Name of Drug Mechanism of Action Indication/ Contraindicatio N Side Effects Nursing Responsibiliti Es
Name of Drug Mechanism of Action Indication/ Contraindicatio N Side Effects Nursing Responsibiliti Es
Name of Drug Mechanism of Action Indication/ Contraindicatio N Side Effects Nursing Responsibiliti Es
Name of Mechanism
Contraindicatio Side Effects Responsibiliti
Drug of Action
n es
Hypersensitivity to
1 Cap PO tid nitro furan derivatives
Mechanis Indication/ Nursing
Name of
m of Contraindicatio Side Effects Responsibiliti
Action n es
Assess client
for abdominal
Brand name: Stimulates INDICATION: SIDE EFFECT: pain
motility of Relief of symptoms of distention,
Plasil upper GI tract acute and recurrent Nausea, bowel sound
without diabetic gastro vomiting, Monitor BP
Generic name: stimulating paresis- Short-term diarrhea;
gastric, biliary, therapy for adults with breast
during IV
Metoclopramide or pancreatic symptomatic GERD tenderness Administration
secretions; who fail to respond to or swelling .
appears to conventional therapy shuffling
Give direct IV
sensitize walk
doses slowly
tissues to CONTRAINDICATION: over 1-
action of Skin rash
Concentrations 2minutes.- For
Sore throat
CLASSIFICATION: acetylcholine; Allergy to IV infusion,
Stiffness of
relaxes pyloric metoclopramide give over at
sphincter, the arms or
Anti-emetics - GI least
which, when legs
hemorrhage- 15minutes.
combined with Mechanical Dispose of
DOSAGE: effects on obstruction or used materials
motility perforation properly
1 ampule via (IV) Educate
patient about
side effects.
patient to take
drug exactly
as prescribed
Mechanis Indication/ Nursing
Name of
m of Contraindicatio Side Effects Responsibiliti
Action n es
Generic name: INDICATION: SIDE EFFECT: Perform
MECHANISM Rash culture and
Co-trimoxazole OF ACTION: Treatment and Pruritus sensitivity
prevention of travelers Fever tests before
Brand name: Trimethoprim diarrhea. Epigastric beginning
inhibits the distress drug therapy.
Septra (GSK), synthesis of CONTRAINDICATION: Nausea Protect the
Bactrim (Roche) nucleic acids . Vomiting 200mg tablets
and proteins in Use cautiously with from exposure
DOSAGE susceptible hepatic or renal to light.
bacteria; the impairment, Discontinue
800 mg Po, tid bacterial drug and
enzyme consult with
CLASSIFICATION:: involved in this physician if
reaction is any significant
Sulfonamide more readily reduction in
antibiotic inhibited than any formed
the blood element
mammalian occurs
Mechanis Indication/ Nursing
Name of
m of Contraindicatio Side Effects Responsibiliti
Action n es
INDICATION: discomfort or .
Generic Name: MECHANISM Inhibits GI peristaltic pain, Discontinue if
OF ACTION: activity by direct action abdominal there is no
Loperamide (loe- on circular and distention, improvement
pera-mide) Effective longitudinal intestinal bloating, after 48 h of
antidiarrheal; muscles. Prolongs constipation, therapy for
Brand Name: synthetic transit time of nausea, acute
piperidine intestinal contents, vomiting, diarrhea.
Imodium derivative increases consistency anorexia, Monitor fluid
chemically of stools, and reduces dry mouth and
Toxic mega electrolyte
related to fluid and electrolyte
DOSAGE/ diphenoxylat loss. colon (patients balance.
e and to CONTRAINDICATION with ulcerative
1CAP every 8 meperidine. : colitis).
hours PO Reportedly Conditions in which
has longer constipation should be
CLASSIFICATION duration of avoided, severe colitis,
: action. acute diarrhea caused
by broad-spectrum
Gastrointestinal antibiotics
agent (pseudomembranous
colitis) or associated
with microorganisms
that penetrate
intestinal mucosa
Mechanis Indication/ Nursing
Name of
m of Contraindicatio Side Effects Responsibilit
Action n ies
fever by Common cold, flu, Hepatictoxicity temperature
acting directly other viral and and failure, Monitor side
on the bacterial infections jaundice effect of the
hypothalamic with pain and fever medicines
heat- Assess for
regulating CONTRAINDICATION fever and
center to : pain
500 mg/tab every
cause Contraindicated with
4 hours PO
vasodilation allergy to
and acetaminophen.- Use
sweating, cautiously with
which helps impaired hepatic
dissipate function, chronic
analgesics ( non- heat alcoholism
Mechanis Indication/
Name of Nursing
m of Contraindicatio Side Effects
Drug Responsibilities
Action n
GENERIC Exerts a INDICATION: Dry mouth, Drug compatibility should be
NAME: Buscopan Tablets are constipation, monitored closely in patients
spasmolytic nausea,
indicated for the relief of requiring adjunctive therapy
hyoscine-N- action on the epigastric
spasm of the genito-urinary
butylbromide smooth muscle tract or gastro- intestinal distress Avoid strict heat
of the tract and for the
BRAND NAME: gastrointestinal symptomatic relief of Raise side rails as a precaution
, biliary and Irritable Bowel Syndrome because some patients become
Buscopan temporarily excited or disoriented
urinary tracts.
CONTRAINDICATION: and some develop amnesia or
DOSAGE Buscopan Tablets should become drowsy.
10 mg every 8 not be administered to
hours PO patients with myasthenia Reorient patient, as needed,
gravis, megacolon and Tolerance may develop when
CLASSIFICATI narrow angle glaucoma. In therapy is prolonged
ON: addition, they should not be Individual tolerance varies greatly
given to patients with a
Antispasmodic known hypersensitivity to Overdose may cause curare-like
Anticholinergic hyoscine-N-butylbromide or effects, such as respiratory
any other component of the paralysis.