Player's Secrets of Endier
Player's Secrets of Endier
Player's Secrets of Endier
, . ..
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nument can prov'
s winter draws
attack humans.
Foxes, too, are common, su
They're cheaper and more accessible than the repute, dealers in questionable substanceapt+
priests of tbe temples, but their services aren't as veyors of black markct goods. and deat2epp.d'
reliable. H o w e v e r , since there aren't really even darker mein. Rumor has it that the$ all
e n o u a priests t o keep a whole town well, the answer t o the regent of EndierA,one.way or
healersdo a brisk business. North of the healers another-either through the Jawm t l y m g h his
are the banks and guildhalls, where the hulk of commands. It is certainly traethab & d e r con-
business is done in Endier. The Bazaar is here for trols the honest guilds; none dthe scum o f
the traders: the guilds and banks are here for the Endier are willing to name the rqler as their
moneyed and the representatives of the moneyed. boss, either because they're S W i f i e d of
Some guildsinen even havr the people's best him, or because there is no truth Lo the
interests at heart.
North ofhere is Embassy Hall, where the ambas-
sadors o f various Anuirean realms make their
homes. Mhoried, Roesone, Ghoere, and %omen all
have permanent embassies in this huge building:
other realms rent space as they need to deal with
trade matters.
Naturally, Embassy Hall is located right next to
Caer Endier, the castle and heart of w real
m :
30-foot high wall separates &e hrlltop.captle
LomtherestofEndiep,treetoac ,.
.I .. ,
Most Endieran commoners o
maintain an armv.
outside of the land. Through influence, money, Each guild has its own guildmaster who answers to
threats. and a liberal application ofwits, Endier h a s the owners of the businesses of that guild. Thev tell
managed to remain on the map much longer than any him their problems, beg for help, or merely com-
would have predicted 200 years ago. plain about latest law. The guildmaster then travels
Of course, the regent has to make sure that every- to the Merchants' Council to present the complaints
thing is in order in Endier before wonying about for- and pleas for the council's consideration. Theoreti-
eign holdings. This chapter describes the interests cally, the guildmaster answers to the owners: in real-
the regent of Endier possesses, where they're ity, they bow to his or her wishes.
located. and what they d o for her in terms more Businesses that are not part of the Heartlands
understandable than numbers alone. It aLso presents Outfitters. or those that are members but refuse
be separate heads 01
various functions in
Unit TypeINumber
undercurrent of gossip and news in Endier, and there has taken an interest in the new Endieran regent.
are few r u m m that d o not eventually make it to the There are several ways to interpret this interest. fcw
Though they may not like him,the other Anuirean spies everjwhere, after all. And once the Spidcr . '
rulers will have to agree that Mhoried is in the has the answer from someone besides the,ruler of
(410470) (420-470)
Shaene = Jovane llsenierc + Fxccuted
(440-450) (442-510) (447405) = Married
r. 470 I
Jorain = Tanna Calaniere
X IXed in a carriage L.L.JII
d IXcd
(470-529) (475-525) Overthrown
r. 510 + Eloped, current
I I whereabouts unknown
Thomas Timothy Elenier
(497-528) (500-529) (502-529)
. .
1-color, eight-page fo