Fortress of The Yuan-Ti
Fortress of The Yuan-Ti
Fortress of The Yuan-Ti
the humans suffered beneath the lash of the overseer’s minions or the
lower- and mid-level characters, it is by no means an introductory
crushing weight of starvation, Shiuahn had maintained the favor of
adventure. It is assumed that you have at least some experience
the serpent-folk through eager cooperation.
as a DM. However, you are likely to run this adventure over the
If only her curiosity had not gotten the better of her. . . .
course of several game sessions. For your initial sessions, you can
“No one, Lord, I swear! I meant no trespass! But I saw the gate active
pay more attention to the early encounters than the later ones.
when it should not have been. I feared intrusion. . . .” The torturer’s
In a typical 4-hour game session, you should anticipate getting
words ran over one another in her haste. Blood dripped from her lips
through three to five encounter areas.
where her teeth, chattering with fear, had torn them.
The Master looked not to Shiuahn but to the foul creature behind
her. Long-fingered hands were clenched on the human’s shoulders,
tentacles writhing around her head. The mind flayer’s answer came
The encounter format used in this adventure uses keyed entries
not in words, but as raw thought.
similar to other published adventures. However, tactical encoun-
She speaks truth. None of the others saw what she saw.
ters are separate from story information.
“Good.” The Master reached out, gently cradling Shiuahn’s head in a
Tactical Encounters: Numbered, or keyed, areas are
bloated, scaly hand. “You might have caused us much trouble, Shiuahn.
described in the initial section of this text. Use the keyed entries
The willing sacrifice you witnessed was the first of a series of great rites,
as both a summary of the adventure and a flowchart. If a keyed
the most important ever conducted in this world. For now, they must
entry involves combat or other action that places importance
progress in secret. What good fortune that the only one to learn of them
on position and movement, that entry refers you to a tactical
was a human so loyal as you.”
Shiuahn stood a little straighter. “I live to serve, Lord. If I might be
A tactical encounter’s page or pages include a map of the
of any service to the ritual, you need but demand it of me.”
area in which the encounter takes place, notes on setting up
The Master’s gaze flicked from Shiuahn’s eyes to the blood drying
the encounter, monster statistics blocks, and text descriptions
at the corner of her mouth. “Why, Shiuahn, we could not perform it
of how the terrain and features of the encounter affect play.
without you. . . .”
Every aspect of an encounter need not be used—the players
might not be interested in all the details of an area. Indeed, the
Fortress of the Yuan-Ti is a DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® adventure
characters might avoid whole encounters, either intentionally
designed for four 7th-level player characters. PCs who complete
or unwittingly.
this quest should advance to 8th level or higher, depending on
The combat encounters in this adventure are designed for use
how successful they are in defeating the challenges presented
with D&D Miniatures. If you don’t have the exact miniature to
herein. It can be played as a stand-alone adventure or as the con-
represent a monster, or you aren’t using D&D Miniatures, just use
clusion of a series that began with Barrow of the Forgotten King
whatever substitute you choose to run the tactical encounters.
and The Sinister Spire.
WHAT THE PCS DON’T KNOW The Sacrament of the Risen Abyss
Before history was even a notion, a demon prince named Ser- This great ritual is the central element to Sulvaugren’s plan.
trous ruled brutally over one of the Infinite Layers of the Abyss. Through a combination of blood sacrifice and dark rites, the
Hateful and predatory even by Abyssal standards, Sertrous sacrament forges a bond between the Abyss and the mortal world.
was among the first demons to take an interest in the develop- Creating that bond requires the remains of a mortal creature
ing races of the mortal world. Hoping to use their worship to with great mystical power. Steeped in prophecy, the bones of the
ascend to true divinity, he planned to overthrow and consume forgotten king best serve the Vanguard’s plan. When complete,
even the gods. the sacrament will allow the Vanguard to channel a fragment
Fortunately for the world, it was not to be. Even as Sertrous of Sertrous’s dream-self into a creature risen from the remains:
began his ascent to divinity, he and a number of other ancient a corrupt amalgamation of fiendish and undead essence.
demons faced an uprising of their Abyssal servitors. Those con- Most of the Vanguard believes that the sacrament is intended
spirators not banished to the depths of the plane were destroyed to place the spirit of Sertrous into the body of the risen king.
outright. However, Sertrous (along with a few of his minions) After converting his own people to the worship of Sertrous,
fled directly into the mortal world. the king will march at the head of an army of the living and the
Sertrous manifested as a serpentine entity with an insa- undead, converting other nations by the sword. In the end, an
tiable appetite for living creatures. A cult of yuan-ti and feral empire of Sertrous worshipers will elevate the Slumbering
humanoids formed around the demon, drawn to his strength Serpent to godhood.
and inevitably consumed in the name of his hunger. However, The leaders of the Vanguard know the darker truth. By
Sertrous granted a tiny measure of his own power to a handful of implanting fragments of Sertrous’s dream-self in the risen king,
these mortals, using them to explore this strange new plane. the demon will be able to directly experience and influence the
As the world grew civilized and worship of its deities spread, world for the first time since falling into slumber. The forgotten
Sertrous’s own power waned. Eventually, he fell into a seemingly king will indeed use the prophecy to rule the kingdom, but not
endless slumber. So potent had the demon become, however, that for the sake of converting neighboring lands. Rather, as Sertrous’s
even asleep he observed the mortal world. His hate-filled dreams influence expands, his vessels and minions will seek additional
drove Sertrous to an unearthly transformation—a manifest evil remains having enough power to repeat the Sacrament of the
of the Abyss and the Material Plane, equally bound to both. Risen Abyss. Eventually, enough of Sertrous’s dream-self will
The cult that had formed around Sertrous (known also as become active for the demon lord to truly awaken from his
the Slumbering Serpent) split in two. One faction continued millennial slumber. His strength returned to him, the demon
to worship the fallen demon lord as a demigod, while the other lord will rise as an unstoppable being of pure nihilistic hate
was driven by those Sertrous touched in dreams—infected and godlike power.
DEMONIC HISTORY The unnatural architecture of Castle Serastis presents as much
If you use Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss in your cam- of a challenge to the PCs as the creatures that dwell within. The
paign, you know that Sertrous was one of the greatest of the castle features mystical portals, towers that do not connect to
obyriths, and that the revolt of the tanar’ri cast him from the main fortress, and a force of fanatics whose leaders are bent
power. Whether or not you are using that book, this infor- on the unraveling of all creation.
mation is not necessary to run the adventure. The adventure is divided into several sections.
followers of the Slumbering Serpent travel across the world seek-
ing components for their foul ritual. The PCs can also learn how
to use these portals and possibly hinder the Vanguard’s plans. DEFEATING THE
The Tower of the Word (Area D): As the Vanguard’s main
repository of knowledge and magic, this tower provides the PCs
Though the forgotten king who rises from the bier in the
with an arsenal of tools and information. Here, they discover the
adventure’s climax is not the undead monstrosity the Vanguard
means by which they can disrupt the Sacrament of the Risen
intended to create, he remains a formidable challenge. Like any
Abyss and use the portals in the Tower of the Way. The PCs also
other adventure, Fortress of the Yuan-Ti is designed so that the
have a chance to turn a deadly enemy into a powerful ally—if
experience and treasure the PCs gain in the early stages can tip
they are willing to listen before they fight.
the balance of the final battle in their favor. However, because
The Tower of Worship (Area P): This center for the wor-
the bulk of the adventure turns on the party taking action to
ship of Sertrous as a deity is, in fact, a front designed to deceive
disrupt the Sacrament of the Risen Abyss, the PCs can gain an
the Vanguard’s own members. In this winding warren, the PCs
even more tangible benefit for use against the risen king.
have the opportunity to save more innocents bound for the
sacrificial altar.
The Tower of Worlds (Area S): This hidden tower exists out ACTION POINTS
of phase with the rest of castle (and, indeed, the Material Plane). Action points (introduced in the Unearthed Arcana supplement
Here, the PCs confront the true leaders of the Vanguard and and an integral part of the EBERRON Campaign Setting) give char-
must face the forgotten king himself—now a hideous undead acters the means to affect game play in significant ways. Using
animated by the power of the Slumbering Serpent. action points, the PCs can improve important rolls or unlock
special abilities.
Side Treks Under normal circumstances, each character has a limited
By traveling through the portals in the Tower of the Way, the number of action points that are replenished only upon attaining
PCs can prevent the Vanguard from acquiring vital elements a new level. This adventure uses a special system for accumulat-
of the sacrament at four far-flung locations (see the Appendix, ing and using action points. As the PCs progress through the
beginning on page 54): adventure, they build up a pool of special action points that any
The Bloody Grotto: This wellspring of natural beauty has of them can draw from during the final encounter with the risen
been corrupted by the actions of the Vanguard but still has power king (encounter S4-A, page 52). This action point pool is usable
for those who would avenge its destruction. only against the risen king. If you already use action points in
The Wretched Swamp: This stifling marsh holds a prize your campaign, do not add these special action points to those of
the Vanguard desperately seeks—as well as its vile green hag individual PCs (though any action points the PCs already possess
guardian. can be used during the final battle as normal). Any special action
The Caves of Horror: The lair of a lesser beholder holds points remaining after the risen king is defeated are lost.
another of the Vanguard’s objectives.
The Blasted Land: A horrific, twisted region of nightmare,
this alien landscape is the outskirts of Sertrous’s resting place.
You can spend 1 action point to gain a bonus on a single d20 roll,
to take a special action, or to improve the use of a feat. Only 1
ADVENTURE HOOKS action point can be spent in a round. A character who spends
PCs can become involved in this adventure in a number of a point to use a special action or to improve a feat (see below)
ways. cannot spend another action point in the same round to add to
The Sinister Spire: If your group has completed DD2: a die roll, and vice versa.
The Sinister Spire, this adventure picks up immediately where
that one left off. The PCs arrive through the electric gate in Add to a Roll
Fadheela’s lair. When you spend an action point, add the result of a roll of 1d6
Missing Villagers: People have gone missing from far- to a d20 roll made against a target number (typically a skill
flung towns in the area. Their disappearances have been traced check, an ability check, an attack roll, or a saving throw). You
to a band of serpent-folk said to live in the vicinity of Cettrux can declare that you are spending an action point after you have
Hill. One group of villagers has put out a call for help, seeking already rolled the d20, but you must do so before you know
Level Dice Rolled King). Though this spirit does not have the strength to oppose
1st–7th 1d6 the Vanguard’s debased plans, it can aid those who seek to disrupt
8th–14th 2d6 the Sacrament of the Risen Abyss. Just as the king’s spirit imparts
15th–20th 3d6 knowledge to the PCs, it grants them the power to turn possible
failure into heroic success. The more the PCs disrupt the sacrament,
Special Actions the stronger the true king’s spirit is during the final battle.
Instead of altering the result of a d20 roll, you can use action Although each objective that earns action points is marked
points to perform one of the special actions below. Unearthed where it appears in the adventure, a consolidated list is pre-
Arcana describes more special actions that can be performed sented here.
using action points.
Activate Class Feature: By spending 2 action points, you can Action Points Checklist
gain another use of one of the following class features that has Action
a limited number of uses per day: bardic music, rage, smite evil, PC Objective Area Points
Stunning Fist, turn or rebuke undead, or wild shape. Prevent yuan-ti from seizing
Extra Attack: During any round in which you take a full new victims F 1
Rescue prisoners from the dungeon K10 1
attack action, you can spend 1 action point to make an extra
Acquire or destroy the purple powder D2 1
attack at your highest attack bonus. Action points can be used Kill Tolvul D5 4
in this way with both melee and ranged attacks. Ally with Zoldathra D7 2
Spell Boost: You can spend 1 action point as a free action Kill Vsolt P3 3
to increase the effective caster level of one of your spells by 2. Rescue the prisoners from the P4 2
You must decide whether or not to spend an action point in this sacrificial altar
manner before casting the spell. Acquire or destroy the phylactery Wretched 2
Stabilize: You can spend 1 action point to stabilize a dying Swamp
character at his or her current hit point total. Spending an action Acquire or destroy the Sertrous- Blasted 2
point does nothing if a character is already dead. touched stone Land
Improving Feats
Characters can improve existing feats using action points. Unless
otherwise noted, each effect requires a free action to activate and Fortress of the Yuan-Ti
lasts 1 round. Unearthed Arcana describes more ways to improve If the PCs are continuing from The Sinister Spire, they begin this
feats using action points. adventure by passing through the electric gate in Fadheela’s lair.
Blind-Fight: You can spend 1 action point to negate your Otherwise, they arrive at the end of whatever route they followed
miss chance for a single attack. to reach Cettrux Hill or Castle Serastis.
Combat Expertise: You can spend 1 action point to double
the bonus to Armor Class granted by the feat. For example, if When the PCs arrive on the hilltop, read:
you take a penalty of –3 on your attack roll, you gain a +6 dodge You stand atop a small rise. Before you lies a wide river valley nestled
bonus to AC. between a range of forested hills. A number of wooden buildings, mostly
Dodge: You can spend 1 action point to increase the dodge barns and storage sheds, are set in a rough semicircle on the floor of the
bonus granted by the feat to +2. This effect lasts for the entire vale. Carefully planted fields spread to all sides, while a shallow stream
encounter. flows to the northwest. Though isolated, this place appears to be a typi-
Power Attack: You can spend 1 action point to double the cal farming community.
bonus on damage rolls granted by the feat. For example, if Looming over it all, however, is a sight that belies the mundane
you take a penalty of –3 on your attack roll, you add 6 to your appearance of the vale. Recessed into a west-facing cliff is a massive for-
damage roll. tress of dark stone, deeply shadowed by the hollow in which it stands. You
Spell Focus: You can spend 1 action point to double the can make out few details, but even from here, the citadel’s arrangement
increase to save DCs granted by the feat, from +1 to +2. of protrusions and towers is unlike any fortress you have ever seen.
Spell Penetration: You can spend 1 action point to double
the bonus on caster level checks granted by the feat, from +2 to If the PCs descend the hill, they enter the fields and farms that
+4. This effect lasts for the entire encounter. supply Castle Serastis (area F).
in battle. controlling movement within the place.”
When the PCs approach, read: If the PCs have made Clora helpful, she adds:
The settlement’s crops appear to be mostly wheat, tall stalks rippling
in the breeze. You spot numerous humans and halflings working the
fields, but as you approach, you can see that their torn clothes are as
filthy as their faces. Their features are gaunt as they look up at you,
eyes bereft of hope.
Illus. by D. Griffith
leader, a middle-aged woman named Clora (NG female human
commoner 4), speaks for the group.
Clora thanks the PCs for slaying or chasing off the taskmas-
ter, but she is distrustful of their motives. She begins with an
attitude of indifferent. If the PCs cannot improve her attitude,
Clora and the other slaves return to their living quarters, wait-
ing to see what comes of the party’s intervention. If she can be
made friendly or helpful, however, she is willing to speak with
the PCs further.
If the PCs avoided putting the slaves in danger during combat,
they gain a +4 bonus on Diplomacy checks with Clora. If they
express concern for the slaves’ well-being by offering water, food,
or healing, they gain a +2 bonus.
Clora and the other slaves can give the party general informa-
tion regarding the Vanguard and Castle Serastis, but they
know nothing of the organization’s true plans or the
layout of the fortress. Read or paraphrase the following
in response to the players’ questions.
• “The snake-folk have difficulty telling us ‘mammals’ apart. This shelter features a number of rickety bunk beds, each with a thin
Should you need a place to hide, we might be able to pass you straw pallet and a filthy blanket. Other than a few chamber pots, the
off as slaves for a time.” only amenities are pegs in the walls for hanging clothes.
If the PCs take Clora up on this offer later, they can spend a
night sleeping in the slaves’ quarters, safe from interruption
These square structures, the largest of any in the settlement,
or attack.
have wide doors and no windows.
This odd structure is open to the west, with flimsy wooden walls ADVENTURING IN
on the north, east, and south sides. Its roof is a simple layer of
canvas. If asked, Clora or another slave reveals that Lieth can be
The bulk of the Vanguard is based within this ancient fortress,
found here when she is not doling out punishment.
and the PCs face formidable opposition as they attempt to infil-
If weight of 100 pounds or more is placed atop the canvas, the
trate. A party might have to make multiple forays within the
roof tears and comes down in 1 round.
castle, with the PCs hiding out among the slaves or in unused
chambers to rest up when necessary.
This well is the slave community’s water source, and its output
is muddy but drinkable. The small roof over it is 10 feet high.
The following features are standard throughout the castle unless
Griffon-Eater (Lieth’s pet dire snake) frequently coils around
otherwise noted.
the well, hissing menacingly at the slaves who come to fetch
Strong Wooden Door: 2 inches thick; hardness 5, hp 20,
break DC 25 (locked). Doors are unlocked and open easily unless
otherwise noted; those that are locked require a DC 25 Open
F7. TOOL SHED Lock check.
Illus. by D. Griffith
This small wooden building contains a jumble of rakes, hoes,
spades, and other farming tools. Their hafts are deliberately
weakened and shortened by the yuan-ti to prevent their use as
makeshift weapons. If they are used as such, they give an addi-
tional –2 penalty on attack rolls and a –1 penalty on damage
rolls over and above the penalties normally applied to makeshift
weapons. Each tool breaks after 1d4 successful attacks.
The maps depicting levels 1 through 5 of Castle Serastis appear
on the inside covers of this book.
When the PCs climb the stairs, read:
The massive brass doors are set roughly 10 feet into the fortress, creat- When the PCs enter, read:
ing a small foyer—or perhaps a kill zone—between the stairs and The enormous hall you find yourself in is as large as a castle keep. Much
the entry. of the chamber is open to the level above, allowing anyone on the floor
above to look down upon it. Two large winches, their handles carved
If Lieth succeeded in fleeing to the fortress after the to resemble striking cobras, flank the double door. Across the chamber,
encounter in area F, read: clear water glints within a circular marble pool, but your gaze is drawn
A brass portcullis at the top of the steps prevents access to the doors. beyond it to a massive reptilian skeleton at the back of the hall.
The door (area K2) and the portcullis (if down) are formidable
obstacles. Both are solid iron gilded with brass.
Iron Portcullis: 2 inches thick; hardness 10, hp 30, break
Illus. by D. Griffith
DC 28; Strength DC 25 to lift.
CR 1; mechanical; location trigger; manual reset; Atk +10
melee (3d6); Search DC 22 (to find the mechanism; the port-
cullis is obvious); Disable Device DC 20.
The damage applies only to creatures underneath the port-
cullis if it drops. Such creatures are knocked prone and held
in place until the portcullis is lifted or they succeed on a DC
20 Escape Artist check.
If it is not already down, the portcullis might be triggered
by the PCs’ actions in area K2.
by deep gouges and bloodstains. Pungent slabs of beef are stacked in the
noise. As long as the PCs remain in this area, check for random
southwest corner. A few dim embers glow in a firepit to the northeast.
encounters every 5 minutes. (If the party leaves this area and
A blackened humanoid skull lies shattered in the ashes.
returns more than 1 hour later, random encounters revert to
No random encounters occur in this room except as noted in
Random Encounters: Roll for a random encounter in area
area K4. A small grate in the floor (Spot DC 10) serves the same
K15 any time the PCs pass through area K3. If an encounter
purpose as the grate in the dining room.
occurs, the guards in K15 snipe from above. Characters adja-
Treasure: Hanging on hooks next to the slabs of meat are a
cent to the railing in K15 have line of sight to anyone below, as
half-dozen oversized knives and cleavers. Though they appear
described in area K15 (page 15).
nondescript, they are sturdy enough to serve as improvised
Treasure: In addition to Prath’s possessions (see the tactical
weapons (treat as daggers and handaxes).
encounter), anyone examining the pool sees a 12-inch-wide
silver inlay at the bottom in the shape of a coiled serpent. A
successful DC 22 Search check notes chipped stone around it, K6. TORTURE CHAMBER
revealing that it can be pried off (a DC 15 Strength check). The The doors of this room are locked.
silver icon is worth 1,500 gp. Illumination: Continual flame wall sconces shed bright light
throughout this area.
K4. DINING HALL When the PCs open the doors, read:
The cult’s minions take their meals in this area.
Beyond the doors lies a true chamber of horrors. A rack and an iron
Illumination: Continual flame wall sconces shed bright light
maiden stand next to terrible contraptions of cables, needles, and cuffs
throughout this area.
whose purpose is best not guessed at. The floor is stained with dried
blood, a red-black pool spreading around a rusty iron grate in the
When the PCs enter, read:
center of the floor.
This lengthy chamber boasts a pair of heavy wooden tables and a
number of rough chairs. Dried bloodstains on the wood give a hint to
The builders of Castle Serastis placed the torture chamber on
the nature of the foul repasts consumed here.
the level above the cells, so that the castle’s masters would not
have to enter the dungeons for interrogations or entertainment.
The secret door leads to a sloping and winding passageway that
The iron grate allows spilled blood to flow into the same series of
connects to the barracks (K16A). A small grate in the floor (Spot
pipes as those found in K4 and K5. A shallow stair in the north
DC 10) allows spilled liquids and detritus to be swept down into
side of the room leads to the cells below (K9).
a series of pipes leading to the garbage pit (K11). The pipes are
Random Encounters: The first random encounter occurring
too small for anything larger than a rat to pass through.
here involves the torture of a prisoner (Rollin, from cell K10C).
Random Encounters: Any random encounter here is with a
His tormentors want no information from him; they are merely
human or yuan-ti patrol on dinner break. Its members are gath-
amusing themselves. If rescued, Rollin tells the PCs of the other
ered at a table, though one has a 20% chance of being found in
prisoners below, warns them of Yensurros (see K9), and can offer
the kitchen (K5). This character appears in 2 rounds if combat
any of the information described in K10.
breaks out.
Any random encounters here after the PCs free the prison-
The abominations do not eat here. If a group with an abomi-
ers from the dungeon involve patrols simply passing through
nation is indicated, reroll.
the area.
Tables and Chairs: Squares occupied by tables or chairs are
Torture Devices: Squares occupied by torture devices are
considered difficult terrain, and tables provide cover to adjacent
considered difficult terrain and provide cover to adjacent char-
characters. A character can step up onto a table as a move action,
acters. Anyone bull rushed or otherwise knocked into a torture
gaining a +1 bonus on melee attack rolls against those on the
device takes 2d4 points of additional damage from its spikes,
floor. Two characters working together can tip over a table to
blades, or other external trappings.
provide cover against ranged attacks.
K6A. Temporary Cells: The locked doors to these cells fea-
ture small barred windows.
castle guard. He is will-
When the PCs enter, read:
ing to cooperate with
This large open chamber appears to be an
the PCs if it means
audience hall. A raised dais sits against
striking at those ances-
the east wall, complete with a
tral rivals.
stone podium adorned with
If the PCs do not
serpentine carvings.
attack, a DC 18 Diplo-
macy check engages
Once one of the most
Chavakuth in conversa-
vital areas of Castle Serastis,
tion. (Characters speaking
the meeting hall has seen little
Draconic gain a +3 circumstance
use in the past few months. The
bonus on the check.) If the PCs
Vanguard’s servants know their
fail the Diplomacy check, make any
assignments, and any councils
overtly hostile move, or demand
now take place in the castle’s
more aid than Chavakuth is willing
to give, they trigger the tactical
Illus. by D. Griffith
The secret door opens onto
a twisting passage. This slopes
down to the passage outside
The enemy of my enemy . . . Tactical Encounter: K8. The
K13 and up to the passage con-
Lesser Shrine, page 31.
necting the barracks (K16).
Diplomacy: If the PCs speak to Chavakuth, he reveals the
Hidden Pit Trap: CR 3; mechanical; location trigger; manual
following information as part of a careful and tentative back-
reset; DC 20 Reflex save avoids; 30 feet deep (3d6, fall); multiple
and-forth. Read the following in response to player questions,
targets (first target in each of two adjacent squares); Search DC
extrapolating as appropriate. (Chavakuth’s halting speech results
24; Disable Device DC 18. Characters falling into this pit end
from his speaking Common only infrequently. If one of the PCs
up in cell K10F.
speaks Abyssal, Draconic, or Druidic, alter it accordingly.)
This pit is activated by a hidden switch on the lectern (Search
DC 24), and was used to publicly punish cultists whose faith was
• “I am Chavakuth. I am shaman of Dark Talon tribe. I serve
found lacking. Though the trap has not been used in some time,
the Sertrous, master of all.”
the patrols know to avoid it. The trap is triggered by 40 pounds or
• “All Vanguard readies for the Sertrous to awaken. His sacra-
more of pressure, but anyone who searches the podium and finds
ment nearly complete.”
the switch can deactivate it (no Disable Device check needed).
• “You cannot defeat the Sertrous or his Vanguard. No mortal
Dais: Characters on the dais gain a +1 bonus on melee attack
can. But maybe you survive to flee. Maybe I help you sur-
rolls against those on the floor or a lower step.
vive, yes? And you help me back, yes?”
• “Tiny poison dusk tribe also worship the Sertrous. They
K8. THE LESSER SHRINE dirty his Vanguard with being here. I tell you where to find
The faithful of Sertrous use this shrine for brief prayers and poison dusk, you kill. Vanguard purified, and I help you sur-
ceremonies when they have no time to travel to the Tower of vive. Yes?”
Though Chavakuth hates the poison dusk lizardfolk and is
When the PCs look in, read: willing to aid the PCs against them, he will not turn traitor
The walls of this rectangular chamber are covered in carvings. What against the Vanguard as a whole. Any attempt to make him do
first seems a group of serpentine figures reveals itself to be a single, so results in violence.
impossibly long snake with numerous heads along the length of its If the PCs agree to his bargain, Chavakuth gives them specific
body. Near the west wall stands an altar slab of black marble atop an directions to the poison dusk guards in the passage (K18) to the
iron stand in the form of a coiled cobra. Tower of the Way. He also directs them to one of the wandering
Standing beside the altar is a tall, broad-shouldered lizardfolk clad poison dusk patrols (so that the next random encounter is with
in green leather. His dusky scales are almost black, and he stares at you a poison dusk group).
Allowing the prisoners to escape is the closest Chavakuth Castle Serastis as a wandering adventurer, and was caught when
comes to betraying the Vanguard. He refuses any requests she tried to break in.
beyond that, and attacks if the PCs attempt to force the issue. 10F: This cell is empty unless someone has fallen through
The passage behind the secret door slopes downward, provid- the pit trap in area K7.
ing access to K13 and to a hidden exit from the fortress. 10G: Daverov (LN male dwarf aristocrat 4). Daverov insists
Ad Hoc XP Award: If the PCs deal with the encounter dip- on learning the hometowns of the PCs so he can send them a
lomatically from beginning to end, award them XP as if they reward (200 gp each) for his rescue.
had successfully overcome a CR 6 encounter. 10H: Kaleb (CN male human warrior 2). Kaleb was a hired
guard in his distant hometown. When drunk on duty, he was
taken unawares by the yuan-ti.
K9. THE DUNGEON 10I: Maneri (LN female human aristocrat 2). Maneri owned
A noticeable chill can be felt as PCs approach this area.
the gallery Kaleb was supposed to be guarding, and was cap-
Illumination: A pair of continual flame sconces light both
tured when he was.
ends of the chamber. The northernmost and southernmost 30
10J: Male human corpse.
feet of the area are brightly illuminated, while the central 40-
10K: Ossuru (CE female yuan-ti pureblood; page 29 or MM
foot area has only shadowy illumination.
263). A former guard, Ossuru failed in her assignments once
too often. If freed, she might attempt to escape with the others,
When the PCs enter the area, read:
or she could attack the PCs in hopes of regaining her position
These shadowy corridors are filled with a foul stench. Row upon row
(50% chance of either).
of cell doors line the halls. Ragged breathing and the occasional sob
Treasure: Hidden by layers of dirty straw, an adamantine
suggest that at least a few of the cells are occupied.
dagger (smuggled in by a long-gone prisoner) is wedged into
a crack in the floor of cell 10J. A successful DC 26 Strength
The PCs might not know it, but they are in as much danger as
check frees it.
the prisoners here. They are watched by the ghost of Yensurros,
Action Points: If the PCs free all the prisoners (possibly ex-
a yuan-ti so devoted to Sertrous that he remained behind after
cepting Thoburk and Ossuru) and escort them out of the castle,
death to continue his service as assistant inquisitor and chief
they earn 1 action point.
jailer. Lurking invisibly, Yensurros observes the PCs until he
feels he has their measure. He then attacks, triggering the tac-
tical encounter. K11. GARBAGE PIT
A shallow stair in the north wall curves up and around to the As the PCs approach the western portions of K9 and K10, they
torture chamber (K6). might catch a hint of the reek in this area.
Tactical Encounter: K9. The Dungeon, page 32.
When the PCs enter the area, read:
A horrific stench of rot and filth assails you, making your eyes water.
K10. CELLS The reek emanates from an enormous pit 20 feet in diameter, its edges
Lettered cell doors are locked, while other cells have a 50%
littered with rotting offal and green sludge.
chance of being open. See the K9 tactical encounter for statistics
on these doors, which are tougher than normal. Each door has
Upon first entering this area, all characters are sickened for
a small barred window.
2d4 minutes (Fortitude DC 15 negates). The tactical encounter
is triggered as soon as a PC enters the pit or spends more than
When the PCs look in, read:
2 rounds within 15 feet of its edge.
This desolate 10-foot-by-10-foot cell contains dirty straw and a chamber
Tactical Encounter: K11. Garbage Pit, page 34.
Gophodros is merely the latest in a line of otyughs that has
dwelt in the refuse pit of the castle since the days Sertrous
Nine of the cells are occupied, but the PCs likely have little
himself slept above. Their exposure to the lingering power of
chance to examine them until after their fight with Yensurros.
the elder evil has mutated them into spellwarped creatures
Unless otherwise noted, all freed prisoners are happy to aid
(MM3 162).
the PCs with whatever knowledge they can provide, but they
are too weak to fight.
When the PCs open the door, read: When the door is opened, read:
This chamber is stocked with all manner of This room is immaculate. Shelves line
supplies, stacked on shelves, standing in bar- the walls, all empty except for where
rels, and hanging on pegs. a pair of pearls gleams in the light.
On a table in the center of the room
12A: This chamber contains lies a set of gleaming black scale
six suits of studded leather mail.
armor, six suits
of leather armor, The Vanguard uses this
four chain shirts, room to store magic
two sets of scale items until they can
mail, a breast- be claimed or iden-
plate, four heavy tified. (By keeping
steel shields, them here rather
eight light steel than in the labora-
shields, three tory of the Tower
heavy wooden of the Word, the
Illus. by D. Griffith
shields, four light Vanguard avoids
wooden shields, and showing favorit-
four bucklers. ism to its arcan-
12B: This chamber ists when it comes
contains twenty-four to assigning new
backpacks, twenty- acquisitions.)
four bedrolls, fi fty No random en-
candles, six crow- counters occur in
bars, four hooded this room. However,
lanterns, four if the alarm spell on
pints of lamp oil, the door is triggered,
thirty-six days’ a random encounter
worth of trail ra- occurs when the PCs
tions, 250 feet of exit back into area
hemp rope in 50-foot K11.
sections, two sledgeham- Treasure: The armor
mers, six tents, and six on the table is Nanietharil
sunrods. (page 26). The Vanguard has not
12C: This chamber contains yet decided which member has
twelve scimitars, six heavy maces, four the best claim to it. On the shelf
longbows, eight shortbows, and twelve Even the garbage is deadly here are two pearls of power (one 1st- level, one
quivers of twenty arrows each. 2nd-level).
If the PCs have not played through Barrow of the Forgotten
King, the sword Merthúvial is also here. If you lack access to the
K13. HIDDEN EXIT sword’s legacy abilities as presented in that adventure, treat it as
This appears to be another chamber of mundane equipment,
a +1 longsword with the ability to bypass the risen king’s damage
nearly identical to K12B. However, this door has a standard lock
reduction (see tactical encounter S4-A, page 52).
(Open Lock DC 25).
The secret door leads to a winding passageway providing
access to the shrine (K8) and to a secret exit from the fortress. K15. THE INTERIOR BALCONY
(From the outside, the secret entrance can be found only with A character against the railing has line of sight to anyone in
a DC 30 Spot check.) area K3, unless they are beneath the balcony on the same side
of the room.
a +2 circumstance bonus on the opposed Strength check to avoid triggers the tactical encounter.
being bull rushed off the balcony. Tactical Encounter: K18. The Way Forward, page 35.
This counts as one of the two abomination patrols that can be
ferent hues. These portals radiate strong conjuration magic if
detected (Spellcraft DC 28).
Portal 22A: Anyone stepping into this portal emerges in the
When the PCs approach the ziggurat, read:
Tower of the Word, area D1.
The ziggurat radiates an aura of intense dread, and an icy touch twists
Portal 22B: Anyone stepping into this portal emerges in the
through you. Seen up close, the structure’s black marble walls are shot
Tower of the Word, area D9. However, this portal operates only
through with veins of dark red, and its surface glistens faintly.
if the right combination of gems is pressed. Once it becomes
active, it glows green like the others. See the Tower of the Way
Any character who touches or climbs the ziggurat notes that
for more examples of such combination-controlled portals, and
what appears to be solid stone gives way slightly, resembling
area D7 (page 20) for information on how to use them.
living flesh in its consistency.
Portal 22C: Anyone stepping into this portal emerges in the
The long-term presence of Sertrous imbued the ziggurat with
Tower of Worship, area P1.
unnatural energy, affecting its form and creating the unhallow
effect described in K19. The ziggurat has three levels, each 10
feet high. Climbing from level to level requires a DC 20 Climb K22. THE OUTER BALCONY
check because of the unnatural texture of the stone. Since K19 rises two levels in height, this area is the only self-
Illus. by D. Griffith
Treasure: Lying atop the ziggurat is a pair of lesser bracers of contained enclosure on this level of the central keep.
archery. The yuan-ti occasionally leave magic items here
as tribute to Sertrous. After 1d12 days, they are con- When the PCs enter the area, read:
sumed by the ziggurat’s unnatural energies. You stand on a wide balcony open to the recessed hollow
in which the castle is set. Four great pillars, carved so
that each appears to be crushed in the grip of a winding
K21. THE GATE ROOM serpent, hold huge metal bowls above the floor. These
If the PCs have not explored any of the towers
resemble braziers but are currently unlit. Despite the
yet, this area is their first indication that
fact that the balcony is open, the three towers of
getting around Castle Serastis involves
the fortress block the view beyond.
more than doors and stairways.
Illumination: The glow of
The stairs lead down to K21. The
the portals sheds bright light
secret door reveals a hidden
throughout this area.
access to area P1 of the Tower of
Worship, and also winds down
When the PCs enter the
to the passage that connects
area, read:
with K19.
A strange electric glow is
Wide Pillar: 5 feet thick;
eclipsed by this chamber’s four
AC 3, hardness 8, hp 900,
massive columns. Stone arches
break DC 45; Climb DC 20.
along the southwest and
Each wide pillar provides
northwest walls are filled with
cover. A pillar can be pushed
maelstroms of brilliant green
over with a Strength check
light that obscure whatever lies
that exceeds its break DC,
behind them. A similar arch
dealing 10d6 points of
stands in the west wall, but it
damage to creatures in the
does not glow. Beyond it lies only
squares it falls in (Reflex
blank stone.
DC 15 half). A pillar fills
the squares it falls in with
If the characters have played
dense rubble (DMG 60).
through DD2: The Sinister
Spire, they recognize the
glowing of the arches as
The yuan-ti use this chamber to brief their scout teams before Y3. LIVING QUARTERS
they embark through the portals. This location is where the This door is locked. Issiel (see tactical encounter Y1/Y5) has
PCs engage the master of the tower and her guardian dragon in the key.
combat, even though the pair fights from the landing at Y5.
Tactical Encounter: Y1/Y5. Staging Area/Lower Landing, When the door is opened, read:
page 36. (You might also need to make use of the Y6 tactical These living quarters are more comfortable than any soldiers’ barracks.
map, page 38.) A four-poster bed with a thick mattress occupies the west wall, but what
The bronze dragon Snapwing (see the tactical encounter) was appears to be a human-sized nest of dried mud and bones sits on the
taken by the Vanguard as an egg, and he has been raised with a floor beside it. A heavy wardrobe stands open to the south, three sets of
brutal combination of abuse and enchantment. Though the PCs robes hanging within.
might assume that the dragon is currently charmed or dominated,
Snapwing’s vile upbringing has made him thoroughly evil. If Issiel and Snapwing have been killed, no random encounters
occur in this room, making it a safe place for the PCs to rest. If
the pair survived tactical encounter Y1/Y5, a random encounter
Y2. MAP ROOM in this area indicates that they have returned home.
This door is locked. Issiel (see tactical encounter Y1/Y5) has
Treasure: Hidden beneath a false bottom in the wardrobe
the key.
(Search DC 22) is Issiel’s spellbook. See her statistics block,
page 36.
When the PCs open the door, read:
A triangular table, one side against the northwest wall, juts halfway
into the room. Numerous scroll cases, sheaves of parchment, and car- Y4. THE WINDING STAIR
tographers’ tools are scattered across it. Beneath the table sits a small This stairway, as well as all higher stairs and landings in the
Tower of the Way, is open on one side except for a simple brass
railing. Observers on the stairs can look down into area Y1.
Illumination: The glow of the portals in area Y5 sheds shad-
OTHER ENTRANCES owy illumination throughout this area.
So why didn’t the electric gate in The Sinister Spire take the
PCs straight into the Tower of the Way? Though the squads When the PCs climb the stair, read:
sent out from Castle Serastis to acquire minor components This wide stone stair winds up the side of the tower. As you approach
for the Sacrament of the Risen Abyss are on a strict schedule, the landing, you see stone archways carved into the walls at regular
the Vanguard had no way of knowing how long it would take intervals.
their agents to return with the bones of the forgotten king.
If the electric gate and the Sertrous key were to fall into the Y5. THE LOWER LANDING
wrong hands, the Vanguard’s enemies would have an easy Issiel and Snapwing begin combat here, though the PCs are in
way into Castle Serastis. The gate exit was therefore placed area Y1 when they attack.
a safe distance away. Illumination: The glow of the portals sheds bright light
That said, an enterprising DM is free to have the PCs begin throughout this area.
the adventure by teleporting directly to the Tower of the
Way. This approach requires changes to the adventure as When the PCs explore, read:
written. However, dropping the PCs into the thick of things As you draw closer, more details of the stone archways can be seen. There
without giving them the opportunity to learn about their are seven, each the size of a large door, its outer frame inlaid with small
foes—or even where they are—can make the fortress of the gemstones of varying colors.
yuan-ti even more of a challenge.
ture) are labeled. If you would like to develop additional side tower use flying or levitation magic to ascend or descend.
quests or use Castle Serastis as the starting point for a follow-up Characters passing back through the portal return to K21.
adventure, feel free to have additional portals attuned to destina-
tions of your choice.
Once the PCs have learned to activate them, the following
The door to this area is not only locked but trapped. The trap is
portals can be used to get to and from specific destinations.
triggered by anyone who touches the door handle without first
Portal Y5C: Bloody Grotto (page 54).
speaking the proper command word (“Suthsisharriss,” a word
Portal Y5A: Wretched Swamp (page 56).
in Yuan-Ti that roughly translates to “clearing skies”). The trap
Portal Y5B: Caves of Horror (page 58).
resets in 1 minute.
Portal Y5D: The Blasted Land (page 62).
Chain Lightning Trap: CR 7; magic device; touch trigger;
Portal Y5E: The portal chamber in the Tower of Worlds (area
automatic reset; spell effect (chain lightning, CL 11th, 11d6 elec-
S1). This portal stands on the stairwell between Y5 and Y6 and
tricity to target who touched trigger plus 5d6 electricity to each
is not shown on the map.
of up to eleven secondary targets, DC 19 Reflex half); Search DC
31; Disable Device DC 31.
The tactical encounter is normally triggered when the party Once the PCs open the door, read:
enters the landing from the stairs. However, if the fight with This small chamber contains all manner of equipment, carefully
Issiel and Snapwing moves into this area, the creatures here ordered and labeled in Yuan-Ti. Alchemical devices sit on shelves, spell
do not come to their aid. Only when the pair is slain do they components are stocked in strictly measured quantities, and valuable
descend from the rafters. parchments and inks are neatly stacked in boxes.
When the PCs climb, read: Treasure: This supply closet contains the components of an
As you approach the last landing on the winding staircase, a mass of alchemist’s lab (500 gp), three full sets of standard spell compo-
shadows and crisscrossing rafters rises above you. Much of the tower nents (5 gp each), five pearls (100 gp each), a pouch of diamond
is open to the elements, creating a kind of battlement looking out over dust (250 gp), and enough special inks for a wizard to scribe five
the fields around Cettrux Hill. pages of a spellbook (500 gp).
The closet also contains a large pouch of foul-smelling purple
Tactical Encounter: Y6. Upper Landing, page 38. (You might powder. A DC 25 Craft (alchemy) check reveals that if the powder
also need to make use of the Y1/Y5 tactical map, page 37.) is mixed with blood, it spontaneously ignites and creates thick
clouds of noxious fumes (see tactical encounters S4 and S4-A,
pages 50 and 52).
D: THE TOWER OF THE WORD Action Points: The powder is essential to the final stages of
This tower is home and workplace to the Vanguard’s arcanists. the Sacrament of the Risen Abyss. If the PCs take or destroy the
Item creation and identification occur here, as does alchemical supply here, they earn 1 action point.
experimentation and far more horrific endeavors. Residents of
the Tower of the Word use the combination-controlled portals
or flying and levitation magic to reach any area below the main
The doors to these rooms are locked.
level (any yuan-ti encountered here carries two potions of levitate).
As a result, standard patrols do not appear in these areas. If you
When a door is opened, read:
roll anything other than a special encounter while the PCs are
This sparsely appointed chamber contains a large four-poster bed, a
in the tower, treat the result as no encounter.
heavy wardrobe, and a writing desk.
D1. ENTRY CHAMBER Random Encounter: Only random encounters with yuan-
The PCs’ presence here triggers the tactical encounter. Unless ti wizards occur here. If you roll anything other than a special
they arrive invisibly, they have no chance to do more than look encounter while the PCs are in the tower, treat it as no encounter.
around the room before combat begins. A special encounter indicates a wizard, rather than requiring a
Illumination: The glow of the portal sheds bright light second roll.
throughout this area.
As with area D1, the PCs likely can’t do more than look around When the PCs first descend, read:
before their presence triggers the tactical encounter. This octagonal chamber is comfortably equipped. Cushioned chairs
Tactical Encounter: D5. The Laboratory, page 40. are spaced throughout the room, and the walls are lined with heavy
Another illusory wall spell has been cast 20 feet below this bookcases.
chamber, blocking any view into area D7.
The body on the table is a spell weaver (MM2 187). A DC 15 If the PCs see the balcony:
Heal check indicates that this poor creature was vivisected—one A narrow balcony overhangs the southern wall, though you see no stairs
of the Vanguard’s experiments seeking to marry dark magic and or ladder that might give access. On it stands a yuan-ti abomination,
the essence of mortal life. its massive form dwarfing the railing it leans on. Its eyes gleam with a
Treasure: In addition to the benefit it gives the PCs against fiendish light as it watches you.
the risen king (see tactical encounter S4-A), the king’s crown is a
Diplomacy: If the PCs are willing to speak with Zoldathra, stopped. Your only hope lies in thwarting the collection of
read the following in response to player questions or statements. the last relics necessary for the rites, and in harrying the
Feel free to extrapolate beyond what is presented here. However, so-called leaders of the Vanguard as they seek to complete
keep in mind that although Zoldathra wants to stop the sacra- their plans.”
ment and see the Vanguard’s leadership overthrown, he does not
wish the organization destroyed. He reveals nothing regarding Zoldathra then tells the PCs that any one of three portals—the
Sertrous himself beyond what is presented here. highest in the Tower of the Way, or the lowest in the Tower of the
Word or the Tower of Worship—can take them to the Tower of
• “I am Zoldathra, Master of the Word. I have been a member Worlds. He gives the PCs the combinations to all active portals
of the Vanguard of Sertrous for decades. Until recently, I within the castle.
thought that I was privy to the greatest secrets of my organi- If Things Go Poorly: If the PCs push for more aid or informa-
zation. I was wrong.” tion than that described here, Zoldathra grows angry. The first
• “One day, Sertrous will rise and the Vanguard will rule in time this happens, the PCs can calm him down with a successful
his name. You cannot stop that. But perhaps we can work DC 15 Diplomacy check. If it happens again, or if the check fails,
together in the interim, to prevent the travesty envisioned Zoldathra attacks to trigger the tactical encounter.
by the Vanguard’s current leaders.” Tactical Encounter: D7. The Library, page 42.
• “Only recently have I learned that the creature they intend Even if the PCs wind up slaying Zoldathra, they can still
to bring forth with the Sacrament of the Risen Abyss is obtain much of the information they need. Although the books
intended not to rule the world, but to help destroy it. I dare in the library do not explain the true purpose of the sacrament,
not move against my leaders directly, but perhaps with my they contain much information on its rites. With 4d6 hours of
assistance, you can accomplish what I cannot.” research, the PCs can learn everything presented above except
the Vanguard’s true goals.
Assuming the PCs cooperate (or at least listen), Zoldathra is will- Ad Hoc XP Award: If the PCs deal with Zoldathra diplo-
ing to provide the following assistance. First, he offers advice on matically from beginning to end, award them XP as if they had
avoiding wandering patrols, using his influence to steer those successfully overcome a CR 8 encounter.
patrols away from the PCs. From this point on, random encoun- Action Points: Zoldathra is a powerful ally, and works behind
ters occur less frequently (see page 10). the scenes to slow the Vanguard down while the PCs are active.
Second, Zoldathra explains the Sacrament of the Risen Abyss, If the PCs work with him, they gain 2 action points.
including what the Vanguard are concealing from a majority of
Sertrous’s faithful. Through Zoldathra, you can give the party the
information presented in What the PCs Don’t Know (page 4).
This small reading balcony overlooks the library at a height of
Zoldathra explains that the ritual began a week ago, but that
roughly 15 feet. It has no ladder or stairway; only those who can
the Vanguard continues to gather components for its use. He tells
fly or levitate can reach it.
the PCs which portals in the Tower of the Way are attuned to
destinations, and the proper combination of gems that must be
pressed to activate them. He warns them that even with access D9. SUMMIT CHAMBER
to the portals, alarm spells will alert the Vanguard to the party’s The door to this area is locked.
unauthorized movements.
When the PCs unlock the door, read:
• “Each portal leads to an area in which one of the necessary This chamber is largely unremarkable except for another of the stone
components can be found. You will have to either beat the arches, lined with inlaid gems, in the south wall.
Vanguard operatives to the components or take them by
force if you wish to prevent their use in the sacrament.” On those occasions when the Vanguard’s spellcasters must
address the troops (most often to demonstrate a new magic item
Although Zoldathra knows how to activate attuned por- or cast spells over a large group), they do so here. The portal pro-
tals, he cannot help the PCs use portals not already set to a vides access to either the central keep (area K21) or the Tower
destination. of Worlds (area S1), depending on which combination of gems
Zoldathra describes the four components remaining to be is pressed.
found: the phylactery of a lich who was one of the forgotten king’s
throughout this area. Though this chamber occupies the entire center of the tower, it seems
insufficient to contain the horrors within. Foul art objects, demonic
When the PCs enter the chamber, read: weapons, bloodstained bones, severed
The walls, ceiling, and floor of this chamber are etched with images of hands, and standards bearing
huge serpents feasting on entire castles and villages of terrified human- sigils of chaos and evil line
oids. Other than the frescoes, the crackling green portal, and a set of the walls to all sides.
stairs leading down, the room is empty.
Both keyed locations are identical.
The tactical encounter associated with this area does not occur
immediately. Rather, it is triggered the first time the PCs step
out of a doorway (that is, out of area P3 or P4) onto one of the
landings. This happens regardless of which landing the PCs are
on, and it occurs only once.
Tactical Encounter: P2. Landing, page 43.
The bizarre baboon wights that guard this area are the result
of experimentation by the necromancer Vsolt (area P3). They
are trained not to attack yuan-ti or lizardfolk, or anyone accom-
panied by them.
The tactical encounter is triggered by the PCs’ arrival, giving
same information as the prisoners from the dungeon cells (area
them only an initial glimpse of the room.
K10). One prisoner who speaks a bit of Draconic has overheard
Illumination: While it is activated, the glow of the portal
Vanguard plans to sacrifice the slaves of the valley if the current
sheds bright light throughout this area.
sacrifices prove insufficient.
The commoners do not recognize the prisoner (actually the
When the PCs pass through the portal, read:
captured Arzanezra) who broke free and fought back against the
The arch you step out from stands in the center of the room, unlike the
human torturer Shiuahn. They are unaware of her true nature,
wall-mounted arches seen previously. From the ceiling, corpses in various
and assume that she has been recently captured as a stranger
stages of decay hang by chains and rusty hooks. Suddenly the light of the
to these parts.
arch winks out, and a massive shape rises from the darkness.
In reality, Arzanezra is a paladin of slaughter in the ser-
vice of fiendish masters. Sent to Castle Serastis in response
Tactical Encounter: S1. The Portal Chamber, page 48.
to rumors of the Sacrament of the Risen Abyss, she gained
The portal powers down automatically but remains attuned
intelligence of the Vanguard’s activities before being captured
to the portal that brought the PCs here. The same combination
when attempting to flee the fortress. The Vanguard assumed
allows them to leave.
her to simply be a roaming adventurer, and assigned her to
The bodies here are victims that have been sacrificed to the
be sacrificed.
rite over the previous week. If the PCs rescued the prisoners in
Treasure: The Vanguard keeps its horrid relics here, some of
areas K10 or P4 but did not escort them out of the castle, or if
which might be valuable to a sage or historian. These include
they did nothing when the yuan-ti collected new slaves in tacti-
a snake-bladed, masterwork silvered bastard sword (600 gp),
cal encounter F (page 28), those prisoners and slaves are found
the fangs of an ancient green dragon (1,000 gp), a fine tapestry
among the dead here.
depicting Castle Serastis (1,500 gp), and the skull of a giant
The stairs lead up to S2.
serpent (1,000 gp).
Treasure: A successful DC 25 Search check finds a dusty rose
Rusted Dagger: The dagger wielded by Shiuahn once
prism ioun stone caught in the tattered cloak of one corpse.
belonged to the forgotten king. It radiates faint transmutation
magic (Spellcraft DC 21), and close examination reveals that
its design matches the sword Merthúvial (from Barrow of the S2. THE VESTIBULE
Forgotten King or area K14). Although it has no innate magical The stairs enter the southwest corner of this chamber from S1
abilities, it is a potent weapon if used against the king himself below.
(see encounter S4-A, page 52). Illumination: The cobra heads on the walls are imbued with
Action Points: If the PCs free all the victims to be sacrificed continual flame, filling the area with bright light.
and escort them out of the castle, they earn 2 action points.
When the PCs open the door, read:
The floor of this room is sloped, forcing you to look up to the other side of
P5. PORTAL CHAMBER the chamber. An enormous serpent is etched into the floor, its switchback
The door to this area is locked.
coils breaking the flat surface of the slope. The room is lit by the glowing
Illumination: While it is activated, the glow of the portal
eyes and mouths of stone cobra heads adorning the walls.
sheds bright light throughout this area.
The fiendish medusa Effandra is master of the Tower of Worship.
When the door is opened, read:
However, while the Sacrament of the Risen Abyss is underway,
Though only half the size, this room appears much like the chamber by
she is stationed here as a guard and an occasional participant
which you entered the tower. The same etchings mark the walls, floor,
in the rites. She is accompanied by two nagathas created by Ud-
and ceiling, but the room’s archway stands silent.
muela (see The Wretched Swamp, page 56).
Tactical Encounter: S2. The Vestibule, page 49.
As with area P1, the etchings on the floor have no effect on
combat. Though the portal on the north wall is currently inac-
tive, it is set to take characters to the Tower of Worlds (area S1) S3. ENDLESS STAIR
with the right combination. The door to the staircase to the south is not only locked but
trapped. If opened without the proper password (“I spill my
life for Sertrous,” spoken in Abyssal, Draconic, or Yuan-Ti), all
The bloated yuan-ti carries with him a dark steel shield whose center
Because the Tower of Worlds is an extradimensional space, not boasts an abstract black serpent in place of the lightning bolt of Hei-
all its areas obey the physical laws of the Material Plane. Regard- roneous. The shield resembles that carried by one of the statues in the
less of the PCs’ speed (and even if they move at different rates), it forgotten king’s tomb.
takes 2d4+2 minutes to reach the top of the stairs (roll separately
for each character). The stairs eventually lead to S4. The yuan-ti leading the ceremony is Sulvaugren, Master of
Worlds. The bodies on two of the biers are those of the high-
est-ranking halfblood wizards of the Vanguard, whose willing
S4. THE SACRAMENTAL CHAMBER sacrifice a week before marked the start of the sacrament. (If the
The door to this chamber is locked.
PCs investigate the bodies, one wears a signet that identifies him
Illumination: Harmless mystical fire fills this area with
as Gazaron, the yuan-ti in charge of the effort to collect the relics
shadowy illumination.
in Barrow of the Forgotten King and The Sinister Spire.)
The bones on the third bier are those of the forgotten king.
When the PCs open the door, read:
Mystic energy infused into them by the ceremony protects the
The chamber glows with the light of demonic fire that seems to burn
bones from being touched, and no attempt to disrupt or destroy
the air itself. Three stone biers covered with serpentine imagery stand
them can now interrupt the rites.
Illus. by D. Griffith
be used. This knowledge is the last remnant of the king’s true
it is viewed.
spirit, aiding those who would destroy the travesty his body
Nonlegacy Game Statistics: +1 heavy steel shield; cost 1,770
has become.
gp. You are considered 1 level higher for the purpose of turning
Tactical Encounters: S4. Sacramental Chamber, page 50;
or rebuking undead, though you do not gain this ability if you
S4-A. The Risen King, page 52.
do not already have it.
Development: These are two tough encounters, and the PCs
Omens: When a wielder straps the shield to his arm, the holy
might be forced to retreat when the forgotten king rises. If so,
symbol of his deity, the standard of his liege or kingdom, or the
the risen king takes control of the Vanguard, but he needs a few
emblem of an organization to which he belongs immediately
days to put his plans into motion. The PCs can rest up and hit
appears in the center of the shield. The shield resizes to fit any
him again, though he might be found anywhere within Serastis
Small, Medium, or Large wielder.
and is accompanied by a yuan-ti patrol at all times.
If the PCs cannot destroy the risen king within 1d4+1 days,
he departs the castle and begins consolidating his power HISTORY
throughout the realm. Although he is weaker than he would In the early days of St. Cuthbert’s faith, a young priest named
have been had the sacrament been properly completed, he Seamus took temporary leave of his duties to travel back to
intends to carry out the Vanguard’s plan by taking over his his homeland and attend his sister’s funeral. When he finally
old kingdom (using his own Charisma and the mask of disguise returned months later, he was horrified to find his church burned
specially crafted for him). The PCs might face a new task: con- to the foundations, the bodies of his fellow priests within. No
vincing a celebrating populace that their newly risen savior religious icon or holy scripture escaped the fire—except for a
will be their downfall. shield the high priest had used in his ill-fated defense of the
Though he had no notion of who was responsible, Seamus was
CONCLUDING THE determined to exact vengeance. At that time, the larger churches
ADVENTURE considered St. Cuthbert an upstart whose faithful were little
more than a mob of pretenders. Seamus chose to start his quest
If the PCs are victorious, they have thwarted the Sacrament
with them. (DC 15)
of the Risen Abyss against overwhelming odds. The power of
The young priest expected to find enemies among the other
the Vanguard of Sertrous is broken. The PCs can deliver the
churches of the region; instead, he found more victims. From
bones of the forgotten king back to Kingsholm before taking
the dwarven temple of Moradin to the holy cathedral of Pelor to
some much-needed rest. If they do so, grant them XP as if
the fortress bastion of Hextor, Seamus discovered smoldering
they had overcome a CR 5 encounter. If they offer to return
ruin after smoldering ruin. For years he traveled, until the
the weapons of legacy as well, Town Speaker Phodor Landros
number of fallen churches he encountered could not easily be
tells the PCs they are free to keep them until they have retired
from adventuring. In this case, increase the award to that of a
On the way, Seamus gathered allies in the form of other sur-
CR 7 encounter.
vivors of the attacks, including Surra Soulhammer, high priest
Many adventures might yet await the party. Perhaps the PCs
of Moradin, and Rotheul, champion of Hextor. With others like
learn to set destinations for the remaining portals in the Tower
themselves, these former enemies worked together to expose
of the Way, or decide to further explore the areas to which they
what could only be construed as an attack on faith itself. As a
have already teleported. Additionally, any enemies who sur-
symbol of their united purpose (and in memory of the last stand
vived—Yensurros and Arzanezra are likely candidates—might
Seamus’s high priest had made), they crafted the Aegis Inviolable, a
seek revenge at a later date.
magic shield to be wielded by their greatest champion once their
Beyond that, has the cult of Sertrous truly been wiped out?
enemy was found. (DC 20; The Enemy of My Enemy)
The Vanguard is gone, but was this the only band of zealots cling-
In the end, the tale of Seamus and his allies was one of tragic
ing to the hope of raising their dark god? And what of Sertrous
failure. The wandering priests eventually located their enemy:
himself? A part of the former fiend lord’s consciousness woke in
the Covenant of Ur. This cult was one of the earliest known
the body of the risen king, even if only for a few moments. The
assemblages of ur-priests—practitioners of divine magic not
ancient evil of the Slumbering Serpent has stirred, and it might
granted by the gods but stolen from them. The wandering
now just be a matter of time before it truly awakens.
priests confronted the covenant. Though they managed to
ous combat is a great wrong. I have come thus to praise her, and scale mail
to pay honor to the battle that should have been.” Reverently, 14th — — 5th Predator’s dash
King Ruruk laid a suit of darkwood scale mail alongside the 15th — 2 — —
16th — — 6th Shape of the wild
body. Without another word, he and his host returned the way
they had come. For twenty-eight days—the length of the tradi-
tional mourning period for the elves of Tiur Vedrilos—no orcs WIELDER REQUIREMENTS
attacked across the border. Proficient in Medium armor.
The elves marveled at the armor, for it was as fine as any Any two of the following: Knowledge (nature) 4 ranks, Hide
they themselves might have crafted. Clearly, King Ruruk had 4 ranks, Survival 4 ranks.
called upon the greatest artisans of his people for its creation. Only those of either elven or orc blood can use the abilities
Though it was unheard of for a warrior of Suriel’s reputation to of the shield for 11th level and higher.
be buried with arms and armor not her own, the elves decided
that she would be interred wearing this unique gift. (DC 22; A
Matter of Honor)
All the following are legacy item abilities of Nanietharil.
Generations later, Tiur Vedrilos and Kagaan Ruul temporarily
Illus. by D. Griffith
One With the Wild (Su): You gain a +5 competence bonus
allied against a goblinoid incursion from the north that threat-
on wild empathy checks. If you do not already have the wild
ened both lands. To strengthen this fragile union, the armor
empathy ability, you instead gain this ability as a druid of your
was exhumed and worn at times by elf and orc champions alike.
character level –2.
It was during these battles that Nanietharil first displayed its
Walk Unseen (Su): You gain a +5 competence bonus on
mystical abilities—abilities that the orcs swore their histories
Hide checks.
had never spoken of.
Walk Unheard (Su): You gain a +5 competence bonus on
None ever learned how the armor became magic, for Nani-
Move Silently checks.
etharil was lost on the field of battle. Presumably it was picked up
Voice of the Wild (Sp): With a command word, you can
as a hobgoblin war trophy and eventually acquired by a stalwart
use speak with animals (as the spell) five
adventurer. (DC 27; An Echo of Old Alliances)
times per day.
Armor of the Wild (Su): You
LEGACY RITUALS retain all the benefits and abilities
Two rituals are required to unlock all the of Nanietharil when you use the
abilities of Nanietharil. wild shape ability. (Other forms of
A Matter of Honor: You must shapechanging, such as polymorph
travel to the gravesite of an enemy spells, do not apply.)
you respected (regardless of how Predator’s Dash (Su): Your base
much you might also have hated him) land speed increases by 10 feet.
to offer a sacrifice of goods in tribute. Shape of the Wild (Su): You gain one
The cost of the ritual includes the additional daily use of your wild shape
cost of the goods. Cost: 1,500 gp. Feat ability. This additional use cannot be used
Granted: Least Legacy (Nanietharil). to transform into an elemental, and you
An Echo of Old Alliances: You do not gain the wild shape ability if
must perform a service for someone of you do not already have it.
orc blood (if you are of elven blood) or
of elven blood (if you are of orc blood).
This service need not be long-term, but
it must involve actual expense or danger
on your part. Cost: 11,500 gp. Feat Granted:
Lesser Legacy (Nanietharil).
Encounter Level 7 When Yensurros manifests and attacks, read:
Yensurros, Yuan-Ti Halfblood Ghost CR 7 Telekinesis (Su) As the spell; at will; caster level 12th. After
MM 264, MM 116 using this ability, Yensurros must wait 1d4 rounds to
hp 45 (7 HD) use it again.
CE Medium undead (augmented monstrous humanoid) Alternate Form (Sp) Yensurros can assume the form of a
(incorporeal) Tiny to Large viper (MM 280) as a psionic ability. He
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft., scent; Listen +24, uses his own poison for the viper’s bite attack. The
Spot +24 poison is effective against ethereal foes only.
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Yuan-Ti Chameleon Power (Sp) Yensurros can change the
coloration of himself and his equipment to match his
AC 16, touch 16, flat-footed 15; Dodge or surroundings, granting him a +10 circumstance bonus
AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 15; Dodge (ethereal encounters on Hide checks.
only) Manifestation (Su) As a ghost, Yensurros dwells on the
Miss Chance 50% (incorporeal) Ethereal Plane and, as an ethereal creature, he cannot
Immune undead immunities (MM 317) affect or be affected by anything in the material world.
Resist turn resistance +4; SR 16 When a ghost manifests, it partly enters the Material
Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +9 Plane and becomes visible but incorporeal on the
Speed fly 30 ft. (perfect) (6 squares) Material Plane. A manifested ghost can be harmed only
Melee incorporeal touch +8 (draining touch) and by other incorporeal creatures, magic weapons, or
bite +3 (draining touch) or spells, with a 50% chance to ignore any damage from a
Melee incorporeal touch +9 (draining touch) and corporeal source. A manifested ghost can pass through
bite +4 (1d6+1 plus poison plus draining touch) against solid objects at will, and its own attacks pass through
ethereal foes armor. A manifested ghost always moves silently.
Base Atk +7; Grp +9 (ethereal foes only) A manifested ghost can strike with its touch attack or
Atk Options Blind-Fight, Combat Expertise; draining touch, with a ghost touch weapon. A manifested ghost
poison (DC 14, 1d6 Con/1d6 Con), produce acid remains partially on the Ethereal Plane, where it is not
Special Actions telekinesis incorporeal. A manifested ghost can be attacked by
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 8th): opponents on either the Material Plane or the Ethereal
At will—detect poison (CL 6th) Plane. The ghost’s incorporeality helps protect it from
3/day—animal trance (DC 17), cause fear (DC 16), foes on the Material Plane, but not from foes on the
entangle (DC 16) Ethereal Plane.
1/day—deeper darkness, neutralize poison, suggestion When a spellcasting ghost is not manifested and is
(DC 18) on the Ethereal Plane, its spells cannot affect targets on
Abilities Str 15, Dex 13, Con —, Int 18, Wis 18, Cha 20 the Material Plane, but they work normally against
SA draining touch, poison, produce acid, telekinesis ethereal targets. When a spellcasting ghost manifests,
SQ alternate form, chameleon power, manifestation, its spells continue to affect ethereal targets and can
rejuvenation, undead traits (MM 317) affect targets on the Material Plane normally unless the
Feats AlertnessB, Blind-FightB, Combat Expertise, Dodge, spells rely on touch. A manifested ghost’s touch spells
Improved Initiative don’t work on nonethereal targets.
Skills Concentration +15, Knowledge (religion) +14, A ghost has two home planes, the Material Plane
Knowledge (the planes) +14, Hide +19*, Listen +24, and the Ethereal Plane. It is not considered extraplanar
Search +12, Spot +24 when on either of these planes.
*A halfblood using chameleon power gains a +10 Rejuvenation (Su) If he would otherwise be destroyed,
circumstance bonus on Hide checks. Yensurros returns in 2d4 days if he makes a successful
DC 16 level check (1d20 + 7 HD). Yensurros’ reason for
Draining Touch (Su) Yensurros drains 1d4 points from one existence is to serve Sertrous, who he worships as a
ability score of his choice when he hits a living creature deity. If Sertrous’s true nature can be proven to
with an incorporeal touch attack. On each successful Yensurros, he can then be permanently destroyed.
attack, he heals 5 points of damage to himself.
Produce Acid (Sp) A yuan-ti halfblood has the psionic Prisoners CR —
power to exude acid from its body, dealing 3d6 points hp 6 (1 HD)
of acid damage to the next creature it touches, AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (helpless)
including a creature hit by its bite attack. If the yuan-ti is Fortitude +1, Reflex +1, Will +1
grappling or pinning a foe when it uses this power, its
grasp deals 5d6 points of acid damage. The acid
becomes inert when it leaves the yuan-ti’s body, and the
yuan-ti is immune to its effect. Yensurros can use this 33
ability on ethereal foes only.
Encounter Level 5 Gophodros, Spellwarped* Otyugh
*MM3 162
CR 5
hp 48 (6 HD)
SETUP NE Large aberration
The spellwarped otyugh Gophodros (G) occupies the bulk of Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., scent; Listen +6, Spot +6
the pit bottom. The PCs’ starting positions depend on their Languages Common
actions while exploring the room. AC 20, touch 10, flat-footed 19
SR 17
When the encounter begins, read: Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +6
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares)
With a revolting gurgle, two sucker-tipped tentacles shoot up Melee 2 tentacles +6 each (1d6+2) and
from the base of the pit. bite +0 (1d4+1)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (15 ft. with tentacles)
Base Atk +4; Grp +10
TACTICS Atk Options constrict 1d6+2, disease, improved grab
Gophodros’s reach plus the depth of the garbage in the pit Abilities Str 15, Dex 12, Con 17, Int 9, Wis 12, Cha 6
allow it to attack targets anywhere within 15 feet of the SQ spell absorption
pit’s edge. The otyugh single-mindedly attempts to grapple Feats Alertness, Toughness, Weapon Focus (tentacle)
targets and drag them into the pit, where it constricts and Skills Hide +0*, Listen +6, Spot +6
consumes them. *An otyugh has a +8 racial bonus on Hide checks in its
If reduced to 15 or fewer hit points, Gophodros throws any lair, due to its natural coloration.
current victims out of the pit. The creature then takes cover Disease (Ex) Filth fever—bite, Fort DC 16, incubation
beneath the garbage, hoping to be left alone. period 1d3 days, damage 1d3 Dex and 1d3 Con.
Improved Grab (Ex) To use this ability, Gophodros must hit
with a tentacle attack. It can then attempt to start a
grapple as a free action without provoking attacks of
opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a
hold and can constrict.
Spell Absorption (Su) Whenever a spell fails to penetrate
Gophodros’s spell resistance, it gains one of the
following benefits, chosen at the time the spell resolves.
Might: +4 enhancement bonus to Strength for 1
Agility: +4 enhancement bonus to Dexterity for 1
Endurance: +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution
for 1 minute.
Life: Temporary hit points equal to 5 × the level of
the failed spell.
Speed: Gophodros’s base speed increases by a
number of feet equal to 5 × the level of the failed spell.
Resistance: Gophodros gains resistance 10 to one
energy type of its choice.
Encounter Level 8
Issiel, Master of the Way
MM 263
CR 6
hp 41 (9 HD)
SETUP Female yuan-ti pureblood enchanter 5
This encounter takes place in two areas simultaneously, so CE Medium monstrous humanoid
be sure to read and fully understand everyone’s position and Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +9, Spot +9
tactics. When combat begins, Issiel (I) and Snapwing (S) are Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Yuan-Ti
on the balcony as marked. The PCs should be placed in area AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15; Dodge
Y1, not far from the entrance. Snapwing makes himself obvi- SR 14
ous, but it takes a DC 19 Spot check to notice Issiel. Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +8
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
When combat begins, read: Melee mwk scimitar +6 (1d6–1/18–20)
Base Atk +6; Grp +5
From the balcony, a human-sized draconic form plummets Atk Options Blind-Fight, Sudden Still (1/day; swift action:
downward, ridged wings outstretched. Its scales are a dull Still Spell, no change to effective spell level)
bronze, covered in old scars. As it drops, it calls out in Combat Gear 2 potions of levitate
Common: “Help me! Don’t let them catch me again!” Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 5th):
3rd—deep slumber (DC 18), dispel magic, lightning bolt
If any of the PCs spot Issiel, read: (DC 17)
2nd—blur, invisibility, Tasha’s hideous laughter (DC 17),
Lurking behind the railing on the balcony is what appears to touch of idiocy (+5 melee touch)
be a human. Even at this distance, however, her snakelike 1st—charm person (DC 16) (2), ray of enfeeblement
(+8 ranged touch), magic missile, shield
features betray her as another of the yuan-ti.
0—daze (DC 15), detect magic (2), ghost sound (DC 14),
touch of fatigue (+5 melee touch, DC 14)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 4th):
TACTICS At will—detect poison (CL 6th)
Snapwing hopes that his pleas for help cause the PCs to hesi- 1/day—animal trance (DC 15), cause fear (DC 14), charm
tate, allowing him to draw near enough to catch them in the person (DC 14), darkness, entangle (DC 14)
area of his lightning breath. He then hits the strongest-look-
Abilities Str 8, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 16
ing combatant with ray of enfeeblement, making flyby attacks SQ alternate form
until his breath weapon recharges. Feats AlertnessB, Blind-FightB, Combat Casting, Dodge,
One of Snapwing’s favorite tactics is to make vertical flyby Improved Initiative, Scribe ScrollB, Spell Focus
attacks. This allows him to dive straight down on a foe, attack, (enchantment), Sudden StillB *
and then climb straight back up (albeit at reduced speed). If *Feat from Complete Arcane
he takes more than 20 points of damage in 1 round, he drops Skills Concentration +12 (+16 casting defensively),
to the ground and brings all his natural weapons to bear on Disguise +10*, Hide +9, Knowledge (arcana) +12,
the PCs responsible. The dragon uses his gloves of arrow snar- Knowledge (religion) +8, Knowledge (the planes) +15,
ing to hinder ranged attacks. Listen +9, Spellcraft +16, Spot +9, Survival +0 (+2 on
Snapwing has lived a life of pain and suffering. He attempts other planes)
to flee if reduced to 10 or fewer hit points, but if retreat is not *A pureblood gains a +5 racial bonus on Disguise
an option, he fights to the death. checks when impersonating a human.
Issiel begins by casting shield and blur on herself if Snap- Possessions combat gear plus bracers of armor +4,
wing appears to have the situation in hand. If circumstances masterwork scimitar, spellbook (in area Y3), spell
warrant, she turns invisible and attempts to close on a melee component pouch, keys to map room (area Y2) and her
fighter, casting touch of idiocy and then charm person in the quarters (area Y3)
hope of turning him against his allies. Otherwise, she strikes Spellbook spells prepared plus 0—all except conjuration
from a distance with ray of enfeeblement and lightning bolt. and transmutation; 1st—alarm, burning hands,
Issiel is a manipulator. If reduced to 10 or fewer hit points, hypnotism, Tenser’s floating disk, true strike; 2nd—daze
she attempts to flee or surrender. She begs for her life if
threatened, then proceeds to feed the PCs false information Alternate Form (Sp) Issiel can assume the form of a Tiny to
regarding the Vanguard and its plans. Large viper (MM 280) as a psionic ability.
Encounter Level 7 Bollust, Advanced Yeth Hound
MM 260
CR 4
hp 37 (5 HD); DR 10/silver
SETUP NE Medium outsider (extraplanar, evil)
The monsters begin in the rafters above this level. The loca- Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., scent; Listen +10, Spot +10
tions marking Bollust (B) and the sailsnakes (S) are where Languages understands Abyssal
the creatures appear when combat starts. The PCs should be AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 18
placed on the stairs. Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +6
Speed 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 60 ft. (good); Flyby Attack
When the PCs enter the landing, read: Melee bite +8 (1d8+4)
Base Atk +3; Grp +6
A growl sounds from the rafters as a black hound suddenly Atk Options Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack, aligned
drops toward you, seemingly running on the air. Behind it strike (evil), trip +3
soar four enormous serpents, membranous wings spread wide Special Actions bay
as they attack. Abilities Str 17, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 10
SQ flight
Feats Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack
TACTICS Skills Balance +4, Jump +9, Knowledge (the planes) +6,
Bollust enjoys knocking foes off the stairs and balconies with Listen +10, Search +6, Spot +10, Survival +10* (+12 on
bull rush attacks. If he succeeds in tripping foes, he happily other planes, +12 following tracks), Tumble +10
savages them while they are prone. *Bollust has a +4 racial bonus on Survival checks when
The sailsnakes begin with their venom spray, then make tracking by scent.
continuous flyby attacks to wear the PCs down. Trip (Ex) If Bollust hits with his bite attack, he can attempt
Bollust fights to the death in an attempt to impress the to trip his opponent as a free action without making a
Vanguard, but the sailsnakes are just looking for a meal. They touch attack or provoking attacks of opportunity. If the
flee if reduced to 5 or fewer hit points. attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip Bollust.
Bay (Su) When Bollust howls or barks, all creatures except
evil outsiders and his sailsnake companions within a
300-foot spread must succeed on a DC 12 Will save or
become panicked for 2d4 rounds. This is a sonic mind-
FEATURES OF THE AREA affecting fear effect. Whether or not the save is
The area has the following features. successful, an affected creature is immune to Bollust’s
Brass Railing: 3 inches thick; hardness 8, hp 25, break bay for 24 hours.
DC 25. The railing provides cover. A character next to a Flight (Su) Bollust can cease or resume flight as a free
railing gains a +2 circumstance bonus on the opposed action.
Strength check to avoid being bull rushed off the balcony.
Gradual Stairs: Anyone standing on the stairs gains a
4 Sailsnakes CR 2
MM4 124
+1 bonus on melee attack rolls against foes below. hp 19 each (3 HD)
N Medium animal
Init +7; Senses low-light vision, scent; Listen +8, Spot +8
Languages —
AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12
Immune Bollust’s howl
Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +2
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares), climb 20 ft., fly 30 ft. (poor); Flyby
Melee bite +5 (1d8+3)
Base Atk +2; Grp +4
Special Actions venom spray
Abilities Str 14, Dex 17, Con 15, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 10
Feats Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative, Improved Natural
WeaponB, Weapon FinesseB
Skills Balance +11, Climb +11, Listen +8, Spot +8
Venom Spray (Ex) 20-ft. cone, once every 6 rounds, blind
for 1d4 rounds, Fortitude DC 13 half.
38 Skills Sailsnakes can always choose to take 10 on Climb
checks, even if rushed or threatened.
Encounter Level 9 Tolvul, Mind Flayer Inquisitor
MM 187
CR 8
hp 44 (8 HD)
SETUP NE Medium aberration
Tolvul (T) and Lump (L) stand ready to engage the intrud- Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +11, Spot +11
ers. Unless the PCs magically silenced their battle with Languages Undercommon; telepathy 100 ft.
the scale golem in D1, the mind flayer and its guard cannot AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 16
be surprised. They attack the instant the PCs appear. The SR 25
PCs’ starting positions depend on how they arrived in the Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +9
laboratory. Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Tolvul attempts to remain hidden behind the table until Melee 4 tentacles +7 each (1d4+1)
it attacks. The PCs must make a DC 20 Spot check to notice Base Atk +6; Grp +7
the mind flayer. Atk Options improved grab
Special Actions extract, mind blast
As the PCs orient themselves, read: Combat Gear 2 potions of cure moderate wounds, potion of
With a barbaric roar, a yuan-ti halfblood races for you from Spell-Like Abilities (CL 8th):
across the chamber. The creature sneers as it takes your At will—charm monster (DC 19), detect thoughts
measure, a gleaming greataxe in hand. (DC 15), levitate, plane shift, suggestion (DC 16)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 19, Wis 17, Cha 17
If a PC notices Tolvul, read: Feats Ability Focus (charm monster), Combat Casting,
Improved Initiative
However, the yuan-ti’s attack is not enough to distract you Skills Bluff +11, Concentration +11 (+15 casting
from the room’s greater threat. Lurking behind one of the defensively), Diplomacy +7, Disguise +3 (+5 acting),
worktables is a gaunt humanoid figure clad in dark green Hide +10, Intimidate +9, Knowledge (the planes) +12,
robes. Its rubbery flesh has a sickly purple hue, and its face is a Listen +11, Move Silently +10, Sense Motive +7, Spot +11
mass of writhing tentacles. Possessions combat gear plus bracers of armor +2, ring of
protection +1
Improved Grab (Ex) To use this ability, Tolvul must hit a
TACTICS Small, Medium, or Large creature with its tentacle
Tolvul begins by using its mind blast, continuing to do so attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free
as long as at least a few PCs remain grouped together. If action without provoking attacks of opportunity. If it
the party spreads out or one of the PCs attacks it directly, wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and
Tolvul shifts to charm monster before it uses levitate to move attaches the tentacle to the opponent’s head. Tolvul can
grab a Huge or larger creature, but only if it can
out of melee range. If reduced to 12 or fewer hit points, the
somehow reach the foe’s head. If Tolvul begins its turn
mind flayer makes every effort to escape (using plane shift if with at least one tentacle attached, it can try to attach
necessary). its remaining tentacles with a single grapple check. The
Lump focuses his attacks on the strongest melee combat- opponent can escape with a single successful grapple
ants, but despite his raging state, he is obedient to Tolvul. check or an Escape Artist check, but Tolvul gets a +2
If necessary, the mind flayer directs him to focus on those circumstance bonus for every tentacle that was
opponents who pose the greatest threat to Tolvul itself. If attached at the beginning of the opponent’s turn.
Tolvul cannot escape melee, it orders Lump to flank. Caught Extract (Ex) If Tolvul begins its turn with all four tentacles
up in bloodlust, Lump fights to the death. attached and then makes a successful grapple check, it
automatically extracts the opponent’s brain, instantly
killing that creature. This power is useless against
DEVELOPMENT constructs, elementals, oozes, plants, and undead. It is
Tolvul is a high-ranking member of the Vanguard, but it is not instantly fatal to foes with multiple heads, such as
more concerned for its own welfare than anything else. If ettins and hydras.
forced to flee, it marks the PCs for retribution (possibly pro- Mind Blast (Sp) 60-ft. cone, stun for 3d4 rounds, Will DC
viding a hook for future adventures), but it does not return 17 negates. This ability is the equivalent of a 4th-level
to Castle Serastis. spell.
Encounter Level 9 Zoldathra, Master of the Word
MM 264, MM 147
CR 9
hp 76 (9 HD)
SETUP Male half-fiend yuan-ti abomination
Zoldathra (Z) begins on the balcony. The PCs begin in and CE Large outsider (augmented monstrous humanoid)
around the circle that marks where the bottom of the pit (native)
opens up in the ceiling above. Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft., scent; Listen +19,
Spot +19
If violence erupts, read: Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Yuan-Ti
AC 25, touch 12, flat-footed 22; Dodge, Mobility
The expression on the yuan-ti’s demonic visage shifts to one of Immune poison
inarticulate rage as he attacks. Resist acid 10, cold 10, electricity 10, fire 10; SR 19
Fort +7, Ref +9, Will +11
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares), climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft., fly 30 ft.
TACTICS (average)
Though Zoldathra can easily stand on the narrow balcony Melee mwk scimitar +15/+10 (1d8+6/18–20) and
by squeezing, he does not fight there. If the PCs manage to bite +9 (2d6+3 plus poison) or
attack before he can move, he takes a –4 penalty to AC. There- Melee 2 claws +14 each (1d6+6) and
after, he takes to the air, using his spell-like abilities and his bite +9 (2d6+3 plus poison)
bow against the PCs for as long as possible. If forced to the Ranged mwk composite longbow +12/+7 (2d6+4/×3)
ground, he uses his smite good ability on a paladin or cleric. Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Once combat begins, he fights until slain. Base Atk +9; Grp +19
Atk Options Blind-Fight, Combat Expertise; constrict
1d6+9, improved grab, poison (DC 18, 1d6 Con/1d6
Con), produce acid, smite good 1/day (+9 damage)
Special Actions aversion
FEATURES OF THE AREA Spell-Like Abilities (CL 10th):
The area has the following features. At will—animal trance (DC 17), detect poison (CL 6th),
Balcony: Anyone on the balcony gains a +1 bonus on entangle (DC 16)
3/day—contagion (+14 melee touch, DC 18), darkness,
melee attack rolls against foes below. deeper darkness, neutralize poison (DC 18), poison
Brass Railing: 3 inches thick; hardness 8, hp 25, break (+14 melee touch, DC 18), suggestion (DC 18)
DC 25. The railing provides cover. A character next to a 1/day—baleful polymorph (DC 20; into snake form
railing gains a +2 circumstance bonus on the opposed only), desecrate, fear (DC 19), unholy blight (DC 19)
Strength check to avoid being bull rushed off the balcony. Abilities Str 23, Dex 17, Con 19, Int 24, Wis 20, Cha 20
Tables and Chairs: Squares occupied by tables or chairs SQ alternate form, chameleon power
are considered difficult terrain, and a table can provide Feats AlertnessB, Blind-FightB, Combat Expertise, Dodge,
cover to adjacent characters. A character can step up onto Improved Initiative, Mobility
a table as a move action, gaining a +1 bonus on melee attack Skills Bluff +11, Concentration +16, Decipher Script +13,
rolls against those on the floor. A character can tip over a Diplomacy +15, Disguise +5 (+7 acting), Intimidate
+13, Knowledge (arcana) +13, Knowledge
table to provide cover against ranged attacks. (religion) +19, Knowledge (the planes) +19, Hide +11*,
Listen +19, Move Silently +15, Sense Motive +11,
Spellcraft +15 (+17 deciphering scrolls), Spot +19,
Survival +5 (+7 on other planes), Use Magic Device
+11 (+15 scrolls)
*An abomination using its chameleon power gains a +10
circumstance bonus on Hide checks.
Possessions masterwork heavy steel shield, masterwork
scimitar, masterwork composite longbow (+4 Str
bonus) with 20 arrows
Improved Grab (Ex) See Sulvaugren, page 51.
Produce Acid (Sp) See Sulvaugren, page 51.
Aversion (Sp) See Sulvaugren, page 51.
Alternate Form (Sp) See Sulvaugren, page 51; DC 23.
Chameleon Power (Sp) See Sulvaugren, page 51.
Encounter Level 8 At the same time, you catch sight of a figure above you. A
humanoid clad in black robes edged with green serpents
perches atop the statue hanging from the ceiling as he hisses
SETUP out an incantation. His slitted eyes and sinuous movement
Alerted by the sound of combat in P2, the dread necromancer mark him as a yuan-ti pureblood.
Vsolt (V) has levitated to the top of the hanging serpentine
idol 10 feet above the ground. His halfblood skeleton guards
(S) stand throughout the sanctuary. The PCs are placed adja-
cent to the door and must succeed on a DC 18 Spot check TACTICS
to notice Vsolt before he draws their attention by attacking. Vsolt remains atop the idol as long as possible, taking advan-
As the PCs orient themselves, read: Even as you take in the tage of the cover it provides while he casts spells. He first uses
features of the room, two serpentine skeletons lurch toward you. summon swarm to bring forth a swarm of spiders, counting
If one of the PCs spots Vsolt, read: on their distraction to give the halfblood skeletons an edge
Encounter Level 7/7 or 9 (see below) Shiuahn
hp 57 (7 HD)
CR 7
Female human fighter 7
SETUP CE Medium humanoid
Shiuahn (S) and Arzanezra (A) begin the encounter fighting Init +6; Senses Listen –1, Spot –1
each other at the altar. The prisoners (P) are packed tightly Languages Common, Draconic
together where indicated. Have the PCs placed at the door. AC 19, touch 12, flat-footed 17
Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +3
When the PCs take action, read: Speed 20 ft. (4 squares) in rhino hide, base speed 30 ft.
Melee mwk scimitar +11/+6 (1d6+4/18–20)
With a shriek of rage, the human torturer drops the Ranged mwk composite longbow +9/+4 (1d8+2/×3)
ceremonial dagger, grabs her shield from the floor, and charges Base Atk +7; Grp +9
you as she draws her scimitar. The prisoner she had been Atk Options Combat Reflexes, Power Attack; rhino hide
struggling with snatches up the fallen blade as she shakily charge
scrambles back. Abilities Str 15, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 10
Feats Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Iron Will,
Persuasive, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Intimidate),
TACTICS Weapon Focus (scimitar), Weapon Specialization
Shiuahn is fanatically devoted to the cult of Sertrous, and (scimitar)
does whatever it takes to prove her worth to her yuan-ti Skills Bluff +7, Climb +10, Diplomacy +2, Disguise +0
masters. Though she was alerted to the party’s presence by (+2 acting), Intimidate +17, Jump +4, Listen –1,
the alarm spell in area P1, the torturer has been distracted Spot –1
by Arzanezra getting the drop on her. She first charges the Possessions rhino hide, masterwork heavy steel shield,
weakest-looking opponent to take advantage of the extra masterwork scimitar, masterwork composite longbow
damage she deals, then takes on one target at a time. If the (+2 Str bonus) with 20 arrows
PCs scatter, Shiuahn continues to make charge attacks if Rhino Hide Charge Shiuahn deals an extra 2d6 points of
possible. She fights to the death. damage on any successful charge attack because of
her rhino hide armor.
DEVELOPMENT Worlds before being caught. She stays with the party, hoping
As long as Arzanezra’s identity is not exposed, she offers to to gain more information regarding the Vanguard’s plots. At
join the party once it becomes clear that they mean to con- the first combat, however, she uses the PCs as a shield while
tinue exploring Castle Serastis. She willingly gives up the she makes her escape.
rusted dagger, claiming her armor and weapons from where If Arzanezra is defeated and interrogated by the PCs at any
Shiuahn stowed them in a corner of the reliquary (the tor- point, she tries to buy her release with what she has learned
turer had planned to hide and sell them). in Serastis. If the party has not yet obtained the information
Arzanezra describes herself as a fighter captured in a presented in What the PCs Don’t Know (page 4), she offers it
nearby forest by the yuan-ti, and claims to know nothing of to them in exchange for freedom.
the castle. In truth, she explored all the way to the Tower of
Encounter Level 11 If pressed to melee, the yuan-ti fights intelligently, focus-
ing on one or two foes at a time. He positions himself to
take advantage of his reach and avoid being flanked. As
SETUP the highest-ranking member of the Vanguard and the one
The PCs have reached the endgame. Allow them to be placed responsible for completing the sacrament, Sulvaugren fights
anywhere within 2 or 3 squares of the entrance. Sulvaugren to the death.
(S) stands near the king’s bier, but he moves to attack the
moment the PCs intrude. The chanting priests (P) cannot
move from their positions or participate in the battle. Only DEVELOPMENT
their helpless statistics are presented here. When Sulvaugren is slain, give the PCs 1d4 rounds to investi-
gate the area or deal with the chanting halfblood priests.
As the PCs orient themselves, read:
After the allotted time has passed, read:
The hooded figures seem oblivious to your presence, but the
bloated yuan-ti spins with surprising grace. With a flick of its A dull thrumming fills the room as the floor begins to shake
tongue, it begins to slither toward you. and crack. With a sound like thunder, the central bier
shatters and explodes, filling the chamber with a cloud of
dust and rock.
Sulvaugren begins battle having already used his produce acid Anyone within 10 feet of the king’s bier when it shatters takes
power (unless the PCs magically silenced their battle with 2d6 points of damage (Reflex DC 15 half). If the chanting
Effandra, he heard them coming). He raises his shield of faith yuan-ti are still alive, assume that this slays them. The explo-
as a swift action (included in his statistics) before attempt- sion of the bier triggers tactical encounter S4-A on page 52.
ing to grapple the closest spellcaster for 5d6 points of acid
damage. He then uses his aversion ability on the strongest-
looking combatants.
TACTICS With the risen king defeated, the PCs’ quest is finally over.
The spark of Sertrous animating the forgotten king’s bones See Concluding the Adventure, page 25.
is an energy of sheer destructive hate. The risen king uses
ous treasure. Over the roar of water, you suddenly hear what sounds like faint whis-
The Blasted Land: Sertrous himself slumbers in a black pering. A gentle voice speaks your name, begging for your assistance.
mountain in the midst of a ruined plain. Over thousands of As you try to get a bearing on it, you sense that it emanates from the
years, his presence has leaked the corrup- grotto and the falls themselves.
tion of chaos into the very earth. Now
it is a twisted land of nightmare. A If the PC in question enters the water
Vanguard team came in search of an near the falls, have the player make a DC
object touched by Sertrous himself. 15 Knowledge (nature) or Knowledge
Now only one survives, but he is not (religion) check (player’s choice). If the
what he once was. check fails, nothing happens. Choose a
second PC (if any) from the list above,
using the same order of preference, to
BLOODY hear the call.
GROTTO When a PC successfully makes the
This portal leads to a seemingly
check, read:
peaceful glade within a deep forest.
The shimmering mists of the falls suddenly
But a wrongness permeates the
take the shape of a woman’s face. Her features
scene. The Vanguard’s quest for
mark her as one of the fey, but her eyes are
the relics needed to fuel the sacra-
glazed over with sadness.
ment continues to claim innocent
“I fear you are too late to aid us,” she
whispers to your mind. “Yet you have the
chance to avenge us.”
When the PCs arrive, read:
As you step through the portal, you
For the next month, the save DCs and
find yourselves in a sunlit glade of
effective caster level of the selected
deep green. Great trees tower above
PC’s spells, spell-like abilities, and
you, and the smell of growing things
supernatural abilities increase
fills the air. Over it all, however, the
by 1 when they affect any aber-
coppery scent of blood comes faint on
ration, monstrous humanoid, or
the breeze. From ahead, you hear the
undead. The grotto grants this
sound of falling water.
ability only once, and thereafter has
no innate magical abilities.
“I fear you are too late to aid us. Yet you have
the chance to avenge us.”
but his phylactery no longer contains his life force. It has Rating would indicate. Treat both as CR 6 creatures for the
been passed from master to apprentice for generations, start- purpose of awarding experience.
ing with Varkathian’s own apprentice. Grusildrith is the latest Action Points: If the PCs destroy or acquire the phylac-
in that line. tery, thus preventing its use in the sacrament, they gain 2
Experience: Because Udmuela and Grusildrith are likely action points.
to spend as much of their time attacking each other as they
do the PCs, they are less formidable foes than their Challenge
FEATURES OF THE AREA DC 20. Masonry walls increase the DC of Listen checks to
The area has the following features. hear through them by 15. If a masonry wall is breached, the
Deep Bog: The swamp south of the middle contour line squares breached and all adjacent nonwall squares become
is roughly 4 feet deep. A square of deep bog costs 4 squares dense rubble (see page 52).
to move into, and increases the DC of Tumble and Move Raised Path: This represents higher ground beneath the
Silently checks by 5. Running and charging are impossible. swamp water. Anyone standing on the raised path gains a
A creature can swim instead of walking to avoid movement +1 bonus on melee attack rolls against foes below.
penalties. The path south of the middle contour line is shallow bog
Shallow Bog: The swamp north of the middle contour rather than deep bog. The path north of the middle contour
has an average depth of about 1 foot. A square of shallow line has no movement penalties.
bog costs 2 squares to move into, and increases the DC of Raised Platform: A tiny portion of the keep’s second
Tumble and Move Silently checks by 2. It is too shallow to floor still stands. Anyone crouched up here has cover against
swim. ranged attacks.
Light Rubble: Light rubble adds 2 to the DCs of Balance Sinkholes (S): These are areas of spongy earth beneath
and Tumble checks. Any creature attempting to run or charge the water. A creature who enters a sinkhole immediately
over light rubble must succeed on a DC 10 Balance check. halts all movement. A subsequent move action is required
Wooden Ladder: 1-1/2 inches thick; AC 6, hardness 5, for the creature to pull itself out of the sinkhole, ending in
hp 15, break DC 15; Climb DC 0. an adjacent square of its choice. Sinkholes are not visible,
Large Tree: 5 feet thick; AC 3, hardness 5, hp 600, and can be detected only by prodding ahead with a pole or
break DC 35; Climb DC 15. This tree takes up 1 square other long object. Swimming creatures are unimpeded by
and provides cover to anyone behind it. sinkholes.
Ruined Walls: Masonry; 1 foot thick; hardness 8, hp
90, break DC 35 per 10-foot-by-10-foot section; Climb 57