Bridge Analysis, Design and Assessment Software
Bridge Analysis, Design and Assessment Software
Bridge Analysis, Design and Assessment Software
design and
Image: ZEP Construction
LUSAS Bridge is a world-leading finite element analysis software application for the analysis, design and
assessment of all types of bridge structures. Whether you need to carry out a straightforward linear static
analysis of a single span road bridge, a dynamic analysis of a slender architectural steel footbridge, or a
detailed geometrically nonlinear staged erection analysis of a major cable stayed structure involving concrete
creep and shrinkage, LUSAS Bridge provides all the facilities you need.
LUSAS Bridge is available in a choice of software levels to suit your analysis needs. Each uses the same Windows user interface,
and has modelling wizards, comprehensive vehicle loading and Smart Combination facilities for easy and rapid model
generation, load application and combining of loadcase results. Extensive results processing, viewing and report generation
facilities give you ultimate control over what you plot and print from your analysis. In short, LUSAS Bridge software handles
simple grid/grillage and slab structures with ease and has a full range of additional software options and features for more
advanced bridge structures.
Masonry arches Whether for optimising new designs or providing accurate and cost-effective load
Integral bridges rating assessments of existing structures, LUSAS Bridge provides a complete
solution. As a result LUSAS Bridge is seen to be the prime choice for organisations
Truss bridges wanting to increase their efficiency by using state-of-the-art software and
standardising on a single product for all their analysis needs.
Ribbon bridges
Moving bridges
Cable stayed bridges
Suspension bridges
Use for:
Innovative new design
Cost effective bridge assessments
Cost-saving re-design
When design codes cant be used
Ultimate load assessments
Development of retrofit solutions
Erection engineering
The software features and capabilities described in this brochure summarize those of the LUSAS Bridge software range. Separate details list the capabilities of each particular software product.
2 Cover image: Gateshead Millennium Bridge. (Image courtesy of Gateshead Council. Photographer, Graeme Peacock).
LUSAS Bridge has an easy to use,
associative Modeller for
modelling / results processing and
a fully integrated Solver which
can be used independently.
Automatic meshing with mesh Detailed on-line dialog help links to additional reference manual material to
refinement capability. provide you with the most appropriate level of assistance at all times.
Wizards and utilities
Modelling wizards allow for rapid model generation. Section libraries and a range of section property
calculators help to provide for straightforward modelling of grid/grillage and beam models.
Advanced elements, materials and solvers
Unrivalled state-of-the-art linear and quadratic element libraries; advanced material models; linear, nonlinear
and seismic isolator joint models; and direct, eigen and fast solver options allow all types of bridge
engineering problem to be modelled and solved as efficiently as possible.
Advanced general material models Nonlinear joint models include elasto-plastic uniform
Isotropic including plastic, creep, damage, shrinkage, tension and compression with isotropic hardening, elasto-
viscous, two-phase plastic general with isotropic hardening, smooth contact,
Orthotropic including plastic, creep, damage, frictional contact, nonlinear user-defined, and others.
shrinkage, viscous, two-phase
Anisotropic and rigidity models Seismic isolator joint models include viscous dampers
Temperature dependent models (Kelvin and Four Parameter Solid), lead rubber bearings with
Concrete models with opening and closing of cracks, plastic yield and biaxial hysteretic behaviour, friction
concrete crushing, and strain softening based on pendulum system with pressure and velocity dependent
fracture energy in 2D/3D friction coefficient and biaxial hysteretic behaviour, and
Concrete creep including fib (formerly CEB-FIP) and others.
Chinese model codes
Geotechnical models including Mohr Coulomb criteria Solvers
with non-associative flow for soils and rocks Direct and eigen solvers are provided as a minimum in all
Volumetric deformation soil model (includes software products and a Fast Solvers option provides three
consolidation) additional solvers for use with particular LUSAS Bridge
User-defined models and others products.
Load types and combinations
LUSAS Bridge provides a comprehensive range of general loading types to cater for most circumstances.
Structural loadings include gravity, concentrated, distributed, face, temperature, stress/strain, and beam
loads. Prescribed loading options allow initial displacements, velocity or acceleration to be specified. Discrete
loads distribute a loading pattern over full or partial areas of the model, independent of the model geometry.
Thermal loads describe the temperature or heat input for a thermal analysis. Vehicle and train loading, and
prestress and post tensioning to many international design codes is provided.
Vehicle Loading
Vehicle loading facilities in LUSAS
Bridge software make load generation
straightforward, significantly speeding
up the task of defining the loading on
a bridge deck.
Vasco da Gama Bridge, Portugal 7
Viewing results
LUSAS Bridge has a host of easy to use results
processing and viewing facilities to help you get the
most from your analysis.
Animations of results - particularly useful for animating
mode shapes, viewing of structural response to moving loads
and seismic events, and for investigating the spread of
concrete cracking or yielded material - can be created and
saved as AVI files for use in other Windows applications.
A graph wizard provides a step by step means of selecting
results data to be drawn on a graph. Numerical data used to
create the graph is displayed in a grid format alongside.
Arbitrary line sections may also be taken through any surface
model or on a slice cut through a three dimensional solid
Slab Design
An RC slab/wall design facility calculates the reinforcement
requirements for slabs or panels based upon Wood Armer
moments. Contours of steel area, or bar diameter and
spacing can be plotted to aid in the detailing process. A crack
checking facility provides contours of crack widths for a
chosen direction and level.
Printed results
Results values for individual results components and entities
can be tabulated using the Print Results wizard. These may be
transferred to other applications using standard Windows
copy and paste operations. Model and results views can be
printed directly, saved as high resolution BMP, JPG, or WMF
files, or be copied and pasted direct into other applications.
Report generator
Selected modelling, loadcase and results data can be written
to a report using the report generator. Report templates hold
user-defined information to generate customised reports.
Report content can be selected on an element, feature type,
group, and loadcase basis. Additional text and screenshots
or saved images of model or results can be included. Each
time a report is created, up to date modelling and results
data are extracted ensuring model and report
compatibility at all times. Report data may be exported to
Excel spreadsheets as well as be exported into other formats
including PDF, HTML and RTF (for use in Word) for quality
assurance, model checking, and results listing purposes.
Analysis capabilities
Typical analysis capabilites are described on the following pages.
Linear static
Stresses, strains, displacements, moments, shears and axial forces that result from
static loading are easily calculated, displayed and output from any model.
LUSAS carries out elastic critical buckling, which is required for the calculation of
member resistances. Often it is also required by some codes to determine if a
second-order analysis needs to be carried out. If so, a full nonlinear buckling
analysis can be undertaken.
For existing structures, assessment or load rating to regional design codes can
give conservative results showing they fail buckling checks, but detailed buckling
analysis with LUSAS can often reveal additional hidden capacity and prove a load
For new plate girder, box or tub girder bridge designs, linear and nonlinear
buckling analysis using LUSAS can investigate the girder stability during erection,
look at the effects of a slab casting sequence, and also help to optimise the size of
the web and flange plates, bracing, stiffeners and position of any temporary
supports used.
Fatigue calculations can be carried out using the total life approach. Fatigue life may
be expressed in terms of the damage that is done to the structure by a prescribed
loading sequence or as the number of repeats of a sequence that will cause failure
The natural frequency of structures, the effect of dynamic loading, such as
pedestrian loading on footbridges and responses due to earthquake or impact
loading can all be readily calculated. Capabilities include:
Staged construction
Staged construction analysis is essential for many forms of bridge construction
whether it be for carrying out a detailed analysis of an incrementally launched
segmentally constructed box girder bridge or modelling cable or hanger
replacements for cable stayed and suspension bridges. Staged construction analysis
with LUSAS provides you with the means to model the step-by-step construction or
rebuilding of your structure over time and evaluate the effects of structural changes,
load applications, and if required, time-dependent material changes.
With LUSAS Bridge, unlike some software, only one model file need be created and
this can contain all of the information required to carry out an analysis of every
stage of construction. The effects of geometric and material nonlinearity, and time-
dependent material effects such as creep and shrinkage can all be included within
the one analysis run.
Use for all types of staged construction methods / bridge types including:
Staged placement of beams and slab for continuous structures
Cast insitu span-by-span construction of continuous beams
Precast segmental span-by-span erection
Cast insitu balanced cantilever construction
Precast segmental balanced cantilever construction
Progressive erection of precast segmental decks
Incremental launching
Balanced placement for cable-stayed bridges
Composite decks
Extradosed bridges
Suspension bridges
Prestress and post tensioning
Single and multiple tendon prestress wizards in LUSAS
calculate equivalent nodal loading due to tendon
prestressing or post-tensioning and assign these forces
automatically a model. Computation of tendon forces can
be carried out in accordance with various regional codes
including AASHTO, Eurocode, China and others. A multiple
tendon prestress wizard for staged construction analysis
takes into account elastic shortening due to stressing of
other tendons according to the design code used or to
user-defined percentage losses.
An analysis will often have to take account of nonlinear
materials, geometry, and support boundary conditions to
accurately model the structural behaviour. LUSAS Bridge
handles geometric nonlinearity, material nonlinearity and
contact nonlinearity. Local and global nonlinear analysis
with LUSAS helps ensure that bridges are designed
economically and safely for any imposed loading.
Automatic nonlinear solution procedures simplify the
analysis process for applications such as:
Soil-structure interaction
Useful geotechnical capabilities make use of a range of soil Customisation and automation
models. Residual soil stress varying with depth can be The LUSAS Programmable Interface (LPI) provides the means
accommodated providing useful facilities for soil-structure to customise modelling and results processing tasks to your
interaction for integral bridges and culverts. Rock joints, specific requirements. By using VBScript to access LUSAS
pore water pressure dissipation, consolidation modelling, facilities and functionality direct links to Word and Excel can
geotechnical problems involving long term excavation, be made for data transfer, the parameterisation of structures
construction in clays, and temporary works can all be can be achieved, repetitive tasks can be automated, and
solved. results processing procedures can be customised.
Wichita Footbridge, United States of America 13
Software options
The analysis capabilities of particular LUSAS Bridge software products
can be extended by using any of the following software options.
Vehicle load optimisation
The Vehicle Load Optimisation software option complements and extends the
vehicle loading capabilities of LUSAS Bridge. It automatically generates the most
adverse live load patterns for multiple lanes of traffic against influence surfaces
generated by LUSAS in accordance with a variety of international design codes.
Fast solvers
The Fast Solver option comprises three solvers for use with particular LUSAS Bridge
The Fast Multifrontal Direct Solver can provide solutions several times faster than
the standard Frontal Direct Solver for certain analysis problems.
The Fast Multifrontal Block Lanczos Eigensolver can, similarly, return results.
several times faster than the standard Frontal Eigensolvers for certain problems.
The complex eigensolver provides efficient solutions for large-scale damped
natural frequency problems.
The IMDPlus option extends the Interactive Modal Dynamics (IMD) techniques
available in all LUSAS products, and which model a single loading event in a single
direction, to allow multiple loading events with more advanced loading conditions
to be solved.
IMDPlus is used for two primary uses: seismic response analysis of 2D and 3D
structures subjected to acceleration time histories of support motion, and for the
analysis of 3D structures, such as bridges, subjected to constant moving vehicle or
train loads.
Nonlinear analysis
The Nonlinear analysis software option provides the very latest powerful techniques
for solving problems having either material, geometric or boundary nonlinearity.
The Nonlinear option can be used to solve a multitude of problems having large
deformations, high levels of material nonlinearity and complex boundary
conditions. It can also be combined with the LUSAS Dynamic and Thermal / Field
software options to solve problems in which the effects of time and temperature
are important.
14 summary
Dynamic analysis
Vehicle Load Optimisation
Straightforward modal dynamics problems can be solved using Interactive Modal
Live load optimisation
Dynamics (IMD) techniques which are provided in selected LUSAS Bridge products.
Worst load combination obtained
The Dynamics option contains the facilities required to solve a wider range of
International design codes
dynamic problems in the time domain with a step-by-step solution. Additionally, by
combining the LUSAS Dynamic and LUSAS Nonlinear options both high and low
velocity nonlinear impact problems can be solved using either implicit or explicit Fast Solvers
Direct Solver
solution techniques.
Block Lanczos Eigensolver
Thermal / field analysis
The Thermal / Field software option contains extensive facilities for both simple and IMDplus
advanced steady state, and transient thermal / field analyses. By combining the Fast multiple event evaluation
LUSAS Thermal / Field option with other appropriate LUSAS options, heat transfer Seismic response analyses
due to conduction, convection and radiation can be analysed. In addition, the Moving load analyses
effects due to phase change of material may also be included.
Heat of hydration Geometric nonlinearity
Modelling of heat of concrete hydration can be carried out for a variety of cement Material nonlinearity
types using the using the Heat of Hydration option. Effects due to the addition of Contact nonlinearity
fly ash and ground granulated blast furnace slag can also be included. When used Automatic solution procedures
in conjunction with Nonlinear, Dynamic, and Thermal software options the heat of
concrete hydration can be computed during a thermo-mechanical coupled analysis Dynamic
and the temperatures and degree of hydration can be read in to the mechanical Spectral and forced response
analysis. Transient implicit dynamics
Nonlinear dynamics
Rail Track Analysis Modal or Rayleigh damping
When used with the Nonlinear software option the LUSAS Rail Track Analysis option
automates track/bridge interaction analysis for light and high speed rail projects to Thermal / Field
the International Union of Railways Code UIC 774-3. It allows you to automatically Steady state and transient
build models from data defined in Excel spreadsheets, run an analysis, and quickly Temperature distribution / dissipation
calculate stresses and forces induced in the track from both thermal and train Coupled thermal-structural
loading. Parametric positioning of train loading is supported, results graphs are
automatically created and exported to Excel spreadsheets, and code checking results Heat of Hydration
tables are generated. Model a variety of cement types
Include effects of fly ash and slag
Software, support and consultancy services
Software product range Quality assurance
Whether your analysis requirements are simple or advanced, The accurate and reliable results you get from LUSAS Bridge
LUSAS Bridge can be configured with various levels and come not only from our continuous development program
options to meet your needs, all of which are fully integrated but also from our use of an automatic installation and
and easily upgradeable. The configuration can also provide testing system. With our quality control procedures,
for extra copies of the Modeller independent of the Solver designed to comply with ISO 9001, you can use each new
and can be made available as fixed or network (floating) improved version of LUSAS Bridge with the same confidence
licences over both LAN and WAN for flexible access. as the last.
All bridge photographs are of structures analysed, designed or assessed using LUSAS Bridge software. L USAS, Forge House, 66 High Street, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, KT1 1HN, UK
Issue 3. Tel: +44 (0)20 8541 1999 | Fax: +44 (0)20 8549 9399 | Email: |