Drug Study
Drug Study
Drug Study
Generic Name: Aspirin Drug that Relief of pain Pregnancy and GI Discomfort, Assess patients
Mefenamic Acid has analgesic, including lactation. Diarrhea or pain before
antipyretic and muscular, Hypersensitivity. Constipation, gas therapy.
Brand Name: anti-inflammatory rheumatic, Active ulcerations pain, nausea,
Pharex mefenamic activities. Its traumatic, dental, or chronic vomiting, Monitor for
acid, Gardan, ability is to inhibit inflammation of possible drug
post operative, and drowsiness or
Dolfenal cyclooxygenase either the upper or induced adverse
post partum pain, dizziness.
and also lower reactions.
Dosage: antagonize certain headache, gastrointestinal
500 mg/tab effects of migraine, fever, tract. Assess the patient
Q6, (every 6 prostaglandins. It and and patientǯs
hours) displays central dysmenorrhea, familyǯs knowledge
and peripheral pain from about the drug.
Route: activities. rheumatoid
Oral arthritis including
Stillǯs disease, soft
tissue injuries.
Therapy should
not exceed 7 days.
c Action Indication Contra indication Adverse effect Nursing
Generic Name: Analgesic, Anti- Opthalmic: Active peptic ulcer Opthalmic: Assess patints pain
Ketorolac Inflammatory and treatment of disease, recent Transient stinging before and one hour
Antipyretic. allergic gastro-intestinal and burning on after treatment.
Brand Name: Inhibits conjunctivitis, and bleeding or instillation, ocular
Acular, Kortezol, Prostaglandin for prophylaxis perforation, irritation, Alergic Assess for
Toradol, synthesis by and reduction of moderate to reactions. hypersensitivity
Remopain inhibition of cyclo- inflammation and severe renal Gastro intestinal reactions.
oxygenase enzyme. associated impairment, ulcerations,
Dosage: It also Inhibits symptoms hypovolemia or bleeding and Monitor for possible
30 mg/SIVP (Slow leukotrine following ocular dehydration. perforation, adverse reaction.
Intra-venous synthesis, help surgery. Solution Labor or delivery, hypertension,
Push) stabilize lysosomal for injection: Short lactation and rashes, nausea and Assess for signs of
PRN (as Needed) membranes and term management hypersensitivity to vomiting. bleeding, bruising,
exert anti- of moderate to aspirin. fatigue and poor
Route: bradykinin severe acute post- healing.
I.V. c activity. operative pain.
Assess patients eyes
for redness,
swelling, tearing
and itching.