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Lesson Idea/Topic and Rational/Relevance:: CEP Lesson Plan Form

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CEP Lesson Plan Form

Teacher: Bender Date: 4/1/8/17

School: Rocky Mountain High School Grade Level: 9-12th Content

Area: Child Development

Title: Introduction to Preschool and Kindergarten Readiness

Lesson #:_1_ of _1_

Lesson Idea/Topic and This lesson is focused on an introduction of preschool

Rational/Relevance: aged children. In this lesson we will discuss types of
What are you going to play, gender roles and kindergarten readiness. We will
teach and why is this be reviewing emotional, social and physical
lesson of importance to development from previously studied developmental
your students? How is it theorists. This lesson is important because the class will
relevant to students of be going on a field trip to the nearby preschool for
this age and background? observations next week. This lesson should introduce
Why are you teaching topics that the class can look for while at their
this lesson now (what observation as well as think about and implement when
came before/what will they create their own lesson plan for the preschool class
come after)? What as a summative assessment. It is also relevant to this
teaching age group because preschool aged children will be the
methods/strategies will largest population they will have the opportunity to
you use and why? babysit. Having this knowledge of preschool aged
children will help them connect and keep these children
engaged longer. I am teaching this lesson now because
we just covered Happiest Toddler on the Block and are
preparing to go observe the preschool. I will use lecture,
group discussion, group collaboration and Making
Thinking Visible Strategy What Makes you say that?. A
pre assessment was given 4/14/17 and the same post
assessment will be given at the end of class to measure
student growth.

Content Standard(s) addressed by this lesson: (Write Content Standards directly from
the standard)

CADV.02 Evaluate the effects of parenting roles and responsibilities on strengthening the well-
being of individuals and families.

CADV.02.02 Evaluate parenting practices that maximize human growth and development.

CADV.02.02.e Apply criteria for selecting care and services for children.

Understandings: (Big Ideas)

Students can identify physical changes and competencies of children ages 4-6.

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Students can recall Eriksons development theory.

Students will be introduced in the types of play a 4-6 year old participate in.

Students can identify milestones that show kindergarten readiness.

Inquiry Questions: (Essential questions relating knowledge at end of the unit of instruction,
select applicable questions from standard)

How do the expectations of kindergarten readiness impact preschoolers and their


How the developmental milestones that are reached in preschool effect the child
throughout the lifespan?

Evidence Outcomes: (Learning Targets) AND (Success Criteria)

I can: 9-12th grade students can identify the types of play a preschool student partakes in
through readings and interactive activities.

This means: Students can teach their peers about developmental milestones in preschool aged
children and their impacts on kindergarten readiness following the directions provided. If any
information is missed groups will be able to answer follow up questions in order to provide the
correct depth of information to their peers.

List of Assessments: (Note whether the assessment is formative or summative)


Pre Test

This assessment is used to find a starting point of the classes knowledge on the subject of
preschool aged children and kindergarten readiness.

Cold Call

Through WMYST? And various group discussions I can gage where the students are in their
understanding of the topic and can create different levels of questioning to reach the desired
student understanding.


Post Test

This is a summative assessment because I will be using the data collected to gage student
learning through a data analysis. This will not be a crucial grade for the class but a learning point
for me and my teaching strategies.

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Planned Lesson Activities

Name and Purpose of Lesson Introduction to Preschool and Kindergarten Readiness
Should be a creative title - Think of the Purpose of this lesson is to prepare students for what they will observe
purpose as the mini-rationale on their preschool observations. Start thinking about children ages 4-6
and their developmental changes and milestones.

Approx. Time and Materials Lesson will take place through a block class period. Roughly 90 minutes
How long do you expect the activity to long. Trish the school wellness counselor may be present so time with
last and what materials will you need? the students may be closer to 60 minutes. Lesson is planned for 60
minutes with a sponge activity included.
Introduction- 10 minutes What Makes you Say that?
Lecture- 7-10 minutes Basic Overview of Learning objectives, plan of
the day and preschool introduction.
Group Work- 10 minutes, table groups will each be assigned a
developmental task. They will draw a picture depicting it and write a
short explanation and a definition in their own words.
Brain Break- (If Trish doesnt come in)
Group discussion- 10 minutes, each group will go around and explain
their development task to the class.
Types of play lecture and discussion- 10 minutes, I will provide the type
of play and the age category and the students will predict what it looks
like and how it would be used by a preschooler.
Closing- 10 minutes, Post Assessment will be passed out
Materials: Power Point, Paper, Post Assessment, Child Development
Text book and Supporting Articles

Anticipatory Set 10 minutes

The hook to grab students attention. To Hook: What Makes You Say That?
put students into a receptive frame of I will show a picture of preschoolers playing. I will ask students to write
mind. down or think about what they see and what they think is going on in
To focus student attention on the the picture. We will then do the What Makes You Say That? Activity. I will
lesson. ask students to back up their thoughts with previous knowledge or
there thoughtful assumptions.
To create an organizing framework
If the conversation needs guidance I will ask basic questions such as:
for the ideas, principles, or
Who is in the picture? What activities are going on? What is the purpose
information that is to follow
of this activity?
(advanced organizers)
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An anticipatory set is used any time a

different activity or new concept is to be
How do you intend to engage your
students in thinking during the The strategy I intend to use is ____What Makes You Say That?
Anticipatory Set? _____________________
Why are you using it at this point in I am using this strategy here because: Making thinking visible allows
your lesson? you to dig deeper into student understanding. Since I am only in the
classroom every other day I can use this strategy to figure out how
much background knowledge they have on the subject.

Procedures Teacher Actions Student Actions

(Include a play-by-play account of what Introduction: Ask WMYST? Participate in WMYST activity.
students and teacher will do from the Brief Lecture- Move around Students will have phones away
minute they arrive to the minute they classroom and will hopefully participate in
leave your classroom. Indicate the length Ask students to reflect on their group discussion
of each segment of the lesson in minutes. preschool experience or
Indicate whether each is: knowledge to facilitate group
-teacher input discussion. (Will use proximity to
-modeling encourage participation). Group Work- use their text books
-questioning strategies Group Work- Walk around to and phones to complete group
-guided/unguided:-whole-class practice, answer questions, prepare white activities
group practice, individual practice, check board
for understanding, other

How do you intend to engage your

students in thinking during the The strategy I intend to use is __Lecture and group
PROCEDURE? Collaboration___________
Why are you using it at this point in I am using this strategy here because: I need to cover a lot of surface
your lesson? level information to create a foundation then I wanted students to learn
for themselves and from each other, using me as a resource not the

Closure 10 minutes
Those actions or statements by a teacher The post test will be given. Through the posttest students will hopefully
that are designed to bring a lesson show growth in recognition of the developmental theorist, physical
development and cognitive development. Students will be able to
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presentation to an appropriate conclusion. recognize types of play that 4-6 year olds partake in.
Used to help students bring things If time is available at the end I will provide them with more details for
together in their own minds, to make their preschool observation next week.
sense out of what has just been taught. This will cue them to know that we are measuring what they took away
Any Questions? No. OK, lets move on is from this lecture.
not closure. Closure is used:
To cue students to the fact that
they have arrived at an important
point in the lesson or the end of a
To help organize student learning
To help form a coherent picture and to
How do you intend to engage your
students in thinking during The strategy I intend to use is _TOD/ Summary____________
CLOSURE? I am using this strategy here because: I need to have their post
Why are you using it at this point in assessment completed in order to do my data analysis. I also wanted to
your lesson? summarize at the end and inform them about more details pertaining to
their preschool observations next week.

Differentiation: In my Child Development class we only have a couple IEP and 504s.
These students are rarely in class. If they are present I will have a note
Differentiation should be catcher and more detailed resources for them to find their information
embedded throughout your for the group teach.
whole lesson!! For students who are above the line I will ask them to further elaborate
This is to make sure you have on the developmental skill and provide predictions of the skills that are
built upon that skill.
met the needs of your students I will use different level of questioning such as:
on IEPS or 504 How old are preschool aged children? Vs What developmental tasks
To modify: If the activity is too advanced should an average preschool aged child be able to complete?
for a child, how will you modify it so that What are kindergarten readiness skills? Vs Why do you think it is
they can be successful? important for preschoolers to have kindergarten readiness skills?
To extend: If the activity is too easy for a Where can preschoolers obtain these skills? Vs Whos responsibility is it
child, how will you extend it to develop for preschoolers to obtain these skills, and why?
their emerging skills?
Assessment Reflection: (data I gave the students a 7 question pre and post assessment to see how
scores changed after doing the introduction to preschool lesson. I will

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analysis) know if the students met the learning target if their scores improved.
How will you know if students met the Others ways I can see if the objectives were met is by how well they
learning targets? Write a description of can inform the class on their developmental task.
what you were looking for in each Pre Assessment- What do the students remember from developmental
assessment. theorists?
What do the students know about the developmental milestones for 4-6
year olds?
What do the students want to know about children ages 4-6?
Group Teaching- Do the students understand the developmental task,
and its importance for 4-6 year olds? Kindergarten readiness?
How do these effect selecting child care services?
Post Assessment- Did this lesson increase class knowledge/
performance? How well did I implement teaching strategies to keep the
class engaged and interested in the topic? Will I or Ms. Lawrence need
to reteach this content in order to move on?

Post Lesson Reflection

1. To what extent were lesson objectives achieved? (Utilize assessment data to justify your level of

Objectives of this lesson were for students to be able to identify emotional, social and physical development changes
of preschoolers and to collaborate in group settings in order to peer teach each other about these milestones. To
measure student growth I conducted a pre and post assessment before and after this lesson. For the most part
students scores improved. There was one question about the speed of growth in relation to toddlers and infants, the
scores for this question dropped, telling me if I redo this lesson I will need to spend more time on the speed/rate of
growth for 4-6 year olds.

Students were on task and most of the time engaged in the lesson. It is a very quiet class so facilitating group
discussion was much more challenging than last quarter. Through the group work formative assessments the students
were able to provide the information I was looking for and collaborate with one another. I think it was helpful that I
walked around during these times to ask different levels of questioning to various group members so that I could verify
they were all contributing to their group and understanding the content information.

2. What changes, omissions, or additions to the lesson would you make if you were to teach again?

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I would make some minor changes to this lesson if I were to teach it again. First of all I would spend more time on the
growth rate of 4-6 year olds, since students scores actually went down on this question of the post assessment. This
part of physical development can be added to my lecture part while discussing the theorists. I would also be more
specific with the group directions and expectations. I would also create an idea catcher that other groups will fill out to
keep their attention focused and so they could have the information down the road and to help them study for their
final. I would omit the portion of potty training from the lesson. Potty training is primarily discussed in the toddler unit.
I was confused by this because the textbook had it listed in the 4-6 year old section. I could change it to briefly discuss
bathroom independence and the relation to preschool and kindergarten readiness.

3. What do you envision for the next lesson? (Continued practice, reteach content, etc.)
I am happy I tried a Making Thinking Visible activity but it did really show me the preparation and classroom
expectations needed in order to get students to think more in depth about their responses. At first I was very pleased
at how in depth they started out with. However, I did not know how to go another step deeper which provided a
challenge. I would like to continue practicing with these activities so that I am more comfortable with them and
practicing different levels of questioning. I also found it very helpful to write out different levels of question in my CEP
and I plan to continuing doing that for next time as well.
On Thursday (day after lesson) I was able to discuss the growth rate of physical development with the class. It is a
challenge to only work with them two days a week.

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