Chart: Update of Action Plan: A: Philosophy
Chart: Update of Action Plan: A: Philosophy
Chart: Update of Action Plan: A: Philosophy
Schools are required to use this template to submit their plan in order to continue implementing the programme for the next five years. It is organized according to the headings of the Programme
standards and practices.
The school will include objectives drawn from the outcomes of the self-study questionnaire.
Add rows as necessary.
A: Philosophy
The schools educational beliefs and values reflect IB philosophy.
Objective Actions Date to be Person/group responsible for Budgetary implications Evidence of achievement
achieved achieving this objective or of progress towards
achievement of the objective
Requirement A3. e. The Provide in-school workshop 2017 - 2018 Whole staff Professional development budget An increased confidence and
school demonstrates a for all staff on development knowledge about transdisciplinary
commitment to of transdisciplinarity. PYP coordinator work amongst staff.
transdisciplinary learning.
An enhanced level of evidence of
Implement and sustain No transdisciplinary learning on unit
development of planners.
Practice A6. The school Provide training for all staff Ongoing All staff Professional development budget All staff is consistent in the message
promotes open regarding face-to-face to give to parents and the same
communication based on communication with parents language is used across the school.
understanding and respect. and community members.
Continue to add to the FAQs All staff No FAQs on the website address the
posted on AISM website to PYP essential elements.
ensure parents understand
essential elements of the
Practice A8. The school Identify and encourage more Ongoing Professional development budget Folder on the shared drive showing
participates in the IB world staff to make greater the links teachers make to other
community. connections to the IB world partners in the IB world community.
community more explicit.
Requirement A9. a. The Provide information sessions 2016 - 2017 Primary school principal No All relevant staff is familiar with the
school implements the PYP on the learning diversity updated policy and procedures.
as an inclusive programme policy for admissions staff, Admissions staff
for all students. after-school activities After-school activities coaches
coaches, and teaching
B: Organization
B1: Leadership and structure
The schools leadership and administrative structures ensure the implementation of the Primary Years Programme.
Objective Actions Date to be Person/group responsible for Budgetary implications Evidence of achievement
achieved achieving this objective or of progress towards
achievement of the objective
Practice B1.4. The school Support all teachers and 2017-2018 PYP coordinator No The PYP coordinator plans with
has appointed a programme teaching assistants individual teachers.
coordinator with a job implement the curriculum
effectively within the Constructive observation and
description, release time, feedback are given to the teachers.
classrooms, with the PYP
support and resources to coordinator in a coaching
carry out the responsibilities role.
of the position.
Make the PYP coordination 2018-2019 Director, primary school principal Salary increase for another The PYP coordinator receives and
a fulltime position. Portuguese teacher if the current gives professional development.
PYP coordinator becomes fulltime
The PYP coordinator schedule
Use non-planning time for 2018-2019 PYP coordinator reflects planning and co-teaching
the PYP coordinator to co- times.
PYP coordinator co-teaches with
Requirement B1.2. b The Employ and retain qualified 2019-2020 Board, director, primary school Salary package Programme continues to grow and
governing body places the and experienced PYP principal change.
responsibility for the teachers.
implementation of the PYP
on the pedagogical
Employ and retain qualified Two full time coaches are employed.
leadership team.
and experienced
Mathematics and Literacy
Objective Actions Date to be Person/group responsible for Budgetary implications Evidence of achievement
achieved achieving this objective or of progress towards
achievement of the objective
Practice B2.1. The Purchase appropriate 2017 - 2018 Learning support team Primary school budget Materials are in classes and used by
governing body allocates materials for learning teams.
funding for the support purposes.
implementation and ongoing
development of the Continue to purchase 2021 - 2022 Materials are diverse and adequate
programme(s). materials to meet the needs to needs of students.
of students.
Practice B2.2. The school Include a learning support 2018 - 2019 Board, director, principal Salary package An assistant works with the Learning
provides qualified staff to assistant in the Learning Support team to support teachers.
implement the Support department.
Employ a second Learning 2021 - 2022 Salary package Another Learning Support coach is
Support coach. employed.
Students have greater access to
Provide ESOL support in 2018 - 2019 Learning support team No An inclusive model of support is
Kindergarten. developed.
Student learning demonstrates
English language growth.
Continue ESOL in the 2018 - 2019 Qualified staff Professional development budget More members of staff complete the
mainstream training course. course and apply their knowledge
and strategies.
Hire ESOL trained teachers. Ongoing Salary package Teachers employed are ESOL
qualified and experienced.
A full time PYP coordinator 2018 - 2019 PYP coordinator has a full time
Practice B2.3 The school Provide opportunities for 2018 - 2019 Professional development budget Grade teams are trained in
ensures that teachers and whole grade teams to collegiate manner.
administrators receive IB- participate in IB recognised
professional development off
recognized professional
campus as a group.
Practice B2.5 The physical Build a purpose facility for 2018 - 2019 Facilities budget Facilities are appropriate.
and virtual learning ELC.
environments, facilities,
resources and specialized
Continue to update Ongoing Resources budget Technology is current and functional.
equipment support the technology,
implementation of the networks/systems and
programme(s). programmes.
Practice B2.6. The Continue to expand the Ongoing Librarian, Portuguese language Library budget The library has a collection of
library/multimedia/resources mother tongue section of the teachers resources that supports the
play a central role in the library. Portuguese language programme.
implementation of the
Practice B2.8. The school Refine the procedures and 2017 - 2018 Primary leadership team No Procedures and practices are
provides support for its practices regarding learning revised, accessible and in place.
students with learning and/or support policy.
learning support
requirements and support for
their teachers.
C: Curriculum
C1: Collaborative planning
Collaborative planning and reflection support the implementation of the Primary Years Programme.
Objective Actions Date to be Person/group responsible for Budgetary implications Evidence of achievement
achieved achieving this objective or of progress towards
achievement of the objective
Requirement C1.3. a There Ensure all staff has access Ongoing Principal, PYP coordinator, all staff No All documents are accessible.
is a systematic approach to to all curriculum documents.
integration of the subject
specific scope and Provide ManageBac training Ongoing PYP coordinator, ICT coach All information is accessible on
sequences and the to input: ManageBac.
programme of inquiry. scope and sequence
vocabulary lists
process skills
stand-alone planners for
stand-alone planners for
Single subject stand-
alone planners and
Practice C1.4 Collaborative Write an essential 2017 - 2018 Primary leadership team An essential agreement is written,
planning and reflection agreement to explicitly reinforced and expectations met.
ensures that all teachers outline the procedures and
expectations of single
Ensure planning documents Ongoing All staff, PYP coordinator All planners are archived in due time
are completed in a timely and saved in the shared document
manner by the teams and folder.
accessible to all teachers.
Practice C1.6 Collaborative Include differentiation Ongoing All staff Strategies are explicit in the learning
planning and reflection strategies in the planners. experiences section of the planner.
incorporates differentiation
for students learning needs Make differentiation more Daily planning follows essential
and styles. visible in daily planning. agreements.
Objective Actions Date to be Person/group responsible for Budgetary implications Evidence of achievement
achieved achieving this objective or of progress towards
achievement of the objective
Requirement C2.1. b. The Write an essential Ongoing PYP coordinator, leadership team No Minutes of staff meetings taken to
school ensures that there is agreement outlining the two- show discussion of horizontal and
a coherent, horizontally and year review process of the vertical alignment
vertically articulated POI including the way in
programme of inquiry which the PYPC Changes are made to the units of
collaboratively utilizes the inquiry
review information. Weekly planning clearly shows
scope and sequence integration in
Objective Actions Date to be Person/group responsible for Budgetary implications Evidence of achievement
achieved achieving this objective or of progress towards
achievement of the objective
Requirement C3.1. c. The Review the PSPE 2017 2018 All staff No All staff informed and responsible for
school ensures that personal documents from the IB PSPE teaching.
and social education is the annually.
responsibility of all teachers.
Build a sustainable service 2021 2022 A service learning programme is in
learning programme with place.
active interaction and
relationship building with the
Requirement C3.3.a. Plan for and include learning Differentiation included in the
Teaching and learning experiences for appropriate sections of the planners.
addresses the differentiation on the unit
competencies, experiences, planners.
learning needs and styles of
Explain differentiated
strategies in assessment
tasks and assessment tools.
Practice C3.4. Teaching and Review the current 2017 - 2018 Librarian, ICT coach, grade level Updated Academic Honesty policy
learning promotes the Academic Honesty policy to teams, PYP coordinator that demonstrates progression from
understanding and practice include the primary school ELC to Grade 12.
of academic honesty. and create a school-wide
Decide and implement an Primary leadership team Essential agreement in place and
Essential Agreement for followed.
citing sources to be
displayed and accessible for
all students.
Practice C3.6. Teaching and Continue to evaluate and Ongoing All staff Records of horizontal and vertical
learning addresses human assess current unit planners alignment are kept.
commonality, diversity and to ensure diversity within the
multiple perspectives. units of inquiry. Student learning improves.
Practice C3.10. Teaching Continue to evaluate and Student learning is differentiated and
and learning differentiates update unit planners, improves.
instruction to meet students formative and summative
learning needs and styles. assessments to include
differentiation of both
teaching and learning needs
and styles.
Build on and update existing Grade level teams Grade level budget Greater student access to
classroom resources to technology.
support the units of inquiry
for each grade level (Books, Technology use becomes second
articles, websites, materials). nature.
Practice C3.12. Teaching Make action more visible by Ongoing All staff No The Action board outside the office
and learning develops having students record their displays meaningful action from
student attitudes and skills self-initiated action in their students.
that allow for meaningful reflections.
student action in response to All classrooms include a current
students own needs and the action wall.
needs of others.
Encourage parents to share Parent feedback on student action is
action happening at home. documented in planners and action
Requirement C3.14.b. Develop more focused 2017 - 2018 Grade level teams, PYP coordinator A collection of questions is
Teaching and learning teacher questions to help accessible in the shared document
empowers students to take drive student action. folder.
self-initiated action as a
result of the learning. Student reflections address teacher
C4: Assessment
Assessment at the school reflects IB assessment philosophy.
Objective Actions Date to be Person/group responsible for Budgetary implications Evidence of achievement
achieved achieving this objective or of progress towards
achievement of the objective
Requirement 4.1. b Make available a selection of 2017-2018 All staff, PYP coordinator No Assessment tools and strategies are
Assessment addresses all exemplars of assessment archived and accessible on the
the essential elements of the tools, which incorporate the shared documents folder.
programme essential elements.
Practice 4.2 The school Write an essential 2017-2018 Grade level teams Procedures followed to
communicates its agreement to outline communicate information are
assessment philosophy, procedures. consistent.
policy and procedures to the Procedures are available on the
school community. community website.
Communicate procedures
clearly to the community. Procedures are available on teach
classroom Weebly.
Continue to provide parent Ongoing Grade level teams, PYP coordinator Orientation night presentations.
information sessions about
assessment in the PYP. Parent workshops and informational
Practice 4.3 The school Attach all related paperwork All teachers, PYP coordinator All documents concerning each unit
uses a range of strategies regarding assessments to is available on ManageBac.
and tools to assess student ManageBac.
Assessment tools are appropriate
learning. and varied.
Resource folder of exemplars of
various assessment tools and
Practice 4.4 The school Write and implement an 2017 - 2018 All staff Essential agreement in place and
provides students with essential agreement accessible on the shared documents
feedback to inform and regarding assessment and folder.
student goal setting.
improve their learning. Common language agreed upon and
Portfolios and journals demonstrate
student goal setting and growth.
Practice 4.7 The school Continue to use annual Ongoing All teachers, PYP coordinator, PLC Data is collated and available to
analyses assessment data to assessment data to inform leaders teachers.
inform teaching and learning. the PLC in order to drive
student learning. PLC minutes and action plans.
Summative assessment reflections
on planners with strategies to
improve student success rate.
Evaluate ISA data regarding 2017 - 2018 Mathematics coach Mathematical coach feedback to
Mathematics. teachers informs planning for
student growth.
Approved by Position