer than five vigilante
where hundreds of LIVING GREYHAWK Tristor the first time around, you'll defi- killings have taken place over the last
players sunk their teeth into a single nitely want to take notice of this new fortnight, as adventurers and even
slot of Regional adventures from
across the states and around the world The RPGA has dropped ALL
run by DUNGEON MASTERS from those
home regions. membership fees as of the time you
Now, it's Europe's turn! read this.
The Open Regional Slot is the only
place that DMs can run a home regional offer. Keep your eyes on the RPGA common citizens have taken to killing
adventure away from the real-world website (www.wizards.com/rpga) for anyone suspected to be in league with
geographic region they are from. For an more details about Tristor's rebirth. the mysterious evil elves. While none
event to qualify, it must be a single- of those who were brutally drawn and
round LIVING GREYHAWK event, and the Two Important Adventures to quartered by these "revenge mobs"
DM must be an RPGA Network member Debut at GEN CON 2002 were actually drow, the authorities are
in good standing and a resident of the Polish your sword and dust off the turning a blind eye to such sickening
LIVING GREYHAWK region featured in the spellbooks-this year's GEN CON and GEN citizen outbursts. Even Marchioness
adventure. And yes, U.S. and other mili- CON UK are set to feature two highly Resbin Dren Emondav is said to have
tary servicepeople stationed abroad can anticipated adventures-COR2-og: Final called the phenomena "understandable,
run adventures from the region of their Reckoning, a conclusion to the series of if not unfortunate," and is said to be
permanent residence. adventures featuring everyone's making plans to find out more about
And if that weren't enough GREYHAWK favorite miscreant, Auldon Brendingund, the danger currently threatening
fun, GEN CON UK is also the second site and CORa-io: Forgotten Echoes, the the capital.
for the Isle of Woe special event. Like much-feared follow-up to last year's The Gloom and Disunion Cycle,
the Origins Games Expo 2002 version smash adventure by Chris Tulach and which started with the adventure
of the event, the UK version features Jason Bulmahn, noted masters of the CORa-O4: Birthday Bash, and contin-
Dwarven Forge MasterMaze pieces for LIVING GREYHAWK beat-down. ued with COR2-05: Behind The Veil,
the dungeon works, graciously donated In Final Reckoning, by Sean Flaherty marches on this October with COR2-13:
by the UK game store Hidden Fortress, and John Richardson, your characters Bridge Over Svartjet, in which charac-
which is co-sponsoring the event. are tasked by Greyhawk City's Church ters delve deep into the Underdark in
If you are interested in attending GEN of Pelor to help undo the taint of evil an attempt to ascertain the true nature
CON UK, check www.genconuk.com. unwittingly unleashed by the of the threat to I s t i v i n . -
Brendingund paterfamilias. After all he
The Curse of Tristor has done, can Auldon be redeemed?
It seems there is a Rhennee curse on Not even the healing spells of Pelor's
the town of Tristor. The slated June re- priests can save you from the insane
release of the 2000 member-exclusive
adventure has been delayed, due to
voice in your head-that familiar voice is
back again, the one that whispered to r What is
some logistic issues. But, by the end of you deep in the Vesve forest, and it's
2002, RPGA Network members will telling you that it is now free. Can you LIVING GREYHAWK?
again have the opportunity to delve into put an end to the Forgotten Echoes? LIVING GREYHAWK is the largest,
the mysteries of a superstitious village Both GEN CONS will feature a third most popular shared-world
in the heart of the famously intolerant LIVING GREYHAWK adventure: COR2-ii: DUNGEONS Of DRAGONS campaign
Theocracy of the Pale. Escape from Tehn, by David Christ and in the history of gaming. Run
The re-release of the Fright at Stephen Radney-MacFarland. In that under the auspices of the RPGA
Tristor LIVING GREYHAWK home play event, the story that started with the Network (RPGA), the campaign
adventure, when it occurs, will give Isles of Woe takes a dangerous turn, as offers gamers around the world
RPGA gamemasters the ability to order its legacy erupts from the splintered the chance to contribute to the
the adventure for home play. The new duchy. Your only chance for escape is developing history of Oerth by
version of the event features an a running fight to the banks of the playing specially constructed
Adventure Certificate, instructions on Artonsamay River. adventures at conventions, game
how to run the adventure as a non- days, or in the comfort of home.
standard event {that is, longer than a Troubling Resurgence For more information on how you
typical five-hour slot adventure), and of Drow in Sterich can get involved in the campaign,
how to increase the challenge of the A troubling encounter with some dis- visit www.livinggreyhawk,com
adventure to 3-6 levels of play. It also guised black-skinned elves in Istivin has
by Frederick Weining

illustrated by Kalman Andrasofszky

cartography by Christopher West

Ages ago, in the youth of their race, a

fundamental discord divided the elves
into two opposing camps. On the side of
goodness and light were the majority of
olvenfolk, who were filled with a joyous and life-
embracing spirit. But there were others, those
whose natures were fettered with wickedness
and cruelty; and they loved the darkness, for
their deeds were evil.
So the goodly elves shunned their evil
kindred and drove them out from their
communities, denying their kinship and naming
them drow. The iwo sides made war upon each
other, but good was ever victorious over evil; at
last, shamed and defeated, the drow retreated
altogether from the sunlit lands of the surface to
take refuge in the dark recesses of the
The most evil and ambitious of these drow
venerated the demoness Lolth, Queen of the
Spiders; and they, having imbibed of her
venemous ichor, became the nobles of their kind.
By demon-endowed fertility the drow multiplied
and grew strong again in the underworld, their
race born anew and nurtured in the balm of
darkness. The drow themselves became dark, in
flesh as in spirit, hating the light and alt who

ri dwelled in it,
Females of the noble blood waxed powerful in
the service of Loith, ruling their people with
cruelty and cunning, leading the race of dark
elves ever deeper through lightless caverns and
black passages. In the grandest of all the deep
caverns they built their principal city, palaces for
their nobles, and a great fane for their goddess
and her priesthood. Thus they created their own
subterranean realm, a gloomy fairyland in which
to practice all the perverse arts cherished
by Lolth.
At last, rumor of their enduring evil has risen
once more to trouble the lands above, speaking
of strange elves as dark as the faeries are bright.
If any would seek the truth of these tales, let

72 auguNl 2(iu2


them Take the perilous road to the world below, that they may by the passing of ages, almost fused with the natural rock
behold with their own eyes that terrifying and magnificent platform upon which the tower was built.
homeland of the dark elves: the Vault of the Drow. A narrow incline leads up to the Black Towerall visitors
are required to report there, for it serves as a checkpoint and
The Last Testament of Algorthas the Seer customhouse for foreigners entering the Vault, All non-draw
Councilor Emeritus to the Royal Court of Sterich at Istivin, are questioned regarding the purpose of their visit, and those
588 CY deemed acceptable are issued a cloak of silk dyed an unnatural
shade of green, which they must wear to identify themselves
as aliens in the drew homeland. Interlopers who lack the special
THE VAULT OF THE DROW cloak soon find themselves killed or enslaved by the many
Deep beneath the mighty Heltfurnace Mountains lies the Vault drow patrols that range the Lower Vault.
of the Drow, an immense hemispherical cyst in Oerth's crust An enormous natural antechamber to the Vault opens
over six miles long and nearly as broad, tts mineral-veined perhaps two miles west of the Black Tower. Its entrance is
ceiling rises more than 1000 fathoms above its crystal-strewn walled and gated, with six strong towers along its length.
floor; near The zenith of the dome is a huge mass of Behind this wall is the fortress of the military sisterhood of the
tumkeo'rte, which as it siowly decays and transforms into Vault, a society of female drow warriors sponsored by each of
iacofcite glows like a ghostly, plum-colored moon in the the eight noble houses, but who swear allegiance only to Lolth.
firmament of the Vault, while other phosphorescent nodes Nearly two and a half miles to the northeast of the Black
dimly gleam like stars in the same stony heaven. The lights of Tower is a walled compound that serves as the stronghold of
this subterranean sky reflect in the dark waters of the Pitchy the military brotherhood of the Vault, a society of male drow
Flow and the Weeping Spring, and the image of the whole warriors iri service to Lolth, which is financed by the sixteen
strange canopy is trapped and distorted within the Mere of merchant clans who dwell in the Lower Vault.
Glooms. The strongholds of these merchant clans are walled villas
Many passages and trails wind throughout the underworld, scattered throughout the Lower Vault, Disturbing forests and
but one road enters the Vault through a fissure in its thickets of fungi grow between the sixteen merchant villas
southern wall. The road descends through a gorge about aoo here, all on a floor of jagged rocks and jutting formations of
yards wide, which gradually becomes broader as it goes crystal. To the north, by the banks of the Pitchy Row, the
north, A full mile From rhe entrance, an ancient stronghold black-walled city of Erelhei-Cinlu stands as a gateway to the
called the Black Tower stands four stories high, watching Upper Vault. A plateau occupied by eight noble estates stands
over the Underdark road. The tower's foundations rest upon across a leering span called the Flying Bridge on the other side
a steep-sided mound of stone, its massive waifs worn smooth of the river. Further still is a guarded passageway leading to


the temple chamber of the Demon Queen of Spiders, called concealed. A perimeter wall-walk links both the city gates and
Ldth's Egg. The enormous red and green ochre cavern holds all eleven towers. Protected by crenelated battlements, the
an accursed pagoda-like spider temple, the infamous Great wall-walk crawls with groups of drow warriors on patrol.
Fane of Lolth. Travelers enter Erelhei-Cinlu via the Great Gate, a broad
The mostly likely destination for adventurers travelling to stone structure four stories high crowned with rooftop
the Vault of The Drow is Erelhei-Cinlu itself. Representatives battlements. Elaborate stone-carved figures of demons and
of nearly any race might be found here, whether as visitor, monsters leer from the piled stones of the exterior, while the
resident, or captive; indeed, it is not unknown for one person entry way holds four great warrior statues. The two larger of
to have each of these ranks at some point during his sojourn the quartet, the females, face each other across the entry arch,
in Erelhei-Cinlu, and the city of the dark elves is always holding tall, narrow-bladed axes; the two smaller figures, the
ready to tempt new visitors with all the arousements that males, face out into the Vault, gripping their thin swords with
darkness can offer. both hands. A raised portcullis protects the Great Gate's
interior passage on the southern end, and a large spiked bronze
ERELHEI-CINLU (eh-reel-hay-sen-loo) gate stands open to the north. Lurid frescoes of demon visages
Erelhei-Cinlu looks out like a degenerate lover upon the cover the interior walls, which cleverly conceal the arrow slits
homeland of the drow, as it has for countless centuries. Within and murder holes that guard its length.
its black wails ferment all manner of The Great Gate opens onto the High Street, which divides
ERELHE1-C1NLU evils, depravities, and addictions. A 30- the eastern and western halves of the city. High Street runs
(Metropolis): foot high wall of black stone surrounds generally north-south from the Great Gate to the Noble Gate.
the city on the east, south and west, End Street crosses it running vaguely east-west; hence, the
:iaa,QGQ gp tost; Asseis with eleven square towers placed at two branches are commonly called East End Street and West
$35 mfen gp; Population irregular intervals around its length. End Street, respectively. All told there are eight sections, or
27,000; DemograpKic cate- The wall to the north is fifty feet high ghettos, of Erelhei-Cinlu. Four patrols of male drow soldiers
gory {drow 40%. and made of smooth, perfectly joined make hourly rounds on the main streets, while six patrols of
troglodytes- 15%, bwgtwars stone, which runs alongside the banks female drow soldiers roam the back streets and alleys on a
12%. srhers (surface of the Pitchy Flow. Two gates, one to similar schedule.
{Jwefers and undead) 10%, the south and one to the north, give The two main streets meet at the broad circle intersection
mmdflayers 4%, trofo 4%, access to the city {though only the of the Concourse, at the center of which stands a temple of
yugotetfss 4%, iuio-toa southern "Great Gate" is open to non- Keptolo, the drow goddess of flattery, intoxication, rumor, and
3%, demons 3%, xvarts drow); there are also a number of small opportunism. A large arena pit opens in the circle's center,
8%, deep ^somes 1%, arcs doors in or near the walls, though where performances of the most depraved acts serve as public
i%, $fh races i%). these are spelt-warded, locked, and spectacle. The guardian priests determine who enters the

The Vault of the Drow Pitchy Flow

IS .UpperVault

1. Entrance
2. The Black Tower
3. Merchant Clan Warehouses
4. Towered Wall and Gatehouse Pitchy Flow
5. Female Fighter Society
Stronghold .
6. Merchant Clan Villa
7. Male Fighter Society
Stronghold .
8. Great Gate
9. Erelhei-Cintu
ID. Estate of House Tormtor
11. Estate of House Everhate
12. Estate of House Despana I
13. Estate of House Noquar,/ , .'>"
14. Estate of House Aleval"''11 Hex*
Hex" =240 Yards
15. Estate of House Vae jfc
16. Estate of House Godeep \.'
17. Estate of House EilservsJ>.jr* River
18. The Egg of Lolth Fungi Forest
19. Great Fane of Lolth "_^ Hill Crest
20. Flying Bridge IsZJ Estate Boundaries

74 LIU mist 2oo2



Amalriv: : Male draw Wizig; CR 21; centra! flesh-pit: only the most attractive or of Lies. On the east, Sentinel Street twists
Medium-size humanoid; HD igd^; hp wealthy. Facing this pit from the south end its way in a long arc from Necropolis
47; Init +0; Spd 30 ft,; AC si (touch 16. of the Concourse, just before rising to Square (with its memorial Well of Despair)
flat-tooted 18); Atk +13/^8 melee intersect with the High Street, is the main to the North Wall, dividing the Tombs from
W645, -fj qusrterstaffi; SQ sewer gate. the Savage Ghetto. From the eastern corner
Darkvision 120 ft., drow traits, SR 30; Many smaller streets and alleys wind and of Necropolis .Square to the easternmost
AL CE; SV Fort v. Ref +9, Will 6; zig-zag between the city's buildings, but six wall-tower crosses Dead End Street,
Str 12, Dex 14, Con n, Int 23, Wis 18, are especially important in separating the separating the Tombs from the Beggar's
Cha 10. eastern and western ghettos from each district. Finally, cutting between the Beggar's
Skills and Feats: Alchemy +20, other. On the western side of the city, the Ghetto and the Chattel's Ghetto, is Blackrail
Concern ration +12. Diplomacy -HO, Player's Lane separates the Performers and Alley.
Disguise +10. Forgery +16, Hide +12, Artisans districts, while the Aisle of Scribes The Noble Gate marks the far end of
Knowledge (arcana) *?8, Listen +11, divides the Artisans and Scholars. Between the High Street. It stands out against the
Profession (irader) ^26, Search +13, the Scholars and Foreigners runs the Street toweriess northern wall as a final defense,
Spot +2; Brew Potion, Craft Magic not for the city, but to protect the wealthy
Arms and Armor, Craft Rod, Craft properties to the north from the dregs of
Staff, Extend Spell, Improved Critical Erelhei-Cinlu. The gatehouse stands six
(quarterstaff), Improved Initial ive, stories high, built with a set of double gates
Quicken Spell, Scribe Scroll, Silent protected from each side with portcullises
Spell, Still Spell. and topped with crenelated battlements on
Wizard Spefe Prepared the roof and the wall balcony overlooking
(4/6/6/5/5/5/5/4/3/3; base DC . 16 the city. The southern archway of the gate,
+ spell level); u daze (2), mage hand, facing the city, features a haunting carving
read magic, ist- charm person, iden- of Lolfh in her spider form, while the
tify, magic missile (3), shield; ind- Queen of Spiders in the guise of a regally
darkness, knock sper.tral hand, attired draw noblewoman leers from the
summon monster II. web (z); yd- fly, northern arch. Two small towers extend
haste, hold person (2), vampiric. touch. from this arch to watch over the Fiying
4lh- dimension door, improved invisi- Bridge to the north, which leads to the
bility. po/ymorph self, stoneskin (2); noble manors on the plateau of the
5th- cone at' cold (2), summon mon- Upper Vault,
ster V. tehporf, will of iron. Oth City dwellings range from abject
circle of df^th, disintegrate, flesh squalor to sumptuous excess and are
to stone, gloiie. of invulnerability, crowded together in a chaotic welter
of different shapes, sizest and styles.
Its streets and alleyways are crooked
and narrow, named by signs carved
into elaborate plaques, or crudely
I etched into the building walls.
Many such signs are outlined in
Possessions phosphorescent chemicals or
illuminated by glowing lichens or
fire beetle cages.
Though no real order prevails inside
The so-called "tax baron" of The the dark elven city, its eight ghettos
Ghetto of Foreigners, Amalriv is one are historically associated with the
of ihe most powerful permanent resi- eight noble houses. The nobles have
dents of Erelhei-Cinlu, and iis wealthi- the right to tax the inhabitants of
est non-noble. Amalriv served house their related ghetto, but even this
Lilscrvs for many years, but has since is not performed in any
switched allegiances to Tormtor. organized manner, for the tax
Eclavdra's return complicates matters, collectors-despised by both
for alihough he no longer serves ihe their masters and their
cleric, his long relationship with her subjectsseek only to
and her family cannot be ignored. In enrich themselves. In turn,
his own right, Amalriv is the closest the collectors are
thing to a mayor the city can boast, normally assassinated
and he loves Erelhei-Cinlu as only a {again, whether by
drow can. A survivor and above all a master or subject,
pragtnatist, Amatriv respects power it matters little)
and enjoys the misfortune of Ihe and replaced
weak and foolish.

76 august
after only a brief time in office. Yet, since they employ the Vecna. Many drow scholars, as well as evii human wizards,
greatest number of hirelings (notably mercenary guards), they sorcerers, and visiting liches frequent this bizarre complex.
provide a boon to the economy of the city. They do so even in
death, for tax collectors traditionally are honored with Palace of Amalriv
expensive funerals by their masters, and even more expensive The home and private fortress of the most successful tax
funeral celebrations by friends and foes. collector in Erelhei-Cinlu rises seven stories above the city
The life of the city goes on otherwise in an almost timeless streets. The round, multi-domed edifice of puce-colored stone
cycle of pleasure, pain, and oblivion. A civil war in recent squats at the junction of Squander and Salvage, near the very
years has not changed this; indeed, most of the casualties of center of the Foreigner's Ghetto. The palace was briefly put
that war came from among the nobles, or the servants and under siege during the civil war a few years ago, but proved
soldiers of their houses. The inhabitants of Erelhei-Cinlu, long impenetrable despite some damage to the outer facing.
inured to bloody conflict, treated the civil war as merely Currently, the lower two floors of the palace see much
another murder-spree; knowing how to hide themselves, they traffic, for Amairiv also acts as a pawnbroker and moneylender
cast only a few of their own before the blade to distract the for the entire ghetto. Common sorts of goods are readily
blood-lust of the nobles. available here, including adventuring gear, weapons, and
With the cessation of internecine strife, the common clothing. Amalriv stocks second-hand goods particular to the
citizens of Erelhei-Cintu have returned to their chosen Vault, such as the red eye cusps worn by some experienced
professions and turned their attention to their favored victims: visitors and various fungal ointments used by hunters, which
each other. Visitors from the surface are also choice targets, otherwise must be custom made by a skilled artisan.
but they are often too dangerous for any but the most skilled Amalriv also offers loans, usually with severe terms that
or powerful drow to prey upon. would be illegal in any normal city. His yugoloth bondsmen are
quite relentless in their collection activities, and the tax
THE GHETTO OF FOREIGNERS collector's relationship with the city's impressive vampiric
Most humans resident in Erelhi-Cinlu live in the Ghetto of community gives him connections even on the surface. In fact,
Foreigners, which teems with run-down dwellings for both he is rumored to have a vampire harem on one of the upper
permanent and transitory visitors from the surface world. floors of his palace, but visitors are not invited there and
The establishments found here reflect this in many ways: intruders may never leave,
the use of light, far more prevalent here than in any other
part of the Vault; the presence of foreign temples, for no Establishments
outside deities are permitted worship elsewhere in the drow The ghetto features many bordellos, casinos, and taverns
realm (and even here they are treated as just another (or combinations thereof) suitable for the pursuit of any
business catering to non-drow); and even the food and common vice found among the surface races. Games and
drink are made to better suit surface tastes, though more competitions of every kind are available, from cards and
exotic fare is always available for a price. dice to races and combat, and anything in between. The
most popular gambling house is the Demon's Draw Casino, a
Foreign Temples broad, four-story edifice on Serpent Street.
The Foreigner's Ghetto is home to the only temples of non- Other gambling establishments include the Black Widow
drow gods allowed in the Vault. All are located along the (bordello, casino, and inn), the Dragon's Hoard, the Turning
Street of Lies, over the entrance of which stands a tall, Wheel, and Gengar's Blade, the latter known for its hard
gated arch covered with a relief of the demoness Lolth. liquor and bloodsport. Famous bordellos include the
Indeed a shrine to the Queen of the Spiders lies just within aformentioned Black Widow, the Green Door, the Serpent's
the gate, and tradition dictates that all visitors make a Charm (which employs a group of medusa paramours for
nominal offering of silver as they enter. select clientele), and the Dreampearl, infamous for its free
The first foreign temple is that of Nerull, who is well use of dangerous potions and elixirs.
respected in the underworld (particularly among assassins The list of taverns and inns found in the Foreigner's
and executioners). The next is a small temple to the god Ghetto is vast, but two are imminently suitable for first-time
Boccob, frequented mostly by wizards from the surface visitors. The Deep, on Haze Avenue, and the Far Night, an
world, but whose clerics are on good terms with a modest inn and tavern located on Stranger Road. Both are owned
number of drow scholars and sages. A similarly sized and operated by humans who maintain their own security
temple dedicated to Ralishaz stands further along the Street forces and keep the local drow patrols well bribed. Though
of Lies, the bane and boon of those addicted to gambling. A these establishments are far from safe, the proprietors
well-appointed sanctum of tncabulos, popular with both strive to keep good relations with others from the surface
drow and non-drow (most notably poisoners) comes next, world.
just before similar structures dedicated to Erythnul, Beltar,
A black iiggurat temple of Tharizdun sits at the turn of Located next to the Ghetto of Foreigners, the Ghetto of
the street, although it serves as more of a museum than an Scholars is the next most common destination of travellers
active house of worship. Finally, near the end of the street from the surface. Indeed some of the savants and scholars
sits a large group of one- and two-story buildings found here are human, or once-human, and the language of
connected by pillar-lined courtyards, a motley assembly that almost any race can be heard somewhere within the
serves as a place of worship dedicated to the lich god ghetto's confines. Tutors in any of the arcane professions


liscul;| Male mind flayer Mnki4; CR can be found here, divided info differing savants, also live and teach here, and even
22; Medium-size aberration; HD and rival philosophical schools, though a!! visitors from other planes are not unusual.
SdStiG + i4d8+28; hp 143; Init +7; are devoted To evit. These folk spend much
Spd 70 ft.; AC 31 (touch 28, flat- time in vicious debate and disagreement, The Spire of the Encyclic
footed 29); Atk +23/*i8 melee creating conflicts in which truth is not the The Spire of the Encyclic looks down on the
(idiEt/, unarmed strike); SA flurry only casualty. city from the western end of the quarter,
of blows, ki strike (+2), stunning The greatest scholarly institution of the south of the Aisle of Scribes off of Libram
attack; SQ abundant slep, diamond drow in Erethei-Cinlu is the Spire of the Square. Its broad central stair spirals up 13
body, diamond soul, improved eva- Encyclic, which claims the membership of stories, though only the lower three are open
sion, leap of the clouds, purity of the vast majority of drow sages, whether as to the public. The Spire houses the Libram
body, slow fall (so ft.), still mind, professors, professors emeritus, or simply Encyclic, which is said to contain all.the
wholeness of body; AL LE; SV Fort as students. The district sports many other accumulated knowledge of the drow, and its
+13. Ref +14, Will +27; Str 24. Dex scholarly enclaves as well, and not guardian, an ancient male drow known as
17, Con 14, Int 20, Wis 30, Cha n. only of drow. Some human scholars, the Inscrutable Redactor. The
Skills and Feats: Balance +30, as we|l as smaller groups of illithid Redactor appoints membership
Concentration +27, and derro to the body of scholars called
Diplomacy +2. Intimidate t the Professors of the Encyclic,
HI, Knowledge (arcana) .!* to whom he grants access to
+30, Listen +37, Move the great Libram as well as all
Silently t?8, Sense Motive the libraries of the Spire,
+21. Spot +37, Swim \rf, The Professors of the
Tumble +28; Alertness, . Encyclic are expected to be
Ambidexterity, Blind-Fight, quite ruthless in the
Deflect Arrows. Dodge, Endurance, pursuit of knowledge,
Expertise, Improved Initiative, as well as in the uses
Improved Trip, Improved to which they put
Unarmed Strike, iron Will. Skill their subordinates.
Focus (Swim), Stunning Fist. These subordinates
Possessions: Self of giant's serve as the staff of
strength *6', Dacrn's instant the lower libraries and
fortress, gem of seeing, periapt of often sell their
wisdom t(i. mantle of speii resist- services as private
ance (SR 21), necklace of prayer tutors or sages, for
beads (bead of summons), robe of they, like their
masters, also have
access to the upper
The chief scientist of Erelhei-Ctnlu's libraries of the Spire,
Antisolar Institute, liscul firsi came Even the lower
to the Vault from his native city of libraries contain
Dhra-Muor-Shaiiu as a student of thousands of tomes and scrolls
the institute 60 years ago, He fefi found nowhere else. Thus, the Spire
after a dozen years to participate in of the Encyclic draws many visitors from
field study with several successful the surface world who come in search of
inquisitions, but finally illumed to knowledge forbidden in their own lands,
accept his current post at the insti-
tuie just five years ago, replacing The Antisolar Institute
the previous chief scientist, who Ages ago, illithid scientists founded the
was slain in the drow civil war. Antisolar Institute to broaden their scholarly
Despite his stereoiypical illifhid contacts beyond their own race. Built of
reserve, liscul relishes his position greenish-gray stone not native to the Vault,
and secretly enjoys the excitement the Institute is a broad, four-story building
that Erelhei-Cinlu has to offer. located on both sides of central Tumkeoite
Often seen perusing the stock at Boulevard. The larger northern section of the
different slave markets throughout Institute houses laboratories and lecture halls,
as well as the living quarters of the two
dozen illithid staff members and their leader,
search of delicious fjrayma the chief scientist liscul. The smaller southern
from ihe cranium. section is home to three derro savants and
their followers, and holds an unknown
number of secret laboratories. Covered
walkways on the third and fourth floors join

78 itttizusl 2oo2
the Two sections, but overall there is limited interaction guises of those pictured in the paintings, The artist himself
between the ilfithids and derro who work here. attends gallery exhibitions of his latest works, and may
Under normal circumstances, derro and illifhids seldom otherwise be encountered wandering the city looking for
cooperate, but in this case they share a common belief in a new subjects.
secret radiation that permeates the Vault. At one time, the In the final chamber hangs the Lasf Canvas, normally
existence of this radiation was more generally accepted, but covered by a heavy drapery, but dearly almost as tall as the
evidence of its presence is no longer considered valid by most three stories of the gallery. Each formal exhibition concludes
of the draw and human scholars of Ereihei-Cinlu. However, the here with a viewing of the magical canvas, into which admirers
iltithids hold that its properties alter as the hypothetical are drawn to enjoy its contents at close hand. Usually an image
radiation phases through different wavelengths. The three of some Abyssal vista, or occasionally a great event in drow
derro savants employed here, refugees from a past Uniting history, the subject of the Last Canvas is always entirely vivid
War, are acknowledged experts in the field of preternatural and often lethal to unlucky visitors. Nevertheless, it is
radiation, and the iliithids wish to take advantage of their considered the high point of any exhibit. The painting remains
expertise. If possible, they hope to find a way to use the secret covered at all other times, when if is said to show nothing but
radiation to nullify the detrimental effects of sunlight upon the the great void. Obviously, anyone drawn into that image would
races of the Night Below, be forever lost, and many suspect that certain unwary critics
have been disposed of thusiy.
Favored pubs in the Gheno of Scholars include the Doctrinaire The House of Abandonment
and the Poison Pen, two turbulent pubs on Polemic Avenue, The eastern ghetto holds the House of Abandonment, a large
and the more sedate Third Level located on the corner of block of Tenements occupying all of Mourningweb Court.
Missive Street and Ruse Alley. The Third Level is favored by Unwanted drow and half-drew children are given or sold to
devotees of the drowic version of Dragon Chess, who can be this orphanage, where they are tested to determine their
found here at all hours exercising their strategic abilities fitness to five. Those with aptitudes receive some rudimentary
against each other, training, and the chance to demonstrate their worth, up to The
age of eight years. From there they are farmed out as
THE GHETTO OF ARTISANS apprentices, given to the military societies, or sold to The
The insular craftsmen of the drow make their homes and nobles; otherwise they are simply cast out.
businesses in the Ghetto of Artisans. Alchemists, jewelers, Life in the orphanage prior to this point is hardly pleasant,
sculptors (of stone or flesh), scribes, painters, poisoners, but it does represent the drow social ideal. The strong torment
tailors, taxidermists, and more all serve the needs of an and demean the weak; all presence of kindness and trust are
eclectic group of customers. As with their neighbors in the exploited, then eliminated; and above alt, the young learn to
Ghetto of Scholars, the artisans form cabals and guilds with fear Lotth and her priestesses. Deaths are quite common here,
ever-changing alliances, disputing the quality and worth of sometimes resulting in the rare "child-banshees" so highly
each other's craftsmanship while tormenting their own prized as mourners by the drow priesthoods.
apprentices with impossible tasks and cruel, demeaning
criticism. Establishments
Much of the ghetto is inaccessible to visitors, being a maze Tailors who make and alTer delicate drow garmenTs dwell along
of private walled communities, within which are houses and The length of Sash Avenue. The tattoo artists, barbers, and
workshops, as well as taverns, bordellos and gambling dens flesh-sculptors, who bear some little resemblance to surgeons,
open only to the local residents. Small shops and storefronts congregate along Flensers Passage, where They make their
ring these closed neighborhoods, guarded with traps, curses, alterations to both staves and beasts, as well as to The
and trained monsters (trained wolf-spiders are commonly occasional willing vicTim. Survival rates are actually fairly high,
found roaming the premises of local shops), as well as hired buT even when bad alTerations result in The loss of favored pets
mercenaries (though the latter are hardly considered or slaves, The skills of the drow taxidermists fmosT located
trustworthy). They also sometimes employ xvart menials as along Shredfell Lane) stand ready and waiting. Alchemists and
"runners" to fetch raw materials or other necessities from poisoners work closely together on Crucible Road, where
elsewhere in the city or the Vault. Some of the artisans have visitors can purchase the best, and worst, potions and elixirs.
made contracts with specific merchant clans, trading their Finally, jewelers and weaponsmiths congregate near the north
finished goods for needed raw materials, while the rest sell wall on Dagger-staff Alley
their wares to both drow merchants and outsiders.
The Twilight Gallery Drow players and performers five in the Ghetto of Performers.
The stained granite facade of the Twilight Gallery rises three Musicians, jugglers, tumblers, dancers, actors, puppeteers,
stories above Rebuke Avenue. Two tall, narrow doorways that piaywrites, poeTs, and singers-as well as the dreaded lurking
face the street are always open, casting a dim, shifting mimesall practice Their arts in The rheaTers, halls, squares,
illumination on any passerby. Within is a veritable maze of halls sTreeTs, and even The alleys of their ghetto. Alt save the mimes
and chambers, filled with the paintings and etchings of the seek the attention of The largest crowds They can gather. The
legendary drow artist, Oot Eurts, A staff of six dopplegangers more lurid and gaudy The performance, The better They and
act as curators of the gallery, describing the works found in their audience enjoy it. In spite of constantly changing fads,
their allotted sections to visitors and sometimes adopting the there is always a certain sameness to drow performances;


Pruuma She-bear: Female bug- however, since most drow performers are Perhaps the most admired play in the
bear Ftrn; CR 13: Medium-size severe addicts to every vice, few of them live company's repertoire is the War of the
long enough to develop any real perspective. Houses, depicting an idealized Vault in which
Most wish only for a glorious demise. To their the noble houses bloodily destroy each other,
audience, it is all the same, and they quickly find allowing the survivors in the city to enjoy a
footed 22); Atk H-S1/-H6/+H mele some other "star" to watch unfit it too falls. perfect and uninhibited anarchy. The show
(id8+g, +3 momingsfari; SQ then devolves into a typical drow orgy;
Darkvision 60 ft; AL CE; SV The Silver Stage performances usually sell out weeks in
Fort +11, Ref +9, Will +4 Str 19. The draw playwrite Drucena owns and operates advance. The audience is expected to
this seven-story theater, The lower four levels participate, and for grand performances
of which house the city's largest stage. Named ushers release airborne hallucinogens into the
Ski/Is ,3nd Feats: Climb +18, for its pale, shimmering procenium arch and theater to add to the mayhem.
Handle Animal +14, Intimidate +5, renowned for its elaborate moving scenery and
Lislen +2, Move Silently +to, other mechanical gimmicks (including the classic The Acrobats' Terrace
Ride +20, Spot +2, Swim +18; deus ex machina), the theater also boasts the A large courtyard known as the Acrobats'
Alertness. Cleave, Dodge, most debauched company of performers in Terrace stands near the southeast corner of
Expertise, Improved Critical Erelhei-Cinlu. No act is too vile or depraved for the Noble Gate. The gate's parapets allow a
(morningstari. Improved Disarm, their tastes, and they constantly seek young good view of the courtyard, and guards often
Improved Initiative. Improved talents to despoil. gather here to watch the performance of
Unarmed Strike. Mobility, Power acrobats practicing on the field below. Three
Attack, Weapon Focus (morn- graceful rowers rise four stories high in the
ingstar). Weapon Specialization middle of the courtyard, joined by slender
(momingstar). ropes of woven silk that bridge the tops of the
Possessions: +3 morningstar, towers. Protruding arms of stone run down
banded mail +j, rope ofcntan- the tower walls, and between and around them
on the ground stand small fountains, benches,
and statuary.
The reigning' arena During festivals, the resident acrobats climb
champion is the and tumble between the towers, or perform
bugbear bounty feats of daring while combating each other
hunter Pruutna with btaded pole-arms. Jugglers practice
She-bear. The war- their arts in the courtyard below, heedless
rior's dramatic fiair of the safety of onlookers. During less
her reputation as a flam- hectic periods, the lurking mimes
boyant combatant and sometimes congregate here, where
executioner, Those * they have been seen to cavort
who underestimate with martgoyles from the outer
her skills at Vault. Outsiders are not
welcomed at these sitent fetes,
seldom profit, as and will be stalked by mimes
Pruuma studies for the duration of their
her quarry stay in
carefully, learn- : . Erelhei-Cinlu
ing their habits ' should they
and anticipating , breach the
their moves. An dignity of
excellent strate- the mimes'
gist and devel- gathering.
oper of traps,
Pruuma favors Establishments
using decoys, spies, and many All the underworld's a
sorts of bait carefully selected stage, at least in the
10 lure her prey into her power- view of drow
ful dutches. A great Favorite of entertainers, and
the misiress of House Vae, that outlook
Pruuma nonetheless continues to certainly holds
turn down offers of a position in true in the
that household, for she knows brothels, taverns,
it is better 10 catch slaves and drug
than to be one. emporiums
of this

80 august 2oo2
ghetto. The Silk Curtain on Strut Lane is known for its The yugofoths who dwell here are the unchallenged
acrobatic and dancing hariots. Further north, on Odium masters of this ghetto, though they wander throughout the
Avenue, the costumed and painted doxies of Mock Hall hurl rest of me city as well. It might be possible to purchase the
their derision, and sometimes their ordure, on both customers service of one of the fiendish mercenaries, though not for
and passersby alike. The Upturned Jar, at the intersection of any action against the priesthood of Lolth, They likewise wilt
Mingle Street and Tac Alley, serves the best of the musty- take no action against any of their kin in the Vault, although
flavored fungal wines found in the Vault, to the other creatures, including outsiders such as demons, devils,
accompaniment of drum and pipe. Finally, the Quandarium, on or the gith-races are fair game.
Netherbrn Road, serves more refined and addictive liquors,
tike the deadly abyssenfhe, which is said to sharpen all the Establishments
senses even as it destroys the body. The rank neighborhood between the Concourse and northern
High Street teems with taverns and brothets catering to the
THE GHETTO OF SAVAGES goblinoids and other savage humanoids that visit the city. The
Large numbers of non-drow soldiers, whether of goblinoid Old Battleaxe, a large gambling house and tavern on Hauberk
stock or members of the. scaled-races, make this ghetto home. Street, caters mostly to bugbear soldiers. Further east, on
Bugbears and troglodytes form the bulk of these fighters, Rend Road, sits the Hair o' the Grog, a tavern and inn
whose status in the Vault hovers somewhere between managed by a human former mercenary who.happens to be
mercenary and slave. The most prominent of these infected with lycanthropy, The jolty proprietor often entertains
mercenaries is a bugbear bounty-hunter named Pruuma She- his jaded guests by transforming into a werewolf.
bear; when not chasing escaped slaves, she serves as
mistress of ceremonies at the arena, and she carries her THE GHETTO OF CHATTELS
heavy, spiked Morningstar of Office wherever she goes. The Ghetto of Chattels holds Erelhei-Cinlu's slave and livestock
pens. The1 slaves' treatment (and resulting quality) varies widely
Tbe Ceremonial Arena by trader. Many of the best slaves and beasts are located in
This arena on Chainmail Boulevard provides solid, brutal the southern sections of this ghetto, or anywhere along the
entertainment to drow and non-drbw alike. Built of common High Street. Traders offer undead and even demonic slaves
clay brick, it stands six stories high at its outer edge, with a along with natural creatures, though such unusual chattel
special seating section for drow nobles and their retainers. usually comes from hags visiting the city from their refuge in
The only rule on the floor of the arena is kill or be killed. the Lower Planes,
Combatants include paid gladiators, bugbears, or troglodytes Demons and undead also come here to buy slaves or other
alone or in groups (here TO settle grudges), trained or wild livestock, as do derro, illithtds, and the occasional surface
beasts, monsters, or any combination of the above. In dwdler. The. markets primarily serve noble drow, of course,
addition, escaped slaves are often brought here when re- who also enjoy the specialty brothels found in this ghetto. The
captured, assuming no one else claims them, to be given to priesthood of Ksaransali is predominant here, though always
the trogiogytes for combat practice. Such captives are killed under the watchful eye of Lotth's priestesses and their servants
(or at least wounded) and then eaten, their unwanted remains in the city patrols.
thrown to the ghouls of the Ghetto of the Dead,
The arena is home to two popular annual festivals. The The Verdict Hall
first, the troglodyte Triumph of Strength, begins with Overlooking the city from the east side of the High Street, just
horrifying violence and concludes with the even more south of the Concourse, the bleached limestone walls of Verdict
horrifying troglodyte mating ritual, performed each year at Hall rise eight stories high. The top three stories are actually
molting time. Visitors are welcome, but protective magic is one large pillared auditorium. Any foreigner or non-noble drow
recommended for those not naturally able to withstand the arrested in Erelhei-Cinlu is brought here for trial and ultimate
stench. The other festival is the Executioners' Revel, in disposition. Of course, guilt is the only verdict ever delivered
dishonor of the traitorous House Kitsek, held every year in this court, and there are but two possible penalties for fhe
since their departure. It begins with the normal roster of convicted: slavery or death. Therefore, in drow jurisprudence,
killings and concludes with the dismemberment and execution the winning strategy is the one that avoids trial altogether.
of drow "traitors" (potentially any in disfavor with Loith's Bribery is the key, but negotiations must be carefully
priestesses) by ranking bugbear soldiers. handled. Offering too little moves a detainee closer to trial, but
offering too much has the same effect; for it is obvious that
The Yugoloth Barrack anyone capable of paying much is also capable of paying much
Most of the many nycaloths and mezzofofhs (see Manual of moreespecially when they are visitors to the city. Chief
the Planes] that dwell within Erelhei-Cinlu live in the Yugoloth Discriminator Kemehdra reviews all cases involving foreigners
Barrack. A long, three-story structure situated between the that come to trial, for she particularly enjoys adding mutilation
bend of Sentinel Street and West End Street, the barrack to their sentences, a task she occasionally.performs herself.
occupies all the area from Netherdelve Alley to Carveheart
Road, Built by fiends from dark red stones, the barrack's Menagerie Square
outer walls bear a beaten bronze gate on the southern face. Menagerie Square is home to the largest slave-market in the
Night hags come and go at odd times via several small doors city, and surrounding it on all sides are establishments catering
on the north wall. to the needs of the slave-buyer. Smiths work chaining slaves
or repairing cages, while branders work to mark slaves and


Jalvan:,Male half-drow Rogia; Ci> beasts with hot iron and crushed crystal. While THE GHETTO OF OUTCASTS
12; Medium-size humsnoid; HD brands can be, (and often are) altered as (Beggar's Ghetto)
iJdG+is; hp 54; init +6; Spd 30 ft.; ownership of a slave is Transferred between This section of The city is given over To the
AC 18 (touch 18, flat-footed 10); masters, the root-brand is indelible. When OuTcasTs, The ultimate undesirables of Erelhei-
Atk +2i/+t6 melee ddB+3/crit 18- properly marked by a drow siave-brander, the Cinlu, Among their number are the beggars,
2O/X2. +j rapier); SA Sneak attack imprint cannot be removed by anyThing short tainted by disease; The half-breeds, tainted by
+6d6; SQ Darkvision 60 ft., halF- of a wish or miracle. mixed blood (either human, elven, or outsider);
elf traits, improved evasion, The Venerable Fleshpeddler, masTer and The lost foreigners, who bear the Taint of
uncanny dodge (Dex bonus to AC, auctioneer of Menagerie Square, has dwelt Their own inferior races. One quality unites all
and worked here for nearly six centuries. who dwell here: poverty,
None of his many apprentices and juniors The drow dislike poverty, 35 they dislike
/. Con 13. In) 14, can compare to his talent for getting the best sickness, weakness, and ugliness, but They
prices for slaves and livestock, though his stilt occasionally have uses for Those so
large commissions are often Too much afflicted- Therefore, the outcasts are
Balance +15, Bluff -m. Decipher for many slave-traders to afford. permitted To remain here, on The edge
Scrip! +12, Diplomacy +13, Dis; Many other "deals" can be made of dark elven society. Thieves abound
Device +18, Escape Artist -H?, on chaTtels found in this large here, though they pracTice Their art
forgery -us, Gather Information ghetto, but the buyer should (here, throughout The rest of The city, as do
+1!, Hide +34. Innuendo +ig. Jump as everywhere in Erelhei-Cinlu) the ubiquitous beggars.
+11, Listen +3, Move Silently +18, always beware.
Pick Pocket +zo. Search +3, Spot Thieves
+3, Tumble +20; Dodge, Mobility, Establishments The Thieves of the city band
Spring Attack, Weapon Finesse The Silver Collar, on Venom TogeTher for muTual
(rapier), Weapon Focus (rapier). Boulevard, is an expensive support and protection. Of
Possessions: +3 rapier, gloves and exclusive bordello, while course beTrayals are
of Dexterity +4. the sanguinary pleasures found common, but such is the
in the numerous Torture parlors way of thieves
An Erethei-Cinlu native of lining Throttle Srree! are priced everywhere. Here,
unknown parentage. Jalvan was more negotiably. Other popular however, There are TWO
cast oyt From the guild of scribes broThels and taverns include the groups at almost opposite
early in his apprenticeship. He has Cloven Hoof on Stable StreeT, ends of the spectrum. One
since risen io a position of leader- The Dark Desire on Manacle branch is the lowest of the
ship among the r;' Avenue, and The tow, the dregs of even this
due mostly to his heroic actions Soulcrusher Saloon on most depraved of cultures.
during Ihe drow civil war. The Slavers' Way. MOST of These rogues tack
nobles of House Kilsek persecuted The wit and skill of the
the upstart rakes, sentencing them powerful drow masters of
to mutilation and death by torture, Erelhei-Cinlu, but they are
Through his skills as a forger, well practiced in The low arts
Jalvan helped pass false orders of mugging, ambush, and
and documents to mislead the bruTat murder.
authorities that attempted io rule Members of The other
the ctty, until their attention was branch hate dark elven
turned elsewhere. The outcasts hid society and would see it
as the nobles foughi, and before changed. Among them are
iong Kilsek was itsetf many who have the blood
brought low by the of surface elves or
cruel goddess humans. These
Lolth. Jalvan principled outcasTs call
themselves rakes, to
true revolution, but distinguish
has matte few advanc themselves from
since the end of ir' mere rogues, and
the meantime, he makes a good they are
contact for adventurers From tH particularly
surface world who hope fo find despised by the
allies in fhe city. nobles. The
leading voice
among the
rakes is the

82 august 2oo2
Jaivan, who makes his headquarters in The Tavern of Nines off denizens are most often found here, rather than in one of the
of Cresset Alley. more upscale areas; for even in EreJhei-Cinlu, a city devoted to
addiction and depravity, the vampire and vampire spawn's
Beggars addiction to blood is considered declasse, little better than the
The beggars who wander the streets of Eretbei-Cinlu make ghouls' craving for flesh. Necromancers dwell here too, where
their homes, such as they are, in the so-called Beggar's Ghetto. they can practice their craft without restriction. They produce
Many-perhaps most-are simply poverty-stricken, brought to an almost endless supply of zombies and skeletons for their
their destitute state by the usual array of addictions, curses, or own use, as well as animating some of the creations of the.
incurable madness. These beggars wander the back streets and taxidermists of the artisan's quarter. The ghouls who lair here
alleys, scavenging what they can and seeking handouts from are reasonably tame, following the leadership of their ghastly
those they encounter. Sometimes the drow, even the nobles, masters, for they have learned that they need only wait-
respond favorably to these supplications, for the dark elves are eventually, all the inhabitants of the city become their meat,
moved by the suffering of others and wish to prolong it when
possible. Necropolis Square
Erelhei-Cinlu also possesses different sorts of palmers, who Whether an elaborate funeral procession of some wealthy non-
ply the begging bowl with even greater fervor; and these are noble, the modest death service of a commoner, or even the
feared in their own right, for they carry a dread disease. callous final disposition of a pauper, all end in Necropolis
Called the Poxbearers, these beggars plead with glazed white Square. The Square is well tended and maintained, ticked clean
eyes, picking at skin covered in milky lesions connected by as it were by the ghouls and ghasts of The city. Eight tall
chalky, deep-veined tendrils of rotting flesh. The stricken obelisks, one for each of the noble houses, sit at its eight
rogues serve Govoc the Prophet, an influential orator most corners. At its center stands the Well of Despair, considered
often seen begging on the Concourse in a place of honor the birthplace of the Vault's shadows, and certainly a
before the sewer gates. stronghold of those vaporous undead. By tradition, the undead
The mere threat of their touch is enough to provoke the do not enter The Square to feed until a drow priest or
toss of a few coins, but the Poxbearers also are rumored to priestess has rifually shut the eastern gate. The exception to
have second-sight. To an obliging donor, they usually predict this is The annual festival called the Running of the Ghouls.
good fortune, while to the ungenerous they foretell doom. Once a year, The ghouls and ghasts of the city revert to
They might even grasp such an offender in order to spread their feral natures, running through the Tombs and spilling out
the contagion they bear, which even the strongest magics into the rest of the city, where they may feed freely on any
cannot cure. who cannot defend themselves. Many noble youth join in the
debauch, though covering themselves first in a protective
Establishments fungal ointment to avoid being scented as prey. A few of these
Numerous cheap brothels and taverns operate in the Ghetto of young drow may even participate in the feeding, but most
Outcasts. Several rakish retreats cluster near the eastern wall. often they simply use their skills to open the locked gates and
The best is the aforementioned Nines, but only those known in doors of the poor, or strangers, for the young nobles enjoy the
the area are permitted to enter the tavern. Not far away, on spectacle of forcing others to defend themselves against the
Crew Lane, stands the Greedy Beggar Inn, a place entirely ravenous undead. Citizens of greater means buy wards against
unwelcoming to beggars, but where visitors may find food and the undead from Lolth's priestesses, as the priestesses call the
lodging. Nearby on Fathom Avenue is the Snake Or Weasel, a ghouls back into the Ghetto of the Dead to end the festival.
notorious dive, though the owner is well respected for his
ability to fence stolen goods, even to markets outside the Vault. The Alabaster Slab
Finally, the Itchy Witch, a brothel and inn on Furuncle Road, is Erelhei-Cinlu is a city famed for its bordellos, and even the
considered remarkable for the advanced skill, and advanced Tombs are no exception. While there are several here, the one
age, of its prostitutes. most often spoken of is the Alabaster Slab, simply called The
Closer to the Ghetto of Chattels are the lairs of the lowly Stab. Only two stories high, but many more below, it is located
roguish Thieves of Erelhei-Cinlu. Few visitors would have any at the intersection of Banshee Corridor and Hand pallor
desire to call on these establishments, but two are worthy of Avenue. A true den of iniquity, the slab is a brothel of the
mention. The Bent Bar, on Shirk Street, is famous for its dead. From pale and beautiful vampiric paramours to other,
cockatrice fights. Run by a pair of half-ogre brothers with more repugnant offerings, the Slab serves a clientele whose
connections to the temple of Erythnul in The Foreigner's passion runs cold. Particularly favored by necromancers, this
Ghetto, the place is a good spot for diners looking for a establishment is operated by a seldom seen, possibly demonic
fistfight with their food and drink. The Grimacing Wizard, on madame named Suraala Mora. A devout worshiper of Lolth,
Biackrail Alley, is rumored to be the best place in the city Suraala makes it her mission to provide dark oblivion to her
(other than the Snake &t Weasel) to find the location of goods clients and customers, while seeing that her favored employees
stolen in the city, particularly magic items. are always well fed.


(The Tombs) This fortified mausoleum at the north end of Annihilation Street
The Ghetto of the Dead, more commonly called the Tombs, is is the stronghold of the vampire-warlord Telagos. Once a
the lair of the undead in Erelhei-Cinlu, ceded to them in honor proud human warrior of Flan heritage, he has dwelt in the
of their service to the Queen of Spiders. The city's vampiric Vault since he fled the surface nearly five centuries ago and


has made Sarcoma Keep his lair for more than three. The nations bordering the centra! Crystalmistsbut this time at
building stands four stories high, with a central tower rising Lolth's command.
four more above that Surprisingly, many of The vampire's Though her power grew on the surface, the remaining
servitors are outcast drow or half-drow whom he instructs in noble houses tested Lolth's strength in the Vault. Home
the arts of warfare in exchange for their procurement of Tormtor, former ally of Eilservs, now pressed their claim to be
necessities for him. He also houses a group of trained trolls to first among the nobility, in honor of their strength and decisive
guard his keep from attack, and these creatures proved most action against the enemies of the drow. Set against them was
useful during the recent civil war. house Kilsek, once the greatest enemy of Eiiservs, who also
demanded preeminance among the houses, asserting their long
Establi shments devotion lo Lolth as justification. In response, Tormtor
A few watering holes that cater to troglodytes hunker along espoused the newly militant faith of Kiaransatee and took up
the "Tomb-side" of Sentinel Street, me proprietors of which the banner of rebellion,
often trade flesh for coin, even to ghouls and ghasts. Closer to With Tormtor were joined the houses of Everhate and
Necropolis Square are a small number of vampire-run taverns Alevai, who saw the prospect of advancement for themselves
where humans or other living clients might occasionally be hi a Tormtor victory, Kilsek aligned with the houses of
found. The best of these is doubtless the Black Chalice on Despana, Noquar, and Godeep, who held that sanction from the
Pandemonium Way, a haven for those gamblers who would Fane of Lolth would determine the victor. Further complicating
"risk all" during their visit to Erelhei-Cintu. matters was the intrusion of astral mercenaries called the
githyanki, ancient enemies of the illithid race. As the githyanki
ERELHE1-CINLU IN THE CAMPAIGN served on the side of the rebel faction, so the illithid felt
The drow metropolis offers many opportunities for adventure. compelled to join the conflict on the side of those who claimed
Good or neutral parties can be drawn here In order to retrieve loyalty to the Spider Queen,
a lost adventurer, purchase the freedom of a slave, or capture Civil war erupted in The drow homeland-a brief, yet bloody
a fugitive from surface justice. Even good-aligned characters conflict that spitted from the noble estates of the Upper Vault
on missions such as these might be allowed access to the city, to the camps and villas of the Lower Vault, and finally into the
on the understanding that they will not interfere with the streets of Erelhei-Cinlu, Before the end, hundreds of drow and
ongoing commerce of the drow. hundreds more of their savage mercenaries were killed. The
For evil characters, training in many dark arts can be nobles might have destroyed themselves entirely had not the
obtained in Erelhei-Cintu, For both neutral and evil Queen of the Spiders intervened, though the cost was great to
alignments, there are unusual magic items, spells, or other both Lolth and the noble houses. For her, the price was the loss
forbidden lore that may be found here, as welt. Neutral or of her holdings on the surface of Oerfh, but the price she
evi! parties can even enjoy visiting the city on a recurring exacted from her most devoted house was even greater-Kilsek
basis; unlike other bastions of evil in the WORLD OF was sent into exile.
GREYHAWK, the great city of the drow is "open for business" This was no simple expulsion, but a divine punishment for
to all who wish to risk its perils. the failure of Kilsek to triumph over their rivals without putting
the entire drow nation in jeopardy. All those of Kilsek blood
RECENT HISTORY OF THE VAU12 were branded like staves with the device of their house, and
Before the Greyhawk Wars fractured the nations of the over this with the sign of the spider, marking them as
Flanaess, the noble house of Eitservs devised a bold scheme to anathema in the Vault, The servants of Lotth could detect the
establish themselves as leaders of a true drow monarchy. presence of those so marked, lest they ever attempt to return
Though the priestesses of Lolth opposed them, the rebellious surreptitiously to the Vault. And so the Kitsek were cast out,
Eilservs found power in the worship of an alien god, and and with them their servants and soldiers. Perhaps Lotth has
through alliances with evil giants from the Hellfurnace and other designs for her outcast children, but these will only be
Crystalmist mountains, Eilservs created a clandestine revealed far from the homeland of their birth.
stronghold outside the Vault. But this gambit proved In the wake of this departure came the revelation that Lotth
their undoing. had accepted the repentance of her most wayward disciple:
Marauders from the upper world followed the trail of Eclavdra, mistress of house Eilservs. The Eilservs were
influence back to the Vault, where they assaulted not only the restored to their former holdings, if not their former position
Eilservs estate, but also the Fane of Lolth itself. The of leadership: and Eclavdra herself, that most resourceful of
destruction that the surface dwellers wrought was not vast, adventurers, became Lolth's ambassador to the realm of |uz.
but its effects were ruinous to house Eitservs, Its nobles were Lest the dynamic rivalry of the houses again become
made hostages, to be ravaged by their captors; with its wealth unbalanced, an eighth noble family was introduced: the Vae,
and pride despoiled, the noble house of Eilservs fell in A family of landless nobles from a tost city beneath the
disgrace for its weakness. Pomarj, the Vae had long worked as slave-traders traveling
The Fane of Lolth survived intact, but not unshaken. The with their attendant merchant clans, from whom they were
wrath of the priestesses was visited upon the surviving indistinguishable, save for their house emblems. House Vae
Eilservs, and the wrath of Lolth was poured out upon the was granted the properties of the exiled Kilsek and charged
surface world. The Queen of the Spiders did not scruple to with the task of restoring the drow to prosperity. Though
build upon the foundation laid by the fallen house of they and their merchant followers were worshipers of the
Eilservs, and in the midst of the Greyhawk Wars the giantish goddess Kiaransali (as they named her), the traditions of
cohorts they had assembled were finally loosed upon the their cult allowed them to give deference to the Queen of

84 auaust 2oo2
the Spiders, and so the Vae were found acceptable to Lolth took command of house Despana during the midst of the civil
and her priestesses, war seven years ago. Nedylene's evil, is unusually brutal,
Lolth Took living sacrifices from the six warring houses almost crude by drow standards, but very effective on the
before departing the Vault, so that none should go unpunished. field of battle. House Despana is now organized in a more or
Her high priestess put the chief consort of house Tormtor less military fashion, maintained with a very un-drowlike
through the Test of Sacrifice, one of her many punishments, discipline. Many in her own household would like to see their
transforming him into a hideous drider, and conferred the mistress assassinated, but her yugoloth guards have so far
surviving githyanki mercenaries to her illithid allies, to deal with prevented the success of every such attack to date.
as they saw fit. The drow nobles were then free to set about
repairing their estates and nurturing new rivalries under the Noquar
watchful eye of the Fane. House Device: Bronze nightmare head
Urban Mandate: Ghetto of Scholars
Eight noble houses control the affairs of the Vault. Over the Alliances: Despana, Godeep
years, houses have come and gone (usually due to House Noquar is ruled by mistress Fedarra (CE female drow
internecine fighting), the most recent change being the Ctn/), a traditional drow matron steeped in the virtues of
expulsion of House Kilsek (and its subsequent replacement by- Lolth. However, her house owes its current position to her
House Vae) roughly seven years ago. close contacts with several conservative illifhid factions
outside the Vault. With their counsel and support, Noquar
Tormlor withdrew early from the house-strife of seven years ago,
House Device: Eiectrum javeiin and so was in a stronger position than most of the other
Urban Mandate: Ghetto of Foreigners noble families when Lolth intervened to end the conflict. With
Rank: rst the passing of time, however, the other houses have been
Alliances: Aleval, Vae able to rebuild their strength while Noquar has continued to
Verdaeth (CE female drow Cln3/Ftr6), mistress of House play a defensive strategy, making it vulnerable to future
Tormtor, has been without a chief consort for nearly seven gambits from its rivals.
years, since her previous mate was taken to the Fane to
endure the Test of Sacrifice. Failing that test resulted in his Codeep
transformation into a spiderieg horror (See "The Punishments House Device: Pfartnuin Crossbow
of Lolth"), and saw him driven out of the Vault. Lolth and her Urban Mandate: Ghetto of Artisans
priesthood exacted this price from Verdaeth in exchange for Rank: 5th
permitting her house to retain its position of superiority over Alliances: Noquar, Despana
the other drow nobles. Mistress Verdaeth is philosophical about The mistress of house Godeep, Siadef (CE female drow
the sacrifice of her consort, but would enjoy seeing Charinida, Clr8/Ftr8}, has ruled for longer than any of the other noble
the high priestess of Lolth, suffer his same fate, leaders currently in power. She succeeded in having the
mistress of house Ever hate assassinated two years before the
Aleval civil war began, and with the exile of house Kitsek at the end
House Device: Gold wand of the conflict, Siadef was left as the most experienced noble
Urban Mandate: Ghetto of Performers ruler in the Vault. She was unwilling to commit to any
Rank: 2nd significant military action (save for a series of strikes against
Alliances: Tormtor, Vae Everhate) during the civil war, and this defensive stance
Under the rule of mistress Mevremas (CE female drow Cln^}, allowed Godeep to come through nearly unscathed, in the
Aleval has grown from the weakest of the drow houses to its long run, however, caution is seldom the path to power
current position near the fop of the social structure. among the drow.
Mevremas's choice to ally with house Tormtor has proven
very advantageous, as have the close relationships she has Vae
maintained with adventuring bands in the Underdark. Of all House Device: iron chain
the nobles, Mevremas has the most extensive spy network in Urban Mandate: Ghetto of Slaves
Erelhei-Cinlu. Her agents report to her on the activities of Rank: 6th
visitors whom she might find useful. Indeed, her willingness to Alliances; Tormtor, Aieval
bring foreigners into her service as more or less "free House Vae had no direct involvement in the civil war, but
agents" is unusual among drow nobles, but she rationalizes mistress Sereska (CE female drow Clr7/Wiz8) responded
that there wilt be plenty of time to enslave the world once quickly to rumors of the house-strife in the Vault, hoping to
she has gained supremacy over her own kindred. ally with the winning side. The unexpected seriousness of the
conflict proved especially rewarding to this wandering house,
Despana which not only joined with the winning alliance, but also
House Device: Adamantine mace supplanted the leading house of the defeated faction. The Vae
Urban Mandate: Ghetto of Savages are stilt not well accepted by the other noble families of the
Rank: grd Vault, but they have made themselves useful in the
Alliances: Noquar, Godeep restoration of drow commerce, based on active and efficient
The aggressive Mistress Nedylene (CE female drow Clr8) slave trade.


Eilservs expected to intervene, but the rewards for victory will be
House Device; Bronze staff great, and the penalties for defeat wilt be absolute. If
Urban Mandate: Ghetto of the Dead Eclvadra should prevail, the surface nations of the FSanaess
Rank: ?th can also expect to suffer her retribution, and feel the
Alliances: None venom of the Queen of the Spiders once again,
The legendary mistress Eciavdra (CE female drow
returned to the direct rulership of house Eilservs just three Drow Deities
months ago, after several years in the Flanaess. She has The three gods detailed below will help Dungeon Masters
been invaluable in her service to Lolth since the end of the interested in fleshing out the inhabitants of the Vault.
Grey hawk Wars, but the time has come to begin her final Zinzerena and Keptolo are completely new. Kiaransali has
gambit in the Vault. She intends to make a bid for the appeared in several sources, but the version presented
leadership of the Greal Fane of Loith. The Queen of the here describes her persona and motivations in the WORLD OF
Spiders does not oppose this so long as Eciavdra is precise GREYHAWK. The FORGOTTEN REALMS version of a larger drow
in her strike against the current high priestess. The drow pantheon can be found in FORGOTTEN REALMS: Faiths Qt
nation must not be further harmed, but when the time Pantheons. A description of Lolth, the Demon Queen of the
comes, Eciavdra must not be hesitant. In the coming duel, Drow, can be found in Deities &t Demigods.
there will be no second chances.
Everhate The Eager Consort
House Davice: Silver daggers Draw Demigod
Urban Mandate: Ghetto of the Outcasts Symbol: Stylized mushroom
Rank: 8fh Home Plane: Demonweb Pits (Abyss)
Alliances: None Alignment: Chaotic evil
The strategy of mistress Gahnah (CE female drow Clns) Portfolio: Flattery, intoxication, rumor, opportunism
during the civil war was to commit al! the resources of Worshipers: Drow males
Ever hate to house Tormtor, while still proclaiming loyalty Cleric Alignments: CE, CN, fC
to the Fane of Lolth. The result was that Everhate gained Domains: Chaos, Evil, Knowledge, Travel
nothing politically, while at The same time losing nearly Favored Weapon: tongsword
everything in its estate. Since the end of the conflict,
the house has continued to lose status. Everhate now has Keptolo (kep-toe-low) is the drow male ideal: elegant, quick-
very littte left to offer any potential allies, and its lowly witted, attentive, and eagerly debauched. He normally
position is quite property blamed on the poor leadership appears as a young nobleman dressed in well-tailored silks
of mistress Gahnah. of red, purple, jet, and amber. He is armed with a thin but
sturdy poinard and a filigreed (ongsword. He affects a two-
THE SERVANTS OF LOLTH handed fighting style, using both weapons at once.
The Great Fane is the principal temple of Lolth on Oerth. It Otherwise he appears dressed for the hunt, velvet-cloaked
houses the servants of Lolth, a small but powerful and armed with a magnificent crossbow. His relationship
community of priestesses, together with their servants and with other drow deities is one of insincere amity, save for
guards. All of them are required to abandon the loyalties Zinzerena, whom he openly despises. His symbol is a
they may once have held to noble families or factions, in stylized mushroom, which in drow culture is associated with
favor of pure devotion to Lolth and obedience to her high both strong drink and fertility.
priestess. Matron Charinida (CE female drow Clrai) Feed rhe vanity of your mistress, and all her treasures
currently holds power here, as she has for the past two shall be yours. Be careful whom you offend, and keep an
centuries. Her rule has been at risk several times in the expendable companion nearby to hold culpable for your
past, but never more so than during the drow civil war. crimes. Gossip can be as deadly as the venom on an
Charinida chose sides in that struggle, which only helped assassin's blade. Use the poison of words to destroy your
to prolong the fighting and diminish her own authority. The rivals, that you may claim for yourself all they once
civil war was finally ended by the intervention of Lolth, but presumed was theirs.
at the price of her holdings on the surface. However, what Shrines to Keptolo are found throughout the underworld,
few understood at the time was that Charinida had not for many mate drow worship him as their patron, mostly
summoned the deity. It was Eciavdra of the ravaged house due to his association with drinking. Tales of his sexual
of Eilservs who abased herself before the Queen of the exploits are quite popular, and there are groups of
Spiders, undergoing another of the punishments of Lolth to performers who act them out for festivals and private
further prove herself. Eciavdra survived unmarred and gatherings. His greatest temple is in the drow city of
communed directly with Lolth, making a pact with her in the Erelhei-Cinlu, but only his most attractive or wealthy
Web, the details of which Charinida still does not know. worshipers are permitted to participate in services there.
Now, seven years later, Eciavdra has returned to the Clerics of Keptolo are found as advisors, critics,
Vault. Both she and the high priestess have grown in power philosophers, and politicians: essentially, any role that does
since their last encounter, and it seems that the time is not require actual work. They seek to emulate their deity in
swiftly approaching when they must determine which of all ways, and as such number among the most handsome
them is most fit to rule. In the coming duel Lolth cannot be and charming of the drow race. However, followers of

86 aueusl 2oo2
Keptolo remain very dangerous, for many of them are Zui/.erena
skilled dirksmen, poisoners, or spies. Utterly capricious and The Princess of The Outcasts
completely untrustworthy (even by drow standards), Drow Hero Goddess
worshipers of the Eager Consort are deferential to Symbol: The draped sword
priestesses of Lglth and attentive to the matrons of the Home Plane: Material Plane
powerful noble houses. In other relationships, they are Alignment: Chaotic neutral
manipulative and abusive, particularly with fellow clerics Portfolio: Deception, humiliation, ambush, assassination
lower in the hierarchy. Worshipers: Drow outcasts, rakes, assassins, malcontents
Cleric Alignments: CE, CN, CG, N
Kiaransali Domains: Chaos, Luck, Trickery
The Pitiless Dowager Favored Weapon: Shortsword
Drow Demigoddess
Symbol: Female drow hand wearing silver rings Zinzerena (zin-zuh-RAY-nuh) is a rebellious heroine
Home Plane: Demonweb Pits (Abyss) venerated by the dissidents and outcasts of drow society.
Alignment: Chaotic evil She appears as a cloaked and masked drow rogue who
Portfolio: Slavery, Vengeance, Undeath moves with astounding agility. Her cloak has the powers of
Worshipers: Drow, necromancers, undead displacement and protection, while her shortsword
Cleric Alignments: CE, CM, NE produces a paralyzing venom. She also carries a black-
Domains: Chaos, Death, Evil handled crop, which she uses to stun her victims. The
Favored Weapon: Dagger great artifact also has the powers of a wand of. wonder.
Her sponsor to divinity was Keptolo, though she gained
Kiaransali (Aee-uh-ran-sa-)ee) is the divine sponsor of the a fraction of his power by a ruse, for which he hates
drow slave trade in all its varied aspects. She appears as a her. Her symbol is the draped sword, representing her
sinuous drow female wearing only silver jeweiry and black hidden menace.
silk veils. Her only obvious weapon is her curved dagger, Raise yourself up by bringing others down. Don't reveal
but her long, sharp fingernails are just as dangerous, and your strength, or your hatred, until your victim is helpless,
her touch is said to be as cold as that of a lich. This Don't strike until you have the advantage; the only fair
goddess has flirted with madness, even thinking to defy her fight is the one you win. Once the trap is sprung, make
queen. But Lolth's power is inexorable, and Kiaransali has time to ghat before the kill. The legs of the spider are
taken of the queen's venom, returning once more to sanity mads to be broken.
and servitude. The symbol of Kiaransali is a hand of a The liturgy of Zinzerena is passed on in the form of
female drow with three silver rings on each finger and one folk-tales, for her faith has no place among the leadership
on the thumb, with the entire image surrounded by the of drow society. Her tales usually describe her hiding and
silver strands of a spiderweb. waiting until her foes are weakened or .lax in their attention,
Forgive neither a slight, nor a debt; remember that before she attacks, and stories of her origin always
payment mast always be collected, whether in treasure or describe her as local to the region in which they are told.
in vengeance. Life is the greatest crime, and perpetual Clerics of Zinzerena often multi-class as fighters or
slavery the fittest punishment. Let there be no freedom For rogues. They are much more common in the decadent cities
the enslaved, even in death. Death comes for all; when it of the drow, but may be encountered almost anywhere, for
comes for you, take your staves and your treasure with even the noble estates have servants and staff drawn from
you to the grave. The riches of the grave are the dowry of among the commoners. Only the most bohetnian of nobles
the mistress. would enter her priesthood, though some have done so;
Worship of Kiaransali has changed since the drow civil inevitably, when they are discovered they are cast out as
war. Prior to that, she was known as Ktaransalee, but the traitors to their social class. Ironically, such downcast
final glyph of her name was altered in all texts and nobles often become the greatest leaders of Zinzerena's
inscriptions, and her liturgy was abridged to conform to clergy, for they are the best educated and most politically
more acceptable doctrines. Her religion no longer claims experienced. Her clerics work as anything from simple
any authority that does not derive from fhe Queen of the rogues, to laborers^ guides, physicians, poets, prostitutes,
Spiders, though some long-time worshipers stijl maintain or nearly any other profession. What they all share is a
the traditional resentments. rebellious spirit and a desire for change,
Clerics of Kiaransali often work as slavers, and LIVING GREYHAWK Campaign Note: Knowledge of
occasionally as torturers or executioners. They are Zinzerena's cult has not yet spread to the surface world.
meticulous, almost paranoid, about record keeping, as At the present time, no player character in the LIVING
well as being miserly with wealth. They commonly work GREYHAWK campaign can .fake Zinzerena as a patron.
their slaves to death and then animate the corpses so
they may continue to serve. They keep their other
servants in a state as close to slavery as they can
manage, and withhold wages for the slightest offense.
However, despite, their stinginess, they are the first to
offer bounty on escaped slaves and prisoners, and they
will pay these rewards in full.



by Chris Pramas illistrated by Sam Wood

nderneath Eastern Oerik lies The Tormtor, two allied houses, and

contentious, and more than one envoy
legendary Vault of the Drow (see githyanki warriors against the House of fell to an assassin's blade. In the end, a
the LIVING GREYHAWK Journal in Kilsek, the remaining three houses, and peace plan was hammered together.
this issue). Until recently, the drow their illithid allies. During the fighting, The drow nobles decided the only way
lived under the domination of the the ancient Kilsek estate was sacked to keep the peace was to officially dis-
priestesses of Lolth, with eight noble and its forces scattered. They band the House of Kilsek so that there
houses implementing the will of the regrouped, seized the drow city of would be balance among the houses.
Queen of the Demonweb Pits. Trouble Erelhei-Cinlu, and led a bloody pogrom This was acceptable to everyone
began after a group of adventurers against Tormtor sympathizers. except, of course, the Kilseks,
raided the Vault. Accusations flew from The civil war made the drow weak,
all the noble houses. After a series of and their enemies began to take advan- The Plea
plots and counterplots, the House of tage of the situation. After rounds of Venrit, the leader of the House of
Tormtor raised rhe flag of revolt even bloodier fighting, the surviving Kilsek, appealed to the priestesses of
against the priestesses of Lolth. A nobles called a truce and met to discuss Lolth, but the minions of the Spider
vicious civil war ensued, pitting a lasting peace. The meetings were Queen stood by the decision. The Kilsek

88 august 2oo2
estate was already destroyed, the troglodyte tribe, a dozen trolls, and a The City of Kalan-G'eld
priestesses noted, and the peace plan hunting pack of displacer beasts with
her. She didn't know where she would Violence scarred Kalan-G'eld. The illithid
suited Lolth's whims. Venrit was furi-
attack that enslaved the gith population of the
ous. She refused to break up her go, but she vowed that the House of
city leveled buildings and blasted holes in the
forces among rhe other houses, nor Kilsek would return to the Vault of the
streets. Subsequent fires burned whole
was she willing to start a war she was Drow as conquerors or not at all. neighborhoods, and the charring is evident
certain to lose. The first year outside the Vault was despite the years that have passed, Other
Venrit retreated to her private difficult. The Kilsek suffered attacks creatures laired there over the centuries, the
sanctum to gather her thoughts. "Was from deep gnomes, beholders, and fatest of which had to be driven out by Kifsek
this really the will of the Spider githyanki. They grew low on ammuni- fighters before the ruins could be setfled.
Queen?" she asked herself. An idea tion and magical components, and food Kalan G'eld sits in an enormous under-
was forming in her mind, but she became scarce. The once proud house ground cavern. The ruined gith city was far
would not lead her house to its ulti- began to look like a group of scav- too large for the drow to occupy fully, so
mate annihilation unless she was cer- engers, as Kilsek warriors looted what rhey have revitaiized only a part of it. The
tain of Lolth's desires. Venrit was they needed from defeated foes. And obvious choice was the low hill that domi-
determined to find out the truth. still they wandered, deep beneath nated the cavern, and it is this area the drow
While the rest of her house slept, Oerth, with no destination. Some advo- have settled and fortified They rebuilt a gith
Venrit slipped into the secret dungeons cated that they try their luck on the citadel, and this provides the final bulwark of
beneath the ruins of the Kilsek Estate. surface world, others that they travel drow defense. Beneath the citadel is Venrit's
She dragged a prisoner, a Tormtor the planes. Meanwhile, more Kilseks private realm, a surreal dungeonscape filled
noble thought long dead by the rest of died each day, felled by Underdark ter- with webs and monsters to eliminate the
the drow, into the Kilsek arena. Venrit rors, enemy blades, and starvation. uninvited and the unwary. Some speculate
had watched hundreds of slaves and Venrit was certain that Lolth had plans that Venrit's realm is not in the Underdark at
prisoners fight to the death here. This for the House of Kilsek, but no divina- all. but on the Abyss.
night she would undergo her own test. tion made those plans clear. There are two main entrances to Kalan
Venrit summoned forth Teela, a mon- Venrit was on the verge of despair G'eld. The first is a large tunnel that connects
strous spider of unmatched size and when an old ally found the Kilseks to an ancient gith cavern network. The drow
ferocity. As the hairy brute lumbered camped by an underground sea. Its have built a barbican there, known as the
into the arena, Venrit shouted out, name was Ohlcaig, and it was an illithid Adamantine Gate, which is heavily defended
"Lolth, my queen, it is your servant, priest of llsensine. It had with troops and traps. There are several bar-
Venrit. Grant me this judgment! been an ally of the racks nearby, where the front-line warbands
"If the destruction of the House of House of Kilsek are based. From here they sortie out to fight
Kilsek is truly your will, let Teela strike during the the Godwar. The Kilsek military also maintains
me down. But if Kilsek may continue to civil war, a series of outposts and smaller fortifications
serve you, let Teela tear this Tormtor and it still in the tunnel network around the city. They
traitor limb from limb!" thought the provide early warning of attack and can slow
The spider swung its head from proud down incursions with ambushes and traps.
Venrit to the prisoner and back again. An underground river runs by the citadel
The mistress of the House of Kilsek hill and then piunges down into the rocks.
stood calmly before the beast, both Boats can navigate out to the serpentine
hands touching the spider amulet that branches beyond. The merchant clans use the
hung around her neck. As the pris- river to conduct trade with the kuo-toans and
oner's eyes bulged, Teela struck. Venrit other denizens of the Underdark. The drow
watched the spider sink its fangs into have installed a massive portcul/is that can be
the Tormtor noble. He screamed only dropped into the river in times of danger.
once before the venom paralyzed him. Two towers, one on either side of the river,
Venrit should have exited the arena provide additional defense. Allied kuo-toans
immediately, but she lingered to watch are also used to patrol the nearby waters.
Teela feed. She knew she was in no The troglodyte tribes were settled in a
danger, Lolth had spoken. nearby cave complex. Despite the strategic
advantages of having the troglodytes in the
The Exodus city proper, the drow kept them out. The
The next day, Venrit rallied the remain- stink of the creatures was simply too vile to
ing members of her house and marched consider letting them live in Kalan G'eld, The
proudly out of the Vault of the Drow. trolls are housed in this same cave complex.
She took two merchant clans, a

drow could be useful to the mind flay- Ohlcaig had spoken. It was largely in As it Turned out, the choice was not
ers and their machinations, Ohlcaig ruins, but the drow could see the to be Venrit's. When the God of War,
told Venrit about an abandoned under- potential. Venrit and her people spent Stratis, was slain by a group of mortal
ground city on the other side of several years fortifying the old gith heroes, droplets of his blood burned
Oerth. It had been a city of the gith, city, scouting the region, and recruiting through the earth and exposed the
the progenitors of the githyanki and local troops. They learned the gith heretofore unknown tunnels and gal-
githzerai, but it had been abandoned empire had been known as Zarum and leries of Zarum. This opened the way
since the fall of the Illithid empire. It the city as Anithor. The drow chris- to warbands from the Sundered
was far from the Vault and completely tened the city Kalan-G'eld, a name Empire, who quickly descended into
unknown to the surface world. Venrit meaning "the forgotten spider." the depths to search for the weapons
thought it was perfect. and armor of the slain god. This con-
Ohlcaig arranged for the planar New Challenges flict became known as the Godwar,
transport of the House of Kilsek. They Within a matter of months, drow scouts and it has brought savage warfare to
traveled through several planes until located a large kuo-toan community. the Sundered Empire region for the
they reached a portal that led to the Venrit sent envoys, including merchant last five years. Six factions struggle
lands underneath the Sundered Empire. clan members fluent in the kuo-toan for supremacy with godhood itself as
Once back on Oerth, it was but a short tongue. The kuo-toas had never seen a the prize.
journey to The ancient city of which drow before and reacted fearfully, At first Venrit was content to remain
especially when the ebon-skinned in the shadows, watching the factions
strangers spoke to them in their own tear each other apart. Drow forces
BLOODSISTER language. Only one envoy returned, and were not idle, but when they struck,
Class Requirements he was riddled with harpoon wounds. they always made it look like someone
To qualify to become a bloodsister, a charac- The Kilsek reaction was swift. Several else's work. Venrit's hope was that the
ter must Fulfill all the following criteria: outlying kuo-toan communities were war would end quickly, but like many
Race: Drow. annihilated, and drow assassins killed a others she was disappointed. It eventu-
Sex: Female.
Alignment: Any evil.
half dozen important whips. The speed ally became clear to her that the war
Base Attack Bonus: +6 or better. and brutality of the drow attack cowed would drag on for decades. Unless, of
Feats: Ambidexterity, Exotic Weapon the kuo-toas, and soon enough, Venrit course, she herself were to end it. And
Proficiency (hand crossbow), Two-Weapon had kuo-toan troops serving in her surely her chances of conquering the
warbands. The kuo-toan communities Vault of the Drow would increase ten-
also gave the drow merchant clans fold if she returned as a god. This, she
BLOODSISTER decided, must be why the Spider Queen
places to trade.
Class Skills sent the House of Kilsek to this remote
The bbodsister's class skills (and the key At that time, the House of Kilsek had
abilities for each) are: no plans for the surface world. part of Oerth. The Kilsek need to be
Str; Climb, Jump. Venrit's goal was to build up her here to win godhood for Venrit and
Dex: Balance. Use Rope. strength until she could march back ensure victory over their traitorous
Con: -
and take the Vault of the Drow. No kin. Venrit did not start the Godwar,
Wis: Innuendo. Listen, Spot. use, she thought, in getting entangled but she intends to finish it.
Cha: Intimidate. in the affairs of the sunlit world. After
all, that sort of madness had led to the Kilsek Prestige Classes
Skill Points al Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.
civil war that resulted in Kilsek's exile Two Kilsek prestige classes are pre-
in the first place. sented here for the first time.
Although these classes are built to
reflect the unique circumstances of
fijJM jfa
the House of Kilsek, they could be
Base Attack
Save Special
^mr used easily in most campaigns.

ISt +i +0 +2 +0 Combat reload Bloodsister

2nd +8 +o *3 +o Poison use In the Vault of the Drow there is a
3rd +3 +i +3 +i Two-weapon style
<th +1 +1 Tunnel fighting
society of female fighters. While each
+4 +4
noble house maintained its own soror-
5* *a +1 +4 +1 Improved-two-weapon style
6rti +6 +2 +5 +2 Throw sword ity, the society as a whole is an instru-
7th +7 4-2 +5 +Z Sneak attack +id6 ment of the clerical hierarchy. When
8th +8 +2 +6 +2 Mind of steel
House Kilsek chose exile over annihi-
gth *fl +3 *8 +3 Twist the knife
ioih +10 Sneak attack +ad6 lation, the Kilsek sorority remained
*3 +7 +3
loyal to their house. Like the rest of

9o august 2oo2
Their kin, they marched out of rhe bonus to all her melee damage. make a sneak attack that deals subdual
Vault of The Drow with heads Throw Sword (Ex): When in desper- damage instead of normal damage. She
held high. ate srraights, bloodsisters throw their cannot use a weapon that deals normal
Since then the society restructured swords like daggers. A bloodsister of damage to deal subdual damage in a
itself to meet the needs of its new sit- 6th level or higher can throw short sneak attack, not even with the usual -4
uation. They have become Venrit's swords without penalty, with a range penalty, because she must make optimal
elite warriors, fanatical servants of increment of 10 feet. use of her weapon in order to execute
House Kilsek and the Spider Queen. Sneak Attack (Ex): Bloodsisters see the sneak attack.
Each has sworn a blood oath to Venrit, no reason to fight fair. They gang up A bloodsister can only sneak attack
a fact reflected in the society's new on opponents whenever possible and living creatures with discernible
name: the Bloodsisters. often fight in teams. At 71(1 level, a anatomies-undead, constructs, oozes,
bloodsisfer gains the ability to sneak plants, and incorporeal creatures lack
Class Features attack foes. Any time the bloodsister's vital areas to attack. Additionally, any
All of the following are class features target would be denied his Dexterity creature immune to critical hits is simi-
of the bloodsister prestige class. bonus to AC (whether he actually has larly immune to sneak attacks. Also, the
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A a Dexterity bonus or not), the blood- bloodsister must be able to see the tar-
Bloodsister is proficient with all simple sister's attack deals +id6 points of get well enough to pick out a vital spot
and martial weapons, and light and damage. The extra damage increases
medium armor. to +2d6 at ioth level. Should the
Combat Reload (Ex): At ist level, a bloodsister score a critical hit with For Your Campaign
bloodsister learns to use her hand a sneak attack, her extra damage is This article uses the Sundered Realm, a por-
crossbow with amazing speed. She can not multiplied. rion of the Greyhawk world and the setting of
load a hand crossbow as a free action, It takes precision and penetration to the Cw/HMA/L game, as its basis, bui there's
which allows her to take the full attack hit a vital spot, so ranged attacks can no reason why it couldn't be used as a
action with the hand crossbow. only count as sneak attacks if the tar- resource for other settings or a campaign
Furthermore, such is her deftness with get is 30 feet away world of your design, even if you don't use
this maneuver that the loading or less. drow. Here are a few exampies of what you
action does not provoke an attack With a sap or an could do to make the material in this article
of opportunity. unarmed strike, the suited to your style of play:
Poison Use (Ex): By 2nd level, bloodsister can DMs running campaigns in the GRCYHAWK
a bloodsister masters the use of setting should have an easy time incorporat-
poison with her weapons. She ing House Kilsek into their game. Perhaps the
never runs the risk of accidentally house never suffered exile from the leg-
poisoning herself when applying endary Vault of the Drow and now assists
poison to a weapon. other dark elves in the Lost Lands by offering
Two-Weapon Style (Ex): The secret support to the giant armies infesting
favored melee weapons of the blood- the Duchy of Geoff.
sisters are the short sword and dag- If you use the FORGOTTEN REALMS setting,
ger. While so armed and two-weapon consider using some of the history and the
fighting, a bloodsister of 3rd level or prestige classes presented here as a version
higher gains a +1 competence bonus to of what occurred to Drizzt Do'Urden's house.
all her melee attacks. Perhaps some member escaped and founded
Tunnel Fighting (Ex): Bloodsisters a city beneath the war-torn lands of Tethyr.
are trained to fight underground in The history and prestige classes pre-
confined spaces. They know how to sented here could be adapted for dwarves.
close with enemies quickly and get Perhaps a clan of belligerent dwarves was
their blades up close and personal. driven from its holdings after a council of
When charging an opponent, a blood- elders determined lhat the clan should be
sister of 4th level or higher does not held responsible for starting a civil war.
provoke attacks of opportunity from Driven to desperation in the wilds of the
that creature by moving through The Underdark, the clan took a ruined gith city as
squares it threatens. its own and allied itself with kuo-toa.
Improved Two-Weapon Style (Ex): For suggestions on how you can use the
Starting at ^th level, a bloodsister prestige classes presented in this article, see
fighting with both a short sword and a the For Your Character sidebar.
ger receives a +1 competence


and must be able to reach a vital spot. as rogue levels), the bonuses to dam- bright sunlight of the surface world.
The bloodsister cannot sneak attack age stack. Each must be a master of disguise and
while striking at a creature with Mind of Steel (Ex); Priestesses of stealth, and a friend of the shadows.
concealment or by striking the limbs Lolth instruct the best of the bloodsis- It was the sorceress lldred who gave
of a creature whose vitals are ters in mental techniques useful in Venrit the instrument she craved, lldred
beyond reach. warding off hostile magic. Starting at perfected the lost art of "arachthel," a
If a bloodsister gets a sneak attack 8th level, a bloodsisfer gains a +4 path of stealth that relied on powers
bonus from another source (such resistance bonus against mind-affect- granted from the venom of spiders.
ing spells. The only problem: The spider venom
Twist the Knife (Ex): A bloodsister killed as often as not. Venrit was
learns to inflict maximum pain and willing to pay the price, and so the
damage with her weapons. The critical Nightshades were born. This secretive
Class Requirements
To qualify To become a nightshade, a charac- multipliers of the short sword and dag- group spies on the surface nations,
ter must fulfill all Ihe following criteria: ger are increased to X3 when wielded gathering information, spreading panic
Race: Drow. by a bloodsister of gth or higher level. and fear, and bringing The silent blade
Alignment; Any evil.
to Kilsefc's foes.
Move Silently: 7 ranks.
Feats: Point Blank Shot,
Special: Must be able to casf arcane Once Venrit decided to enter the Class Features
spells. Godwar, she knew she would need All of the following are class features
Every nightshade must survive rhe intelligence about her new foes. Getting of the nightshade prestige class.
Spider Queen's challenge. Four monstrous
spiders bite the candidate's limbs as orher
information about the dwarves and Weapon and Armor Proficiency:
nightshades hold him down. If the venom gnolls was easy enough, but the fac- Nightshades are proficient with all
doesn't kffi him, he can join rhe nightshades. tions that made their homes above- simple weapons, as well as the sap,
ground posed a few difficulties. What rapier, and short bow. Nightshades are
NIGHTSHADE Venrit needed was a group of skilled proficient with light armor but not
Class Skills infiltrators who could operate in the with shields.
The nightshade's class skills (and the key
abilities for each) are:
Str: -
Dex: Disable Device, Escape Artist,
Hide. Move Silently, Open Lock, Pick NIGHTSHADE ADVANCEMENT \^J
Pockets, Tumble. Base Attack Fort. Ref. Will
Con:- Levels Bonus Save Save Save Special
Inf: Decipher Script (exclusive skill), isr +o +0 +2 +0 Light adjusted, web walker
Read Lips (exclusive skill). Search. 2nd +1 +0 +3 +o Wall runner
Wis: Innuendo, Listen, Sense Motive, 3rd +2 +1 +3 -H Sneak attack -fid6
Spot. 4th +3 +1 +4 +1 Change self^lAay
Cha: Bluff, Disguise, Gather Information, 5'h +3 +1 -"-4 -t-1 Poison immunity
Intimidate, Use Magical Device (exclusive 6th +4 +2 +5 +2 Sneak attack +2dB
skill). 7th +5 +2 +5 +S Poison spittle
8fh +6 +2 +6 +2 Web 3/day
Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Im modi- gth +6 +
3 1-6 +3 Sneak attack +3d6
fier. lath +7 +3 V +3 Shadow waSk i/day



92 august 2oo2
For Your Character Web Walker (Ex): A nightshade can anatomies-undead, constructs, oozes,
move through webs {both natural plants, and incorporeal creatures lack
The prestige classes presented in this arti- and those of the web spell) without vital areas to attack. Additionally, any
cle need not be for drow alone or even for hindrance. creature immune to critical hits is sim-
evil characters. If one of them interests Wall Runner (Su): Nightshades learn ilarly immune to sneak attacks. Also,
you, check with your DM and see if it can to harness the spider blood in their the nightshade must be able to see the
be altered and incorporated into her game veins as time goes by. Starting at 2nd target well enough to pick out a vital
and your character, In general, keeping the level, a nightshade can walk on walls spot and must be able to reach a vital
mechanics the same but changing the name and ceilings as if wearing slippers of spot. The nightshade cannot sneak
or description gives you a great deal of spider climbing. At 5th level, a night- attack while striking at a creature
flexibility. Here are a few suggestions: shade's speed when wall running with concealment or by striking the
The bloodsister prestige class could be a increases to 30 ft. limbs of a creature whose vitals are
guild for a group of rangers and wilderness Sneak Attack (Ex): At 3rd level, a beyond reach.
protectors who specialize in removing nightshade gains a +td6 sneak attack. If a nightshade gets a sneak attack
threats to natural areas. They use special Any rime the nightshade's target would bonus from another source (such
sleep poisons to knock out most foes, but be denied her Dexterity bonus to AC as rogue levels), the bonuses to
repeat offenders have little hope of escap- (whether she actually has a Dexterity damage stack.
ing rhe bite of their two blades. bonus or not), the nightshade's attack Change Self (Sp): At 4th level, a
The nightshades could be a prestige class deals +id6 points of damage. The extra nightshade can cast the change self
for an order of monks who hold the qualities damage increases to -^d6 at 6th level spell three rimes per day, with a
of a spider in high esteem. They practice the and +3d6 at gth level. Should the caster level equal to his character
"spider's shadow style" of marital arts, and nightshade score a critical hit with level.
its masters take levels of the nightshade a sneak attack, his extra damage is Poison immunity (Ex): At 5th level, a
prestige class. not multiplied. nightshade becomes immune to poison
Both of the prestige classes could repre- It takes precision and penetration to of all types.
sent special groups from another race. hit a vital spot, so ranged attacks can Poison Spittle (Ex): At 7th level, a
Dwarves might call such groups the hammer only count as sneak attacks if the tar- nightshade can secrete poison-like
matrons and the cavern raiders, gnomes get is 30 feet away or less. saliva (injury, DC 14; id4 Strength ini-
might call them knife maidens and web run- With a sap or an unarmed strike, the tial and secondary damage). A night-
ners, and other races could create similar nightshade can make a sneak attack shade can coat a bladed weapon with
names. that deals subdual damage instead of this poison spittle as a move-equiva-
normal damage. He cannot use a lent action.
weapon that deals normal damage to Web (Sp): At 8th level, a nightshade
Light Adjusted (Ex): Nightshades are deal subdual damage in a sneak attack, can cast the web spell three times per
specially trained to operate above not even with the usual -4 penalty, day at a caster level equal to his char-
ground, and this includes a brutal reg- because he must make optimal use of acter level.
imen to forcibly adjust their eyes to his weapon in order to execute the Shadow Walk (Sp): At ioth level, a
bright light. A nightshade does not sneak attack. nightshade can cast the shadow walk
suffer from light blindness as other A nightshade can only sneak attack spell once per day at a caster level
drow do. living creatures with discernible equal to his character level. "


Preparing to Improvise by Johnti Four

Send your tips by email to: encourage you to take a moment and be static, nor should it revolve solely
scalemaildwizards.com make a list of your weaknesses, around the PCs, This is difficult to do
see also: because that little bit of self awareness while making things up as you go,
www. roleplay ingtips. com might be all you need to make sure an because it's often a struggle just react-
improvised session runs smoothly. ing to the PCs' actions and keeping one
step ahead. Having a short list of the
mprovisation is one of the Holy Organization 8 Sessions significant current events and villains

I Grails of DMing. When things click,

amazing, heroic adventures seem to
come create themselves, and the glow-
While a very small number of DMs can
show up without books, dice, or notes
and then provide an evening of great
who are stirring things up in your
world helps you keep the big picture in
mind and allows you to add the details
ing feeling you get after the game ses- entertainment, most of us can't do that, that bring campaigns to life.
sion is unbeatable. Improvisation is also so cheat a bit and prepare to improvise More importantly, this list can inspire
many DMs' greatest fear, ranking by devising a few tools for in-game you to tie events together as you go,
somewhere between death, raxes, and use. See the sidebar for a list of potentially turning a series of improvi-
public speaking. resource possibilities. sations into a cohesive story. If you
If your palms get sweaty at the You also need to prepare for note- know the basic causes of the world's
thought of running a game completely taking during sessions. A major pitfall conflicts, you can provide a series of
on the fly, then read on. As you will of improvisation is campaign consis-
learn, the trick is in a little pre-game tency. You don't want NPC names to Improvisation Tools
preparation-mat's right, you can (and change mid-game, past game events to
should) prepare to improvise! be mis-remembered, or good ideas to 1. Charts and Tables from the core rulebooks
First off, a word of encouragement. slip away. Prepare to keep campaign 2. Custom charts and tables.
You can improvise; you've got the skills notes, or have a detail-oriented player 3. Articles and ideas grabbed from DRAGON
right now, in fact. Even if you use pub- do it for you. and DUHGEON magazines
lished adventures, you already make 4. Print-outs from the Internet
hundreds of decisions and conjure up a Weaving Stories Adventures 5. Bits and pieces from your old modules
plethora of new details during every Running without a pre-planned story- 6. Copies of the players' character sheets
game session. It's the nature of the line helps make your adventures adapt- 7. Computer software
DM's job, and if that job is yours, then able to the group's mood, the changing 8. Services at websites
congratulations, you have what it takes needs of the characters, and unex- g. Television, movies, and fiction
to improvise. pected choices from the players. It 10. Binder, computer, notebook, or box to
Another point to ponder: Every gives everyone more freedom, and it organize your notes and game materials
Dungeon Master has strengths and can make your sessions more enjoyable.
weaknesses. Some are natural story- It might also be a DM's greatest worry: A quick tip about the last point: It's almost
tellers but get bamboozled by the vol- How do you tell an exciting story that impossible to run sessions using index
ume of numbers during an intense doesn't play like a bunch of disjointed cards, stickies, a laptop, photocopies, and
combat. Others are so organized that wandering monster encounters? notebooks all at the same time. Try to stick
they can tell you the population and Although you won't be using a pre- to just one organization method: laptop,
class break-down of every village in planned plot, there are some fast binder, noiebook, or index cards.
the land with a single keystroke, but preparation tricks to help you run Regardless of your choice, rhe point is to
they stumble when it comes to vivid smooth, well-connected adventures. get to your improvisation tools quickly and
descriptions and plotting. Most of us Outline a few major campaign events seamlessly during play.
are somewhere in between, so I and villains. Your game world shouldn't

august 2oo2
improvised advenfures That lead to encounter tables in Chapter 4: Five Improv Organization Tips
this fundamental conflict, providing Adventures. Pick a few creatures in the
long-term goals for the players, conti- appropriate CR range, and read up on i. Number the pages in your binder and cre-
nuity for the campaign, and seeds for them so that you can weave them into ate a table of contents for your cheat sheets
specific improvised sessions through your game as needed. DUNGEON and charts.
one technique. Magazine's new "Critical Threats" fea- ?. Buy a cheap cardboard or plastic magazine
Make an encounter ideas list. ture makes another great resource file; keep your best resource books together
Encourage the characters to have because it provides pre-planned in there for easy access when planning or
desires and goals, and use these for encounters, allowing you to focus on DMing.
encounter, story, and quest ideas. improvising description and continuity 3. Bookmark useful websites and organize
Study your players, and learn what between encounters. them under a single folder called D&tD Tools
they enjoy most about roleplaying. Keep a number of short adventures with subfolders for NPCs and such.
Reflect on the past, and think about the on hand. Short adventures are quick to 4. Sprinkle labeled stickles and bookmarks lib-
encounters that the group enjoyed the prepare, and they can give a session a erally through your reference books.
most. Take a look at the Encounter quick pick-up should if start to stall. 5. Spend time becoming familiar with any
Ideas Record Sheet at the end of this (See the last two issues for more software you plan on using before the game.
article. The five-column worksheet pro- advice on avoiding stalls.) There are a
vides an easy way to generate number of mini-modules available on
encounter ideas that have personal the market, and there are many web- Create personality lists. On your
connections to one or more of the sites and magazines, including name cheat sheet, also come up with a
players. Take two minutes and brain- www.wizards.com and DUNGEON bunch of one-line NPC personalities
storm a few ideas before a session gets Magazine, that feature short adven- that you can instantly apply to a new
started, and add to the sheet as an tures and encounters, NPC during the game. Look no further
adventure proceeds. At the end of a Read or write fiction, and watch than your DUNGEON MASTER'S Guide for
session, jot down any ideas that came great movies and shows. Reading and this. The One Hundred Traits chart in
out of that session. Be sure to cross writing are excellent ways to create a Chapter 5: Campaigns is the perfect
out the hooks you use and refresh the pool of neat ideas to draw from while tool. You can also draw inspiration from
sheet with new ideas every so often. DMing. Watching a good movie or TV books, movies, and online sources for
Ponder the possibilities. If you had show the night before a session can quirks, behaviors, and mannerisms.
your entire campaign world and all of also inspire your stories. Grab pre-fabricated NPCs. Feel free
its dungeons memorized, improvising Create a list of plot hooks and story
would be a snap. In lieu of that, as ideas. Create a sheet with one-line plot
Maps, Maps, Maps
you're watching commercials or stand- ideas to stoke your creativity during a
ing in line, think about the campaign session. If the characters aren't taking to Types of Maps to Keep Handy:
possibilities of your next session. the lead, or if you can't think of what 1. Wilderness
Picture the places the PCs could go, the to do next, pick a plot hook and run 2. Caverns
people they could meet, and the enter- with it. This is also a great tool for side- 3. Dungeons
taining things that could happen. You'll plot generation, 4. Villages
be amazed at how often you dip into 5. Cities
this idea pool once you're at the table, NPCs 6. Ruins
and how helpful it is to have developed NPCs are the bread and butter of many 7. Interiors of common buildings (taverns, inns,
such a pool in the first place. campaigns, yet they are often difficult temples, and so on)
Create filler encounters. Prepare to create on the fly. You can fall into a 8. Castles and Forts
some simple encounters that can be rut where all your NPCs seem similar 9. Large Vehicles (large ships, blimps, and so
dropped in anywhere, at any time, in to one another or you forget important on)
case you get stuck. A wandering mon- details like names and personalities. to. Unusual Environments (cloud castles,
ster table might work, but you might Statistics are also critical when combat underwater terrain, and so on)
feel more confident having a couple of erupts or opposed skill checks are
fleshed-out dungeon, wilderness, and required. Fortunately, there are several 5 Sources Of Maps:
village/city encounters on hand for pre-game preparation options available 1. DvNceON Magazine
emergencies. to help you improvise NPCs. 2. Old modules
Another trick for great improvised Create name lists. Use campaign 3. DHAOON hfagazine
encounters is to flip through the back source books, name books, online ran- 4. Old campaign maps
of your Monster Manual where crea- dom name generators, and dictionaries 5. www.wizarda.com (Check out the Map-A-
tures are indexed by CR, or open the to build a cheat sheet with male, female, Week feature and the DUNGEON Magazine site.)
DUNGEON MASTER'S Guide to the town, and racial names.

TO use pre-made NPCs during the game with a pre-made map than it is to
to save you Time and supply Those work from a blank sheet of paper.
much-needed sTatistics. Your job before Maps also create basic campaign logs Items to include on a treasure cheat sheet:
the game is To check your sources and and help play consistency. 1. Gems and jewelry
get Things ready for handy access at Go to your sources and bookmark or 2. Things found in pockets
the Table. copy a bunch of maps for use during 3. Works of art and items of superior crafts-
GeneraTe, print OUT, photocopy, or the game. Discard labels and other manship
Transcribe NPCs from any source you names, or employ the whole thing as-is. 4. Disposable magic items such as potions
can find. Here's a list to geT you started: and scrolls
Modules and supplements Treasure 5. Permanent and powerful magic items
The DUNGEON MASTER'S Guide, pages Arbitrary rewards and Those created
48-58 with a few dice rolls before the players' It's a good idea to mention a few words about
www.wizards.com eyes can suck the mystery and wonder the condition, container, appearance, or orna-
The Character Generator disk from right out of your campaign. This is espe- mentation of each item. Pre-planned details like
the Player's Handbook cially True after important battles or for these can pay off while improvising.
Jamis Buck's Generators aT hoards found in special places. The solu-
http://www.enworld.org/generators/ tion is to prepare a treasure cheat sheet.
DRAGON Magazine Think up a few Things for each caTegory, any of your weaknesses, such as think-
DUNGEON Magazine number them, and give players These ing up names or fleshing out NPCs on
PC Gen Software at numbers as they discover the goodies to the spot Before the game, create a few
http://pcgen.sourceforge.net/ help with Tracking. The fact thaT you are cheat sheeTs, hints charts, and idea lists
Old campaign notes carefully Tracking Treasure only makes to help when you're stuck. Being organ-
Other DMs via email and websiTes such Treasure feel more special to the ized and knowing what your players and
PCs. Be sure to refresh the sheet as the characters want goes a long way too!
Maps characters gain levels as well. This preparation requires only a small
NoThing beaTs a map for inspiring and amount of time (15 minutes or so), and it
guiding improvised sessions. IT'S much Although it might seem sTrange, you pays real dividends in verisimilitude,
easier TO creaTe inTeresting encounTers can prepare to improvise by shoring up continuity, and speed of play. IS>

Encounter Ideas Worksheet


96 august 2oo2


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Trouble at the Table by Robin D. Laws

DM: So, you wanted to mention bedeviling roleplaying groups. You can problem solves itself before wading in.
something about how the game's sum it up as "I'd like slightly less X in You don't want to lose a friendship
been going? .. . the game and slightly more Y." over a D&tD campaign. Then again,
Oh, but wait. First, I wanted to tell Your DM might be tailoring the the couple might prove to be the very
you all that I left my notes from last game to her own tastes. She might not souls of reason once you've brought
session on the bus, and I didn 't like how have thought to balance its content to the matter to their attention. It's a
easily you got out of the Tunnel of the the tastes of her players, might not be judgment call, and a difficult one at
Minotaur, so everything that happened interested in doing so, or might want that.
last session is a dream sequence, and to without knowing quite how.
you need to give all your experience Maybe the DM is already pitching PCs In NPCs' Clothing
points back. Now, there was a point her sessions to the general tastes of DMs can also show favoritism toward
you wanted to make? her group; it's just that your tastes are their own NPCs. Beware if the DM
out of sync with everyone else's. adds a member to your party, espe-
Last time, we began a series showing cially if he's one of the DM's own past
players how to use real-world negotiat- Favoritism PCs or strongly resembles one. Your
ing techniques to rescue campaigns Some DMs, especially in beginning DM is trying to have her cake and eat
from impending doom. We showed you groups, tend to favor a player with it, too, being both player and game
how to handle problems with the DM or whom they already have a close referee. This problem often requires
other players by following these steps: friendship. Often this is unconscious. use of the diplomacy skills we'll be
1. Identify the problem. This can be a tough problem to deal presenting in future installments.
2. Identify the problem's causes. with. If you're not careful, you can
3. Figure out, and learn to respect, offend the DM and the beneficiary of Specialty Trampling
the other person's point of view. her favoritism. You never want to The D&tD rules are carefully designed
4. Solve the other problem person's seem like you're questioning or attack- to protect the specialties of the vari-
another way. ing their friendship. Make clear that all ous character classes. If you've
5. Present the problem, with a pos you want to do is adjust the effect devoted several levels worth of skill
sible solution. that it's having on the game. ranks and feat slots to becoming the
6. Be prepared to compromise. Your DM might have good inten- group's strongest hitter or sneakiest
tions in favoring a player. She might rogue, you don't want another PC,
This month, we're going to focus on be giving a reluctant participant an with other specialties of his own, to
step one. easier time of it, hoping he'll get come along and outshine you in your
Because the people who make up hooked on gaming and later become an chosen area. Unbalanced feats, spells,
every play group are different, no two equal member of the group. Be sensi- prestige classes, or magic items, often
problems are exactly alike-but if tive to this. However, if it goes on of the DM's creation, can wreak havoc
things are going wrong and you can't forever, you have a right to object. on the balance of power within a
quite say why, check the following list Again, tread very carefully. Be sym- party. Unlike other problems men-
of common dilemmas to see if they pathetic, not confrontational. tioned here, there isn't much of a per-
ring any bells. When the DM is romantically sonal component to this one. The DM
involved with a player, things can get probably hasn't considered the prob-
Expectation Gaps especially tricky. Depending on how lem from your point of view. Ask her
We all have different tastes as to what well you know the people involved and to either change the nature of the
makes the best game session. This is how sensitive they are to criticism, other PC's ability or item so that it
by far the most common problem you might want to wait to see if the doesn't infringe on your territory, or

98 august 2oo2
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by Clifford Horowitz

he Dragon controlled the mighti-

greatest warriors were dead, its ruling
est empire in the world, but then, line consumed, and its few remaining
in a single season, they slipped heroes were left divided and fighting
from empire . . . to clan ... to noth- against each other. The Dragon died that
ing at all. The Horde, an unknowable, day, replaced with the Serpent, a wan
unbeatable tide of death, swept over and corrupt shadow of the Dragon's for-
the Dragon, laying waste to their mer greatness.
finest warriors in a single battle and Such times cry out for heroes and
sending the rest of the clan into dreamers, and such a cry is answered
retreat for six long months. by Kenji, last of the Dragon clan nobility,
Finally, when they reached and your character in Battle Realms, a
the sea and could run no roleplaying, real-time strategy game that
more, the master of the clan sets the task of restoring the greatness
summoned the spirit of the of the Dragon upon your shoulders. As
Dragon itself. Winds shrieked, Kenji, you must wander the foreign lands
seas raged, fields rent, and the that have become home to the Serpent,
world was broken. The master of the reunite with the heroes who served
Dragon clan disappeared into the ele- your father, and fight against the ene-
mental fury, and the Horde with him. mies of your dying clan. For the hope
The people were saved. you bring them, peasants will flock To
Although the people survived, your banner, harvest rice, gather water,
the clan could not. The Dragon's capture wild horses, and build up their
towns. Yet the task before you is too
great even for the mighty heroes of the
Dragon to shoulder alone. You must
revive the ancient fighting styles of the
Dragon masters and set your peasants
to learning them. With this army at your
back, you might yet be able to stand
against the twisted sorcerers of the
Lotus clan, their feral escaped slaves,
the Wolf clan, and perhaps even the
Horde itself.
What distinguishes Battle Realms from
other real-time strategy games is what
its designers have dubbed "liquid
resources." The things you produce and
harvest can be used in a multitude of
ways. Water is used to nourish troops in
training, vital in construction, and the
only thing that puts out the flames of a
burning building. The horses you capture
and domesticate can be given to soldiers
to make cavalry, or they can be put in

Io2 august 2oo2

the fields with the peasants to increase Class Features For Your Campaign
efficiency. The uses for resources far All of the following are features of the The prestige classes from Battle Realms fit
outstrip their availability, forcing you to kabuki warrior prestige class. well into an Oriental Adventures campaign,
make tactical decisions for their alloca- Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The and with a little modification, they can be a

tion at every turn. kabuki warrior is proficient in all martial part of any campaign world.

The setting presented in Battle Realms weapons, but no armor or shields. The dragon warriors could be just that:
could be the basis of an entire cam- Canny Defense (Ex): When wearing warriors who devote themselves to the
paign, and many of its elements could no armor or shield, the kabuki warrior service of red dragons. These warriors gain
powers as the mystic bond with the dragon
find places in your games. Some of the adds his Intelligence bonus to his Armor
they serve grows stronger.
most interesting of these elements are Class. Should the kabuki warrior lose
his Dexterity bonus, he loses This bonus The kabuki warrior could be a prestige
the gems of the Dragon empire: its
class for a kind of warrior-jester. Perhaps a
enlightened fighters. These prestige as well.
secret organization of "fools" provides
classes are suitable for any campaign Clowning (Ex): As a master of per-
guardians and advisors to the royalty of a
with a little work, but obviously, they forming arts, the kabuki warrior gains a
nation in your campaign.
are right at home in an Oriental +2 competence bonus to his Bluff,
The dragon warrior and kabuki warrior
Adventures campaign. Perform, and Tumble checks.
could be two opposing mystic orders: one
Sneak Attack: At and level, a kabuki
devoted to the wild expression of feelings;
Kabuki Warrior warrior gains The ability to sneak attack rhe other devoted to controlling emotion.
For The Dragon, combat and war are foes (see the Rogue section in Chapter
forms of art, not cold disciplines. 3 of the Player's Handbook). He gains
Warriors of the Dragon clan view com- +id6 damage at 2nd level, and an addi-
bat as an outlet for passion and an tional id6 every three levels there- KABUKI WARRIOR
opportunity for expression. None after. If a kabuki warrior gets a sneak Class Requirements
embody this philosophy better than the attack bonus from another source To qualify to become a kabuki warrior, a
character must fulfill all the following criteria:
kabuki warriors. These soldiers are equal (such as rogue levels), the bonuses to
Base Attack Bonus: +5 or better.
parts fighter and entertainer. In times of damage stack. Bluff: 5 ranks.
peace they use their talents to amuse Taunt (Su): With a combination of cut- Perform: 5 ranks.
those around them with feats of acro- ting jibes and frustrating defense, the Tumble: 3 ranks.
kabuki warrior can enrage his oppo- Feafs: Dodge, Expertise, Mobility,
batics, sleight of hand, illusions, and sto-
Spring Attack.
ries. These skills are not wasted when nents, driving them to become wild and
Special: The ability to cast three Illusion
conflict arises. Dressed in garish cos- sloppy. Once per day at 3rd level, the spells.
tumes with wild hair and even wilder kabuki warrior can make a Bluff check
face paint, kabuki warriors take the field opposed by a melee opponent's Sense KABUKI WARRIOR
of battle with a smile on their faces and Motive roll. If the kabuki warrior suc- Class Skills
a quip on their tongues, often juggling ceeds, the opponent falls victim to her The kabuki warrior's class skills (and the key
abilities for each) are:
items in one hand as they leap and slash own temper and suffers a -2 morale
Str; Jump.
at their opponents. penalty to all attack rolls and AC for a Dex: Balance, Escape Artist, Tumble.
The kabuki warrior melds martial skill number of rounds equal to the kabuki Con: Concentration.
and theatrics into a dazzling, confusing warrior's Charisma bonus +1. Characters Int: Alchemy, Craft (any).
display that tricks opponents into making with the ability to rage (such as barbar- Wis: Sense Motive.
Cha: Bluff, Perform.
mistakeserrors the kabuki warrior is ians) who are four levels higher than the
quick to exploit with vicious brutality. kabuki warrior are immune to this ability. Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.
Many fear the humiliation that they could At 6th level, the kabuki warrior can
suffer in fighting these warriors more
than they fear the injuries they risk. KABUKI WARRIOR ADVANCEMENT
The eclectic requirements of the Base Attack Fort. Ref. Will
kabuki warrior code and fighting style Levels Bonus Save Save Save Special
ist +2 +2 Canny defense, clowning
requires a broad knowledge of combat, +0 +O

2nd +1 -TO +3 +3 Sneak attack +id6

magic, and acrobatics. Most kabuki Taunt i/day
3rd t2 +1 +3 +3
warriors are bards or multiclassed 4th +3 +1 +4 Stardusti/day
bard/fighters. Some multiclassed sor- 5th +3 +1 Sneak attack +2d6, expert clowning
cerer/rogues join the order, and 6th +4 +2 +5 Taunt a/day
7th +S +2 +5 +5 Stardusts/day
monk/illusionists are fairly common.
8th +6 +6 Sneak attack +sd6
Single-classed kabuki warriors are gth +6 +6 Taunt 3/day
rare and usually come from the roth +7 +3 V +7 Stardust 3/day, master clowning
wizard class.


from the others and put through a

unique training regimen that relies heav-
ily on meditation and self-mastery,
Those who emerge take the field as
dragon warriors.
Strange combinations of berserker
fury and monk mysticism, dragon war-
riors are a people apart. They carry
within Them the seething power of the
dragon, and its stormy urges make them
somewhat capricious. Yet to contain and
truly harness this power requires
immense discipline, which reins in their
more outlandish urges. While they might
seem calm at a distance, with muted
body language and soft speech, up close
their voices betray hints of strain, and
their small movements tremble to
become more. They appear locked in an
eternal, invisible struggle, and indeed,
they are. The only Time They leT go com-
pletely is in battle, where they release
the Dragon in all its fury, roaring like a
storm as their giant swords cut Through
the opposition in a torrent of steel.
Monks and barbarians who have for-
saken their former lives often take up
the dragon warrior path for its familiar-
ity. Fighters, rangers, and martially
minded clerics are also common.

taunt twice per day. At gth level, he can bonus to Bluff, Tumble, and Perform Class Features
Taunt three times per day, checks. All of the following are class features of
Stardust (Sp): The kabuki warrior can Additionally, he can use the Bluff skill the dragon warrior prestige class.
summon shimmering streams of sparkles in combat to feint and apply the result to Weapons and Armor: Dragon war-
That dance about him as he twirls and all opponents within 10 feet. Roll once riors gain no new proficiency with
spins. This dazzling display is bright and and apply that single result to all appli- weapons, armors, or shields. Wearing
confusing, blurring the kabuki warrior's cable targets. armor inhibits the dragon warrior's con-
form and making iT difficulT to ascertain Master Clowning (Ex): By ioth level, nection with the spirit of the Drqgon,
his exact position. the kabuki warrior is a master of show- and a dragon warrior who dons armor
This effect lasts for a number of manship. He can use The Bluff skill to loses access to all her dragon warrior
rounds equal To the kabuki warrior's feint in combaT as a move-equivalent class abilities. All such abilities return to
Charisma bonus +1. During this time, he action, applying the result to all crea- the dragon warrior as soon as The
gains a circumstance bonus to his tures within 10 feet. armor is removed.
Armor Class equal to his Charisma Body of Soul (Su): The dragon war-
bonus +1. At /th level The kabuki warrior Dragon Warrior rior's first step in harnessing the power
can perform this ability twice per day, The rank and file of the Dragon clan's of The Dragon is to quell it completely.
and at loth level he can perform it Three troops are taken from peasantry, the Until they come to grips with the roiling
times per day. ancient Tradition of warriors coming only rages that now reside in their hearts,
CreaTures who cannot see The from noble stock dead along wiTh The Those firsT touched by The Dragon must
lights are not distracted by them. empire. However, masters of the Train- either quell the spirit or be consumed
Expert Clowning (Ex): At 5th level, ing halls sTiH watch for students with the by it. However, in burying the essence
the kabuki warrior's mastery of unmistakable passion thaT can only mean of the Dragon within themselves, the
performance and understanding of they've touched the spirit of the Dragon fledgling dragon warriors learn an inner
the human reaction has reached the and taken it into their hearts. These strength so intense that it radiates out-
point where he gains a +4 competence exceptional individuals are separated ward. As a result, dragon warriors add

1 o4 august 2oo2
their Wisdom bonus to their hit points at chi shield, as the spiritual energy is For your Character
each dragon warrior level. Wisdom shunted from protection to offense. The
damage or drain, depletes these extra dragon warrior can use dragon's fury If the prestige classes from Banle Realms
hit points. twice per day. If the dragon warrior has sound like fun to you, ask your DM if she'll
Chi Shield (Su): The intense meditation rage from some other source, its include them in her campaign and allow you to
continues, as does the growth of the bonuses do not stack with those pro- take one or both. Here are some ideas for how
your character might use them:
dragon warrior's power. By this point, vided by the dragon's fury ability,
the energy of the Dragon has soaked the Dragon's Grip (Ex): At pth level, the Your character has always been a screw up.
dragon warrior through with mystical dragon warrior learns to wrap herself in Called clumsy and a clown throughout life,
your PC has decided to take those weaknesses
power, imbuing her with supernatural the power of the Dragon. No longer sim-
and make them into strengths by becoming a
toughness. At and level, the dragon war- ply inspired by it, she can now totally
kabuki warrior.
rior gains a deflection bonus to Armor immerse herself in it. When she uses the
Your character connes from a family cursed
Class equal to her Wisdom modifier. dragon's fury ability, she now gains a +6
with terrible tempers that cause them to lash
At 5th level, the resilience of the war- to her Strength and Constitution and a
out and wound those they love. Many relatives
rior increases, and she gains damage +3 to all Will saves. This increases the
have given in to the rage and taken up the bar-
reduction i/. bonus hit points to 3 per character level, barian life, but your PC has tried to control it.
At 8th level, the essence of the In addition, the dragon warrior can use Your character is always on the verge of dis-
Dragon has so thoroughly permeated the the dragon's fury ability 3 times per day astrous anger, but that struggle has given the
warrior that her mind and body share and no longer loses her chi shield abili- PC the powers of the dragon warrior.
the same infallible staying power. The ties while raging.
dragon warrior's damage reduction Dragon's Release (Ex): At the pinnacle
increases to 2/-, and she develops spell of her development, the dragon warrior DRAGON WARRIOR
resistance equal to 10 + her Wisdom becomes an avatar of the great Dragon Class Requirements
modifier. spirit. She no longer channels its power To qualify to become a dragon warrior, a
character must fulfill all the following criteria:
Dragon's Fire (Su): At 3rd level, the when enraged, but she becomes more
Alignment; Any nonchaot'C, nonlawful.
dragon warrior learns the first outward like a direct gateway for the primal force Dragon warriors who become lawful or
means of expressing the Dragon's rage. to act upon the world. chaotic, lose all dragon warrior class abili-
Using her sword as a focus for the When the warrior uses the dragon's ties.
power, the warrior learns to make the fury ability, she gains a +8 to both Base Attack Bonus: +6 or better.
Concentration: 3 ranks.
giant blade more than a metaphorical Strength and Constitution and a +4 to
Knowledge (Religion): 3 ranks.
representation of the Dragon's fiery Will saves. This increases the bonus hit Feats; Iron Will, Toughness, Weapon
breath. As a free action, the dragon points to 4 per character level. In addi- Focus (greatsword).
warrior can, once per day, imbue a tion, she can use the dragon's fury abil-
greatsword she wields with the flaming ity 4 times per day. DRAGON WARRIOR
magic weapon enhancement (see the While her dragon's fury lasts, her Class Skills
The dragon warrior's class skills (and the
DUNGEON MASTER'S Guide). As long as the sword bursts into supernatural flames,
key abilities For each) are:
weapon is held in her hands, the granting the weapon the flaming magic Str: Climb, Jump, Swim.
enhancement lasts for a number of weapon enhancement, as per the Dex: Ride.
rounds equal to the dragon warrior's dragon's fire ability. If the dragon war- Con: Concentration.
level plus her Wisdom modifier. At 6th rior chooses to use her dragon's fire Int; Knowledge (religion).
level, the dragon warrior can use ability while so enraged, her weapon is
Cha: Intimidate.
dragon's fire twice per day, and at gth treated as though it also has the flaming
level, The warrior can use the ability burst magic weapon enhancement. Q Skill Points at Each Level; 2 +- Int modifier,
three times per day.
Dragon's Fury (Ex): A 4th-leve!
dragon warrior finally learns the rudi- DRAGON WARRIOR ADVANCEMENT
Base Attack Fort. Ref. Will
ments of letting the Dragon flow through Levels Bonus Save Save Save Special
herself. By allowing a bit of the Dragon's ist +1 +2 o +2 Body of soul
essence out of her tightly controlled 2nd +2 +3 o +3 Chi shield (deflection bonus)
heart, the dragon warrior can throw 3rd +3 +3 i +3 Dragon's fire i/day
4th +4 +4 i +4 Dragon's fury z/day
herself into a mystically induced rage.
5th +5 +4 i +4 Chi shield (damage reduction i/)
This rage lasts a number of rounds equal 6th +6 +5 2 +5 Dragon's fire 2/day
to the dragon warrior's Wisdom bonus, 7th +7 +5 2 +5 Dragon's grip (dragon's fury 3/day)
but in all other respects it is identical to 8th +8 +6 2 +6 Chi shield (damage reduction 2/-, spell resistance)
gth +g +6 3 +6 Dragon's fire 3/day
a barbarian's rage ability. While so
10th +10 +7 +3 +7 Dragon's release (dragon's fury 4/day)
enraged, the dragon warrior loses her


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uestions and Answers by Skip Williams

Email yom questions to: class level before choosing skills or frenzy. In either case, it does not take 8
thesage<S>wizards,com feats, you often cannot enter a prestige hours to recover from the fatigue a
class the very moment you meet the rage or frenzy causes. Both abilities
Join the Sage this month as he contin- prerequisites. For example, if you took have specific rules that override the
ues last month's look at Masters of the the Spring Attack feat at gth level, the general rule from the DUNGEON MASTER'S
Wild and moves on to consider a few soonest you could take a level in a Guide, which is written to cover envi-
magical mysteries. prestige class that has Spring Attack as ronmental effects, running, and other
a prerequisite would be loth level. cases of prolonged stress on the body
The sidebar on page 31 in Masters of not rage and frenzy.
Hie Wild talks about the Craft (herbal- When you use the rage class ability,
ism) skill. Is this a new skill, separate you become fatigued for as long as When a barbarian is fatigued for the
from Profession (herbalist)? you raged. When you use the frenzied rest of the encounter after raging, how
It's not exactly new, but it is not the berserker's frenzy class ability (from long is that exactly?
Profession (herbalist) skill. You use the Masters of the Wild), you become In this case, an "encounter" contin-
Craft (herbalism) skill to make your own fatigued for the rest of the encounter, ues until the DM stops tracking the
herbal infusions. or until you enter a frenzy again, encounter in combat rounds. That usu-
whichever comes first. In either case, ally happens when the last foe is
My 6th-levei ranger wants to advance both rage and frenzy make you defeated or escapes or until the last
her a-Hit-Die wolf. Does she have fatigued. Page 84 of the DUNGEON PC is defeated or forced to escape. A
access to the rules for improving ani- MASTER '$ Guide says you become creature has escaped from an
mal companions in Chapter 4 of exhausted if you are already fatigued encounter when its foes decide not
Masters of the Wild? Or are those only and you become fatigued again. The to pursue it or until they have no
for druids. penalties for exhaustion are pretty reasonable chance of catching the
The material in Chapter 4 applies steep: You move at i/z speed and fleeing creature.
equally to rangers' animal companions. have a -6 to both Strength and
Dexterity. After i hour of complete When the awaken spell makes an animal
If the abilities you gain from gaining a rest you are moved up from a magical beast, do the animal's Hit
new level let you meet the prerequi- exhausted to fatigued. After 8 hours Dice get any bigger? Does the animal
sites for a feat, can you take that feat of complete rest you are no longer gain any extra skill points, feats, or
right away (provided that you also fatigued. So, after a rage/frenzy attack bonuses?
have an unused feat)? For example, the combo a frenzied berserker is darn An awakened animal gains no new
Blindsight feat from Masters of the near useless for 9 hours. Better save hit points, bigger Hit Dice, new feats,
Wild requires the ability to become a that for the last battle of the day. better saves, or extra skill points,
dire bat, which the druid gains at izth What, exactly, is the point of being except as noted in the awaken spell
level. Can I take Blindsight with the feat able to rage multiple times per day if description. The subject does get the
I gain at izth level, or must I wait until I it wipes you out for so long? benefit of its extra Hit Dice. If the
get my next feat at 15th level? A barbarian is only fatigued for the subject is an animal, it gains +ad8, and
Yes. When you add a new level, you rest of the encounter after raging (a it's new base attack is 3/4 of its new
choose what class level to add before barbarian can rage again while fatigued, total Hit Dice. Its saves improve
you choose your feat (if a feat is avail- but the fatigue penalties stack with the according to its new Hit Dice total (an
able), see Level Advancement, pages rage bonuses). A frenzied berserker is animal has good Fortitude and Reflex
145-146 in the Player's Handbook. Note fatigued for the rest of the encounter saves). In addition, an awakened ani-
that because you must choose your after a frenzy, or until entering a new mal's type determines how magic

Io8 august 2oo2


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affects it, just as a familiar or paladin's companions; a creature that becomes a When an exotic weapons master (from
mount does. magical beast as the result of becoming Masters of the Wild) uses her impro-
a companion to a tamer of beasts does vised weapon abilities, what size are
The class skill list for the tamer of not count double. weapons created by the character? It
beasts includes Handle Animal and doesn't say anywhere.
Animal Empathy, both of which are The forsaker from Masters of the Wild It depends on the size of the object
much more difficult to use on magical has a damage reduction ability that is used to make the improvised weapon.
beasts than on animals. When a tamer based on the destruction of magic In general, an improvised weapon is big
of beasts's animal companions get items within a 24 hour period. Can you enough for The character to use in one
smarter and become magical beasts store up magic destruction? Say for or two hands. Note that the character
(also a tamer of beasts class feature), instance that my character has damage gets i 1/2 Times her Strength bonus to
these two skills become harder for the reduction 7/+3 (so he must destroy damage when wielding The improvised
character to use. Furthermore, the 700 gp worth of magic each day to weapon in Two hands. The damage val-
tamer's empathic link power becomes activate the damage reduction), tf the ues given in The class description are
impossible to use on the companions, character has in his possession a magi- for weapons made by Medium-sized
since it works like the speak with ani- cal item worth 1,400 gp, is he now characters, improvised weapons made
mals spell and thus does not work on good for two days when destroying by larger or smaller creatures deal
the companions anymore. On top of that item? damage as listed in The chart below. At
that, magical beasts befriended via the No, 24 hours is The limit, no matter 5th level, an exoTic weapon master
gth-level magical beast power count as how much magic you destroy. gains the greater improvised weapon
double their Hit Dice for the tamer's ability, and the damage he deals with
quota for companions, so don't all the What's going on with the bloodhound's improvised weapons increases. The
smarter companions count double? pacekeeping power (from Masters of increased damage is also listed below.
Why do the more intelligent animal the Wild? Is this supposed to be for
companions become magical beasts? shadowing or tracking? For shadowing, Improvised Greater
For the same reason that an awak- it makes sense. For tracking, it doesn't. Character Weapon Weapon
ened animal becomes a magical beast. If I'm an elf, why can't I go faster than Size Damage* Damage*
Animals have Intelligence scores of i or the halfling I'm tracking? Pacekeeping Fine i ids
2, ergo, no creature with an Intelligence implies that my speed, which is nor- Diminutive ida id4
score of 3 or higher can be an animal. mally 30, would be limited to 20 while Tiny ids *6
While it is true that a Tamer of tracking a halfling. Small id4 id8
beasts's smarter animal companions Pacekeeping allows you To increase Medium-size id6 2d6
become more difficult to influence your speed. If you're already faster Large id8 2d8
through Handle Animal and Animal than your mark, you don't have to use Huge ad6 4d6
Empathy, the tamer of beasts will no the power. Pacekeeping is for tracking, Gargantuan ad8 4d8
longer need these skills to interact with but if you have a mark in sighT and Colossal 8d6
Those companions. Thanks to the com- want to tail the mark (see Song and
panions' increased Intelligence scores, Silence for rules on Tailing someone), a * If The exoTic weapon masTer
they understand and respond to the bloodhound can use pacekeeping to makes a smaller weapon, use The
character as readily as most characters keep up, Too. damage raTing for a smaller creature.
do. In fact, because they have Larger improvised weapons deal no
Intelligence scores above 3, they actu- The requirements for the snakelord extra damage.
ally understand at least one language, prestige class in Masters of the Wild
usually Common (see page 10 in the include the Resist Poison feat, yet the All characters in the D&tD game get to
Monster Manual). Snakelord gains this as his first totem. raise an ability score by +^ every four
The Tamer of beasts's empathic link Is this an error? Or perhaps there levels (at 4th, 8th, isth, i6th, and zoth
power works for any of the character's is no error and the bonuses stack level according to the Player's
companions, even when those compan- to a +8 bonus on Fortitude saves Handbook, Does this stack with the
ions are no longer animals. The power's against poison once the Snakelord forsaker's +1 ability score bonus at
parameters are otherwise like a speak reaches 2nd level and obtains his every level of its lo-level progression?
with animals spell cast by a character first totem? Exactly how big is the forsaker's ability
of the Tamer of beasts's class level. The Resist Poison prerequisite for the bonus? Does the forsaker get +1 to add
Only magical beast's tamed through snakelord is correct. The correct first once at each forsaker level? Or does
the gth-level magical beast mastery totem power is Clever Wrestling (even the forsaker get -M to add at first level,
power counTs double HiT Dice against if you don't have the Improved +2 to add at second level, on up to a
the tamer of beasTs's limit on Unarmed Strike fear). whopping +10 at toth level? If it's the

11 o august 2oo2
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former, do These bonuses stack with ability or supernatural ability that mim- (when you have already acted during
each other? ics one of the spells on that list. the turn). In either case, you lose your
A forsaker character can improve next action.
one ability score for every 4 character Does the Shadow feat from Masters of
levels, just as any other character can. the Wild apply for all Hide and Spot The spells minor globe of invulnerability
This is not an ability score bonus, the checks, or does it apply only when fol- and globe of invulnerability create a
ability just gets bigger (as such, this lowing someone? spherical emanation with a lo-foot
increase stacks with anything). The The feat applies to any Hide or radius. Does this assume an effect that
forasker's ability bonus is a -M inherent Spot check. fills in the whole of the sphere, like a
bonus that the character adds once at standard spell area, or is it a hollow
each forsaker level. That is +1 at first is a spellcaster who is protected by a sphere that prevents spell effects from
level, +i again at 2nd level, and so on. spell turning effect safe from the crossing into it? Is a spellcaster within
Inherent bonuses, like all other counter spell action? What effect does the globe affected by her own spells?
bonuses in the game, do not stack with the turned portion of a counterspell The effect fills the entire globe. No
each other. In the case of the forsaker, have on the character who cast the spell has any effect inside the globe,
however, the ability bonus class feature counterspell? even spells a character casts on her-
allows the forsaker to add either a -H A spellcaster protected by a spell self. Unlike an antimagic field, the globe
inherent bonus to an ability score that turning effect is not entirely safe from does not block line of effect. A charac-
does not have an inherent bonus counterspells. By definition, a counter- ter can cast spells from inside the globe
already, or to make an existing inherent spell is targeted on the caster, so a to the outside, or from outside the
bonus one point bigger {note that if the spell turning effect can turn the coun- globe, through the globe, to another
character gained an inherent bonus to terspell. If the whole counterspell is place outside the globe-but never
an ability score from a spell or magic turned, the counterspell fails. If the inside the globe. Note that the globe
item before becoming a forsaker, that counterspell is only partially turned, only suppresses spells. If you're in the
bonus is lost upon becoming a for- there's a chance equal to the unturned globe and you cast a spell on yourself,
saker). No ability score can have an portion of the spell that the counter- the spell's duration starts running, but
inherent bonus larger than +5, even spell works. For example, if you turn 2 there is no effect. If you later leave the
when the inherent bonus came from levels of a 6th-level counterspell, globe, the spell Takes effect.
the forsaker class ability. there's a 4-in-6 chance the counter-
spell works anyway. What happens when a sorcerer finds
The barbarian gets damage reduction The turned portion of a counterspell an arcane scroll bearing a spell with a
starting at nth level and then every has no effect on the caster of the caster level lower than the sorcerer
three levels after that. Does this stack counterspell. A counterspell is altered would have to be to cast the spell?
with the damage reduction class fea- slightly To create the counterspell For example, a sorcerer must be 6th-
ture of the forsaker? effect, and it cannot produce anything level to cast a fireball spell. What hap-
Two or more kinds of damage reduc- but a counterspell effect. pens if a sorcerer finds a fireball
tion do not stack. However, a creature scroll that a wizard has scribed at 5th
with multiple damage reduction qualities The Reactive Counterspell feat from level? Can a sorcerer of 6th-level or
gets the benefit of the best one for any Magic of FaerOn lets you use the higher use the scroll?
given attack against it. For example, an counterspell action without a readied Yes, The scroll is an arcane scroll
nth-level barbarian/gth-level forsaker action. Does that mean I have to use (because a wizard made it) and fireball
has damage reduction of i/- and 9/-I-4. the delay action instead? If my char- is on the sorcerer class list. The sor-
If struck by a weapon with a +3 magi- acter takes no action in the round, can cerer must be at least 5th level to use
cal bonus or less, the character gets g he take a counterspell action prior to the scroll without a chance for failure.
points of damage reduction. If struck his original initiative score? What The scroll's caster level determines if
by a weapon with a +4 magical bonus happens to my initiative score if I use there is a chance for failure and the
or more, the character still gets i point a counterspell before it's my turn? level check DC if there is one; where
of damage reduction. Can I use a Reactive Counterspell the spell falls on the scroll user's class
when I'm flat-footed? spell list is irrelevant.
Does a character have to be able to If you have the Reactive Counterspell
cast a spell to meet the shifter's alter- feat, you can use a counterspell almost Is it possible for wizards fo cast cura-
nate form requirement? anytime. You cannot use Reactive tive spells? For example, cure moder-
You can meet the requirement with Counterspell when flat-footed. You can ate wounds or cure light wounds? It
any spell from the list on page 69 of use the feat before your turn in the ini- seems that they can under the right
Masters of the Wild. You also meet the tiative order (when you have not yet circumstances. Suppose Willie, a
requirement if you have a spell-like acted for the turn) or after your turn ha If ling bard in my party, has the

112 august 2oo2

Issue 293 August 2002
Vol. XXVII Number 3

Scribe Scroll feat. The Player's of her sorcerer spells on a scroll. Can
she then write the spell into her spell- Alderac Entertainment
Handbook says wizards, sorcerers, and
book? if so, does the wizard/sorcerer Swashbuckling Adventures .. .
bards all cast arcane magic. That
means rhe cure spells a bard casts are have to go through the extra associ- Atlas Games
arcane and not divine regardless of ated costs and XP expenditure of Occult Lore
what the spell is, right? That also making an intermediary scroll, which
Crystal Caste
means that if Willie scribes a scroll with is subsequently destroyed if success-
Dwarven STones Dice
cure light wounds on it, the scroll will fully written to the spellbook?
still be an arcane scroll. If that's cor- A wizard can scribe any spell she Custom Direct
rect, it means that if my wizard gets finds on a scroll into her spellbook, but Styles Checks
the cure light wounds scroll from doing so uses up the scroll. If a sor- Dancing Dragon
Willie, he can scribe it into his spell cerer/wizard makes a scroll of a spell Dragon GifTs and Collectibles .
book and then prepare it as an arcane from her sorcerer spell repertoire, she
Dork Storm Press
spell that he can use time and time has to pay all the normal cash and
Nodwick / Dork Tower
again, right? experience costs for doing so. Once
You can't read a spell off a scroll the scroll is made, however, the char- Dwarven Forge
unless the spell is on your class list (see acter can use the scroll to write the Master Maze
page 203 in the DUNGEON MASTER'S spell into her spellbook, just as she Games Workshop
Guide). You also cannot scribe a spell could with any other scroll. The charac- Two Towers
into your book unless its on your class ter also must pay the normal costs for
writing the spell into the spellbook. Green Ron in
list. Only another bard can use Willie's
The Book of The RighTeous . . .
cure light wounds scrolls (because
bards are the only arcane casters who Can undead, which lack metabolisms, Hit Pointe
have cure spells on their class lists). use potions, which require ingestion? I Used rt Out-of-Prinf D&rD ..
Remember that spell trigger items, believe undead can use magic oils, Interplay
such as wands, do not come in arcane which are applied externally. Icewind Dale II
or divine versions. If a bard makes a Potions require swallowing, not
wand of cure light wounds, any charac- ingestion. Any corporeal creature can Infrogrames
use a potion (see page 191 in the NeverwinTer Nighls
ter who has cure light wounds on his
spell list can use The wand. DUNGEON MASTER'S Guide), provided it John Mumford
can swallow. Anything with an intact Exiled! (novel)
Some time ago, "Sage Advice" said Throat can swallow. Some DMs say
Kenzer &t Co.
that multiclass sorcerer/wizards can- skeletal creatures cannot swallow, oTh-
Kingdoms of Kalamar Atlas . .
not scribe their sorcerer spells into ers say They can. Check with your DM.
their wizard spell books. What hap- Any corporeal creature can use Mongoose Publishing
pens if a sorcerer/wizard writes one an oil. <9 Judge Dredd RPG
Noble Knight Games

POWER PLAY Out-of-prinT RPGs

Palladium Books
Ride On After the Bomb
A ist-level halfling fighter with a 16 Strength, 20 Dexterity, and 4 ranks in
Ride has a minimum Ride check of 10 (+4 ranks, +5 Dexterity), which allows Reaper MiniaTures
him to always fight when mounted (see the Ride skill, page 72 in the Player's MiniaTures
Handbook). With the Mounted Combat and Ride-By Attack feats, the little STeve Jackson Games
warrior could charge back and forth across the battlefield without risking d2o Weekly
retaliatory blows, have double his normal movement (the riding dog has a
White Wolf
base speed of 40 feet), and attack at a +7 bonus (-H base, +i size, +3
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Strength, +2 charge). If he uses a lighT lance as his primary weapon, Then he
would do double damage as well (ad6+6). At 4th level, with The addiTion of Wizards of the Coast
Spirited Charge, Weapon Focus (lighT lance), and Weapon Specialization (light D&rD RPG Line
lance), the attack bonus rises to +11 (+4 base, +i size, +3 Strength, -H Weapon D&tD Novels
Focus, +2 charge), for damage of 3d6+i5 dd6 lance, +3 Strength, +2 Dissolution
Specialization, tripled due to Spirited Charge). Dragons of a Vanished Moon
Star Wars Revised Rulebook
PLffot CfitJttE HAVE



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