Fortress of The Yuan-Ti
Fortress of The Yuan-Ti
Fortress of The Yuan-Ti
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Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONs <1l rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, and the new DUNGEONS & DRAGONS
game designed by Jonathan Twecl, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison.
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ISBN: 978-0-7869-4360-9 This material is prot..,led under the cop)'right 1311'S of the United Stales of America. An)" reproduclion or unaulhoriud UloC of the
First Printing: September 1007 maleri:l.l or ulwork contained herein is prohibited without (he express Ininen permission of WiVlrds of the CoaIt, In(_
This prodll!! is a work of fiction. Any simi13rit)' 10 :lctllal people, organiVltions, places, or events is purdy coincidental. Primed in
the U.S.A.@2007WiurdsorlheCo.:1s1,Ine.
WHAT THE pes DON'T KNOW The Sacrament of the Risen Abyss
Before history was even a notion, a demon prince named Ser- This great ritual is Ihe central element to Sulvaugren's plan.
trouS ruled brurally over one of the Infinite layers of the Abyss. Through a combinalion of blood sacrifice and dark rites, the
Hateful and predatory even by Abyssal standards, Scnrous sacrament forges a bond between the Abyss and the mortal world.
was among the first demons 10 rake an interest in the develop- Creating that bond requires the remains of a mortal creature
ing races of the mortal world. Hoping to use rheir worship to with greal mystical power. Steeped in prophecy, the bones of the
ascend to true divinity, he planned to overt hrow and consume forgotten king best serve the Vanguard's plan. When complete,
even the gods. Ihe sacrament will allow (he Vanguard to channel a fragment
Fortunately for the world, it was nor to be. Even as Sertrous of Serrrous's dream-self into a creature risen from the remains:
began his ascent to diviniry, he and a number of other ancient a corrupt amalgamation o[ fiendish and undead essence.
demons faced an uprising of their Abyssal servitors. Those con- Mosl of Ihe Vanguard believes that Ihe sacrament is intended
spirarors nor banished to the depths of Ihe plane were destroyed to place the spirit of Sertrous into the body of the risen king.
ourright. Howcver, Senrous (along with a few of his minions) Afrer converting his own people 10 the worship of SertTous,
fled directly into rhe morral world. the king will march at Ihe head of an army of the living and the
Scrtrous manifested as a serpentine entiry wilh an insa- undead, converting olher nations by the sword. In the end, an
tiable appetitc for living crearures. A cult of yuan·ti and feral empire of Senrous worshipers will elevate the Slumbering
humanoids formed around the demon, drawn to his strength Serpent 10 godhood.
and inevitably consumed in the name of his hunger. However, The leaders of the Vanguard know the darker rruth. By
Senrous granted a tiny measure of his own power ro a handful of implanting fragments ofSertrous's dream-selfin the risen king,
these mona Is, using them to explore this strange new plane. the demon will beable todirectly experience and influence the
As the world grew civilized and worship ofils deities spread, world for the firsllime since falling into slumber. The forgonen
Serrrous's own power waned. Eventually, he fell into a seemingly king will indeed use the prophecy to rule the kingdom, but not
endless slumber. So potent had the demon become, however, Ihat for the sake ofconvening neighboring lands. Ralher, as Sertrous's
even asleep he observed the morral world. His hate-filled dreams influence expands, his vessels and minions will seek additional
drove Serrrous to an unearthly transformation-a manifest evil remains having enough'power to repeallhe Sacrament of the
of the Abyss and Ihe Material Plane, equally bound to both. Risen Abyss. Eventually, enough ofSertrous's dream·sclf wiJl
The cult that had formed around Serrrous (known also as become active for the demon lord 10 truly awaken from his
the Slumbering Serpent) split in two. One faclion continued milJennial slumber. His srrcngth returned to him, Ihe demon
to worship the fallen demon lord as a demigod, while the other lord will rise as an unstoppable being of pure nihilistic hate
was driven by those Sertrous touched in dreams-infected and godlike power.
Improving Feats
characters can improve existing feats llsing acrion points. Unless
otherwise noted, each effect requires a free action to activate and
Fortress of the Yuan-Ti
lasts 1 round. Unearthed Arcana describes more ways to improve If the PCs are continuing from The Sinister Spire, rhey begin this
fcats using action points. adventure by passing through the electric gate in Fadheela's lair.
Blind-Fight: You can spend 1 action point to negate your Otherwise, they arrive at the end ofwhatever route they followed
miss chance for a single arrack. ro reach Certrux Hi'll or Castle Serastis.
Combat Expertise: You can spend 1 action point to double
the bonus to Armor Class granted by the fear. For example, if When the PCs arrive on the hilltop, read:
you take a penalty of on your attack roll, you gain a +6 dodge YaH stand atop a small rise. Before yOlI lies a wide river valley nestled
bonus to AC. bctweella range afforested hills. A numberof wooden buildings, mostly
Dodge: You can spend 1 action point 10 increase tbe dodge banls atld storage sheds, are set in a rough semicircle 011 the floor of the
bonus granted by the feat to +2. This effect lasts for the entire vale. Carefully planted fields spread to all sides, while a shallow stream
encounter. flows to tllc 1l0rtJlwest. TllOlIgil isolated, this place appears to be a typi-
Power Attack: You can spend 'I action point to double the cal farming community.
bonus on damage rolls granted by the [ear. For example, "if Looming Ollcr it all, however, is a sight that belies the mundane
you take a penalty of -3 on your attack roll, you add 6 10 your appearance ofthe vale. Recessed into a west-facing cliff is a massive for-
damage roll. ofdark stOlle, deeply shadowed by the hollow in which it stands. You
Spell Focus: You can spend 1 action point to double the call make out few details, but ellen from here, the citadel's arrangcment
increase to save DCs granted by the feat, from +1 to +2. of protYllsiotlS and towers is unlike allY fort'ress yOll have ever sect!.
Spell Penetration: You can spend 1 anion poim to double
the bonus on caster level checks granted by the feat, from +2 to If the PCs descend the hill, they enrer the fields and farms thar
++. This effect lasts for the entire encounter. supply Castle Serastis (area F).
in the past. Whatever horrors that place hides, they appear to
be escalating."
The map depicting rhis area appears on the following page. "We thank you for your efforls, but I fear that few of us are
This open valley is home to a colony of humanoid slaves raken strong enough to travel far, The snake-folk allow us little
by the yuan-ti from isolared communities in nearby lands. Their food or sleep. Even if we could leave, we would not get far
labor keeps the Vanguard supplied wirh crops, cartle, wood, and enough to escape should they try to hunt us down. We will
water. The slaves are overseen by a vicious naga taskmasrer and pray for your success, bur as long as the snake-folk rule
her pet dire snake. r Castle Serastis, we remain slaves."
The slaves arc an equal mix of male and female, consisting "If you intend to enter Serasris, beware. A horrible skeletal
primarily of humans, halflings, and a small number of dwarves. lizard-creature appears there when rhe main door is open.
They are all low-level commoners, and they never parricipate We have also overheard guards whisper of strange magic
in battle. controlling movement within the place."
When the pes approach, read: If the PCs have made Clara helpful, she adds:
Tile settlement's crops appear to be mostly wheat, tall stalks rippling
ill the breeze. You spot numerous humans and ha/flings working the
fields, but as you approach, you call see that their lorn dol1m are as
filthy as their faces. Their features (lre gaunt as tltey look up al yOIl,
eyes berefl of hope.
"".,., ."
"The snake-folk have difficulty teLling us 'mammals' apan. This shelter featllres a number of rickety blOdl beds, each willI (l tl1il1
Should you need a place ro hide, we might be able (0 pass you strmv pallet and a fillhy blallltel. Ollter tlJllll a few chamber pols, the
off as slaves for a rime." only amenities are pegs itl tile wedls for /ranging dothes.
If the pes take elora up on this offer later, they can spend a
night sleeping in [he slaves' quarters, safe from interruption
These square structures, rhe largest of any in {he settlement,
or attack.
have wide doors and no windows.
This odd structure is open to the west, with flimsy wooden walls ADVENTURING IN
on the nonh, east, and south sides. Its roof is a simple layer of
canvas. If asked, Clora or another slave reveals that Lieth can be
The bulk of the Vanguard is based within this ancient forrress,
found here when she is not doling our punishment.
and rhe pes face formidable opposition as they attempt to infil-
Ifweight of tOO pounds or more is placed atop the canvas, the
trate. A parry might have to make multiple forays within the
roof rears and comes down in 1 round.
castle, with the PCs hiding out among the slaves or in unused
chambers to resr up when necessary.
This well is the slave community's water source, and its ourput
is muddy but drinkable. The small roof over it is 10 feet high.
The foUowing features are standard throughout the castle unless
Griffon-Eater (Lieth's pet dire snake) frequently coils around
otherwise noted.
the well, hissing menacingly at the slaves who come to fetch
Strong Wooden Door: 2 inches thick; hatdness 5, hp 20,
break DC 25 (locked). Doors are unlocked and open easily unless
otherwise noted; those that are locked require a DC 25 Open
F7. TOOL SHED Lock check.
This small wooden building contains a jumble of rakes, hoes,
spades, and other farming tools. Their hafts are deliberately
weakened and shortened by the yuan-ti to prevenr their use as
makeshift weapons. If they arc used as such, they give an addi-
tional -2 penalty on atrack rolls and a -1 penalty on damage
rolls over and above the penalties normally applied to makeshift
weapons. Each tool breaks after 1d4 successful attacks.
The maps depicting levels 1 through 5 of Castle Serastis appear
on the inside covers of this book.
The door (area K2) and the portcullis (if down) are formidable
obs!<lcles. Borh are solid iron gilded with brass.
Iron Portcullis: 2 inches thick; hardness 10, hp 30, break
DC 28; Strength DC 25 to lift.
CR 1; mechanical; location trigger; manual reset; Atk +10
melee (3d6); Search DC 22 (to find the mechanism; the port-
cullis is obvious); Disable Device DC 20.
The damage applies only to creatures underneath the port-
cullis if it drops. Such creatures are knocked prone and held
in place until the pOrlcullis is lifted or they succeed on a DC
20 Escape Artist check.
If it is not already down, the portcullis might be triggered
by the PCs' actions in area K2.
K4. DINING HALL when the PCs open the doors, read:
The cult's minions take their meals in this area. Beyond the doors lies a Irtle chamber of horrors. A rack and an iron
Illumination: Contilll/al f1all1e wall sconces shed bright light maiden stand next to terrible contraptions of cables, needles, and cuffs
throughom this area. tV/lose purpose is best 110t guessed at. The floor is stained with dried
blood, a red-black pool spreading arol-md a rusty irO/1 grate in tile
When the PCs enter, read: center of lite floor.
This lengthy chamber boasts a pair of heavy wooden Jables and a
nll/llberof rough c!lairs. Dried bloodstains on IIle wood give a hint 10 The builders of Castle Serastis placed the torture chamber on
the nature of tile four rcpasts COllSIUlICd here. rhe level above the cells, so that the castle's masters would not
have to enter the dungeons for interrogations or entenainmel1t.
The secret door leads ro a sloping and winding passageway that The iron grate allows spilled blood to flow into the same series of
connects to the barracks (Kl.6A). A small grate in the floor (Spot pipes as those found in K4 and K5. A shallow stair in the north
DC 10) allows spilled liquids and detritus to be swept down into
side of the room leads to the cells below (K9).
a series of pipes leading (0 the garbage pit (K11). The pipes are RandomEncounters: The first random encounter occurring
(00 small for anything larger than a rat to pass through.
here involves the tOrture of a prisoner (Rollin, from cell KtOC).
Random Encounters: Any random encounter here is with a His tormentors want np information from him; they afe merely
human or yuan-ti pattol on dinner break. Its members are gath- amusing themselves. If rescued, Rollin tells the pes of the other
ered ar a table, though one has a 20% chance of being found in prisoners below, warns them ofYensurros (see K9), and can offer
the kitchen (K5). This character appears in 2 rounds if combat any of the information described in KlO.
breaks out. Any random encounters here after the PCs free the prison-
the abominations do not eat here. If a group with an abomi- ers [rom the dungeon involve patrols simply passing through
nation is indicated, reroll.
the area.
Tables and Chairs: Squares occupied by tables or chairs are Torture Devices: Squares occupied by torture devices are
considered difficult terrain, and tables provide cover to adjacent considered difficult rerrain and provide cover to adjacent char-
characters. A character can step up onto a table as a move acters. Anyone bull rushed or otherwise knocked into a torture
gaining a +1 bonus on melee attack rolls against those on the takes 2d4 points of additional damage from its spikes,
floor. Two characters working together can lip over a table to
blades, or other external trappings.
provide cover against ranged attacks. K6A. Temporary Cells: The locked doors to these cells fea-
ture small barred windows.
When the pes open the door, read: When the door is opened, read:
This clwtllber is stoched with all IIlrllHlerof This room is imH1aculnte. Shellles line
supplies, stachd on shelves, standing i" bar- tlte wnlls, all empty except for where
rels, and hcwghlg 011 pegs. a pnir of pearls gleams ill ti,e ligllt.
On a table ill the ccnter of l!le room
12A: This chamber contains lies a set ofgleaming black scale
six suits of studded leather mail.
armor, six suits
ofleather armor, The Vanguard uses this
four chain shirts, room [Q srore magic
twO sets of scale items until they can
mail, a breast- be claimed or iden-
plate, four heavy tified. (By keeping
steel shields, them here rather
eight lighr sreel
shields, three
Q fl {l:<.
_ than in the labora-
tory of the Tower
heavy wooden '#'h ' of the Word, the
shields, four light . Vanguard avoids
wooden shields, and showing favorit-
four bucklers. ism ro its arcan-
12B: This chamber ists when it comes
contains twenty-four to assigning new
backpacks, twenty- acquisitions.)
four bedrolls, fifty No random en-
candles, six crow- counters occur in
bars, four hooded this room. However)
lanrerns, four if the alarm spell on
pints oflampoil, rhe door is triggered,
thirty-six days' a random encounter
worth of tcail ra- occurs when the PCs
tions, 250 reet of exit back into area
hemp rope in 50-foot KIt.
sections, twosledgeham- Treasure: The armor
mers, six tents, and six on the table is Nallietlwril
sun rods. (page 26). The Vanguard has not
12C: This chamber contains yet decided which member has
twelve scimitars, six heavy maces, four the best claim [Q It On the shelf
longbows, eight shorrbows, and rwelve Even ti,e garbage is deadly here are two pearls of power (one 1st-level, one
quivers of twenty arrows each. 2nd-level).
If the PCs have not played through Barrow of tile Forgottw
King, the sword Merthl/vial is also here. If you lack access [Q the
K13. HIDDEN EXIT sword's legacy abilities as presented in rhat adventure, treat it as
This appears to be another chamber of mundane equipment,
a +1/ongsword with the ability to bypass the risen king's damage
nearly identical to K12B. However, this door has a standard lock
reduction (see tactical encounter 54-A, page 52).
(Open lock DC 25).
The secret door leads to a winding passageway providing
access to the shrine (KB) and ro a secret exit from the fortress. K1S. THE INTERIOR BALCONY
(From the outside, the secret entrance can be found only with A character against the railing has line of sight to anyone in
a DC 30 Spor check.) area K3, unless they are beneath the balcony on the same side
of the room.
When the characters enter this area, read: When the PCs are within sight of the stair, read:
This open area appears to be the centra/hub of the castle's corridors. A long straight stair with ul1usually shallow steps leads lip 10 a dosed
Doors and stairs exit ill all direetiollS. A brass militlg stlrrounds tlte double door. Before the doors, two reptilian humanoids rollghly the
edge of a balcollY that loob down Otl the great hall below. Massive size of gnomes stand watch.
chant/eliers, now darkened, lJallgfrom the high ceiling.
The poison dusk guards here are two of the targets Chavakurh
One sourhern stair and the shallow stairs to the north lead tip wants the PCs (0 kill. Whether or nOI the characters have allied
to K21. The other southern stair leads down to K3. with the druid, they must go through these guards to enter rhe
Random Encounters: See area K3, page 10. Tower of the Way.
Brass Railing: 3 inches thick; hardness 8, hp 25, break DC Unless the PCs can make it to the top of tbe stairs unseen,
25. The railing provides cover. A character next to a railing gains the poison dusks cannOI be surprised. The approach of the PCs
a +2 circumstance bonus on the opposed Strength check to avoid triggers the tactical encounter.
being bull rushed off the balcony. Tactical Encounter: Ki8. The Way Forward, page 35.
The yuan-ti use this chamber to brief their scout teams before Y3. LIVING QUARTERS
they embark through the portals. This location is where the This door is locked. lssiel (see tactical encounter Y1/Y5) has
PCs engage the mastero[ rhe tower and her guardian dragon in the key.
combat, even though the pair fights from the landing at Y5.
Tactical Encounter: Vl/Y5. Staging Area/Lower Landing, When the door is opened, read:
page 36. (You might also need to make use of the Y6 tactical These living quarters arc more comfortable than allY soldiers' barmcl<s.
map, page 38.) A fOllr-poster bed with a thiclt. mattress oCCllpies the west wall, but lvl1l1t
The bronze dragon Snapwing (see rhe tactical encounter) was appears to be a human-sized Ilest of dricd and bOlles sits on the
taken by the Vanguard as an egg, and he has been raised with a floor beside it. A hcavy wardrobe stands open to tile sOllth, three sets of
brutal combination ofabuse and enchantment. Though the PCs robes hanging with ill.
might assume that the dragon is currently charmed or domil1aled,
Snapwing's vile upbringing has made him thoroughly evil. IfIssiel and Snapwing have been killed, 110 random encounters
occur in (his room, making it a safe place for the PCs to rest. If
the pair survived tacrical encounter Y1/Y5, a random encounter
Y2. MAP ROOM in this area indicates that they have returned home.
This door is locked. Issiel (see tactical encounter Yl/YS) has Treasure: Hidden beneath a false bOflom in [he wardrobe
the key. (Search DC 22) is Issiel's spell book. See her statistics block,
page 36.
When the PCs open the door, read:
A trianglllar table, Otle side against the northwest wall, juts halfway
into the room. NUlllerolls scroll cases, sheaves of parchment, and car- Y4. THE WINDING STAIR
tographers' tools are scattered across it. Uelleath tile table sits a small This stairway, as well as all higher stairs and bndings in the
Tower of the Way, is open on one side except for a simple brass
railing. Observers on the stairs can look down into arca Yi.
Illumination: The glow of the portals in area YS sheds shad-
OTHER ENTRANCES owy illumination throughout this area.
SO why didn't tbe electric gate in Tile Sil/ister Spire take the
PCs shaight into the Tower at the Way? Though the squads When the pes climb the stair, read:
sent out from Castle Serastis to acquire mi nor components This widc stonc slair w/rlds up Ihe side of Ihe tower. As yOll approaclJ
for the Sacramcntof the Risen Abyss are on a strict scllcdule, tile lalldillg, yOll sce StOI1C archways carved illtO the walls at regular
tIle Vanguard had no way of knowing how long it would take intervals.
their agents to return with the bones of the forgotten king.
If the electric gate and the Sertrous key were to fall into tile Y5. THE LOWER LANDING
wrong hands, t\,e Vanguard's enemies would Ilave an easy Issiel and Snapwing begin combat here, though the PCs are in
way into Castle Serastis. The gate exit was therefore placed area Y1 when they attack.
a safe distance away. Illumination: The glow of the portals sheds bright light
That said, an enterprisi ng DM is free to have t1lC PCs begin throughout Ihis area.
the aclventure by teleporting directly to the Tower of the
Way. This approach requires cllanges to the adventure as 'When the PCs explore, read:
written. However, dropping the PCs into the thick of th i ngs As yo II draw closer, more details ofthe slone archways cal1 be seen. Tltere
without giving them the opportunity to learn about their are sevC11, each tlte size ofa large door, ils olller frame illlaid with small
foes-or even where they are-can make the fortress of the gemstolles of varyillg colors.
yuan-ti even more of a challenge.
Tactical Encotmter: Y1/Y5. Staging Area/Lower Landing, When the pes pass through the portal, read:
page 36. (You might also need to use the Y6 tactical map, page Thc crackling green portal has transported you into an oddly shaped
38.) room, something like a disterlde" triangle or abbreviated squarc.
Portal Arches: Five of the seven portals are curremly arruned Five doors line Ihe walls, and a large pit opcns up in tile middlc of
to a location. Attuned porrals radiate strong conjuration magic the flaM.
if detected (Spellcraft DC 28); the others radiate only faint con-
juration. The first time the PCs come through this area, they Tactical Encounter: 01. Entry Chamber, page 39.
are unable ra use any of the porrals. Though they can eventually The Pit: An illusory wall spell creates the appearance of a floor
learn to activate attuned portals (see the library, area D7), the 20 feet down the pit, just below the visible entrance to D5.ln
PCs cannot use unattuned ones. . reality, the pit drops 60 feet to area takes a DC 30 Climb
Only attuned porrals (those meant to be used in this adven- check to scale the smooth walls of the pit; the arcanisrs of the
ture) are labeled. If you would like to develop additional side tower use flying or levitation magic to ascend or descend.
quests or use Castle Serastis as the starting poim for a follow-up Characters passing back through the parra I return to K21.
adventure, feel free to have additional portals attuned to destina-
tions of your choice.
Once the pes have learned to activate them, the following
The door to this area is not only locked but napped. The trap is
portals can be used to get to and from specific destinations.
triggered by anyone who touches the door handle without first
Porlal Y5C: Bloody Grotto (page
speaking the proper command word ("5uthsisharriss," a word
Portal Y5A: Wretched Swamp (page 56).
in Yuan·Ti that roughly translates to "clearing skies"). The trap
Portal Y5B: Caves of Horror (page 58)..
resets in 1 minute.
Portal Y5D: The Blasted Land (page 62).
Chain Lightning Trap: CR 7; magic device; touch trigger;
Portal YSE: The parra I chamber in the Tower of Worlds (area
automatic reset; spell effect (chainlightlling, CL 11th, 11d6 e1ec-
51). This portal stands on the stairwell between Y5 and Y6 and
tticity to target who touched trigger plus 5d6 electricity to each
is nor shown on the map.
ofup to eleven secondary targets, DC 19 Reflex half); Search DC
31; Disable Device DC 31.
The tactical encounter is norma!ly triggered when the party Once the PCs open the door, read:
enters the landing from the stairs. However, if the fight with This small dwmbcr contaim all manner of equipmellt, carcfully
Issiel and Snapwing moves inra this area, the creatures here ordered and labeled it! Y1H1n-Ti. Alchemical devices sit on shelves, spell
do not come ra their aid. Only when the pair is slain do they components are stocked ill strictly measurcd qualltities, and valuable
descend from the rafters. parchHlwts and inks are neatly stae/wd ill boxes.
When the PCs climb, read: Treasure: This supply closet contains the components of an
As you approach Ihe lasllanding 011 the willding staircase, a mass of alchemist's lab (500 gp), three full sers of standard spell compo-
shadows atld crisscrossing rafters rises abovc yOIl. Much of tile tower nents (5 gp each), five pearls (100 gp each), a pouch of diamond
is opw to the elemellts, creahrlg a kind of bntt/ell1cntlookillg out over dust (250 gp), and enough special inks for a wizard to scribe five
the fields (Houtlll Cejjrux Hill. pages of a spellbook (500 gp).
The closet also contains a large pouch of foul-smelling purple
Tactical Encounter: Y6. Upper Landing, page 38. (You might powder. A DC 25 Crafr(alchemy) check reveals that if the powder
also need to make use of the Yl/Y5 tactical map, page 37.) is mixed with blood, it spontaneously ignites and creates thick
clouds of noxious fumes (see tactical encounters 54 and S4-·A,
pages 50 and 52).
Action Points: The powder is essential to the final stages of
This tower is home and workplace to the Vanguard's arcanists. the Sacrament of the Risen Abyss. If the pes take or destroy the
Item creation and identification occur here, as does alchemical supply here, they earn 1 action point.
experimentation and far more horrific endeavors. Residents of
the Tower of the \'(ford use the combination-controlled portals
or flying and levitation magic to reach any area below the main
The doors to these rooms are locked.
level (any yuan-ti encountered here carries two potions oflcvitatc).
As a result, standard patrols do not appear in these areas. If you
When a door is opened, read:
roll anything other than a special encounter while the PCs are
This sparsely appointed clwmbcr contains a large fotlr-poster bcd, a
in the rower, treat the result as no encounter.
heavy l.\lari/robe, alld a writing dcsk.
OJ. ENTRY CHAMBER Random Encounter: Only random encounters wirh yuan-
The PCs' presence here triggers rhe tactical encounter. Unless ti wizards occur here.rf yOll roll anyrhing other than a special
they arrive invisibly, they have no chance to do more than look encounter while the PCs are in the tower, treat it as no encounter.
around the room before combat begins. A special encounter indicates a wizard, rather than requiring a
Illumination: The glow of the ponal sheds bright light second roll.
throughout this area.
Bed, Desk, and Chairs: All squares except rhose direcdy headband of intellect +2. like area 02, this chamber contains the
adjacent to a door are occupied by furnirure. Treat these squares makings of a full alchemist's lab (500 gp). Also on the table is a
as difficulr terrain; a desk or bed can provide cover ro adjacenr pearl worth 250 gp_
characters. A character can srep lip onto a desk or a bed as a move Action Points: Tolvul is a major participant in rhe Sacrament
action, gaining a +1 bonus on melee al[ack rolls againsr those of rhe Risen Abyss, and is charged with preparing rhe ritual's
on Ihe floor. A character can rip over a desk to provide cover components for use. Killing the mind flayer earns the PCs 4
against ranged auacks. action points.
Treasure: If no random encounter occurs in Ihesechambers,
rhe pes have a 20%chance [Q find a spellbook lefr in a wardrobe
by one of the wizards. Such a spell book contains all a-level spells,
The doors to these rooms arc all locked. In addition to the
plus five 1st-level spells and a 2nd-level spell of your choice.
general descriprion, each chamber contains additional items
in addition, the roomjnst sOllth of 04 contains a helm of COt/I-
as noted below.
prehe'ld lmlgllages mul read lJJagic.
When a door is opened, read:
04. LIVING QUARTERS The air in Illis "lamber seems slrallgely energized, lilte llle charge ill
The door to this room is locked. the air before a slon11. The rootll is simply furnished, witlt afUllcliollal
worktable and a shelf of crafters' lools.
When the door is opened, read:
This bare chamber rlllgllt be taken for Ille living quarten of an asulic These rooms are infused with a mystical energy that aids the
or malik, were it nol for the army of 5Iw/h bolted to the walk Some are Vanguard in rhe crearion of minor magic items. Each room
humall, some elf, some ore, and a fell./ yuan-Ii. The slwlls are meticu- allows characters to create a cerrain type of magic item with-
loudy deafl, bllt each is perforated by four round Iloles. In additiofl to out having the requisite item creation fear. The creator must
the slwJJs, a flat wooden col witll a tIJill mallress seruesas a bed, 1V'lile provide all the olher prerequisites (including XP and spells),
pegs 011 O'le wall take lhe place of a wardrobe. and irems rake twice as long rocreare in rhese chambers as Ihey
otherwise would.
Tolvul (see area D5}coUects skulls from his meals. As the sacra- 6A: This room contains parchmenr and inks, and allows the
ment comes to complerion, Tolvul takes what little rest he can scribing of scrolls without the Scribe Scroll fear. Scrolls created
in the laboratory. No random encounters occur in this room, here are limired ro spells of 4th level or lower.
making it a safe (if somewhat macabre) place for the PCs to 6B: This room contains beakers, decanters of liquids, and a
rest. cauldron, and allows the creation of porions wirhout rhe Brew
Treasure: Resting on one of the skulls is a circlet of persuasiofl. Potion [eat. A successful DC 15 Spellcrafr check notes that
Tolvul is nor wearing ir at present because he is experimenting numerous potions ofleuilalc (used by rhe wizards to move within
with the killg's croilln (see area 05). the tower) are crafled here.
6C: This room contains woodworking tools, allowing the
crearion of wands without rhe Craft Wand feat.
05. THE LABORATORY 6D: This room has the greatesr variety of tools and allows the
Characters who aItempl to jump into this chamber (to the illu-
creation of minor wondrous items without the Craft Wondrous
sory floor) barely catch a glimpse of the interior as rhey fall past
hem fear. A successful DC 15 Spellcraft check identifies the
inlo 07. They can anempl to calch themselves on the edge of
items and tools lying about as the makings of a mask of disguise
the laborarory noor with DC 18 Renex saves.
(as a 'lat of disguise, but il occupies rhe eye slor). This ilem is being
constructed for the risen king (see area $4, page 24).
When the PCs enter the area, read:
Slwped muell lil<.e the chamber above, III is rOO/11 resembles an experi-
nlwtal labomlory. On one table lies a bizi1rre humanoid with six 07. THE LIBRARY
arms and a bealwl !ace.ll has been 'leally sliced 0J'ClI, and a mHllber Anyone who enters tlhis room by [ailing notices the balcony
of orga,ls lie piled beside it. a,l a seeolill table stand beakers, bl/nlers, (area D8) only with a DC 18 Spot check. Those who enter by
and other alchemical parapIJerllalia. All allcietlt crown, tarllisltetl flight, levitalion, climbing, or some other controlled descent
with age, lies flcarby. see it clearly on their way down.
As with area 01, the PCs likely can'l do more than look around When the pes first descend, read:
before their presence triggers the tactical encounter. This octagonal chamber is comfortably equipped. Cushioned chairs
Tactical Encounter: D5. The laboralory, page 40. are spaced throl4gllOul the rOOIl1, and Ihe walls are lincd witlJ Jleavy
Another illusory wall spell has been cast 20 feet below this bookcases.
chamber, blocking any view into area 07.
The body on the table is a spell weaver (MM1187). A DC 15 ,If the pes see rhe balcony:
Heal check indicales thaI this poor creature was vivisected-one A narrow balcollyouerltatlgs the soutlunllVall, t"OUg'l )'011 see no stairs
of the Vanguard's experiments seeking to marry dark magic and or ladder that miglll give access. On it slaluls a YUall-li abomination,
the essence of mortal life. ils massive form dwarfing the railing it lea'ls 011. lis eyes gleam with a
Treasure: In add ilion to the benefit it gives the pes against fictldisll light as it watches yOIl.
the risen king (see tactical encounter 54-A), the king's crown is a
As soon as the PCs have gotten their bearings. read: greatest enemies; the king's scepter; the blood of a fey whose
From abovc, a deep voice calls out. "1 have wondered if you would show family once blessed the king's line; and an object touched by
up here. r believe we should talk." Serrrous himself. He tells of the ongoing sacrifice of prisoners
in the reliquary (area P4), and suggests that interference there
The voice comes from the balcony. The speaker is a half-fiend would also damage the sacrament.
yuan-ti abomination-Zoldathra, Masterof rhe Word. Zoldathra Zoldathra also tells the pes of the Tower of worlds.
is a devout member of the Vanguard, bur he wants no parr of the
Sacrament of the Risen Abyss. Though he is prepared to fight if "The tower is built arop the cliff, but it is out of phase with
the PCs refuse his overtures, he is willing to aid any who might the rest of our world. The sacrament rakes place thcre even
help disrupt the ongoing rites. as we speak. Be warned, though-enough of the sacrament's
The shallow stair leads down to area 09. components are already assembled that it can no longer be
Diplomacy: If rhe PCs are willing to speak with Zoldathra, stopped. Your only hope lies in Ihwarring the collection of
read the following in response to player questions or statements. the last relics necessary for the rites, and in harrying the
Feel free to extrapolate beyond what is presented here. However, so-called leaders of the Vanguard as they seek to complete
keep in mind that although Zoldathra wants to stop the sacra- their plans."
ment and see the Vanguard's leadership overthrown, he does not
wish the organization destroyed. He reveals nothing regarding Zoldathra then tells the PCs that any onc of three portals-the
Sertrous himself beyond what is presented here. highest in the Tower of rhe Way, or the lowest in the Tower of the
Word or the Tower of Worship-can take lhem ro the Tower of
"1 am Zoldathra, Master of the Word. I have been a member Worlds. He gives the pes the combinations to all active portals
of the Vanguard of Sertrous for decades. Until recently, 1 within the castle.
thoughr that 1 was privy to the greatest secrets of my organi- IfThings Co Poorly: If the PCs push for more aid or informa-
zation. r was wrong." tion than that described here, Zoldathra grows angry. The first
"One day, Serrrous will rise and the Vanguard will rule in time this happens, the PCs can calm him down with asuccessful
his name. You cannot stop thar. But perhaps we can work DC 15 Diplomacy check. 1fit happcns again, or if the check fails,
together in the interim, to prevent the travesty envisioned Zoldathra attacks to trigger the tacrical encounter.
by the Vanguard's current leaders." Tactical Encounter: 07. The Library, page 41.
"Only recently have I learned that the creature they intend Even if the PCs wind up slaying Zoldathra, they can still
to bring forth with the Sacrament of the Risen Abyss is obtain much of the information rhey need. Although the books
intended not to rule the world, but to help destroy it. I dare in the library do not explain the true purpose of the sacrament,
not move against my leaders directly, bur perhaps with my they contain much information on its rites. Wirh 4d6 hours of
assistance, you can accomplish what I cannoL" research, the PCs can learn everything presented above except
the Vanguard's true goals.
Assuming the PCs cooperate (or at least listen), Zoldathra is will- Ad Hoc XP Award: If the PCs deal wirh Zoldathra diplo-
ing to prOVide the following assistance. First, he offers advice on matically from beginning to end, award them XP as if they had
avoiding wandering patrols, using his influence to steer those successfully overcome a CR 8 encountcr.
patrols away from the PCs. From this point on, random encoun- Action Points: Zoldathra is a powerful ally, and works behind
ters occur less frequently (see page 10). thc scenes to slow the Vanguard down while the PCs are active.
Second, Zoldathra explains the Sacrament of the Risen Abyss, If the pes work with him, they gain 2 action points.
including what the Vanguard are concealing from a majority of
Serrrous's faithful. Through Zoldathra, you can give the parry the
information presented in What the pes Don't Know (page 4).
This small reading balcony overlooks the library at a height of
Zoldathra explains that the ritual began a week ago, but rhat
roughly 15 feeLlt has no ladder or stairway; only those who can
the Vanguard continues to gather components for its use. He tells
fly or levitate can reach it.
the PCs which portals in the Tower of the Way are attuned to
destinations, and the proper combination of gems that must be
pressed to activate them. He warns them that even with access 09. SUMMIT CHAMBER
to [he portals, alann spells will alert the Vanguard ro the parry's The door to (his area is locked.
unauthorized movements.
When the pes unlock the door, read:
"Each portal leads to an area in which one of Ihe necessary This chamber is largely lmremarlwble except for anotber of llie slone
components can be found. You will have to either beat the arches, lined lui/II i,rlaid gems, ill tile south wall.
Vanguard operatives to the components or take them by
force if you wish to prevent their use in the sacrament." On tbose occasions when the Vanguard's spellcasters must
address the troops (most often to demon::;rra[e a new magic item
Although Zoldathra knows how to activate attuned por- or cas[ spells over a large group), they do so here. The ponal pro-
tals, he cannot help the pes use portals not already set to a vides access to either the ccntral keep (area K21) or the Tower
destination. of Worlds (area 51), depending on which combination of gems
Zoldathra describes the four components remaining to be is pressed.
found: the phylactery ofa uch who was one ofthe forgotten king's
In this room, the party faces Vsolt, a Vanguard dread necroman-
cer, and his skeletal guards. The tactical encounrer is triggered
The rank and file of the Vanguard view this place of prayers as soon as the PCs get their bearings.
and offerings 10 Sertrous as the most important pan of Castle Tactical Encounter: P3. Main Sanctuary, page 44.
Serastis. Though the Vanguard's leaders know that Sertrous Action Points: Vsolt is set to lead a number of rites in the
cares nothing for the actions of his worshipers, they maintain Sacrament of the Risen Abyss. Killing him earns the PCs 3
the tower as a front. action points.
Both keyed locations are identical.
The tactical encounter associated with [his area does not occur
immediately. Rather, i[ is triggered the firsl time the PCs step
our of a doorway (rhat is, our of area P3 or P4) onto one of the
landings. This happens regardless of which landing the pes are
on, and it occurs only once.
Tactical Encounter: P2. Landing, page 43.
The bizarre baboon wights that guard this area are the result
of experimentation by the necromancer Vsolt (area P3). They
are trained not to attack yuan-ri or lizardfolk, or anyone accom-
panied by them.
in fUlleral shrouds.
THE AEGIS INVIOLABLE Nalliclilaril-or "Cifr of the Ancient foe"-is a ser of scale mail
Wielder Attack Hit Point Spell Slot made of overlapping layers of darkwood carved to resemble
Level Penalty Loss Loss Abilities leaves. Trs dark hue is broken by a leaf-and-branch parrern in
5th 1st +l/ight fortification dull gold.
heavy steel shield Nonlegacy Game Statistics: +1 darlnvood scale mail; cost
6th 2 Energy aegis 10
1,150 gpo You can reroll one Survival check per day. The deci-
7th 2
8th sion to reroll must be made before rhe result of rhe original roll
9th is known.
10th Omell: When worn in a wooded or grassy area, rhe stitched
11th parrern shifts in shape and hue!O march rhe native flora.
14th Her name v·:as Sudel Nadarun, and she was rhe grearesr warrior
15th of rhe elven nation ofTiur Vedrilos. Her fame spread far and
16th wide beyond rhe elven borders, until she was the inspiration
and the envy of heroes of all races. However, when Suriel met
• her end, ir was nor on rhe field of combat bur by the poisoned
WIELDER REQUIREMENTS darr of a drow assassin. The citizens ofTiur Vedrilos rurned
Proficiency wirh heavy shields.
our by rhe thousands as the king, his wizilrds, and his druid
Base arrack bonus +3.
advisors led her funeral procession through the heart of rhe
Knowledge (nobility and royalty) or Knowledge (religion)
wood. (DC 17)
2 ranks.
As the procession continued, however, a sudden silence NANIETHARll
fell, followed by the sound of marching boots. Blades were Wielder Attack Hit Point Spell Slot
unsheathed and arrows nocked as a division of orcs appeared Level Penalty Loss Loss Abilities
across a narrow cleating. Yet no blood was to be shed that day, 5th One with the wild
for even as the elf archers prepared to arrack, a single ore strode 6th 2 15t Walk unseen
7th 2 Walk unheard
forward beneath a white flag of truce. Nearly 8 feertal! and clad
8th -1 2nd +2 darkwood
in armor of black dragonscale, this was none other than Ruruk,
scale mail
king of the neighboring are nation of Kagaan RuuI. r 9th 2
Slowly, the arc lord approached Suriel on her bier and bowed 10th Jrd Voice ofthe wild
his head. In highly accented Elven, he spoke to the assembly . 11th
rhus. "The elf Nadarun was the greatesr foe Kagaan RUlli has 12th 4th Armor of the wild
had. That she should fall ro a coward's poison and nor in glori- 13th 2 +3 darkwood
ous combat is a great wrong. I have come thus to praise her, and scale mail
to pay honor to rhe barrle rhar should have been." Reverently, 14th 5th Predator's dash
King Ruruk laid a suit of durkwood scale mail alongside the 15th 2
16th 6th Shape of the wild
body. Wirhout another word, he and his host returned rhe way
they had come. For twenty-eight days-the length of the tradi-
tional mourning period for the elveslofTiur Vedrilos-no orcs WIELDER REQUIREMENTS
attacked across rhe border. Prohcient in Medium armor.
The elves marveled at (he armor, it was as fine as any Any two of rhe following: Knowledge (nature) 4 ranks, Hide
they themselves might have crafted. Clearly, King Ruruk had 4 ranks, Survival 4 ranks.
called upon the greatest artisans of his people for its crearion. Only rhose of either elven or are blood can use rhe abiliries
Though it was unheard of for a warrior ofSuriel's repu lat ion to of the shield for 11l'h level and higher.
be buried wirh arms and armor nor her own, the elves decided
that she would be interred wearing this unique gift. (DC 22; A
Matter of Honor)
AI! the following are legacy item abilities ofNalliethariJ.
Generations later, Tiur Vedrilos and Kagaan Ruul temporarily
One With the Wild (Su): You gain a +5 competence bonus
allied against a goblinoid incursion from the north that threat-
on wild empathy checks. If yOll do not already have the wild
ened both lands. To strengthen this fragile union, the armor
emparhy ability, you ins read gain this abiliry as a druid of your
was exhumed and worn at times by elf and arc champions alike.
charactet Jevel-2.
It was during these battles that Nanietharil first displayed its
Walk Unseen (Su): You gain a +5 competence bonus on
mystical abilities-abilities that the orcs swore their histories
Hide checks.
had never spoken of.
Walk Unheard (Su): You gain a +5 competence bonus on
None ever learned how the armor became magic, for Nani-
Move Silently checks.
etharil was lost on the held ofbattle. Presumably it was picked up
Voice of the wild (Sp): With a command word, you can
as a hobgoblin war trophy and eventually acquired by a stalwart
use speak with animals (as the spell) hve
adventurer. (DC 27; An Echo of Old Alliances)
rimes per day.
Armor of the wild (5u), You
LEGACY RITUALS retain all the benefits and abiliries
Two riruals are required to unlock all the of Nanietharil when you use the
abilities of Nanietharil. wild shape ability. (Other forms of
A Matter of Honor: You must shapechanging, such as polymorph
travel to the gravesite of an enemy spells, do nor apply.)
you respected (regardless of how Predator's Dash (Su): Your base
much you might also have hated him) land speed increases by 10 feet.
to offer a sacrifice of goods in tribute. Shape of the Wild (Su): You gain one
The cost of the ritual includes the additional daily use of your wild shape
cost of the goods. Cost: 1,500 gpo Feat abiliry. This addirionaluse cannot be used
Granted: Least legacy to transform into an elemental, and you
An Echo of Old Alliances: You do not gain the wild shape ability if
must perform a service for someone of you do nor already have it.
arc blood (if you are of elven blood) or
of elven blood (if you are of arc blood).
This service need not be long-term, bur
it must involve actual expense or danger
on your part. Cost: 11,500 gpo Feat Granted:
Lesser Legacy (NcHlietharil).
• Skilis-
I '"
Encounter level 6 TACTICS
Ch<3vakuth ducks down behind the <31tar, boping to have a
round or two to cast bilrkskill and obswril1g mist. However, if
SETUP .the PCs are toO close wben combat begins, he simply attacks.
Chavakurh (C) has been standing beside the altar during The druid targets individual pes with poison,jlal11e blade, and
any previous discussions with the pes. when negotiations prodl/ce flame if possible, but wades into melee with spear and
break down, have the pes placed anywhere between the bite if he must.
altar and the door.
enough to miss the target with the cover but lligll enough to
, , p strike tl,e target if there had been no cover, the object used
fat' cover was struck. If a creature is providing cover for
p another character and the attack roll exceeds the AC of the
. .., f. covering creature, the covering creature takes the damage
'" "
I "
.:t:.. (
intended for the target.
. - , If the covering creature 11as a Dexterity bonus to AC or
"",,' . a (lodge bonus, and this bonus keeps tile covering creature
from being hit, then the original target is hit instead. The
. . .•JW covering creature has dodged out of the way and didn't
- , provide cover after all. A covering creature can choose not
p ."
. to npply its Dexterity bonus to AC andlor its dodge bonus
.,. , , .. if its intent is to try to take the damage in order to keep the
covered c1wracter from being hit.
Yensurros <macks through thin doors or even through using living prisoners for since he can literally move
prisoners, using them as cover. If the pes attempt to attack through them.
the ghost through a prisoner, consider using the optional Berween his undying belief in Sertrous and his
rules for striking cover (see sidebar). Although these rules are venation abiliry, Yensurros bas no fear. He fights until
normally intended for ranged combat, apply them to melee destroyed.
arracks as well if they are made against Yensurros when he , is
YENSURROS, YUAN-TI HAlFBlOOD GHOST CR 7 'Telekinesis (Su) As the spell; at will; caster level 12th. After
MM 264, MM 116 using this ability, Yensurros must wait ld4 rounds to
hp 45 (7 HD) use it again.
Alternate Form (Sp) Yensurros can assume the form of a
CE Medium undead (augmented monstrous humanoid)
Tiny to Large viper (MM 280) as a psionic ability. He
\ Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft., scent; Listen +24,
uses his own poison for the viper's bite attack. The
poison is effective against ethereal foes only.
Spot +24
Chameleon Power (Sp) Yensurros can change the
Languages Abyssal, Common, Yuan-Ti
coloration of himself and his equipment to match his
AC 16, touch 16, flat·footed 15; Dodge or surroundings, granting him a +10 circumstance bonus
AC 15, touch 11, flat·footed 15; Dodge (ethereal encounters on Hide checks.
only) Manifestation (Su) As a ghost, Yensurros dwells on the
Miss Chance 50% (incorporeal) Ethereal Plane and, as an ethereal creature, he cannot
Immune undead immunities (MM 317) affect or be affected by anything in the material world.
Resist turn resistance +4; SR 16 When a ghost manifests, it partly enters the Material
Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +9 Plane and becomes visible but incorporeal on the
Speed fly 30 ft. (perfect) (6 squares) Material Plane. A manifested ghost can be harmed only
Melee incorporeal touch +8 (draining touch) and by other incorporeal creatures, magic weapons, or
bite +3 (draining touch) or spells, with a 50% chance to ignore any damage from a
Melee incorporeal touch +9 (draining touch) and corporeal source. A manifested ghost can pass through
bite +4 (ld6+1 plus poison plus draining touch) against solid objects at will, and its own attacks pass through
ethereal foes armor. A manifested ghost always moves silently.
Base Atk +7; Grp +9 (ethereal foes only) A manifested ghost can strike with its touch attack or
Atk Options Blind-Fight, Combat Expertise; draining touch, with a ghost touch weapon. A manifested ghost
poison (DC 14, 1d6 Conj1d6 Can), produce acid remains partially on the Ethereal Plane, where it is not
Special Actions telekinesis incorporeal. A manifested ghost can be attacked by
Spell. Like Abilities (Cl 8th): opponents on either the Material Plane or the Ethereal
At will-detect poison (CL 6th) Plane. The ghost's incorporeality helps protect it from
3jday-animal trance (DC 17), couse fear (DC 16), foes on the Material Plane, but not from foes on the
entangle (DC 16) Ethereal Plane.
1/day-deeper darkness, neutralize poison, suggestion When a spellcasting ghost is not manifested and is
(DC 18) on the Ethereal Plane, its spells cannot affect targets on
the Material Plane, but they work normally against
Abilities 5tr 15, Dex 13, Can - , Int 18, Wis 18, Cha 20
ethereal targets. When a spellcasting ghost manifests,
SA draining touch, poison, produce acid, telekinesis
its spells continue to affect ethereal targets and can
SQ alternate form, chameleon power, manifestation,
affect targets on the Material Plane normally unless the
rejuvenation, undead traits (MM 317)
Feats Alertness S, Blind-FightS, Combat Expertise, Dodge, spells rely on touch. A manifested ghost's touch spells
don't work on nonethereal targets.
Improved Initiative
A ghost has two home planes, the Material Plane
Skills Concentration +15, Knowledge (religion) +14,
and the Ethereal Plane. It is not considered extraplanar
Knowledge (the planes) +14, Hide +19*, Listen +24,
when on either of these planes.
Search +12, Spot +24
Rejuvenation (Su) If he would otherwise be destroyed,
*A halfblood using chameleon power gains a +10
Yensurros returns in 2d4 days if he makes a successful
circumstance bonus on Hide checks.
DC 16 level check (ld20 + 7 HD). Yensurros' reason for
Draining Touch (Su) Yensurros drains 1d4 points from one existence is to serve Sertrous, who he worships as a
ability score of his choice when he hits a living creature deity. IfSertrous's true nature can be proven to
with an incorporeal touch attack. On each successful he can then be permanently destroyed.
attack, he heals 5 points of damage to himself.
Produce Acid (Sp) A yuan·ti halfblood has the psionic PRISONERS CR-
power to exude acid from its body, dealing 3d6 points hp6(1 HD)
of acid damage to the next creature it touches, AC 11, touch 11, flat·footed 10 (helpless)
including a creature hit by its bite attack. If the yuan·ti is Fortitude +1, Reflex +1, Will +1
grappling or pinning a foe when it uses this power, its
grasp deals 5d6 points of acid damage. The acid
becomes inert when it leaves the yuan-ti's body, and the
yuan-ti is immune to its effect. Yensurros can use this
ability on ethereal foes only.
hp 48 (6 HD)
SETUP NE Large aberration
The spellwarped otyugh Gophodros (G) occupies the bulk of Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., scent; Listen +6, Spot +6
the pit bottom. The pes' starting positions depend on their Languages Common
actions while exploring the room. AC 20, touch 10, flat-footed 19
When the encounter begins. read: Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +6
Speed 20 ft. (4 squa<es)
With a retlolting gurgle, two sucher-tipped tentacles shool lip Melee 2 tentacles +6 each (1 d6+2) and
from the base of the pit. bite +0 (ld4+1)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (15 ft. with tentacles)
Base Atk +4; Grp +10
TACTICS Atk Options constrict ld6+2, disease, improved grab
Gophodros's reach plus the depth of the garbage in the pit Abilities St, 15, De, 12, Con 17, Int 9, Wis 12, Cha 6
allow it to arrack targets anywhere within 15 feer of the SQ spell absorption
pit's edge. The oryugh single-mindedly artempts to grapple Feats Alertness, Toughness, Weapon Focus (tentacle)
targets and drag them into the pit, where it constricts and Skills Hide +0*, Listen +6, Spot +6
consumes them. *An otyugh has a +8 racial bonus on Hide checks in its
If reduced to 15 or fewer hit points, Gopbodros throws any lair, due to its natural coloration.
current victims our of the pit. The creature then takes cover Disease (Ex) Filth fever-bite, Fort DC 16, incubation
beneath the garbage, hoping to be left alone. period 1d3 days, damage 1d3 De, and ld3 Con.
Improved Grab (Ex) To use this ability, Gophodros must hit
with a tentacle attack. It can then attempt to start a
grapple as a free action without provoking attacks of
opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a
hold and can constrict.
Spell Absorption (Su) Whenever a spell fails to penetrate
Gophodros's spell resistance, it gains one of the
following benefits, chosen at the time the spell resolves.
Might: +4 enhancement bonus to Strength for 1
Agility: +4 enhancement bonus to Dexterity for 1
Endurance: +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution
for 1 minute.
Life: Temporary hit points equal to 5 x the level of
the failed spell.
Speed: Gophodros's base speed increases by a
number offeet equal to 5 x the level of the failed spell.
Resistance: Gophodros gains resistance 10 to one
energy type of its choice.
, -\---+-++-r-r1l
Tum hIe checks. A creatu re attempti ng to run or charge over
light rubble must succeed on a DC 10 Balance check.
Gophodros is accustomed to this terrain and is not
Pit.: Anyone falling or climbing into the pit is sickened
FEATURES OF THE AREA for 4d4 minutes (Fortitude DC 18 negates). The rough
TIle area has the following features. wall, Me ,lick with old ga,bage and blood (Climb DC 25).
Garhage: The garbage at the base of the pit is treated as Garbage is piled to within 10 feet of tl1C top of the pit, but
light tubble. Ligl,t rubble adds 2 to tile DC of Balance and it is soft enough that a fall deals no damage.
Encounter Level 6 TACTICS
After the shield is triggered (a move action; see below), both
poison dusks take cover as they shoot with their longbows.
SETUP .They use bolas to slow any pes who approach within 20 feet,
The pes' starting positions depend on when the lizardfolk switching to melee only when forced to do so.
spot them. rf one guard is slain and the other is reduced to 16 or fewer
hp, the survivor attempts to flee (first casting longstrjder if
As the pes are spotted, read: possible). If no clear path to the exits can be found, it instead
fights to the death.
The two lizardfalk SIIarl as they see you. One of them stomps
dOHin hard, causing a rectangular sheet of metal to spring up
from tlte step below. The two gltards drop behind it, bows
drawn. I
Languages Abyssal, (ommon, Draconic, Yuan-Ti DC 25. The railing provides cover. A character next to a
railing gains a +2 circumstance bonus on the opposed
AC 21, touch 10, flat-footed 21
'Strength dlCCk to avoid being bull rushed off the balcony.
Immune electricity, sleep, paralysis
Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +11 Gradual Stairs: Anyone standing on the stairs gains a
Speed 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 150 ft. (good), swim 60 ft.;
+1 bonus on melee attack rolls against foes below.
Flyby Attack
Melee bite +15 (1d8+J) and
2 claws +10 each (1d6+1) and
2 wings +10 each (ld4+1)
Base Atk +12; Grp +15
Atk Options Power Attack
Special Actions breath weapon
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 1st):
1st (4fday)-grease, mage armor, ray ofenfeeblement
(+12 ranged touch), true strike
o (5jday)-detect magic, mage hand, message, touch of
fatigue (+15 melee touch, DC 13)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL Jrd):
At will-speak with animals
Abilities Str 17, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 16
SQ alternate form, water breathing
Feats Flyby Attack, Hover, Improved Maneuverability (2),
Power Attack
Skills Bluff +9, Concentration +16, Diplomacy +21,
Disguise +15, Intimidate +19, Knowledge (religion)
+9, Listen +17, Search +17, Sense Motive +17, FLIGHT AND
Spellcraft +6, Spot +17, Swim +17 MANEUVERABILITY
Possessions gloves ofarrow snaring
Snapwing makes multiple flyby attacks, changing direction and
Breath Weapon (Su) 60-ft.line, once every 1d4 rounds, altitude frequently. His tactics and the unusual space constraints
6d6 electricity, Reflex DC 18 half; or 30·ft. cone, once
(he has more roOlll vertically than he does horizontally) warrant
every 1d4 rounds, repulsion 1d6+3 rounds, Will DC
a SUlllmary of his maneuvering capabilities.
18 negates.
Alternate Form (Su) Snapwing can assume any animal or Snapwing has a fly speed of 150 feet, but this assumes
humanoid form of Medium size or smaller as a horizontal movcment. He can dive attwice this speed (300
standard action three times per day. He can remain feet), or climb at half this speed (75 feet). He can c1langc
in animal or humanoid form until he chooses to direction at any time, switching from a dive to a climb or
assume a new one or return to his natural form. vice versa. NOrIll<llly, Snapwing must cover 5 feet of forward
Water Breathing (Ex) Snapwing can breathe underwater distance to turn up to 90 degrees. However, his Hover feat
indefinitely and can freely use his breath weapon,
allows him to halt his forward motion, then fly in any direc-
spells, and other abilities when submerged.
tion (including straight up). He makes use of this ability
Skills Snapwing has a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks
and can always choose to take 10 on Climb checks, when making his vertical flyby attacks, as described above.
even if rushed or threatened. Whcn making a vertical flyby attack, Snapwing cannot
Snapwing has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim cover the entire height of the tower. However, he can easily
check to perform some special action or avoid a shike area YI from Y5 and get b<Jck in a single move.
hazard. He can always choose to take 10 on Swim
checks, even if distracted or endangered. He can use IMPROVED MANEUVERABILITY
the run action when swimming, provided he swims in
(from Dracollomicol1)
a straight line.
Your maneuverability in flight improves.
Prerequisites: Fly speed 150 feet, Hover or Wingover.
Benefit: Your maneuvcrabil ity increases by one category,
from clumsy to poor, poor to average, or average to good
(see Tactical Aerial Movement, DA1G 20).
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time
you take the feat, your mancuverability improves by one
category (but never becomes better than good).
hp 37 (5 HD); DR 10Isilver
SETUP NE Medium outsider (extraplanar, evil)
The monsters begin in the rafters above this level. The loca- Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., scent; Listen +10, Spot +10
tions marking Bollusr (B) and the sailsnakes (5) are where Languages understands Abyssal
the creatures appear when combat starts. The pes should be AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 18
placed on the stairs. Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +6
Speed 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 60 ft. (good); Flyby Attack
When the pes enter the landing, read: Melee bite +8 (1 d8+4)
Base Atk +3; Crp +6
A growl sounds from the rafters as a llOlmd suddenly Atk Options Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack, aligned
drops toward yOll, seemingly running on the air. Bellind it strike (evil), trip +3
soay foUl' C1lOrmOU5 serpents, membranous wings spread wide Special Actions bay
as they attack. Abilities Str 17, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 10
SQ flight
Feats Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack
TACTICS Skills Balance +4, Jump +9, Knowledge (the planes) +6,
Bollusr enjoys knocking foes offthe stairs and balconies with Listen +10, Search +6, Spot +10, Survival +10* (+12 on
bull rush attacks. If he succeeds in tripping foes, he happily other planes, +12 following tracks), Tumble +10
savages them while they are prone. *Bollust has a +4 racial bonus on Survival checks when
The sailsnakes begin with their venom spray, then make tracking by scent.
continuous flyby attacks to wear the pes down. Trip (Ex) If Bollust hits with his bite attack, he can attempt
Bollust fights to the death in an attempt to impress the to trip his opponent as a free action without making a
Vanguard, but the sailsnakes are just looking for a meal. They touch attack or provoking attacks of opportunity. If the
flee if reduced to 5 or fewer hit points. attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip Bollust.
Bay (Su) When Bollust howls or barks, all creatures except
evil outsiders and his sailsnake companions within a
300-foot spread must succeed on a DC 12 Will save or
become panicked for 2d4 rounds. This is a sonic mind-
FEATURES OF THE AREA affecting fear effect. Whether or not the save is
The area has the following features. successful, an affected creature is immune to Bollust's
Brass Railing: 3 inches thick; hardness 8, h p 25, break bay for 24 hours.
DC 25. The railing provides cover. A character next to a Flight (Su) BoUust can cease or resume flight as a free
railing gains a +2 circumstance bonus on the opposed action.
Strength check to avoid being bull rushed off the balcony.
Gradual Stairs: Anyone standing all the stairs gains a MM4124
+1 bonus on melee attack rolls against foes below. hp 19 each (3 HP)
N Medium animal
Init +7; Senses vision, scent; Listen +8, Spot +8
..,.. AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12
Immune Bollust's howl
Fort +5, Ref+6, Will +2
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares), climb 20 ft., fly 30 ft. (poor); Flyby
Melee bite +5 (ld8+3)
Base Atk +2; Grp +4
Special Actions venom spray
,Abilities Str 14, Dex 17, Con 15, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 10
Feats Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative, Improved Natural
Weapon ll , Weapon FinesseS
Skills Balance +11, Climb +11, listen +8, Spot +8
Venom Spray (Ex) 20·ft. cone, once every 6 rounds, blind
for 1d4 rounds, Fortitude DC 13 half.
Skills Sailsnakes can always choose to take 10 on Climb
checks, even if rushed or threatened.
.. 'c-,
Encounter Level 7 SCALE GOLEM CR 7
hp 85 (10 HD); DR 5/adamanbne
N Large construct
SETUP Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent;
listen +0, Spot +0
From its sentry position, the scale golem (SG) attacks imme- languages-
diately upon the arrival of any non-Vanguard in rhis area. The
AC 22, touch 10, flat-footed 21
pes arrive directly in front of the ponaL Immune magic; construct immunities (MM 307)
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +3
As the pes look around, read: Weakness cold and sonic (see Immune to Magic)
Speed 40 ft. (8 squares), climb 20 ft .. swim 20 ft.
From beltilld the portal lumbers a 11ideous figure, humanoid Melee 2 slams +10 each (2d8+4)
from the waist up but serpentil1e below. Hs body is a Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
of scales ana leathery skin-some dried and Base Atk +7; Grp +15
shrivelcd, some bloody al1d ratv. Special Actions lunging strike
Abilities Str 19, Dex 13, Con - , Int - , Wis 11, Cha 1
SQ construct traits
The scale golem is a creation of the Vanguard, deSigned for
Immune to Magic (Ex) A scale golem is immune to any
guard duty in the castle. Though it is noninrelligent, the scale
spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance.
golem's orders allow it' to take advantage of the features of rhis In addition, certain spells and effects function
area. The creature arrcmpts to knock foes inro the pit if the differently against the creature, as noted below.
opportunity presents itself A magical attack that deals cold damage slows a
The golem fights until destroyed. scale golem (as the slow spell) for 2d6 rounds (no
saving throw). While slowed by cold, the golem
becomes brittle. Its damage reduction can be
overcome by any bludgeoning weapon, and the
FEATURES OF THE AREA golem can be affected by sonic-based spells even if
they allow spell resistance.
Tbe area has the following f.eatures. A magical attack that deals acid damage breaks
Illumination: TIle glow of the portal sheds bright light any slow effect on the golem and heals 1 point of
throughollt this area. damage for every 3 points of damage the attack
Pit: The open pit in the center of the c11amher is roughly would otherwise deal. If the amount of healing would
10 feet in diameter. Anyone wlw falls in lanels in area 07, cause the golem to exceed its full normal hit points,
it gains any excess as temporary hit points. For
taking 6d6 points of damage. A chaJ:aetcJ: wllo falls OJ: is example, a scale golem hit by a Melf's acid arrow that
pushed into the pit can attempt a DC 20 Reflex save to grab would normally deal 7 points of damage is healed of
tile edge, followed by a DC 10 Climb c1leck to clamber out. 2 points of damage instead. Attacks dealing acid
damage that normally allow a saving throw heal the
scale golem automatically.
I I \
F: --:.'"
lunging Strike (Ex) By launching itself with its powerful
tail, a scale golem can make a devastating strike. As
,,-. a part of a charge. a scale golem can move up to four
times its speed rather than double its speed. Further,
if a scale golem charges a distance of 30 feet or less,
it can make a full attack at the end of the charge.
, 4:
r.,. -
MM 187
hp 44 (8 HD)
SETUP NE Medium aberration
Tolvul (T) and lump (l) stand ready ro engage lhe intrud- Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +11, Spot +11
ers. Unless the pes magically silenced their battle with Languages Undercommon; telepathy 100 ft.
the scale golem in Di, the mind £layer and its guard cannot AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 16
be surprised. They attack the instant the pes appear. The SR 25
pes' starring positions depend on how they arrived in the Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +9
laboratory. Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Tolvul attempts to remain hidden behind the table until Melee 4 tentacles +7 each (1 d4+1)
it iltracks. The pes must make a DC 20 Spot check to notice Base Atk +6; Grp +7
the mind £layer. Atk Options improved grab
Special Actions extract, mind blast
As the pes orient themselves, read: Combat Gear 2 potions ofcure moderate wounds, potion of
With a barbaric roar, a yuall-Ii 'wlfb/ood races for you from Spell-Like Abilities (CI. 8th):
across the chamber. Tile creature S/lCCY5 as it lahes YOIlY At will-charm monster (DC 19), detect thoughts
measure, a gleaming greataxe in hand. (DC 15), levitate, plane shift, suggestion (DC 16)
Abilities Str 12, De, 14, Con 12, Int 19, Wis 17, Cha 17
If a PC notices Tolvul, read: Feats Ability Focus (charm monster), Combat Casting,
Improved Initiative
However, the yuan-fi's aHach is 1101 enough to distract you Skills Bluff +11, Concentration +11 (+15 casting
from the room's greater threat. Lurking behiud olle of Ihe defensively), Diplomacy +7, Disguise +3 (+5 acting),
worktables is a gaunl humanoid figure dad in dark green Hide +10, Intimidate +9, Knowledge (the planes) +12,
robes. Its rubbery flesJl has a sicldy purple hue, and its face is a Listen +11, Move Silently +10, Sense Motive +7, Spot +11
mass of writhing tentacles. Possessions combat gear plus bracers ofarmor +2, ring of
protection +1
Improved Grab (Ex) To use this ability, Tolvul must hit a
TACTICS Small, Medium, or Large creature with its tentacle
Tolvul begins by using its mitld blast, continuing to do so attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free
as long as at least a few pes remain grouped together. If action without provoking attacks of opportunity. If it
the party spreads out or one of the PCs attacks it directly, wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and
attaches the tentacle to the opponent's head. Tolvul can
Tolvul shifts to charm monster before it uses levitate to move
grab a Huge or larger creature, but only if it can
out of melee range. If reduced to 12 or fewer hit points, the
somehow reach the foe's head. IfTolvul begins its turn
mind flayer makes every effort to escape (using plane shifl if
with at least one tentacle attached, it can try to attach
necessary). its remaining tentacles with a single grapple check. The
lump focuses his attacks on the strongest melee combat- opponent can ,escape with a single successful grapple
ants, but despite his raging state, he is obedient to Tolvul. check or an Escape Artist check, but Tolvul gets a +2
If necessary, the mind flayer directs him to focus on those circumstance bonus for every tentacle that was
opponents who pose the greatest threat to Tolvul itself. If attached at the beginning of the opponent's turn.
Tolvul cannot escape melee, it orders Lump to flank. Caught Extract (ExllfTolvul begins its turn with aU four tentacles
lip in bloodlust, lump fights ro the death. attached and then makes a successful grapple check, it
automatically extracts the opponent's brain, instantly
killing that creature. This power is useless against
DEVELOPMENT constructs, elementals, oozes, plants, and undead. It is
Tolvul is a high-ranking member of the Vanguard, but it is not instantly fatal to foes with multiple heads, such as
more concerned for irs own welfare than anything else.. If ettins and hydras.
forced !O flee, it marks the PCs for retribution (possibly pro- Mind Blast (Sp) 60·ft. cone, stun for 3d4 rounds, Will DC
viding a hook for future adventures), but it does not return 17 negates. This ability is the equivalent of a 4th-level
to Castle Serastis. spell.
MM 264 Tbe area bas tbe following features.
hp 95 (9 HD) Pit: Tile open pit in the center of the chamber is roughly
Male yuan-t; halfblood barbarian 2 10 feet in diameter. Anyone wbo fulls in lands in area D7,
CE Medium monstrous humanoid taking 3d6 poi nts of damage. A character wbo falls or is
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +15, Spot +15 puslled into the pit can attempt a DC 20 Reflex save to grab
Languages (ommon, Draconic, Giant, Goblin, Ore,
the edge, followed lJY a DC 10 Climb check to clamber
Undercommon, Yuan-ti
AC 19, touch 10, flat-footed 19; uncanny dodge out.
SR18 World:ables: Squares occupied by tables are considered
Fort +10, Ref+7, Will +10 diHicult terrain, and the table provides cover to adjacent
Speed 40 ft. (8 squares) cbaracters. A cbaraeter can step up onto a table as a move
Melee mwk greataxe +14j+9 (ld12+6jx3) and action, gaining a +1 bonus on melee attack rolls against
bite +12 (ld6+2jx3 plus poison) those on the floor. Two cbaracters working together can tip
Ranged mwk composite longbow +12j+7 (ld8+2jx3) over a table to provide cover against ranged attacks.
Base Atk +9; Grp +13
Atk Options Blind-Fight, poison (DC 16, ld6 Conjld6
(on), produce acid
Special Actions rage 1/day (8 rounds)
Combat Gear potion ofinvisibility
Abilities Str 18, Dex 15, Can 20, Int20, Wis 16, Cha 22
SQ alternate form, chameleon power
Feats Alertness B, Blind-Fight!l, Improved Initiative,
Multiattack, Skill Focus (Disguise), Weapon Focus
Skills Jump +8, Listen +15, Spot +15
Possessions combat gear plus +1 mithral shirt,
masterwork greataxe, masterwork composite longbow
(+2 5tr bonus) with 20 arrows, Quaal'sfeather token
Produce Acid (Sp) Lump has the psionic power to exude
acid from his body, dealing 3d6 points of acid
damage to the next creature he touches, including a
creature hit by his bite attack. If the yuan-ti is
grappling or pinning a foe when he uses this power,
his grasp deals Sd6 points of acid damage. The acid
becomes inert when it leaves Lump's body, and he is
immune to its effect.
DEVELOPMENT Worlds before being caught. she stays with the party, hoping
As long as Arzanezra's identity is nor exposed, she offers to to gain more information regarding the Vanguard's plots. At
join the party once it becomes clear that they mean to can· the first cornbat l however, she uses the PCs as a shield while
tinue exploring Castle Serastis. She willingly gives lip the she makes her escape.
rusted dagger, claiming her armor and weapons from where IfArzanezra is defeated and interrogated by the PCs at any
Shiuahn stowed them in a corner of the reliquary (the tor- point, she tries to buy her release with what she has learned
turer had planned to hide and sell them). in Serastis. If the party has not yet obtained the information
Arzanezra describes herself as a fighter captured in a presented in What the pes Don't Know (page 4), she offers it
nearby forest by the yuan-ti, and claims to know nothing of to them in exchange for freedom.
the castle. In truth, she explored all the way to the Tower of
. ,
affect a mob. Each creature slain, disabled, or
incapacitated by such spells or effects bestows two
"- \- ..
negative levels on the mob. If the wretched tide gains
negative levels equal to its Hit Dice, it is destroyed. It
-, ", I - takes half again as much damage (+50%) from area
spells or effects.
Encounter Level 9 2NAGATHAS CR 4
hp 60 each (8 HD)
SETUP .CE Medium monstrous humanoid
The fiendish medusa Effandra (E) begins by the door. The two Init-1; Senses blind, blindsight 60 ft.; Listen +15
nagathas eN) attack the moment anyone enters. The pes can Languages Abyssal, Common
be placed within 2 squares of the staircase end. AC 17, touch 9, flat-footed 17
Immune gaze attacks, illusions, visual effects
As the nagathas spot the pes, read: Fort +7, Ref+5, Will +7
Speed 10 ft_ (2 squares), burrow 10 ft.
Two hideolH creatures slither foward you, each with the body Melee 2 claws +10 each (ld8+2) and
of a worm, the head of a make, and lpng, sinuous arms. A bite +5 (ld4+1 plus poison)
scaled figure looms beyond them, its hair a mass of serpents. Base Atk +8; Grp +10
Atk Options poison (DC 17, 2d4 Wis/2d4 Wis)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 8, Con 16, Int 6, Wis 13, Cha 9
TACTICS SQ viper's speed
Effandra stays out of melee but remains close enough to use Feats Great Fortitude, Improved Natural Attack (claw),
her gaze. All three combatants attempt to remain upslope. Skill Focus (Listen)
Effandra recognizes the pes as a serious threat, and cannot Skills Listen +15
afford to let them disrupt the sacrament. she and her minions Viper'S Speed (Ex) Whenever a nagatha takes a double
fight to the death. move or runs, it gains a 40-foot bonus to its land speed.
It can move 100 feet as a double move or run up to
200 feet.
MM 180, MM 147
hp 33 (6 HD); DR 5/magic
Female fiendish medusa
T\'e area has t\,e following features.
CE Medium monstrous humanoid (extra planar)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +1, Spot +8 Illumination: The cobra heads on the walls are imbued
Languages Abyssal, Common, Yuan-Ti with continual/lame, filling this area with brig!'t lig!,t.
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 14 Serpent-Carved Floor: A DC 10 Balance check is re-
Resist cold 5, fire 5; SR 11 quired to run or charge across the floor. Failure means tbe
Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +6 character cannot move in this round.
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares) Sloped Floor: Combatants gain a +1 on melee attack
Melee dagger +8/+3 (ld4/l9-20) and rolls against foes downslope from their position.
snakes +3 (ld4 plus poison)
Ranged +2 shortbow +10/+5 (ld6+2/x3)
Base Atk +6; Grp +6
Atk Options Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, magic strike,
poison (DC 14, ld6 5tr/2d6 5tr), smite good l/day
(+6 damage)
Special Actions petrifying gaze
Combat Gear potion offly
Abilities Str 10, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 15
Feats Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Weapon Finesse
Skills Bluff +9, Diplomacy +4, Disguise +9 (+11 acting),
Intimidate +4, Listen +', Move Silently +8, Spot +8
Possessions combat gear plus +2 shortbow with 20 arrows,
ring ofprotection + 7
Petrifying Gaze (Su) Turn to stone permanently, range
30 feet, Fortitude DC 15 negates.
Encounter Levelt1 If pressed to melee, the yuan-ri fights intelligently, focus-
ing on one or two foes at a time. He positions himself to
take advantage of his reach and avoid being flanked. As
SETUP the highest-ranking member of the Vanguard and the one
The pes have reached the endgame. Allow them to be placed responsible for completing the sacrament, Sulvaugren fights
anywhere within 2 or 3 squares of the entrance. Sulvaugren to the dealh.
(5) stands near the king's bier, but he moves ro attack the
moment the pes inrrude. The chanting priests (P) cannot
move from their positions or parricipate in the barrIe. Only DEVELOPMENT
their helpless statistics are presented here. When Sulvaugren is slain, give the pes Id4 rounds to investi-
gate the area or deal with the chanting halfblood priests.
As the pes orient themselves, rcad:
After the allotted time has passed, read:
The hooded fig11YCS seem obliviolls to YOllr presence, but Hie
hloated ylll1l1-ti spins wilh slIrprising grace. With n filch of its A dldllhrl4mmingfills tlte room as the floor begitlS 10 shake
tonglle, it begil15 to slither toward anti cmch. Wilh t1 sound like thunder, the central bier
sllt1tters and explodes,fi!ling the chamber with a clOl/d of
dust and rock.
Sulvaugren begins barrIe having already used his produce ndd Anyone within 10 feet ofthe king's bier when it shatters takes
power (unless the pes magically silenced their baule with 2d6 points of damage (Reflex DC 15 half). If the chaming
Effandra, he heard rhem coming). He raises his shield offailh are still alive, assume thar this slays them. The explo-
as a swift action (included in his statistics) before attempt- sion of the bier triggers tacrical encounter S4-A on page 52.
ing to grapple the dosest spellcasrer for 5d6 points of acid
damage. He then uses his aversion ability on the stfongest-
looking combatants.
. ... 0"'5
Illumination: Harmless mystical fi re fills tbis nrca with
sbadowy illumination. feet
Stone Biers: 3 feet thick; !1i\rdness 8, 11p 540, break DC
40. A bier provides cover. If a bier is broken, the it
occupies become dense rubble (see page 52).lt cost·s 1 extrd
square of movement to cross a bier. A creature can make a
DC 10 Jump check to cross a bier witllOut impeding
Braziers: As long as they rcmain uprigllt, the braziers
Ilavc no effed on movement. Squares containing fallen
braziers are treated a8ligllt rubble (see page 52).
Noxious Fumes: A living creature that ends its turn in
a square filled witl, noxious fumes is sickened (no save).
Creatures immune to poison ar.e immunc to noxiolls fumes .
.A creature cannot hold its breath to prevent Lei ng
(the fumes irritate the eyes and skin ilS well). If a brazier is
knocked over, the noxious fumes it creates dissipate after
Id4 +1 rounds.
SULVAUGREN, MASTER OF WORLDS CR 11 See Invisibility (Su) Sulvaugren's Deformity (Eyes) feat
MM 264 grants him the ability to see invisibility (as the spell) for
hp 157 (13 HD) up to 1 minute per day.
Improved Grab (Ex) To use this ability, Sulvaugren must hit
Male yuan-ti abomination blackguard 4 a Large or smaller creature with his bite attack. He can
CE Large monstrous humanoid
then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft., scent, see invisibility; provoking attacks of opportunity. Ifhe wins the
Listen +13, Spot +'1 grapple, he establishes a hold and can constrict.
Aura despair (10 ft., enemies -2 on saves) Produce Acid (Sp) Sulvaugren has the psionic power to
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Yuan-Ti
exude acid from his body, dealing 3d6 points of acid
AC 29, touch 14, flat-footed 28 damage to the next creature he touches, including a
Resist medium fortification (75%); SR 18 creature hit by his bite attack. IfSulvaugren is grappling
Fort +18 (+20 against poison), Ref +12, Will +18 or pinning a foe when he uses this power, his grasp
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares), climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft. deals 5d6 points of acid damage. The acid becomes
Melee + 7 scimitar +18/+13/+8 (ld8+6/15-20) and inert when it leaves Sulvaugren's body, and he is
bite +12 (2d6+2 plus poison) immune to its effect.
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Aversion (Sp) Sulvaugren can psionically create a
Base Atk +13; Grp +22 compulsion effect targeting one creature within 30 feet.
Atk Options Blind-Fight, (leave, Sunder, Power The target must succeed on a DC 22 Will save or gain
Attack; constrict ld6+7, improved grab, poison (DC 21, an aversion to snakes for 10 minutes. Affected
ld6 Con/1d6 Con), produce acid, smite good l/day (+4 creatures must stay at least 20 feet away from any
attack, +4 damage), sneak attack +ld6 snake or yuan-ti, alive or dead; if already within 20 feet,
Special Actions aversion, energy aegis 20, rebuke undead they move away. A subject unable to move away, or one
7/day (+6, 2d6+6, 2nd) attacked by snakes or yuan-ti, is overcome with
Combat Gear wand ofcure serious wounds (6 charges) revulsion. This revulsion reduces the creature's
Blackguard Spells Prepared (CL 4th): Dexterity score by 4 points until the effect wears off or
2nd-shatter (DC 17) the subject is no longer within 20 feet of a snake or
1st-doom (DC 16) yuan-ti. This ability is otherwise similar to the antipathy
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 10th): spell (caster level 16th).
At will-animal trance (DC 16), detect poison (CL 6th), Energy Aegis (Su) Once per day as an immediate action,
detect good (CL 4th), entangle (DC 15) Sulvaugren can grant himself energy resistance 20
3jday-deeper darkness, neutralize poison (DC 18), against a specific type of energy for 1 round.
suggestion (DC 17) Alternate Form (Sp) Sulvaugren can assume the form of a
1/day-baleful polymorph (DC 19; into snake form oniy), Tiny to Large viper (MM 280) as a psionic ability. He
fear (DC 18), swift shield offaitht (CL 13th) uses his own poison for the viper's bite attack.
l Already cast Chameleon Power (Spl Sulvaugren can psionically change
the coloration of himself and his equipment to match
Abilities Str 20, Dex 12, Con 24, Int 20, Wi' 21, Cha 18
his surroundings, granting him a +10 circumstance
SQ alternate form, chameleon power, moderate aura of evil,
bonus on Hide checks.
poison use
Skills Sulvaugren can always choose to take 10 on Climb
Feats Alertness S , Blind·Fight S , Cleave, Deformity (eyes)s,v,
checks, even if rushed or threatened.
Deformity (obese)B,V, Improved Initiative, Improved
Sulvaugren has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim
Sunder, Iron Will, Power Attack, Willing Deformitys.v
check to perform some special action or avoid a
V: As a servant of an evil power, Sulvaugren has bonus
hazard. He can always choose to take 10 on a Swim
vile feats from Book ofVile Darkness. Effects are already
check, even if distracted or endangered. He can use the
accounted for in the statistics block.
run action when swimming, provided he swims in a
Skills Bluff +12, Concentration +22, Diplomacy +13,
straight line.
Disguise +4 (+6 acting), Hide +4*, Intimidate +17,
Knowledge (arcana) +13, Knowledge (religion) +17,
Knowledge (the planes) +13, Listen +13, Move Silently
MM 264
+8, Search +3, Spellcraft +15 (+17 deciphering scrolls),
hp 38 each (7 HD)
Spot +11, Survival +5 (+7 on other planes), Use Magic
Device +11 (+13 scrolls) AC 10, touch 6, nat-footed 10 (helpless); -4 against melee
* An abomination using chameleon power gains a +10 attacks
circumstance bonus on Hide checks. SR16
Possessions Aegis/nvio/able (page 25), +1 keen scimitar Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +9
Encounter Levelt6 his offensive spell·like and supernatural abilities while he
takes the party's measure. He then focuses melee anacks on
weaker-looking pes, trusting his poison to overwhelm tbem
SETUP while his viper swarms keep other opponents at bay.
The starting position of the pes depend on to their actions The risen king fights to the full extent of his abilities, bur
before rhe explosion. Place rhe risen king (RK) as marked. the spirit of Serrrous gives him an arrogance that can work
to the party's advantage. Any foe who deals the king more
As the pes reorient themselves, read: than 50 points ofdamage in a single round becomes his sole
target until another character does the same.
SlowlYl the dust clears to reveal a gaunt IlUmanoid figure, its Retreat or surrender are not options (he spirit ofSertrous
leatheryflesh split to reveal bone beneath. A'I ancient bastard recognizes. The risen king fights until destroyed, collapsing
sword is clasped in its hands, and its empty eye sockets glow to a heap of dust and desiccated hones.
with a gangrenous light.
TACTICS With rhe risen king defeated, the PCs' quest is finally over.
The spark of Sertrous animating the forgotten king's bones See Concluding rhe Advenrure, page 25.
is an energy of sheer destrucrive hare. The risen king uses
"I fear you are loa late to aid us. Yet you have
the chance to avenge tis."
Encounter Level 8
When the PCs first see the ruins, read:
In the distance, crumbling walls of stone rise from lilC waters.
SETUP Most stand some 10 feel in height, though the southwcst
The pes arrive in the midst of a vast swamp and can pick up
corner and a narrow chimney to the easl are taHer. These
the trail of the Vanguard operative udmuela.
appcar to be the remains ofan old keep, lost now to tile swamp.
When the pes step through the portal, read:
Both combatants have taken cover, Grusildrith (G) in the
Lit by the faint glow that marks the portal that brought you
ruins and Udmuela (U) behind a tree. Have the PCs placed
here, you arrive in an expanse ofcalf-deep, muddy water slick
anywhere on the western edge of the map. Udmuela must
with algae. Small islets of dry land rise from the water in
make a Sporcheck to notice the PCs, but Grusildrith's Cllarm
spots. Cypress trees dangle moss·J1eavy branches over your
spell announces their arrival once they approach within 20
heads. The scent of greenery and decay is overwhelming, and
feet of the platform.
the buzzing of mosquitoes fills your ears.
When the PCs draw near the ruins, read:
When the pes arrive, udmuela is exchanging spells with
Ahead of you, a serpentine form coils and uncoils within tile
Grusildrith. The PCs can make. DC 25 Survival check (if
cover of a large cypress tree. Its humanoid head watches in tIle
anyone has the Track feat) or a DC 28 Listen check to find
direction of the ruins. Amid the crumbling walls, also
her (the sounds of the standoff carry through the swamp).
crouching for cover, you see a green-skinned woman of hideous
Otherwise, they might have to stumble about a bit before
Visage. Without warning, she turns to face yOIl as a furious
they locate their quarry.
shriek echoes from the stones.
but his phylactery no longer contains his life force. It has Rating would indicate. Treat both as CR 6 creatures for the
been passed from master to apprentice for generations, srarr- purpose of awarding experience.
ing wirh Varkarhian's own apprenrice. Grusildrith is the latest Action Points: If the PCs destroy or acquire the phylac-
in that line. tery, thus preventing its use in the sacrament, they gain 2
Experience: Because udmuela and Grusildrith are likely action points.
to spend as much of their time attacking each other as they
do the PCs, they are less formidable foes than their Challenge
FEATURES OF THE AREA DC 20. Masonry walls increase the DC of Listen checks t·o
The area has the following features. Ilear through them by 15. rf a masonry wall is breachetl, tile
Deep Bog: The swamp south of the middle contour line squares breached and all adjacent IlOnW<lll squares become
is roughly 4 feet deep. A square of deep bog costs 4 squares dense rubble (see page 52).
to lllove into, and incre,tses the DC of Tumble and Move Raised Path: Th is represents higher grou nd beneath the
Silently checks by 5. Running alld c1larging are impossible. swamp water. Anyone standing on the raised path gains a
A creature can swim instead of walking to avoid movement +1 bonus on melee attack rolls against foes below.
penalties. Tbe path south of the middle contOlJ r Ii ne is shallow bog
Sitallow Bog: The swamp north of the middle contour rather than deep 6og. Tbe path north of the middle contour
has all average depth of about 1 foot. A square of shallow line bas no movement penalties.
bog costs 2 squares to move into, and increases the DC of Raised Platform: A tiny portion of the keep's second
Tumble and Move Silently checks by 2. it is too shallow to floor still stands. Anyone crouched up !lere has cover against
swan. ranged attacks.
Lig1" Rubhle, Light ,ubhle adds 2 to ,he DCs 01 Balance sinkhoJes (S): These are areas of spongy earth hellcatb
and Tumble checks. Any creature attempting to rull or charge the water. A creature who enters a sinkhole immecliately
over light rubble must succeed on a DC 10 Balance check. halts all movement. A subsequent move action is l"equired
\Vooden Ladder: 1-112 inches tllick; AC 6, llardnes9 5, for tbe creature to pull itself out of tbe sinkllOle, ending in
h p IS, b,e"k DC IS; Cli",h DC 0. an adjacent square of its choice. Sinkholes are not visible,
Large Tree: 5 feet: thick; AC 3, hardness 5, h p 600, amI can be detected only by prodding abead with a pole or
break DC 35; Climb DC 15. Tllis tree takes up 1 square otller long object. Swimming creatures are unimpeded by
and provides cover to anyone behind it. sinkholes.
Ruined Walls: ]I'1.a50nry; 1 foot thick; hardness 8, h p
90, h,e"l, DC 35 pc, lO-loot-by-lO-loot sec!;on; Cli",h
HE ......AVES OF
Encounter LeveI7!7!7 When the PCs first encounter an ignan, read:
A blnst of searing nil' swirls around you as a reptilian creature
covered in rust-red scales emerges from tile side of the ravine. It
SETUP nns a massive mace in one hand and a shield in tile other, its
Three sepamte encounters are possible here, depending on
two-pronged tail twitching as though a mind of its own.
the path the pes take.
If the PCs enter the gauth's cave, read:
When the pes step through the portal, read:
At the bach of this massive wve, a strallge sculpture stands covered
The air is warm alld the ground dusty where the portal
in a layer of dust. A large golden rod supports all allay of six
shimmers faintly behind YOIt. A wide range of steep 11 ills
smaller gems on rods ofbrass. A sevetlth, larger gem forms a
stretches to the hOriZOIl, several sharp ravines wtting through
centerpiece, also held in place by brass. The design of the piece
"lem to form MHOW valleys. Only scattered foliage brcaln HIe
resembles a bel101der, though the sculptor seemingly ran out of
monotonous browI! of the landscape.
material halfway through. The gold and gems are dearly of
From where yOIl stand, two separate ravines reach out
greater worth than Ihe bits ofbrnss used to bind them all together.
ahead of you, each featuring a 11umber ofsmal! alUes at
different heig!lls.
The pes can choose to enter the eastern or the western ravine f Though under the gauth's control, the yuan-ti ignans do not
or they can set out across the hilltops. The yu::m-ti ignans fight mindlessly but take advantage of the terrain where
guard their new "friend" Siolim (thanks to the power of sug- possible. If either of the ignans hear combat break out with
gestion), Gidrius (G) in the eastern ravine and Lusudrus (1) in Siolim, they move in that direction bur arrive only after
the west. Siolim (S) starts in the northeast GlVe. ld4+1 minutes.
The PCs should be positioned at the southern end of the If the pes are exceptionally stealthy, they might catch
map. The ignans are not hiding, so no Spot check is required Siolim in his lair. Otherwise, he emerges at the sound of
to see them. combat or when he spots the party's approach. In this case, the
gauth observes the PCs from hiding to assess their strengths
If the PCs enter either of the ravines, read: and weaknesses, attacking only after both ignans fall.
The crest of the rocky slope towers above yOIl, oDswring the Siolim takes every advantage of his ability to fly,
hills beyond. A dry \.vina whips dust tl1rougIJ the ravine, ing outside melee range if the fight occurs in the ravines, or
shrouding tlu echo of your footsteps and the calls of taking cover around corners if fighting within the caves. The
distant birds. gauth attempts to paralyze spellcasters while he uses
tion to have combat-oriented characters step away from the
\ .. '
••\7 "
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Encounter Level 9 Iphariul and the writhing blackness do not coordinate
their actions, but they never arrack one another.
A Vanguard ream arrived here fouf days ago seeking an DEVELOPMENT
object rauched by Serrrous himself. Now only one yuan-rj The Vanguard team retrieved a small stone tablet from the
halfblood survives, though twisted by contact with the item, cave in which Sertrous sleeps; Iphariul carries it now. Spell-
and attempts to rerum to the porral with his prize. casters can recognize that it radiates overwhelming chaos and
evil, even without casting the appropriate spells.
When the pes step through the portal, read:
Imtead of tabng you to a ncw location, the green glow tllal
wraps you weidenly flares. Every inch of YOUy shin feels lanced WRITHING BLACKNESS CR 8
hp 57 (7 HD); DR la/magic
by white-hot needles even as your bones freeze from the inside
0111. A scream builds il1 your chest, bUl yOIl have 110 breall1 to
Living Evard's black tentacles, ghoul touch
loose it. Then with a start, you fiud yourself standing on N Large ooze
Init +0; Senses blind, blindsight 60 ft.; Listen +0
cracked Gild brol;:en earlJ1. The portal ben ill" you cracklcs and
Languages -
spits violently, its grew light shot tllJ'Ougl1t,vith strcab of red.
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 13
Immune ooze immunities (MM 313)
As the pes orient themselves, read:
SR 17
Huge bOlilders tower around you, half buried in the desiccated Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +6
earth. However, as you move, you ,1Otice that 110 slJl1doU/S
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares)
mark the ground in this barren landscape. Above you, thc sky
Melee slam +6 (ld6+2 plus ghoul touch)
glows a dull rust-red with no clollds or sign of the slln. A few Space 10ft.; Reach 5 ft.
deaa trees dot the landscape, while a dry stream bed strewn Base Atk +5; Grp +15
WitJl rocks cuts through the grollnd ahead of yOIl. Far beyona, Atk Options constrict ld6+4, expert grappler, ghoul touch,
sporadic hills marl, the fOOl of a jagged black peak. improved grab, magic strike
Special Actions engulf
A character with the Track feat can make a DC 18 Survival Abilities Str 14, Dex 11, Can 14, Int - , Wis 11, Cha 14
check to note that a humanoid creature passed through here SQ ooze traits
a few days ago, moving east. Feats -
The PCs can be placed anywhere in the southwestern quar- Skills-
ter of the map. If they travel norrh l they eventually encounter Expert Grappler (EX) The writhing blackness can maintain a
the halfblood lphariul (I), who is sneaking slowly along [he grapple without penalty and still make attacks against
dry creek bed (Spar DC 30). other targets. It is never considered Oat-footed while
grappling. It has a +4 racial bonus on grapple and engulf
When the pes spot Iphariul, read: checks, and a +2 racial bonus on constriction damage.
Ghoul Touch (Su) A creature hit by the writhing blackness's
A JlideOIlS form suddcnly emerges from hiding in the dry
slam attack must succeed on a DC 14 Fortitude save or
stream bed. It must once J1ave been a yuan-ti, but its eyes are
be paralyzed for ld6+2 rounds. While paralyzed, the
now empty pools of blaclmess, its limbs abnormally long. subject exudes a carrion stench that causes all living
creatures In a 10-foot-radius to become sickened (DC
Anorher threat awaits the pes here. The writhing blackness 14 Fortitude negates). A neutralize poison spell removes
(W)l a horror born of the twisted landscape l lurks behind a the effect. Those immune to poison are unaffected by
massive boulder along the stream bed. It does not show itself the stench.
until the PCs draw within 40 feet of its hiding place. Improved Grab (EX) To use this ability, the writhing
blackness must hit a Large or smaller creature with its
When the writhing blackness emerges read: slam attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a
free action without provoking attacks of opportunity. Ifit
From behind a boulaer, a roiling darkJ1ess rises, sprollting a
wins the grapple, it establishes a hold and can constrict.
writhing mass of tendrils IIlat las'l at you. Engulf{Ex) The writhing blackness can flow around
creatures that fit within its space as a standard action.
TACTICS Creatures that succeed on a DC 19 Reflex save are
The writhing blackness arracks from higher ground when pushed back or aside (their choice). On a failed save, a
possible. It otherwise targets the closest pes and fights until creature is engulfed. Engulfed creatures are subject to
destroyed. the writhing blackness's constrict and ghoul touch
lphariul's main goal is [0 flee for the porral with his prize l
abilities each round, and are considered grappled.
but if confronted by the PCs, he fights with wild abandon. Opponents can make attacks of opportunity
Each round, he has a 50% chance of attacking the closest foe against a writhing blackness attempting to engulf them,
but if they do so, they are not entitled to a saving throw.
or attempting to escape.
MM 264, Complete Arcane 160 Tbe ,He a bas tbe following fcaturcs.
hp 38 (7 HD); DR 5/magic Bould,er: Climb DC 10. A boulder provides cover.
Male pseudonatural yuan-ti halfblood Earth: Tbe blasted ground llerc (including the
CE Medium outsider sheam beds) is treated as ligbt rubble. Ligbt rubble 'ldds 2
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft., scent; Listen +16,
to tile DC of Balance ami Tumble cllecks. Any creature at-
tempting to run or charge over light rubble must succeed on
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Yuan-Ti
a DC 10 BaLnee check.
AC 20, touch 11, flat-footed 19; Dodge
Resist acid 5, fire 5 SR 16
Dcad T,cc, 5 fectthick; AC3, h"dneso 5, hp 600, b,eak
Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +9 DC 35; Clirnh DC 15. A tree takes up 1 square and provides
'cover to anyone bebill(l it.
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Melee mwk scimitar +10/+5 (ld6+2/18-20) and
bite +4 (ld6+1 plus poison) SHIFTING TERRAIN
Ranged mwk composite longbow +9/+4 (ld8+2/x3) As tile PCs explore, the supcrnatural effects of tile area
Base Atk +7; Grp +9 begin to make themselves known.
Atk Options Blind-Fight, Combat Expertise; poison (DC PCs walking at the same speed are suddenly separated by
14, ld6 Con/ld6 Can). produce acid, true strike
5-30 feet (ld6 "1""e,).
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 8th):
The mountain on the horizon appears to move closer and
At will-detect poison (CL 6th) ,
3/day-animal trance (DC 15), causefear (DC 14), farther away, wbctllcr tile PCs are walking toward it or not
entangle (DC 14) Tile surface texture mimics mud, stone, or scree, but with
'jday-deeper darkness, neutralize poison (DC 17), no corresponding visual c11ange or effect on movement.
suggestion (DC 16) The odd shifts in perspective and elevation have a dramatic
Abilities Str 15, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 18, Wis 18, Cha 16 effect on combat. At tbe beginning o( each creature's turn,
SQ alternate form, alternate form, chameleon power roll Id10 and consult the following table. Tile writhing
Feats Alertness 6 , Blind-FightS, Combat Expertise, Dodge, blackness is immune to tbese effects.
Improved Initiative
Skills Concentration +11, Knowledge (religion) +14, dlO Result
Knowledge (the planes) +14, Hide +10*, Listen +16, 1-6 Subject is instantly shifted a number of squares
Spot +16 equal to the die rolP
*A halfblood using chameleon power gains a +10 7-9 No effect
circumstance bonus on Hide checks. 10 Abnormal event 1
Possessions masterwork studded leather armor, 1 Random direction. If shifted into a solid object or an
masterwork heavy steel shield, masterwork scimitar, occupied square, place the creature in the nearest empty
masterwork composite longbow (+2 Str bonus) with 20 space. If a grappled creature moves, all creatures involved
arrows, Sertrous-touched stone (see text) in the grapple move with it. A creature grappled by the
Produce Acid (Sp) Iphariul can exude acid from his body, writhing blackness is immune to this effect.
dealing 3d6 points of acid damage to the next creature 2 The effect depends on terrain.
he touches, including a creature hit by his bite attack. If Cracked Earth: A pit opens up beneath the subject,
Iphariul is grappling or pinning a foe when he uses this dropping it 10 feet for ld6 points of damage (Reflex DC 20
power, his grasp deals Sd6 points of acid damage. The aVOids). A DC 10 Climb check is required to escape the pit.
acid becomes inert when it leaves Iphariul's body, and Pits close after they are empty for 1 round.
he is immune to its effect. Dry Stream Bed: The subject is hit by a wave offorce
True Strike Once per day, Iphariul can gain a +20 insight that deals 1d4 points of damage. In addition, its movement
bonus on a single attack roll, with no miss chance rate is reduced by 5 feet for 1 round (as though wading
against a target with concealment or total concealment. through water).
Alternate Form (Sp) Iphariul can assume the form of a Tiny Near a Tree: A subject within 5 feet of a dead tree must
to Large viper (MM 280) as a psionic ability. He uses make a grapple check against it (size large, Strength 16, +9
his own poison for the viper's bite attack. grapple modifier). Ifthe tree wins, it grapples the subject
Alternate Form (Su) As a standard action, lphariul can take for 1 round. If another roll of10 for terrain effects results
the form of a grotesque, tentacled mass. This has no on the next turn, the subject makes another grapple check.
effect on his abilities, but other creatures take a-1 On a Boulder: The subject is thrown as the boulder
penalty on attack rolls against him. shudders, taking ld6 points of damage (Reflex DC 25
Chameleon Power (Sp) lphariul can psionically change his avoids).
coloration to match his surroundings, granting him a
+10 circumstance bonus on Hide checks. The PCs probably won't continue traveling once the encounter
occurs. However, if they hy to do so, tile twisting of the en-
IfIphariul escapes, he delivers the Serrrous-touched stone to vironmcnt becomes increasingly severe. I I1stcad of a few feet,
the Vanguard. If the pes slay him but leave the stone behind, PCs might end up hundreds of yards-or even miles-apart.
another Vanguard agent retrieves it. Only if the pes take or They migbt begin to take increasing amounts of ability dam-
destroy the stone do they prevent its use in the rituaL It is no age, or suFfer cllaobc effects such as growing extra limbs that
harder than normal stone to destroy (hardness 8, 30 hp). vanish aftera few rounds. PCs who insist on continuing bcyond
Action Points: The Sertrous-rouched stone is an anchor the scope of this encounter eventually hanstorm i !lto hideous
point for the sacrament. Acquiring or destroying it earns the pseudonatural creatures mucll like tIle one they find bere.
pes 2 action points.
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Fortress of the Yuan-ti:
The Lost Portals of Castle Serastis
by Ari Marmell
During the course of their exploration of Castle Serastis, headquarters of the Vanguard of Sertrous, the party has
the opportunity to travel through several mystical portals. On the other side, they explore a few peculiar
environments, engage in challenges beyond the bounds of the fortress, and have the opportunity to thwart
several of the Vanguard's endeavors.
As presented in the module, some of the Serastis portals are currently inactive, but there's no reason they have
to stay that way. For DMs who wish to add even more variety to the adventure, or who simply want to offer the
PCs something to do after the story's conclusion, this article provides the answer. Below are three new locations
that characters can reach via the portals in Castle Serastis. Two are combat encounters, while the third is both a
magical location and offers a bit more insight into the nature of Sertrous himself.
Of course, DMs not making use of Fortress of the Yuan-ti can still use these encounters, with modification, for
their own adventures.
Several of these locations grant action points for use against the Risen King in the final encounter of Fortress of
the Yuan-Ti. See the introduction to the adventure for specifics on this particular system of action points.
The yuan-ti are truly alien in their practices, and their methods of burial prove no exception. While the yuan-ti of
the Vanguard have abandoned many of the traditions of their race in order to focus their veneration on Sertrous,
their burial practices are not among them. Here, in this cemetery for the honored dead, they observe many of the
same traditions, and organize their graveyard in the same fashion, as other yuan-ti.
The hill is steep and difficult to climb, but the four stairways are far easier to traverse. Touching any one of the
sarcophagi, or attempting to damage the sculpture atop the hill, triggers the tactical encounter.
Treasure: In addition to Qalsarros's possessions (see the tactical encounter), each of the sculpture's eyes is
worth 550 gp (for 4,400 gp total).
Action Points: If the PCs destroy at least two of the sculptures' heads, they earn 1 action point.
Initially, no opponents are obvious amidst the sculptures and sarcophagi of the graveyard.
When the characters first begin climbing the hill or the stairs, read:
The various sarcophagi boast engravings of a monstrous nature, displaying shapes that are part man and part
serpent. The air around them is stale and dry, as though the weight of all that stone oppressed the world around
This graveyard boasts a guardian beyond the corpses animated by the great sculpture. If the PCs destroy more
than five yuan-ti corpses, touch the sarcophagus marked Q on the map, or attempt to damage the great
sculpture atop the hill, Qalsarros awakens and emerges. When this happens, place him on the spot marked Q.
Qalsarros CR 9
MM 262, BV 185, HH 82
hp 68 (13 HD)
Male corpse creature yuan-ti halfblood archivist 6
CE Medium undead
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., scent; Listen +16, Spot +16
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Infernal, Yuan-ti
AC 19, touch 10, flat-footed 19; Dodge (-1 size, +0 Dex, +9 armor, +5 natural)
Immune undead immunities (MM 317)
Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +14 (+16 against enchantments)
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Melee mwk scimitar +15/+10 (1d6+4/18-20) and
bite +9 (1d6+2 plus poison) or
Melee slam +14 (1d6+4) and
bite +9 (1d6+2 plus poison)
Base Atk +10; Grp +14
Atk Options Blind-Fight, poison (DC 13, 1d6 Con/1d6 Con), produce acid
Special Actions dark knowledge 5/day
Archivist Spells Prepared (CL 6th, 1d20+8 to overcome SR):
3rd -- bestow curse, inflict serious wounds (+14 melee touch, DC 17), invisibility purge
2nd -- fog cloud, hold person (DC 16), inflict moderate wounds (+14 melee touch, DC 16), silence (DC 16),
spiritual weapon (+14/+9 melee)
1st -- command (DC 15), divine favor, faerie fire, entropic shield, shield of faith
0 -- detect magic, guidance (2), resistance
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 8th):
At will -- detect poison
3/day -- animal trance (DC 15), cause fear (DC 14), entangle (DC 14)
1/day -- deeper darkness, neutralize poison, suggestion (DC 16)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 11, Con --, Int 18, Wis 18, Cha 16
SQalternate form, chameleon power, undead traits
Feats Alertness[B], Blind-Fight[B], Combat Expertise, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Scribe Scroll[B], Skill Focus
(Concentration), Spell Penetration
Skills Concentration +17, Decipher Script +14, Hide +8*, Knowledge (arcana) +12, Knowledge (dungeoneering)
+8, Knowledge (nature) +12, Knowledge (religion) +20, Knowledge (the planes) +18, Listen +16, Spellcraft +14,
Spot +16, Survival +4 (+6 on other planes or in aboveground natural environments)
*A halfblood using chameleon power gains a +10 circumstance bonus on Hide checks.
Possessions masterwork scimitar, masterwork studded leather armor, masterwork heavy wooden shield,
wooden holy symbol
Spellbook spells prepared plus 0 -- all cleric spells; 1 -- cause fear, comprehend languages, curse water, doom,
Produce Acid (Sp) A yuan-ti halfblood has the psionic power to exude acid from its body, dealing 3d6 points of
acid damage to the next creature it touches, including a creature hit by its bite attack. If the yuan-ti is grappling or
pinning a foe when it uses this power, its grasp deals 5d6 points of acid damage. The acid becomes inert when it
leaves the yuan-ti’s body, and the yuan-ti is immune to its effect.
Dark Knowledge (Ex) Five times per day, by making an appropriate DC 15 Knowledge check when facing
aberrations, elementals, magical beasts, outsiders, or undead, Qalsarros can make use of one of the following
Tactics: Qalsarros grants his allies +1 on attack rolls against the foe. This bonus increases to +2 if his check
exceeds the target by 10, and goes to +3 if it exceeds the target by 20.
Puissance: Allies within 60 feet gain +1 on saves against the foe's special abilities. This bonus increases to +2 if
his check exceeds the target by 10, and goes to +3 if it exceeds the target by 20.
Alternate Form (Sp) Qalsarros can assume the form of a Tiny to Large viper (MM 280) as a psionic ability. He
uses his own poison for the viper's bite attack.
Chameleon Power (Sp) Qalsarros can change the coloration of himself and his equipment to match his
surroundings, granting him a +10 circumstance bonus on Hide checks.
Skill: Qalsarros gains a +2 bonus on Decipher Script and Knowledge (religion) checks due to his levels in
If Qalsarros is awakened by a PC touching his sarcophagus,
he emerges immediately. If he is awakened by any other
cause, however, he first takes 2 rounds to cast entropic
shield and shield of faith upon himself. Once combat begins,
he attempts to close with arcane casters as quickly as
possible, hoping to use his touch spells and poison to
remove them from the battle swiftly. He attempts to keep the
trees and sarcophagi as cover between himself and ranged
combatants. If the sculpture is in true danger of being
destroyed, however, he throws caution to the winds and
fights manically to the death.
With the death of Qalsarros, the magic that allowed the
sculpture to animate corpses fails. The PCs may destroy the
sculpture (and harvest its eyes) at their leisure.
The Vanguard of Sertrous is not a large sect, and it frequently employs outsiders to perform some of its more
distant jobs. This includes, among others, the Iron Ring, a faction of brutal slavers both yuan-ti and humanoid.
Their contact in the organization is Zstulkk Ssarmn, a yuan-ti abomination cleric who operates in the dark
under-city of Skullport. At the moment, Dolathuzar -- one of the Vanguard's nastier field operatives -- is arranging
with four of Ssarmn's slavers for a new delivery. (Thankfully for the PCs, Ssarmn himself is not present.)
The portal through which the PCs travel leads them to a dark grotto along the River Sargauth on level three of
the infamous dungeon of Undermountain, some distance from Skullport itself. (See Expedition to Undermountain
for more details on these locations. The grotto itself is located in the northeastern bend of the Sargauth, where it
briefly widens; reference the Sargauth Level map on page 21. Alternatively, if it is more appropriate for your
campaign, feel free to substitute some other underground riverside community.)
Note that the yuan-ti, who are perfectly at home in the dark, carry no light sources. The following descriptions
assume that the PCs either provide their own light, or can also see in the dark. If neither is the case, of course,
they see nothing at all, and you should adjust the descriptions accordingly.
After a flash of electric green lights the area, you find yourself standing upon a rough stone floor at one end of a
great cavern. Walls of dark rock rise behind you, moist and dripping. From high above, stalactites dangle, and
great pillars join floor to ceiling throughout the cavern. Far ahead you can both hear and see the gradual flow of
an underground river.
Your vantage point appears to be a small, high ledge, at the edge of which is a small wood-and-rope framework.
Below you is a broader, lower floor, with a natural slope leading down further still to the level of the shore.
Luckily for the PCs, neither the Vanguard nor the slavers put any guards on the portal itself. The notion that an
enemy could arrive from Castle Serastis never crossed their minds.
The corridor opening to the southeast eventually leads to Skullport. Following the river in that same direction also
leads to that grim community, while following the river in the opposite direction takes explorers deeper into the
Action Points: By disrupting the acquisition of further slaves and sacrifices, the PCs earn 1 action point.
Encounter Level 9
The PCs appear just beside the portal on the ledge to the north/northeast. The four yuan-ti slavers begin at the
points marked S (two of them on one of the boats). Dolathuzar begins at the spot marked D. The boats occupy
the squares marked B.
Because the yuan-ti are some distance from the portal, they may not notice when it activates. Allow each of them
to make a DC 12 Spot check; the PCs, and those who succeed on these checks, can act in the surprise round.
If, however, the PCs are carrying, or ignite, a light source, or if they make an excessive amount of noise, the
yuan-ti notice automatically.
4 Yuan-ti Purebloods CR 3
MM 263
hp 18 each (4 HD)
CE Medium monstrous humanoid
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +4, Spot +4
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Yuan-ti
AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16; Dodge (+1 Dex, +3 armor,
+2 shield, +1 natural)
SR 14
Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +4
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Melee mwk scimitar +5 (1d6/18-20)
Ranged mwk longbow +6 (1d8/x3)
Base Atk +4; Grp +4
Atk Options Blind-Fight
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 4th):
At will -- detect poison (CL 6th)
1/day -- animal trance (DC 13), cause fear (DC 12), charm person (DC 12), darkness, entangle (DC 12)
Abilities Str 11, Dex 13, Con 11, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 12
SQalternate form
Feats Alertness [B], Blind-Fight [B], Dodge, Improved Initiative
Skills Concentration +7, Disguise +4*, Hide +3, Knowledge (religion) +5, Listen +4, Spot +4
*A pureblood gains a +5 racial bonus on Disguise checks when impersonating a human. Possessions
masterwork studded leather armor, masterwork heavy steel shield, masterwork scimitar, masterwork longbow
with 20 arrows
Alternate Form (Sp) A yuan-ti can assume the form of a Tiny to Large viper (MM 280) as a psionic ability.
Dolathuzar CR 7
MM 264, MM 146, Dr 166
hp 59 (7 HD)
Male half-deep dragon yuan-ti halfblood
CE Medium dragon
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision,
scent; Listen +12, Spot +12
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Yuan-ti
AC 25, touch 11, flat-footed 24; Dodge (+1 Dex, +3
armor, +3 shield, +8 natural)
Immune charm, paralysis, sleep
Resist cold 10, fire 10; SR 16
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +9
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Melee+1 scimitar +14/+9 (1d6+7/18-20) and
bite +8 (1d6+3 plus poison) or
2 claws +13 (1d4+6) and
bite +8 (1d6+3 plus poison) or
Ranged mwk composite longbow +9/+4
Base Atk +7; Grp +13
Atk Options Blind-Fight, Combat Expertise;
poison (DC 15, 1d6 Con/1d6 Con), produce acid
Special Actions breath weapon
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 8th):
At will -- detect poison (CL 6th)
3/day -- animal trance (DC 16), cause fear (DC
15), entangle (DC 15)
1/day -- deeper darkness, neutralize poison (DC
18), suggestion (DC 17)
Abilities Str 23, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 20, Wis 18, Cha 18
SQalternate form, chameleon power
Feats Alertness[B], Blind-Fight[B], Combat Expertise, Dodge, Improved Initiative
Skills Bluff +14, Concentration +12, Diplomacy +16, Disguise +4 (+6 acting), Hide +10*, Intimidate +16,
Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +15, Knowledge (religion) +15, Listen +16, Spot +16,
Survival +9 (+11 underground)
*A halfblood using chameleon power gains a +10 circumstance bonus on Hide checks. Possessions+1 scimitar,
masterwork composite longbow (+6 Str), 20 arrows, masterwork studded leather armor, +1 heavy steel shield,
pouch containing 18 pp and a handful of snake fangs
Produce Acid (Sp) A yuan-ti halfblood has the psionic power to exude acid from its body, dealing 3d6 points of
acid damage to the next creature it touches, including a creature hit by its bite attack. If the yuan-ti is grappling or
pinning a foe when it uses this power, its grasp deals 5d6 points of acid damage. The acid becomes inert when it
leaves the yuan-ti’s body, and the yuan-ti is immune to its effect.
Breath Weapon (Su) 30-ft. cone, 1/day, 6d8 flesh-corrosive gas, Reflex DC 15 half.
Alternate Form (Sp) Dolathuzar can assume the form of a Tiny to Large viper (MM 280) as a psionic ability. He
uses his own poison for the viper's bite attack.
Chameleon Power (Sp) Dolathuzar can change the coloration of himself and his equipment to match his
surroundings, granting him a +10 circumstance bonus on Hide checks.
If the PCs initiate combat via ranged attacks or spells, Dolathuzar and the yuan-ti scatter to take cover behind
stalagmites, walls, or pillars, and they return fire. (The yuan-ti in the boat row for cover instead.) Dolathuzar
saves his breath weapon until he can catch a majority of the party in it, or, alternatively, for a desperate situation.
If circumstances permit, the yuan-ti use their ability to become Tiny vipers to hide or take cover while finding
optimal positions for a counterattack.
Dolathuzar attempts to flee -- either through the portal or the passage to the southeast, whichever is nearest to
him at the time -- if all four of the yuan-ti are slain, or if he's reduced to 15 hp. The other yuan-ti attempt to retreat
by river, or through the passage, if half are slain and the other two are both wounded.
If the PCs disrupt the arrangements here, they gain an additional action point for use against the Risen King.
Heavy Debris: It costs 2 squares of movement to enter a square with heavy debris. Heavy debris adds 5 to the
DCs of Balance and Tumble checks, and it imposes a -5 penalty on Move Silently checks. Characters cannot
run or charge through heavy debris.
Illumination: The cave is dark unless the PCs bring their own illumination, since the yuan-ti all possess
Ledges: Except where mitigated by the slope or by the ladders, the miniature cliffs between levels are sheer
but rough (Climb DC 22). The distance from the northernmost ledge (with the portal) down to the middle level is
10 feet. The distance from the middle level to the bottom (shore) level is 20 feet.
Nonflowing Water: Both the tepid pool in the west and the river -- due to its sluggish pace -- qualify as
nonflowing water. They simply require a swim speed or successful Swim checks to move through, and are
considered calm water (DC 10 Swim checks). Characters need a way to breathe if they're underwater; failing
that, they risk drowning (see Drowning, DMG 304). When underwater, characters can move in any direction as
if they were flying with perfect maneuverability. An invisible creature displaces water and leaves a visible,
body-shaped "bubble" where the water was displaced. The creature still has concealment (20% miss chance),
but not total concealment (50% miss chance).
Rowboats: These 8-foot craft hold two Medium passengers. During combat, the boat can move at a speed of
10 if both passengers row, or 5 if only one rows.
Steep Slope: Characters moving uphill (to an adjacent square of higher elevation) must spend 2 squares of
movement to enter each square of steep slope. Characters running or charging downhill (moving to an adjacent
square of lower elevation) must succeed on a DC 10 Balance check upon entering the first steep slope square.
Mounted characters make a DC 10 Ride check instead. Characters who fail this check stumble and must end
their movement 1d2x5 feet later. Characters who fail by 5 or more fall prone in the square where they end their
movement. A steep slope increases the DC of Tumble checks by 2.
A stalagmite can provide cover. A stalagmite can be pushed over with a Strength check that exceeds its break
DC, causing 4d6 points of damage to creatures in the squares that it falls in (DC 15 Reflex for half). A broken
stalagmite fills the squares it falls in with heavy debris.
Wooden Freight Platform: The wooden pillars that support the platform have the following qualities: 1 foot
thick, AC 5, hardness 8, hp 30, break DC 20; Climb DC 25.
The pulley mechanism allows the platform to rise and drop from the ledge to the ground below. It requires one
person turning the winch, and it takes 5 rounds. It can support up to 400 pounds.
Wooden Ladder: 1-1/2 in. thick; AC 6, hardness 5, hp 15, break DC 15; Climb DC 0.
Beyond this portal, the PCs face a challenge of a different sort. No monstrous guardians and no foul cultists
stand to face them. Rather, the party has stumbled upon a nexus of unearthly chaos. On this very spot -- or so
some legends claim, anyway -- Sertrous transferred his essence from the Abyss to the Material Plane. Although
it might greatly disturb them to do so, some of the characters may be capable of drawing on the power present
here for use against the Vanguard itself.
The Shrine of Primal Chaos is a magical location, as described (among other sources) in Dungeon Master's
Guide II and Complete Mage. While helpful, access to these books is not necessary to make use of the location
as written.
Although the catacomb indeed seems creepy, the effects are largely atmospheric. No foes wait to attack the
party (unless you choose to place some). The complex is impossible to map, due to the chaotic and unnatural
nature of the passages, but the PCs will eventually reach their destination regardless. See the various features of
the area, below, for more on these details.
Should you choose to add a combat encounter, consider making use of the same random combat effects
presented in The Blasted Land encounter in the Appendix of Fortress of the Yuan-Ti, to represent the chaotic
nature of the area.
Shrine of Sertrous
When the PCs arrive, read:
You stand at the precipice of an enormous cavern that appears to have been blasted from the rock by primeval
forces. The stone walls are rough and red, as if a scab had formed over a wound in the world itself. A mysterious
black blot the size of an elder dragon stains the far wall. It radiates a pervasive cold, felt not on the skin but in the
In the midst of that cavern, an enormous carved natural column resembles a winding serpent that rises up from
the earth and goes back down again, twisting around itself until its head sits on the ground beside its tail. Though
many of the sculpted details have been lost to time, it still looks real enough to come alive at any moment. The
eyes of the idol, like the blot on the wall, radiate a frigid darkness.
Prerequisite: Only chaotic or evil characters can access the power of the shrine. Other characters automatically
fail (see below) when attempting to activate it.
Location Activation: Any character seeking the benefits of the shrine must strip himself of all magic items and
place his hand -- without gloves, gauntlets, or any protection -- inside either an eye or the mouth of the serpent
idol. The DM then rolls 1d12, due to the chaotic aspect of the shrine. Characters who are both chaotic and evil
gain +1 on the roll. See Special Ability, below.
Any given character may attempt to activate the shrine of Sertrous only once per week, whether he succeeds or
Recharge: The shrine of Sertrous can bestow its power on up to three different people before it's tapped out.
Each "charge" recharges itself after 1d6+7 days.
Special Ability (Su unless stated otherwise): The recipient of the shrine's power takes on several aspects
shared by Sertrous back when he was an obyrith, a primal demon predating the more familiar tanar'ri. With the
exception of the "failure" result, these effects are cumulative. For instance, a character who rolls a 7 gains
suggestion, energy resistance, and the bonus against mind-affecting effects and poisons.
A character currently possessed of powers granted by the shrine takes a -2 profane penalty on all
Charisma-based skill checks except Intimidate, as the pseudoreal madness of the obyrith becomes faintly
manifest in his eyes, his voice, and his mannerisms. Further, he radiates a mild chaotic and evil aura, in addition
to whatever alignment auras he might normally possess.
The spell-like abilities have a caster level equal to the character's HD.
Roll Result
1-2 Failure; character is poisoned (1d6 Con/1d6 Con, DC 16 Fort negates).
3-4 +2 profane bonus on saves against mind-affecting effects and poisons.
Energy resistance 5 to a random energy type. Roll 1d4 upon first gaining this ability, and again upon
5-6 awakening each day; a result of 1 indicates resistance to acid, 2 indicates cold, 3 indicates electricity,
and 4 indicates fire.
7-8 Suggestion (Sp) 1/day.
9-10 Poison (Sp) 1/day.
Serpent's strike: Once per encounter, as a swift action, the character may adjust his stance, plus
11 mystically adjust the shape and flexibility of his limbs, to grant him an extra 5 feet of reach. This effect
lasts for 1 round.
12 Cloudkill (Sp) 1/day.
Duration: The spell-like abilities granted by the shrine remain for 1d4+4 days, regardless of how often they are
used, and then disappear.
Ari Marmell has been shirking homework in favor of playing D&D since he was nine years old. Thankfully, he
now works in the industry, since shirking work for gaming tends to wreak havoc with the bills. He has written for
quite a few of the industry’s major companies, including White Wolf and, of course, Wizards of the Coast.
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