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Player's Secrets of Illien

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T his Ilion.

a one-prmimcedosdnthat is
home t o t h e Free City of&, the &
l8rg8rtciiy in Anuire. The domain rest8 in
the s l l a d o w o f d
stant -with
~ Medosrr, ma*.con.
these neighbors has kspc Ilien

ilien f r h b e i i o m m m . C s n r i a neutral by all the

domains of A m h , Ilien is a pkcr pf ntgotbth,
treaties, trade, magic and adventure. You,t h e
blooded regant, are the ruler o f t a e realm. W s
safety and proapc&yiie in your balds.
domain sourcebook
what you need
to play

table of contents I

Last Wd of Moemm Aglondisr .............. .2 'zhis domain s o w d w c c s s o r y i s intended for

..................................................... 4
History of Iiien use with thc J M m R I G W C a m p . i g e ~ Bitber
.................................................... .6
Land offlien.... you or your DuLgecmMastar shouWhpve a copy of
....~.............. :.........12 the hgnrar~mhexad set, along aitb a Du&rn
hUsnW Guide amd the Playa'sHond&ak fwtk
how to use $his .
domain sourcebook
This domain sourcebook explores tho M- of
Ilien, its people, villages, nobles, and various pkcsr
of intetert--irrludm * gmne of itsdeepest s e e
men is set upwithwiwd regent Rogr Bighdim,
but ifjrouwish to create a regent 0 t h thanthe one
mett supplied with this sourcebook, feel free to do so.
Rwmmber, however, that the mlea of Ilien rhouM
blaoded wizard: Other rulers of Ilien would
quidkly fall before invaders without she powerful
realm magic available *to wizarbaypats.
If you have changes you wish to to your
'your modifidom upset tlte balance of power in
the region, yglr DM hu the rigllt to refame ywu
There .re mppy other opportunities for player
charnctar in llicn bcskles tbaiwivnt Tcgmt. Chu-
pcters cpnhdrtrmgguhls, actast4mm cxmst&l-
laly,or be noble lie- of Ilian. It's good to be
the Iring, but- a g o d kiagneeds atntstwwthy
NOTE: Ihe lieutenants described in this domain
sourcdbook have stats that reflect their service to
M d Agloadicr, and may he of higher levels than
ptlowed in the BIRnraGm &for a 3rd-
level regent. The DM has the option to djust the
levels of these NPCa, following t h e lieutenant

1 I
moeran Agiondier, Count and Regent of the
Cedian domain of Ilien, in the spring of 550
MR, beiig of sound mind and dying body with-
of this domain to

most valued cox&

an trust t o take the
ct it from those who

you must heed this

warning-you are

with a bloodline
assassin walking the land. I do not
who it is that has cut my life short.
only glad that it is the slow poison
killing me, that I am able to invest my

sassin is still at large, a

have you in his sights.
I I i e n d be told that I
natural causes-and lien their liveliho
back down from el-Hadid, for you still hold enough
might to drive him back to Khinasi. But remember
that el-Hadid brings much commerce to Ilien, and
alienating him without cause would not be p o d for
business. A fine line needs t o

s, a stahvart lcnse

heir favor. Medoere's own

*sa geographic as well as po
rom the Baron
ndier, Dajel’s second son. Though many
ienese h a d whispered discussions a b o u t

some of the province‘s northern farmlands were

heavily ravaged.
The r e s t o f Diemed, itself despoiled by t h e
forces of Spiderfell, offered no help to Ilien. Rec-
ognizing Diemed a s t o o weak t o s u p p o r t t h e
province, Lehoene Aglondier, descendant of Karn,
proclaimed Ilien a free domain in 305 MR.
Diemed’s troubles were not over, and with t h e
additional chaos that resulted in Medoere’s and
Roesone’s independence, none challenged
Lehoene’s claim t o Ilien’s small and relatively o
, Actdnwe, Medoere,
inconsequential piece of land. w e preparing to
The proclamation was bold, t o say the least, k Soleme, Moeran
from a regent with little military power, but none Aglondier, the lost son of Pearce Aglondier, reap-
tested Ilien’s independence until 124 years later, peared and stepped forward to challenge his uncle’s
when wizardess Axlea Aglondier assumed t h e rule. Following a terrible duel between the two wiz-
throne from her late father in 429 MR. The Baron ards, Moeran pierced his uncle through the heart
of Ghoere, marking Axlea’s new rule as untested with a golden dagger and assumed control of Ilien.
and somewhat precarious, sent a military force The shackles of the tyrant were thrown off, and the
fresh from victory over the goblins in Spiderfell to entire province rejoiced.
bring Ilien to its knees. He miscalculated Axlea’s As a child, Moeran had studied magic under his
strength, however, and her mighty realm magic great-grandmother Axlea in her final years, and his
utterly destroyed his invading force t o the last magic proved to be more than adequate t o bring
man. Ilien back from the brink of ruin, though much of
In 506 MR, an aging Axlea proclaimed Ilien a Ilien’s treasury was spent in rebuilding the domain.
neutral domain and open trade zone. With many At the time of Moeran’s suspicious death in 551
nearby domains still recovering from the long, bat- MR, the domain had been financially secured and
tering wars of independence and not wanting to risk
more conflict, all of southern Anuire’s rulers recog-
This small town is located in s
who do not have along the Straits of Aerele. Aenier is a port cater-
ing t o wealthy travelers passing through the
Cattle straits- place that offers pleasures &e no others
found in southern Anuire. It is well known that
Ilien’s farmers are among the most wealthy, Citizens Aenier is the creation of the guildlord el-Wadid.
of Ilien often suffer derogatory remarks by travelers Th ot the only one to profit from
from other domains, calliig them ”dungslingers”or Ae shareholder and has a say in
“cow-men’’because much of their livelihood stems all
from cattle herding. Though their dignity is Thgre are many distractions to entertain wealthy
wounded by these remarks, most Ilienese make a rs of Aenier. Visitors can take in the wonders
comfortable living raising cattle and ancient forest by walking through the wilds
take the money of those who would r
wt farmers raise both livestock and
edge of the Erebannien with an escort, or
can enjoy a relaxing fishing trip or pleasure
i wide variety of small mammala roams s cruise along the coast of the Straits of Aerele.
of Ilien. Rabbits, mice, deer, several species of buds, There is small game hunting in a special preserve

ars stay in or near

lynx, called tobix, to hunt the small rodents

tobix have brought the gopher popul
control of late, and killing one of these

om the south to

e in Caette is the

munities are similar to those described below.

This community is one of the largest farming and cat-
tle herding towns in the realm. Located in northeast-
em Ilien, Goewhyn is an alternative trading post for
those not wanting to travel all the way to the Free
City. Goewhyn has a well structured community
raises some of the choicest beef cattle in the land, as
well as the only dairy cows bred in all of Ilien, and
prices are iisually beneficial to the local economy.
Goewhvn also raises a variety of crops, including
corn. wheat, and potatoes. Many farmers in the area
have quite a bit of gold stashed away from their S
dealings with Medoere.
To aicommoddte the traders who travel t o Goc-
wh.yn. Curan's mother. Yedla. runs a modest inn for
those passing through. At the age of 72. she still R w ,o
gets up every morning to make breaktast for her
customers-aided by several of hcr grandchildren.

the northern reaches of Ilien. The g

daily patrols, and often escorts Me
through the Passage to ensure their sa

hoene Aglondier, t h e iirst regent

ed the land to General Cest Hestean,

hndholdcr in every se
,e s t ' s descendant, is
Proudglaive, and then t o the Ilienese trading vil-
lage of Tennien. Traffic is also heavy through the
Erebannien section of the Spider River, it being
one of the few paths through the Erebannien t o
the Straits of Aerele.
The river thins greatly through the Erebannien,
as the ancient trees drink directly from its banks,
and most large boats are in danger of running
aground during the winter and summer months
when rains are less frequent. It is for this reason
that barges with shallow drafts are the most com-
mon type of commercial craft, but such boats are
unable t o w e a t h e r t h e s e a s of t h e S t r a i t s of
Aerele. In t h e d r i e r months, most goods a r e
transported via land caravan between the Free
City and Tennien.
Dkmed had f a d well m
The Baron was both pow

into chao
as no excrp~lull.NUU piaguea me city
for a month, followed by a
Conor Ja’teem, a Khinasi statesman who somehow
t around the Castleward. There is a current keeps t h e organization of t h e castle and the
efore the regent to tear down the outer remainder of the district running smoothly. Ja’teem
Common Ward so the city may expand is a former trader who was run out of business by
the Port of Call Exchange. Having dealt with the
Each ward is supervised by a chamberlain late Count on many occasions, he accepted con-
nted by the Lord Mayor and approved by the trol of the Cast cessor’s
t of Ilien. Each chamberlain is allotted a por- resignation.
of the city’s treasury each quarter of the year to The Castle elite of
e in the district’s upkeep. Upkeep costs include the Free City. The quality of living in this district is
bordinates’ wages, guards’ salaries and supplies, exceptionally higher than the rest of the city, and
road and sewer upkeep, and tax and tariff collec- prices are more than double here than what they are
tion. Each chamberlain has numerous subordinates in other districts. Taxes and tariffs are also slightly
higher, but that is at the request of the citizens of
Castle Ward: the self-made nobles, rich merchants,
and dignitaries from other domains gladly pay
higher taxes in return for a cleaner district and
increased watch patrols. These higher taxes also
keep the “unwanted element” of the city from
remaining long within the ward’s walls. Citizens of
the Castle Ward, with the exception of those who
at concern the live in the castle itself, tend to be snobbish, haughty
highboms who feel they’re better than the common
folk of Ilien.
The walls surrounding the Castle Ward are the
largest of the wards, towering over 60 feet in height.
The walls of this ward are patrolled by the Golden
Plumes-the elite of the city’s Guard Watch. The
Golden Plumes have been fiercely loyal t o the
regent of Ilien since their founding in 531 MR.

the folk they’ve sworn to protect. For the com-

ier, there is no greater honor than t o
member of this corps. Nine skilled war-

nearly 40 years. Gen-

berlain Ja’teem, the

d is also home to a sect of the

mpregnable Heart of Haelyn. In grati-
tude for curing the city of a
terrible plague

armorers, bakers, shipwrights, gambling dens,
butchers, nautical suppliers, tailors, and weapon-
smiths found in this quarter.
the followers of Haelyn location in the’ Cargo moves quickly through the Free City when
Castle Ward. An impressive cathedral was built, bound for another destination. Many of the
and has since become a major part of the faith’s s stored here seldom stay longer than a week or
worship. The disciples of Haelyn in the Free City of Most of the warehouses are owned by rich
Ilien answer t o t h e High Prefect Hubaere hants or nobles who use them for their own
Armiendin (MA; P11;Re, major, 27),the most pow- s o r r e n t t h e m to smaller businesses for a
erful Haelynite in the realms of Ilien, Roesone, and per day of occupancy.
Medoere. The High Prefect is often sought as a Peace is kept by the Guard Watch of the River
diplomatic mediator between rival lords in major rd under the supervision of Constable Klon
disputes. lcene (MA; F4;unblooded), and it is a difficult
Castle Aglondier is an imposing structure which, eed. The River Ward is by far t h e most
like the homes of many regents, has been con- riotous of the four quarters, with action being cen-
structed t o withstand the most concentrated of red around sailors and other travelers who pass
sieges. Elevated spires rise above the Castle Wards rough. Press gangs and roaming thugs are com-
walls, and can be seen from nearly any part of the nplace during the nighttime hours, especially
city. The castle is home t o members of t h e ng the spring and fall when the Myst rolls in. Up
Aglondier line, the Lord Mayor, and a few other e murders in any given week is not unusual,
trusted servants of the realm. Much of the city’s and most of t h e victims a r e criminals who
domain’s formal affairs are handled in the castle’s deserve nothing less.
Great Hall, where many treaties and pacts have The River Ward’s most prominent figure is the
been signed in the name of peace. nning guildlord el-Hadid, a Khinasi trader of
eat resourcefulness who established himself in the
ity 12 years ago. His base of operations is the
s Port of Call Exchange, a trading house
The Free City of Ilien ere it is said one can find absolutely anything-
Adele River’s delta, which gives the city indirect
access t o the Straits of Aerele. Docks could not er Watd is also home t o t h e Eastern
built directly on the Straits because of the Free Nesirie, located at the point nearest to
City’s location off t h e coast, but t h e magic of of Aerele. This sect of Nesirie fmds itself
Lehoene Aglondier was able t o widen the delta constant competition with the Heart vf Hael
the faith of the F


successful shipping company, only to see it burn to their wares.

the ground a few years later under questionable middle a
circumstances. An investigation by Moeran not far b
Aglondier discovered the chamberlain of the River
Ward to be on the payroll of el-Hadid, and he was
immediately sacked and imprisoned. In retribu-
tion, the regent appointed Naentas the new cham-
berlain of the district.
Much of the River Ward consists of boarding

being imported to or exported from

re are a fair number of low-rate
cheap accommodations ( 3 t o
who do not like the crowded co
rJo*h 1
One Squarc 20 feet 9. Storage
1. Aglondier Tower, Meeting Level 10. General Zoest's Offi
2. Golden Plume's Barracks 11. Smithy
3. General Zoest's Quarters 12. Treasury
4. The Great Hall 13. Royal Storage
5. Lord Mayor's Offict 14. Aglondier Tower, uwng vuarrers
6. Chancellor Abeth's Office 15. Aglondier Tower, Labratory
7. Chancellor Mentier's Of& 16. Aglondier Tower, Magical Storage
8. Armorv 17 A o l n n A e r T n x w o r Rnnf

ment extremely satisf&g, and he used tbg time it
freed for magicat'res'earch and other pursuits.
Sometimes, his affairs of state firmly in hand with
his chancellors, he would venture out into the city '
under magical illusion to hear the opinions of the
level Anurrean priest
3rd-leh Anuirean wizard Nesirie, unblooded
9. 14
14 L
Ch: 16

AC: 4 (10)
hp: 9
W: 12
#AT: 1
Dmg: ld6+2 Dmg: ld6
Bloodline: Masela,
minor, 21 Equipment: Spear +I, scale mail, holy symbol, ring
Blood Abilities: Detect lie. of free action, potion of extra-healing
enhanced sense (major ability; see rule book) Spells/Day: 4/3
Equipment: Robes, quarterstaff+2
Spells/Day: 211
Preferred Spells: 1st level-cham person, sleep;
2nd level-stinking cloud
DescriptiodHistory: Rogr Elgentor has been the
apprentice, supporter and friend of Moeran
Aglondier for the past decade. Rogr was a com-
moner, fascinated by magic, when he met the Count
of the town of
wife, Sasha, and

t h e r relative or
etween the leader

: Unreadable thoughts
Equipment: Padded leather +3,dagger of venom, ring
of hlrman influence
Bloodline: Masela, DescriptiodHiitory: El-Hadid is the most power-
ful, and the most deadly, trader in all of Ilien. If
ilities: Protec there is profit to be made in Ilien (or any of the sur-
rounding domains), el-Hadid will let nothing stand
in the way of his share. He is a man of elegant dress,
raised in exquisite tastes, and unruly voraciousness. The
rief affair guildlord can be polite and understanding one
iven a minute, a fierce cutthroat who would steal the purse
off a dead man the next.
I t is unknown where el-Hadid acquired t h e
erne money to finance his immense trading enterprise.
ilks to exotic wine
El-Hadid also has
ere and several 0th

nf the I

Ilien. Sor

ie or MOI
t the gre;

xes. m e , itions ot.&i 1
r both Ba family and th
Barel himself

:hancelloi to families of stately sti

rrl hv th
survival of any domain in Cerilia, and
is no exception. The trading of foodstuffs,
livestock, and other local items is essential
to Ilien’s survival and the prosperity of its
citizens. For better or for worse, el-Hadid controls
the largest and only guild holding in Ilien-the Port
of Call Exchange, a level 7 holding. The= are a few

council comprismg

the domain also h

t ensures t

Temple is headquai-.
Impregnable Heart
believes all of Gen to be under its ow~zj-

the irnaremable
The faithof Nesirie i s popular
mariners,and the poor of Ilien. Thingisuchu polit
i d intrigue and ~ m md e r Mof no W s t to 6 f&bftu
the Tem& of Nesirie, fbcusing more an actions of the hetern Temple of Nesirie are fewer than
than machination. "hii is significantly Doted in the those of the Impregnable Heart, they have great
temple's holdings in the River Ward of the Free influence in Ilien's large commerce network. Since
City. While walking through the ward, anyone not the Heart concentrates iC efforts with the nobility
native to the city would most likely walk part the and rich in the castle ward, the Eastern Temple is

ha blae powar of &e regent of nien c o ~ ~ k l ,

n tb course of ttie next few from Source holdings. These
giw the wizards of the
te',wstrenlm,spells in
t tht.magicP1,power
l i Would hrve
weapons, looking for the ultimate prim-the uai-
r, corn’s horn.

of adventure quests for the regent or his servitors.

The following details are things told to the regent new soufce
PC as he takes control of Ilien. Source holdings in Rasone and Medoere have been
losing their mcbhaighl over the past few centuries
rumors for various reasons. In an effort to increase Ilien’s
Dower. M a r a n Adondier had been IooLinP for new


secrets, ~2
within the

while others oould

9 heforehis
be pure fiction. The ollly way to
fmd out for s u n is to investigate
them p e r s o d y - w k t h by you plots death. Gwen that Ilien is
a fanning culture, pure
and untouched lpnd in the
the count did some
DM whether t o use some nnation exploration d o n g other avenues to increase his
magical power. Seneschal c;odcw h.s discovered
the late count’s research-and maintah

The legend of the silver unicorn is a popular one

travelers and citizens in southern Ilien. The unic

ders of the ancient

Tribes into southern
between humans and

creature had lain. e: rumore

After learning of the unicorn’s pos- the Free Ciw.
sible injury, a group of rangers under tower outri

set out to find the magical The late count t h e

ine. During their information gathered
xploration of the ere, that the elves did n
Erebannien the destroy or move the Spire
rs found believed t h e elves sim
ike any domain in Cerilia, Ilien has its

, and artifacts-the inventory of spells b

ost impressive. Remember, however, that, -__
nt PC must be of the required level to learn or
st the spells he has just inherited. Also remember
the %entreasu at magic and spellcasting are rare in Cerilia, and
eat displays of magical might could have a harm-
1 effect on the land and the citizens of Ilien. It is
cisely this kind of fear of magic that has held
rently has an estimated 15 Gold Bars in safe k -be conquerors at bay for so long, so be care-
ing. This is not the extent of Ilien’s resources, to abuse the power.
that both Axlea and Soleme Aglondier had con following is a list of items and spells the
able riches when they died, but much of this hi of Ilien has access to, but remember that the
ealth was used t o rebuild Ilien following t M has the final say on all items listed here. Your
destructive rule of Soleme. A small portion of this regent PC must still roll a chance to know spell to
reserve remains. learn any spell listed below. Like the treasury, some
Ilien’s reserve treasury is considered the personal or all of these spells may he hi,iA-n
wealth of the Count and consists of: 5,300 gold

level-affect normal fires, armor, burning hands,

and many elven artifacts totaling 10,000 g nge self, charm person, comprehend languages,
rowns. If for some reason this wealth needs to ect magic, hypnotism, light, message, protection
ransferred to Ilien’s treasury, it would be wort evil, read magic, shocking grasp, sleep, wall of

level-alter self, detect evil, detect invisibility,

ck, know alignment, ray ofenfeeble-
wind, wizard lock
the apprentice of Moeran Aglondier, either yourself or 3rd-blink, clairaudience, dispel magic, fly, hold per-
Seneschal Godene is assumed to know of its locdtion. son, item, lightning bolt, protection from normal mis-
However, should your DM
the location of the pers
make for an interesting a

the time of Karn Aglondier, the

rulers of Ilien have all been true

9th level-foresight, imprisonment, temporal stasis,

ruling aglondier line
Lehoene Aglondier (R) = Emma Golaer (F)
259 to 350 MR 280 to 320 MR

Tobibus Aglondier (R) (M) = Saja Parean (F) Domin (M)

320 to 429 MR 390 to 449 MR 321 to 340 MR

Axlea Aglondier (R) (F) = Lord Caleon Vis (M)

409 to 511 MR 410 to 460 MR

Dajel Aglondier (R) (M) = Nora Ramela (F)

451 to 531 MR 461 to 499 MR

Pearce Aglondier (M) = Dorinea Abaten (F) Soleme Aglondier (R) (M)
459 to 530 MR 481 to 520 MR 462 to 531 MR

Moeran Aglondier (R) (M) Curan Ondier (M) = Sasha Tym (F)
491 to 551 MR 500 to - 509 to -

Fraternal Triplets

Rogr Aglondier (R) (M) Roeme (M) Torean (M) Boerus (M)
(Your PC) 535 to -

R: Regent
M: Male
F: Female
= Marriage
Type Rating Domain Province Control
Law 7 Ilien Aglondier
Temple 4 Ilien Impregnable Heart of Haelyn
Temple 3 Ilien Eastern Temple of Nesirie
Guild 7 Ilien el-Hadid
Source 1 Aerenwe Shadowgreen Aglondier
Source 1 Aerenwe Northvale Aglondier
Source 3 Aerenwe Banien's Deep Aglondier
Source 3 Aerenwe Westmarch Aglondier
Source 1 Medoere Alamier Aglondier
Source 1 Roesone Caercas Aglondier
Source 2 Roesone Duerlin Aglondier
Source 2 Roesone Abbatuor Aglondier

1. Port of Call Exchange
2. Eastern Temple of Nesirie
3. HarborJHHMJjf
4. Castle Aglondier
5. Impregnable Heart of Haelyji
,6. Golden Plumes Barracks
7. Guard Post
«£-££•:: Trade Route

© 1995 TSR. Inc. All Rights Reserved

10 miles


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