Crown of Destiny
Crown of Destiny
Crown of Destiny
Legends tell ofa bizan'a treasure known ds the Crotun of Destinl. Once Expansion Design: Tim Uren with Nathan I. Hajek
nzastered, this artifact could change a person'sfate. The past cotild be remnrle,
thefuture cou/d be rewritten. For eons, the crotuni /ocation was belieued to
Descent: Journels in tbe Dark Second Edition Design: Adam Sadler
and Corey Konieczka with Daniel Lovat Clark
be lost. But nou,for those braue enough toJ)ce an ordeal offre, the power to
reJbrgefate is at band. Fight agninst primal chnos itself in its euer-changing Producer : Jason \Talden
fonns! Clairu the Crottn of Destiny and rearite yonr own legend! Editing & Proofreading: Brendan \Teiskotten
Croun of Destiny is an expansion for D escent: Journelts in tbe Dark Graphic Design: Christopher Hosch
Second Edition, providing new heroes and rnonste rs for your game.
In addition, this pack provides two unique quests that can be plaved Graphic Design Manager: Brian Schombur:g
individually using the basic game or Epic Play rules described in the Descent: Figure Sculpting: Gary lvlorely
Journeys in the Dark Second Edition rulebook. These quests can be
Nlanaging Art Director: Andrerv Navaro
plal'ed through rhe use of the provided Rurnor ar-rd Advanced Quest cards.
Interior Art: Alex Aparin, Simon Eckert, and Florian Stiu
CROWN OF DTSTINY TlvI ofFancasv Flight Publishing, Inc. Fantasy Flight Ganes and the FFG logo are @ of
Fanrasv Flight Publishing, Inc. Fanrasv Flighr Gamcs is locared ar 1995 Vest Countv
ExpeNSIoN ICoN Road 82, Roseville, lvlinnesota, 55 I 13, USA, and can be reached b-v relephone at 65 I-
All the cards and sheets found in this expansion 639-1905. Retain this infbrnation for vouL re cords Actu;rl comporcnts may varv fiom
are rnarked with the Crown of Destiny expansion icon those showr. lvlade in Cliira. THIS PRODUCT IS NOT A TOY NOT INTENDED
to distinguish chese cornponents from those found ir-r tl-re FOR USE OF PERSONS 13 YEARS OF AGE ORYOUNGER.
base game and other expansions
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the mountain, you see thitl stredms ! Lava beedes ignore lava ccrrain and do not suffer damage IfN{ughin is defeated, read rhe fbllol'ingaloud:
'4scendittg i
of molten rocle enan,tingf'ontfssutzs in the
uneuen tennin. IVhen you fnal/1, rench the i I
from fissures
(see "Volatile Currenrs" belorv).
"Enough!" Mughirt roars. He glates ns the
rcmaitingfre gerlr rinl? bdck into the /aua thnt
enhance to the nbandoned nine, ,t gust ofhot,
sPlttulled them "M), /taruest is lost, and I hnue no
sufuric wind cntchas you in the face. At the start ofeach ovcrlord turn, the overlord may choose
desirc to die today. Tlte croun ),ol seek neuer s(tt
It I fissure and roll 1 red die Each ftgure within 2 spaces of
ont the ntrromtding t ubble thnt the
is clcar f upon the hertd of n hing, nor n queen. No, it is n
giants dug seuetn/ bou/ders out of the mountnin rhat fissure suffers damage equal ro the ! rolled p/ace atop (t moilntain T/te pools of unter ther e
to uiden t/te ntinei entmnce. 7/te gtyltt stlnes contltitl t/t€ Primdl udterc T/tis o/dest of places is
tltenselues wera tossed cavra/ly to the side
the ke|, s6 reforgittg 1,ou7 6ls5titty. Bus 6t*nrr, tt,rrt
Just ptrst the enilltnce, ]tott cdn see the dilll g/lxu
j As an action, ivlughin may pick up :ur adjaccnt gein. Place
P|LUer doas ttot rest unguarder/!"
ofskittet ing laua baetles, nh'ead1, nghated by t, thar objective token il dre overlord's plav ,rrea
Mughin's presente Suddenly, the entirc chnntber The heroes u,in!
lFdre overiord has ,1 objective rokens in his plal area,
is lit b1, af.erl' enqti7nf'on the grcund. I
If lvlughin moves offthe map rhrough dre Entr:rrce or
Mughir nove off rhe nap drrough rhe Encrance
I or Erit.
Exit, rcad the fbllorving aloud:
Place 4 red ob.jecrive cokens on the rtap as indicarcd These Regardless ofdrc winner, pl;rce che "Crortr ofDesrinli'
are fissures. Adr.anced Quesr card in plav
che spaces the chaos beasr occupied, using rhe group lirnirs or rhe rnap, read the follon,ing aloua:
tbr 4 heroes. Ifthe overlord cannot place all dre figures, he A blissful silence flls the ancient tenple. Loohing
places as manv as possible. into the quiet poo ls, yo u see yoru life in its ettth ety,.
As 1,ot1 r'rrr, totrrfngers across tha wateri surfnce,
chnngittg its Jot m
MORETTHERE THAI CAME FROM ripples change the shape of uhat ),ou see Frcnt ltere,
At che end ofeach overlord rurn, the overlord ma1, flip yu hnue led so fat
),ou cnn I eut ite the life
I faceup red objecrive roken ir a water space faccdown
ro drink th;rc descinv Ifhe does, he replaces 1 adjacent The heroes win!
monster rvirh dre correspording upgrade, respecrilg Ifall I objccrivc rokens arc in uerer spaccr. read rhe
M group limits: following aloud:
Chaos beasrs. Flesh moulders. 2 open groups (no large
. 1 rninion liom an opcn group is replaced with I As the creature exhales t/te nxist into t/te tunter,
master fiorn rhe same ope n group. the pool turns 1 ed rls blood. Tbe hot t id
bea* drinks deepb,. ht the Pool, ),otL cltn see Joul
Srrup . 1 nasrer fron an open group is replaced u'ich I
future being teuiltten. T/teforces nligted agairtst
blte objeccive rokens indicated. rninior chaos beasr.
Jtoil g101t tnoie powetful. Eachftxu'e uictoDr thrtt
Place as
Place the master chaos be asr on the Cave, ignorirrggoLrp o 1 rninion chaos bcasr is replacedu.ich 1 masrer chaos fnte had plannedfot 1,ott has been replacad uith
uncertnin4, tnd Potentia/ dedt/l
Iimirs Place che f]esh moulde rs in spaces conraining bluc
objecrive cokcns, respccrilg group limits. Do noc place rhe If rhe upgracled monscer does not fir, place it in the c.losest The overlord wirs!
minion chaos beasrs or che 2 open groups dnring serup. cnlpty space. Ifir monster figure for the upgraded nonsrer
The heroes collecr 4 red objective tokens and divide then is not arailablc, thc overlord cannot flip rhc red objccrive REWARDS
as evenl-r' as possible aruorg tJremsclves. Each hero places token and drirrk that destiny. Ifthe heroes wir, thev receive the hero rervard listed on rhe
the cokens on his hero sheer Each token is a hero's destirr,. back ofrhe "Crovn ofDestiry" Advanced Quest card,
Place search tokens based on the nrunber ofheroes. Ifthe overlord rvins, he receives dre overlord reward
listed on dre b49-!r of the "Crown of Destiny" Advanced
SPECIAL LES Quesr card
Each spacc rvith a blue objeccive token is treaced as
lvater terratn.
As an actior, while adjacent ro a hcro rvidr desciny, a
Donsce r nay attempt to steal tJrat Jrerot destinl', svsn 1f
rhat.hero is knocked-out The over-tord rolls I grcy and I
black defense die If dre res ults are equal to or rhan
the mrmber ofheroes, rernovc I desrinv fiom that hero and
place ir on the morrsrcr\ bare Thar rrrorrster is crrrvirrg
a hero's destinr,. The ffrsr rime rhis happe ns, re ad the
follorving aloud:
. ,t, . _r-.;:- :
As old ancl ur-ryielding as the mountains,v resemble, giants are unthinkablv
strong and can easilt. cirst sevelal
opponenrs a'irle rvirlr r sirrglc srlihe
Thev are intolelant ofontsiders and prone
to solve problems u'ith violer-rce rather
than reason.
Although Corbin's tluick cenpcr has Ie [t hinr firv
r/ Despite an otheru,ise vourhfi.rl appearxnce!
fricnds, those u,ho do knori, him rvell call hin
' Lindcl's l,eary e1,es betray thc long vears he has
fierce, lo1,al, lnd brave. tVhen he pursues a goal,
quierl-r, rvandercd rhe rvorld In his trar.els,
he does so l'ith unr avcring teLracitv ard does nor
he has witnessed such suffering and sorrow
let lirrle chings lil<e broken ribs or arrol'l,orurds
rhat hc can ro longer scancl by idlv. He feels
distract hirn. Corbin's conpiuriors frequen ch,
a desperate resporsibilirv to use his subde skills
find rhe mselves in Lratrlcs rhat would normirl\. be
to pur an end to injuscicc and rriserv u4rereever
l'oided Avoided at any and everl' cosc, that is.
it mav be tbund