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Campaign Book

Atlas of the Savage Coast

Based in part on the "Princess Ark" series by Bruce Heard and partially derived from the
work of Merle and Jackie Rasmussen.

Copyright © 1996 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Made in the U.S.A.

registered trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. MONSTROUS MANUAL, SAVAGE COAST, and the TSR logo
are trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. All TSR characters, character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof
are trademarks owned by TSR, Inc.
Random House and its affiliate companies have worldwide distribution rights in the book trade for English
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201 Sheridan Springs Road 120 Church End
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2521XXX1501 ISBN 0-7869-0379-1

Table of Contents
Foreword ........................................................... 3 Nearby Lands ..................................................... 44
Overview ............................................................ 5 Gargoña, Almarrón, and Saragón .................... 45
Campaign Flavor ................................................. 6 Baronía de Gargoña........................................... 46
What is Needed to Play ...................................... 6 Estado de Almarrón .......................................... 49
Central Themes ................................................... 7 Baronía de Saragón ........................................... 51
The Savage Coast ................................................ 8 Guadalante and Cimmaron .............................. 55
An Atlas of the Estado de Guadalante ....................................... 56
Savage Coast ................................................ 12 Cimmaron County ........................................... 58
The Serpent Peninsula ...................................... 13 LB Trading Posts ................................................ 62
The City-States .................................................. 13 El Grande Carrascal .......................................... 62
Hule .................................................................... 14 Bushwhack Prairie and the Badlands ............... 63
The Savage Baronies ........................................ 16 Robrenn and Eusdria ....................................... 64
Nomenclature .................................................... 17 The Confederated Kingdom of Robrenn ........ 65
People of the Savage Baronies .......................... 17 The Kingdom of Eusdria .................................. 67
Conventions ...................................................... 18 Renardy and Bellayne ....................................... 70
The Immortals ................................................... 19 The Kingdom of Renardy ................................. 70
The Red Curse .................................................. 20 The Kingdom of Bellayne ................................. 72
Threats ............................................................... 21 Shazak, Ator, and Cay ...................................... 75
The Environment .............................................. 22 The Kingdom of Shazak ................................... 75
History of the Region ....................................... 22 The Kingdom of Ator ....................................... 76
History of the The Kingdom of Cay ........................................ 77
Savage Baronies ..................................................... 24 Immortals of the Lizard Kin ............................. 78
Possibility of Unification .................................. 27 Herath ............................................................. 79
Vilaverde and Texeiras ..................................... 29 The Magiocracy of Herath ................................ 79
Dominio de Vilaverde....................................... 30 Other Places .................................................... 83
Estado de Texeiras ............................................. 33 The Orcs Head Peninsula ................................. 83
Torreón and Narvaez ....................................... 37 The Arm of the Immortals ............................... 84
Baronía de Torreón ........................................... 38 The Yazak Steppes ............................................. 85
Baronía de Narvaez ............................................ 41 Other Goblinoids ............................................. 86

Design: Tim Beach and Bruce Heard Additional Design: David Gross, Cindi M. Rice, and Ed Stark
Editing: Cindi M. Rice Editorial Assistance: Tony Bryant, Jonatha Ariadne Caspian, and Lester Smith
Project Coordination: Karen S. Boomgarden Art Coordination: Bob Galica Cover Painting: Paul Jaquays
Cartography: John Knecht and Diesel Graphic Design: Heather Le May
Playtesting and Review: Many people at WarCon, Hurricon, and Concentric; Carrie A. Bebris; Anne Brown;
Steven Brown; Bruce Cordell; Miranda Horner; Mike Huebbe; Kevin Melka; Sean Reynolds; and Ed Stark
Special Thanks to the following, without whom this would have been a lesser product: Rich Baker,
Wolfgang Baur, Tim Brown, Angela Clay, William W. Connors, David "Zeb" Cook, Patty Corbett, Flint
Dille, Dan Donelly (and the Society of the Grand Gauche), Cathy Griffin, David Gross, Jeff Grubb, Andria
Hayday, Bruce Heard, Dori Hein, Gordon Hookailo, Gwendolyn Kestrel, Brad Lavendar, Julia Martin,
Colin McComb, Dominic Messinger, Bruce Nesmith, Faith Price, John Rateliff, Thomas Reid, Marshall
Simpson, Bill Slavicsek, Lester Smith, Dave Sutherland, Audra Timmer, Sue Weinlein, Skip Williams,
David Wise, and Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia (especially John Cereso and Ky Hascall)

Editor and Typographer: aia (avatar of the Spam Overlord)

PDF Version: 1.0

June 2006

2 Savage Coast Campaign Book


A crimson shadow covers this lush land.

I have spent much of my life exploring the Savage Coast, discovering its history and
learning its secrets. I saw the effects of the Red Curse before most people knew of it-and
I saw the results when the curse spread to all parts of this beautiful expanse.
I have undertaken the task of creating a history of the Red Curse, from theories about
its origins to descriptions of its varied effects. I will describe the history of the Inheritors,
those people who have learned to manipulate the powers of the curse, and I will tell of our
efforts to end the reign of the curse.
I do this for the people of the Savage Coast, so that should my efforts end in failure, they
might learn, and through perseverance, find a way to terminate the affliction that now
dominates and diminishes this region.
I will attempt to describe the nations of the coast and the peoples of those nations in order
to show what the coast was like before the coming of the curse.
Most importantly, I will try find a way to lift the ruby darkness from our homes.
The Chronicle of the Curse
by Don Luis de Manzanas,
Baronet of Aranjuez,
Crimson Inheritor

Atlas of the Savage Coast 3

Welcome to the Savage Coast.

You are now reading the results of an experiment hands, a book that combines all the material from
that worked. the original RED STEEL campaign set and the Savage
In 1992, I was asked to work on a product that Baronies supplement, along with some new material.
eventually became known as the RED STEEL® More supplements will follow.
campaign. I would take some excellent material that
Bruce Heard had been publishing in DRAGON® I offer my sincere thanks to the readers and players
Magazine, and I would turn it into an accessory for who made this experiment a success, allowing the RED
the AD&D® game. As originally envisioned, it would STEEL campaign to continue. I have gathered
be a sort of mini-setting, accompanied by an audio comments and criticisms from many of you and from
CD with background music. I began writing in 1993, playtests and tournaments, and I have tried to incor-
and the original boxed set was published in late 1994. porate much of your advice into the setting. To those
In early 1995, the supplement, Savage Baronies, was of you who have just discovered the setting, thanks
released. for giving it a try.

By that time, the RED STEEL campaign had I hope you all enjoy The SAVAGE COAST™
received a lot of support and gotten some very Campaign Book as much as I enjoyed writing it.
favorable reviews. So we decided to do a relaunch,
offering the lands of the Savage Coast as a full line of
products. You hold the results of that decision in your
Tim Beach, May 1995

4 Savage Coast Campaign Book


The Savage Coast is a land of diversity and adventure. I have been surprised many times
in my extensive travels. In this journal, I have attempted to organize my thoughts, so that
those who read my work might more easily benefit from this knowledge.
I offer first a summation of my knowledge, an overview - perhaps the details that I
might reveal to a visitor new to the Savage Coast.
The Chronicle of the Curse
by Don Luis de Manzanas

The lands of the Savage Coast give rise to larger- from details on the Legacies of the Red Curse to advice
than-life characters and marvelous adventures. Within for running adventures. The DM will need to become
this region live not only humans of assorted cultures, familiar with all the information contained within,
but also such races as the ee’aar, lizard kin, rakastas, but much of it is aimed at the players as well.
lupins, and tortles. Moreover, these beings also wield The quantity of material presented here may seem
unusual powers granted them by the Red Curse, daunting. To ease the burden of digesting the details,
abilities often accompanied by hideous mutations. this book has been organized into three sections:
Exciting adventures arise out of the struggle to control
those powers and acquire the magical metal, red steel, An Atlas of the Savage Coast. This details the lands
as well as from the natural conflicts of the region’s of the region, including information on geography,
divergent races and cultures. culture, religion, customs, and attitudes.
This book contains all the information needed for Characters of the Savage Coast. Devoted to rules,
a SAVAGE COASTª campaign, from descriptions of this section covers procedures for generating player
its nations to rules for creating player characters, and characters for SAVAGE COAST campaigns, including

Atlas of the Savage Coast 5

new kits, proficiencies, and weapons. Also included Pronunciation
are the special rules for the setting, such as the
influences of the Red Curse and panache rules. The languages of the Savage Baronies (Espa and
Adventures on the Savage Coast. This final portion Verdan) are loosely based on Spanish and Portuguese.
of the book deals with general campaign directions The following guide is designed for readers unfamiliar
and background, providing an overview of possible with these languages.
adventures. In addition, a few short quests and one In general, the vowels of these languages are
major adventure are included. pronounced in the Latin style, as follows:

The remainder of this section is devoted to a short a ah as in father

overview of the campaign setting, introducing several e eh as in pet (ranging to ay as in fray)
key concepts important in later portions of the text. i ee as in clean (sometimes ih as in hit)
o o as in boat
Warning! Despite the fact that much of this book contains u oo as in boot
player information, the DM may wish to keep the secrets
within these pages hidden from players. For this reason, it is When two vowels appear together, they are often
recommended that the DM read through the material first to rolled together (elided). For example, the correct
decide what sections are appropriate for players to read. pronunciation of Narvaez is Nahr-bah-ess. Said quickly,
however, it sounds more like Nahr-bise. The
combination “‹o” generally appears together and is
pronounced with a final nasal sound: ah-ohn.
As for consonants, the letter “j” is almost always
Campaign Flavor pronounced in the same way as the letter “h,” but a
bit more forcefully, while the letter “v” sounds similar
The SAVAGE COAST campaign setting is unique to “b.” The symbol “ñ” is pronounced almost like ny,
in many ways. Though this fantasy setting has magic, so that señor is pronounced almost like sen-yor. The
heroes, and everything else one would expect, the new letter “r” is often lightly trilled. The symbol “ç” is
swashbuckling and panache rules add both individual approximated by a hard s (almost a “ts”), so Leãoça is
flavor and style. The land also lends fantastic, magical pronounced Leh-ah-OH-tsa.
powers to all types of player characters. Still, it is a These pronunciations are approximate. The actual
savage frontier, suffering under a magical bane called sounds tend to be more elegant than these guidelines
the Red Curse. might lead oneto believe. Readers are encouraged to
On the Savage Coast, many nonhuman races coexist listen to native speakers (as in language audiotapes)
with humans, and many are available as player character for true pronunciations.
races. Players can choose to be canine, feline, or even
turtle people. The curse of the Savage Coast also
misshapes some people physically, while granting them
spell-like powers known as Legacies. Most player
characters have one of these powers, and some even
What is Needed to Play
gain additional Legacies.
To avoid the deforming effects of the Red Curse, a This accessory describes the Savage Coast, a 2,000-
person must wear cinnabryl, a rare magical ore. As its mile frontier coastline. To play in this area, one needs
magical energy depletes with time, cinnabryl becomes only this book and the AD&D® game rules—Player’s
red steel. This lightweight yet durable metal can be forged Handbook (PHB), DUNGEON MASTER® Guide
into weapons capable of striking even magical creatures (DMG), and the MONSTROUS MANUAL™ tome.
not wounded by normal steel. Naturally, then, cinnabryl However, some character classes and races may neces-
is coveted, its acquisition motivating individuals to sitate additional sources (especially the PHBRs or
adventure and nations to war. “Complete Handbooks”). For example, to play a
The SAVAGE COAST campaign is one of survival goblinoid character, The Complete Book of Humanoids
and battle, of exploration and politics. It can lead to would be necessary.
great power—both political and personal—for player Because this setting is intended primarily as an
characters who are bold enough to seize it. addition to an existing campaign, material on any of
the campaign worlds published by TSR, Inc. can be

6 Savage Coast Campaign Book

helpful. However, the SAVAGE COAST setting can can be used on the Savage Coast without too much
be used independently. alteration. Where those monsters are mentioned in
this accessory, approximate equivalents from the
MONSTROUS MANUAL tome are given as well.
Other Sources As mentioned, the PHBR series is also useful. The
Complete Fighter’s Handbook and the Complete Book of
Though the Savage Coast can exist as virtually any
Humanoids are especially valuable for campaign
new frontier, its official location is the MYSTARA®
campaign setting, about 2,000 miles west of the lands
Also potentially useful is the historical sourcebook
of the “Known World.”
HR4, A Mighty Fortress, which describes the
The Savage Coast was introduced in a module of
Elizabethan age as a setting for the AD&D game. Some
the same name (D&D game Expert adventure X9),
material herein comes from that source.
and later expanded in “Tortles of the Purple Sage,”
which appeared in DUNGEON® Adventures issues
6 and 7. These materials describe the Savage Coast of
several years ago.
The more recent past of the area has been described
in DRAGON® Magazine, in two series of articles:
Central Themes
“The Princess Ark” and the “Known World Grimoire.”
Most of those articles have been brought together in Most of the Savage Coast is a brutal land, often
the D&D game accessory Champions of Mystara, which plagued by wars. Decades ago, the riffraff of the world—
describes the travels of the crew of a flying ship. pariahs, criminals, and unscrupulous adventurers—
In this setting, some information from those colonized its shores on quests for wealth and power.
previous sources has been modified in varying degrees. Sometimes, refugees fleeing humanoid invasions and
Most modifications were necessitated by the change other scourges migrated to the Savage Coast and
from the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® game to the remained in the unforgiving land.
ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® game. The Savage Coast has a pronounced “frontier” feel:
Other changes were made to more tightly unify the unexplored areas, old ruins, hostile natives, and so
structure, add to the adventuring potential, and allow forth. Very little law exists, except as enforced by local
a more fully developed setting. In the case of any nobles or the personally powerful. Often, the law of
disagreements among sources, the material in this the jungle prevails. Indeed, the forces of good are an
campaign book takes precedence. exception more than a rule.
Because of the many changes, previous source Part of the setting’s frontier nature results from the
materials are not necessarily helpful. If players possess existence of several native races beyond the standard
any of those materials, the DM should explain their humans, elves, dwarves, and halflings. Some of the
knowledge as legends, ancient history, or apocryphal native cultures could be described as civilized, while
stories. For instance, the logs of the Princess Ark, as others are either relatively savage or so radically different
found in Champions of Mystara, should be explained from human norms as to be unrecognizable. These
as a good story created by a crew with a cultural bias races include the canine lupins, feline rakastas, reptilian
that caused them to translate many things into their tortles and lizard men, and others. Most are available
own terms, or to create suppositions when facts were for use as player characters; see the “Player Characters”
unknown. chapter later in this book for details.
New fencing and panache rules have also been added
to flesh out the swashbuckling character. In defiance
Helpful Materials of this harsh, unforgiving environment, the hero is
revered not only for prowess and strength, but for
Certain other materials can prove useful for a more style. A more detailed description of these rules appears
fully realized campaign. Since the Savage Coast is in the “Proficiencies” chapter.
“officially” part of the MYSTARA campaign setting, PCs have access to new kits, proficiencies, and
some DMs might wish to peruse the Poor Wizard’s equipment; explanations appear in the “Character
Almanac (AC 1010 or AC 1011) or other materials Kits,” “Proficiencies” and “Equipment and
about the MYSTARA campaign. Of particular interest Economics” chapters, respectively. The kits describe
is the MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM® Appendix for character roles unique or important to the Savage
the MYSTARA campaign setting. Most of its monsters Coast, while the new proficiencies relate directly to

Atlas of the Savage Coast 7

the unusual nature of the area. New equipment create religions, and they grant clerical spells to their
includes several new weapons, such as boomerangs followers. However, because they were once mortal,
and firearms. Immortals are usually more willing to meddle with
Last, but definitely not least, the Red Curse covers mortals than are the gods of other worlds. It is even
most of the Savage Coast, directly or indirectly possible for player characters to attain immortality,
affecting all those who live there. The magical powers though rules for such a change are not included in
(Legacies) it grants and the horrible deformations it this accessory. “The Campaign” chapter presents a
inflicts are fully described in “The Curse and the brief section on the Immortals important to the Savage
Legacies,” but the following overview explains the basic Coast.

The Red Curse and Legacies

What truly sets this region apart from other places
The Savage Coast
is the curse it bears. Ages ago, a great tragedy befell
the land, and ever since, the inhabitants have suffered The SAVAGE COAST setting can exist anywhere a
for it. frontier coastline could be located on the DM’s favo-
The Red Curse’s physical manifestation in the rite game world. However, care should be taken to
region, a red dust called vermeil, permeates the affected place the area where it will not upset the established
territory and beyond. Vermeil extends throughout the history of the rest of the world. For more information
reaches of the cursed land and into the lands bordering on fitting the Savage Coast into worlds other than
the curse, lending a red cast to everything within it, Mystara, see “The Campaign.”
from a person’s skin to the money that changes hands
and the metal used to forge weapons. Red dust storms,
red rain, crimson plants, and a pinkish sky—all these Geography and Overview
things distinguish the lands of the Savage Coast. As mentioned, the Savage Coast is a frontier area,
Because the people of the Savage Coast bear this red home to many colonies. Some of the colonies have
tint, inhabitants easily recognize newcomers to the existed for many years, long enough to be establishing
land. Although distinguished by vermeil, some outer their own satellite colonies. Some of the nations and
areas marked by this reddish tint are not directly under cities have populations in the thousands. Other villages
the effects of the Red Curse. This area surrounding are new, while some have risen, fallen, and now lie in
the cursed lands is called the Haze. The Haze creates a ruins.
type of buffer zone into which outsiders can journey At the region’s far eastern end lies the city of
without being stricken by the curse and Afflicted can Slagovich,often considered the gateway to the Savage
travel without detriment. Coast. Slagovich is a city of political intrigue. While
Within the cursed region, mutations and powers not actually within the cursed region itself, Slagovich
mark the people and animals. Some manage to hold serves as a clearing point for goods moving to and
off the deforming effects by wearing cinnabryl or using from the Savage Coast.
maintain spells. A select few, known as Inheritors, are To the north of Slagovich lies the country of Hule,
even able to collect more than one Legacy within an empire ruled by a hagiarchy. Most of Hule is also
themselves, thereby gaining a great benefit from the free of the Red Curse, extending far into the
Red Curse. Therefore, player characters in this setting borderlands, and its government has recently decreed
can acquire amazing powers with which they can that its people must stay away from the Savage Coast
perform super-heroic deeds. That makes the SAVAGE and its curse.
COAST setting a wonderful place for adventure. West of Hule, and still north of the cursed lands,
are the Yazak Steppes. This area is home to goblins
and other humanoids, who occasionally raid the
Immortals settled lands to the south.
Unlike most other worlds for the AD&D game, Many humanoids live in other nearby places free of
the SAVAGE COAST campaign setting does not have the curse: the Great Northway Lands (west of the Yazak
gods; instead, it has Immortals. In many ways, Steppes) and the Arm of the Immortals (a short
Immortals resemble gods: They have great power, they distance across the sea to the west of the Savage Coast).

8 Savage Coast Campaign Book

Orcs inhabit the jungles of the Orc’s Head Peninsula land of mages, this was once home to the mysterious
at the western end of the Savage Coast; most of these araneas, a race of arachnid spellcasters. Herath is
areas lie well within the Haze. traditionally isolationist, but the nation has become
In the main cursed lands themselves, which cover more friendly with its neighbors in the wake of a recent
almost 2,000 miles of coastline, dozens of petty nobles war that nearly destroyed them all.
have appeared, each ruling a small area. Thus, the Above Herath, on the eastern shore of Trident Bay,
Savage Coast holds numerous duchies, counties, and is an area known as the Bayou. This great marsh and
earldoms, as well as a few places audacious enough to the surrounding regions are home to three races of
call themselves kingdoms. Humans rule most of the lizard kin: the shazaks, much like the lizard men
eastern Savage Coast, while nonhuman nations cover described in the MONSTROUS MANUAL tome; the
most of the west. more barbaric gurrash, also called “gator” men; and
the diminutive caymas. Each race of lizard kin has its
own nation. To the south and west of the Bayou, two
Savage Coast Nations and States regions are home to loose confederacies of tribes. On
the southern shore of Trident Bay the wallaras make
Slagovich is one of several city-states on the eastern
their home; also known as chameleon men, this race
shore of the Gulf of Hule. The City-States (as they are
of humanoids is distantly related to dragons. South
collectively known) are inhabited mostly by humans.
of the wallaras live the phanatons, a race of monkeylike
Mostly self-absorbed, these sovereign states band
humanoids who glide from tree to tree in their forest
together only temporarily, and only in the face of great
The phanatons and wallaras live in the northern
On the western coast of the Gulf of Hule, a number
part of the Orc’s Head peninsula. In the midwestern
of small states and baronies, collectively known as the
part of the peninsula lies the nation of Nimmur. Once
Savage Baronies, were set up by explorers and
home to winged minotaurs known as enduks, Nimmur
conquerors who adventured in the area and then
is now a nation of manscorpions. Recently, enduks
settled there. These baronies (like many other nations
and their allies, flying elves known as ee’aar, have
of the Savage Coast) once covered more area, but they
retaken a small part of Nimmur and established a small,
expanded too fast, and the recent wars that swept the
independent state. The southern part of the peninsula
coast set them back. This has left both ruins for the
is home to many tribes of savage orcs.
player characters to explore and lands to take for
West of the Savage Baronies are tribal lands A Brief History
belonging to the turtlelike humanoids (tortles) and
to various goblin, orc, and gnoll tribes. Past those are According to the most accepted local calendar, the
the “kingdoms” of Robrenn and Eusdria, both year is A.C. 1010 (1,010 years after the crowning of
formerly barbaric societies that have recently evolved the first emperor of Thyatis, the lands whence many
a semifeudal form of government. Robrenn is a of the Savage Coast’s human colonists originate).
forested land dominated by druids and followers of Following is a migration timeline of peoples through
the druidic way. Eusdria is home to warriors who have the Savage Coast. For a more detailed history of the
been known to go raiding in longships, creating stories Savage Baronies region, especially over the last century,
remembered in epic poems by their skalds. refer to “The Savage Baronies” chapter.
The most important nonhuman countries of the Four to Five Millennia Past: The first humans in
Savage Coast include Renardy, home to the canine the area, the Oltecs, arrived between 4,000 and 5,000
lupins, and Bellayne, home to the feline rakastas. years ago. This coppery-skinned people brought arts,
Lupins and rakastas are both descended from nomads agriculture, and basic metalworking to the region.
who roamed the steppes to the north. Eventually, they They are the reason for the predominance of somewhat
settled and adopted a feudal style of government. dark skin among humans of the coast.
Renardy has close ties to the Savage Baronies, both The Oltecs discovered the presence of the tortles
economic and cultural. Bellayne still counts several and manscorpions, both races having scattered
nomadic rakasta tribes as part of its population. Its settlements along the central Savage Coast.
government comprises a strange mix of feudalism, Manscorpions were temperamental savages who lived
warrior codes, and mysticism. in small bands and had few redeeming qualities. The
Farther west lies the nation of Herath. Known as a tortles were harmless and easily dominated and have

Atlas of the Savage Coast 9

remained so ever since. For the last 4,000 years they shazaks. At about the same time, the manscorpions
have lived as peaceful farmers and hunters on the edges betrayed the enduks and conquered Nimmur, causing
of other societies. the noble, winged minotaurs to relocate to a peninsula
Had the Oltecs pushed farther west, they would across the sea to the west. Also at this time, the
have run into the araneas and the wallaras, both thriving Nithians disappeared from their colonies, leaving
civilizations at the time. The araneas were powerful, behind a strong artistic and philosophical endowment,
suspicious mages living in the forests south and east as well as various artifacts and structures. Dwarves first
of Trident Bay, while the wallaras were wise, peaceful arrived on the Savage Coast not long after this, settling
mystics in the mountains and plains south of Trident in some of the areas previously held by the Nithians.
Bay. Few major events transpired during the next 600
Three Millennia Past: Elves appeared in the region years, yet several changes occurred. The mages of Herath
roughly 3,300 years ago, spreading through the eastern established a central government; the Nimmur of the
and central Savage Coast. However, they did not manscorpions continued to grow in power; the tortles
significantly affect the local cultures because they did had a brief flirtation with civilization; and lupins and
not intermingle.While elves and humans held power rakastas began to build permanent settlements. The
in the east, the enduks were created in the far west. phanatons and shazaks began to rise from complete
Their first cities were built about 3,000 years ago on savagery, forming tribal groups and a few semi-
the Orc’s Head peninsula. permanent settlements. Meanwhile, the goblins, orcs,
About the same time, the araneas started to gnolls, and related creatures grew in power.
disappear, their web cities in the forests replaced by Nine Centuries Past: About 900 years ago, another
isolated towers inhabited by mages of elven and human horde of goblinoids moved through the region, wiping
form who kept lizard men, the ancestors of the shazaks, out the few small cities the tortles had built, as well
as servants and slaves. These folk began calling their as driving lupins and rakastas west, where they came
land Herath. into conflict with the mages of Herath. In response,
Two and a Half Millennia Past: About 2,700 years those mages created the gurrash to serve as warriors.
ago, tribes of goblinoids arrived in the Yazak Steppes. When the gurrash also proved unsuitable, they were
Approximately 400 years later, both the elves and dumped into the Bayou, where they displaced the
Oltecs were decimated by hordes of these goblinoids shazaks.
sweeping through the eastern Savage Coast. (Some The shazaks were motivated to band more closely
elves remained in the areas that would later become together and began building permanent villages. Some
Robrenn, Eusdria, Bellayne, and the Savage Baronies.) lupins and rakastas became mages in Herath, and
These same goblinoid hordes caused many lupin and Herath helped bring the ideas of law and government
rakasta tribes to relocate to the central part of the to those races.
Savage Coast. Five Centuries Past: About 560 years ago, an influx
Seventeen Centuries Past: About 17 centuries ago, of Traldar arrived, possibly fleeing religious persecution
Nithian pharaohs sent expeditions to colonize the in their homeland. They set up colonies along the
central and eastern Savage Coast. The Nithians (who coast, founding Slagovich and other city-states. The
have since been erased from human knowledge by the Traldar had lighter skin than the other humans in the
Immortals) were a dark-haired, dusky-skinned people, area, being descended in part from Nithians and in
with a proud empire. The Nithians came into conflict part from the light-skinned Neathar. Primarily fishers
with the manscorpions, driving them far to the west and traders, the Traldar spread west slowly from
and causing them to unite their small bands into large Slagovich along the rivers. For the most part, except
tribes. The manscorpions eventually arrived in the for the City-States, the Traldar were quickly
nation of Nimmur, the then-thriving kingdom of the assimilated by pre-existing cultures in the area. One
enduks, where they were welcomed. exception was the group of humans who, with the
Fifteen Centuries Past: About 1,500 years ago, a elves and a few dwarves, founded the nation of
series of wars and disasters swept the region. For reasons Bellayne.
unknown, the mages of Herath lashed out at the About 60 years later, other light-skinned humans
wallaras, resulting in the fall of wallaran civilization. moved into the area. These were barbarians from the
Today, the wallaras remain peaceful, but primitive. north, driven to the Savage Coast by Hule. They
At the end of the war, the people of Herath also founded settlements that eventually joined to become
released their lizard men servants and slaves into the the states of Robrenn and Eusdria. Some elves and
Bayou, where they eventually became known as the dwarves already lived in these areas. The elves allied

10 Savage Coast Campaign Book

with both Robrenn and Eusdria, while most dwarves the first time in their history—revolted against their
allied with Eusdria. At roughly this same time, most oppressors. Peasants in other places also revolted, as
of the people of Bellayne were wiped out by a did colonies against their parent states. The gnolls,
mysterious plague. Many modern historians believe orcs, and goblins who lived along the coast rose against
this to be the first recorded mention of the Red Curse. the humans and demihumans. The orcs of the Dark
Also concurrent was the creation of the caymas, again Jungle attacked the manscorpions of Nimmur, and
by the mages of Herath. Most legends of dragons on the enduks and ee’aar took advantage of the distraction
the Savage Coast are from this time as well. to attack as well. Border conflicts flared between
The rakastas moved into the ruins of Bellayne, allying Bellayne and Shazak; Bellayne and Renardy; Renardy
with the remaining elves and humans. The lupins also and Eusdria; Eusdria and Robrenn; and among the
established a homeland between Bellayne and Eusdria. Savage Baronies. The gurrash attacked the shazaks and
Bellayne, Renardy, Eusdria, and Robrenn began the caymas. The goblins of the steppes formed another
evolving to varying degrees of feudalism, aided later horde, sweeping into Herath. Natural and unnatural
by another influx of colonists. disasters occurred, and plagues moved through the
The Past Century: The most recent wave of land, accompanied by the expansion of the Red Curse.
colonization began about a hundred years ago, bringing
many humans to the area. These settlers brought with
them ideas of true feudalism, including a social order The Land Now
consisting of nobles, knights, and peasants. The lupins
The effects of the recent wars are still felt throughout
of Renardy have emulated these cultures to the greatest
the Savage Coast. Nations tend to be distrustful of
extent, even adopting a derivation of their languages.
one another, though individuals from differing states
Halflings also came to the Savage Coast, most settling
can still get along (people of conflicting nations often
in Eusdria, with a few in Robrenn, Bellayne, the Savage
fought together against greater threats). When Herath
Baronies, and even Herath.
was invaded about a year ago, the mages fought back
With this rash of colonization in the East and the
but could not prevent the goblin hordes from
growth of settlements in the center of the coast, the
destroying certain magical wards which had been
mages of Herath began expanding to the south. There,
holding back the Red Curse, causing it to sweep over
they came into conflict with the phanatons, who
most of the Savage Coast.
banded together even more firmly, having recently
Now, thousands of years of ruins, from ancient
developed primitive government and law.
Nithian pyramids to recently destroyed castles and
The people of the Savage Baronies also discovered
villages, dot the coast. Paranoid states vie for power;
the Red Curse. However, unlike earlier peoples, they
hostile natives strive for survival. People twisted by
did not succumb; they fought back and found ways
the Red Curse roam the land and hide in secluded
to control it. Luckily, the Red Curse seemed to be
villages. People seek to control the magical metal
limited to only certain areas of the Savage Coast.
cinnabryl for its ability to alleviate the curse; others
For the last several decades, civilization has spread
seek the roots of the curse in an effort to eliminate it.
over the coast. Many sages say it spread too fast.
Adventure awaits those willing to face the challenges
Beginning about a decade ago, another series of
of the lands of the Savage Coast.
devastating wars swept the Savage Coast. Hule attacked
the City-States and the Savage Baronies. Tortles—for

Atlas of the Savage Coast 11

An Atlas of the
Savage Coast
The diverse nations of the Savage Coast offer many opportunities for grand adventures. Even
I, known as an intrepid explorer, have found sights wondrous or horrible enough to cause me
to tremble. Over the years, as I have wandered the coastal lands and nearby territories, I have
taken occasional notes and gathered keepsakes of various sorts, from the ancient Oltec glyph-
stone I discovered in Torreón to the wheeled crossbow given to me by the diminutive caymas.
My notes and mementos have enhanced my vivid memories of the many places I have visited,
and I have committed much of my knowledge to the pages of this chronicle.
Because most visitors to the Savage Coast come from the east or the north, I believe it
behooves to first discuss the nations found there; while they are not a part of the Savage Coast,
they serve as a sort of gateway for travelers entering the cursed lands. These gateway lands
include Yavdlom, the City States, and Hule. After my discussion of those lands, I will continue
from east to west along the coast, from the Savage Baronies to the Orc’s Head Peninsula and
the Arm of the Immortals.
Though the Red Curse was once confined to small areas in the Savage Baronies, and it has
since spread to most of the other lands of the coast, I believe that the key to lifting the curse
can only be discovered through studying the history and lands of the coast. I have no doubt
that the removal of the curse will require a grand quest that will surely take brave heroes
from one end of the coast to the other. Thus, I feel I should offer as much information as
possible about the many states and territories. Since I have spent the majority of my life in
the Savage Baronies, I have given these small states extra attention.
The Chronicle of the Curse
by Don Luis de Manzanas

12 Savage Coast Campaign Book

The present population and cultural mix of the powerful they are, based on predictions regarding how
Savage Coast results from a series of migrations into many people they will greatly influence.
the area, occurring at irregular intervals over the past The seers of Yavdlom also affect other aspects of
few thousand years (as roughly described in the the culture, from religion to trade. The local economy,
previous chapter). These large-scale relocations have based on agriculture and trade, benefits from the advice
involved peoples from numerous races and of the seers.
geographical areas; the result is a disparate set of Other groups on the peninsula include the Karimari
societies, almost a mishmash of cultures. From the of the Nakakande Rain Forest and the nomadic
hot-blooded Espan civilizations of the Savage Baronies hunters (the coppery-skinned Urdukkabilas and the
to the vikings of Eusdria and the fierce lizard kin of dark-skinned Karatunda) in the Konumtali Savannah.
the Great Bayou, the Savage Coast presents a wide North of the peninsula, the influence of Yavdlom
range of cultures. This introduction offers information diminishes. In the east, the nation of Sind dominates,
on the cultures bordering the coastal region in the while on the eastern coast of the Gulf of Hule, a small
east. handful of independent city-states rule.

The City-States
The Serpent Peninsula
Together, the City-States and Savage Baronies
As mentioned in the last chapter, the actual Savage bracket the Gulf of Hule. They are separated by a small
Coast is a 2,000-mile stretch of land situated between arm of Hule, which touches the gulf’s northern shores.
the Orc’s Head Peninsula in the west (discussed in Hule is a dangerous neighbor, constantly at odds with
the “Other Places” chapter) and the Serpent Peninsula the smaller nations on its borders.
in the east. The Serpent Peninsula, named for the great The City-States—Hojah, Nova Svoga, Slagovich,
variety and high numbers of snakes and similar Zagora and Zvornik—are all about five centuries old.
creatures found in its jungles and swamps, divides the Each is ruled by a margrave (prince) who is essentially
Sea of Dread from the Gulf of Hule and the Western a hereditary dictator.
Sea upon which the Savage Coast lies. The majority The humans of the City-States tend toward dark,
of this peninsula lies within the Haze, so while marked curly, or wavy hair and reddish-brown skin. This results
by vermeil, the Serpent Peninsula is not directly under from a mix of Yavdlom, Oltec, and Traladaran
the effect of the curse. background. Most are slightly shorter than average (roll
A peaceful culture of seers, Yavdlom dominates the only 1d10 for a modifier when determining height
Serpent Peninsula. Their culture centers on the island randomly as per the PHB). They prefer clothing that
of Thanegia just south of the peninsula itself. The is dark and almost monotone, though bright scarves
people of Yavdlom are essentially demi-elves, and sashes are worn for festivals.
descendants of elven and dark-skinned human
ancestors. Tall and ebony-skinned, they have slightly
pointed ears; some even have the arched eyebrows Hojah
typical of elves.
Capital: Shkodar (population 7,800—mostly
The Yavdlom culture combines both elven and
human elements. A high percentage of precognitive
some dwarves and elves). Ruler: Margrave Bosit
or similar abilities among its citizens influences their
Hojah (human, former fighter). Typical NPC: seafaring
culture in several ways. Fortunately, the seers of
Yavdlom follow the teachings of the Immortal Yav,
Hojah (named for its founding family) is a merchant
who encourages responsibility and cooperation,
state, like Slagovich. However, while Slagovich trades
causing most of their influences to be quite positive.
by both land and sea, the island-state of Hojah trades
Because only those people without prophetic ability
only by sea. It deals mostly with the other City-States,
can serve in government posts, all seers are relegated
the Savage Baronies, and the free towns of the region.
to advisor y positions within a strict hierarchy
This state competes fiercely with Slagovich for trade,
according to ability. However, the seers determine
and while currently at peace, armed conflicts between
which citizens become part of the nobility and how
the two have occurred. Hojah remains on good terms

Atlas of the Savage Coast 13

with Zvornik. throne early in his childhood. Despite plots by Hule
Hojah maintains most of the lighthouses in the and an evil Inheritor (Zgozod of the Ruby), he kept
region and has the strongest navy and trade fleet. his throne, mainly due to the intervention of his uncle
Because of Hojah’s ships, pirates have a difficult time Stavro. Stavro serves as an adviser to Miosz and leads
near the City-States. the margrave’s personal guard, the Knights of Halav—
a small warrior brotherhood that has helped guide
Slagovich into a relatively enlightened age.
Nova Svoga Miosz has no love for Inheritors. They are
unwelcome, though not persecuted, in the city.
Capital: Nova Svoga (population 5,300—mostly
Inheritors who do enter Slagovich are watched closely.
humans, some halflings). Ruler: Stefan Karvich
The city exports cinnabryl to the Savage Baronies.
(proud, capable high-level human warrior). Typical
When cinnabryl is exported (about twice a year), a body
NPC: farmer or trapper.
of Knights of Halav meet at sea with a small group of
A peaceful agricultural state located upriver from
Inheritors, who pay for the cinnabryl with red steel. In
Zagora, Nova Svoga shares a very extensive border with
Slagovich, red steel is used for weapons by the Knights
Hule. The state suffered badly during the recent wars,
of Halav and the city guard, but only the Knights and
during which the margrave and most of his heirs died.
guard officers also wear red steel armor.
Stefan Karvich, the former leader of Nova Svoga’s
military, now serves as regent for Anya, the five-year-
old heir to the throne. Zagora
Capital: Zagora (population 9,400—mostly humans,
Slagovich some elves and halflings). Ruler: Margrave Munte III
(human, muscular, overweight fighter). Typical NPC:
Capital: Slagovich (population 17,400—mostly
patriotic warrior.
humans, a few demihumans). Ruler: Margrave Miosz
Based along a river valley, Zagora shares a long border
II (human noble, age 24). Typical NPC: merchant or
with Hule. Home to many warriors, Zagora also tends
poor, urban peasant.
to lead in defense of all the City-States.
Slagovich is built on a plateau, next to a cliff
overlooking the Gulf of Hule. The foot of the cliff
opens into a large cavern for ships to sail through. A Zvornik
huge natural shaft connects this cavern to the center
of the city. The people of Slagovich control a gate to Capital: Raska (population 6,700—mostly humans,
the Elemental Plane of Water, and for a high fee, the some dwarves and halflings). Ruler: Margrave Galben
shaft can be sealed and filled with water to bring a Zvornik (human noble, age 87). Typical NPC: farmer
ship up to the level of the city. A water lock allows or traveling trader.
ships to enter the artificial harbor atop the plateau. Like Hojah, Zvornik is named for the family that
Hydraulic mechanisms permeate Slagovich. first settled the region. Its population centers around
Drawbridges, water locks, and portcullises allow ships the river, and its traders use small boats that travel the
to move deep into the city along a series of canals to rivers and shorelines of the region. Zvornik competes
unload their goods. Sleds, pulled by a network of with Slagovich in trade, sometimes violently, but they
cables, cart scores of people up and down the city’s are currently at peace. Zvornik and Hojah are allies.
steeper hills. However, the current margrave is quite old, and his
Slagovich boasts excellent engineers, many heir tends toward aggression.
adventurers, a bustling merchant business, and a few
wealthy nobles, but most of the common people are
rather poor. Many houses, especially those farther
from the harbor, look poorly maintained. Much of
the city’s mortar and stonework has a reddish-brown Hule
color. High, well defended walls protect Slagovich,
except for the slums outside the city. Farms and The land of Hule, also known as Great Hule and
undeveloped hilly acreage surround it. the Sanctified Land, is a large nation to the north of
The ruler of Slagovich, Miosz, ascended to the the Savage Coast’s City-States and Savage Baronies.

14 Savage Coast Campaign Book

Primarily farmland, the nation is a hagiarchy, a clerics and followers of other Immortals are criminals
government run by the holy men. Though many in Hule. Diviners also seek people worthy of
goblinoids and a few demihumans live in Hule, only government service, bringing likely candidates before
humans participate directly in government. the leaders of Hule for testing.
Nonhumans can, however, act as advisers to high Hermits are people who claim to have had a vision
officials. from Bozdogan instructing them to live alone in the
The leader of Hule is a mysterious individual known wilderness. Peasants sometimes seek out hermits for
only as the Master, the absolute dictator of the land. guidance.
He leads the clergy in the worship of Hule’s patron Prophets travel the countryside, and while not
Immortal, Bozdogan, also known as Loki. Patron of government officials, are recognized for their great
deceit and mischief, Loki has manipulated the people wisdom and judgment. They act as judges, and though
of Hule to create a bureaucracy of liars and thieves. they have no real power others almost always accept
Political intrigue runs rampant in Hule, and to unite their decisions.
the nation, the Master sometimes finds it necessary Clerics operate the local temples and shrines,
to create an outside conflict. This has led to Hule’s guiding and instructing the people. They try to bring
instigation of wars with its neighbors, including the out the “holiness” in each person and even prepare
City-States and the Savage Baronies. some for testing by the diviners.
The people of Hule are divided into many classes: Commoners are just that: farmers, soldiers,
holy men, diviners, hermits, prophets, clergy, and merchants, and crafters. Most follow the state religion
commoners (listed in order of decreasing importance). and lead relatively peaceful lives unless called to war.
Holy men are the rulers, individuals who—if not Religious services occur every night in Hule, and
actually clergy—have been somehow touched by the once a week, clerics lead processions through towns
Immortals. The holy men comprise most of the or villages, searching for anything unusual that might
nation’s administration. be declared a miracle. Commoners usually attend
Diviners act as police, traveling the country freely, services twice a week.
though sometimes in disguise. When not disguised, Hule currently remains at peace with the nations
they wear red robes and black masks and carry a crystal of the Savage Coast, recovering from the last set of
amulet. The diviners search for criminals, not only wars. Huleans still plot and spy, however. Minor events
thieves and murderers, but also those who have related to Hule occur all the time, especially in the
“wrong thoughts.” Wrong thoughts include any ideas City-States and Savage Baronies.
that disagree with the official state religion. Therefore,

Atlas of the Savage Coast 15

The Savage Baronies

I feel it only appropriate that I begin my description of the Savage Coast with the
Savage Baronies, including my homeland of Saragón. In some ways, these small states
are misnamed, for they are certainly less “savage” than other areas of the Savage Coast.
Still, battle is common, and not all the states are as civilized as my own. While there
exists great variety in the baronies, they also share a number of common traits. Thus, it
seems appropriate to talk about all of them together before delving into details regarding
them individually.
The Chronicle of the Curse
by Don Luis de Manzanas

This section details the homelands of most humans This introductory section gives an overview of the
of the Savage Coast, lands in which many adventures peoples of the Savage Baronies, the customs and
begin. The Savage Baronies comprise nine small, prejudices they observe, their adjustment to the Red
independent nations that occupy the eastern reaches Curse, and their general environment. In addition, it
of the Savage Coast on the western shores of the Gulf offers a history of the region. The next few chapters
of Hule. Each of the baronies was founded by describe each of the baronies in detail.
adventurers and conquerors who entered the lands Of the nine small states, six are coastal nations,
during a wave of colonization just over 100 years ago. while three are landlocked. The strongest sea powers
Most of the founders were human, but the people of among the baronies are Vilaverde and Texeiras. Narvaez
the baronies also include elves, dwarves, and a few and Torre—n, lands of mercenaries, supply soldiers for

16 Savage Coast Campaign Book

hire to many of the nations of the Savage Coast. The Vilaverde: Vilaverdan
three “enlightened” states are those least repressive and
most advanced baronies—Almarr—n, Gargo–a, and Examples include "That is a fine Cimmaron
Sarag—n. The two remaining baronies, Guadalante and wheellock," "I was ambushed by Gargoñans," and "We
Cimmaron, are home to the Gauchos. hired Torreóner mercenaries."
In the baronies, the translations of place names
seldom sound as romantic as the names themselves.
For example, while "Serra Sanguinea" translates as the
still interesting "Bleeding Mountains," "Mina do Sul"
Nomenclature has the descriptive, but rather boring, translation
"South Mine." Most place names in the baronies are
Along the Savage Coast, someone or something descriptive and refer to either something commonly
from one of the Savage Baronies, is referred to as seen in that area or the first thing an explorer noticed
"baronial." For example, a "baronial long sword" is a upon arrival.
long sword made in one of the nine states; a "Baronial" Like place names, personal names are often
is any person from one of these small nations. The descriptive. For example, the literal translation of
people of the baronies are also referred to as Los "Miguel Hernando de Montoya" is "Miguel Hernando,
Guardianos, "the Guardians," because they defend the of the Montoya district." The ruler of Vilaverde is Jorge
Savage Coast from Hule and other powers. o Temerário, or "Jorge the Intrepid."
Other classifications refer to smaller groups of
people or things. People are sometimes referred to
according to the language they speak. Inhabitants of
Vilaverde and Texeiras, who speak Verdan as a native
language, are sometimes referred to as Verdans.
People of the Savage
Individuals from the other Savage Baronies are
sometimes called Espans, because of their native Baronies
Each nation also has ways to refer to its inhabitants. The vast majority of the inhabitants of the Savage
Those from Texeiras call themselves Texeiran, while Baronies are humans, descendants of the Ispans who
those from Vilaverde refer to themselves as Vilaverdan. colonized the area a century ago. Over time, the Ispan
Since the cultures of these two states are so closely colonists split into two groups, Verdans and Espans.
related, items as well as people from both are The vowel shift delineates the "birth" of a distinct
sometimes called Verdan. Texeirans are easily offended cultural group. Natives of Oltec descent with strains
on this score, because the word Verdan too closely of Nithian and Traladaran ancestry have also entered
resembles Vilaverdan. The people of Texeiras prefer the mix. Some natives have remained isolated, but
to be called Texeirans, and woe betide the fool who the majority intermarried with Ispans.
refers to a Texeiran settlement as a "Verdan colony." In addition, human colonists from Yavdlom
The baronies also have adjectival forms of their intermarried with both Ispans and natives in Vilaverde
names; some have risen more from convention than and Texeiras, while colonists from faraway Ylaruam
from linguistic logic. While people from outside the intermarried with the people in Saragón. These
baronies sometimes refer to items from the Espan- different inf luences created modern baronial
speaking states as Espan, Baronials seldom do. inhabitants with a very mixed ancestry. It is rare to
Adjectival forms for individual states follow: find a human who is of "pure" descent from any one
group. However, a few Ispan households do exist,
Almarrón: Almarróñan notably some of the older noble families who have
Cimmaron: Cimmaron avoided intermarrying with natives for at least the last
Gargoña: Gargoñan few generations. Some natives also consider themselves
Guadalante: Guadalantan "pure," not realizing their Oltec blood was mixed long
Narvaez: Narvaezan ago with Nithian.
Saragón: Saragóner Resulting from this intermingling, humans of the
Texeiras: Texeiran Savage Baronies tend to be moderately dark-skinned.
Torreón: Torreóner The Red Curse also causes red overtones. Most humans

Atlas of the Savage Coast 17

have straight, black or deep red hair. themselves and are judged on their individual merits.
Also, a few elves, dwarves, and halflings live in the They remind many people of the peaceful tortles found
Savage Baronies. Elves make up a significant portion in the southern baronies.
of the population in Torreón, but they are also Tortles are a special case. While not derided because
prominent in Narvaez. Additionally, a few elf families of their race, they are sometimes looked down upon
live scattered throughout the other baronies. Dwarves because because of their peasant status. Like other
are common in Cimmaron but are seldom found in peasants here, tortles are often characterized as slow
the other baronies; a handful still live among the elves and lazy, unwilling to work for a better life. Laziness
of the Montoya district in Narvaez. Halflings are more is a great sin to Baronials, most of whom are staunch
often found in Cimmaron than any other barony, but believers in the individual’s power to succeed through
they are not common even there. hard work.
Additionally, tortles live in some of the southern The attitude toward tortles typifies the wealth-
baronies, notably Cimmaron, Almarrón, and Narvaez. related prejudices of Baronials. Many, but not all,
Other races-including lupins, rakastas, goblinoids, and members of the nobility look down on those who are
lizard kin-visit throughout the baronies, but families less fortunate. The middle class—including merchants,
from those races almost never settle down here. Lupins crafters, and adventurers—tends to view peasants with
are the most frequent visitors to the region and are disdain. Peasants envy the wealthier folk but often
common sights in Vilaverde and Texeiras. Note that forget or repudiate their origins if they come into
some Herathians do live here, but their disguises money, looking down on those who remain peasants.
effectively prevent discovery.

In general, the people of the baronies are tolerant
of folk who are different, having come from such a
diverse background themselves. The least tolerant Despite cultural differences, the Savage Baronies
nation is Narvaez, but some individuals in each barony have many commonalities, ranging from language to
still dislike outsiders. While some national prejudice dueling conventions. These often become a basis for
does exist among the people of the Savage Baronies, comparison and competition. Inhabitants of each
discrimination because of race is rare. land believe their accent or dialect to be more pleasing
For the most part, humans, elves, dwarves, and than others, their variations of the dueling rules more
halflings are considered equals in the Savage Baronies. noble, and that their coinage better. The following
They mingle freely and generally get along well with text points out many similarities to which few
one another. People from other nations might be Baronials willingly admit.
viewed with curiosity but are treated kindly. Visitors
from the furred races (lupins and rakastas) are
considered equals as well, though some more insular Clothing
peasants, unaccustomed to seeing such folk, might The people of the Savage Baronies usually wear
view them with fear. simple, light, cotton clothing, though suede and
Goblinoids, having caused many problems for the leather are popular among the middle and upper
baronies over the years, are usually met with disgust, classes, especially with Gauchos and Swashbucklers.
fear, or anger. They are seldom welcome in the towns Swashbucklers and Nobles also wear silks and velvets.
and cities of the Savage Baronies because they usually Even the poorest people tend to wear at least one
come to raid or steal. The presence of a goblinoid, brightly-colored item of clothing, and Swashbucklers
even a peaceful one, might well cause a fight. are positively vibrant in appearance.
Lizard kin and the races of the Orc’s Head Peninsula Clothing is a status symbol among adventurers and
are rarely seen in the Savage Baronies. On the the upper classes. Baronial society considers good taste
infrequent occasions when they do visit, they are in dress a virtue. Often, adventurers to carry spare
subject to close scrutiny. Their odd appearances make clothing for occasions when they want to impress
them a fearful sight, even to the more educated people others.
of the baronies. However, because they are an unknown
quantity, individuals are usually given a chance to prove

18 Savage Coast Campaign Book

Weapons and Equipment as well. Both short swords and long swords are
common in Narvaez and Torreón. These weapons tend
Most equipment and weapons available in a to have more ornate hilts and guards than their
standard AD&D game campaign can be found in the counterparts outside the baronies. It is not unusual
Savage Baronies. Items vary in popularity, however, to see a forward-angled or curved guard on a long
depending on the exact barony. sword.
Due to the spread of swashbuckling, plate mail, Daggers and similar weapons also tend to be very
field plate, and full plate armor are rarely seen in the popular among Baronials, particularly peasants, due
baronies, though a few Narvaezan nobles own suits of to their affordability. Swashbucklers prefer such arms
full plate. Breastplates, however, are extremely as second weapons, wielded in the off hand, opposite
common and are worn even by Swashbucklers. Chain a sabre or rapier; the main-gauche is another popular
mail, ring mail, and scale mail are worn by mercenaries complement to the rapier. Gauchos like daggers for
of Narvaez and Torreón and by warriors of Almarrón, their many uses and have even been known to duel
Saragón, and Gargoña. Leather and studded leather with daggers on occasion.
armor are the types most likely to be found in Red steel weapons are especially popular in the
Vilaverde, Texeiras, Cimmaron, and Guadalante. Savage Baronies; while the metal is not readily
Heavier armors are avoided by seafarers of the sea available, it is still much more common in the Savage
powers and mounted Gaucho warriors. Heavy armors Baronies than elsewhere.
are also avoided in Cimmaron because firearms are
common, which all but negates the benefits of armor
(see the "Equipment and Economics" chapter for
Cimmaron County is known for making and The Immortals
exporting smokepowder and wheellock pistols. These
weapons are frequently seen throughout the Savage Los Guardianos revere several Immortals, the
Coast, though somewhat less outside the Baronies. SAVAGE COAST setting's equivalent to deities. Five
The development of firearms has not diminished Immortals are venerated throughout the baronies: the
the popularity of other missile weapons. Hand Ambassador (Masauwu), the General (Thor), the Judge
crossbows are popular among the upper classes in (Tarastia), Milan (Mealiden Starwatcher), and Valerias.
Almarrón, Saragón, and Gargoña, and because they Some baronies have local patrons as well.
are reasonably common in the baronies, one can be In Cimmaron, Kagyar is revered as the patron of
purchased there for only 40 oros (gold pieces), rather artifice and the master of firearms. Al-Kalim is venerated
than 300 gold pieces as listed in the PHB. Likewise, in Saragón as the patron of scholarship, tolerance,
quarrels for a hand crossbow can be purchased for and courage. He is the favorite of sages, wizards, and
one dies (silver piece) each. warriors who favor strategic planning.
Larger crossbows, both light and heavy, are popular Narvaez also reveres two Immortals: Ixion and the
among the mercenaries of Narvaez and Torreón; the Inquisitor (Vanya). Ixion is the center of the Church
militias of Almarrón, Saragón, and Gargoña; and of Narvaez. He is the sun, fire, life, power, and wisdom;
among the seafarers of Vilaverde and Texeiras. Short citizens of Narvaez see him as the one Immortal worthy
bows are popular with peasants throughout the of true veneration. Much religious persecution has
baronies, as are long bows with adventurers. Gauchos been carried out in his name. The Inquisitor acts as
of the Savage Baronies swing bolas. The lasso is also a Ixion's avenging servant. She represents pride and the
common weapon in Cimmaron, Guadalante, correctness of beliefs, seeking vengeance against those
Almarrón, and Saragón. who do not follow the way of Ixion and punishing
Blades are by far the preferred melee weapons of those who stray.
the Savage Baronies. Because the rapier is the favored In Vilaverde, Texeiras, and Torreón, the Inquisitor
armament of the Swashbuckler, it is common is revered as Fanha (spelled "Faña" in Torreón). She
throughout the Baronies. Sabres are also popular with represents war and pride in those states. She is the
both Swashbucklers and Gauchos. Rapiers can be patron of warriors and the representation of self-
fitted with basket hilts (more common to sabres), but defense and vindication, especially against those who
are more likely to have a swept hilt, which has the deliver insults.
same game effects as the basket hilt.
Swept hilts are sometimes found on short swords

Atlas of the Savage Coast 19

with building large guns; none of these experiments
The Red Curse have yet been successful.

As mentioned, the Red Curse has existed in

baronial lands since well before they were the Savage
Baronies, indeed, long before it was even known as Many Inheritors live in in Saragón, including the
the Red Curse. Until a year ago, the Red Curse was leader of the Order of Crimson. Inheritors are
confined to a few isolated spots in the baronies: in common throughout the baronies, except for Narvaez,
valleys and swamps, on certain hills, in selected where they are considered outlaws. Inheritors are hated
caverns, and even in the plains of some regions. For and feared by the peasants of Torreón, who blame
the most part, people native to the land just avoided Inheritors for keeping cinnabryl from them, causing
these areas. However, the Ispan colonists and their many peasants to become Afflicted.
descendants did not avoid the curse; they studied it. Overall, Inheritors are accepted. Many are considered
At first, Baronials affected by the Red Curse simply heroes, others as villains. Frequently, Inheritors
suffered its effects, acquiring Legacies and becoming (especially warriors) are famous in the baronies; a town
Afflicted. Wizards, priests, and sages studied Affliction enjoys the notoriety of claiming a heroic Inheritor as
but were largely unable to help its victims. Then, its own.
cinnabryl was discovered in what would eventually
become Cimmaron. Years later, a Torreóner smith
discovered the properties of depleted cinnabryl and The Afflicted
named the substance red steel.
As mentioned, numerous Afflicted live in Torreón,
where peasants are too poor to buy cinnabryl. Most of
Cinnabryl and Red Steel these Afflicted have never used cinnabryl, so their defects
are relatively mild.
For almost 80 years, cinnabryl has been mined in the area now
known as Cimmaron County. Deposits were also discovered in
In most of the baronies, Afflicted live in small
Terra Vermelha slightly over 40 years ago, and two mines in that enclaves isolated from other people, but not always.
region have been operated by Vilaverde for more than 10 years. In Torreón, many Afflicted join the ranks of mercenary
Red steel, once an extreme rarity because of the low units; they make an effective fighting force, with the
demand for cinnabryl, has become much more added factor that their appearance often surprises (and
common with the recent spread of the Red Curse. sometimes disgusts) opponents. In Narvaez, few
Because of the three cinnabryl mines in and near the become Afflicted because the church distributes
Savage Baronies, red steel is more common in the Savage cinnabryl and maintain spells. Those who are Afflicted
Baronies than anywhere else. The City-State of usually move into small camps within the towns and
Slagovich even trades cinnabryl to the baronies in return villages, where they are attended by clergy.
for red steel weapons. In Almarrón, Saragón, and Gargoña, the rare
In the baronies, most users of cinnabryl are nobles, Afflicted are generally cared for by family or friends.
merchants, mercenaries, or adventurers. Obtaining However, because some Afflicted cannot stand the
cinnabryl is a primary motivation for people to become thought of being seen by others, they run off to live
adventurers to make enough money to afford a steady solitary existences in the wilderness.
supply of the metal. All baronies except Narvaez, Almarrón, Saragón,
Most traffic in red steel and cinnabryl is controlled by and Gargoña have villages formed by Aff licted
Inheritors. Cinnabryl is most common in Texeiras, individuals. Very often, Afflicted are shunned; in
Vilaverde, Cimmaron, and Saragón, and less likely to response, many gather to build enclaves where they
be found in the other baronies. Red steel is most need only traffic among themselves. For the most part,
common in Texeiras, Cimmaron, Saragón, Torreón, these are squalid shacks of forgotten remnants, but a
and Narvaez; less common in most of the other few are clean and well-built. Afflicted villages typically
baronies; and rare in Guadalante. The related substance boast fewer than 30 people and are located away from
of smokepowder is most common in Cimmaron and main roads and trails. Common folk happily avoid
somewhat less common in Guadalante, Vilaverde, and the villages of Afflicted. People in these villages seldom
Texeiras. Narvaez and Torreón have both been trying hold Inheritors in high regard, even Inheritors who
to acquire large amounts of smokepowder to experiment do become Afflicted.

20 Savage Coast Campaign Book

gaining territory in El Grande Carrascal. Gnolls are
Threats actually relatively civilized; they both negotiate and
engage in honest trade, and they do not immediately
The Savage Baronies face many threats to their attack humans or demihumans.
continued existence, both internal and external. Most Goblins are another matter. They are definitely
threats have been around for decades, and Baronials warlike, but recent losses keep them in line for the
have established ways to deal with them. However, as most part. Occasionally, rumors about the Badlands
evidenced by the last decade, occasional surprises call goblins having commerce with the Gosluk of the Yazak
for extraordinary measures. What follows serves as a Steppes are spread, but the accuracy of such claims is
quick reference regarding the individual threats. questionable.

Hule Other Nations

The Sanctified Land, Hule, is a nation run by its The baronies have few problems with nations other
clergy. The leader of Hule is the Master, a mysterious than Hule. Of course, relations between the Savage
dictator who leads the nation’s veneration of Baronies and the City-States on the eastern Gulf of
Bozdogan (or Loki), patron of deceit and mischief. Hule are unstable because both groups vie for control
Political intrigue within Hule often leads the Master of the seas. The baronies effectively block commerce
to start an external conflict to unite his people and between the City-States and the rest of the coast, and
bring temporary stability to his nation again. pirates based in Vilaverde and Texeiras are known to
Hule is a repressive and often aggressive state. While raid ships from the City-States. The City-States
currently at peace with the other nations of the coast, occasionally discuss banding together to destroy the
Hule sends spies in many directions and regularly navies of the baronies. Fortunately for the baronies,
launches small plots to upset stability in foreign the City-States are about as likely to work together as
regimes. are the Savage Baronies themselves.
The baronies also trade with nations of the Savage
Coast and maintain colonies and outposts in these
The Yazak Steppes distant lands. The coastal nations outside the Baronies
depend on Texeiran and Vilaverdan shipping for much
The Yazak Steppes are home to many tribes of of their commerce, so they do not want to disrupt
goblinoids, notably the so-called “great tribes.” The such shipping by contesting. Though difficulties
Hupkur, composed of hobgoblins and ogres, is the occasionally arise, the nations of the Savage Coast tend
strongest tribe, but they are located far from the Savage to be on friendly terms with the baronies.
Baronies. A recent alliance between Dankut (orcs and Renardy, in particular, has close ties with the
trolls) and Kuttai (orcs and goblins) has many Baronials baronies, especially Torreón. The Renardois have
worried; the alliance is close enough to strike, and an adopted several of the styles and conventions of Los
alliance between great tribes almost always preludes Guardianos, from their form of government to their
an invasion. The closest great tribe to the baronies is swashbuckling style and dueling conventions.
the goblin Gosluk; members of this tribe raid into The nations east and south of the City-States, such
the baronies with some regularity. (For more as Yavdlom and distant Thyatis, are too far away to be
information on the goblinoids, see the “Other Places” of concern to the Savage Baronies. It is possible that
chapter.) Yavdlom might send more colonists or expeditions
to the region, but Yavdlom is peaceful, so the
possibility represents a trading opportunity more than
The Yazi a threat. Also, it is unlikely Thyatis would be willing
The Yazi are goblinoids of the coastal regions. Most or able to devote the time and manpower necessary
prominent of them, at least to observers in the Savage to tame and reclaim the other, fiercely independent
baronies, are the gnolls of El Grande Carrascal and Savage Baronies.
goblins of the Badlands. Gnoll lands have borders with
Almarrón, Saragón, Gargoña, Cimmaron, and
Internal Strife
Guadalante; these nations suffer the gnolls’ presence
in the region to keep their neighboring baronies from The Savage Baronies have often been their own

Atlas of the Savage Coast 21

greatest threat. Conflicts within a barony and clashes A few especially horrible monsters are native to the
between baronies are all too common. Internal Savage Coast; one such is the Inheritor lich, the
conflicts are discussed in the entries for each barony. undead remnant of an Inheritor who increases his or
As for conflicts between baronies, Torreón has her power to great levels. Two of these creatures are
periodic disagreements with Vilaverde and Texeiras currently found along the Savage Coast—one in
over cinnabryl deposits in Terra Vermelha; because Renardy, the other in the Savage Baronies. The
Almarrón’s former dictator hired Torreóner Inheritor lich that inhabits the baronies is called
mercenaries to enforce his will, Almarróñans sneer at Doomrider, a formidable enemy for any group of
Torreón. Narvaez does not get along well with any would-be heroes.
other baronies, particularly Saragón, which it regards
as a haven for heretics and the spawn of chaos. Narvaez
also wants to compete with the Vilaverdan and
Texeiran navies, which escalates tensions there.
Except for their problems with Narvaez, the sea History of the Region
powers get along with all the baronies—except each
other. Texeiras and Vilaverde are competitive, and their To understand the diverse forces that affect the
ships often come into conflict. Texeiras grants letters current Savage Baronies, it is helpful to learn about
of marque, sanctioning privateers to prey on the history of those cultures. Several civilizations have
Vilaverdan shipping. Likewise, ships from Vilaverde lived in the region now known as the Savage Baronies,
attack Texeiran ships, whether they have letters of and each has left a legacy of some kind—some through
marque or not; the Vilaverdan government has been their descendants, some through their ruins and
known to grant a retroactive letter of marque to artifacts. In addition, the Red Curse has had a
captains who make port in Porto Preto after having profound impact on the lands of the eastern Savage
raided Texeiran shipping for some months. Coast. According to the calendar of the baronies, the
Except as mentioned, the other Savage Baronies current year is 1010, which is 1,010 years after the
get along with their neighbors. In particular, Gargoña crowning of the emperor in the ancestral lands of the
maintains neutrality in most conflicts. It is not unusual baronial humans.
for a Gargoñan delegate in the Signatory Council to
be elected leader of the council.
Before the Baronies
Approximately 4,400 years ago, the first humans
arrived in the area that would become known as the
The Environment Savage Baronies. Driven by war from their eastern
homeland, these people were the Oltecs, a coppery-
skinned race who brought arts, agriculture, and basic
The climate is warm temperate to subtropical.
metalworking to the region. At the time of the Oltecs’
Overall, this climate is favorable for human habitation.
arrival, few (if any) sentient beings inhabited the area,
The weather is seldom harsh; it snows in the northern
though a few tortles or manscorpions from the central
baronies as often as once a decade. Rains come with
coast may have lived nearby.
some frequency, though most downpours soak the
In any case, Oltecs quickly became dominant in
coasts rather than traveling far inland. Storms are not
the eastern portion of the Savage Coast and established
uncommon, and the coastal baronies suffer occasional
settlements along the central coast as well. Oltecs never
hurricanes. Some flooding occurs each year with
built cities, but they did have ceremonial centers that
runoff from the mountains but is seldom cause for
included step pyramids, giant stone heads, and
statuary. They built edifices of earth and stone. The
The natural flora and fauna of the region include
Oltecs’ largest structures were of earth; little evidence
kudzu, tomatoes, potatoes, maize, plains grasses, deer,
remains of their locations, except for some oddly
alligators, armadillos, prairie dogs, turkeys, and eagles.
shaped hills in the baronies. A few stone pyramids
Monstrous lifeforms of the baronies include many
still exist, but most disappeared as later natives took
creatures from the MONSTROUS MANUAL tome.
the stones for their own construction.
However, few lycanthropes exist on the Savage Coast,
About 3,300 years ago, elves arrived in the region,
and intelligent creatures are limited primarily to
migrating from the Serpent Peninsula, which lies on
goblinoids and those races mentioned as PC races.

22 Savage Coast Campaign Book

the eastern side of the Gulf of Hule. Like the Oltecs, the same time as the eradication of the Nithians,
elves settled the eastern and central coast. Elves did conflicts on the Orc’s Head Peninsula caused other
not affect the existing local culture in any significant Immortals to take an interest in the region and place
way; they built settlements near human villages and curses upon the land and its peoples. These curses
traded with them, but they did not intermingle. and the magic of the Nithians combined to produce
Elves and Oltecs held sway in the area for almost a the affliction known as the Red Curse. However,
millennium. While they occasionally fought each powerful mages in the far west were able to confine
other and faced internal squabbles, they built extensive the effects of the Red Curse to those lands that would
civilizations, creating what would eventually become later become known as the Savage Baronies.
ruins for later generations to explore. All those who remained in the region after the
The most direct cause of the transition from destruction of Nithian civilization suffered from the
civilization to ruins was the arrival of a horde of effects of the Red Curse. Many fled. Others discovered
goblinoids about 2,300 years ago. The elves and Oltecs that the Red Curse did not exist everywhere and
were decimated by these goblinoids; though they had avoided the cursed areas. Those who stayed were
dealt with minor raids before, mounted goblinoid joined by communities of dwarves who migrated to
hordes represented the first truly organized external the region not long after the Red Curse began. As
threat that either the elves or Oltecs had ever faced. with the elves and humans, some dwarves fell; some
Some elves and humans remained in the area, but left; and some adapted.
both races fell into savagery. Over the next few centuries, little of note happened.
About 17 centuries ago, another group of humans In the east, tortles had a brief f lirtation with
arrived in the region. These were the Nithians, sent to civilization. About 1,150 years ago, tortles built a few
the Savage Coast by their pharaohs to explore and settlements along the coast, initiating trade with some
colonize. These dark-haired, dusky-skinned people surrounding colonies.
settled along the eastern and central coast, expanding Tortle civilization fell about 900 years ago when
their proud empire over the region. Nithians captured another horde of goblinoids swept down from the
what savage tribes they met, the remnants of the Yazak Steppes. Dwarves, elves, and humans were also
humans and elves who once dominated the area. Some hurt by this horde and were prompted to establish
savages were kept as slaves, and interbreeding was not permanent, fortified settlements. None of these
unknown (though it was much more common settlements were very large, but villages appeared
between humans than between humans and elves). throughout the eastern portion of the coast.
Along the central coast, Nithians came into conflict In approximately the year 450, another wave of
with manscorpions, driving all of them to the far west. human colonists arrived in the area; these were Traldar,
Tortles were largely ignored, perhaps because they were descendants of Nithians and light-skinned Neathar,
still rare on the eastern coast. and thus lighter-skinned than those humans already
Unfortunately for the Nithians, their culture was living along the Savage Coast, who were mainly of
the target of the Immortal Thanatos’s malicious Oltec ancestry. The Traldar formed several city-states
manipulations. He maneuvered the people into on the eastern side of the Gulf of Hule; those settlers
conspiring against their pharaoh and irritating who traveled to the western side were mostly absorbed
numerous Immortals. About 200 years after the by the populations already living there(lightening the
Nithians’ arrival, several Immortals banded together average westerner’s skin tone).
to destroy them. They were eradicated entirely, leaving
behind only a few pyramids and artifacts in the area.
The Immortals destroyed all memory of the Nithians Timeline
as well. The cultural legacy of art and philosophy that
Following is a timeline of events pertinent to the
humans, elves, and tortles of the region absorbed over
development of the Savage Baronies. Most dates are
their contact with the vanished race is now most often
believed to be Oltec. Theories suggest that the ruins
B.C. 3500 In the Atruaghin Plains far to the east, the
belonged to some other culture of the Savage Coast,
Azcans break with the Oltecs, and the two groups
such as wallaras (who never actually settled east of the
Orc’s Head Peninsula).
B.C. 3400 To avoid the ongoing war in their
At the time of their destruction, the Nithians had
homeland, some Oltecs migrate to the Savage
just created a powerful magic in the region, laying the
Coast, settling the eastern and central shores.
foundation for Legacies, cinnabryl, and red steel. About

Atlas of the Savage Coast 23

Manscorpions and tortles already live along the
central coast, and aranean and wallaran civilizations History of the
flourish on the western end.
B.C. 2300 Elves arrive in the region and settle the Savage Baronies
eastern and central Savage Coast. They live alongside,
but not among, the Oltecs.
Beginning around the year 900, another wave of
B.C. 2000 Elf and human mages settle in the forests
colonization came to the Savage Coast. This brought
of the western Savage Coast, supplanting the
many more humans to the region, primarily a large
araneas; they name their land Herath. Enduks are
expedition from the Thyatian Empire far to the east.
created on the Orc’s Head Peninsula and begin
Sent by Emperor Gabrionus IV, the people who came
building the civilization of Nimmur.
to the Savage Coast were from a particular ethnic
B.C. 1700 Goblinoids settle in the Yazak Steppes.
group among the Kerendan people of the Empire,
B.C. 1300 Goblinoid hordes decimate elven and
the Ispans. Like other Kerendans, Ispans were olive-
Oltec civilization. Those humans and elves who
skinned, dark-haired, and fond of efficiency and fighting
remain fall to a savage, semi-nomadic existence.
ability; unlike other Kerendans, Ispans also possessed
B.C. 700 Nithians arrive on the Savage Coast. They
a fair amount of wanderlust.
interbreed somewhat with Oltecs. Elves of the
Ispans settled along the western shores of the Gulf
eastern coast establish settlements in and around
of Hule. They founded villages, and from these,
what will eventually become Torreón and Narvaez.
adventuring expeditions ventured inland. Some
B.C. 500 Herath wars with Wallara; manscorpions
expeditions were lost, but several returned with great
betray the enduks and take possession of Nimmur;
riches, gained from raiding ancient ruins, trading with
Nithians disappear, leaving little evidence other than
gullible natives or robbing horrid monsters. Many
a few relics and pyramids. The Red Curse is created,
adventurers founded villages of their own, claiming
but confined by Herathian mages to portions of
domains around them; most called themselves barons,
the eastern Savage Coast.
equating themselves with landholding nobles from
B.C. 450 Dwarves arrive along the eastern coast and
their faraway homelands.
build small colonies.
No fewer than 20 petty baronies were founded in
B.C. 150 Tortle civilization rises on the central coast.
the first two decades after the Ispans came to the Savage
1 The first Emperor of Thyatis is crowned.
Coast. In most cases, the baronies absorbed natives
100 Goblinoid hordes sweep the coast again. Tortle
into their cultures, intermingling local blood and
civilization falls, and humans, dwarves, and elves
philosophies with the more Thyatian culture of the
remaining along the eastern coast are prompted to
coastal villages. Other colonists also arrived and
build permanent settlements.
intermarried with both Ispans and natives; dark-
450 Traldar arrive in the region. They establish several
skinned humans from Yavdlom settled in what would
city-states on the eastern shores of the Gulf of Hule.
eventually become Vilaverde and Texeiras; and copper-
Traldar who settle on the western shores and absorb
skinned people from the faraway desert Emirates of
the existing human cultures descended from the
Ylaruam settled in what would become Saragón. The
Oltecs. Humans of the eastern coast begin to
Ispans eventually split into two peoples: those who
establish permanent villages and intermingle with
called themselves Verdans, merging with the people
elves of the region.
of Yavdlom and forming the naval powers of Vilaverde
500 Humans move into the areas that will eventually
and Texeiras; and those who styled themselves Espans,
become Eusdria and Robrenn; some elves and
making up the other baronies. The Espans chose to
dwarves ally with these humans. Lupins and rakastas
differentiate their new culture from their old, colonial
form permanent settlements along the central
roots with a vowel shift from an initial “I” to initial
Savage Coast in lands that will eventually become
“E”; the shift persists to this day.
Renardy and Bellayne.
The early baronies fought among themselves, and
many fell. Others merged, either through conquest
or through diplomacy. About 25 years ago, the
baronies stabilized into the nine states currently known
as the Savage Baronies. Though the modern baronies
still squabble, each is sturdy enough to survive minor
threats. More importantly, they usually have enough

24 Savage Coast Campaign Book

foresight to put aside their arguments and unite against of Herath who confined the Red Curse to its limited
major threats, but getting them to cooperate is no areas of effect. Then, about one year ago, disaster
easy task. struck: magic worldwide suddenly failed completely
A little over 40 years ago, a few states cooperated for several days. During this time, the capital of Herath
diplomatically to avoid a war; this resulted in the was sacked by goblinoids, and the magical protections
Treaty of Tampicos. This famous treaty—initially signed were destroyed. By the time magic was restored, the
by Torreón, Texeiras, Vilaverde, and Hule—defined Red Curse had spread, covering almost the entire
mining rights in Terra Vermelha, the Red Lands. In coastal region. People of the region know the Red
addition, the Treaty of Tampicos covers claiming land Curse spread greatly during the troubles, but except
and defining borders in general. Those who signed it for the Herathians, none know why. Most attribute it
(Hule and all baronies except Narvaez) are known as to the wrath of the Immortals, to which they also
the Signatory States, and their representatives meet attribute the multitude of wars that have occurred
in informal councils to discuss disputes and other over the last decade.
problems. While the decisions of this Signatory For the most part, the people of the Savage Baronies
Council are not binding, member baronies usually have learned to deal with the Red Curse. They have
obey such decisions to avoid conflict with the other studied it and developed ways to protect themselves—
baronies. Hule seldom sends delegates to conferences though not all can afford to obtain cinnabryl. Inheritors,
and often ignores any decisions except those contained red steel, and cinnabryl have all become more common
in the original Treaty of Tampicos. since the spread of the Red Curse, particularly in the
Savage Baronies. Commerce has increased in the
baronies, and class stratification has become even more
The Coming of the Curse pronounced.
A century ago, the Red Curse was confined to
scattered areas of the eastern end of the Savage Coast. Timeline of the Savage Baronies
Twisted monsters occasionally came scrabbling or
oozing out of the cursed areas, but few humanoids Dates are precise in this timeline.
fell to the Red Curse because they had learned to avoid 900 A new wave of colonists reaches the eastern
the lands under the curse. Ispan colonists also Savage Coast, including people from Ylaruam,
discovered the Red Curse, but unlike earlier Yavdlom, and the Thyatian Empire. They bring
inhabitants, these colonists neither succumbed to nor feudalism and class structure. Adventurers establish
avoided the Red Curse. Instead, they fought and domains that eventually develop into the Savage
studied it, eventually finding ways to protect Baronies and absorb the elven, dwarven, and human
themselves from it. cultures already in the region. Settlers discover the
A few people even settled in the cursed lands. While Red Curse but decide to stay anyway. A few halflings
some died, others reportedly changed, acquiring also begin to arrive on the Savage Coast and are
magical Legacies and twisting deformities. These absorbed into local cultures.
individuals were studied by scholars, mages, and priests 902 The Barony of Narvaez is founded along the coast
in the nascent baronies; ways were found to slow the by an expedition of Ispan people from the distant
progress of the curse, first through spells and then Thyatian Empire. Narvaez claims a great deal of land,
with cinnabryl. from the Claw Peninsula to the Bay of the Siren
About a decade ago, in response to an invasion (Baia da Sereia), including land already occupied
from Hule, Los Guardianos began experimenting with by human, elven, dwarven, and tortle inhabitants.
cinnabryl and power gain, and the first vials of crimson 903 The Dominion of Vilaverde is founded by Ispans
essence were produced. The affliction, previously called and people from Yavdlom.
just “the curse,” became known generally as the Red 905 Nueva Esperanza (New Hope) declares
Curse as its effects became more widely known and independence from Narvaez.
more people began experimenting with its power. 906 Dwarves and elves in lands claimed by Narvaez
None knew why its effects were confined only to declare themselves the Barony of Montoya.
certain regions. 908 The State of Copetez is founded in the plains.
Baronials were aware of the nation of mages, Herath, 909 The Barony of Montejo is founded inland from
at the western end of the Savage Coast, but they paid Narvaez; the Dominion of Tanaka is founded by
little attention to it. None realized it was the mages people from Yavdlom.
913 The Barony of Narvaez splits between two heirs;
Atlas of the Savage Coast 25
the northern section remains Narvaez, and the the new substance.
southern portion becomes the Barony of Sotto. 951 The Barony of Babosas is founded east of
915 The State of Aranjuez is founded in the plains Vilaverde.
near Montejo. 957 The first arquebus is constructed in Nueva
916 The Barony of Cristobal is founded several miles Esperanza; a function for smokepowder has been
north of Narvaez. found, but it is rarely used because of the dangers.
921 The inland State of Escudor breaks from Sotto. 958 Texeiras conquers the Barony of Marino.
926 The Barony of Rivera is founded within Sotto, 962 The Barony of Los Elegidos is founded north of
causing a small civil war; Rivera achieves Torreón, Alcazar, and Cristobal.
independence. 963 Yazi gnolls attack Saragón and Aranjuez.
929 The State of Texeiras is founded along the eastern 966 Montejo and Aranjuez unite diplomatically to
part of the Bay of the Siren. form the Barony of Saragón.
930 The Barony of Marino declares independence 967 The Barony of Morales is founded just north of
from Narvaez, claiming the western shores of the Torreón, between Cristobal and Alcazar.
Bay of the Siren. 968 Torreón wars on its neighbors, conquering and
931 A cinnabryl mine is discovered near Nueva absorbing Morales and Alcazar; Cristobal and
Esperanza. Sages discover its protective value when Elegidos are weakened but do not fall. Elite
used against those affected by the Red Curse, but Torreóner warriors use swords of red steel, the first
others discover that it harms those unaffected by recorded instance of its use in a large battle.
the curse. Cinnabryl is known, but not generally 969 Torreón discovers deposits of cinnabryl in Terra
coveted. At this time, depleted cinnabryl is discarded Vermelha, and moves to take over those lands; to
after use. forestall a possible war over mining rights, diplomats
934 The Barony of Gargoña is founded in western gather and form the Treaty of Tampicos, which is
Sotto; after a short civil war, Gargoña is granted signed by Torreón, Vilaverde, Texeiras, and Hule.
independence. 970 Elegidos disappears without a trace.
935 The Barony of Quimeras declares independence 971 Babosas is conquered and absorbed by Hule.
from Narvaez. 975 The wheellock is developed in Nueva Esperanza.
936 Sotto declares war on Gargoña; after a few Certain leaders, including a warrior named
months, Gargoña conquers Sotto and absorbs all Cimmaron, encourage the secret production of the
but the southern portion, which organizes into the weapon.
State of Almarrón. The official name of the culture 977 Almarrón conquers and absorbs Escudor, then
of all baronies except Vilaverde and Texeiras is turns north and initiates hostilities with Gargoña
changed from Ispan to Espan; the language spoken and Rivera.
is Espa. 978 To help defend itself from Almarrón, Rivera agrees
937 Narvaez attacks Quimeras and Montoya, re- to be absorbed into Gargoña. While Almarrón is
absorbing both after a short war. distracted, Nueva Esperanza begins hostilities;
939 To encourage internal consolidation, Almarrón Cimmaron’s pistoleers make quite an impression.
strikes south and takes over Nueva Esperanza and 979 The revolution in Nueva Esperanza continues,
surrounding territories. led by General Cimmaron. Almarrón and Gargoña
940 The Barony of Alcazar is founded near Cristobal. end hostilities, and both ratify the Treaty of
941 The Barony of Torreón is founded south of Tampicos.
Cristobal and Alcazar. 980 Armed with a wheellock pistol and a red steel
942 A human smith in Torreón experiments with sword, General Cimmaron leads his forces to victory
depleted cinnabryl; she discovers its usefulness and over troops from Almarrón at the Battle of Hondo;
names the substance red steel. A few small weapons his followers declare him Earl Cimmaron, and
of red steel are produced. Nueva Esperanza becomes the center of the newly
947 The State of Bigotillos is founded north of independent Cimmaron County. Dissatisfied with
Copetez. recent leadership, the people of Almarrón revolt
948 Dwarves near Nueva Esperanza begin against their leader and overthrow him. Making use
experimenting with steel seed found in the local of old Traladaran philosophies, they establish a
cinnabryl mine. When they accidentally mix it with democracy.
vermeil, they stumble upon the formula for 981 Cristobal relinquishes claims on its holdings,
smokepowder. They begin searching for ways to use except for one tower and a few square miles of land;

26 Savage Coast Campaign Book

the Lord of Torre Cristobal gives up the title severely weakened by previous conflicts. The Master
“Barón” but maintains independence from other of Hule sets a curse on his enemies, inflicting floods
powers. and other natural disasters on the Savage Baronies.
984 Saragón ratifies the Treaty of Tampicos. 1008 The Savage Baronies again enter into border
985 Copetez and Bigotillos unite through marriage; conflicts. Tortles and other peasants revolt. In
the lands are merged to form the State of Almarrón, rebels oust their dictator and install a
Guadalante. Guadalante ratifies the Treaty of Barón descended from their former noble rulers.
Tampicos. The Colonial Revolt begins, and many colonies
986 Doña Esperanza comes to power in Gargoña and rebel against their parent states. Yazak goblinoids
leads her state into peace, beginning a policy of attack throughout the Savage Coast.
neutrality regarding all the other baronies. 1009 Magic stops working, and Yazak goblinoids sack
990 Cimmaron ratifies the Treaty of Tampicos. the distant capital of Herath. Though magic is
992 The Treaty of Cortesillas, between Guadalante restored a few days later, the Red Curse has spread
and Saragón, solves the question of watering rights across the coast. Inheritors of the baronies begin
for cattle between the two nations. introducing cinnabryl throughout the coast, while
994 Almarrón faces a time of troubles. An opportunist taking control of most of the cinnabryl mines as well.
seizes control of the state and declares himself 1010 The present.
dictator of the nation.
997 Cinnabryl is discovered in Slagovich; it is mined
and traded to Torreón, Texeiras, and Cimmaron
for red steel.
999 The first vial of crimson essence is produced by an Possibility of Unification
alchemist in Saragón. The secret spreads to a group
of adventurers who become the first Inheritors. More than a few people have suggested that the
Some of the Inheritors rise to power in both the problems of the Savage Baronies could be solved if
Brotherhood of Order and the Friends of Freedom. they became united under one ruler. While this idea
To balance them, other Inheritors join the Neutral is attractive to many Baronials, including a majority
Alliance. of the barons, no head of state is willing to give up
1000 The Immortals begin a conflict that eventually power.
begins to affect mortals throughout the world. For now, the closest thing to a unified government
1001 The Inheritors face internal conflicts and in the baronies is the informal Treaty of Tampicos
reorganize the aligned societies (the Brotherhood council, the Signatory Council. In practice, this group
of Order, the Neutral Alliance, and the Friends of has no real authority to make or enforce laws and
Freedom) into the three Orders of the Inheritors serves merely as a forum for airing arguments that could
(the Order of the Ruby, the Order of Crimson, affect all the baronies if not curbed.
and the Order of the Flame). Each of the nine Signatory States (Hule and each
1005 Prompted by attacks from Bellayne, the of the baronies except Narvaez) is allowed to send
goblinoids of the Yazak Steppes begin unifying. one delegate to the council, along with whatever
Robrenn attacks and irritates the Yazi goblinoids. assistants the delegate feels he needs. The leader of
1005 An internal holy war begins in Narvaez. The the Signatory Council is selected each time the council
church of Narvaez unifies the factions by providing meets from those delegates who attend. Typically, the
an external enemy: the other Savage Baronies. selected leader is someone with experience and no
Narvaez carries its Inquisition to the other baronies. vested interest in the dispute at hand.
1006 Torreón, Vilaverde, and Texeiras ally with The council leader is seldom a man or woman of
Narvaez, rather than fight that state. The other five great charisma. It is possible that were a charismatic
baronies (Guadalante, Cimmaron, Almarrón, leader to arise on the council, he would be elected to
Saragón, and Gargoña) ally to fight against the serve many times and actually begin to carry some
Narvaez alliance. Gauchos and Swashbuckler authority. However, the charismatic individuals of the
“freedom fighters” prove effective against the naval baronies (many of whom are Swashbucklers and
power and mercenaries of the Narvaez alliance. Inheritors) seldom have an interest in council meetings.
1006 Hule attacks the Savage Baronies. The baronies Thus, the council is an unlikely source to provide
end their conflict to unite against Hule. unification for the baronies.
1007 Yazi gnolls attack the baronies, which have been

Atlas of the Savage Coast 27

Another potential road to unification is warfare. into other ruling families, one in Narvaez and one in
For decades, rulers in the Savage Baronies have Saragón; while these marriages have helped her keep
considered extending their rule to adjoining areas. the peace, they have not yet provided heirs capable of
Several have even been successful; compare the ruling both states. Their are serious problems with
number of states that once existed to those that exist this form of unification: the prospect is risky because
now. However, the current group of baronies has lasted someone two generations down the line might not
for a quarter of a century, and none seem to be in be a capable leader for a larger nation; supporters of
danger of falling. While border wars and other independence might assassinate potential heirs; there
difficulties occur with regularity, if such conflicts were are few heirs in the baronies, and fewer of marriageable
to escalate to the point of complete conquest, chances age; and the delicate diplomacy required to arrange
are that other baronies would involve themselves either such a marriage is difficult for the people of the
as mediators or reinforcements to prevent any one baronies to master.
state from becoming too powerful. Should events fall into place, some baronies might
In addition, each of the current baronies has be able to cooperate and conceivably unite. Vilaverde
attained a unique cultural identity. Vilaverde is a sea and Texeiras are not so different; Cimmaron and
power, Narvaez holds many religious fanatics, and Guadalante are similar; and the three “enlightened
Guadalante is home to free spirited gauchos. Trying states” of Almarrón, Gargoña, and Saragón have much
to bring these diverse cultures together to agree about in common. Any of these three groupings could
national policy is a task for Immortals. Los Guardianos conceivably unify into a larger nation under the right
tend to be fiercely independent and patriotic, and their circumstances.
leaders reflect those attitudes. In conclusion, while total unification is a possibility,
Another possible way to unify the baronies is it is an unlikely one. If a charismatic and powerful
through marriage. Since all of the states pass on leader were to arise among the baronies, perhaps he
national leadership through inheritance (except could unite two or more of the lands; if heirs married,
some pairs of states might unify. However, the
possibly Cimmaron, where the policy is under
independence and cultural diversity of the people
question), if heirs to two baronies were to marry, their would likely prevent most unions from lasting for very
child might inherit both baronies. Baronesa Esperanza long.
of Gargoña has managed to marry two of her children

28 Savage Coast Campaign Book

Vilaverde and Texeiras

The easternmost baronies of Vilaverde and Texeiras maintain strong navies. These are
lands of seafarers, adventuresome souls who travel the length of the Savage Coast and
visit other lands. The people of these lands tend to ignore the Red Curse, yet are just the
types of people with enough daring and wanderlust to perhaps complete a quest to end it,
could they be so motivated.
The Chronicle of the Curse
by Don Luis de Manzanas

Sometimes called the Sea Powers, Vilaverde and re of the Sea Powers does revere seers and prophets.
Texeiras are the strongest naval powers on the entire Diviners are popular among the seafarers of Vilaverde
Savage Coast. These rivals, with their strong seafaring and Texeiras for their usefulness in predicting the
presence, virtually control the western half of the Gulf weather on seafaring journeys. Verdans make many
of Hule. The two states often clash with the aggressive long ocean voyages, and their ships have traveled from
City-States, especially Hojah, Slagovich, and Zvornik. the Gulf of Hule to the far side of the Orc’s Head
Like the humans of the other baronies, those in Peninsula and beyond.
the Sea Powers are primarily Ispan descent, mingled The Sea Powers, besides having an effective, ocean-
with Oltec, Nithian, and Traladaran blood. In based fighting force, also boast skilled merchants; they
addition, the people of the Sea Powers have carry goods to many places along the Savage Coast.
intermarried for decades with settlers from Yavdlom— Despite some jealousy over the Sea Powers’ control
tall, ebony-skinned humans with traces of elven blood. of Savage Coast shipping, the other nations of the
Though the peaceful aspects of Yavdlom culture coast value the transportation, communication, and
have done little to cool the hot blood of Guardianos commerce provided by their ships.
with whom they have intermarried, the present cultu- In addition, Vilaverde and Texeiras are known for
the colonies they have started in various places along

Atlas of the Savage Coast 29

the coast. Vilaverde’s colonies include Terra Leãoça, sweeps upward to a plateau several hundred feet above
O Bastião das Tartarugas, and the recently independent sea level. This slope, known as O Grande
colony of Porto Escorpião. Texeiras maintains the Escarpamento, is miles long, stretching the length of
successful colonies of Protectorado da Presa and the the barony. The cliff is broken in many places by gentle
Colony of the Horn. slopes leading down to the coastal lowlands; these
Based roughly on Portugal of the 1500s and 1600s, breaks allow ready travel from lowlands to highlands
the Sea Powers are home to explorers, swashbucklers, in every sector of Vilaverde.
merchants, and pirates. The people of Vilaverde and Vilaverde has existed for more than a century. Its
Texeiras are a proud folk who form a distinctive borders have been relatively constant during that time
political unit among the Savage Baronies; when they with occasional minor setbacks and conquests.
ally, none can stand against them at sea. Because few Vilaverde has never absorbed or conquered another
Savage Coast nations are without ports, the threat of state, nor has another state ever owned, absorbed, or
naval retaliation is enough to keep other nations from broken away from Vilaverde.
molesting the land holdings of Vilaverde and Texeiras.
Both countries prefer the title “Barão” for their lords.
The People
Vilaverdans are known as explorers, adventurers,
thieves, pirates, and whalers. The typical citizen
Dominio de Vilaverde encountered in Vilaverde is a Swashbuckler fighter,
though Nobles and Local Heroes are relatively
common as well. Spellcasters are uncommon, and
Vilaverde is home to high-spirited people who travel most mages of Vilaverde are Swashbucklers who prefer
widely across the Savage Coast. Among other nations, a flashy style of magic. Feared on all seas, Vilaverdans
Vilaverde is known as a haven for pirates and outlaws, are a light-hearted, high-spirited people whom others
a lawless realm that cares little for civilized society. regard as highly audacious.
While this reputation has elements of truth, the The Yavdlom background of the Vilaverdans gives
dominion is not quite as lawless as it is painted. Its them great respect for divination. Since most of their
independent people are fiercely patriotic, willing to divination is used at sea, the effects of the Red Curse
unify to defend Vilaverde from any difficulty. do not muddle the results as much. Fortune tellers
Vilaverde’s biggest challenge is the defense of its are common in the settlements and are usually
eastern border, the only place Hule has direct contact consulted before important ventures. Vilaverdans
with the baronies. Along with Terra Vermelha and believe in fate and luck and enjoy testing both with
the eastern reaches of the Yazak Steppes, Vilaverde games of chance.
might seem a flimsy obstacle to Hule’s expansion into
baronial territories. However, the Vilaverdan fleet is
an effective deterrent to Hule’s aggression because it The Red Curse
could easily destroy Hule’s navy and all its coastal
assets. Four years ago, Huleans met and defeated a Vilaverdans view the Red Curse simply as a hazard
hastily assembled Vilaverdan force at the Battle of of life, one that causes pain for the “other guy.” They
Burdür, but before Hule could take advantage of the seldom think about the Red Curse because life is too
victory, Vilaverde destroyed most of Hule’s shipping short to spend worrying about that which Fate has
ability in two battles in the inlet near Karakoy and already planned; whatever happens, happens.
sacked several settlements. Rather than risk its other Inhabitants of Vilaverde mostly ignore Afflicted
coastal properties, which it had believed well- because their visages are unpleasant and depressing.
defended, Hule withdrew from Vilaverde. In response, Afflicted band together to form their
own communities where they blithely ignore the
various deformations of their neighbors, acting as if
The Nation everything is perfectly normal.

Vilaverde’s landscape is dominated by grasslands,

broken by cultivated farmlands, ragged forests, and a Industry and Trade
few hills. The nation is geographically divided down
the center; a few miles inland from the coast, the land Vilaverde brings in money through whaling,

30 Savage Coast Campaign Book

shipping, and raiding. The people of Vilaverde are ruling families, serves as an advisory board to Baron
skilled whalers, and the seas off their coast have an Jorge; the Captains’ Council also admits new members
abundant supply of whales. The Vilaverdan fleet also of nobility based on activities, wealth, attitude, and
trades all along the Savage Coast, carrying goods from bribes. While it is said that any native can rise to the
port to port. Vilaverde controls most sea trade with nobility in Vilaverde, few are actually admitted by the
Herath and Bellayne and has a monopoly on trade council.Despite bribes and corruption, the council
goods out of Nimmur, the far-western homeland of does take pains to insure that those chosen have some
the manscorpions. Its other customers include some semblance of noble bearing, knowledge of etiquette,
ports in Renardy and Robrenn. and grasp of politics. Currently, 22 families are
To protect and expand their commerce, Vilaverdans considered nobility; each holds a seat on the Captains’
explore constantly. They have built numerous Council. The council is growing slowly, with a new
settlements and outposts along the coast, including seat added once every two or three years. Still,
three fairly large and successful colonies (Terra Leãoça, occasionally a family is destroyed or disgraced and
O Bastião das Tartarugas, and Porto Escorpião). Most removed from the council.
of Vilaverde’s holdings are no more than small forts The Captains’ Council meets once a month to
or fortified villages used for commerce and navigation. conduct its own business and offer advice to Baron
Vilaverde once established a small colony on the Arm Jorge. While the baron is not obligated to act on this
of the Immortals, Porto Maldição. advice, he always considers council recommendations
Vilaverde controls the only two large cinnabryl mines closely because he knows the Captains’ Council
so far discovered in Terra Vermelha. They use most of represents the most powerful families in Vilaverde.
the cinnabryl internally, reducing the number of Technically, all of Vilaverde and its colonial
Afflicted in Vilaverde, but they export significant holdings are the property of Baron Jorge. However,
amounts, primarily to the other baronies and Eusdria. he grants indefinite leases to noble families. The nobles
Vilaverde also conducts heavy trade in the red steel mediate over local disputes and act as custodians of
gained from use of cinnabryl. their (leased) estates. In return for the use of the land,
they are obligated to provide ships and warriors for
the protection and enrichment of Vilaverde.
Religion Baron Jorge has two heirs. His eldest son is Dom
Jorge, ruler of Porto Escorpião, a colony which Baron
While not overly religious, the Vilaverdans do ve-
Jorge recently granted independence. The baron’s
nerate the Immortals, especially Milan, Valerias, and
second son is Dom Fernando, who represents the
Faña. The Ambassador is favored over the General;
baron’s family on the Captains’ Council. Since Porto
the Judge receives little reverence because leading an
Escorpião was granted independence, some
honorable life is not an overriding concern to most
speculation exists as to who will inherit Vilaverde when
Barón Jorge dies. The baron has not yet stated his
The Ruler
Vilaverde is ruled by Barão Jorge “O Temerário” de The Capital
Vilaverde. Baron Jorge “The Intrepid” is a charismatic
Porto Preto, a town with 9,800 permanent
human fighter with the Swashbuckler kit. At 55 years
residents, serves as the capital of Vilaverde. A
old, he shows little sign of age. Proud, quick, and fit,
notorious pirate haven, Porto Preto is also the home
he still holds his own in a sword duel. While a
port of a large fleet of armed merchant ships. It is
dynamic and dashing individual, Baron Jorge is also a
heavily defended, as are all other towns in this region.
profound thinker who cares deeply about his nation
The majority of the residents of Porto Preto are
and the welfare of his people. He is ruthless in
human, though a few established families of
protecting Vilaverde.
demihumans and lupins also live here. However, Por-
Baron Jorge’s rule is supported by an oligarchy of
to Preto hosts many visitors of widely varied races.
wealthy sea captains, many of whom achieved wealth
Most townspeople are merchants and laborers,
through piracy. These captains and their families are
including a large number of innkeepers, tavern owners,
the land’s ruling class, the nobility of Vilaverde. A
and dock workers—all those whose livelihood involves
Captains’ Council, made up of representatives of the
keeping a navy afloat and reasonably happy. Farms

Atlas of the Savage Coast 31

surround the town, and their produce decorates Por- Terra Leãoça
to Preto’s open markets regularly. Some foodstuffs
are sold in town, and a small percentage is exported This Vilaverdan colony sits on the western Savage
to other nations. Coast and borders Bellayne and Herath. Established
Porto Preto is an exciting town with a spirited to control naval access to the city of Theeds in Bellayne,
nightlife. Intrigue lurks in alleys, rogues are common, Terra Leãoça enforces Vilaverde’s quasi-monopoly on
and duels occur several times a day. More than a little sea trade in the region. Bellayne’s ships are allowed
dangerous for the unprepared, a new experience awaits passage to the trade routes, but they pay dearly for
around every corner in Porto Preto. the privilege.
Vilaverde maintains a strong military presence at
Rocha dos Gatos (the “Rock of the Cats”), a large
Other Places of Interest fortress and a port in Terra Leãoça that garrisons
Torreóner swordsmen and rakasta outcasts. The colony
Tiny hamlets with fortified keeps dot the Domain also operates a sulfur mine and a lighthouse. It
of Vilaverde. While most are too small to appear on encompasses the ruins of Espora-Verde and two
the map (and are left for the DM to design as desired), villages, Três Corações and Postera (both centers for
the larger and more important places are briefly commerce with Herath). Espora-Verde was a tower
discussed in the following text. sacked by goblinoids in the recent wars. It has not yet
The village of Cafundo is the only other major been rebuilt.
settlement in Vilaverde. A quiet, busy place, it is a Terra Leãoça receives quiet support from the Great
farming and fishing village with a population of a few Magus of Herath because it is costly to Bellayne,
hundred humans. keeping that nation from threatening Herath. In
Torre do Perdão, the “tower of the lost one,” sits at return for the support, the Vilaverdans allow
the edge of O Grande Escarpamento, where a major Herathian merchant ships to sail through the colony’s
break in the cliff has allowed a road to be built from territorial waters without interference.
Porto Preto to the mines in Terra Vermelha. Once a
major stopover on this important trade route, the
tower was sacked in the recent wars. Formerly Porto Escorpião
garrisoned with soldiers, Torre do Perdão now stands
empty, waiting for someone to clear out whatever This small state, on the western coast of the Orc’s
bandits and monsters have moved in, and enable Head Peninsula, consists of little more than a castle
Baron Jorge to devote resources to rebuilding it. and a lighthouse. Established as a Vilaverdan trading
A few miles off Porto Preto’s waterfront lies the post, it was granted independence about two years
site of a major naval battle some 30 years ago. The ago, when Vilaverde recalled troops and relinquished
conflict was between Texeiras and Vilaverde. More official control of the colony.
than 40 sunken ships rest here and in the surrounding Dom Jorge de Vilaverde, son of Baron Jorge, runs
waters. While some have been ransacked, others lie at Porto Escorpião. In an effort to cut costs and to bring
the bottom of the sea with untouched treasures and veteran soldiers back to Vilaverde in times of trouble,
hidden dangers. Baron Jorge gave his son complete control over the
holding; several troops remained loyal to Dom Jorge
O Bastião das Tartarugas (Bastion of the Turtles) and stayed in Porto Escorpião. While Dom Jorge
On the coast southeast of Robrenn, this small appreciates the political necessity of the decision, he
Vilaverdan colony claims several square miles of understandably feels abandoned and wonders whether
beaches and cliffs. It is named for the only settlement, he continues to be heir to all his father’s holdings or
a foreboding castle perched high on the windswept if Vilaverde will be inherited by his brother, Dom
cliffs. The castle is home to several dozen humans and Fernando. While Vilaverde and Porto Escorpião
is staffed by a like number of tortle peasants. A maintain trade and cordial relations, the relationship
complicated system of winches and pulleys allows between father and son has become strained. So far,
provisions to be hauled up the cliff with relative ease; Dom Jorge has remained loyal, but he is impatient
from the castle, goods are sent on to settlements in for an answer regarding his status.

32 Savage Coast Campaign Book

Porto Maldição The People
This former colony consists of the village of Mato Texeirans, like Vilaverdans, are known as explorers,
Grande and a fortress with the same name as the adventurers, whalers, and privateers. The typical
colony. The small holding on the Arm of the person encountered in Texeiras is more likely a thief
Immortals declared independence when Porto than a warrior, usually a charismatic Swashbuckler with
Escorpião was released. Since Porto Maldição is small, expensive tastes and a suave demeanor; the Local Hero,
far away, and of little importance, Vilaverde released Noble, and Honorbound are also common kits. While
it without a second thought. warriors and wizards are common in Texeiras, rogues
are much more common here than elsewhere in the
baronies. Citizens of Texeiras are subtle enough about
their thievery that people generally believe them to
be an honest, hard-working folk.
Estado de Texeiras The more worldly people of the Savage Coast have
learned to be cautious in what they say about a
Like Vilaverde, Texeiras is home to a well-traveled, Texeiran, Texeiras, or any product of that state.
high-spirited folk. Though also viewed by most Texeirans have even been known to suggest duels if
Baronials as a home for pirates, Texeiras is recognized someone offers a low price for their goods. Texeirans
as having legitimate merchants. While Vilaverde takes are a proud lot who try to avenge any insult against
what it wants, Texeiras earns its possessions and trade them—real or imagined.
in most people’s minds. Ironically, Texeirans are less
often considered thieves by outsiders simply because
they are more subtle about their practices.
The Red Curse
The people of Texeiras are a little less boisterous Like Vilaverdans, Texeirans seldom think about the
than those of Vilaverde but are just as independent Red Curse. Life is too short to dwell on something
and proud. In fact, Texeirans are even more patriotic so depressing. Texeiras boasts a thriving trade in
than Vilaverdans, to the point that they hear insults cinnabryl, so Afflicted are relatively uncommon.
in even the mildest of criticisms. Texeiran enclaves of Afflicted tend to stay rather
cheerful and are well-maintained, like those in
Vilaverde; deformations are largely ignored by the
The Nation inhabitants of the enclaves.
Most of Texeiras is forested, though the state
includes grasslands and abundant farmland as well.
Forests are carefully protected because they provide
Industry and Trade
the wood for Texeiran ships. Texeiras also claims a The main Texeiran exports are wood and cinnabryl.
small portion of O Grande Escarpamento, the Most timber exports go to Vilaverde and Renardy.
grasslands that border Terra Vermelha. Situated Texeiras knows that Narvaez wants to build a fleet to
around the Baia da Sereia, Texeiras is shielded from rival its own, so it usually find excuses to not sell
the worst of the weather in the region. wood to Narvaez. Cinnabryl is imported as well as
Texeiras was founded 80 years ago along the eastern exported; most supplies coming from Slagovich, small
edge of Baia da Sereia. Almost 30 years later, it deposits in Terra Vermelha, and trade with Vilaverde
absorbed the Yavdlom colony of Tanaka, which had (usually in return for wood). Narvaez relies on Texeiras
occupied Cabo dos Cões, now the eastern end of for most of its cinnabryl. Texeiras also trades in red steel,
Texeiras. In the same campaign of conquest, Texeiras especially in return for cinnabryl from Slagovich.
took over the barony of Marino, which had recently Texeiras has a strong merchant fleet to protect its
broken from Narvaez to claim the western shores of trade routes and has established numerous outposts
Baia da Sereia. Narvaez has threatened once or twice along the Savage Coast. These include two important
to take back the Marino lands but has never matched colonies: Protectorado da Presa (near Renardy and
the naval supremacy of Texeiras. At the moment, Eusdria) and the Colony of the Horn (on the Orc’s
Texeiras is on reasonably good terms with Narvaez. Head Peninsula). Texeiran crews consist mostly of
swashbuckling rogues and are supplemented by

Atlas of the Savage Coast 33

Torreóner mercenaries who serve as marines. The Capital
The Texeiran fleets carry out much of the commerce
along the Savage Coast. They transport trade goods Boa Mansão, with its population of 8,700, is by
to all the nations of the coast; Eusdria in particular is far the largest settlement in Texeiras. Besides being
a consistent trading partner. It is usually Texeiras that the center of government, it is also the center of
trades with the City-States and Robrenn. commerce and culture. Most merchandise brought
through the region, including loads of cinnabryl, passes
through this town. Far less rowdy than its Vilaverdan
Religion counterpart, Boa Mansão is a town with museums
and theaters in addition to its inns, taverns, and
Like the Vilaverdans, Texeirans are not overly shipping businesses.
religious. They revere Milan, Valerias, and Faña; they The citizens of the capital are mostly human, though
also hold the Ambassador in high esteem but see the a few representatives of each of the humanoid races
Judge and the General as less important. The Texeiran along the Savage Coast have taken up residency here.
veneration of Faña provides common ground with As in Porto Preto, while most inhabitants are
the people of Narvaez, who know her as the Inquisitor. merchants and laborers, a large number of artists and
crafters reside here as well.
Boa Mansão is a reasonably quiet place. Since
The Ruler commerce is so important to the nation, and the
The ruler of Texeiras is Barão Bartolomeu “O Cal- capital is the center of that commerce, outright
vo” de Texeiras. Baron “Bart the Bald” is a retired thievery is frowned upon within the town. Most
adventurer, a human Swashbuckler thief now in his Texeirans know better than to rob someone in the
early 60s. The baron’s wife died some years ago, leaving capital, and many thieves in the town actually try to
him without an heir. Much speculation exists as to prevent miscellaneous robberies and muggings. If a
whom he will name to take his place; the front-runner robbery does occur in Boa Mansão, the town’s
seems to be Dominíca da Solidão (see Protectorado extensive thieves’ guild can usually find the perpetrators
da Presa later in this chapter), but many believe Baron and return stolen possessions to their owners, giving
Bart will choose some unknown who impresses him the town a reputation as safe. This allows Texeirans
with daring and honor. More than a few adventurers to work on much more subtle and elaborate schemes
have tried to gain his attention and praise with their than simple robbery.
Texeiras functions on a strict hierarchy. The baron
claims the top position; the governors he has Other Places of Interest
appointed to different regions (internal and external) Besides the capital, Texeiras has only one major
are the next level and are considered nobility. Because settlement, the village of Velha Navalha on Cabo dos
Baron Bart is a shrewd judge of character, the majority Cões. Primarily a fishing village, Velha Navalha also
of Texeiran nobles deserve their titles. The people of boasts a small garrison of Torreóner mercenaries and
Texeiras consider him an extremely competent leader. a few ships. In case of an attack, these military forces
The overall structure of the government resembles have orders to merely delay any attackers while a
a thieves’ guild, and the baron has numerous spies, message is sent to the capital for reinforcements.
assassins, and other agents in his service. These help Until recently, two other important villages (Porto
Baron Bart keep track of his holdings, followers, and Punhaland Vila Franca) prospered in Texeiras, but
international events. They also allow him to both villages were ransacked during the recent wars.
manipulate others for the good of Texeiras. They have not yet been rebuilt, though a few Afflicted
Baron Bart sits in a difficult position because he have moved to Vila Franca and are trying to gain a
must maintain his borders against many powerful charter for government from Baron Bart.
neighbors. All of them covet his rich capital, fleets, Off the coast near Vila Franca lies the site of a naval
and colonial holdings. The barony’s overall population battle, fought just over 50 years ago between Texeiras
and land forces remain rather light in comparison with and Marino. Marino’s hopes of independence ended
its neighbors. So far, diplomacy, bribery, and skillful here. Most sunken ships in the area have been
use of political manipulation—or assassinations— thoroughly searched, but a few might still hold
maintain the status quo. treasures.

34 Savage Coast Campaign Book

Protectorado da Presa Well within the borders of the Haze, the small village
of Bom Jardim (home to about 250 people) has
This domain consists of two large islands (Ilhas become known as a haven for those avoiding the Red
Gémeas, the Twin Islands) and a fair part of Cabo das Curse. Those who recover from Affliction can go there
Baleias (the Cape of Whales), located south of to recuperate if they can afford passage. On occasion,
Renardy and sharing a border with Eusdria. During adventurers retire in the village,where they no longer
the recent wars, the Protectorado da Presa declared have to worry about obtaining cinnabryl. Though Bom
independence from Texeiras. The situation escalated Jardim is a quiet place, it is jealously guarded by its
into a small civil war, and the colony’s major residents, perhaps half of whom have an adventuring
settlements were destroyed. To end hostilities, the background and are more than able to defend
colony was granted near autonomy but is still themselves.
considered the property of Texeiras. Probably the most famous part-time resident of
The main settlements in the region are the imposing Bom Jardim is Killian, a privateer who ranges up and
fortress Praça Forte de Texeiras and the well-defended down the coast, never spending more than a few days
Torre Cruzada. Both villages (Solidão and Poracá) and at a time in the cursed lands. Killian’s ship, the
the town (Porto do Sul) remain in ruins. Because Selwynn, is named for a lost love, a golden-eyed elven
Protectorado da Presa’s shores are now short on land- woman of gentle manner and surpassing beauty. With
based protection, ships patrol the region constantly, his swashbuckling crew and his Texeiran letter of
periodically relieving crews at the colony’s important marque, Killian raids ships all along the Savage Coast.
lighthouses. Permanent settlements are beginning to He is especially fond of attacking ships from Narvaez
develop around the two mining camps on the cape. to remind the state how pitiful its naval forces are.
One mine produces opals, the other silver; these
important Texeiran assets are well guarded.
The leader of Protectorado da Presa, the lord of Terra Vermelha
Praça Forte de Texeiras, is actually a lady, Dominíca
da Solidão. A charismatic Honorbound fighter, she Also called the Red Lands, this area consists of
led the rebellion against Texeiras but has enough badlands, rocky hills, scrub plains, and other
supporters in Boa Mansão that Baron Bart felt it would inhospitable terrain, including an active volcano, Ser-
be unwise to remove her. The two leaders came an to ra Sanguinea (the Bleeding Mountain). Despite the
agreement about the colony’s status that seems to unattractive nature of its landscape, Terra Vermelha is
satisfy both parties. Some Texeirans speculate that in the object of fierce competition. Claimed by both
return for Dominíca allowing the colony to remain Vilaverde and Texeiras, the land holds many small,
part of Texeiras, the baron has named her heir to scattered deposits of cinnabryl. Although few deposits
Texeiras. However, neither leader has verified any such last long enough to provide their claimants with any
agreement. significant advantage, this cinnabryl nevertheless
represents a point of contention between both these
two baronies and the bordering nations, Torreón and
The Colony of the Horn Hule.
Vilaverde currently operates the only two large
Located on the upper western tip of the Orc’s Head mines in Terra Vermelha. Scouts and prospectors from
Peninsula, the Colony of the Horn consists of a village, Texeiras and Torreón roam constantly, occasionally
a fort, and several square miles of relatively barren land. finding deposits of cinnabryl. Torreón, with its strong
The tip of the Horn is also known as Cabo do Macaco, military, is in the best position to overrun Terra
the Cape of the Monkey. The land here varies from Vermelha and seize its treasure. However, the Treaty
grassland to sand dunes but also boasts some rich of Tampicos keeps the nations in line, more or less.
plantations. The treaty states that the first nation to raise its
Fortaleza da Boa Vista is a small fortress with a flag above a desired mining site gains the right to mine
substantial military force composed of about 200 there. To raise a flag, a messenger must bring the news
Torreóner mercenaries, a like number of Texeiran to his or her nation’s ruler, then return with an official
ground troops, and about a dozen ships. The fort delegate and a mining writ. This first step is the most
allows Texeiras to maintain a strong presence on the dangerous since rivals often kill envoys so their own
Orc’s Head Peninsula, which is rumored to have many flags can be raised first. More than once have armies
untapped resources and ancient treasure hoards. clashed over a treacherous ambush or falsified writ.

Atlas of the Savage Coast 35

Settlements in the Red Lands include the two of Terra Vermelha, when not accepting mercenary
official Vilaverdan mines, Mina do Sul and Mina do pay—and sometimes even while they are—these raiders
Norte (South Mine and North Mine), and two nearby, prey on miners, caravans, and border villages.
unsavory camps. As their names suggest, southern One of the more interesting features of the Red
Campo-Ladrão is home to bandits looking for other Lands is the ruined city known as Antro do Dragão,
nation’s prospectors, and northern Campo dos Ogros the Dragon Den. Originally built thousands of years
bolsters its might with ogre mercenaries. ago by Oltecs, the city shows signs of later habitation
Brigands, goblinoids, and foul monsters also reside by Nithians, elves, and dwarves. The city remains in
in the Red Lands. Some of these inhabitants can be remarkably good condition for its age because no one
persuaded to work with forces from one of the four has spent enough time in it to cause much damage.
neighboring nations for outrageous fees. However, they Whether or not the place is actually the home of a
are not terribly loyal and tend to switch loyalties dragon remains unknown; however, some powerful
whenever they receive a higher offer. Like most natives creature definitely guards the city and its riches.

36 Savage Coast Campaign Book

Torreón and Narvaez

The dark lands of Torreón and Narvaez are plagued by the Red Curse, poverty, and
persecution. These states produce the finest mercenaries on the coast. They view the Red
Curse very much as a curse, a punishment sent from the Immortals; perhaps it is. I know
one thing: The people of these nations, perhaps more than anywhere else, want to end the
The Chronicle of the Curse
by Don Luis de Manzanas

The humans of these baronies are primarily of Ispan people of the Sea Powers may dominate the oceans
descent, with strong traces of Oltec blood. Narvaez with their navies, these states have strong land forces
and Torreón are also home to many elf and dwarf to be reckoned with.
families, and a few members of other races are residents Each of these nations has a long and violent history
of larger settlements in the two states. The people of of wars and conquests that have allowed them to
both states are stereotyped as brave and passionate achieve their present status. The harsh conditions have
and are reputed to be fine warriors. made their people tough survivors. As a result,
Torreón and Narvaez are known as lands of Torreón and Narvaez are the most populous of the
mercenaries, supplying professional soldiers to other Savage Baronies, each covering a comparatively large
nations of the Savage Coast. Torreóner mercenaries, area.
found throughout the Savage Coast, are known for Because of their aggressive histories, these states are
their loyalty and skill; Narvaezan mercenaries are valued often rightly viewed with trepidation. The ruler of
for their fierceness and high standards. Sellswords of Torreón dreams of expanding her nation’s boundaries
both nations are considered skilled professionals, well to include more resources and riches. The leaders of
worth the money required to hire them. While the Narvaez believe theirs is the only true religion, and

Atlas of the Savage Coast 37

many of their more assertive members want to carry The Nation
the flame of Ixion to the other baronies, even if doing
so requires force of arms. Narvaez mounted such a One of the few land-locked baronies, Torreón is
crusade only five years ago aided by Torreón and the built around the rich river valley of Rio Guadiana and
Sea Powers. Only by presenting a united front were its tributaries—Rio Frio, Rio Torrentes, Rio Tuntos,
the remaining baronies able to stave off the military and Rio Fangoso. Beyond the rich farmland of the
might of these four nations. Narvaez and its allies river valleys, most of Torreón’s hills and flats are
would probably have worn down their opponents had thickly forested. Grasslands ripple only in the east
Hule not chosen to attack all the baronies just then, where Torreón shares a border with Texeiras and Ter-
forcing them to put aside their arguments and face ra Vermelha. Note that in the east, Torreón occupies
the greater threat. the higher ground above the cliffs known as O Gran-
Now—despite their threatening postures, dreams of de Escarpamento (which Espans call La Grande
conquests, and crusades—both Torreón and Narvaez Escarpadura). This geographical feature defines—and
are weakened by internal problems: Poverty cripples defends—Torreón’s southern borders.
Torreón, and unrest within the clergy paralyzes Torreón has had a violent history. The first political
Narvaez. Both states try to build and consolidate their entity to appear in this region was the Barony of
forces so they can one day achieve their goals. If those Cristobal, founded in 916 on Rio Torrentes. Almost
goals were more similar, few obstacles would keep the a quarter century later, some successful adventurers
two states from unifying into a force against which no settled down and created the Baronies of Alcazar (in
others could stand. 940) and Torreón (in 941). Later still, the Barony of
Los Elegidos was established to the north (along Rio
Tuntos) and the Barony of Morales in the center (at
the junction of Rio Frio and Rio Fangoso).
The founding of Morales created a problem for
Baronía de Torreón Torreón because Morales was laid out in a position
where it could control river traffic between Torreón
This land is notorious for its poverty but respected and the other small baronies. With an eye to
for its mercenaries, who travel to all parts of the Savage preventing future problems, Torreón attacked
Coast. The majority of Torreón’s people are poor, Morales. To settle ongoing border conflicts, Torreón
barely managing to eke out a living by farming. Those also attacked all its other neighbors. Torreón
who are able become mercenaries to fight—and conquered Morales and Alcazar, extending its holdings
sometimes die—in someone else’s war, leaving their to the north, east, and west, weakening Elegidos and
families behind. Most mercenaries earn enough to break Cristobal as well.
the cycle of poverty that enslaves them, but seldom Torreón then consolidated its gains, rapidly
do they make enough extra to send hard coin home building several settlements to control extensive
for family. Instead, sellswords help their family and portions of the river valleys. A couple of years later,
friends by encouraging them to become mercenaries Elegidos disappeared completely and mysteriously,
as well, passing on rumors of opportunities and removing a threat from Torreón’s northern border. A
putting in a good word when they can. It is a decade later, Cristobal relinquished its barony claims.
Torreóner aphorism that gaining fighting prowess is Torreón left the remnants of Cristobal as a buffer
the best way to break away from the poverty of the between itself and the goblinoids of the Yazak Steppes.
land. Since most Torreóner mercenaries come from The tower served to blunt the most recent invasion
deprived backgrounds, they are unwilling to lose steady attempt before being destroyed.
pay and are loyal to those who supply it. Since consolidating, Torreón has been an aggressi-
Thus, while Torreón is a poor land, it is also reputed ve, somewhat expansionist nation. Its baroness, Doña
to produce the most steadfast mercenaries on the Isabel, plans to continue building her armed forces in
Savage Coast. Other nations welcome Torreóner the hopes of someday conquering both Texeiras and
mercenaries for their reliability and worry at the Terra Vermelha. However, her military build-up has
thought of those same mercenaries being turned wrecked the local economy through excessive taxation.
against them. The existence of so many fighting men
and women in Torreón strengthens the nation’s
reputation as a formidable military presence.

38 Savage Coast Campaign Book

The People employment. The captains approve only those
individuals who they believe will uphold the honor
Torreón has a racially mixed population. About of Torreón and obey the Assembly’s decisions.
one-third of its people are elves; in addition, at least Torreóner mercenaries prefer not to fight against
half the people in Torreón have some elven blood. other companies of Torreóner mercenaries but will
The rest of the population is human, leavened by a do so if ordered by their employers. However,
very few members of other races. Torreón’s violent employers should realize that if they order such a
history and prevalent poverty attract few people from battle, leaders of the involved Torreóner companies
other nations (it’s hard to imagine a Torreóner native meet before the battle and allow any mercenaries who
as a model of “the good life”), leaving these humans have friends or relatives in the other company a chance
and elves to the lands they have inhabited for to refuse combat, without loss of honor or pay. All
centuries. The humans of this nation are not as mixed Torreóner mercenary captains adhere to this policy, a
as in other baronies; here, they are of primarily Oltec fact known to most potential employers across the
descent, and those of Ispan or Ispan and Oltec mixed Savage Coast.
ancestry are quite rare. Note that some mercenary companies are composed
The common people of Torreón are farmers, but of only Aff licted. Their prices, leadership, and
many of those farmers have fighting experience. attendance at the Assemblies are the same as for
Torreóners are known to be brave, passionate, hot- standard companies. Afflicted companies are shunned
tempered, and proud. Like the people of Texeiras, in polite society but are known to cause dread and
Torreóners are quick to suggest a duel over the smallest disgust in their enemies, sometimes giving them a
offense. Hardships have produced generations of tough psychological advantage.
and ruthless soldiers in this barony.
Warriors are common in Torreón. The Myrmidon
kit is seen most often. Some Honorbound, The Red Curse
Swashbucklers, Local Heroes, Gauchos, and a few
Defenders (devoted to Faña) are also seen. The nobility The Red Curse is a constant threat to the people
is small in Torreón, so the Noble kit is uncommon. of Torreón. While citizens in the larger towns do their
While most Torreóner nobles are elven, the rest are best to ignore the curse, a very large proportion of
humans of pure Ispan descent. the people in Torreón—as much as half—are Afflicted.
Torreón also has a fair number of Militant wizards Some Afflicted join mercenary companies; most
and War Priests, but few rogues live in Torreón, which others live in small enclaves. Small size, however, does
lacks the large population centers and the wealth not guarantee small incidence. Afflicted enclaves are
needed to support them. Most Torreóner rogues are found everywhere in Torreón: ragged sections in towns
Scouts or Swashbucklers, the latter kit also being used and villages, tiny farming villages along rivers, and
by most Torreóner wizards. Some Inheritors do live hidden camps in forests and hills.
in Torreón, but they keep to the larger towns or the The people of Torreón never forget the Red Curse,
company of nobles because they are despised by and those who are able go to great lengths to avoid it.
peasants and Afflicted. Unlike those in the Sea Powers, Afflicted here are not
The mercenaries of Torreón are reliable and able to pretend they are normal even when among
reasonably priced. A typical fee is one oro (gold piece) other Aff licted. The Aff licted of Torreón hide
per person per week with a bonus percentage allotted themselves from view and avoid contact with most
for experience, so most common mercenaries in the other people, even other Aff licted, shunning
company actually earn about five dies (silver pieces) themselves before others can.
per week. Several well-organized mercenary companies
operate in the barony, each of which follows a skilled
captain. These mercenary captains gather for an
Industry and Trade
Assembly once a year to discuss issues important to Torreón’s biggest “export” is mercenaries, who ser-
them all, such as payment scales and employment ve as military forces, castle or fortress guards, and
opportunities. A person who wishes to form a marines on Texeiran ships. The government receives a
company of his or her own must go before the small share of all money earned by Torreóner
Assembly, where the current captains vote on the mercenary companies.
applicant. If approved by a simple majority vote, the Torreón also exports some wood, food, and even a
applicant can recruit a mercenary band and seek

Atlas of the Savage Coast 39

little red steel. The state gets most of its cinnabryl from the outer limits of her territory against bandits or
Terra Vermelha or by trading red steel with Slagovich. goblinoid raids. The remaining troops enforce
Torreón, home of the discoverer of red steel, has collection of her unpopular taxes among the
stockpiled the material for years. In addition, population. Torreón probably has an army large
Torreón’s mercenary companies, which use quite a enough to take over Terra Vermelha right now;
lot of cinnabryl, also retain a sizeable amount of red however, because of the recent wars, Torreón wants
steel. The government of Torreón takes about 10% of to hold off on the attack and consolidate its forces.
this red steel for taxes, giving the barony an ample supply After all, an attempt to take over Terra Vermelha would
of the magical metal. Mercenary companies use the break the Treaty of Tampicos, probably causing the
rest of their red steel to arm themselves. Torreón’s other baronies to ally against Torreón. The only
capital, Ciudad de León, harbors a famous Guild of possible exception is Narvaez, which has long been
Swordmakers whose red steel weapons are prized on friendly terms with Torreón and could probably
throughout the Savage Coast. be counted as a supporter.
Torreón’s best trading partner is Renardy, with Doña Isabel’s driving ambition is to be able to leave
which an overland trade route is maintained. Torreón a good inheritance for her heirs, even though she does
exports red steel, weapons, mercenaries, wood for ships, not yet have any children. Doña Isabel’s heir
and a small amount of cinnabryl to Renardy. In return, presumptive is a younger sister, Rosa, a lovely girl in
Renardy provides wine, food, and finished goods. her early 20s. Despite her greedy and power-hungry
Torreón has also begun acquiring smokepowder in hopes style, the baronesa recognizes the need for a successor,
of building smokepowder cannons; the cannons have but she still harbors fantasies of marrying for love.
not yet proved successful. Torreón imports smokepowder She would be happy to leave to her sister the political
from Gargoña, Renardy (who gets it from Cimmaron), responsibility of marrying to produce an heir.
and some directly from Cimmaron. By using several If Doña Isabel’s family should die out, the
sources, Torreón hides the sum of its acquisitions. succession would pass to her elven adviser, Augusto,
who has counseled her family since the barony began
and who was a companion of the adventurers who
Religion founded both Alcazar and Torreón. Augusto is a
Noble fighter who, not quite two centuries old, could
Religion is of some importance in Torreón, where
potentially rule Torreón for another two centuries.
Faña is revered before all other Immortals. The
Like Augusto, many other nobles of Torreón are
General and the Judge are very popular among
elves, and most have been around since before any of
Torreóners, while Milan, Valerias, and the Ambassador
the Savage Baronies were founded. The early
have small cults. As a result of contact with Narvaez,
inhabitants of Torreón came to an agreement with
Ixion’s following has been growing in Torreón.
the prominent elven families of the area and have always
considered them part of the barony’s nobility. For
The Ruler this reason, the preferred language of the nobility, and
of diplomacy and etiquette, is elvish.
Baronesa Isabel “La Terrible” de Torreón y Morales,
a human noble in her early 30s, rules Torreón with
an iron fist. The baronesa has been in charge of the The Capital
state since her early teens after the death of her father.
The capital of Torreón is Ciudad de León, a town
She had to withstand ruthless political attacks in order
of 7,400 that sits on the state’s southern border.
to survive, but this has only made her more ruthless
Slightly more than half of the townsfolk are elves. More
in her approach to politics.
than 1,000 half-elves live here, and most of the other
Doña Isabel plans to build an army of
citizens are human. Ciudad de León is home to most
conquistadors and eventually take over Terra Vermelha
of Torreón’s nobility, though each other town and
and Texeiras. To raise funds, she has instituted many
village in the barony boasts one or two noble families.
new taxes on her people, driving many of them into
Besides the nobility, the capital also houses numerous
poverty. This poverty is what has encouraged the people
merchants, crafters, soldiers, and a small labor force
of Torreón to become mercenaries or enlist in the
consisting mostly of poor Afflicted.
baronesa’s armies.
Ciudad de León is an orderly town, safe because of
Doña Isabel needs most of her troops just to guard
the squadrons of soldiers that patrol its streets. The

40 Savage Coast Campaign Book

townspeople live in designated districts, so nobles live from excessive taxation by a brutal rulership. In
among nobles, merchants among merchants, and so addition, Narvaez endures the Inquisition, which
forth. The Afflicted are in this manner kept from appears unexpectedly to check the loyalty of
mixing with high society in Torreón. commoners and nobles alike, ensuring devotion to
Narvaez is known for its mercenary forces but is
Other Places of Interest also seen as a dangerous nation that wants to thrust
its patron Immortal—and his accompanying
A town of 6,800, Ciudad Morales lies in the center
Inquisitor—upon the other nations of the coast. The
of Torreón. It is a major trading center for the barony;
nation has no real allies, though it gets along reasonably
most of its people are merchants, crafters, and laborers.
well with Torreón, Texeiras, and Gargoña.
The barony also has six major villages: Casanegra, a
village of retired soldiers named for the recently ruined
tower near which it was built; Puebla de Alcázar, a The Nation
farming village that is a headquarters for prospectors
and expeditions headed into Terra Vermelha; Like Torreón, most of Narvaez sits along a river
Villavieja, a farming village that is one of the largest valley; the barony’s lands run mostly to farmland and
producers of food in the Savage Baronies; Pueblo Real, forest, broken by small ranges of hills. The land is
a village devoted to farming and forestry; Las Guajacas, very fertile in Narvaez, supporting good farming.
a farming village in which the entire population of Also like Torreón, Narvaez has had a long and
over 500 individuals is Afflicted; and Las Chambas, bloody history. It was the first barony founded along
another trading and farming center. Note that Las the Savage Coast and is the only one ever officially
Guajacas houses the largest concentration of Afflicted chartered by the distant government of Thyatis.
anywhere in the Savage Baronies, possibly on the entire Narvaez once stretched all along the western coast of
Savage Coast. It is a somber and eerie place, where the Gulf of Hule, from La Escarpadura in the north
haunted people go about in masks and cloaks even to the Claw Peninsula in the south. This claim covered
during the hottest days. An air of depression lies thick land on which humans, dwarves, elves, and tortles
over Las Guajacas, and few visitors stay for long. were already living, including the lands now known
Torreón also has two major forts, Castillo Grande as Cimmaron, Almarrón, Gargoña, and part of
and Torres Calientes, both of which help defend the present-day Texeiras.
state’s western borders from goblinoids. Castillo Gran- Three years after Narvaez was founded, the southern
de sits on La Escarpadura, its towering form tip of the barony declared independence. This area
overlooking Ciudad de León and serving as a deterrent eventually became Cimmaron. A year later, another
to possible Narvaezan invaders. small area broke away from Narvaez, declaring itself
Torreón also owns several sets of ruins, most from the Barony of Montoya; held by elves and dwarves,
the recent wars: the villages of Chiquitín and El Lugar, Montoya included what is known today as Castillo
both deserted settlements (most buildings are still de Los Hidalgos and the nearby range of hills.
intact), their populations drained to support the war; In 913, Narvaez was split between two heirs; the
the “Fortaleza,” sacked by goblinoids and rumored to north, including most of the present-day barony,
be a storehouse of treasure protected by traps and vile remained Narvaez. The south, including present-day
monsters; and two towers, Torre del Duende and Almarrón and Gargoña, became the Barony of Sotto.
Bastión de los Caballeros, both ruined by Hule. Sotto had a very rocky history, most of which is
Torreón would like to rebuild these two towers, as detailed under Gargoña and Almarrón.
well as the one at Casanegra, and has been looking for Narvaez remained relatively stable until 930, when
bold adventurers willing to reclaim them. the Barony of Marino splintered off, remaining
independent until conquered by Texeiras in 958. In
935, the Barony of Quimeras also declared
independence from Narvaez, claiming the land from
Ciudad Quimeras to La Escarpadura. Narvaez, fed up,
Baronía de Narvaez began building military forces. In 937, Narvaez
attacked both Quimeras and Montoya, and after a
Although Narvaez is a larger barony and has a higher short war, reabsorbed them both. Most Montoyan
population than its neighbors, its people still suffer dwarves fled to other places, but the elves remained

Atlas of the Savage Coast 41

to become fully integrated into the population in In Narvaez, the most common kit is Myrmidon.
Narvaez. War Priests, Local Heroes, Nobles, Swashbucklers,
By the end of these hostilities, Narvaez established Honorbound, Gauchos, and Scouts are seen as well.
approximately the same borders it holds today. Inheritors and Defenders are not legal in Narvaez, nor
However, the military build-up continued, growing are they welcome, but sometimes such characters are
numbers of troops helping Narvaez to retain its seen anyway. Swashbucklers have a special place in
territory for more than 70 years. Despite this growth, Narvaez; considered lawbreakers by the government,
the barony had remained relatively peaceful, they are often heroes to the local peasants and
concentrating on fortifying its holdings and building merchants. Swashbucklers enjoy thwarting the
power. schemes of the church and of Los Matónes.
However, five years ago, internal theological dispu- The mercenaries of Narvaez should be handled like
te escalated into a holy war in Narvaez; to unite the those of Torreón, with three exceptions. First, they
feuding factions, Barón Hugo declared external do not have an Assembly; a mercenary captain must
enemies. The northern states of Torreón, Texeiras, and be granted a charter through the church before
Vilaverde allied with Narvaez against the remaining building a company, and all companies are responsible
baronies. This manufactured war was supplanted by a to the church. Second, no Aff licted belong to
greater threat when Hule attacked all the baronies, Narvaezan mercenary companies. Third, some
and was later postponed again so the baronies could Narvaezans become mercenaries simply so they can
deal with increasing goblinoid raids. For the last year travel to other lands and avoid religious persecution.
or so Narvaez has been peaceful, but other baronies The best Narvaezan mercenaries are sometimes asked
still remember the attempted conquest, and many to join Los Elegidos (the correct title of Los Matónes)
consider Narvaez an enemy. who answer directly to the baron. The current leader
of Los Elegidos is Angelíc de Ariéla, an elf
Swashbuckler ranger from a tiny elven settlement in
The People Bosque de Los Ojos. Though she takes her job
seriously, Angelíc secretly harbors more liberal views
Like the people of Torreón, the folk of Narvaez are
than most of Los Elegidos. She is reasonable in her
brave, passionate, and easily offended. The hardships
attitudes and is actually a nice person when allowed
faced by Narvaez forged a people both rugged and
to relax. She has been trying to curb the violence,
pitiless. Narvaezans are also devoutly religious, or at
bullying, and persecution found in so many Matónes.
least act devout to avoid being persecuted by the state’s
Despite Angelíc’s efforts, most of Los Elegidos remain
elite troops, usually known as Los Matónes (“the
little more than thugs.
bullies,” with slang connotations of “killer” and “rat”).
Los Elegidos have also begun spreading rumors
In addition, natives of Narvaez feel superior to other
about Angelíc, claiming that she is a sadistic punisher
Guardianos because they are confident in the
who can use “elven ways” to painfully wring
righteousness of their religion and because they are
information from even the strongest person; while this
the oldest of the Savage Baronies—some go so far as to
is untrue, the threat of someone even worse than the
say the only legitimate barony.
average member of Los Elegidos has worked to loosen
The people of Narvaez are mostly human, though
many a tongue.
some dwarves, elves, and half-elves make homes here
as well. A few tortle peasant families remain, scattered
widely throughout Narvaez, living as peaceful farmers. The Red Curse
Members of other races are usually only visitors.
Economically, Narvaezans are mixed; while many are The people of Narvaez believe the Red Curse to be
peasants, a substantial middle class (which includes Ixion’s punishment for those who are not devout
the clergy here) and a relatively large nobility also exists. followers; in a way, they are correct. It is the clergy
Like Torreón, Narvaez is known for its mercenaries. that distributes cinnabryl to the needy, but the church
Warriors are the most common here, but clerics and relies more on maintain spells to keep people healthy.
rogues are also common. Practically no wizards or Those who do not see their clergy regularly are thus
druids exist in Narvaez because they are considered most likely to become Afflicted. When a citizen
heretics to Ixion and have been outlawed. Multi-class manifests an Affliction, he is moved to one of the
and dual-class characters are more frequently special enclaves outside the state’s major settlements,
encountered than wizards or druids. maintained by Ixion’s followers.

42 Savage Coast Campaign Book

The Afflicted of Narvaez believe they are being The Ruler
punished for some transgression and spend much of
their time trying to atone by serving Ixion. Many Barón Hugo “El Despiadado” de Narvaez y
Afflicted become priests themselves, but Afflicted Montoya holds the reins of statehood in a tight grip.
priests usually retreat to monasteries or serve in Baron Hugo “the Merciless” is a human War Priest of
otherwise isolated capacities; they are not allowed to Ixion who controls the church as well as the nation.
become part of the church hierarchy. The baron’s leadership of Narvaez is never questioned
in the slightest. A man in his late 40s, Baron Hugo
directs most of his efforts to foreign affairs, such as
Industry and Trade building a war fleet to break the Sea Powers’ hold on
Fertile Narvaez trades food for cinnabryl, usually The baron has a devoted wife and four children.
with Texeiras. Excessive food exports have occasionally His eldest daughter, Catalina, four years ago ran off
provoked famine and peasant revolts. The barony also with Don Crístobal, Baron of Guadalante, one of the
exports mercenaries, and like Torreón, earns a leaders of the Gauchos who attacked Ciudad
percentage from all companies based in Narvaez. Quimeras during the recent wars (see “Other Places
Besides cinnabryl, Narvaez is currently interested in of Interest” in the following text). Catalina apparently
buying wood for ships and smokepowder to experiment became so enchanted with the suave Gaucho that she
with building big guns. Narvaez relies heavily on married him without her father’s permission or
Texeiran fleets for trade, but would like to change knowledge. Naturally, Baron Hugo was infuriated at
that situation. Slowly, trade routes are being forged his daughter for allying with the enemy and refuses to
with Torreón and Gargoña, with Torreón supplying send a dowry to Señor Crístobal, despite periodic
wood and Gargoña supplying some smokepowder. requests.
Baron Hugo’s oldest son, Monte, recently turned
20. Monte has a lovely young bride and is the obvious
Religion heir to the rulership of Narvaez. The baron’s third
Narvaez is the only barony in which religion is an child is another son, Julio. Just a year younger than
important aspect of life, and it is of utmost Monte, Julio has married the daughter of the baronesa
importance. Narvaezans are profoundly pious of Gargoña. Baron Hugo’s youngest, Damita, though
followers of their Immortal patrons, in particular still in her teens, promises to be one of the most
Ixion, who is regarded as higher ranking than all other manipulative women to ever live in the baronies.
Immortals. The Inquisitor is also revered. The General, Baron Hugo does not get along well with the other
the Ambassador, and the Judge are all considered lesser barons, and his is the only nation that has failed to
powers who are worthy of some, though little, respect. ratify the Treaty of Tampicos.
Narvaezan Swashbucklers also worship Milan and
Knights of Narvaez commonly go on religious quests The Capital
to retrieve holy artifacts or bring the good word (with Puerto Morillos is a large town with a population
the help of their mighty swords) to faraway natives. of 12,300, the largest in the Savage Baronies. It
One such “recovered” artifact now lies at the Grande suffered a devastating attack by Swashbucklers of the
Catedral de Ciudad Quimeras, a heavily fortified area southern baronies during the recent war, and much
and the focus of constant pilgrimages. Ixion’s of the city burned. The ruins are now home to
philosophy is taken very seriously in Narvaez, to the Afflicted and rogues, though the government is trying
point where anyone suspected of the least irreverence to clean up and restore the area to chase out the riffraff.
risks prompt imprisonment, ruthless “questioning,” Though a bustling center for commerce, Puerto
and merciless execution for heresy by burning at the Morillos is one of the most boring towns on the Savage
stake. The Inquisitor is the patron of those who punish Coast. Los Matónes watch for anything out of the
heretics. The recent bloody wars elevated her to great ordinary and are quick to stop any disturbance. The
importance among the worshippers of Ixion. general attitude of townsfolk is subdued, and the only
true excitement occurs when a Swashbuckler decides
to cause it, whether by making a speech from a church

Atlas of the Savage Coast 43

tower, challenging a member of Los Matónes to a duel, southern baronies. Also, numerous hamlets and tiny
or just walking around in an outrageous outfit and farms too small to be military targets survive
being friendly. Swashbucklers enjoy baiting Los throughout Narvaez.
Matónes, and many are quite skilled at the witty banter
and flashy swordplay needed to embarrass the thugs.
The better blades are also fleet enough to evade capture
if things go wrong. It is not unusual for Swashbucklers
to wear masks in Puerto Morillos, though such a thing Nearby Lands
is, of course, illegal.
Outside the baronies themselves are a number of
interesting geographical features. Colinas Grutescas are
Other Places of Interest the badlands east of Narvaez; Barón Hugo does not
Three major villages are located in Narvaez: believe these lands to be worth claiming, but rumors
Almavegas, a quiet and well-protected farming village; circulate of cavern networks hiding ancient settlements
Paz del Sol, a major trading center built where an and great treasures. Pirates and other bandits seek
important trade route crosses the Rio Guadiana; and shelter in the region.
Punto-Eseobar, another trading center that handles The ruins of Torre Cristobal, located west of
most commerce with Texeiras and Torreón. Two Torreón along Rio Torrentes, also spark interest in
exceptionally large castles are in Narvaez: Castillo taverns and around campfires. The first lord of
Blanco, the oldest baronial structure still standing; Cristobal claimed the area around the tower as a
and Castillo de los Hidalgos, once the capital of barony in 916. Nearly 65 years later, his granddaughter
Montoya, now a formidable barrier between Narvaez relinquished the title of Baron and gave up her family’s
and Saragón. Ruins smudge the Narvaezan landscape, claim to surrounding lands, while still maintaining
including the remains of Ciudad Quimeras (a town independence. The tower was ruined by goblinoids
that once served as the capital of the Barony of about two years ago, and remaining members of the
Quimeras) and Los Peregrinos and Puente-Guadiana Cristobal family can occasionally be found wandering
(once important fishing villages). All three towns were the Savage Coast looking for a few stalwart adventurers
sacked in the recent wars by Gauchos from the to help them reclaim the tower.

44 Savage Coast Campaign Book

Gargoña, Almarrón, and
Now I come to the piece which describes my nation of Saragón and her sister states,
Gargoña and Almarrón. Collectively known as the Enlightened Lands, these baronies are
the centers for art and wisdom on the Savage Coast. The Curse is studied here, and those
affected by it are treated in an illuminated manner. If the knowledge to remove the curse
exists in books and scrolls, those writings will be found in the Enlightened Lands or will
eventually make their way here. It has been one of my quests to gather knowledge of the
history of the Savage Coast, and to aid in that endeavor, I have commissioned several
groups in these lands to search for artifacts of past civilizations. Perhaps they will provide
some clue to the origins of the curse for its eventual removal.
The Chronicle of the Curse
by Don Luis de Manzanas

These three states are grouped for several reasons. first, lending support to the southern baronies to keep
First, their governments are the least tyrannical among the northern ones from overrunning the region; and
the Savage Baronies. Almarrón was actually a again, to prevent Hule from achieving similar
democracy for a time before it became corrupt when ambitions. In both cases, Gargoña acted more as a
the worst dictator in the history of the Savage Baronies mediator, sending no troops into battle. The leader
took power. The people have recently restored a of Saragón also strives for peace, but leaps to the
member of the old nobility to power, and he is a fair defense of the downtrodden or the weak.
and just ruler. Gargoña has remained at peace for the The rulers of all three states encourage learning and
last 25 years, breaking its studied neutrality only twice: thinking among their people. This promotion of

Atlas of the Savage Coast 45

learning and philosophy is another natural grouping the Savage Baronies. Since the state is generally viewed
for these baronies. Because of this, they are often as politically neutral, its scholars are sometimes invited
referred to as the Enlightened States. Gargoña, with to other nations to serve as advisers or teachers. Most
its many artists, poets, and philosophers, is considered Baronials think of Gargoña as a pleasant place, but
the cultural center of the Savage Baronies. Saragón is some wonder about the fortitude of Gargoñans
also a center for thinking and learning, home to many themselves; they are not seen as people of action.
sages and scientists. While Almarrón, after a long
period of darkness, is just beginning on the road to
enlightenment, the state is already becoming known The Nation
for its fine crafters. All three states encourage the use
Gargoña is primarily farmland, though dense forests
of magic, and wizards are more common here than
lie along most of the state’s borders. A large swamp,
elsewhere in the baronies.
Delta de Pozaverde, helps protect the nation from
In addition to the comparative abundance of
ocean-borne threats, its shallow waters keeping deep-
wizards, these three states also have a tradition of
keeled sailing ships from the interior. Skiffs powered
swashbuckling warriors and rogues. Rather than
by oar or pole ply the waterways of the delta, ferrying
seafaring Swashbucklers like those found in Vilaverde
commerce to and from seagoing ships.
and Texeiras, the Swashbucklers of the Enlightened
Like so many of the other baronies, Gargoña has
States are urban dwellers whose suave and
had a history of conflict and sorrow. As mentioned
sophisticated air, combined with their streetwise na-
in the last chapter, Narvaez peacefully split into two
ture, make them accepted anywhere from the courts
states in 913: Narvaez in the north and the Barony of
of nobles to the back alleys of the urban peasantry.
Sotto in the south. Sotto was never a stable barony;
Finally, Gargoña, Almarrón, and Saragón are close
it existed for less than a quarter century and faced
together geographically and face many of the same
near-constant crises during its short existence.
threats. Both Almarrón and Gargoña were formed
In 921, the State of Escudor declared independence
from territories that once belonged to Narvaez. All
from Sotto. The tiny nation, built around Castillo
three states, because of their proximity to Narvaez and
de Tordegena, was released by Sotto without a fight
history with that state, are endangered by the aggressi-
and remained independent until it fell to an expanding
ve nature of its religion (though Gargoña suffers a
Almarrón, as detailed below.
much lesser threat because of its peaceful nature).
Five years later, the Barony of Rivera followed suit;
The Enlightened States tend to think themselves
it included Ciudad Real, the Delta de Pozaverde south
just a little bit better than the other baronies, and
of Río Maldito, and several square miles of land within
perhaps they are. Encouraging peace and freedom, they
Sotto between the river and the present-day border of
are the center of baronial culture and the baronies
Almarrón. Sotto objected to this further splintering
most likely to achieve a peaceful unification.
but was forced to release the barony after a short civil
Another eight shaky years passed before the Barony
of Gargoña broke from Sotto. When founded,
Baronía de Gargoña Gargoña encompassed only the land west of Las Navas
to the present-day border of Saragón. Again Sotto tried
to force the rebellious area to remain united, and again
Gargoña is the mildest of the Savage Baronies. Its Sotto failed. Gargoña was granted independence in
ruler, Doña Esperanza, works for peace and has given 934. Still, Sotto harbored ill-will toward Gargoña and
her people a secure and almost prosperous life for the declared war on the tiny barony in 936.
past 25 years. Though Gargoña would probably be Despite its size, Gargoña was better organized and
unable to resist an invasion, the nation is less of a fielded a more effective fighting force than its parent
target than some because of its apparent neutrality. barony. By the end of the year, Gargoña had not only
Gargoña is protected from hostilities initiated beyond defended its original claim, but conquered northern
the Savage Baronies because Saragón, Narvaez, and Sotto down to the Sierra Borgosa hills. Gargoña
Almarrón shield it from any overland threats, and the allowed the southern portions of Sotto to reorganize
navies of Vilaverde and Texeiras block threats from independently; they formed the State of Almarrón.
the sea. Gargoña and its new sibling barony remained at
Gargoña is recognized as the center of culture in peace for just over four decades, consolidating

46 Savage Coast Campaign Book

territory, and initiating trade. Gargoña became a stable plays, and treatises. Still, the detrimental effects of
and reasonably prosperous small state. However, in the curse are rarely found in Gargoña, and Gargoñan
977, Almarrón attacked and absorbed Escudor, then Afflicted are rare. While Gargoña’s clergy might not
turned north and attacked Gargoña and Rivera. To be large, it is devoted; the priests of Gargoña make
resist the Almarróñan forces, Rivera and Gargoña regular use of maintain spells to help people avoid the
negotiated a merger, keeping the name Gargoña, in Red Curse’s effects. The nation also imports some
978. This stronger Gargoña was at least able to hold cinnabryl, most of which is purchased and used by those
back Almarróñan advances, while within the aggressi- who have chosen an adventuring career.
ve state, Nueva Esperanza took advantage of The few Afflicted Gargoñans remain with their
Almarrón’s distraction to declare independence. family and friends, who usually try to raise enough
Almarrón sued for peace with Gargoña in 979. money to seek a cure. A few poets never seek respite
Gargoña rebuilt its war-trampled borders, and in because they believe the angst of the Red Curse
986, Doña Esperanza came to power. The baronesa provides them with better inspiration.
began a policy of neutrality regarding all other baronies,
sealing alliances both diplomatically and through
astutely arranged marriages. Gargoña has remained at Industry and Trade
peace ever since. Even when Gargoña allied with the
Gargoña’s major exports include artists, scholars,
southern baronies against the northern in the recent
and diplomats. Ciudad Real maintains a university;
wars, Doña Esperanza was able to maintain relative
while classes are given without cost (the school is
neutrality. Aided by her familial relationship with the
supported by the government), students agree to tithe
baron of Narvaez (her daughter is married to Don
a portion of their wages to Gargoña for the rest of
Hugo’s son), Doña Esperanza eventually negotiated
their lives. Many of Gargoña’s skilled scholars work
the peace that allowed the baronies to cooperate
abroad as headmasters, tutors, or political advisers.
against their larger common enemy, Hule.
While most remain in the baronies, graduates can be
found in all nations of the Savage Coast, except for
The People Herath and the lands of the lizard kin.
Gargoña also exports works of art, from paintings
Though most inhabitants of Gargoña are human, and sculptures to music and poems. Its people have
their tolerant attitude recognizes other races as equals. made their own tools and instruments for decades
The barony includes settled families from all races of but are beginning to import items of superior quality
the Savage Coast, even a few peaceful lizard kin and from the crafters of Almarrón. Gargoña also produces
goblinoids. The typical Gargoñan is an artist, poet, boats driven by oars or poles and supplies some
or scholar, yearning for adventure and seeking smokepowder (from Cimmaron) to Narvaez.
inspiration. Warriors, rogues and wizards are all Gargoña’s major imports include small amounts
popular character types. Priests are less common. of cinnabryl and food. Most cinnabryl comes from
The Swashbuckler is the most encountered kit of Vilaverde. Many mercenaries from Torreón and a few
Gargoña, though many wizards use the Mystic kit. companies from Narvaez aid Gargoña’s mediocre
Defenders, Honorbound, and Scouts have their places, militia in policing the barony.
as do the rarer Nobles, Local Heroes, and Gauchos.
The Local Hero is the kit most often used for clerics
and druids in Gargoña. Religion
The people of Gargoña are dreamers, generally
Many of the “enlightened” folk of Gargoña consider
optimistic but given to occasional fits of melancholy.
religion a foible to be avoided. Still, Valerias has a
They enjoy their reputations as scholars and artists,
large following in Gargoña; both Milan and the
but are quick to point out that such skills do not
Ambassador are respected as well. The General and
make them any less able in a fight.
the Judge have a few stalwart followers, and temples
devoted to Al-Kalim and Ixion have appeared recently
The Red Curse in the barony. Though Narvaezans are pleased to see a
few converts in Gargoña, they frown at the tolerance
The Red Curse is seen as a great malaise by the Gargoñans show for other Immortals.
people of Gargoña and is the subject of many stories,

Atlas of the Savage Coast 47

The Ruler Ciudad Real is home to many interesting and unusual
people; visitors can find entertainment in inns and
Baronesa Esperanza “La Ilustre” de Sotto y Rivera taverns, visit theaters, or talk to philosophers.
rules the nation of Gargoña. Descended from the noble Musicians often play in the streets, entertaining for
family that once ruled Rivera, this educated lady came their own pleasure, but accepting tips given to them
to power in Gargoña almost 25 years ago. Very few by passersby.
know it, but she was once a thief with the Local Hero
kit. Bored with the life of a pampered noble, she sto-
le for thrills, and as “La Pantera” was a notorious figu- Other Places of Interest
re in the baronies. When Esperanza was 24, the baron
of Gargoña died, and she was chosen to succeed him. Besides the capital, the only major settlement in
Quickly earning her nickname “the Illustrious Gargoña is the village of Las Navas, the backbone of
Baroness,” she married into the old Sotto family to food production in the barony. A fishing village of
cement a political alliance, eventually finding love in about 800 people, Las Navas also serves as a produce
the marriage as well. The baronesa gave birth to two depot for the dozens of farms sprawled throughout
daughters, both of whom have been married into ruling the Río Maldito valley. On occasion, poets or
families in other baronies: The elder, Dulcinea, is wed philosophers come to Las Navas for quiet, and painters
to Julio, second son of Barón Hugo of Narvaez; the come to capture bucolic landscapes, but in general,
younger, Caterina, is married to Claudio de Montejo, the village is empty of the artists and Swashbucklers
one of the nobles of Saragón. of Ciudad Real. Gauchos flood Las Navas during the
Now nearing 50, Doña Esperanza is considering annual cattle drive that brings stock to be butchered
whom she should name as her heir; while Dulcinea is or sent downriver to the capital; however, the Gauchos
more intelligent, her husband has a reasonable chance of Gargoña are a little less rough than those found in
to become baron of Narvaez. While Dulcinea could Guadalante and Cimmaron, less prone to fights and
unite Narvaez and Gargoña (if she inherits Gargoña), more open to music and other cultured pursuits.
this could destroy Gargoña’s neutrality and drag Las Navas lies on a route between the capital and
Gargoña into the periodic conf licts of Narvaez. the ruins of the proud castle, Castillo de Pardalupe.
Secretly, the baronesa is leaning toward naming Like so many forts, towers, and castles in the baronies,
Caterina the heir; while perhaps not as scholarly as this one was sacked during the recent wars. It fell to
her sister, Caterina is brave and charismatic. Besides, the same formidable band of Yazi gnolls that laid waste
if her husband Don Claudio should come to lead to Castillo de Tordegena in Almarrón. Doña
Saragón (a distinct, if unlikely, possibility), the alliance Esperanza has sent militia, Torreón mercenaries, and
between Saragón and Gargoña would be good for all more than one party of adventurers to reclaim Castillo
parties involved. de Pardalupe. However, monsters seem firmly
While Gargoña has been free of wars and revolts, established in the castle. No matter how often they
prosperity has had the concurrent effect of dulling are cleared, more arrive within days. In fact, Castillo
the military’s responsiveness. The baronesa relies de Pardalupe has become home to a deepspawn
primarily on a large and loyal, albeit mediocre, militia, (described in the MONSTROUS MANUAL tome);
backed with seasoned mercenaries from Torreón. this vile creature lurks in the lowest sublevels beneath
Active troops, stationed near the remains of Castillo the castle, constantly replenishing the monsters found
de Pardalupe, garrison the capital. The latter force is there.
less concerned with Saragón than with Yazi raids. Another place of interest is Isla del Cayo. The small
island, once no more than a low coral reef, is now
home to several tiny farms and a few small
The Capital communities of Afflicted, mostly the Afflicted poets
who have chosen this island for self-imposed exile.
Ciudad Real is a large town with a population of Here, they can live off the land and stare at the sea
11,700. Famous for its generous patrons, the capital and sky, wallowing in the angst and sorrow that they
is a haven for literature and the arts. Many fine artists, hope will give them inspiration for great works of art.
poets, and philosophers have come to Ciudad Real The island sports a lighthouse on the eastern tip; it is
and flourished in the philanthropic atmosphere. run by a small family of Afflicted fishermen who have
Ciudad Real is the heart of Gargoña’s culture, and in lived there for decades. Down the coast from Isla del
turn, the heart of the culture of Los Guardianos. Cayo is the site of a naval battle of the recent wars.

48 Savage Coast Campaign Book

Several Almarróñan and Texeiran ships lie under the beginning; its people were disorganized and its nobles
waves. inexperienced. To help consolidate his new nation,
Bosque de los Ojos, the “Forest of the Eyes,” is a the first baron of Almarrón unified his people in a
light forest that sits on the border of Gargoña and crusade against the southern holdings of Nueva
Narvaez. Rumored to be haunted, the forest is home Esperanza, conquering that area in 939. The singularity
to many unusual denizens, including more than a few of purpose forged in this conquest helped hold the
monsters. The thick swamp of Delta de Pozaverde state together for almost four decades.
provides haven for bandits and is rumored to be the About 15 years before the founding of Almarrón,
resting place of several pirate treasures. a small barony called Escudor broke away from Sot-
to; when Almarrón emerged from the division of Sot-
to, Escudor was its neighbor. Unfortunately, Escudor’s
existence cut off Almarrón’s access to the best route
inland, and Almarrón blocked Escudor’s route to the
Estado de Almarrón sea. Many disagreements simmered between the two
states, finally boiling over into war in 977.
Almarrón’s character is a mystery to many people Almarrón defeated Escudor. Inspired by its victory,
of the Savage Coast, even its own inhabitants. The Almarrón immediately turned north to initiate
state has gone through many ideological upheavals and hostilities with Gargoña and Rivera. Here it was not
has recently decided to try a new direction. First so fortunate, or perhaps it was simply better matched.
organized in 936, it was ruled for decades by a noble The two states merged to resist Almarrón’s aggression.
family, who led it through many struggles with other On top of this, while war progressed in the north,
nations. Radical changes in sentiment and philosophy the people of Nueva Esperanza began an internal war
led to a democracy for a time, but corruption destroyed for independence. Led by their General Cimmaron,
that experiment. From the chaos, a dictator rose to the people of Nueva Esperanza won their fight for
power. Recently, the dictator was overthrown, and a freedom in 980.
member of the nobility was installed as the nation’s The long years of tension and culminating defeats
leader. The current baron wants to lead his state so disgusted the general populace that the people of
toward learning and enlightenment. Since Almarrón Almarrón rose up and overthrew the baron. They
has gone through so many changes, outsiders do not embarked on a democracy, using old Traladaran
know what to expect in policy or in reaction to writings as a basis for their government. Almarróñans
outside events. The inhabitants (and even the ruler) maintained this experiment for almost 15 years, but
are sometimes confused themselves. revolutionary fervor had slain or exiled the most
Almarrón has always been reclusive; this inward experienced leaders (the nobility). The people elected
focus has not changed with its new leader; this is the to office fell prey to indecision, endless argument, and
reason for the general lack of knowledge about the greed.
state. Like many Guardianos, Almarróñans have the In 994, poverty and hot tempers threatened to
reputation of hot-blooded Swashbucklers. Traders have destroy Almarrón from within. Don Esteban, the
noticed the new government is encouraging quality mayor of Ciudad Tejillas, intervened. Using the city’s
crafts in order to increase the nation’s output of fine garrison, the mayor ousted rival factions, installed
marketable goods. With no other confirmable himself as dictator, and named himself “El Salvador”
information, everyone is waiting to see what happens. (the Savior). His self-proclaimed title was technically
true because he did save Almarrón from complete
collapse. However, he then initiated policies that made
The Nation him very unpopular.
First, he seized what he perceived to be the nation’s
Much of Almarrón’s territory is rocky, inhospitable most important asset: the silver mines in Sierra del
hill country, but a large, fertile plain occupies the heart Plata, mines that supplied silver for coinage to many
of the nation, supporting a majority of the population. other nations. Don Esteban also established taxes on
Forested slopes and cliffs guard Almarrón’s shores. the state’s other exports, including coffee and tobacco.
Almarrón, like so many other baronies, has had a Much of this wealth went directly to his own coffers
bloody history. Organized from the confused southern rather than into a national treasury.
portions of Sotto when that barony fell to Gargoña The people of Almarrón resented the usurper and
in 936, Almarrón faced difficulties from the very his odious tyranny. The poorest peasants ran from

Atlas of the Savage Coast 49

the dictator’s tax collectors and Torreóner mercenaries. support was by distributing cinnabryl to the people.
Many bands of insurgents were formed, some The baron has used the captured treasure hoard of
dreaming of restoring the old democracy, others loyal Don Esteban to purchase this protective metal.
to the old baron’s still-living son, Barón Maximiliano Most people of Almarrón choose to not think about
de Almarrón y Escudor. the Red Curse; they dismiss it as something that harms
In 1008, after 12 years under the dictator, rebel others. The few Afflicted who do live in Almarrón
forces were able to take advantage of general unrest stay with their families and friends and are not judged
and defeat Don Esteban’s troops. The dictator was harshly simply because of deformities.
removed from power, and Barón Maximiliano was
established as the leader of Almarrón. Don Esteban
still lives. He still tries to sway people by claiming to Industry and Trade
be a commoner who kept the state out of the hands
Almarrón conducts most of its trade by land, and
of the nobility. However, Maximiliano is a just ruler,
Gargoña is a favored trading partner. Vilaverde’s
and the people are ready to give the nobility another
merchant ships carry many goods from Almarrón. A
small number of ships fly Almarróñan colors.
Almarrón’s main imports are food from Saragón
The People and cinnabryl from Vilaverde. The state’s primary
exports are silver, tobacco, and coffee. Most of the
Almarrón is a nation of humans though a few nation’s coffee is exported to Hule and Yavdlom by
families of demihumans are scattered across the state. Vilaverdan ships. Since the baron started encouraging
The people of Almarrón are tired of war and poverty. crafts, Almarrón is beginning to export a few fine,
Many remember the nation’s old democracy as a time finished goods such as furniture, clothing, and jewelry.
of trouble; these would rather avoid politics and allow
their noble baron to lead.
However, the older inhabitants have lived under Religion
several political systems, and in the democracy they
As is the case in most baronies, religion is not
were free; they have not forgotten that heady feeling.
terribly important in Almarrón. The Ambassador is
Under Don Esteban, they lost much of their freedom,
venerated by a majority of the citizens, but Milan and
and that chafed—to the point of revolution. Now, these
Valerias are also popular, especially among
older citizens have a strong desire to remain free. Having
Swashbucklers and other adventurers. Veterans of the
experienced the upheavals of the past, they know they
revolt that overthrew Don Esteban favor the General;
can survive them if they must. Fortunately, the new
the Judge receives attention from those whom Don
baron respects their viewpoint.
Esteban’s rule oppressed.
As a result of its history, Almarrón has no true
peasants and only one noble family. Most common
people are merchants and farmers, with the baron The Ruler
encouraging the establishment of a “class” of
craftspeople. Those interested in adventuring are Barón Maximiliano de Almarrón y Escudor, a
mostly warriors—though rogues, wizards, and priests human Noble fighter, is an intelligent and a charismatic
also take up the lifestyle. leader. The baron is not quite 30 years old, born just
As one might expect of a freedom-loving people, after his father was removed from power. His pride
many Swashbucklers live among the Almarróñans. tempered by exile, the baron spent his early years in
They also have a high number of Local Heroes, many Saragón, returning to Almarrón a decade ago to lead
of whom helped overthrow the dictator and have freedom fighters against the dictator.
moved on to adventuring careers. Honorbound, Don Maximiliano is best described as an enlightened
Gauchos, and Scouts are encountered with some despot, ruling with a firm hand, but so far avoiding
regularity in Almarrón as well. the pitfall of overtaxation. He allows a fair amount of
freedom and diversity among his people. Though Don
Maximiliano hopes to capture Don Esteban and bring
The Red Curse him to trial, most of his troops are tied up guarding
urban areas, trails, the silver mines, and the Castle of
The worst effects of the Red Curse are not prevalent
Tordegena that wards the nation’s western border
in Almarrón. One of the ways Don Maximiliano won

50 Savage Coast Campaign Book

against Yazi gnoll raids. Fortunately, Don Esteban has
been unsuccessful finding support for a counter- Baronía de Saragón
revolt—for now.
The baron is friends with Don Luis de Manzanas, Saragón has quite a reputation among the Savage
an important noble and Inheritor in Saragón. This, Baronies and along the entire Savage Coast. First, it is
and his familiarity with the state, has helped the baron known as a haven for sages, scientists, wizards, and
establish good relations with Saragón. Don other scholars. Second, Inheritors initially came to
Maximiliano has also cultivated the friendship of Doña prominence in Saragón, and the state is still home to
Esperanza, ruler of Gargoña, who regrets not having many—including the leader of the Crimson Inheritors,
another daughter for the baron to marry. Don Audra the Masked. Third, Saragón is the buffer that
Maximiliano is looking for an intelligent and beautiful protects many of the coastal nations from the Yazak
wife so he can leave strong, capable heirs to care for goblinoids; this is partially due to the careta de la
Almarrón after his death. barrera, the barrier mask, a magical item fully described
in the adventure “Divided We Fall” later in this book.
History is a favorite topic of study among the
The Capital proud, able folk of Saragón. They make good leaders
Ciudad Tejillas, a town of 4,200, is located at the because they are schooled in strategy, tactics, and
mouth of the river that runs through northern military history. Many noted adventurers hail from
Almarrón. The capital is a center for commerce and Saragón.
has a fine fishing fleet. Don Maximiliano encourages
regular celebrations commemorating important
events, which raises morale in the city. Ciudad Tejillas
The Nation
is a lively place once more, filled with fine taverns and When most people picture Saragón, they think of
inns and even sporting a theater and a museum. the fertile, river valley farmland of Río Maldito and
Though the people of the capital are hard workers, Río Copos. However, the barony also encompasses
the boisterous enthusiasm of both local and visiting wide grasslands ranged by cattle and deep woods—
Swashbucklers makes for an exciting nightlife. Still, including part of Bosque de las Sombras, the Forest
the town is fairly safe; the adventurers who live in of Phantoms. Saragón is very flat, mostly rolling
Ciudad Tejillas are protective of its people and its prairieland with just a few hills in the east.
reputation. The first Ispan settlers in this region were cattle
herders who formed the Barony of Montejo in 909
and built Las Manadas as their capital. Six years later,
Other Places of Interest other colonists founded the State of Aranjuez, claiming
There are two large villages in Almarrón: Costella, the land around what would come to be known as
a farming village that also engages in forestry and Río Maldito, the Cursed River. The people of Aranjuez
supports the silver mines in Sierra del Plata; and Paso were from distant Ylaruam, a land of genies and desert
Dorado, a trading, farming, and fishing center located riders.
upriver from Ciudad Tejillas. Castillo de Tordegena, Both settler groups soon discovered they were not
on Almarrón’s western border, was once a proud castle the first occupants of the region. Each encountered
vital to Almarrón’s defense. Almost destroyed by Yazi human natives of primarily Oltec descent with a heavy
gnolls during the recent wars, Tordegena has still not admixture of Nithian blood. These natives had not
been restored for habitation. A small garrison camps merely intermarried with Nithians but had learned
nearby, occasionally picking through the ruins to roust their philosophy and arts as well, retaining the cultu-
whatever has taken up residence there. However, the re even after the Nithians were eradicated. Ispan and
baron would like to find an experienced group of Ylari settlers, in turn, intermarried freely with these
dungeon explorers willing to enter the castle and its natives, giving rise to a dark-skinned people with an
many underground levels to determine whether it is intriguing philosophical mix.
worth rebuilding and clear out whatever vermin have Both Montejo and Aranjuez were peaceful states.
taken up residence in the last couple of years. Commerce between them began early between them,
they cooperated for defense, and their people mingled.
In 962, Yazi gnolls attacked Montejo and Aranjuez,

Atlas of the Savage Coast 51

and the two baronies worked together to defeat the Saragón (or through to Almarrón or Gargoña) because
invasion. The humans met the gnolls in the forest the careta de la barrera was once again in place.
west of their baronies, their battle ranging through Unfortunately, when magic failed for a week in 1009,
hundreds of square miles of woodland. Eventually the so did the magical mask; some patient goblinoids who
humans defeated the gnolls, but so many lives were had stayed in the area chose that time to attack Torre
lost that the river draining through the forest ran with de Manzanas while Don Luis was at the capital, almost
blood. These reddened waters earned the river its demolishing it. The baronet spent the next few
nickname Río Maldito, the Cursed River, a name that months reclaiming, cleaning, rebuilding, and
eventually stuck and became official. Similarly, the expanding his tower. The restoration ended only
forest became known as Bosque de las Sombras, the recently, and Don Luis commemorated the opening
Forest of Phantoms, in memory of the people who of his new castle with a celebration.
died there. Saragón has a fair militia and can also call upon its
After the battle, Montejo and Aranjuez began Gauchos for defense in times of trouble. Saragón hires
serious diplomatic talks that resulted in their merger, Torreóner mercenary lancers to patrol the borders and
in 966, into the Barony of Saragón. Saragón has been take care of small groups of intruders, especially Yazi
reasonably peaceful since then, allowing its sages and gnolls who sometimes raid the fertile Río Copos
scientists to f lourish. However, peace has been region. In addition to soldiers, Saragón also has the
punctuated by conflict: Saragón and Guadalante barrier mask, which can strike fear into any force of
disagreed over watering rights for cattle, leading to more than 100 hostile intruders who cross the border
the Battle of Cortesillas in 992 in which Gauchos of intending to do harm. The device has twice prevented
the two nations met on the plains near Las Manadas. armies from Narvaez from invading Saragón. This is
Despite great losses, no clear winner emerged. fortunate because Los Matónes of Narvaez would
Fortunately, the two nations settled their dispute certainly create havoc in Saragón.
diplomatically with the Treaty of Cortesillas soon after.
Not long after this, some brave adventurers discovered
the careta de la barrera, a magical mask which has helped The People
Saragón protect its borders ever since by repelling
As in Gargoña, though the great majority of
Saragóners are human, all races are accepted. Families
Saragón was able to remain at peace until the recent
of many diverse backgrounds live in Saragón. Human
wars, at which time it joined the southern baronies
Saragóners are generally browner-skinned than humans
in an alliance against Nar vaez. After Gargoña
of other baronies because of their more extensive
negotiated an end to those hostilities, Saragón helped
intermingling with native populations. Beyond this,
the baronies fight Hule and aided in defense against
two distinct skin-tones exist within the state: medium-
the Yazi and Yazak goblinoids.
dark families of primarily Ispan descent, found in the
In 1007, several Yazi gnoll tribes gathered together
barony’s southern areas; and darker-skinned folk of
to attack the baronies. They moved along the western
Ylari descent, most of whom live in northern Saragón.
borders of Almarrón and Gargoña, destroying Castillo
This racial mix, the tolerance of Saragóners, and their
de Tordegena in Almarrón and Castillo de Pardalupe
love for wizardry all serve to irritate the more zealous
in Gargoña. Saragón was unable to muster forces in
among Narvaezans, who would love to bring their
time to help the defenders of those castles, but
Inquisition to Saragón.
managed to lure the gnolls into Saragón. Because they
The people of Saragón tend to be quick-witted and
wanted to defeat the gnolls, not simply chase them
fiery of temperament; however, their Ylari background
away or drive them back into Almarrón and Gargoña,
and the influence of the long-dead Nithians give them
the Saragóners forsook the protection of the careta de
tolerance of others and a reverence for scholarship and
la barrera. Under the leadership of Don Claudio de
storytelling. Saragóners are also insatiably curious
Tolón (baronet of Montejo) and Don Luis de
about their world and the myriad things in it; they
Manzanas (baronet of Aranjuez), Saragóner troops
seek to analyze, learn, and understand. Their culture
soundly defeated the gnolls at the Battle of Morrión.
has given rise to countless astronomers and
They were aided by Sir John of Cimmaron, who led
mathematicians. Many Saragóners follow the path to
unexpected cavalry reinforcements into the battle at
arcane knowledge, becoming wizards or alchemists.
a critical time.
Adventurers are more common in Saragón than in
Yazak goblinoids attacked throughout the baronies
most of the baronies. Besides wizards, both warriors
over the next two years, but were unable to get into

52 Savage Coast Campaign Book

(especially rangers) and rogues are also common; priests it is better for many of them to never use cinnabryl,
are less likely, but some druids study in Saragón. rather than use it and risk running out.
Saragón is where the first vial of crimson essence was The people of Saragón are well-educated about the
created, so it was home to the first Inheritors, many curse and even most children understand its effects.
still living here. As Saragón is the only Enlightened Instead of a cause for fear, the Red Curse is an object
State with a large nobility, the Noble kit is often used of study in Saragón. Afflicted are rare here, and those
here as well. There are also Swashbucklers, Local Afflicted who live in Saragón are readily accepted by
Heroes, Gauchos, Honorbound, Defenders, and their families and friends.
Scouts. Wizards become both Militants and Mystics,
and clerics are usually War Priests or Local Heroes.
The 12th-level druid for the Savage Baronies, a human Industry and Trade
named Kalil, lives in Bosque de las Sombras, often
While Inheritors carry on a brisk trade in cinnabryl
attended by other druids. A few Myrmidons also hail
and red steel, this exchange takes place outside of normal
from Saragón.
commercial channels and does not count toward the
barony’s exports and imports.
The Red Curse Saragón’s primary export is knowledge. The state’s
sages and scholars answer questions for visitors and,
Just over a decade ago, Luis (then heir to the title via letters, for all nations of the Savage Coast.
of baronet of Manzanas) led an adventuring group that Consultations carry a fee, and those fees are taxed,
uncovered a prophecy about power to be derived from enriching the nation. Saragón is largely self-sufficient
the Red Curse. The group of adventurers paid a and imports little, though artwork from Gargoña and
Saragóner alchemist to produce a potion that would crafts from Almarrón are both popular. Saragón usually
allow them to manipulate the Legacies of the Red trades food to those states in return, also supplying
Curse. For a rather high fee, the alchemist concocted some food to Cimmaron as well.
the first vials of crimson essence; he then sold the for-
mula to the adventurers for another large sum.
While the potion was being readied, these 11 Religion
adventurers trained themselves to accept the power
While few people of Saragón are truly religious, all
of the Red Curse, and when they imbibed the crimson
the Immortals typical in the baronies are revered here.
essence, they became the first Inheritors. Eventually,
The Ambassador, the General, the Judge, Milan, and
the group split up because of differing philosophies.
Valerias, receive about equal respect. The Ylari
Some belonged to the Brotherhood of Order, while
Immortal Al-Kalim is also popular in Saragón, and
others held memberships in the Friends of Freedom.
his high regard for scholarship has helped lead
When Inheritors began to rise to importance in both
Saragóners to their present cultural level.
groups, others, including Luis, joined the Neutral
Alliance to balance things out. Eventually, Inheritors
came to take over all three groups, which two years The Ruler
ago became the three Orders of the Inheritors: the
Orders of the Ruby, Crimson, and Flame. The leader of Saragón is Barón Balthazar de Montejo
Because Inheritors have existed in Saragón longer y Aranjuez. The baron is a human Noble and an
than anywhere else, both cinnabryl and red steel are experienced wizard. Barón Balthazar has ruled the
common in Saragón. Most cinnabryl is imported barony for almost 20 years and is nearly 80 years old.
through the Inheritor network outside of normal He is a wise ruler who encourages freedom of thought
trade routes, but it is rumored that a secret cinnabryl and equality among his people. He has followed the
mine exists in Saragón, possibly deep beneath Torre path of Saragón’s previous rulers to make his barony
de Manzanas. Red steel is mostly gathered by Inheritors. prosperous and peaceful while still maintaining its
While cinnabryl is relatively common in Saragón and ability to defend itself from attackers.
is distributed fairly to those who need it, Inheritors Saragón has an unusual style of government. Its
encourage the use of maintain spells for most people baron is advised by a triumvirate: the baronets of
to reduce dependency on cinnabryl. This policy is Montejo, Aranjuez, and Saragón. The baron meets
effective because Saragóner Inheritors take pains to regularly with his advisers. The baronets and other
explain to people exactly what cinnabryl does and why nobles (or their representatives) also meet once a month

Atlas of the Savage Coast 53

in Ciudad Matacán, where they establish policy for confused with Barón Balthazar, who is a close friend.
the realm. Unlike leaders of other baronies, the baron Both Don Luis and Balazar are thoroughly described
of Saragón is obligated to follow rulings of the in the adventure “Divided We Fall.”
Parliament of Lords. While the baron can (and does)
make day-to-day policy decisions, these can be
overturned by Parliament. To preserve the unity of The Capital
the government, however, the baron considers his
Most of Ciudad Matacán’s 6,600 population is
options carefully before making decisions, and
human, but members of all SAVAGE COAST races
Parliament deliberates before overturning them.
reside here. The capital is a safe town, quiet during
Parliament also ratifies inheritances, deciding
the day. However, Ciudad Matacán boasts a university
whether the child of a noble is truly worthy of a title
and several schools whose students tend to get a little
before passing it on (material inheritances are not the
boisterous after sunset. Most inhabitants of the capital
concern of Parliament). Likewise, a member of
are scholars of one kind or another, though merchants
Parliament can nominate a commoner to join the
and adventurers are common as well.
ranks of the nobility; a nominee must receive a two-
thirds vote of Parliament to be accepted (at which
time the new noble must begin attending Parliament Other Places of Interest
or send someone as a representative).
The speaker of Parliament is the baronet of Saragón, Except for the capital, the only settlement in
currently Doña Angelíta de Matacán. If she is unable Saragón larger than 100 people is the village of Las
to attend, her duties can be filled by one of the two Manadas, a center for about 900 farmers and Gauchos.
other baronets, the baronet of Montejo (currently Don Pazo del Rey, another village in Saragón, had a
Claudio de Tolón) and the baronet of Aranjuez population close to 300 before it was razed by a small
(currently Don Luis de Manzanas). force of Afflicted Torreóner mercenaries four years ago
When a baron dies, Parliament chooses a at the behest of Narvaez.
replacement from among the three baronets. When a Other prominent sites of Saragón include Torre de
baronet dies or is promoted, a potential replacement Manzanas (actually a castle owned by Don Luis, baronet
is nominated by the baron, and must be approved by of Aranjuez) and Torre de Tolón (a tower that serves
a simple majority of Parliament. The baronet titles as home to Don Claudio, baronet of Montejo). Both
are tied to regions, not specific locations: Aranjuez fortresses are important to the defense of Saragón,
must come from the north, Montejo from the south, and their lords are often (as now) nominees for the
and Saragón from the center. baronet positions. Barón Balthazar was once lord of
The baron of Saragón assumes the titles “of Montejo Torre de Tolón and is Don Claudio’s granduncle.
and of Aranjuez” regardless of his previous residence, The battle sites of Saragón are also worth note. The
to represent the unity of the state. Doña Angelíta is largest is certainly Bosque de las Sombras, the Forest
favored to become the next leader of Saragón though of Phantoms, said to be haunted by those who died
Don Luis has support as well; most members of in 963 when humans from Saragón and Aranjuez
Parliament consider Don Claudio too young and united to defeat raiding Yazi gnolls. Another marks
inexperienced. As previously noted, Don Luis is an the Battle of Morrión, where Saragón avenged
Inheritor, one of the first; many members of Parliament Almarrón and Gargoña by slaying the Yazi gnolls who
feel this potential conflict of interest makes Don Luis had destroyed Almarrón’s Castillo de Tordegena and
unsuitable for the post of baron. Gargoña’s Castillo de Pardalupe. A much smaller site
Note that an important rival and enemy of Don is the Battle of Cortesillas, where Gauchos from
Luis is a former Inheritor named Balazar—not to be Guadalante and Saragón met over water rights.

54 Savage Coast Campaign Book

Guadalante and Cimmaron

South and west of the Enlightened Lands are two states whose spirited people are known
for their love of open expanses, horses, and pistols. I write, of course, of Cimmaron and
Guadalante, two states whose main concerns lie with the land. These people are explorers
at heart, interested in any exciting endeavor. They would make fine additions to any quest
which could hold their interest, and the quest to end the Red Curse is certainly one which
would do so. However, those most affected by the Red Curse, the Afflicted, tend to
separate themselves from other people and from life in general.
The Chronicle of the Curse
by Don Luis de Manzanas

The cultures which have risen in these two states perhaps a little tougher, than the dandies and courtiers
create an atmosphere unique in the Savage Baronies. of the other baronies.
Though they have the same fiery temperaments as the While Vilaverde and Texeiras have the strongest
other Guardianos, the people of Guadalante and navies and Narvaez and Torreón have the strongest
Cimmaron apply their passions in different ways. infantries, Guadalante and Cimmaron have the most
Sometimes known as the Lands of the Gauchos, impressive horsemen. The gauchos of the plains,
Guadalante and Cimmaron are concerned much more brought together to fight for their freedom, make
with the land than the sea. Instead of smooth, formidable light cavalry units.
swashbuckling rogues, these two states have rough, In addition, Cimmaron is the home of smokepowder
range-riding warriors. The frontier feel is much more and wheellock pistols; Guadalante has made extensive
prominent in these two states than elsewhere in the use of these items as well, trading grazing rights to
Savage Baronies; the people are a little rougher, and Cimmaron in exchange for weapons. While wheellocks

Atlas of the Savage Coast 55

are popular with many Swashbucklers, they are The Nation
required equipment among Gauchos. Almost every
warrior of the two small states knows how to use a Fertile farmland along the banks of the Río Copos
smokepowder weapon. In Cimmaron and Guadalante, and Río Negro relieves the monotonous expanses of
a belt pistol is the preferred personal defense for many Guadalantan grasslands. Guadalante also claims a small
people. portion of the Sierra Desperada hills on its southern
The omnipresence of firearms also influences dueling border.
styles in these two states. While smokepowder weapons The barony has had a relatively peaceful history, at
are occasionally used for duels in other baronies, least in regard to the other baronies. Guadalante was
duelists of Guadalante and Cimmaron have become founded in 985 when the States of Copetez and
famous for their skills. Other baronies may prefer the Bigotillos were united through the marriage of their
sword for its elegance, but firearms are the weapons heirs. Copetez had been founded around Ciudad
of choice here. Huelca in 908, and Bigotillos was established north
Personal bravery and honor are very important to of Río Copos in 947. The two states seldom quarreled
the people of these lands. Guadalantans and because there was enough rangeland to go around.
Cimmarons pride themselves on their willingness to The rulers of the two states often communicated, and
fight for what they believe in. They are proud of their their children’s match was one of love. When Maria
heritage of freedom. Neither barony has ever fought of Copetez married Guillermo of Bigotillos, their
to conquer another land; to enforce their will upon parents happily relinquished control of the entire
others would be the height of hypocrisy for those who united domain to the newlyweds. The two ruled
love freedom so well. together, and when Guillermo died, Maria passed the
Guadalante and Cimmaron would be likely to unify domain on to her son Dante and his wife. Guadalante
if either state saw any need for it. Their ideals are has been ruled by a married couple ever since.
comparable, their people similar, and their Except for periodic troubles with Yazak goblinoids
governments are friendly to one another. However, to the north and Yazi gnolls to the southeast,
both nations are fiercely independent and proud; both Guadalante has had few conflicts. One such was a
feel they are doing fine as they are. disagreement with Saragón over watering rights. This
argument came to a head at the Battle of Cortesillas
but was soon solved with the Treaty of Cortesillas.
The only other conflict Guadalante has had with
another barony occurred just four years ago when
Estado de Guadalante Guadalante allied with the other southern baronies
to resist the depredations of Narvaez and its allies.
Guadalante is the most loosely organized of the Guadalantan Gauchos proved the effectiveness of
Savage Baronies. It has only two real population cavalry against ground troops in the few battles fought
centers, and encompasses mostly open grassland, with between the baronies before Hule’s invasion united
a few haciendas and camps scattered across the them all.
countryside. Baronials outside of Guadalante and
Cimmaron tend to think of Guadalante less as a nation
The People
and more as a large ranch. This attitude is irrevocably
altered in those people who attempt to attack Nearly all Guadalantans are human, but a few
Guadalante or trespass on its lands; the Gauchos of demihumans live within the nation’s borders. Tortle
Guadalante are fiercely proud of their nation, doing peasants occasionally work on the haciendas, but lupins
all they can to maintain its rights and power. and rakastas are not welcome in Guadalante because
Most Guardianos picture Guadalantans as crude they tend to spook horses. Goblinoids are discouraged
ruffians with no appreciation for the finer things in as residents, but peaceable merchants occasionally visit
life. For the most part, they are correct; the typical for trade. Few lizard kin have ever strayed into
Guadalantan would rather sleep under the stars than Guadalante, and the Guadalantans find them
in a bed. fascinating when they do visit.
Guadalante is home of the Gauchos, free-spirited

56 Savage Coast Campaign Book

wanderers of the pampas. Gauchos can be recognized Guadalante’s only major exports are horses and
easily by their calf-high boots, puffy pants, ample shirts, beef. Most of this goes to the other baronies, but some
and broad hats. Seldom wearing armor, these range- is sent to Robrenn, Renardy, and Bellayne.
riders are almost always armed and usually carry at
least a dagger and a wheellock pistol; bolas, javelins,
and lances are common as well. In peacetime, most Religion
Gauchos raise cattle and live in the pampas in large,
Guadalantans care little for religion as a rule.
fortified haciendas.
Valerias and the General are the most popular, and
Guadalante has a higher proportion of adventurers
the Judge is somewhat respected. Considered weak
than most of the other baronies. Most of these are
by Guadalantans, Milan and the Ambassador receive
warriors, a few rogues, wizards, and priests leaven the
little attention.
mix. The most common kit in Guadalante is, of
course, the Gaucho. Local Heroes, Honorbound, and
Nobles are somewhat common, but Swashbucklers, The Ruler
Myrmidons, and Defenders are rare in Guadalante.
Those Defenders who do live in Guadalante are usually Guadalante is an oligarchy ruled by the prominent
devoted to the General, though Valerias is quite cattle-trading families. These are Guadalante’s
popular as well. Most Guadalantan wizards are nobility—perhaps a bit rougher than most, but nobles
Militants, and the clerics are usually War Priests. Both nonetheless. The current rulers of Guadalante are Don
the Scout and the Bandit are popular among Crístobal “El Barbudo” de Bigotillos y Copetez and
Guadalantan rogues. his wife, Doña Catalina de Bigotillos y Narvaez, the
daughter of Barón Hugo of Narvaez. Don Crístobal
“The Bearded” is a rather peaceful if boisterous ex-
The Red Curse adventurer. Though a member of the nobility and
possessed with the gaucho spirit, Don Crístobal grew
Guadalante gets most of its cinnabryl from
up among common folk and is a ranger with the Local
Cimmaron but imports barely enough for the
Hero kit.
nobility, wealthy merchants, and adventurers. Most
Despite Don Crístobal’s apparent roughness from
common folk rely on maintain spells from local clergy,
his years in the pampas—his style, extravagance, sense
but many still become Afflicted. As in the majority
of humor, and appreciation of all that is refined in
of the Savage Baronies, Afflicted are shunned in
life have charmed more than one señorita during his
Guadalante. However, since the nation is wide open,
visits to other baronies. He met Doña Catalina while
the Afflicted can find plenty of places where “normal”
he was in Narvaez during the recent wars, not long
people are miles away. Several haciendas in Guadalante
after he helped ravage Ciudad Quimeras. Despite Don
are run entirely by Afflicted. Those Guadalantans
Crístobal’s actions, Doña Catalina became smitten
unaffected by the detriments of the Red Curse tend
with the noble gaucho and secretly married him,
to ignore it; many look upon the Aff licted as
without Barón Hugo’s knowledge or approval. Barón
something less than human.
Hugo was not happy about the marriage. Viewing
Crístobal as a pechero (commoner), he refused to send
Industry and Trade a dowry. In contrast, Don Crístobal’s parents were
pleased with their son’s activities during the war, and
Though some red steel and cinnabryl are imported after he was married, abdicated in favor of Crístobal
into Guadalante, the barony’s major import is and Catalina.
smokepowder. All these substances are obtained from After some brief difficulties with Saragón and
Cimmaron, Guadalante’s main trading partner. The despite the friction with Narvaez, Guadalante is at
landlocked nation also deals with Saragón, mostly for relative peace with the Savage Baronies. This leaves
finished goods, and occasional trading takes place Yazi and Yazak incursions as Don Crístobal’s main
between Guadalante and Robrenn, especially for the concerns. However, the Gauchos are more than willing
lumber with which wealthy Guadalantans build their to defend their land. Armed with wheellocks and
homes (poor inhabitants build their houses of mud lances, they are well suited to combat in the vast
bricks). Some weapons from Renardy and Bellayne grasslands. They are the most mobile military force in
are also imported. the baronies.

Atlas of the Savage Coast 57

The Capital other Baronials. Their leader prefers the title Count
over Baron (though his people have begun to refer to
Ciudad Huelca’s population of 6,300 comprises him as a duke), and the state is called a county.
mostly farmers, merchants, crafters, and laborers. It is Cimmaron is where smokepowder and firearms were
a sleepy town—during the daytime at least. In the developed on the Savage Coast; the people of
evenings when the Gauchos ride in (especially nights Cimmaron have a fondness for wheellock pistols and
when cattle drives end at the capital) the town becomes prefer them above all other weapons for dueling. The
a veritable maelstrom of activity, with business roaring people of Cimmaron dress differently, preferring
in the taverns and more than a few fights breaking suedes and leathers and tending toward darker, rougher,
out. Most merchants and crafters lock up their heavier clothing than that found elsewhere in the
storefronts—and their sons and daughters—and wait baronies. Cimmarons are rarely seafarers, even though
for the town to return to normal again when the sun theirs is a coastal state. While most Baronials are
rises. tough, many are light-spirited as well; this is not true
in Cimmaron, where the toughness of the people has
a cold edge to it. Finally, Cimmaron feels like an
Other Places of Interest uncivilized frontier, a place where people are trying to
tame an unruly wilderness and the hostile natives who
Guadalante has only one other major settlement—
live there.
the village of Dos Cabezas Hacienda, built up around
Most other Guardianos avoid Cimmaron as too
a large manor owned by one of the noble families.
uncivilized a place. This suits Cimmarons just fine
The village has a population of more than 300 peasant
because they tend to view the other Baronials (except
farmers, but it is known more as a gathering place for
for Guadalantans, whom they respect) as pampered
the Gauchos of southern Guadalante. As in Ciudad
Huelca, Dos Cabezas Hacienda is usually quiet, but
the atmosphere becomes decidedly more rowdy when
Gauchos or Bandits ride into town. Duels, fistfights, The Nation
and public drunkenness are more common here than
in Ciudad Huelca, and only the law enforcement Cimmaron is blessed with a good mix of terrain
specialists (mostly Honorbound sponsored by the local types, from grasslands and farmlands to forests and
nobles) keep things from falling into complete hills. The soil here is not as fertile as in the other
anarchy. baronies, and Cimmaron tends to appear dry and
The majority of Guadalante’s population lives in inhospitable. Those plants that do grow in Cimmaron
fortified haciendas scattered across the grasslands, and seem stunted to the eastern eye, and the animals of
the rest are nomads who camp wherever they end their Cimmaron are skinny compared to specimens found
day. Any hacienda worthy of the name supports in the other Savage Baronies.
between 20 and 50 permanent residents and might The first modern colonists to come to the Claw
have as many as 20 range riders. Peninsula actually arrived a couple of years before the
Ispan wave. These colonists were members of the
Brotherhood of Order (also known as the Lawful
Brotherhood), the philosophical “ancestors” of the

Cimmaron County Inheritors of the Order of the Ruby. The Brotherhood

originated in the City-States on the other side of the
Gulf of Hule. Its colonists located the first
Unusual in many ways and culturally dissimilar to Brotherhood outpost at the present site of Old Fort,
the other Savage Baronies, Cimmaron does share a at the tip of the peninsula.
few characteristics with Guadalante. Cimmaron’s sta- These colonists were soon followed by shiploads
te language is common, and while people in most of adventurers from many different parts of the world,
other baronies speak common and either Espa or particularly Ispans. The first Ispan settlement, then
Verdan, only about one-third of Cimmarons speak a in the lands claimed by Narvaez, was Nueva Esperanza
language other than common (usually Espa). All (New Hope), which eventually became known as
Cimmaron place names are now rendered in common. Smokestone City.Nueva Esperanza declared
Besides the language difference, Cimmarons have independence three years after the founding of Narvaez
distinctive views and habits that set them apart from and was allowed to secede without a fight. The people

58 Savage Coast Campaign Book

of Nueva Esperanza got to know those of the Cimmaron’s unit, most armed with wheellock pistols,
Brotherhood, and they began a peaceful trading made quite an impression on the Almarróñan soldiers,
relationship. They also signed a mutual defense pact, routing many of them. In 979, Almarrón ceased its
and soon Lawful Brotherhood trading posts, defended war with Gargoña and turned its full attention to the
by Nueva Esperanzan warriors, appeared along the rebels. Many insurgents lost their lives during a
coast. Occasional influxes of colonists from the City- disastrous battle at Old Fort, the site of the original
States, and of disaffected Baronials from the north, Lawful Brotherhood trading post, after refusing to
caused rapid growth along the Savage Coast. Native yield to vastly superior Almarróñan forces.
tortles and dwarves, and a few halfling settlers from However, in 980, the self-appointed General
far to the east, also joined this odd alliance. Cimmaron led his soldiers to many small victories.
The State of Almarrón was founded in 936; it grew His major victory came at the Battle of Hondo, when
out of the southern remnants of the Barony of Sotto, Cimmaron led his last soldiers in a desperate charge
which was conquered by Gargoña that year. Almarrón to break the Almarróñan ranks, carrying a wheellock
needed something to unite its people, so it decided pistol and a red steel sword and rallying his troops with
to give them a common enemy in the people of Nueva the cry “Remember the Old Fort!” The defeated
Esperanza and the surrounding territory. Almarrón’s Almarróñans left the area, and Cimmaron’s followers
leaders rallied their people by characterizing the promptly declared him Earl and named the newly-
colonists from the City-States as undesirable gringos. freed region Cimmaron. Nueva Esperanza was
To “claim the land for the Espan people,” Almarrón renamed Smokestone City to further break from old
attacked Nueva Esperanza in 939 and quickly took Ispan ways and became the capital of independent
over the entire Claw Peninsula. Some of the Cimmaron County.
Brotherhood of Order went into hiding, while a small Old General Cimmaron died in 1008 fighting Yazi
sect became the LB Trading Company and maintained goblins from the Badlands at the battle known as
many of the group’s trading posts. Longhorn’s Last Stand. He was succeeded by his son,
A cinnabryl mine had been discovered near Nueva John, who is the small nation’s current ruler. Except
Esperanza a few years before Almarrón’s conquest; the for a minor Tortle Revolt just after he took office and
inhabitants told the Almarróñans that the unusual a few problems with Yazi goblinoids, Sir John has
metal was worthless and poisonous. Thus, the mine had a peaceful two years in charge of Cimmaron.
was mostly ignored by the conquerors. In 948, a group
of dwarves working in the mine began experimenting
with steel seed and developed smokepowder; again, the The People
secret was kept from the Almarróñans and remained
Cimmaron’s population is mostly human, though
with a single dwarven family, the Smithy clan.
dwarves are common, and halflings (mostly stouts)
These dwarven smiths, in their quest for a good
are more frequently seen here than elsewhere on the
use for smokepowder, invented the arquebus in 957. This
Savage Coast. Like other Baronials, Cimmarons are
time, the secret got out to the Almarróñans, but they
independent, self-sufficient, and proud; like
ignored the “toy” because of its dangers and
Guadalantans, they are rough, fond of firearms, and
inaccuracy, preferring to stay with swords. Smokepowder
comfortable on horseback. However, the similarities
weapons were mostly forgotten, but a young Smithy
end there. The people of Cimmaron tend to be tougher
became enthused about the project almost 15 years
and cruder than those in the other Savage Baronies.
later, and with the help of a halfling jeweler named
Adventurers are more common here than in any
Westron, developed a wheellock pistol in 975.
other barony. Warriors, especially rangers and paladins,
They demonstrated their weapon to a man named
are likely to be encountered in Cimmaron more so
Cimmaron, one of the leaders of a growing movement
than in any other barony. The most common warrior
to throw the Almarróñans out of Nueva Esperanza,
kits found here are Gauchos, Honorbound (duelists),
who encouraged its secret production. Many of these
and Local Heroes—though Defenders, Nobles, and
weapons were produced over the next couple of years,
Myrmidons are sometimes seen. The Swashbuckler
and smokepowder was stockpiled as well.
mentality is not present in Cimmaron, and native
In 977, Almarrón conquered the tiny state of
Swashbucklers are rare indeed, found mostly among
Escudor and then initiated hostilities with Gargoña
those Cimmarons who choose a life at sea.
and Rivera to the north. This was the opportunity
Rogues are also found in Cimmaron, most with
Cimmaron and other leaders had been waiting for,
the Scout or Bandit kit, though a few Local Heroes
and they began a rebellion against Almarrón in 978.

Atlas of the Savage Coast 59

and Nobles also live here. Bards with the Local Hero shared by visitors to the small nation as well as natives.
kit travel the countryside, stopping in small hamlets Smokestone City features a huge tavern and gambling
to entertain with their guitars in return for a meal hall called the Red Steel Saloon.
and a place to sleep. Smokestone City takes its name from the deposits
Some wizards and priests live in Cimmaron, the of coal nearby; the coal mines produce fuel to heat
vast majority with the Local Hero kit. A few are War the many forges of Cimarron and provide a valuable
Priests and Militant wizards. Multiclass dwarves and export. Thanks to the county’s strong dwarven
dual-class humans, usually a warrior class combined tradition, Cimmaron’s forges turn out weapons and
with something else, pop up more here than most basic metal implements; many of these are also
places. exported.
Many citizens in Cimmaron, not just warriors, carry The nation’s large cinnabryl mine is located near the
firearms. Most are wheellocks, some new, some handed village of South Gulch. A smaller operation near
down from a parent or other relative who fought in Smokestone City does not produce enough metal to
the war for independence. Occasionally an old be called a cinnabryl mine. Its mother lode is steel seed,
arquebus is handed down from long ago. used to make smokepowder. Cimmaron exports great
Because of the proliferation of smokepowder weapons quantities of cinnabryl, smokepowder, and red steel.
in Cimmaron, Inheritors of any type are rare in the Cinnabryl is shipped to several other baronies,
barony. Inheritors occasionally visit to engage in trade especially to Texeiras and Vilaverde, for transport to
for cinnabryl, red steel, or even smokepowder. A few other states. Through the Sea Powers, Cimmaron is
especially brave Inheritors live in Cimmaron, but they the largest exporter of cinnabryl to the nations of the
avoid the public. An Inheritor would be foolish to central Savage Coast: Eusdria, Renardy, and Bellayne.
take part in a firearm duel, but still risks being branded Cimmaron also imports some cinnabryl from Slagovich
a coward for rejecting such a challenge. in return for red steel. The Sea Powers buy smokepowder
from Cimmaron, but exports of the explosive also go
to Torreón, Renardy, Almarrón, Gargoña, and
The Red Curse Saragón. Note that Renardy sends some of its
smokepowder on to Torreón, and Gargoña trades some
The Red Curse has long been known in Cimmaron,
with both Torreón and Narvaez. Cimmaron imports
and is an accepted part of life. Cinnabryl, steel seed, and
food in return for some of its smokepowder.
smokepowder were all discovered or developed here and
Most of Cimmaron’s trading takes place by overland
are readily embraced. Cimmarons understand the Red
routes through the LB Trading Company, now a
Curse as well as anybody and recognize its progress.
powerful commercial enterprise based in Smokestone
Since cinnabryl was once discarded after depletion,
City. The company’s traditional concerns include
small stocks of red steel lie around in unexpected places.
exploration, mining, wheellock manufacturing, ale
Also, while cinnabryl is common in Cimmaron, the
production, and general trading of merchandise in the
metal does not always make it into the hands of
Gulf of Hule region. Though the LB Trading
peasants. Though local clerics use maintain spells to
Company conducts most trade by wagon (Sir John,
protect their flocks, Afflicted still exist in Cimmaron.
leader of Cimmaron, once drove for them), it also
Most are peasants, so they are routinely ignored anyway
employs a few small ships. Fortunately, the company’s
by members of the upper classes. Afflicted here, as in
good relationship with Texeiras and Vilaverde
some of the other baronies, remove themselves to
(attained through smokepowder trade) means the sea
small enclaves to spare their friends and families the
wolves have little cause to worry about their ships.
burden of taking care of them.
It should be noted that the LB Trading Company
has no official relationship with the other descendants
Industry and Trade of the Lawful Brotherhood, the Inheritors’ Order of
the Ruby. Still, the two groups are reasonably friendly.
Cimmaron’s main home industries include taverns It is not unusual to see a Ruby Inheritor guarding an
(usually called saloons in Cimmaron) and gambling. LB Trading Company wagon. In addition, the LB
The state depends on revenues from these endeavors Trading Company helps Inheritors obtain supplies of
instead of heavier taxation, still pulling in a good cinnabryl and red steel, and (with astute advisers) maintain
amount of money. Even better, collecting revenue from control over those supplies.
saloons and gambling halls means the tax burden is Cimmaron, as a nation, has never commissioned
mercenaries from Torreón or Narvaez. On occasion, a

60 Savage Coast Campaign Book

landowner or merchant has hired mercenaries to guard goblinoid raiders and other drifters and thieves.
possessions, but these sword-wielding warriors-for-hire Sir John fought at his brother’s side in 1006, during
are seldom a match for the pistol-toting Bandits, the war with Narvaez. He also distinguished himself
Gauchos, and Honorbound of Cimmaron. as a leader at the Battle of Morrión in Saragón in 1007.
Since becoming leader of Cimmaron, he has won
several significant victories against the Yazi. In response
Religion to his heroism, the noble families of Cimmaron
recently declared him a duke. This titular elevation is
Religion holds little importance to most
a point of contention with other rulers of the Savage
Cimmarons, who tend to be irreverent at best. Still,
Baronies, who sarcastically refer to Sir John simply as
the General is recognized by many as an inspiration
“The Duke,” which makes him very uncomfortable.
to the state’s own General Cimmaron. Valerias is
So far, Sir John has been successful at keeping
respected as a patron by Gauchos, and the Judge is
Cimarron a county in title and has never tried to put
popular among Honorbound. Milan and the
himself above the other rulers, which has lessened
Ambassador are barely acknowledged by most
Though each noble in Cimarron oversees an estate
or settlement of some kind, they have little power
The Ruler outside their own lands. Sir John’s word is absolute;
he can grant someone a title or remove someone from
The present ruler of Cimmaron is Sir John of the the nobility. He can open trade relations or end them
Wain, known to his people as the Duke of Cimarron. by declaring war. Recently, Sir John created a national
He is a calm, unwavering paladin and a skilled duelist constabulary. Some members are stationed in
with the Honorbound kit. A larger-than-life figure, settlements, others wander the state; all are
Sir John hardly seems the type to be a head of state. Honorbound. Constables report directly to Sir John
He earned his nickname “of the wain” (or “of the and enforce the laws of Cimmaron, sometimes by
wagon”) driving for the LB Trading Company. During arresting perpetrators, sometimes by initiating a duel
his time with the company, Sir John had many and ending the criminal’s life.
adventures, which have become legendary in Sir John would like a wife, preferably someone with
Cimmaron. whom he could discuss decisions important to
When Sir John’s older brother, Patrick, was killed Cimmaron. A ruggedly handsome man in his late 30s,
at Ciudad Quimeras during fighting in Narvaez in he is considered by some to be the most eligible man
1006, John was recalled to Smokestone City to in the baronies.
become the official heir and learn all he could of For now, Sir John’s heir is his younger brother,
government. Sir John’s father, General Cimmaron, Morris, who has recently been serving as John’s
died in 1008 at Longhorn’s Last Stand, leading his ambassador to the other baronies in order to learn
tiny force of Cimmaron irregulars against hordes of about their overall political atmosphere. Sir John’s
Yazi goblins. John became the Earl of Cimmaron in brother also has a son, Marion, a boy being educated
1008. in Smokestone City by a tutor from Saragón.
Sir John remains fit and active. He is still prompt
to lead a posse after a bandit leader or to mount
campaigns against Yazi gnolls from El Grande The Capital
Carrascal in the north and Yazi goblins from the
Smokestone City has a population of 11,500;
Badlands in the west. He typically dresses in rough
roughly half are humans, and perhaps a third are
canvas trousers, an open cotton shirt, and a wide-
dwarves. Over 1,100 halflings make their home in
brimmed hat. He is seldom seen without his pair of
Smokestone City, as do about half that number tortles.
fine wheellock pistols.
The remaining 2% of the population are elves, lupins,
Since the death of his father, Sir John has shown a
and members of other races found on the Savage
particular hatred of goblins. Over the last two years,
he has overseen the construction of Fort Whitestone,
Because of the smoke generated by the many forges
strategically placed at the end of the Bugle Trail on
in town, Smokestone is a dark place; soot sifts onto
the edge of the Badlands. A desolate cavalry outpost,
everything, even recently-washed surfaces. The people
Fort Whitestone sends out regular patrols to look for
of Smokestone are friendly in a rough sort of way and

Atlas of the Savage Coast 61

always happy to see visitors stop by and sample the Peninsula.
local offerings. However, more than one fight has
occurred between a tough Cimmaron Gaucho and a
flamboyant Vilaverdan Swashbuckler. Fortunately, Dunwick
most sailing ships make port at Old Fort, and
Dunwick started as an outpost of the Brotherhood
Swashbucklers are seldom seen in Smokestone City.
of Order, then became a trading post when part of
The LB Trading Company handles most of the
the Brotherhood became the LB Trading Company.
commerce that comes through Smokestone City,
Today, the company owns or finances many businesses
including overland and river trade.
in Dunwick, a city of about 22,000 people. Slightly
This town is known for its rowdy nightlife, which
more than half of Dunwick’s population is tortle, but
centers around its saloons and gambling halls. The
humans, lupins, rakastas, goblinoids, lizard kin,
largest and most popular establishment of that sort is
phanatons, wallaras, and manscorpions also inhabit
the Red Steel Saloon; people claim that a duel occurs
the area. The trade in Dunwick is lively. Most of the
in front of the saloon at least once a day.
LB Trading Company’s holdings employ tortle
workers and are protected by Texeiran ships and
Other Places of Interest Torreóner sellswords. Having such a large interest in
Dunwick gives the LB Trading Company a fractional
Aside from the capital, four major settlements can cut of Texeiran commerce with Renardy.
be found in Cimmaron: South Gulch, Little Big Rock,
Old Fort, and New Hope Penitentiary. South Gulch
is the home base of many cinnabryl miners, as well as a Richland
few tortle peasants, Bandits, and Gauchos. Little Big
Much smaller than Dunwick, Richland is a town
Rock is another trading center but is also a farming
with about 2,300 residents, including humans,
town and resting place for Gauchos.
tortles, and shazaks. Located north of the Horn across
Despite their names, Old Fort and New Hope
the Trident Bay, Richland is far from the more civilized
Penitentiary are thriving settlements as well. Old Fort,
lands and largely self-sufficient as far as the production
built on the site of the original Brotherhood of Order
of food, weapons, and various other necessities. The
outpost, is a military port and houses a garrison of
LB Trading Company owns most of Richland, and
troops. Old Fort is also a central meeting and trading
through a deal with Texeiran shipping, uses Richland
location for the human and tortle farmers in the area.
as a center for gathering exotic goods from the Orc’s
New Hope Penitentiary was built by the Almarróñans
Head Peninsula. Materials are shipped from Richland
and named after the city of Nueva Esperanza, which
to the rest of the Savage Coast for sale, which pleases
has since become Smokestone City (the Penitentiary
both the Texeiran merchants and the LB Trading
didn’t follow suit). Besides a large jail, New Hope
Company. Since Richland is within the Haze lands,
Penitentiary also houses many farmers and those
it also serves as a residence for those wishing to avoid
support personnel needed to keep the jail functioning.
the effects of the Red Curse.

LB Trading Posts El Grande Carrascal

In addition to their locations inside Cimmaron,
This area lies between Cimmaron, Almarrón,
LB Trading Posts can be found all across the Savage
Saragón, and Guadalante. Though the title refers
Coast. In many ways, these locations are considered
primarily to the cactus scrub in the region, common
Cimmaron colonies, though the company is a private
usage of the name includes badlands, hills, desert, and
enterprise, wholly independent of the government of
more—all the land outside the borders of the baronies,
Cimmaron. Small posts are at various points along
east of the Sierra Desperada hills, and north of the
the coast, but the LB Trading Company’s largest
New Hope River. Home to gnolls and humanoid
interests are the Free City of Dunwick (south of the
bandits, El Grande Carrascal is a dangerous place.
eastern tip of Renardy), Richland (located in the far
Several camps of gnolls inhabit this region; the major
west on the Grass Coast), and the Orc’s Head

62 Savage Coast Campaign Book

tribes are Long Legs, Chiriquis, and Dead Yuccas.
While the Long Legs are a savage tribe, the others trade Bushwhack Prairie and the
with humans of the region and are willing to negotiate.
The Long Legs were able to unite all the El Grande Badlands
Carrascal gnoll tribes, major and minor, about three
years ago, leading a violent attack against many of the
Bushwhack Prairie, named for the bandit ambushes
baronies. These gnolls destroyed two castles, one in
so common there, encompasses the grasslands just west
Almarrón and one in Gargoña, before they were
of Cimmaron. Buffalo and wild horses roam the
defeated by Saragóner forces (aided by Cimmaron
southern portions of the prairie; camps of Gauchos
cavalry) at the Battle of Morrión. In late 1008, their
and Bandit encampments are found throughout the
alliance fell apart after they were defeated by Cimmaron
region. Fort Whitestone sits at the western edge of
troops under Sir John, at the Red Creek Battle. Having
Bushwhack Prairie, and sends out regular patrols to
lost too many of their people, the gnoll tribes went
watch for goblin raiders and human Bandits. Though
back to a reasonably peaceful existence—except for the
the fort has reduced the number of Bandits in the
few remaining Long Legs, who still raid now and again.
region, more than enough of the lawless men and
An interesting site in El Grande Carrascal is Buenos
women still roam the area to make people think twice
Viente—an ancient, ruined town, possibly Traladaran
before traveling through Bushwhack Prairie, even along
in origin—and named by later Ispans who found it.
Bugle Trail (although, at least on the trail, travelers
Buenos Viente stands in the middle of the cactus scrub,
have a much better chance of being rescued by cavalry
a well-preserved set of buildings that appears to have
charging over the hill).
once held more than 3,000 inhabitants. Most of the
Bushwhack Prairie includes two notable battle sites,
buildings are made of fired clay, and so have stood up
the Battle of Hondo where General Cimmaron won
to the ravages of time. Those who have explored the
independence from Almarrón, and Longhorn’s Last
town report eerie voices, like echoes of half-heard
Stand where the general met his end 28 years later.
conversations. The place seems to be haunted, a true
Both battle sites are littered with the bones of those
“ghost town.”
who died there, except for the few, like General
Cimmaron, whose bones were brought back to
Cimmaron for burial.
The goblins who killed General Cimmaron came
from the Badlands, a rocky area west of Bushwhack
Prairie. Goblins rule the Badlands; their two major
tribes are Black Bellies and Flat Noses. Though some
Yazi gnolls actually engage in commerce, Yazi goblins
of the Badlands are savage destroyers who live by
preying on others.

Atlas of the Savage Coast 63

Robrenn and Eusdria

West of the baronies are a small range of mountains and fertile lands which support large
stretches of forest and grasslands. Around these elements rest the nations of Robrenn and
Eusdria. Like the baronies, both are dominated by humans, descended from barbarians
who migrated into the area from the north. Dwarves also reside in Eusdria in great
numbers, and elves live in both states. Because these nations have been hurt by the Red
Curse, they remain suspicious of Inheritors. Though they would certainly welcome the
eradication of the curse, it might prove difficult to motivate them to follow any leadership
that includes Inheritors.
The Chronicle of the Curse
by Don Luis de Manzanas

The people of Robrenn and Eusdria are descended 10 pounds as well). Both nations also have large
from the ancient barbarian tribes that fled the marching populations of elves and half-elves. Humans, elves, and
armies of Hule, far to the north. The barbarians hoped half-elves here tend to have blond hair, though some
to one day reconquer their homeland, but that day have white or red. Most have sky-blue eyes, though
never came. Instead, they came to love their new lands darker blue and shades of green are found as well.
and eventually established medieval societies. Very few people of these nations have brown or hazel
The humans of these nations are taller than average; eyes, and people with these eye shades are considered
add four inches to heights rolled according to the exotic.
method in the PHB (adjust weight upward by about

64 Savage Coast Campaign Book

In general, all that is mystical or linked to nature and
The Confederated Kingdom creation is considered to be the realm of women; all
that is material or linked to warfare and destruction
of Robrenn is held to be the realm of men. Note that this does
not restrict women from becoming warriors, or men
from becoming druids, but such instances are
Robrenn contains vast tracts of forest and is
dominated by druids. Harming the forests, or any of
To enforce laws and protect borders, the
the creatures who dwell in them, is usually considered
Confederacy maintains a small standing army, the
a crime.
Guard. A vast reserve of trained and armed citizens
Robrenn’s people tend to have wavy hair,
also exists. The druids provide a set of weapons and
commonly worn shoulder length (for both sexes).
armor to each family’s first child upon reaching
Most wear their hair loose, though warriors typically
puberty. (A female child has the right to refuse the
wear a braid on one side of the head in front of the
weapons if a younger male exists in the family.) The
ear. Clothing worn by people of Robrenn is usually
“chosen one” must leave the family and remain with
made of cotton, leather, or buckskin in forest colors
the Confederacy’s Guard to learn the art of war. Three
(predominantly green and brown, with occasional
years later, the young adult earns the title of “Armed
splashes of yellow, red, or orange). Often, at least one
Citizen” and can return home.
item worn has sharp, geometric patterns.
Because of this policy, many warriors live in
The most common character classes in Robrenn
Robrenn, as well as a high ratio of dual-class and multi-
are druid, ranger, fighter, and bard. Popular kits inclu-
class warriors. Each Armed Citizen must provide a
de Local Hero, Noble, Defender, Wokan, War Priest,
month of military service to the Confederacy once a
Bandit, and Scout. Noble druids and bards originate
year to support its defense and to stay in shape and
only in Robrenn.
ready for battle. In times of war, all Armed Citizens
Robrenn is a confederation of sovereign dominions.
must temporarily return to the Guard.
The fair climate and generous forests were an early
The druids systematically enforce this system,
boon to this druidic society. Its braided warriors
sometimes quite ruthlessly. Any perceived lack of
thrived, though over the centuries their barbaric cul-
enthusiasm or poor physical fitness can lead to
ture mellowed. The tribal chiefs instituted a nobility
penances or even banishment. Robrenn’s citizens are
that slowly allowed a semi-feudal system to replace
a fierce and brave people. It was their personality more
the tribal structure. The nobles then initiated a
than any need for warriors that led to the creation of
confederacy under the rulership of a new king,
these laws; thus, few actually resent them. Becoming
Robrenn I, chosen by the druids.
an Armed Citizen is a sign of honor. In this society,
Since then, the king’s descendants have inherited
Defenders (people with the Defender kit) can rise only
his title. Should his lineage become extinct, the druids
among the ranks of Armed Citizens.
would choose one of the current nobles as the new
Druids are eminently powerful among nobility; they
ruler. In other respects,the nation has a conventional
make laws and decide on penalties. The druids may
feudal society, with druids replacing the more
also permit, forbid, or even decree armed conflicts
traditional clerics. However, no real peasant class exists
involving the nation. Druids affect the confederacy’s
in Robrenn. Non-nobles are known simply as the
ability to attack another realm, or the ability of two
Folk; they are free and approximately middle class
dominions to fight each other. The latter is permissible
rather than land-bound and poor like peasants.
only if druids cannot solve a dispute between two
Nobility and warriors must swear allegiance to the
nobles. Considering the deeply rooted respect this
ruler and follow the ways of the druids.
society has for druids, disobeying them is almost
Men and women are of equal status in this society.
unheard of and could lead to a civil war.
It is the belief of the Robrenn that their chief patron
The druids’ Hallowed Forest of Carnuilh covers a
Immortal, Breig, is the mother of nature. As a result,
vast area of the confederacy. It is a sanctified area that
the highest functions among the druids are often
no one but druids and druidic Defenders can enter.
limited to women. However, in order to maintain
At its center is a holy grove where the druids meet
universal balance, right of birth usually (but not
once a year, on midsummer’s eve. There, they discuss
exclusively) favors males. For example, the first-born
topics of mysticism, consult auguries, and resolve
male has priority over a female in the succession for a
nobility title or the ownership of a family heirloom.
After each 12 years of continuous rulership, the

Atlas of the Savage Coast 65

king of Robrenn must go on a quest. If he succeeds, for invasions in the making. A number of murderous
he remains king for another 12 years. If he fails, he wars with the goblinoids have nearly ruined the nation.
must seek the Great Druid’s grove in the Hallowed The most recent of which weakened the state
Forest of Carnuilh. Legends say he returns to the earth considerably.
that he embodies, thereby allowing the land to flourish Over the course of centuries, the Robrenn developed
again. He is magically “absorbed” by the forest, thus trade with other nations, especially with Texeiran and
ending his life in this world. No succession can take Vilaverdan merchants. Robrenn exports wine, mead,
place until the king dies or joins with the forest. If he sausage, maize, wheat, medicinal herbs and potions,
flees in shame and dies elsewhere without fulfilling spices, and amber.Cinnabryl and red steel are of little
his duty at the grove, years of woe and hardship may interest to the nation, though raw silver is acceptable
strike the kingdom. in trade, for coinage. Usually, the Robrenn would
The Robrenn honor a wide variety of Immortals. rather obtain payment in labor. Many people from
Their belief is that all life came from Breig, also known the nation Savage Baronies make annual circuits
as the Mother of Nature, the Great Oak, and the Spirit through Robrenn as itinerant farm-workers, trading
of Eyf. She heads the Robrenn pantheon. Although a labor for goods. Some Guardiano tradesmen also trade
druid can choose one Immortal over another as his criminals for goods, the convicts being kept as
primary patron, all meet at Carnuilh. Regardless of indentured servants. If they serve well, they are released
their individual philosophies, all druids follow the when their allotted period is over and can either return
same basic principles. They all revere the Great Druid home or accept druidic ways and become one of the
Maud, daughter of Trestana. Maud is a female, half- Folk.
elven follower of Breig. (Great Druids in Robrenn are
typically female.) Though other Great Druids may exist
elsewhere in the world, as far as the Robrenn are Capital and Ruler
concerned, there is only Maud. This Great Druid
Capital: Eyf (population 25,200—humans,
supervises the entire Savage Coast region, including
demihumans, some woodland beings). Ruler: King
all the territory from the Gulf of Hule to the western
Edwix II, son of “The Night Harrow” (human druidic
coast of the Orc’s Head Peninsula.
Defender). The royal lands include all of the Hallowed
The druids also supervise the druidic Defenders,
Carnuilh Forest. Typical NPC: common farmer or
which some think of as “druidic paladins.” Defenders
crafter, follower of the druidic way.
are the elite warriors of the nation, often traveling on
quests for druids or simply to explore and spread
druidic beliefs. Note that druidic Defenders sometimes The Confederated Dominions
wear magically crafted wooden armor which has the
same game mechanics as metal armor. Each of Robrenn’s dominions governs its own
Most of Robrenn’s lore is oral, handed down by internal affairs, though the druids can interfere at will.
bards and druids. Little has been written (though the The druids also advise the king and his council on
people are literate) because the druids believe that international policy.
memorizing legends and prayers sharpens the mind Barony of Avarica. Symbol: Raven. Capital: Dubrax
and prevents their holy knowledge from being (population 5,900—mostly humans). Ruler: Baron
vulgarized by ink and vellum. This tradition establishes Eusgetorix the Stormy, son of Aduatucas (human
the bard as a key element of Robrenn culture. Noble bard). Typical NPC: adventurous bard. Patrons:
Much of this culture is affected by the druids’ Cernuínn, Leug.
dislike of all that “never lived,” including man-made Duchy of Avernos. Symbol: Boar. Capital: Arax
objects of metal or stone. Robrenn’s druids prefer (population 5,900—humans and dwarves). Ruler:
wood, leather, cloth, and so forth. This attitude Duke Blergix the Tall, son of Medonix (dwarven
prevents the Robrenn from building much with stone. Noble fighter). Typical NPC: blacksmith. Patrons:
Their forts and towns are usually made of wood, with Belsamas, Tuatis.
stone used only for fireplaces or roads. Unfortunately, County of Morguen. Symbol: Deer. Capital:
the policy has been the source of many disasters, Cernumna (population 10,900—humans, halflings,
especially in times of war. and elves). Ruler: Countess Onnena the Sylvan,
The plateaus to the north of the Robrenn teem daughter of Subellos (half-elf Noble druid). Typical
with orcs, ogres, and goblins. Armed riders constantly NPC: druid sage. Patrons: Breig, Cernuínn.
patrol the northern edge of the confederacy, watching Barony of Nemausa. Symbol: Auroch. Capital:

66 Savage Coast Campaign Book

Morrigamna (population 10,100—mostly humans). grow it long and form it into one long braid—usually
Ruler: Baron Calturix the Bloodthirsty, son of worn down the middle of the back but sometimes
Demiatix (human Noble ranger). Typical NPC: fearless thrown over the left shoulder. Eusdrians tend toward
rider. Patrons: Breig, Tuatis. clothing of cotton and buckskin, though wool and
Barony of Sedhuen. Symbol: Ram. Capital: Venatis fur are used in the colder, mountainous areas. The
(population 11,900—mostly humans). Ruler: Baron clothing is usually made in blues, purples, and whites—
Teuthoel the Merciful, son of Trestana (human noble). though grays, greens, and browns are used as well.
Typical NPC: peaceful farmer. Patrons: Breig, Belnos. Eusdrian society consists of a nobility, which
County of Suerba. Symbol: Rooster. Capital: provides the nation’s leaders, and a “freeheart” class,
Ogmna (population 3,800—humans and elves). Ruler: which is the normal citizenry. Like Robrenn, Eusdria
Count Brevoel the Swift, son of Maloel (elven Noble has no real peasant class. Most freehearts are warriors,
fighter). Typical NPC: champion archer. Patrons: but clerics come from this class as well. Though
Arduínna, Leug. Eusdria does have some thieves and bards, wizards are
Barony of Uthuínn. Symbol: Ship. Capital: rare. Popular kits include Local Hero, Noble,
Senerobriva (population 2,600—humans and Honorbound, Myrmidon, Militant, War Priest,
halflings). Ruler: Baroness Brivaela the Sagacious, Bandit, Scout, and Skald.
daughter of Clothual (human Noble fighter). Typical In its past, Eusdria has had a number of clashes
NPC: quiet fisherman. Patrons: Belnos, Taranos. with Robrenn. The druids and clerics on either side
always spoke against all-out war since both nations
largely honor the same Immortals, though by different
The Robrenn Pantheon names. Eusdrian clerics are uncomfortable with the
mysterious and “barbaric” ways of Robrenn druids,
In Robrenn each of the following Immortals, with
just as the druids distrust the Eusdrian clerics’
the exception of Belsamas and Nyt, has a druidic
“unnatural” and “self-serving” ways. The two kingdoms
following. Refer to “The Campaign” chapter for
have maintained a precarious status quo, poised
further information on Immortals.
somewhere between cordiality and rampant
Arduínna (Diulanna): Patron of willpower, archery,
accusations of heresy.
and hunting. She approves only of female druids.
The biggest difference between Robrenn and
Belnos (Asterius): Patron of healers, traders, and
Eusdria lies in the greater presence and influence of
elves in Eusdria, particularly in the Duchy of Frisonnia
Belsamas (Kagyar): Patron of forging, metalworking,
and the Barony of Savaria. A great deal of the finer
construction, and dwarves. Clerics of Belsamas are
Eusdrian culture has come from the elves, including
always true neutral in Robrenn.
literature, architecture, and fine arts.
Breig (Ordana): Patron of Robrenn, head of the
Eusdrians are fond of battle. They believe that death
pantheon. She approves only of female druids.
on the battlefield is by far the best way to die, for it
Cernuínn (Faunus): Patron of forests, songs, poetry,
opens the path to the land of the Immortals. This
bards, and woodland beings.
ancient belief dates back to their barbarian roots in
Leug (Zirchev): Patron of demihumans, wisdom,
the north. Before a battle, warriors often celebrate
and the arts. Leug is a recent addition to the Robrenn
and drink beer mixed with honey, a combination
thought to impart strength and courage. Fortunately,
Nyt (Hel): Patron of death and reincarnation. She
the elven love for peace and tranquility has somewhat
is acknowledged, but not worshiped.
toned down this predisposition to aggressiveness. At
Taranos (Odin): Patron of skies, storms, and mighty
the very least, it has brought order and law to the
lightnings. This Immortal is not as influential here as
impetuous Eusdrians.
in Eusdria.
Elven influence has led the Eusdrians to create
Tuatis (Thor): Favorite patron of warriors.
several orders of knights, including paladins and
Defenders (Order of the Immortals), Honorbound
(Knights of Eusdria), rangers (Company of the Wolf),
Myrmidons, and others (Order of the Unicorn,
The Kingdom of Eusdria Company of the Bear, Warriors of the Sea, and
Knights of Niedegard). Instead of fighting for the sake
of battle and destruction, the Eusdrians learned to
Most Eusdrians have straight hair, and the majority channel their battle fervor through military

Atlas of the Savage Coast 67

organizations with a direction. The easiest orders to northern limit of the kingdom. Tradition says that
make popular among early Eusdrians were those the Immortal Lokar lost a bet with Donar and was
dedicated to serving a ruler (particularly the king of forced to plant flowers throughout the entire plain.
Eusdria), and later, orders that served the Immortals. But Lokar cursed the flowers, giving them the power
This has given rise to a caste of knights and paladins to put people and animals to sleep. These large beds
capable of defending the nation against any foe. of amber lotuses release clouds of sleeping pollen. The
While Myrmidons are common in Eusdria, most goblinoids apparently have found a way to protect
warriors use the Honorbound kit. All the nation’s themselves and their mounts from the pollen, allowing
Honorbound form a single Company, the Knights of them an easy escape after their raids into Mohesia and
Eusdria, all of whom wear the same emblem (a black Frisonnia. As a result of these onslaughts, villages and
raven on a silver field) and specialize in the use of the towns in these two dominions are heavily fortified.
battle axe. The Honorbound are sworn to first defend Eusdria’s king is still hoping to find a reliable defense
the nation in times of trouble, and second obey edicts against the pollen for his own people.
of their leader. King Sigismund is famous for developing an
Many inhabitants of Eusdria are beginning to adopt educational system for the young, supported by royal
the firearms and lighter armor of the Savage Baronies. taxes. With this, he hopes to lead Eusdria to a golden
The more traditionalist warriors of the region find age, amassing enough power to dominate the Savage
this dishonorable. Coast and eventually destroy Hule. The schools are
The present king, Sigismund III, is a half-elf largely unpopular among the freehearts, however, since
Defender and highly charismatic follower of Tiuz. they keep children from working in the fields or
Sigismund is well known for his even-handedness with apprenticing in a craft. The nobles also dislike them
his dominions, both elven (Frisonnia and Savaria) and because educated subjects are more difficult to rule,
human (Harstal and Mohesia). He dreams of ridding and higher taxes are required for construction of school
the Yazak Steppes of goblinoids and other monsters buildings, purchase of books, and payment of
and of expanding his kingdom into a holy empire in preceptors (usually clergymen). The clergy, however,
the name of Tiuz. For the past 20 years of his reign, strongly supports the plan as it lends them power over
he has promoted the Warrior’s Honor (as described commoners and nobles.
in the Honorbound kit in the “Character Kits” About a decade ago, Eusdria was visited by the
chapter) among his people, aspiring for a smaller force Heldannic Knights, from the faraway Heldann
of highly competent warriors, in contrast to the freeholds. (There are similarities and thus sympathy
massive barbaric hordes of the past. In knighthood, between Eusdria and Heldann, but King Sigismund
he also sees the possible establishment of a highly has always suspected the Heldannic Knights’ dark and
mobile, elite, heavy cavalry whose loyalty and prowess treacherous ways.) When they arrived, the Heldannic
would bring the end of the marauding tribes of the Knights arranged for Eusdria to acquire red steel,
steppes. Dwarven crossbowmen from the County of through the Texeiran Protectorate. In doing so, the
Harstal also go to battle in trains of heavy war wagons Heldannic Knights gained the gratitude of the various
that make them something like cavalry in mobile forts. orders of Eusdrian knights. This worried King
All this allows the king to wage long-lasting wars Sigismund greatly. Contact with the Heldannic
without pulling normal freehearts away from their Knights ceased about five years ago; the rare messages
lands to be slaughtered in massive battles. Such a loss since then have been largely ignored by Sigismund.
would weaken the kingdom, as it has many times in Eusdria now imports red steel and a little cinnabryl
the past, and bring hardships to everyone. directly from the Savage Baronies via the Orders of
Only recently, Eusdria joined Robrenn in a war Inheritors. The precious red metal is used to forge
against the Yazi goblinoids. This was favored by many excellent battle axes, plate armor, and bastard swords
of the freehearts, and when King Sigismund tried to for Eusdrian knights.
pull out of the war, many revolted, starting a civil Most Eusdrian trade is with the Kingdom of
war. As a result, the capital was all but destroyed, but Robrenn and the Texeiran merchant fleet. Eusdria has
the Honorbound Knights of Eusdria kept the king a small fleet in Reslar and Withimer, but it is no match
from death. Consequently, the Honorbound are for experienced Texeiran sea wolves. From the
highly regarded by the king. Niedegard Mountains, dwarven miners extract iron
King Sigismund has not unleashed his warriors and copper, which are largely exported along with beer,
upon the Yazak goblinoids because of a curious honey, furs, timber, and herring.
phenomenon affecting the Plain of Dreams at the

68 Savage Coast Campaign Book

Capital and Ruler Verdegild (population 6,600—mostly humans, some
elves). Ruler: Baron Arthaulf the Forthright, son of
Capital: Othmar (population 7,500—primarily Euric (human Honorbound paladin). Typical NPC:
humans, elves, and dwarves). Ruler: King Sigismund righteous warrior. Patrons: Donar, Tiuz, Fredar,
III the Great, son of Godegesil (half-elf Defender of Fredara.
Tiuz). The Royal Domain includes the capital, Barony of Savaria. Symbol: Fish. Capital: Reslar
Ingelhad, Withimer, and the ruins of the former (population 8,500—mostly elves, some humans and
capital, Gundegard (once a city of more than 20,000 halflings). Ruler: Baroness Utha the Fair, daughter of
people, now home to perhaps 2,000 people and many Aldaric (elven Noble ranger). Typical NPC: elven
monsters). Typical NPC: Honorbound or Myrmidon warrior (hunter or fisher). Patrons: Eirys, Tiuz.
warrior. Patrons: Viuden and Tiuz.

The Eusdrian Pantheon

Eusdrian Royal Dominions
For further information on Immortals, refer to “The
Each of the dominions governs most of its own Campaign” chapter.
internal affairs, but the crown can revoke internal Donar (Thor): Popular patron of warfare.
policies. The king, advised by a council of clergy and Eirys (Eiryndul): Patron of woodland beings and
various knights and nobles, decides international elves, but especially of elf wizards.
policy. After the recent wars, a freeheart council was Fredar (Frey): Patron of freeheart warriors.
established to help advise the king. Fredara (Freya): Patron of female warriors.
Duchy of Frisonnia. Symbol: Tower. Capital: Kagyar: Patron of dwarves and metalwork.
Breimald (population 12,300—mostly elves, some Lokar (Loki): Patron of flames, mischief, and lies,
humans). Ruler: Duchess Beovilda the Blunt, daughter Lokar is not honored except by evil beings.
of Onulf (elven Noble fighter). Typical NPC: elven Nyt (Hel): Patron of death and reincarnation. She
urban warrior. Patrons: Donar, Tiuz. is acknowledged but not worshiped.
County of Harstal. Symbol: Bear. Capital: Harstal Tiuz (Ilsundal): Patron of elves, wisdom, law, and
(population 10,400—humans and dwarves, some trust, Tiuz is often represented as a warrior missing
halflings). Ruler: Count Theodamir the Stutterer, son his right hand.
of Althuin (human noble). Typical NPC: boisterous Viuden (Odin): Chief Immortal of the Eusdrians.
beer drinker. Patrons: Viuden, Kagyar, Fredar, Fredara. Patron of the sky, storms, and authority.
Barony of Mohesia. Symbol: Horse. Capital:

Atlas of the Savage Coast 69

Renardy and Bellayne

Located in the center of the Savage Coast, the kingdoms of Renardy and Bellayne are
dominated by the furred peoples of the Savage Coast, the doglike lupins and the feline
rakastas. The spirit of adventure is present in both races, as are such qualities as nobility
and honor. I believe their help would be important in the removal of the Red Curse.
The Chronicle of the Curse
by Don Luis de Manzanas

The kingdoms of Renardy and Bellayne are the with royal crown and golden crest overhead.
domains of nonhumans: lupins and rakastas, Early lupins were nomads, tribes of hunters who
respectively. Both races are native to the region, and roamed the Yazak Steppes and the southern central
on the Savage Coast, they are nearly as common as plains. Then, the goblinoids of the Yazak Steppes
humans. captured much of the lupins’ hunting grounds,
scattering many tribes. About 1,000 years ago, five
tribes regrouped to the south and formed an alliance
to defend their lands against the goblinoids; they are
hailed as the founders of Renardy. Over the next 10
The Kingdom of Renardy centuries, the tribes developed into typical medieval
dominions under the authority of a king, who built
Known to its inhabitants as the “Royaume de his capital on the site of an old lupin camp. This site
Renardie,” Renardy is the kingdom of the canine became the city of Louvines, on the Dream River. Most
lupins. The kingdom’s coat of arms shows a golden recently, the inhabitants of Renardy have begun
fox rampant in the 1st and 4th quarters, and fleurs- imitating the clothing and fighting styles of the Savage
de-lis in an azure field in the 2nd and 3rd quarters, Baronies.

70 Savage Coast Campaign Book

The Dream River (or River of Dreams) flows into (members of the self-employed middle class) commonly
Renardy from the Plain of Dreams, a vast field of own such châteaux and seek prestige for the quality
amber lotuses whose pollen induces sleep. To prevent of their wines. Châteaux range from small fortified
the lotuses from plaguing their lands, lupins installed manors to well-defended towers. Most have armed
a water lock whose sole function was to strip out all guards.
debris floating on the river (particularly plants) before Bourgeois commonly settle north or west, outside
the water flowed further south. Construction was the limits of the kingdom on lands that are not part
possible due to the help of lupin clerics, who of the established nobility’s domains. For a fee, a
protected workers against the effects of the plants. bourgeois’ claim on the land is registered at the Palace
Eventually, the water lock grew into the mighty of Louvines by the royal bailiff (Bailli du Roi). This
fortress, Château-Roan. practice angers the goblinoids, who see the fringes of
Sleep-producing plants also infested lands nearby, their immense tribal land being nibbled away.
so clerics directed a purge about five centuries ago. Renardois nobility defends the bourgeoisie, who are
They systematically destroyed the plants and scorched slowly regaining the race’s ancestral lands.
the earth, slowly gaining territory to the east and Each winter a jury of wine-tasters, the Brotherhood
north. This infuriated the goblinoids, who thought of Vintages, judges which wine in Renardy is the best.
their conquered territories were being threatened, so The king, bourgeois, and nobles are allowed to present
they launched a brutal campaign to slay all lupins. samples, which are numbered but otherwise unmarked
Fortunately, the valiant dog-people held their ground. to preclude cheating. The winner receives a golden
The war led the lupins to build border fortresses, and vine leaf from the Brotherhood. A bourgeois who,
most towns and villages erected walls. The late King over time, receives seven leaves is elevated to nobility.
Gaston de Clairvault ordered the construction of le The king recognizes the bourgeois as a baron. In
Grand Mur (the Great Wall) to protect his subjects exchange for the title, the new baron swears fealty to
from the goblinoid hordes and halt the spread of the the king, and the estate becomes a dominion of the
cursed plants. Today the wall is complete, and the kingdom.
Plain of Louvines is a lush, fertile valley dotted with Likewise, seven leaves allow a noble to ascend a rank,
hamlets and farms. such as from baron to count, with “Grand Duke” being
Within the last hundred years, the lupins have been the highest attainable title. A rank cannot be lost
strongly influenced by the humans of the Savage Coast, except by royal decree (a punishment for treachery).
especially the people of the Savage Baronies. Renardy If a noble’s family is dispossessed or becomes extinct,
has close ties with Torreón and gets along well with the king divides the land into châteaux. The lords of
Almarrón, Saragón, and Gargoña. The Renardois have the manors who administered vineyards for their noble
even adopted the swashbuckling style of people of the master can purchase the land if they meet a price set
Savage Baronies, and duels are quite popular in by the king,
Renardy. thus becoming bourgeois. Otherwise, the land is
The Renardois are at peace with most of their auctioned. Until nobility rises from the nouvelle
neighbors and have a nonaggression pact with Eusdria. bourgeoisie (new bourgeoisie), the land remains with
King Louis IV (“the Theatrical”) of Renardy has held the king.
formal talks with King Sigismund of Eusdria, Monasteries often own vineyards. Should they win
occasionally discussing an alliance against the seven leaves, their territory would become a royal
goblinoids. King Sigismund is also willing to trade an dominion under the authority of the Renardois clergy.
undisclosed amount of red steel for the lupins’ ancient, Depending on the number of awards, the landlord
secret protection against the cursed plants in the Plain could become an abbot, a bishop, or an archbishop.
of Dreams. Both kings dream of conquering wide Although not shown on the map, many such
swaths of the northern plains—Sigismund to gain monasteries within larger dominions eventually escape
imperial power, Louis to recover ancestral lupin a noble’s authority, including taxation and other
hunting grounds. regulations. Clergymen cannot attain royalty.
The wine trade is of particular importance to The first king of Renardy was put on the throne by
Renardy, affecting many things in the Renardois’ daily allied tribal chiefs. Since then, the crown has been a
life, from business to political power. The existence hereditary title. Should the royal family become
of the small châteaux (country houses and estates) and extinct, the noble of the highest rank and with the
vineyards have a greater significance than most highest number of leaves would become the new king.
outsiders might think. Nobles and bourgeois Besides prestige, the wine trade encourages

Atlas of the Savage Coast 71

territorial and economic growth for the kingdom. The Typical NPC: wizard, sage, palace or cathedral
more “leaves” a wine is awarded, the more popular it architect, or wine merchant. Patron: Saimpt Ralon.
is among the connoisseurs, and the more expensive it Duché d’Ysembragne. Capital: Deauvais
becomes. Legends state that some of the best vintages (population 8,300). Ruler: Duc Henri “Le Grognard,”
(seven gold leaves or more) have mystical powers, such son of Thibaud de Châtelguyon (Beast Rider). Typical
as the abilities to heal, instill joy or sadness, enhance NPC: Beast Rider. Patron: Saimpt Loup.
strength or bravery, or even compel truth (thus the
saying “In Vino Veritas,” although simple inebriety
often achieves the same results). Of course, wine- The Lupin Pantheon
growing and fermentation techniques are utterly
Lupins refer to Immortals as saimpts, holy lupins
secret, invaluable family heirlooms never discussed
who achieved ultimate greatness in this world. Over
with outsiders.
the centuries, many saimpts were authenticated, either
Competition among vineyards is fierce, if not
genuine Immortals or heroes of the lupins’ history
outright sordid. Almost no guile or villainy is too
now long gone. Following are descriptions of some
low. Although lupins tend toward law and good,
of the more popular saimpts.
nearly anything goes when it comes to wine. Local
Saimpt Clébard: Patron of loyalty, fidelity, and
bourgeoisie usually rush to bid for a fallen
competitor’s land (they may even coerce the latter to
Saimpt Loup: Patron of mercy, hunger, destruction,
sell out) or establish a new claim at the Bailli du Roi
night, and winter. Saimpt Loup portrays both good
should all legal owners of the land be gone or deceased.
and evil among lupins.
This is often how nobles and bourgeois increase their
Saimpt Malinois, the Were-Slayer: Patron of
hunters, revenge, courage, warriors, blacksmiths, and
those who go to war.
Capital and Ruler Saimpt Mâtin: Patron of fortresses, guards, and
those who died on the battlefield defending their kin.
Capital: Louvines (population 31,700—mostly He is the master of safety and happiness at home.
lupins, some humans, demihumans, and tortles). Saimpt Ralon: Patron of life, good food, fun,
Ruler: King Louis IV “Le Cabotin,” son of Gaston de health, wealth, farmers, merchants, and those who
Clairvault (an aged Beast Rider). The royal domain produce goods.
includes the communities of Daens and Saimpt Vézy. Saimpt Renard (Korotiku): Patron of wit, freedom
Patron: Saimpt Renard. Typical NPC: bourgeois or of thought, wisdom, sense of smell, cunning, and
peasant. trickery. The chief Immortal of the pantheon, Renard
has so far guided the royal dynasty of the Clairvaults
well. He is the only Immortal of this group who was
Dominions of “Sa Majesté le Roi” not a lupin (although everyone in Renardy would
object to this statement).
Each domain owes fealty to the king, whose word
is supreme. However, daily operations are left to local
Baronie de Brégoigne. Capital: Rochefort
(population 3,100). Ruler: Baron Philippe “Le
Chevalier Sans Puce et Sans Reproche,” son of
The Kingdom of Bellayne
Grégoire de Rochefort (Noble fighter). Typical NPC:
cleric. Patrons: Saimpts Mâtin and Malinois. The people of Bellayne are rakastas. Like the lupins,
Comté de Marmandie. Capital: Mons-en-Plécy they were pushed toward the coast by goblinoids of
(population 7,300). Ruler: Comtesse Marguerite “La the steppes. About 500 years ago, they discovered
Soyeuse,” daughter of Gilles de Saimpt Gens-de-Bout Bellayne, a nation of mostly humans and some dwarves
(Local Hero ranger). Typical NPC: swashbuckler, and elves. The humans had a feudal society, just
adventurer, or explorer. Patron: Saimpt Clébard. beginning to develop a system of national laws and
Marquisat de Noijou. Capital: Pertignac justice. Some rakastas settled permanently on the edges
(population 6,300). Ruler: Marquis François “Le of Bellayne, while most remained wanderers. Not long
Hautain,” son of Fouques de Valefroi (Noble wizard). afterward, the humans and many of the demihumans
were slain by a mysterious plague. Those remaining

72 Savage Coast Campaign Book

citizens invited the rakastas into Bellayne. often organize spectacular events or send some of their
A great tribe of savage rakastas eventually settled, best members on amazing adventures across the world.
most adopting the humans’ feudal system and taking Another activity of the guilds is to write colorful
over the ruins to establish a society that is an odd mix manuscripts and sell them to nobility. Each guild has
of human culture and rakastan mystical tradition. a headquarters in Leminster, where new members are
Present-day Bellayne has a feudal system of government registered, stories are learned, and manuscripts are
and a fine system of justice and law. Additionally, filed.
many rakastas have begun to shed their traditional Bellayne is also home to several Companies of
ways; the firearms and fighting styles of the Savage Honorbound. Each dominion has at least one
Baronies have even managed to take hold in this Company, and each Company usually maintains a
society. However, this is somewhat misleading, for hostel in every town of Bellayne. Honorbound are
most rakastas are still warriors at heart. Those settled also given quarter in the various castles and towers of
in Bellayne have simply managed to gain control over Bellayne. The code followed by the Honorbound is a
their emotions. mix of ancient rakastan Beast Rider creeds and elven
In addition, nomadic rakastas still wander the lands tradition, even adopting a few human notions of
of Bellayne and the Yazak Steppes. When within the chivalry. The code is followed by all Honorbound, as
borders of Bellayne (which they largely ignore), these well as most Beast Riders; most other warriors of
nomads wander from town to town, trading for (and Bellayne follow at least the Protocols of the code. The
sometimes stealing) the goods they need to live. The code is described in detail in the Honorbound kit in
nomads regard the town dwellers with some disdain, the “Character Kits” chapter.
not understanding why they would give up the Two Companies of Honorbound are devoted to
freedom and independence of the nomadic life. The the queen: the Royal Honorguard, which guards the
town dwellers, in turn, do not understand why the queen and her household; and the Defenders of
nomads scorn the comfort and stability of settled life. Bellayne, who patrol the nation and serve as military
Many of the nomads are Beast Riders who have leaders in times of war. Each Company allows
feliquine companions (see the “Character Kits” chapter members of any race, though rakastas are by far the
for details). Thetown dwellers view these warriors as most common. There are many other Companies as
brave and skillful, but nevertheless savage. When a well, including single race groups, such as the
nomadic tribe faces great hardship, the towns offer Company of the Shell, which allows only tortles; the
solace; in return, the nomads help protect the towns. Red Company, which allows only rakastas; and the
Note that while town dwellers readily accept humans Friends of the Forests, which allows only elves. Each
and demihumans, only a few exceptional elves have Company is registered in Leminster and must receive
found places with the nomads. a royal charter to operate legally in Bellayne.
Warriors are quite common in Bellayne, with the With their strong warrior traditions, the Bellaynish
Noble, Beast Rider, and Honorbound kits the most have succeeded in keeping the goblinoids at bay. An
popular. Defenders, Myrmidons, and Local Heroes are organized defense of its land and a disciplined, loyal
not uncommon though. Wizards of Bellayne include citizenry have allowed Bellayne to prosper.
the rare Militants who ride with the nomads and the Lupins and rakastas competed in the past for
hermitlike Wokani, who carry on traditions hundreds territorial control of the Yazak steppes, their common
of years old and are regarded as bizarre eccentrics by ancestral lands. Although presently at peace, the two
most rakastas. Fighting Monks are very popular in races have remained somewhat suspicious of each other
Bellayne, blending ancient warrior traditions with for this reason, but the goblinoid threat in the north
scholarly pursuits, and some War Priests are found in keeps the two nations friendly. Also, over the years
Bellayne. Oddly, many thieves live in Bellayne, mostly the Bellaynish have developed a taste for Renardois
Scouts and Local Heroes. Bards are also popular. (For wines, which the latter trade for Bellayne’s excellent
information on these kits, see the “Character Kits” wools, tea, liquors, and coal.
chapter.) Bellayne developed land trade with Renardy and
Perhaps the greatest innovation in Bellayne is the other kingdoms with the “help” of Vilaverdan sea
traditional entertainment. Bellayne harbors a number traders. Vilaverde established a colony south of
of illustrious companies of bards, the Heralds of Bellayne, its primary goal to control naval access to
Bellayne. These bards gather information and relate it Theeds. Queen Catherine views Vilaverde’s colony of
to the common people, often using illusions and other Terra Leãoça (pronounced leh-ah-OH-sa) as a mixed
magic. Their guilds are so eager to find news they will blessing. The Vilaverdan quasi monopoly of sea trade

Atlas of the Savage Coast 73

in the region is costly, at best, for Bellayne. or dwarf coal miner. Patron: Kagyar.
Vilaverde maintains a strong military presence at Earldom of Theeds. Capital: Theeds (population
Rocha dos Gatos (the “Rock of the Cats”), a very large 22,400—rakastas, elves, some humans, halflings). Ruler:
fortress and port of Leãoça that includes Torreón Lord Rodney “The Intrepid,” son of Sir Winston
swordsmen and rakasta outcasts. Bellaynish rakastas Gladsworthy (Honorbound fighter). Typical NPC:
show outstanding seamanship, but Vilaverdans rakasta merchant or fisherman. Patron: Felidae.
contend that this is due entirely to the rakastas’ Forest Marches of Wyndham. Capital: none
amazing ingenuity at avoiding the water altogether. (population is mostly rakastas, some elves). Ruler:
Indeed, very few rakastas master swimming skills, but none. Typical NPC: free-spirited forester, hunter, or
they still remain without peer when it comes to elite longbow archer. Patron: Tawnia.
fishing. Queen Catherine plans to deforest Wyndham some
Recently, a community of dwarves established itself day in favor of farming. Unfortunately, the fierce
in Bellayne after an explorer discovered “black rock” people of Wyndham—hunters and foresters at heart—
deposits in Penwick. The coal became particularly oppose the plan and have revolted many times against
useful in metal working. the monarch’s autocratic rule. Wyndham is often
thought of as a dangerous bandit haven by the
common Bellaynish folk.
Capital and Ruler Viscounty of Farfield. Capital: Wickerton
(population 6,600—rakastas, elves, humans, halflings).
Capital: Leminster (population 30,300—mostly
Ruler: Lady Meghan “The Gaunt,” daughter of Sir
rakastas, many elves, some humans, demihumans, and
Melville Parringstoke (Honorbound fighter). Typical
tortles). Ruler: Queen Catherine I “The Lioness,”
NPC: rich farmer. Patron: Pax Bellanica.
daughter of the late King Lionel I of Dorsythe (noble).
The queen’s domain includes the communities of
Chansea and Bromstow, and the ruins of the town of Immortals of Bellayne
Chatsworth. Typical NPC: urban peasant, crafter, or
warrior. Patron: Pax Bellanica. The rakastas have adopted Immortals of other
cultures, primarily those of the humans that founded
Bellayne more than five centuries ago. The cat-people
Dominions of Her Majesty revere these Immortals in their own way now.
Belbion (Vanya): Patron of pride, honor, war, and
The queen works with a council of nobles from
conquests. She is a favorite of warriors and those who
the various dominions. While her word is considered
believe rakastan culture to be inherently better than
law, she tends to listen to the council. Bellayne has a
any other.
set of national laws that affects everyone, even on a
Felidae (Calitha): Patron of oceans, travelers,
local level. The various dominions are in charge of
adventurers, good fortune, and merchants. She is an
enforcing the laws.
Immortal common to both rakastas and elves.
Bishopric of Kitting. Capital: Glenswych
Kagyar: This “foreign” dwarven Immortal was
(population 4,500—mostly rakastas). Ruler: Sir
primarily followed by dwarves in Penwick and
Humphrey “The Exalted,” son of Sir Jasper Cockerfield
northern Farfield. His following then grew among
(Noble cleric). Typical NPC: rakasta War Priest. Patron:
rakasta coal miners working with the dwarves. Being
the only male in the rakastan pantheon, he became a
Duchy of Pachester. Capital: Wallingford
favorite among masculine rakasta males with an axe
(population 6,700—rakastas, humans, and elves).
to grind against the high-brow, stuffy, Bellaynish
Ruler: Lord Perceval “The Iron Clawed,” son of Sir
philosophic establishment.
Hume (Noble fighter). Typical NPC: rakasta
Pax Bellanica (Tarastia): Patron of rakastan justice
Honorbound warrior. Patron: Belbion.
and peace. It is often in her name (and in Belbion’s)
Earldom of Penwick. Capital: Norchester
that the rakastas mount holy crusades against the
(population 7,800—rakastas, dwarves, half lings).
Ruler: Lord Mortimer “The Defiant,” son of Sir
Tawnia (Ordana): Patron of the people of the forests
Edward Hillsborough (Noble). Typical NPC: rakasta
in general, defender of hunters, archers, and druids.

74 Savage Coast Campaign Book

Shazak, Ator, and Cay

In my homeland and other states of the eastern Savage Coast, the reptilian peoples of the
Great Bayou are seldom seen. I have, however, encountered them in various other places
and have briefly visited each of their nations. From the diminutive caymas to the large,
vicious gurrash and the wise shazaks, the lizard folk present great diversity. I do not know
enough about them to judge their reactions to the Red Curse, but I do believe the actual
creation of these races might be related to it in some fashion. I would welcome them as
a part of my quest if for no other reason than to study them.
The Chronicle of the Curse
by Don Luis de Manzanas

The western end of the Savage Coast is home to

three races of lizard kin: shazaks in the Kingdom of
Shazak, gurrash in the Kingdom of Ator, and caymas
The Kingdom of Shazak
in the Kingdom of Cay. Each of the races was created
by the mages of Herath, who intended them as servants The oldest of the three races of lizard kin, shazaks
and slave-warriors, but all three proved unsuitable and are very similar to the lizard men described in the
were released into the Bayou or nearby areas. Since MONSTROUS MANUAL tome. Ancient Herathian
that time, the lizard kin have struggled upward to records indicate that these lizard men existed in the
varying levels of civilization. region at least 3,000 years ago, when they were
servants and slaves to the human and elven mages who

Atlas of the Savage Coast 75

founded Herath while the araneas were disappearing incursions into Shazak are as common as they are
from the region. savage.
The mages later performed experiments to improve In the past century, shazaks have learned to
the primitive lizard kin. The results were less than domesticate huge bats found in the caverns under the
satisfactory, and the Herathians eventually abandoned hills of T’lak between the Shady and Gatorbone
them in the Bayou. Rivers. One or two bats can usually be found in each
Few of those first lizard kin survived, but those who village, with more in Ah’roog. Shazak has a corps of
did grew tough and cunning. They gathered under Beast Rider “knights” who use these huge bats, which
the leadership of a warrior named Shaz, eventually are also sometimes used as mounts by important
taking her name as their own (“shazak” means “child Shamans and Wokani or by the Shaz.
of Shaz”). With perseverance and some faith in the
Immortals (especially Ka), the early shazaks became
more advanced. Later lizard kin were adopted into Capital and Ruler
the tribes of shazaks, and the tribes grew stronger as
Capital: Ah’roog (population 7,500—mostly
the toughness of the swamp dwellers was combined
shazaks, a few tortles and caymas). Ruler: Shaz XII
with the learning of those who had lived in Herathian
“The Slick,” son of Shaz XI “No Tail.” The tribal
domain includes the forested area between the Bayou’s
Centuries later, the shazaks were forced to leave the
eastern edge and the rakastan Forest Marches of
Bayou. The gurrash, another abandoned Herathian
Wyndham. Patron: Ka’ar.
experiment, began to displace them. The shazaks
Ah’roog is a large town composed of communal
adapted to the forests north of Herath, which was a
wooden longhouses, each occupied by an extended
positive factor in their evolution as a species. No longer
shazak family unit. This town also contains a few
confined to the wetlands of the Bayou, they developed
longhouses reserved for visitors and even one devoted
primitive art forms and a written language.
to tortles. To the west of the town are large burial
It is because of the gurrash that the shazak tribes
mounds, each devoted to an individual family. About
eventually united behind a single war leader almost
two dozen huge mounds—some built to cover entire
250 years ago. Their leader is known as the Shaz,
trees—are devoted to the older, more honored families
honoring the race’s ancient guide. The role of Shaz is
of shazaks. Numerous smaller mounds are used for
now hereditary, much like a king in human society. A
newer families or those from other towns. Paths wind
Shaz usually has at least one Wokan and one Shaman
among the mounds and the trees, and the mounds
acting as advisers.
are painted in symbols and geometric patterns. Shazaks
Herath has long been a quiet ally of Shazak because
hold these mounds sacred.
the shazaks form a buffer state on Herath’s northern
border, keeping the goblinoids and rakastas away.
Some caravans even travel all the way to Ah’roog to
trade with the shazaks. The Herathian traders then
return with pelts, pottery, feathers, rare woods, bat
guano (a great fertilizer), live monsters, and such. Some
The Kingdom of Ator
nobles of Herath also hire shazaks as mercenaries.
While not as ferocious as gurrash, shazaks are more The gurrash were a dismal failure on the part of
dependable. Herathians have traditionally used them Herathian wizards, at least as far as the wizards were
as expendable front-line troops in times of war. Though concerned. It was hoped that a cross between shazaks
Herath is currently at peace with Bellayne, this policy and alligators would produce a tougher warrior race
intensified the conflict between Shazak and Bellayne to fill the ranks of Herath’s armies. This mix resulted
over the forested area between Ah’roog and Bellayne’s in the creation of the gurrash. The gurrash turned out
Marches of Wyndham. to be very tough, very tall, and quite bloodthirsty,
Rakastan war parties have been known to raid into while remaining very crude and totally unruly. Early
Shazak as far as the battle site called the Rakasta Gra- specimens had a tendency to turn against Herathian
ve. During the past fifty years, several battles have taken human troops. They were also absolutely incompatible
place in that vicinity, within as little as a mile of each with shazak troops, whom they viewed as tasty food.
other. The shazaks have never been able to really A few attempts at developing a more controllable
threaten Bellayne’s border because of the ominous breed took place, but a large batch of the creatures
presence of the hated gurrash to the west. Gurrash escaped from the laboratories, forming an uprising

76 Savage Coast Campaign Book

and wreaking havoc among the Herathians. After this them with something else.
bloody episode, the surviving gurrash fled into the Of course, this is just myth. In fact, wallaras
Bayou despite Herath’s frantic efforts to eradicate the (chameleon men) inhabit these grasslands and conduct
whole species. Herathian rulers hired bounty hunters the trade. The first “trade” was accidental; when a
to rid their area of the frightening gurrash threat. It wallara found a gurrash’s huge stone axe, he was so
made bounty hunting a booming business for a few surprised that he left his backpack on the site and
decades, but the gurrash quickly outbred the hunters, walked back to camp with his discovery. Over the
causing the hunt to become increasingly perilous. years, wallaras found out that if they left something
Once the bounty hunters had been discouraged of value after picking up a gurrash item, soon more
from preying upon them, the gurrash quickly turned gurrash objects would be found there. It has led to a
against the shazaks, who populated the Bayou at that regular trade with the unwitting gurrash, and spots
time. Within a century, shazaks had all but abandoned have become known for the kinds of items expected
the Bayou. Fortunately for the shazaks, the gurrash there. In some areas food is traded, while in others it
stopped their territorial expansion at the edges of the could be weapons, shells, or ornamental stones.
Bayou, preferring to remain in the murky waters of The gurrash never raid or even dare venture into
the wetlands. Since then, the gurrash population has the grasslands, for they believe the region to be Goron’s
stabilized. Diseases, parasites (many introduced by home, taboo to all upon pain of death. The wallaras
Herathians), and limited food cause weaker hatchlings recognize this taboo and use their camouflage ability
to perish. to preserve the gurrash beliefs. This provides them
Occasionally, when the number of gurrash increases with some wealth and a precious immunity against
beyond what the Bayou’s ecology can sustain, the the gurrash’s fearsome raids.
creatures go on a massive rampage into one of their
neighbors’ territories. Gurrash Shamans usually incite
these raids on behalf of their patron Immortal, Goron. Capital and Ruler
The raids are now sacred ritual in which a warrior
Capital: Gurr’ash (population 3,200—gurrash, a few
supposedly gains Goron’s favor by spilling the blood
shazaks, and a handful of cayma slaves and “snacks”).
of foes in the most savage ways imaginable. Bringing
Ruler: Queen Ator I “Old Gray Fangs,” slayer of King
back food is of course useful to the community, but
Osh III. The tribal domain includes all of the Bayou.
the Shamans secretly understand that the true goal is
Patron: Goron.
to limit the gurrash population lest they learn to feed
upon one another.
Gurrash monarchs establish themselves by savagery
and cruelty. Their rule is based on fear, brutality, and
support of the Shamans. A gurrash who equals or
bests the current ruler in savagery during a raid—as
The Kingdom of Cay
attested to by at least three Shamans—can challenge
the current ruler. A challenger who defeats the current The last creation of the Herathians was nearly a
ruler establishes a new hereditary dynasty (until success. Abandoning attempts to create gigantic and
another challenger comes up). This is what recently deadly servants, Herathian wizards produced the small
happened when Ator defeated King Osh III. She killed caymas. They were bred to become slaves and builders,
the aging king and crowned herself Queen Ator I, thus smart enough to understand construction plans, agi-
supplanting the Oshite dynasty with her own Atorite le and quick enough to do the job well and without
dynasty. She then renamed the nation after herself. delay, yet small enough to make them weaker than
She has ruled for 25 years. Should she die their guards.
unchallenged or undefeated, one of her heirs would The plan almost worked, but the caymas were
become King or Queen Ator II. terribly pretentious and not as bright as expected. Their
Some trading does occur between the gurrash and pride got in the way when a construction flaw needed
their mysterious neighbors of the Wallaroo Grasslands. correcting or when the caymas simply disagreed with
A gurrash Shaman once noticed that if he left the architects. Endless bickering ensued between
something at the southwestern edge of the swamp, caymas and their Herathian masters. In the end, caymas
the next day something else might be there, usually deliberately allowed flaws to remain in the Herathian
something of use. After a century, gurrash have come monuments without alerting the architects.
to believe that Goron takes these goods and repays Exasperated by a rash of catastrophes, Herathians gave

Atlas of the Savage Coast 77

up on all lizard kin experiments and dumped the up and down the hills and crags, using large trees and
caymas north of the Bayou. boulders as anchor points. A 15-foot-wide moat full
The tastes of modern caymas are unusual. Never of muck surrounds the entire thing. Several towers of
bred to become architects, the caymas still attempt respectable height (but debatable stability) overlook
to build things to prove themselves. They lack the palisade at rather unpredictable intervals. Rope
understanding of sound architecture and engineering, bridges, catwalks, and flimsy looking drawbridges hang
leading them to erect such dubious structures as the just about everywhere, running from one level to
Great Citadel of Cay (see below). While these another like some sort of mad, three-dimensional
constructions get in the way of raiding gurrash, they maze. Any enemy who climbs the palisade will most
would not last long against the experienced military likely just become hopelessly lost. At the center of
of Bellayne or Herath. However, that is unimportant the citadel, within the mesa itself, are the Queen’s
to the caymas, who are still very proud of their burrows.
accomplishments. Surrounding the citadel in a haphazard manner are
The people of Cay copied the social structure of small mounds with wooden doors and round
other kingdoms and established their own monarchy. windows; these are the homes of typical citizens.
Queen Ssa’a presently rules and has been behind the
cayma expansion into the open lands north of Cay.
The caymas have learned a very primitive way of raising
herds of wild aurochs. For herding, they have
domesticated small lizards, which they harness to tiny Immortals of the Lizard
war chariots. Caymas trade some of their auroch meat
with the shazaks. They also trade a little cinnabryl from Kin
a mine near Hwezzah. Cayma forging and metalworking
is quite primitive, but they are learning.
For further information on Immortals, refer to “The
Campaign” chapter.
Capital and Ruler Cay (Terra): Patron of the Kingdom of Cay, earth,
life, fertility, and good luck.
Capital: Tu’eth (population 8,900—all caymas). Goron (Demogorgon): Patron of Ator, victory,
Ruler: Queen Ssa’a IV “Silver Tail,” daughter of Queen bravery, and death. This reptilian queen of evil
Roha’a II. The tribal domain includes forested land interfered with Herathian experiments, instilling the
north of the Bayou. Patrons: Kutul, Cay. gurrash with the racial instincts that make them brutal
Tu’eth is built around a mesa about 50 feet high and bloodthirsty.
and perhaps 500 yards in diameter. The mesa is Ka’ar (Ka): Patron of Shazak, trade, wealth, and
surrounded by the Great Citadel of Cay, an amazingly better life in general.
rickety assemblage of planks, tree trunks, bamboo, Kutul (Kurtulmak): Patron of Cay, war, fire, and
stones, ropes, leather, nets, and random portions of territorial gains. Kutul contrived to have the caymas
adobe walls with arrow slits. All of these things create a caste of warriors headed by Shamans and
contrive to form a 20-foot-tall palisade that circles the devoted to him. Kutul balances Cay’s lawfulness with
mesa’s walls at a distance ranging from 10 to 100 yards, his own brand of chaos.

78 Savage Coast Campaign Book


I am one of the few adventurers to have been allowed-through a clever bit of subterfuge
on my part-into the former capital of Herath, Belphemon. When I visited, in the guise
of a wizard’s apprentice, the city was magnificent. Tall, gleaming buildings thrust into the
sky. Spells of many sorts created light, offered cooling breezes, lifted people to high
entrances, and accomplished a myriad of other tasks.
As I understand it, these clever mages have long striven to restrain the Red Curse.
Perhaps they also hold the key to its eventual dissolution.
The Chronicle of the Curse
by Don Luis de Manzanas

Herath is known by most people as the Kingdom

of Mages, and rightly so; roughly three-quarters of its
population are wizards. The country has other
nicknames as well: the Lands of the Great Magus
The Magiocracy of Herath
(because its ruler is a powerful sorcerer) and the Land
of Equality (because all races are truly equal there and Many inhabitants of the Savage Coast believe that
people are measured only by their magical prowess). araneas—evil and highly intelligent giant spiders—once
ruled the lands now called Herath. According to
Warning! Only the DM should read any further in this legend, the araneas began disappearing many hundreds
chapter, because Herath is also the home of a secret, one of years ago, and human and elven mages moved in
potentially pivotal to the SAVAGE COAST campaign. and founded the current nation of Herath. Legend

Atlas of the Savage Coast 79

says that the araneas were spiderlike in form, an image of the aranean intellect.
loathsome to other races. Consequently, from rakastan Occasionally, the practice does go wrong. A few
cottages to goblin yurts, unruly children are told tales araneas split their identities so completely that neither
of scary araneas coming to carry away disrespectful of their personalities is even aware of the other. Such
youngsters. psychotic araneas automatically take on their
In truth, araneas do still exist. Contrary to popular humanoid shape and personality when in the presence
belief, they are seldom evil and are much more of humanoids, forgetting their aranean nature. Then,
common than anyone realizes. The mages who when in the presence of araneas in arachnid shape,
founded Herath were actually araneas in human and they revert spontaneously to their natural form with
elven form. Realizing that humanoids would one day no knowledge or memory of their humanoid alter
dominate the Savage Coast, the araneas used magic ego. Needless to say, the resulting gaps in memory for
to evolve a special shapechanging ability (see the racial each identity are traumatic. In some cases, the
descriptions in the “Player Characters” chapter). As a unfortunate aranea not only forgets its dual nature, it
result, an aranea can look like any race: human, dwarf, actually loses the ability to change ever again. Naturally,
elf, half-elf, lupin, rakasta, shazak, orc, half-orc, goblin, the araneas hide such individuals away in order to
hobgoblin, or gnoll. However, araneas can only keep their secret safe.
reproduce in spider form. Fortunately for them, their No one knows for sure exactly where araneas came
secret is practically undetectable. Had the araneas not from. Some who know of their existence speculate
learned to conceal their identities, neighboring realms that the spider people are a creation of the Immortals,
would have destroyed their nation long ago. Disguised an experiment left unchecked. Others surmise that
as humans and elves, araneas secretly remain the ruling they came from another world. In any case, several
race in Herath, and they exist outside that nation as aranean realms are concealed in Mystara, though none
well. Over the centuries, many of the spider people so well as that in Herath.
have been born to aranea spies and refugees in other Savage Coast araneas were once concentrated in
nations. For example, many lupin-seeming araneas have Belphemon, their former capital. Beneath that site
been born and raised in Renardy, with no one outside lies a huge network of caverns that have seen aranean
the family ever knowing the difference. development. There, primitive paintings and carvings
The nation of Herath accepts few visitors from remain as a silent testimony of how long the creatures
outside its borders, but people who have traveled there existed below the earth, but the race soon ventured
report a very egalitarian society. Gender is not a status forth into the woodland above. Armed with their
issue in Herath (male and female are equal in aranean incredible abilities, the araneas advanced unchecked
society, so araneas believe that male and female are within the confines of their dark forest, a thick
equal in any race). Neither does race seem to be a wilderness only rarely visited by other races. By the
status issue. In Herath, lupins, rakastas, shazaks, time they reached the edge of their forest, the araneas
humans, and others all live in apparent harmony. had already developed their shapechanging skills. In
Though members of a particular family are almost disguise, they began mingling with their neighbors and
always of the same apparent race, communities mix soon came to perceive humanoids as their inferiors.
race freely; rakastas have no subculture, for example. They believed that the Immortals put the “savages”
In truth, araneas are typically convinced of their own there for the araneas’ benefit: as succulent edibles at
superiority over members of other races, and first; as convenient armies next; and finally as a precious
nonaraneas never rise to positions of true power in source of labor, revenue, and sometimes even magical
Herath. Only araneas can become nobles, or take the innovation. However, in the Immortals’ infinite
Noble kit, in Herath. wisdom, the “savages” were made dangerous and
Over the centuries, araneas have developed a wonderfully varied so that the gift could not be abused,
pragmatic approach to their precarious situation. and the araneas would always be inspired to improve
Young araneas are taught from birth that they are two themselves.
different people. One is the true aranea, the other is a Posing as humanoid wizards, the araneas slowly
humanoid alter ego. The aranea’s two personalities established a magiocracy over the region of modern
are distinct, with separate sets of personal history and Herath. Four domains arose, each ruled by a powerful
experience, both of which the aranea learns to accept wizard, who in turn swore allegiance to the “Great
as legitimate. This outlook ensures that each aranea Magus in the Forest.” Today, the overall aranean realm
plays his separate roles to perfection. That the race stretches from the western borders of Bellayne to the
can perpetrate such a hoax demonstrates the power northern edge of the Dark Jungle on the Orc’s Head

80 Savage Coast Campaign Book

Peninsula and reaches an average of 140 miles inland Herathian border patrols have been dramatically
from its shore on the Western Sea. increased. As for the spell confining the Red Curse,
The nonaraneas of Herath are accustomed to restoring things as they were seems beyond the abilities
thinking of their ruler as a quiet and reclusive wizard of the araneas, likely requiring the cooperation of most
who stays in his tower at the heart of the dark Forest or all of the Immortals.
of the Magus. They have had no reason to complain Herath maintains peace with its neighbors because
about their treatment or suspect that the ruling war would simply be too costly. The Great Magus is
nobility is a “monstrous” race. On occasion, the Great far more interested in political intrigue and magical
Magus visits—in humanoid shape, of course—the towns influence than in open warfare. He maintains a deli-
and courts of his vassals. Most of Herath’s dealings cate balance among his nation’s neighbors. The
with visiting dignitaries from other nations are done presence of Terra Leãoça, a small Vilaverdan colony,
through envoys of the Crown or vassal nobles. So far, is useful to Herath since the colony is a pain in
no monarch abroad has had reason to suspect Bellayne’s flank. The Magus quietly supports the
anything unusual in Herath—at least nothing that is colony, in exchange for which Herathian merchant
not in keeping with a magiocracy. Further, the Forest ships can sail through its territorial waters without
of the Magus is off limits to all uninvited people. Of interference.
course, none of the local folk would enter the forest
anyway since it is rumored to be haunted and infested
with monsters (a perfect place for wizards). Capital and Ruler
Until recently, the Great Magus lived in the great
Capital: Asgamoth (population 24,000—mostly
citadel of Belphemon, where araneas enjoyed going
araneas). Ruler: Wizard-King Yahav IV “The Watcher,”
about in their spider shapes. There, the most brilliant
son of Queen-Sorceress Amsharai II. The hereditary
aranean minds helped the Great Magus determine his
royal domain includes the Forest of the Magus and
nation’s fate and rule his subjects. The citadel reached
the ruins of Belphemon, the former capital (once home
100 feet into the air and ten times deeper below
to more than 100,000 people, now a vast ruin
ground, connecting with ancient caverns where many
inhabited by perhaps 3,000 refugees and a like number
more araneas dwelt. Six great fortresses delineated the
of monsters). Typical NPC: Noble wizard. Patron:
Great Magus’s domain, each home to aranean patrols
(in humanoid shape) that guarded the edge of the
woods. The fortresses connected with each other and
with the citadel through tunnels and caverns. Each Dominions of Herath
fortress was a magical building that marked the edge
of the Magus’s wizardly power. An invisible web of Each dominion’s ruler is an aranea in another form.
magic emanated from the citadel and covered the All are loyal to the Grand Magus; while dictators on a
forest. Linked to the Great Magus’s mind, the web local level, the dominion rulers listen closely to the
allowed the ruler to sense everything inside the forest, Grand Magus.
including the predominant feelings and physical Viscounty of Berevrom. Capital: Amion
sensations of visitors. (population 4,300—araneas, humans, elves, rakastas).
All this changed about a year ago, however, when Ruler: Lady Beryam “The Deft,” daughter of Lord
the Immortals warred and magic stopped working all Balmoroth of Berevrom (Noble transmuter, “rakasta”).
over the world for several days. The lull period was Typical NPC: soldier, thief, or aranea spy. Patron:
especially devastating in Herath. Protective magic Enebaan.
within the realm was lost, and Herathian wizards County of Enom. Capital: Nezhev (population
suddenly found themselves bereft of spells. Seizing the 5,700—araneas, humans, dwarves, some tortles).
opportunity, goblinoids on the border quickly Ruler: Count Disbaal “Eight-Eyes,” son of Lord
mobilized, invading and sacking the capital. The Great Enzuth of Enom (Noble diviner, “human”). Typical
Magus barely escaped death by traveling to a nearby NPC: miner or gem cutter. Patron: Negyavim.
castle, Asgamoth, which has since grown into a new Duchy of Ensheya. Capital: Sorodh (population
capital city. At the same time, the sensing web 10,900—araneas, humans, elves, halflings). Ruler: Duke
dissipated, as did an aranean spell confining the Red Yaluughu “The Dark Weaver,” son of Lord Ezer of
Curse to the area of the Savage Baronies. The Great Ensheya (Militant mage, “elf”). Typical NPC: farmer
Magus and his advisers are currently working to or woodcutter. Patron: Yehm.
reestablish the sensing web; in the meantime,

Atlas of the Savage Coast 81

Viscountcy of Hethzya. Capital: Shahav influence, masquerade, rulers, spies, and thieves.
(population 18,500—araneas, humans, halflings, some Negyavim (Iliric): Patron of Herathian wizardry, but
rakastas and lupins). Ruler: Lord Mazioth “The Hook,” also of greed and insensitivity. His followers use the
son of Lord Gerphemon of Hethzya (Swashbuckler local mining of gems and the dwarves’ skillful crafting
mage/thief, “half-elf”). Typical NPC: merchant or of these precious stones as a source of sacrificial gifts
soldier. Patron: Shaya. to this greedy Immortal.
The Wildwoods. Administrative center: Tower of Shaibuth (Eyrindul): Patron of forest dwellers. This
Yedom (population—mostly araneas, with some elven Immortal took on the aranean cause as an
humans and elves). Ruler: Lord Yezarath of Pazphezu, afterthought, merely as a means to compete against
appointed overseer (Webmaster druid, “elf”). Typical Korotiku (Yehm), his old rival.
NPC: forest hunter or lonely wizard. Patron: Shaibuth. Shaya (Valerias): Patron of beauty and love,
The Wildwoods are mostly wilderness, barely especially unrequited love. Valerias was attracted by
touched by civilization. The Great Magus is still the true love felt between a human paladin and an
debating whether to let it be reduced by woodcutters aranea who appeared human; rather than expose her
and farmers to expand the nation or save it for future secret, the aranea bit her lover, poisoning him, and
generations. The nobility is widely divided on the fate then ended her own life. The tragic tale touched
of this unclaimed territory. More pressing is the need Valerias, and she has since found a wide following
to curb the incessant encroachment of rakasta hunters among Herathians.
from Bellayne’s Wyndham Marches. Yehm (Korotiku the Spider): Araneas are an old
favorite of Yehm, one of those Immortals who no
longer remembers ever being mortal. It is tempting to
Immortal Patrons of Herath say he once was a mortal aranea, which would attest
to this race’s ancient existence in the universe, but no
More information on the Immortals can be found
proof exists of this. Nevertheless, Yehm is the grand
in “The Campaign” chapter.
patron of araneas, even more so than of the lupins.
Enebaan (Masauwu): Patron of diplomacy, intrigue,

82 Savage Coast Campaign Book

Other Places

Beyond the Savage Coast proper lie several lands. Inland from the coast is a vast expanse
known as the Yazak Steppes. Hanging from the western end of the coast proper is the
Orc’s Head Peninsula, a land of dense jungles and savage inhabitants. While the Red
Curse does not directly affect these lands, I believe part of the key to its origins can be
found in these other lands, perhaps in the Great Northway, perhaps somewhere on the
peninsula, perhaps beyond on the Arm of the Immortals. These areas warrant much
The Chronicle of the Curse
by Don Luis de Manzanas

Besides the nations already covered, a number of

other interesting places and cultures exist on the Savage The Orcs Head Peninsula
Coast. This chapter offers information on how to use
some of those areas. Included are the Orc’s Head The Orc’s Head Peninsula is a vast area that is home
Peninsula, the Serpent Peninsula, the Arm of the to a number of interesting countries and peoples. A
Immortals, and the Yazak Steppes. Most of these areas brief overview of the most important ones follows.
lie within the Haze (see “The Curse and the Legacies” The manscorpions, enduks, and wallaras are all part
chapter). of the background of the Red Curse; special attention
should be paid to them.

Atlas of the Savage Coast 83

The Wallaras The Enduks and the Ee’aar
The wallaras are the technologically primitive, yet The enduks are winged minotaurs; the ee’aar are
spiritually rich people who inhabit the grasslands on winged elves. At one time, many centuries ago, the
the Orc’s Head Peninsula’s northern shore. Once a enduks had a budding civilization on the western edge
proud and wise race, the wallaras were reduced to their of the Orc’s Head Peninsula. Their nation of Nimmur
current primitive state through the action of the was a deeply religious society which had just opened
araneas. communications with the other great local civilizations
Wallaras look like tall, slender humans, but their of the time—wallaras, ee’aar, and Nithians.
skins are covered in stripes of many different colors. Unfortunately, the Nithians’ arrival on the Savage
They have innate magical powers, such as the ability Coast caused a mass migration of manscorpions, who
to activate a dimension door and the ability to emulate eventually arrived in Nimmur.
a ring of chameleon power. Sometimes called chameleon The enduks welcomed the manscorpions, who
men, wallaras are distantly related to dragons. eventually betrayed them, driving them out of their
The wallaras are a peaceful people who seek—and homeland. The ee’aar helped the enduks escape
often find—spiritual enrichment. They are nomads westward, to the long peninsula called the Arm of
now, but they once ruled a vast civilization that the Immortals. There, the enduks rebuilt their
included the now-ruined city of Risilvar, located in civilization beside their friends the ee’aar. They
the Forbidden Highlands. Wallaras seldom leave their continued with their peaceful religious ways but also
homeland and, consequently, know little of the established a strong military. The ee’aar already had a
outside world. During the wars of the last few years, dichotomy of military types and mystic thinkers.
the wallaras remained mostly untouched; the gurrash The enduks dreamed of recapturing Nimmur, and
on their eastern border never venture into wallaran eventually, just within the last decade, an opportunity
lands, the phanatons to the south are peaceful, and came. A combined force of enduks and ee’aar invaded
other races are too far away to be a threat. the lands of Nimmur, but they met with limited
success. While unable to destroy the manscorpions,
whose numbers had grown tremendously, they were
The Phanatons able to establish a foothold in the city of Um-Shedu
and its surrounding territory.
A phanaton looks something like a cross between a
monkey and a flying squirrel, with the markings of a
raccoon. The phanatons of the Orc’s Head Peninsula The Manscorpions
are peaceful primitives dwelling in tree-houses far above
the forest floor in their homeland of Jibarú. The The manscorpions are the rather brutal race which
phanatons are closely tuned to nature and are drove the enduks out of Nimmur, taking the land for
protectors of the plants and animals of their themselves. When the enduks were driven away, the
homelands. Phanaton society is similar in many ways manscorpions were cursed by the Immortal Ixion,
to shazak society, though it has a much higher who caused them to burn in the light of the sun.
proportion of druids. Latecomers to civilization, They spent the next few centuries occupying the cities
phanatons are just beginning to institute a central of Nimmur and constructing underground passages
government and system of laws. They seem to be between them. Presently, the manscorpions are
headed toward a collective tribal government with an quiescent, but the opportunity for war may come again
advisory council of druids and shamans. at any time. They are upset at the presence of the
During the recent wars, the phanatons were enduks and the ee’aar in Um-Shedu but have thus far
attacked by manscorpions. Though a few villages were been unable to come up with a strategy for retaking
lost, most of the inhabitants escaped and were the city.
eventually able to drive back the manscorpions, who
were unaccustomed to fighting in any kind of foliage.

84 Savage Coast Campaign Book

are Beast Riders. Like lupins, the hobgoblins of the
The Arm of the steppes ride dire wolves; goblins ride worgs; and orcs
and half-orcs ride specially-bred boars (which sometimes
Immortals make tasty treats for the worg mounts).
The Hupkur tribe—which occupies the lands north
of Renardy, Bellayne, and Herath—is the strongest and
West of the Orc’s Head Peninsula, across the sea,
most well organized of the five tribes. A recent alliance
lies a long finger of land called the Arm of the
between the Kuttai and the Dankut, the tribes closest
Immortals. As mentioned, the main civilizations of
to the Savage Baronies, provides a substantial threat.
the ee’aar and the enduks reside on the Arm. A couple
Several small tribes are not allied with any of the
of colonies, sponsored by powers on the Savage Coast,
larger groups. Of these, the most important is the
sit on the eastern shores of the peninsula. The
Tai-luk tribe, a group of goblins occupying a small
kingdoms of Eshu (the land of the enduks) and Aeryl
territory north of the Bayou. The Tai-luk goblins are
(run by the ee’aar) are located inland on high plateaus
important only because no other tribes inhabit that
in the mountain range that dominates the center of
rather inhospitable area and because of their proximity
the Arm of the Immortals. On the far side of the Arm—
to Cay, which could lead to a conflict if the goblins
at least according to the tales of seafarers—lie several
raid the caymas’ aurochs.
states dominated by “demi-ogres,” huge humanoids
said to be descended from the offspring of humans
and ogres. Goblinoid Names
The rest of the Arm is mostly wild and unexplored.
Vast expanses of forests, untouched by humanoids, To hobgoblins, the name for their race is hup, with
cover the north, while huge jungles dominate in the the “u” sound pronounced the same as the “oo” in
south. The Arm covers several climates and numerous book. Orcs call themselves kut, with the same short
geographical features, with a wide variety of wildlife, “u” sound. The name goblins give themselves is gos,
including many sorts of monsters. In addition, rumors in which the “o” is long, rhyming with gross. Other
insist that ancient and powerful sites are hidden within goblinoid races refer to goblins as tai; this is
the landscape of the Arm. It is even said that the pronounced tah-ee, though said more quickly, such as
Immortals themselves can be approached through in tie. Ogres are kur, pronounced koor, both among
secret portals high in the mountains of the Arm. themselves and by others.
However, few have explored the Arm and returned, Thus, the names of the five great tribes have the
so the facts of the matter are largely unknown—at least following compositions:
for the present.
Hupkur: Hobgoblins (hup) and Ogres (kur).
Huptai: Hobgoblins (hup) and Goblins (tai).
Kuttai: Orcs (kut) and Goblins (tai).

The Yazak Steppes Dankut: Orcs (kut).

Gosluk: Goblins (gos).

The Yazak Steppes run from Hule in the east to the Note that dan (sounds like the “a” in want, with a
region north of the Orc’s Head Peninsula. These are nasal overtone) is the tribal name for orcs of the Yazaks
actually several different, disconnected sets of steppes. (kut is the racial name). Similarly, luk, pronounced as
Once home to rakastas and lupins, the steppes have the word look, is the tribal name for goblins of the
been taken over by goblinoid tribes. Yazaks. The Tai-luk are using the hobgoblin/orc word
The five “great tribes” of goblinoids in the steppes for themselves, plus the goblin tribal name.
are dangerous to the coastal lands only when they unite The names of goblinoid individuals follow the same
into massive hordes that sweep down to raid for food styles as racial and tribal names, with short syllables
and treasures. The five tribes are the Hupkur, which and harsh, guttural sounds. Most names have only
consists of hobgoblins and ogres; the Huptai, one or two syllables, as do most goblinoid words;
composed of hobgoblins and goblins; the Dankut, they have an uncomplicated language. Several
mostly orcs with a few trolls; the Kuttai, which acceptable syllables are suggested in the following text,
includes orcs and goblins; and the Gosluk, made up and the DM should feel free to come up with others
entirely of goblins. Many of the members of these tribes as needed. These 50 syllables can be mixed or used

Atlas of the Savage Coast 85

alone to create goblinoid names, insults, and other pride is greater than wisdom; one powerful leader
words. could still lead them to ride down from the steppes
once more.
Table 10.1: GOBLINOID WORD COMPONENTS Recently, a renegade Inheritor named Igor Balazar
baj kal bek kez has been working to unite the tribes of the Yazaks;
bil kig boz kod more about his efforts can be found in the adventure
bup kub dag laj “Divided We Fall,” the last chapter of this book.
dez lep dij lig
dok loz dut lub
gaz paz gep peb
gid pij gok pog
guj pul hab taj Other Goblinoids
het tep hig tik
hok tog huj tuz There are also a few scattered tribes of goblinoids
jaj zad jeg zet on the coast itself, notably near the Savage Baronies,
jit zil jod zog and north of Robrenn. The coastal goblinoids are
juz zub known collectively as the Yazi.
The easternmost Yazi are the gnolls of El Grande
Carrascal. These are generally mounted nomadic
History of Invasions warriors who ride the plains (on horses) and raid any
Goblins and their kin have lived in the Yazak outlying settlements. Surprisingly, the gnolls are
Steppes for almost 3,000 years. Over 20 centuries ago, relatively civilized compared to the other Yazi. They
their hordes destroyed the elven and Oltec will negotiate, they engage in honest trade as well as
civilizations of the region, forcing both elves and raids, and they do not always attack on sight.
humans back into a savage state. When the Red Curse West of the gnolls are the southern goblins, such
was created, goblinoids took little notice, content in as the Black Bellies tribe. These warlike goblins cause
their raids and occasional wars against encroaching many problems for the Savage Baronies. Some are
humans. When the tortle civilization grew large mounted warriors (on wolves), but most are at their
enough to seem threatening, goblins swept down from best when on foot. Fortunately, these goblins are not
the steppes once more. What few pockets of human as numerous as the gnolls to the east. Also, because
and demihuman culture remained shrank to fortified, the most recent battles ended in clear victories for the
permanent settlements, but they were not vanquished. Savage Baronies (notably Cimarron), the goblins are
Those fortifications remained and swelled, first with less inclined to attack outlying settlements.
the arrival of Traldar colonists, then again with Goblinoids north of Robrenn are referred to as the
immigrants from Ylaruam, Yavdlom, and Thyatis. Carnax, Cassivellonis, and Pyctis. Only the Pyctis are
Surprisingly, the goblinoids seemed content to let goblins; the others are orcs. These goblinoids are very
these petty baronies be. After all, they fought among similar in mannerisms and philosophies to the Yazak
themselves—first over territory, later over mining rights goblinoids, except these Yazi are never mounted
to cinnabryl. warriors. The Pyctis trade with the Yazak tribes, and
Now, with the spread of the Red Curse and the through the Pyctis, the orcs trade with the Yazaks as
Legacies tempered by cinnabryl, the goblinoids realize, well. While these goblinoids are a constant threat to
too late, that the current coastal civilizations have Robrenn, they are currently making only disorganized
become too powerful to be swept away as the ancient raids because all of their strongest leaders were slain
elves and tortles were. Nonetheless, among goblins, in the recent wars.

86 Savage Coast Campaign Book

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