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Chart: Update of Action Plan: A: Philosophy

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Chart: Update of action plan

Schools are required to use this template to submit their plan in order to continue implementing the programme for the next five years. It is organized according to the headings of the
Programme standards and practices.
The school will include objectives drawn from the outcomes of the self-study questionnaire.
Add rows as necessary.

A: Philosophy
The schools educational beliefs and values reflect IB philosophy.

Objective Actions Date to be Person/group responsible for Budgetary implications Evidence of achievement
achieved achieving this objective or of progress towards
achievement of the objective

Requirement A3. e. The Provide in-school workshop 2017 - 2018 Whole staff Professional development budget An increased confidence and
school demonstrates a for all staff on development knowledge about transdisciplinary
commitment to of transdisciplinarity. PYP coordinator work amongst staff.
transdisciplinary learning.
An enhanced level of evidence of
Implement and sustain No transdisciplinary learning on unit
development of planners.

Continue to focus on Ongoing

collaborative planning
between single subject
teachers and class teachers.

Practice A6. The school Provide training for all staff Ongoing All staff Professional development budget All staff is consistent in the message
promotes open regarding face-to-face to give to parents and the same
communication based on communication with parents language is used across the school.
understanding and respect. and community members.

Provide workshops for Primary school principal No The flow of communication is

parents regarding enhanced so that it is explicitly clear
communication with to parents what to expect when
teachers. communicating with any member of

Continue to add to the FAQs All staff No FAQs on the website address the
posted on AISM website to PYP essential elements.
ensure parents understand
essential elements of the

Self-study questionnaire: Primary Years Programme

Objective Actions Date to be Person/group responsible for Budgetary implications Evidence of achievement
achieved achieving this objective or of progress towards
achievement of the objective


Practice A8. The school Identify and encourage more Ongoing Professional development budget Folder on the shared drive showing
participates in the IB world staff to make greater the links teachers make to other
community. connections to the IB world partners in the IB world community.
community more explicit.

Encourage staff to become No Teachers apply for and become

workshop leaders and workshop leader or evaluators.
school evaluators.

Requirement A9. a. The Provide information sessions 2016 - 2017 Primary school principal No All relevant staff is familiar with the
school implements the PYP on the learning diversity updated policy and procedures.
as an inclusive programme policy for admissions staff, Admissions staff
for all students. after-school activities After-school activities coaches
coaches, and teaching

Self-study questionnaire: Primary Years Programme

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