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Leading local news coverage on the Peninsula

Wednesday April 26, 2017 XVII, Edition 216 www.smdailyjournal.com

County to further study affordable housing support

Board of Supervisors postpone decision on Measure K sales tax expenditures
By Samantha Weigel The San Mateo County Board of as each would require various cutbacks to be able to tighten its purse strings.
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF Supervisors gathered Tuesday in the ongo- other programs such as information tech- The board was met two weeks ago by
ing effort to lay out a funding plan for the nology, transit and district-specific funds, dozens of housing advocates who urged
With a range of competing demands for a countywide sales tax revenue and how much supervisors again postponed a decision in them to set aside more than the $15 million
piece of Measure Ks nearly $82 million it can use to help low-income residents lieu of further study. a year as initially proposed.
annual pie, county officials decided to con- afford the areas high cost of housing. Board President Don Horsley and Vice The board agreed and Pine noted the Yes
tinue researching options for how much it The board was presented with two options President Dave Pine formed a subcommittee on Measure K campaign relied on money
can set aside to address the regional housing on how it could spend either $40 million or and will continue working with staff to
crisis. $47.5 million over the next two years. But evaluate options on how the county might See COUNTY, Page 20

cities wont
lose funds
Judge blocks portion of Trumps
attempt to withhold federal money
By Sudhin Thanawala

SAN FRANCISCO A federal judge on

Tuesday blocked President Donald
Trumps attempt to withhold funding
from sanctuary cities that do not coop-
erate with U.S. immigration officials,
saying the president has no authority to
attach new conditions to federal spend- Donald Trump
U.S. District Judge William Orrick issued the preliminary
injunction in two lawsuits one brought by the city of San
Francisco, the other by Santa Clara County against an
executive order targeting communities that protect immi-
grants from deportation.
The injunction will stay in place while the lawsuits work
their way through court.
The judge rejected the administrations argument that the

See FUNDS, Page 23

San Carlos first delivery robot journeyed less than a quarter mile from Laurel Streets SusieCakes, where Alicia Haynie loaded
it with fresh cupcakes, to City Hall where the treats were picked up by Martin Romo and Brian Cary. Created by Starship South San Francisco officials
Technologies, the robots have been generating buzz in Redwood City and San Carlos, where they launched Tuesday.
envision a new civic center
San Carlos welcomes robots Public safety, library and recreation facility
funded by sales tax begins to take shape
to the pedestrian landscape By Austin Walsh

Starship Technologies delivery robots get their launch on Laurel Street South San Francisco officials continue laying the ground-
work for a new civic center which they hope to begin build-
By Anna Schuessler ful pedestrians might navigate the the streets of downtown San Carlos. ing next year with money generated from a recently passed
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF streets of Peninsula cities. A robot carrying four SusieCakes tax measure.
cupcakes from the bakerys Laurel The South San Francisco City Council will discuss
And though the company that creat- Street storefront to city staff members Wednesday, April 26, visions for the campus proposed to
Ambling over uneven sidewalks, ed the robots estimates they have met at San Carlos City Hall marked the include new fire and police stations, plus a library as well as
climbing over curbs and pausing at five million pedestrians as they ferry citys first official delivery Tuesday. a parks and recreation facility.
intersections, Starship Technologies food deliveries in cities across the Martin Romo, one of the citys eco- The development expected to cost roughly $150 million
squat, white delivery robots bear a globe, they are set to meet hundreds
striking resemblance to the way care- more Peninsula residents as they hit See ROBOTS, Page 20 See CENTER, Page 22
2 Wednesday April 26, 2017 FOR THE RECORD THE DAILY JOURNAL

Thought for the Day

Friends may come and
go, but enemies accumulate.
Dr. Thomas F. Jones, Jr., American college official

This Day in History

According to a widely accepted

1777 account from the American

Revolutionary War, 16-year-old
Sybil Ludington, the eldest child of
Col. Henry Ludington, a militia com-
mander in Dutchess County, New York, rode her horse into
the night to alert her fathers men of the approach of British
regular troops who were sacking Danbury, Connecticut.
In 1 6 0 7 , English colonists went ashore at present-day Cape
Henry, Virginia, on an expedition to establish the first per-
manent English settlement in the Western Hemisphere.
In 1 8 6 5 , John Wilkes Booth, the assassin of President
Abraham Lincoln, was surrounded by federal troops near Port
Royal, Virginia, and killed.
In 1 9 1 3 , Mary Phagan, a 13-year-old worker at a Georgia
pencil factory, was strangled; Leo Frank, the factory superin-
tendent, was convicted of her murder and sentenced to death.
(Franks death sentence was commuted, but he was lynched by
an anti-Semitic mob in 1915.)
In 1 9 2 3 , Britains Prince Albert, Duke of York (the future
King George VI), married Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon at REUTERS
Westminster Abbey. A man views the exhibit Infinity Mirrored Room The Souls of a Million Light Years Away by Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama
In 1 9 3 7 , German and Italian warplanes raided the Basque at the Hirshhorn Museum.
town of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War; estimates of
the number of people killed vary from the hundreds to the
thousands. In other news ...
In 1 9 4 5 , Marshal Henri Philippe Petain, the head of Worlds last male northern white the two females, Najin and Fatu. Linguistics experts, studying the
Frances Vichy government during World War II, was arrested. The plight that currently faces the future of a language spoken by fewer
In 1 9 5 2 , the destroyer-minesweeper USS Hobson sank in rhino gets help from Tinder northern white rhinos is a signal to the than 400,000 people in an increasing-
the central Atlantic after colliding with the aircraft carrier NAIROBI, Kenya The worlds last impact that humankind is having on ly globalized world, wonder if this is
USS Wasp with the loss of 176 crew members. male northern white rhino has joined many thousands of other species the beginning of the end for the
the Tinder dating app as wildlife across the planet, said Richard Vigne, Icelandic tongue.
Former President Vigdis
Birthdays experts make a last-chance breeding the conservancys chief executive offi-
effort to keep his species alive. cer. Ultimately, the aim will be to Finnbogadottir told the Associated
I dont mean to be too forward, but reintroduce a viable population of Press that Iceland must take steps to
the fate of the species literally depends northern white rhino back into the protect its language. She is particular-
on me, the rhinos profile says. I wild, which is where their true value ly concerned that programs be devel-
perform well under pressure. will be realized. oped so the language can be easily used
The campaign called The Most in digital technology.
Eligible Bachelor in the World, by a Icelandic language at risk; Otherwise, Icelandic will end in the
Kenyan wildlife conservancy and the robots, computers cant grasp it Latin bin, she warned.
dating app, focuses on the rhino Teachers are already sensing a
named Sudan. REYKJAVIK, Iceland When an change among students in the scope of
Actor Jet Li is 54. Actor-comedian Actor Channing The 43-year-old and his last two Icelander arrives at an office building their Icelandic vocabulary and reading
Kevin James is 52. Tatum is 37. female companions are unable to breed and sees Solarfri posted, they need comprehension.
naturally because of issues that include no further explanation for the empty Anna Jonsdottir, a teaching consult-
Architect I.M. Pei is 100. Movie composer Francis Lai is old age. premises: The word means when staff ant, said she often hears teenagers
85. Actress-comedian Carol Burnett is 84. Rhythm-and-blues Ol Pejeta Conservancy and the app get an unexpected afternoon off to speak English among themselves
singer Maurice Williams is 79. Songwriter-musician Duane aim to raise $9 million for research enjoy good weather. when she visits schools in Reykjavik,
Eddy is 79. Singer Bobby Rydell is 75. Rock musician Gary into breeding methods, including in- The people of this rugged North the capital.
Wright is 74. Actress Nancy Lenehan is 64. Actor Giancarlo vitro fertilization, in an effort to save Atlantic island settled by Norsemen She said 15-year-old students are no
Esposito is 59. Rock musician Roger Taylor (Duran Duran) is the species from extinction. some 1,100 years ago have a unique longer assigned a volume from the
57. Actress Joan Chen is 56. Rock musician Chris Mars is 56. We partnered with Ol Pejeta conser- dialect of Old Norse that has adapted to Sagas of Icelanders, the medieval liter-
Actor-singer Michael Damian is 55. Rock musician Jimmy vancy to give the most eligible bache- life at the edge of the Artic. ature chronicling the early settlers of
Stafford (Train) is 53. Record company executive Jeff Huskins lor in the world a chance to meet his Hundslappadrifa, for example, Iceland. Icelanders have long prided
is 51. Former U.S. Poet Laureate Natasha Trethewey is 51. match, said Matt David, head of com- means heavy snowfall with large themselves of being able to fluently
Actress Marianne Jean-Baptiste is 50. Country musician Joe munications and marketing at Tinder. flakes occurring in calm wind. read the epic tales originally penned
Caverlee (Yankee Grey) is 49. Rapper T-Boz (TLC) is 47. First We are optimistic given Sudans pro- But the revered Icelandic language, on calfskin.
lady Melania Trump is 47. Actress Shondrella Avery is 46. file will be seen on Tinder in 190 coun- seen by many as a source of identity Most high schools are also waiting
Country musician Jay DeMarcus (Rascal Flatts) is 46. Country tries and over 40 languages. and pride, is being undermined by the until senior year to read author Halldor
musician Michael Jeffers (Pinmonkey) is 45. Rock musician The conservancys website had widespread use of English, both for Laxness, the 1955 winner of the
Jose Pasillas (Incubus) is 41. Actor Jason Earles is 40. Actor crashed by Tuesday evening. mass tourism and in the voice-con- Nobel Prize in literature, who rests in
Leonard Earl Howze is 40. Actor Tom Welling is 40. Actor Sudan lives at the conservancy, pro- trolled artificial intelligence devices a small cemetery near his farm in West
Pablo Schreiber is 39. Actor Nyambi Nyambi is 38. Actress tected by guards around the clock, with coming into vogue. Iceland.
Jordana Brewster is 37. Actress Stana Katic is 37.
by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek Lotto Local Weather Forecast
Unscramble these four Jumbles, April 22 Powerball Fantasy Five Wednes day : Mostly cloudy. Highs in
one letter to each square,
to form four ordinary words. 21 39 41 48 63 6 3 4 22 27 33 the upper 50s to mid 60s.
We dn e s day n i g h t an d Th urs day :
SNIYH Daily Four Partly cloudy. Lows in the lower to mid
Check out the new, free JUST JUMBLE app

April 25 Mega Millions 50s. Highs in the upper 50s to mid 60s.
3 13 33 40 50 2 2 0 1 4 Th urs day n i g h t t h ro ug h Fri day :
2017 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
All Rights Reserved. Mega number
Daily three midday Mostly clear. Breezy. Lows in the upper
40s. Highs in the 50s to 60s.
CCOLK April 22 Super Lotto Plus 2 4 1 Fri day ni g ht: Mostly clear. Highs in the upper 50s to
6 13 16 39 44 13 Daily three evening lower 70s. Lows in the upper 40s to mid 50s.
Mega number
Saturday thro ug h Sunday : Clear. Highs in the lower 60s
5 2 3 to mid 70s. Lows in the lower 50s.
AMTENG The Daily Derby race winners are Solid Gold, No. 10, in Sunday ni g ht and Mo nday : Mostly clear. Lows in the
first place; Gold Rush, No. 1, in second place; and
lower 50s. Highs in the upper 50s to lower 70s.
Mo nday ni g ht: Mostly clear. Highs in the upper 50s to
California Classic, No. 5, in third place. The race time
lower 70s. Lows in the upper 40s to mid 50s.
was clocked at 1:41.42.
Now arrange the circled letters The San Mateo Daily Journal Phone:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (650) 344-5200 Fax: (650) 344-5290
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THE DAILY JOURNAL LOCAL/STATE Wednesday April 26, 2017 3
Audit: University of California
hid $175 million in secret fund
By Daisy Nguyen spending significantly
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS less than it budgeted for
and asking for increases
SAN FRANCISCO University of in future funding based on
California administrators hid $175 million its previous years over-

from the public, its governing board and estimated budgets rather
lawmakers in a secret reserve fund even as than its actual expendi-
the UC raised tuition and asked the state for tures.
more funding, the state auditor said in a In effect, the Office of
scathing report released Tuesday. the President received Resources and services from all of San Mateo Countyover 35 Exhibitors
Auditor Elaine Howle said the office of UC Napolitano more funds than it needed
President Janet Napolitano also over-
charged the systems 10 campuses to fund
each year, and it amassed
millions of dollars in reserves that it spent
Friday, April 28
with little or no oversight, the report said.
its operations, paid its employees signifi-
cantly more than state employees and inter- Napolitano denies the audits claim and 9am 1pm
fered in the auditing process. said it unfairly mischaracterizes her offices
Taken as a whole, these problems indi- budget processes and practices. Free Admission, Everyone Welcome
cate that significant change is necessary to She said much of the $175 million Howle Twin Pines Senior & Community Center
strengthen the publics trust in the identified is already committed to sys-
University of California, Howle wrote in temwide university programs ranging from 20 Twin Pines Lane (off of Ralston Avenue)
the report. research grants to medical and academic pro-
The audit found that over the course of four grams, leaving just $38 million in reserves BELMONT
years, the UCs central bureaucracy amassed for unexpected expenses such as the need to Free services include:
more than $175 million in reserve funds by respond to cybersecurity threats.
Police reports someone near Del Paso Drive and Delmonte
Avenue before 5:41 p.m. Friday, April 21. /HDUQDERXWFRPPXQLW\VHUYLFHV
Theft. A man stole ice cream and a sandwich

Not digging this at Safeway on Chestnut Avenue before 4:57
A woman found a large bone while gar- p.m. Friday, April 21. %ORRG3UHVVXUH&KHFN
dening on Shannon Drive in South San Vandal i s m. A gray Mercedes window was
Francisco before 10:54 a.m. Thursday, broken at Citigarden Inn on South Airport
April 20. Boulevard before 2:57 p.m. Friday, April
Acci dent. An intoxicated man fell off a
SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO bicycle near Oyster Point Boulevard and
Di s turbance. A woman reported that her Eccles Avenue before 7:11 p.m. Thursday,
landlord threw a bong at her head and has April 20.
been sexually harassing her on Gardenside Burg l ary . A black Mercedes van was bro-
Avenue before 7:36 p.m. Friday, April 21. ken into and a backpack was taken at
Reckl es s dri v i ng . A man in a white Dennys on Airport Boulevard before 2:39
Mercedes was speeding and almost hit p.m. Thursday, April 20.

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4 Wednesday April 26, 2017 LOCAL THEDAILYJOURNAL

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THE DAILY JOURNAL LOCAL/STATE Wednesday April 26, 2017 5
Local briefs
Turkey visits South City police station
Judge intends to permit high-speed rail funding
By Don Thompson
An unusual visitor paid a visit to South San Francisco
police Tuesday morning: a wayward turkey.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The voters were informed that the bond funds
The turkey showed up in the police station garage, SACRAMENTO A judge said
may be used for a broad array of purposes. ... The stated
according to Twitter and Facebook posts by the Police Tuesday that he intends to reject the goal remains the construction of a high-speed train system.
Department displaying a photo of the errant bird perched latest court challenge to Californias Sacramento County Superior Court Judge Raymond Cadei
atop a black and white police car. $64 billion high-speed rail project,
Aside from marking its territory on some of the vehi- ruling that recent changes fall within $1.25 billion raised from bonds sold stated goal remains the construction of
cles, the turkey seems more interested in joining the K9 what voters approved in 2008. last week. a high-speed train system.
unit, reads the post on the departments Facebook page. Sacramento County Superior Court The lawsuit challenges AB1889, Attorney Stuart Flashman said he
The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Judge Raymond Cadei said in a tenta- which was signed into law last year by will argue Wednesday that Cadei misin-
has been notified so the turkey will soon have proper tive order that he expects to dismiss high-speed rail proponent Gov. Jerry terpreted opponents legal argument.
care and environment, police said in the Facebook post. the lawsuit by Kings County and Brown. It changed previous laws to Basically he threw the case out,
other opponents targeting the plan allow money from high-speed rail said Flashman, who sued on behalf of
Fire district earns very good fire rating to eventually link Los Angeles and bonds to be spent on the electrifica- Kings County, the town of Atherton
A Bay Area fire district recently earned a Class 2 fire rat- San Francisco with a bullet train. tion of 55 miles of track from south of and several residents and organiza-
ing, which is considered very good and affects the cost of Cadei plans a hearing on San Jose to San Francisco. tions. We think this is about what the
homeowner and business insurance, fire officials said. Wednesday before making a final The lawsuit says the change is Legislature did. We think that what
A review of the Menlo Park Fire Protection District decision. beyond what California voters they did in enacting AB1889 was
began six months ago and the fire board accepted the The California High-Speed Rail approved in 2008 when they agreed to unconstitutional.
results of the review last week. Authority has won a series of legal nearly $10 billion in high-speed rail Lawmakers and the California High-
The rating is a measure of the fire departments ability battles, allowing the project to con- funding. Opponents argue that only Speed Rail Authority said the bill was
to put out fires. tinue moving forward even though voters can make the change. merely clarifying legislation that
long-term funding remains uncertain. The voters were informed that the authorized $1. 1 billion for transit
Fire ratings range from one, which is excellent, to 10,
The opponents lawsuit aims to bond funds may be used for a broad improvements at both ends of the
according to fire officials.
block the state from spending about array of purposes, Cadei wrote. The high-speed rail project.
The ratings are prepared by the Insurance Services
Office, which grades 46,042 fire agencies every four
California water chief: Oroville Department of Water Resources, faced
lawmakers for the first time since the Around the state
Nationwide, 241 agencies have a Class 1 rating while emergency spillway worked evacuations in February. California gun laws prompted by the
1,324 have a Class 2 rating. That puts the Menlo Park
Fire Protection District among the top 4 percent of all SACRAMENTO The head of Authorities feared a concrete wall at San Bernardino terror attack has been
fire agencies in the country. Californias water agency on Tuesday the top of the emergency spillway was lodged by a state affiliate of the
repeated his assertion that an emer- on the verge of collapsing and send- National Rifle Association.
Most insurers use the rating for underwriting and calcu-
gency spillway at the Oroville Dam ing a wall of water rushing uncon- A lawsuit filed Monday in federal
lating premiums for home and business insurance.
worked, drawing an incredulous trolled through downstream communi- court in Santa Ana by the California
Menlo Park fire officials said the district can improve ties.
its rating by improving dispatch protocols, the locations response from a state lawmaker who Rifle and Pistol Association chal-
of ladder trucks, staffing, training records, pre-fire plan- represents tens of thousands of people lenges a prohibition on the sale of
ning, code enforcement and investigator certifications. ordered to evacuate when it was feared
Gun rights group begins semi-automatic rifles equipped with
Improving inspections of fire hydrants and improving erosion at the spillway could lead to challenge of new California laws so-called bullet buttons that allow
the water supply could also improve the rating. catastrophic flooding. quick removal and replacement of
SANTA ANA The first in a series
The Menlo Park Fire Protection District serves ammunition magazines.
Bill Croyle, acting director of the of challenges targeting new
Atherton, East Palo Alto, Menlo Park, unincorporated
areas of San Mateo County and the SLAC National
Accelerator Laboratory.
The rating helps the fire district evaluate its readiness, Delores Anne Sinclear
preparedness, planning and budgeting for facilities,
equipment and training. (Merchant Foley)
Two residential burglaries in San Bruno June 13, 1926-April 19, 2017
There were two residential burglaries Monday in San With love and respect we said good-bye to our Mother on April 19, 2017. Delores
Bruno, one on the 2700 block of Fleetwood Drive, the Anne Sinclear was born in Hiawatha, Kansas, a small farming town, on June 13, 1926.
other on the 2400 block of Bennington Drive, according It was a tough time to enter the world, just before the Great Depression. Together with
to police. her father Jack, mother Bulah and siblings Dale and Rose Marie, Mom worked from
Both involved someone entering through a rear window the crack of dawn until well after sundown to make sure her familys dairy farm would
with the Fleetwood Drive incident taking place between 8 provide a decent living for the household. She milked cows, helped plant crops and
a.m. and 5:30 p.m. with electronics and personal proper- tended to her beloved farm animals. Mom was heart-broken when her pet pig was sold
ty stolen, and the other between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. with at auction to provide funds for food and her blind pet chicken was fried for dinner. She
electronics and firearms stolen, according to police. enjoyed school and often rode a pony to the one-room schoolhouse that provided both
Police remind everyone that stored firearms should be an education and a simple social life. Moms early life had a strong influence on her
in a large safe, secured to the floor and that firearms hid- and was the foundation for the grit and resolve she exhibited all her life. Mom was very proud of her farm upbringing.
den in the home or placed in drawers should not be con- Almost every year there was a natural disaster that would destroy the crops grasshoppers, too much rain, not enough
sidered secure. rain. In 1938, looking for a better life, her parents traded their Hiawatha farm for 80 acres of virgin land, complete with
San Bruno police Investigative Services Section is tumbleweeds, in Ceres, California. The family held a public auction in Hiawatha and sold almost everything, including
investigating these crimes. Anyone with any informa- the kitchen sink. Mom and her family drove west to California, followed by a pickup truck with a mattress on top. One
tion pertaining to this investigation is urged to contact year after leaving Kansas for Ceres, and after much back-breaking work, the Sinclear family moved into the farmhouse
the San Bruno Police Department at (650) 616-7100 or hand-built by her father and started another dairy farm. This farm is still in operation today.
sbpdtipline@sanbruno. ca. gov. Information regarding Mom continued to excel in school and taught herself to play her fathers WWI baritone horn so she could join her
this case can be left anonymously. high school band. She entered Modesto Junior College in 1944 and concentrated on business studies. Known throughout
her life for her stunning beauty, Mom was voted Queen of the Modesto Relays (renamed California Relays), an elite world-
San Francisco officials class track-and-field competition. She also continued to contribute to family finances by working in the canneries, often
assigned to 12 hour shifts.
examine response to power outage After graduation, Mom took a giant step and with a friend, moved to San Francisco. She started work at the Bank of
San Francisco officials say a major power outage Friday California and worked her way up to secretary to the President of the Bank. While settling into her new life she met our
that snarled city traffic and services for much of the day dad Bill Merchant on a blind date, and after a 7-month whirlwind courtship they married in 1951.
has raised concerns about the integrity of PG&Es aging Mom and Dad raised their 5 children in San Mateo and Hillsborough. We were the center of Moms life and she was
infrastructure and the citys emergency preparations. very involved with school activities, piano and dance lessons, and teaching us about responsibility and self-respect. As
A joint letter sent to PG&E CEO Geisha Williams we grew older, Mom joined the Peninsula Civic Light Opera, serving as president and holding the record for fund-raising,
Monday by City Administrator Naomi Kelly, Emergency and the Mills-Peninsula Auxiliary. She was also exceptionally devoted to helping care for both of her parents in their later
Management Chief Anne Kronenberg and Fire Chief years.
Joanne Hayes-White asked the utility for more informa- Mom and Dad parted ways after we were grown. Mom continued with her life-long practice of going to the gym and
tion about the condition of its infrastructure and the sta- teaching us about nutrition and a healthy diet. One day she received a card, forwarded by her brother, that had been sent
to her at the family farm in Ceres. It was from Warren Foley, a former work colleague she had dated while at the Bank of
tus of plans to make repairs and upgrades.
California. Mom and Warren married 5 years later in Scotland, traveled the world, and enjoyed a happy and loving union
The outage, which affected around 88,000 customers,
until his passing 12 years later.
21 schools and over 300 traffic lights, shut down the The final chapter of Moms life was lived quietly. She continued to be there for her children and grandchildren. She
Montgomery BART Station and left some hospitals oper- loved to exercise and read up on the latest health trends. In her later years Mom was diagnosed with dementia and she
ating on emergency power backup systems. faced this diagnosis with great courage. She always tried to do her best.
Emergency service providers said they responded to Mom is survived by her 5 children Terri Anne, Stephen (Pamela), Larry, Jennifer and James. She is also survived
more than 100 calls in about two hours after the outage, by her sister Rose Marie, sister-in law Georgia, 9 grandchildren, 1 great-grandchild and numerous extended family
including 20 different reports of people trapped in eleva- members. Mom is predeceased by her husbands Warren Foley and Bill Merchant. A lifelong animal lover, Mom is survived
tors. The outage was caused by a fire at PG&Es Larkin by the family of feral cats who, for years, have arrived at her doorstep on a daily basis to be fed. One of Moms favorite
Street Substation, which city officials said was known to phrases was to always do the right thing, no matter the circumstances.
be vulnerable due to aging infrastructure. At Moms request, private services will be held. In lieu of flowers, our family suggest donations be made to the
Homeless Cat Network, Alzheimers Association or a charity of your choice.
Our family wishes to thank the wonderful staff at Sutter Hospice, Medical Care Professionals and Dr. Nani Kanen
for their compassionate care of our mother.
Thank you for everything Mom. We love you. God Bless.
6 Wednesday April 26, 2017 LOCAL/NATION THE DAILY JOURNAL

Burlingame gives OK
to apartment complex
Officials favor regional need for housing
over neighborhood compatibility concerns
By Austin Walsh From my perspective, it looks like a
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF building that is appropriate to push toward
the goals of the plan, which is increased
A new apartment building proposed in housing and increased density, said Loftis,
Burlingame narrowly received approval in reference to a meeting Burlingame city
from planning officials despite concerns the officials held recently discussing strategies
building was too large and incompatible for meeting the demand to live locally.
Under the commissions decision, the A rendering of the apartment building proposed for construction on Douglas Avenue in
with its surrounding neighborhood.
front segment of the historic home of for- Burlingame.
The Burlingame Planning Commission
voted 3-2, with commissioners Brenden mer stationmaster James Murphy at 1128 He also noted that if the developer hoped issue with the size and density of the proj-
Kelly and Michael Gaul dissenting, to Douglas Ave. will be relocated to a property to help make Burlingame more affordable by ect.
approve constructing a 27-unit apartment at Oak Grove Avenue and the neighboring proposing the project, they should have I continue to believe the project is just
on Douglas Avenue, according to video of lot will be razed to make way for the apart- offered some below-market-rate units. too tall, he said.
the meeting. ment building. The property belonging to I find it hypocritical they are not offering The frustrations expressed by residents
The decision puts the final mark on a cre- Murphy, who also once worked as the city any affordable units, he said. were not lost on commissioners who ulti-
ative proposal brought almost two years clerk, is recognized as a Burlingame historic Kelly agreed with Gaul over size concerns, mately voted to approve the proposal.
ago to make way for the development by resource and a segment must be preserved. and said he believed he could have voted in Im moved by what I hear on the project,
moving a classic home located at the project Jacob Furlong, of Dreiling Terrones favor of the development if it was one story said commission Chair Peter Gum. If I were
site. Architecture, said the project proposed by shorter. on that street, I would have many of those
Faced with significant neighborhood Zers Development would hopefully help I dont support the project as it stands, sentiments.
opposition, commissioners offering their push down the cost of living in Burlingame he said. Ultimately though he said the obligation
support ultimately sided with Burlingames by making more units available. The critiques from commissioners mir- to address the regional need for housing is
need for more housing over concerns regard- Our intention is to increase the diversity rored concerns of residents who also too great to vote against a project which he
ing the developments size compared to its of housing stock in Burlingame, he said. believed the project overshadowed its sur- believed was acceptable for its neighbor-
surroundings. Other commissioners recognized the same rounding neighborhood, which is com- hood at the edge of downtown.
This is the type of thing I think we need for more housing under an effort to prised of single-family homes as well as A lot of compromise has happened here
need, said Commissioner Richard Sargent, make Burlingame less expensive, but con- apartment buildings. and our role is to unify that compromise and
citing the projects compatibility with the cerns over the project design ultimately Resident Betsy Bogel shared fears allow- find that which seems best for everyone, so
areas zoning regulations as well as the proved too severe to support. ing such a development would contribute to I would be in favor of the project, he said.
citys vision for boosting its housing I have a problem with the height, said the urbanization of Burlingame. Commissioners Richard Terrones and
stock. Gaul, who said he believed the project would What are we doing to Burlingame? We are Sandy Camaroto abstained from judging the
Commissioner Will Loftis shared a similar fit better along El Camino Real than the making it like Manhattan, she said. matter as they have business interests in the
view. existing neighborhood. Former councilman John Root also took project.

Hardball health care option may cost Trump and taxpayers

By Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar federal government bil- billion over 10 years. out of the Treasury, not less.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS lions more than it would Hows that possible? The short answer is An earlier study from Covered California,
save. that insurers would still be free to raise pre- the health insurance marketplace in the
WASHINGTON Counting down to a The Kaiser Family miums, driving federal spending even high- nations most populous state, reached simi-
budget deadline, the White House has toyed Foundation found that er because premiums are also subsidized lar conclusions.
with a hardball health care tactic to force taxpayers would end up under a different provision of the program. The cost-sharing subsidies amount to
Democrats to yield on President Donald paying 23 percent more You end up with a counter-intuitive result, about $7 billion this year. Provided to low-
Trumps priorities. than the potential sav- said Larry Levitt, one of the studys authors. income customers who buy a silver-level
The administration just might eliminate ings from eliminating
Former Congressional Budget Office plan, the assistance can reduce deductibles
billions of dollars in disputed Obamacare Donald Trump the health laws cost- director Douglas Holtz-Eakin, a Republican of several thousand dollars to just a couple
subsidies. sharing subsidies,
economist, reviewed the Kaiser study for of hundred. About 3 in 5 consumers on
which help low-income people with insur-
But a study out Tuesday from a nonparti- the Associated Press and concurred. I think HealthCare. gov and state marketplaces
ance deductibles and copayments.
san group suggests that could backfire. this may even be a conservative estimate, qualify. The cost-sharing help is provided
It works out to an estimated $2. 3 bil-
Stopping the Affordable Care Act payments he said. It says whats at stake: double- directly by insurers, who are reimbursed by
lion more in 2018, or an additional $31
at issue may actually wind up costing the digit premium increases and more money the government.
THE DAILY JOURNAL LOCAL/NATION Wednesday April 26, 2017 7
Lawmakers suggest former Trump aide Flynn broke U.S. law
By Chad Day and Stephen Braun recess, and Tuesdays
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS announcements reflected
renewed interest on
WASHINGTON President Donald Capitol Hill.
Trumps former national security adviser, Reps. Jason Chaffetz,
Michael Flynn, appeared to violate federal R-Utah, and Elijah
law when he failed to seek permission or Cummings, D-Md., said
inform the U.S. government about accept- they saw no evidence that
ing tens of thousands of dollars from Flynn, a retired Army
Russian organizations after a trip there in Michael Flynn lieutenant general, prop-
2015, leaders of a House oversight commit- erly disclosed foreign
tee said Tuesday. payments he received to military officials or
The congressmen also raised new ques- on his security clearance paperwork. Flynn,
tions about fees Flynn received as part of who headed the militarys top intelligence
$530,000 in consulting work his company agency, was Trumps national security
performed for a businessman tied to Turkeys adviser until he was fired in February.
government. Among the payments in question was
The bipartisan accusations that Flynn more than $33,000 that Flynn received in
may have broken the law come as his for- 2015 from the Russia Today television net-
eign contacts are being examined by other work, which has been described by U.S.
congressional committees as part of inves- intelligence officials as a propaganda front
REUTERS tigations into Russian meddling in the 2016 for Russias government.
Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Jason Chaffetz, right, election and potential ties between Trump That money needs to be recovered, said
and Rep. Elijah Cummings speak about the failure of former National Security Adviser Michael associates and the Kremlin. Congress Chaffetz, chairman of the House Committee
Flynn to disclose payments for a 2015 speech in Moscow on a security clearance application. returned earlier this week from its spring on Oversight and Government Reform.

Emma Sabbatini Obituaries Moving beyond China and Around the nation
Emma Sabbatini, born June 16, 1916, Mexico, Trump targets Canada trade aging 20 percent on softwood lumber
died quietly Wednesday evening April 19, Sacramento Valley National Cemetery.
RIP Pops. WASHINGTON President Donald Trump imports from Canada. U.S. homebuilders
2017, at her home in San has long railed about unfair trade practices
Mateo, surrounded by Family contact quickly warned that the move would drive up
athena.sahourieh@gmail.com. of China and Mexico. Now hes drawn a new the cost of new houses.
family and caregivers. target Canada. The two countries are sud-
Emma was born in San The duties on Canadian lumber imports are
Clement Jim Faber denly sparring openly over inexpensive a pretty hard blow, Gary Hufbauer, senior
Mateo when the city pop- Canadian timber and Canadas barriers to
ulation was 5,000. She fellow at the Peterson Institute for
Clement Jim Faber, born Feb. 6, 1932, U.S. dairy products disputes that go back
was the daughter of Maria International Economics, said of the lumber
died April 16, 2017, after an illness. years but rarely get such a public airing.
Luigia and Costantino sanctions. The message here is that the
Jim was known for his Before sunrise Tuesday in Washington,
Marchesin who had emi- U.S. not only talks tough, it acts tough.
warm-hearted nature and Trump went on Twitter to declare: Canada
grated from Pianzano, As a candidate, Trump had vowed to declare
jovial spirit. He spent has made business for our dairy farmers in
Italy, north of Venice. Throughout her life, China a currency manipulator and to rewrite
many days at the San Wisconsin and other border states very diffi-
Emma kept in close touch with cousins in or withdraw from the North America Free
Mateo Elks Lodge, where cult. We will not stand for this. Watch!
Italy. Trade Agreement because, he said, so many
he loved to play Pinochle Hours earlier, his Commerce Department
Emma was known for her exceptional American factories had moved jobs to
and participate in com- had announced plans to impose duties aver-
cooking and baking as well as her fierce Mexico to exploit low-wage labor.
munity service projects.
attachment to family and a vast network of Jim grew up in San
friends. She was a member of St. Matthew Francisco, where he
Catholic Church and the Italian Catholic attended Galileo High School. Jim served in
Federation. For many years, she enjoyed the the U.S. Navy as a first class petty officer.
company of women friends at their sewing After he came home from a four-year tour of
club. duty in Korea, he worked for Matson on the
She was preceded in death by her husband San Francisco waterfront. He later worked at
of 65 years, Abramo, her brother Enrico the Port of Redwood City and ended his
Marchesin, and her brother John career as the manager of the Port of
Marchesin. She is survived by sons Julian Richmond.
and Robert, daughters-in-law Valerie and Jim loved his family. He is survived by
Bonnie, grandsons Christopher (and wife his wife of 58 years, Marian Faber; his son
Janina), Peter and Scott, sisters-in-law Norman Faber; grandson James Aliamus;
Norma Marchesin and Angela Marchesin, and many nieces, nephews, grandnieces,
and nieces Adriana and Luciana in Rome. grandnephews, great-grandnieces and great-
Donations in her memory may be sent to grandnephews.
St. Matthew Catholic School or St. The Fabers beloved daughter, Sally Faber
Anthony Foundation in San Francisco. Aliamus, predeceased Jim. He always held
her memory close to his heart.
George Jaber Sahourieh A memorial service will be 11 a. m.
George Jaber Sahourieh died April 3, Saturday, April 29, at the Congregational
2017, and is survived by his family: wife Church of San Mateo, at 225 Tilton Ave.,
Noel, children Jaber San Mateo. A reception will be held at the
(Lara), Athena Kanney church after the service.
(Casey), and Jacob
(Hanan) and two grand- Willis Clifford Thoits
children Leila and Jirius. Willis Clifford Thoits, a third generation
Born in 1946 in Thoits family member and a lifelong resi-
Ramallah, a suburb of dent of Palo Alto, died
Jerusalem, he emigrated peacefully surrounded by
to the United States with his loved ones April 12,
his family at 10, learned 2017.
the language and culture He was 80.
quite fast, skipping grades and graduating He is survived by his
high school early. He played the clarinet in wife Rose Marie Dietlin
his youth and loved classical music. of 51 years; his daughter,
As a small business owner, he logged Colleen Braff (Jon), son
many hours to always build a better situa- Edward David (Tina) and
tion as showing love and dedication for his four grandsons, TJ, Ozzy, Sean and Jacob.
family. Willis established Bills Auto Glass Co.
George was impeccably clever and made on High Street in Palo Alto in 1968. Being
friends far and wide.He was a straight shoot- a hot rod enthusiast, he expanded his busi-
er and you always knew where you stood ness to include Bills Classic Auto Storage
with him. in San Carlos.
He befriended folks from the San He was a member of the Palo Alto Elks
Francisco Symphony, his infamous Lodge for 60 years. Donations in his name
Georges Zoo in San Francisco and for near- can be made to the Elks Lodge charity proj-
ly 20 years at Bayshore Cafe in San Mateo. ect CHEMPI4249 El Camino Real Palo Alto,
He had friends from all walks of life, rich CA 94306 or to the Palo Alto Downtown
and poor, and always saw the truth of their Streets Team 555 Waverley St., Palo Alto,
character. CA 94301.
Funeral ceremony was April 12, from St. A celebration of his life is
Timothy Orthodox Church followed by pending.Arrangements made by Crippen &
Committal with Air Force Honors at the Flynn Woodside Chapel, Redwood City.
8 Wednesday April 26, 2017 NATION THE DAILY JOURNAL

Shutdown? New president, same

old government brinkmanship
By Erica Werner
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Im sure the president has
a much better sense of the
WASHINGTON Theres an unconven- legislative process than he did
tional new president in the White House.
And the Republicans now have a new lock on a year ago or even 100 days ago,
both ends of Washingtons Pennsylvania and every president does, no
Avenue. But the capital city is still up to its
old gridlock tricks. matter how well prepared they
Just as occurred repeatedly during the think they are for that job.
Obama administration, the government is Sen. Roy Blunt, R-Mo.
REUTERS only days away from a shutdown, and
Senate Minority Chuck Schumer speaks during a media briefing on Capitol Hill. Congress and the White House are engaged to complete its business, yet signing one to
in familiar partisan brinkmanship. keep the government running while Trump

Republicans drop U.S.-Mexico wall How little has really changed under
President Donald Trump.
Some of the issues are different this time
marks his 100th day in office is an ignomin-
ious position for him.
The difficulties point to a weakness of
around as lawmakers scramble to finish up Trumps administration, some Republicans
demands as spending talks advance the annual government-wide spending bills
that are Congress most basic function. The
$1 trillion catch-all legislation for the
privately say: Despite his self-proclaimed
deal-making prowess, he had little exposure
to the rituals and rhythms of Congress
By Andrew Taylor and Alan Fram decision by Trump and his
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS GOP allies to back down remainder of the 2017 budget year is leftover before to taking office, and his team is light
on the wall steered the business from last year and comes due Friday on experienced legislative hands. The for-
talks on the spending at midnight. Without action before then, the mer lawmakers he has brought on board,
WASHINGTON Congressional negotia- government will partially shut down such as Budget Director Mick Mulvaney,
tors on Tuesday inched toward a potential measure in a positive
direction. Saturday, which happens to be the 100th day were not known for cutting deals during their
agreement on a catchall spending bill that of Trumps presidency. time on Capitol Hill.
would deny President Donald Trumps request Senate Majority Leader
Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., Will that happen? Lawmakers do not Im sure the president has a much better
for immediate funding to construct a wall expect a shutdown. sense of the legislative process than he did a
along the Mexico border. The emerging said he was optimistic the
talks would produce an Instead, a very short-term extension of year ago or even 100 days ago, and every
measure would increase the defense budget Mitch president does, no matter how well prepared
McConnell agreement in the next few existing funding levels is likely. Such con-
and eliminate the threat of a government they think they are for that job, said Sen.
days. tinuing resolutions are familiar on Capitol
shutdown on Trumps 100th day in office this Roy Blunt, R-Mo.
An existing temporary funding bill expires Hill when Congress needs a little more time
Friday at midnight and all sides anticipated
Top Senate Democrat Chuck Schumer said
Republican negotiators were following the
lead of Trump, who signaled Monday evening
that another stopgap measure would be
required to buy time for the House and Senate
to process the massive spending bill, which
Republicans target crisis financial rules
that he would not insist on $1 billion worth would wrap together 11 unfinished agency By Marcy Gordon The sweeping legislation rolled out by
of wall funding now as an addition to the $1 spending bills through September. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Rep. Jeb Hensarling, the Texas Republican
trillion-plus spending bill. Trump told a Trump campaigned throughout the country who is Dodd-Franks fiercest foe and heads
gathering of conservative media reporters last year promising a wall across the entire WASHINGTON Emboldened by a busi- the House Financial Services Committee,
that he might be willing to wait until 2,200 mile southern border, promising that ness-friendly president, Republicans in would deliver a body blow to the financial
September for the funding. Mexico would pay for it. Congress are moving to unwind the stricter law.
Other stumbling blocks remain, but the regulations that took effect after the 2008 Supporters of Dodd-Frank promised it
financial crisis and Great Recession. would lift the economy, end bailouts and
A House committee takes up legislation protect consumers, Hensarling said in a
Wednesday that would defang the tighter statement. Yet Americans have suffered
rules. While passage by the GOP-controlled through the worst recovery in 70 years,
House could come in a few months, the Dodd-Frank guarantees future bailouts for
Senate where Republicans have only 52 Wall Street, and consumers are paying more
of 100 seats poses an obstacle. and have fewer choices.
The 2010 Dodd-Frank law was enacted by Only a few weeks in office, President
Democrats and President Barack Obama to Donald Trump launched his attack on the
respond to the crisis, putting the stiffest financial law, ordering up a government
restrictions on banks and Wall Street since review of the complex legislation that has
the 1930s Depression. It clamped down on been filled out with hundreds of rules writ-
banking practices and expanded consumer ten by regulators in a six-year slog. Trump
protections to restrain reckless conduct by says the restrictions on banks have
financial firms and prevent a repeat of the crimped lending, the economy and job cre-
2008 meltdown. ation.

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THE DAILY JOURNAL OPINION Wednesday April 26, 2017 9
Post big data era Warm hearts
ty of data lies intel-
By Jahan Alamzad ligence. And that
intelligence can be
uncovered by data
Guest W
hat wisdom can you find which is
greater than kindness? Jean-Jacques

vernight on Nov. 9, 2016, Rousseau.
terms like big data, data ana-
lytics, data science and the
analytics. Maybe.
There are certainly
perspective The following is a column that I wrote in October
2011. I offer it again today in appreciation of the sup-
likes became toxic. The stunning vic- cases that patterns port I receive from readers of my column.
tory of Donald Trump in the presiden- exist in large data been offered, that would have better Sometimes I read letters to the editor and emails that
tial election, and the failure to predict sets. Finding those matched consumer preferences. I get from people who enjoy my column. Other times I
it, totally transformed how data is now patterns is useful More importantly, if some of the see people around town who compliment it. It can be the
viewed. and has value. Biomedical research and key attributes were missing during
life-science applications rely heavily lady at the bank, the hairdresser, people at the senior
While social media business feeds compilation of data, that creates
were heavily buzzed by those pushing on detecting those patterns. center. Whenever this occurs, it makes my day! I often
insight vulnerability, making reliance wonder if those who do that realize how much a few
big data as a panacea to all managerial At the same time, large retailers need on data analytics exceptionally prob-
ailments, now rarely that is impelled. to track every single transaction thoughtful and appreciative words can improve another
In fact, one organization that has regardless of price tag as a necessity of And thats precisely what happened persons outlook and enhance their self-esteem. No
greatly been into all these data stuff, running those businesses. Thats a during the November presidential elec- doubt they do know and thats why they do it. They take
quickly pivoted to articial intelli- legitimate argument for big data. tion. Thorough understanding of vot- the time and make the
gence in their posts, as though what But that doesnt mean that every ing behavior got compromised due to effort to make someone
they have been saying thus far was large data compilation has secret value application of data analytics that elses day by saying some-
merely natural ignorance. embedded in it. The selling point that missed measuring true preferences for thing sincerely comple-
Mark Twain said: All you need in data analytic yields valued information candidates that best aligned with mentary.
this life is ignorance and condence from raw big data is overrated. attributes that voters considered mate- It may be a note from a
and then success is sure. Maybe all Back to the future it seems, when rial. That led to a wrong and embar- friend who tells you she
the data specialists during the after the Enlightenment, discovery was rassing prediction. had a nice time when hav-
November presidential election were the center piece of scientic and indus- We now see the trend to the more
trial developments. It would be a scary ing dinner at your house or
set out to prove Twain right by stead- sophisticated use of data in terms of
fastly ignoring the limitations of data thought if discovery would now be a parent saying to a child,
articial intelligence, machine learn- Im so glad youre mine!
and condently predicting that Trump compromised for data analytics. ing, advanced analytics and the related
would lose. Progress will be certainly limited if or your spouse who tells
exciting technologies. That is usher-
Obviously, some of the current anti- that takes place. ing an era that is post pure big data you how he appreciates
data analytics and poking fun at big To illustrate the point, considering paradigm. your cooking. How a child
data is overreaction. But, the failure purchase behavior of consumers is Along with that, much more empha- beams when you are pre-
has been so gigantic that such a move instructive. Say, a shirt is offered in sis is now put on discovery versus data sented with a drawing that
of the pendulum to the other extreme is two colors only. We can look at tens analytics. Certainly discovery is more you cannot identify when you say, I can see you really
understandable. of thousands of sale records, and con- difcult and includes a portfolio of like to draw! How much more a birthday card means
Yet, businesses have known about clude more preferred white over red, risks, as compared to perceived quick when the sender pens a note telling you how much your
this data issue. Some invested mas- hence more of white shirts should be bang for data analytics. But, the friendship has meant to her. These are examples of giv-
sively in big data and bought into produced. Yet, that set of large records impacts and payoffs are much larger for ing that produce great benefits all big little things
management consultants advice and big data and analyzing it does the discovery approach. that can make life richer and more pleasant.
hype to spend enormous resources and not include a possible alternative that Now that the new-car smell of big
even more people would have bought In his book, The Art of Loving, Erich Fromm wrote
efforts into data-related substances. data has worn off, whats coming into
The results have been at best mixed, if blue shirts, if that color was also about the giving type of person. He enriches the other
vogue is termed by a colleague of mine person. He enhances the others sense of aliveness by
not totally useless and detrimental. offered, outpacing the sale of the exist- as Small Data, Big Model. That
In fact, that should not be surpris- ing two colors. enhancing his own aliveness. He does not give in order
means for apt decision making, data
ing. Data is nothing but a very narrow In technical terms, that is referred to plays a part but developing sophisti- to receive: giving itself is exquisite joy. But in giving,
set of gures and records. Collecting as revealed preferences, meaning we cated analytical models takes the cen- he cannot help bringing something to life in the other
data requires identifying in the most learned the predilection of consumers ter stage. In the battle between smarts person, and this which is brought to life reflects back to
restricted way the process assembly as a result of the choices available to versus data, smarts win! him.
for that purpose. Consistency, accura- them, or that they knew about, when During the week I was writing this column, a letter to
cy and relevance are often missing they made their purchase decisions. the editor appeared in the Daily Journal from a woman
when large amount of data is collected. But we do not know their true prefer- Jahan Alamzad is a management con- with a warm heart. She wrote about how she appreciates
At the heart of the problem is the ences since we cannot infer from that this newspaper. It was a bright light among the dia-
sultant. He liv es in San Carlos.
hypothesis that within massive quanti- large data set that had another option tribes. A few days later we were presented with a rant
attacking fellow columnist Keith Kreitman and
Letters to the editor President Obama that was an example of what a person
with a warm heart (or any heart at all) would never write.
If a person with a warm heart disagrees with them, he
The 49ers and the NFL draft Clemson. He won the Championship potential life-threatening nuclear does not attack and denigrate them. He can discuss his
game versus Alabama with his per- attack upon our country. differences without demeaning the other person. He can
Editor, formance. But it might benet the Whole cities could be destroyed.
The NFL draft is this week. The San write a letter to the editor that respectfully disagrees,
49ers to trade the number two pick in Surrounding areas would be barren and
Francisco 49ers have many needs. I exchange for two late rst round picks lost for decades. reasonably pointing out his difference of opinion
hope they will draft Stanfords for McCaffrey and another player. Life as we know it would be extin- instead of cutting down the other person with snide and
Christian McCaffrey. Christian will be Best of luck for General Manager guished for generations to come, com- sarcastic statements.
a great slot receiver, punt returner, John Lynch and the 49ers organiza- plete devastation. It is necessary to permit oneself to understand anoth-
kick-off returner and occasional run- tion. Its worrisome that our federal, state er. Our first reaction to most of the statements we hear
ning back. I believe Christian will be and local governments have not yet from other people is an immediate evaluation or judg-
a great player in the NFL. Is he a top Steve Duncan recognized the need for extensive sur- ment rather than understanding of it. Carl Rogers,
three draft pick? Scouts say he is prob- Burlingame vival and safety training in the event Some Significant Learnings.
ably a number 10 pick. of a nuclear attack. Think of how the world would improve if wed all
Maybe we should be building shel- make it a point to say nice things and express our
The 49ers need a quarterback. With
the number two pick in the draft, I Survival and safety first ters instead of walls? appreciation more often to those with whom we inter-
Jerry Emanuel act. And when disagreeing, wed stop a few seconds and
hope they draft Championship Editor,
Quarterback Derrick Watson of What now seems menacing is a San Carlos think about our response as we recall what Dorothy
Nevill wrote: The real art of conversation is not only
to say the right thing in the right place, but to leave
OUR MISSION: unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. This
It is the mission of the Daily Journal to be the most
accurate, fair and relevant local news source for brings to mind one of Ashleigh Brilliants thought pro-
those who live, work or play on the MidPeninsula. voking quips: I always think of the right thing to say
By combining local news and sports coverage, after the right time to say it has passed.
Jerry Lee, Publisher BUSINESS STAFF: analysis and insight with the latest business,
Michael Davis Henry Guerrero lifestyle, state, national and world news, we seek to Sincere, kind words indicate that those who say them
Jon Mays, Editor in Chief Charles Gould Paul Moisio provide our readers with the highest quality are secure enough in themselves to be able to reach out
Nathan Mollat, Sports Editor Joe Rudino Bruce Scannell information resource in San Mateo County. to others and give of themselves. If we have not been
Joy Uganiza Our pages belong to you, our readers, and we
Erik Oeverndiek, Copy Editor/Page Designer
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10 Wednesday April 26, 2017 BUSINESS THE DAILY JOURNAL

Healthy profits push stocks higher; Nasdaq crosses 6K

By Stan Choe And it wasnt the only big
DOW JONES INDUSTRIALS industrial company to cite signs
High: 21,026.97 of optimism among customers.
Low: 20,909.38 3M said sales improved in all its
NEW YORK Profits are markets around the world, while
Close: 20,996.12
climbing for companies, and so reporting stronger quarterly earn-
are their stock prices. Change: +232.23
ings than expected.
More big businesses joined the OTHER INDEXES Such encouraging talk about the
earnings parade Tuesday, saying S&P 500: 2388.61 +14.46 economys strength raises hopes
their profits were even larger in NYSE Index: 11,603.27 +71.48 that revenues and profits can keep
the first three months of the year Nasdaq: 6025.49 +41.67 rising for companies, which could
than analysts were expecting, rein in worries about stocks being
NYSE MKT: 2562.83 +3.78
including Caterpillar and expensive.
McDonalds. The encouraging Russell 2000: 1411.08 +13.14
Wilshire 5000: 24,943.40 +161.07 McDonalds jumped $7.47, or
reports pushed U.S. indexes to 5.6 percent, to $141.70 after like-
their second straight day of big 10-Yr Bond: 2.32 +0.05 wise surprising investors with
gains, placing them either close Oil (per barrel): 49.36 +0.13 better-than-expected results. New
to or firmly in record territory. items on its menu helped it to
Gold : 1,265.50 -12.00
The Standard & Poors 500 drive sales at its U.S. restaurants.
index rose 14.46 points, or 0.6 Ryder System was among the
Russell 2000 of smaller-company prices, big U.S. businesses are in Many investors say strong prof-
percent, to 2,388.61. Its within a relatively few stocks to fall on
stocks was up 13.13 points, or the midst of reporting their best it reports are necessary to justify
third of a percent of its all-time Tuesday. It lost $11.00, or 13.9
0.9 percent, at 1,411.08. quarter of profit growth in years, the big gains stocks have made.
high, set at the start of March. percent, to $68.28 after weaker-
Earnings have come through analysts say. Stock prices in recent years have
The Dow Jones industrial aver- quite nicely so far, said Ernie Companies in the S&P 500 are been climbing faster than earn- than-expected rental demand
age gained even more due to the Cecilia, chief investment officer on track to report overall growth ings, which has led skeptics to pushed it to report lower quarterly
big jumps for Caterpillar and at Bryn Mawr Trust. Theyre beat- of about 10 percent in first-quarter call the market overly pricey. results than analysts had forecast.
McDonalds, which are among the ing forecasts, the numbers have earnings per share, according to Caterpillar soared $7.61, or 7.9 Slightly more than two stocks
30 stocks in the average. The Dow been quite good and this is now S&P Global Market Intelligence. percent, to $104.42 after report- rose for every one that fell on the
rose 232.23 points, or 1.1 per- the second consecutive quarter This is a particularly busy week, ing stronger revenue and profits New York Stock Exchange.
cent, to 20,996.12. thats happened. with more than a third of the com- for the first quarter than analysts Even with so many corporate
The Nasdaq rose 41.67, or 0.7 After struggling for years with a panies in the S&P 500 scheduled expected. It also raised its forecast earnings reports on the docket,
percent, to 6, 025. 49, its first slow global economy and weak oil to unveil their first-quarter results. for full-year results. politics is still at center stage for
move above 6,000 points. The stocks as well.

Business brief
FCA, Google begin
Budget deficit challenge for Trumps tax plan
deficits for a federal government decade, according to guidelines from
By Josh Boak
offering rides in self-driving cars and Stephen Ohlemacher already projected to see its debt steadi- the congressional Joint Committee on
DETROIT Fiat Chrysler and Google for the first time THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ly rise. The lowered tax rates are also Taxation.
will offer rides to the public in the self-driving vehicles they unlikely to generate Trumps ambi- Trump has promised to release the
are building under an expanding partnership. WASHINGTON President Donald tious promised growth rate of 3 per- outlines of his tax plan Wednesday and
Waymo, Googles self-driving car project, said Tuesday its Trump plans to stick with his cam- cent a year, roughly double the 1.6 per- has said the plan would give Americans
adding 500 Chrysler Pacifica hybrid minivans to its self- paign pledge to slash the corporate tax cent growth achieved last year. These a tax cut bigger than any tax cut
driving vehicle fleet. rate from 35 percent to 15 percent, but two factors are related because the ever. During the campaign, he backed
It will allow hundreds of people in the Phoenix area to take the dramatic cut raises a problematic Trump administration is counting on cutting the corporate tax rate and
rides in the vehicles so it can get feedback on the experience. question for the White House: How can faster economic growth to produce the personal income tax rate to 33 per-
Phoenix-area residents could apply on Waymos website the president deliver the massive tax additional tax revenues that could then cent from a top marginal rate of 39.6
starting Tuesday. The vehicles will also pick up riders in cut he promised without also blowing close the deficit. The concept was pop- percent.
Chandler, Tempe, Mesa and Gilbert, Waymo said. All of the a massive hole in the budget? ularized as trickle-down economics Although he did not disclose details,
vehicles will have Waymo backup drivers who can take over A senior administration official con- during the Reagan years. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin
in an emergency. firmed the planned reduction to corpo- The problem is that the economy said Monday the lower tax rates would
Fiat Chrysler and Waymo have been partners since last rate rates, speaking on condition of cant grow quickly enough to cover the generate so much economic growth
spring, when they announced they would build 100 self-driv- anonymity in order discuss details of likely hole in the deficit. that it would hold the deficit in check.
ing Pacifica hybrids minivans. Those vehicles were delivered the plan the president is expected to Theres no pure tax cut that pays for The tax reform will pay for itself
to Waymo in December. The companies have been testing the unveil Wednesday. itself, said Alan Cole, an economist with economic growth, Mnuchin said
vehicles in Arizona, California and Michigan. Most outside economic analyses say at the right-leaning Tax Foundation. at the White House news briefing,
Waymo began offering a small number of public rides in the type of tax cuts being promoted by Reducing the corporate tax rate as adding that the overhaul would ideally
Arizona two months ago before deciding to expand the pro- Trump would likely fuel even larger much as Trump intends would cause a let someone file taxes on a large post-
gram, a spokesman said. $2 trillion budget shortfall over a card.
Waymo created by Google in 2009 has given rides to
the public before in its hometown of Mountain View.
Wells Fargo faces shareholders, protesters at annual meeting
By Ken Sweet While all 15 board members kept started earlier this year. Last year,
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS their positions for another year, four Wells board got approvals from at
directors received backing of 60 per- least 90 percent of shareholders a
PONTE VEDRA BEACH, Fla. cent or less. That included Chairman common level at big corporations.
Shareholders irritated by the fallout Stephen Sanger, who received 56 per- Sanger said he did not see the slim
from Wells Fargos sales practices cent support. majority as a vote of no confidence in
scandal sent a warning to the banks Wells Fargo shareholders today his role as chairman. And he said the
executives and board, with some direc- have sent the entire board a clear mes- board has no plans to replace any
tors barely holding onto their jobs sage of dissatisfaction, Sanger said. members of the board following the
Tuesday in what is typically a symbol- Although shareholders voted every- vote.
ic vote. one in, they were clearly unhappy. All They didnt really have desire to
The shareholder meeting was the the directors who were at Wells Fargo replace any one director, but they did
first time Wells Fargo had met collec- before the scandal broke got 80 per- want to send a message to the board,
tively with its investors since cent or less of shareholders votes, Sanger said. Sanger did note that at
acknowledging last fall that its based on preliminary results. The three least six members of the board will
employees opened up to 2 million who got 99 percent were CEO Tim reach retirement age in next four years,
bank accounts without getting cus- Sloan who got his job in October which will bring some fresh faces onto
tomers authorization in order to meet after former CEO John Stumpf departed a board that investors signaled needs
unrealistic sales quotes. and two independent directors who to do more to stabilize Wells.

Google targets fake news, offensive search suggestions

By Michael Liedtke a new screening system designed to results, Google also has reprogrammed
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS reduce the chances that its influential a popular feature that automatically tries
search engine will highlight untrue sto- to predict what a person is looking for
SAN FRANCISCO Google has ries about people and events, a phenom- as a search request as being typed. The
sprinkled some new ingredients into its enon commonly referred to as fake tool, called autocomplete, has been
search engine in an effort to prevent news. overhauled to omit derogatory sugges-
bogus information and offensive sug- Its not a problem that is going to go tions, such as are women evil, or rec-
gestions from souring its results. all the way to zero, but we now think we ommendations that promote violence.
The changes have been in the works can stay a step ahead of things, said Google also adding a feedback option
for four months, but Google hadnt pub- Ben Gomes, Googles vice president of that will enable users to complain about
licly discussed most of them until now. engineering for search. objectionable autocomplete sugges-
The announcement in a blog post Besides taking steps to block fake tions so a human can review the word-
Tuesday reflects Googles confidence in news from appearing in its search ing.

<<< Page 13, Thames sets new

Brewers mark for month of April
Wednesday April 26, 2017

Mills walks off

Perfect performance
HMBs Grace Garcia did not allow a base runner; offense scores 11 runs on 11 hits
in wild victory
By Nathan Mollat
over Jefferson By Terry Bernal
The Half Moon Bay softball team had lit- DAILY JOURNAL STAFF
tle time to celebrate Mondays huge, 2-1 win
over Hillsdale before the Cougars had to turn Mills baseball hasnt enjoyed many dra-
around and host Burlingame Tuesday after- matics on its home field this year, much in
noon. part to the baseball team having played just
If there was any concern over a letdown, it six games at home all season.
was quickly squashed. The Cougars put on Persistent rainfall has wreaked havoc on
display everything that has seen them Mills home diamond this season. Then to
become one of the hottest teams in add to the problems for the natural-turf sur-
Peninsula Athletic League: dominant pitch- face, a drainage pipe running under the field
ing, stellar defense and sizzling bats. Half burst once in mid-March and again at the
Moon Bay combined all of those to post an beginning of April, caus-
11-0, ve-inning, mercy-rule victory. ing the Vikings to have
These guys are on a roll right now, said to play some of their
Half Moon Bay coach Rachel Catuiza. home games at Skyline
Theyre all stepping up. Theyre all com- College, while many
ing through. more were simply moved
Half Moon Bay (8-1 PAL Bay, 18-2 over- to visiting teams fields.
all) banged out 11 hits to score its 11 runs, Since finally getting
which was also aided by ve errors by settled into their home
Burlingame (3-5, 6-9). The big hit was digs April 13, the
Chloe Moftts third-inning grand slam that
Chris Jack
Vikings (7-3 in PAL
turned a 2-0 lead into a 6-0 advantage. Lake, 8-10 overall) have posted a 3-1 record
That was more than enough offense for at Mills, with the most dramatic win of the
Half Moon Bay starting pitcher Grace year coming Tuesday in a topsy-turvy 8-7
Garcia. A day after limiting Hillsdale to just walk-off victory over Jefferson (5-7, 9-7).
four hits while striking out 12, she was even With Mills leading by one run going into
better Tuesday. While she nished with the seventh, Jefferson rallied in the top of
only eight strikeouts, she allowed four the inning to tie it. But the Vikings fired
fewer hits. right back with Chris Jack scoring the
In fact, Garcia did not allow a single game-winner on junior Nick McGraws first
Burlingame base runner as she notched her varsity hit, an infield bleeder that saw Jack
rst-ever perfect game. hustle home with Mills celebrating the rare
So, was Garcia aware she working on a walk-off.
perfecto? Here at Mills, youve seen it at football
People always ask me that, Garcia said. and baseball, we dont win much, Jack said.
Pitchers denitely know (when they are So when we do, we like to celebrate. We
working on a perfect game). like to have fun with it.
Catuiza, a standout pitcher during her While the Peninsula Athletic League Lake
career at Half Moon Bay, knew in the third Division and its one-and-only Central
that Garcia was seeking perfection. Coast Section playoff bid being all but
As is usually the case in perfect games, settled with first-place El Camino three
there was one defensive play that saved the games ahead of second-place Mills, the
day. In the top of the fourth inning with one NATHAN MOLLAT/DAILY JOURNAL
Half Moon Bays Grace Garcia struck out eight as she recorded her first-ever perfect game
See COUGARS, Page 13 during the Cougars 11-0, five-inning, mercy-rule win over Burlingame. See MILLS, Page 14

Giants bats cant wake up against Dodgers ace

By Janie McCauley ing shoulder in a dirt bike accident last
Dodgers 2, Giants 1 Thursday during a day off in Colorado.
11 games with an RBI sin- result a night earlier, also ended a six-game Brandon Crawford grabbed his right groin
SAN FRANCISCO Clayton Kershaw gle in the third that put the skid at AT&T Park to avoid matching the immediately after rounding first when he
struck out seven over seven innings in Giants ahead, but then franchises longest winless stretch in San followed Poseys two-out single in the
another impressive performance in San Yasiel Puig singled in a Francisco from April 21-Sept. 28, 2015. eighth with a base hit off Kenley Jansen.
Franciscos home ballpark, and the Los run in the fourth and Lefty Ty Blach (0-1) allowed two runs and The shortstop was looked at by athletic
Angeles Dodgers beat the Giants 2-1 Adrian Gonzalezs ground- four hits in five innings making his first trainer Dave Groeschner then came out of
Tuesday night to end a four-game losing out drove in another. start in place of injured Madison the game.
streak against their rival. Clayton The Dodgers, who were Bumgarner. The ace southpaw bruised his
Buster Posey extended his hitting streak to Kershaw on the other end of a 2-1 ribs and sprained the AC joint in his pitch- See GIANTS, Page 14

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12 Wednesday April 26, 2017 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL

Skyline sweeps season series from Caada

By Terry Bernal Leading 4-2 in the sev- an RBI groundout by freshman Ryan punch in 2016, but McDaids season came
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF enth, Skyline got a scare Wetteland. to an abrupt end on opening day when he
when Caada freshman In the bottom of the third, though, walked off the mound at Laney College-
Caada College, having entered the sea- Luke Carlin, with a run- Skyline jumped on Caada starting pitcher Oakland with an elbow injury, one that
son riding a 10-game win streak against ner on, lifted a long fly Nico Mayoral for three runs. Sparked by a would require Tommy John surgery.
Skyline, has had the Trojans number on the ball to right field. But one-out single by McSwain, Skyline took Returning to action this season, McDaid
baseball diamond in recent years. Trojans right fielder Chet the lead when Kyle Barret reached on a fly has worked on a strict pitch count, graduat-
The 2017 season, however, has been a dif- Silveria hauled in the ball the Colts outfield played into an RBI ing to the 60-pitch plateau last Saturday in
ferent story. high fly ball on the double. Barret then scored on an outfield Skylines 7-4 non-league win over
After earning its first win over Caada in Joe Galea warning track to avert error on a high fly ball by Aberouette. Sacramento City. McDaid worked 4 1/3
four years earlier this season, Skyline (10-6 disaster. Designated hitter Kaimana Bartolome fol- innings to solidify himself as Skylines
in Coast North, 26-11 overall) finished off Then, in the bottom of the frame, sopho- lowed with an RBI single to stake the No. 3 starter, following Galea and sopho-
a three-game sweep in its season series with more first baseman Brennan Carey gave Trojans to a 4-1 lead. more right-hander Ray Falk.
the Colts with a 6-2 victory Tuesday at Skyline some breathing room by blasting a Galea and sophomore reliever Joe Pratt My whole thing with [McDaid] is not to
Trojan Diamond. towering two-run home run to right field, did the rest. Pratt emerged to start the eighth bring him into any stressful situations so
With the Trojans entering the final week his first of the year, provoking an animated inning and fired two shutout innings to his arm is fresh for the four-year level,
of the season in must-win mode as they celebration from the dugout, including notch the save, his third of the year. Nomicos said.
make a push for the playoffs, sophomore Trojans manager Dino Nomicos. For Galea, it was a momentous outing in Hes throwing high [80s] and his off-
left-hander Joe Galea turned in one of his I think it was the dagger, Nomicos said. that it came on the heels of Rory McDaids speed is getting there, Aberouette said.
finest outings of the season. Working with It just busted the game open. But I was first start of the year. Galea and McDaid, Hes been throwing strikes. Thats all you
a fast, fluid tempo, Galea breezed through more excited fort the kid. He works hard and who both hail from Capuchino, have been can ask.
seven innings, allowing two runs on seven he hit that ball well. best friends since high school. And when With Skyline evaluating its pitching
hits while striking out five to earn the win, Skyline led most of the way. After jump- Galea, who is one year younger than rotation as it makes a run at the playoffs,
improving his record to 6-2. ing out to a 1-0 lead in the first inning when McDaid, started at Skyline last season as a Tuesdays matchup saw two-thirds of the
Get him in a rhythm, you cant stop University of Nevada-Reno commit Ryan freshman, McDaid transferred there after his last great rotation Skyline boasted,
him, Skyline catcher Felix Aberouette McSwain scored from third on a wild pitch, freshman season at Caada.
said. Caada (4-12, 8-28) tied it in the second on The two figured to be a splendid one-two See SKYLINE, Page 14

Sharks playoff loss more painful to Couture than broken face

By Josh Dubow bottom row of teeth. Canada after that. Thornton had two assists in the final four
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Theyre not fun, he Couture said he is still crushed by San games of the series before undergoing sur-
said Tuesday. Its not Joses first-round playoff loss in six games gery to repair the knee on Monday.
SAN JOSE San Jose Sharks center extreme pain right now. to the Edmonton Oilers and will need a few Hes incredible, Couture said. I dont
Logan Couture played in the postseason Obviously its bearable to more days to get his mind right. know if he feels pain because it cant be fun.
despite two fractures in his face along with get by on a day-to-day After San Jose made a run all the way to the The fact that he skated three days after it hap-
the plastic and wiring in his mouth that kept basis. Its still a struggle Stanley Cup Final a year ago, Couture said it pened was shocking. I dont think anyone
his teeth in place. to eat and sleep and some was frustrating to enter the postseason with expected that in our room. It shows how
Couture revealed more details of the of that stuff. Its not com- the team so banged up this year. badly he wants to win that he was able to get
injuries sustained when a deflected slap shot Logan Couture fortable. Its an uncom- You sit there and think, Why is this hap- back out there. The steps that he was going
from teammate Brent Burns hit him in the fortable state to be in. pening to us? he said. Its the game of through to play was pretty remarkable.
mouth in Nashville on March 25. Couture said he will meet with his dentist hockey and injuries happen. Teams that win, Everyone in our dressing room respects the
He said he had one fracture that went from soon to figure out the next steps in recov- they battle through the adversity and the heck out of that guy. He really wants to win.
his upper lip to the nose area that is still very ery. He will need implants to get the teeth injuries and other guys step up and play big The Sharks said Tuesday that Thornton is
sore and will take about six weeks to com- fixed and hopes to get that work done in the roles. Unfortunately, we werent able to do expected to make a complete recovery and be
pletely heal. The other fracture is below his next few weeks so he can return home to that as a team. ready for the start of next season. He can
Couture scored two goals in a Game 4 win become a free agent this summer but both he
but did not play up to his usual standards. The and the team have expressed a desire to sign
Sharks were also hampered by a serious another contract before that happens in July.
injury to top-line center Joe Thornton, who Among other injured players for San Jose
tore the ACL and MCL in his left knee on were forward Patrick Marleau (broken left
April 2 and was back playing in Game 3 two thumb), forward Tomas Hertl (broken foot), and
weeks later. forward Joonas Donskoi (separated shoulder).

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THE DAILY JOURNAL SPORTS Wednesday April 26, 2017 13
Angels 2, As 1, 11 innings
Bellarmine grad Thames bashes
way into Brewers record books Angels rally against Madson
By Genaro C. Armas
Carter after a 41-homer sea-
son that tied for the
to take down As in 11 innings
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS season. Hes allowed just three hits in 14
National League lead innings over his past two starts.
MILWAUKEE Eric Thames is bashing his Thames had an unre- ANAHEIM Kole Calhoun ripped a two- The As didnt get their first hit off Ramirez
way into the Milwaukee Brewers record book. markable initial stint in out single in the 11th inning to score Danny until Jaff Decker singled in the fourth, and he
No adjustment period necessary for the the majors, hitting .250 Espinosa and send the Angels to a 2-1 victory was erased quickly attempting to steal.
bushy-bearded first baseman in his first season with 21 homers with over the As Tuesday night. Ramirez, making just his third start after a
back in the majors after three years playing ball Toronto and Seattle in Jesse Hahn pitched career of 111 relief appearances, held the As
in South Korea. 2011 and 2012. The Blue eight innings for Oakland scoreless on two hits and two walks, striking
With a two-run shot on Tuesday night against Eric Thames Jays selected Thames in and JC Ramirez went out seven. He threw 92 pitches, after tossing
the Cincinnati Reds, Thames upped his major the seventh round of the seven for the Angels as 83 and 75 in his first two starts. It was the
league-leading home run total to 11. He also set 2008 amateur draft. the game remained score- best start by an Angels pitcher this season.
a franchise record for April homers. There was still enough a history, though, less until Josh Phegley
The Reds must already by sick of Thames, to track Thames progression all the way and Mike Trout hit solo Trainers room
who has eight homers in six games against back to his days playing college ball at homers in the 10th.
Cincinnati pitching. Pepperdine , general manager David Stearns Oakland placed CF Rajai Davis (left ham-
Phegley crushed the first string strain) on the 10-day disabled list. The
It is crazy with baseball, the left-handed said before Tuesdays game. Thames has said Kole Calhoun
pitch he saw from Jose As have nine players on the DL. To take
slugger said after hitting two homers in he learned how to be patient while playing in Alvarez for his first career pinch-homer. Trout
Milwaukees 11-7 win Monday. There are Davis spot, the As called up OF Ryan
Korea because while pitchers there dont then led off with a shot just inside the right field
some teams that somehow the ball finds your LaMarre, acquired from the Angels on Sunday.
throw as hard, they were able to locate their foul pole off closer Santiago Casilla. It was the
barrel, and there are some teams where you get
a good pitch and you swing and it is a foul ball
offspeed pitches.
We do the best we can analytically, but we
first extra-inning homer of Trouts career. Up next
Manager Mike Scioscia got his 1,500th
or a strikeout. I dont know. recognize that can only take us so far and we try career victory. As left-hander Sean Manaea (1-1 4.43
Most American fans had no idea how to look at some other factors of the why, and Ryan Madson (0-2) allowed singles to ERA) looks to continue his strong recent
Thames success overseas would translate to the why is the player having success in his current Espinosa and Calhoun in the 11th after performances Wednesday against the Angels.
majors. He hit .348 with 124 home runs, 379 environment. Do we think that those driving Brooks Pounders (1-0) pitched a scoreless Manaea has allowed only two runs in the 11
RBIs and 64 steals in 388 games during three forces will translate to the major league level, inning for the win. innings of his last two starts.
seasons in South Korea. Stearns said. Andrelton Simmons bounced a hit to right Angels right-hander Matt Shoemaker (0-1)
The Brewers signed the 30-year-old Thames In this case we ultimately thought that there in the fifth for the only knock against Hahn, is still trying to find his form after undergo-
in November to a $16 million, three-year con- was a good chance that the reasons that Eric was and Simmons was then caught in a rundown ing brain surgery last September after being
tract. In need of more lefties in the lineup, they having success ... in Korea would ultimately attempting to steal. Hahn struck out six and hit on the head by a line drive. He is 4-2 with
cut right handed-hitting first baseman Chris translate to the United States, he added. walked two, dropping his ERA to 2.08 this a 3.49 ERA in 11 games vs. the As.

Claudius catch. That was a really nice The Cougars touched her up for a pair of her take it easy and enjoy her trip around the
play. unearned runs in the second inning before bases.
Claudius said she was aware Garcia was they broke the game open in the third. One cant blame Moftt for the hustle.
working on a perfect game and didnt want Garcia started the rally with a single. She She wasnt sure the ball would get out as it
Continued from page 11
to be the one who blew it. was safe at second on an error following cleared the top of the fence by inches.
I was just thinking about the ball and Marrissa Terras elders choice. Claudius I seemed a little too low, Moftt said.
out, Burlingame freshman Sophia Palacio making the catch, Claudius said. I was then loaded the bases when she reached on The Cougars put the game away with a
lifted a 2-0 pitch into left eld. The ball was really happy. I know I helped Gracie out a an error. Following a yout to center for the ve-run fourth as Ally Sarabia, Claudius,
hit well and Half Moon Bay left elder Abby lot on that. second out of the inning, Chloe Moftt Riley Donovan and Lily Moftt all had
Claudius, also a freshman, turned and sprint- Garcia would go on to strike out three of came to the plate. She fell behind 0-2 before RBIs in the inning.
ed back. After her second step, she stumbled the nal four batters she faced. fouling off three pitches in a row. On the Chloe Moftt said the Cougars ability to
but maintained her stride and focus. She Offensively, it took a while for the sixth pitch, she hit a laser of a line drive get production from anywhere in the lineup
started to fall to the ground just as she made Cougars to gure out Burlingame starting over the center eld fence for the grand makes it that much easier for everyone to
the catch. pitcher Chloe McNamara. After giving up a slam. just do their job.
Garcia, for one, was red up, letting out a lead off double to Half Moon Bays Lily Moftt busted out of the batters box like Everyone is tied in and you dont have to
huge scream and st pump. Moftt, McNamara retired the next three someone who was racing for a double. But put too much weight on your shoulders,
That was beautiful, Garcia said of batters in a row. as she rounded rst, her rst-base coach told Chloe Moftt said.

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14 Wednesday April 26, 2017 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL

afternoon. back of second base. But Grizzlies center too high, Rivera said.

MILLS I think [the come-

backs] says a lot,
Jefferson manager
fielder Sammy Price was right there to glove
it on a hop, preventing Jack from taking off
for home.
While Rivera took the loss with 2 2/3
innings of relief work, it still proved a his-
toric day for the third-year varsity junior at
Continued from page 11 Michael Morla said. I was kind of stuttering because it looked the plate with his first career four-hit day.
Especially being like the second baseman was going to catch The Grizzlies also got big showings from
Jefferson, a lot of these it, Jack said. And I didnt want to risk it. freshman Calvin Louie (3 for 3 with a dou-
Vikings and Grizzlies were essentially play- kids, especially the The strange play set the stage for ble and two runs scored) and Price (2 for 4
ing for pride. sophomores, they just McGraws game-winner though. The junior with one RBI and one run scored).
Both displayed plenty of it as the score
swung back and forth. Jefferson paced by Rudy Rivera started playing baseball entered in the sixth inning to pitch and was Despite Jefferson sitting in fourth place
last year. They only inserted into the No. 8 spot in the lineup. in the Lake Division standings, the pro-
a 4-for-4, four-double performance by junior know how to fight back. Mills manager Tony Adornetto said he con- gram continues to make strides toward
Rudy Rivera initially jumped out to a 3-0 Mills responded with some two-base sidered pinch-hitting for McGraw, but opted building a baseball culture. With three year-
lead in the second inning. But Mills came thunder of its own to start the bottom of the to stick with the junior despite his striking round players on roster this year includ-
raging back in the fourth, sending 11 bat- seventh though. With one out, Jack drove a out twice in his three previous varsity plate ing Rivera and Price who play for the San
ters to the plate amid a six-run rally to take belt-high fastball into the left-center gap appearances. Francisco Bulls summer travel team six
a 6-3 lead. for a double to cap a 2-for-4 day. With Rivera on the bump for Jefferson, other players are slated to play this summer.
Jefferson answered right back with a 3- I was just thinking about any way to get McGraw hit a bouncer just to the right of the We did pretty good this year, Rivera
spot in the fifth to tie it 6-6. Then, after on, Jack said. pitchers mound. The Grizzlies only chance said. We came together as a team more.
Mills grinded out an unearned run on a flurry Jack advanced to third on a wild pitch but to cut off the run at the plate was for Rivera Mills was paced by senior Austin
of errors in the bottom of the sixth, could not score despite a Justin Wong single to field it, but it hopped too far out of his LaDucas 3-for-4 day. McGraw, in addition
Jefferson again responded as Rivera scored to follow. With the Jefferson infield drawn reach to glove. to tabbing his first varsity hit, earned his
following his fourth two-bagger of the in, Wong hit a blooper that landed just in I was going to, but then it bounced way first varsity win with two innings of relief.

earlier after being called up for the Dodgers, and he may be up for good. game at Colorado after he hurt it long-toss-
from Triple-A Sacramento. We can now get Julio here, and he can be ing. ... Manager Bruce Bochy said the
Kershaw (4-1) allowed with us for the duration, Roberts said. ... Giants are likely to use the bereavement list
six hits and one run, Bellinger was needed given the injuries: CF for Crawford, who will miss games
Continued from page 11 walking one as he Joc Pederson is on the disabled list with a Wednesday and Thursday to attend the funer-
improved to 11-4 in 19 strained right groin, while LF Franklin al of his sister-in-law, who recently died of
outings and 18 starts in Gutierrez is on the DL with a left hamstring an asthma attack. ... Posey got a break from
Pinch-hitter Brandon Belt then struck out San Franciscos water- strain. INF Logan Forsythe is also sidelined catching duties and played first until going
to strand Posey on third as the tying run. front ballpark. Jansen by a broken right big toe. behind the plate in the ninth.
In the ninth, Cody Bellinger beat out an finished for his fifth save
infield single in his major league debut after Christian Gi ants : An MRI exam on Matt Cains
being called up by the Dodgers to start in Arroyo and the 15th of his career
tight right hamstring that he felt during his
Up next
recording four outs.
left field. A day after San Francisco promot- Justin Turner matched his career-best hit- win Monday showed no problems and he is Dodgers left-hander Alex Wood (1-0, 3.29
ed top prospect Christian Arroyo to play ting streak at 11 games with a first-inning slated to take his next turn in the rotation. ERA), who has never beaten the Giants in
third base, the Dodgers brought up their top single. ... CF Denard Span did some cage work and six outings and two starts, makes his third
prospect from the same 2013 draft class. was set to take batting practice on the field start of the year and second in a row trying
Arroyo also got his first major league hit Trainers room Wednesday with the hope he will be back in to stick in the rotation.
and a lengthy standing ovation on a single the starting lineup for Thursday afternoons Giants right-hander Johnny Cueto (3-1,
in the first after going 0 for 4 with three Do dg ers : LHP Julio Urias will be back in series finale. He has a mild right shoulder 5.25) looks to bounce back from his lone
groundouts and a strikeout in his debut a day the majors to start Thursdays series finale sprain that forced him out of Saturdays loss last weekend at Colorado.

Gonzalez is now the pitching coach at Skyline is in control of its own playoff des- standings is Hartnell. Should Skyline falter

SKYLINE Skyline, while Pointer serves as the pitch-

ing coach at Caada. And Gonzalez, also a
Capuchino graduate, locked in with Galea
tiny. If the Trojans win their final two
games against last-place Gavilan on
Thursday, and second-place Cabrillo on
and finish in a tie with Hartnell in the stand-
ings, Hartnell would earn the third-place
nod due to winning the season series
Continued from page 11 and Aberouette from the outset to set the Friday, they automatically clinch an at- against Skyline and knock the Trojans out
tone, according to the sophomore southpaw. large bid into the 16-team Northern of the playoffs.
I felt good, Galea said. [Gonzalez] did a California playoff field by current of their
according to Nomicos, back in 2009 in current No. 10 ranking in Nor Cal. We do have to win out to make our own
right-handers Greg Gonzalez and Marcus good job calling good pitches and I had way, Galea said. Were playing well right
Pointer, who each reach the 20-win career three of my four pitches working today. However, trailing third-place Skyline by now, so I think we know we can win out and
plateau for the Trojans. With two regular-season games to go, one game in the Coast North Conference make our own way in.

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City of Belmont Parks and Phone: (415)601-6963
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EXHIBITORS Connect Hearing Hamilton Relay

Inessa Rubinshteyn Abigail Mebrahtu, Northern
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Marisa Boldt, Manager San Mateo, CA 94402 1808 Q St., Suite E
Roxie Porter, Manager Phone: (650) 378-8508 Sacramento, CA 95822
1221 E. Hillsdale Blvd. Fax: (650) 378-8549 Phone: (619)709-4923
Foster City, CA 94404 ConnectHearing.com hamiltonrelay.com
Phone: (650)341-2964 Email: inessa.rubinshteyn@connecthearing.com Email: Abigail.mebrahtu@hamiltonrelay.com
Fax: (650)341-2081
5Aspace.com ElderConsult Geriatric Medicine HICAP of San Mateo County
Email: foster_city@5Aspace.com Irene Dockins, Director of Training and Education Cherie Querol Moreno, Community
1633 Bayshore Highway Suite 245 Outreach Coordinator
Avenue Sixty-Two, LLC Burlingame, CA 94010 1710 S. Amphlett Blvd. #100
Kathy Kaufmann, Owner, Senior Move Manager Phone: (650)357-8834 San Mateo, CA 94402
809 Laurel Street, #838 ElderConsult.com Phone: (650) 627-9350 x7548
San Carlos, CA 94070 Email: idockins@elderconsult.com Fax: (650) 627-9359
Phone: (650)518-9941 Email: Cheriem@selfhelpelderly.org
AvenueSixtytwo.com Family Eye Center Optometry
Email: kathy@avenuesixtytwo.com Dr. Alina Kagan, O.D. HIP Housing
1601 El Camino Real, Suite 302 Alie Sobczak, Community Outreach Specialist
Brainin Law Ofce Belmont, CA 94002 800 S. Claremont St., Suite 210
Gary Brainin (located at San Carlos border across from San Mateo, CA 94401
2855 Kifer Road, Suite 220 Subway in Belmont Business Center) Phone: (650)348-6660 x342
Santa Clara, CA 95051 Phone: (650)654-2015 Fax: (650)348-0284 hiphousing.org
Phone: (650)422-3313 Fax: (650)654-2014 Email: asobczak@hiphousing.org
Fax: (408)753-3278 FamilyEyeCo.com
BraininLaw.com Email: info@FamilyEyeCo.com HomeCare Professionals, Inc.
Vira Triolo, Director of Client Services
Brookdale Redwood City Family Matters In-Home Care 295 89th St., Suite 107
Tammi Tharp, Director of Sales & Marketing Karen Huntley, Client Care Manager Daly City, CA 94015
485 Woodside Road 825 San Antonio Rd, Ste 105 Phone: (650)773-2552
Redwood City, CA 94061 Palo Alto, CA 94303 homecareprofessionals.com
Phone: (650) 366-3900 Phone: (650)285-2373 Email: vira@hcprosonline.com
Fax: (650)366-4908 Fax: (408)516-9428
brookdale.com FamilyMattersHC.com Muttville Senior Dog Rescue
Email: ttharp@brookdale.com Email: Karen@familymattershc.com 255 Alabama St.
San Francisco, CA 94103
CarePatrol Get Up & Go Senior Transportation (PJCC) Phone: (415)272-4172
Susan Gibson, Owner Nena Guthrie Muttville.org
300 Davey Glen Road #3506 800 Foster City Blvd. Email: seniors for seniors@muttville.org
Belmont, CA 94002 Foster City, CA 94404
Phone: (415) 656-6869 Phone: (650)378-2750 Nazareth Vista
CarePatrol.com Fax: (650)378-2799 Eleanor Lanuza, Director of Marketing
Email: sueg@carepatrol.com PJCC.org/go 900 6th Ave., Belmont, CA 94002
Email: nguthrie@pjcc.org Phone: (650) 591-2008
ClearCaptions Fax: (650)591-2006
Elli Tehrani, Title IV ADA Specialist nazarethvista.com
Phone: (408) 510-1941 Email: crd@nazarethvista.com
Email: elli.tehrani@clearcaptions.com


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New Stage Investment Group 1250 San Carlos Ave. Sutter Care at Home-Home Health & Hospice
Hans M. Reese, CFP, President San Carlos, CA 94070 Sonya Martinez, Community Relations Liaison
520 South El Camino Real, Suite 320 Phone: (650)508-6362 Lorena Chavez, Community Relations Liaison
San Mateo, CA 94402 samtrans.com 1700 S. Amphlett Blvd., Suite 300
Phone: (650)458-0312 Email: conger@samtrans.com San Mateo, CA 94402
Fax: (650)458-0312 Phone: (650)218-3707
newstageinvestment.com San Mateo County Aging & Adult Services Fax: (844) 209-4664
Email: info@newstageinvestment.com Nicole Fernandez, Community Programs Specialist II SutterCareatHome.org
225 37th Ave., San Mateo, CA 94403 Email: MartinS2@sutterhealth.org
Pacic Gas & Electric Company Phone: 1-800-675-8437
Together, Building a Better California (TIES LINE to report allegations of abuse) Villages of San Mateo County
Phone: 1 (800) 743-5000 SMCHealth.org/elderabuse Scott McMullin, Board Chair
PGE.com Email: nfernandez@smcgov.org P.O. Box 813
San Carlos, CA 94070
Peninsula Pharmacists Association Sterling Court Phone: (650)260-4569
Talk With A Pharmacist, Medication Consultation Sarah St. Charles, Executive Director VillagesofSMC.org
and Blood Pressure Monitoring 850 N. El Camino Real Email: info@villagesofsmc.org
Email: peninsularph@gmail.com San Mateo, CA 94401
Phone: (650)344-8200
Rodnunsky & Associates Fax: (650)344-7395
Don Sweet, Esq. & Roxanne T. Jen, Esq. sterlingcourt.com
2000 Alameda de las Pulgas #112 Email: sarah.stcharles@sterlingcourt.com
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Phone: (650) 285-5400 Sunrise of Belmont
Fax: (650) 285-5404 Cindi Duncan, Director of Sales
protectioncounsel.com 1010 Alameda de las Pulgas
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roxanne.jen@rodnunskylaw.com Phone: (650) 508-0400
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Deborah Owdom, Program Director Senior Focus
1720 El Camino Real, Suite 10 Adult Day Health and Family
Burlingame, CA 94010 Caregiver Support Programs
Phone: (650) 696-7660 Frances Huang,
Fax: (650)696-3633 Medical Social Worker
Mills-Peninsula.org 1720 El Camino Real #10
Email: owdomd@sutterhealth.org Burlingame CA, 94010
Phone: (650) 696-3645
San Mateo County Transit District Fax: (650)696-3633
Jean Conger, Senior Mobility Ambassador mills-peninsula.org/seniors
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THE DAILY JOURNAL SPORTS Wednesday April 26, 2017 19
TUESDAY hits in a game that was called after East Division WEDNESDAY Capuchino at Mills, South City at Jefferson, 3:30 p.m.
three innings because of the 15-run W L Pct GB Baseball Track and field
Washington 14 6 .700 Sequoia at Sacred Heart Prep, Carlmont at
mercy rule in a WBAL game. Westmoor at Burlingame, Mills at Sequoia, Wood-
Boys tennis Madi Earnshaw had a big day at
Philadelphia 9
10 8
Burlingame, Woodside at Terra Nova, Hillsdale at
Capuchino, 4 p.m.
side at Half Moon Bay, Carlmont at Capuchino,Terra
New York 8 11 .421 5 1/2 Nova at Hillsdale, 3 p.m.; WBAL 3A at Sacred Heart
PAL individual tournament the plate driving in six runs. She Atlanta 6 12 .333 7 Softball Prep, WBAL 3B at Kings Academy, 3:30 p.m.
The chalk ruled on the first day of hit a grand slam in the first inning Central Division El Camino at M-A, Mills at Terra Nova, 4 p.m.
Chicago 12 8 .600 Boys volleyball
the Peninsula Athletic League indi- and later added a two-run single. Milwaukee 11 11 .500 2 Hillsdale at Capuchino, Mills at Carlmont, Aragon
vidual championship as the top Shirin Steward added a three-run at San Mateo, South City at Menlo-Atherton, 6 p.m. Baseball
Cincinnati 10 11 .476 2 1/2
Mitty at Serra, Sacred Heart Prep at Sequoia,
eight singles seeds, while seven of triple, while Chloe Stogner had St. Louis 9 11 .450 3
Burlingame at Carlmont, Terra Nova at Woodside,
Pittsburgh 8 12 .400 4 THURSDAY
the eight doubles seeds all advanced two of her three hits in the first West Division Softball Capuchino at Hillsdale, 4 p.m.
to todays quarterfinals. inning alone. Colorado 14 7 .667 Menlo-Atherton at San Mateo,Woodside at Aragon, Softball
The only upset of the day came in Arizona 14 8 .636 1/2 Sequoia at Burlingame, Carlmont at Hillsdale, Ca- South City at Jefferson, El Camino at Terra Nova, 4
Los Angeles 10 11 .476 4 puchino at Half Moon Bay, Castilleja at
doubles play as the Aragon tandem Boys lacrosse San Diego 8 14 .364 6 1/2 Mercy-Burlingame, Kings Academy at Notre Dame-
p.m.; Woodside at Burlingame, Crystal Springs at
Latino College Prep, Nueva at Alma Heights, 4 p.m.
of Kelvin Yang and Jason Zhoa, Giants 7 13 .350 6 1/2 Belmont, 4 p.m.
Sacred Heart Prep 21, Mitty 12 Baseball Boys volleyball
after beating a team from Mills in The Gators beat the Monarchs in Tuesdays Games Mills at Jefferson, Harker at El Camino,Westmoor vs. Menlo-Atherton at Capuchino, 6 p.m.
the first round, upset the No. 5 seed a WCAL shootout. Chicago Cubs 1, Pittsburgh 0 Crystal Springs at Sea Cloud Park, Menlo-Atherton Girls lacrosse
Miami at Philadelphia, ppd. at South City, Half Moon Bay at Kings Academy, Sacred Heart Prep at Mitty, Castilleja at Menlo-
from San Mateo, 6-3, 7-6 (4). Jack Crockett scored five times Atlanta at N.Y. Mets, ppd. Aragon at Menlo School, 4 p.m. Atherton, 4 p.m.; St. Francis at Menlo School, 5:30
Other that, the other seven seeds and added three assists to lead SHP. Milwaukee 9, Cincinnati 1 Boys lacrosse p.m.
all made it through the second round. Toronto 6, St. Louis 5, 11 innings Sequoia at Woodside,Burlingame at Carlmont,7 p.m.
Tommy Barnds tallied four goals, Washington 15, Colorado 12 Badminton
Casey Morris and Tyler Ellingson, while Wilson Weisel and Joe Sonsini Arizona 9, San Diego 3 Burlingame at Sequoia, South City at Aragon, Mills MONDAY
who manned the No. 1 and No. 2 sin- had three goals each. Teddy Vought,
L.A. Dodgers 2, San Francisco 1 at Westmoor, Carlmont at San Mateo, Jefferson at Badminton
Wednesdays Games Crystal Springs, Menlo-Atherton at Capuchino, Hills- PAL division tournaments
gles spots for regular-season cham- Kevin Tinsley and Larry Hart each Cincy (Davis 0-0) at Milwaukee (Peralta 3-1),10:40 p.m. dale at Woodside, Terra Nova at El Camino, 4 p.m.
pion Menlo-Atherton, teamed up to Bay Division at Aragon; Ocean Division at Hillsdale,
Cubs (Lester 0-0) at Pitt (Glasnow 0-1), 4:05 p.m. Swimming
scored twice for the Gators. Miami (Volquez 0-2) at Philly (Pivetta 0-0), 4:05 p.m. Menlo-Atherton at San Mateo,Woodside at Aragon,
4 p.m.
become the No. 1 seed in the doubles Atlanta (Dickey 1-2) at Mets (Syndergaard 1-1),4:10 p.m. Hillsdale at Sequoia, Burlingame at Carlmont, Half Boys lacrosse
tournament. After a first-round bye, MONDAY Toronto (Latos 0-0) at St.Louis (Martinez 0-3),5:15 p.m. Moon Bay at Terra Nova, Westmoor at El Camino, Aragon at Sequoia, 7 p.m.
they blanked a duo from Sequoia to Washington(Roark2-0)atColorado(Chatwood2-2),5:40p.m.
San Diego (Cahill 1-2) at Arizona (Walker 2-1),6:40 p.m.
make the quarterfinals.
In singles action, top seed and Boys volleyball L.A.Dodgers (Wood 1-0) at Giants (Cueto 3-1),7:15 p.m.
Thursdays Games
defending champion Drew Davison Miami at Philadelphia, 10:05 a.m.
SHP 3, Eastside College Prep 1 Atlanta at N.Y. Mets, 10:10 a.m. FIRST ROUND x-Saturday, April 29: Milwaukee at Toronto, TBD
of Half Moon Bay is set to make it (Best-of-7; x-if necessary)
The Gators picked up their sec- Toronto at St. Louis, 10:45 a.m.
Washington at Colorado, 12:10 p.m. WESTERN CONFERENCE
two in a row after cruising to a 6-0, ond league win of the season with Chicago 2, Boston 2 Spurs 3, Memphis 2
L.A. Dodgers at San Francisco, 12:45 p.m.
6-0 second-round win. a 25-19, 28-26, 24-26, 25-17 over San Diego at Arizona, 6:40 p.m. Sunday, April 16: Chicago 106, Boston 102 Saturday, April 15: Spurs 111, Memphis 82
Tuesday, April 18: Chicago 111, Boston 97 Monday, April 17: Spurs 96, Memphis 82
The quarterfinals and semifinals the Panthers. Friday, April 21: Boston 104, Chicago 87 Thursday, April 20: Memphis 105, Spurs 94
will begin at 2 p.m. today at
Burlingame, while the champi-
Setters Giorgio Bacchin and
David Macias paced the attack for
AMERICAN LEAGUE Sunday, April 23: Boston 104, Chicago 95
Wednesday, April 26: Chicago at Boston, 5:30 p.m.
Saturday, April 22: Memphis 110, Spurs 108, OT
Tuesday, April 25: Spurs 116, Memphis
Friday, April 28: Boston at Chicago, TBA 103Thursday, April 27: Spurs at Memphis, 6:30 p.m.
onship and third-place matches are SHP (2-8, 7-14). Bacchin had 15 East Division x-Sunday, April 30: Chicago at Boston, TBA
W L Pct GB x-Saturday, April 29: Memphis at Spurs, TBD
scheduled for 3:45 p.m. Thursday at assists to go along with 11 kills, Baltimore 13 6 .684
Burlingame. Atlanta 2, Washington 2 Houston 4, Oklahoma City 1
while Macias pumped out a team- New York 11 7 .611 1 1/2 Sunday, April 16: Washington 114, Atlanta 107
Boston 11 8 .579 2 Sunday, April 16: Houston 118, OKC 87
high 16 assists and added 10 kills. Wed., April 19: Washington 109, Atlanta 101
Baseball Mike Mooring led the Gators with
Tampa Bay 11
Toronto 6
3 1/2
7 1/2 Saturday, April 22: Atlanta 116, Washington 98
Monday, April 24: Atlanta 111, Washington 101
Wednesday, April 19: Houston 115, OKC 111
Friday, April 21: OKC 115, Houston 113
Central Division Sunday, April 23: Houston 113, OKC 109
Crystal Springs 8, Westmoor 1 14 kills, while libero Lance Chou Detroit 11 8 .579 Wednesday, April 26: Atlanta at Washington, 3 p.m.
Tuesday, April 25: Houston 105, OKC 99
The Gryphons managed only six dug up 23 balls defensively. Cleveland 10 9 .526 1 Friday, April 28: Washington at Atlanta, TBD
Chicago 10 9 .526 1 x-Sunday, April 30: Atlanta at Washington, TBD
hits, but they took advantage of Minnesota 10 10 .500 1 1/2
Utah 3, L.A. Clippers 2
eight walks to beat the Rams in a Boys golf Kansas City 7 13 .350 4 1/2 Toronto 3, Milwaukee 2
Saturday, April 15: Milwaukee 97, Toronto 83
Saturday, April 15: Utah 97, L.A. Clippers 95
Tuesday, April 18: L.A. Clippers 99, Utah 91
PAL Lake Division meeting at Sea West Division
Harker 188, SHP 210 Houston 14 6 .700 Tuesday, April 18: Toronto 106, Milwaukee 100 Friday, April 21: L.A. Clippers 111, Utah 106
Cloud Park in Foster City. The Eagles stayed undefeated in As 10 10 .500 4 Thursday, April 20: Milwaukee 104, Toronto 77 Sunday, April 23: Utah 105, L.A. Clippers 98
Los Angeles 10 12 .455 5 Saturday, April 22: Toronto 87, Milwaukee 76 Tuesday, April 25: Utah 96, L.A. Clippers 92
Crystal Springs scored single WBAL play by beating the Gators Monday, April 24: Toronto 118, Milwaukee 93 Friday, April 28: L.A. Clippers at Utah, 7:30 p.m.
Texas 9 12 .429 5 1/2
runs in the first, fourth, fifth and at Sharon Heights Golf & Country Seattle 8 13 .381 6 1/2 Thursday, April 27: Toronto at Milwaukee, TBD x-Sunday, April 30: Utah at L.A. Clippers, TBD
sixth innings, but the big uprising Club. Tuesdays Games
came in the second when the
Gryphons scored four times.
Daulet Tuleubayev shot a 2-under Houston 4, Cleveland 2
Tampa Bay 2, Baltimore 0
34 to lead Harker (9-0 WBAL). N.Y. Yankees at Boston, ppd.
Matt Mizota and Peter Dicioccio Second Round WESTERN CONFERENCE
Ryan Vaughan and Jin Kim each Detroit 19, Seattle 9 (Best-of-7; x-if necessary) Anaheim vs. Edmonton
each had a pair of hits for Crystal Minnesota 8, Texas 1
carded 38 and Victor Shin came in Chicago White Sox 10, Kansas City 5 EASTERN CONFERENCE Wednesday,April 26:Edmonton at Anaheim,7:30 p.m.
Springs (5-4 PAL Lake, 7-7 overall). Washington vs. Pittsburgh
with a 39. Toronto 6, St. Louis 5, 11 innings Friday, April 28: Edmonton at Anaheim, 7:30 p.m.
Mizota had a double and two RBIs, Angels 2, Oakland 1, 11 innings Thursday,April 27:Pittsburgh at Washington,4:30 p.m. Sunday, April 30: Anaheim at Edmonton, 4 p.m.
with Dicioccio also driving in a run. SHP (6-4) was led by Finn Wednesdays Games Saturday, April 29: Pittsburgh at Washington, 5 p.m.
Wednesday, May 3: Anaheim at Edmonton, 7 p.m.
OKelly and Holland Sutton, who K.C.(Karns 0-1) at White Sox (Quintana 0-4),11:10 a.m. Monday, May 1:Washington at Pittsburgh, 4:30 p.m.
Josh Goodwine picked up the win, Wednesday,May 3:Washington at Pittsburgh,4:30 p.m. x-Friday, May 5: Edmonton at Anaheim, TBD
each finished with 40s. Anderson Houston(McCullers2-0)atCleveland(Bauer1-2), 3:10p.m. x-Sunday, May 7: Anaheim at Edmonton, TBD
working a complete game, allowing Tampa (Cobb 1-2) at Baltimore (Bundy 3-1),4:05 p.m. x-Saturday, May 6: Pittsburgh at Washington, TBD
Page finished with a 42, while Erik Yankees (Tanaka 2-1) at Boston (Sale 1-1), 4:10 p.m. x-Monday, May 8: Washington at Pittsburgh, TBD x-Wednesday, May 10: Edmonton at Anaheim,TBD
just three hits while throwing an Seattle (Paxton 2-0) at Detroit (Norris 1-1), 4:10 p.m. x-Wednesday,May 10:Pittsburgh at Washington,TBD
economical 77 pitches. Morris and Luke Peterson each Minnesota (Santiago 2-1) at Texas (Hamels 1-0), 5:05 p.m. St. Louis vs. Nashville
shot 44s. Toronto (Latos 0-0) at St.Louis (Martinez 0-3),5:15 p.m. Ottawa vs. N.Y. Rangers Wednesday, April 26: Nashville at St. Louis, 5 p.m.
As (Manaea 1-1) at Angels (Shoemaker 0-1),7:07 p.m. Thursday, April 27: N.Y. Rangers at Ottawa, 4 p.m.
Softball Menlo School 190, Pinewood 286
Thursdays Games Saturday, April 29: N.Y. Rangers at Ottawa, 12 p.m.
Friday, April 28: Nashville at St. Louis, 5 p.m.
Sunday, April 30: St. Louis at Nashville, 12 p.m.
Seattle at Detroit, 10:10 a.m. Tuesday, May 2: Ottawa at N.Y. Rangers, 4 p.m.
NDB 20, Castilleja 1 The Knights wrapped up second Toronto at St. Louis, 10:45 a.m. Thursday, May 4: Ottawa at N.Y. Rangers, 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 2: St. Louis at Nashville, 6:30 p.m.
Houston at Cleveland, 3:10 p.m. x-Saturday, May 6: N.Y. Rangers at Ottawa, TBD x-Friday, May 5: Nashville at St. Louis, TBD
The Tigers scored a dozen runs in place in the WBAL, beating the x-Sunday, May 7: St. Louis at Nashville, TBD
N.Y. Yankees at Boston, 4:10 p.m. x-Tuesday, May 9: Ottawa at N.Y. Rangers, TBD
the first inning and banged out 17 Panthers at Sharon Heights. Oakland at L.A. Angels, 7:07 p.m. x-Thursday, May 11: N.Y. Rangers at Ottawa, TBD x-Tuesday, May 9: Nashville at St. Louis, TBD
20 Wednesday April 26, 2017 FOOD/LOCAL THE DAILY JOURNAL

Staff noted SamTrans is expected to see construction. Affordable housing advo- offering the nonprofit Housing

Continued from page 1
additional revenue from the recently
approved statewide transportation-funding
overhaul and gas tax increase. Murphy
cates and nonprofit representatives again
attended this weeks meeting to urge the
board to think critically and carefully on
Endowment and Regional Trust $5 million
toward a new revolving loan pilot pro-
noted it will take time for those funds to how it can assist. The biggest difference between the $40
accumulate and the countys support has Another cutback the board is being asked million and $47.5 million two-year fund-
being set aside for housing. directly helped support paratransit servic- to consider is in supervisors flexible dis- ing proposals were whether to support
I do think we have an obligation, Pine es, the need for which is expected to trict-specific Measure K expenditures. rental preservation efforts.
said while reading from last years cam- increase as the population ages. Typically, the five supervisors split about Staff noted the county is more effective
paign fliers. With supervisors seeming apprehensive $3.5 million a year to spend in their terri- in leveraging its dollars during new con-
Increasing contributions will require cut- about chopping the $5 million from tories on a range of programs that in the struction, which often relies on federal tax
backs from other programs or commit- SamTrans, other cutbacks will be needed. past has included improvements to city credits for affordable units. On average, the
ments which some questioned during Pine questioned whether they could parks and nonprofit shelters. One of the county contributes $36,000 per new unit,
Tuesday meeting. reduce the $18 million set aside in Measure proposals was to reduce it to $1 million a and more than $150,000 to preserve an
One of the proposals was to phase out K reserves, particularly as the countys year then reinstate the full amount if existing unit, according to staff.
the annual $5 million the county gives standard policy is to have just 10 percent. SamTrans contribution was phased out in Preservation typically involves a non-
SamTrans. However, transit advocates, a County Manager John Maltbie cautioned two years. profit purchasing a property, improving or
SamTrans representative and Supervisor against significantly reducing reserves, Supervisor David Canepa said he was rehabilitating the building, then keeping
Carole Groom warned not to rob Peter to noting $5 million is a fallback in case the reluctant to approve a reduction in those the rents at below-market rates. Staff has
pay Paul. local government is forced to pick up the funds noting he had a deep concern as since recommended further study on if there
The countys contribution was original- tab should Congress affect the Affordable expenditures have benefited community are more effective ways to leverage county
ly offered during the recession as a way to Care Act. programs. expenditures in preservation transactions,
help SamTrans cover operational costs. Maltbie noted housing is a countywide The options, which will likely be and several supervisors have expressed
Groom and SamTrans Chief issue and questioned whether there should tweaked after Pine and Horsley work with mixed thoughts. Horsley agreed they
Communications Officer Seamus Murphy be a discussion of how the cities them- Maltbie and nonprofit representatives, should proceed cautiously, but noted
noted the annual $5 million has been criti- selves could be asked to contribute. include setting aside at least $31.6 million assisting partner nonprofits in retaining
cal to funding paratransit for the disabled. Otherwise, it really places the burden for the Affordable Housing Fund. That existing units has its upsides.
I dont view it as giving SamTrans extra on one government and one government amount is predicted to support requests The advantage is its immediate,
money to balance their budget, Groom alone to really deal with what is a county- from affordable housing builders for 600 Horsley said, noting oftentimes [new]
said. I view it as serving the most vulner- wide problem, Maltbie said. units expected to close in the next two development takes years.
able population in our county and helping The county is being asked to consider years, and predevelopment costs for anoth-
them get out of the house, and for the most supporting a range of housing solutions er 800 residences, according to staff. The board is slated to return and continue
part, going to medical appointments. from tenant protection programs to new Both options also include potentially the discussion May 16.

some of the obstacles on its quarter-mile Postmates orders in the citys downtown.

ing weeks. She said deliveries through food
delivery services such as Postmates and journey to City Hall carefully. Pausing at He said the company has received a particu-
DoorDash account for some 25 percent of driveways and waiting for cars to clear inter- larly encouraging email saying the robots
the orders her bakery receives, making the sections before it crossed streets, the robot felt like a part of the Redwood City family,
Continued from page 1 addition of robots to their fleet of couriers a and its six wheels navigated Laurel Street which he believes bodes well for the robots
natural next step in an area defined by tech- and Cherry Street sidewalks and intersec- launch in San Carlos.
nomic development coordinators, was on nology. tions with caution. The residents are very welcoming of our
the other end of the robots journey, having technology, which we find very important,
placed the sugary order. Being in the Silicon Valley, the commu- Henry Harris-Burland, Starship
he said.
I think this could be a really positive nity can start to expect these types of Technologies vice president of marketing,
things moving forward in the future, she said the company has found the robots excel For Vivek Patel, Postmates vice presi-
thing for San Carlos, he said. dent of Business Operations, who has now
Though Romo said the city is very excit- said. with delivery routes that are 1.5 to 2 miles
seen the robots deliver some 200 Postmates
ed to welcome the robots, he also said city long and take 15-30 minutes to complete.
After Haynie received Romos order from orders since they have added them to their
staff would remain focused on making sure For now, the robots will be accompanied by
City Hall on the Postmates platform, she fleets in Washington, D.C., and Redwood
residents are aware of the fleet of up to 12 handlers, who can answer questions about
prepared a box of top-heavy cupcakes and City, the opportunity to test the technolo-
robots at a time that will be roaming San robots and provide on-the-spot assistance
gingerly placed them in the thermal cradle gys potential in yet another city is too
Carlos streets as a part of a pilot program should anything go awry.
designed to maintain the temperature for good to pass.
approved by the city in March. restaurant and grocery store orders. Once Harris-Burland has been encouraged by I think San Carlos [is] very forward-
Alicia Haynie, general manager of the she closed the robots top lid, the gleaming the robots pilot program in Redwood City, thinking in terms of how can you make the
Laurel Street SusieCakes, also was looking robot took off at a cool 4 mph. Though the which started in earnest earlier this year by city itself more modern, how can you part-
forward to seeing how the public would machine may move more swiftly than its integrating robots into the fleet of humans ner with these companies to provide these
respond to the influx of robots in the com- human counterparts, it seemed to consider and vehicles delivering DoorDash and services? he said.

Sunday, April 30
Music by Fractured Hans!
Art Walk on Adjacent Streets
Rain or Shine

For more information, visit: SanCarlosChamber.org

THE DAILY JOURNAL FOOD Wednesday April 26, 2017 21
Mushroom, cheese burritos are perfect for meatless Mondays
By Sara Moulton while you broil the other vegetables.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS On the sheet pan toss the tomatoes, onion
slices and 2 unpeeled garlic cloves with the
Mushroom and cheese burritos are a deli- remaining tablespoon oil and a hefty pinch
cious vegetarian dish hearty enough to satis- of salt. Spread the vegetables out in one
fy even the most die-hard carnivore in your layer. Set the pan on the shelf in the top third
family: a burrito stuffed with portobello of the oven and broil the vegetables, turning
mushrooms, chiles and cheese. Its perfect for them often, until the garlic is tender and the
meatless Mondays and bonus! all the vegetables are browned around the edges,
ingredients are cooked together in a single about 8 to 10 minutes. Transfer the tomatoes
rimmed sheet pan, which means cleanup is a and onion to a food processor. Peel the garlic
snap. and add it to the processor.
Those steaklike portobellos are the ingre- Add the mushrooms to the sheet pan and
dient around which this recipe is built. spread them out in one layer. Broil them,
Prepping them is a two-step process. First, turning several times, until they are golden
clean the caps by wiping them with a wet and tender, about 8 to 10 minutes. While the
paper towel. Second, use a spoon (a grapefruit mushrooms are cooking, peel and seed the
spoon is best, if you have one) to scrape out poblano and coarsely chop it. Add it to the
the gills on the underside of the caps. (You processor and pulse the vegetables in the
want to lose the gills because they become processor until they are medium-chopped.
soggy when cooked and stain everything When the mushrooms are cooked add the
black.) All the ingredients are cooked together in a single rimmed sheet pan for these mushroom and chopped vegetables to the mushrooms and
Watery as they are, mushrooms nonethe- cheese burritos, which means cleanup is a snap. stir well (Note: if you are using the canned
less soak up additional liquid like a sponge. chiles in place of the poblano, add them at
In this case, the flavorings are lime juice, vegan, leave it out. 1/2 cup fresh cilantro leaves this point. Add salt to taste. Reduce the oven
minced garlic and cumin, all of which are 1/2 cup sour cream whisked together with to 350 F.
absorbed by the portobellos while the rest of MUSHROOM AND CHEESE BURRITOS 3 tablespoons water Arrange the tortillas on a cutting board, and
the vegetables are being broiled. Start to finish: 1 hour 20 minutes Hot sauce working with one at a time sprinkle one-
First in the sheet pan is the poblano. You Servings: 6 Place an oven rack in the top third of the sixth of the cheese in a line from one edge of
want to brown it lightly on all sides, which 1 1/2 pounds Portobello mushrooms oven and preheat the broiler. Clean the mush- the tortilla to the other just below the center
makes it easy to peel off its tough skin. (If (about 6 medium to large) rooms; remove and discard the stems (or save of the tortilla, spoon one-sixth of the filling
you cant find a poblano, you can replace it 3 tablespoons fresh lime juice, plus lime them for another use such as vegetable on top of the cheese, spreading it evenly and
with a 1/2 small can of green chiles.) Then wedges for garnish stock); scrape out the gills with a spoon and roll up the tortilla tightly to enclose the fill-
the onion, garlic and cherry tomatoes are 2 teaspoons ground cumin discard them. Slice the caps in half and then ing. Repeat with the remaining tortillas,
broiled until slightly charred and tender. I 3 garlic cloves, 2 left unpeeled and 1 slice them crosswise into 1/2-inch strips. cheese and filling. Arrange the filled tor-
chose cherry tomatoes because they may be minced In a large shallow bowl whisk together the tillas, seam side down on the rimmed sheet
small, but they boast the most tomato-y fla- Kosher salt lime juice, cumin, minced garlic and 1/4 tea- pan, lined with a fresh piece of foil and bake
vor when the big guys arent yet in season. 1/4 cup plus 1 tablespoon vegetable oil spoon salt until the salt is dissolved; whisk them on the middle shelf of the oven for 8 to
All of these supporting vegetables are quick- plus extra for oiling the poblano in 1/4 cup of the vegetable oil. Add the mush- 10 minutes or until heated through. Cut the
ly chopped in a food processor while the 1 large poblano (3 1/2-4 ounces) or half a 4 rooms and stir well, making sure the mari- tortillas in half crosswise and transfer 2
mushrooms take their turn in the oven. The 1/2-ounce can green chiles nade is well distributed. Set the mushrooms halves to each of 6 plates. Serve with the
last step is to stir together all the veggies and 3/4 pound large cherry tomatoes aside, stirring occasionally. avocado, cilantro, sour cream, lime wedges,
wrap them in the tortillas. 1 medium onion, sliced 1/2-inch thick, On a rimmed sheet lined with foil place the and hot sauce for garnish.
Youre welcome to make the vegetable mix- and the slices separated poblano, rubbed with oil, and broil it on the Nutrition information per serving: 483
ture a day or two ahead of time and keep it 6 ounces coarsely grated sharp cheddar shelf in the top third of the oven, turning it calories; 290 calories from fat; 32 g fat (10 g
covered and chilled until youre ready to wrap cheese often, until it is lightly browned on all sides, saturated; 1 g trans fats); 42 mg cholesterol;
it in the tortillas. I like to add sharp cheddar Six 8-inch flour tortillas 6 to 8 minutes. Transfer it to a bowl, cover 382 mg sodium; 37 g carbohydrates; 6 g
cheese to this recipe, but if your crowd is 1 firm ripe avocado, cut into cubes the bowl with plastic wrap and set it aside fiber; 8 g sugar; 15 g protein.

2 hotdogs, fries &

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Expires 4/30/17
22 Wednesday April 26, 2017 FOOD/LOCAL THE DAILY JOURNAL

Grilled provencal chicken and peppers

By Katie Workman freely in that open space). 2 red bell peppers lots, thyme, black olives, sriracha, and
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS If the weather isnt cooperating, or if you 2 yellow bell peppers salt and pepper.
are a city dweller, those nice grill pans, or 1/2 cup fresh lemon juice Add the chicken and peppers to the mari-
even a panini press, can be called into serv- 1/2 cup olive oil nade, making sure the marinade coats all of
I know some readers of this column grill ice.
year-round. Some of you because you live 1/4 cup minced shallots the ingredients. Cover and marinate for 6 to
Anyway, other than a nice soak in a 2 tablespoons fresh thyme leaves 12 hours in the refrigerator.
in temperate climates, where winter just
lemony marinade, this chicken and pepper 1/4 cup chopped black olives, like kala- Bring the chicken and peppers to room
means putting on a light jacket to throw dish requires only a handful of ingredients,
some burgers on, and some of you because mata temperature while you heat the grill to
little skill and a small commitment of time 2 teaspoons Sriracha sauce, or to taste medium high.
you are die-hard grilling machines, who by the fire. The result is colorful and gor-
would chisel the ice off your charcoal bri- Kosher or coarse salt and freshly ground Remove the chicken and peppers from
geous and flavorful and very healthful to the marinade, and discard the marinade.
quettes to light a fire outdoors. boot. Serve with rice or any grains you are black pepper to taste
I fall into neither camp, though I am Fresh thyme sprigs to serve Grill the chicken and the peppers for 4 or 5
into at the moment. Its a nice way to get minutes on each side, until nicely browned
enough of a grilling buff that as soon as both you and your grill reacquainted. Trim the chicken breasts and use a large
the weather seems remotely cooperative, sharp knife to cut them into three pieces, and cooked through.
I grab those tongs and send my husband, GRILLED PROVENCAL about 2 inches wide each. If the chicken Serve the chicken and peppers hot or at
room temperature, with the thyme sprigs
Gary, out to fill up the propane tank (and breasts are very think, cut each of the
y es , I k n o w t h at fo r y o u h ard-co re CHICKEN AND PEPPERS pieces in half horizontally, so you have tucked in.
grillers, the fact that Im not using char- Start to finish: 7 hours (6 hours of mari- two thinner, small cutlets from each piece. Nutritional information per serving: 381
coal or hardwood makes me a pretender at nating time) Cut the bell peppers into 2-inch pieces, and calories; 204 calories from fat; 23 g fat (3
best. But theres a jolly, ample expanse Serves 6 discard the stem and seeds. g saturated; 0 g trans fats); 110 mg choles-
between culinary perfection and every- 2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken In a large container or zipper top bag, terol; 220 mg sodium; 8 g carbohydrate; 2
day dinners, and I like to wander about breasts combine the lemon juice, olive oil, shal- g fiber; 4 g sugar; 35 g protein.

financed through sales tax revenue, said $150 million price tag. Officials must craft

residents to voice their desires, said
Futrell. We want meaningful input and dia- Futrell, barring the contributions offered by and pass an environmental review document
logue with our residents on what they would foundations benefiting the library as well as examining impacts of the project as well.
like. parks and recreation departments. The city Futrell said he expects the entire project
Continued from page 1 Futrell said he expects the community will apply for grants to offset costs as well. will be built together in a single phase,
outreach campaign will ramp up after the There will likely be some outside fund- should the development calendar move
is proposed to be built on land near El summer, as officials eye breaking ground on ing, as much as we can get, Futrell said. ahead as proposed.
Camino Real previously owned by the San the project next fall. Financing for the But the bulk of it will be Measure W, as that Advocates for the tax claimed the civic
Francisco Public Utilities Commission pur- development will come from the Measure W, was its intended purpose. center project is primarily needed to replace
chased by the citys former redevelopment the half-cent sales tax hike approved by Before the project can move ahead, Futrell the fire and police stations in the nearby
agency. voters in 2015. said city officials must work with their col- Municipal Services Building, which are
No decision is expected to be made at the He said the city will likely need to bond leagues from the other local taxing agencies aging and no longer seismically sound.
upcoming council meeting, said City against future tax earnings to build the comprising the successor board to the rede- As officials eye the variety of efforts
Manager Mike Futrell, but officials are project. The sales tax generated roughly $8 velopment agency, which must approve ahead, Futrell said it is imperative adequate
hopeful the development will begin gain- million last year, said Futrell, amounting selling the land for redevelopment. time is left for the community to voice an
ing momentum in coming months. to about $800,000 more than was initially Futrell said negotiations are going opinion on design elements of the project.
Notable next steps include selecting an anticipated. The measure was projected to smoothly and anticipates the sale will be We really want public input on what they
architectural firm to design the project earn about $210 million for the city over consummated in short order. want to see in that facility that they think
according to feedback offered by residents, its 30-year life span. A portion of the rev- They know that we do need control of the will work for them best, he said.
which Futrell said will most greatly affect enue has been set aside for capital improve- land to move forward, he said. Our prom- The South San Francisco City Council
the library as well as park and recreation ments pushed off during the Great ise to the oversight board is that the city meets 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 26, in the
facility. Recession. will pay fair market value for the land. Municipal Services Building, 33 Arroyo
We want to leave plenty of time for our Almost the entire project should be Property purchase cost is built into the Drive.

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THE DAILY JOURNAL DATEBOOK Wednesday April 26, 2017 23
Calendar Ella Fitzgeralds 100th birthday marked with exhibit
By Michael Cidono Lennox The exhibit is one eight album sets, each dedicated to an
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26 of several celebra- American songwriter or songwriting
Arbor Day Festivities. 9:30 a.m. Beginning Chess for Adults. 10 a.m. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
Central Park, 50 E. Fifth Ave., San to noon. San Carlos Library, 610 Elm tions of Fitzgeralds team. In addition to being best sellers,
Mateo. Saint Matthew Catholic St., San Carlos. For more information LOS ANGELES The Grammy birthday on Tuesday. those albums helped establish the
School student councilmembers will call 591-0341 ext. 237.
be planting trees for Arbor Day near Museum is putting rare Ella Fitzgerald New York City long-play record as a platform for deep-
the flag pole. For more information Career and Resources Fair. 10 a.m. memorabilia on display for what would declared it Ella er, more serious musical exploration.
e m a i l to 2 p.m. Sobrato Center for Fitzgerald Day and Twenty-plus years after Fitzgeralds
apeterson@stmatthewcath.org. Nonprofits, 350 Twin Dolphin Drive, have been the singing legends 100th
Redwood Shores. Free event for job birthday. the Smithsonian has death, the rave reviews keep pouring
Drop In Computer Help. 10 a.m. to seekers. Sponsored by The museums Ella at 100: also opened a spe- in.
noon. 1044 Middlefield Road, Phase2Careers. Offers a variety of
Redwood City. Come have questions services: opportunity to meet local Celebrating the Artistry of Ella cial exhibit, while Celebration of Fitzgeralds 100th
Ella Fitzgerald Starbucks stores in actually began March 31, as Dianne
answered about various types of employers, free resume reviews, and Fitzgerald exhibition includes the
electronic devices. For more informa- career workshops. For more informa- the United States Reeves held a Fitzgerald tribute concert
tion contact tion visit www.phase2careers.org. first Grammy Award that Fitzgerald
gsuarez@redwoodcity.org. won the first awarded to an African- played her music. at the Library of Congress, which
Peninsula Family Service Spanish American woman as well as some of Ella Fitzgeralds is probably the serves as home to Fitzgeralds personal
San Mateo Professional Alliance Senior Peer Counseling Open
Networking Lunch. Noon to 1 p.m. House. 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. 2600 her gowns, sheet music and personal single most important voice in library. A day later, Smithsonians
Mimis Restaurant, San Mateo. For Middlefield Road, Redwood City. telegrams. American history, said recording National Museum of American History,
more information visit sanmateopro- Become a Spanish Senior Peer artist Miles Mosley. If youre going which has long hosted a Fitzgerald
fessionalalliance.com. Counselor. Ages 55 and up. For more Fitzgerald died in 1996 at 79 from
information contact 403-4300 ext. complications with diabetes and left to start with any song before 1970, her exhibit, opened a new display, First
The Giving Code: A 21st Century 4389. few possessions beyond personal version is the one you start from. Lady of Song: Ella Fitzgerald at 100,
Guide to Philanthropy. 6:30 p.m.
Oshman Family JCC, 3921 Fabian Donuts, and Dunkin, with Dave. 11 notes, but the exhibit puts a focus on Thats the ground floor. That is the kicking off Jazz Appreciation Month.
Way, Palo Alto. For more information a.m. to 2 p.m. Dunkin Donuts. 180 S. what made Fitzgerald a star her most representative version of what Onwusa said Fitzgeralds exhibit was
and to purchase tickets visit Airport Blvd., South San Francisco. the composer themselves wished their not an easy display to put together,
www.commonwealthclub.org/2017- Join Supervisor Dave Pine for a cup voice.
04-26/giving-code.com. of coffee and doughnuts to share Grammy Museum curator Nwaka songs would sound like. noting that the relatively new Grammy
thoughts on San Mateo County Onwusa says she wants visitors to be Over the course of her career, she Museum, which opened in 2008, could
Financial Planning for First-Time issues. For more information call 363-
Home Buyers. 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. 4571. captivated by her singing, so the sang swing, bebop, pop, jazz. Among not compete with the long-established
Millbrae Library, 1 Library Ave., exhibit includes video and audio of her her best-known works are a 1938 nov- Smithsonian and Library of Congress,
Millbrae. For more information call Money Saving Apps. Noon. South elty smash, A-Tisket, A-Tasket, which have long been collecting
697-7607 ext. 236. San Francisco Main Library, 840 W. early performances with jazz greats
Orange Ave., South San Francisco. For Count Basie or Duke Ellington. which she co-wrote, and a series of Fitzgerald memorabilia.
Ten-Minute Website Makeovers. more information email valle@plsin-
6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. 155 Bovet Road, fo.org.
Suite 201, San Mateo. $5. Get imme-

diate feedback on whether or not New Living Expo 2017. 4 p.m. to Herrera praised the ruling and said the Sanctuary cities is a loosely defined
your website is the best sales tool. 9:15 p.m. 2495 S. Delaware St., San president was forced to back down. term for jurisdictions that dont comply
For more information contact 627- Mateo. New Living Expo focuses on This is why we have courts to halt with immigration authorities.
8800 ext. 94402. holistic and sustainable living, com-
munity participation with active citi- the overreach of a president and an The Trump administration argued that
Mystery Book Club. 7 p.m. San zenship and provides a harmonious Continued from page 1 attorney general who either dont under- the executive order applied narrowly to
Carlos Library, 610 Elm St., San Carlos. forum that honors cultural heritage,
Free and open to the public. For spiritual expression, artistic creation, stand the Constitution or chose to cities that forbid officials from report-
more information call 591-0341 ext. education and positive social trans- executive order applies only to a rela- ignore it, Herrera said in a statement. ing peoples immigration status to fed-
237. formation. Tickets start at $20. For tively small pot of money and said
more information go to Santa Clara County Counsel James eral authorities. But Orrick said it could
How Will Sea Level Rise Impact www.newlivingexpo.com. Trump cannot set new conditions on Williams said the ruling will allow also be construed to apply to cities that
You, Your Family and Your spending approved by Congress. cities and counties across the country to refuse to hold jail inmates for immigra-
Community? 7 p.m. Burlingame Reel Great Films: Duck Soup. 7 Even if the president could do so,
Public Library, 480 Primrose Road, p.m. 1100 Alameda de las Pulgas, prepare budgets without the unconsti- tion authorities.
Burlingame. Learn what sea level rise Belmont. For more information con- those conditions would have to be tutional threat of federal defunding The Trump administration says sanc-
means for Burlingame and the Bay tact belmont@smcl.org. clearly related to the funds at issue and hanging over our heads. tuary cities allow dangerous criminals
Area and how to make a difference. not coercive, as the executive order
No admission charge. Everyone eligi- SATURDAY, APRIL 29 A Justice Department attorney, Chad back on the street and that the order is
ble for free raffle prize. Presented by San Bruno American Legion Post appeared to be, Orrick said. Readler, previously defended the presi- needed to keep the country safe. San
the Citizens Environmental Council 409 All-You-Can-Eat Monthly
Breakfast. 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. 757 Federal funding that bears no mean- dents executive order as an attempt to Francisco and other sanctuary cities say
of Burlingame. For more information
email info@burlingamecec.org. San Mateo Ave., San Bruno. $10 for ingful relationship to immigration use his bully pulpit to encourage turning local police into immigration
adults and $6 for children 12 and enforcement cannot be threatened mere-
under. Breakfasts are on the last communities and states to comply with officers erodes the trust that is needed to
Wellness Wednesdays. 7 p.m. to 8
p.m. New Leaf community class- Saturday of the month. ly because a jurisdiction chooses an the law. get people to report crime.
room, 150 San Mateo Road, Half immigration enforcement strategy of Readler also said the order applied to The order has also led to lawsuits by
Moon Bay. Program is every Belmont Earth Day Celebration. 9
a.m. to noon. 1 Twin Pines Lane, which the president disapproves, the only three Justice Department and Seattle; two Massachusetts cities,
Wednesday and costs $5. For more
information visit Belmont. E-waste drop off, compost judge said. Homeland Security grants that would Lawrence and Chelsea; and a third San
www.newleaf.com/events. giveaway, booths, childrens activities It was the third major setback for the
and more. For more information con- affect less than $1 million for Santa Francisco Bay Area government, the
Electronics and Your Eyesight. 7 tact dlynn@belmont.gov. administration on immigration policy. Clara County and possibly no money city of Richmond. The San Francisco
p.m. to 8 p.m. New Leaf Community White House chief of staff Reince for San Francisco. and Santa Clara County lawsuits were
Classroom, 150 San Mateo Road, Half Friends of the San Bruno Library
Moon Bay. $5. For more information Book Sale. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. 701 Priebus described the ruling as another But the judge said the executive order the first to get a hearing before a judge.
email Patti@bondmarcom.com. Angus Ave., San Bruno. Bring your example of the 9th Circuit going was written broadly to reach all federal On Tuesday, mayors from several
own bag and fill it up to the brim bananas.
Knitting with Arnie. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. with books for just $7. All proceeds grants and potentially jeopardized hun- cities threatened with the loss of federal
San Carlos Library, 610 Elm St., San benefit library programs. For more The administration has often criti- dreds of millions of dollars in funding grants emerged from a meeting with
Carlos. Free and open to the public. information call 616-7078. cized the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of to San Francisco and Santa Clara. Sessions saying they remain confused
For more information call 591-0341 Appeals. Orrick does not sit on that
ext. 237. Friends of the Belmont Library He cited comments by the president about how to prove their police are in
Birthday Book Sale. 10 a.m. to 5 court but his district is in the territory and Attorney General Jeff Sessions as compliance with immigration policies.
Club Fox Blues Jam. 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. 1100 Alameda de las Pulgas,
Belmont. Bargain basement sale of of the appeals court, which has ruled evidence of the orders scope and said The sanctuary city order was among a
p.m. 2209 Broadway, Redwood City.
Featuring A.C. Myles. $7 cover like-new books. For more informa- against one version of Trumps travel the president himself had called it a flurry of immigration measures Trump
charge. For more information visit tion contact belmont@smcl.org. ban. weapon to use against recalcitrant signed after taking office in January,
Start2Save. 10 a.m. South San The idea that an agency cant put in cities. including a ban on travelers from seven
THURSDAY, APRIL 27 Francisco Main Library, 840 W. some reasonable restriction on how The government hasnt cut off any Muslim-majority countries and a direc-
Redwood City Now and Then Orange Ave., South San Francisco. For
more information email valle@plsin- some of these moneys are spent is money yet or declared any communities tive calling for a wall on the Mexican
Snapchat Workshop and Photo
Share. 10 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Veterans fo.org. something that will be overturned to be sanctuary cities. But the Justice border.
Memorial Senior Center, 1455
Burlingame Library
eventually, and we will win at the Department sent letters last week advis- A federal appeals court blocked the
Madison Ave., Redwood city. Bring Supreme Court level at some point,
your photos of Redwood City Airport Foundation Book and Author ing communities to prove they are in travel ban. The administration then
and learn how to use Snapchat. Free. Luncheon. 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 Priebus said. compliance. California was informed it revised it, but the new version also is
For more information call 780-7035. p.m. Green Hills Country Club, 500
Ludeman Lane, Millbrae. 10:30 a.m. San Francisco City Attorney Dennis could lose $18.2 million. stalled in court.
Presentation on Vision Loss and Boutique Shopping. Noon to 2:30
Aging. 10:30 a.m. San Bruno Senior p.m. Author luncheon. Reservations
Center, 1555 Crystal Springs Road, online only
San Bruno. For more information call at http://www.burlingamelibrary-
616-7150. foundation.org. Online auction
opens Sunday, April 2. For more infor-
Disinheriting the IRS from Your mation email
Retirement Accounts. 10:30 a.m. debra.donaldson@comcast.net.
610 Elm St., San Carlos. Learn a five-
step action plan to protect retire- New Living Expo 2017. 11 a.m. to
ment savings from double taxation 8:15 p.m. 2495 S. Delaware St., San
and more. For more information call Mateo. New Living Expo focuses on
401-4663. holistic and sustainable living, com-
munity participation with active citi-
Teen Job and Volunteer Fair. 3:30 zenship and provides a harmonious
p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Belmont Library, forum that honors cultural heritage,
1110 Alameda de la Pulgas, Belmont. spiritual expression, artistic creation,
For more information email education and positive social trans-
figard@smcl.org. formation. Tickets start at $20. For
more information go to
Community Poetry Celebration. 7 www.newlivingexpo.com.
p.m. to 9 p.m. 1110 Alameda de las
Pulgas, Belmont. Celebrate National Maritime Day at The History
Poetry Month with local poets and Museum. 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. San
Belmont Poet Laureate Tanu Mateo County History Museum, 2200
Wakefield. Winners of the annual Broadway, Redwood City. Free event.
contest will be announced and the Highlights the Charles Parsons Ships
whole community is invited to bring of the World exhibit gallery. Children
a favorite poem to share. All ages. will be invited to design their own
Refreshments will be provided. For model ships, design cargo, create
more information contact 591-8286. miniature lighthouses, learn about
knot tying and more. For more infor-
FRIDAY, APRIL 28 mation go to www.historysmc.org.
Senior Showcase Information Fair.
9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 20 Twin Pines Lane, LGBTQ+ Clothing Swap. 11 a.m. to 1
Belmont. Visit over 30 booths to learn p.m. 1021 S. El Camino Real, San
about senior resources and services. Mateo. Please ensure clothes are
Goody bags, giveaways, refresh- washed. For more information con-
ments and blood pressure check. tact gilbert@acs-teens.org.
Free. For more information call 344- For more events visit
5200. smdailyjournal.com, click Calendar.
24 Wednesday April 26, 2017 COMICS/GAMES THE DAILY JOURNAL




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47 Blues street in Memphis
48 Not susceptible
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TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- Personal gains are you find success. Initiate change. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) -- You know whats potential problems, but dont disclose information that
heading in your direction. Accept the inevitable and VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Set up a meeting, best, and you know what to do, so dont allow anyone will incriminate you.
welcome the changes that will give you the push you interview or talk with an expert in order to help you to play emotional mind games with you. Put your trust ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- Get involved in a
need to pursue more ambitious goals. make decisions regarding your current position and in yourself. program that will encourage good health, fitness and
GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- Deal with unfinished future pursuits. An internship or apprenticeship looks CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Build your assets, longevity. Taking better care of your physical and
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Get the facts and speak up. be made that will help you save money or cut your Financial growth is good, but indulgence is not.
CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- Take charge and dont overhead. A move or change in the way you handle AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- Emotions will surface if COPYRIGHT 2017 United Feature Syndicate, Inc.
budge if you feel its not in your best interest. Dont your financial affairs should stabilize your life. things dont go your way financially. Use common sense
worry about a stalemate. The results will turn in your SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) -- A personal connection and be practical when dealing with change that could
favor. Let your intuition guide you. with someone close to you will encourage you to get costly. Call in favors to compensate for a setback.
THEDAILYJOURNAL Wednesday April 26, 2017 25

104 Training 110 Employment 110 Employment 110 Employment 110 Employment 110 Employment
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26 Wednesday April 26, 2017 THEDAILYJOURNAL

Over the Hedge Over the Hedge Over the Hedge Tundra Tundra Tundra

110 Employment 203 public Notices 203 public Notices

The Future
of local news content
The Daily Journal is looking for in-
NOTICE OF public Hearing

The Central County Fire De-

The following person is doing business
as: 1) Divorce Mortgage Advisors 2)
PREI Capital Group, 840 Hinckley Road,
#150, BURLINGAME, CA 94010. Regis-
terns to do entry level reporting, re- partment ("CCFD") took tered Owner: Ross Garcia, 35 1st Ave-
search, updates of our ongoing fea- nue, San Mateo, CA 94402. The busi-
tures and interviews. Photo interns al- over fire prevention and sup- ness is conducted by an Individual. The
is actually right here in the present, as it has been for centuries The local community so welcome. pression services for the registrants commenced to transact busi-
City of Millbrae ("City") in Ju- ness under the FBN on N/A.
newspaper. We ignore the naysayers and shun the "experts" when it comes to the "demise" of We expect a commitment of four to ly 2015. These services in- /s/Ross Garcia/
eight hours a week for at least four This statement was filed with the Asses-
the newspaper industry. months. The internship is unpaid, but clude providing fire inspec- sor-County Clerk on 3/2/2017. (Publish-
intelligent, aggressive and talented in- tions and other services to ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
terns have progressed in time into the residents of Millbrae as 4/5/17, 4/12/17, 4/19/17, 4/26/17).
The leading local daily news resource for the You will be offering a wide variety of paid correspondents and full-time re-
and when required. CCFD
SF Peninsula seeks an entreprenuerial marketing solutions including print advertising, has developed and adopted FICTITIOuS BuSINESS NAME
College students or recent graduates a Master Fee Schedule out- STATEMENT #272820
Advertising Account Exec to sell advertising inserts, graphic design, niche publications, are encouraged to apply. Newspaper lining the fees for various The following person is doing business
as: Jack in the Box #525, 1205 Broad-
experience is preferred but not neces- fire prevention services that
and marketing solutions to local businesses. online advertising, event marketing, social media sarily required. way Street, REDWOOD CITY, CA
it charges its constituents 94063. Registered Owner: SCH Restau-
We are looking for a special person to join our and whatever else we come up with if as the Please send a cover letter describing who use the services. This rant Group, Inc., CA. The business is
conducted by a Corporation. The regis-
your interest in newspapers, a resume Master Fee Schedule is pe-
team for an immediate opening. industry continues its evolution and our paper and three recent clips. Before you ap-
trants commenced to transact business
ply, you should familiarize yourself riodically updated to ensure under the FBN on 1/1/2017.
You must be community-minded, action- continues its upward trajectory. with our publication. Our Web site: that the fees are reasonable /s/Shang Chun Hsia/
This statement was filed with the Asses-
www.smdailyjournal.com. and commensurate with cost sor-County Clerk on 3/17/2017. (Publish-
oriented, customer-focused, and without fail, a Experience with print advertising and online of providing the services. In ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
Send your information via e-mail to 4/5/17, 4/12/17, 4/19/17, 4/26/17).
self starter. You will be responsible for sales marketing a plus. But we will consider a news@smdailyjournal.com or by reg- order for CCFD to recover
ular mail to 1900 Alameda de las Pul- reasonable fees from City
and account management activities associated candidate with little or no sales experience as gas #112, San Mateo CA 94403 residents who similarly need FICTITIOuS BuSINESS NAME
and use these services, the STATEMENT #272821
with either a territory or vertical category. long as you have these traits: The following person is doing business
City must adopt and incor- as: Jack in the Box #469, 986 Woodside
porate CCFD's Master Fee Road, REDWOOD CITY, CA 94061.
Group, Inc., CA. The business is con-
Masters in occupational therapy + occu- Master Fee Schedule. Ac-
t1SPmDJFODZXJUIDPNQVUFSTBOEDPNGPSUXJUIOVNCFST pational therapist license. Work location:
cordingly, the City proposes
ducted by a Corporation. The registrants
commenced to transact business under
Burlingame, CA. Mail resume to Intergro
t(FOFSBMCVTJOFTTBDVNFOBOEDPNNPOTFOTFNBSLFUJOHBCJMJUJFT Resources Inc, 1922 N Broadway, Santa to take this action. the FBN on 1/1/2017.
/s/Shang Chun Hsia/
Ana, CA 92706 This statement was filed with the Asses-
The Millbrae City Council sor-County Clerk on 3/17/2017. (Publish-
Join us, if you check off on these qualities and also believe in the future of newspapers. SAlES - Telemarketing and Inside Sales will hold a public hearing to ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
Representative needed to sell newspa- 4/5/17, 4/12/17, 4/19/17, 4/26/17).
Please email your resume to ads@smdailyjournal.com per print and web advertising and event receive and consider input
marketing solutions. To apply, please call regarding adoption of the
A cover letter with your views on the newspaper industry would also be helpful. 650-344-5200 and send resume to CCFD Master Fee Schedule FICTITIOuS BuSINESS NAME
info@smdailyjournal.com STATEMENT #272948
for fire prevention services. The following person is doing business
The public hearing will be as: Scruffie Munster Media, 1201 Spring
held on Tuesday, May 9, St., SAN CARLOS, CA 94070. Regis-
203 public Notices tered Owners: 1)James S. Purnell, same
Leading local news coverage on the Peninsula
2017, at 7:00 pm, in the City address 2). Sueling L. Wong, same ad-
FICTITIOuS BuSINESS NAME Council Chambers at the fol- dress. The business is conducted by a
STATEMENT #272930 lowing address: Married Couple. The registrants com-
The following person is doing business menced to transact business under the
as: TNB Adventures, 322 Sonora Dr, FBN on .
SAN MATEO, CA 94402. Registered public Hearing location: /s/James S. Purnell/

Career Fair
Owner: Kyle Wightman, same address. The City of Millbrae This statement was filed with the Asses-
The business is conducted by an Individ- sor-County Clerk on 3/29/2017. (Publish-
ual. The registrants commenced to
621 Magnolia Avenue ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
transact business under the FBN on . Millbrae, CA 94030 4/5/17, 4/12/17, 4/19/17, 4/26/17).
/s/Kyle Wightman/
This statement was filed with the Asses- At this time and place, all in-
sor-County Clerk on 3/28/2017. (Publish- FICTITIOuS BuSINESS NAME
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, terested persons shall have STATEMENT #272961
4/5/17, 4/12/17, 4/19/17, 4/26/17). the opportunity to present The following person is doing business
as: BCE Consulting, 471 Sherwood Way,
their comments to the City MENLO PARK, CA 94025. Registered
Council. Owner: BCE Partners, LLC., CA. The
ORDER TO SHOW CAuSE FOR business is conducted by a Limited Lia-
CHANGE OF NAME bility Company. The registrants com-
CASE# 17CIV01300 The proposed CCFD Master menced to transact business under the
SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, Fee Schedule will be availa- FBN on February 1, 2017.
COUNTY OF SAN MATEO, ble for public review at City /s/Richard Crumb/
400 COUNTY CENTER RD, This statement was filed with the Asses-
REDWOOD CITY CA 94063 Hall, the Citys Library and sor-County Clerk on 3/30/2017. (Publish-
PETITION OF on the Citys website, ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
Mylene Magallanes www.ci.millbrae.ca.us, prior 4/5/17, 4/12/17, 4/19/17, 4/26/17).
TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: to the public hearing. Com-
Petitioner: Mylene Magallanes filed a pe-
tition with this court for a decree chang- ments can be provided up FICTITIOuS BuSINESS NAME
ing name as follows: until the date and time of the STATEMENT #272990
The following person is doing business
Present name: Mylene Magallanes public hearing to the contact as: DOGANIC, DOGANIC, 1461 Beach
Proposed Name: Mylene Magallanes listed below.
Gutierrez Park Blvd., FOSTER CITY, CA 94404.
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons Registered Owner: Elina Vartanyan,
interested in this matter shall appear be- Contact Information: same address. The business is conduct-
fore this court at the hearing indicated ed by an Individual. The registrants
Angela Louis, City Clerk, commenced to transact business under
below to show cause, if any, why the pe-
tition for change of name should not be City of Millbrae, 621 Magno- the FBN on 12/31/2016.

Tuesday, May 23rd granted. Any person objecting to the

name changes described above must file
a written objection that includes the rea-
lia Avenue, Millbrae, CA
Phone: 650-259-2333 Fax:
/s/Elina Vartanyan/
This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 4/3/2017. (Publish-
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,

Leading local news coverage on the Peninsula

10am - 1pm sons for the objection at least two court
days before the matter is scheduled to
be heard and must appear at the hearing
to show cause why the petition should

Published: April 26, 2017

4/5/17, 4/12/17, 4/19/17, 4/26/17).


Bay Area Entrepreneur Center not be granted. If no written objection is
timely filed, the court may grant the peti-
4/26/17 STATEMENT #272941
The following person is doing business
tion without a hearing. A hearing on the CNS-3001101# as: Richiemax Investments, LLC, 1650
458 San Mateo Avenue petition shall be held on 5/16/17 at 9
a.m., Dept. PJ, at 400 County Center,
SAN MATEO DAIly JOuR- Borel Pl #206, SAN MATEO, CA 94402.
Registered Owner: Richiemax Invest-
NAl ments, LLC., CA. The business is con-
Redwood City, CA 94063. A copy of this
San Bruno, CA 94066 Order to Show Cause shall be published ducted by a Limited Liability Company.
The registrants commenced to transact
at least once each week for four succes-
sive weeks prior to the date set for hear- business under the FBN on N/A.
t'SFFBENJTTJPO ing on the petition in the following news-
paper of general circulation:
/s/Chinghui Lin/
This statement was filed with the Asses-
San Mateo Daily Journal sor-County Clerk on 3/28/2017. (Publish-
/s/Susan Irene Etezadi/
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
4/12/17, 4/19/17, 4/26/17, 5/3/17).

EFWFMPQZPVSDBSFFS Judge of the Superior Court

Dated: 4/3/2017
(Published 4/12/17, 4/19/17, 4/26/17,


STATEMENT #273108 Fictitious Business Name Statements,
The following person is doing business
QPTJUJPOT as: Talbryn Belmont Properties, 680 Wal-
nut St., SAN CARLOS, CA 94070. Reg-
Trustee Sale Notice, Name Change, Probate,
istered Owners: 1) Jennifer Jacinto, 103
Wharf Row, Redwood City, CA 94065
Notice of Adoption, Divorce Summons,
2)TAG Real Estate Partners, LLC, 680 Notice of Public Sales and More.
business is conducted by a General Part-
nership. The registrants commenced to
transact business under the FBN on Published in the Daily Journal for San Mateo County.
/s/Jennifer Jacinto/
Fax your request to: 650-344-5290
Are you hiring? This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 4/11/2017. (Publish-
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, Email them to: ads@smdailyjournal.com
4/19/17, 4/26/17, 5/3/17, 5/10/17).
To participate in Career Fair call 650-344-5200
THEDAILYJOURNAL Wednesday April 26, 2017 27
203 public Notices 203 public Notices 203 public Notices 296 Appliances 303 Electronics 304 Furniture
STATEMENT #273067 STATEMENT #273166 CHANGE OF NAME Model 82H1, Dual Edge Cleaning, charger, Originally $100, now $85. legs each end. 500# capacity. Cost
The following person is doing business The following person is doing business CASE# 17CIV01462 Cleanview Hepa Filter $25 650-952- (650)766-2679 $130. Sell $60, (650)591-4141
as: The Lash Bar, 1229 Burlingame Ave, as: Savory Creations International, 1900 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, 3500
202, BURLINGAME, CA 94010. Regis- COUNTY OF SAN MATEO, KINDlE FIRE 8 in. Case and Charger
tered Owner: Kristin Navarrete, 225 O Farrell St., Suite 180, SAN MATEO, 400 COUNTY CENTER RD, BlACK & Decker travel iron, steam and incl. 64 gig $75 Jeff 650-208-5758 OuTDOOR WOOD SCREEN - new $80
Beaumont Blvd., Pacifica, CA 94044. CA 94403. Registered Owner: Meto Cor- REDWOOD CITY CA 94063 dry $10. (650)368-0748.
poration, CA. The business is conducted PETITION OF obo Retail $130 (650)873-8167
The business is conducted by an Individ- lEFT-HAND ERGONOMIC keyboard
ual. The registrants commenced to by a Corporation. The registrants com- Andy Pescoran with 'A-shape' key layout Num pad, $20 pApASAN CHAIRS (2) -with cushions
transact business under the FBN on menced to transact business under the TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: CHEFMATE TOASTER oven, brand (650)204-0587 $45. each set, (650)347-8061
10/06. FBN on 2003. Petitioner: Andy Pescoran filed a petition new, bakes, broils, toasts, adjustable
/s/Kristin Navarrete/ /s/Douglas H. Takizawa/ with this court for a decree changing temperature. $25 OBO. (650)580-4763 MOTOROlA BRAVO MB 520 (android REClINER CHAIR blue tweed clean
This statement was filed with the Asses- name as follows: 4.1 upgrade) smart phone 35$ 8GB SD good $75 Call (650)583-3515
This statement was filed with the Asses- Present name: Andy Pescoran card Belmont (650)595-8855
sor-County Clerk on 4/7/2017. (Publish- CIRRuS STEAM mop model SM212B 4
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, sor-County Clerk on 4/14/2017. (Publish- Proposed Name: Andres Paredes new extra cleaning pads,user manual. REClINING SWIVEl chair almost new
4/12/17, 4/19/17, 4/26/17, 5/3/17). ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, THE COURT ORDERS that all persons $45. (650)588-5487 NEW Hp Desk Jet 1112 Printer plus ex- $99 (650)766-4858
4/26/17, 5/3/17, 5/10/17, 5/17/17). interested in this matter shall appear be- tra cartridges- $50. Call (650)345-1234
fore this court at the hearing indicated COlEMAN lxE Roadtrip Grill - ROCKING CHAIR fine light, oak condi-
FICTITIOuS BuSINESS NAME below to show cause, if any, why the pe- Red Brand New! (still in box) $100 ONKyO AV Receiver HT-R570 .Digital tion with pads, $85/OBO. (650)369-9762
STATEMENT #272992 FICTITIOuS BuSINESS NAME tition for change of name should not be (650)918-9847 Surround, HDMI, Dolby, Sirius Ready,
granted. Any person objecting to the Cinema Filter.$95/ Offer (650)591-2393 ROCKING CHAIRS solid wood, great
The following person is doing business STATEMENT #273256 shape asking 30 dollars each. Call
as: Wu Dental, 1919 OFarrel Street, The following person is doing business name changes described above must file ElECTRIC STOVE From Sears
a written objection that includes the rea- OpTIMuS H36 ST5800 Tower Speaker (650)574-4582 Lily
Suite 1, SAN MATEO, CA 94403. Regis- Excellent Condition $225
tered Owner: Huayang John Wu DDS,
as: Little Mabette, 333 Main St. Apt 427, sons for the objection at least two court Please Call (650)244-9267 36x10x11 $30. (650)580-6324
REDWOOD CITY, CA 94063. Registered days before the matter is scheduled to RuMMy ROyAl poker table top $30.00
Inc., CA. The business is conducted by pIONEER HOuSE Speakers, pair. 15 (650)573-5269
a Corporation. The registrants com- Owner: Adriana Paladi, same address. be heard and must appear at the hearing GOOD MICROWAVE 1100 watt $40 Da-
The business is conducted by an Individ- to show cause why the petition should inch 3-way, black with screens. Work
menced to transact business under the ly City (415) 231-4825. great. $99.(650)243-8198 SEWING STORAGE cabinet, Custom
FBN on 1/1/2009. ual. The registrants commenced to not be granted. If no written objection is made wood perfect condition $75.
/s/Huayang Wu/ transact business under the FBN on . timely filed, the court may grant the peti- JACK lAlANE'S power juicer. $40. (650)483-1222
tion without a hearing. A hearing on the Call (650)364-1243. Leave message. RCA 32 Flat Screen T.V. Brand New
This statement was filed with the Asses- /s/Adriana Paladi/ $99 OBO (650)759-7511
sor-County Clerk on 4/3/2017. (Publish- petition shall be held on 5/23/17 at 9 SHElF RuBBER maid new $20.00
This statement was filed with the Asses- a.m., Dept. PJ, at 400 County Center,
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, sor-County Clerk on 4/21/2017. (Publish- SAMSuNG FlAT TV 20" ex.co.incl. contact joe (650)573-5269
4/12/17, 4/19/17, 4/26/17, 5/3/17). Redwood City, CA 94063. A copy of this upRIGHT VACuuM Cleaner, $10. Call VCR ,set up $70. (650)992-4544
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, Order to Show Cause shall be published Ed, (415)298-0645 South San Francisco SOFA BED Recliner (double), beige, 76"
4/26/17, 5/3/17, 5/10/17, 5/17/17). at least once each week for four succes- SONy DETACHABlE set :3cd /fm/am Good condition. $50 Call 650.952.3466
FICTITIOuS BuSINESS NAME sive weeks prior to the date set for hear- WHIRlpOOl WASHER DRYER, GE double tape. exc cond. $70 (415)231-
STATEMENT #273094 ing on the petition in the following news- Refrigerator all working and in good con- 4825 SOFA GREEN, cream, sage plaid. 96"
The following person is doing business FICTITIOuS BuSINESS NAME paper of general circulation: dition all for $99.00 (650)315-3240. Excellent condition. $90 Call
as: 1)Getting Covered Surf and Sports STATEMENT #273153 San Mateo Daily Journal SONy pROJECTION TV 48" with re- 650.952.3466
Wear 2)GC Surf and Sports Wear, 7- The following person is doing business Filed: 4/10/2017 297 Bicycles mote good condition $99 (650)345-1111
West 41st Ave #519, SAN MATEO, CA as: Bay Area Upholstery, 615 Airport /s/Susan Irene Etezadi/
94403. Registered Owner: George Wilk- Blvd., SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA Judge of the Superior Court ADulT BIKES 1 regular and 2 with bal- STEREO SpEAKERS: AIWA bookshelf single drawer and stacked shelves. $30
ie, same addres. The business is con- Dated: 4/6/2017 loon tires $30 Each (650) 347-2356 speakers 20" tall. Model Sx-WZL500. obo. (650)465-2344
94080. Registered Owner: Maurice F. (Published 4/19/17, 4/26/17, 5/3/17, Sound great! $25 650-762-6048
ducted by an Individual. The registrants
commenced to transact business under Mullins, Jr., 1704 Washington St., San 5/10/17). THOMASVIllE BEVElED mirror 22" x
Mateo, CA 94403 The business is con- CHIlDS SCHWINN BICyClE, BluE in 12" $50. Call (650)834-4833
the FBN on N/A. good condition. $30. (650) 355-5189. TV SONy Triniton 21" working condition.
/s/George Wilkie/ ducted by an Individual. The registrants $10 OBO (650)784-3243.
This statement was filed with the Asses- commenced to transact business under TWIN BED, mattress, box spring, frame
NEW 12" girls bike w/ training wheels $ 50. (650)598-9804.
sor-County Clerk on 4/11/2017. (Publish- the FBN on 1997. $75.00 (650) 347-1458 no ans/leave VINTAGE G.E. radio, model c-430-a
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, $60. (650)421-5469
/s/Maurice F. Mullins, Jr./ ORDER TO SHOW CAuSE FOR mes WAlNuT CHEST, small (4 drawer with
4/12/17, 4/19/17, 4/26/17, 5/3/17). This statement was filed with the Asses- CHANGE OF NAME VINTAGE G.E. radio, model c-442c $60. upper bookcase $50. (650)726-6429
CASE# 17CIV01663
sor-County Clerk on 4/13/2017. (Publish-
SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, 298 Collectibles (650)421-5469
WOOD - wall Unit - 30" long x 6' tall x
FICTITIOuS BuSINESS NAME ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
COUNTY OF SAN MATEO, VINTAGE G.E. radio, model c1470 $60. 17.5" deep. $90. (650)631-9311
STATEMENT #273097 4/26/17, 5/3/17, 5/10/17, 5/17/17). 400 COUNTY CENTER RD, 1940 VINTAGE telephone bench maple (650)421-5469
The following person is doing business REDWOOD CITY CA 94063 antiques collectibles $75 (650)755-9833 WOOD FuRNITuRE- one end table and
as: LUxURY-VOYAGES, 461A Cork PETITION OF VINTAGE zENITH radio, model L516b coffee table. In good condition. $30
Harbour Circle, REDWOOD CITY, CA FICTITIOuS BuSINESS NAME Christine Scannell BIlly DEE Williams autographed Star $75. (650)421-5469 OBO. (760)996-0767.
94065. Registered Owner: Paola Costan- STATEMENT #273251 TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Wars action figure: Lando Calrissian,
tino, same address. The business is The following person is doing business space smuggler. $35 Steve (650)518-
conducted by an Individual. The regis-
Petitioner: Christine Scannell filed a peti-
tion with this court for a decree changing 6614 304 Furniture 306 Housewares
as: xinxing Gardening, 1123 Brunswick
trants commenced to transact business St., DALY CITY, CA 94014. Registered name as follows:
under the FBN on June 2002. lENNOx RED Rose, Unused, hand ANTIquE DINING table for six people CHRISTMAS TREE China, Fairfield
Owner: Jin Hong Su, same address. Present name: Christine Marie Scannell with chairs $99. (650)580-6324
/s/Paola Costantino/ Proposed Name: Christina Marie Scan- painted, porcelain, authenticity papers, Peace on Earth. Complete Set of 12 (48
This statement was filed with the Asses- The business is conducted by an Individ- nell $12.00. (650) 578 9208. pieces) $75. (650)493-5026
sor-County Clerk on 4/11/2017. (Publish- ual. The registrants commenced to THE COURT ORDERS that all persons ANTIquE GlASS Hutch. Cherry Wood.
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, transact business under the FBN on interested in this matter shall appear be- MIllER lITE Neon sign , work good Excellent Condition. $450. COMplETE SET OF CHINA - Windsor
4/12/17, 4/19/17, 4/26/17, 5/3/17). N/A.. fore this court at the hearing indicated $59 call (650)218-6528 (650)888-2662 Garden, Noritake. Four place-settings,
/s/Jin Hong Su/ below to show cause, if any, why the pe- 20-pieces in original box, never used.
pEz DISpENSERS - 8 piece sealed box ANTIquE MAHOGANy Bookcase. Four $250 per box (3 boxes available).
This statement was filed with the Asses- tition for change of name should not be Wizard of Oz 70th anniversary $25.
FICTITIOuS BuSINESS NAME granted. Any person objecting to the feet tall. $75. (415) 282-0966. (650)342-5630
STATEMENT #272989 sor-County Clerk on 4/21/2017. (Publish- 650-556-9708
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, name changes described above must file ANTIquE MAHOGANy double bed with
The following person is doing business a written objection that includes the rea- FIREplACE CANDElABRA with 5 bat-
as: iCare Mobile Automotive, 9 Don Ct, 4/26/17, 5/3/17, 5/10/17, 5/17/17). sons for the objection at least two court
RENO SIlVER lEGACy Casino four adjustable steelframe $225.00. OBO. tery-operated candles $30.00, 415-990-
REDWOOD CITY, CA 94062. Registered rare memorabilia items, casino key, two (650)592-4529 6134
days before the matter is scheduled to coins, small charm. $95. (650)676-0974
Owners:1)Sarkis Babekian, same ad- be heard and must appear at the hearing
dress 2)Ferdinand Sarkissian, 219 Gar- FICTITIOuS BuSINESS NAME to show cause why the petition should ARM CHAIR, orange color, exc't condi- pORCElAIN JApANESE Tea set, Un-
ner Dr., Sunnyvale, CA 94089 The busi- STATEMENT #273187 SCHIllER HIppIE poster, linen, Sparta tion. $45. (650)598-9804. opened, in wood box, great gift $30.
not be granted. If no written objection is graphics 1968. Mint condition. $600.00.
ness is conducted by a General Partner- The following person is doing business timely filed, the court may grant the peti- (650)578-9208.
ship. The registrants commenced to (650)701-0276 BEIGE SOFA $99. Excellent Condition
as: Beard Papas Sweet Cafe, 365 2nd tion without a hearing. A hearing on the (650) 315-2319
transact business under the FBN on 4-3- petition shall be held on 6/1/17 at 9 a.m., SOlID TEAK floor model 16 wine rack
Ave, SAN MATEO, CA 94401. Regis-
/s/Sarkis Babekian/ tered Owner: Sweet Cheeks Puffs, LLC, Dept. PJ, at 400 County Center, Red- 299 Computers BRAND NEW Bookcase 72"x30" still in
with turntable $60. (650)592-7483
CA. The business is conducted by a wood City, CA 94063. A copy of this Or- box $45. (415)231-4825.
This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 4/3/2017. (Publish- Limited Liability Company. The regis- der to Show Cause shall be published at COlOR pRINTER HP model Deskjet 308 Tools
least once each week for four successive 932C. Good condition. $10 OBO CHAIRS 2 Blue Good Condition $50
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, trants commenced to transact business weeks prior to the date set for hearing on (650)784-3243 OBO (650)345-5644 AIR HORN 138 db new in pack
4/12/17, 4/19/17, 4/26/17, 5/3/17). under the FBN on . the petition in the following newspaper of $29 650-595-3933
/s/Wynee Yeung/ general circulation: FlAT COMpuTER MONITOR 21" ACE COAT/HAT STAND, solid wood, for your
This statement was filed with the Asses- San Mateo Daily Journal LCD model x203H. good working condi- mountain cabin/house. $50. (650)520- BOSTITCH 16 gage Finish nailer Model
FICTITIOuS BuSINESS NAME sor-County Clerk on 4/17/2017. (Publish- Filed: 4/20/2017 7045 SB 664FN $99 (650)359-9269
STATEMENT #273079 tion. $10 OBO (650)784-3243
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, /s/Susan Irene Etezadi/
The following person is doing business Judge of the Superior Court KOGI 15 inch computer monitor. Model COMpuTER SWIVEl CHAIR. Padded CRAFTSMAN 9" Radial Arm Saw with 6"
as: Super Pups, 2230 S. El Camino Re- 4/26/17, 5/3/17, 5/10/17, 5/17/17). Dated: 4/19/2017 L5Qx. $25. PH(650)592-5864. Leather. $80. (650) 455-3409 dado set. No stand. $55 (650)341-6402
al, SAN MATEO, CA 94403. Registered (Published 4/26/17, 5/3/17, 5/10/17,
Owner: Susan Kogel, 509 S. Grant St., 5/17/17). RECORDABlE CD-R 74, Sealed, Unop- COMpuTER TABlE, adjustable height, CRAFTSMAN RADIAl SAW, with cabi-
San Mateo, CA 94402. The business is FICTITIOuS BuSINESS NAME ened, original packaging, Samsung, 12x, chrome legs, 29x48 like new $30 (650) net stand, $200 Cash Only, (650)851-
conducted by an Individual. The regis- STATEMENT #273142 (650) 578 9208 697-8481 1045
trants commenced to transact business The following person is doing business
under the FBN on 10/2003. as: Flutter Lash Room & Spa, 4060 S El DINETTE TABlE with Chrome Legs: 36" CRAFTSMEN 3 saw blades $20. new.
/s/Susan Kogel/ Camino Real Suite 28, SAN MATEO, CA 300 Toys x58" (with one leaf 11 1/2") - $50. (650)573-5269
This statement was filed with the Asses- 94403. Registered Owner: Hayat K. Cha-
210 lost & Found (650)341-5347
sor-County Clerk on 4/10/2017. (Publish- 3-STORy BARBIE Dollhouse with spiral DElTA CABINET SAW with overrun ta-
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, ghouri, 1580 Monterey Dr., San Bruno, FOuND: KEyS at Westwood Park in staircase and elevator. $60. (650)558- ble. $650/obo. (650)342-6993
CA 94066. The business is conducted DINETTE TABlE, 3 adjustable leaf.$30.
4/19/17, 4/26/17, 5/3/17, 5/10/17). Redwood City, off of Fernside. Call to 8142 (650) 756-9516.Daly City.
by an Individual. The registrants com- claim (650)714-8893 lEAF BlOWER electric 7.5 amps brand
menced to transact business under the AllOyED lINOTypE (BNH ~18) for new 30.00 joe, (650)573-5269
DINING ROOM table Good Condition
FICTITIOuS BuSINESS NAME FBN on March 1, 2017 lOST - My COllApSIBlE music stand, casting miniature/board-game figurines. $90.00 or best offer ( 650)-780-0193
STATEMENT #273188 ROuTER TABlE ryobi $ 99. like new
/s/Hayat K Chaghouri clip lights, and music in black bags were 10#, $10 (650) 591-4553 (650)573-5269
The following person is doing business taken from my car in Foster City and may DINING TABlE (36"x54") and 4 match-
as: Bay Leaf Designs, LLC, 322 Beres- This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 4/13/2017. (Publish- have been thrown out by disappointed lARGE STuFFED ANIMALS - $3 each ing chairs, sturdy oak, cost $600, sell for SHOpSMITH MARK V 50th Anniversary
ford Ave., REDWOOD CITY, CA 94061. thieves. Please call (650)704-3595 Great for Kids (650) 952-3500 $250 .(650)-654-1930. most attachments. $1,500/OBO.
Registered Owner: Bay Leaf Designs ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
4/26/17, 5/3/17, 5/10/17, 5/17/17). (650)504-0585
LLC, CA. The business is conducted by STAR WARS one 4 orange card ac- DRESSER 4-DRAWER in Belmont for
a Limited Liability Company. The regis- lOST - Womans diamond ring. Lost tion figure, Momaw Nadon (Hammer- $75. Good condition; good for children. SKIl SAW 7 1/4" circular saw, 2 1/3 HP,
trants commenced to transact business 12/18. Broadway, Redwood City. head). $8 Steve (650)518-6614 Call (650)678-8585 Model # 5150. Hardly used. $30
under the FBN on 4/17/17. ORDER TO SHOW CAuSE FOR REWARD! (650)339-2410 (650)556-9708
/s/Sarah A. Easley/ CHANGE OF NAME STAR WARS SDCC Stormtrooper DRESSER- ART Deco. 54wide 34 tall
This statement was filed with the Asses- CASE# 17CIV01411 lOST CAT Our Felicity, weighs 7 lbs, Commander $29 OBO Dan, 22deep. $150. (650)888-2662. VINTAGE CRAFTSMAN Jig Saw. Circa
sor-County Clerk on 4/17/2017. (Publish- SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, she has a white nose, mouth, chin, all (650)303-3568 lv msg 1947. $60. (650)245-7517
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, four legs, chest stomach, around her
4/19/17, 4/26/17, 5/3/17, 5/10/17). COUNTY OF SAN MATEO,
neck. Black mask/ears, back, tail. Nice 302 Antiques DRESSER- VICTORIAN. 35 tall VINTAGE SHOpSMITH and BAND
400 COUNTY CENTER RD, SAW, good shape. $500/obo. Call
REDWOOD CITY CA 94063 REWARD. Please email us at 48wide 22 deep. W/ mirror 34x42
joandbill@msn.com or call 650-576- $450. (650)888-2662. (650)342-6993
8745. She drinks water out of her paws. (650)387-4002
STATEMENT #273109 Tatiana Vladimirovna Glytenko
The following person is doing business DRESSER-ART DECO. Heavy Glass.
TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: ANTIquE TEAK CHINA cabinet and Top 51 tall 36 deep 14 wide $150.
as: Harper Properties, Inc., 116 OCon- Petitioner: Tatiana Vladimirovna Glyten-
nor Street, MENLO PARK, CA 94025.
ko filed a petition with this court for a de-
lOST CAT. Black and White. Black matching table, with doors and legs. (650)888-2662. 309 Office Equipment
Registered Owner: Harper Properties, patch on right eye. REWARD. $500/obo. (650)952-5049.
Inc., CA. The business is conducted by cree changing name as follows: Call (323) 439-7713. DRuM TABlE - brown, perfect condi- lApTOp CASE or bag. Black. Like new.
a Corporation. The registrants com- Present name: Tatiana Vladimirovna BEAuTIFul AND uNIquE Victorian tion, nice design, with storage, $45., Hardly used. $25. (650)697-1564.
menced to transact business under the Glytenko lOST SMAll gray and green Parrot. Side Sewing Table, All original. Rose- (650)345-1111
FBN on 11/3/2016. Proposed Name: Tatiana Vladimirovna Redwood Shores. (650)207-2303. wood. Carved. ExCEllENT CONDI- NEAT RECEIpTS Mobile Scanner new
/s/Shannon Thoke/ Elliston TION! $350. (650)815-8999. ENTERTAINMENT CENTER for $50. in box $79, call (650)324-8416
This statement was filed with the Asses- Books Good shape, blonde, about 5' high.
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons MAHOGANy ANTIquE Secretary desk, (650)726-4102
sor-County Clerk on 4/11/2017. (Publish-
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
interested in this matter shall appear be- 72 x 40 , 3 drawers, Display case, bev- 310 Misc. For Sale
fore this court at the hearing indicated quAlITy BOOKS used and rare. World
4/19/17, 4/26/17, 5/3/17, 5/10/17). & US History and classic American nov- elled glass, $350. (650)766-3024 ESpRESSO TABlE 30 square, 40 tall,
below to show cause, if any, why the pe- $95 (650)375-8021 "MOTHER-IN-lAW TONGuES" plants,
els. $5 each obo (650)345-5502 3 in 5-gal cans. $10.00 each. (650)593-
tition for change of name should not be OlD VINTAGE Wooden Sea Captains
FICTITIOuS BuSINESS NAME granted. Any person objecting to the Tool Chest 35 x 16 x 16, $65 GlIDER rocker and ottoman, oak, excel- 7408
STATEMENT #273207 name changes described above must file 294 Baby Stuff (650)591-3313 lent condition. $100 650-345-5644
The following person is doing business a written objection that includes the rea- 500-600 BIG Band-era 78's--most mint,
as: Half Moon Bay Coffee Company, 20 FISHER-pRICE HEAlTHy Care booster IKEA DRESSER, black, 3 shelf. 23" x no sleeves--$50 for all-(650)574-5459
A Stonepine Road, HALF MOON BAY,
sons for the objection at least two court seat - $5 (650)592-5864. 303 Electronics 15"deep x 50" high. $65. (650)598-9804.
CA 94019. Registered Owner: Sky Grid- days before the matter is scheduled to 8 TRACKS, billy Joel, Zeppelin, Eagles
dle Inc., CA. The business is conducted be heard and must appear at the hearing STERlING SIlVER Paye & Baker baby 46 MITSuBISHI Projector TV, great IKEA TABlE, black 58" x 21" x 14" high. ,Commodores, more.40 @ $4 each , call
by a Corporation. The registrants com- to show cause why the petition should food pusher with embossed children's condition. $400. (650)261-1541. $ 30. (650)598-9804. (650)393-9008
menced to transact business under the not be granted. If no written objection is graphic.$75 650-762-6048
lAWN CHAIRS (4) White, plastic, $8.
FBN on NA. timely filed, the court may grant the peti- ANTARES DOllARS Bill Changer ma- CHRISTMAS TREE, 7.5 Oregon pine,
chine s never used for small bus. $95 each, (415)346-6038 1225 tips, hooked construction with
/s/Simerpreet S. Mann/ tion without a hearing. A hearing on the 296 Appliances
This statement was filed with the Asses- petition shall be held on 5/18/17 at 9 (650)992-4544. lEATHER SOFA, black, excellent condi- stand. Used once. $49. (415)650-6407
sor-County Clerk on 4/18/2017. (Publish- a.m., Dept. PJ, at 400 County Center, 1960'S AVOCADO Osterizer blender tion. $100 obo. (650)878-5533
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, AuDIO-TECHNICA (AT-pl50) Auto. DOuBlE CRypT inside Mausoleum,
4/19/17, 4/26/17, 5/3/17, 5/10/17). Redwood City, CA 94063. A copy of this excellent condition $20.00 (650)596- Stereo TURNTABLE sys. $40 Cypress Lawn, Prime Location, From
0513 lIVING ROOM table 36"x19" exc condi-
Order to Show Cause shall be published (650)344-4756 tion $30.(415) 231-4825. Family Trust, DEAL $14,000 Call John
at least once each week for four succes- (415)469-8758.
FICTITIOuS BuSINESS NAME sive weeks prior to the date set for hear- AIR CONDITIONER 10000 BTU w/re- BlAupuNKT AM/FM/CD Radio and Re- lOVE SEAT, Upholstered pale yellow
STATEMENT #272919 ing on the petition in the following news- mote. Slider model fits all windows. LG ceiver with Detachable Face asking floral $99. (650)574-4021 ElECTRONIC TypEWRITER, good
The following person is doing business paper of general circulation: brand $199 runs like new. (650)235- $100. (650)593-4490 condition $50 (650)878-9542
as: TP Surfboards, 1529 Perez Dr, PA- 0898 NEW DEluxE Twin Folding Bed, Lin-
San Mateo Daily Journal
CIFICA, CA 94044. Registered Owner: BulOVA WINDup Travel clocks.Vin- ens, cover, Cost $618. Sale $250. Must GAME "BEAT THE ExpERTS" never
Tyler Payne, same address. The busi- Filed: 4/7/2017 AIR CONDITIONER, Portable, 14,000 Sell! (650) 875-8159. used $8., (408)249-3858
/s/Susan Irene Etezadi/ BTU, Commercial Cool model tage. Set of eight. $99. gene (650)421-
ness is conducted by an Individual. The
registrants commenced to transact busi- Judge of the Superior Court CPN14xC9, almost like new! All acces- 5469 INCuBATOR, $99, (650)678-5133
NEW TWIN Mattress set plus frame
ness under the FBN on 3/27/17. Dated: 4/6/2017 sories plus remote included. $30.00 (650) 347-2356
/s/Tyler Payne/ (Published 4/12/17, 4/19/17, 4/26/17, 20 x 16-5/8 x 33-1/2 $345. COMplETE COlOR photo developer lIONEl CHRISTMAS Boxcars 2005,
This statement was filed with the Asses- (650)345-1835 Besler Enlarger, Color Head, trays, photo OAK ClAW foot coffee table, needs 2006, 2007 New OB $90 lot (650)368-
5/3/17). tools $50/ (650)921-1996
sor-County Clerk on 3/27/2017. (Publish- some refinishing $35 (650)646-8530 7537
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, COFFEE MAKER, 30 Cup
4/19/17, 4/26/17, 5/3/17, 5/10/17). Excel- INSIGNIA 26" HDTV Perfect $39 650- OAK SIx SHELF Book Case 6FT 4FT lIONEl CHRISTMAS Holiday expan-
lent Condition $5. (650)368-0748. 595-3933 $55 (650)458-8280 sion Set. New OB $99 (650)368-7537
28 Wednesday April 26, 2017 THEDAILYJOURNAL

310 Misc. For Sale 316 Clothes 345 Medical Equipment 620 Automobiles 640 Motorcycles/Scooters 670 Auto Service
lIONEl WESTERN Union Pass car and SIzE 38 tan gabardine navy officers uni- BATH CHAIR lIFT. Peterman battery CHEVy 10 HHR . 68K. ExCELLENT 00 HARlEy Davidson
dining car. New OB $99 (650)368-7537 form great condition Perfect for that cos- operated bath chair lift. Stainless steel CONDITION. $8888. (650)274-8284. Road King Burgundy Red Metallic luxuRATI AuTO REpAIR
tume party. Free. (650)322-9598 frame. Accepts up to 350lbs. Easily in- Great Cond. New Tires, 32kmiles, one
RMT CHRISTMAS Diesel train and Ca- serted I/O tub.$250 OBO. CHEVy HHR 08 - Grey, spunky car owner, $10,500 (415)866-9985. Smog Check
boose. Rare. New OB $99 (650)368- VElVET DRApE, 100% cotton, new (650) 739-6489. loaded, even seat warmers, $9,500. Repair Services
7537 beautiful burgundy 82"x52" W/6"hems: (408)807-6529. Collision and Body Work
$45 (415)585-3622 AlpINE STAR motocross boots Tech 8s Burlingame & San Mateo Locations
SAMSONITE 26" tan hard-sided suit DODGE 99 MAINTENANCE Van, ,
case, lt. wt., wheels, used once/like new. VINTAGE 1970S Grecian made dress,
Garage Sales $1,500, call (650)481-5296 size 14 good cond. $75. (650)345-5642
$60. (650)328-6709 size 6-8, $35 (650)873-8167 BMW 03 F650 GS, $3899 OBO. Call (650) 340-0026
SIlK SAREE 6 yards new nice color.for WESTERN GRAy pants 42x30 $9 650-
$35 only. Call(650)515-2605 for more in- 595-3933 GARAGE SAlES CAR, BOAT, OR RV? HARlEy DAVIDSON '93
WESTERN TAN pants 42x30, $9 650-
ESTATE SAlES Do the humane thing.
Donate it to the
9,971 Actual Miles, Paperwork, 80 Cubic
inch Wide Glide, H-A Fast Carb., Modi- 670 Auto parts
uNIDEN HARlEy Davidson Gas Tank
phone. $100 or best offer. (650)863-8485 Humane Society. fied Ape Hangers, Roll Bar, Lots of
WIlSON'S lG Green Suede Jacket Make money, make room! Call 1- 800-943-8412 Crome, Many extras! $8,900 Musty See!
$40. (650)367-1508
VASE WITH flowers 2 piece good for the Gary (530)541-3396 Will be in San Car-
Holidays, $25., (650) 867-2720 List your upcoming los Wednesday May 31st-June 5th $50. Excellent condition, 80k warranty,
317 Building Materials used less than 10k. (650)593-4490
VINTAGE WHITE Punch Bowl/Serving garage sale, lINCOlN 02 Navigator, excellent condi-
tion. Runs great! Must sell! $4,400/obo. MOTORCyClE SADDlEBAGS, with
Bowl Set with 10 cups plus one extra
$30. (650)873-8167
CulTuRED MARBlE 2 tone BR vanity moving sale, (650)342-4227. mounting hardware and other parts $35. BRIDGESTONE TuRANzA RFT (Run
counter top. New toe skin/ scribe. 29 x Call (650)670-2888
19 $300 (408)744-1041 estate sale, Flat) 205/55/16 EL 42 All Season Like
WATER STORAGE TANK, brand new, MAzDA 12 Cx-7 SUV Excellent con- New $100. (650)483-1222
275 gallons. 48" x 46" x 39" $250.
SHuTTERS 2 wooden shutters 32x72
yard sale, dition One owner Fully loaded Low
645 Boats
like new $50.00 ea.call (650)368-7891 rummage sale, miles reduced $18,995 obo (650)520-
4650 COBRA CABlE chains for radial and
16 FT SEA RAy. I/B. $1,200. Needs Up-
311 Musical Instruments WHITE DOuBlE pane window for $29 clearance sale, or holstery. Call (650)898-5732.
regular tires, never used $65.00
or Best offer. Call Halim @ (650) 678- whatever sale you (650)593-1780
BAlDWIN GRAND PIANO, 6 foot, ex- 5133. 2003 p-15 West Wight Potter sailboat,
have... 625 Classic Cars
cellent condition, $8,500/obo. Call
WROuGHT IRON Railing Set side floor-
excellend condition. $5,500. Call GOODyEAR TIRE P245/70R-15 Like
(510)784-2598 (650)347-2559 New. $40. (650) 637-9791
mount for porch/level change. 1955 CHEVy BEl AIR 2 door, Standard
36Hx78L & 20L. $99 (650)483-3738. Reach over 83,450 readers Transmission V8 Motor, non-op $22,000
The 64 Chomonica, German Made $180, from South San Francisco
obo. (650)952-4036. 650 RVs NEW CONTINENTAl Temporary tire
(650)278-5776. 318 Sports Equipment to Palo Alto. RV - 2013 WINNEBAGO ITASCA Na-
mounted on 5 lug rim Size T125/70/R17-
86 CHEVy CORVETTE. Automatic.
in your local newspaper. 93,000 miles. Sports Package.$6,800 vion, 25 with sideout. 4000 miles. Mer- 98M $100. (650)483-1222
15 SF Giants Posters -- Barry Bonds, obo. (650) 952-4036. cedes Benz Sprinter chassis,. diesel,
ExCEllENT VIOlIN, previously owned, Jeff Kent, JT Snow. 6' x 2.5' Unused. $4
first violinist SF Symphony, Mellow each. $35 all. (650)588-1946 San Bruno Call (650)344-5200
loaded, like new! $85,500. SHOp MANuAlS for GM Suv's
CORVETTE 69 50.000 miles. $15,095. Call (650)726-8623 or (650)619-9672.
sound. Dated 1894. $5,500/best offer. Ill trade it for a GMC Truck. (650)481-
Year 2002 all for $40 (650)948-0912
(415)751-2416 CAllAWAy JR. golf set, with bag. Ex- 5296.
cellent condition. $40; San Carlos 670 Auto Service xJ-12 SER. 2, double six 5.3 repair oper
Appraised @ $5450., want $1800 obo,
(650)591-9769 FORD 64 Falcon. 4DR Sedan. 6 cyl. manual Pub. Leyland Cars $59.00. ( 650)
auto/trans $3,500.00. (650) 570-5780. 347-7949. J.R.
HAMMOND B-3 Organ and 122 Leslie
CHIlDS KICK scooter by razor with hel-
met $25 obo (650)591-6842
379 Open Houses
635 Vans AA SMOG
Speaker. Excellent condition. $8,500. pri- Complete Repair & Service
vate owner, (650)349-1172 EASTON AluMINuM bat.33 inches, 30 CHEVROlET 06 Mini VAN, new radia-
$29.75 plus certificate fee 680 Autos Wanted
MONARCH upRIGHT player piano $99
oz, 2 3/4 barrel. $50. (650)596-0513 OpEN HOuSE tor, tires and brakes. Needs head gasket.
$800. (650)481-5296 (most cars)
(650) 583-4549 GOlF CART, Caddytek, four wheels, lISTINGS 869 California Drive . Wanted 62-75 Chevrolets
Novas, running or not
pIANO, upRIGHT, in excellent condi-
used only twice. $80. 650-341-1728 640 Motorcycles/Scooters Burlingame Parts collection etc.
tion. Asking $345. (650)366-4769 GOlF CluBS {13}, Bag, & Pull Cart all-- List your Open House So clean out that garage
$90.00 (650)341-8342 in the Daily Journal. 89 GOlD WING. 1500 CC. 39K miles. (650) 340-0492 Give me a call

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle

upRIGHT pIANO. In tune. Fair condi- Call Joe (650)578-8357 Joe 650 342-2483
tion. $300 OBO (650) 533-4886. GOlF CluBS, new, Warrior woods
3/15 degree 5/21 degree 7/24 degree Reach over 83,450
yAMAHA pIANO, Upright, Model M-305, $15 ea (650)349-0430 potential home buyers &
$750. Call (650)572-2337
GOlF CluBS, used set with Cart for
renters a day,
312 pets & Animals $50. (650)593-4490 from South San Francisco
to Palo Alto. Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis
GOlF CluBS, used set with Cart for
AIRlINE CARRIER for cats, pur. from
$50. (650)593-4490 in your local newspaper.
Southwest Airlines, $25, 2 available. Call
(505)228-1480 local. 36 Citizen Kane 48 Sparkly crown
lADIES MCGREGOR Golf Clubs Call (650)344-5200 1 Reduce 1 Neatniks studio 49 Broadway backer
Right handed with covers and pull cart
CAlIFORNIA CAROlINA Pups. $150 o.b.o. (650)344-3104
Gd. Fam./watchdpgs. Ex.Hiking Buddy. drastically opposites 37 Ed.s backlog 50 Blazing
$1600. (707) 980.0915. MEN'S CAllAWAy Rain Jacket xL . 6 Skyscraper girder 2 Stocking thread 39 Fridge feature 51 Roll out the red
Mint Condition worn only a few times. 3 Its __!: They
CANARy BIRD cage 24 x 16 for sale. $50 650-208-5758 380 Real Estate Services 11 Bobby on the ice that needs water carpet for
$40.00 firm. Used, good condition. Call
BRIGHT OFFICE space for rent in a 14 Willowy tricked us! 40 Bergmans 52 Pachelbel work
(650)766-3024 MEN'S ROSSIGNOl Skis. $95.00,
good condition, (650)341-0282. suite of 5 offices. Rent $575, plus $75 15 Impudent 4 Climb, in a way Gaslight co-star 53 Related on
ONE KENNEl Cab ll one Pet Taxi ani- utility fee. 693 Veterans Blvd., Mountain 5 Badger from the
mal carriers 26x16. Excellent cond. $60.. NEW WEIGH bench With 200lbs, plus View. Call Deborah. Olenev@att.net 16 Baltimore 45 Title Tejano moms side
(650)593-2066 free weights. $50. (510)943-9221.San 650-625-0692 Ravens mascot bleachers singer in a 1997 54 Hit the slopes
pARROT CAGE, Steel, Large - approx named for an 6 Anvil-shaped ear biopic 57 Caustic cleaners
4 ft by 4 ft, Excellent condition $300 best pOWER pluS Exercise Machine $99
440 Apartments bone
offer. (650)245-4084 (650)368-3037 author 47 Starbucks 58 Tibetan spiritual
lEASE ONE Bedroom Condo $2700-
17 Attendant who 7 Ocean bed? mermaid, e.g. adviser
Nice Neighborhood, Panoramic View,


pET CARRIER, brown ,Very good condi- pRINCE TENNIS 2 section nylon black 8 Burnett of CNN
tion, $15.00 medium zize leave txt or call Bag with Prince Pro Graphite Racket- Tub/Shower, Includes:Heat, Water, Gar- invites Hamlet to
(650)773-7201 $55.(650)341-8342 bage, Dishwasher, Refrigerator, Electric 9 ACTIVE
Stove, Gated parking, Laundry on site, duel Laertes
puRSuIT SCOOTER. $99. (650)348- Close to all transportation, Shops and
18 Blubbers NATURALS skin
316 Clothes 2235 restaurants Call (415)215-1755 NO care brand
PETS. 19 Potato part
BlACK DOuBlE breasted suit size 38 SKI RACK Thule, roof mounted to roof 10 Otherworldly
excellent condition $25 (650)322-9598 load bars. Holds three pairs. $85, OBO 20 NOTHING
650-594-1494 470 Rooms 11 SPACE
22 Stillmatic
BOy SCOuT canvas belt with Boy Scout 12 Fit for a queen
Buckle. Vintage. Fair condition. $5. SOCCER BAllS - $8.00 each (like new) HIp HOuSING rapper
(650)588-0842 4 available. (650)341-5347 Non-Profit Home Sharing Program 13 Piece maker?
San Mateo County
23 Equinox mo. 21 It may be passed
FAux FuR Coat Woman's brown multi TOTAl GyM xLS, excellent condition. (650)348-6660 24 Secure at the
color in excellent condition 3/4 Paid $2,500. Yours for $900. Call 26 Golf ball material
length $50 (650)692-8012 (650)588-0828 pier 27 Sense of taste
lADIES BOOTS size 8 , 3 pairs different VINTAGE ENGlISH ladies ice skates - 620 Automobiles 25 Small bite 28 Bird feeder food
styles , $20/ pair. call (650)592-2648 up to size 7-8, $40., (650)873-8167 27 Sulky state
01 FORD Taurus SES, Needs Trans- 29 John Williams
lADIES SEquIN dress, blue, size xL, VINTAGE NASH Cruisers Mens/ Wom- mission Work, Call (650)619-4872 28 L.A.s region won its 2016 Life
pure silk lining, $40.00, (650) 578-9208 ens Roller Skates Blue indoor/outdoor sz
6-8. $60 B/O. (650)574-4439 29 Jessica of Achievement
78 RED Corvette
lEATHER JACKET, New Black Italian
WET SuIT - medium size, $95., call for 350 HP T-Top,Very Nice,All Paperwork, Fantastic Four Award: Abbr.
style, size M Ladies $45 (650) 875-1708
Newer Paint, Interior, New Engine, films
lOuIS VuITTON monogram leather
info (650)851-0878
224,494Miles MUST SEE! $12,900 Call 30 Fleur-de-__
clutch/computer carry case 10.25x13.5. WOMEN'S lADy Cougar gold iron set Gary(530)541-3396 Will be in San Carlos 32 Waimea Bay 31 EMPTY
Inside zipper $95. (650)591-6596 set - $25. (650)348-6955 Wednesday May 31st-June 5th island 33 Busy, busy, busy
MAN'S BlACK leather jacket, size 40, WOMEN'S NORDICA ski boots, size 8 35 First sound of the 34 Dept. that
xwordeditor@aol.com 04/26/17
like new. $85.00 (650)593-1780 1/2. $50 (650)592-2047 84 NISSAN 300zx Former Drift Car No
engine/Transmission $1,200
day, for many oversees the FDA
MEN'S STETSON hat, size large, new, WOMENS RAICHEl ski boots, size 6 ?
rim, solid black, large, great gift. $40 $ 50. 650 888-5808 . (650)341-1306 38 Provide missing
(650) 578-9208
yAMAHA ROOF RACK, 58 inches $75.
info ... and what
(650)458-3255 Dont lose money four clues do to
NEW WITH tags Wool or cotton Men's
pullover sweaters (xL) $15/each on a trade-in or their answers
(650)952-3466 335 Garden Equipment consignment! 41 Author Asimov
pARIS HIlTON purse white & silver un- BlACK & Decker 18, Hedge Trimmer, 42 Ratio phrase
used, about 12" long x 9" high
$23. (650)592-2648
electric, used once, $60. 650 888-5808 Sell your vehicle in the 43 Boxing stats
Daily Journals
pEARl SNApS western shirt xxL CHAIN SAW, 16 ,Craftsmen ,electric, 44 Explosive
$9 650-595-3933 $55. 650 888-5808 Auto Classifieds.
Just $45 46 Vote for
Well run it 48 I wanna go too!
til you sell it! 50 Psst! kin
52 These, in Nantes
Reach 83,450 drivers 55 Roadside respite
from South SF to spot
palo Alto 56 NAUGHT
59 Word with Iron or
Call (650)344-5200
ads@smdailyjournal.com Bronze
60 Enter on a laptop
61 Tropical porch
AuDI 01 A4 72K miles, $3,900. 62 Hi-__ image
63 Ao Nuevo
BMW 07 x-5, One Owner, Excel. Condi- month
tion Sports package 3rd row seats re-
duced $19,995 obo Call (650)520-4650 64 Ham it up
65 Cockpit abbr.
CADIllAC 02 Deville, 8 cylinder, per-
fect condition, like new, cashmere out- 66 Building leveler,
By Bill Zagozewski
side white inside 4787 miles $13,000. to a Brit
2017 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
67 Like horses
CADIllAC 99 DeVille Concours,
98,500 miles, $3,500 or best offer.
miles, $3800 (650)481-5296
THEDAILYJOURNAL Wednesday April 26, 2017 29

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30 Wednesday April 26, 2017 THEDAILYJOURNAL

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THE DAILY JOURNAL WORLD Wednesday April 26, 2017 31
Seoul: North Korea holds drill
to mark military anniversary
By Eric Talmadge
and Kim Tong-Hyung

PYONGYANG, North Korea South

Koreas military said Tuesday that
REUTERS North Korea held major live-fire drills
Ivanka Trump, daughter and adviser of Donald Trump, visits the in an area around its eastern coastal
Holocaust Memorial in Berlin, Germany. town of Wonsan as it marked the
anniversary of the founding of its mil-
Ivanka Trump defends father, itary.
The exercise took place as a U.S.
brushes aside groans in Berlin guided-missile submarine arrived in
South Korea and envoys from the
By David Rising United States, Japan and South Korea
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS met in Tokyo to discuss the growing
threat posed by North Koreas nuclear
BERLIN Ivanka Trump brushed aside groans and hisses weapons and missiles program.
Tuesday over her fathers track record and defended his atti- REUTERS
Experts thought North Korea might
tudes toward women as she made her first international out- North Korean soldiers walk in front of bronze statues of North Koreas late founder
conduct a nuclear test or a ballistic
ing as a White House adviser. Kim Il-sung and late leader Kim Jong Il at Mansudae in Pyongyang.
missile launch to mark the anniver-
Trump pledged to push for incremental, positive sary, but as of Tuesday evening neither The situation prevailing on the city area, where it said the drills were
change for women in the U.S. economy and told a Berlin had occurred. Korean Peninsula is so tense that a being held. South Koreas Yonhap
conference on women that shes still rather unfamiliar Crowds in Pyongyang, the North nuclear war may break out due to the news agency said the exercise
with her role as first daughter and adviser to President Korean capital, laid flowers and paid frantic war drills of the U.S. imperial- involved 300 to 400 artillery pieces,
Donald Trump. respects at giant statues of the coun- ists and their vassal forces for aggres- but an official from Seouls Defense
The scattered groans and hisses came as she described her trys former leaders Kim Il Sung and sion, Gen. Pak Yong Sik told a meet- Ministry couldnt confirm such
father as a tremendous champion of supporting families. Kim Jong Il, one day after the minister ing of thousands of senior military and details.
Trumps one-day visit, at the invitation of German of defense reiterated that the North was civilian officials. The streets of Pyongyang were quiet.
Chancellor Angela Merkel, gave Merkel and other officials ready to use pre-emptive strikes or any South Koreas Joint Chiefs of Staff Flower-laying and bowing at statues
face-to-face access with the presidents influential daughter measures it deems necessary to defend said it was closely watching North and portraits of the leaders is a regular
at a time when world leaders are still trying to discern where itself against U.S. imperialists. Korean military action in the Wonsan routine on major anniversaries.
his policies will lead.
Merkel and Trump were part of a high-powered panel dis-
cussion Tuesday at the W20 Summit, a women-focused effort
within the Group of 20 countries, entitled Inspiring
Australian prime minister looking forward to meeting Trump
women: Scaling up womens entrepreneurship. They were By Rod McGuirk East ahead of 28 over a refugee resettlement deal
joined by Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Veterans Day com- struck by the previous Obama adminis-
International Monetary Fund chief Christine Lagarde and memorations on tration.
the Netherlands Queen Maxima, among others. CANBERRA, Australia Australias Tuesday. Trump and Turnbull will mark the 75th
The 35-year-old Trump, who stepped away from both run- prime minister said on Wednesday he is Im delighted to anniversary of a World War II naval bat-
ning her fashion brand and from an executive role at the looking forward to meeting with U.S. travel to the United tle by visiting the USS Intrepid, a float-
Trump Organization to become an unpaid White House President Donald Trump next week when States next month ing museum in New York. U.S. and
adviser, said she is still finding her feet in her new role. they attend Battle of the Coral Sea com- to meet with Australian naval and air forces fought
Im listening, Im learning, Im defining the ways in memorations in New York more than President Donald J. the Japanese during the Battle of the
which I think that Ill be able to have impact in empower- three months after their heated tele- Malcolm Trump, Turnbull Coral Sea, fought May 4-8, 1942.
ing women in the U.S. economy and beyond, she said. phone conversation over an Obama-era Turnbull said. Turnbull met in Australia and the United States are
She says she plans to bring the advice, to bring the refugee deal. Sydney over the enduring allies. Our alliance has been
knowledge, back to the United States, back to both my Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull weekend with Vice President Mike forged over many decades, through
father and the president and hopefully that will bring announced the May 4 visit in a state- Pence, whose visit was intended to times of war and times of peace, secur-
about incremental, positive change. And that is my goal. ment after meeting in Afghanistan with smooth over any lingering hard feel- ing our nations freedom and peace and
Trump has been a vocal advocate for policies benefiting Defense Secretary James Mattis and ings after the prime ministers con- security in the world, Turnbull said in a
working women and vocational training. During Merkels greeting Australian troops in the Middle tentious phone call with Trump on Jan. statement.
visit to Washington in March, she organized a discussion
with the German leader, her father, and American and
German executives about how companies can better train
However, Trump has faced a backlash in the United States,
particularly from liberals who think she has done little to
temper her fathers conservative agenda.

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