Apocalypse Now
Apocalypse Now
Apocalypse Now
his is a free, fan made campaign available on Admodeus was called to help when demons raided the new
Reddit and in the future, dmsguild.com. Have mortal worlds. Barriers, walls, mountains and other
you ever wanted to throw your players in the protections were raised to ward the mortal against the
middle of the Blood War? The eternal fight chaotic tanar'ri. However the mortals started to tear these
between devils and demons? This is your protections down, disobeying the gods.
opportunity to do so! Your group will explore Asmodeus approached them and told them that breaking
some layers of the Nine Hells, stop Demonic laws should incur in Punishment, something that he invented.
Infections in the Material Plane, and face the moral and He presented the explanation and his ideas. The gods could
ethical dilema of siding with the devils in order to stop a not refuse Admodeus' arguments and hence Punishment was
greater evil: the Apocalypse itself. announced to mortals. The gods never thought that it would
be necessary, though. They thought that mortals would obey
Campaign Setting them knowing that disobedience would bring consequences.
But no. Those souls went to the heavens and were punished
This is a campaign module that starts at level 10. It is by Asmodeus himself, with the aid of Dispater and
presented considering challenges for 4 players. It can be used Mephistopheles.
in any Material Plane, so the locations where the Demonic They flayed, burned and placed the sinners on racks. Their
Infections will happen are up to you. screams echoed through all heavens and the beautiful
You will need the Player's Handbook (PHB), Monster gardens were stained with blood. So the gods chained
Manual (MM), the Dungeon Master’s Guide (DMG) and Asmodeus accusing him of high crimes against them. But he
Mordenkainen Tome of Foes (MTF) to run this adventure. said that he was only following what was agreed when he
The encounters will mention the enemies and the page created Punishment, and he brought a proposition to them:
where they can be found in the MM. So, a balor can be found he would move his Punishment acts to another place, a hell.
in MM’s page 55. Any difference or customization in the The gods quickly agreed but Asmodeus wanted to forge a
monster’s statistic will be mentioned in the encounter pact with them.
information. Similarly, magic items mentioned in here can be
found in the DMG.
Adjusting the Difficulty
You can change the challenge of each combat by using the
Kobold Fight Club. This website uses the rules and
calculations for the DMG and will greatly help you to tune the
adventure to your taste and players’ experiences. For
instance, one encounter with 2 glabrezu is a Deadly
encounter for 4 level 10 players. But for 6 level 10 players it
becomes an encounter of Medium difficulty (almost Hard). So
you may want to add anoter demon or use them Maximum
Hit Points. It's really up to you.
D&D Background
Pact Primeval
In the beginning, there was chaos. From it, demons came.
They fought each orther for a long time. A new force arose,
the power of law. New deities fought the demons for ages,
until they realized that new demons emerged from chaos
again and again. So they created angels to fight them off.
Their best unit of all was called Asmodeus.
He killed more demons then anyone else, even more than
the gods. However, he and his allies started to manifest some
traits of the enemies to fight them more effectively. Things got
out of control and the great gods wanted to banish Asmodeus
and his angels.
He was put to trial and as a master of laws, he defended
himself pristinely and could not be charged with anything.
Admodeus and his horde started to physically change. A new
project was executed by the gods: the creation of mortals.
Image by Sam Wood, WotC, 2003 - Dungeon Master Guide
Asmodeus wanted to draw magic from the damned souls to
fuel spells and maintain his powers (and his allies'), to be able Keepers of the Balance
to execute the task accordingly. The gods signed the pact and Long time ago, there was a powerful group of wizards that
Asmodeus went to Baator, a dead and featureless land. He fought to maintain the balance between Law and Chaos.
and his allies started corrupting mortals to increase the Nowadays, the Keepers of the Balance, a new, smaller
income of souls to hell, gaining immense power, and turned organization took over this role in ensuring balance in the
Baator into a nine layered hellish place filled with agonizing multiverse.
souls. The leader of this group is the famous mage called
Mordenkainen, and he acts on the topic with Rary and Bigby,
The Blood War employing other agents as well from time to time. This
The eternal conflict between demons and devils is called the organization is not well known, but their actions can be seen
Blood War. Some say it's because of the endless blood that with good or bad eyes. They may help consigning a city to
was spilled, others say it's because of the layout of the Styx domination by a devil, while driving demonic cultists away
River, which look like blood veins. This river is one of the from another. For those that don't compreenhed the situation
main players in the war, as it crosses the Abyss and accesses as a whole, it is often difficult to understand their actions.
Avernus, the uppermost and first layer of the Nine Hells. They may deny help to attempt to defeat Demogorgon as this
Demons pay Merrenoloths to sail them through the river up could weaken the Abyss, and hence giving the devils the
to the banks of Avernus, where the fight happens. upper hand in the Blood War. They could also jeopardize the
The war is like a dance, sometimes demons push through plan of another organization that seeks to cripple Asmodeus
the far end of Avernus, closer to the portals that lead to the for a short time. This could give the demons a huge
next layer, sometimes the devil repell the demons up to the advantage and tip the balance to their favor.
frontier between both planes. Allying with members of the Keepers of the Balance is
Demons are trecherous and fight among each other, but playing a dangerous game since most of them embrace this
their numbers still pose a threat that devils can only manage role to further their personal goals.
because of their extreme discipline. Additionally, a devil that
dies in Avernus is forever dead, fact that make the baatezu Important Note
fight with more efficiency and motivation.
Devils use lemures, the lowest ranked devils as fodder, The Circle of Eight is originally from Greyhawk
since these specific lemures can only be destroyed if setting, but feel free to use it in any setting you
subjected to holy energies, and to delay the tanar'ri while wish. You can also decide why it ceased to exist.
For example, in Forgotten Realms, it could have
their legions come into place. Demons come back to the been extinguished as many of its members died
Abyss when killed in action, but they cannot return to battle during the Spellplague.
so easily. They fight like a swarm of blood-thirsty creatures
looking for carnage. If not by they amazing numbers and
inifinite supply of new demons, this war would have been
over long ago.
The Plot
Campaign Background Again, the specifics of the plot from this deity depend on your
This will depend a lot on the campaign setting. The overall setting. Let's continue with Cyric's example, although most of
idea is that a god of chaos and/or deception will plot to unite the ideas presented below could be used in any setting. Using
the demon lords into doing his/her wish. This could be having his most faithful followers, they started speading rumors
the other god's power reduced by killing most of their faith among several demonic cults regarding an ancient and secret
and followers. His/her motives could be any. It's up to you. ritual that was long buried due to its dangers. This ritual had
This god could promise power, like for instance convincing the power to unite the demons in a single force, making them
the lords that whoever kills Asmodeus will rise to godhood, most destructive and powerful threat in the multiverse.
but to do so and get there, the lords will need to work It didn't take long until this got the attention of smarter
together as there is no way to execute this plan without order. tanar'ri and finally, some lords. Word spread quite fast and
You can come up with your own reason, but an example for both cultists and demons. However, the search was without
Forgotten Realms will be described here. success. Then, using his most faithful servant Malik el Sami,
Cyric offered the demons his help. He said that he got word
Cyric, the Mad God that the demons were looking for a specific and difficult to
After the Spellplague, Cyric lost much of his faith as many find ritual.
followers gave up on him, for many reasons. He's been Using his deception masterfully, Cyric convinced the
imprisioned in his domain, the Supreme Throne, by Tyr, demons that the lords should meet his servant, who would
Lathander and Sune, after he killed Mystra. That's something speak for him and inform them how they could achieve their
that cost him quite a lot of his faith. goal. The idea of meeting each other didn't fall too well
His impriosonment drove him slowly crazier by the day. among the lords, but they agreed. Cyric used some of his
Until he thought of a way to achieve two goals: escape his remaining power to temporarily possess Malik and speak for
punishement and reduce the power of other gods. The idea him.
involves unleashing pure chaos on the Material Plane. This Cyric, through Malik's vessel, told the lords that in order to
chaotic energy could be enough to create fissures through the find this ritual, they would need to search every corner of
planes and allow him to break free from his realm. And what Faerûn. But that alone wouldn't be enough since the Abyss
better way to achieve this than bloodthristy, powerful could be invaded during their search. So their best chance
demons? They would help him reach his second objective: the would be to spread their forces and act of two goals: start
killing of many mortals, followers of his "competitors". demonic infections in isolated places, far from civilization, to
allow them to connect the Abyss with Farûn, allowing them to
expand their search.
But to avoid giving the baatezu a chance to take these
layers of the Abyss when the infections start, other lords
would lauch the biggest strike on Avernus ever with the goal
of taking it. This would impede the devils to attack Abyss as
they would need to defend their home. It would also allow the
demons to gain the upper hand against the devils since any
baatezu killed in Avernus is forever dead.
The lords laughed at the plan and said that they would
never collaborate since they do not trust each other. Someone
would betray the rest at some point. But Cyric went on,
manipulating the lords by making them envision a world of
pure chaos, much bigger than the Abyss, where each lord
could have a broader and more powerful reach over the land.
There would be space for everyone. Besides, this world
would have their main enemies weakened: the baatezu. The
tanar'ri would have control of the Blood War and with this
time in their hands, they could search for the ritual to take
down Asmodeus for good.
Of course, every single lord present in this meeting knew
that he or she was the one worthy of taking all this power.
Cyric did too. So he used this at his favor and mentioned that
without unity, they would never, ever, reach their goals and
they would remain at their current state: confined in the
Abyss, without hopes to advance their advantage in the Blood
Something that was still not clear to the demons was
Cyric's motives for helping them. He revealed that he seeks
revenge against the gods who imprisioned him, and demons
running free in the Material Plance would be quite the
Once in a quiet place, Bibgy presents himself and explains
Overview what's going on.
This campaign intends to introduce many dilema to the
group: siding with devils, sparing demon lords, or maybe Thank you for you time, folks. I wish I did not have to bother
nothing like that. Their actions and decisions will have an you, but times are dire. I am a member of a secret organization
impact in the story and the world. called the Keepers of the Balance. We ensure that forces of
The progress system will be Milestone and they Player Law and Chaos are kept in balance, avoiding that one side does
Characters (PCs) will go from lvl 10 to 20, passing through not prevail over the oher. There are many threats that could
the Abyss in the Material Plane, the Nine Hells and the Abyss bring great harm to this plane, and even other planes. But the
itself. They may wish to have never been born, who knows. greatest one is the eternal battle between demons and devils,
The group will have some support from the Keepers of the
Balance, but the heavy lifting will be done by the heroes. They tanar'ri and baatezu. This war has been going on since the
will venture on very dangerous journey and if they fail, it could beginning of times and we recently focused our efforts on
mean the end of the Material Plane how they know it. making sure that no side would get the upper hand on the
The group will have to stop demons from infecting the other. However, for a still unknown reason, demons tipped the
whole world, ending all life on it. They will need to fight a scales of the balances and we are all in an unspeakable danger.
demon lord in the process. Aside from that, they will venture We heard of your great deeds and we believe that you can help
to the Nine Hells, and for their surprise, they will find it us in getting the situation under control once more. Will you
crawling with demons instead of devils. In order to restore
the balance between Chaos and Law, they will need to help help us?
the devils to repell their enemies back. However there will be
many challenges to achieve this, inclusing having to go to the If the group decides that they want to help, he invites them to
Abyss in order to find important talismans there. Much leave first thing in the morning, the destination being the
actions awaits the heroes in this journey! Keepers's hidden location. Bigby will use teleportation circle
to take them there. He keeps the location a secret, for now.
You can define where it should be located. In Faerûn, it could
Adventure Hooks be in the basement of a commercial building in Waterdeep.
The main way to hook the PCs in this campaign is through If the group declines his offer, Bigby offers 25000gp up
the Keepers of the Balance. Some other methods can be used front, plus 25000gp once the job is done. If they still refuse,
through. Find some examples below and feel free to come he's clearly disapointed and says that if the group change
with any option you like. The hooks below are best used in a their mind, they can message him magically. In that case, use
sequence. If the first doesn't work, go for the second. If the one of the other hooks presented next.
group is still not interested, go for the last.
Weird Rumors
Keepers of the Balance Have the group start hearing rumors in taverns, marketplaces
Considering that the group is composed by at least 4 PCs of or similar places. Even if the PCs are currently far from the
level 10, this most likely means that they already brought infected locations, and even if the demons took special
some impact on the world. Their deeds have reached the ears measures to avoid getting too much attention, word still got
of Mordenkainen and his disciplices. out.
Bigby is sent to contact the group. This contact can happen Here are some examples of rumors that the PCs can be
wherever you wish, like the traditional tavern, or any place made aware in public spaces. You can roll a d6 or choose an
you prefer. He's going to keep a low profile, brown cloak with option. You can also decide the location from where the
hood. He only speaks to the group in a private place. Even if rumor is from based on the Demonic Infections locations you
he meets them in a tavern, he asks to go to somewhere chose.
quieter. He says that he has an important matter to discuss d6
with them. If the PCs insisti on knowing the topic, he says it Result Rumor
involves the fate of the world.
1 Heard about big attacks from demons, didn't
witness them
2 Witnessed a village or town be destroyed by a huge
demon squad
3 A friend of an NPC the group interacted in the past
is looking for help as he got a distress message
from the NPC
4 Guards are worried about the demonic attacks as
they started hearing these reports from too many
people, and where's smoke, there's fire
5 Treated a wounded villager from fled during a
demonic incursion
6 Received a message via raven from a town warning
about the demon attack
Image from greyhawk.wikia.com
The Mad Prophet There are several shelves full of scrolls and books, hugging
most walls. There is a wooden door that most likely leads in
Have the group encounter a man preaching the end of the and out this place, up the building. One of the books, known
world in some marketplace or similarly crowded location. He only by the members of this organization, opens up a secret
passes his message loudly and the mix of his behavior with passage that leads to another room. That room is
the content of the message has rendered the man the title of automatically lit with triggered light spell once the passage is
mad or fool. Nobody believes in him. opened. It's a smaller, squared room with stands and chests
The man (human) is called Eatoh. He's an artist and he containing gold, magic items and other resources. The
travels the world capturing landscapes and land features in Keepers are willing to equip each PC with an item of their
his canvas. Some of them are close to the pedestal where choice among what they have there. The item cannot be
Eatoh stands, delivering his message. If the PCs look at the legendary though. They have around 10 of each item type
canvas, they will see some beautiful landscapes of mountains, (e.g. 10 weapons, 10 armor suits, 10 rings, 10 amulets, 10
beaches, prairies (some of them they even recognize and arcane focuses, etc). You can prepare the list of items
realize that the man has a unique talent), but they will find beforehand, taking in consideration the mix as something like
some other paintings that are very worrying: maelstorms of 5 uncommon, 3 rare and 2 very rare items of each kind.
unimaginable sizes, coupled with lightnings all around, fierie At the end of their explanation, before going out to deal
clouds, acidic lakes, forest turned into horrid funghi, and so with the demonic infections, the Keepers deliver to the group
on. a very powerful item: Ao's Touch. They have 3 of these
If asked about these paintings, he stops addressing people consumable items. Using it grants the effects of a long rest to
passing by and focuses his attention on the PCs, happy that any 6 targets in sight. They say to use this only as last resort.
someone has shown interest in his message. He says that he They won't get another one.
came across these places during his most recent travels. He Present in this room are Mordenkainen, Bigby and Rary.
obviously didn't get close since it was quite visible to things All of them are powerful wizards, Mordenkainen being the
were bad. He used an apparatus he bought from a gnome most powerful, and they will brief the group on the current
engineer, something called a binocular. He tried to record the situation.
location as fast as possible to get the hell out of there as soon
as possible. He encoutered many more similar locations so Introductions
he decided to warn people about the end, which was close. If First of all, Mordenkainen will take the lead and say:
asked about the locations, he will inform where to find them,
but he warns them once more: the place is doomed and
nothing can be done anymore. Gentlemen, thank you for accepting our invitation. I am
Mordenkainen, leader of the Kepers of the Balance. I am sure
that you have many questions for us, and let me tell you, many
Important Note more will arise. But we will try to minimize this impact. You
The group can go to one of the locations to deal have been introduced to Bigby, my associate, and this is Rary,
with one infection without contacting Bigby. If that
happens, there is a 33% chance (roll a d100) of another business partner. We are all archmages, invested in
the group acting on an infection that is already making sure that this world, and other worlds and planes
being dealt with by a Keeper and his group. If that around it, are kept safe. The force that makes the multiverse
is the case, the Keeper tells the group that they resist and survive is Balance. However we only get involved
should meet back at the same place where they when the situation requires action from our side. Most wars
met the first time after they finish dealing with this.
If that happens, then change the order of the from the Material Plane do not interest us, but there are still
section called The Lesson to after the first chapter. many threats. We also seldom get directly involved as we like
to keep a low profile. As you can imagine, this one of these
situations which needs our action. We will provide details very
shortly but long story short, demons are gaining incredible
The Lesson amount of power and this is not good for anyone. Before we
Considering that the group accepted to go with Bigby when get down to business, what questions do you have?
he asked for teir help, or if they contacted him after dealing
with the Demonic Infections, Bigby will teleport them to the Here the Keepers can answer the questions from the PCs.
basement of the commercial building mentioned in the Use the information contained in the D&D Background
Adventure Hooks. The place has stone walls, ceiling and section of this file. If they ask questions that are contained in
ground. In the center of the big room is a huge oaken table that area of the adventure, have Mordenkainen explain that
with a big map painted on it. This map represents the they will be briefed on that topic soon. Once this part is done,
Material Plane. On one of the walls is a representation of the Mordenkainen asks the group to sit around the table and he's
multiverse, showing planes lie the Abyss, Nine Hells, going to give most of the information under D&D
Shadowfell and other, and how they interact with the Material Background. He's going to start with the Pact Primeval, then
Plane. The room is bright due to a few focals points caused talk about the Blood War and reinforce the importance of not
by a light spell. having any side getting stonger than the other. They'll also
provide an overview abouts demons, Avernus and abyssal
landscapes traits.
Demonic Infections A Stain in Reality
The demonic virus is now permament. Killing the demons
Demons spread across planes infecting the plane by will not remove the Abyss's influence over that place. The
travelling there and starting a transformation to make that infection grows further, depending on where the demons go.
place look like their home plane: chaos incarnate. There are If the demons are killed, the direct threat is over but the place
four phases for an infection: continues twisted and the portal remains dormant, but still
there. Mortal forces need to keep watch of it to avoid its use.
Initital Infection
Demons need to stay a long time in the same place to start Apocalypse Now
infecting that location. After a while, depending on the If nothing is done, the infection grows strong enough for a
summed force of the demons present in that location, the Demon Lord to join the fray. These portals start to get the
barriers between that plane and the Abyss start to break. It attention of these lords and even more than one could fight
could take years to a month. The area where the demons over the control of a region. The presence of a lord is a
must stay is around six miles on a side. cataclysmic event. Demons start to act as the wish of that
During the first stage, the natural world receeds and gives leader and with that, they get enough power to cause
place to horrid features. Plants get twisted, trees get stinking unthinkable destruction and murder.
tumors instead of leaves, branches wither and die. Bodies of The only hope is expulsing the demon lord and take control
water become tainted, poisonous, acidic. Besides, the of the incursion. If the infection runs its course, nothing of
weather changes to an extreme that isn't normal for the that world remains. It becomes another layer of the Abyss
region. Killing the demons infecting the location will stop the
process, but it will take some time for the nature to go back to This is how it usually happens, according to the Keepers. Of
its original state. course, demons were never able to make it through phase 4,
and they seldom make it to phase 3. But this time something
Growing Menace different happened. First of all, the tanar'ri infected the
After long enough, a portal opens up to the Abyss, but that Material Plance way too fast. Secondly, they managed to keep
place is huge and it may appear in a deserted location. Once the incursion reasonably discrete. And lastly, they made it to a
more demons start using the portal, the connection between stage that has never been seen in centuries.
the Abyss and that region grows stronger. The extreme The Keepers are aware of three regions that are heavily
weather gives place to maelstorms, strong winds that hurl affected that require immediate attention. However, there is
people around, becoming a place where life is not possible. something else that is worrying them: Avernus. Before going
The demons are still not directed by a single will and the into that subject, they quickly tell the group about the main
ties to the Abyss are such that if the demons are reduced to known Demon Lords:
half their numbers, the portal will fade away in time. Demon Lords
Lord Keywords
Baphomet Savagery, hunting, labyrinths, minotaurs
Demogorgon Twin headed, violence, rage, destroy all
creatures, void
Fraz-Urb'luu Deceptive, illusionist, lier, lead to self-
Graz'zt Pleasure, lust, hedonist, indulgence
Jubilex Faceless, ooze, slimes
Yeenoghu Predator, devour creatures, carnage, gnolls
Orcus Undeads, end of life, undeath
Zuggtmoy Fungi, mold, meld all life in one organism
Chapter One: Demonic Infections
he goal of this part of the module is to drive the Step 1: Modifying the Landscape
demonic forces back, preferrably killing them.
Even if the group succeeds, the infected place Think on the location where the group decided to go. What
will remain forever tainted and its portals was there before the demons invaded the place? Was it a
needing forever guarding. The heroes can get swamp? Grasslands? Based on this, check the table below
here either with with help of the Keepers, by that has some examples of features to use in order to make
chance, or from any other hooks listed earlier that place look like pure chaos. Each feature will have a brief
in the module. You can think of this chapter as a gauntlet. explanation after the table below. You can combine them, like
Much skill, tactics, experience, sweat and blood will be a forest in a hill, or an artic mountain. Additional to that, there
needed in order to fight off these horrible creatures in a are generic features that could be added to any landscape.
incredibly hostile environment. Use a few of those too.
The number before the feature represents the result of the
d6. Use 3 to 4 features, preferrably. If you want to use them
Build your Abyss! all, it's fine, although it may bring some unecessary
There are three main areas where they can go, as explained complexity to the game. Besides, each area will be almost 10
earlier. Each area is under the influence of one of the miles long so there could be more than one original
following lords: Yeenoghu, Fraz-Urb'luu and Zuggtmoy. The landscapes. For instance, the area where the infection
landscape of the area will depend on its original state happened could have been hills with grasslands and a small
(mountain, forest, desert, etc) and on the lord. The next forest. So in this case, you can customize each sub-area with
sections of this module will provide information on how to abyssal features. This would bring more variety to the game.
present the place chosen by the group according to your This will be a very hostile place, most like likly the most
preference. This chapter will not have three specific options, hostile location the group has ever been. Hence, resting will
but rather instructions on building your very own demonic be a challenge. Aside from magical means, it's going to be
infection. The information will be presented in tables with almost impossible to stay in the same place for 8 hours and
random options but of course you don't need to roll a dice to rest. Food and water will not be available either. Mounts, like
pick one option. Also, remember: no life exist other than the horse and the like, will most likely die under the severe and
demons (and a lone devil, see later on). aggressive conditions of the place. You can have the Keepers
warn the group about this if you want.
Fiery trees: these trees are completely on fire. A living fire. Erupting volcanos: lava rocks will erupt from the volcano
Anyone close to 10ft from it has a 50% chance of being hit by and rain on the group. During a 250ft radiu area, these rocks
a burst of flame, dealing 1d10 fire damage on a failed Reflex will fall every round on a point you choose. The PCs need to
saving throw DC 15, or half as much on a successful one. pass a Reflex saving throw DC 17 or take 2d8 bludgeoning
Killing grass: this particular patch of grass usually stands damage. Any PC will take 3d6 fire damage from the splashing
a bit taller than the "normal" attaching grass. It also has a lava.
darker color. Only a PC with Passive Perception of 25 will Poisonous water: any PC that drinks this water will
notice the difference. This is a living organism that will wait automatically become poisoned for an hour. This is a very
for the whole group to be in the middle of the patch to raise strong poison and not even the stronger mortal can resist to
and attack. Anyone caught by the patch will need to succeed its effects. The water has a dark, brown color.
in a Reflex saving throw DC 20 or be grappled and restrained. Acidic water: any PC that touches or enters the water will
Once that happens, the patch will grow and close on the take 1d6 acid damage per round while in contact with the
targets. They can attempt to break free with an Athletics or water. The water has a green color and some bubles erupt
Acrobatics check DC 20. In 10 rounds, the PC will be from it.
completely covered by the grass. From that point, escape is Fetid water: this water is dark and black, and stinks very
not possible anymore. The grass will close on the PC, killing strongly. Any PC close to 30ft from it will have disadvantage
it by breaking the bones. A PC from from outside the patch on attack rolls. Getting in contact will incur in contracting the
can burn it and in 5 rounds, the patch will die. Any PC caught Demonic Disease, unless passing a Constitution saving throw
in the fire will take 1d6 fire damage per round. DC 17. Any PC infected by this disease will have
Living rocks: these rocks are alive and will slide down on disadvantage on saving throw rolls due to to strong
the group. They are usually 10 to 20ft wide. They will aim for migraines.
the group and have a +13 bonus attack. On a hit, they deal Quicksand: this is difficult terrain and usually covers a 20ft
2d6 bludgeoning damage. They attack only once, on their radius area. Each creature standing in its area must succeed
descent. on a Strength saving throw DC 15 or become restrained. A
Hurling winds: a very strong wind that requires anyone creature that enters the area or ends its turn there must also
caught by it to pass a Reflex saving throw DC 17 or be thrown succeed on a Strength saving throw or become restrained.
against the ground, falling prone, being pushed 15ft and Creatures restrained by the quicksand can use their action to
taking 1d6 bludgeoning damage. make a Strength check against DC 15. On a success, they
Explosive rocks: these rocks will explode and shatter into frees themselves. On a failure, they further sink into the
thousands of small, sharp spikes, dealing 2d8 piercing quicksand and haave disadvantage on subsequent Strength
damage on a failed Reflex saving throw DC 15, or half as checks made to escape it, until they escape. In 5 rounds,
much on a successful one. creatures will be completely engulfed by the quicksand. From
Slippery Slope: when wakling on a high place, a patch of that point onwards, breathing is not possible anymore. If a
ground will contain slippery small rocks that like have any PC PC is holding a rope, the group by pull the PC out and
walking them fall prone unless they succeed on a Dextery attempt to save his/her life.
saving throw DC 15. also, there's a 50% chance that the PC Sulfur lake: any PC at 30ft from the lake will have
may fall a precipe or something similar. You decide the height disadvantage on attack rolls due to strong coughing.
of the fall.
Floting stones: these stones are like small spikes (1 foot This will be purely cosmetic in order to avoid too much
long), floating in the air with the pointy end facing the ground. complexity, considering that Step 1 already brings some of it
Any PC getting 30ft from them will get attacked. It will fly and to the table. Check the table below and choose or roll two
thrust itself into the PC, then shatter. They hit with +10 bonus features to add to your own abyssal infection.
and deal 1d8 piercing damage. Demon Lord Features
Toxic geysers: these vapors are toxic and poison anyone
that fails a Constitution saving throw DC 17. The poison lasts Lord Feature
for an hour. The PC will be sent up 30ft and fall, taking Yeenoghu 1. Yellow twisted trees, 2. red waste, 3.
additional 3d6 damage. animal/humanoid carcasses, 4. howling winds
Hot geyser: these vapors are extremely hot and will burn Zuggtmoy 1. Fungi vegetation, 2. gargantuan mold, 3. air
the target who fail a Reflex saving throw DC 17, taking 1d10 spores, 4. fungi people
fire damage or half as much on a failed save. The PC will be
sent up 30ft and fall, taking additional 3d6 damage. Fraz- 1. Blood sand, 2. demon's teeth, 3. drooling
Engulfing ground: the ground below the PC will open up, Urb'luu jungle, 4. illusions
swallowing the target. A Reflex saving throw DC 13 allows to
avoid this, but a failure will incur in a fall of 1000ft (2 rounds Yellow twisted trees: all trees from the location have a
falling, 100d6 damage), landing in the Underdark (or any yellow color and are all twisted, trunks and branches, looking
similar place). like tall, wooden, grim spires.
Madness zone: this zone is invisible and is usually 50ft Red waste: dry, cracked and dusty waste of reddish color.
radius (100ft diameter). Any PC in the zone will start to see Some of these cracks may contain demon dens (see Step 1).
things (e.g. one ally be crushed by a gigantic foot, or the ally Animal/humanoid carcasses: the demons and gnolls (on
would start ripping out his/her eyes, etc). Any PC in the zone early infection stages) feasted on all kind of creatures, and
must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw DC 17 or gain one their carcasses are spread across the place, rotting.
Madness level. Repeat the test each round, gaining further Howling winds: howling sounds can be heard in the wind,
levels of Madness, up to Indefinite Madness. Check the DMG, coming from all directions. It's slightly unnerving. But it's
pag 259-260 for more information on Madness. nothing more than sounds.
Toxic fog: the fog is usually 200ft radius and any PC in it Fungi vegetation: could be trees, plants, mushrooms,
must pass a Constitution saving throw DC 15 or become grass, anything. Any plant or vegetation found by the group
poisoned for an hour. Additionally to that, the PC will be will be a twsited fungi version.
affected by the effects of the burnt other fumes poison from Gargantuan mold: huge areas of ground, trees, rocks can
the DMG, page 258. be completely covered by mold, of different colors. Mold
Silence zone: this 50ft radius zone works like the silence everywhere.
spell, but this cannot be dispelled. Air spores: these could come from fungi vegetation or
Demon den: this could be a cave, some place between the mushrooms. They don't harm or hinder the adventureres, but
trees, you name it. Here a group of demons gathers. Use the they could cause some caution anytime a different type is
Random Encounter table (below) and run a combat. found. These spores can have different colors.
Blood water body: it could be a river, a lake or something Fungi people: Zuggtmoy may have turned some people
similar. The water was replaced by blood. Any creature that into her image rather than killing them. These are hunched
contacts it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw DC 17 or figures, not living anymore. Not like before anyways. Their
get a level of Madness. bodies are covered with all kind of fungi, mushrooms, or
Lake of the dead: the water is full of corpses from the mold. Truly a disgusting sight. They are harmless.
people that the demons killed in the region. The sight of it Blood sand: red, dark sand, like blood, fill the place. Even
requires a Wisdom saving throw DC 17 or incurs in a level of the smell looks like blood.
Madness. Demon's teeth: rocks that are jagged, sharp and pointy,
Scream zone: this 50ft radius zone echoes with looking like teeth. Extreme caution is necessary in order to
maddening screams. Anyone in the zone is deaf to anything avoid getting cut or pierced.
else than the screams, and also each PC must succeed on a Drooling jungle: flesh trees with flappy mouths on the
Wisdom saving throw DC 17 or get a level of Madness. trunk of the trees, echoing gasps constantly. Tongues jut out
of these teeth-filled mouths.
Step 1 Summary Illusions: here you can invent any kind of illusion you seem
Once this step is done, you should have a list of 3 to 4 fit for a demonic scenario. For example, an illusion of a
landscape features, with 2 to 3 generic ones. Remember to mountain size demon or a dark, cloud dragon breathing
note all the features with an exclamation mark, as those are lightning from the skies.
randomly found throurought the place. There will be more Step 2 Summary
features in the next steps and once you have the complete list, You now have a more personalized and interesting
a method to randomize them to present them to your group infection on your hands. Like mentioned earlier, these
will be explained. features are only for design and setting purposes, not
Step 2: Demon Lord Features bringing any mechanics into the table. Your abyssal incursion
is starting to take form!
The next step is to add a few features that are the signature
of the demon lord that commands the infection.
Step 3: The Weather
Some aspects of the weather were described in Step 1, for the obvious scenarios (e.g. Artic, Desert). Here again some options
are random and tagged with a exclamation mark, so note them down. Some have mechanics, some don't. This step explores the
weather conditions a bit more. Some parts of the table below can be ignored for the examples mentioned above. Once again, you
will have the option of random choices or manual pick the ones you like the most. It's up to you! Choose or roll on option from
each aspect of the weather and note it down. For the "Skies" aspect, you can choose more than one option. Preferrably a random
one and a static one (fiery clouds and maelstorms are static, for instance).
Abyssal Weather Table
Aspect Options
Temperature 1. extreme cold !, 2. cold, 3. cool, 4. warm, 5. hot, 6. extreme heat !
Skies 1. fiery clouds, 2. maelstrom, 3. lightning tempest !, 4. deafening thunders !, 5. blood rain !, 6. acidic rain !
Wind 1. no wind, 2. breeze, 3. moderate wind, 4. strong wind, 5. hurling winds !, 6. tornados !
Humidity 1. no humidity, 2. humid, 3. very humid, 4. dry, 5. very dry, 6. mix
Random Encounters
After a few rounds, explain to the PC with the highest
Abyssal Events Passive Perception that although the trees' faces look, at first
Choose one of the events below to run during the first four glance, angry, they actually seem sad. This can be noticed by
hours that the party will have before the lord starts sending their mouth. They don't look happy to be doing this.
waves against them. If you think that you should run more Demonic Sacrifice
events at later points during this part of the module, feel free If the group talk to the tree, they stop attacking, but they
to do so. Each event has a goal that may greatly help the don't release their tentacle from the sacrifice target. They tell
group in the gauntlet. If you decide to run more than one, their story, mentioned earlier, and inform them that they
then ignore the benefits of the second or third one, to avoid would gladly replace the PC by a demon. They would even
making the challenge too easy. concede a special reward to the group if they bring them a
living demon to be sacrificed. This would be a sign from the
Corrupted Ancient Trees party that they really intend on stopping the demons. They
Goal: avoid party member's sacrifice and use a demon instead will have most likely more than an hour to find the tanar'ri
in the sacrifice to earn a boon. before the PC dies. Once they deliver the demon, the trees
At some point, describe the following scene: release the PC. They also consume the demon by sucking his
life and using his energy to reach out to the little goodness
You see a patch of isolated trees, which look surprisingly that remains in them, in order to provide a boon to the group.
normal, like they were not touched and tained and corrupted Ancient's Gift
by this place. They have a normal brown trunk, normal
branches and a pleasant normal green canopy, full of regular The gift works while the group is inside the demonic
leaves. They encircle a big stone with a flat top. You seem to infection.
see something, or someone, on the stone. Upon getting
All party members are healed to full HP and receive the
maximum value on their Hit Dice as Temporary HP (a
closer, you see a woman lying on the flat top.
Barbarian will receive 12 Temporary HP).
All party members receive a +1 bonus in any rolls (attack,
These are ancient trees that used to be venered by the skill, saving throw, damage, etc).
locals, who also used to bring vegetables and fruits as an All party members gain a special ability which allow a PC
offer to Chauntea. However since the demons appeared, to take an extra turn at the end of the initiative. If more PCs
these trees's souls started to get corrupted and take the use this ability in the same round, follow the normal initiative
people that brought them the offers as sacrifices, to feed on order. This ability is consumed once used.
their souls, further corrupting them. They know that their
current state is the demons's fault and they hate them for this. Pact with the Devil
If the group talks to the trees, they can reply in Common. If Goal: convince a devil to help them and fight alongside the
the group convinces the trees (Persuasion check DC 15), who party.
call themselves The Ancients, that they are trying to get rid of At some point, during their expedition through the abyssal
the demons, the trees say that they can help. All they need to landscape, the group hears a commotion ahead. A fight is
do is bring them a living demon. going on. Upon getting closer, the group sees a winged,
The woman is actually an illusion. Once the group enters female figure fighting three slim, horned demonic creatures.
the circle of eight trees, the woman vanishes and the trees It's an erinyes against three babaus. As they approach, read
turn into dead canopyless things, with ugly faces on their the text below:
trunks and tentacles where branches were present before.
They all reach out for one of the PCs and grab him/her. Each
tree has around 10 tentacles and they attack with 2 of them, You see a slander and elegant female humanoid, with pale
each. That means 16 tentacles going for a PC. At this point, skins, long slim horns and big bat wings, as well as a pointy
you can roll for initiative. The trees have +0 bonus but they tail. She bears a long weapon, with blades on each extremities.
attack with surprise. They have AC 17 (natural armor) and She waves and swirls it, hitting the opponents in strategic
100HP each. They have the multiattack feature, which places. Three creatures are fighting her. They have dark, gray
consists in 3 tentacle attacks. The tenclacle attack is skin with a single, curved horn at the base of their skull. They
described below. Once upon the altar,the PC loses 1 HP
Maximum per minute. If no threat is present, the trees use have spikes on their back that go up to their tail, and they fight
the rest of their tentacle on the sacrifice target. Else they ferociously with their long claws. However they are clearly not
grapple the remaining threats. Tentacle. Melee Weapon match for the misterious creature, who manages to dodge
Attack: +9 to hit, reach 30 ft., one creature. The target is their hopeless attacks while she slices them with extreme
grappled (escape DC 15). Until the grapple ends, the target is speed and effectiveness. She kills the first and by the time you
restrained and has disadvantage on Strength checks and get close to the fight, they are all dead. After the fight is over, a
Strength saving throws. Each tentacle can be attacked (AC big smile on her face, she notices you and as she was letting
15, 15 hit points). A restrained and grappled target can be her guard down, she puts herself in a fighting pose, waiting,
moved on to the altar or held there. To get free, the target
must succeed in an escape check for each tentacle. watching, blood dripping from her face and body.
half snake around it and soon the rest of this massive
creature is out. It's a huge humanoid with muscles like you
hadn't seen before. Its arms are the size of a person. It's
wearing only a piece of cloth to cover its regions below. It's
head is indeed a wolf with a snake and it carries an enormous
axe, grip resting on its shoulder. You can see that there are red
gems on its shoulder, and another in the middle of its chest.
The light from the portal is attached to these gems. When it
sees you, it grabs its axes with two hands and says: "I can see
some worms with a death wish. Very well, let us give you what
you came looking for."
The Demonic Gauntlet
If the adventurers thought that they were in some kind of dozens and more dozens of small creatures, some looking
nightmare, they have'nt seen anything just yet. After around 4 like small noseless humanoids with boiled skin and claws, and
hours inside the infection, the demon lord sends the first some looking like green skin furless apes with pointy red ears
wave of demons to deal with the party. It starts with weak but with a reddich face and a mouth with full of teeth. They are
numerous demons. Theirs numbers reduce each wave, but running with blood on their mad eyes, looking for carnage.
their power increase. The final wave consists in the demon
lord itself dealing with the adventurers. Also the module will Some of them, the green ones, run on their 4 limbs.
have some suggestions on how to deal with a possible failure
in combat, or how to avoid these. Demons (aside from the They come from all directions and they reach the party in 5
lord) will fight to death, fearing to face the lord wrath's upon a rounds (200ft). The combat can start at that moment so the
failure. group can use ranged or area attacks on them. Their strategy
is to surround the group from all sides, giving them no space
Wave 1: Dretches and Manes at all. Once a demon dies, another takes it place since they
The lord sends a horde of 30 dretches (MM page 57) and dissolve into a black, putrid ichor and into the ground. Make
50 manes (MM page 60) after the group. Read or paraphrase sure to have a couple of dretches closeby using fetid cloud.
this: To make such a massive battle simpler, assume that the
dretch's bite deals 2d4 as well, this way all attacks from both
demons will have the same damage. Don't roll, use the
You hear sounds of a multitude coming at your direction. average damage (5). Since dretch have multiattack, use the
You cannot exactly define what's happening, but you see a following method in order to avoid having to roll too many
mass coming at you in all directions. attack rolls (you will need to know each PC's AC):
A PC can have from 3 to 8 creatures surrounding him/her. Wave 2: Flying Demons
Dretches can attack twice, so count how many attacks this
PC will suffer. For example, 2 dretches and 5 manes mean 9 The lord will send flying demons against the group. It
attacks. Now you need to know the probability of such demon sends 2 vrocks (MM page 64). These demons arrive at the
to hit the PC. The formula is (21 - (PC's AC - 2)) * 5. So a PC party's location an hour after the end of wave 1. Read or
with 16 AC will have a 35% of getting hit by the demons. Now paraphrase:
all you need to do, each turn, for each PC, is check how many
attacks this PC will be a target from. In the example of 9 You hear the flap of wings coming at your direction, from
attacks, apply the percentage on that number to know how behind. Not so far away from you are some big, vulture-like
many hit. So 35% chance of hitting with 9 attacks mean 3 of creature with demonic traits. They have gray skin and wings,
them actually hit. Round the number down, as usual. You can sharp claws and they are looking at you with mad eyes, like
prepare this formula before hand if you have access to your they are after some bloodshed.
PCs' AC.
Summary: Each vrock will start by using their special attacks: one will
1. Get your PC's AC use stunning screech while the other attacks. Then the one
2. Calulate the chance of each PC of getting hit by those that used stunning screech now uses spores, the other attack.
demons using this formula : (21 - (PC's AC - 2)) * 5 Then they'll invert these attacks on the next rounds.
3. Each turn, count how many attacks that PC will be a With Eereatis
target of (drecthes attack twice) The lord sends 4 vrocks instead of 2. She will fight 2 of
4. Apply the percentage from Step 2 on the quantity of them at the same time, while the other 2 will fight the party.
5. Use average damage multiplied by the quantity of attacks
that hit the PC (Step 4) Wave 3: Bulezau's Squad
6. If the result is no attacks per round, have at least one It's now time of a squad of 6 bulezaus (MTF page 131).
attack hit every 2 or 2 rounds Roll for a random weather event from your abyssal
In order to simplify the control of the demons' HP, you can customization table. Ignore any fixed event like carnivore
consider tha any hit from a mane will kill them. So 2 attacks plant or deadly bushes, which are easily avoidable. Ideally, it
could kill 2 manes. Or the PC could kill a dretch with 2 should be a tornado, an insect tornado, or lightning tempest.
attacks, unless each attack deals more than 18 damage. In Something that the group will not be able to run away from.
that case, this PC could potentially kill 2 dretches per round. Remember that most demons have resistances. Bulezaus, for
Remember to use fetid cloud to avoid the group to use bonus instance, resist fire, cold and lightning. So if lightning come
actions and reactions. striking down, they'll take only half damage.
Their strategy is to try to flank or surround as many PCs
With Eereatis possible. Remember that they can cause a disease that will
If she is with the group, around five demons will try to flee hardly have any effect on this chapter, but it could potentially
once their numbers get reduced by half. They'll report back hinder the party later in this module as the disease causes
and inform that the party is working with a baatezu, which damage to HP Maximum on a daily basis.
will anger the lord quite a lot. It will send additional units on With Eereatis
the next waves to eliminate both the PCs and the devil. The lord sends 10 bulezaus instead of 6. She will fight 4 of
them at the same time, while the other 6 will fight the party.
Wave 4: Cocky Nalfeshnee
One of the nalfeshnee (MM page 62) present at that
location is a cocky and ambitious demon called Suzguras. He
said to the lord that he can deal with those little insects. He's
aware that the party already killed a lot of demons sent by his
boss, but he believes they are weakened from so much
fighting and he's much superior to the demons sent so far. He
said that he's going to get the job done. The lord if not so sure
about it, but it's curious about the outcome. Suzguras will
find the PCs and introduces himself:
You see a big, fat demon approaching, with very small
feathered wings, a boar face and legs, and clawed hands. The
ugly bastard shouts: "So I heard you've been killing demons?
Small ones. Why don't you pick someone your size?".
To Do List
For Chapter 2: Keepers will send the group after another
adventurer group that went to Avernus some days back,
which they lost contact. This group could be a former group
from the current players, if the timeline allows so.
Appendix A