TSR2521 SCS1
TSR2521 SCS1
TSR2521 SCS1
Copyright © 1996 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Made in the U.S.A.
registered trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. MONSTROUS MANUAL, SAVAGE COAST, and the TSR logo
are trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. All TSR characters, character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof
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This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or
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permission of TSR, Inc.
Design: Tim Beach and Bruce Heard Additional Design: David Gross, Cindi M. Rice, and Ed Stark
Editing: Cindi M. Rice Editorial Assistance: Tony Bryant, Jonatha Ariadne Caspian, and Lester Smith
Project Coordination: Karen S. Boomgarden Art Coordination: Bob Galica Cover Painting: Paul Jaquays
Cartography: John Knecht and Diesel Graphic Design: Heather Le May
Playtesting and Review: Many people at WarCon, Hurricon, and Concentric; Carrie A. Bebris; Anne Brown;
Steven Brown; Bruce Cordell; Miranda Horner; Mike Huebbe; Kevin Melka; Sean Reynolds; and Ed Stark
Special Thanks to the following, without whom this would have been a lesser product: Rich Baker,
Wolfgang Baur, Tim Brown, Angela Clay, William W. Connors, David "Zeb" Cook, Patty Corbett, Flint
Dille, Dan Donelly (and the Society of the Grand Gauche), Cathy Griffin, David Gross, Jeff Grubb, Andria
Hayday, Bruce Heard, Dori Hein, Gordon Hookailo, Gwendolyn Kestrel, Brad Lavendar, Julia Martin,
Colin McComb, Dominic Messinger, Bruce Nesmith, Faith Price, John Rateliff, Thomas Reid, Marshall
Simpson, Bill Slavicsek, Lester Smith, Dave Sutherland, Audra Timmer, Sue Weinlein, Skip Williams,
David Wise, and Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia (especially John Cereso and Ky Hascall)
You are now reading the results of an experiment hands, a book that combines all the material from
that worked. the original RED STEEL campaign set and the Savage
In 1992, I was asked to work on a product that Baronies supplement, along with some new material.
eventually became known as the RED STEEL® More supplements will follow.
campaign. I would take some excellent material that
Bruce Heard had been publishing in DRAGON® I offer my sincere thanks to the readers and players
Magazine, and I would turn it into an accessory for who made this experiment a success, allowing the RED
the AD&D® game. As originally envisioned, it would STEEL campaign to continue. I have gathered
be a sort of mini-setting, accompanied by an audio comments and criticisms from many of you and from
CD with background music. I began writing in 1993, playtests and tournaments, and I have tried to incor-
and the original boxed set was published in late 1994. porate much of your advice into the setting. To those
In early 1995, the supplement, Savage Baronies, was of you who have just discovered the setting, thanks
released. for giving it a try.
By that time, the RED STEEL campaign had I hope you all enjoy The SAVAGE COAST™
received a lot of support and gotten some very Campaign Book as much as I enjoyed writing it.
favorable reviews. So we decided to do a relaunch,
offering the lands of the Savage Coast as a full line of
products. You hold the results of that decision in your
Tim Beach, May 1995
The Savage Coast is a land of diversity and adventure. I have been surprised many times
in my extensive travels. In this journal, I have attempted to organize my thoughts, so that
those who read my work might more easily benefit from this knowledge.
I offer first a summation of my knowledge, an overview - perhaps the details that I
might reveal to a visitor new to the Savage Coast.
The Chronicle of the Curse
by Don Luis de Manzanas
The lands of the Savage Coast give rise to larger- from details on the Legacies of the Red Curse to advice
than-life characters and marvelous adventures. Within for running adventures. The DM will need to become
this region live not only humans of assorted cultures, familiar with all the information contained within,
but also such races as the ee’aar, lizard kin, rakastas, but much of it is aimed at the players as well.
lupins, and tortles. Moreover, these beings also wield The quantity of material presented here may seem
unusual powers granted them by the Red Curse, daunting. To ease the burden of digesting the details,
abilities often accompanied by hideous mutations. this book has been organized into three sections:
Exciting adventures arise out of the struggle to control
those powers and acquire the magical metal, red steel, An Atlas of the Savage Coast. This details the lands
as well as from the natural conflicts of the region’s of the region, including information on geography,
divergent races and cultures. culture, religion, customs, and attitudes.
This book contains all the information needed for Characters of the Savage Coast. Devoted to rules,
a SAVAGE COASTª campaign, from descriptions of this section covers procedures for generating player
its nations to rules for creating player characters, and characters for SAVAGE COAST campaigns, including
The City-States
The Serpent Peninsula
Together, the City-States and Savage Baronies
As mentioned in the last chapter, the actual Savage bracket the Gulf of Hule. They are separated by a small
Coast is a 2,000-mile stretch of land situated between arm of Hule, which touches the gulf’s northern shores.
the Orc’s Head Peninsula in the west (discussed in Hule is a dangerous neighbor, constantly at odds with
the “Other Places” chapter) and the Serpent Peninsula the smaller nations on its borders.
in the east. The Serpent Peninsula, named for the great The City-States—Hojah, Nova Svoga, Slagovich,
variety and high numbers of snakes and similar Zagora and Zvornik—are all about five centuries old.
creatures found in its jungles and swamps, divides the Each is ruled by a margrave (prince) who is essentially
Sea of Dread from the Gulf of Hule and the Western a hereditary dictator.
Sea upon which the Savage Coast lies. The majority The humans of the City-States tend toward dark,
of this peninsula lies within the Haze, so while marked curly, or wavy hair and reddish-brown skin. This results
by vermeil, the Serpent Peninsula is not directly under from a mix of Yavdlom, Oltec, and Traladaran
the effect of the curse. background. Most are slightly shorter than average (roll
A peaceful culture of seers, Yavdlom dominates the only 1d10 for a modifier when determining height
Serpent Peninsula. Their culture centers on the island randomly as per the PHB). They prefer clothing that
of Thanegia just south of the peninsula itself. The is dark and almost monotone, though bright scarves
people of Yavdlom are essentially demi-elves, and sashes are worn for festivals.
descendants of elven and dark-skinned human
ancestors. Tall and ebony-skinned, they have slightly
pointed ears; some even have the arched eyebrows Hojah
typical of elves.
Capital: Shkodar (population 7,800—mostly
The Yavdlom culture combines both elven and
human elements. A high percentage of precognitive
some dwarves and elves). Ruler: Margrave Bosit
or similar abilities among its citizens influences their
Hojah (human, former fighter). Typical NPC: seafaring
culture in several ways. Fortunately, the seers of
Yavdlom follow the teachings of the Immortal Yav,
Hojah (named for its founding family) is a merchant
who encourages responsibility and cooperation,
state, like Slagovich. However, while Slagovich trades
causing most of their influences to be quite positive.
by both land and sea, the island-state of Hojah trades
Because only those people without prophetic ability
only by sea. It deals mostly with the other City-States,
can serve in government posts, all seers are relegated
the Savage Baronies, and the free towns of the region.
to advisor y positions within a strict hierarchy
This state competes fiercely with Slagovich for trade,
according to ability. However, the seers determine
and while currently at peace, armed conflicts between
which citizens become part of the nobility and how
the two have occurred. Hojah remains on good terms
I feel it only appropriate that I begin my description of the Savage Coast with the
Savage Baronies, including my homeland of Saragón. In some ways, these small states
are misnamed, for they are certainly less “savage” than other areas of the Savage Coast.
Still, battle is common, and not all the states are as civilized as my own. While there
exists great variety in the baronies, they also share a number of common traits. Thus, it
seems appropriate to talk about all of them together before delving into details regarding
them individually.
The Chronicle of the Curse
by Don Luis de Manzanas
This section details the homelands of most humans This introductory section gives an overview of the
of the Savage Coast, lands in which many adventures peoples of the Savage Baronies, the customs and
begin. The Savage Baronies comprise nine small, prejudices they observe, their adjustment to the Red
independent nations that occupy the eastern reaches Curse, and their general environment. In addition, it
of the Savage Coast on the western shores of the Gulf offers a history of the region. The next few chapters
of Hule. Each of the baronies was founded by describe each of the baronies in detail.
adventurers and conquerors who entered the lands Of the nine small states, six are coastal nations,
during a wave of colonization just over 100 years ago. while three are landlocked. The strongest sea powers
Most of the founders were human, but the people of among the baronies are Vilaverde and Texeiras. Narvaez
the baronies also include elves, dwarves, and a few and Torre—n, lands of mercenaries, supply soldiers for
In general, the people of the baronies are tolerant
of folk who are different, having come from such a
diverse background themselves. The least tolerant Despite cultural differences, the Savage Baronies
nation is Narvaez, but some individuals in each barony have many commonalities, ranging from language to
still dislike outsiders. While some national prejudice dueling conventions. These often become a basis for
does exist among the people of the Savage Baronies, comparison and competition. Inhabitants of each
discrimination because of race is rare. land believe their accent or dialect to be more pleasing
For the most part, humans, elves, dwarves, and than others, their variations of the dueling rules more
halflings are considered equals in the Savage Baronies. noble, and that their coinage better. The following
They mingle freely and generally get along well with text points out many similarities to which few
one another. People from other nations might be Baronials willingly admit.
viewed with curiosity but are treated kindly. Visitors
from the furred races (lupins and rakastas) are
considered equals as well, though some more insular Clothing
peasants, unaccustomed to seeing such folk, might The people of the Savage Baronies usually wear
view them with fear. simple, light, cotton clothing, though suede and
Goblinoids, having caused many problems for the leather are popular among the middle and upper
baronies over the years, are usually met with disgust, classes, especially with Gauchos and Swashbucklers.
fear, or anger. They are seldom welcome in the towns Swashbucklers and Nobles also wear silks and velvets.
and cities of the Savage Baronies because they usually Even the poorest people tend to wear at least one
come to raid or steal. The presence of a goblinoid, brightly-colored item of clothing, and Swashbucklers
even a peaceful one, might well cause a fight. are positively vibrant in appearance.
Lizard kin and the races of the Orc’s Head Peninsula Clothing is a status symbol among adventurers and
are rarely seen in the Savage Baronies. On the the upper classes. Baronial society considers good taste
infrequent occasions when they do visit, they are in dress a virtue. Often, adventurers to carry spare
subject to close scrutiny. Their odd appearances make clothing for occasions when they want to impress
them a fearful sight, even to the more educated people others.
of the baronies. However, because they are an unknown
quantity, individuals are usually given a chance to prove
The easternmost baronies of Vilaverde and Texeiras maintain strong navies. These are
lands of seafarers, adventuresome souls who travel the length of the Savage Coast and
visit other lands. The people of these lands tend to ignore the Red Curse, yet are just the
types of people with enough daring and wanderlust to perhaps complete a quest to end it,
could they be so motivated.
The Chronicle of the Curse
by Don Luis de Manzanas
Sometimes called the Sea Powers, Vilaverde and re of the Sea Powers does revere seers and prophets.
Texeiras are the strongest naval powers on the entire Diviners are popular among the seafarers of Vilaverde
Savage Coast. These rivals, with their strong seafaring and Texeiras for their usefulness in predicting the
presence, virtually control the western half of the Gulf weather on seafaring journeys. Verdans make many
of Hule. The two states often clash with the aggressive long ocean voyages, and their ships have traveled from
City-States, especially Hojah, Slagovich, and Zvornik. the Gulf of Hule to the far side of the Orc’s Head
Like the humans of the other baronies, those in Peninsula and beyond.
the Sea Powers are primarily Ispan descent, mingled The Sea Powers, besides having an effective, ocean-
with Oltec, Nithian, and Traladaran blood. In based fighting force, also boast skilled merchants; they
addition, the people of the Sea Powers have carry goods to many places along the Savage Coast.
intermarried for decades with settlers from Yavdlom— Despite some jealousy over the Sea Powers’ control
tall, ebony-skinned humans with traces of elven blood. of Savage Coast shipping, the other nations of the
Though the peaceful aspects of Yavdlom culture coast value the transportation, communication, and
have done little to cool the hot blood of Guardianos commerce provided by their ships.
with whom they have intermarried, the present cultu- In addition, Vilaverde and Texeiras are known for
the colonies they have started in various places along
The dark lands of Torreón and Narvaez are plagued by the Red Curse, poverty, and
persecution. These states produce the finest mercenaries on the coast. They view the Red
Curse very much as a curse, a punishment sent from the Immortals; perhaps it is. I know
one thing: The people of these nations, perhaps more than anywhere else, want to end the
The Chronicle of the Curse
by Don Luis de Manzanas
The humans of these baronies are primarily of Ispan people of the Sea Powers may dominate the oceans
descent, with strong traces of Oltec blood. Narvaez with their navies, these states have strong land forces
and Torreón are also home to many elf and dwarf to be reckoned with.
families, and a few members of other races are residents Each of these nations has a long and violent history
of larger settlements in the two states. The people of of wars and conquests that have allowed them to
both states are stereotyped as brave and passionate achieve their present status. The harsh conditions have
and are reputed to be fine warriors. made their people tough survivors. As a result,
Torreón and Narvaez are known as lands of Torreón and Narvaez are the most populous of the
mercenaries, supplying professional soldiers to other Savage Baronies, each covering a comparatively large
nations of the Savage Coast. Torreóner mercenaries, area.
found throughout the Savage Coast, are known for Because of their aggressive histories, these states are
their loyalty and skill; Narvaezan mercenaries are valued often rightly viewed with trepidation. The ruler of
for their fierceness and high standards. Sellswords of Torreón dreams of expanding her nation’s boundaries
both nations are considered skilled professionals, well to include more resources and riches. The leaders of
worth the money required to hire them. While the Narvaez believe theirs is the only true religion, and
These three states are grouped for several reasons. first, lending support to the southern baronies to keep
First, their governments are the least tyrannical among the northern ones from overrunning the region; and
the Savage Baronies. Almarrón was actually a again, to prevent Hule from achieving similar
democracy for a time before it became corrupt when ambitions. In both cases, Gargoña acted more as a
the worst dictator in the history of the Savage Baronies mediator, sending no troops into battle. The leader
took power. The people have recently restored a of Saragón also strives for peace, but leaps to the
member of the old nobility to power, and he is a fair defense of the downtrodden or the weak.
and just ruler. Gargoña has remained at peace for the The rulers of all three states encourage learning and
last 25 years, breaking its studied neutrality only twice: thinking among their people. This promotion of
South and west of the Enlightened Lands are two states whose spirited people are known
for their love of open expanses, horses, and pistols. I write, of course, of Cimmaron and
Guadalante, two states whose main concerns lie with the land. These people are explorers
at heart, interested in any exciting endeavor. They would make fine additions to any quest
which could hold their interest, and the quest to end the Red Curse is certainly one which
would do so. However, those most affected by the Red Curse, the Afflicted, tend to
separate themselves from other people and from life in general.
The Chronicle of the Curse
by Don Luis de Manzanas
The cultures which have risen in these two states perhaps a little tougher, than the dandies and courtiers
create an atmosphere unique in the Savage Baronies. of the other baronies.
Though they have the same fiery temperaments as the While Vilaverde and Texeiras have the strongest
other Guardianos, the people of Guadalante and navies and Narvaez and Torreón have the strongest
Cimmaron apply their passions in different ways. infantries, Guadalante and Cimmaron have the most
Sometimes known as the Lands of the Gauchos, impressive horsemen. The gauchos of the plains,
Guadalante and Cimmaron are concerned much more brought together to fight for their freedom, make
with the land than the sea. Instead of smooth, formidable light cavalry units.
swashbuckling rogues, these two states have rough, In addition, Cimmaron is the home of smokepowder
range-riding warriors. The frontier feel is much more and wheellock pistols; Guadalante has made extensive
prominent in these two states than elsewhere in the use of these items as well, trading grazing rights to
Savage Baronies; the people are a little rougher, and Cimmaron in exchange for weapons. While wheellocks
West of the baronies are a small range of mountains and fertile lands which support large
stretches of forest and grasslands. Around these elements rest the nations of Robrenn and
Eusdria. Like the baronies, both are dominated by humans, descended from barbarians
who migrated into the area from the north. Dwarves also reside in Eusdria in great
numbers, and elves live in both states. Because these nations have been hurt by the Red
Curse, they remain suspicious of Inheritors. Though they would certainly welcome the
eradication of the curse, it might prove difficult to motivate them to follow any leadership
that includes Inheritors.
The Chronicle of the Curse
by Don Luis de Manzanas
The people of Robrenn and Eusdria are descended 10 pounds as well). Both nations also have large
from the ancient barbarian tribes that fled the marching populations of elves and half-elves. Humans, elves, and
armies of Hule, far to the north. The barbarians hoped half-elves here tend to have blond hair, though some
to one day reconquer their homeland, but that day have white or red. Most have sky-blue eyes, though
never came. Instead, they came to love their new lands darker blue and shades of green are found as well.
and eventually established medieval societies. Very few people of these nations have brown or hazel
The humans of these nations are taller than average; eyes, and people with these eye shades are considered
add four inches to heights rolled according to the exotic.
method in the PHB (adjust weight upward by about
Located in the center of the Savage Coast, the kingdoms of Renardy and Bellayne are
dominated by the furred peoples of the Savage Coast, the doglike lupins and the feline
rakastas. The spirit of adventure is present in both races, as are such qualities as nobility
and honor. I believe their help would be important in the removal of the Red Curse.
The Chronicle of the Curse
by Don Luis de Manzanas
The kingdoms of Renardy and Bellayne are the with royal crown and golden crest overhead.
domains of nonhumans: lupins and rakastas, Early lupins were nomads, tribes of hunters who
respectively. Both races are native to the region, and roamed the Yazak Steppes and the southern central
on the Savage Coast, they are nearly as common as plains. Then, the goblinoids of the Yazak Steppes
humans. captured much of the lupins’ hunting grounds,
scattering many tribes. About 1,000 years ago, five
tribes regrouped to the south and formed an alliance
to defend their lands against the goblinoids; they are
hailed as the founders of Renardy. Over the next 10
The Kingdom of Renardy centuries, the tribes developed into typical medieval
dominions under the authority of a king, who built
Known to its inhabitants as the “Royaume de his capital on the site of an old lupin camp. This site
Renardie,” Renardy is the kingdom of the canine became the city of Louvines, on the Dream River. Most
lupins. The kingdom’s coat of arms shows a golden recently, the inhabitants of Renardy have begun
fox rampant in the 1st and 4th quarters, and fleurs- imitating the clothing and fighting styles of the Savage
de-lis in an azure field in the 2nd and 3rd quarters, Baronies.
In my homeland and other states of the eastern Savage Coast, the reptilian peoples of the
Great Bayou are seldom seen. I have, however, encountered them in various other places
and have briefly visited each of their nations. From the diminutive caymas to the large,
vicious gurrash and the wise shazaks, the lizard folk present great diversity. I do not know
enough about them to judge their reactions to the Red Curse, but I do believe the actual
creation of these races might be related to it in some fashion. I would welcome them as
a part of my quest if for no other reason than to study them.
The Chronicle of the Curse
by Don Luis de Manzanas
I am one of the few adventurers to have been allowed-through a clever bit of subterfuge
on my part-into the former capital of Herath, Belphemon. When I visited, in the guise
of a wizard’s apprentice, the city was magnificent. Tall, gleaming buildings thrust into the
sky. Spells of many sorts created light, offered cooling breezes, lifted people to high
entrances, and accomplished a myriad of other tasks.
As I understand it, these clever mages have long striven to restrain the Red Curse.
Perhaps they also hold the key to its eventual dissolution.
The Chronicle of the Curse
by Don Luis de Manzanas
Beyond the Savage Coast proper lie several lands. Inland from the coast is a vast expanse
known as the Yazak Steppes. Hanging from the western end of the coast proper is the
Orc’s Head Peninsula, a land of dense jungles and savage inhabitants. While the Red
Curse does not directly affect these lands, I believe part of the key to its origins can be
found in these other lands, perhaps in the Great Northway, perhaps somewhere on the
peninsula, perhaps beyond on the Arm of the Immortals. These areas warrant much
The Chronicle of the Curse
by Don Luis de Manzanas
The Yazak Steppes run from Hule in the east to the Note that dan (sounds like the “a” in want, with a
region north of the Orc’s Head Peninsula. These are nasal overtone) is the tribal name for orcs of the Yazaks
actually several different, disconnected sets of steppes. (kut is the racial name). Similarly, luk, pronounced as
Once home to rakastas and lupins, the steppes have the word look, is the tribal name for goblins of the
been taken over by goblinoid tribes. Yazaks. The Tai-luk are using the hobgoblin/orc word
The five “great tribes” of goblinoids in the steppes for themselves, plus the goblin tribal name.
are dangerous to the coastal lands only when they unite The names of goblinoid individuals follow the same
into massive hordes that sweep down to raid for food styles as racial and tribal names, with short syllables
and treasures. The five tribes are the Hupkur, which and harsh, guttural sounds. Most names have only
consists of hobgoblins and ogres; the Huptai, one or two syllables, as do most goblinoid words;
composed of hobgoblins and goblins; the Dankut, they have an uncomplicated language. Several
mostly orcs with a few trolls; the Kuttai, which acceptable syllables are suggested in the following text,
includes orcs and goblins; and the Gosluk, made up and the DM should feel free to come up with others
entirely of goblins. Many of the members of these tribes as needed. These 50 syllables can be mixed or used