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Player's Secrets of Ariya

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The document provides an overview of the domain of Ariya including its history, government, provinces, and notable people and locations.

The capital city of Ariya is the City of Ariya, located on page 2 with a population of 70,000.

The main provinces of Ariya mentioned are Artua, Assari, Azadlas, Djef el-Kadir, Tegherra, and Ftouzir, described on page 37.

Y our empire once stretched beyond the

horizon. Now your power barely extends

beyond the city walls. Rival domains and
monstrous rulers gather strength on every side,
and your people have grown complacent and
• negligent. But take heart! In its long history,
Ariya has known terrible times, yet always a wise
Qfll}Q leader has appeared to guide the realm back to
strength. Are you the next such ruler?

table of contents what you need

Vizier's Report .................................................. 2
History ........................... ........................ .......... 4
to pluv
The Land and the City ...................................... 8 This domain sourcebook is an accessory for the
Government and Culture ................................ 12 BIRTHRIGHTTM campaign setting. You or your
The Magnificent City ...................................... 16 Dungeon Master needs the BIRTHRIGHT boxed
Notable Citizens ........................ .............. ....... 18 set, as well as the AD&D®Player's Handbook
Holdings .................................................. ....... 24 and DUNGEON MASTER ® Guide. Your DM will
Rumors, Secrets, and Plots ............................. 28 find the Cities of the Sun campaign expansion
Strategy and Advice ........................................ 32 helpful but not essential.

credits how to use this

Written by Allen Varney
Edited by Carrie A. Bebris
Creative Direction by Karen S. Boomgarden This book details the people, provinces, customs,
Cover Art by Dana Knutson and landmarks of the domain of Ariya, a Khinasi
and Tony Szczudlo state on the southern coast of Cerilia. You may
Graphic Design by Dee Barnett play either Prince Gerad ibn Farid el-Arrasi, the
and Renee Ciske ruler described here and in Cities of the Sun, or a
Interior Art by Dave McKay new character of your own. This book assumes
Page Backgrounds & Frames by Dee Barnett Prince Gerad has abdicated and named your PC
Cartography by Paul Hanchette his lawful successor, but players of nonregent
Typesetting by Nancy J. Kerkstra characters who live in or come from Ariya will
Art Direction by Bob Galica also find this domain sourcebook useful.
Graphics Coordination by Paul Jaquays Change anything about the following descrip-
tions that you don't like, then pass this book
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TSR. Inc. Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional dis- all, even the Prince-Paladin of Ariya doesn't
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know everything about his city-state.
This material is protected under the copyright laws of the Ariya has knoWI1 far better times, but a regent
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To the Resplendent Prince-Paladin of Ariya, predominance. In that age of glory, three dozen
who is like unto the Sun! provinces revered the prince-paladin in his Tower
For the indomitable Prince-Paladin illumi- of Morning. Every harbor on the Sea of the
nates Ariya the Impregnable, City of Temples, Golden Sun welcomed ships with the Ariyan flag,
and the light of his power shines also on the Khi- and every market took our silver shetel over other
nasi states and all realms of Cerilia! Their rulers lands' debased

Z I·e·r s
are like the stars, extinguished in the brilliance • • currencies, which
of the Prince-Paladin's radiance!
To the Prince-Paladin, Guardian and
Preserver, who is li~e unto the Rain Cloud!
V .A -··. . ~
, .,

· .
were not worth the
word of a bard.
But as Lord
For the state of Anya and the true Ariyan Tem- Korkud
ple of Avani live in the esteemed Prince-Paladin's
shadow, deriving from him life and protection from
. ~·~ep·.
i_ : ·
o··, r. t the Mag-
the fiery hatred of our enemies! The Prince-Pal- · , · · (may his
adin inspires poems and artwork of transcendent memory
beauty, as the rain cloud casts off rainbows! survive the ages!) declared two centuries ago, "A
To the Excellent Prince-Paladin, who is like life concerned with mere influence is a life poorly
unto the Earth and the Sea! lived!" As a child grows up and puts aside the
For immeasurable and imponderable are the games of childhood, so we of Ariya have in matu-
limitless glory and strength of the illustrious rity loosed the reins of power. No empty outlying
Prince-Paladin! provinces can rival our city; why should Ariya
Your Sublime Majesty! On the splendiferous seek to control them? "Prosperous within our
occasion of your ascension to the Thousand invincible walls, we inspire envy in other
Jewel Throne, ordinarily the noble Vizier of Ariya domains," said Lord Korkud.
(praise upon him!), one of the seven deputy Ariya's wise monarchs have endorsed this senti-
viziers (wise and honorable!), or any of the six- ment through the generations, down to your pre-
teen ~eputy assist.ant viziers (trusted colleagues decessor, Prince Gerad ibn Farid el-Arrasi (revered
alH) would describe for you the condition of our and beloved!). Duty compels me to report that
beloved state. Sadly, these worthy official.shave irresponsible citizens still speculate on Prince
tempoq~.rily fallenm aft~r your coronation feast, Gerad's motive for abruptly abdicating the throne
.:wherec'ajl·ate goat nl1tterthat, we now believe, and retreating to the wilderness last month. Fortu-
had turned ·rancid. I alone-your humble servant, nately, even these louts still honor Prince Gerad so
Fethiye Kalhat Hawwat Nishtun Burumbini al- far as to resist questioning him directly. I will not
Hufuf, junior deputy assistant vizier-foreswore report their scurrilous gossip, having greater
taking the butter due to a digestive ailment of a respect than they for a ruler's privacy, and restrict-
personal nature, praise Avani! So spared, I ing myself solely to unadulterated facts presented
respectfully offer this concise summary, in hopes for Your Superb Majesty's benefit, without concern
that its succinctness, meticulous accuracy, and for reward or personal advancement.
eye for vivid detail will not go unnoticed.

y~ucdomuin threats und

ou come.to power as the 43rd prince-
·}·!>~~ ~~.orious ,Ariya, most ancient
eV:ei··ect ·6f the ..Khinasi states. Your
he fanatical, expansionist Red Kings of
e.g enty 'descends from el-Arrasi him- Aftane clearly pose the greatest threat to
self (hallowed is his name!), the the state. After a decade-long rise to
·. Great ~i~g'· ~ho freed these power, the veiled rulers to the east show no sign
lands•fromthe oppression of having sated their ruthless ambition. A cen-
':tlt~ Anuirean Empire. tury of war with Aftane has already ravaged a
For centuries all the hundred towns and exhausted our countryside,
Khinasi lands and now war looms again. Although rumors tell
acknowledged of disunity among these seven my;steifous mon-
Ariya's archs , the Red Kings may trouble Ariya greatly
before they destroy themselves.
With Aftane to the north and east, Ariya
needs no other enemies. To the west, however,
religious extremists have subverteo: neighboring
Zikala. The fanatical priestess Shandare , leader ;,.•:
of the one to question those of superior wis-
misguided dom and station, l agree! Yet palace
Zikalan gXury represents the greatest strain on
Temple of ·our state's resources. If the esteemed
Avani, inces- · prince-paladin can find a new, less
santly preaches expensive , more financially responsible
conquest and subju- . way to assert power and quell unrest, all
gation of our true and Ariya may benefit.
righteous Ariyan Temple. To my mind the gravest danger facing Your
Up.fortunately, the weakling Majesty is our calcified, stagnant civil service,
@randYizier of Zikala, Omar.ibn Tuarim el-Ziset, which discourages promotion of its most gifted,
begms"to heed her sermons. · clear-sighted, energetic, and loyal workers. Some
Even the south-the Sea of the Golden Sun high officials object to bringing certain kinds of
(Bair el;..Mehare )-holds peril for Ariya. In recent problems to Your Majesty's attention, such as the
years our fleets of dhows and dhouras have suf- problems I have mentioned here. To gain Your
fered a resurgence .of piracy, by both the notorious Majesty's ear, concerned individuals (naming no
Black Arrow and the enigmatic, sinister Brother- names) sometimes attempt desperate measures.
hood of Khet. These scoundrels operate from
secret bases along our coast, but their locations
remain a mystery. Rumors credit the pirates with
unusual powers-survivors of plundered ships say stren~hs !l!ld
that the Black Arrow, to all appearances a normal
ship, attacked from underwater.
Dangers on all sides; dangers, too, within.
Passionate intrigues, and sometimes assassina- riya remains the jewel, the great p.9wer of
tions , historically have .accompanied succession the Khinasi states. Our economy is' strong,
to the Thousand Jewel Throne. Conspiracy runs our armies adequate for defending-,,t he
rampant inside the palace , the sanctum of the impregnable city walls, if not the sparsely popu:. "
current and previous royal families. I warn Your lated provinces beyond. The state collects an exc~l-~
Majesty that some in Prince Gerad's rqyal family lent income, and Your Majesty's many palaces ·~
may not greet your ascension with unalloyed joy. temples contain colossal wealth. ;;: ; ~-c, ' ..
I cannot give names, for my informants refused Ariya gains security from its long allianc~wit
to speak them. I will not speculate and thereby the western domain of Binsada, and we ~ ·
compromise my yearning for spotless truth. cordial relations with Mesire, beyond
I hesitate to mention what I perceive as a east. We have powerful secret allies e
deeper trouble. Ariyan citizens have grown com- in the provinces that once belonged to
placent, absorbed in our magnificent city while Your Majesty's greatest strength lies"ifi ,,,,_.
neglecting important niatters beyond our walls. of regency: the authority and ability to ~peak
Many officials have developed a rarefied taste for the people. No one else commands this{.)<)~
soft, idle living-always excepting my superiors advice from your predecessor, the wfs:et
and colleagues, honor upon them! Gerad, Youi Majesty can guide }-!§ to §'~.~
This complacency also extends to the Swords of glory. Praise on your p~th! · · '"° - ?f
Avani, the elite troops who protect your palace.
()yer the gent!ra,tipns they have assumed evet
greater diiti~s ; so that now they exerci~e power
that perhaps rivals your own. Yet they "do m>t act
to expand Ariya's dominion, but exert their ener-
gies in training our youth, maintaining civil order,
and even supervising street cleaners! Worthy
c~~. ses, to be sure, but what of otir , ~tagnanf t
domain.?. !h~ Swq~~~ . ~~X~ ~t1!£9<>rnl}ff,r"esisted ·~
reforms, aided by an "enfreriche d nooility and_:_,
forgiv;~ my ca11dor; :Your .M.aJe~ty~~ ;·e~~Il.?:so
pdesis :in 9urvenerated Ariyan Temple; ·:-; · c <x
The treasury represents another s6
alarm. The.worthy viziers senior to me ·
pei;su~s!y~lythatJa:vish ~pending,QI\ ;:•
Subli.tn~ '..Majesty's court keeps the i_.
str.ppg .a;nd ·st:i ftes qissent among Yo
Majesty's envious relatives. Never
he Khinasi use the Masetian And so it came
Arrival (MA) calendar, which . to pass that
takes as its starting point the first while many
appearance of the Masetian people on the Basarji children
continent of Cerilia. Dates in Haelyn's had Masetian
Count (HC) , which begins with the cataclysm blood coursing
at Mount Deismaar, follow in parentheses. through their veins,
the number of true

ancient duvs Masetians declined.

The War of Shadow and
its climactic battle on Mount Deismaar in 515

he City of Temples entered history as a sim- (0 HC) proved disastrous for the Masetians.
ple Masetian port town, Saria. Saria stood Never numerous, the Masetian people were all but
as the first town founded in the region, and annihilated by the cataclysm; the few survivors
possibly the first in Cerilia. Although tradition says could not prolong their race beyond several ever-
that the Masetian calendar dates from Saria's found- dwindling generations. Many left their cities along
ing, the town was probably built in 12 MA (-503 the coast of the Bair el-Mehare to consolidate in

. . ·o· ry·.
HC) , a decade after humanity's Flight from the
Shadow across the primordial land bridge from
Aduria into Cerilia.
the southeastern islands.
As Masetian influence in Saria declined,
Basarji influence increased. The wanderers

. ·


·11 . •
.. .,
Sailors of bold and
impetuous character,
Masetians explored the
land and founded small
city-states as far west as
began to trade their nomadic lifestyles for more
permanent settlements .
Taking advantage of this transitional period,
looters and bandits descended upon Saria. After a
few years of their sacking, pillaging and plundering,
PJQdern-day Binsada and as far east as the Saria lay in ruins. In 523 (8 HC) , the Basarji rallied
)~l<tnds of the Ajari Deeps. History records few to drive the bandits out of the region. The victori-
prior inhabitants in this land; elves kept to their ous Basarji rebuilt the city, naming it Ariya.
'\forests, dwarves and goblins to the mountains . Though the Masetians wrote an ancient chapter
:;,~ln the wide , grassy savannah and rocky island in Ariya's history, symbols of their rule survive in
'~-coasts' the Masetians found few rivals. many forms-notably in the Seal of Ariya and the
i~~f1-cro~ t~e gulf of millei:uua, only a few Mase~ian prince-paladin's Scepter of Office. Their role in his-
g_y.mes s~ve. Maltos Sana, founder of a long-lived tory also is evident in the faces of Ariya's people,
~ ""'""' '· ed in Saria, reigned over an empire of many of whom favor their Masetian ancestors.
southern Cerilia and the islands of the
~a. His people worshiped the ancient
de i%,p f the sea, Masela. Maselan doctrine
lli:age'U followers to teach the lore of the sea to the t~mple of
.rtie:~el sought it, and so the Masetians, finest
• ,7\,_sailors of the ancient world, taught their QVQfil
"=' fore to a tribe of nomadic seafarers and
')nage~. from lands across the Sea

s the Basarji took over the Masetians '
· ~ .-- -~f Dragons-the Basarji. . cities, they also adjusted to the new
'The tw9 peopl~s share_d the gods who emerged from Mount Deis-
~- · d:~ll se~ ~acefajly for maar. In their new homeland the Basarji gradu-
eii:tiries. I ntermafriage aUy ·tnoved away from sea worship, butthe tran-
¥1;;'.}Vas not uncommon, sition did not happen smoothly.
~ though J?asarji In 524 (9 HC), Nurida el-Deyfr, a charismatic
culture di.s~ted ; priestess of the old faith, fell afoul of bandits while
that inter.flicial · - traveling with a caravan between Zikala and Ariya.
ctiuple(must The bandits slew the caravan's guards, then moved
ado tthe to attack the unarmed travelers ~ . Nurida, like all
priests stifl serving "dead" gods_after Deismaar,
had1;~0 n;ic;jpr spells .to protect herself. N onethe-
less:-,s:ne 's tood against the bandits and tried to per-
suau~ them from murder. In the extreme circum-
- es, sJ.ie appealed to "the light of reason," and
, drew the first manifestation in Basarji
-lands of the goddess Avani.
After incinerating the bandits , Avani
enlisted N urida to teach the virtues of reason
throughout the land. N urida spent the next 40 years his childhood, all know that Rashid doune Arrasi
preaching first in Ariya, then throughout the region. was born in 1249 (734 HC ), battled with his
Late in life she journeyed east to Djafra. Her activi- brother Eirat for the throne in 1270 , and
ties there are unknown to Ariyans, but two Djafran emerged as ruler of Ariya in 1271. Custom dis-
provinces are named for Nurida el-Deyir. courages the use of this heroic leader's birth
Nurida's message found a cold reception in name: Ariyans call him simply "el-Arrasi. "
Ariya. Worshipers of the old gods remained stal- El-Arrasi's rise to fame began in 1279 (764
wart, convinced that their deities' apparent death HC) , when the Anuirean Empire ruled all the
was only a test of faith; meanwhile, priests of the Basarji states from Ber Dairas to Djafra-all the
new gods competed for followers on the newly lands , that is, save the city of Ariya, where el-
leveled field. Persecution of Avani's earliest disci- Arrasi reigned as mage-king. Anuire had a tyran-
ples forced them to retreat to the unoccupied nical (and mad) new emperor, Alandalae, who
provinces, where they created huge underground conquered western Khourane. In response, the
cities in which to practice their faith. mage-king began uniting the Basarji to oppose
Eventually, Avani's children could once again Anuire. Displaying his superb grasp of diplo-
feel the warmth of her sunlight: In 760 macy, intimidation, local custom, and logistics ,
(245 HC), the Ariyan ruler Lord Orhan con- el-Arrasi led a series of lightning strikes against
verted to Avani's faith, thereby making the Tem- the Empire's land and sea forces. In the two
ple of Avani the official creed of the city-state. decades of war that followed , the mage-king dis-
Today, the abandoned underground cities remain -tinguished himself as a master of guerrilla tac-
potent sources of magic. tics, naval strategy, espionage, and realm magic.
The war reached its climax in 1299 (784 HC)
wheI¥Alandalae personally led a land assault on
el-orrusi und Ariya, while his nephew Caercuillen commanded
a supporting navy. Aboard the Basarji flagship
Sehare el-Resheir, el""Arrasi defeated the navy in
the,empire the Battle of Kfeira. He captured Caercuillen,
then lan_sJ.e_d and attacked the imperial army in

·he · leading figure of Khinasi history was wMlt -is I1ow called the Battle of Kings. After
born ih and ruled the city of Ariya, a fact intense fighting, el-An«lSi marspC!Jed th:~ :r;nagic <;;,
which has remained a source of endless of his land and burrfed the enemy legiP,ns with
pride for Ariya's citizens. Though legends shroud explosive flames , roasting the emperor alive.
Rather than ensure the war's continuation by the rightful heir's siblings. To remove some of the
killing Caercuillen, el-Arrasi offered peace. The competition, one winner marked his victory by
new emperor, impressed with el-Arrasi's courage sitting on the Thousand Jewel Throne and watch-
and wisdom, agreed and withdrew his troops ing as his brothers and sisters were publicly
from the region . The following years of friend- strangled. To Ariya's shame, this barbaric act -
ship between the two rulers helped heal the rift became tradition.
between their people. Outside the palace, the city-state found itself
El-Arrasi ruled the Basarji until only 1311 beset by feuds between geirbou , clan-like
(796 ti€), when an assassin struck. Sent by the extended families who each pursue a single craft
Serpent, who feareo el-Arrasi's growing influence or trade. The geirhou jealously guarded their-
along the Sun Coast, the assassin bypassed the occupational secrets and believed they had a tra.,,-"'
<:;reat King's formidable protections by infecting ditional right to monopolize their chosen occu.o;1
11ifiii with a magical wasting disease similar to a pation. Midnight turf wars between rival ban'ds
potent curse. The mage-king's magic could not of cobblers or glassblowers destJ.!oyed whole ·
stcfp th'e disea-se , but before it killed him, he neighborhoods.
plarced l}imselfin a temporal stasis. El-Arrasi's These uncivilized-practices came to an end in
viziers fai~th:eir lord's body in a secret chamber Sf
1495 (9~0 HC) With t~e a~~en~ion l<_at?n~ 15int, J
benea,th ~tfre Tower of Morning and searched for el-Arrasi. Before taking up tHe scept~n;>f;J·ule, ~
a. cure. After weeks of effort, they found one- Fatima serve~ with Ariya's p~laClins, the~SwordSRof ' -~
nut the :body had vanished. No one ever discov- Avani. Rather than destroy Her many si:blihgs, she ~
ere;cl -wno took the Great King's body, nor why, confined them to house arrest in the~ royal palace;·
nof wliat l:fecame of it. If the stasis has not been beginning a tradition that surVives to ,,thi~ day:;
. aispellect ~l-Arrasi may still live,~transfixed, per- Even as ruler, the Lady Fatima maintaine.d her
' etually on the brink of death. ' service.to the Temple of Avani. However, when
:J:in } everence for their lost ruler, the Basarji she rose to become its lady high matria ~~ h --
c_tenamed their region Jh ~. khir-aften el-Arrasi, (supreme authority), she clairµed th_e o(fic~ n~t; ~
: 1Clf!ds u!!der the protectlo, ,; of el -Arrasi. " In time as a paladin but as regent of Ariya, calling: heFse lfr°' l
thil -ph~se b~cam~ e~Jd((d ·!nfo Kb~nasi. "lady-princess."This marked the beginning""'o f·
theocracy in Ariya. Subsequent rulers also were - '

•·,"·T·fie ·<Solden a'5e

he century that began with el-Arrasi's
priests or paladins of Avani, at least in name, and
maintained authority over both temporal and
spiritual domains .
Fatima ended the geirhou battles by granting
victory in the Battle of Kings, now retro- monopolies to one family in each trade. Rival
- spectively called the Golden Age by families left the city and moved to new settle-
Ariyah scholars, seemed no more golden at the ments in the countryside. There they founded
time than any age does. Without the leadership villages and maintained their crafts. This isola-
"".,of the Great King, the Basarji Federation sur- tionism explains why the rare traveler in Ariya's
~ -'.!ived only a few years beyond him. Yet Ariya remote provinces may find that all residents in
-- emerged.from the breakup with 11 provinces and one village are toothless but wear boots of stun-
cJ. cg mmanding prestige everywhere on the Sun ning craftsmanship , whereas residents of a
~~as:t j'Efr five generations it led the other neighboring village may sport perfect teeth but
:j{liinasi states through influence , if not authority. go barefoot.
·_~ Q~_spife Ariya's influence abroad, however, the The Lady Fatima faced her first crisis in 1497
~~ffei~te - faced ugly problems within. The contest (982 HC) , when adjacent Aftane invaded and
· · for the throne between el-Arrasi and his seized Ariya's four northern provinces. Her
brother had created resentful counterstrike ended in disaster, for in the cen-
feelings among Eirat's heirs tury since el-Arrasi 's death Ariya's army had
and set an unfortunate grown incompetent. Fatima responded by exiling
precedent: The death of all commissioned officers and founding a new
each ruler sparked a army, led by her fellow paladins in the Swords of
fierce internal succes- Avani. After two years of preparation, the Swords
sion war, not only tried again to reconquer the northern provinces.
with Eirat's Though Aftane 's court mage threw them back
descendants but with overwhelming power, the Swords made a
_also among much better showing than they had before. Earn-
ing the respect of the citizens, and drawing on a
strong power base in the Temple of Avani, the
Swords became the chief military and police
force on land and sea throughout the domain.
the lon~ 1£ull 1
1965 (1450 HC) ._Fearing -that p1iests inAftalie
would curse him, .6.bdulaziz called every pri'e§j: ~
and healer in the land to the Tower of ~orning:
While they stood by his-bedchamber_~selessly,

he Swords of Avani have served with
honor for five ce.nturies. They have, how- smallpox ravaged the countryside, followed _hj~~a,
ever, had to o'pen their ranks to non-pal- plague of locusts and-the nexf year-an ea~n:..
adin figHters in order to maintain a sufficient quake. Scholars have sought a magical explana:
IU::ilitary presence throughout the -domain. In tion for these catastrophes, but determined tlieir
'15.:7'6 (1061 HC), jurisdiction over the Swords cause as muhdane bad luck. Regardless, Abdu-
traµsferred from the Temple of Avani to the state laziz's mismanagemen{ plunged-the domain itit~
g9:verP-1l1~nt (primarily a technical distinction, as chaos. Rescue came with -his successor, Prince
tn~ PHhde of Ariya heads both institutions). At Sehinsah the Wise, who painstakingly rebuili>the
t time,j"" the _Swords established a policy that state and replenished its treasury. ~·
rs and cayalry members must be paladins of . "' ' - -
- _. i, _ Byt in£i ntry men and members of the _~ " · ,,,,., • ~!--~.., i
O.:.~.~:.':lden _N~vy ... . n~ longer had to practice such ~ l1c confIThU:fft (T~ ,
p_eoblems ·
as_s1duous d1sc1plme. rn --~., .'
_ - ·For ;too many years, the Swords were c{
engaged.in a tug-of-war with Aftane over the
four provinces seized during Fatima's reign.
- The SwoTds launched repeated campaigns to
"refake th~ lands; one hundred years ago they
~~lly '¥~n. Unfortunately, the victory occurred
A -~ ~
riya seems as far away as ever from its
Golden Age. The Red Kings of Aftane,
_ seven anonymous warriors named for the
iJHrig t he rule of Selima I-the first of the red veils they wear, have spent a decade achieving
Nf~e . Ba(! Sultans. joint rule of Aftane. Now they show every sign of
_,;:~~~tarting in 1938 ( 1423 HC), the once-power- renewing the age-old war with Ariya.
fuf_Ariya ~declined under a century-long sequence Zikala 's E x alted High Priestess Shandare
~. offfePoor r.µlers. The policy of house arrest for a (FKh; Pr9, Avani; Ba, major, 39) wields tremen-
ruler's siplings, though motivated by kindness , dous influence over the weak young Grand Vizier
producea generations of royal families who were Omar ibn Tuarim el-Zisef (MKh ; W4 ; An, major,
to varying degrees insane. Nine madmen , one 36). Shandare has pledged to bring the Zikalan
after another, drained the treasury, announced Temple of Avani into all surrounding lands, by
cruel or senseless policies, and-neglected outly- word or by sword.
ing villages. Though the title of "s ultan" has - To the south, piracy plagues the state.
never been used officially for the ruler of Ariya, Although Prince Geraci personally killed the self-
these regents are nonetheless known today as styled "pirate king" Bedize the Soulless over a
the Nine Bad Sultans-historians agree that such decade ago, the pirate's daughter, Sari, has
incompetent regents do not deserve'the· honor- appeared off the Ariyan coast to begin a new
able title "prince." wave of piracy.
When the Swords of Avani reconquered Ariya has endured disasters, but to date has
Ariya's lost provinces, Selima refused to release always recovered through wise rulership. Still, it
enough money from the treasury to properly has never regained that Golden Age of influence,
administer them. Aftane, taking advantage of seven centuries g~st. All eyes now tum with hope
Selima's foolishness, easily recaptured the to the new regent.
lands; the Swords were then ordered on another
mission. And so it continued for nearly a cen-
tury: the Swords would conquer, a few years
later Aftane reconquered. Historians now refer
to the four provinces as "the ricochet lands, "
because their allegiance bounced back and
forth between states.
To many, the fruitless fighting over the rico-
chet lands serves as just one symbol of Ariya's
fall from glory during the sultans' reign. Under
Abdulaziz IV, the mismanagement culmi-
nated in the disastrous Plague Year of
the dynasties create unrest in the countryside
and divert citizens from watching the borde_rs.
The savannah also ~supports herds of wild
horses-, beautiful lightly -built animals with bay,
chestnut, or brown coats >Ariyans capture _and
domesticate these horses , which are adni1red
acroS:s Cerilia
m·-' . -- ""
for stamina, -,

spee_:_d, and · -,,
. • .
" · .' ,··.

Olidfhe ·
eicot the tcouhleso-~ - ~

Ordinary sea and shore life presents little:thi-

Ariya. On the long beaches, travelers can-see __ _ _
goanna lizards, pelicans, black-win.ged gulls, fr(fgs, .,·
and turtles. Jn the ocean, salmon abounQ., as well
as ~luefin tuna, huge_colonies of shellfish (preyed
on by mako sharks), blue-ringed octopi, and pqiso-
nous crayfish. Fishermen sight a ki:aken evety
decade or so; but the main threat to ocean travel is
_Once herds of oryx and red antelope roamed - selcfom mentioned·, for it was unintentionally cre-
_the dry savannah, preyed on by cougars, packs at~d -by elS4frasi himself.
of hunting dogs, and vultures. Today, little ,_;~}J. en. el-Arrasi claimed leadership of the
wildlife remains except hares, partridges and Ba:s~kji Fedenation seven centuries ago, the
other game birds , and monitor lizards. Larger Great -~in g's younger brother, the mage Eirat,
animals have moved west to Binsada or north to dispute d' .his claim. The two brothers met in a
the Tarvan Wastes , unable to compete with sorcerers ' duel during which el-Arrasi defeated
gigantic herds of cattle. Eirat. Rather than kill his brother, el-Arrasi
Ariyans live on beef, and the Ariyan economy transformed him into a turtle and freed him in
rides on the backs of cattle-brown short-horned the ocean, decreeing that no Basarji could kill
steers of lar_ge size and colossa l stupidity. The the turtle. (This sibling rivalry helped justify later
herds roam fr~e, tended ·by rancher~ oD:horsehack.~' "'r ulers ' practice of destroying all relatives upon
}'.,'fo~e ranc:4ers" b,¢long to five ascending to the throne.)
, families ,.,tfi~ scr_~lled Cattle 'In the seven centuries after el-Arrasi's death,
sti~S ,· Who fOIDp~te fiercely Eirat fed on fish and then on sailors, always growing
for territory. Through their ever larger. Now he has become enormous-30 feet
struggles to gain the from snout to spiny tail-and mad with loneliness.
'. best grazing Desperate for human contact, he occasionally
land, assaults ships and threatens to capsize them unless
their crews pay him a tribute of fish.
_The Khinasi, still respectful of the Great
King's edict, do not attack Eirat. In fact,
sailors find the whole subject of Eirat as
troublesome as the turtle himself, and
speak of him rarely. Only the ruler of
- Ariya has the authority to defy el-
Arrasi's command and attack
Eirat, yet prince-paladins have lived out long
reigns without ever having to deal with the
Troublesome One.
1ouds und _routes _
riyan roads are made of dirt, wide and -
Eirat the Troublesome (Dragon Turtle): solidly packed from centuries of carts
AC 0, MV 3 (Sw 9); HD 12; hp 72; THACO and caravans. Each year half a dozen
9; #AT 3; Dmg 2d6/2d6/4d8; SA capsize caravans travel the Coast Road east or west;
ships; SZ G (30' diameter shell); ML another three or four head up the North Road to
fanatic (17); Int 18; AL NE; XP 8,000. Shoufal during those periods when control of the
northern provinces seesaws back to Ariya. Cur-
Notes: Capsizes ships under 20' 95% of the time, rently those provinces belong to Aftane.
20-60' 50%, 60+' 20%; ships not capsized ai:e dam- Free ranchers, royal couriers, and the occa-
aged but seaworthy. Bloodline: Ba, great, 38. Blood sional army use the road, but most travelers are
abilities: Alertness, detect illusion, elemental con- farmers. Thousands of carts bring whe~,,.vegeta­
trol, long life (major). bles, and livestock from adjacent provinces-to
feed the hungry city of Ariya. City dwellers,
Eirat is a 12-HD dragon turtle, except that he however, traverse these roads little. Ariyans
has an Intelligence of 18 and no breath weapon. travel by sea when they travel at all,
El-Arrasi marked Eirat's shell with gold calli- and few ever leave the city.
graphic letters reading "traitor," which are still
Eirat cannot cast spells in turtle form, but he
can communicate telepathically. Before assault-
ing a ship, he asks if a mage is aboard. Eirat
seeks to regain his human form, then take his
late brother's throne and gain terrible revenge on
all the Khinasi.
provinciul dozens of stately temples and shrines to Avani,
refugee mothers with babes in arms beseech

ys. city life worshipers on their way to prayer.

These refugees soon learn the truth and
falsehood of their views about the Magnificent
-~ A
-~- - -_- _ riya's provincial towns City and its citizens. Festivals every few days
' and villages have never confirm the fixed provincial belief that city
-· played important roles dwellers are improvident and frivolous-
in the state's culture or his- although every festival celebrates some saintly
tory. Now, ravaged by fre- figure from temple history, worthy institutions
quent wars with Aftane, settle- like parenthood, or a virtue such as familial loy-
ments in the outlying provinces alty, charity to the sick, or hospitality. Try as
(including Kouzir) have practically they might, refugees see no one drink liquor or
vanished. The Cattle Dynasties become intoxicated, and contact between men
occupy the ruined huts on their fre- and women stays rigorously innocent. Piety is
quent drives across the savannah, having paid eXt~a'\'tt;pinary and universal.
rotection to Aftan~'s forces for safe passage . Above· all, the refugees see. instantly that the
.ast _ rul~rs~tr~~!Lth~ loss of the·_prq_vinces as city is not unclean. No cityjp. Cerilia has fresher
rfvial, but Prince ·cerad became alarmed when, paint on its buildings. Each winding street in the
Jatein his reign, the Red Kings of Aftane asserted Old City, each wide avenue in the New City,
; control in all but name over Assarif, Azedas, and each pavilion in the Lord's City, is spotless. The
"' Djef el-Kadir. The sparse populations remaining three dumps outside the walls hardly deserve the
in these eastern provinces pay their taxes as name, for civil servants cover the trash heaps
usual, but the payments unfailingly get "stolen by with fresh soil daily. Every citizen bathes as often
bandits" and find their way to Aftane. Prince as feasible. Cleanliness is a cardinal virtue in
Gerad intended to reassert Ariya's authority in most temples of Avani, but in Ariya cleanliness
these provinces, but he abdicated for mysterious has transcended mere virtue to achieve the
reasons before carrying out his plans. status of a near-fetish.
Though poorer and less educated than citizens
in the city, provincial residents live, think, and
. worship much like their urban counterparts. No
the tower of mornin~
cultural gulf separates them. However, urban Built by el-Arrasi shortly after his rise to power,
Ariyans seldom think at all of the rural people. In the royal citadel earned the name Tower of
general, the urbane sophisticates of the city Morning for its perfect view of summer sunrises.
think of anyone who lives outside the City of The Great King built a companion Tower of
Temples as unlettered, unimaginative, and bor- Evening in western Binsada , but after the
ing. Ariya's neglect of the provinces has caused breakup of the Basarji Federation the tower
bitterness among the remaining farmers and vil- stood empty. Now it survives as a haunted ruin
lagers. They view the city of Ariya as a den of beside the monster-infested Harrowmarsh.
irresponsible (true), immoral (false), unclean The Tower of Morning stands sentinel at the
·;~totally false) spendthrifts (very true). city's harbor. In times past it served mainly as a
Thousands of refugees from plundered farm- stately, impressive monument to Ariya's greatness.
steads have fled to the Magnificent City, where Now, as pirates grow bolder and other states con-
-fhey: have erected crude dwellings outside the sider aggression by sea as well as by land, the
city's pristine white walls. In Ariya's loud and tower's defensive function grows more important-
crowded bazaars, where merchants sell hence the presence of army barracks nearby.
pots and plums, glasswork and The tower is the nexus of a large complex of
horses, the refugees beg copper law courts, armories, spacious guest houses, ser-
coins. Seeking work, they vants' quarters , and the Golden Menagerie-a
invade the bathhouse collection of exotic live animals from all over
steam rooms where Cerilia. Just outside the palace complex sits
sweating merchants beautiful Regent's Park, with an enormous
discuss business. library, a temple, a fountain, and a statue of el-
Even in the Arrasi. The elite Two Hundred Families, Ariyans
of high status, gather here four times a year to
mingle with ambassadors of foreign states and
hear the prince-paladin speak on the condition of
the domain.
The tower's interior provides a brilliant exam-
ple of Khinasi architecture, lavish yet tasteful. Its
lovely-Court of Royal '.V frtue featuteia~"po~l ,
stocked with exotic carp, -bred through the cen..c
turies for beautiful scale patterns or interesting
eye deformities. The carp live very long lives , and
the death of any one of the carp signals change
for Ariya. One carp in particular, unimaginatively
called "Old Man Carp ," was bred by el-Arrasi
himself. Legends say that if Old Man Carp dies ,
Ariya itself will undergo tumultuous change.
The House of Silent Servants: The regent's
living quarters take this name because , by
unbreakable custom, no servant may speak to
one of the royal family unless the family member
speaks first.
The house, actually a complex of four floors
atop the Tower of Morning, boasts opulent fur-
nishings: red velvet divans, walls decked in glass
globes,_crysta! cpa~deliers , sweeping staircases
with gota nalusters ;-ana vases filled with peacock
feathers . .--R ooms smell of cinnamon and sweet
incense, and servants wave ostrich-plume fans to
circulate the air. Musicians quietly pluck 30-
string zithers or strum a short-necked lute called
the oud. Palace eunuchs stand guard, ministering
to the royal family's every need. Few other ruling
houses in Cerilia enjoy such luxury.
In marked contrast to the richness of the
house's other rooms, the regent's own chamber
seems understated. The paladins who rule Ariya
generally have no taste for luxury, finding truer
comfort in devotion to Avani.
The Chamber of Whispers: Deep below the
House of Silent Servants, deeper than the palace
dungeons, past the oubliettes and treasure
rooms, down nine guarded flights of stairs and
past three doors (the first of steel, the second
onyx, the third obsidian) lies the prince-paladin's
most secret room. Beneath an unmarked obsid-
ian dome 20 feet across, the regent sits in total
silence. After 15 minutes, a gentle breeze rises,
and he begins to hear things: snatches of conver-
sation in tea houses, distant cries of merchants in
the bazaars, gossip around a village well. In the
Chamber of Whispers , the regent hears the
voices of his domain.
The listener cannot control what he hears; he
can follow no more than a few moments of a
given conversation before the whispers move
elsewhere. At the regent's invitation, others may
accompany him to the chamber, which holds up
to eight people. All mus Vremain absolutely
silent, oi th~ whts e1~K fed~ :~~
~ouernment luwffiukin'S und
riya is a theocracy, meaning that political
power resides with the Ariyan Temple of
Avani and its priests. The prince-paladin, The prince-paladin initiates laws in both secular
highest official in both civic and temple matters, and temple matters. Usually these take the form
is presumed tcFt-ule by the authority of Avani. of highly specific rulings on individual cases
brought to him by priests or the palace's large
c1irne uhd staff of viziers.
Others in Ariya exercise power of their own.
< punish~ent Provincial governors, called beys, may enact laws
in their territories subject to the prince's
t Ariya's legal code, liKe so many of the state's insti- approval. The Swords of Avani and the Golden
tutions, originate with el-Arrasi. Soon after Navy hold separate courts-martial for crimes
. defeating the Anuirean Empire, the Great King committed by soldiers or sailors. The Ariyan
~ pr_o pounded the "Khin~si Law," a civil code mod- Temple holds annual councils of the highest-
el_~d on Anuire's. Howe~er, because the Temple of ranking priests. In closed ·chambers they formu-
Avani preaches that all"'thinking beings are equai- late 'temple laws ~ then present them to the regent
for approval. - --

Making a law and enforcing it are entirely sep-
arate matters in Ariya. Civil servants and the
priesthood often place their own interests ahead
of the public good. If a new law restricts those

~· and culture
interests, they can avoid obeying it by a pretense
of ignorance of the law, confusion over its fine
details, or failure to see instances of violation.
:\ One tactic involves "tabling" a law while a select
ui:ider Avani, the Khinasi Law djffers from most committee investigates possible conflicts with
.Anuirean legal codes in one important respect: It scripture or precedent. Laws have remained
ants no special status to noble~""priests, or even tabled for generations.
ill;~ prince-paladin. Additionally, th~ law considers
Afiyans "citizens," not "subjects." '''
In practice, though, Ariya's rich:-a nd powerful
trunspoq un.d
citize~ gain special treatment through the twin
pillars.. of the Khinasi Law: scripture and prece-
dent. Juqges rule based on their interpretations Within the city, ordinary citizens travel on foot or
of temple-teachings and on the rulings of previ- pay a few coppers to ride in "share-carts," ox-
ous judgesAtp similar cases. The rich ~an afford drawn carts that travel fixed routes around the
lawyers intimately familiar with botlr bodies of city. Rich citizens ride horses, carriages, or even
lore; in effect-y the wealthy buy examples that palanquins. Each horse owner must pay a tax
absolve their crimes. that funds the city's street cleaners.
Many poor Ai1yans cannot afford lawyers, and Travelers leaving Ariya go by sea when possi-
so they mete out private justice in duels, lengthy ble. Overland, caravans of 200 to 600 pack ani-
vendettas, and occasional lynch mobs. For'"lesser mals (usually mules, horses, and oxen) travel 15
offenses, injured parties may resort to a cqning tQ 20 miles a day. To encourage trade, past
contest. They adjourn ·fo a public bazaar, s~and rulers of the Khinasi states have built large shel-

each- _a-ther.
/ s apart, and a_1_t~r·-·• -n a_t_ _ e.ly·~~reativity
Bystand~i:~fi4ge-~ -· - hur_l_insultsapd
ters called caravanserais all along the road, one
or two days' travel apart. Each caravanserai is
=~o ' ' nee of th . - at\r! e ~re - ~~ed)y an open-air fortress with well~, watering
troughs, a temple, stables, and living quarters
· _(often in the
stables). Some
ravanserais near
:Ariya even have
bathhouses and
shops.Guards and
workers live in _pr near
~each cara'\ianseitai; in :retll@<-
"' - for their protectidti ·
and maintenance, they are exempt from taxa- Sphinx. Sea trade has so far
tion . In times past, large towns grew around compensated for the lost
some caravanserais, but almost all of these overland trade. .
towns are now ruins. - _ As .a strong-manufacturing
The Prince's Exalted Couriers carry diplo- - ·_ center, -Ariya i.l'1D~1ts- .raw
matic messages and urgent warnings between - materials such as ore·, timber,
Ariya and foreign capitals. They ride in gilded and raw silk from many
saddles on the fastest horses in Khinasi. If a rider sources. Rich citizens prize
bears good news, he wears a royal blue sash; if he Zikalan pottery and Djafran
bears bad news, he wears a black sash. hardwoods .

QfinieS Production ~
Most farmers serve as vassals of
Primarily a sea_power now, Ariya commands the noble family who owns their Ian~~--
the impf,e_ssive Gold~n Navy:._The navy'$ main-de ?. --though farmers in lawless outlying?~
force c_o nsists of s~ ·zebecs (large three:;inastect · provinces are independent pioneers. Nearly all
war vessels with lateen saiJs t flghting·crews of other arts, crafts, and trades in Ariy~~ society
200 fo 250 sailors, and catapults <ind light ar~ __rµonopolized by the_geirhou. -L ess; S'!Tingent
artillery'). The navy also uses eight dhouras than guilds, Ariyan geirhou nonetheless
(two-masted coastal cargo vessels that carry achieve the highest skill and quality in A: he,
100 to 200 tons of goods and a crew of 30 to western plains.
80) and four small, sharp-bowed dhows (for A geirhou comprises an extended family
scouting and diplomatic missions) . (which can grow quite large) that raises its chil-
Most of these ships come from the city's ship- dren to continue its chosen occupation,
yards, but the state purchased several from the instructing them in trade secrets and sometimes
matchless shipwrights of Suiriene , the island even reshaping the children physically. For
kingdom to the east. The dhows, one zebec, and instance, a childhood accident in ancient Ariya
one dhoura are in port at any given time, while left Sokollu Feridun with a concave fingernail
the rest patrol the Sun Coast. [For sea movement that could hold liquid ink. He developed a
rules, see the BIRTHRIGHT Cities of the Sun cam- unique finger-painting calligraphic technique
paign expansion. J which became so influential that he founded the
The Swords of Avani form all six army units. Feridun geirhou of painters, all of whom had to
They are stationed in the city of Ariya, in bar- be disfigured as children or youths in order to
racks near the Tower of Morning. Almost all sol- finger-paint in his style.
diers in the four medium cavalry units (Horse Not all geirhou hold a monopoly. In active
Companies One through Four) and two infantry trades , especially clothing and transport, rival
units (Footman Companies One and Two) are families vie constantly for control.
human, and all are male except the 200 women
of Horse Company Three. Coinage
The companies drill regularly to maintain bat- Each Khinasi city-state coins its own money, and
tle readiness, emphasizi ng defensive and siege merchants trust native coins far above those ef
tactics suited to protection of the city. Unit cap- other states. The silver shetel of Ariya has wider
tains speak privately of the futility of expansion acceptance than~· some , perhaps because it
into new provinces: "The Red Kings will just take depicts el-Arrasi. But the farther one travels
them back again. " from Ariya, the less reputable the shetel
Instead of conquest, the Swords concentrate becomes. Depending on currency and bargaining
on community service: police duties , sport pro- skill, prices vary between 60% and 150%
grams for children, and missions that provide of the values given in the
food and shelter to the city's poor. They do a fine Player's Handbook.
job, and crime and poverty in Ariya are minor
problems . Still, the Red Kings grow in strength
along the northern border.

Ariya exports leather, beef, and some dairy prod-
ucts to Binsada, Mesire , Zikala, and the island
states to the east. Recently, caravan trade to the
west halted because of raids by minions of the
c.u ltu1e
riya prizes its sophisticated and wide- Sayim in Ariya sometimes also means the
spread culture, unmatched in the Khinasi same things it does elsewhere in the Khinasi
states. Ariyan scholars have gained lands: the achievement of honorable status
renown throughout Cerilia for their advances in through virtue. Acts that injure sayim, such as
astrology, mathematics, and medicine. The city's oathbreaking, poor hospitality, or gross displays
great thinkers have produced many oft-quoted of anger, may provoke the offender to admit his
treatises on philosophy. And centuries of fine disgrace in public. "I am without face," the
chefs have developed Ariya's delicious cuisine: a shamed person says, then leaves his home and
hundred lavishly spiced dishes of beef and lamb, possessions to undertake a voluntary exile of
wheat, rice, and eggplant-cooked with garlic months or years.
and olive oil, and served with fresh fruit (dates, The previous ruler of Ariya, Prince Gerad,
grapes, pomegranates, some citrus), honey, and made such an admission at the end of his reign.
yogurt. Despite entreaties from his viziers and many citi-
zens, he abdicated the throne and went into soli-
wm;s of life tary exile. A great mystery trailed after him: How
had he lost ,(ace? No one knew (or admitted
The Khinasi culture stresses piety, equality, fam- knowing) th.ir cause. Khinasi consider inquiry
ily, wisdom, courtesy, honor, grace, eloquence, into such det~ils unspeakably rude, so the mys-
and artistic accomplishment. Each state ranks tery remains.
these somewhat differently; in Ariya, piety ranks Love and marriage: Most marriages are
as the cardinal virtue. Ariyans call it sayim, using arranged between patriarchs or matriarchs of
a word that in other Khinasi states means "sta- two families who seek alliance. The Ariyan Tem-
tus" or "face." Displaying their deep connection ple's scriptures permit polygamy, so long as one
to Avani, Ariyans sprinkle their everyday speech can support all one's spouses in equal comfort.
~· with invocations such as "the Lady willing" or Extended families can grow to enormous sizes
"but only the goddess knows." The law forbids with intricately tangled relationships; genealogy
blasphemy, and taking a god's name in vain is is a common hobby. Despite the cultare's con-
shocking rudeness. doning~o.f pql amy; J1owever, romance outside,;
f,~ )<, ~··~ • ' '

marriage-in fact, even casual contact between-." Priests of the Ariyan Temple often learn
the sexes-is considered shameful and strictly authentic astrology. Nothing in temple doctrine
prohibited. restricts its use in any situation. Nonetheless,
Fashion: Ariyans of all classes strive to dress custom has conferred moral sanctions on "friv-
well. They favor bright colors , tastefully harmo- olous" foretellings. Most priests keep close
nized. Men wear thin, loose linen breeches, tight watch on the sky for omens, but resort to
high-collared shirts with loose half-length active forecasting only when in danger or in
sleeves, colorful sashes, and sometimes embroi- spiritual crisis.
dered, buttonless vests. Women dress much the Dance: Social dancing is unknown, but
same, except that their sleeves are fastened at troupes of professional entertainers known as
the wrist for decency. Married women wear loose "whiteslippers" (for their footgear) perform at
shawls or capes. weddings, confirmations, and festivals. Though
Ariyans of both sexes cover their heads with each troupe includes both men and women, they
caps, scarves, or light veils. Poor people of both never dance together on the same stage. Instead,
f sexes go barefoot, but the wealthy spend ludi- women first perform a repertoire of graceful, sin-
crous amounts on fancy shoes. The rich also , uous dances , then give way to the men, who leap
wear silver bracelets, bangles, and ankle rings, as into hig1t'-spirited, whirling jigs full of kicks and
well as jewelry set with sapphires, topaz, emer- " acrobafic~'flips.
alds, and pearls. Tradition lets the smallest woman in each

I In battle, Ariyans wear improved mail or chain

mail, open-faced helms, and scimitars or sabres.
They carry medium shields and heirloom dag-
gers. Outside the city walls, sailors or herdsmen
troupe dance with the men. Masked and dressed
in a tight blouse and shorts, this acrobatic
woman always plays a mythical trickster called
Jackal Boy. During the dance, Jackal Boy capers
may wear leather and carry cutlasses, slings, and back and forth, leaps over enemies, and commits
sometimes bows. pranks that deflate the prestige of his perennial
nemesis , the pompous Bogoni the Dwarf.
the ,urts Because they are women dancing with men,
Jackal Boy dancers have an unearned public rep-
Tr a di ti o fi frowns on the depiction of living utation for scandalous conduct. Despite tP.is (or
;.things in painting or sculpture, although scrip- perhaps because of it), popular Jackals move
ture does not explicitly forbid it. (Historically, freely at all levels of society. More than one
J\riyans have made a single exception: monu- prince has invited the latest celebrity Jackal to a
· ents to eJi:>Arrasi.) Instead, the decorative arts palace dinner.
' velop, ~~borate abstract patterns of mathe- Games: Ariyans of all classes play chesslike
01aticalpx'e Zision, and have elevated calligraphy board games, especially those which feature a
;~>Ci high[<i:rt. Music, written for ensembles of moral motif. Children play a simple game,
~(:," ,., ·-- ,nd cymbals, can be austere or sen- Purit~rthat tea.c~es the vii;-t ues oLth~ iA.riy~tr-'""
• ~~""'C""'•·-~---=
~ua ,. qing on the proximity of a priest. Temple'~ Each chth;,l movesia ..tek~n,.,a;~ ross thet~
AriY:a's stinctive and highly developed archi- board; trying tO -avoid the ·"Unclea.n'' penalty
i ~ecture is"based around pointed arches, pillars, spaces (Debt, Scandal, Odor, Vice, Dishonor)
f flo111es, cupolas, central courtyards, and, wher- and touch all five Virtue spaces (Charity,
· ·1¥~~ .,,,~•.. ever possible,f fountains. Hospitality, Family, Cleanliness, Sayim}. ~--··'"'-""--,,__""~,...~-"'~"""""'_,,,,~
~t!o!2_gy: S~:;w~Jehing ~i§;apopul~r·l?~s~irpe, 'f T_he winner is "croWI1etl" Prince-
if legentls propcrgat~d by tHe Atiyan.-I~rnple of·:.,., xPaladh)-,_o pAriya.
-~..,,,,.,> Avani hold that Avani's light is visible day or
night to the devout worshiper. Astrology, accord-
ingly, has pervaded Ariyan society. Citizens plan
:;::::-~~ their festivals, weddings, and rites Of passage
based on omens that astrologers find in the
stars-or that would-be astrologers claim to find.
Many so-called astrologers in Ariya, espe-
cially in the provinces, are old women, lunatics,
or other unlettered people who may mean well
but who lack proficiency in astrology. People
believe their foretellings to the degree that
these pronouncements endorse the opinions
they already held.
riya the Impregnable lies above a narrow
peninsula on the central southern coast.
The port is a small sheltered bay blocked
by a white marble seawall. The wall, 20 feet high and
ten thick, earned the name "Dolphin Wall" for its
antique murals of porpoises at play. It terminates in
the prince's palace, the Tower of Morning, a strong
marble citadel that protects and lights the harbor.
At the wall's far end lie the remains of a gigantic
statue of el-Arrasi erected shortly after the Great
King's death. A rare earthquake destroyed
the marble statue in 1488 Ma (0 ~R). At

t he j
that time temple mystics warnecUagainst
rebuilding it, and now the construction

~-en;lost. ''
The city's white walls, ancient
but well-maintained, are 20 feet
thi~k and 30 feet high. In general, the
poorest parts of the city are those
closest to the walls, because of their
assoCiation with low-status soldiers. The richest
home~s lie toward the city's center. . .
All parts of town are spotlessly clean. Because
of the Temple of Avani's emphasis on cleanliness,
Ariya boasts a water system unusually advanced
by C~_rilian standards.
·Ariya has no clearly defined wards or districts,
but rather a patchwork of tiny, diverse neighbor-
hoods organized around the extended families
called geirbou. Most geirhou have held the same
hereditary homes and shops for centuriesi and these
locales have an air of great age. Because the geirhou
try to m~nopolize their particular craft or trade~ a
itizes triust"go to one neighborhood to bll,y a gold
tf!teamng and:;a~other;to· gettbootS"m~nqe~t,A day's
errands can"take one all over the-city. .~ .
Outside the walls stands Ariya's only new con-
struction, a shantytown of refugees from the war-
~__ t>.L ~~---4£U:ll,,,.~\!ntryside. This dirty m~ze of shacks has
"' $'!< ~--~-; ~$'·. ~"" ~"--become known as the ,,"T'TI:ieves~ Mar~et"j9·r iJ:.,s_=
!ll';i4l .• • ;_;
· ~~. _. 1 ~ r riminal' .J: -· ' "';'.~ .,., ~
. F .• ~a!!f>!l~:t:~~.. -- ~.c-- ~- flll\!' P{GCllreIS..~fa
· ··1l>{'rotl~ a~~~-9iS~~~eCl Ariyans- -
<'· ~'.;;;.unaceustomed to Western
faults ! find depravity in
those~ WhP fail to bathe
ieguiarly. A visitor
from a large
ean city would
n the Thieves'
l rket quiet, its
·eves inept, its
vices tame.
T he Prince-Paladin of Ariya rules one of
the greatest cities in all Cerilia,
unmatched throughout the Khinasi lands
and surpassed only by the Imperial City of
Anuire. From the prince-paladin to the merest
dream ambitious dreams of rising to a better sta-
tion, whether through marriage, good luck, or
prayers to Avani.
Professionals: About a third of Ariyans make
their livings as artists, craftspeople, merchants,
fisherman, Ariya's 85,000 citizens are unique traders, sea captains, navigators, and soldiers.

''i '" le- citi~-en

and interesting individuals.

'[.,~~ :~~~;e~;f:h~:tldl~e~l.
free to populate the domam
with their own nonplayer
no+oh ~',1 ~ _' _ ,6,J _
characters. Who brings the prince iced coffee in Unlike other Khinasi cultures that rank soldiers
his House of Silent Servants? What are the with laborers and farmers, Ariyans respect the
palace guards like? Players should share descrip- Swords of Avani, who are devout, dedicated, and
tions of NPCs with their DM, who can approve sometimes even educated.
or revise the description as desired. With a little Professionals earn respect according to their
creativity, Ariya can be the most colorful and decorum, dress, and artistic taste as much as
exciting domain in the campaign. from family ties or success. A merchant who
behaves like a boor or servant is treated as one; a

farmer who speaks politely and wisely earns
respect from all.
Named families (ajazada): A lucky fifth of
eventy thousand people live in the city of the population has earned the right to family

S Ariya; 15,000 citizens are farmers,

herders, and fisherfolk who live outside
the walls and keep the city fed. A small percent-
names. Only the prince can bestow this heredi-
tary honor. Many ajazada work as artisans or
merchants, for their names alone bestow no
age of citizens are nonhumans (primarily income; others are magicians, courtiers, priests,
halflings). N onhumans are not excluded from and military officers. A quarter of the ajazada are
any social rank on the basis of race alone, for the wealthy, landed families. A rare few have minor
Ariyans believe that all beings are equal in the bloodlines.

sight ofrAvani. Ariyan nonhumans follow much
the same customs and practices as humans, min-
imizing friction among the races.
Less than 4,500 Ariyans have a character class
Aristocracy ( tamounzada): The elite of
Ariyan society are the so-called Two Hundred
Families who bear the name "el-Arrasi" and
thereby trace some relationship, however distant
and level; only a few hundred are adventurers and tortuous, to the royal family. A fractional
above 3rd level. Almost one-third of those with a percentage of the populace, these 4,000 exquis-
class are low-level mages, for Khinasi society itely refined idlers compose the vastly extended
esteems the study of magic as the greatest of arts. families of governors, generals, admirals, high
Warriors are also relatively numerous and priests, and royal favorites. Ariyan true wizards
respected (rangers, however, are practically are with few exceptions tamounzada-insofar as
unknown). Though many officials in the Ariyan they care for such petty distinctions. Though
Temple of Avani carry the title of "priest," less than bearing the regent's name, tamounzada wield lit-
500 command priestly magic. Only a few dozen tle political influence: Almost all power resides
" , thieves and bards practice their arts in Ariya, for with the prince-paladin and his bureaucracy.
awbrea~ers are hunted relentlessly and bards are The tamounzada typically bury the el-Arrasi
mistrusted,:-as -idfo degenerates. They often find name in a string of surnames. In this way they
better success as respectable merchants. flaunt royal status without looking dangerously like
Ariyan society makes no official distinction contenders for the throne.
between commoners, gentry, and nobility. In prac-
tice, however, there are four social ranks:
I ~C9mmoners: Half the popula-
,tion, including almost every-
the rovul fumilv
hough th~ prince no longer strangles all
one outside the city walls,
composes the bottom
ofthe, social ladder.
Farmers, fisher-
folk, laborers,
T rival claimants for the Thousand Jewel
Throne, his siblings still endure lifelong,
if luxurious, house arrest in the Tower of Morn-
ing. They can do anything they like, have any visi-
sailors, ser- tors, eat what they wish. They just can't leave-
vants, and ever-until they grow too old to build a following
shopkeepers and stage a coup d'etat.
Currently Ariya hawklike vision, great cleverness,
the tower ~~Ids '":~ resistance to fire or to evil, the ability to
Prince Gefad's detect lies and illusions, and even the
three wives, ·~bility to step into a bonfire and emerge
Maryam, Shafika, · from another flame a continent away.
and Temadhur; his ~-
These powers work best when the regent
aunt F arida (Ba, uses them in service to the realm.
great, 28) and her dull-
witted husband,
Humayd; Salmah and
Ar;nina (both Ba, great, 32), the two surviving
people of

daughters of Murad (Gerad's oldest brother and his
predecessor as regent); the three sons of Gerad's
late second brother, Yusuf-Habar, Harith, and
Haroun (all Ba, great, 32)-and their four wives ll of these NPCs are humans of Khinasi
{Irina, Badra, Zimaida, Aisha); and Gerad's matri- descent, unless otherwise noted. These
archal step-grandmother Fatima (Ma, minor, 9). are exceptional figures, leaders in their
The third wife of Sehinsah the Wise, Fatima-now · fields, and not typical of the population.
75-still seethes with ambition. Note: Ariya 's lieutenants (]airo and Hadan)
Though they appear to do nothing all day but have statistics appropriate for serving Prince Gerad.
eat, listen to music, and engage in light intellectual Adjust their levels to suit your regent PC 's level,
banter, these 15 people (all 0-level Khinasi) gener- following the lieutenant guidelines in the rulebook.
ate-enough plots, intrigues, and gossip to fill a vil-
lage: Who flirted with the ambassador? Who kissed
which chambermaid? "Did you hear what he said
~efud ibn focid
about the vizier at dinner?" 'Well, it's not for me to
say, but if there's any justice from the Lady of Rea-
son, then there will be trouble from the prince!" Former Prince of Ariya, 7th-level paladin
Almost any of them could make a plausible
claim to the Thousand Jewel Throne. However, they S: 14
present no serious threat, due to their complete D: 12
lack of ability. No wonder Prince Gerad, following C: 14
an occasional practice of Ariya's rulers, adopted a I: 17
successor from outside the family: your PC. W: 16
Your PC's adoption as heir to the throne has Ch: 18
angered not only the incompetent relatives in the
tower, but even kin with only a distant claim to the AC: 10 (3)
throne. In western Ariya, for example, Gerad's dis- hp: 40
tant cousin Lord Khalil el-Arrasi (MKh; W12; Ba, MV: 12
tainted, 8 )-a descendant of el-Arras i's brother THACO: 14
Eirat-has made remarks about the succession #AT: 1
that some interpret as hostile. Lord Khalil leads a Dmg: Nil (ld8)
powerful family that administers Kfeira and Tegher
provinces, and holds several sources there. Bloodline (former):
Your character: This sourcebook assumes that Basaia, majoJ:, 36 (pefore ·,,
you are playing a new regent whom Prince Gerad investing his succe}~OE~
adopted and invested shortly before abdicating. Blood abilities (former).~.._
You may, however, make your character one of the Alertness, character read· ·
royal family who has patiently waited out his house enhanced sens.e
arrest until Prince Gerad gave up the throne. Refer (ha~l( vision;
to the family tre~~chart <Lt;iJ he g~~efold of this book. · major), unr ead-
With tneDM~s approval, yqu may play Prince ablethoughts;
Gerad and assume he has not abaieated ... The
DM can adjust his level and abilities to fit bet-
ter with other PCs in the campaign. . -~
The royal bloodline: El-Arrasi's descendants
carry in their veins a great bloodline .derived
from Basata, the old goddess of the sun;
light, fire, reason, and logic. Her ener- ·'*·
gies have given various rulers of
Equipment: Amulet of proof against
detection and location, staff, prayer
book, diary. Before he abdicated, Prince
Gerad wore chain mail +2 and carried a
scimitar of dancing.
Typical dialogue: "I am Avani's servant, and
by her grace the Prince-Paladin of Ariya. Am I
to preside over a city that draws behind its walls
like a tortoise into a shell? Be so good as to find
me a shred of honor inside a tortoise-shell. " So
said Prince Gerad shortly before he gave up the
throne. Since his abdication, he has spoken little. putriurch
Description: 6 feet, 3 inches; 180 lbs.; age 43 .
Short, straight black hair, clean-shaven, light
brown skin. Black eyes , beetling eyebrows ,
juirn min uzedus
aquiline nose, long graceful neck, long arms and 4th-level priest of Avani
hands. Deep voice, dignified manner. Before
abdicating, Prince Gerad wore only the richest S: 9
silks beneath his mail. Now he goes unarmored D: 9
and wears a humble merchant's outfit. C: 11
Background: Handsome, well-spoken, well- I: 16
read, eloquent in defense of the faith, and skilled W: 16
in music and song, Prince Gerad embodied the Ch: 16
ideal Ariyan ruler. Grandson of the famed Sehin-
sah the Wise , the regent who ended the wasteful AC: 10
lunacy of the Nine Bad Sultans, Gerad displayed hp: 16
,the' same skillful and compassionate leadership. MV: 12
From his ascension to the throne 18 years ago, THACO: 18
he clearly felt that the ruler of Ariya should rule #AT: 1
a,ll tlie Khinasi, by example if not by decree. Dmg: Nil
· Imagine the citizens' astonishment, then, when
·a t tffe height of his popularity Prince Gerad Bloodline: Unblooded.
enteFed the throne room one morning and called Equipment: White burnooselike robes , leather
forJriS:wij:~rds and priests. At his command, they sandals, holy symbol (silver sun) , book of scrip-
exarfiiv.~d'.hirn for illusions, enchantments, charms, ture, pouch of dried fruit.
-or siniilar controls. They found none , and such is Typical dialogue: "Deliver a declaration of war
iheir~skill that no reasonable person has since on Aftane? As Your Majesty commands, so will I
. u~s"ti~!IBO their findings. Then Prince Gerad, pro- do. In confidence, Your Majesty, may I ask-
•oinicing the shameful confession "I am without purely for my own information-why we are to
ayim," formally abdicated his throne. struggle over a few miles of empty grassland? Let
's befits such an admission, he left his home , me present an alternative that possibly better
, m]ly, and"Qossessions to go into exile. No one suits the state's interest."
-., t~ e;x ' i ned .Gerad's secret shame. Even Description: 5 feet, 8 inches; 200 lbs.; age 48.
-" - o~ers, it it an unthinkable breach Short, curly gray hair, dusky skin. Hairless round
ti µette to i nquire into the details face, bright blue eyes. Wears four ornate wed-
- of aiY"'a dm1ssion such as his. , ding rings. .
"'--Gerad, who now wanders Background: A rotund and cheerful gourmand,
- the empty grasslands, Jairo combines piety with a clear appreciation of
speaks litt1e. the pleasures allowed a priest of Avani: food, ~
wives, and mathematics. He has risen to the high
priesthood, and to his position as a respected
diplomat, through his great abilities of persua-4
sion. Jairo first questions opposing parties"
closely to fina out their re~l desires, then out-
lines a scenario whereby tlrey can achieve their
ends by cooperating with the throne.
_ · Jairo is basically good-hearted andl
tends to tell people what they want to
hear. However, he sees no strategic impor.."
tance in Ariya's outer provinces, and prefers
dabbling in his hobby of algebra instead ofi
planning war with Aftane.
ruhil the fulcon cuptuin hudun
Court Mage of Ariya, 7th-level true wizard el-djefe1
S: 14 Admiral of the Golden Navy, 5th-level fighter
D: 13
C: 11 S: 13
I: 17 D: 10
W: 15 C: 14
Ch: 13 I: 14
W: 13
AC: 3 Ch: 15
hp: 21
MV: 12 AC: 4
THACO: 18 hp: 25
#AT: 1 MV: 12
Dmg: ld6+2 THACO: 16
#AT: 1
Bloodline: Masela, Dmg: ld8
minor, 19.
Blood abilities: Blood Bloodline: Unblooded.
history, detect illusion (minor). Equipment: Scale mail +2,
Equipment: Cloak of protection +3, staff of thunder cutlass, heirloom dagger, vial
and lightning (mahogany inlaid with gold wire), of cologne, zither.
ring of mind shielding, potion of healing, dust of Typical dialogue: "An attack on our harbor,
disappearance (four pinches), high-collared robe Your Majesty? Hah, let them come! I would like
of deep blue with silver embroidery, gold amulet, nothing better than to slice the Red Kings into
moleskin pouch with spell components and cutlets. On another topic, may I interest Your
reagents. Majesty in this new hymn for zither-?"
Spells memorized: Armor and stoneskin spells in Description: 5 feet, 10 inches; 190 lbs.; age 50.
effect; 1st-charm person, color spray, protection Curly black hair and beard, black eyes, scarred
from evil, sleep; 2nd-alter self, levitate , mirror stub nose, pouchy cheeks, burly build. Passion-
image; 3rd-fly, suggestion; 4th-solid fog. ate but well-spoken. Wears bright silks and
Typical dialogue: "Your Majesty will be pleased sailor's turban; smells of cologne.
to hear that Hatwa, the young gray I captured on Background: Born to a tamounzada family,
the wing in Kfeira, made his first kill this after- Hadan entered service as an under-captain 25
noon. Your Majesty should have seen him swoop! years ago. He gained honor in many battles
That pigeon never knew what hit it-New defen- against pirates and rose through the ranks by
sive spells on the walls? Of course, you have only to hard work. As admiral, Hadan has kept the fleet
ask. Is trouble looming?" in good repair and its sailors well-trained, and
Description: 6 feet, 3 inches; 180 lbs.; age 44. now seems content to relax. He occupies him-
Long black hair streaked with white, heavy eye- self with his three wives and with playing the
brows, stern face. Athletic build, proud bearing. zither. He has developed an admirable musical
Never lets go of his staff. technique and diverts himself composing hymns
Background: The loyal Court Mage of Ariya to Avani.
actually comes from a noble family in Djafra. He
studied magic in his youth, as is typical in noble
Khinasi families, and showed unusual talent.
After a long adventuring career, he arrived in
Ariya just as its court mage died. The mage's two
wretched apprentices tried to take magical con-
trol of Prince Gerad, but Rahil foiled them. In
gratitude, Gerad made Rahil his court mage, and
Rahil has served faithfully ever since.
Rahil's nickname comes from the silver falcon
embroidered on his robes, a family emblem. His
sharp insight and ruthless combat tactics inspire
thoughts pf falcons as well, and he raises falcons
as a hobBy.
as cruelly as she says. Until information comes
udClfu hint reshoud from a more reliable source, no one can be sure.
Adara is much older than she looks. Many
8th-level true wizard know that she was born into a powerful Shoufal
family, and that she spent years studying elven
S: 9 magic in the Sielwode. Adara has revealed little
D: 10 beyond that, but she seems sincere in her hatred
C: 12 of the Red Kings.
I: 17
omudi the quick
Guildmaster of the Gold
AC: 5 Coast Coster, 6th-level thief
hp: 30
MV: 12 S:
THACO: 18 D:
#AT: ~1 C:
Dmg: ld4/by spell I:
Bloodline: Vorynn, major, 22. Ch:
Blood abilities: Alter appearance, resistance
(major), unreadable thoughts. AC: 6
Equipment: Robe of blending, wand of enemy detec- hp: 24
_,,~;;tion, 1_'ing of protection +1, ring of x-ray vision, leather MV: 12 -
shoulder bag, heirloom dagger. _ THACO: 18
Spells memorized: Annor and stoneskin spells in #AT: 1
effect; same spells as Rahil the Falcon (see above) Dmg: ld4
plus these: 3rd-non-detection; ~tect scrying.
Typical dialogue: "I hope the gods may bring Bloodline: Anduiras, minor, 8.
upon these soldiers of Aftane tl1e same fate we Blood ability: Unreadable thoughts.
have known. That their children-may live in fear Equipment: Leather armor, heirloom dagger,
as ours do. That the best of their youth may die philter of glibness, stone of good luck, pouch of
like dogs, as ours have. That their old and wise betel nut.
may starve for want of food, slowly, as ours do. Typical dialogue: "Ah, Your Majesty, a very fine
And that they may seek help from all their neigh- cape you wear today! I could get you a cape still
bors, as I have, and on every side meet blank finer, ermine pelts from Djafra, for a picayune
rejection. That is what I wish for them." price, and all the profit to go to the orphanage in
Description: 5 feet, 8 inches; 140 lbs.; apparent the beggar's quarter! Can you fail to support
age 30. Black hair, black eyes, dark skin. Face such a worthy cause?"
thin and drawn, angular features. Emaciated; Description: 5 feet, 4 inches; 170 lbs.; age 30.
wears beggar's rags and veil. Intense manner. Short black hair (balding), brown eyes, clean
B~ckground: Adara is the greatest wizard of shaven, light tan skin. Quite fat; dresses in volu-
Shoufal, the city founded by Ariyan settlers but minous silks. Sparkling expression, nimble fin-
now occupied by Aftane. She has led a covert gers, pleasant attitude.
resistance effort against the Red Kings, and she Background: As guildmaster of a strong union
often asks help from Ariya. Prince of merchant houses, Omadi controls guild hold-
Gerad always sent what help he ings in four Ariyan and four Zikalan coastal
could, short of risking war, provinces.
but his efforts never satis- Omadi was born in Ariya to poor parents who
fied Adara. Some in died of illness when he was young. He grew up a
Ariya secretly ques- footloose urchin in the beggars ' quarter, surviv-
tion whether ing by his wits and fast tongue. One day a pass-
Aftane actually ing magician discerned Omadi's bloodline.
treats the Intrigued by the guttersnipe's scion status, he
people of took the boy on as an apprentice. But Omadi,
Shoufal though bright, had no talent for magic. The
magician passed him along to a merchant friend,
and there Omadi excelled.
His talent for negotiation and salesmanship
brought him wealth and eventually leadership of
the Gold Coast Coster. It also brought him the
enmity of the malevolent Brotherhood of Khet,
which seeks dominion over all guild holdings in
the Khinasi lands. Despite several assassination
attempts (their failure earned Omadi his nick-
name), the Brotherhood has not destroyed
Omadi's -enthusiasm.
· ~~He has earned the friendship of many Ariyans
tlito1,1gh;llis charitable works in the beggar's quar-
ter-wheFe .he grew up. Omadi now believes he was
.th~:i:ll~gititp.ate son of an Anuirean adventurer, and
dreams of finding his blooded parent some_d ay to
show offtlie success he has made of himself.
_--3-PmadiHs unmarried , pious , and seemingly
interest~Cl -only _ i n business and charity. His only
vi~e is a taste for betel nut, a palm seed imported
ffotn the island domains to the east. Chewed S: 6
· with a rpii ture of lime , cardamom, and spices , D: 10
., betel nut:produces a mild stimulation similar to C: 8
strong coffee. Omadi has been trying to quit I: 17
since the Brotherhood of Khet attempted to poi- W: 9
son him w,ith adulterated betel. Ch: 7

-~~urn bukubussi AC:


Bloodline: Unblooded.
8 Equipment: Sheaf of
16 paper, quill, ink, books.
13 Description: Fethiye is a
13 young, ambitious , and some-
12 what talented civil servant.
16 Short, very thin, unable to grow a
beard, and a bit squirrely, the 26-year-old pro-
AC: 10 jects an unimpressive appearance. He resents
hp: 6 what he perceives as slow advancement, although
MV: 12 his diligence and encyclopedic memory have in
THACO: 20 fact propelled him far.
#AT: 1 Some of his insights , such as his warnings
Dmg: ld4 about Ariya's dangerous complacency, may serve
the regent well . However, Fethiye lacks tact,
Bloodline: Unblooded. snoops into everyone 's business , and is too out-
Equipment: Oud (stringed instrument). spoken for a vizier. Fethiye 's perpetual attempts
Typical dialogue: "Best we move carefully down to draw the regent's notice (see pages 2-3) work
this alley, Your Majesty. Old Hurban, he lives in ·well as comie- relief.
that crate there, sometimes he gets a bit con-
fused and thinks he's fighting pirates."
Description: 5 feet; 90 lbs.; age 18. Short straight
black hair, blue eyes, brown skin. Clothing varies ,
but always offers freedom of movement. Manner
may vary dramatically, though often impish.
Background: This small, lithe woman is cur-
rently Ariya's most fashionable Jackal Boy
dancer (see page 15). Though young; she
speaks and carries herself with adult poise
and seems completely at home in every
level of society. She has kept her own
origins a secret, but she encour-
ages speculation.
he print ;;paladin holJ s a law (4) in the
city of Ariy,a~ the Swords of Avani , six
army units with police and civic duties.
In coastal Kfeira, a law -~2), and Kouzir, a law ( 1),
the regent's authority derives from constables at
roadside caravanserais and from the Golden
Navy, which makes regular patrols and landings
as necessary. One fortified caravanserai (of level
temples ,
he prince-pa.l adin is Lord High~atriare

2) in each of these provinces provides quarters
for troops on the march. The prince also holds a of t he Any~n Temple of Avan1 and, as .
law ( 1) in_ Tegher: such, conkols most of the temple hold-
In Kfeira and in Tegher, a collateral branch of ings in Ariya: a temple (5) in Ariya ·province, a
the el-Arrasi family governs in the prince- (2) in Kfeira, a ( 1)_in Kouzir, and a ( 1) in Tegher.
paladin's name , although the family leader; Lord . These holdii;]gs rep£esent regional temples (one
Khalil el-Arrasi, is no friend of the regent. Khalil or two per~ptovihce) of up to 100 priests,
(MKb; W12; Ba, tainted, 8) is a distant cousiq of acolytes, scribes, and attendants; smaller shrines
the royalJamily, descended from el-Arrasi 's sc~tt,~red ~c!pss each province; and the giant
brother Eitat (see page 8). For centuries, Eirat's Central Templ<{ in the city of Ariya.
progeny have resented el-Arrasi's line for what The~'Temple of the Ancients , a small and
they perceive as the Great King's insulting and benig!i.-.:Sect of Nasri (the sea goddess, known in
unwarranted treatment of the~r forefather. Like %mire as ·N~sirie), has a holding (2) in the Mag-
many of his ancestors, Khalil has voiced ambi- nificent City and a (1) in eastern Azedas. More
tions for the throne. He says o!¥y a ruler wise in threatening is the holding ( 1) in Assarif of the
magic can guide Ariya through' its current trou- J ifemple of Khirdai, god of storms and conflict
bles. Khalil stu~ies magic, buf few ai-e aware of ·· (known as Cuiraecen in Anuire). The Red Kings
· . ~ his- - e >' ,a,nd ability. <c~ _ of Attane support this temple, and its work is
"The neai:ly empty eastern . ~their work.
ces·it_v longer obey the
;$ . No one has temple holdings in Djef el-Kadir,
·;· p.rfice:;paladin's rule. which is nearly empty after centuries of war with
Alfhvfigh Assarif, Aze- Aftane.
t das, and Djef
_el-Kadir the afi-g~n temple
of QVQfil
One of many Khinasi faiths that follow the
goddess of the sun, light, fire, and
reason, the Ariyan Temple of Avani
emphasizes purity of body, mind,
- and spirit. Followers try to burn
away impurities through diligent prayer, moral delivering babies, and cremation of the dead.
conduct, and unyielding denial of the Five Riza died of poisoning when, during an especially
Tempters: debt, family shame or betrayal, dirti- strenuous spring cleaning of the Central Temple,
ness, vice (a large category including theft, intox- she accidentally swallowed ammonia.
ication, laziness, and adultery), and dishonor
(including blasphemy and failure to pray). Prayer
Intoxicants stronger than coffee muddy the In Ariya, temples to Avani feature a large central
mind and are therefore prohibited. No physical dome surrounded by four vaulted halls called
_contact of a sexual nature is permitted outside eyvans. In each eyvan stand many pillars, their
marriage, although the temple condones the number and type dictated by omens discerned
practice of having multiple spouses-so long as during the temple's construction. Because all
one can support them all equally well . Lying, beings are considered equal in the sight of Avani
notably, is not prohibited. The temple does not (the reason for the prohibition of slaver;r-4, tll"'e
discourage greed nor prohibit moneylending or temple features no altar, pulpit, or dais. The
other business practices, except that one must priest must preach while standing among the
wash after engaging in them. faithful. A beautiful fountain bubbles at the
The Prince-Paladin of Ariya has ultimate center of the floor under the dome.
authority in the temple, but subordinate priests Outside the temple stand more
exercise great influence. During her influential fountains, with benches where
tenure, a charismatic priestess named Riza hint the faithful may wash their
Nisanyan (1997-2028 MA) brought the Third hands, face, and feet
Tempter-dirtiness-to new prominence. She before entering. By law,
established complete physical cleanliness as the the prince-paladin
mark of piety, and preached that the most awful must wash at the
fates awaited followers who allowed soil in the same fountain
home or on the person. Fountains had always the citizens
been an important symbol in the Temple of Avani, use, but
but under Riza's command they became essential
everywhere in Ariya. She also popularized hospi-
tal care, the extermination of vermin, maternity
houses (set well apart from other buildings) for
the temple's priests may clear Ariya province. Since the time of el-Arrasi, the
others from the courtyard before city-state's ruler has enjoyed a monopoly on the
the regent washes. construction of fountains and waterworks.
A library pr scriptorilim often Despite its huge range of activities across
· stands near the temple, for eight provinces, the Gold Coast Coster does not
Avani encourages learning. own a single ship. Rather, suppliers from a dozen
Soldiers, expectant moth- domains use Omadi as a middleman. Through
ers, and the ill or disabled personal charisma, shrewd politics, and good
are exempt from mandatory markups, Omadi keeps his consortium of three
prayer but all other citizens dozen small guilds in tight order. He dislikes
pray to Avani at dawn, noon- large meetings of all these guild heads, preferring
tide, and sunset. The priest to confer with one or two at a time in his bath-
calls them to prayer from atop house. Omadi spends so much time in the bath-
the tallest eyvan. To pray, one first house that, his friends claim, he is now perma-
stands quietly facing the sun (or, at , ,p ently immune to dirt. .,

noon, looking up), then bows, kneels, and
finally lies face down, murmuring invocations
~· all the--yy_hile. Aft~Lperforming this rite five _
~times, the worshiper rises, drinks from the cen- · Temple scripture calls business "the work of this
tral"' fountain, and leaves quietly. world, like grubbing in the soil," and states that
participants must wash away the spiritual stain
·- ~ilds of materialism. Because of this edict, many busi-
ness owners have taken to negotiating in bath-
ecause the prince prosecutes thieves An Ariyan bathhouse is a spectacular fantasy

B mercilessly in Ariya, rogues run legal

merchant houses as covers. Often these
operations become more lucrative than thieving,
although even the most respectable guilds prac-
of white marble walls, bronze columns, and
glazed ceramic tile. It consists of an antecham-
ber and adjacent disrobing room, a cold room
with swimming pool, a warm room, and a steam
tice a certain amount of espionage against rivals. room, as well as storage rooms and an office. In
A merchant union called the Gold Coast some houses, servants oil or massage the bathers.
Coster, run by Omadi the Quick (see page 23), Men and women bathe separately. Large
owns the guild holdings of Ariya's coastal houses are split in half, with half assigned to
provinces- a (3) in Ariya, a (1) in Azedas, a (2) each gender, but in small houses men and women
in Kfeira, and a ( 1) in Kouzir. The Coster also simply bathe at different times. All races are per-
controls holdings totaling 6 levels in the four mitted, but children may not enter.
southeastern provinces of Zikala. Bathhouse servants move unseen through hid-
Holdings in Ariya's outlying provinces-a ( 1) in den passages or tunnels under the house.
Assarif, a (1) in Djef el-Kadir, a (2) in Tegher, and a Beneath the steam room, in a low area called the
><-,, (2) in the northern reaches of Ariya-belong to an hypocaust, servants heat water from a nearby
- ··"aggressive competitor from Aftane, the mysterious well or aqueduct in a brass boiler or furnace.
and sinister Brotherhood of Khet. Khet coerces Ordinary fire may generate the heat, but larger
merchants into its fold using bribery, strong-arm houses use magical items, spells, or even captive
tactics, and assassination. The Brotherhood has fire elementals. Temperatures can reach 150
enlisted most of the Cattle Dynasties that drive degrees Fahrenheit in the steam room.
vast herds across the savannahs, and its Rumors persist of intruders who eavesdrop on
assassins have made three sensitive steam-room deals by crawling into the
attempts on Omadi's life. No hypocaust below. Without protection from the
one knows who leads the terrible heat, these listeners (if there are such)
Brotherhood. would be roasted alive.
The Prince-Paladin
of Ariya holds a
guild (1) in sources
riya's court mage, Rahil the Falcon, con-
trols all the sources in the state. He has
one in each province: a source (0) in
Ariya, a ( 1) in Assarif, a ( 1) in Azedas, a (4) in
Djef el-Kadir, a (3) in Kouzir, a (4) in Kfeira, and
a (3) in Tegher. Rahil also controls a source ( 5) in
the province-of Barsefat ~in southern .Aftifie.- without causing rebellion. The prince-paladin
The sources are ancient underground cities also receives income from his temple holdings
constructed by the early worshipers of Avani. To (about 7 GB per turn) and guild holding (about 2
escape persecution by the established temples, GB per turn).
whole villages would retreat to these huge Tribute: Omadi the Quick, of the Gold Coast
labyrinths, along with their livestock. The largest Coster, pays the regent a tribute of 2 GB per
ones reached seven to nine levels in the earth, turn for the lucrative trade route he has estab-
down to just above the water table. Wide air lished from the port of Ariya to eastern Khinasi
shafts provided ventilation, light, access (by lad- domains. The regent collects no tribute from the
der) and easy communication (by shouting) tiny Temple of the Ancients, nor from the secre-
between levels, and fresh water from below. Sev- tive Brotherhood of Khet. Trying to collect from
eral thousand people could live for months at a the Temple of Khirdai might provoke a war.
time in these colossal anthills. Domain maintenance: The regent's seven
The magicians and wizards of the time devel- provinces, four law holdings, four temples, and
oped ways of drawing mebbaigbl (magical one guild holding together cost 3 GB per turn.
essence), gathered and concentrated from the Fortifications require additional maintenance:
plains above, to these cities to power spells that The Tower of Morning and the two fortified cara-
-prevented tqeir detection. When· the-Temple of . vanserais in Kouzir and Kfeira cost an additional
Avani became the domain's official faith, villagers 1 GB apiece per turn (tofal 3).
closed an d eventually forgot about the under- Payroll for Ariya's six army units amounts to 6
ground cities. But their magical power remained. GB per turn-1 per unit. The Golden Navy costs
Today Rahfl the Falcon believes that he alone 3 GB to maintain. Total: 16 GB.
knows their location. He has forged ley lines to All remaining revenue goes to maintain the
tap their power without visiting them and risking prince-paladin's opulent court. Fine food! Luxu-
their discovery by others. riant furnishings! Festivals each month! As a pal-
Nonetheless, Rahil still must patrol the cities adin of Avani, the regent himself disavows this
more often than he likes. The constant darkness wealth and lives simply. But the large royal fam-
and high magical power of the underground ily demands money for their extravagant lifestyle,
cities make them susceptible to breaches into the and the temple Hriests ask for great festivals to
Shadow World. Undead walkers from that maintain the people's loyalty and piety.
strange dark land occasionally shamble into the Because of its high expenditures, the court of
cities, temporarily corrupting their magical Ariya is a major force in the city's economy.
essence. To discourage this, Rahil inspects the Reducing the court's cost may seem the obvious
cities every season or so. first step toward fiscal sanity, but the regent
could face grave consequences. [These ponse-

incomeund quences, wbiifn may include loyalty reductions or

palace intrigues, are left to the DM's disc1'~tion.]
The treasury: Ariya's treasury holds a mere
eRpenses 18 GB as the new regent takes the Thousand
Jewel Tnrone-it has been slowly, steadily

inancially Ariya is in perilous shape. The depletedover generations. Fortunately, Prince
city-state's income amounts to about 23 Gerad managed to stop its decline, if not help
GB per season (domain turn), a moderate rebuild-it.
sum. But routine expenses-and a lavish court-
consume all these funds.
Taxes and collections: Assuming moderate
taxation, the four provinces in which the regent
controls law holdings produce an average of 12
GB per turn. Prince Gerag ceased collecting
taxes in the other three provinces to help boost
loyaJty, though the new re~ent could tax lighdy
en the prince-paladin looks out across - and sailed at top speed for Ariya.
his city from high atop the Tower of The evidence indicates that Sari has enlisted
Morning and considers the many crises Eirat to aid her piracy. But how is he aiding
facing Ariya, he may well wonder how the city has her, and what could she pay him? The turtle
survived this long. Some of the following intelli- wants nothing more than to return to human
gence, gathered from nobles , priests, and secret form. Though a talented rogue , Sari is not
informants, presents new trouble, but some known to have magical skills. Has she recruited
offers an opportunity for the city-state to face its a wizard?
problems and overcome them. Navy morale has dropped at the prospect of

1umo_cs und facing notorious pirates in their lair. Captain

Hadan has suggested that if the prince-paladin

'A ll these rumors and plots can lead
PCs into new adventures. Players
should look them over and indicate to
the D M which ones they; would like to pursue
in a campaign.

u pimte buSe? himself were to lead the raid, his sailors would
rally around their leader. And the suspected
-The piracy problem off the ,Sun Coast varies in involvement of Eirat renders the prince's partic-
'seriousness from year to year, but for the last ipation even more vital: By el-Arrasi's ancient
three years one ship, the Black Arrow, has plun- decree, no one but Ariya's regent may attack
dered Khinasi vessels with unusual vigor. Some- the turtle.
how it has escaped capture by Ariya's Golden
Navy. Reports claim that the~Black Arrow can
- submerge and move underwater.
ancient evil
-~ The captain of the navy, H a dan el-Djefer,
believes that the Black Arrow use~ a secret har-
beneath the citi;
bor somewhere in Kouzir. Despite frequent Ariya is built on the site of a Masetian city called
searches along the province's shore, no one Saria. For a brief period during the Masetian's
found ~he pirate harbor-until two days ago. reign, evil infested Saria. A sinister cult led by
A nary dhoura was investigating reports that the high priest Iagostes tried to turn people from
the giant ~urtle Eirat the Troublesome (see page 8) the true gods by sponsoring state worship of a
had move'd. east of the port of Ariya, far"'"°outside his series of increasingly feeble regents. One of the
usual territory. The dhoura accidentally found last of these, Rimanos Saria ("the Deranged"),
Eirat, but he spared the vessel in return for a favor. decreed the construction of secret catacombs
Eirat insisted that the ship land on an ingonspicu- under the cult's principal temple. Cult priests
ous stretch of shore and send a sailor inland. "Tell used these catacombs, the Labyrinth of Reason,
her I must be pai€t!" said Eirat, but refused'fo iden- to initiate new recruits into the twisted philoso-
tify "her" or the payxnent he expected. phies of their order.
A detachment of~ailors crossed a narrow bight When the Masetians attacked and destroyed
of land and found a lagoon. There rested the Black the cult, they demolished the temple without
Arrow, and beside it a camp. The sailors spotted learning of the catacombs. The labyrinth's exis-
--h-_·__'s_ notorious pi-ra-t-e _c a_pta_in_ , s_a-ri oint tence came to light only recently, during the reign
Bedi __ , and perhaps t fe,~d_ol~w mem~e_:s. of Prince Gerad. An Old City coffee house owner
Ou -, :umbered 1d --~f ~. ~~ture~h._~ sailors stumbled upon a side tunnel of the labyrinth while
flecf;' ' 5ld Eir el ·;ye:;re the-met~ e, · expanding his basement storage area.
Prince Gerad
tunnels that held nothing of interest. That night, The regent may feel this situation
all four men got into separate arguments, warrants personal attention. If he
declared their honor violated, and died the next investigates the situation in
morning in duels. Shoufal himself, in disguise, he
The next day someone made the connection. ·can determine first whether to
Upon hearing the news, Prince Gerad ordered aid Adara, and then how to· set
the labyrinth entrance sealed, but by that time up a reliable information net-
several groups of coffee house customers, gawk- work there. Of course, getting
ers, and children had innocently visited the tun- into Shoufal, past troops of
nels. All emerged unharmed, but no one knows Aftane and perhaps spies of
their whereabouts and activities since then. That the Sphinx, will prove danger-
was several years ago. ous. And if Adara finds that
A few days ago, Harith (a family member in Ariya's regent seeks alternative
House of Sile~t Servants) found an unsigned sources of information, she Will con-
aote pirwed to a ·window sill in the TQwer of , ~ strue his lack of faith as an insult. -
Mornii.)g_:.::.four stories up--:-oh the outsidi¥r · '#fl'/
fo; ~·.~
-- #''
Philosophy is written in th.is grand book-I mean
· the universe-which stands continually open to our
gaze, but it cannot be understood unless one first
holg ambition
learns to comprehend the language and interpret the For years, particularly in recent seas:0ns, the -~
characters in which it is written. It is written in the Exalted High Priestess Shandare (FKh; Pr9,
language of Masela, and its characters are blood Avani; Ba, major, 39) has promoted her religion
and thought and spirit, without which it is humanly in neighboring Zikala. As leader of the ancient
impossible to understand a single word of it. With- Zikalan Temple of Avani, Shandare controls all
out these, one is wandering about in a dark the temple holdings in Zikala, has expanded into
labyrinth. Binsada, and now wants control of Ariya's tem-
ples as well.
Though it hardly seemed a warning itself, this The doctrines of the Zikalan Temple concur
enigmatic note has prompted some of the new in most respects with those of the Ariyan Tem-
regent's viziers to propose a more serious expedi- ple. Therefore many suspect that, though Shan-
tion into the Labyrinth of Reason. With clues to dare seems sincere in her faith, her urge to
its traps, and to the ways it affects the mind, the expand has less to do with supposed failings of
prince might then be able to track down the peo- the Ariyan Temple than with her desire for
ple whom it has affected-who possibly now con- power.
tinue the work of a long-dead cult. Yesterday one of the falcons kept by Ariya's
court mage, Rahil the Falcon, downed a pigeon
sphinR trnuble flying east over northern Kfeira. A capsule
attached to the pigeon's leg contained a coded
You have received a new plea for help from the message that Rahil has deciphered: Yes on
wizard Adara hint Reshoud in the northern ally/meet 3 d!I of Ghost/E harbor/moonrise/secret.
province of Shoufal. For all her skill in magic, Apparently a secret rendezvous on the Isle of.
Adara shows still greater skill in composing pleas Ghosts will take place at moonrise three days ·
for help. Now she claims the awnshegh called the hence. Through magic, Rahil was able to aivine
Sphinx, whose domain lies a few days' ride Shandare as the note's sender and surmise one or
northeast of Shoufal, has sent spies and assassins more of the Red Kings of Aftane as the pigeon's
to cause chaos in the city. Supposedly the Sphinx destination. ,
hopes to weaken Aftane's control before invading The Isle of Ghosts is a province-sized
with military forces. jungle a day's sail southeast of Ariya.
Adara has proven herself fairly trustworthy, if One of many wooded islands in
a bit self-centered and obsessive. Her powerful the Sea of the Golden Sun, it.
sources of magic could aid Ariya in an emer- has sheltered pirates in the
gency. It is in the state's interest to keep her alive past but, by all
and in power in Shoufal. But she has cried reports, is
sphinx before, causing Ariya to place its forces in currently
danger to no good purpose. Now, with the coun- unoccupied.
tryside around Shoufal depopulated by continual
war, the prince-paladin has no one there he
;ctrusts to deliver good intelligence.

An alliance between Shandare and the Red Serpent, and an elite army of Serpent Guards.
Kings can mean no good for Ariya. If the prince- Despite his lack of creativity in names, the Ser-
paladin could arrange an ambush, he might solve pent has shown cunning in infiltrating many Khi-
two problems at once. Or he might find himself nasi domains. Ariya has remained relatively free
badly.overmatched by deadly magic and fanatical of his influence-so far.
enemies. Now an informant, a loyal geirhou cooper
who lives near the Temple of the Ancients in
Ariya 's New City district, claims that he has
'5utewuv to the seen agents of the Serpent. Last night the wright
ventured outside the walls and into the "Thieves'
shudow world Market" shanty town, searching for-as he put
it-"companionship. " He passed near the Mid-
Rahil the Falcon has reported trouble in one of night's Shadow, a tavern and wine shop (rare
the ancient underground cities from which he and scandalous in Ariya, where coffee houses
derives magical power. This one, in Kfeira (a.k.a. are the usual gathering places). While answering
"the middle of nowhere"), was supposedly a call of nature in the shadowed alleyway beside
deserted like the others. But on a recent visit, the tavern, the wright noticed two slinking fig-
Rahil encountered visitors he believes came from ures emerge from the back, mutter some words,
the Shadow World. and (so the ~qooper says) change into snakes!
U ndead warriors now explore the city called They slith e'j~'a away into darkness, and the
Morikuyu (meaning "dark well, " for the deep wright ran altahe way across town to inform the
water supply that has flooded the lowest of its regent, pausing only to pray at every single tem-
nine levels). Although all the subterranean cities ple along the way.
are separated only slightly from the Shadow
World-a parallel realm of endless cold twilight-
in this city a breach has occurred in the thin bor-
der between worlds. If the breach spreads to
other cities, and if the tindead find their way to
the surface. . . .
The prince-paladin must act quickly but care-
T he Khinasi speak of giving freely to
strangers but keeping some thipgs from
one's closest friend:s.;- Like any~ regent in
fully. He might want to handle the situation C ~rilia:;"'-a J9t~c:isi rufer '. keeps· state secrets thai
., per~9na(lly to keep it quiet-Rahil has made it m4y\lte)piii:('~~ isiiilR~ie ar,e a few that_ belo ~s
clear· tlfat Ariya cannot affotd..to reveal the to ithe:'p rinc - alacfin .IJ'h e,,DM may appro ·
secref locations of.the citiesr. ..A small force otners:-so-,.playets shoultl t r)r inventil! ·
'c ould grobably reach Morikuyu Without attract- ~ ·-. their own-so long as they fakitreare t
·ng,atterition. Perhaps Rahil can somehow seal ..:·the balance oh'.he campaign and don't propose
·he i;hreach if the group can guard him from secret th~t il)sJaQ~lX solves all problems. How
undead.attacks. But if the strike fails, matters " m4ch fun woul'd -·iegency be then?,,. ·
.;will look bleak indeed. . i;

if-Ilerse1penHslith~s'l ii whv ~erudSei:ya,n\~,las-

~ .• .


~.e~;~ei The House of Silent safos

Far to· the east; -among the island domains of-the that open·only at the-teue~£4theor~ghtful0r~ge~ij.: ,-. •·
jftri B eeps, lies the realm of the Serpent. This :After the riew pdnce-paladirvgai!l~~~~I!~ tlron~t>~i!
ancient awnshegh who claims divinity has spent his senior vizier showed him one ·slldrpsafe·in the _,
centuries developing his skills in magic, diplo- regent's bedchamber, then left the room. Inside
macy, and intrigue. He exerts himself to the was a letter:
utmost.in--all thr ee areas to capture scion~ .<incl . .
' "'" selie tbeir bloodline strength. - - ~~- ..,. _ · fo"my successor:

Unseen within his palace labyrinth, the Serpent I give you the Scepter of Office far sooner than I
commands tremendous resources: a network of had intended to relinquish it. May you hold it bet-
assassins and thieves called the ter than I did!
Society of the Serpent, A secret passage within the wall of the this cham-
a temple known ber leads to an inconspicuous exit outside the
as the Sons palace walls. The senior vizier will show it to you.
of the Four people now know of it: me, the vizier, you-
and one other.
I used this passage often to go unseen into the
city. Once, dressed as a merchant, I met a young
woman who sold spices in the bazaar. When ]-.. . illegitimacy. If el-Mesir speaks truly, Shandare
returned to the palace, I had my magicians and still loves her lost daughter deeply, and wishes to
priests examine me with meticulous care, suspecting reunite with her. What would the high priestess
some kind of magical charm, but they found noth- give for this?
ing. I had fallen prey to an older and subtler magic El-Mesir knows who and where the daughter
than theirs: love. is, but has not told Ariya's prince.
Even this will not seem so absurd as what follows.
I, who have three wives and could easily support a
hundred more , pursued an illicit affair with this
woman, in violation of honor, piety, and my oaths to
Avani. She never knew my true identity. I believe
thtved kin'5s
the very shame of the affair made the woman all the A voice in the night awakened the new prince-
more appealing to me. paladin. A thin black-clad woman, her face
Ultimately I decided honor required me to veiled, crouched on the high gilded footboard of
marry her, or at least bring her into the House of his bed. "Don't call your guards," she said. "I
Silent Servants. I planned this as a surprise to mean no harm. Call me Turiye. I know how you
delight her. Six days ago I showed her the secret ·can de &f roy th.e Red Kings of Aftane-six of
tunnel entrance and gave her a key, without fthem,efti~ay. Here's the first. Take advantage of
telling her where it led; she was to use it that thi S:~nd I'U bring you more." She tossed a
night. When she arrived in my chamber, I would packet of parchment on the bed.
reveal all. But she never appeared, that night or Ignoring the regent's questions, she leaped
since, and she has vanished from the bazaar. My nimbly to the floor, then jumped headlong out an
trusted servants sought her across the city without open window. The prince looked for a body
knowing why, but she is gone. below, a flying shape above-nothing.
I had t13e locks changed on the passage entrance The parchment notes identify Arlando el-
and exit, then sought Avani help in prayer. But the Adaba (MK.h; B10; Re, minor, 15), the Red Her-
Lady of Reason had deserted me long ago, and only ald, as one of the Red Kings. Arlando has a
in this ct;isis did I realize it. I have forfeited the paramour, whom he meets regularly at her
'~, privilege df~'S,erving he.r, and possibly I have endan- home in lt he Dim Light Quarter of Af).aba.
"'i. gered everyone in the palace. Addresses, schedules, his defenses: The notes
No one, save you and I, knows this sordid story. contain ,all. With this information Ariya's regent
~u ~ndn,st;ind that for the good of Ariya, it must could set up an ambush for Arlando and kill
emain,,seeret. him-if~the prince-paladin considers such con-
Peace::~'-fpd wisdom on your path, duct hoii.brable.
G: 'f·•·"·~ .. "Six ~f them, anyway," the midnight visitor
said-sq pf the seven Red Kings of Aftane. Could
;,· ,£"'--': .. Ufe's dou'5hte1 this wonian, herself be the seventh? ~~""'""$%';~~,;.;.;

· ifhe'\ o cf . age-king of Me sire, the Emir Yousef

Jbn Reghll el-Mesir (MKb; WB: c.&r, major, 26), has
fp uqued fortp.al alliance with Ariya for years
without succ~ss. His honor is beyond question,
t IJ~f!i~y·~.om~in;s ·securi.,,µr ~s too pr~~arious~~'i.t~ \~~,
At1yafto risk guarantees of protection~
Still, el-Mesir tries. Recently, to impress
Ariya's new regent with his domain's ability to
gather intelligence, el-Mesir offered a tantalizing
secret about High Priestess Sharidare of Zikala:
~--· Shandare has an illegitimate daughter.
Apparently the priestess had a wayward past
before serving Avani. Although the Zikalan Tem-
ple permits married women to become priests,
Shandare never married; perhaps she did not
wish to share power with another. The temple
frowns on parents of illegitimate children, and
so, many years ago, Shandare gave up her daugh-
ter for adoption. Now Shandare has risen so
high that she can simply remove the
temple's prohibition of
A riya faces dangers across its borders, but
take care that you do not become a
greater danger as prince-paladin.
Though its influence has dwindled and enemies
" . h
a mre to t ._«
threaten its existence, Ariya embodies one of the
most successful and interesting cultures in Cer-
ilia. Try to achieve more than simply turning your
domain into a war machine. new re'!ent
motivate vour peoRI,e conclude your war with Aftane and fortify your-
self against Shandare's holy armies.
To overcome Ariyan complacency, speak 1t~ them Alternatively, you might find a way to bolster
of their history a!fft -c·ulture, of the gl~rie\that the influence of Zikala's general, Khasan el-Zisef,
are their legacy,,_ and of the injustices:rn eing per- when lie· advises the weak-willed Grand Vizier,
petrated across the -borders. Ariyan citizens will Omar ibn Tuarim el-Zisef (MKb; W4; An, major,
never think of the countryside as worthwhile or 36). Zikalan conspirators undermine Khasan
interesting until they see practical benefits from constantly, and so Omar pays little heed to his
protecting the land-not something sljbtle like wise counsel.
cheaper beef from the Cattle tf>xna[«ties ; but'"·
more dramatic, like the trade goo-ctraat"i"ome
from distant'lands-when caravans travel secure
ullv with mesire-
routes. As regent, you can popularize these ideas
with ceremorties and festivals_. . ·
Ariya's regents have been friendly toward the el-
reduce court spendin~ Mesirs for centuries , and the people of Mesire
hate all the aggressors that Ariyans hate. Given
The state budget teeters on the brink of deficit. Mesire's powerful mage-king and its small but
Your r,elatives will squawk, and the guilds who sur- well-trained military, it should make an excellent
vive off the largesse of the court will moan, and ally. But the tiny two-province state is likely prey . -~
evezy_yizier will off~r twelve cogent re~sons why for Aftane, corrupt Djafra, or the hideous Black /"
the court must be maintained as is-bu! you have Sp~ar gnolls of the Great Yhan, Garak zu J;
to trim expenses. This step calls for original think- Turbun (MM; F9; Az, minor, 12). Perhaps yon
ing. Try to devise face-saving ways to r~uce your should wait a few seasons to assess the domaitfist-,
own expenditures and get others to do tlie same. prospects before making a commitment· yc1u ~~
cannot~r _w ould prefer not-keep. · ""~ ,
ovoid u two-front:wor wu_r with uftune
t thi~~'point, wa,~~\tj~bAftane loob inevitable. To
v.the we~t.~li9jV~v~j5~~itf:~ap-''stillfes~ue -,
-in Zikala. The ·pro6lein'lies airnosf en ,
·:' ation
th the
to the deuth
High Priestess Shandare's zealous religious cru- You can achieve _nothing lasting in Afiya whil ·
sade. With the Sphinx's impregnable domc(m to the longtime enemy, Aftane , grows to the easij~ I! " -
~----'-'"""'~-,-~llQ.rth_,_Shandare has nowhere to expand except north. Now that the Red Kings }iave achieved__,,
,...._,, ,,.;--into Ariycror yout" allr,B W&ada. PQ.J\'.:eriher~ , Aftane r~1~re;,s~n~--s ari even grea
:Y()u 01ight cl,elay~heE~militacy. . ~ U:hieat~::-Yotalready hale ample cause for wa; :,
Jt foifS::by ~authorizing her to long-standing grievance over your four northern
·""estabHsh the Zikalan Tem- prpvinces, which Aftane has stolen a dozen times.
ple of A\tani in your bor- When you have pacified Zikala, build your forces,
der prpY.Jpce$ of Kfeiia strike:iqili~kly: and seize Affiilie's capital. (You might ,~,.,
and~T~gher. Pacifica- find help in Mesire.) Find, fight, and dethrone the
- - n of a fanatic Red Kings. (You will certainly need aid from adven-
-snot work in turers of proven talent.) If possible, destroy the mys-
png term, but terious Brotherhood of Khet. (You may need help
!t might quiet from characters who know the ways of rogues.)
handare long Aftane abuts the Tarvan Wastes and several
~gh for you to monster-haunted regions. Rather than extend
; Ariya to these perilous borders, you may elect
to let Aftane stay as a puppet domain
under leadership of your choosing.


.. ¥,.

Ariyan Temple Grove Fortified

of Avani Caravans

Temple of the Water Hole Ley Line

fl# Route

Temple of
Founded: Circa 525 MA,. original
Masetian city, Saria, founded circa
12 MA'
TeITain: Plains.
Population: 85,000.
Government: Theocracy (Ariyan Temple
of Avani).
Ruler: The Lord-Prince, a paladin, is
Lord High Patriarch of the Ariyan Temple
of Avani and controls most law and
temple holdings.
Capital: City of Ariya (pop. 70,000).
Other Regents: Rahil the Falcon, Court
Mage (sources); Omadi the Quick,
Guildmaster of Gold Coast Coster;
Brotherhood of Khet (guild); Temple of
the Ancients, sect of riasri (temple);
Temple of Khirdai, based in Aftane
(temple),. Red Kings of Aftane (law).
Economy: Beef, leather, dairy products,
crafts, manufacturing.
Treasury: 18 Gold Bars.
iinar.a?- ObrukADA Art:ua {7]0}.. Population: 7 4]000.
Cities and towns.. ALr±ya (70,000); HZLra
Dag (200),. Ordu (1,000); Patnos (800);
Solhan (2,000).
AssariF {1J4}= Population..1,000.
Towns.. A few unriamed villages.
Az€dLa\s {1|L\).. Population: I,000.
Towns.. Sebinkara (400). HLijr]s.. Kuzluka
(large town); Obruk (trading post).
Djef el-Kadir ( 1/4): PopL[/afjon.. 500
nomad herders. Towt]s.. rlone. fiLzjris..
Ceyhan (village).
TEE:drra {3|4).. Population.. 3,000.
Towns.. Darenda ( 1,000),. Tarabulun
(I,ZOO); four unnamed villages.
Ftouzir {2|3).. Population.. 2,500.
Towt]s.. Hakkari ( 1,000),. eight villages.
Tegiher {2|3).. Population: 5,000.
Towr]s.. Cucursa (I,000); Sifrit (800);
six villages.
(Based on a dozen and
one adventures by
Steve Kurtz, a 1993
sourcebox for the AD&D®
Al-Qadin Campaign. )
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