BER Analysis and Peak To Average Power Ratio of OFDM Using QPSK and 16-QAM Digital Modulation Techniques
BER Analysis and Peak To Average Power Ratio of OFDM Using QPSK and 16-QAM Digital Modulation Techniques
BER Analysis and Peak To Average Power Ratio of OFDM Using QPSK and 16-QAM Digital Modulation Techniques
.. (1)
The transmitter performs a Fourier synthesis. In an
ideal transmission channel with perfect
synchronization and no disturbances, the transmit
symbols Sk can be completely recovered at the Fig 4 Qpsk Modulator
receiver by the Fourier analyzer that plays the role of
the may send K new complex symbols
From the above figure it can be seen that each dibit is
during every time slot of length T by performing
split by a bit splitter after which for Logic 0= -1v
Fourier synthesis for that time slot. At the receiver
and Logic 1 = +1 , two phases are possible at the
the Fourier analysis is done for every time slot. This output of the I balanced modulator (+sinwct and -
method is called Orthogonal Frequency Division
sinwct) and two other phases are possible at the
Multiplexing (OFDM). This system can be
output of the Q balanced modulator(+coswct and -
implemented by the following sections that follow as
coswct).from the linear summer there are four
shown in Fig 1.
different possible phasor outputs given by the
expressions below in the space diagram as well
I. Signal Mapping different phase assignments for the group of dibits
are also shown in the figure 5 below :
Initially a random variable X is taken which takes
into account randomly generated bits from 1 to n
where n is equal to 256 taken for the paper above,
after which the binary bits are converted to decimal
format as shown below
Dec Binary
----- -------------------
13 1 0 1 1
7 1 1 1 0
3. OFDM Reception
From the above extracted values we choose Qpsk and Fig 11: Probability of BER vs Eb/No
16-Qam for OFDM modulation and calculated their
spectral efficiency at the expense of BER and PAPR a)
Fig 12: Comparison of performance of spectral Fig 14: PAPR CDF for Qpsk and 16-Qam
efficiency for a) 16-QAM b) QPSK
Here PAPR is simulated by taking the number of sub
a) carriers to be 114 and variation is done between -3 to
12 dB for both modulation techniques and from the
above graph we can have the difference values
between the two modulations is same therefore it is
difficult to make command about the improvement of
PAPR but performance of the both can be improved
by using coding technique or various other
techniques like amplitude clipping and noise filtering
technique as well.
6. Conclusion
From the above simulations we can make a
verification that each symbol of Qam conveys 4 bits
b) per symbol which is twice as that of Qpsk and in
terms of context of BER Qpsk yields better
performance than that of 16-Qam QPSK yields better
performance than that of 16-QAM,shown in Fig. 12-
13.Finally it could be concluded that BER
performance of QPSK is better than that of 16-QAM
at the expense of spectral width. Therefore 16-QAM
can carry more traffic than QPSK at the expense of
BER which is obvious in context of digital
modulation technique hence analysis of the paper
yield logical results in context of OFDM. PAPR
solely depends on coding technique not on
modulation technique, which is also verified from the