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Player's Secrets of Endier

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, . ..
. . ..
nument can prov'

s winter draws

spirits are around, they I

wn,and there is no evidet

attack humans.
Foxes, too, are common, su

animals from the farms.

And, of course, there are the ordinary an
e (or the customs officials and
nto the land. Its population is

Morildon is situated in such a place as to take ulti-

ended to the throne that it

Free City sits on a ?&-foot bluff

river, at the junction of the Maesil

to keep from being swept downstream

do&; those that are have a tedious day

Once they’ve landed, they must deal with the

dock master, pay thek loading.fecs, a d s u b m i t to
traversed, even in the worst of winter's ice. Near that would no longer be a problem.
the gates are the warehouses, places for the stor- Back to the north, the Library of Endier squats
age of goods going in and out of the city. Stables n e x t to Embassy Hall and right next to that is
have also been built nearby, both for keeping and Sages' Corner. The scribes of the city are situated

near these folk. well.

Beyond that division lies a public park, greenery South o f the Ghoeran gate is the larges
inviting thc city dweller to rest. Farther south are terms of population and square footage both
the inns, a large guard barracks near the gate to dential area in the city, called Thorn
the Imperial Road. and a large residential area artists and other creative people wbo
(called Crofters' Corners) for servants o f the arts live in the southernmost c o
* wealthy and the crafters of the area. The Bazaar of brook, near the gate to the Endierd
Endier and the Farmer's Market lie just to the east the Western Imperial Temple of Ha
of this section, providing all manner of goods and is to be found White Hall College, a
services. The Bazaar is the main place of business of no little rcknown.
in the land o f Endier and for much of the Heart-

They're cheaper and more accessible than the repute, dealers in questionable substanceapt+
priests of tbe temples, but their services aren't as veyors of black markct goods. and deat2epp.d'
reliable. H o w e v e r , since there aren't really even darker mein. Rumor has it that the$ all
e n o u a priests t o keep a whole town well, the answer t o the regent of EndierA,one.way or
healersdo a brisk business. North of the healers another-either through the Jawm t l y m g h his
are the banks and guildhalls, where the hulk of commands. It is certainly traethab & d e r con-
business is done in Endier. The Bazaar is here for trols the honest guilds; none dthe scum o f
the traders: the guilds and banks are here for the Endier are willing to name the rqler as their
moneyed and the representatives of the moneyed. boss, either because they're S W i f i e d of
Some guildsinen even havr the people's best him, or because there is no truth Lo the
interests at heart.
North ofhere is Embassy Hall, where the ambas-
sadors o f various Anuirean realms make their
homes. Mhoried, Roesone, Ghoere, and %omen all
have permanent embassies in this huge building:
other realms rent space as they need to deal with
trade matters.
Naturally, Embassy Hall is located right next to
Caer Endier, the castle and heart of w real
m :
30-foot high wall separates &e hrlltop.captle
LomtherestofEndiep,treetoac ,.

.I .. ,

Most Endieran commoners o

where the wealthy retreat fmm the pressures of

ing with life in the city There are also the ped
and merchants who travel along the roads between
the towns, selling their wares, not to mention the
people of the lesser towns of the land. Infantry and the
and so they are doomed to fade
. He does have a trade that goes through his town. He's concerned
Endier and does about profit, not quality of life.

maintain an armv.

in good steading with the regent

Free City of Endier: Montein Co

ticolar town: t66 i&udmps, why rhepweo Acted

by their people. :
. . / .

Picrcalm: The Rjurik Anais Stormsdaughter runs


the horder. Their

nothing more than
for the interminabl

outside of the land. Through influence, money, Each guild has its own guildmaster who answers to
threats. and a liberal application ofwits, Endier h a s the owners of the businesses of that guild. Thev tell
managed to remain on the map much longer than any him their problems, beg for help, or merely com-
would have predicted 200 years ago. plain about latest law. The guildmaster then travels
Of course, the regent has to make sure that every- to the Merchants' Council to present the complaints
thing is in order in Endier before wonying about for- and pleas for the council's consideration. Theoreti-
eign holdings. This chapter describes the interests cally, the guildmaster answers to the owners: in real-
the regent of Endier possesses, where they're ity, they bow to his or her wishes.
located. and what they d o for her in terms more Businesses that are not part of the Heartlands
understandable than numbers alone. It aLso presents Outfitters. or those that are members but refuse

extremes), knowing both that they face possible

censure as well and that aid.to the business in

The various legitimate interests include

to take part in the pacification-thi

Endieran Militia is t l q e to kei+p the.
,. peace, not to have villagers turn,& on
*-a their fellows.

be separate heads 01
various functions in

fairly loyal to Endier.

at he built a structure of
holdings and roads that would last for
years if managed well. A list of the current
regent's holdings in other land follows. The DM can
choose to disallow these if they seem to provide tou
much p e r for the Endieran regent. ment. the treasury can grow ever larger,
even to the pint of supporting a good-size army
In a typical turn, assuming moderate taxation,
Endier and its guild holdings bring in an average o f
Law (2) Caenvil (2/3) MedoerelEnlien 28 GR (with some removed every turn for rulers'
Guild (2) Caerwil (2/3) MedoerdEnlien taxes, usually around -4). There's also the
Guild (2) Tier (213) Diemed/Uiem
Guild (4) Moere (510) DiemedIDiem
Guild (3) Ciliene (€do) Diemed/Diem
Law ( 0 ) Maesford (2/3) Alamie/Alam
Guild (2) Maesford (U3) Alamie/Alam a total of 40-42 GB a turn.
Law (0) Traiward (3/2) Alamie/Alam
Guild (3) Traiward (3/2) Alamie/Alam
Law (0) Laraeth (3/2) Alamie/Alam (6) castle in the Free City of Endier. With a
Guild (2) City of Anuire (10/0) N/A court cost that brings the total to 18, leavin
Guild (4) Tveste (30) Ghoerflael regent with 22-24 G B to spend a tum. O f
Guild (2) Ghiere ( 5 / 0 ) Ghwrellsel some of this must be spent on
Guild (1) Rhumannen (4/1) Ghoerenael protect Endier's borders.

Obviously, there are competing interests i n the

other lands, places that would just as soon see the
Endieran influence disappear. F o r example,

e possibility that another realm would li

Unit TypeINumber

Endier. The gentry know that this is the

place to be seen if they want to earn any
of the lucrative business of serving the country.
The court i s the main place of business and diplo- This leaves approxi

Thus, the castle is well-staffed and appointed+. province. The

costs 9 GB t o maintain it at this level. On the can bringina
aturally, in a land so thoroughly controlled
by guild interests, there are enough plots
a possil,le rival

undercurrent of gossip and news in Endier, and there has taken an interest in the new Endieran regent.
are few r u m m that d o not eventually make it to the There are several ways to interpret this interest. fcw

One interpretation is that she sees Endier as her

sible. Accompanying this rumor is the word that

perhaps it was Guildrnisrress Bireon who was
.'. 'apmkender to the throne responsible for Guilder Kalien's death. I f trouble
comes, the regent might well want to look at under-
The &st of these rumors brings a disiurbiig hint o f lsing causes to see if ths trouble came, perhaps very :

1 foding herself a mate. It's well hown that she's

empire, and so much the

hetter if the heir should
also stand to gain control of
Endier as well! However,
regents should be advised
fear of heing discovered, and they've turned up
some interesting tidbits that can he sold t o con- lhis is, apparently, the answer to the riddle poscd to

Though they may not like him,the other Anuirean spies everjwhere, after all. And once the Spidcr . '

rulers will have to agree that Mhoried is in the has the answer from someone besides the,ruler of

there is little they can d o to protect themselves

against this sort of digging. All sortr o f money can
:{' bs made buying and selling information. and Endier
is in a prime position to profd from it, one way or

Ricbard Endier, hidden in a vault deep heneath the "

castle in Endier. This is a.one-time bonus,. but ic

allows the regent to puU forth 2dS GB. In this vault
,, are also plans detailing the castle. These plans will
allow a regent who studies them carefully the oppor-
BarreinX = Immana Cariele Lysandra+
(385470) (387-455) (390-1)
r. 404
Eirik Wulfen = Moure l'amerlainx = hlilicne IlseniereX

(410470) (420-470)
Shaene = Jovane llsenierc + Fxccuted
(440-450) (442-510) (447405) = Married
r. 470 I
Jorain = Tanna Calaniere
X IXed in a carriage L.L.JII
d IXcd
(470-529) (475-525) Overthrown
r. 510 + Eloped, current
I I whereabouts unknown
Thomas Timothy Elenier
(497-528) (500-529) (502-529)
. .

Yenealogy of i-he maccelns

? to Gavin Macceln (b 471-) = Malaene (475-509)
= Salai
JonatLn (502-541) Geilen (509-) Mirae (504) = Alain (5004
I Selaen (5


1-color, eight-page fo

and foe alike.

dier, the thief regent

ts to the regent, or a rers of Endier.

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