Overview of Solid Waste Management Lab
Overview of Solid Waste Management Lab
Overview of Solid Waste Management Lab
2. Waste Facilities To develop Sanitary Landfill for final disposal To build 23 Integrated Regional Sanitary Landfill
To identify other facilities required to optimize the with transfer stations network
Solid Waste Management that helps to prolong Safe closure of 17 open dump sited by 2020
the lifespan of landfill Sufficient facilities to support the 40% diversion
of waste from landfill
3. Market Creation Waste-to-wealth focus for identification of viable Fully operational waste flow data gathering:
SWM activities where GoM CAPEX/OPEX intelligence & knowledge on waste-derived
burden can be transitioned/reduced by Private resources by localized generation & demand
Sector Enterprise & Innovation Addressing linkages of feedstock security &
Creation of viable, safely regulated private sector product offtake (via Waste Symbiosis)
SWM industry that generates jobs & GNI Establishment of robust SOP pipeline for Private
Capacity-building of GoM readiness for Sector business proposals; from GoM evaluation
combined legal, business evaluation, policy, through to full commercialized implementation
regulatory & technical expertise
4. Public Cleansing Seek optimal strategy for viable balance of Cost optimization for better value / quality by
Service Level vs Cost across different areas 2020
5. Governance & To create a overall waste governance platform to Streamlining of diverging waste management
Legislation monitor, manage & oversee the development of governance, acts & policies by 2020
the SWM Industry
To review Act 672 and policies & regulations;
restructuring where necessary to optimize
Introducing the Initiatives and Enabling
1. Optimisation & Minimisation of 2. Waste facilities
Solid Waste
Minimization of solid waste Basic infrastructure sanitary landfill
generation and safe closure of dumpsite
Other related waste optimization nationwide
initiatives Waste treated facilities to support
the waste diversion from landfill
3.Market Creation 4. Public Cleansing
MSW feedstock readiness Review Concession Agreement in
Create vibrant enterprise: 2018
Conducive market structure Carve out of Public Cleansing from Act
Identify viable market initiation 672
projects Strengthen enforcement
5. Governance and Legislation
Governance structure for SWM
Review of Act and Legislations related to SWM
3 Market Creation
Initiatives Owner Key Milestone
Green Government MOF, To Be Determined
Procurement EPU
SWM Industry Incentives MIDA, To Be Determined
Unlocking Bank
JPSPN To Be Determined
Key Initiatives under Feedstock Readiness
To unlock recovery value :
KPI : Launch of CANS
1. Catchment Area Needs Statement (CANS) TARGET : 1 JAN 2016
Compile & circulate catchment area tonnage diversion needs & current
waste-flow chart. Clarify of this needs data helps leverage on Private
Sector ingenuity in delivering suitable & appropriate proposals for
addressing stated needs; taking over CAPEX/OPEX to reduce GoM
Market Initiation Projects proposed are evaluated for business viability using the CANS
and holistic evaluation criteria developed for the Commercialization Pipeline. Once
successful, these can to be later replicated to assist more rapid mobilization towards the
2020 target of 40% diversion from landfills.
Data collected from the operation of these Market Initiation Projects will also enable
target-setting quantity & timeline estimation of how much tonnage diversion can be
projected from private sector involvement.
Market Creation is about activating private
sector initiated waste management, treatment
& recovery; as a sustainable solution to the
unsustainable cost escalation of Solid Waste
Management on Federal Budgets.
Municipal Solid
Waste (Household
& Commercial)
Construction &
Electrical &
Electronic Waste
(eWaste / WEEE)
Hazardous Toxic
Problem Origination Analysis :
Broken Pipelines Impeding the Viability of WSM Waste-to-Wealth
terima kasih.