ADL 35 Industrial Relations & Labour Laws V3
ADL 35 Industrial Relations & Labour Laws V3
ADL 35 Industrial Relations & Labour Laws V3
Assignment A
1. What do you mean by Conciliation? Write various roles of conciliator?
Assignment B
Case Detail:
In one state, the chief Minister was invited to the annual conference of a union
where union elections were also scheduled. The Chief Minister inaugurated the c
onference and observed as follows: "I propose that you elect Mr.XYZ as your pres
ident and the president in turn elect his team. Before the members could underst
and the significance of what the Chief Minister has said there was a big round o
f applause from the audience-presumably orchastered by supporters of the Chief M
inister's nominee for president ship of the union. Before anyone could say anyth
ing quite, a few queued up and began to garland Mr.XYZ. Mr.XYZ then rose and ann
ounced the name of his nominees. The elections concluded. Those who were elected
were happy about the smooth and cordial manner in which the elections had been
held. Referring to two cases in the recent past in neighbouring factories, they
said, in one the rival unions spent a lot of money in elections. From where had
the money come? Would the ones who had spent so much money not want to recover
it in one form or another? Another elected person was talking about how manageme
nt manipulated the elections to have a "company" union. Some of the people who h
ad aspired to contest the elections were dismayed but could not do much because
of the atmosphere in which the whole thing had happened.
1. Discuss the problem of trade unions democracy.
2. What suggestions do you have to make trade unions truly for the memebers, of
the members, and by the members?
3. What role, if any, should management have in the manner in which unions are a
dministered? Is there a justification for managements to intervene in the intern
al matters of unions on the grounds that the internal dynamics of unions affect
the functioning of the company wherein the unions operate?
Assignment C
1. Industrial relations cover the following area(s)
Collective bargaining
Labour legislation
Industrial relations training
All of the above
10. Which of the following department has major interest in harmonious industria
l relations
11. The following is (are) included in ILO s standards with regard to industrial r
Right of association
Right to organize and collective bargaining
Tripartite consultants
All of the above
12. According to Indian Labour Commission (ILC) major recommendations, Union onc
e recognised should be valid for a period of _____ years to be co-terminus with
the period of settlement.
14. Strike should be called only if at least _____ percent of workers are in sup
port of strike.
15. A proactive industrial relations programme must cover the following decision
Discipline and conflict
All of the above
17. According to the definition of "week" under the Act, it is a period of seven
days beginning at midnight on
19. As per the Act, a person who has not completed his 15th year of age is a/an
20. A Mobile unit that belongs to the armed forces of the Union is not a "factor
y" as per the definition of "factory" given under the Act.
Both a & b
None of the above
23. As per the Act, the floor of every work room should be cleaned once every
24. The District Magistrate cannot become an inspector as per the Act.
Both a & b
None of the above
25. The power of inspectors is discussed under which section of the Factories Ac
t, 1948?
Section 9
Section 10
Section 11
Section 12
28. Strikes are a result of more fundamental maladjustments, injustices and econ
omic disturbances:
Both a & b
None of the above
29. Which of the following functions of trade unions are related to trade unions
To present and strengthen trade union democracy
To improve financial position of trade unions
To curb inter union rivalry
All of the above
31. __________ is the term used for the workers or employees who are the members
of trade unions or employee association
Un-organized labor
Organized labor
Uneducated labor
None of these
33. _________ are the rules and regulations which govern the conditions of emplo
yment of workers
Standing orders
None of these
35. _________ refers to the kind of rivalry present within the establishment as
there is provision in law of being more than one union in a plant
Intraunion rivalry
None of these
36. _________ are the bodies on which the representation is entirely of the empl
Staff and work councils
Management committee
Mentors and councilors
None of the above
38. It is one of the ______ function to protect labor against victimization and
Trade unions
Social groups
None of these
39. The first organized trade union in India named as _______ was formed in the
Delhi labor union
Bombay labor union
Madras Labor Union
None of these
40. The main functions of __________is resolve the difference existing between t
he management and the workers
Collective bargaining
None of the above
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