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Pyp Scope Sequence - Drama

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PYP Scope & Sequence


PHASE 1 (ELC & Kindergarten)

Learners watch performances by the grade 8/9/10 drama

students and reflect on their performance.
Learners respond to live performances, stories and plays
Learners watch the grade 2 students perform skits related to
from other times and/or places their unit of inquiry.
Learners watch their peers perform at community time.
We enjoy and
experience different
Learners talk about ideas and feelings in response to Learners reflect on their own performances (the 3 little pigs,
forms of art.
dramatic performances the 3 Billy Goats Gruff) and on their peers performances.

The art is a means of

communication and
Learners model and contextualize real life situations when
expression. Learners display audience etiquette and appropriate watching their own peers in class, at community time and
responses theatre performances.
Learners create their own audience behavior rubric.
People share art with

Learners realize that dramatic conventions are used to craft Learners are exposed to the dramatic conventions through
We express our performance stage games

responses to artwork
in a variety of ways.

Learners use materials to symbolically show location and Learners use the props available in class when performing.
We reflect on our character (Hats, costumes, masks, puppets, etc.)
artwork and the work
of others.
Learners watch videos of performances.
Learners use music in their performances.
Learners respond to dramatic ideas through spoken, visual,
Learners listen to stories from story books and act them out.
auditory and kinesthetic mediums Learners use the puppets to put on a Puppet show.
Learners use the masks and props to perform for their peers
PHASE 2 (Grade 1 & Grade 2)

We are receptive to Miming activities using Marcelle Marceaus biography, videos and
art practices and books. (Videos saved in Media drive)
Learners compare varied styles of performance with
Chinese shadows
artworks from drama from their own culture Skits children are encourages to ask their parents about their own
different cultures, culture and to act them out to their peers in class.

places and times

(including our own). Sharing their previous knowledge about their culture and stories
Learners use drama performance to tell stories about that they have heard at home.
Listening to Aesops fables, choose one and acted out as a group.
people and events from various cultures, including
People make Choose one of Hans Christian Andersons stories to act out as a
their own group.
meaning through the Listened to stories by Sophia de Mello Bryner
use of symbols.
Exploring body language and facial expressions.
Play miming games and learn how it can be used to express ones
People communicate Learners discuss and explain the way ideas, feelings feelings.
Listening to songs about facial expressions.
ideas, feelings and and experiences can be communicated through stories Playing the Emotion Chair game to emphasize an emotion when
experiences through and performance acting.
Playing the Doughnut game to help children control their emotions
the arts. while on stage, stops giggling

We can reflect on Children reflect on their own performance (2 stars & 1 wish about
Learners describe and evaluate the learning and
and learn from the themselves)
understandings developed through their exploration of Children learn to receive feedback (2 stars & 1 wish about their
different stages of drama peers)

There is a
Discuss stage etiquette, share previous knowledge and explore the
relationship between Learners describe the dynamic connection between
various roles in a performance (performers, audience, directors,
the artist and the the audience and performer back-stage, make-up and prop design, etc.)

PHASE 3 (Grade 3 & Grade 4 )

Students explore the use of Mozambican masks in local

Learners discuss aspects of drama that illustrate
performances. They then make their own Makonde Masks and
When experiencing relationships between culture, history and location perform with them.
arts, we make
connections between
different cultures,
Research and reflect on universal beliefs (good vs evil) used in
places and times. Learners explore how dramatic meaning illustrates the stories.
values, beliefs and observations of an individual or Explore the meaning of the morals in stories/fables Aesops
community fables & legends & myths
People explore Share previous knowledge of fiction vs non-fiction.
issues, beliefs and
values through arts.

Prepare a Circus performance catering for different age groups

Learners consider the composition of an audience when
There are different Classes prepare skits for younger classes ensuring the content
preparing an effective formal and/or informal presentation is age appropriate.
kinds of audiences
responding to
different arts.
Children reflect on their own performances (after watching
We use what we
Learners reflect on achievement and challenges and how videos of their performances)
they can incorporate these influences in future work Children learn to receive feedback from their peers (2 stars & 1
know to interpret wish
arts and deepen our
understanding of
Reflection at the end of a play (after reading a play the children
ourselves and the discuss the play and reflect on the message)
Learners recognize and discuss how the consequences and
world around us. Learners make connections between the story and their own
actions of a performance teach audience members and personal experiences
performers life lessons Learners reflect on previous experiences and suggest ways to
change the outcome.
PHASE 4 (Grade 5)

Learners listen to stories, watch videos and documentaries from

Learners describe how drama plays an innovative role in
various culture.
communicating ideas within cultures and societies Speakers from various cultures are invited to share their stories.

Through exploring
arts across cultures,
places and times we
Learners understand the role and relevance of drama in
can appreciate that Learners are encourage to research and bring in a story from their
their own society through exposure to a variety of own culture to present to the rest of the class.
people innovate. performers and their perspectives

People communicate Learners are encouraged to perform using different media:

across cultures, Puppets
Learners reflect on a variety of dramatic forms to identify
places and times Pantomimes
new understandings within the arts Props
through arts.
The arts provide us Director
with multiple Producer
Script writer
perspectives. Learners recognize and explore some of the different Narrator
roles in theatre Characters
Back-stage manager
We reflect and act on Music conductor
Videographer & photographer
the responses to our
creative work.

Learners use response to drama to adapt and improve Learners reflect on the performance through discussion, criticism
work, considering the original intention and reflection tools.

PHASE 1 (ELC & Kindergarten)

We can enjoy and

Learners engage in imaginative play using a range of Learners have free play using the costumes and hats.
learn from creating stimuli Learners have free play using the puppets and play in a group.

The creative
process involves Learners develop the ability to cooperate and While using their imagination in the free play activities, the
communicate with others in creating drama children are encouraged to play with their peers
joining in, exploring
and taking risks.

While performing the nursery rhymes on stage in class, the

In creating art, Learners explore basic bodily movements and the use of
students are encouraged to use the whole stage.
people make space Students add actions to their songs while singing on stage.

choices to
construct meaning
After listening to the 3 little pigs story, the children act out the
about the world Learners explore familiar roles, themes and stories story on stage adding expression.
around them. dramatically Learners share their previous knowledge of stories heard at

We can express
ourselves through Certain props are laid out on stage, enough to have one for each
Learners create roles in response to props, set and
arts. student. They are then encouraged to choose one and create a
costumes little story.

Our experiences
and imagination
Learners are encouraged to go up on stage and perform anything
can inspire us to Learners work individually or in groups with confidence they choose for their peers. They have the option to perform
alone or with a friend.

PHASE 2 (Grade 1 & Grade 2)

Learners perform in class for their peers, taking turns being the
Learners share drama with different audiences by performers and the audience.
participating, listening and watching Community time is an opportunity for each student to be both
the performer and audience.
We can communicate
our ideas, feelings
Learners watch a video of a story and reenact the plot
and experiences Learners identify with characters through role-play Learners listen to stories (storybooks) and reenact the story
development (Nutcracker, Burger Boy, Unit of Inquiry skits, Hansel & Gretel,
through our artwork. Peter and the wolf, Mary Poppins)

Breathing exercises
We solve problems Skits that work on moral issues (Aesop's fables)
during the creative Reenacting Kelso
Learners use performance as a problem-solving tool Skits related to the PYP Attitudes
process by thinking Ice-breakers (silly starters, guess my problem/feeling, the
critically and emotions chair)

imaginatively. Learners are put into groups and have to create their own skit
Learners work cooperatively towards a common goal, Learners have to work cooperatively in a play by understanding
taking an active part in a creative experience their cues and stage awareness and body awareness.
Applying a range of Learners play what are you doing? and Donut
strategies helps us to
express ourselves. Freeze frame
Learners make use of a simple performance conventions Slow motion
to share ideas Audience aside
Gender swop (boys playing girls and vise versa)
We are receptive to
the value of working
individually and Learners consider and maintain appropriate behaviors in Learners learn audience etiquette such as listening, posture,
drama, as an audience member or as a performer appreciation through skits and performances in class
collaboratively to
create art.
Learners are encouraged to create their own stories by playing
Learners value and develop imaginary roles or situations the round-about story game.
Learners create stories based on their unit of inquiry.

PHASE 3 (Grade 3 & Grade 4)

Learners create a devised or scripted performance for a Script focused on specific emotions and physical expressions.
particular audience or purpose Mime skits with universal themes

Given skit with differentiated characters and settings, learners

Arts have the Learners make artistic choices about role, situation and build and compose skit according the their choice.
context Learners choose characters to role-play based on play watched,
power to influence book that was read or story that was told.
thinking and
behavior. Stories (folk tales, fables, fairy tales) with similar morals from
Learners identify how cultural connections can be made
around the world
with different types of drama Similar plots in different stories from around the world
We make
between our Learners identify and develop the personal and related Voice projection, body awareness, stage presence
artwork and that of skills encountered through the drama experience Personal and class reflection on story moral and message

others to extend
our thinking. Miming skits
Seasonal skits and plays
Learners find appropriate ways to communicate specific
Themed plays
meaning using dramatic action Plays with moral and evident messages
We can explore our
personal interests,
beliefs and values Skit writing (individual and as a group)
Learners express their unique values, beliefs and interests Personal choice of character
through arts. through a dramatic form Individual presentation regarding a topic or given situation and/or

Play reading
Skit and play performances
Learners interpret written dialogues or scenarios Given a specific character and setting learners compose a short

PHASE 4 (Grade 5)

Learners create they own script inspired and viewed by a

storybook with images and with out words.
We act on the Learners manipulate a variety of different drama strategies and Create differentiated characters and settings.
techniques to create informed scripts, characterizations and contexts Learn about staging and stage structure, sceneries, to respond to
responses to our their performances.
artwork to inform
and challenge our Given skit with differentiated characters and settings, learners
build and compose skit according the their choice.
artistic Learners work to develop each others ideas during the creative
Learners choose characters to role-play based on play watched,
book that was read or story that was told.

We explore a range Explore and tell a story using one of the different dramatics form
Learners create and perform a sequential drama that explores a
or styles: Mime, choral readings, commedia delarte (improvised
of possibilities and particular issue by experimenting with different dramatic forms
theatre) and physical theatre.
perspectives to
communicate in
Learners consider the skills and techniques used by a range of drama Learners watch different types of drama performances and
broader ways practitioners in the performing arts reflect on their own work.
through our
creative work.
Learners go up on stage and perform short plays or skits for their
Learners show an awareness of audience and adapt performances
peers while their will be divided: One group is the audience and
Arts provide the other group is acting out.

opportunities to
Reflection of the performance where the learners discuss and
explore our Learners consider the advice and feedback of others as an essential comment about each other work.
creative potential part of the creative process Learners reflect on previous experiences so as to improve their
and engage in a
personal artistic
Learners do creative writing to write a short play, allowing them
journey. Learners explore writing for performance to extend their understanding about: how to create texts for
plays and also using still images to explore abstract concepts.

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