ISBN 81-7061-010-9
PRICE Rs 170.00
Dr H. C. Visvesvaraya
Chairman and Director General
National Council for Cement and Building Materials
M-10 South Extension II. Rine Road
New Delhi 1IO649
DR MRWAIAH Structural Engineering Research Centre
(CSIR), Madras
DR R. K. BHANDARI Central Building Research Institute,
SHRI V. RAO AIYAGARI Department of Science & Technology,
New Delhi
SHRI T. S. RATNAM Bureau of Public Enterprises,
SHRI P. K. KALRA New Delhi
SHRI HARISH CHAI\(DRA Central Public Works Department,
New Delhi
SHRI A. K. BANERJEE Metallurgical and Engineering Consultants
(India) Ltd, Ranchi
SHRI J. D. CHATURVEDI Planning Commission, New Delhi
SHRI G. RAMAN Bureau of lndian Standards, New Delhi
(Member Secretary)
DR H. C. VISVESVARAYA National Council for Cement and
(Convener) Building Materials, New Delhi
SHRI HARISH CHANDRA Central Public Works Department,
New Delhi
SHRI S. R. KULKARNI M. N. Dasiur -& Co Pvt Ltd, Calcutta
SHR~ J. C. GANGULY Braithwaite Burn & Jessop Construction Co Ltd,
DR P. SRINIVASA RAO Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
SHRI A. K. BANERJEE Metallurgical & Engineering Consultants
(India) Ltd, Ranchi
SHRI P. V. NAIK Richardson & Cruddas Ltd, Bombay
DR M. RAMAIAH Str;atuur;i Engineering Research Centre (CSIR),
SHRI C. N. SRINIVASAN C. R. Narayana Rao Architects & Engineers,
SHRI A. RAMAKRISHNA Engineering Construction Corporation Ltd,
SHRI ASHOK TREHAN National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd,
SHRI A. C. GUPTA New Delhi
Adequate wind bracing along the length of the building should be provided to
withstand the wind on end gable and drag force on the roof and walls. Since the
design for this depends upon the length of the building, locations of the expansion
joint, etc, the typified design of these bracings is not given in the Handbook.
However, an illustrative example of bracing design has been included.
Some of the points to be noted regarding analysis and design of these structures
are as follows:
a) The typified designs have been given for the following parameters:
Span lengths (metres) = 9, 12, 18, 24 and 30
Spacing of frames (metres) = 4.5 and 6.0
Roof slopes = 1 in 3, 1 in 4 and 1 in 5
b) The analysis of portal frames has been made using a computer programme,
based on the stiffness method of analysis.
s>A detailed design example in the design office format is given illustrating the
use of analysis and design information presented.
j> On the basis of typified designs for different spans, spacings, roof slopes, etc,
some conclusions regarding the more economical designs have been covered.
This Handbook is based on the work done by Structural Engineering
Laboratory, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT),
Madras. The draft Handbook was circulated for review to Shri J. Durai Raj, New
Delhi; University of Roorkee, Roorkee; National Projects Construction
Corporation Limited, New Delhi; Engineer-in-Chiefs Branch, Army Headquarters,
New Delhi; Gammon India Limited, Bombay; Association of Consulting Engineers
(India), New Delhi; Tata Consulting Engineers, Bombay; Metallurgical and
Engineering Consultants (India) Limited, National Industrial Development
Corporation Limited, New Delhi; Research, Designs & Standards Organization,
Lucknow; S. R. Joshi and Company Limited, Bombay; Food Corporation of India,
New Delhi; Engineers India Limited, New Delhi; National Hydroelectric Power
Corporation Limited, New Delhi; National Thermal Power Corporation, New
Delhi; Western Railways, Bombay; Braithwaite and Company Limited, Calcutta;
Tata Iron and Steel Company Limited, Jamshedpur; B.G. Shirke and Company,
Pune; City and Industrial Development Corporation of Maharashtra Limited,
Bombay; Stup Consultants Limited, Bombay; Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited,
Ranipet; Housing and Urban Development Corporation Limited, New Delhi;
Hindustan Steel Works Construction Limited, Calcutta; Hindustan Prefab Limited,
New Delhi; Planning Commission, New Delhi; C. R. Narayana Rao Architects and
Engineers, Madras; Planning and Technology Development, Engineering
Construction Corporation Limited, Madras; Central Building Research Institute,
Roorkee; Jessop & Company Limited, Calcutta; National Council for Cement and
Building Materials, New Delhi; Structural Engineering Research Centre, Madras;
Bureau of Public Enterprises, New Delhi; Central Public Works Department
(CDO), New Delhi; M. N. Dastur and Company Private Limited, Calcutta; and
views received have been taken into consideration while finalizing the Handbook.
SP : 40 (S&T)-1987
The analysis and design results are given for Crane Girders -- These resist vertical and
purlins, girts and frame members for the horizontal loads from cranes. They usually consist
following parameters: of an l-beam with a channel (flanges down) welded
to the top flange.
Span length (metres) = 9, 12, 18, 24 and 30
Girts - Beam members carrying side sheeting and
Spacing of frames (metres) = 4.5 and 6.0 supported by columns.
Roof slope = 1 in 3, 1 in 4 and Purlins -~ Beam members carrying roof sheeting
1 in 5 and supported by trusses or beams.
Roof Slope - It is the slope of the roofing sheet
Span Column Height Number OSBays with respect to the span length. It is obtained by
m m A dividing the height of portal frame by half the span.
r1 2 3 4
Spacing between Portals - The centre line distance
9.0 4.5, 6.0 * * * * of two portal frames in the longitudinal direction.
12.0 4.5, 6.0, 9.0 * * * * Span - The centre line distance of roof columns in
transverse direction.
18.0 6.0, 9.0, 12.0 * * * ~
24.0 9.0, 12.0 * *__ 2. PORTAL FRAME ANALYSIS
30.0 9.0, f2.0 *___ 2.1 Portal frames have been analyzed for dead
load, live load and wind load, and subsequently
*Combination is available
checked for earthquake load. The total dead load
on the frame, excluding the column portion, varies
Wind zones = I, II and Ill from 40 to 60 kg/mZ. The live load has been taken
= I, II, Ill, IV and V on the basis of IS : 875-1964, provision for roof live
Earthquake zones
loads, after reducing for roof slope and supporting
Type of support = Fixed and hinged member as allowed in the code. The basic wind
pressure for the three wind zones have been
The analysis and design results are presented for considered as specified in IS : 875-1964. The
both fixed and hinged support conditions. internal pressure/suction specified in IS : 875-
1.2 Portal Frame Configuration 1964, for buildings with normal permeability
(+ 0.2 p), has been included. Under each basic
Figure 1 shows the configuration of the portal wind i pressure, the following thiee different wind
frames. Purlins may be appropriately located on the load conditions (see Fig. 2) have been analyzed:
rafter members subject to the maximum spacing of
1.4 m. a) wind perpendicular to ridge with internal
suction ( WLJ,
The joint and member numbers used in the
analysis are also shown in Fig: 1. b) wind perpendicular to ridge with internal
pressure (WL), and
1.3 Terminology
c) wind parallel to ridge with internal
Bay - The space between successive bends is called pressure ( WL).
a bay.
In the analysis of multiple bay frames, drag
Bracing - Single or double diagonal members force due to wind has also been considered
which form truss system with columns or beams according to IS : 875-1964. A few typical short
(trusses) to provide stability and resist horizontal and long span portal frames were analyzed for
load. earthquake forces according to IS : 1893-1984
NOTE : In non-prismatic frame analysis, members 1,2,3,12,13,14,15,24,25i26 are assumed to be having twice the moment of
inertia as compared to other remaming members.
and it was found that earthquake forces do not the analysis programme. Equal moment of inertia
govern the design. The member forces, even due has been assumed for both beam and column on
to the severest earthquake, were found to be less the basis of preliminary design in the stiffness
than those due to the minimum basic wind analysis. However, for frames having 24 and 30 m
pressure of 100 kg/m2. span lengths, additional analysis results are also
presented with stiffness of column and rafter
2.2 The following load combinations have been element adjacent to columns equal to twice the
considered in calculating the design forces for stiffness of the remaining rafter elements. For
beam and column in accordance with IS : 875- frames having columns and beams with the
1964: relative moment of inertia different from that
a) DL + LL, assumed above, the results of analysis presented
in the Handbook are not valid, and the portal
b) 0.75 (DL + C,, X WL,) frame has to be re-analyzed to get the exact
design forces.
c) 0.75 (DL + c, x WL*)
2.4 The forces due to dead and live loads have
d) 0.75 (DL + C, X WLj) been compared with dead and wind load forces,
where C, = 0.75 for column forces if the building and the maximum governing values have been
height is less than or equal to 30 metres, C, = 0.75 presented in Table 1 to 56. The axial forces in
for beam forces if the height of frame is less than columns do not include the side cladding weights.
or equal to 10 metres and C, = 1.0 for other The maximum horizontal sway of columns has
cases. In the calculation of design forces for dead also been included in the tables to take care of the
and wind load combination, the actual forces limiting deflection. The analysis results presented
in the tables may be used for alternate designs as
have been reduced by 25 percent to account for 33-i long as the final design has prismatic beam and
columns having equal moment of inertia. In the
percent increase in allowable stresses under this case of frames having 24 and 30 m span lengths,
load combination. results of analysis have also been presented in
Table 57 to 68 for non-prismatic frames in which
2.3 The portal frame has been analyzed using a all column elements and the first rafter element
plane frame computer programme which is based adjacent to columns have double the moment of
on the stiffness method of analysis. Figure 1 gives inertia as compared to other rafter elements (see
the node and member numbering scheme used in Fig. 1).
_ -w -+
O*SP _ 3 o.sp
*- --c
--w-w c-c
--*)_ -+ -+
+ 0.2p
O.SP _ * 0.5p
-_) --t
-we 3-_,
C -_,
+ 0.2 p
c _
a) Channels
Purlin Size
Span Maximum /\
Spacing (Without Sag Rod With Sag Rod\
m m
Girt Size
Span Maximum
Spacing fWithout Sag Rod With Sag Rod3
m m
4.5 1.7 ISMC 125 X 12.7 ISMC 100 X 9.2
lSR0 10 mm 4 sag rods
6.0 1.7 ISMC 150 X 16.4 ISMC 125 X 12.7
ISRO 12 mm 4 sag rods
d) Tubes
Span Maximum Spacing Basic Wind Girt Size
Pressure (Without Sag Rod)
m m kg/m2
100 80 L
4.5 1.7 150 90 L
200 100 L
\ 100 100 L
6.0 1.7 150 100 M
200 125 A4
The standard connection details of purlins and alternative sections ISLB, ISMB, ISWB and
girts to the framing is shown in Fig. 3. The sag ISHB are presented and, if any particular section
rod and diagonal sag rod details used in channel is not available, the next bigger section in the
purlins and girts are given in Fig. 4. The diagonal series may be used during structural fabrication.
sag rods have been designed to carry the weak The maximum sway deflection for columns and
axis load from 8 purlins or 7 girts as the case may the maximum vertical deflection for the beams
be. If more purlins or girts are present in a given has been limited to 1 / 325 of the column height
face, additional diagonal sag rods should be used. and the span. In most designs, particularly in
NOTE ~~ Instead of simply supported purlin and girt frames with taller columns, deflection limitations
design given in this typified design, balanced cantilever control the design.
design may also be used-to get relatively economical sections,
Instead of hot rolled channel and steel tubular sections used 3.3 Minimum Thickness of Metal - Minimum
for purlins and girts, various appropriate cold-formed steel thickness of structural steel sections has been
sections may also be used, if desired with appropriate siring.
provided as 6.0 mm assuming they are fully
3.2 Pqrtal Frame Design -The beam and accessible for cleaning and repainting. Where
column members of the portal frame have been structural steel sections are not fully accessible for
designed for the maximum forces obtained from cleaning and repainting, thickness may be
load combinations mentioned in 2. increased in accordance with IS : 800-1962.
The effective length factors for the frame Minimum thickness of steel tubes has been
members for axial compression and bending provided as 2.6 mm assuming construction is not
compression have been taken as follows according exposed to weather and tubes are applied with
to IS : 800-1962: one coat of zinc primer conforming to IS : 104-
1979 followed by a coat of paint conforming to
Member and Load Effective Length Factor IS : 2074-1979 and two coats of paint conforming
to IS : 123-I 962. In case, the construction is
fHinged Base Fixed Base exposed to weather or where regular maintenance
Axial Compression is not possible, minimum thickness of tubes may
be increased in accordance with IS : 806-1968.
Strong axis 3.0 1.5
Week axis 0.75 0.75 4. FOCTNDAIION FORCES
(WITH ISA 50~50x61
Foundations supporting the frames may be framing angle with 16 dia block bolts 3 and 4
designed using simple spread footings, pile numbers respectively. The beam sections and
foundations or caisson foundations depending connections should also be checked for actual
upon the type of soil and type of support axial force due to wind load parallel to the ridge,
condition assumed in the analysis and design. A transferred to the braced bay.
typical foundation design is shown in 6.
5.3 Column Base Details -The column base
5. FABRICATION DETAfLS details for exterior and interior columns are
shown in Fig. 11 and the sizes are giveh in Table
5.0 Typical details of connections are discussed 87 and 88.
below. The details given here are by no means all
encompassing or the only possible method of 5.4 Gutter Details-Typical gutter details have
detailing. The end plate design procedure been presented in Fig. 12 and 13.
recommended in Manual of Steel Construction
has been followed more or less in the Handbook. 5.5 Expansion Joint Details - Expansion joints
are not usually necessary when the building
5.1 Purlin/Girt Connection Detail - The dimensions are less than 180 m. When the
sheetings and the fasteners connecting sheetings to buildings are longer, the expansion joint is
supporting members should be capable of provided by constructing two different super
resisting local high pressure recommended in structural support system on both sides of the
IS : 8751964. The connection detail between joint, with the gap being properly bridged by
rafter and channel/ tube purlin is shown in Fig. 3. cladding and roof sheeting.
They are to be located such that the spacing
between purlins does not exceed 1.4 and between The wind bracings and other structural systems
girts 1.7 m in the case of AC sheets. Larger are discontinuous across expansion joints and
spacing may be used in case CGI sheeting is used. hence the bracing systems should be structurally
The purlins and girts have to be redesigned if independent in each segment of the structure
spaced farther apart for CGI sheetings. The subdivided by expansion joints.
channel purlins and girts, continuous at the frame
5.6 Bracing Details - Various bracing systems
shall be connected with two 12 mm diameter b6lts
are shown schematically in Fig. 14. Even though
to cleat angles. ChanneI purlins and girts
bracing may appear to be a secondar I matter, it is
discontinuous at the frame, shall be connected to
highly important and deserves care i!ul attention.
cleat angle with two 12 mm diameter bolts at each Probably more failures, or at least unsatisfactory
portal. The straight sag rod and diagonal sag rod
performances, have resulted from inadequate
details are shown in Fig. 4 as applicable to roof bracing than from deficiencies in main framing. It
purlins and wall girts. In wide roofs having large is apparent from Fig. 14 that the bracing in even
number of purlins and in high wall claddings simple structures is highly indeterminate. There
having large number of girts, the diagonal sag can be several alternatives by which loads may be
rods should be used at every eighth panel for carried to the ground and in a number of bays,
purlins and at every seventh panel for girts. The redundant diagonals may be used. These may be
top most panel close to the ridge in the roof, and so slender, however, that they are incapable of
the top most panel close to the eaves in the wall carrying appreciable compression, which reduces
should have diagonal sag rods and, in addition, the system to one in which only the tension
should support the top purlin or girt as the case diagonals are effective. These bracings are
may be by a strut as shown in Fig. 4. necessary to ensure integral behaviour. of the
structure and to avoid differential displacements
5.2 Haunch and Crown Connection Details -
The typical details of connection between column of frames which may cause undesirable cracking
to rafter at haunch point and rafter to rafter at of claddings. A typical example of the design of
bracings is shown in 6. Typification of bracing
crown point are shown in Fig. 5 to 10. The size
system has not been attempted since lot of
and length of weld and number of high tensile or
HSFG bolts required are given in Table 84 to 86. variations are possible due to different design
parameters like length of building, span, spacing,
Fillet weld sizes have been determined based on
field strength of weld. height, wind zones, etc.
The splices in columns and rafters to make up The bracings in the roof along the length of the
the full desired length may be made using full building in the panels adjacent to the eaves are
penetration butt weld. provided to minimize differential movement of
frames. These bracings are designed nominally
Eaves beams have to be provided along the based on minimum slenderness ratio.
length of the building at the junctions of columns
and rafters. These beams have been designed so The bracings in the roof across the building at
that the maximum slenderness ratio is restricted the two end bays and necessary number of
to 250. ISMB 200 and ISMB 250 sections may be interior bays (spacing not to exceed 90 m) are
used for eaves beams in frames spaced 4.5 and provided to take care of wind loads on the gable
6.0 m respectively. The beams may be connected ends and wind drag on roof due to wind parallel
to columns using one ISA 90 X 90 X 6 web to the ridge. Since these bracings are not in a
25mm GROUT1 Ih
plane but are discontinuous at the ridge, the the starting point of erection for the purpose of
reaction point of the bracings system and load stability during erection.
points are not in a plane. The longitudinal
bracings are to be designed to take care of this Vertical bracings are usually provided also at
unbalanced force as shown in 6. the gable ends to give additional stiffness to the
building in the transverse direction. These
The force from the cross bracings are
bracings are nominally designed based on
transferred to the vertical bracings in the
minimum slenderness ratio.
longitudinal walls through eaves beams. The
vertical bracings in the longitudinal walls are The bottom flanges of rafter members close to
shown for the central bay in Fig. 14. This the columns are in compression due to dead load
arrangement of vertical bracings is suggested to and live load combination. They are not directly
avoid the temperature stresses which may develop connected to purlin members and as much are not
if two end bays are braced as is done frequently in laterally restrained. In order to improve the
practice. However, if central bay bracing is lateral buckling stress of the bottom flange of
utilized, temporary bracing may be necessary at rafter adjacent to columns, the end 21.5 of the
9. FLAT/BAR ;f;T&R
_ - --_
( LOAD Wj)
L = 18.0 m 'VE
h = 6.0 m
f = 3.0 m
S = J9 + 3 = 9.49 m
w, L2
0 = 18.435 MC = __ + mM,j
For column and beam ISMB 500/86.9
W, X 182
z, = z: = I 16 - 1.5 X 9.88 W,
MC = 5.43 w,
+9.88 Wr
H,, = HE=??+ 6 = 1.645 W,
p-f=h WI =
VA = 3WIL _ 3X18X
6 = 0.5
8 8 675 w1
m = lf~=1+0.5=1.5
W,L W, X 18
B = 2 (K+ 1) + m = 2(0.63+ 1) VE = ~ 8 = 8 = 2.25 wr
+ 1.5 = 4.76
Effect of Wz
CA I+2 m=l+2X1.5=4
Wf2 (C + m)
N G B t mC = 4.76 -l- 1.5 X 4 constant x =
= 10.76
f$yect of WI = wz3*(4+1.5) = 0575 w
8 X 10.76
- WI L2(3 + 5 m) W2X3X6
M,, = Mu = MB = +x + y = 0.575w2 + 2
32 N
= 9.575 w2
- W, X (18)2 (3 + 5 X 1.5)
32 X 10.76 MC = 3 -I- mx = - -I- 1.5 X 0.575 W2
4 4
= 9.88 W, =--I.388 W,
- (LOAD Ws)
(LOAD W2) -
a E
-iii+-- HE
4 E
-HA HE- 1
- +
- +
- -
0.3P 2 ZO.7P
- +
- (D.L+WL21 =
- 4
0 0
- +
t 4
- -
0.2P =: 20.2P
C -
- (D.L+WLs) = ( D.L+L.L I
- -
0 0
~=WG;fkg ]E=%,
(3 km
Horizontal deflection at D.
= Mmdx
I---- EI
This integral can be obtained by multiplying the corressponding to the centre of gravity of M
area of M diagram of each member by the diagram. This calculation is shown in Table 91.
ordinate of m diagram in the same member
F 6954 0 + 20862 0
2430 0 - 4860 0
4524 - 1.5 + 42918 - 64378
--=Y 2635 - 2.25 + 8333 - 18749
Let deflection = A
Mm dx 147 893 X lo6
Al = IO5
I,= 2.047 X 106 = o72
The corresponding value given in Table 34 = 0.72 X 10
A I,
Considering the unsymmetrical/ bending
of the channel section,
= 123.18 X cos 18.435 X 6 X 6 =
v n
xx 525.9 kg.m %RT FRAME
I At
Considering the sag rod at mid span,
M = 123.18 X sin 18.435 X 3 X 3 =
YY 43.8 kg.m
8 Maximum force in the sag rod
checking the section ISMC 125 = iX 123.18 X sin 18.435 X 6 X 8 = 1169 kg
E 1 + O.162T
(f/r-L = 0.75 X 949 = 35 2
20.2 1
(li r)yv = 0.75 X 949 = 202.2
I, = modified moment of inertia about yy-axis
= 1.0 X 1 369.8 = 1 369.8 cm4
Allowable compressive stress
Z = section modules about xx-axis
= 1 808.7 cmj
= 243 + (270 - 243)(2o ;;022)
and I, k, h are indicated above.
= 264.1 kg/cm
1.2 X 10.1 X lo6 X 1369.8 X 48.28 U/r>,, = __ = 39.77
es = 3.52
1 808.7 X 6002
= 1 949 kg/cm
6.4 Column Base Plate for Hinged Type of = 0.5 cm < 1.8 cm provided
Support Therefore, it is OK.
Column Size ISMB .500/86.9 Provide 4- 4 18 bolts for anchorage.
Try 550 X 300 X 18 cm plate (as given in Due to standardization, sizes of the base plate
Table 89) recommended in Table 88 may be conservative for
In this example, the force on foundation as some cases as in the above example. It may be still
given in Table 80 are: desirable to provide the larger size from the
stiffness considerations. If one desires more
Dead load (DL) = 2 339 kg downward economical design for particular case, the above
design procedure can be adopted.
Live load (LL) = 2 618 kg downward
Horizonral Shear in Base Plate
Wind load ( PVt)] = -4 From Table 80
for 100 kg/m = 2 60 kg upward Total horizontal shear due to DL + LL
DLfLL = 2 339 + 2 618 = 4 957kg = 847 + 994 = 1 841 kg
0.75 (DL + WL) = 0.75 (2 430 - 2 339) This is larger than the value from analysis (given
= 68 kg upward in Table SO) due to higher value of live load (1 in 5)
for which tabulated values are given.
Since the live load intensity iti Table 80 is
governed by 1 in 5 slope, the total downward Bearing area of base key = 30 X 6 = 180 cm*
force in Table 80 is slightly larger than the value Bearing stress on foundation
obtained from analysis.
As the DL + WL forces are not governing the 1 841
concrete = - = 10.2 kg/m
design, design the base plate for DL + LL forces. 180
Add forces due to self-weight of column and
side claddings: Allowable stress (0.25 fck) = 0.25 X 200
= 50 kg/cm2
Self-weight of
column = 87 X 6 = 522 kg This is OK.
Dead load of AC
sheeting and girts
=30X6X6 = 1080 kg 6.5 Design Example of a Fixed Column Base
Total axial force in
column = 6 559 kg
Taking the same frame given in 6.4 with fixed
Thickness of base base column and 200 kg m? wind zone,
plate (t)
Column required from Table 6
= ISMB 400/61.6
Base plate size = 600 X 450 X 40 mm
Forces : From Table 79
W = pressure on the underside of the base plate, Shear M
Load Axial (kg)
A = greater projection of plate beyond column
* (kg) (kg. m,
zz 30-6 c,n
, DL 2 339 0 1 403 3 820
LL 2618 0 1 665 4 220
B = lesser projection of plate beyond column 0 -5 150 5 337 10 816
= 55 = 2.5 cm,
2 Self-weight of column = 62 X 6 = 372 kg.
P bet = permissible bending stress in base plate DL of AC sheeting and girts
= 1 890 kg/cm* = 30 X 6 X 6 = 1080 kg
DL i LL Case
Therefore = 2339 + 2618
+ 372 + 1 080
3 X 6 559 (6* - 2.514)
axial > = 6 409 kg
50 x 30 X 1890
+ +
a 0.317x 55
+ ..
II .
+ +
i 600 *
90 974.9 X 6
= = 758 kg/cm2 < 1890 kg/cm2
45 x 42
Maximum bearing
pressure = 0.25j& Therefore, it is OK.
= 50 kg/cm2 13205 X4
= r X 3.6* X 0.75 X 3
Taking moment about the tension bolt, = 577 kg/cm2 < 945 kg/cm2
Size of weld required = 71
Therefore, it is OK.
Forces in weld between stiffener plate and base
= 11652X2 -8-20 t#l
= 23 304 kg
Length ,of weld = 2 X 45 - 14 = 76 say 70 cm
BOLTS (lok )
23 304
Size of weld required = -
71 x70
= 4.7 mm < 8.0 mm
Therefore, it is OK.
18 968 = 4742(lOOX4OX2O2-18X115X282)
Force/ bolt (P) = -=4742 kg
4 (70X35X202+21Xl15X28*)
= - 37.8 (- ve value)
Try 20 4/high strength (1Ok) bolts
:. Q = 0
= P(l00b c$ - 18 w t*)
Prying force (Q)
(70a 4 + 21 w t2)
P = externally applied force per
b = distance from fastener line to
near face of flange;
C#I= nominal bolt diameter;
SP : 40 (S&T)-1987
N = number of effective inter-
faces (1);
F = 1.7, if external tension is
Slip factor = 0.45; and
Factor of safety = 1.4.
Allowable shear
= (20 300 - 4 742 X 1.7) Xg
= 3934 kg > 555 kg
Therefore, it is OK.
High Tensile Bolt Connection
( and of IS : 800 - 1984)
Allowable tension V;)
10 000 X 0.7
= 1200 x 4 x 22x 0.75 X
= 8 422 kg
Allowable shear (I)
10 000 X 0.7
= 800 X + x 22 x 0.75 X
2 350
= 5615 kg.
For combined tensile and shear stress, Using fillet weld all round,
Total weld length = 2 (67.7 + 18) = 17 1.4 cm
($2 -4 ($ < 1
I of weld = 2[q
+ 18 (67.7)2
2 1
(a2 +(%)2 = 0.33 < 1
Force per
= 92964
Unit Length
of Weld
Therefore, it is OK.
4 442
Bending Moment in the End Plate Vertical = -171 4 = 25.9 kg/cm
At bolt line = QXa=O
At flange face Horizontal = 965 300 X 33.85 = 351.5 kg/cm
= Tb - Q (a + b) 92 964
= 4 742 X 4 = 18 968 kg.cm
Resultant = 352.5 kg/cm.
Thickness of end plate required
Using minimum size of weld = 6.0 mm
Strength of weld/unit length = 6.0 X 71
= 426 kg/cm > 352.5 kg/cm
Therefore, it is OK.
Use full penetration butt weld to connect end
plates to the rafter beams.
Crown Connection
M = 5 376 kg. m (From Table 90)
5 376 X 100 (cos 18.435)
Flange force =
(50 - 1.72)
= 10 564 kg.
10 564
Force/ bolt = p = 4 = 2641 kg
T (kg) 0 1020
p = 0.018
3 068 5 055 fck
V (kg)
5 247 p = 0.018 X 20 = 0.36 percent
M (kgm) 8 040
But minimum reinforcement required in com-
Development Length qf Anchor Bolts
pression member is 0.8 percent
From the design of base plate (see 6.5):
Therefore, area of longitudinal steel
Total tension in 3 bolts = 13 205 kg
= g X 650 X 800 = 4 160 mm2
... actual tension in one
bolt _ 13205
Provide 8 bars of 28 mm r#~, A, = 4.926 mm2
=4402 kg Reinforcement may be distributed equally in all
faces since only nominal steel required to resist
Net area of 36 mm C#J the actual bending moment.
bolt (net area taken = 7.63 cm2 Lateral Ties
as 0.75 times gross
area) Diameter = greatest of: (a) 5 mm or (b) 1/4
diameter of main bar = /4 X 28 = 7 mm
Stress in steel in limit
state of collapse = 4402 X 1.5 Therefore, provide 8 mm lateral ties.
7.63 Spacing of ties = least of the following:
= 865 kg/cm2
Development length
required 865 X 36
10x 1.0x4
= 78 cm
= (4 - e) X 3 = (y - 0.54) X 3
Design of Footing
Direct load from pedestal = 2.13 m
(Wl) = 9 009 kg Maximum pressure
Safe bearing capacity of 28 699
soil = 15 t/m2 = 6737kg/m* < 15000kg/m2
= 2.0 X 2.13
= 15000 kg/m*
Therefore, it is OK.
Unit weight of soil = 1 500 kg/m3
Try a footing 2.0 m X 2.5 m X 0.5 m Pressure at C = 6737
2. 13 (2.13 - 0.85) = 4048 kg/m*
Weight of soil above footing (w3)
= x2;;.; ,$I. X 0.8) Pressure at B = 6737
2.13 (2.13 - 1.65) = 1518 kg/m*
Maximum Factored BM
= 13440 kg
(neglecting weight of soil)
Weight of footing (wz) = 2 X 2.5 X 0.5 X 2 500
= 6250 kg At section C
Load from pedestal (w,) = 9 009 kg = 1.5 X [ (6 737 - 4 048) X 20.85 x 0.85 X 2
Total vertical load = Wl + w2 + w3
= 28 699 kg 0.85
Overturning moment = 8 040 + 3 068 X 2.5 2 I
(M> = 15710 kg.m
= 3 552 kg.m per m width
Factor of safety
against overturning = 34.8 kN.m/m width
= 28699X 1.2 At section B
15 710
= 2.2 > 1.5 (2.13 - 1.65)* x 1
= 1.5 X 1518 X
2 3
Therefore, it is OK.
= 87 kg. m/m width = 0.85kN.m/m width
Eccentricity of resul- 15 710
tant vertical force = -= 0.54 m > -$ Effective depth
28 780
= 50 - 5 = 45 cm(referChart 5 or SP : 16-1980)
PLAf 600X460X40
BOLTS ,8-28mm#
B t8
SEC B B @ 3809
8mm #-
@ 380%
- _I __
1 1
_ _.
-L 70X70X6
t 1. _ . _i .
4.75X 3x6
1dI ilR i
walls, and at rafter level along the length of Maximum bracing force
= (2 859 - 533) X 1+/6* + 4.07*
Gable and Wall Bracings 6
= 2810 kg.
Maximum length of bracing
Try ISA 75 X 75 X6
= 5.23 m = 523 cm
2402 kg
t 2p2kg
Therefore, it is OK.
Use ISMB 450 for wind column in gable ends.
Vertical Bracing on Longitudinal Wall
Wind force from windward side
7X6=42 m
Try ISA 70 X 70 X 6
Allowable bending compression (&)
-I 670
= 547 X 1.33 = 727 kg/cm2 0 r
= -
= 313 < 350
fbc = 3643 100 = 270 kg/cm2 < 727 Therefore, it is OK.
1 350.7
Hinged I 9.0
*Unit weight includes weight of structural steel in the frame and purlins only. It does include the weight of sag
rods, base plates, girts, etc.
Hinged 9.0 -
Hinged 1 9.0 - -
12.0 -
2 9.0 - -
12.0 - -
2 9.0 - -
12.0 -
*Unit weight includes weight of structural steel in the frame and purlins only. It does include the weight of sag
rods, base plates, girts, etc.
exceptions being normally found in longer is more appropriate for larger spacing
span frames having smaller columns heights, between frames and longer column lengths.
where occasionally member strength
g) In the case of multiple bay frames, the wind
load does not seem to influence the deflection
b) For 24 and 30 m span frames, it is not and hence the designs vary much.
possible to design portal frames using hot
rolled I-sections without going in for built
up sections. There are few exceptions to
this in the case of 24 m span length with BIBLIOGRAPHY
fixed base. For these two spans only, analysis
results for the cases of column and end I/ 5 IS : 456-1978 Code of practice for plain and rein-
of rafters having twice the moment of inertia forced concrete (third revision).
of rest of the rafters has also been presented.
IS : 800-1962 Code of practice for use of structural
c>Generally frames with fixed type of support steel in general building construction (revised).
are lighter compared to frames with hinged
type of support. The economy being in the IS : 813-1961 Scheme of symbols for welding.
range of 10 percent to as much as 50 per- IS : 875-1964 Code of practice for structural safety
cent. Part of this economy, however, may be of buildings : Loading standards (revised).
offset by the additional cost of foundation
which has to carry the moment in the case of IS : 1893-1975 Criteria for earthquake resistant
fixed base frames. design of structures (third revision).
d) In most of the cases, I in 5 roof slopes seems IS : 3007 (Part 1)-1964 Code of practice for laying
to yield lighter frame particularly for shorter of asbestos cement sheets: Part 1 Corrugated
span lengths. Whereas in rare occasions, the sheets.
steeper slope frames seem to be lighter. The IS : 3757-1985 Specification for high tensile
variation of weights on the basis of roof friction grip bolts (second revision).
slopes is often much less than 10 percent.
IS : 4000-1967 Code of practice for assembly of
e) Frames having 4.5 m spacing are generally structural joints using high tensile friction
lighter particularly in the case of frames with grip fasteners.
shorter columns, whereas frames having
6.0 m spacing are lighter, if the columns are SP : 6(l)-1964 IS1 handbook for structural
longer. engineers.
f) Generally multiple bay frames are lighter Manual of Steel Construction, eighth edition.
compared to single bay frames. This inference American Institute of Steel Construction.
6.00 1 in 3 100 1551 1613 0.0729 862 I613 275133.0 250137.3 225133.9 225143.1
150 1551 I613 0.109 862 1613 300137.7 300/44.2 250140.9 25OjSI.O
200 I 803 2 497 0.148 862 1613 325143.1 300144.2 300/48. I 25OjSl.O
I in 4 100 I 653 I 755 0.0667 820 I 755 250127.9 250137.3 225133.9 200137.3
150 I 653 I 755 0.102 820 I 755 275133.0 300144.2 250/40.9 225143. I
200 967 2 479 0.139 820 I 755 300137.7 300/44.2 300/48.1 250151.0
I in 5 100 1719 I 846 0.0652 785 I 846 250127.9 225131.2 225133.9 200/ 37.3
150 I719 I 846 0.0990 785 I 846 275133.0 250137.3 250/40.9 225143.1
200 1 074 2 494 0.134 785 1 846 300137.7 300/44.2 300/48.1 250/51.0
6.00 I in 3 100 2 136 2 222 0.0975 I 188 2 222 275133.0 250137.3 250/40.9 225143. I
I50 2 136 2 222 0.115 I 188 2 222 325143. I 300/44.2 300/48. I 25015 I .O
200 I019 3 295 0.197 I 188 2 222 350/49.5 350/ 52.4 350156.9 300/ 58.8
I in 4 100 2271 2411 0.0888 I 126 2411 275133.0 250137.3 250/40.9 225143.1
I50 2271 2411 0.135 I 126 2411 300137.7 300144.2 300/48. I 250/51.0
200 I 239 3 272 0.184 I 126 2411 325143. I 350/52.4 300/48. I 300/58.8
1 in 5 100 2 358 2 532 0.0862 I 077 2 532 275133.0 250137.3 250/40.9 225143. I
I50 2 358 2 532 0.132 I 077 2 532 300/37.7 300144.2 300/48. I 250/5l.O
200 I 382 3 293 0.179 I 077 2 532 325143. I 350152.4 300/48. I 300/ 58.8 m
A = Side sway (cm), I = Moment of inertia (cm). ..
w Ki
Span = 12 m Type of Support : Fixed No. of Bays :I
f Column Beam3 E
/Axial Moment AI/ IO fAxial Moment
6.00 I in 3 100 2 096 2917 0.0836 I 385 2917 275133.0 250137.3 250/40.9 225143. I
150 2 096 2917 0.125 I 385 2917 300137.7 300144.2 300148. I 250/ 5 I .O
200 2 096 2917 0.173 I385 2917 325143.1 350/52.4 300/48. I 300/58.8
I in 4 100 2 232 3 226 0.0724 I 357 3 226 300137.7 250137.3 225133.9 225143. I
I50 2 232 3 226 0.115 I 357 3 226 300/37.7 300144.2 300/48. I 25015 I .O
200 2232 3 226 0.159 I 357 3 226 325143. I 300/44.2 300/48. I 300/58.8
I in 5 100 2 320 3 426 0.0703 I 327 3 426 300/37.7 250137.3 225133.9 200/40.0
150 2 320 3 426 0.111 I 327 3 426 300137.7 300144.2 250/40.9 25015 I .O
200 2 320 3 426 0.152 I 327 3 426 325143. I 300144.2 300/48. I 250154.7
9.00 I in 3 100 2 096 2 875 0.467 I091 2 875 400156.9 400/61.6 400166.7 350167.4
I50 233 5 706 0.714 I 225 4 784 450165.3 450172.4 450179.4 400/77.4
200 572 7 834 0.960 I 769 6 736 500/75.0 5OOj86.9 450179.4 450/87.2
I in 4 100 2 232 3 107 0.442 I 024 3 107 400156.9 400/61.6 350156.9 350167.4
150 449 5 555 0.673 I 193 5 084 450165.3 450172.4 400166.7 400/77.4
200 854 7 622 0.875 I 708 7 I35 500/ 75.0 5OOj86.9 450179.4 450187.2
I in 5 100 2 320 3 255 0.432 971 3 255 400/ 56.9 400/61.6 350156.9 350167.4
150 591 5 525 0.655 1 164 5320 450165.3 450172.4 400166.7 400/77.4
200 I 040 7 574 0.879 I 658 7 447 500/75.0 450/72.4 450/79.4 450/87.2
6.00 1 in 3 100 2 885 4016 0.113 I 907 4016 325/43.1 300/ 44.2 250/40.9 250/51.0
150 2 885 4016 0.165 I 907 4016 325143. I 300/44.2 300/48. I 300/ 58.8
200 2 885 4016 0.229 1907 4016 350/49.5 350/ 52.4 350/ 56.9 300/58.8
1 in 4 100 3 065 4 430 0.0975 I 863 4 430 325143. I 300/44.2 250/40.9 225/43.1
150 3 065 4 430 0.152 I 863 4 430 325143. I 300144.2 300/48. I 250154.7
200 3065 4 430 0.21 I 1 863 4 430 350149.5 350152.4 350156.9 300/58.8
I in 5 100 3 181 4 697 0.0929 i 820 4 697 325143. I 300/44.2 250/40.9 225143. I
I50 3 181 4 697 0.147 I 820 4697 325/43.1 300144.2 300/48.1 250/ 5 1.O
200 3 181 4 697 0.202 I 820 4 697 350/49.5 350/52.4 350/56.9 300/58.8
9.00 1 in 3 100 99 5087 0.621 I 502 3 958 450165.3 450/ 72.4 400/66.7 400/77.4
150 242 7 549 0.949 I 598 6 284 soo/ 75.0 5OOj86.9 450179.4 450/87.2
200 694 10 387 1.277 2 324 8 888 550186.3 500/86.9 500,95.2
1 in 4 100 3 065 4 266 0.588 1406 4 266 450165.3 400/61.6 400166.7 400177.4
150 532 7351 0.896 I 560 6 686 500/75.0 5OOj86.9 450179.4 450/87.2
200 I 072 10 106 1.203 2 247 9 420 550/86.3 500/ 86.9 500395.2 w
I in 5 100 3 181 4 463 0.575 I 332 4 463 450/65.3 400/61.6 400/66.7 350172.4 ..
150 721 7313 450/ 72.4 450: 79.4 450/87.2 P
0.873 I 525 7 000 500:75.0 0
200 1321 10045 I.171 2 183 9 837 550/86.3 500186.9 500195.2 450192.5
A = Side sway (cm), 2 = Moment of inertia (cm)
Span = 18 m Type of Support : Fixed No. of Bays :1
FRAME PRES- f Column Beam > 5
(Axial Moment AI/ IO\ ti
9.00 1 in 3 100 3 229 6 742 0.551 2 134 6 742 450/65.3 4501 12.4 400/ 66.7 350167.4
150 3 229 6 742 0.872 2 134 6 742 500/ 75.0 450/ 72.4 4501 79.4 450187.2
200 2 118 9 026 1.194 2 499 9 128 550/ 86.3 500/ 86.9 500/ 95.2
1 in 4 100 3431 7441 0.510 2 087 7441 500/75.0 450/ 72.4 400/ 66.7 350167.4
150 3431 7441 0.803 2 087 7441 500/75.0 450/ 72.4 4501 79.4 400/77.4
200 2 565 9 083 0.0961 2 558 10 365 500/75.0 500/ 86.9 500/ 95.2 450/ 87.2
1 in 5 100 3 562 7 892 0.491 2 039 7 892 500/75.0 500/ 86.9 400/ 66.7 350167.4
150 3 562 7 892 0.769 2 039 1892 500/75.0 500/ 86.9 4501 79.4 400/77.4
200 2 852 9 206 0.0462 2 577 I I 236 500/75.0 500/ 86.9 SOO/ 95.2 450187.2
12.00 1 in 3 100 3 229 6721 1.535 1 796 6721 600/99.5 550/ 103.7 500/ 95.2 450192.5
150 143 10 151 2.363 1 732 8 932 600199.5 550/ 103.7 550/ 112.5
200 603 14 094 3.189 2 539 12 769 600/ 122.6 600/ 133.7
1 in 4 100 3431 7 288 1.444 1 703 7 288 600/99.5 550/ 103.7 500/ 95.2 450/87.2
150 474 9 889 2.212 1721 9 686 600/99.5 550/ 103.7 550/112.5 -
200 1035 13 717 2.980 2 495 13 773 600/ 122.6 600/ 133.7 -
1 in 5 100 3 562 7651 1.405 1 628 7651 600/99.5 550/ 103.7 SOO/ 95.2 450/87.2
150 2 055 9860 2.147 1 700 10251 600199.5 550/ 103.7 550/ 112.5
200 3 140 13 660 2.887 2449 14 526 600/ 122.6 550/ 112.5 -
/ Column Beam 3
{Axial Moment AI/ 101 ( - Axial
9.00 I in 3 100 4442 9 274 0.730 2 936 9 274 550/86.3 500/ 86.9 4501 79.4 400177.4
150 4442 9 274 I.155 2 936 9 274 550186.3 500/ 86.9 500/ 95.2 450192.5
i 200 2 722 II 883 1.584 3 257 I I 957 6OO/ 99.5 550/ 103.7 550/ 112.5
I in 4 100 4 709 10211 0.674 2864 I0211 550/86.3 500/ 86.9 4501 79.4 400/77.4
150 4 709 IO 21 I 1.0643 2 864 I0211 550/86.3 500/ 86.9 5001 95.2 450187.2
200 3 320 II 965 1.455 3 350 13 602 550/86.3 550/ 103.7 500/ 95.2
I in 5 100 4 882 10815 0.650 2 794 10815 550/86.3 500/ 86.9 4601 79.4 400177.4
150 4 882 10815 1.0195 2 794 10815 550/86.3 500/ 86.9 500/ 95.2 450/87.2
200 3 703 I2 134 1.389 3 380 14 762 550186.3 550/ 103.7 500/ 95.2
12.00 I in 3 100 4 442 9 245 2.0399 2471 9 245 600/99.5 550/ 103.7 550/ 112.5
150 88 13 395 3.140 2 252 I I 697 - 600/ 122.6 600/133.7
200 702 I8 653 4.242 3 328 16813 - 600/145.1
I in 4 100 4 709 10 001 1.917 2337 10 001 600199.5 550/ 103.7 5001 95.2
150 531 13054 2.942 2 244 12702 600/122.6 600/ 133.7
200 I 280 18 I57 3.966 3 276 18 151 600/133.7
I in 5 100 4 882 IO486 1.867 2231 10486 600/99.5 550/ 103.7 500/ 95.2
150 2641 13020 2.856 2221 13 455 600/ 122.6 550/ 112.5
200 4 087 18087 3.843 3 220 19 155 600/ 133.7
12.00 I in 3 100 6074 16906 2.323 4013 16906 600/ 122.6 550/ 112.5
150 6 074 16906 3.627 4013 16906 6OO/I33.7
200 3516 20 882 4.976 4 265 20 933
I in 4 100 6 427 I8 576 2.122 3 906 18 576 55Ojll2.5
150 6 427 I8 576 3.342 3 906 I8 576 600/ 133.7 -
200 4315 21035 4.572 4 396 23 850
I in 5 100 6 656 I9 654 2.0382 3 807 19654 600/ 133.7
150 6 656 I9 654 3.204 3 807 I9 654 600/133.7
200 4 828 21 341 4.370 4 440 25 907 6OOil45. I -
A = Side sway (cm), I = Moment of inertia (cm). Ki
Span = 30 m Type of Support : Fixed No. of Bays :I
FRAME PRES- 1 Column Beam
Gxial Moment AI/ 103 (Axial Moment
6.00 I in 3 100 I 469 I 489 0.0585 875 2221 250127.9 225131.2 225133.9 200/37.3
I50 I 469 I 489 0.0826 875 2221 275133.0 250/ 37.3 250/40.9 225/43. I
200 1271 2007 0.107 875 2221 300/37.7 300/44.2 250/40.9 25OjSl.O
I in 4 100 I 549 I 578 0.0529 817 2514 250/ 27.9 225131.2 225133.9 200/37.3
150 I 549 I 578 0.0754 817 2514 275133.0 250137.3 225133.9 225143. I
200 I 549 I578 0.0980 817 2514 275133.0 250137.3 250140.9 225143. I
I in 5 100 I 600 I 630 0.0503 768 2 705 25Oj27.9 225131.2 200128.8 200137.3
I50 I 600 I 630 0.0718 768 2 705 25Oi27.9 250137.3 225133.9 200/40.0
200 I 600 I 630 0.0960 768 2 705 275,33.0 250137.3 250140.9 225143. I
{ Column Beam-
6.00 1 in 3 100 2 024 2 050 0.07900 1 206 3 059 275133.0 250137.3 250/40.9 225143.1
150 2 024 2 050 0.111 1 206 3 059 300137.7 300144.2 250/40.9 25015 1.O
200 2 088 2 090 0.144 I 206 3 059 325143. I 300/44.2 300/48.1 250/ 5 1.O
1 in 4 100 2 128 2 168 0.0713 1 122 3 453 275,!33.0 250137.3 225133.9 200/40.0
150 2 128 2 168 0.101 1 122 3 453 275133.0 300/44.2 250140.9 225143.1
200 2 128 2 168 0.131 1 122 3 453 300137.7 300144.2 300/48.1 25Oj51.0
1 in 5 100 2 194 2 236 0.0677 1 054 3711 275133.0 250137.3 225133.9 200/37.3
IS0 2 194 2 236 0.0965 1 054 3711 275133.0 250137.3 250140.9 225143.1
200 2 194 2 236 0.127 1054 3711 300137.7 300/44.2 300/48.1 25Oj51.0
A = Side sway (cm), I = Moment of inertia (cm).
f Column Beam 3 r
{Axial Moment AI/ 10 b
6.00 1 in 3 100 2037 2 825 0.0811 1429 3521 275133.0 250/ 37.3 25Oi40.9 225143.1
I50 2 037 2 825 0.108 I 429 3521 300137.7 300/44.2 250140.9 250/ 5 I .O
200 2 037 2 825 0.136 1429 3521 300/37.7 300144.2 300/48.1 250/ 5 I .O
I in 4 100 2 146 3 056 0.0698 I 380 4 086 300137.7 250137.3 225133.9 200/ 37.3
150 2 146 3 056 0.0934 1380 4086 300/ 37.7 250137.3 250140.9 225143. I
200 2 146 3 056 0.118 1 380 4 086 300/37.7 300/44.2 300/48. I 25Oj51.0
I in 5 100 2213 3 189 0.0636 I 329 4 466 300137.7 250137.3 225133.9 200137.3
150 2213 3 189 0.0862 I 329 4 466 300137.7 250137.3 250/40.9 225143. I
200 2213 3 189 0.1124 I 329 4 466 300137.7 300/44.2 250/40.9 25Oj51.0
9.00 I in 3 100 I 963 2 589 0.351 I 105 4 188 350149.5 350152.4 350156.9 300/58.8
150 295 4 428 0.510 1 105 4 188 400/ 56.9 400/61.6 400166.7 350167.4
200 638 5675 0.668 1 105 4 188 450165.3 450172.4 400166.7 400177.4
1 in 4 IOU 2 068 2 725 0.324 I016 4 694 350149.5 350152.4 350156.9 300/58.8
150 334 4 092 0.473 1016 4 694 400156.9 400/61.6 400166.7 350167.4
200 347 5516 0.636 1016 4 694 450165.3 450172.4 400/66.7 400177.4
I in 5 100 2 135 2 804 0.311 946 5 023 350149.5 350152.4 350156.9 300/58.8
150 232 3 998 0.463 946 5 023 400156.9 400161.6 400166.7 350167.4
200 541 5 526 0.624 946 5 023 450/65.3 450172.4 400/66.7 400/77.4
6.00 1 in 3 100 2 805 3 889 0.1103 I 968 4 847 300137.7 300/44.2 250/40.9 25015 1.O
150 2 805 3 889 0.146 I 968 4 848 325143.1 300144.2 300/48. I 250/51.0
200 2 805 3 889 0.183 1968 4 848 325143.1 350152.4 300/48.1 300/58.8
1 in 4 100 2 947 4 196 0.0949 I 895 5611 325143.1 300144.2 250140.9 225143.1
150 2 947 4 196 0.125 I 895 5611 325143.1 300144.2 300/48.1 250151.0
200 2 947 4 196 0.160 1895 5611 325143.1 300/44.2 300/48.1 300/ 58.8
I in 5 100 3 035 4 373 0.0667 1823 6 125 325143.1 300144.2 250140.9 225143. I
150 3 035 4 373 0.117 1823 6 125 325143.1 300144.2 300/48.1 25OjSl.O
200 3 035 4 373 0.148 1823 6 125 325143.1 300144.2 300/48.1 25OjSl.O
9.00 I in 3 100 2 702 3 565 0.47 1 1521 5 766 400156.9 400/61.6 400/66.7 350167.4
150 329 5 963 0.682 I521 5 766 450165.3 450172.4 450179.4 400177.4
200 786 7 627 0.893 1521 5 766 500/75.0 500186.9 450/79.4 450187.2
I in 4 100 2840 3 742 0.434 I 395 6446 400156.9 400/61.6 350156.9 350167.4
150 384 5 510 0.632 1395 6446 450165.3 450172.4 400/66.7 400177.4
200 400 7300 0.846 I 395 6446 500/75.0 450172.4 450/79.4 450187.2 g
1 in 5 100 2 927 3 845 0.418 I 297 6 888 400/56.9 400/61.6 350156.9 350167.4 fl
150 404 450172.4 400/66.7 400177.4 0
5313 0.615 1297 6 888 450165.3
200 661 7317 0.830 1 297 6 888 500/ 75.0 450172.4 450179.4 400182.2 z
A = Side sway (cm), I = Moment of inertia (cm4). ?
9.00 1 in 3 100 3 140 6 529 0.509 2 203 8 137 450165.3 450/ 72.4 400/ 66.7 35Oj67.4
150 3 140 6 529 0.695 2 203 8 137 450165.3 4501 72.4 4501 79.4 400177.4
200 3 140 6 529 0.880 2 203 8 137 500/75.0 4501 72.4 4501 79.4 450187.2
1 in 4 100 3 299 7048 0.441 2 123 9423 500/ 75.0 4501 72.4 4001 66.7 350167.4
150 3 299 7048 0.604 2 123 9 423 500/75.0 4501 72.4 4501 66.7 400177.4
200 3 299 7048 0.804 2123 9 423 500/75.0 4501 72.4 4501 79.4 400177.4
1 in 5 100 3 399 7 347 0.405 2 042 10 288 500/ 75.0 4501 72.4 4001 66.7 350167.4
150 3 399 7 347 0.558 2 042 10 288 500/75.0 4501 72.4 400/ 66.7 350172.4
200 3 399 7 347 0.786 2042 10 288 500/75.0 4501 72.4 4501 79.4 400177.4
12.00 I in 3 100 3 059 6 195 1.213 I 824 9264 600199.5 550~103.7 4501 79.4 450187.2
150 453 8 150 1.734 1824 9264 600199.5 550/ 103.7 5001 95.2
200 995 10 282 2.254 1824 9264 600/99.5 55OllO3.7 550/112.5 _-
1 in 4 100 3214 6 546 1.0995 1696 10451 600199.5 550/103.7 4501 79.4 400182.2
150 3214 6 546 1.581 1696 10451 600199.5 55oj103.7 5001 95.2
200 367 9 785 2.121 1696 10451 600199.5 550/ 103.7 5501112.5 -
1 in 5 100 3313 6 748 1.0471 I 592 11 228 600/99.5 550/103.7 4501 79.4 400177.4
150 3313 6 748 1.530 1 592 11 228 600199.5 5501103.7 5001 95.2 450192.5
200 2448 9 939 2.0760 I 592 11 228 600199.5 5501103.7 55Oi112.5
9.00 1 in 3 100 4319 8 982 0.692 3031 11 194 500/75.0 5001 86.9 4501 79.4 400177.4
150 4319 8 982 0.939 3031 11 194 5OOl75.0 5001 86.9 450/ 79.4 450187.2
200 4319 8982 0.186 3031 II 194 550186.3 5001 86.9 5001 95.2 -
1 in 4 100 4 528 9 672 0.597 2913 12 931 550186.3 5001 86.9 4501 79.4 400177.4
150 4 528 9 672 0.815 2913 12931 550186.3 5001 86.9 450/ 79.4 400177.4
200 4 528 9 672 1.0625 2913 12931 550186.3 5001 86.9 5001 95.2 450187.2
1 in 5 100 4 658 10 069 0.549 2 799 14099 550186.3 5001 86.9 4501 19.4 350167.4
150 4 658 10 069 0.155 2 799 14 099 550186.3 5001 86.9 4501 79.7 400177.4
200 4 658 10 069 1.0410 2 799 14 099 550186.3 5001 86.9 5001 95.2 450187.2
12.00 1 in 3 100 4 207 8 523 1.631 2509 12 743 600199.5 5501103.7 5001 95.2
150 506 11011 2.326 2 509 I2 743 600199.5 550/ 103.7 550/ 112.5
200 1 229 13 854 3.0199 2 509 12 743 6OOl122.6 600/ 133.7
1 in 4 100 4411 8 982 1.476 2 328 14 341 600199.5 550/ 103.7 5001 95.2 450187.2
I50 593 10002 2.120 2 328 14 341 600199.5 55oi 103.7 550/J 12.5 -
200 396 12915 2.817 2 328 14 341 600199.5 6001122.6 550/112.5 -%
I in 5 100 4541 9 248 I.405 2 182 15 388 600199.5 550/ 103.7 5001 95.2 450187.2 L
150 4541 9 248 2.0304 2 182 I5 388 550/ 103.7 0
600199.5 550/112.5
200 3 172 13 128 2.159 2 182 15 388 - 600/ 122.6 550/112.5
12.00 1 in 3 100 4 297 11911 1.634 3013 14 850 550/ 103.7 5001 95.2 -
150 4 297 11911 2.222 3013 14 850 - 550/ 103.7 550/ 112.5 -
200 940 12 381 2.800 3013 14 850 - 6OO/ 122.6 550/ 112.5 -
1 in 4 100 4 506 12831 1.405 2 897 17 158 - 6001122.6 5001 95.2 450192.5
150 4 506 12831 1.928 2 897 17 158 - 600/122.6 500/ 95.2 -
200 4 506 12831 2.516 2 897 17 158 - 600/ 122.6 550/ 112.5
1 in 5 100 4 637 13 361 1.295 2 783 18711 - 6001122.6 5001 95.2
150 4 637 13 361 1.781 2 783 18711 6001122.6 5001 95.2 -
200 4 637 13 361 2.461 2 783 18711 - 600/ 122.6 550/ 113.5 -
6.00 9.00 1 in 3 100 6031 16323 1.074 5 074 17 370 600/99.5 550/ 103.7 5001 95.2 450/87.2
150 6031 16323 1.368 5 074 17 370 600199.5 550/ 103.7 500/ 95.2 -
200 6031 16 323 1.662 5 074 17 370 600/99,5 550/ 103.7 550/ 112.5
1 in 4 100 6 320 18096 0.900 5 069 20 665 600/122.6 500/ 95.2 450187.2
150 6 320 18 0915 1.129 5 069 20 665 - 6OOjI22.6 5001 95.2 450187.2
200 6 320 18 096 1.368 5 069 20 665 - 600/122.6 5001 95.2 -
I in 5 100 6 496 19 155 0.790 4 994 22 985 600/ 122.6 500/ 95.2 450192.5
150 6 496 19 155 1.0008 4 994 22 985 600/ 122.6 SOO/ 95.2 450192.5
200 6 496 19 155 1.340 4 994 22 985 - 6001122.6 500/ 95.2 -
12.00 I in 3 100 5 906 16373 2.263 4 141 20412 600/ 122.6 550/ 112.5
150 5 906 16 373 2.993 4 141 20412 600/ 122.6 600/ 133.7
200 5 906 16 373 3.774 4 141 20412 - 600/ 133.7
I in 4 100 6 179 17 596 1.910 3 972 23 530 - 550/ 112.5
150 6 179 17 596 2.598 3 972 23 530 - 550/ 112.5 -
200 6 179 17 596 3.324 3 972 23 530 - - 6Ooi133.7 -
1 in 5 100 6 350 18 299 I .754 3812 25 627 - - 550/ 112.5 _.
150 6 350 18 299 2.406 3812 25 627 - 550/112.5
200 6 350 18 299 3.259 3812 25 627 - 600/ 133.7
span = 9 m Type of Support : Fixed No. of Bays :3
FRAME PRES- I Column Beam 3
Axial f Moment N, *a (Axial Moment\
4.50 4.50 1 in 3 100 1544 1673 0.0267 1 165 1793 225123.5 200125.4 2OOl28.8 200137.3
150 1544 1673 0.0349 I 165 1 793 225123.5 225131.2 200128.8 200/37.3
200 1544 1673 0.0431 1 165 1193 250127.9 225131.2 225133.9 200137.3
1 in 4 100 1626 1811 0.0231 1116 2 083 250127.9 200125.4 200128.8 150134.6
150 1626 1811 0.0303 I116 2 083 250121.9 200125.4 200128.8 200137.3
200 1626 1811 0.0375 1116 2 083 250127.9 225131.2 2OOj28.8 2OOj37.3
1 in 5 100 1676 1886 0.0210 1044 2 278 250121.9 200125.4 175122.1 150/27.1
150 1676 1886 0.0277 1044 2 278 250127.9 200125.4 200128.8 200137.3
200 1676 1886 0.0344 1044 2 278 250127.9 225131.2 2OOj28.8 200137.3
6.00 I in 3 100 1505 1599 0.0549 908 2 006 250127.9 225131.2 225133.9 200137.3
150 1505 1599 0.0754 908 2 006 275133.0 250137.3 225133.9 225143.1
200 1505 1599 0.0965 908 2 006 275133.0 250137.3 250140.9 225143.1
1 in 4 100 I585 1689 0.0488 852 2 305 250127.9 225131.2 200128.8 200/37.3
150 1585 I689 0.0683 852 2 305 250127.9 250137.3 225133.9 200137.3
200 1585 1689 0.0878 852 2 305 215133.0 250131.3 250140.9 225143.1
I in 5 100 1634 1738 0.0462 803 2 502 250127.9 225131.2 2OOl28.8 200137.3
150 1634 1738 0.0647 803 2 502 250/21.9 225131.2 225133.9 2OOl37.3
200 1634 1738 0.0836 803 2 502 275133.0 250137.3 250140.9 225143.1
6.00 I in 3 100 2 073 2 203 0.0744 1251 2 763 275133.0 250137.3 225133.9 225143.1
150 2 073 2 203 0.1021 1251 2 763 275133.0 300144.2 250140.9 225143.1
200 2073 2 203 0.1303 1251 2 763 300137.7 300144.2 300148. I 250151.0
I in 4 100 2 177 2 320 0.0662 1 170 3 166 275133.0 225131.2 225133.9 200137.3
150 2 177 2 320 0.0919 1 170 3 166 275133.0 250137.3 250140.9 225143.1
200 2 177 2 320 0.118 1 170 3 166 300137.7 300144.2 300/48.1 25Oj51.0
1 in 5 100 2 242 2 384 0.062 1 1 101 3 432 275133.0 250137.3 225133.9 200137.3
150 2 242 2384, 0.0867 I 101 3 432 275133.0 250137.3 250140.9 225143.1
200 2 242 2 384 0.112 1 101 3 432 300137.7 300/44.2 250140.9 25Ol51.0
= 12 m :3 2
Span Type of Support : Fixed No. of Bays
f Column Beam 1
SURE / w
[Axial Moment AI/ 10 (Axial Moment
6.00 I in 3 100 2 088 3019 0.0857 I 578 3 229 300/ 37.7 250137.3 250/40.9 225143. I
150 2 088 3019 0.111 I 578 3 229 300/37.7 300144.2 250/40.9 25OjSl.O
200 2 088 3019 0.138 I 578 3 229 300/37.7 300144.2 300148. I 250/ 5 I .O
I in 4 100 2 IQ6 3 265 0.0739 I512 3 747 300/ 37.7 250/ 37.3 225133.9 225143. I
150 2 196 3 265 0.0965 I512 3 747 300/37.7 250137.3 250140.9 225143. I
200 2 196 3 265 0.120 I512 3 747 300/37.7 300144.2 300148. I 250/ 5 I .O
I in 5 100 2 262 3 398 0.0667 1412 4 094 300/37.7 250137.3 225133.9 200/37.3
150 2 262 3 398 0.0883 I412 4 094 300/37.7 250137.3 250140.9 225143. I
200 2 262 3 398 0.110 I412 4 094 300/37.7 300144.2 250140.9 250/51.0
9.00 I in 3 100 2012 2 789 0.310 1 139 3 798 350149.5 350152.4 350156.9 300/58.8
150 2 280 3 176 0.442 835 4 122 400/ 56.9 400/61.6 350156.9 350167.4
200 7421 5 028 0.575 973 5 030 450/65.3 400/61.6 4OOl66.7 350172.4
1 in 4 100 2 II6 2 922 0.284 I 053 4 308 325143. I 350/ 52.4 300148. I 300/58.8
150 2 267 3011 0.407 I 053 4 308 400/56.9 400161.6 350156.9 350/ 67.4
200 2 498 4007 0.532 I 053 4 308 400156.9 400/61.6 400/66.7 350/ 67.4
I in 5 100 2 183 2995 0.271 983 4641 325143.1 350/ 52.4 300148. I 300/58.8
150 2261 2 942 0.392 983 4641 400/ 56.9 350152.4 350156.9 350167.4
200 486 4801 0.516 983 4641 400/ 56.9 400/61.6 400/66.7 350167.4
6.00 I in 3 100 2 875 4 157 0.118 2 173 4 446 325143. I 300144.2 300/48. I 250/ 5 I .O
150 2 875 4 157 0.151 2 173 4 446 325143.1 3OOj44.2 300/48. I 250154.7
200 2 875 4 157 0.186 2 173 4 446 325143.1 350152.4 300/48.1 300/ 58.8
I in 4 100 3016 4483 0.101 2 076 5 146 325/43.1 300/44.2 250/40.9 225/43.1
150 3016 4483 0.131 2 076 5 146 325143. I 300/44.2 300/48. I 25OjSl.O
200 3016 4 483 0.162 2 076 5 146 325143. I 300144.2 300/48. I 300/58.8
I in 5 100 3 102 4 659 0.0913 1936 5614 325143. I 300144.2 250140.9 225143. I
150 3 102 4 659 0.120 1936 5614 325143. I 300144.2 300/48. I 250/ 5 I .O
200 3 102 4 659 0.148 I 936 5614 325143. I 300/44.2 300148. I 25015 I .O
9.00 1 in 3 100 2 770 3 839 0.418 I 569 5 230 400/ 56.9 400/61.6 350156.9 350167.4
150 3 179 4 240 0.594 1569 5 230 450165.3 450172.4 400166.7 400/77.4
200 3 482 5 629 0.770 I 569 5 230 450165.3 450172.4 450179.4 400/77.4
I in 4 100 2 906 4013 0.381 1446 5916 350149.5 350152.4 350/56.9 350/67.4
150 3 159 4016 0.547 I 446 5916 400/56.9 400/61.6 400166.7
350167.4 &
200 3 468 5 344 0.712 I 446 5 916 450165.3 450172.4 450/ 79.4 400/77.4 ..
1 in 5 100 2 993 4 107 0.364 I 347 6 364 350/49.5 400/61.6 350156.9 300/ 58.8
350167.4 2
150 2 993 4 107 0.525 I 347 6 364 400/ 56.9 400/61.6 400166.7
200 3 463 5 227 0.686 I 347 6 364 450165.3 450/ 72.4 450179.4 400/ 77.4
9.00 I in 3 100 4 427 9604 0.724 3 350 IO 262 550186.3 500/ 86.9 4501 79.4 400177.4
150 4 427 9604 0.956 3 350 IO 262 550/86.3 500/ 86.9 450/ 79.4 450/87.2
200 4 427 9604 I. 188 2 125 I I 847 550/86.3 500/ 86.9 500/ 95.2
I in 4 100 4 634 IO 337 0.625 3 194 I I 855 550/86.3 500/ 86.9 450/ 79.4 400177.4
150 4 634 IO 337 0.829 3 194 I I 855 550186.3 500/ 86.9 450/ 79.4 400/82.2
200 4 634 IO 337 1.0341 3 194 I I 855 550/86.3 500/ 86.9 500/ 95.2 450/87.2
I in 5 100 4 760 IO 733 0.568 2 974 12915 550/86.3 500/ 86.9 450/ 79.4 350172.4
150 4 760 IO 733 0.761 2974 12915 SSOj86.3 SOO/ 86.9 4501 79.4 400177.4
200 4 760 IO 733 0.953 2 974 12915 550186.3 SOO/ 86.9 450/ 79.4 450187.2
12.00 I in 3 100 4313 9 167 I.513 2604 II 493 600/99.5 550/ 103.7 500/ 95.2 450/87.2
150 611 IO I I6 2.107 1761 I I 847 600199.5 550/ 103.7 550/ 112.5
200 I 382 12532 2.702 2004 I4 286 600/99.5 600/122.6 550/ 112.5
I in 4 100 4 514 9 626 1.355 2 428 I3 131 600199.5 550/ 103.7 5001 95.2 450/87.2
150 4514 9 626 1.905 2 428 13 131 600/99.5 550/ 103.7 SOO/ 95.2
200 5 353 IO 143 2.455 I 765 14031 600/99.5 550/ 103.7 550/ I 12.5 - G
1 in 5 100 4640 9 872 1.275 2281 14211 600/99;5 550/ 103.7 500/ 95.2 450187.2 ;
I50 4640 9 872 1.808 2281 14211 600199.5 550/ 103.7 500/ 95.2 0
200 3 II4 I I612 2.340 2282 14211 600199.5 550/ 103.7 550/ 112.5 G
A = Side sway (cm), I = Moment of inertia (cm4).
Span = 9 m Type of Support : Fixed No. of Bays :4
f Column
Gxial Moment AI/ 103
6.00 I in 3 100 I 526 I 674 0.0544 1009 2048 250127.9 225131.2 225133.9 200/37.3
I50 I 526 I 674 0.0739 1009 2 048 275133.0 250137.3 225133.9 225143. I
200 I 526 I 674 0.0934 1009 2 048 275/33.0 250137.3 250140.9 225143. I
I in 4 100 1603 I761 0.0485 931 2316 250127.9 225131.2 200128.8 200137.3
150 1603 I761 0.0657 931 2316 250127.9 225131.2 225133.9 2OOj37.3
200 1603 1761 0.0842 931 2316 275133.0 250137.3 250140.9 225143. I
I in 5 100 1649 I 803 0.0446 863 2 485 250127.9 225131.2 200128.8 200137.3
I50 I 649 I 803 0.0616 863 2 485 250127.9 225131.2 225133.9 200137.3
200 I 649 I 803 0.07903 863 2485 275133.0 250137.3 250140.9 225143. I
6.00 I in 3 100 2 102 2 306 0.0744 1390 2 820 275133.0 250137.3 225133.9 225143. I
150 2 102 2 306 0.0996 I 390 2820 275133.0 300144.2 250/40.9 225143. I
200 2 102 2 306 0.1258 I 390 2 820 300137.7 300/44.2 300148. I 250/5l.O
I in 4 100 2201 2419 0.0657 I 279 3 182 275133.0 250137.3 225133.9 200137.3
150 2201 2419 0.0888 I 279 3 182 275133.0 250137.3 250140.9 225143. I
200 2201 2419 0.113 I 279 3 182 300137.7 300144.2 250140.9 250151.0
1 in 5 loo 2 263 2 473 0.0604 I 184 3 409 275133.0 250137.3 225133.9 200137.3
150 2 263 2 473 0.083 I I 184 3409 275133.0 250137.3 250140.9 225143. I
200 2 263 2 473 0.107 I 184 3409 300137.3 300144.2 250140.9 25OjSl.O
A = Side sway (cm), I = Moment of inertia (cm ). ..
Span = 12 m Type of Support : Fixed No. of Bays :4
FRAME PRES- f Column
A z
fAxial Moment AI/ 101
6.00 I in 3 100 2 121 3 155 0.0924 I 772 3 265 300137.7 250137.3 250140.9 225143.1
150 2 121 3 155 0.118 I 772 3 265 300137.7 300/44.2 3OOj48.1 250151.0
200 2 121 3 155 0.144 1772 3 265 325143. I 300144.2 300148.1 25OjSI.O
I in 4 100 2 229 3414 0.080 I 1715 3821 300137.7 250137.3 250140.9 225143.1
150 2 229 3414 0.102 I715 3821 300137.7 300144.2 250140.9 225146.8
200 2 229 3414 0.125 I715 3821 300137.7 300/44.2 300/48. I 250151.0
1 in 5 100 2291 3 546 0.0724 I 635 4 183 300137.7 250137.3 225133.9 225143.1
150 2291 3 546 0.0929 I 635 4 183 300137.7 250137.3 250140.9 225143. I
200 2291 3 546 0.114 1635 4 183 300/ 31.7 300/ 44.2 250/ 40.9 25015 1.O
9.00 I in 3 100 2 036 2917 0.295 1232 3 835 350149.5 350152.4 350156.9 300/58.8
150 388 3 784 0.415 I 232 3835 400156.9 400/61.6 350156.9 350167.4
200 770 4 754 0.534 795 4813 400156.9 400161.6 400166.7 350167.4
1 in 4 100 2 137 3040 0.267 I119 4 287 325143.1 350152.4 300/48. I 300158.8
150 2 137 3040 0.379 1119 4 287 350149.5 350152.4 350156.9 350167.4
200 2448 3 655 0.491 I 122 4718 400156.9 4OOj61.6 400166.7 350167.4
I in 5 100 2 200 3 099 0.253 I 028 4571 325143. I 350152.4 300148. I 300/58.8
150 2 200 3 099 0.361 I 028 4571 350149.5 350152.4 350/ 56.9 300158.8
200 2 437 3 546 0.470 1071 4771 400156.9 400/61.6 400166.7 350167.4
6.00 I in 3 100 2921 4 344 0.126 2440 4 496 325143. I 300/44.2 300/48. I 250151.0
I50 2921 4 344 0.160 2440 4 496 325143. I 300/44.2 300/48. I 300/ 58.8
200 2921 4 344 0.195 2 440 4 496 350149.5 350/52.4 350156.9 300/58.8
I in 4 100 3060 4 689 0.109 2 355 5 247 325143. I 300144.2 250/40.9 250/5l.O
I50 3 060 4 689 0.140 2 355 5 247 325143. I 300144.2 300/48. I 25015 I .O
200 3 060 4 689 0.170 2 355 5 247 325143. I 350152.4 300/48. I 300/58.8
I in 5 100 3 142 4 863 0.0985 2 242 5 736 325143.1 300/ 44.2 250/40.9 225143. I
I50 3 I42 4 863 0. I27 2 242 5 736 325143. I 300/44.2 300/48. I 250/ 5 I .O
200 3 142 4 863 0.155 2 242 5 736 325143. I 300144.2 300/48. I 300/58.8
9.00 I in 3 100 2 804 4017 0.398 I 697 5 280 400/56.9 400/61.6 350156.9 350167.4
I50 450 5 I21 0.550 989 5416 400/ 56.9 400161.6 400166.7 350172.4
200 3 432 5 194 0.717 I 099 6 542 450165.3 450172.4 450179.4 400/ 77.4
I in 4 100 2 935 4 174 0.360 I 537 5 887 350149.5 400/61.6 350156.9 300/58.8
I50 2 935 4 I74 0.509 I 537 5 887 400/ 56.9 400/61.6 400/66.7 350/ 67.4 v)
400177.4 cd
200 3 402 4 884 0.658 I 530 6 403 450165.3 450172.4 400/66.7
I in 5 100 3016 4 250 0.340 I 409 6 268 350149.5 400161.6 350156.9 300/58.8 i
I50 3016 4 250 0.485 I 409 6 268 400/ 56.9 400/61.6 400/66.7 450167.4
200 3 386 400/ 77.4 G
4 736 0.629 I 457 6 476 450/ 65.3 450/ 72.4 400166.7
A = Side sway (cm), I = Moment of inertia (cm4) r
Span = 9 m Type of Support : Hinged No. of Bays :I s
Axial Moment
4.50 4.50 I in 3 100 I 550 I 649 0.129 789 I 649 325143. I 350152.4 300/48. I 300/ 58.8
I50 I 550 I 695 0.195 789 I 695 400156.9 350152.4 350156.9 350167.4
200 1001 2 466 0.117 611 2 466 400156.9 400/61.6 400/ 66.7 350167.4
I in 4 100 I 653 1 779 0.179 744 I 779 325143. I 300144.2 300/48. I 300/58.8
150 I 653 I 779 0.240 744 I 779 350149.5 350152.4 350156.9 300/58.8
200 I 146 2516 0.113 585 2516 400156.9 400/61.6 400/66.7 350167.4
I in 5 100 1719 I 863 0.172 709 I 863 325143. I 300/44.2 300/48. I 250154.7
150 I719 I 863 0.232 709 1863 350149.5 350152.4 350156.9 300/ 58.8
200 I 246 2 586 0.232 567 2 586 400/56.9 400/61.6 400166.7 350167.4
6.00 I in 3 100 718 2 082 0.353 376 2 082 400/ 56.9 400/61.6 400166.7 350167.4
150 854 2817 0.529, 436 2 824 450165.3 450172.4 450179.4 400177.4
200 1338 3 968 0.712 745 3 969 500/75.0 5OOj86.9 500195.2 450187.2
I in 4 100 653 I 929 0.330 291 I 929 400/56.9 400/61.6 400166.7 350167.4
150 958 2817 0.496 454 2817 450/65.3 450/ 72.4 450/79.4 400177.4
200 I 473 3 966 0.667 681 3 966 500/75.0 500/ 86.9 450179.4 450187.2
I in 5 100 I719 1 752 0.322 320 I853 400156.9 400/61.6 400166.7 350167.4
150 I031 2 855 0.483 429 2 855 450/ 65.3 450/ 72.4 450179.4 400177.4
200 I 569 4014 0.649 640 4014 500/ 75.0 500/ 86.9 450/ 79.4 450/87.2
6.00 1 in 3 100 I 008 2 828 0.472 524 2 828 450165.3 4501 72.4 450179.4 400/ 77.4
I50 I 104 3817 0.705 604 3817 500/75.0 500/ 86.9 5OOi95.2 450/87.2
200 I733 5 240 0.947 970 5 240 550/ 86.3 550/ 103.7 500/95.2
I in 4 100 2271 2310 0.440 869 2310 450/65.3 4501 72.4 400/66.7 400177.4
I50 I 227 3 705 0.660 586 3 705 500/75.0 500/ 86.9 450 / 79.4 450/87.2
200 I914 5 237 0.887 888 5 237 550/86.3 550/ 103.7 500/95.2
I in 5 100 2 358 2 403 0.428 439 2 542 450165.3 4501 72.4 400166.7 400/ 77.4
I50 I 326 3 756 0.643 556 3 756 500/75.0 500/ 86.9 450179.4 450/87.2
200 2 042 5 302 0.864 836 5 302 550/86.3 500/ 86.9 500195.2 -
A = Side sway (cm), I = Moment of inertia (cm4). ..
Span = 12 m Type of Support : Hinged No. of Bays :I -~
/ Column Beam 3 / 9
fAAxial Moment AI/lo\ f Axial Moment
6.00 I in 3 100 2 096 2 972 0.410 I 066 2 972 450165.3 4501 72.4 400/ 66.7 400177.4
150 2 096 2 972 0.613 I 066 2 972 500/75.0 500/ 86.9 4501 79.4 450187.2
200 1313 4 354 0.830 804 4 354 550186.3 500/ 86.9 500/ 95.2
I in 4 100 2 232 3 204 0.371 1005 3 204 400156.9 400/ 61.6 4001 66.7 350167.4
150 2 232 3 204 0.562 I005 3204 500/75.0 4501 72.4 4501 79.4 450/ 87.2
200 I 507 4445 0.759 771 4 445 550/86.3 500/ 86.9 500/ 95.2 450/87.2
I in 5 100 2 320 3 354 0.357 953 3 354 400/56.9 4001 61.6 4001 66.7 350167.4
150 2 320 3 354 0.541 958 3 354 500/75.0 450/ 72.4 450/ 79.4 400177.4
200 I 640 4 568 0.731 748 4 568 500/75.0 SOO/ 86.9 SOO/ 95.2 450187.2
9.00 I in 3 100 I 225 5712 2.263 937 7 586 600/ 122.6 600/ 133.7
150 2 035 8 663 3.410 1571 I I 894
200 2 975 I I 894 4.557 2 205 I6 203
I in 4 100 I217 5405 2.140 845 7 542 - 600/ 122.6 56O/Il2.S
150 2 208 8612 3.221 I 405 II 817 600/ 145. I
200 3 200 II 817 4.302 I 966 16093
I in 5 100 I 303 5 454 2.094 787 7 605 600/99.5 600/ 122.6 550/ 112.5
150 2 334 8 680 3.149 I 302 I I 906 - 600/ 145. I
200 3 365 I I 906 4.205 I816 I6 077 -
6.00 4.50 I in 3 100 2 885 4 176 0.21 I I 702 4 176 400156.9 4001 61.6 350/ 56.9 350167.4
150 2 885 4 176 0.312 1 702 4 176 450/ 65.3 4501 72.4 4001 66.7 400/ 77.4
200 2 885 4 176 0.427 I 702 4 176 500/ 75.0 450/ 72.4 450/ 79.4 450/87.2
I in 4 100 3 065 4544 0.181 I 649 4 544 350149.5 350/ 52.4 350/ 56.9 300/58.8
150 3 065 4 544 0.277 I 649 4 544 400/ 56.9 4001 61.6 400/ 66.7 350167.4
200 3 065 4 544 0.378 1649 4 544 450/65.3 4501 72.4 4501 79.4 400/ 77.4
1 in 5 100 3 181 4 783 0.170 1604 4 783 350/49.5 350/ 52.4 350/ 56.9 300/58.8
150 3 181 4 783 0.262 I 604 4 783 400/56.9 4001 61.6 400/ 66.7 350167.4
200 3 181 4 783 0.357 1 604 4 783 450165.3 450/ 72.4 4501 79.4 400/ 77.4
6.00 1 in 3 100 2 885 4 092 0.549 I 468 4 092 500/75.0 4501 72.4 450/ 79.4 400/ 82.2
150 2 885 4 092 0.816 I 468 4 092 550/86.3 500/ 86.9 500/ 95.2
200 I 683 5 709 1.104 I 468 5 709 600/99.5 550/ 103.7 550/ 112.5
I in 4 100 3 065 4 400 0.495 I 380 4 400 450165.3 4501 72.4 4501 79.4 400177.4
150 3 065 4 400 0.748 I 380 4 400 550186.3 500/ 86.9 5001 95.2 450/87.2
200 I 943 5831 1.010 998 5831 550/86.3 550/ 103.7 500/ 95.2
I in 5 100 3 181 4 599 0.476 1313 4 599 450/65.3 4501 72.4 4501 79.4 400177.4
150 3 181 4 599 0.721 1313 4 599 500/75.0 500/ 86.9 500/ 95.2 450/87.2
200 2 121 5 996 0.972 970 5 996 550/86.3 550/ 103.7 500/ 95.2
9.00 I in 3 100 I701 7 707 3.0150 I 220 10024 6001133.7
150 2 646 II 461 4.543 2 066 I5 769 -
200 3 898 15769 6.0737 2911 21514
I in 4 100 1 548 7 202 2.851 I 103 9 968 600/ 133.7
150 2 877 I I 394 4.292 I 850 15 669
200 4 199 15 669 5.734 2 597 21 369 -
1 in 5 100 I 672 7 185 2.789 I 028 10053 - 600/133.7
150 3 046 I I 487 4.197 1715 I5 788
200 4 420 15 788 5.605 2401 21 523 -
f Column Beam\
Moment Al, loa f Axial Moment
4.50 9.00 1 in 3 100 4419 I2794 3.292 2 606 12794 600/ 145. I
150 4419 I2 794 5.108 2 125 I6 263
200 3 176 I6 263 6.914 3 I75 23 361
I in 4 100 4 686 I3 899 2.93 I 2521 I3 899 600/ 133.7
150 4 686 I3 899 4.524 2 127 I7 141
200 3714 I7 141 6.128 3 140 24 535
1 in 5 100 4860 I4 617 2.782 2 450 14617 600/ 133.7
I50 4 860 14617 4.280 2 119 I7 967
200 4 074 I7 967 5.777 3 108 25641 -
Gxial Moment AI,103 f Axial Moment
6.00 1 in 3 100 I 930 2 324 0.335 960 3 459 400156.9 400/61.6 400166.7 350/67.4
150 2014 3471 0.493 960 3 459 450/ 65.3 450172.4 450179.4 400/ 77.4
200 2 100 4 649 0.656 907 3 599 500/75.0 5OOj86.9 450/79.4 450/ 87.2
I in 4 100 I 870 2 I80 0.313 860 3 799 400156.9 400/61.6 400/6$.7 350167.4
150 I941 3 255 0.462 860 3 799 450/65.3 450/ 72.4 450/ 79.4 400177.4
200 165 4 360 0.613 860 3 799 500/ 75.0 500/ 86.9 450/79.4 450187.2
I in 5 100 1841 2 I21 0.304 786 4 020 400156.9 400/61.6 400/66.7 350167.4
150 I 899 3 I68 0.448 786 4 020 450/65.3 450/ 72.4 400/66.7 400177.4
200 98 4 243 0.600 786 4 020 500/ 75.0 500/86.9 450179.4 450/87.2
6.00 1 in 3 100 1916 2 130 0.311 1066 4 171 400156.9 400/ 61.6 400/ 66.7 350167.4
150 1976 2 730 0.448 1066 4 171 450165.3 4501 72.4 4001 66.7 400177.4
200 I 976 2 730 0.602 I 066 4 171 5OOl75.0 5001 86.9 4501 79.4 450187.2
I in 4 100 2 083 2 863 0.281 986 4 654 400156.9 4001 61.6 3501 56.9 350167.4
150 2 083 2 863 0.406 986 4 654 450165.3 450/ 72.4 4001 66.7 400177.4
200 2083 2 863 0.534 986 4 654 500/75.0 4501 72.4 4501 79.4 400177.4
I in 5 100 2 151 2 942 0.266 923 4970 400156.9 4001 61.6 350/ 56.9 350167.4
150 2 151 2 942 0.388 923 4 970 450165.3 400/ 61.6 4001 66.7 400/ 77.4
200 2 151 2 942 0.318 923 4 970 450165.3 4501 72.4 4501 79.4 400/ 77.4
9.00 1 in 3 100 1 922 5 140 I.573 931 5 033 600199.5 550/ 103.7 550/ 112.5
150 I 103 5 748 2.343 1 228 6 676 - 600/ 122.6 600/ 133.7
200 ,260 10281 3.124 1116 10 195 - 600/145. I
I in 4 100 1853 4 869 1.486 801 5 115 550186.3 550/ 103.7 5001 95.2
I50 118 7 303 2.215 691 7501 - 600/ 122.6 600/ 133.7
200 406 9 737 2.962 1000 IO 277 - - 600/ 133.7 -
1 in 5 100 1814 4 763 1.453 726 5401 550/86.3 550/ 103.7 5001 95.2
150 48 7 144 2.174 633 7612 - 600/122.6 550/ 112.5
200 494 9 525 2.906 913 10417 - 600/ 133.7
6.00 I in 3 100 2 720 3 759 0.417 I 468 5 742 450165.3 450/ 72.4 400/ 66.7 400/77.4
150 2 720 3 759 0.600 I 468 5 742 500/ 75.0 500/ 86.9 450/ 79.4 450187.2
200 2 867 4881 0.788 1468 5 742 550186.3 500/ 86.9 500/ 95.2
1 in 4 100 2 860 3 932 0.376 I 354 6391 450165.3 400/ 61.6 400/ 66.7 350172.4
150 2860 3 932 0.544 1 354 6391 500/75.0 450/ 72.4 450/ 79.4 400/ 77.4
200 2 860 3 932 0.716 I 354 6391 500/ 75.0 500/ 86.9 500/ 95.2 450/ 87.2
I in 5 100 2 949 4 034 0.357 I 266 6815 400156.9 400/ 61.6 4001 66.7 350167.4
150 2 949 4 034 0.519 I 266 6815 450/65.3 450/ 72.4 450/ 79.4 4OOt77.4
200 2 949 4 034 0.688 I 266 6815 500/75.0 500/ 86.9 500/ 95.2 450/87.2
9.00 I in 3 100 2712 6 854 2.102 I271 6 862 600/99.5 600/122.6 550/ 112.5
150 2 850 IO 281 3.124 685 9909 600/ 145.1
200 197 I3 707 4.165 I 462 13 518 - -
I in 4 100 2617 6491 1.985 1 100 7 023 600199.5 600/122.6 550/ 112.5
150 304 9 737 2.955 900 9 930 600/ 133.7
200 394 I2 983 3.946 I313 I3 630 -
I in 5 100 2 564 6 350 1.939 995 7 407 600199.5 600/ 122.6 550/ 112.5
150 210 9 525 2.896 I 377 8 187 600/ 133.7
200 513 12 700 3.872 I 199 I3 819 - --
9.00 1 in 3 100 3043 6 307 2.0520 1643 9651 600199.5 600/122.6 550/112.5 -
150 3200 8 238 2.987 1643 9651 - - 600/133.7 -
200 320 10984 3.922 I 430 1I 580 -
I in 4 100 3201 6 598 1.856 1516 10 745 600199.5 550/ 103.7 550/ 112.5 -
150 3201 6 598 2.748 1516 10 745 - - 600/ 133.7
200 2 433 9 050 3.633 1405 12 843 -
1 in 5 100 3 302 6 772 1.771 1418 11462 600199.5 550/ 103.7 550/112.5 -
I50 3 302 6 772 2.616 1418 11462 - 600/ 122.6 600/ 133.7 -
200 2 695 9462 3.527 1365 13 375 -
f Column Beam 1 rT A .
[Axial Moment f Axial Moment \
Column Beam> A
Giial Moment AI/ 103 f Axial Moment
4.50 4.50 I in 3 100 I 497 I 634 0.0872 803 2116 300137.7 300144.2 300/48.1 25015 I .O
150 I 491 b 634 0.124 803 2116 325143. I 300/44.2 300148. I 300158.8
200 1645 1932 0.161 803 2 116 350149.5 350152.4 350156.9 300158.8
I in 4 100 1 577 1 704 0.0791 741 2 389 300/37.7 300144.2 250140.9 225146.8
150 1 571 1 704 0.112 747 2 389 325143.1 300144.2 300/48.1 25Oj51.0
200 1577 1 704 0.146 747 2 389 350149.5 350152.4 350156.9 300158.8
I in 5 100 I 627 I 743 0.0750 701 2 568 275133.0 250137.3 250140.9 225143.1
150 I 621 I 143 0.106 701 2 568 325143. I 300144.2 300/48. I 25Oj51.0
200 I 621 I 743 0.140 701 2 568 325143. I 350152.4 300148.1 300158.8
6.00 I in 3 loo I 457 I 465 0.209 702 2 305 350149.5 350152.4 350156.9 300/58.8
150 1518 2 196 0.304 702 2 305 400156.9 4OOj61.6 400166.7 350167.4
200 1 633 2951 0.401 702 2 305 450165.3 450172.4 400166.7 400177.4
1 in 4 100 1 538 1518 0. I95 634 2 553 350149.5 350152.4 350156.9 3OOl58.8
150 1 504 2 102 0.285 634 2 553 400156.9 400161.6 350156.9 350167.4
200 1 622 2 830 0.376 634 2 553 450165.3 400/61.6 400/66.7 350172.4
I in 5 100 I 590 1 550 0. I88 582 2713 325143.1 350152.4 300148. I 300/58.8
150 1 498 2 068 0.277 582 2713 400156.9 400/61.6 350156.9 350167.4
200 1 026 2 174 0.367 582 2713 400156.9 400/61.6 400166.7 350167.4
/ Column /
( Axial Moment
6.00 4.50 1 in 3 100 2 062 2251 0.117 1 106 2914 325143.1 300/44.2 300/48.1 300/58.8
I50 2 062 2251 0.116 1 106 2914 350149.5 350152.4 350156.9 300/58.8
200 2 298 2 576 0.215 I 106 2914 400/ 56.9 400/61.6 350156.9 350167.4
I in 4 100 2 I66 2341 0.105 I 026 3 282 300137.7 300/44.2 300/48.1 250/51.0
150 2 I66 2341 0.150 1026 3 282 350149.5 350/ 52.4 350156.9 300/ 58.8
200 2 284 2 428 0.196 1026 3 282 400156.9 350/ 52.4 350156.9 350167.4
1 in 5 100 2 232 2 392 0.0095 962 3 523 300137.7 300/44.2 300/48.1 250151.0
150 2 232 2 392 0.143 962 3 523 325143. I 350152.4 350156.9 300158.8
200 2 232 2 392 0.187 962 3 523 350/49.5 350/ 52.4 350/ 56.9 300/63.0
6.00 1 in 3 100 2 007 2018 0.279 968 3 175 400156.9 400/61.6 350/56.9 350167.4
I50 2 130 2 925 0.406 968 3 175 450165.3 450172.4 400166.7 400177.4
200 2 284 3 932 0.537 968 3 175 500/75.0 450172.4 450179.4 400177.4
1 in 4 100 2113 2 086 0.260 871 3 507 400/ 56.9 350/52.4 350156.9 350167.4
150 2 109 2 799 0.380 871 3 507 450165.3 400/61.6 400166.7 350172.4
200 2 267 3 770 0.503 871 3 507 450165.3 450/ 72.4 450/ 79.4 400/77.4
I in 5 100 2 181 2 126 0.252 799 3721 350/49.5 350152.4 350156.9 350167.4
150 2 100 2 753 0.269 799 3 721 400/ 56.9 400161.6 400/ 66.7 350167.4
200 2 259 3712 0.489 799 3721 450165.3 450172.4 450179.4 400177.4
6.00 I in 3 100 2 024 2 947 0.278 I 085 3814 400/56.9 4001 61.6 3501 56.9 350/ 67.4
150 2 024 2 947 0.393 I 085 3 814 450/65.3 400/ 61.6 400/ 66.7 400/ 77.4
200 2024 2 947 0.510 I 085 3814 450/65.3 450/ 72.4 450/ 79.4 400177.4
I in 4 100 2 129 3 070 0.250 I 008 4 302 350/49.5 350/ 52.4 3501 56.9 300363.0
150 2 129 3 070 0.354 I 008 4 302 400/ 56.9 400/ 61.6 400/ 66.7 350167.4
200 2 225 3 238 0.463 I 008 4 302 450/65.3 450/ 12.4 450/ 79.4 400/77.4
I in 5 100 2 196 3 138 0.236 947 4 622 350/49.5 350/ 52.4 3501 56.9 300/ 58.8
150 2 196 3 138 0.338 947 4 622 400/ 56.9 400/ 61.6 400/ 66.7 350167.4
200 2 220 3 160 0.443 947 4 622 450/65.3 450/ 12.4 400/ 66.7 400/77.4
9.00 I in 3 100 2011 4201 1.276 700 4819 550/86.3 500/ 86.9 500/ 95.2
150 2 206 6 338 1.887 893 6 466 600/99.5 600/ 122.6 550/ 112.5
200 2401 8 476 2.500 845 8 404 600/ 122.6 600/ 133.7
1 in 4 100 I 990 4 042 1.203 809 4 700 550/86.3 500/ 86.9 500/ 95.2
150 2 188 6 109 I .787 788 6 247 600/99.5 550/ 103.7 550/ 112.5
200 2 387 8 177 2.375 767 8 622 600/ 122.6 600/ 133.7
1 in 5 100 I 980 3 986 I.175 735 4 914 550/ 86.3 500/ 86.9 500/ 95.2
150 2 180 6031 1.747 741 6160 600199.5 550/103.7 550/ 112.5
200 2 380 8 077 2.323 698 8816 600/ 122.6 600/ 133.7
6.00 I in 3 100 2 786 4 057 0.375 1 494 5251 450165.3 400/ 61.6 400/ 66.7 350/72.4
150 2 786 4 057 0.527 I 494 5251 45Oi65.3 450/ 72.4 4501 794 400177.4
200 3 122 4 578 0.684 I 494 5251 500/75.0 500/ 86.9 500/ 95.2 45Oj87.2
I in 4 100 2 924 4 215 0.335 1385 5 907 400156.9 400/ 61.6 400; 66.7 350167.4
150 2 924 4 215 0.476 1 385 5 907 450165.3 450/ 72.4 450/ 79.4 400177.4
200 2 924 4 215 0.622 I 385 5 907 500175.0 500/ 86.9 450/ 79.4 450/87.2
1 in 5 100 3011 4 303 0.316 I 298 6 339 400/ 56.9 400/ 61.6 400/ 66.7 350167.4
150 3011 4 303 0.453 I 298 6 339 450/ 65.3 4501 72.4 4001 66.7 400/ 77.4
200 3011 4 303 0.593 I 298 6 339 500/75.0 500/ 86.9 4501 79.4 450/87.2
9.00 1 in 3 100 2 823 5 594 1.705 961 6 558 600199.5 550/ 103.7 550/ 112.5
150 3 083 8 445 2.523 1219 8 755 600/ 122.6 6001133.7
200 3 342 11 295 3.334 I 476 10 952 - - 600/ 145.1
I in 4 100 2 792 5 381 1.610 I110 6 455 600199.5 550/ 103.7 550/112.5
150 3 057 8 138 2.385 I 073 8 462 _~ 600/ 122.6 600/ 133.7
200 3 322 10 894 3.169 1310 10563 - - 600/ 145. I
I in 5 100 2 777 5 306 1.570 1008 6821 600199.5 55aj 103.7 550/ 112.5
150 3 044 8 033 2.332 I 007 8 346 - 6OOj122.6 600/ 133.7
200 3311 10 760 3.104 1241 IO407 - - 600: 145. I
:3 G
Span = I8 m Type of Support : Hinged No. of Bays
fAxial Moment ArJ 101 1 Axial Moment \
9.00 I in 3 100 3 118 6814 1.812 I 672 8815 600199.5 550/103.7 550/ 112.5
150 3 487 7 724 2.695 1 129 IO 506 600/ 122.6 600/ 133.7
200 3 808 10 304 3.379 I 296 12 887 -
I in 4 100 3 273 7 082 1.634 1551 9 923 600199.5 s50/ 103.7 550/ 112.5 -
150 3 465 7 278 2.356 1551 9 923 600/ 122.6 600/ 133.7
200 2 337 8 062 3.0784 I 122 12 386 - hOO/ 133.7 -
I in 5 100 3 372 7 230 I.551 I 454 10651 600/99.5 550/ 103.7 550/ 112.5 -
I50 3 372 7 230 2.250 I 454 10651 600/ 122.6 600/ 133.7 -
200 2 625 8 570 2.948 I 454 10651 600/ 133.7 _-
6.00 4.50 1 in 3 100 2 089 2 367 0.113 I 164 2 992 325/43.1 3OO/44.2 300/4&l 250/ 54.7
150 2 089 2 367 0.158 1164 2 992 350149.5 350152.4 350/56.9 300/58.8
200 2281 2 408 0.203 I I64 2 992 400/ 56.9 400/61.6 350/ 56.9 350167.4
1 in 4 100 2 189 2 443 0.101 1058 3301 300137.7 300144.2 300/48.1 25Oj51.0
150 2 189 2 443 0.142 I 058 3301 325143. I 350/52.4 300/48. I 300/58.8
200 2 189 2443 0.183 1058 3301 350149.5 350152.4 350/ 56.9 300/63.0
I in 5 100 22.51 2480 0.0954 976 3 496 300137.7 300/44.2 300/48.1 25OjSl.O
150 2251 2 480 0.134 976 3 496 325/43. I 350/52.4 300/48.1 300158.8
200 2251 2 480 0.174 976 3 496 350149.5 350/52.4 350/ 56.9 300/58.8
6.00 1 in 3 100 2 024 2 103 0.252 963 3 163 350149.5 350/52.4 350156.9 350167.4
150 2 126 2 602 0.363 963 3 163 400/ 56.9 400/61.6 400,66.7 350167.4
200 2 275 3 477 0.477 853 3 334 450/65.3 450172.4 450179.4 400/77.4
1 in 4 100 2 126 2 155 0.233 879 3 460 350149.5 350/52.4 350/ 56.9 300/58.8
150 2 099 2 475 0.338 879 3 460 400156.9 400/61.6 400/66.7 350167.4
200 2 248 3 317 0.446 879 3 460 450165.3 450172.4 4OOi66.7 400177.4
I in 5 100 2 191 2 183 0.225 806 3 693 350149.5 350152.4 350156.9 300/58.8
150 2085 2 422 0.327 806 3 693 400/ 56.9 400/61.6 400/ 66.7 350167.4
200 2 234 3251 0.433 806 3 693 450165.3 450172.4 400/66.7 400177.4
A = Side sway (cm), I = Moment of inertia (cm).
4.50 4.50 1 in 3 100 2 115 3 375 0.138 1425 3 638 325143.1 350/ 52.4 300/ 48.1 300/ 58.8
150 2 115 3 375 0.183 I 425 3 638 350149.5 350/ 52.4 350/ 56.9 300/63.0
200 2115 3 375 0.229 I 425 3 638 400156.9 4001 61.6 400/ 66.7 350/67.4
1 in 4 100 2217 3 540 0.119 I 343 4 101 325143. I 300/ 44.2 300/ 48.1 300/58.8
150 2217 3540 0.158 I 343 4 101 350149.5 350/ 52.4 350/ 56.9 300/58.8
200 2217 3540 0.199 I 343 4 101 400/56.9 400/ 61.6 3501 56.9 350/67.4
1 in 5 100 2 279 3618 0.108 I 268 4 395 325143.1 300/ 44.2 300/ 48.1 25OjSl.O
150 2 279 3 618 0.146 I 268 4 395 350149.5 350/ 52.4 3501 56.9 300/58.8
200 2 279 3 618 0.184 I 268 4 395 350149.5 350/ 52.4 3501 56.9 300163.0
6.00 1 in 3 100 2051 3 102 0.267 I 144 3919 400/56.9 400/ 61.6 350/ 56.9 350167.4
150 2051 3 102 0.372 I 144 3919 400156.9 400/ 61.6 4001 66.7 350172.4
200 2 220 3 208 0.478 1144 3919 450165.3 4501 72.4 450/ 79.4 400177.4
1 in 4 100 2 151 3 205 0.239 1041 4330 350149.5 3501 52.4 350/ 56.9 300/58.8
150 2 151 3 205 0.334 1041 4330 400/ 56.9 400/ 61.6 400/ 66.7 350167.4
200 2 151 3 205 0.443 1041 4 330 450165.3 4501 72.4 400/ 66.7 400/ 77.4
1 in 5 100 2214 3 256 0.224 961 4 589 350/49.5 350/ 52.4 350/ 56.9 300/ 58.8
150 2214 3 256 0.316 961 4 589 400/ 56.9 4Oo/ 61.6 4001 66.1 350167.4
200 2214 3 256 0.412 961 4 589 450165.3 450/ 72.4 400/ 66.7 400/77.4
9.00 I in 3 100 2014 3 675 1.122 551 4 546 550186.3 500/ 86.9 500/ 95.2 450187.2
150 2 204 5511 1.648 1094 6017 600/99.5 550/ 103.7 550/ 112.5
200 2 394 7 346 2.175 1351 7 565 600/ 122.6 600/ 133.7
1 in 4 100 I 986 3521 I .0563 815 4 666 500/ 75.0 5C-O/ 86.9 500/ 95.2 450/87.2
150 2 176 5 294 1.559 985 5 950 600/99.5 550/ 103.7 550/ 112.5
200 2 366 7 068 2.0623 I 227 7 474 600/99.5 600/122.6 550/ 112.5
1 in 5 100 1972 3 459 1.029 1 740 4961 500/ 75.0 500/ 86.9 500/ 95.2 450187.2
150 2 161 5211 1.523 937 5 942 550/86.3 550/ 103.7 550/ 112.5
200 2 350 6 963 2.0173 1 176 7 462 600199.5 600/ 122.6 550/ 112.5
12.0 I in 3 100 4 420 1211 14 524 2 406 3391 10 930 1710 390 7 148 5.413 I .578
150 4 420 1211 17 256 2 406 3 391 17 225 2819 2 077 7 148 8.247 1.578
200 4 420 I 439 24912 3 487 4 496 23 747 3 927 2 764 9 140 I I .086 1.594
I in 4 100 4 688 I315 15 771 2 298 3 773 10444 1585 1 087 8404 4.915 I.788
150 4 688 1315 17894 2 299 3 773 16 833 2 629 2 606 8 404 7.479 I.788
200 4 688 1510 25 765 3 343 5271 23 222 3 673 2 124 IO 170 10.043 I .944
I in 5 100 4 860 1 383 16 586 2214 4018 IO 483 I 505 916 9 253 4.712 I.933
150 4 860 I 383 18 572 2 244 4018 16892 2 508 I 339 9 253 7.157 I .933
200 4860 I 586 26 676 3 247 5 793 23 302 3511 I 761 IO 994 9.601 2.151
Span : 24.0 m Type of Support : Hinged No. of Bays :1
NODE I,13 (COLUMN) NODE 4,12 NODE 8 A X I/ 10 (cm)
SPA- COLU- ROOF BASIC Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment) f Axial Shear Moment Side Vertical
Cm) Cm) (kg) (kg) (kg.m) (kg) (kg) (km) (kg) (kg) (km)
6.0 9.0 1 in 3 100, 6075 2 197 19 769 3813 4 492 9 058 2 276 1264 8 190 2.845 I.724
150 6 075 2 197 19 769 3813 4 492 14263 3 695 1 920 8 190 4.351 1.724
200 6 075 2 197 20 058 4612 4713 20 149 5 233 2 576 8 585 5.902 1.727
I in 4 100 6 427 2410 21681 3 740 5 027 9 245 2 493 892 9 650 2.456 2.003
150 6 427 2410 21681 3 740 5 027 14 688 3431 1331 9 650 3.807 2.003
200 6 427 2410 23 668 4419 5 746 20041 4 885 I 769 9 817 5.158 2.157
1 in 5 100 6 656 2 550 22 945 3 675 5374 9 793 2631 676 10 869 2.308 2.202
150 6 656 2 550 22 945 3 675 5 374 14426 3 298 986 IO 869 3.565 2.202
200 6 656 2550 25 077 4 337 6441 20 399 4 709 I 296 10 869 4.822 2.421
12.0 1 in 3 100 6 075 1664 19 965 3 308 4661 14088 2241 I 854 9 826 7.239 2.168
150 6 075 1664 22 359 3 308 4661 22 783 3718 2 770 9 826 10.974 2.168
200 6 075 1881 32 767 4 575 5 890 31479 5 196 3 687 I1 968 14.760 2.168
1 in 4 100 6 427 1 803 21 627 3 152 5 175 13 742 2 072 1453 11 525 6.536 2.452
150 6 427 1803 23 410 3 152 5 175 22261 3 465 2 145 I I 525 9.955 2.452
200 6 427 1975 33 904 4391 6920 30 779 4 857 2 836 13 331 13.373 2.524
I in 5 100 6 656 1 894 22 717 3 032 5 503 13 793 1987 I 227 1 I 984 6.269 2.648
150 6 656 1894 24312 3 032 5 503 22 339 3 304 1791 12 673 9.528 2.648
200 6 656 2 076 35 117 4 270 7615 30 886 4 642 2 354 14421 12.787 2.798
SPA- COLU- ROOF BASIC ( Axial Shear Moment (Axial Shear Moment fAxial Shear Moment 1 (Side Vertical 7
(m) (m) (kg) (kg) (km) (kg) (kg) (kg.m) (kg) (kg) (km)
4.5 9.0 1 in 3 100 5 667 2 503 22519 3 987 4 047 9 723 2 553 935 8 268 2.608 2.579
150 5 667 2 503 22519 3 987 4 047 12071 3 622 1454 8 268 4.037 2.579
200 5 667 2 503 22519 4 595 4 047 17 398 5 172 1972 8 268 5.535 2.655
I in 4 100 5 998 2 777 24 992 4 004 4 563 10 883 2840 606 9 855 2.152 3.079
150 5 998 2 777 24 992 4 004 4 563 12265 3 423 925 9 855 3.415 3.079
200 5 998 2 777 24 992 4 483 4 852 17701 4915 1245 9 855 4.679 3.405
I in 5 100 6213 2961 26 645 4000 4 902 11 648 3 025 409 I 1064 1.975 3.441
I50 6213 2961 26 645 4000 4 902 12 705 3 282 608 11064 3.123 3.441
200 6213 2961 26 645 4 388 5 506 18319 4 734 807 1I 064 4.271 3.883
12.0 I in 3 100 5 667 1930 23 150 3 443 4 228 I1 762 2 025 1283 9 929 6.393 3.305
150 5 667 1930 23 150 3443 4 228 18 528 3441 1939 9 929 9.771 3.005
200 5 667 1930 28 179 4 280 4 636 26016 4 857 2 595 IO 845 13.222 3.308
1 in 4 100 5 998 2111 25 324 3 357 4 275 10 884 2 193 928 11740 5.595 3.818
150 5 998 2 III 25 324 3 357 4 725 18317 3 182 1378 II 740 8.627 3.818
200 5 998 2111 29 957 4 082 5 604 25 750 4514 1829 12 324 Il.658 4.110
1 in 5 100 6213 2 230 26 756 3 283 5 046 II 321 2 309 722 13 145 5.286 4.179
150 6213 2 230 26 756 3 283 5046 18 577 3081 I 053 13 145 8.124 4.179
200 6213 2 230 31 560 4 035 6 256 26 109 4381 1383 13 528 10.963 4.598
6.0 9.0 I in 3 100 7 783 3 437 30931 5 476 5 559 13 354 3507 I 239 1I 356 3.511 3.54
150 7 783 3 437 30931 5 476 5 559 15802 4752 1 930 11 356 5.342 3.542
200 7 783 3 437 30931 6007 5 559 22 905 6818 1513 I1 356 7.346 3.542
I in 4 100 8219 3 806 34251 5 487 6 253 14915 3 892 805 13 506 2.841 4.219
150 8 219 3 806 34251 5 487 6253 16050 4 484 1231 13 506 4.525 4.219
200 8219 3 806 34251 5 865 6 342 23 299 6 474 1657 13 506 6.210 4.426
I in 5 100 8504 4053 36471 5 475 6710 15944 4 141 545 15 145 2.610 4.710
150 8 504 4 053 36471 5 475 6710 16631 4 296 811 15 145 4.140 4.710
200 8 504 4053 36471 5 744 7211 24 115 6231 1076 15 145 5.671 5.055
12.0 1 in 3 100 7 783 2 650 31798 4729 5 807 15978 2760 1708 13637 8.568 4.540
150 7 783 2 650 31 798 4 729 5 807 24410 4 527 2 583 13 637 12.984 4.530
200 7 783 2 650 36 874 5603 5 807 34 393 6415 3 457 14 161 17.586 4.540
1 in 4 100 8 219 2 893 34 705 4600 6 475 14684 3 006 1239 16 089 7.425 5.232
150 8 219 2 893 34 705 4600 6475 24 125 4 182 1840 16089 11.467 5.232
200 8219 2 893 39 237 5 349 7340 34 036 5 958 1785 16111 15.509 5.338
1 in 5 100 8 504 3 053 36 624 4 494 6 906 15497 3 160 968 17 993 7.019 5.720
150 8504 3 053 36 624 4 494 6 906 24 468 4 047 1408 17 993 10.803 5.720
200 8 504 3 053 41 369 5 293 8 206 34510 5 780 1849 17993 14.588 5.983
NOTE - For node numbers, refer Fig. 1.
4.5 9.0 1 in 3 100 4 420 2 607 10 645 4 420 2607 12810 3731 2 949 5 349 2613 541 4304 0.373 0.844
150 4 420 2 607 10 645 4 420 2 607 12810 3731 2 949 5 349 3 290 891 4 304 0.615 0.844
200 4 420 2 607 10 645 4 420 2 607 12 810 4 289 3 070 5891 4 729 I241 4 304 0.868 0.896
1 in 4 100 4 687 2 889 I1 327 4 687 2 889 14 665 3 825 3 392 6 276 2916 327 5 396 0.334 1.062
150 4 687 2 889 I1 327 4 687 2 889 14 665 3 825 3 392 6 276 3 202 534 5 396 0.563 1.062
200 4 687 2 889 1I 327 4 687 2 889 14 665 4 292 3 399 7 045 4621 742 5 396 0.792 1.213
I in 5 100 4 860 3 063 1I 636 4860 3 063 15 922 3861 3 689 6 895 3 098 186 6 189 0.318 1.224
150 4 860 3 063 11636 4860 3 063 15 922 3861 3 689 6 895 3 120 300 6 189 0.531 1.224
200 4860 3 063 11636 4860 3 063 15 922 4 254 3971 7 906 4517 414 6 189 0.745 1.428
12.0 1 in 3 100 4 420 1981 10 099 4 420 1981 13662 3 137 3 147 5701 2019 663 5 455 0.980 1.145
150 4 420 1981 11750 4420 1981 13 662 3 137 3 147 5 898 3 053 I 035 5 455 1.555 1.145
200 4 420 2 572 16 990 4 420 I981 13 662 3 895 3 147 8612 4 334 1407 5 455 2.138 1.172
I in 4 100 4687 2 154 10 567 4 687 2 154 15 272 3 112 3 570 6 442 2 203 425 6 552 0.897 1.370
150 4 687 2 154 II 943 4 687 2 154 15272 3 112 3 570 6 550 2 888 650 6 552 1.426 1.370
200 4 687 2 766 17 202 4 687 2 154 15272 3 787 3 749 9511 4 117 875 6 552 1.955 1.515
1 in 5 100 4860 2260 10 784 4860 2 260 16 334 3 074 3 846 6 922 2312 276 7 399 0.861 1.531
150 4860 2260 12 191 4860 2 260 16 334 3 074 3 846 7061 2 764 408 7 399 1.360 1.531
200 4 860 2913 17499 4860 2260 16 334 3 688 4315 10213 3951 540 7 399 1.859 1.733
12.0 1 in 3 100 6 075 2 722 13 881 6 075 2 722 18 779 4311 4 326 7 836 2 775 877 7 498 1.322 1.573
150 6 075 2 722 13 881 6 075 2 722 18 779 4311 4 326 7 836 4 008 1 373 7 498 2.057 1.573
200 6 075 3 369 22 341 6 075 2 722 18 779 5 096 4326 11 306 5717 1 869 7 498 2.835 1.573
1 in 4 100 6 427 2 953 14 492 6 427 2 953 20 943 4 268 4 895 8 834 3021 565 8 986 1.183 1.879
150 6 427 2 953 14 492 6 427 2 953 20 943 4 268 4 895 8 834 3 788 865 8 986 1.889 1.879
200 6 427 2 953 22 635 6 427 2953 20 943 4960 4 896 12499 5 426 I 164 8 986 2.594 1.968
1 in 5 100 6 656 3 096 14 769 6 656 3 096 22 371 4210 5 267 9 480 3 166 369 10 134 1.137 2.097
150 6 656 3 096 15 962 6 656 3 096 22 371 4210 5 267 9 480 3 622 545 10 134 1.802 2.097
200 6 656 3 822 23 039 6 656 3 096 22 371 4 836 5 267 13 430 5 205 721 10 134 2.468 2.255
NOTE - For node numbers, refer Fig. 1
4.5 9.0 1 in 3 100 5 667 4 062 17 527 5 667 4 062 19 022 5 466 3 554 7 784 4032 610 5 529 0.515 1.593
150 5 667 4 062 17 527 5 667 4 062 19 022 5 466 3 554 7 784 4 350 1065 5 529 0.759 1.593
200 5 667 4 062 17527 5 667 4 062 19 022 5 763 3 602 7 784 6 340 1 520 5 529 1.104 1.617
I in 4 100 5 998 4 583 19 032 5 998 4 583 22213 5 756 4 125 9 458 4 592 530 7 217 0.510 2.101
150 5 998 4 583 19 032 5 998 4 583 22213 5 756 4 125 9 458 4 592 691 7 217 0.710 2.101
200 5 998 4 583 19032 5 998 4 583 22 213 5 936 4125 9 458 6 369 989 7 217 1.031 2.323
I in 5 100 6213 4911 19 747 6213 4911 24 446 5912 4 520 IO 620 4 937 354 8 495 0.484 2.497
150 6213 4911 19 747 6213 4911 24 446 5912 4520 IO 620 4 937 539 8 495 0.675 2.497
200 6213 4911 19 747 6213 4911 24 446 5991 4619 IO 620 6 337 761 8 495 0.976 2.828
12.0 1 in 3 100 5 667 3 152 16924 5 667 3 152 20 897 4 603 3 842 8 749 3 170 692 7 292 1.144 2.262
150 5 667 3 152 16924 5 667 3 152 20 897 4 603 3 842 8 749 3 978 1131 7 292 1.823 2:262
200 5 667 3 152 19 865 5 667 3 152 20 897 5 152 3 842 9 816 5 728 1 569 7 292 2.563 2.262
1 in 4 100 5 998 3 470 17893 5 998 3 470 23 740 4 675 4 395 IO 150 3 512 422 9 030 0.998 2.807
150 5 998 3 470 17 893 5 998 3 470 23 740 4 675 4 395 IO 150 3841 680 9 030 1.667 2.807
200 5 998 3 470 20 592 5 998 3 470 23 740 5 123 4 395 11 530 5 556 939 9 030 2.337 3.045
1 in 5 100 6213 3 665 18 327 6213 3 665 25 652 4691 4 764 11078 3716 245 IO 278 0.953 3.209
150 6213 3 665 18 327 6213 3 665 25 652 4691 4 764 11 078 3 724 387 IO 278 1.578 3.209
200 6213 3 665 21212 6213 3 665 25 652 5 058 4 969 12816 5 404 529 IO 278 2.203 3.565
12.0 I in 3 100 7 783 4329 23 245 7 783 4 329 28 702 6 322 5 276 12018 4 353 909 lOOI I.555 3.106
150 7 783 4 329 23 245 7 783 4 329 28 702 6 322 5 276 12018 5 208 1493 10016 2.400 3. I06
200 7 783 4 329 25 977 7 783 4 329 28 702 6 730 5 276 12 825 7 542 2 078 10016 3.387 3.106
I in 4 100 8 219 4 755 24 522 8219 4 755 32 535 6 407 6 023 I3 910 4813 555 12375 1.305 3.847
150 8219 4 755 24 522 8219 4 755 32 535 6407 6 023 13910 5 023 900 I2 375 2.197 3.847
200 8 219 4755 26 957 8 219 4 755 32 535 6701 6 023 15091 7310 I 245 12 375 3.090 3.956
I in 5 100 8 504 5017 25 086 8 504 5017 35 I13 6421 6521 15 164 5 086 324 14069 1.248 4.392
150 8 504 5017 25 086 8 504 5017 35 113 6421 6521 15 I64 5 086 513 14069 2.08 I 4.392
200 8 504 5017 27 796 8504 5017 35 113 6 620 6521 16794 7 107 702 I4 069 2.914 4.640
NUDE 3,15 (COLUMN) NODE I,13 (COLUMN) NODE 4,12 NODE 8 A X I/10 (cm)
A&. .
SPA- COLU- ROOF BASK (Axial Shear MO- Axial Shear MO- (Axial Shear MO- \ (Axial Shear MO-~ ( Side Verti- )
CING UN SLOPE WIND ment ment ment ment Sway cal
HEI- PRESS- at at
GHT URE Eaves Crown
(m) (m) (kg) (kg) (kg.m) (kg) (kg) (kg.m) (kg) (kg) (kg.m) (kg) (kg) (kg.m)
4.5 9.0 I in 3 100 4 338 I 580 14217 9002 653 5 868 .2 783 3351 7 696 I 763 I113 5 399 I.751 0.987
I50 4 338 I 580 14217 9002 979 8 803 2 783 3351 8 I85 2 972 I 700 5 399 2.459 0.987
200 4 338 I 580 14217 9002 I 305 II 737 3 741 3413 10470 4 180 2287 5 399 3.166 I .03
I in 4 100 4 557 I 698 I5 279 9 634 551 4954 2 702 3 807 8 988 I 793 939 6 388 I.492 I.148
I50 4 557 I 698 15 279 9 634 826 7 432 2 702 3 807 8 988 2 789 I 424 6 388 2.103 I.148
200 4 557 I 698 15 279 9 634 I 102 9 909 3605 3 807 9 I83 3 935 I 908 6 388 2.744 I .298
I in 5 100 4 694 I 770 15927 10052 500 4500 2561 3 779 6 678 I 864 846 7 069 1.369 I.261
I50 4 694 I 770 15927 IO 052 750 6 750 2561 3 779 6 678 2657 I 274 7 069 1.939 I.261
200 4 694 I 770 15927 10052 1000 9000 3 151 3 969 9 624 4757 I 702 7 069 2.632 I .460
12.0 I in 3 100 4241 I I41 13685 9 I95 822 9 857 2 396 3 582 8 905 2 044 I 406 6 407 3.987 I.188
I50 4241 I I41 13685 9 I95 I233 I4 786 2 878 3 582 I2 281 3317 2 130 6 407 5.777 I.188
200 4241 I I41 I5 687 9 I95 I 643 I9 714 4150 3 582 I5 656 3 790 2 854 6 407 3.567 I.187
I in 4 100 4 454 I 209 I4 506 9 838 739 8 861 2 253 4 025 IO 129 I 888 I215 7 354 3.567 I.338
I50 4 454 I 209 I4 506 9 838 I I08 13 292 2 746 4 025 I I 209 3 075 I833 7 354 5.192 I.338
200 4 454 I 209 16589 9 838 I 477 I7 722 3 933 4 025 I4 261 4 263 2 452 7 354 6.893 I.458
I in 5 100 4 590 I251 I5 009 IO 260 701 8 406 2 I38 4 309 IO 946 I 780 I II4 7 987 3.381 I.441
I50 4 590 I251 15009 IO 260 IO51 12609 2 644 4 309 IO946 2 908 I 676 7 987 4.942 I.441
200 4 590 I251 I7 594 102.50 I 402 16813 3 772 4 474 14240 4 036 2 238 7 987 6.67 I I.616
Span:24 m :
Type of Support Fixed No. of Bays :2
, *
BASIC fAxid Shear MO-~ (Axial Shear Mo-\ (Axial Shear Ma- /Axial Shear Mo-> &al Shear Mo &.ial
WIND men,
(m) (m) (kg) (kg) (k&w) (kg) (kg) (km) 04 (kg) (k8.m) Or& (kg) (km) 0%) (kg) (kg.m) (kg) (k.8) (k&m)
4.5 9.0 I in 3 100 4 422 2841 12801 4442 2841 I2 7bil 3953 2878 5482 2835 779 3 b38 8834 478 1463 8834 478 2833 0.474 O.b50
I50 4 422 2841 12801 4442 2841 127cU 3953 2878 5482 3379 I 262 3638 8 834 717 2195 8834 717 4250 0.603 0650
2w 4 422 2841 12801 4442 2841 127ftO 4437 3009 5482 4877 1745 3766 8 834 955 2926 8834 955 5bbb 0.731 O.b79
I in 4 IO0 4 b57 3 109 13463 4 657 3 I09 I4511 4046 3368 b 907 3137 6b3 4Y3l 9434 350 969 9434 350 2 I75 0.399 0.837
I50 4 657 3 109 13463 4 b57 3109 I4511 404b 3 3b8 6 907 3312 IO.54 4731 9334 525 1454 9434 525 3 2b3 0.493 0.837
200 4 657 3 109 13463 4657 3 lo9 14511 4 4b5 3 368 6907 4795 1445 4731 9d34 699 1939 9434 b99 4351 0.593 0.953
I in 5 100 4800 3 248 13601 4800 3 248 15626 4054 3593 7988 3292 593 5551 9640 280 668 9840 280 I842 0.372 0.977
I50 4800 3 248 l3bOl 4800 3 248 15b2b 4054 3711 7988 3292 927 5517 9840 419 IOQ2 9840 419 2 764 0.432 0.977
200 4800 3 248 13hol 4800 3 248 I5 b2b 4414 3711 7988 4 b78 1261 5517 9840 559 1337 9840 559 3685 0.581 I.140
12.0 I in 3 loo 4 353 2083 llb29 4353 2 083 13357 3 254 3 I78 6907 2 I36 916 4798 8971 ho9 2713 8971 b09 4590 0.96a 0.877
I50 4 353 2083 llb2Q 4353 2 083 13357 3254 3178 6907 3098 1433 4198 8971 913 4070 8971 913 6885 1.292 0.877
200 4 353 2083 II b20 4353 2 083 I3 357 3971 3245 6907 4410 1951 4798 8971 1218 5 42b 8971 1218 9 181 I.624 0.887
I in 4 100 4 574 2212 II840 4574 2212 14703 3 197 3 665 8384 2287 776 58% 9599 510 2 I85 9599 510 3927 0.821 I.Obil
I50 4 574 2212 II 840 4514 2212 14703 3 197 3 665 8348 2929 I 199 58f8 9 599 764 3 277 9599 764 5 890 I.107 l.Obo
200 4574 2212 II840 4574 2212 14703 3852 3 665 8384 4181 I b22 5 896 9 599 1019 4370 9599 1019 1854 I.415 I.173
I in 5 I00 4711 2276 II785 4711 2 27b I5522 3119 3989 9347 2357 695 bb64 10019 459 I892 10019 459 3614 0.747 I.190
I50 4711 2 27b II785 4711 227b 15522 3 II9 3989 9347 2 789 IO62 6664 10019 689 2838 10019 689 5422 I.015 I.190
200 4711 2 276 II785 4711 2 21b 15522 3 72b 3989 9347 3 790 1430 bb64 10019 918 3784 10019 918 7229 1.392 1.353
6.0 9.0 I in 3 100 6 078 3w5 l759h h 078 3 905 17540 5 434 3 955 7 535 3 897 I 024 5001 12 143 637 I952 I2 143 h37 3 777 0.649 0.893
I50 6 078 3905 17596 6 078 3 905 17540 5 434 3 955 7 535 4418 I 667 5001 I2 143 956 2 92h I2 143 956 5666 0.821 0.893
200 6 078 3905 17596 6 078 3 905 17540 5 194 3 963 7 535 6414 2311 5001 I2 143 I 274 3 902 I2 143 I 274 7 555 0.992 0.893
I in 4 I00 6 386 4 2h3 18462 6 386 4 263 19900 5549 4618 9 472 4 302 875 6 488 12937 4h6 I 292 12937 4hh 2900 0.547 1.148
IS0 6 38h 4 263 18462 6 386 4 263 19900 5 549 4618 9472 4 321 I 396 6 488 12937 699 I 239 12937 h99 4351 O.h73 I.148
200 6 386 4 2h3 18462 h 38h 4 263 19900 5 838 4hl8 9 427 6 304 I918 h 488 I2 937 932 2 586 12937 932 5801 0.805 1.238
I in 5 I00 6 574 4448 18628 6774 4 448 21 402 5 553 5 083 10941 4 509 784 7603 13477 373 891 13477 373 2457 0.5 IO 1.339
IS0 h 574 4448 18628 h574 4 448 21402 5 553 5 083 10941 4509 I 230 7h03 I3 477 559 I 337 13477 559 3685 0590 1.339
200 6574 4448 18628 6 574 4448 21 402 5 575 5 083 10941 6 I48 I h75 7 603 I3 477 745 I 782 13477 745 4914 0.761 I.484
12.0 I in 3 100 5 984 28h3 15984 5 984 2863 183hQ 4473 4 3ha 9 494 2 937 I212 6 995 12331 812 3617 12331 812 h I20 I.304 I.205
I50 5 984 2 863 15984 5984 2 8h3 I83hO 4 473 4 368 9 494 4064 I 902 h 995 12331 I218 5 426 12331 I218 9 I81 I.731 I.205
200 5 984 2 863 18228 5 984 2 863 183M 5 193 4 368 9 494 5814 2591 h 995 12331 I h24 7 235 12331 I h24 12241 2. I28 I.205
I in 4 I00 6 272 3 034 I6 231 6 272 3034 20 lh3 4 384 5 02h II 448 3 I37 I 029 8 Oah 13 lh4 680 2913 I3 lh4 h80 5 236 I.1 I4 I.454
I50 6 272 3 034 16237 6 272 3 034 20 lh3 4 384 5026 II 448 3 840 I 593 8 08h I3 164 IO19 4 370 I3 I64 I019 7 854 I .49h I 454
200 h 272 3 034 16238 6 272 3 034 20 I63 5044 5 02h II 448 5510 2 I56 8 086 13 I64 I 359 5 826 13 lh4 I 359 IO 472 I .a78 I.523
I in 5 100 6451 3 II? I6 I41 h45l 3 II? 21 259 4 272 s4h4 I2 a02 3 221 923 9 127 13721 612 2 523 13721 hl2 4819 I.013 I.629
I50 6451 3 II? 16 141 6451 3 II? 21 259 4 272 5464 I2 802 3 654 I413 9 127 13721 918 3 784 13721 918 7 229 0.297 I 629
200 6451 3 II? lh970 6451 3 II? 21 259 4 883 5464 I2 802 5 255 1903 9 127 13 721 I 224 5 046 13721 I 224 9 639 I .a39 1.7hl
4.5 1 762 - 302 563 982 - 396 694 - 2025 2 083 -2721
1 741 -312 633 937 -388 731 - 281 - 1246 1200 - 1 749 - 1 137
2 1 566 0 0 2 054 0 0 -1433 - 1269 1254 -3792 0
1 759 - 346 735 956 - 426 841 - 309 - 1213 1119 - 1782 -1319
2 1 527 0 98 989 0 75 - 674 -1360 1 376 -3685 -125
J 771 - 372 814 969 - 457 934 - 307 -1214 1118 - 1 819 1515
2 1531 - 71 208 1994 -64 198 - 652 - I 347 1 353 -3693 - 330
3 1494 0 0 1929 0 0 - 878 - 1 155 939 -3 588 0
6.0 1 762 -218 516 982 -281 629 - 921 2400 -3943 -2 169 -3797
1 722 -212 538 914 -257 612 - 1084 - 1757 2 139 -1 781 -2854
2 1604 0 0 2100 0 0 - 1454 - 1675 2 090 -3851 0
1 740 -235 621 933 -281 694 -1 156 - 1668 1 821 - 1772 -2621
2 1 546 0 54 2012 0 0 680 - 1674 1 976 -3717 0
1 750 - 252 689 942 - 298 761 - 256 - 1632 1 680 - 1 782 -1 118
2 1551 0 147 2021 0 113 650 - 1620 1 805 -3730 - 190
3 1494 0 0 1928 0 0 - 862 -1504 1490 -3590 0
*On the foundation downward force positive, horizontal force to the left positive, clockwise moment positive.
The most conservative values of forces from frames having 1 in 3, 1 in 4 and 1 in 5 roof slopes are presented.
tTo obtain forces due to basic wind pressure of 100 anti 150 kg/m2 reduce the forces given in the table
No~~-_dd 30 kg/m* to foundation forces to include the dead load of AC sheeting and girts in wall claddings.
SP :40(S&T)-1987
*On the foundation downward force positive, horizontal force to the left positive, clockwise moment positive.
The most conservative values of forces from frames having 1 in 3, 1 in 4 and 1 in 5 roof slopes are presented.
tTo obtain forces due to basic wind pressure of 100 and 150 kg/m2 reduce the forces given in the table
NOTE- Add 30 kg/m* to foundation forces to include the dead of A C sheeting and girts in wall claddings.
4.5 1 1 1084 - 430 802 1 309 -528 925 -2700 2 777 -3628
2 1 1054 -444 900 1 249 -517 975 - 375 -1661 1 599 -2332 - 1516
2 2 229 0 0 2 738 0 0 -1911 -1691 1671 -5056 0
3 1 I 080 - 492 1045 1276 -568 1 122 - 412 -1617 1492 -2377 - 1 759
2 2 173 0 139 2651 0 100 898 -1 814 1835 -4913 - 167
4 1 1097 - 529 1 158 1292 -610 1245 - 410 - 1618 1491 -2404 -1964
2 2178 - 101 296 2658 - 86 264 869 - 1796 1 804 -4925 - 439
3 2 125 0 0 2 572 0 0 -1 170 -1541 1252 -4783 0
6.0 1 1 1084 -310 734 1309 - 374 839 - 1 228 3 199 -5258 -2892 -5063
1 1027 -301 765 1218 - 343 816 -1445 -2343 2 852 -2375 -3 805
2 2 283 0 0 2800 0 0 - 1938 -2233 2 787 -5 135 0
3 1 1053 - 334 884 1245 -375 925 - 1541 -2225 2 428 -2334 - 1 291
2 2200 0 0 2 683 0 0 906 -2233 2 634 -4956 - 57
4 1 1067 -359 981 1256 -398 1014 - 341 -2 176 2 240 -2 353 - 1434
2 2 208 0 209 2 695 0 151 866 -2 160 2407 -4974 - 253
3 2 125 0 0 2571 0 0 -1 149 -2005 1987 -4 786 0
*On the foundation downward force positive, horizontal force to the left positive, clockwise moment positive.
The most conservative values of forces from frames having 1 in 3, 1 in 4 and 1 in 5 roof slopes are presented.
tTo obtain forces due to basic wind pressure of 100 and 150 kg/m2 reduce the forces given in the table proportionately.
NOTE- Add 30 kg/m* to foundation forces to include the dead of AC. sheeting and girts in wall claddings.
SP : 40 (S&T)-1987
*On the foundation downward force positive, horizontal force to the left positive, clockwise moment positive.
The most conservative values of forces from frames having I in 3, 1 in 4 and 1 in 5 roof slopes are presented.
~To obtain forces due to basic wind pressure of 100 and 150 kg/m* reduce the forces given in the table
NOTE- Add 30 kg/m* to foundation forces to include the dead of R C sheeting and girts in wall claddings.
6.0 1 1 1045 -414 1032 1309 - 528 1236 -2700 2 779 - 4844 -
2 1 1016 - 428 1160 1249 -517 1305 - 375 -1661 2 131 -2333 - 2035
2 2 147 0 0 2 738 0 0 - 1 909 - 1693 2 230 -5055 0
3 1 1041 -476 1 349 1276 - 570 1504 - 412 - 1617 1987 -2 378 - 2 368
2 2093 0 181 2651 0 137 899 -1814 2447 -4912 232
4 1 1057 -511 I 497 1293 -613 1674 - 410 - 1618 1986 -2406 - 2 662
2 2 098 - 99 387 2 658 - 88 361 869 - 1796 2 407 -4923 - 606
3 2 047 0 0 2 571 0 0 -1 169 -1541 1 670 -4 782 0
9.0 1 1 1045 -260 905 1309 -323 I 074 -2 161 4 679 -11019 -4017 - 10 593
2 1 978 - 245 913 1205 -288 1009 - 1 828 -3 605 6 654 -3096 - 1708
2 2 222 0 0 2 827 0 0 -2 529 -3340 6 138 -6882 0
3 1 I 003 -271 1051 1232 -314 1 139 - 354 -3803 5 210 -3 118 - 2016
2 131 0 68 2 696 0 0 1212 -3276 5 556 -6626 0
4 1 1015 -291 1164 1241 -332 1240 -2042 -3 335 5 175 -3 180 - 2 290
2 2140 0 223 2711 0 151 -1 153 -3 150 4 957 -6 655 350
3 2 046 0 0 2 568 0 0 - 1 520 -2984 4 302 -6380 0
*On the foundation downward force positive, horizontal farce to the left positive, clockwise moment positive.
The most conservative values of forces from frames having 1 in 3, 1 in 4 and 1 in 5 roof slopes are presented.
t lo obtain tortes due to basic wind pressure of 100 and I50 kg/m* reduce the forces given in the table proportionately.
IRefer to Fig. I for foundation location.
NOTE - Add 30 kg/m2 to foundation forces to include the dead load of AC sheeting and girts in wall claddings.
SP : 40 (S&T)-1987
tTo obtain forces due to basic wind pressure of 100 and 150 kg/m2 reduce the forces given in the table
NOTE -Add 30 kg/m2 to foundation forces to include the dead of A C sheeting and girts in wall claddings.
6.0 1 1 1484 - 588 1466 1746 - 704 1648 -3601 3 705 - 6458 - -
2 1 1443 - 608 1648 1665 - 690 1740 - 499 -2214 2841 -3 110 - 2713
2 3 050 0 0 3651 0 0 -2546 -2257 2 973 -6740 0
3 1 1478 - 676 1916 1702 - 760 2006 - 549 -2 156 2649 -3 170 - 3157
2 2 973 - 57 257 3 535 0 182 1 199 -2418 3 263 -6550 - 309
4 1 1502 - 727 2 126 1 724 - 817 2231 - 547 -2 157 2648 -3208 - 3 534
2 2 980 - 141 550 3544 - 118 481 1160 -2395 3209 -6564 - 808
3 2 907 0 0 3 428 0 0 - 1559 -2055 2 227 -6376 0
9.0 1 1 I 434 - 369 1286 1746 - 431 14319 -2409 6273 - 15 135 -5356 - 14 124
2 1 1389 - 348 1297 1606 - 384 1 345 -2438 -4807 3 372 -4 334 - 10 470
2 3 156 0 0 3 769 0 0 -3 453 -4453 8 184 -9 176 0
3 1 1424 - 385 1494 1642 - 419 1518 -2 655 -4 557 7 536 -4 157 - 2687
2 3 027 0 97 3 594 0 0 1615 -4 368 7408 -8 834 - 62
4 1 1442 - 413 1653 1655 - 443 1653 -2723 -4446 6 899 -4 192 - 3015
2 3 040 - 51 316 3 614 0 202 1537 -4 199 6609 -8873 - 467
3 2 907 0 0 3 425 0 0 -2027 -3979 5 736 -8 507 0
*On the foundation downward force positive, horizontal force to the left positive, clockwise moment positive.
The most conservative values of forces from frames having I in 3, 1 in 4 and I in 5 roof slopes are presented.
tTo obtain forces due to basic wind pressure of 100 and 150 kg/m2 reduce the forces given in the table proportionately.
NOTE~~ Add 30 kg/m* to foundation forces to include the dead load of AC sheeting and girts in wall claddings.
SP : 40 (S&T)-1987
Hori- (Down-
-%a zontal
( Down-
tTo obtain forces due to basic wind pressure of 100 and 150 kg/m* reduce the forces given in the table
NOTE- Add 30 kg/m* to foundation forces to include the dead of A C sheeting and girts in wall claddings.
6.0 1 1 1652 - 991 2 698 1964 - 1249 3 165 -3862 2 940 - 8112
2 1 1652 - 1088 3 258 I 933 - 1329 3 706 - 710 - 544 2 305 - 3592 - 6234
2 3 305 0 0 3 988 0 0 -2794 - 680 2 548 - 7396 0
3 1 1689 -1 196 3 744 1970 - 1478 4 342 - 706 - 602 2 622 - 3 668 - 7321
2 3 267 - 147 634 3913 - 152 676 1337 -1160 3881 - 7 267 - 1148
9.0 1 1 1652 - 656 2451 1964 - 793 2 783 -5400 3 432 - 14 540 -
2 1 1606 - 677 2756 1874 - 777 2941 - 749 -I 194 6 389 - 4700 - 6256
2 3 396 0 0 4 108 0 0 -3818 - 1262 6 690 - 10 109 0
3 1 1 647 - 751 3 208 1915 - 857 3 394 - 824 -1 106 5 957 - 4795 - 7326
2 3 310 - 64 433 3 976 0 311 1798 -1501 7 343 - 9 823 - 709
12.0 1 1 1 652 - 473 2 239 1964 - 562 2 522 -4886 6 399 -20519 - 5784 - 20 267
2 1 1 565 - 458 2 336 1 827 - 514 2 452 -2891 -4682 11374 - 4751 -15248
2 3 479 0 0 4 202 0 0 -3 874 -4467 11 150 -10271 0
3 1 1604 - 509 2 703 1 867 - 563 2 786 -3085 -4443 9661 - 4727 - 14 020
2 3 352 0 238 4 024 0 93 -1 814 -4465 10 539 - 9910 - 247
*On the foundation downward force positive, horizontal force to the left positive, clockwise moment positive.
The most conservative values of forces from frames having 1 in 3, 1 in 4 and 1 in 5 roof slopes are presented.
tTo obtain forces due to basic wind pressure of 100 and 150 kg/m2 reduce the forces given in the table proportionately.
NOTE-- Add 30 kg/ rn2 to foundation forces to include the dead load of AC sheeting and girts in wall claddings.
SP :40(S&T)-1987
*On the foundation downward force positive, horizontal force to the left positive, clockwise moment positive.
To most conservative values of forces from frames having 1 in 3, I in 4 and 1 in 5 roof slopes are presented.
tTo obtain forces due to basic wind pressure of 100 and 150 kg/m2 reduce the forces given in the table
NOTE- Add 30 kg/m2 to foundation forces to include the dead of A C sheeting and girts in wall claddings.
6.0 1 2 339 - 1403 3 820 2618 - 1665 4 220 -5 150 5 337 -10816 -
1 2 339 -1541 4614 2 578 - 1773 4 942 - 947 -2 143 3 074 - 4789 - 8318
2 4 680 0 0 5318 0 0 -3726 -2324 3 398 - 9862 0
1 2391 - 1694 5 302 2 637 -1971 5 789 - 942 -2220 3 496 - 4890 - 9761
2 4 226 - 208 898 5218 - 203 901 1 773 -2964 5 174 - 9690 - 1531
9.0 1 2 339 - 928 3 470 2618 - 1057 3711 -7201 7412 19387 - -
1 2 275 - 959 3 903 2 498 - 1036 3921 -1000 -4427 8 519 - 6267 - 8341
2 4 808 0 0 5 477 0 0 -5090 -4515 8 920 - 13 479 0
1 2 332 - 1067 4 543 2553 -1 142 4 525 -1099 -4311 7 942 - 6343 - 9513
2 4 687 - 91 613 5 302 0 415 2 398 -4 837 9791 -13097 - 945
12.0 1 2 340 - 670 3 171 2618 - 1749 3 363 -3275 8 532 -28041 - 7713 - 27 022
1 2216 - 650 3 308 2 435 - 686 3 270 -3855 -6243 15 165 - 6335 -20 331
2 4 926 0 0 5603 0 0 -5 165 -5956 14 867 - 13 695 0
1 2271 - 721 3828 2489 - 751 3715 -4 114 -5924 12 881 - 6303 -18694
2 4 747 0 337 5 366 0 124 -2419 -5954 14 053 - 13 214 - 329
*On the foundation downward force positive, horizontal force to the left positive, clockwise moment positive.
The most conservative values of forces from frames having 1 in 3, 1 in 4 and 1 in 5 roof slopes are presented.
tTo obtain forces due to basic wind pressure of 100 and 150 kgjmz reduce the forces given in the table proportionately.
NOTE - Add 30 kg/m2 to foundation forces to include the dead load of AC sheeting and girts in wall claddings.
SP : 40 (S&T)-1987
*On the foundation downward force positive, horizontal force to the left positive, clockwise moment positive.
The most conservative values of forces from frames having 1 in 3, 1 in 4 and 1 in 5 roof slopes are presented.
tTo obtain forces due to basic wind pressure of 100 and 150 kg/m2 reduce the forces given in the table
NOTE - Add 30 kg/m* to foundation forces to include the dead of A C sheeting and girts in wall claddings.
12.0 1 1 2317 - 918 4 573 2618 - 1056 4 938 -7201 4 573 25 817 -
2 1 2 253 - 948 5 137 2 498 - 1034 5209 -6095 3 590 20 299 - 6266 -11055
2 4 762 0 0 5 477 0 0 -5094 - 1 679 11888 -13481 0
12.0 1 1 3271 - 1 297 6 457 3491 -1408 6 584 -9601 6098 34 423 0 0
2 1 3 180 - 1339 7 254 3331 - 1379 6 946 - 1 332 4 786 15 160 - 8354 - 14 739
2 6 123 0 0 7 302 0 0 -6792 -2239 15-851 -17974 0
*On the foundation downward force positive, horizontal force to the left positive, clockwise moment positive.
The most conservative values of forces from frames having 1 in 3, 1 in 4 and 1 in 5 roof slopes are presented.
tTo obtain forces due to basic wind pressure of 100 and 150 kg/m* reduce the forces given in the table proportionately.
NOTE-Add 30 kg/m2 to foundation forces to include the dead load of AC sheeting and girts in wall claddings.
SP :40(S&T)-1987
*On the foundation downward force positive, horizontal force to the left positive, clockwlse moment positive.
The most conservative values of forces from frames having 1 in 3, 1 in 4 and 1 in 5 roof slopes are presented.
tTo obtain forces due to basic wind pressure of 100 and 150 kg/m* reduce the forces given in the table
NOTE- Add 30 kg/m* to foundation forces to include the dead load of A C sheeting and girts in wall claddings.
Span : 30 m cl
L~~ATI~N~ f Dead Load Live Load Wind Load* p = 200 kg/m \
- ./ \ P T
f Down- Hori- Moment Down- Hori- Moment r Maximum Maximum \
ward zontal ward moment combination uplift combination
force force force force AA
(Down- Hori- Moment\ ( Down- Momenl 1
ward zontal ward
force force force
(4 (kg) (kg) (kg.m) (kg) (kg) (kg.m) 0s) (kg) (kg.m) (kg) (kg.m)
E *On the foundation downward force positive, horizontal force to the left positive, clockwise moment positive.
The most conservative values of forces from frames having 1 in 3, 1 in 4 and 1 in 5 roof slopes are presented.
tTo obtain forces due to basic wind pressure of 100 and 150 kg/m2 reduce the forces given in the table proportionately.
NOTE - Add 30 kg/ mz to foundation forces to include the dead load of AC sheeting and girts in wall claddings.
SP : 40 (S&T)-1987
200 8 16 6
225 8 16 6
250 8 16 8
275 8 16 8
300 8 16 8
325 8 16 8
350 8 16 8
400 8 16 8
450 6 18 8
500 6 18 8
550 6 18 8
600 6 18 8
NOTE 1 - Stiffners should fit within the depth of the respective section. The breadth of stiffner should be sufficient to
extend up to the edge of the flange.
fNo. Dia a b
(mm) (mm) (mm)
I - - 600 40 8 24 45 50
II 600 550,500 450,400 36 8 24 45 50
III - 550 450,400,350 350,300 32 8 20 35 40
IV 600 500,450,400 300 28 8 20 35 40
V 550,500,450 200,250,225 25 8 20 35 40
VI - 350,300,250 225,250 150 25 8 16 30 30
VII 400,350,325,300 225 200 - 22 8 16 30 30
VIII 275 20 8 16 30 30
IX 250,225 200 18 8 16 30 30
No. Dia u b \
(mm) (mm) (mm)
I - - 600 28 8 20 35 40
II - 600 550,500 450 20 8 16 30 30
III 600 550 - 400 18 8 16 30 30
IV 550,500,450 400,450,500 250,300,350, 250,300 16 8 16 30 30
400,450 300,350
V - 350,300,250 - 25 4 16 30 30
VI 400,350,325,300 225 225,200 200 22 4 16 30 30
VII 275,250,225 200 150 18 4 16 30 30
ISLB ISMB ISWB ISHB a b c t dia TotalThick- h *
Num- ness
I 225 200 150
250 225 200 500 450 50 36 36 6 10 250
215 225
IV 400
450 850 550 60 50 50 6 250
V 500
550 900 650 60 45 50 6 250
VI 600 550
600 850 650 60 36 56 6 250
NOTE 1 - For details of columns not specified above use the details given for the next higher section in the
above table.